The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 15, 1869, Image 1

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SENATE: Bills to Regulate Nat- 1
nralizOion ,Reportcd—Medi
cal and Surgical Bistory of
the. War. Bills Re
ported from Bankingand
rency Committee and Passed.
(By Telegraph to the riti'eburgh Gazette.l
_ Wasnimyrobz, D. C., Feb. 13, 1869.
. The - PRESIDENT presented the cre
dentials of Mr. Fenton, Senator elect
from New York. -.
the credentials of his successor, Mr.
Stockton, Senator elect from New Jersey.
Mr. STEWART introduced a bill to
establish uniform rules of naturalization,
in the following words :
Be it enacted, ax., That all white per
perSong of foreign birth, not convicted
of crime, and who have not participated
in insurrection or rebellion against the
United States, and who now are or who
shall hereafter become permanent resi
dents of the United States, and elect to
be citizens thereof, are hereby declared
naturalized citizens,-and entitled to all
the rights and privileges of other citi
zens of the United States.
Mr. SUMNER said he objected to the
Word "white" in the bill. [Laughter.]
Mr. CRAGIN offered a resolution direc
ting the Attorney General to inform the
Senate whether he had directed the sus
pension or discontinuance of proceedings
against parties prosecuted in New York
city fOr frauds upon the internal reve
nue, and if so, in what' causes and for
what reasons, and if compatible to corn
munieate to the Senate his ,correspon
' deuce on the subject- with the United
States District Attorney- at New' York.
Thursday evening next was set apart
for the , consicteration of matters from the
Committee on Postoffices.
Mr. SUMNER moved to proceed to the
consideration of a joint resolution grant
ing a pension to Mrs. Lincoln, but Mr.
McCREERY objected.
Mr. CORBETT offered a resolution,
which was adopted, directing the Com
mittee On Agriculture to inquire into the
expediency of allowing each State to be
represented by at least one person in the
Agricultural Departiant, such person
to be chosen by the States respectively at
their annual fairs. -
Mr. ANTHONY, from the Committee
on Printing, reported the joint resolution
directing the printing at the public print of live hundred copies of the
Medical and Surgical History of the Re
bellion. •
Mr. FERRY read a letter fromthe As
sistant -Surgeon General, setting forth,
that the manuscript and illustrations( of
the first volume 'were readyand -conld,
be printed, 5,000 copies at a cost of about
20,000;.that two more volumes would
completed, the whole to cost about sio
000; the copies printed at the govern
ment printing office to be eaisposed of
under the direction of Congress.
Mr. CONKLING objected to the reso
lution, because it proposed t& do more
than the gentletnan in charge of the
work asked for.
Mr. SUMNER fayored the resolution,
thinking the work of importance and the
expense. of comparatively little conse
ouence. '
Mr. DAVIS 'moved to lay aside all
other business and to take up his resolu
tioriin regard to Representative Butler's
noisy and disorderly conduct.
Mr. CHANELER objected and Mr.
DAVIS did not press his motion.
The morning hour having expired,Mr.
SHERMAN moved to proceed to the
consideration of the carrency.bill.
- Mr. (:HANDLER hoped the Senate
would stand by the unfinished, business'
of yesterday, the river and harbor bill,
until itshould be disposed of.
Mr. SHERMAN said his understand
ing was the river and harbor bill was to
be considered at the evening session.
• Mr. CHANDLER said the Senate was
tired of the discussion of the currency
Mr. Sherman's motion was lost—yeas
19, nays 30, and the Senate resumed
- the consideration of the river and har
, • bor bill. The pending amendment was
to strike out the third section appro:
priating c e450,000 towards completing the
• Louisville and Portland canal,on con
dition that Kentucky shall cede her
sight'to said canal to the United States,
Messrs. Willey, Morton and Sherman,
• opposed the amendment, insisting that
the appropriation was imperatively re•
quired by the interests of commerce.
and would only put the general govern
ment in the same relation to the
merce of the Ohio that it already omit
• pied to the commerce of the Mississippi'
and other rivers.
Messrs. Frelinghuysen, Fessenden
• and Morrill, (Me.) advocated the amend
- went, which was finally - rejected—yeas
22, nays 32. '
The last amendment reported by the
Committee, to strike out the section au
': thorizing the Secretary of War to make
surveys at points in various parts of the
,1 'country, with, a view to recommending
'• such improvements as the Interest of
navigation requlred, was rdected, and
• the section retained, 'by 23 yeas to 23
• nays.
Ou motion of Mr. MORRILL, the bill
with the amendments, was recommitted
for. further consideration by the Com
:: mitfee on Commerce.
Mr. ROBERTSON Introduced a joint
resolution proposing the following Con
:, stitutional amendment:
,• ART. 17. The Congress shall 'have
power to establish a tribunal for the pur
l; pose of considering and determining all
questions which may arise as to the
, validity of the Electoral vote of any State
for'President and Vice President of the
United States, which said tribunal shall
exercise its jurisdiction under such regu
;• lotion as Congress shall make.
.: mittee on Judiciary, reported. a substi
tute for the bill to regulate the proceed.
{Dv for naturalization of aliens, intro
duced by him December 7th. ' The sub
' stitute provides, that the declaration of
ntention to become a citizen of the
United States, shall be made, taken and
had before the Judges of the United
States Circuit and District Courts, the
Courts of the Territorial. D'stricts of the
United States the higher Court: of the
District of Columbia, having. common
law jurisdiction, or before registers in
bankruptcy now or hereafter to be ap
pointed, who shall be ex-officio Commis
sioners of Naturalization, and not before
any other Court or tribunal, but thedecla
ration of intent and oath may be made be
fore the Clerks of said Courts. Aliens
are required, one month before aPplying
for naturalization, to file with the clerk
of said Courts, or with a Commissioner
of Naturalization, a notice that be intends
to apply, which notice shall state with
great minuteness particulars of resi
dence, name, age, occupation, national
iv, personal appearance, etc., together
with a( full description of the Court or
Commissioner with whom the respectiv l e
declarations were filed. The Commis
sioner or Clerk of the Court shall note
upon the notice the date of its receipt,
and shall keep the same on file, subject
to public inspection, and shall give copies
thereof whenever required. Prior to ad
mission to citizenship every alien shall
make oath and furnish a witness to the
fact of a residence of four years and six
months in the United States and one
year in the State or Territory where such
application is made next prior thereto.
Any person may file with the Commis
sioner or Clerk an affidavit that he be
lieves such alien's application is fraudu-
lent and that he intends to contest the
same, and such contested cases shall be
heard in Court and decided separately.
The substitute also provides that the
declaration of Intention may be filed one
year and six mouths, instead of two years,
before making the application to be nat
uralized, buCadjudication admitting an
alien to the rights" of citizmseip shall be
made and entered on record, and the
'certificate of naturalization founded
thereon tie issued six months before such
adjudication of certificate shall be effec
tive. It is made the duty of the Secre.
tary of State to furnish to Courts blank
certificates of naturalization, in conform
ity to the foregoing provisions, printed
on paper so manufactured and stamped
as tog uard against frauds, and certificates
and accounts of the number so furnished
and received shall be kept by the depart
ment. and the Judges and Commission
ers. Certificates of naturalization issued
within one year prior to the passage of
the bill must be endorsed and approved
by the Courts and Commissioners now
authorized .to issue naturalization
papers, Qr they shall have no va
lidity, and this approval shall be
given only on evidence that such
certificates were not obtained by fraud.
Certificates issued more than ayear prior
to the enactment of the bill may also be
presented for endorsement and approval
in the same manlier, otherwise the ques
lion of their validity play be raised
when they are presented for use. The
judges and inspectors of_ elections are
required to stamp And endorse the word
"used," with the date when a certifi
cate Is presented and used, and the word
"rejected" if it be not received. A pro
vision is made for annulling such rejec
ted certificates by a proper Court of the
'same.district upOn,„Apidence of fraud.
Other Sections audiorim and" - Tegulate
proceedings for annulling fraudulent
certificates, which may be required to be
produced on suspicion, and prescribe
punishments of fine and imprisonment
for issuing and receiving fraudulent or
forged certifioates, ranging from six
months to three years and not exceeding
five thousand dollars.
Mr. PAINE moved to dispense with
the morning hour, so as to take up the
political disabilities bilk. After discus
sion, rejected.
The House proceeded to the business
of the morning tiour, the call of Commit
tees for reports of a private nature.
The bill for the relief of Knott & Co.,
American ra_crchants doing business in
China, was passed.
The bill to pay Leonard Pierce, Jr.,
late United States Consul at Matamoros,
51,843 in gold, for expenditures made by
him from the 12th of March, 1862, to the
30th of November, 1864, in aiding Union
soldiers and refugees fleeing from Texas,
was passed:
The morning hour baying expired, Mr.
BROOMALL, from the Committee ow
Public Expeditures, made a report in
the case' f Wells, Fargo ct Co.'s contract
for carrying the mails between the ter
minus of the Pacific Railroad Company.
It exempts the Pestoffice Department
from all blame, and reports that the dif
ficulty originated in an act of Congress,
which threw about four hundred per
cent. more mail matter on the route in
question than the bids had been made
for, and that the'Postillaster General did
the best he could under the circum
stances. The report was recommitted
and ordered to be printed.
Mr. CLARK, of Kan., offered a reso
lution calling on the Secretary of the
Interior for immediate information why
certain trust lands of the Sac and Fox In
dians had - not been offered for sale, as
contemplated by the treaty of 14th of Oc
tober. 1808.
Mr. HOOPER, from ICommittee on
Banking and Currency, reported the bill
regulating reports of national banking
After discussion and amendment the
bill was passed.
The following are its provisions: That
every National Bkalting Association
shall make to the Comptroller, on the
first Monday of every, month, a report
exhibiting in'detail anti under appropri
ate heads the resources. and liabilities of
the Association befom the commence
ment of business on the morning of the
day aforesaid, and Shall transmit the
same to the Comptroller of the Currency
within five days thereafter, and such re
port shall be in the manner and form
provided by the Comptroller, verifiedpv
oath or affidavit of the President and
Cashier of each Association, and \by
either one of them, and two of tee
Directors, and shall be in lien of
the quarterly reports and monthly
statements required by the thirty
fourth section of the national currency
act, ipproyed 'June 3d, 1864. The re
-turns of each Association on the `first
MondaY of January and July shall be,
verified by. oath or affirmation ()P i th()
President or Cashier and attested by \ the
signature of at leastithree of the Direc
tors, certifying they have personally ex
amined the resources and liabilitimi, of
the A ssociation,as set forth in said report,
and have found the same to be corr6et;
and such report for Jannary and JUly
shall contain a statement of = the gross
earnings and profits of the previous 61x
months, and he published in a newsp4oer
where such Association hi established at
the expense of the Association_ making
the same, and if there be no , newspaper
published at such place. then in some
newspaper to be de-ignated by the Comp
troller of Currency within the bounty or
State where such Association iS located;
and every. banking Association shall
make and transmit to the Comptrolleri
of Currency a special report; as afore- I
said of its condition on any daY specified
whenever required by the Comptroller of
Currency. Any Association failing to
make and transmit such monthly or
other report shall be subject to a penalty
of $lOO for each day after five ! days that
such bank shall delay to make.and trans
mit any reports as aforesaid, and in cAse
any Association shall delay or refuse to
pay the penalty ;herein stated,' the same
shall be assessed by the Comptroller of
Currency, and the amount of such pen
alty may he retained by the Treasurer of
the United States, upon the order of the
COmptroller of Currency, out of the inter
est as it may become due to the Associa
tion pf bonds deposited with I him to se
cure 'circulation, and all sums of money
collected as penattiesunder thiS act shall
be paid into the Treasury of the United
Mr. HOOPER, from the same Commit
reported a bill prehibiting National
Banks certifying checks when they have
; not deposits of parties ' covering the
amount certified. Passed.
Mr. BARNES, from same Committee,
reported a bill to prevent National Banks
loaning money on United States or
National Bank notes as collateral se
• I •
Mr. BARNES explained the object of
the bill, which is to prevent the loaning
of money, and thus making a corner in
the Money market.
After some diseuSsion and alteration
of verbiage, the hill passed.
Mr. JUDD, from the same Committee,
reported a bill to regulate the method of
converting gold into currency.
A bill had been reported last Saturday
from the Committee on Ways 'and Means,
containing two of the soctionS of his bill
and two additional provisions, and he
was willing to have that bill called up
, instead of his own.
That being agreed to, Mrs HOOPED
called up ,the bill. reported by
him to prohibit the further !increase of
the public debt. iThe bill appeared in
the GAZETTE Of Monday last]
On motion of Mr. JUDD the following
section was added: SEc. 5; And be it
further enacted, - That, from and after the
passage of this act, all sales - of gold. on
account of the United States shall be
made at public action by a proper officer
of the Treasury Depagttnent, after giving
three days public notice ;of time and
placewhere such sales shall be made by
advertising the same - for at least three
Mr. JUDD stated he fourd from the
report of the Secretary of the Treasury
that $263,031 had bedn paid by the Gov
ernment as commission for the sale of
gold and silYer since it first Commenced
to sell.
The bill as amended was passed.
Mr. POMEROY ' from same Commit
tee, reported back theSenato bill supple=
ment to the national -- banking bill of
June ad, 1861, with various amendments.
• Mr. - 'ORISTVOLTiIc:3Ito -41Eraredments
having been read, submitted' that as they
were important and intricate, and were
not printed, the House shOuld not be
called upon to dispose of them without
seeing them in print.
Mr. POMEROY said he mould submit
to the proposition, but would - first state
the objects of the amendments. The
first section of the Senate bill was con
fined entirely to 'the provisiOn of section
forty-five of the present banking act,
relating to depositories of public money,
and made it a venal offense Ifor any offi
cer of a bank to Offer a consideration for
procuring deposits of publiC money . , and
for any public officer to accept such con
sideration. The second section of the
Senate bill was an amendment to section
forty-second of the present pct, relating
to the liquidation of Wanking associa
tions. The fourth section ;provides for
sealing the existing banking associa
tions, in order to provide; twenty-four
millions of currency to be distributed.
one-half among the Southern States and
the other half among the Western States
and Territories; that have not received
their nroper share.
Mr. BUTLER critised thel provisions of
the sections relating to. the liquidation of
backs that are to be wound and
opposed the provision that lbonds on de
posit are to be sold foi the redemption of
outstanding currency and; greenbacks
substituted for the bonds as!security.
Mr. HIGBY observed there was no
profit in discussing the bill now, when it
was not printed, and suggested the bill
be re-committed and ordered printed.
Without disposing of the 'bill, which
was ordered printed, the House took a
recess, the evening be for gen
eral debate.
Blatters'ln LouLlnua.
:Ey Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazetti!.l
Nxw ORLEANS. February 13.—The
State Treasurer's-report shows an excess
of expenditures above receipts of ISGS of
The appeal taken from Judge Collins'
decision of the unconstitutionality of the
one per cent. tax comes up in the Su
preme Court on Tuesday.
The Senate bill enforciuz the thirteenth
article of the Constitution, knoivn as the
civil equality section, was postponed In
the House. It will come up to-day for
final action. It causes considerable ex
citement in the city.
Full particulars of the loss of the
steamer Millie Stephens, in. the Red
RiVer, show a large proportion of the lost
were women and children. The fire
originated in government hay that
formed part of the cargo. Tilere was
only four thousand dollars instirance on
the steamer.
A resolution was adopted in the Sen
ate, and sant to the Hotise yesterday for
concurrence, instructing the warrant
clerk to draw warrants on the Auditor
to sell in operemarket and with the pro
ceeds defray the expenses of legislation;
also instructing him to draw warrants in
favor of the members for fifteen cents
additional to the amount of per diem
and mileage, to re-emburse - them for
losses sustained in discounting the war
Tennessee Legislature. 4
[By Telegraph to the riugbargii-uazette.i
ICAsitvim.E February - 18.-The House
of Representatives to-day adopted a res
olution of the Investigating Committee,
declaring Speaker Richards innocent of
the charge of bribery and corruption in
the School Fund matter, by a decided
majority. The' Speaker resumed the
Chair amid the congratulations of his
and made a brief speech, which
elicited much applause.. • ,
President and Vice President
• Elect Formalli . Notified—The
Cabinet Not to be Announced
Until After Inauguration—
Sanford Conover Pardoned—
Caleb Cushingls Mission—VetO
Message. . ,
[By Telegraphto the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WAsniso'ros, February 13, 1869.
This morning, at half past ten o'clock,
'enater Morton and _ Representatives
Pruyri and Wilson, of lowa, made their
appearance at headquarters of the army
for the purpose of presenting to General
Grant a certificate of his election as Pres/
ident of the United States, Senator Mor
ton addressed the President elect. an
nouncing that they were the committee
appointed ,by Congress - to present him
with-his conunission as President of the
United States for four years, commenc
ing on the fourth of March next, and in
a few remarks assured the General that
his election was extremely gratifying to
his countrymen, and that the people felt
assured he would, in exercising the du
ties of his distinguished office ; apply the
same energy, integrity and patriotism
that had characterized him in a higher
sphere of usefulness,ancl in concludingliis
remarks, said he would have the Support
of the people of the nation, even inctud •
ing those who differed . politically from
him, in administering the affairs of the
In receiving the certiflicate of election
from Senator Morton, General Grant said
in accepting the office of President of
the United States he assured them of his
determination to carry out faithfully the
obligations of that office, and referred
particularly to the necessities for an hon
•est and faithful execution of the revenue
laws. He would call around hint those
who would earnestly carry out the'prin
ciples of",,economy, retrenchment and
honesty, - Wfdth were desired by the peo
ple of th*lNlA2tintry. Should officers of
the diffeiVal.N.liiiinehes.. of the Govern
! meat serVitipit Satisft him in the dis
charge of .t r calleial.dnties, he would
not heaffateA:titonient about removing
tharfOrid ti - Efffld do sci , :jast as quickly
witit,lii° appointments with those of
his pieffeeessor: , ,",.'
I Genetial Granti:StabiChti had not an
_ • •
I flounced; his Ca ; liffito the time of
the officillil t decla fai:fathe result of the
election, bilAt bate 40;" ; :egthat period to
make knon.the ' tOefffif those whom
• he would iiisloto,Xteetiiii members. In
the interval .114 °I/04i° had concluded
~/lot:tainak Ab , names of gentle
men whose tierYiceslie.would•bla glad to
have in this restaibt; even to the gentle
men themselves, till he sent them into
the Senate for confirmation. The reason'
for this determination, General Grant
said, was because of the fact that should
I he do so a pressure would be immediate
ly commenced from various parties to
endeavor to induce him to change his
determination; not so mncli probably
from - the fict that opposition would be
made from personal motives, - :but on ac
count of the interest which gentlemen
may have for their own friends. For
these, and other reasons, he had conclu
ded to make no public announcement of
his Cabinet till the time mentioned. •
General-Grant spoke without any re
serve and with thegrt-atest frankness and
courtesy, and his remarks were received
by his distinguished visitors with every
mark of interest and approbation.
Afterwards Mr. Pruyn, of the Commit
tee, addressed the General very briefly,
to the effect that while the party - with
which be was identified differed • politi
cally from the President elect, he desired
to assure him his administration, in car
rying out the principles which he had
mentioned, would have their hearty sup
port and co-operation.
The speeches were delivered more in
a conversational than in a formal, set
manner, and the occasion was one of
quiet and most intense interest. Mem
bers of General Grant's staff were pres
ent. About twenty gentlemen were
present altogether, including the Com
mittee and stall' officers.
The Committee, after leaving General
Grant's headquarters, proceeded to the
Capitol and waited. upon Speaker Colfax
in his reception room and presented him
with a certificate of his election . ats Vice
President, signed by the PreSident of the
Senate, and then severally congratulated
him, to which expressions he responded
as follows: '
"Gentlemen, . please' convey to the
Houses of Congress my acceptance of
the office to which I have been elected
by the people of the United States, and
assure 'them I shall endeavor to prove
worthy of this mark of confidence, by
fidelity to principle and duty."
' The Committee then withdrew.
The President has sent the following
message to the Senate:
... To the Senate of the, United Slates: The
bill entitled "an act transferring the
duties of trustees of the colored schools
of Washington and Georgetown." is
herewith returned to the Senate, in
which House it originated, without my
approval. •
The accompanying paper exhibits the
fact that the legislation which the bill
proposes is contrary to the wishes of the
colored residents of Washington and
of Georgetown. and that they prefer the
schools for their children should be
under the management of the trustees'
selected by the Secretary of the Interior,
whose term of office is for four years,
than subject them to the control of boards
whose term of office depends merely on
political considerations, and may be an
nually affected by elections which take
place in the two cities. The colored
people of Washingten and Georgetown
are at present not represented by a per
son of their own race in either of the
boards of trustees of the public schools
appointed by the municipal authorities.
Of the trustees, however, who, under the
act of July 11th, 1862, composed the
board of trustees of the school for color
ed children, two are persons of color.
The resolutions transmitted herewith
show that they have performed their
trust in a manner entirely satisfactory
to.the colored people of the two cities,
and no good reason is known to the gx
ecutive why the 'duties which now de
volve upon them shall be transferred as
proposed in the bill. With these brief
suggestions the bill is respectfully re-,
turned, and the consideration of Con-'
fires invited to the accompanying pream
ble and resolutions.
Washington, Febrtiary 13th, 186 P.
President Johnson has purchased
large estate in East Tennessee.
The number of tickets to the inaugtir,
tion ball will be limited to thousani.
General Butler attributes the defeat of
his resolution to the members being fear
ful, of incurring the displeasure of Messrs.
Wade and Colfax.
The President of the United States has
accepted the office of arbitrator upon the
boundary question Which has arisen be
tween Great Britain and Portugal on the
coast of Africa.
Late advices from 'Peru'show that the
Republics of the Nelfic coast have ac
cepted the mediation. of the United States
'in their war with Spain, and a Congress of
plenipotentiaries from the beligerents is
expected to meet at Washington during
the spring.
The newspaper report of Caleb Cush
ing's successful mission to Bogota, in 're
lation to the Isthmus Canal, is confirmed
by the following telegram:
"To Hon. it H.Wcward—Please ex
pect me with treaty,lo-morrow.
President Johnson on Thursday issued
a pardon to Sanford Conover alias Chas.
A. Dunham. convicted of perjury at the
December term of the Criminal Court
of the District(,of Columbia, and Aeuten
ced to ten years imprisonment in the Al
bany, New York, Penitentiary.
The Serana Islands, in the; Caribbean
sea, valuable for the immense deposits
of guano contained 'thereon, have been
fully recognized by the United States
Government as United States territory
and belonging to citizens thereof.
The friends of Gen. Sherman have pur
chased the resideneP now occupied
.by .
Gen. Grant, for $65,00e, and intend pre
senting It to him when he is made Gen
The President to-day nominated Louis
Dent to be Ministei ito Chill, in place of
Gen. Kilpatrick. Judge pent is a rest;
dent.of Washington; and brother of Gen.
Grant's wife. As he was not an appli
cant for the place, he, expresses n i ;uch
surprlse,at the nomination: ,
Speaker Colfax entertained at dinner
this evening Gen. Giant, Senator Conk
ling and Representatives Wilson, of
lowa. Boutwell, DaWes and Blaine.
The Centi-at Pacific Railroad Company
having applied for en advance of bonds
on that part of the route lying betweeu
Monument Point :and Oydice, a protest
has been entered With the Secretary of
the Interior by the President of the
Pacific Railroad COmpany against such
advance, on the ground that the Union
Pacific Company is. constructing a road
on that - Part of the ;route and will very
soon apply for the bonds authorized by
law on the completed work,
General Webb, Grand Marshal, is per
acting his arrangements for the inaugu
ration procession on the fourth of March,
which promises to be one of the nick
iLtposing pageants ever witnessed in this
country. Associations desirous of ap
pearing in the procession should report
at once to General A. S. Webb, Grand
Marshal, or N. P. Chipman, Chairman of
the Committee on Procession.
By Telegrsph to the rjttsborgh Gazette.)
MoNTREAL, February 13 1 — Mayor
Workman has been re-elected.i
M'llonald, the COnnectibut forger, is to
be extradited.
Toitels•ro, February 13.—The transfer
of lands by the Hudson Bay Company is
regarded now as certain, they haring
conceded the important points reqUire4
by the negotiations for Canada. The at- i
rangements will probably be completed
by the present Parliament, which wilt
bring the whole Northwest under the
Dominion Government in three months.
The Newfoundland Assembly to-day vo
ted on the question of 'adhesion to the
Dominion. _-
The body of Whalen was buried in the
jail lust night. No! excitement.
—Mail licixes have been missed be
tween St. Louis and Cairo for more than
a year past, and detectives have been
working up the case fur some time. It
was finally ascertained that the robberies
were cothmitted at Odin, Illinois, the
connecting point between the Ohio .t
Mississippi and Illinois Central Railroad.
On Friday night officers were there and
rroffiethe mail was being transferred
m one train to another, three men ap 7 \
peered and undertook to carry off some
boxes. The officers sprang on them, but
two of them made their escape and the
other was shot twice before he could be
secured. The men who escaped were
subsequently arrested and proved to - be
brothers named Alsop, aged , twenty and
twenty-three years. They are now in
Jail at Odin. The wounded man's name
is Howell. He was a guerilla during the
war and a man of desperate character.
The people of Odin were strongly dis
posed to lynch him, but when he was
found to be mortally wounded, they de
—The New York Times editorially
says: '!The *bulls' and 'bears' are hav
ing a fiercer tight than since 1866. There
is a known short interest f forty mil
lions, and it is surmised t e aggregate
must be close to :sloublebat amount,
while free mention is made In the gold
room of four brokers who are daily bor
rowers of twelve millions in gold. A
powerful clique, on the other band, have
men buying heavily, and it is nip anti
tuck between 'bull' and 'hear' just at
present, and whichever/goes under will
be pretty badly submerged."
—Two weeks ego, 'at Chicago, George
Salemmeller was divorced from his wife
and the next day married a girl of eigh
teen. The same_ day the divorced wife
was married by the same Justice to a
man of forty•iive. A morning or two
since, after having slept sixteen hours,
Salemmeller awoke to-lind a sponge
strongly saturated with chloroform on
his pillow and his wifo and two hundred
'dollars missing. The poliee are after her.
—During a dense fog two trains on the
Northwestern liailread collided at Glid
den; lowa. Joel litirch, road master, re
ceived injuries of which he died some
hours afterwards, and four or five em
ployees were seriously injured.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
MADRID, February 14.—The Constit
uent Cortes organized yesterday by
electing Eevero President: The Provi
sional Government continues its eflOrtst
to baffle the schemes of:the reactionists,
Many arrests have been made .of mem
bers of the Carlist party in this city, and
a number of the Carlists have been ar
rested while trying to cross the frontier
from France, with-the alleged object of
inciting insurrection.
PAnts, February 13.—A dispatch from
Nice mentions the death of Fuad Pacha,
the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs
and-representative of that government at
the Conference recently in session here.
LONDON, February.l3.—Evening—Qon
sols 93; Five-Twenties 77%; Erie 25; Illi
nois 941,:f; Atlantic and Great Western 3&
FfiA:N32:l , ol:l', February 13. United
States bonds, 143 , -;:
ETS. February 13.—Rentes are firm,
at 701'. 40e.
LIVERPOOL, February 13. Cotton is,
heavy and sales were made of middlimr.
uplands at 121.:@121-1d, and Orleans at
123,;61:12.4d. The sales .to-day amounted.
to 7,000 haleS. lireadstutfs and Provisions
are entirely unaltered: Spirits Petro
leum, Sd, and refined at ls. 10%d.
Loshoic,' February 13.—Tallow 45s 91.
Stwar firm at 38s. Pd. on spot and 28s,
6d. to arrive.
ANTWEI P, February 13.—Petroleunt
FRANKFORT. February I.3—Evening.--:
Five-Twenties higher; last sales at 82. I
HAVRE, February 13—Evening.—Cet
ton steady at previous prices.
PARIS, Fe bruary 14.—Bourse strong..
Rentes 70f. 55c.
FRANKFORT, December 14..—Bonds
HAvrtn, February 14.—Cotton; tres
ordinaire is quoted at 140 f. per cwt. on
the spot. .
—Jared Davis, a peddler on the cars in
New Hampshire, was held for trial on
Saturday, charged with robbing the
mails. . •
—Rumor says the missing links in, the::
chain of evicletice against Maher, as' the
Rogers murderer, at New York, have
been found.
—One of a family of eleven persons, ac
cidentally poisoned in Brooklyn, N. Y,.
by the use of arsenic for saleratus by 2.
servant, has died, and some others are in
a critical condition.
—Sol. Smith, who was famous as a
theatrical manager and actor a quarter
of a century ago, but who has practiced.
law in St. Louis for twenty years, died
Jab Sunday of congestion of the brain.
—Cottrell & Dickey, an elevator firm.
at Cleveland, Ohio, have failed,_ with.
liabilities of two - hundred thOusand and
assets of fifty thousand dollars. It was
rumored they were arrested on Saturday
—Vague reports have reached Charles
ton, S. C., of the mysterious embarka
tion at various ports on the Georgia and.
Florida coasts of parties partly composed
of Cubans. It is supposed that these
movements are connected with the revo
lution in Cuba. '
—Mr. James Doyle, a well known .
lawyer of Philadelphia, was found in the
street, early Sunday morning, badly
wounded in the head. He died in a few
minutes after .being carried,home. No.
arrests have been made and the is
involved in mystery.
—Norwich, Connecticut, suffered on
Saturday night from the most destruc
tive fire known in that• city for
many years. .The block called Apollo
Hall and two adjoining buildings were
entirely consumed, witu most of their
contents. Total loss is estimated at
—The will of the late banker,Tonathan
Burr, who died at Chicago a few days
since, is missing. Its contents are pot;
definitely known, though it is believed
he left a quarter of a million of dollars
to public charities, after remembering
his nephews and' nieces. Burr. was a
—Thomas C. Leonard, formerly Trens
urer of Shelby C')unty, Tennessee, had
been arrested- at New York, on the accu
sation of.obtaining over 515,000 on forg,ed
voucher's of indebtedness and appropri
ating the same to his own use. He is
hehcfor a requisition from the Governor
of Tennessee.
—The Quartermaster General of the
Arrtiy has just published number seven
teen of the Roll of Honor, giving the
names of soldiers who died in defense of
the American Union interred in Na
tional and Public Cemeteries in Ken
ttilcky, and at New Albany, Jefferson
ville and Madison, Indiana, Lawton,
Millen and Andersonville, Georgia. The
supplementary list gives 13,573 names of
Union soldiers in those localities.
—Mont Diablo and the coast range of
mountains in the vicinity of. San Fran
cisco are covered with avow. For sev
eral days the Central Pacific trains were
delayed in the Sierra Nevada mountains
by one of the most terrific storms ever
known in that region. The snow belt
extended over eighty miles, the usual
distance being about fifty. The snow
sheds withstood the storm, where com
pleted, and furnished full protection to
the road.
—ln the Kentucky House of Repre
sentatives, on Saturday, a resolution
was introduced instructing the Commit
tee on Judiciary 'to inquire into the
propriety and expediency of bringing in
a bill abolishing all discrimination
against the right to testify . in the Courts
of Kentucky founded on race or color.
A motion to lay the resolution on the
table was adopted—yeas 45, nays' 16.
A similar r solution was introduced in
the Senate but adjournment took
place before any disposition was made
of it.
Markets by Telegraph.
CHICAGO, February 14.—Grain matket
in the afternoon quiet, and urines not
materially changed. No. 2 sprir..: Wheat
cloged ste.tdy at OW for new. Corn,
5SN'e. cash.; Provisions inactive mcl
prices nearly nominal. Nothing done in
the evening' ,
NAsumm, February 12.—Cotton is
lower and dull; low middling at_
good to ordinary at 2.7X,c; stock--5,000
bales. - I -