The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 15, 1869, Image 5
of said property, which viewers may be appointed in the same: manner and the . like proceeding had as is hereinbefore Provided, and when the damages award ed shall have been paid, tendered or paid into Court as aforesaid, the said city shall have the right to lay down the pipes or (cmstruct the conduits, as in the petition may be described, and to main tain the same in perpetual repair, and to enter upon the premises at all reasonable times and manner for said purposes. Read twice and ordered to be I pub lished. Mr. Morrow presented a petition rela tive to the grading of :Magee street. Referred to Screet Committee with power to act. Also, a petition front John Flynn, ask ing permission to erect a frame stable. Referred to Committee onWooden Build ings. Mr. Kirk presented a petition for a re survey of a road leading from the Butler Plank Road to he Morningaide Road, in 'the Ighteenth ward. Referred to Street Co tnittee. It, . White, remonstrance against the • . ere ion of a w oden building. Refer-red i to ninuittee n Wooden Building 4 M . White, the petition of Samuel:Col l:tin-asking Permission to erect - an iron clad building on Elm street in the Bev-. .eutb ward. Referred to the Committee on Wooden Buildings. I The President read a communication from the Controller. accompanying which was the bill of W. J. Allender for serving notices for amounts for grading and paving. $16,75; also an affidavit of Rudolf PC:or:lg, setting forth that the firm - of Konig & Co., were assessed as doing a business of $60,000, and that the busi ness only amounted to $BOO, and asking a reduction on their business tax to the amount of the difference. Referred to the Finance Committee. ' No action in Common Council. Councils adjourned. ---....-- 111 Common Coancll. Common Council carne• to order at 234 o'clock, President Tomlinson in the Chair. The following tnembers were present : -Messrs. Ardarv, A\nderson, Albeitz, Batchelor, Berton, Bait Black, Berger, Bell, Booth, Bulger, Carroll, Case, Chis lett, Putiseatb, Fleming, Gildenfenney, House,tuston Hutchinson, Jamison, -jahn, La rahan, ' Lockhart, Moore, Moor head, Morgan, Morton, McCarthy, Mc- Clarren, McCandless, McMaster's, Mc- Cleane, McKelvey, Palmer, Pearson, Scott , V .Penny, erner, Reed, Rosewell. Rook. Shott, , Vetter, Vick, Waughter, Weldon, Welsh, Weisenberger, Wilson -and President Tomlinson. On motion,the reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting was disposed with. • . The meetinPgr e o d b n t foat e h d et h c e o n o s b id e e c r t a (too nthe of the matter relative to the establishment of a paid Fire Department in the city. Mr. Case wished to present a commu nication. but it was ruled out of order in g by the President, who stated that noth but the special business for which the meeting bad been called could be taken up, unless by a suspension of the rules. Mr. Case moved a suspension of the rules in order that other business might be proceeded With. Mr. Penney rose for information. He • wished to know by whose authority the meeting bad been called. The object . of the special meeting had not been stated in - the notificationreceived by him, and he was altogerhetignorant of what bnsiness would b 4 brought before it until so in formed by the President, after Councils had convened. He thought there should . be some precedent established in the manner of calling specialmeetings. The Clerk should be instructed to state in the notifications to nieMbers the object . -of the meeting thus called. Mr. Morgan, to establish a custom for . the future, offered the following as an amendment to Rule 30, after the word "expedient. - "and he shall state whom the notices of the call to the member for what purpose the special meeting is .called.' The Chairman decided the motion out of order. Mr. Case called for the question on the motion to suspend, Which resulted in its defeat. After waiting a short time Mr. Houston moved a reconsicieratlon of the vote. Carried. ~ • The question on the suspension of the ru defeated,les then came up again, and was again Reedkmored to adjourn. Lost. • Mr: We; ion moved to take up business from the Street Committee, under a sus pension of thq rules. Lost. , Mr. Reed moved that Councils take a recess of fifteen minutes. The motion was amended by extending the time time to half an hour, and one hour, both of which were lost and :the' original motion adopted.- After Common Council had re-con vened,(Mr. Pearson moved to adjourn Carried. WHY is IT That the feeble totter, with uncerta'n steps, over the face of the earth, in danger every day -of falling victims to the morbid influences, by which we all are surrounded, when.a tested and proven ee,retable tonic, minable of endowing • them wl , ll the vipb,r they need, Is procurable in every city. town and settlement? It might reasonably be thought that after, exberience which the world has bar of lI,JaTET TER'S niT /EitS. ALL would know that Its enact Is to prevent i,stas,-. At this sv.,un. the atmosphere is surcharged with the seed, intermittents, rernittents. rheu matism, be;col,oary disorders, bilious complaints and Lae like. ''Persona whose nervout-sssterns are relaxed. art the first to succumb to these distem pers. lira , eup the physical energies, then, with this potenti , l vegetable tonic. lt is the .most powerful re•mr•erant which the bottnle kingdom as ever yielded to patient research and experi ment. Tel - ir, Th- blindest disciple of tne old Medical dogmas will at least.aemit that a tonic and alterative, compound d of appro.'. ed herbs, roots and barks, can do no harm, while the testi mony of thoesands invites a trial 01 Its virtues. _Vigor Is the thin" most needed In these cases, as wail as in rivspe.a a and nervous affectatlous, and 110 S ETTER'S BITTERS Is the safest. surest and most wholesome strengthening prep aration that human skill has yet concocted. As a tonic, it is both mild and agreeable to the taste, and stimulang in it , action upon the system: Hundreds ofphysiciang have abandoned all the officinal /eceiPts, and .prescribed this harmless tonic as a _preentive and core for all ca,es Obi is and Fes - - THE So ND OF' THE LUNGS. One 01 the mos accurate ways of determining whether the lung/lase in a healthy or diseased con dition, Is by means of listening to the respiration. To those experienced in this practice it becomes as plain anilines. to the state of the lungs, and ill as well known to the operator as are the voices of his most intimate acquaintances. The belief that long standing coughs, and diseases of the lungs -upon which they are dependent, are incurable, are fast becoming obsolete. One great adyantage to be gained from this advance in medical knowl edge is U e earlier application of those who be come afflicted - with those diseases to some one competent tfi afford relief. The error which had taken hold of the public mind in regard to the curabilityof coos umption, or rather non -curabil ity, is fast becoming obliterated, and it is well that It should be so, not that persons should lose that salutary fear which would make them apply for a time/3, remedy, lift that all might be indu ced to use remedies 'While there is any hope. It Is the delay in these cases that fills us with ap imettension and alarm, for If every one would make timely application of DR. REYSEIViI .LII.NO CURE in the beginning of a cold or cough, few b cases would go so far as to become irremedia -31 40 Wle. Sold t6t the Doctor'sgreat ' Medicine Store No. Tt.' HIS OodAtreet. WILL SHORTLY !Orbit) VE NI. Wr STORE, NO, 10 LIBERTY STREET. `ti iioN D point h'ito.ll ST cLailt. P. EP.YtiElt'S RESIDENT OFFICE FOR LUNG EXAMINATION' AND THE TREAT MENPOP OIinTINATE OffitON/C DISEASES, No. 12to PK.NN STREET, PITToBURGH, PA. (Moe Hours from a. natil 4P. Mad from to at /light. - NEW ADVERTIS nrNOTICg:—We, the under signed, will apply to the Leg'slatu.e of Pennsylvania: now In SC6StOI3, for the right to BUILD A BRIDGE for the transportation of coal and other minerals, as well as to accommo date the traveling public. over the YOUGHIO GHENY RIVER, b.ginning at a point In Se wickley township. 'Westmoreland eoutty, at the p o rth - westccirner or the lands of Merman Haupt. als,ve Eli - Suter': .IPli, In said township,' and ending on lands of William Douglas In 'Elizabeth township, Allegheny county. JOHN DOUGLAS, JAMES NICHOLDS, WM. PIERCE. W3l. FINNEY, SAMUEL SCOTT. fel3-€53 . GRAY'S FERRY PREVILNG INK WORK& C,• E• RqBINSON, Black and Colored Printing & Lithogra VARNISHES, &C Grar.o Ferry Road and 33d St reef, tel4•e4 . ITURST)S ARCHITECTURA L SURVEYORS RANO-ROOK. • • A Hand Book of Formulae, Tables and Memo randa for Architectural Surveyor* and others engaged in Building. • By JOHN THOMAS HURST, Civil Engineer.. Second Edition. In one Pocket Volume. PRIOE sv.go, por'sale by KAY & COMPANY,- fels / 05 Wood Street. -WRIGHT'S REPELLENT UXBRELLAS, Fast Colorh. Prices Within' the Reach of All, Keep the wearer dry, do not soil the dress or floor, and wilt torn • .Inslde out." • All will bear Inside the above mark: none others genuine. At wholesale only by WRIGHT, BROTHERS 411: CO,, 322 and 324 MARI/ST STEEET.Plilladelphla, and 344 BROADWAY. New lork. fe15:012 .11:211 IJENRY C. FRY HAS , THIS DAy withdrawn from the firm of FRY. bLMPLE REY-Nord-M. The business will be continued by SIMPLE The & CO.. who are charged Ado, the settlement of Imes of the late ttrm. 'ESUNT FLINT GLASS. WORKS, SEMPLE, REYNOLDS & CO, Manufacturers of all kinds of Gas and Kerosene Lamp Shades, Flue Pressed, Blown, Cut and Engraved TABLE GLASSWARE, • OFFICE AND SAMPLE 1100 k: No. 104 Fourth Ave:l2l:e. In retlrine from ale atm arm of FR V. Sk:IIPLE & Y. D. I cheer; eh) commend their t ue eessor3 to the patromq, and cond.:mace of the former customers of the house. rEN PITTSBCif(;ti. LtY C PR. llGri. FtbrOftr3" / 2 01. /469:. Y fb 5 :051 AT AUCTION. • • LOT ON LINCOLN AVENTi 100 by 140 Fek .. .. The sued al attention of those inquest of first class propertrfor private res , dence Is invited to the sale on F.e.IDA y, Froruary 19th;at 2 o'clock. of that insgnlficent lot of ground, fronting.loo feet on the north side of Lincoln avenue. di rectlY opposite the new ilrplian• =csylum, and ea tending back a distance af 140'feet, acknowl edged to be, one of the, linezit vadanksites In Al le,gheny Olt). "Libcoln ere line Is" the most rash lontble street In the eitY: It is wide. verii paved, and built up with the fluent and eustliest dwel lings. Its cuaracier In these respects, laperma nently secured. The present lot Is the only vs.- Cant one on the north ;Id's of the avers he. ' It has a southern front and faCes the beautifiti , building and ornamental grounds. cf she Qtpha •6 Home. le within one square Of the Western livr.em. cars. A, careful consideration of the rrropective ad vantages of orrting such a lot on suco n street is solicited.- An equal opportunity can never again occur on Lincoln avenue. TruinlA Or SALZ—HiIt cash; balance In three yearly paymentl...- Any thriller particular.: wil • he el velf`liy . . fels A. LP (Hi AT C:. Auc , ioititi.!r. .159 Federal htreet, A Ileg burly. ' .. . ______ :NOPICIE. - al - 1 1 ‘ THE COURT.. OF COMMON PLEAS, of AVeilluny county, co; 861, rch Term, 1E369. -• • The ItEuTult,Cll tJRCLf WAlMENtiind tES TILiMES. 14' Ci111),C.11, Alltgheny. have ;Ida dal made application for arnendtn,nt to Its Charter. JAUb)II H. WA NTER, Prothonotary of the •:ourt of Common Pleas, FEnnuAlty 12, I 69. felsge49-74 "DANK AND DREDGE STOCKS, CITIZENS' P.AILIVA Y BONDS. ac. T I7E •DA EV J.NI .‘ 0. February .6tb, at ?it' roe ocii, will be ad. 0,1 in former list of ra„ an ole t91:4.:, • on i•ierond flour of Commercial, bales Rooms, /05 Stnitntielifstreei. 10 shares Bank of Littsburgli: 10 shares Coaimen's Trust Co.: 7 shares 11l ml neham and Pitts Bridge: 165 2 0 shores Tarr, :story & berry Run Oil Co.: 17 600 Citizens Pasis,nger Itallnoty first most - gage Bonds: ,: 16 shares German Insurance Company: 15 :bares Enterpris e do do. feLl A. hfuII,WAINE, Auctioneer. (IN STOCFI,TON AVENUE WE off,r the foliowln- desirable residence fur . ssie: It Is groundii d and conrenlent. with I. large lot of 3O by 240 fee., stable stud carriage bona . The liousw has a wide hall, two line parlors, with marble mantles, ple^ea. c. Dining roots: , hiteben 'rips a good range, bath roo war and p. wash room, water closets. 6 chambers, It'needs only to be seen to be apdreclatcd. • fels cuTriBEA 83 SinltlT BONS, field Err DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Wice;DALZELL BUILDING, Duquesne -Way, Pittsburgh, Pa A LL. KINDS OF PRUNING AND TRIMMING Done by W-3ERT A. OWENS; Leave orders at No. 1 Centre Avenue Yel3:o4S • J. Z. SWINT SWINT oft MATT, ' ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, Pio. 63 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL POSTS and DaLLSTERS constantly on hand. TUe IRO, of all descriptions, done. . , °camas FR -$0 h OLL BUTTER.-/O ball bbl Choice Holt Butter, lust recrlud ad for sale by. Ft CANFIELD. . PEARL:ASH-30 casks Prime Pearl Akh noir In store and for sale by fela LS. CANFLULD• HANI7FACTCIIZIL OF P HILADELPITIA LADIES' UNDERWEAR, 3Li CO Vii 7 won JOSEPH HORNE d: CO'S • EVERY DEPARTMENT Wild be Found Well Stocked with NEW AIM DESIRABLE GOODS, The Very Lowest Prices, Woolen Goods, Underwear, &c., • J. M. BIIAIT 77 and 79 Market Street. fe3 PAPER. Printing, Straw, Rag, Ohm, Carpet, ROOFING, HARDWARE AND MANILLAS, FRAZIER, M.E2'ZGE'R (2 CO" OLD YAPS/M.KirOASH PAID rlnt Boric, it&os AND oc2B. gala' (• • PITTOVEGIErGAZETTE: MONDAY. FEDIWARY 15, 1869 ilia OVTr - ASSORTMENT OF ADVERTIS. HAMBURG EDGINGS And Insertings, COLLARS -AND 'HANDKERCHIEFS Nai~s~ o ~ JACONET WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, _ALLEGITE . .!;IY NEW BARGAINS EMI PLAIN AND STRIPED DRESS SILKS, Stripel poplins BLACK POPLINS AND ALPACAS AT WILLIAX SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, /ILL E GEM NY ~~E NEW STOCK. BATES . _ Have Received a"' FULL LINE OF • • 0 MB D:a: .1V" Cotton Goods, i Which They Offer at L 3P.1.6 es .BFM ARE orratteD AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOSING OUT VERY CHEAP. PAPER. Manufactured and mold by 82 .TEURD AVENUE. E 1521 AND MUSLINS, nu SHEETING AND PILLOW MUSLINS FEDERAL STREET $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 WORTH OF GOODS' SELLING REGARDLESS OF_ COST, DENNISON & HECKERT, . Embra'clng a compkto ifn. of l'ulbroideries, 110SIEW1 ANT) GLOVF-S. ` 4 1 . . A it SHIM: , ANTI, CULT. AR S, SKIRTS AND c>- -1,. I It .AW..4;4 >01)6 AND Fl,O W Ij FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. •- Harinb. been purchaeed by B ELL MUD" & CIRMSLE, They will open It up to the public, on • ... THURSDAY MORNING. Feb. 11, With the most EXPP:AMU/19 ARY BARGAIN ever,ifered before in thie tine 'or s; Alas. FOR CASH ONLY This riel,inx tint Sate will continue for ()NIX T WIFE WEE iii{ and porch stir Aroiii,l to Con • arly, when • th- swc.s. COMP/t et. SPECI AL II4I /CChMEN'Ir s .to Merchants and Dea,trs who witl biy Job Loth. $15,000. $15,000. $15,000s SELLING AT .A SACRIFICE, AT Nfli. 27 V.ll-07'1.1 AVENUE, fell IRST ARRIVAL OF New Spring Gloods. BEATITINIL AND CHEM.I •LltiE OF EM 'F RIES, In 'French. German, and English, -Work. Fine Barred and Striped Nainsook, Vittoria Lawns and nunbric PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS. A COMPLETE LINZ Op Ladies' handkerchief LACE L'HEILISETTES, A NEW AlsiD FRESH ASSORTMENT. STRIPED COLLIES AWE CUFFS, IN LINEN AND PAPER. Pine Patent Palencia Lace, A beautiful assortment oPatterns. r 'WHITE GOODS • AND EItIDEIDERTES, lightly soiled, seylng off below coat, IMAM:TAX, GLYDE ds CO. 78 and 80 Market street. fell TRADE MARK. DITIMIDGE'S E'LIEtE- P.IIOOV Lamp CHINNEYS. felo:eLl NEW STYLES HATS aID CAPS,- JUST RECEIVED AT WOOED & CO's, NEW ADVERTISEME NTS, . .... AT :37CENTS. 1") AN IiNC'F,I,LENT FORTY SPIIING 1101)p s_ AT 1,2 1-2 ( CENTS. The Best Dario Calicoes AT 10 CENT:-3. FAST COLORED DARK CALIC AT 12 1-2 CENTS, . Fine Yard Wide Bleaebed IMI WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGItENY NEW ASSORTMEN OF TABLE LINENS AND NAPKIN '73 Quilt and Toilet Mats, Al" WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. ISO AND IS2 11 ; , .LEGJI.E1VY THE ENTIRE STOCK OF At No. 27 Fifth Avenue, 131 WOOD STREET. NOTICSR.—" Lott " • `Far &tt,, "Leal. ' • "Wants. 0 • .`Forsr.l." not *:a • mfflinofF9 OR L !FES e;401. wit: 1.,. 14- eert.oct to tile , Pr .10111711" m once Ir,r 2'IVENTX-FIVB ftp:,:ry : FIYB flE.yrs. ViTA NTED—CAnDENER--Otte tteereerlil r rote pe Lent to take e 1 1.11.r...4 . a Lies 1 mare, Id- fireetibwrse.etr. Apra). :.t No. 174 Wm Et street. 1,W:6 11 AUL, Irllol & 4 0. WANTED—GirIs to Sort Rags. Avilly:OSIM)NY.l"%z BASKET 'III Pjeslie, Valley l'esxeneer Itatiwsr. AATANTED_A young mau of . y gnml pflrMqt lon to t0.r,•171.. a stmolont of O l'al , Ato- In the r.illcP..f a reepinr P - hr 4 telon. Ad dre9., "I'Lmktelan t '• 1 4AztTrE, ofrr. ,, • .___ NVI' i I II ATI EI)- r --Il t lL ,P. — /T it E ( 7 i . , Street, HUTNll,T lft r ik ( e F ttnl t. kitA °. for ' ilitie - rent (401 kind. of etnyltqment. Persons wanting help k lrolnenn be eupplied onihort notice. WANTS—AL Lgal 1: )or : . -The u n dersig n ed Committee of the rittg Imre], Itar,•nropo.-. to Pm play a compel, nt STHNOt: It Al' .It' PEPORTEIt for the Dlqtrict Court. Alt experienced legal reporter to attend . the daily 6 , ..F; on of the Court, and furnish copies of Mg report., IR ayslred. .I'dmlnunteattot.. stating partiNlrg /114 coq !twat I,,nx. atol neat may he al i t, , d:,ed to any ncinber or tip! (.4otornltteo. Hun HUT 11'001)11, fldrroan. John 11, Hamoton. it. Hurgwm. A. Al. Ili-own, .. Ir. 3,yer, 'fhoman Al, Nlnr,linll, tho,ree, A. S. livil, 31. 'W. Acheson. WANTED--- BOARDERS, ( rn WANTED rde . - DOA 'ODER& - A few boarn can be twwviiilntwhited with V board and lodging at. 153 S.VEN WA N T E D. - DOA DD IE RS. • Pleasaut room. 1.11.11 board, null cable rot . rceuti.tnan Hurl wire. or twit gen tkmen. al 68 FOURTH BTREF:T. If, , a dky tier boarders eat. b.. nrconlmodatrd. Ref.renee required. W AN - T - E - 15 - ---AGENTS WAFTED—To employ a few good MEN to dltrlbute !tr. vhbaugh's Great Rheumatic Remedy, "'The 'Wonder of the World." ou the package system, cot to be paid for until fully tested. Address C. TILTON. 1034 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED—HOUSE.---A dwei lin¢ house of four or live rooms, by a fam ily with no chlittreu. Ade.ress, D. D., GAZETTE OFFICE. WANTED—Bonds and Mort gages to - the amount of $50.000 on city or county uneucunit.ered property, barmy from ouP to Hie years to run, in amounts ranging from $5OO to 0:000. Also, business accommodation paper to the amount of $4 9 ,000, In sums from 4600 to $3,000. and from 60 days to 4 months to run. 160 acres of good Western lands L.) exchange for furniture. Apply to • B. ItieLATN,& CO.. Jam Cor. 4th avenue and Smithfield street r .LJET.- OFFICES.—Seyeral Blnck.tine offices for rout Sfettindlst Enhicomil Inquire of JOSEPH HORNER, No. 129 Smithfield TO-LET.—A fine, large, finished :MOM, suitable for an °Mee, in hixpatch .second iloor, back. Applynt Room for terms. &c. TO LrT—The Large and Ele .A. GANT STOItr: Itl3oll and CELLAR, with .fixtorri- comp:rte. N. 911 Wylie street. corner 01 Fed,ral street, Pitttbuigh. A. M. BROWN, 111 kith 11Ve rrO LET-110USE-177 WYLIE : , THEE:T. ne ai Logan, , iontainink 9 TOOLIIS. nr . :o; stab!. In A very , ultal.le C l on for ony ona slnlnn. Inquire of J VCINN, 21.0 1.114.rtr AMES I" 'lO-LET. 'WITH I 11nEDIA'rE 1.4.1E.:•,1,N a Irell-11whi...1 cOlrortabl, ItALL• on tle,i , art nue. 30 by 80 feet: aril ttittpr..4l far t.,:ekty nteetili4l,, A.:i•jreb, Lock Lox 169, Pitrshurgh Postothch. r110.4L '.——nd DIVEL -I',.Le'Nllt; N 5.0.1121,14) hklavert linLi,the. Allegheny I' •• -• • r00m.,1 I d attic,' e r•ainn a arze cellar: gas and water. Appli to (Ion 1 .), lisym phi)N, on the pre/iliac'. 'Posees giv n April lit. , I It . r"I LET.-110011S,L Two fine GOAD , la GAZETTE BUILDING. Anidc at Counting Booms, N-1- and E 6 Fifth avenue. 0 LET. --TllO Handsomely flirnl.stied rooms, with gas and sire, one on 10T r hirr,s doo! oe front up 6tairS. Inquire at Tt d a o v n. e n nue • T° -LET. FRONT OFFICE, Zn-cond story, 56 Stu! I /111<qd street: Enquir a t bring Store, corner Fourth avenue and Smith field uivet. ---------'--.---"'''--'---•-•---..-.-..----__________. f r o LET.-- 4 FRONT ROOM, on second ttoor,,Are:l furnlslihd, with gas and c .al. For terms, anp'v at o. 33 NINTII mCR F.ET formerly hand. L___._. U T"- LET.—LIME ( KILN AND QARRIF.s for 10-ase; liliias In ood nod Li me; woe complete. 'lranqnor g order tatlon he furnished. Engurre at No. 413 LIBE Can RTY STREET, up stairs. , ----------t----""'-----I--•-• MO LET.=Sitx Offices on the J. , Corner. of Penn and Eighth stri eis: 3 on • nr4t :Ind 3on the second door, (one very large.) Alto. a well 'lighted ;ins dry 133!•emtut. Store Room. To let—A ilweillng n; - •xd 'The currier, No. , 29. on Elchth .trees. with 7 rooms. Also one with 11 rooms, No. 25. on F;;ghtn street. Also., a Warehouse, No. ISS Smithfield street. `Apply at 277 Penn street. Tc- , LET.—ONE STOR4:120011. FoUP: BASEMENTS, well lighted 'and IlLisheo. iiFilrES In the s-oond story. , SI.FEPINO ItOi 'Ms. in the third story, and idNE LARGE HAG)... with two ante-rooms, in tht 'fourth stoly of A.ll-1. English ,d, L'o's ;lest i•oliding. Foartn arenti". Apply lo A. If. ENG , List! .e. CO.. No. 29 Fifth aVetlne. rpO-LET.—TIIE SECOND AND _c 'nun., STORIES or a liu.,lnes House on Fe eral sired. A leglienv city. each room Is 20 1;1 SO. Splendid loc , itlotilf,;r• a PIO; 106 s'APII,- Elt, SAM PhE Bowl or light ManuYacturing. Spacious front entrance, nil in the best ba,inerd, p a' ion°Oho , ;greet. •F r particulars apply to t'f:OFT A PllitililP,S, Bent Est.:to Agents and Brokers, Nu. 139 Fourth Avenue. T F°R • - RENT. _ ESTAURANT on AVater ctro;t:. %irk lions , of 6 Rooms. Ur rlliers street. 430 0;•Briek. 4 Roolim, Pas tiiii stri ct, ig3oo; lintel: or 4 Looms. \•• - irtrIn cell Alley . $240; 110 Wylie streer, 4600; 79 etm Areet. 6 Room, *360; 9, An n arect, 6 I: ;midi, €.336; 57 Turmeil , treet, S Rooms, 1 ,45 I; frame of 3 Rooms. 14 Lacroek Street. $l4 ; 3.:ttootnA, liertimsc , eet, 4110 t; frame of 3 Re, Iv felttil A.venue. beyoud the Toll 44ate. 11124 - Avp/3 to 4. CUTHBERT ! BUNS, f t q . 135 Smith ' IStfee' I ESI'EIIN-LAND AGENCY, 7 ,000 Acres of Land for Sale, In I Ira and Minnesota; price from t 3.00 to 11$.1)0 per acre. Land bought and ;told on corn r Wee u. Taxes paid; Titles examined; ebstracta turn bed; Surveying and Plotting done. In rmation furnished in reference to locality, sally and valuation of lauds. General collect tg b fitness done. Address FLLINGTON lOWA FATES, 'SKATES, SKATES, American Rink, New York Club Empire, Starr , , &c. All other styles and sizes at the yen , tones rates a; WHITESIDES it DRUM, del 4 79 FEDERAL BT.: A LLF,O WRN 4 ECONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using the SHIVE CENTHIFITHAL GOVERNOR, the only true and .easlly regulated Governor made; perfect In its operations and truly tellable. A large size Gm'ernor can be seen at the office of PERCH VAL BECKETT, Mechanical Engineer and Solicitor of entente, No. 79 Federal street, Alleghen7 City, the only agent for this Governor in the West. std.l:x9ti ALL BOOK AGENTS SEND fur the 16 reisens why Cobbles' Danie l mile Illustrated Family Bible Is super!or to any other.. Address ETES Cu., 111 Nassau street. New Yor Publishers,. only lit ugentS. Refers to all Eastern fe9:el9:attw:P-T WANTED---HELP !MD TO LET Portable _Flour and Feed 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. WU' 13 . NEEPER, ALDERMAN AND EX-OFFICIO.JUSTICE Or THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attentiongiven to conveyancing and coiloctions Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawn up. and all legal business•attended to promptly and accurately. G. W. De CAMP, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Unice, No. 137 FOURTH. AVENUE, pltte burgh, (formerly occupied by lion. Walter H. Lowrie ' ) will practice In the U. S. Circuit and Ulstria Courts, in the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions In most of the adjacent counties. Ja29:d73 C. C. IrALiri, DRS. COOPER; WALLACE and W/LLARD, RODIEOPATRESTS, Will remove their Office on the First of April next to No. 72 Diamond; Allegheny elty, rear or City Hall. ja30,3179 .FLOU.R. ORI N..ii TAL. -1 I:IWEEPSTAKER. RED RIVER WHITE ROSE, Very choice, for sale by ItIEANOIL AT, lIIARPER, fe9 U 129 Liberty street. FANCY CFLACIMRS. Balmoral,' Napoleon, Sweet Pearl and Almendl put up In small tin cases for faintly use; slack fresh clnaer Soaps and Scotch Cakes received and for sale by ESC m. aaS BLO WS. D -- IL' INGER StILVBN'ION, 4( UT AS No. pot P A.;411u store and for sal,. IrrfelZ • J. B. POR SALE VOR SALEOft RENT.—That elezan,eat sb corner Western Are ar„t e et. _Alleghtnr. LOll.OO by 227 feet• il..)use eoutainr. 16 nionss.. pith all modern imbroretnents. April. to GEORG?. H. 11 01 .T7.31AN, 80 :fourth av6nue (up stairs,)' -von SALE—Desirable Western ..I: A VENCE RE IIo.t.NCE, located on west ern A , enuo, A ileylieny (..ity. A double Two story !trick residence ttf eleren rooms, hail and good cellar..tlntshett in first class - stx ie. Lot -ZS' by 120 feet to a 20 foot alley.' Terms rery easy. Anvil. to CROFT li: PHI:LIPS, Real Estattr Agents. No. 149 Potirtit Avenue. 1e11:e4.5 . ___ -LlOiti SALE.-RARE CHANCE ..L. FOR A`NVAGON TwAR tril—At Parnassus :nation. A. . 17 miles from theca)... hall an acra or ground with shop and dwelling and a large quantity of lumber: abundance of work for three hands: blacksmith shop W conve.. ent: rare opening for a man of small Means, will be sold on very easy terms. Apply to.CROFT• ,r PH it Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. • -• • FOR SALE. -LOO ERE: 4.35 PER ACRE will purchase a tarm of 1 acres In A, mstrong county, Pa.. 4S miles fro m eos atation A. V. R. R. 11l acres in good ern balanc- under cu i tivation; 40 acres la grass, orchard of 400 choice bearing of trees; two good dwelling ne a brick of 6 rooms anu good cellar: the other a new frame or three or five rooms; bank barn, almost new, 40 bv 56. and all necessary outbuildings, abund ance of good water and In good nerghborhood. uwner has determined to go west, otherwise It could not be bought at the above price. TERMS vuRIC EASY. Apply to , CROFP & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents. , No. 139 Fourth avenue. , - FOR SA LE.FAR3I.—,24 ac (*good land -- Richland township, en t h e the Butler Plank Road, la miles from Allegheny olty, with Rood house and barn and other out. builo Ings ; a good selectlen of fruit on the place, and all desirable Is In good working order, making a country place for a man doing bu4lness In the city. Apply to JAMES HARK soN, E.q.. on the premises, Or. S. P. HARB SO S, 75 Diamond. Allegheny City. fes:e.l2 _ _ rift SALE.—OVER $700.000 worth of Real Estate. comprising Farms. .11114, stores Houses. Lots. Veal Works. Salt Workit, Sc.. • ,tc. fhe •PITTSBURGH REAL EStAIE REGISTER" contains full particulars or all of the above. .Befit PEKE to.any address. (Wirt' & PH ILLI P S,Publishers and Real Es ate Agents, No. 139 lourth avenue. F Firft Class Iteflnery, In complete run ning order, nearly new. Has been .in operation but a few months.• situated on the A. V. R. R.• beyond the present city limits. capacity five nhouned.rerad p bbls per week. f. be doubled with Applvt at.2i4Daenner2TTATlEEPNlViT,'Psittill: burgh, Pa. VORSALE—F . 4IIIII .-200-aCr ef of good Land, situated In Penn Tp., West morelacd counts, two miles from It, Station. or the Penna. R. R. Improvements, hewed los house In good repair, bank barn and otder out. . buildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W WILSON.. Larlmer's Station, or R. A. HOPE Penn Station. FOR SALE. —RUSINESS PROP _u ERTY.--Is now offered for ssle that desira ble LOT OF GROUND. No. 167 Smithfield street. This property is wed, located for busi ness.. Parties on lookout for a good stand will do we. l l to call ‘n BAILEY, FARRELL Lt No. 167 Smithfield street. put —A well known and prosperous wholesale basi -1 mess stand, with stock and fixtures, Isofferedfor sale. Satisfactory reasons are given for the dis posal. Apply at 77 WOOD STREET. FOR SAILE._....A:-.S.EW FRAME Washin gainSof slx rooms and one acre lot In - Mt. Good well on the premises. En quire at No. 53 DIAMOND STREET, Pitts burgh. L CANE of two THREE STORY BRIDE HOUSES In a bus ;fleas lomttion. It has four years to run; rent • low. Addreiti. W. X., ZETTZ OFFICE. Ftm. relvhouse of wrenßoom s and Hall. corner of Pride and Forbes street... Water and Gas In the house; also Range In kitchen. NOTICES .",,,SEALED PROPOSALS will itr-_r be received until TUESDAY, February 18th, at the MAYOR'S OFFICE, for the Making I of FtFTY, or more, POLICE UNIFOR.3IS. the pante., to tarnish trimming,s,with the exneptlon of buttons. Sample uniforms to ho seen at the office. fe1:1:e48 JARED 31. BRUSH, Mayor. ` OFFICE or PENNSYLVA— NIA RAILROAD COMPANY. PirmADY.crurA, January 27, 1569. NOTICE TU STOCKHOLDERS.' The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of Cal:, Company will be held on TUESDAY,' the lath day of February, 1869, at 10 o'd/oel: at CONCERT HIALL, No. 1,219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The Annual Election for Dire'ctors wl4l ba held on MONDAY. the Ist .day of March. 1869, al the office of the CoraDauy. N0..239 South Third street. 1..-2:tISA . OFFICE OF TUE ALLEGIIENY VALLEY R-R. Pittsburgh. January 25, 1669. i STOCKHOLDERS ANNUAL or the Allegheny MEET ING.—The regular annual meeting .—The regular Company will be held at the °Mee of the orapany. No 2 Pace street, on TUESDAY. 23d "day of February, 1569, for the pur,pose oi e ar a Board of Managers for the coming year and the transac tion of such other business as, may be presented. iii=alen 'JOHN BALLANTINE, SeeretarY. d/FicE 3r0n E.113-1E ."031PANY,1 AN E Pirr LEC snuncii T . lON COR Jalulaly 30, THIRIB69. f - TEEN MANAGERS of the Comr.any for erecting a bridge over the l!onongaheia river, o,illo r ite Pittshnrgh, In the county of Al.eghenT, w e beta at the Toll House, on .310.N-DA.Y the Ist day of !larch next. at 2 o'clock P. at. ' te2:OS9-31F . JAS. H. WRI&HT, Treaaurer. RENCH BURR HILL STONES. French Burr Smut Machines, ,THE REST WaRAT CLEANERS IN USE BOLTIDIG CLOTES, All numbers and best quailty. , For sale at W. W. WALLACE. staE , JNO. A. RENSHAW, Corner Liberty and Hand streets. BARRELS OF SORGHUM owLAssEs. DiLLINGER t STEVIMON• A IS