6. STEEL_ WORKS. 5 DUQUESNE:WORKS 1 .., . i I COLEMIN RAITAI & CO ,, ,-- P ' ---- ' Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, . . _. . . AXt.ES AND SPRINGS, Duquesne Iron, Sheet 'sod Tank Iron. Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Iron. Cylinder Iron,XL Iron, Flanged cutter Bars, Guard Iron. Drag and Dropper Bars, T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges. Flat Rai for Coal Roads, Boiler I . Iron, Crow Bars,Cho n Links.' 1101er Heaos. Steel and Iron Harrow I eeth, Carriage. Wagon Seat and Coach Sprin s. and Axles, all styles: Slab-Steel for Plows, C ltivator Steel, Steel Wino and Moulds cut to "pattern, St&lng stet.' all sizes. A. B. Steel and tees Tlre , Steel Crow Bars, Steel Shafting; ..lu. TELAD. ALL GOODS FIRS TAD AliD WARRAN- ,- - 11161 r• Offices and W rks 16th street and Alle gheny river and 77 WATER STREET. Pitts burgh. Ja4:cT2 ' GODEFFROY BRANCKER & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New Tork, Are prepiied, as Sole Agents In the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Coln- pany of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contractor sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in e ither New York or rhiladelphiao the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISENV Used so exteiazilvely for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL This Iron is free from Suipur and Phosphorus, and contains a hearT per cent age of Manganese. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical a nalysis Will be promptly forwarded on apnlica- SaXl:6;3 IMZE SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NBECK & CO., PIT'I'SBURGEt. PA.. Mannfacturers of every description of. CAST IND GERMAN STEEL, A TLIVAT SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRIGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, Ac., Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. MILLER, BARR . Br. PARKILN. GYITSP-AL PAW/N.7.ILS: WK. METCALF, I REUBEN MILLER, GEL). W. BARR, CHAS. PARKIN. -.9.FsCIAL PARTNICR - S. M. BIER. CRESCENT STEEL. WORKS, "MILLER, BARR & EIRRLN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA tell:d 5 BLAC4 DILLIIOND STEEL WORKS. PAR]., BROTIER & CO., - aLs.nnfacturera of all descriptions of 3a,irr3mwnr . d. Ogee sae, Warehouse, 120. 122. 124 SECOND and 1150 and rai FIRST BTBEET3, IRON WORKS. zir:kE,R, Pre.sl W. P. PORTZEL, Sun. e l TrISTIUR - 6:41q FORGE AND MON CO., II A SEFACTLT.E3IS 07 ;11"r rot' Railroad .Fish Rare and Bolts; _nisi trolls' Car Aales Rolled; Railroad Car, &ales Hammered; Locomotive Frames; - Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: - - 7okes, Straps; J.'iston Heads: iiieamboat Shafts; atearnboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman jaws, Collars, dice. 31'ece, No. 177 PENN STREET TTSFItiIiGH. PA. ELLERSIIIESEN PROCESS. %The Trust' es are now nre pared to grunt licen ues for the use of the ELLEabHAUSES Pl4O - ,• The superior quality Imparted to good Iron, 'the great imp. oreinent in inferior iron. and tile reduced .co.st.ccanniend It to th. manufacturer= of Parties wishing ti) use it can obtain licensee by applying .to JAMES P. SPEER, AltorriPy for the Trustee.i. OFFICE, 360 PENN STREET. • Parties intereste i are invite , l t4,' visit-the SHOEItiDEILGEI: 'ORKS. where the process is 30W in , ,suceesslui 0 eratlon, fee:d:.7 EviTsori, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. _'Cos. 106 sql6T FIRST STREFP, diononiviaeln-tionfio, aDIA:d6 . PITTSBURGH. NOV Iffy WORKS. prrrsiar t.Gn NOW. TY. WORKS. - Fowl ed A. D. 1822. • ADAMS, M'KEE &• CO. . • pAcrinzss OF KEYSTONE STA 'DAADOF:AIRBANK 9 PAT ENT) I'LA • FORM AND COUNTER S• 1 ALES. J.:m91 , .. , 1 pm •flt. Door Locks and Latches, Paint • nd Gate Mille, &c. T AVENUE & GRIST STS, COSNER OF F jpenu's tug 021 GAS AND TEAM FITTING, ( - ,••••JOS. HAYE.•...IIIt2IIII' FDOPER f 4 JOISX X. (*OPEC. JOHN no ' POTTNDERS, STEAM. FITTERS, Ma% AND BRASS WORK, A I )n; dealerc 612 Yl%kiS o: klnda. RAS fi ASD y0,..0b0,0r0r0 0. WAS.I,' ter. of Pik I PI and Wahint Streets, TSBURGI3. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPAIit OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. CR-Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinet+y, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally., NAYIONAL FOUNDRY • AND; PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, (NINTH WARD,) PrralticaunEna, • WILLIAM SMITH, Alanufacturer of , CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. My Pines are all cast invariablyin Pits, in dry t sand. and 15 feet lengths. Also, inn assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. would also call the attention of superintend • eats of Gas Works to my make of P.F.,TORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are the largest and most Complete establishments in the Weds, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling Mill Castings. Engine Castings. 'Machine Casting's. General Castings. • • ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n89 ROBLNSON, REA. & successors to ROBINSON, MINIS a. MILLIBS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, ]fill Machinery, Gearin, Shafting. Castings of all descriptions: - On Tan ks and Still' ~ Boiler and Sheet iron Wor'st. Office, No. li, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFARD'S PA:TENT INJECTOR for seeding Boners. jall:rsl PITTSBURGH. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, It/Wing Bill and Bridge Castings, biACHLNERT AND CASTINGS SE. Orders promptly and carefully exec, Charges reasonable. EBBERT & MAC; MOM THOMAS CARLLN A C Fourth ward Foundry and Ala IC .9A.I. I ;HUSE.Y ST., ALLEGHENY Manufsetnre.rs of Steam Engines, ev, - .leys, shafting. Grist and Saw Rolling 31111 and Machine Castings. Welght.s. Wagon BOXtE &c. Guild have on t. aipiEr.,sines of all sizes. CENTRA L FOUNDRY AND A . WOR BOLDLIN, BOYD Az B_ Chill Iloilo; Mill Cast;lngs, Roll Lat LUMBER! LUMBER 1 f ALEXANDER ,PATTERSON. • Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND FOR SALE : L 000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.000 feet lh and inchk Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry Common Plank; \ 30,000 feet Dry} mud 2 ince Oak: ; 25,000 feet Dry 2. all and 3 inch Ask, 1 5,000 ft. DrY in. Cherry & Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry iCul, si and 3 inch Poplar: 'lO,OOO feet Dry` Poplar Scantling; 250.000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting: 750.000 No. 1 IS-Inch Shingles, aimed; 250,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed: 40,000 No. 116-. inch Shingles, snevea: 40,000 Fire Brick: 1,000 Flre Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay. TAR/es—No. 56 FREBLE 'STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 REBECCA SERERT,oppo site the Gas Works, Allegheny City. nolg SAMUEL M. WICHERSILCII, IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. agent for the Belt of ConawaLL, Doughamore, Joeephlne, 'Babe.lly.,trancannou,Stanhope, Olen doh, sod other brarde of Anthracite, Youghlo ghet, Coke and C. B. Charcoal. pica IROIiS. Oosalgrunento are moat rtant-ctfolly 41AKE SUPERIOR OP.PES MILL AIM 81E33LT1513 WIZ; Prr.rosi3tatoli.. PAAK McCURDY & CO. , *tril m.C..trere, of Sheataung, Braziero bud Bolt C.topPer, Pressed Copper Bottoms,ftalsed Sot ms, .`!7•E iter Solder. Also,lmspor.-ra aud Deal er, • _Eet.4l, Tim Pluto, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. Con vaulty ou'bantl Miners , Machines tu.S Toots. Warehouse, Nn. 140 FIRFT STR'Ext,T and IXO $.1,00.ti1) STREET, Pittabureb. Special orders of Copper out to tiny to oirstouxi PITTSBURGH (Opposite Union Iron Mille; PITTSBURGH THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, SSO Penn LUMBER. IRON BROKERS. COPPER. GAZETTE : MONDAY; ,FEBRUARY 15, 1869. ENGINES, BOILERS, &c, HUGH E BOLE & CO., Cor. Point ] Alley and Daquesne (NEAR THE POINT ' ) Engine Bui/ders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Special attention inCited to our new STATION ARY (ML WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of IS-horse power. CASTINGS. of every kind. made to order atom Foundry. on THIRD STREET. below Martet. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, 'HANGERS. HOUSE and TOBACCO SC RE WS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA Air Al orders promptly tilled. TAT rs FORT PITT BOILER, STILL Ma] TASK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, DZAIgrPACTCHTIIS OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FIXED TUBULAR, FIRE-SOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, / CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. - - DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES: PR/SON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Office and 'Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Order& sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:ls) V V BARNHILL4% CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, 23, 514 AND 516 PENN ST..— . Having secured a large yard - and famished It witn the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agna tom, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barniiill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing dote on shortest notice. 1ad:07.1 j A NYIS M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, ry:rranirasu; PA.. KAITCPACT7 , 2I ,2 07 IRON OIL TANKS EtETTLINet PASS, COPPER 2TEASI PIPE, ROLLIN& MILL STACS-4, JAILED X. iLDMUND D. Batsß JARED M. BRUSH & SON, kuorm.crrnsats 07 Steain Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SIIEET IRON WORE, &O 61 Penn Street, fittstnergh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &.c THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. lisaufacturen of, the g:rFLtest razlety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE :3TATE Bole Agents 'or the celebrated Bage One 2ta. trtores and Furnace_ for Hard Cott': or C0ke.1h. , 14 in the 'Maid for l'arlor.t!tilee. More or Church. Ftre needs n(rrekindltukr—hurns all win ter. Do with ly until Tor See or Lend for Circular. No. 30, WOOD STREET. Our Agents. for .rientsl5—DEN:3lLER BROS., 3mithlici St.; tiEO. HURLEY. .klleglitmy City. GRLIT,,IIUGUS 8500., ILL.`fUFACTI:REILS OF EVIOLTTABLETY or 21111113CD.VMSS, ERSLLY. BOSTON COOKING RANGE, line Works "THE - FIERY FURNACE," ffiME 011 Pre lee!, Mill Work, Grate Bare, o order and =14:0 ' ion WA.ItY.ING BUILDINOb. THY. NEWANTI-to COOKING •RE(HILATOH. COLti.MI.II A STOVE. VAN'S. t tincinnutl Fatteiro roHTIBLE RANGECn T IRON .NIANTL WELLSLA.N'S HE FLECTOH. .TE'. fre, :min (art and duet; ELATE FitvicTr. , , EN .1) 206 and 20S Liberty Street, lIM ALEY. CMS COOR STOVES, CET THI BISSELI - ' FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake for Boast as Intl assay other Store in the Linton. BISSELL di , 00111 ' No. 235 Liberty Street. _ , . Altto on sand and for We. 1 EARLOR STOVE?, , 1 HEATING STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES, Ac. PITTSBURGH PAPER !MANU FACTITRING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING & WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON IdILL—BT.ZbBIINYILLIS. BILIGH.ToN muGHTON, PA.. OFFICE ha , a) weasgousE, No.. Si?. Third Simi, Pittsburgh, Pa. OPFICIIIB—AIIGIJST 11.A.RTJE,Preside nt. JNO. LII,I3.IG,STON, Treamarer. SAMUEL, BIDDLE, V.ocretArl• Drancrom—Aug - ost Ht.rtje. John Atwell, H. Flitrtle.t.n, John 8.. I.' fingt.on.. Carib wild for pamer Stook. Jwat,.... WEST COMMON Mach.i4l.4. Stone Worke, Northwest corner of west 0013111DOLL..MieittenY. FRED% ATVATEO. £ CO. Have on hand or prepare on short notiOe i rral and 13tep Swum - Flags for aldewelka. ewer! Vaulte„tc.- Head and Tomb drones, Orders promptly executed. Priem/ reale:Ml*l And SHEET IRON WORK, Fur Steambous PlTlttl3l:4lGli, PA E BEST. ok- CO.'S MPH, TRIILT PAPER. STONE. FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANgJlig COMPANY. No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, - D7A ram IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada'. DIRECTOES: Jno. C Risher, Robt. B. Smg, Andrew 31111er, JamesilL Ba el. DLIIRkAN, esit. ILsolir. Ca hier. D. Hostetter, James Eiordon, D. Wallace, 3. Fawcett, 8.4.2 PL. No D. LZET W NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. - .Prealdeat. A. 'PATTERSON...- JOS. H. HILL -- CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: George W. Cass, H. Palmer, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Dan. R. Davidson, W. B. Haven. T, AT 11 A. H. DISCOUNTS DAIL 11;09:024 HART, CAUGRE & CO., BANKERS AND. BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood BtreetB, IPIPTSISIIIVGLI, (BUCCRsSOR.I TO HANNA, HART a C 0..) Dr.s.i.P.RS IR Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Istata Drafts on London. myi:ssz N. .HOLYLES is, SONS, 321.4L1NT1E-103FLOE 6 , 57 Market Street, PIPTTSI3IIaII43II-1. PA. Oollectione made on all the principal points of the United 6tates and Canadas. • I Stoe,ks,Bonclis and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. ramie's:Jr attention paid Le the purchase and sale of United States SeCurities. OILS ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, WILBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MA_NUFACTUREIL OF Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils Eelirke, lanileoad Axle Oil. Stands great heat wittinat, chan,re: retnalms iowvst temptraturns. :special VII for trqpi,ntl ci:lnates nr hot weather. Loeoutoilve, Engine, noel:au° Sliop, Wl,l out Seremi. Saw lEill and Planing Mill Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle till, Wool Head-Light Oil, oil, Tanners' Stuff- Benzoic, ing‘ic Finishing Oil, Gasoline, Harness Oil 'Parraßine. ARMOR to preserve Bright Iron Wort and )1 /C. h leery from rust. II Thew prodi.cte are manufaQtured n vier Dr. Tweddle's pThrni bq Sonerbe:tte.l tea In Vac coo. Tln- -Lubrie.n log tills are almoyd olorlcs perfectly pun.. uniform. and thu,tin. light col ored. i-tand a high temperature unchang , d. and romdin it pttd ,:t Creme cold. 'nit Railroad Ons are lulacquAlled. and .Ir, in con,lant 11..,e on many of the priori psi intilroada b. , examined and orders left at 114 WOOD sTREET. NVoris at liharpshurg Bridge. WADING AND KING, CommtsMon Merchants and Brokers In PetroleUni and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. ( PHILADELPHIA ADDF.E§S, WARII`IG, KING & 127-Walnut Street. TAUB, BIIMILIERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ( AND DEALER IN Petroleum and its Products, Pictabaran OtSee—DALZELL'S t BUILDINO, corner of Duqueene Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia Oft WALNUT EST. . s,pl:wW DRUGGISTS. EN D ERSON J.& BROTHERS, 266 Liberty street, Dealers in Drugs, atuts and Patent Medicines. W. MACKEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE ..DRUGGISTS, AND . KANCFaCTIIIITitB OF 40Eibr10c)32.4::*1.1. MOVED TO N 0.195 LIBERTY ( STREET, PITTSBURGH, PIC*NA.. White Window Lead, (Ilan and Olasaware at Manufacturers Danes, , dee COAL AND COKE CO.&L! COALS! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., 0117illif removed Clair (Mee to , NO. 667 LIBERTY STREET, (lately City Flour KM) SBOOND EL(X)It. Are now prepared tarnish good YOU6MIO - LUMP, NUT, COAL OBILACS, it the lowest morket price. AU ordure let it their omou, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptlY. CENTRAL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest investment now in the =she: for sale by r!1-1:]Et. iticE]ftrrz, Corner FIFTH AVENtE WOOD STREETS Also, dealer in Government Bonds. Gold and Oon ns and European Exchange at market rates de2l J. ki ES T. BRADY 8e 00., (enccessors to 8. JONES & C 0..) I .._. Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., DS 21. rq 32C., "JO it Riy BUY AND BELL ALL KINDS OF etLERN3IENT SECURITIES, LD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. tom" Interest Allowed on Deposits. SAP-Money loaned on' Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders exeented for the Purchase and Male .of _STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Ellt pittliugij &aittt.t7 FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, February 13, 13€2. The money market reflects the unfa vorable bank statement for the past we •k, showing a falling off in coin, a re du tiou of over two millions in the lo ns,a reserve alike amount, besides la ge shipments of currency South and st. The spring business has com- . • need; large amounts of coin are with, r wn from the market and go into the o ton houses in payment for imported ds Thus, the surplus gold is taken 6 of the market and rates stiffened ag o dinoy, although exchange is still e ling very low, and is pressed on the n .rket to realize at' once for the ship. :ut Of bonds to Europe. It ishardly ,r Liable that these large shipments of erican securities will be very prbfit- able except to the fetw who can ship in large amounts enablingthem to use the cable for their operations and taking the riik in the transmission or bonds instead of paying the heavy insurance thereon. European markets are likely to be glutted with our securities, and those Ny have delayed in this matter from the start will most likely find it a los it4 operation. It remains now to be seen what effect these shipments of bonds will have on the gold premium and the market value of all kinds of in vestments in funds. Cotton, it is said, has checked the upward tendency of gold, but whether it will not contribute to advance it ultimately to a greater ratio, can liardly be doubted. The ad verse trade balance has partially been covered by the sale of our obligations at a low rate, but we have also consider ably/ increased our liabilities abroad, for which we have to pay in gold at a high rate of interest, which, in a period of tiustness, will be more difficult to pay: It must be - then that we are the losers iu 'interest, hut ,we have gained time and staved off the payment of debtS which might as well have been paid on once. 4:;overnmeut bonds are still tending upward, but the advance was entirely too sudden and too great not to bring on a - reaction: only in the event of gold going above present quotations. would there be any inducement for European capitalists to invest in cur bonds, and this the large foreign bankers have well forseen, and sold their sixty-day bills, whilst they brought high prices, and nolV can ship coin to cover or have their bonds to sell, in either event they make a double profit. The advance iii, iliovern Monts has caused an active deinand for' Pacific bonds, but the advance in the rates on call loans will prove A check on speCulating in those securities. Stocks are dull and lower, and the long predicted decline is approaching without any special interference by either hear or any other combination. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold; 135. , „:; Silver, 130; Eighty-. one's, 114%; Five Twenties, 1862, 114%; do 1804, 111%; do 1865, 113%; do 186;5, Consols, 110%; do 1867, 110%; do 1868, 110%; Ten Forties, 109%; New York Central, 163g -' Erie, —; Reading; 944; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railroad, 118%; Ohio Mississippi,, 35%; Michigan Southern, 94%; Cleve land k Pittsburgh, 91%; Chicago Rock Island, 31%;; Chicago it North Western, 5.3%; Chicago .North Western. Preferred, 91%; Adams Express Com pany, 6634; Merchants, Union Express, 18%; Pacific Mail, 11%'; Western Union Telegraph Company; 37%; Gregory, 2,40; Quartz/ 11111, 68; Corydon, 10; Smithtiz. Parmele, 2,10. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady Sr. Co.: Gold, 135;; United States Sixes, 1881's, 114 N; 6-20's, 1862, 114%; 5-20's, 1864, .11115; 5-20's, 1865, 113%; 5-20's Jauuary and July, 1865, 110%, do. 1807, 111%; do.lBoB, 111%; Seven Thirties, par less y; Due Com pounds, 119; Ten Forties, 1093;`. ' ; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifies, 10134. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, February 13, 1869. GENERAL REVIEW.; The oil market was firm with a fair volume of business during Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday l and Thursday, while yesterday and to-day,there was a weaknesS apparent, - and comparatively little done. Crude has dropped from a cent`to a cent and a half during the past two days, and even at the reduction, the demand was by no means urgent, as buyers anticipate a still further reduce tion. Refined, especiallv for this month, is off half a cent, while - the later months' are quiet and uncharged, with but little offering, and no great disposition mani-• Tested to either buy or sell. While it is conceded that there has been a slight re action, operators are not agreed by any means as to the cause for the reaction. Some-thought that it was a precursor of a general break and •panic, as a natural result of the recent inflated prices, con tending that the — whole movement was brought about by a bull combination. It was also claimed that having unload ed, to some extent, there is not the same pressure now to keep the market up that there has been, and that it may be the purpose of the "bulls - now to break it down. On the other hand, there were those, equally as well posted, who were of the opinion that the reaction, -above noted, will be but temporary, that it will be recovered within a few days again, and that the stocks at all of the leading points are too much reduced to admit of even the possibility of any ma tet ial decline. = , . The Crude market was decidedly offish to-day, especially for immediate de livery, and, compared with yesterday. prices have declined from a' half to three-quarters of a cent: We can report sales of 500 bbls, on spot; at 17c; 1000 do at 17qc: two lots. of 1000 each for first Water at li!4c; 1000 till October Ist, sel ler, at-17/e, and—last evening-5000 bbls till, September Ist, seller,at 17c. Oil City telegrams quoted at $6,90 to $7 per barrel. REFINED There was not a single operation to day, at least, there were none reported, and, as already noted, the market was a little Weak, and for this month, prices were a shade lower. February, which sold at 39c yesterday, was quoted to-day at 38 1 4 to 393,4 c: March to July or July to December, seller, still quoted at 39c. Bu yerseption, next six months, 39c, and same option, all year, at 42c. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle A 85c Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle 80c Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 40c Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 6sc RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Fisher & Bro ...480 J. Munhall 80 D. M. Edgerton.l6o Jas. Wilkins! .... 240 Owston Lt S 520 Total 1480 OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. R. R. Standard Oil Co , 425 bbls refined to Warden. Frew Lt Co., Philadelphia. - McKelvy Bros. Lt. Co. 152 do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Relined 577 RECA.PITULATION The receipts of Crude cluririg the week were 11.773 barrels, against 9,705 bar rels last week: from January Ist to date, 76,190 barrels, against 121,220 same time last year. Exports of Refined this week, 5,756, barrels, against 3,756 last week; froln January Ist to date, 31,517 barrels, against 32,340 barrels same time last year. Sales this week, 139,100 bar rels, against 4-1,200 last week. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITFSBURGEI GAZETTE, t SATCRDAY, February 13, 1869. The general markets have been moder-. ately active during .the week which has just closed, there having been a slight increase in the volupae of business, though there is still an abundance of room for improvement. We can report a fair local demand for most of the lead ing articles of trade, but with liberal ar rivals, stocks are fully up to the require ments of present wants, and there is lit tle or nothing, doing outside. of this, as there is an almost entire absence of any thing like a speculative feeling% In val ues, there are no changes worthy of spe cial notice. APPLE BUTTER—DuII at 70zo SOc. APPLES—DuII but unchanged; regu lar sales in store at 83' to 85 per bbl as to quality. !BUTTER—Continues dull, with a good supply and liberal receipts; sales at prime to choice Roll at. 35 to 33. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII. at 3%. BEANS-83.25 to 8,3,75 per bushel. CHEESE—Is firm, and the market is almost hare. ' Goshen may be quoted at -2i to 22 for Ohio, and 23 to 24 for tier York. Western Reserve and Hamburg 19 to 20c. CARBON OIL—Is firm, and in limited supply; may be quoted firm at 34 to 3436, i for standard white. CORN\f`.'AL—SI to 1, 4 1,10 per bushel. CRANBERRIES—SaIes at 818 to 820. DRIED FRUlT—Teacues are firm, and in limited supply; quarters 14; mixed 16 and halves l to 20. Apples, 11 to 12 cis. EGGS—DuII, with a supply consider 7 . _ ably in excess , of the defitand; we quote , fresh packed at 20 to 21c." HAY—There is no improvement to note iu the demand, and the market is dull as ever. though prices are un• changed; baled, ou Wharf, 520 to 524, for co tanion to strictly prime. LICIMINI—SaIes at 56.25 to 56,50. HEMP—Sales at 5210 per ton. PROVISIONS—Bacon is. firm, with regular sales of Shoulders at 153 c to Ul2; Ribbed Sides, 171-;; to ISc; Clear, lS', to lit, and Sugai Cured Rams. 2014 to 21c. Prime kettle rendered Lard. 21 to iu tierces, and 22c to 2 . 2;c iu kegs. Dried Beef, 21.' ; ,c. 'Mess Pork, $35,00 to 335,50. POTATOES Continued dull, and prices are barely maintained; small sales in store at Su to 65c. SEEDS—Cloverseed is steady at .:$lO,OO to 510,50, as to quality. Timothy is un changed at $:3,50, and Flaxseed at 52,40. SALT—Is quiet but steady, au4 is still quoted at *2 by the car, load. SORGIII.TM-30 to 65c. 1 GRAlN—There is little or no demand for Wheat in this market, aad prices are entirely nominal. Oats firm, though the demand is light. Sales on track at 65c to 66c, and in store at 67 to 68c. Rye is in steady demand at 51,45 to $1,47. Corn is firmer, under the influence of di minished receipts, though, as yet, there is no advance; we continue to quote on track at 75 to 80c for mixed to prime Yel low. Barley, also, is in good demand, and prime toohoie Spring may be quoted at 52,10 t 52,15. PE.A.NITTS—SaIes 9 to 9Xe per lb. TALLOW—Rendered, 12e. LARD OIL—Is firm, and may be quo ted strong at $1,40 for. No. 2, and 1)1,75 for No. 1. ONIONS—gS to $9 per bbl. FLoun—The -market has been re markably dull during the past week, and with a limit demand, prices are weak -and barely maintained. Spring Wheat.brands may be quoted 37 to t , 7,50, and Winter, Wheat, tAS.,SO to 89,00 per barrel. Rye Flour, 87,50. ThePearllliil quote their beat brands, made , f the best Wheat, as follows: Extra Family Flour,iu barrels at.t49,30, and, in sacks, t9;00 per barrel;! Double Extra Family, In barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, $9,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar rels, $7,80, and ,in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as •follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, .t 9,30, and, in sacks, PM per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $9,50, and, in sacks, f, 4 9,50 per barrel, and Spring, SS,OO, in barrels, and f 7,70, in sacks, per barrel. . WIELLSKY- , -14ighwiries are Ram and held steadily at. advance, 97 to 980, in a jobbidg wsy. •