The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 15, 1869, Image 7
Ett.:ROtOra.gij Oattt.. FASHIONS FOR FEBRIAR Mom the Nev' York Vrening Post.-1 This month there are few changes in suits or evening dresses. The bonn'ets— pretty c4thinationiof lace, feathers and flowers— re constantly becomin,g smaller. Meanthn the importers and jobbers are preparing for their early spring . opening, and milliners and mantua-makers are anxiously waiting the arrival of the new styles, hoping that the new bonnets will be so difficult of formation that! no un skilled hand can makt them. , EVE:CING DRESSES. I A beautiful evening dress, made to be worn on a recent grand occasion, was of heavy garnet colored silk, and trimmed with satins shade lighter than the ma terial. The front and sides of the skirt were gored, the back breadths straight and full, with a very long train, and each seam corded with the material of the dress. The bottom of the skirt had a satin fold an inch wide, and falling to this was a flounce one.quarter of a yard, headed by a puffing_ of the silk, each edge bound with satin and` set on in re versed. plaits. The bodice was cut at ti medium height On. the back nd shoul• ders, and quite low in a point i front, to be worn over a lace waist. T ere . was a row of upright scollops of satin around the neck. The sleeves had four satin folds running straight around the hand, and above these was a row of scollops bound with satin. The bow at the back was bound with satin, the ends having two rows of fringe surmounted by folds, one at the ends and the other at half their length. An attractive evening dress, particular ly brilliant in gaslight, is of pale pink silk, having a silvery lustre, the only - trimming consisting of flounces of silve ry tulle and the bodice trimmed with tulle folds and white silk fringe. This on a graceful figure is an effective dress. - Shot or chene silk makes handsome dresses; one of blue and black, recently worn, was very elegant. The skirt was made plain, with long, sweeping train, "Pompadour" bodice, with a fall •of heavy fringe around the neck, and the sleeves and sash were trimmed with satin quilling and fringe. ---- ___,_ ME Something new is a suit of black satin, the under skirt having a stripe of satin alternating with a plain stripe, and with out trimming. The upper skirt is of plain, satin, edged with fringe and festooned at the sides and seams of the front breadth by rosettes of satin. Over this is worn a close fitting sack, the short skirt festooned and also trimmed with tassel fringe. Another suit is of heavy black silk, the skirt trimmed, with narrow satin folds; the over skirt has the front. breadth in form of an apron, rounding up from the centre, with the gored side-breadths lapping over it, and turned back in revers trimmed with folds. This sairtis own at the back, and joined by bands of salt with satin buttons at the ends; heavy netting fringe, headed by satin folds, is set around the bottom of the skirt; the bodice •is plain, with fringe across the shoulders, and sat in buttons in front. An elegant walking costume, and some what novel, is a black silk; the skirt plain and it, sack with the skirt short in - front, sloping away deep at the back, and trimmed with folds and fringe. 3 cape is joined at the neck in front, from which it slopes down Over the arm, and below the waist at the back is also trimmed with fringe. Another suit has the skirt trim with garnet silk set on in squares. The upper skirt is quite long, open about three-eighths of a yard at the seams, the corners turned up in revers faced with garnet silk and edged with black lace. This suit has a small round cape trimmed with lace. A novelty is a purple velvet with satin folds, and a round cape, caught up' in the back with rosettes of purple satin; the sash ends have rosettes of satin. xortsrx G ROBES. A superb morning • dress is of purple poplin, the skirt gored and trained, with two rows of narrow fringe, the heading in variegated colors, each side of the satin . buttons in front, and extending over the shoulders. A striped silk of brown and lavender is trimmed with dark brown silk bands, with buttons to match. A shot poplin was neatly made and trimmed, but was not pretty, though the material was good, the colors giving it a common appearance. But the neatest of all morn ing robes is a white alpaca, trimmed with narrow scarlet velvet, the "revers at the throat faced with white satin. A Relic of Benjamin Franklin The Chicago Erening Journal says it is indebted to C. B. Nelson, Esq., of that city, for the privilege of presenting to the public, for the first time, the following beautiful and characteristic memorial of Dr. Franklin. It was written to Miss E. Hubbard : PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 12, 1756. DEAR CHILD : 1 condole with you. We have lost a most dear and valuable relation, but it is the will of. God and Na ture, that these mortal bodies be laid aside *hen the soul is to enter into real life. Existing here on earth is scarcely to be called life. 'Tis rather an embryo state —a preparation to livirtm, and man is not completely born until lie is dead. Why, then, should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortal S—a new member added to their society? We are spirits. That bodies should be lent to us while they can afford us pleasure, assist ns in acquiring knowledge,' or in doing good to our fellow creatures, is a kind and benevolent act of God. When they be come unfit for their purposes; and afford us pain instead of pleasure, instead of an aid become an incumbrance, and answer none of the intentions for which they were given, it is equally kind and benev olent that a way is provided by which we may get rid of them. That way is death. We ourselves, prudently in some cases, choose a partial death. A. mangled, pain ful limb, which cannot be restored, we willingly cutoff. He . that plucks out a tooth parts with it freely, since the pain goes with it; and he that quits the whole body parts with all pains and possibility of pains and diseases it was liable to or capable of making him suffer. Our friend and we are invited abroad on a party of pleasure that is to last forever. His chair* was first ready, and he has gone before us. We could not conveniently all start together, and why should you and I be grieved at this, since we are soon to fol low, and we know where to find him ? Adieu, my dear, goof child, and 'be lieve that I shall be, in 'every state, your affectionate papa, BENJ. Ftei.sxmw. *Minding to sedan chairs, then la 06111011 We Improved Method, of Casting iron Pipes. A recent German 'journal contains a notice of a pipe foundry near Nancy, in France, in which certain improvements over German methods are pointed out, and which may be of interest to our read ers, although substantially the same prac tice, in many respects, has been for some time in use ithe United States. The ad ill vantage chi ed, among others, is greater despatch, in smuch as a tube can be r.noulded and;cast in two hours' time, or fiur or five in a day, from one box, in stead of reqUiring twenty-four hours. The boxes for casting the tubes in the establishment in question are set up on end, in a semi-circle, around a crane that commands the whole of them, and con sists of two semi-cylindrical jointed por tions connected by pins. At their lower end is a valve, serving to close the tube, while, a conical depression in the middle, receives the spindle of the pattern and of the core, exactly centering them. Tubes of different 1 sizes are provided, so that there need not be more than one and a half or two inches space between the pat tern and the walls, and the labor of stamping is thus diminished, Small aper tures are, of course, left in the tubes, to permit the escape of the gases. The mould is made in the usual manner, the patterns being of smooth and , polished iron, and turned around once on its axis, before being withdrawn, by means of the crane. Heated gaseous matter (the pro duct of combustion) is then admitted from the furnace into and through the tube until the sand is perfectly dry, which takes place in from one to two hours. The core is then inserted, and the casting effected. The connection between the furnace and the casting tubes is estab lished by means of a slide or valve. Meteors in Sweden. Orr New Year's Day, meteoric stones were seen to fall on the estate of Count Van Essen, in Upland, and to - the South of Upsala the - peasants of many of the vil lages, on their return from attending, di vine service at the parish churches, dis tinctly heard in the air above them three loud detonations, followed by a hissing noise, which lasted, according to their ac count, for more than a minute, when sev eral stones were seen to fall on a surtace of a small lake they were passing. , Many of these Were picked up, and found to be still warm; others had made holes in the ice and had sunk to the bottom, either from their greater size and weight, or from t still retaining sufficient heat to melt the ice on which they fell. The stones picked up have sharp edges with slightly curlin ,, horns; and on the outside are of a darts color, as if they had been exposed to a violent heat, whilst the interior is grey, much resembling the rock of this country _known by German geologists as gratcacke. The largest that have been piekell up are the size of a maxis Est, others are not bigger than a walnut. Several fell so close to the church goers that they were imme diately picked up and brought away. The women were much frightened at the un usual phenomenon. About a dozen of the fragments have been forwarded to Stock holm, where they have been recognized as genuine meteoric stones, and are to be , analyzed. _ _ A CORRESPONDENT of Wilk - es' Spirit, writing from Logansville, this State, tells the following story, which, he says, is vouched for by.some of the most respect able citizens in that neighborhood: The victor of this singular combat was Jacob Karstetter, Esq., an old resident of the county, and Who is well known for his unerring aim, strong nerves, and great endurance. He served in the late war from beginning to end, and, although be yond the age required by law. he offered his services from pure love of adventure and patriotism. He is a man of wealth, and consequently not a hireling soldier. But the fight; he was rather rude to a dog owned by a' sporting man, who told, him he had better take care or the dog would bite him. The dog was a large bull, and uncommonly ferocious. The, gentleman remarked, "he would bet five 'dollars he could get down on all fours, fight and whip the dog, in dog fashion, and not touch him with his }muds." The bet was taken at once. Down went Karstetter, who commenced a series of growls, and made a forward motion toward the dog. The dog, sec onded and hissed on by his owner, at once opened the fight, neither intimidated or frightened by the unearthly growls, shouts, snarls and exclamation of his an tagonist, but seizing him by the left cheek drew first blood in good style. After a moment Karstetter got the upper hold and changed his base; he actually got the dog by the ear and shook him so severely that the dog cried out with terror, and after he was sufficiently punished his tormentor let him go, when he made off as fast as his legs would carry him, howling with pain. THE abandonment of the S. N. Pike enterprise to reclaim the marshes between Jersey City and Newark has resulted in making fever and ague prevalent in the latter place. "The Pike Company," says the Newark Advertiser, "built a strong I dyke, but becoming dissatisfied with their prospects they abandoned the woit ' and compromised with the contractor -by'pay ing him $40;000. The result is that the meadows are now shut out frpro - the ebb and flow of the tides, the rain that falls within them remains standing, and mala ria is the result. We have now a stag nant pool of fresh water, many square miles in extent, lying all along the eastern boundary of our city, and it is hardly possible that such a cause should fail to noticeably increase our death rate. The remedy, however, is easy and cheap. Without breaking down the dykes, for , they will be wanted yet, the gates at all I the leading ereeks and sluices should be opened, permitting the free overflow of the meadows at every tide; changing the waters constantly and making them again healthy." A LITTLE incident which occurreil re cently will show the extent to which the Wall street brokers carry their theory of borrowed .capital, and the clever dodges to which they resort to avoid paying taxes: justly due the Governm a ent. A bnking house, of no mean pretensions in the street, reports, month by month, no capi tal, and sweiirs to the statement. The assessor inquires, from curiosity, perhaps. 'how they manage to do the very large business attributed to the house without capital. The ready answer is, "We bor row our capital." The assessor, still cu rious, says, "How much?" "Five hun ' dred thousand dollars." "Of whom did you borrow it?" The firm is composed ; of two brothers, named William and John, and the answer to the question is, ! "The house borrowed $250,000 from William and,5250,000 from John." PITTSBURGH . GAZE I SPECIAL NOTICES. arBATCHELOWSHAfft.DYE. This splendid Bair Dye Is the bestir' the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, Instantaneous: no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the .111 effects of bad dyes: inrigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or Croton. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers:and properly applied at Batche lor,. Wig Factory, lb Bond street. New York. AND CELIBA. , • CY.—AnEssayforyoungeu ontbecrnme of Solitude, /Ind the DbEAstS and ABUSP,S which create Itnpediutents 11A111:1 , 1GE, with sure tueati of relief. sealcd Ittter eu vtlop-s. free of charge. Add , ess, Dr. J. tslll.L -LTV 13.01.7GHTU:s.i, Howard A‘soulation ta. I9:,!AiT rOBN9IIIENTA3. AND USE FUL• BUY ONLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES• For children. Will outwear three emirs without tins. AUCTION SAL - BY H. B. SMITHSON & 00. 13"11' SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE MILLION. SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE Messrs. H. B. SIIITHSOM Sc CO., proprietors of the well known Mommoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rtTal of new goods which are being sold at re markably' low prices'. Goods oferery variety; the finest sewed tioots, the most fashionable bal moral . gaiters and anklet shoes. slippers, Jrc., blankets, flannels, cloths. casslmeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble I. show goods. Ladles'. misses' and children's tuts at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as represented. noc-1 • AT AUCTION. WAREHOUSES. South Canal Street, Allegheny, ON LINE OF W. P. IL IL There will be sold at Auction, THURSDAY, February 18, at 2 o'clock p.; If., that 'valuable business property, Nos. 116 and 117 SOUTH CANAL STREET. corner of Walnut street, Fourth ward, Allegheny City. The :ot, is 50 feet front on South Canal street and 1%1 feet on Walnut street. The building is a substantial brick, formerly the Fourth Ward Public Srilioul. converted into three spacious warehouses; with dwelling carriage house. stabling, and all appli ances for conducting Produce. - Urocery, Com mission. Forwarding or similar tusiness. Cau h e eas ily cloptled to inauL factoring purposes. Railroad, and on she li nearne of to the the We Che stern Pennsylvania stnut Street sta lion, adds to the . alue of the position for many purpose s. A careful inspecCon of the premises and surrounding advantages asrespectfuliy so , Belted. vry lucrative i nvestment ay be made in this .property. is .property. For terms aud pa m rticu• lark, call on .A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer, fet2 159 Federal Street. Alleglp•uy. 3INSURANCE, SLEEPING CAR. •Avtuanos, AND EAGLE COTTON LLS. TUESDAY EN - ENING, February 10th, at 'rn o'clock. will he sold on Second Fluor of Com mercial Salts Rooms. 106 Smithfield street. 40 snares Eureka Insurance Co.; 10 snares Citizens Insurance Co • 40 Shares Monongahedt Insurance Co.; 50. Shares Eagle Cotton Mills Co.; 25 shares Monongahela Navigation Co.; 50 shares Central Transpottation (sleeping car stock,) fer 2 A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer. AN ORDINANCE LevyingaCity.poor and BUSiIIPAS TAX. for the Year 1669, and Establishing; the Rates Of , Vehicle License and Appropriating the Revenue Arising, Theteirom. SEC. 1. Be if ordirinod and enacted by the-Se; !err u nd o n ninnn nei ler or te Oily of 0f.411e -11,111i, dad hereby C71 , 11;404 by the aid4Oritll the Saw, 113 at there shall be akSebSell, levied and collected from the persons, professions, trades and prone rty iii and of the city Of Alle gheny male taxable, it tax of twelve mills on ,he dollar on the county valuation for the use of the city aforesaid: also three mills on the dollar for the support of the Poor of the city; also, there Is hereby assessed and levied for tie lures eat year a tax of one mill on the dollar ( for use of the city) talon the amount of the anneal sales of ail goods, wares and merchandise. and upon all arceles of trade and commerce sold In the city. •whstrer sold by auction or otherwise: Provis.ii, ail persons whose sales do nut amount to 0,01.11.1 shall be exempt. DEC. 2. For each and every wagon. cart. Ca', dray, buggy or curl - Inge, or other vehicle drawn. by one horse, the sum of 16.00 For each and evert our 01 the Mt_ekt't, named ve hicles drawn by two horses, the stint 0f...1 , 10 00 For each of the at.ive drawn by four horses. the sum of ' /12.00 For each and everyha .1: drawn by two horse.. the sum of • 019 00 for each and every omnibus or timber whee , .. drawn by two horses, the sum of +15.00 For each additional horse attached to anv of the above named vehicles, the sum of $l.OO .sr.c. 3. Thai. the reed , to Into the 'lttetSllty arising from taxes. water rents. irrarkets, for feltures. lice noes, and other sources. be and the saute are hereby appropriated to the following pueposes: No. 1. Salaries .• 14. ..... • 3. lenglnes and Firemen... 4 4. Printing 3. Streets and Bridges.— " 6. Wharves and Landings ‘• 7. Surveys .: S. Police 9. Contingent Fund ...... . " 10.3'00r harm (proceeds of three mill levy) " 11. Water Work. •• 12. unpaid ....... 13. Gas 14. tilnlclus. Fund for 4 per - cent. Bonds 24,054 20 " 13. In , erest and redemption Wharf Loads Bills payable 4244.400 37 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FOR p 469.. City Taxed ,-$ 144.700 0 3 Water Liens...: 00,1100 00 Business Tax - 13.000 00 :Markets —.. 15 000 00 Weirli rjeales ... ..., ... . ... 0,000 00 Wood and Bark 00 00 8,000 00 'Vehicle Licenie 2 sale of Ferrules 00 !, Measuring Mardi 500 00 ,000 00 Regulating Lots... ...• 1 Fines and Forfeitures 3,000 00 Ground Rents from Seminary Property 9,200 00 Rents of Water Works r ots •300 00 Rent of ?of:tot:nee Itoomß • 500 00 1%, yt„ W 3 C. R. P 3,400 00 P., A. Sc.3l. I'. R. W , Ni..o 00 Dellnom et Taxes and Loan., 10,30.1 20 Proceeds of Water Main liontl6.. 30,000 00 hewer (ratios --- 13, - 01,0 07 -- +288.400 27 SEC. 4. That so much of any ordinance conflict ing with or supplied by the foregoing, he and the same is hereby r, nerd, d. Ordained and enacted into a law this the Elev ethnothdaayd o eight hundred s an l. d widxatry o - f l or Lord one JAMES Preldent of :Select Council. Attest: JOSZPII It. OxukY, Clerk of eclect retina.. A L FRE D SLACK. President of Cotornon Cony cll. Attest: R. Dit.wowrit. Clerk of Common Council. fEI2 WINDOW SHADES. TaiNSPARENT & OPAQUE SIIADES, EXECUTORS' SALE. SHOE STORE. The steel, geed will, lease and fixtures of shoe store of the late J. F. 33l Liberty street, rittsbnrgli. Best location in the city, and doing n prosperous business. For further parti culnrs inquire at 334 Liberty greet. EMMA M. IdeCALL, J. D. EAMALEE, Executors. ME BY A. LEGOLTE. BY £ N'ILWLINT. ORDINANCES I 11.910 00 . 24.707 00 . 25.000 09 . 3,000 00 22,000 00 • .1,000 00 3.300 00 33.563 75 .. .23,000 00 3.1.100 00 :40,'44.1 9,000 00 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW JUST RECEIVdD, At 107 )larket Sts eat. 2:EAR FIFTH AVENUE JOS. R. TIOOTIES & BRO. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1869: NOTICES CITY TII.E.ISIIRER'S OFFICF. PITTsiIICTIGH, 'February 11th, 1889. osounon, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all OWNERS OF BRAYS, CARTS , CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, &c.. (whether resident or non resident,) la the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at this office FoitTliwilli, in accordance .vita an Act of Assembly approved March 5.0, 1560. and an ordlaance of the Coon cbs of the Lity of Pittsourgh. passed pill 16. 1.1560. All Licenses not Raid on or before MAY 15, 1660, will be p;aced f in :he halals of a police of- Seer for collectlon,!sublect to .collection fee of 50 cents, and all persons who nee,lect or refuse to Mice oat License. s will he sailed Co a'p;:rnity double the anoaunt of the iloense. to 1, rev befcre the Mayor. The old metal plates of last year must be re. turned at the time Lfcenss ;are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on each License. —RATES OF LICENSE: Each one horse vehicle 7.50 Each two horse vehicle . 12.00 Each four horse yehicle 15.00 Each two horse lack 15.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn , by two horses, k 14.00 each. One dollar extrawill lie charged for each itoditional horse used in any of the above vehicles.' A. J. COCHRAN. fel2:44C:3(wF City Treasurer. OFFICE. MITTS/ ENC:INEER. AYD !•I-71LVT.A..011., M:II. February 13. 1869. W . NOTICE TO CONTRACT ORS.—SettIed Propoials forthe grading, paving_and curbing of • BEV RE sTuth,T, • from 'Forty-fourth to FortyAfth street ;. Louusr ALLEY, from Fountain street to Forty.flrst street . , • AI4IOND ALLEY. from Bitter street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. All FOSTEtt Vall ALLF ey Y. lrom Butler frstreet to the yrbeny Raiad: 1 ,4 be received at this office until SATUR DAY. February 27, 1969. Specincatlons and Blanks- for bidding can be hadn't this ollice. No bids will be receivil unless made out on the prc per blanks. Tee Committee reserve the right to reject any or ell bids. H. 7, MOORE. felS City tigineer. arNOTICE. An persons indebted to the City of Allegheny. for GRADING AND PAVING. are hereby noti fied to call and pay their assessments to the nu dersigned, on or before the Pith day of February. Attei the above (late all claims remaining un paid will be placed in the hands of the City So- Mellor for collection, with costs added. Office in the second story of City Roll . Hours for business from BtooA. M. and Ito r. 511 THOM tn MEGRAW. Street Commissioner. ALLEOnENT. Feb. 3; 1869. BUALDERS.—"Separate Proposal.s. wi , tressed to the Cotnnttb goners ter the Erection of City Hall." re eyed st the ethce of the Commt“ioners. tie SMITHFIKLI) hTREET. utllll MONDAY, lot daY of alftreh next for the Stone Work, Prick Work, Iron Work and Carpenter IVork, Require 4 in the erection of the new (71 — y Hull according to the plans sill svecilicetten, of the same, which can he seen at the ti. , tice cf J, \V. WEER, Architect. Id Aopolo No. SO Fourth Avenue, Architect._ nil requislte.intormatlon will be given. TFIOMNS STEEL, .‘"E.:•retsrs e. V- - NOTICE TO CARPENTERS. CONTEOLLER,.- o rri c E , I CFI"( OF ALLEGFIENY. itbruttry 10. I*C,S. SEALED Plti..Pu:SALs will b. r. this tleleountll o'elo , k r. . TIII7I:SDAY. the 15th lest, let pletking m the yArd of the SECOND IVARD CATTLE SCALES. SPECIFICATIONS , The entire yard to be covered with the lost quality or flue Grub elank isi i duet ea plank sleeper,s. three Let from center to seat..r. solllly bedded In tile ground and ailed tip level taqween, the planking to be well spiked down. The plank• lag to run across the yard and to be loaded on the sleepers. • R. B. FRANCIS, City Controller. lto Ogri,%z^r)l CITY E.NtiINILII AND I:I:IV:I:YOH. Febnlary 4tb, 1469. '...,NOTICE OF , . SEWER BUILDERS SEALED PROPOSALS for the rons.truction of bublic Sewer ou frit; h.or Pennsylvania avenue. from Washington II trept to Dinwiddie street. about twenty ,ren tidy...ft...l feet (27t100 and also for a nubile !ewer on Diamond ailey, from the Wood street sewer 1.. smith Held "dreet, will be received at ON °nice until ,r.:ATUitIIAT. Feb ruaty %10. 1569. Speciticatlons and blanks for lidding c...n be had hr cubing at this office. •0 bids wllt be received by tile Committee unless made out on the regiiiir blanks. The Committee reserve the rltrlit Io re;ect any or all hide. fe4 to H. J. MoORE, City Engineer. Psb OFFICE OF CITY ENG: ulirh I:jilt A-IN Feb.D STATE:T 9. M, t Itt, 6. 10.46 "NOTICE.—The assessments for lite partial Cir,diur Eli NAVI.I3 DIE S'I'WEVT, from renusvivania' avenue to Centre avenue in now r-ady for examinntl.m. and will remain in tills (Alice until 'rue, , ,:•r), , ,y, Feb' uary. 16. 1869, when it will be returned to the City TrelSll rer's office for collection. 11. .1. MOORE, feC:el7 City Emrint er. - OFFICE OF CITY ENCiIN EAEEN , ,CRYEYOR, lirtf•nur.Gti. Februar L y 4. IV6U. TO FOUNDRY MEN. Prrpotal3 for tUrnishing the City of Pittsburgh., with, castings for the catelibming requsred In the Sewer now about being contract. d will he reeei, ed at this of nntil \TURDAY. Yeh. 20, 1800. • Specifications eau btl seen nt this tare. The Committee reberve the right to rijert Any or all bids.H. J. moot . • rei:e4 • City Engineer. rONTI:oLLER'S OFFICE, t CITY' OF A LLEG II LNY, February 10. 1t.69. `FLOOD GATE. SEALED Propo.mti will be received at tato edlee until 3 o'clock, F. 31., on the 16th In•tant. for maktne and aitae.ottig a FLO'AI tiATF. to the Belmont ht. vet ewur Clans and spe , lncations can be seen et the office of the Cloy Engineer. Chas.. Davis. Eaq., under w hoar entwrol , ton the work mast ix. done. It. K. Cls. felo:e3l Citv FRAN Controller. OFFICE or CITY ENGINEER AND : 4 1.:ItVEYOR. Pittsburgh, February oth. ISM/. t .s";:irNOTICE.—The assessment for the partill grading of Mahon street. from Kirkpatrick street tq zo.olto stsert, is now ready for examination and ran he corn at this oilier until Nit.llAY, Februcry 19, 1%09, when it will be returned to the City Trcwsurera utOte fur collection. fonie24 U. J. MOORE. City Engineer. — PERRY STItEET. — The un dersigurd, appointed to assess damages and tont:tits for OPENING PERRY hTREKT. front Its eastern terminus to meet the Troy Rid Head, will inee,e nn the premises on 31( 15th day of. February, at 4% o'clock to attend to the duties of tarir ampoint meta. .1. J. IiF.RMA N, • T HOM Ai I4RITH, Viewers. _Jai7:46l L. WALTER, WEBSTER STREET.—We, the Undersigned, appointed viewers to as teas damages and benents iu the matter of widen ing WEIS:sTio It STREET. Second ward, Atte gheny. from Benton alter ler North Common,will meet on the premises on MONDAY, the 18th day I r February. at 3 o'clock P.m.. to attend to the duties of our appointment.' S. BULFORD. - J. J: HERMAN. LEONARD wAtart!„.._ 3.32 17 15 fi,3o 00 ja27:(163 ROCK THE BABY IV EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY. BY . LEMON & WEISE.. Practical Furniture 31anufacturers, 118 rcruirtn. A.17 - F_ZNA7M I . Where may be found u full assortment of Par• lor, c:hamber and Kitchen-Furniture. deVi WASTE OF HYDRANT WATER. The undersigned deems It his duty to inform Consumers or Hydrant Water In the city or Pitts burgh that extensive and highly Imyortant changes to the machinery at the Lower Wate r Works will require, for the present, careful use and ett let prevention of the waste of water. Railroad companies and oiler lerlge consumers must. use strict economy In use oi water for all purposes, and the use of all street vrashers'and fire plugs, except In case of Are, must be sus pended uhtli further notice. JOSEPH FRENCH, fe Superintendent Water Works. MISCELLANEOUS THE ECONONY BUTTER CO ash the attention of all Interested in :he reduc tion of the extra:ag ant cost of Butter• to tl.tlr practical and economical system of mahlniz pure prime Butter by the aid of the EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT. A brief allusion to_the origin of this inanortant discovely may rot prove uninteresting. Among' the anthem cattal-rccords of the reu'ownefl Cap tain Cook's voyage around the world. Is found the statement. that while sojourning fora short time on the Brazilian Coast of South Alperica, he observed the natives using, in the preparation of their food, a Peculiar oil. which. upon exam i "' tion. he found to possess the appearance, taste and davorpf Butter: upon further inquiry, how ever, lie ascertained that it was simply a iub 'stance that the natives distilled in a crude and imperfect manner, from a rich and luxuriant phtut that grew spontaneously and abundantly in that warns tropical country. A few 3eii rs ago, an eminent French chemist, while on a Profes sional visit to the tropics, made numerous caper- iments with this remarkable production of na ture. and succeeded in extracting a concentrated essence of the plant. The formula for its prepa ration, and the Sole Right for its sale in this country arc the exclasive property of this• Cora, patty, by whom It was purchased from the origi• nal discoverer. We claim for this remarkable, yet simple and perfectly harmless preparation- Isl.-That by its use a net gain,of from 50 to 200 per cent. is made In the manufacture of Butter. 2d.-That Butter, which from age or whatever eau-e, may be strong. rancid, streaked or coarse-grained, and comparatively useless for general use, by the aid of this Extract. is re- BURNELVS 1111LISEUM stored to its original freshness and BiTettnesS, '— fine-grain, and even color. ' AND renLon MENAGERIE, 3,1. -By the use of this Extract, one pound 'of delicious, fresih Butter is actually made fromhe Great Family Itesorte. one pint of milk. 4th.-That a pure and excellent table Butter can be made, at a cost of from 15 to 20 c uts per pound. The chief expense wherein being But ter, which is the essential t•ase. , sth.-That Butter manufactured by, the aid of this Extractds equal in every respect to the beet Butter made by the Ordinary method. 6th.-The Extract after thorough analysis, by able chemists, is pronounced perfectly free frem any deleterious substance, the ingredients be ing purely of aLycgetable nature. 8111.-in proof of the foregoing assertions. the factory of this company Is matfug one ton pf Butter per day, which meets with ready sale in the - New York )Irrket. and is consumed from the tables of the first Hotels., liestaurants and Private families in this city and elsewhere. A sample package of the Extr'act (sufficient to make 50 lbs. of-Batter) with full directions for use, will be sent to any address on receipt of $l. CAL:TION. - As articles of real merit are sub ject to spurious Imitations, we would specially less caution the pu s blic againstcounterfeits and worth- Imitation , advertised as powders. com pounos, lc., as the Extract of the Butter Piant is prepared and sold only by The Economy Butter Co. OFFICE. 115 tIIiErTY STREET. FAL:7OIIT, 236 ULEENWICII YT.. NEW YORE. state. County awl City Rights for sale, r tiering to capitalists rare opportunities for establishing a it.tple 4. paying' illorittott.s . pronto. Agents Wanted Everywhere. CADAftl"f!f Pure regetaLle Colortnc. $1 a pound, sufficient to give a rich go:den yellow to 200 lbs. of White. Butter'. 50 cents per sample package. sent to any address. No Farmer should be without it, as white and E tre sky Butter Is w.orth from six to ten cents a Donna less in all markets than that of a rich yellow fe.sfeiG PROPOSALS FOR TRANSPORTING SALL' SEALED rnorosALs for transporting alt the Salt manufactured by the Ohio River Salt Com pany. f r one or nve years true January 1 1969. will he r,celved up to 12 o'cloza n. of the 20th liar of February 1969. The party to whom the contract may he award ed will be required to furnish rind. staunch. sea worthy tonnage, consisting of barges and sitearri boats, such as pass good insnectiun and are In ecery'respect.fdlly equippad with lines and tackle andmanned with compettint officers and crew. The Salt to be transported will be delivered from the sheds du the furnace yards of the Com• vans. will be put up to barrels containing 2bo lbs- net each, or to barrels of 7 bushels each, or in bag` containing 2h or 3 buslicli , each. Pro posals made should state the -price of freight on eat It kind of package. Tne party to whom the contract may be award. ed will receive the salt at the furnace yards, will load. transport, unload and deliver the salt on thellandin.s at the followlrg places: Pittsburgh, Penn.: WellsvEle. Steubenville,' Bridgeport. ii(•11311 - , Mader . Port•mmut h, Rip-% ley and Cinc.innatl, ohm; Wellsburg. Wheeling and Psrliersburg. West Virginla: Covington. Louisville, Smitaland, Paducah, IHruderon.. Columbus and l w : -11 Ta a n a i e w e , Indium: Cairo. East St. Li uts. Alton and Quince, N ashville knit item-, ! phis. 'renuessee: St. Lands and Hannibal, Mis souri. Parties making proposal . ; may the whole territory to be supplied oat, !Lit. for . either one or ilve fi years. or may make ',emirate Mils for one ortire years. on portions of the ter ritory divided as follows: 1. FronaTomeroy to all point[ to and including . - Pittsburgh. l'a. A. From Pomeroy to all poll t 9 to and Includ ing Louisville. Ky. 3. From Pomeroy. Ohio, to all points on the Ohio river between Loubville. and Cairo, Id. 4. From Pomeroy, Ohio, to Clarksville and Nqsbville. Tenn. 5. Froni Pomeroy, Ohio. to all points on the Mississippi river. including Catro. The minimum stage uf water that parties will be required to freight salt, will Le when tow boat.; can leave romerov safely wi.h bargeS drawing three and one-half feet of water. and tow to such places as they. can be reasonably ex pected to rt itch with barges of that draught. The Olt, river Salt Comp tnv willots far as pos sible. give reasonable tows, thou elm they will not positively contract full tows to each point. The parts to whom an.: portion, or the whole of the contract. may be awarded,will be required to give : atisfaciory bonds - for the faithfulper formance of his contract. . Bids May be sealed and addressed to lion. V. 13. IIIsRTOZ... Pomeroy, Ohio., end should be marked "I'roposals fur Trinsporting The Ohio River '.3alt Company reserve the right to reject any of all the bids that may he offered. TILE OHIO RIVER SALT OFFER FOR SALE • All of their largestock of BARGES, FLOATS , GANGWAYS: TARPAULIN'S, LINE and AcKLE, and the entire stock of articles u used in loadlng and transporting,salt; an d to such as make acceptable bids, will give the Privilege of paying for their purchases In freighting the salt. 01110 DIVER SALT COMPANY, It. R. HUDSON. Sec. and Treas.' Pau tit 0., JatlUarp DOLLAR SAVINGS RANK. NO. 65 FOURTH STREET. CHARTERED IN 1855. ASSETS Open daily, from 6 tog o'clock; also on WED- EtsDAI and. SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to November Ist, front 7 tot) o'e.loca. and from November Ist to May Ist; from 6 to. 8 o'clock. • • -- Deposits received of all sums of not less titan ONE DOLLAR and a dividend of the proms declared twice a vaar, In June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually In June anti December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of sit; per cent. ayear. • Interest, ft not drawn out. Ss placed to the credit of the depositor tt3 principal, and bears the December. Crest fromding the Itwicest daya years of , June- and compoun without , troubling the depositor to call.or even to present ! his pass hook. At this rate money wilt double in less th to twelve years. - Books containing ; the Charter. By-Laws. Rules .and Regulations, furnished gratis, ou applica tion at the Milne. l'itEsitattsr—GEOlHlE ALBREE. vIcErnEMPENTs: John G. Ilackofen. ; AM. Pollock, M. D., Benj. F. Falineiteclt,l Robert Robb. James Ilerdman, . John IL Sheenberger, James McAuley; ,13.111 CS James B. 1). :needs, Alexttuder. Speer. Isaac JI. Pennock, ,• Christian Yeager. TRUSTEES: J. Andersoa, . Robert C. Loomis Calvin Adams. • Henry. J. Lynch, John C. 11 Indley, 1 Peter A. Madeira, George Black, John -')..arsh..ll, 11111 Stirgwin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier; Jolla R. McFadden , ChariesA. Colton, Ormsby Phillips. Jolla Evans, ; IleuryL. Itingwalt; John J. Gillespie, 1 Wm. E. Schmertz, Willitsut S. Haven,- Alexander Tindic, Peter 11. Hunker, I William Van Kirk. Richard Ila;;4, Isaac Whittier, James D. Kelly. P.- Wevman. TREASultan-rCHARLES A. Col/POS SECitrr.tur —JAMES B. D. MEEDS.— ' E O •_ il& TANNED LATEIED BELTING of a superior quality; l tato rund leather Belting of efferent siaes. A arge bondon hand at the lowest price . . H. PHILLIPS., lib andtlB Sixth Street. lar*NEW OPERA. HOUSE. Lessee.. 3Linszer lass -xv.k of :he engagement of the favorite and ver,a:lie aril• te, ET EE Iir:cM:RSON MONDAY EVENING. Febreary 75th. wil! be preieu'ed Lester Wdl;.l.eiCe beautiful dye act reMil:llet Of ROSEDALE, OR THE RIFLE BALL rto.ia Leigh The excinstve right to produce this play in the city having been purrh..u.ed by the acianagement from Mr. I. , rsillack. Sr.tnrday—Grand Family Matinee. ..I"PITTS BURGH THEATRE. F. W. WILLIAMS Lessee Iln.J. L. THAT }..1" ' Manager. FIkANJi .1. HOWE' ..... ...Equa.strian Director. DR. JAMES L. THAVR'S GREAT CIRCUS Will open fur a short season on WEDNESDAY EVPINING, February 17th, introducing the LALGEnT AND BEST TROUPE OF GYM NASTS, AcitoßATs, &v.., ever presented to a Pit tsburzh audience. The Manager takes pleasure in informing his m iny friends in this cltr that they may rely upon winesslng a Futsr-CLASS EQUESTRIAN' PER TORBANCE. embracing the best talent la tie country. MATINEES evert , Wednesday and Saturdayaf teraoons for the espeetal benent of Lathes and Lhlidren. Circus Performance every evening. For fall particulars see small hills. MYTHE'S AMERICAN ciIIEATRE• (Late TEIMBLE'S VARIETIES.) MONDAY EVENING. Febrner , 15th, 1E59. llrst apPearance of GURH... THE IiAN-ED;I:Ii Eats. ermokes and Drinks under water; the wonder ofthe 19t1; Century. The OUo Company. 111 a brilliant programme. Re -engagement ,forl positively six. 'dots only of .31r. E.• Morley }¢d: his latighable Manch and Judy. The Corm de Ballet and Comedians. The beautiluLdreME , Of BLACK EYED SUSAN. FIFTH AVENUE. between tlmlthileld and Wood ntreets. opposite Old Theatre. Jr-IT - Open Dav and Evening, all the year round. Admis,lon, '..15 cents: Cklidren. LS cents. raltvizrA gimes 0 - 3mik afzii V OR SALE. ' ' • Acre at Wonfis Run. • 1 Acre am, House In Eay., 7.11 , c-rt.'', . S AcreE, unlinpri.:ed, on Troy Hid. 2 Acre., on preen bur Pike. 5 Acreg on Four .)ILie finn Hon I.X ranee, from P. C. R. R. 1 10 Acres near P. F. W. & C. R. R. . 11S Acre.E. near Ps, R. R., Westmoreland cows- • tv. 90 Acres at Hill Si , les. Station.. Fa. R. R. 4 Farms in Preston, county, West Virginia. 183 Acres lit Armstrong county, underlaid with coal. 108 Acres and good improvements, in Truyoball county, Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mill and dweillng.s. • House and Lot on Center Avenue, near 11..1x11- patrick. oue Lot on Vicroy street. House .and a e and Lot In Est Liberty. House and Lot in MansEeld. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. • House and Lot on Beaver avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Lots, very cheap, on Tine street. 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House of 9 Rooms and 2 Lots on Roberts St. Farms In Illinois. Missouri and West Virginia. Coal Lands in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fay ette and Beaver counties in Penna. TO-L.E.T. • 2 HOuees of 9 Rooms In the 17th ward; nnt 4300 3 do. of 3 do. do. 17th do: do. 144 2 do. of 3 do. do: 12th do. do. 156 2 do. of 6 d. o. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of 6 doo d . do. Bth do: do. 300 1 do. of 9 do. do. 2d do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th to. do. 192 1 do. of 5 do. d0....6th do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 do. do. 17th do. do. 1613 1' do, of 7 do. do. 2d do. 1 do. of 6 do: Grant street. The Honses that I have for rent will be rutted veil tow to good tenants for the balance of the rental year APPLY. Al D. P, Hatch's Real Estate Office No. 91 Grant St.; Pittsburgh. no7:pls .-- • - 20009 000 "'" CHOICE LANDS FOl3 SALE= tuion Pacific Railroad Company, Lying along the line of their road. at $l,OO TO $5;00 PER ACRE, Lad on a CREDIT OF FIVE TEARS. For Parther par:leulars, reaps, &c., address Or E 1 AS. B. La.BBORIV, lik43,y, TOR SALE & TO LET.-- D ouses and Lots for sale in all parts of thz city and suburbs. Also. several Ft.R_tiS in cod location:. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY .with 'ASO acres of land, and good improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Busluess Houses to let on good streets. Private „ Dwelling Houses, for rent In both cities. •or further particulars inquire of WILLIAM WARD. tat: LW Grant street. onposite Cathedral. . , . CLSIB. Q IN 4:4EILLY & CLEIS, Successors 17 to GEO. F. SCECUCIDIAN di CO.. PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic Establishment NV est of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Heads. Bonds Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas, Port'rsita, Certificates of De posits, Invitstiou eSt6.4, .ke.. Nos. VI and 757. Third street. Pittsburgh. BARR & MOSER, ' Aitcairry...crrs, FRUIT DOUSE ASSOCI4TION BUILDINGS, Noe, 5 and 4 St, Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special attention given to the designing and building rf untllltr HOUSES and PUBLIC BUIT.Drc GQ. • ... ....162,315,604 61 HAIR AND PERFUMERY. il{ollN PECK., ORNAIIENTAL HAIR IVORRER ANT) PritZUMER. No. 9 Third street, near Smithfield, gittsburgh. Always on band, s general assortment of La die. WIGS. BANDS, CURLS: eantemen's wies TOPERS, SCALPS, GUARD C,HAINS, .BRAC . R.L'ETS , dm. hEir A good Price in cash will he given for RAW HAIR. Ladles , and Gentlemen's Hair Cuttig i gge In the neatest manner. LEGAL. A lll4. OTICE:—AiI Persons know ing themselves Indebted to the estate of 0 tt EWE JONEs, late of Pittsburgh, dee'd,"frill. II inemediate payment to the subscriber at his store, in Temperaneevlile, A llegheny county, pod all persons havlng.claimi against said estate pre.ent them duly authutlcaiedES RICHARD for settleSmON% ent. JAM Jain 07.1-3( December 31. 19138 NOTICE.—The O ffi ce of the PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS has this day been REMOVED ( L oin No. 67 Fourth Ayenue, Pittsburgh, No. 430 Rebecca Street, Allegheny. Branch office at HARRIS & EWING'S, No. 341 LIBERTY STREET. corner of Tenth,(for• merly Wayne). Orders left at the Factory, at I Harris & Ewing's, or sent through the Pittsburgh Post Office, will receive prompt attention. J SCHOONHAEER & SON. MINDIIIBOIi. W. CANNING. Ettle Headersosi BY 'VIE SATEEN DISI=IQS, JOHN P. Dr.vr.v.zus, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Sanaa: Stissonrt litio: isle) oni ARCHITECTS. TO TilE racTony, II