6 STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE WORKS, COLMAN, RAHAI & CO., '7llanlifacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, .. . . .. AXLES AND SPRINGS . Duquesne Iron, Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron.. Wagon Rox Iron. Charcoal Iron, Cylinder Iron, XL irol ) Flanged Cutter Bars, Oulird Iron, 'Drag and Dro per Bars,T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges, Flat Rail for Coal Roads Boiler Iron, Crow 'Bars, Chain Links. Boiler Hellas, Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage4 e Wagon, Seat - and Coach Springs, and . Axles, I styles: Slab Steel for Plows; Cultivator Steel, Si' 1 Wings `and 'Moulds cut to pattern, Ei..xing listeel.,all sizes. A. B. Steet aalSteel The, Steel Crow Bars: Steel Shafting, ..Ste.' . ALL GOODS FIRST T CLAS3 AND WAREAN . ED. /6Toflices and Werke 16th Street and Alle gheny river and 77 WA.TEIt STBEE'r. Pitts burgh. \ ja4:c22 GODEFFROY BILINCKEiI & - 000, 42' Efatange Place,-Ne i York, Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Com pany of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or Bell la quantltlec to suit purchasers, (delivered in e lther lievrirork or Philadelphia) the celebrated V. G. SPI:EGEI_MISEN reed so extensively for thV manufactur in glif • ' sEssEraza STEEL. This Iron is free froth Sulpur and Phosphorus, and contains a hewiy per cent ag e of Manganese. Tull particulars, sareples, prices or . Chemical rudysia Will b? prothptly forwarded on appitha j 30:d76 ation SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINQKR,Imam if 4 CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. llniatifacturers of every description Of cAV AND 9p,MAN STEEL, BA TLWAY SPRING'S, ELLIPTIC ASD PLyITORMSPRINGS, AXLES, SIMEL TIRE, ft., ao Warehouse, 88 Water and 180 First Sts. BUR & PAUKIN. axtraa&t, 'prarrinns: WM. METCALL REUBEN MILLER, GE.U. W. BARE,' CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL ,PAZTNzu--H.. M. BIER. CEIRSCENT. STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PL. fel4:d4S BLACK. DLiVONII STEEL WORKS. BROMIt & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of Office and arebone, 120, 132. 124 SECOND and 119 and 141 FIRST STREETS, [ PrreißUßGlii. IRON .WORKS. 1.168. V ERN S% Pres , t..... W. P. Poets, piTTSBURGU FORGE AND IRON CO., SIIF.A.CTUItItafi OF ts, 'Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Roiled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; aide Rods: yokes, Straps; - Piston Heads; • Steamboat Shari% Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, cte. 3Z.!ce, No. .177 PENN STREET, PITTSEMEEkEE. PA ELLERSEIUSEN PROCESS. The Train-es are now prepared to grant licen see ror the uee of the ELLERSELAUSEN PRO CE!'B. The auperior quality imparted .to good trim, the great imp OY-went, to inferior lion. and 11.0 reduced cest.commend tato all manufacturers of Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by aPPising to JAMES P. ; SPEER, Attnrnwy for the Trustee% OFFICE, ' 360 'PENN STREET. Parties Interested are Invited to v. sit the SHORN - BERGE it WORKS, where the process Is auw in successful operation. feS:ll7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., i Pennsylvana Iron Works. • . . Whreilousei- Nos. 166 14067 MIST, BTltErr, o,,pot,lte gonongiroel +CH n se. - arr24:de , PITTSBURGH. NOVELTY WORKS., PITTSBURGH' NOV.ELTY. WORKS. Founded A. D. ISSB. ADAMS, =HEE dr. CO. 16.1 - 111/AMIELRBB or KEYSTONE STANDA.FIDOFAIRBANK S PAT ENT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES. ;anus Faced Patent Door Locks and' Latelies, Paint and thdree 00BITER OP FIRST AVENUE & GRANT.STEL, Piltatottrell4 ;Pe an'4l " • rffr= JOWL 11. coorsu JOE. stn. joRIN DIG COOPER. & CO., - 1 133,A88 POUNDERS OAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Ylnofauturen of PTIMIIS AND EfAABB WOER &NI) TUB , every eLNti, aornl of oo ill kinds. ; dalers la CIAB IPIICTURNO ' fir. of Pike and Walnut Streets PITTSBURGIT. FOUNDERS, DIAOEfrisTISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY` COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. VirEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. , Corner Carroll and amalliaan Streets' (MN7I'H WARD,) l I IILTSI3IOIIOIIC. PA. WILLIAM SMITH, Maxturaotutrer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE POR OAS AND WATERWORKS. My Pines are all cut Invarlablyin Ints„ in dry sandrand lA feetlengtbri , Also, fallassortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works? I would also can the attention of Superintend ants of Gas Works to my - make of RETORTS. ATI.As Womis, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, PA-TT€II3I7IIGIIEL THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establlslunents In the West, and are now prepared to purdah . Engines, of every desailrelen. Bailers, Oil Tanks. Meet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Rolling Bill Castings. ' Engine Castings. Machine Castings. General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED. nio:no ROBINSON, REA be CO., Success Ors to Boum - sow, Alarm & X 4 , -, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACH ISTS, PITTSt:N I Manufacturers of Boat an 4 Stationary 8 En gines, Blast Engines, 3111.1 Machinery, gearing', Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stifle, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work, Office, No. 12, corner. First and Smithfield Scree s. Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. Jailmfd MOINT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butter Street, NintJeWard, (Opposite Onion Iron 3111180 ITITSBURGH. Belling IEII and Bridge Castings; THMIBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ItACHINHEY 'AND OAIIiTiIiGiOENF.B.ALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. - EBBERT & KAMIMS. oc15:1 T HO MA S CARLIIii & Fourth Wardyonndry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. re., manufactuiers( of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, l'n.leys, Shafting,' Grist and Saw Mill Work, Rolling Mill and Machine CsAtings, Grate Burs, Weights, Wagon Boxes, dc.. Build to order and have on bend Engines of all sizes. m7llxt6 CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS , 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD& BAGALEY. ChM Rolls, MU Castings, Roll Lathes; ke• LUMBER. LUMBER! LUMBER I ! ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber. • ON HAND AND FOR EtA.LB: 1.000,000 feet Dry Pule Boards; 150.000 feet 1% and 2 Inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1%, inch Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 asd 2 Web Oak: 25,000 feet Dry-7i ,2% and 3 Inch Asti, 5,000 h. Dry 2, '. 1 %, 3 In. Cherry & Maple, 30.000 ft. - iiry 1,1.%, 2 and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feetilry Poplar Scantling; 250,000 feet Hemlock Joists and 8= ntingt 750,000 No. 18-lack Shingles, sawed; 250,000 No. 1 10-Inah Shlngles,ilaWad; - 40,000 No. 1 16-Ineh Shingles,' sninrOM -',.417,000 Fire Brick; • 100 Tons Fire Clay; YARDS-No. SG ritEBLY. STREgT, *innerly Manchester and 157 'REBECCA STREE, eple• site the Gas Minas. Allegheny CN y. IR a N BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, • IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, pa. Agent for the Sale of Cornwall, Doaghsanore, Josephine:lsabella, Duncannon,Stanhope, Glen don, and other brands of Anthracite, Youghio ghen9y Coke and 0. B. Charcoal. inci mortis. Crow/ mamas arenDost resneettnitv imitated COPPER. LAKE SUPERIOR ,OFllat MILL AND SIMMS wow F'FTWSEII3I . iO IL PARK, McCURDY & CO., tanulseturerti oi ulieathlua, Brasiers' and Belt JOPPer. crewed Copper Bottoms, Based HUD But ionia, Bp! I ter Solder. Als6,lmpes'o•re cud Deal ers Metal. TlUPlate, Sheet Iron, wire, no. One ou bend Tin id aid Tools. warehouse. No. 140 Mater BTILZAT end. WO SISCAMD STREET, Pittsburgh. aneataLordess 010M:int esit to any &sired vat kJ 'EL myttakciaT PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : S.A.TIMPAY: _FEI3RUARY 13, 1869. ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. HllOll N. BOLE & COs, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St, Engine Bui/ders, Faunders and. Machinists.. Maxmfacture STEAMBOAT /MOINES and STA TIONARY I:NGINE3 of all sizes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ART OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER of 15-borse mower. CASTINGS of every kind, made to order atom Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING* PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACGO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCOPRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the, INDUSTRIAL WORKS,, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, Air All orders promptly tilled. TVS us. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL MI TAM WORKS ! CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL EBB. OIL' STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING. AND ASH PANS. SETTLING. PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; raisox DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehonse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. W Orders sent to the above addresserill be promptly attended to. mh7:189 W/N. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, 22, A 4 AND 516 PENN ST: Raving [moused a large yard and furnished It witn the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made la the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks. Olt Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans; Boiler Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pane, and sole manufacturers or Bs.rithm , 6 Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. lathell JANES ffi. BITEIt, Noa. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBITBOH, PA., suanmtortrsout or IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANG, COPPER STRAI3 PIPE, 4 BOLLINO KILL STACK, And SHE T IRON WORK, For Steamboat/. JAILED Y. . . .... D. BDIII3/1 JARED DE BRUSH Si SON, LITOPACTUBTES OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 _Peon Street, Pittsburgh, Pa; STOVES, CASTINGS, eke THE BEST STOVES. I A...BRADLEY & CO. • s,.nnfacturera of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Orie atal Stoves and Furnaces for Hard 0141 or Coke. Best in the World for rarlor,Oflice. Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—bum all win ter. Do not b ty until yor see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for ()nen tals—DE stkILER BROS., imithlleld St.; GEO. HUBLEir, Allegheny City. GRAFF, KUGUS & CO., mexurecnnurlis OF want vearwrY or EigraCtoyMlS, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," THE , NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, •REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. q AN'S Cluelento. Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C Olt I.ItON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S REF • M...CTOR, 0 RATEs, free trom dirt and dist; G.I.ATE F 11) TS, FENDERS, Le. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, H2S:yl7. PITTSBURGH. PA. U ook wro VIES. CET THE BEST. BIRSELai CO.'S' TRI'UNIPH, • FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. to Cook , Bake or Beast ae ether Store In the Ihdon. • • . BlSSEtish ao. . No. 285 Liberiy Street. Also on band and for sale. PABL VATING ' IrPCIVBIIk "ATE 9 1 816 11 4 NW RA: 111101ITTSIIURGA PAPER u,..FACTUBING 00M.P.A.N1r, liannfacturers of PRINTING & WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON MILIe—BTEDBENVILLX. OHIO. BEIGHTM4 1111.1,—.N1W BADIUTONI rA• -011710 E AND WAICEDODSZ. N O. 82 Third tAreot, Pittsburgh, Pa. 4 .2lll Cnag - -AUCIU3T HARTJE,_President. nit). B. LIVINOSTON. Tz'elaurel• __SAMUEL RIDDLE; Secretary. B. Hartman Holds. Joft 8. id Hartman, John B I• • •ingion Cash [laid for Paner . 6",ek. . BOWS WEST COMMON V Macht4se StOne Works, NOrStrwest corner of IV tod. Oomroon, Allegheny ATV/IVIP lOU & 00. Claw ou nand or prepare on abort natio. Hearth and nap i3tonee, Flags for !Sidewalks. Brower v i udi d . 10. ;Head and Tomb ;Stones., &o. Orden ommutly executed. Pmer remonablit (31IT&E rtes POINT,) PITTSBURGH, PA. btAxtrre CTUREILS OP FOE NPAIIMING lII:TiLDIAGB PAPER. STONE. FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANKINff COMPANY. No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST-11110M ON TIM DNPOSITS, Collections made on all accessible points in the United Btates and Canads.s. DEBECTOBS: J no. C Basher, Bobt. H. King, • Andrew Miller, Junes M. Bailey. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. WaDuce, Z. Fawcett, , LUBKAN, Prosit. SAM , L. Mc ILSON. Cashier. D. LEET W NATIONAt BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PAT TERSON 'President. JOS. H. HILL CAPITAL, : : $500,000. DIRECTOIy3 11 i343orge W. Csa, It . Palmer, Win. Douglas, Wm. Beed. A. Patterson, H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Dan. R. Davidson, W. 8. Haven. T, AT U A. N. DISCOUNTS DAIL IlD11:092 HART, CAlLriplint & CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, corneae ?FMrd 'mid' Weed Btreeta, P/WD3D1:111,431./1, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA. HART 00..) DmZBB IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention putt to the purchase ana sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. layi:sac NHOLMES 8c SONS, • MILLS6I I OIII2raMELia, 57 Market Street, - VrETTIEFISIIII43-Ei, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AHD SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and 'oleo( United States Securities. ja3e:al OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY., HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANUFACTURER OF Lubricatingt 'High Test Burning Oils. relipme Railroad Axle 011 Staia.ls great heat atihoat. change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special oil for tropical climates or hot weather. LOCOMOUVO, Engine, II saline Shop, Wid cut Screera. Saw Mill and Planing Mill 011 s, Adapted. for high speed. Spindle WI, Wool, liead•tight On, Oil, Tanners' Stuff-I Bonsai°. ling EinOdiing OM Gasoline,. newness Oil Parrallines ARMOR VARNISH. to rere,erve Bright Iron Werk and Machinery from Thrt~e . pro I,.cts are manufactured ander Dr. Tweddle's yt.ttent liv nuperheated Steam.in Vac eun. The Lubricating Ills are :doom odorless, .perfectly pure. uniform. and mostly light col ored. stand a high empe rature unchanged and r. main Itin pld du rag extreme cold. The Railroad 4 ti:n are unenii.di.d, and Are In constant use on many of the prim:lid Railroads samules can be examined and orders Left at 174 WOOD. bTREET. Works at nil ZpS bu rg Bridge. WARING AND 'KING, Denzuntßslon Yenta/its And Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURAM,PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. rricK uncrrinsias, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products, Pittsburgh DiIIee—DALZICLL , B BUILDING. corner of Dugtusene Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia oflioe-1 1 / 1 7 WALNUT BT. • apt:wad DRUGGISTS. TInEN BERSON .1 & BROTHERS 2130 Liberty street, Dealers In Dreg a ts and Patent Medicines. jah..4 W 111ACHEOWN & BRO 7 . . . . . , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND YANIITAO2I7II2aI3 Or ' , Cetriac.n. *OYER , TO NO. 195 LIBERTY STREET, i PITTSBURGH, PENNA.. . 3 a r r i te r t i t o gga r he e le, Mass in.d,Olou,sewarde..9at COAL AND CIOKE. GOALS COWL!! COALS!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO" Having removed tbetr Onlee to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately 4111, Flyer 1340011DBIAM)B. Ale live , prepared _Wtaralah good YOllOl3lO. OBS NY IgUT CULL 1)B MACE, at the IDnlri stiOrket pride. ' •• All orders loft et their °Moe, or addressed to them thraagh the mall, mlll be atteadal to prompt 4. CENTRAL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest investment now In the market for sale by Pte. ia• .., 1 11 4 1/Brita l Z, CornefrEFTH AVENDE & WOOD STILRETt. • Also, dealer in Government Bonds. Gold and Galloons and -Baropean Exchange at market rates. . ' . dezl JAJIIES To BRADY 85 CO., (Summon to S. JONES it C 0..). Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., ,313. EL ZoW 3WI I I€ 3, BUY AND BELLAIAL KIBBE. OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, gap, SLUM AND COUPON% ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Pr Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sir Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of .STOCELS, BONDS aced GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. - ip'tlittsilittglj eti:ifttf-4 FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF Plkraßußaic tikzurrE, t. FRIDAY, February 12,'1868. S The gold market keeps steady but dull, fluctuating from 135 to 138%, with an increase of short sales. The bull op erators are discouraged, and have most ly sold out their! gold awaiting for a more favorable turn of the market, and towards the end of the month may unite with the bears in bringing down quotations still more. The daily ship ments of bonds and other securities have increased so much recently that any shipments of coin will thereby be obvi ated, and our trade balance so unfa vorable, will be entirely liquidated by the sale of securities. Government bonds whicli looked dull for a time, on Thursday, were very strong, and advanced about one-half per cent. for new 18655, and X on 18675; old 1865 s are nearly up to the 18625, and 1831's Command over .114, the highest point yet reached, a large short interest in 1867 forced parties to buy at any price, and the demand from Europe being steadily increased makes dealers anxious to lay in stock in time. Stocks are dull, and the interest cen ters are entirely in Government bonds; there is no disposition whatever to ope rate in stocks at present prices, yet par ties dealing in them look to much higher prices, and the upward movement may set in at, any moinent. Business is improving, and money less stringent. • Quinations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135%; SilTer, 130; Eighty one's, 114; Five Twenties, 1862, 1,14%; ,do 1864, 111%; do 1835, 113%; do 1865, Consols, 110; do 1867, 110%; do 1868, 1Ir; Ten Forties, 109 X; New York C astral, 164%; Erie, —; Reading; 94;4; Pittsburgh, - Fort Wayne dc Chicago Railroad, 117%; Ohio Mississippi, 35%; Michigan Southern, 94%; Cleve land dc Pittsburgh, 92; Chicago & Rock Island, 31%; Chicago dr North Western, 83%; Chicago (s:North Western Preferred, 91%; Adams Express Com pany, 67; Merchants Union Express, 19; Pacific Mail, 113; Western Union Telegraph Company; 37%; Gregory, 2,45; Quartz Hill, 68; Corydon, 10; Smith dc Parrnele, 1,95. —The attempt to tack upon the Hoo per bill a section allowing the recon version of registered into coupon bonds, is stimulated by private rattier than public interests. - Registered 1862 bonds are unavailable for shipment, the foreign demand bidtig_ exclusively for coupon bonds. Should this seciion become a law, a few speculating, holders of regis tered bonds would be able to make a difference by converting into coupon bonds and replacing them with the later issues which sell at. lower prices, and this is , the whole secret - of the pressure upon Congress for this measure. The chief objection to this exchange is the enormous expense of reopening. the'pub lio printing offices -to furnish the bonds as the interests of speculators may re quire. The expense would probably not be less than $1,000,000 per year. which in the next twenty years would amount to the sum of $20,000,000 of ad ditional taxes to be raised front tbe'peo ple, who have sufficient burdenao bear now. No public interest sniffers from the present state of affairs, and it is to be hoped that Congress vrl4 not assent to a stock jobbing measure of this sort.— N. Y. Tribune. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, , FRIDAY, February 12, 1869. The market was comparatively easy to-day, but little done and not very much of a disposition manifested to do any thing. • The brokers generally seem to be busy,, but they were unable to accom plish much, buyers and sellera being too far apart. Refiners do not seem disposed to sell unless they can get extreme prices, while the marker, is not in a condition •to justify this, and, as a consequence, the volume of, business was comparatively light. February is firm, with considerable , inquiry; with sales at s slight advanceover yesterday's prices, while beyond this month and March, there seemed to be, a slight weak ness manifested with mOreiellers than buyers at quotations. Crude was a little weak ; for inimediate delivbry,, lines running from April to June, and July to ,December were iu requesyt former quotations.,l CRUDE. N The most remarkable feature we have to notice connected with the Chide mar ket Is a slight decline in spot oil, which sold down to 18,and,late in the afternoon, was offered at that figure (40 to 45) with oat finding buyers.. The sales were 500 bbls spot at 18N: 350 at 18, and 1,000 each month July to September at I,S*4. We are cognizant of au offer to buy April to June at 18y, and an offer to sell Febru ary to December, 1,000 each month, at 18. REVINEID As already intimated; February was a shade stronger than yesterday with saleS of three 500 bbl lots at 39, which is an advance of from a quart_r to a half cent. Sellers options, running from March,to June or July to December, were qufited a little weak at 33. Buyers. option, next six months, 39, and same option all year, 42. LOBTAICATING OILS Eclipse Winter Lubricating Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil OltuDE OIL. \ J. Spthr & C0...100 Jns. D. M. Edgerton.32o RECEIPTS OF Fisher d, Bro ...960 H. Twed tile 480 J. Munhall 960 Total OIL SHIPPED Ed ST BY A. V. R. B. P. Weisenberger, 50 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. C0.,250 do do to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. Mcßelvy Bros. tt Co., 254 do to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan Co. 154 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia P. Weisenherger, 50 do benzole to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.. Tothl - shipments ........ . 700 Total shipments Benzole 50 OIL SHIPPED EAST BROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 108 bbls re. fired to Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. , Citizens Ref. Co., 334 bbls refined` to Tack Bros., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined. _ 442 PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OM= ov PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,I FRIDAY, February 12, 1869. 71 The general markets are steady and moderately active, though devoid of ex— citement, and without any , material changes in values. Some articles, in consequence ef a temporary scarcity, are held at a slight advance, but, as a general thing, supplies are fully up to the de mand, and the arrivals both by rail and river are liberal. APPLE BUTTER--75 to 85c. APPLES—Continues to arrive freely and the market is dull but unchanged; we to quote at ?.3 to ;55 per bbl. BUTTER—Continues to accumulate, and the market s dull, and prices are barely sustained; we continue to quote prime Roll at 36 to 38. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII at 3X. BEANS-83,25 tc $3,75 per busheL CARBON OIL -Is firm, and in limited supply; may be quoted firm at 34 to 3434, for standard white CHEESE—Is firm, and the market is almost bare. Gaston may be quoted at 21 to 22 for Ohio, and 23 to 24 for New: 'York. Western Reserve and Hamburg 19 to 20c. CRANBERRIES—SaIes at 518 to no. CORNMEAL—SI Po $l,lO per bush., DRIED FRUlT—Peaches are firm with regular sales at 14 for quarters; 16 to 16 for mixed and 19 to 20 for limves. Ap ples 11 to 12c. EGGS—Continuo dull, and fresh packed may be fairly quoted at 21 to 22. HAY—There is ao improvement to note in the demand and, the market is dull as ever, thaigh prices axe un changed; baled, on wharf, $2O to 524, for common to strictly prime. HOMlNY—Salesat $6,25 to $6,50. HEMP—Sales at 1210 per ton. PROVLSIONS—BiCon is firm and tend ing upward; we quote Shoulders at 153 i to 16c; Ribbed Sides, 18 to 18yo; Clear, 18% to 19c, and Sup: Cured Hams, 20c to 2034 c. Prime kettle rendered Lard, 211tc, in tierces, and 2:c to 221443 in kegs. Dried Beef, 2110. 11 1 .83 s Pork, 535,00 to $35,50. POTATOES— Cantianed dull, and prices are barely inairtained; small sales in store at 80 to Sic. GRAlN—There is ,Ittle or no demand for Wheat, and prime Red may be quo ted nominally at $1,6( to $1,65, and about $1,70 for White., Orts .quiet but steady at 650 to 66e on track and in elevator, and 67 to 68e in store sale of 2 cars, for a specified delivery, a 66e.. Corn is in bettor demand, ant prime Yellen• is soiling at 80e. and nixed at 73e to 76e. Rye is in steady demand at $1,45 to $1,47. Barley, also, is in good' demand, and prime to choice Spring may be quoted at $2.05 to $2,10. SEEDS—SaIes of Cloverseed at $lO,OO to $10,50; Timothy fc $3,50, and Flaxseed, $2,40. SALT—Is quiet tut steady, and is still quoted at $' by th) car load. SORGLIUNI-60 p 95e. PEANUTabs 9 to 9 1 ,4 e per lb. TALLOW— Fteniered, 120. FEATHERS —i.ive Geese Feathers quoted - at 75 to 80to the trade, and the usnul advance in ; retail way. FLOUR—The narket continues very dull unit negected, While prices are without mutable change. We quote Spring Pheat, $7,00 to $B, and Winter Wheat, 68,50 to $9,2.5 per barrel. Rye Flour. 167,50t0 67,50. The Pearl Mill quote their belt brands, made ttf the best Wheat, as follows: _ Extra Family Flour,in barrel 4 at 69,30, and, in sacks, 169,00 per barrel Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,lO, and, in sacks, $9,70 per barrel; String Wheat Flour, in bar rels, $7,80, and,in sacks, $7,50 per barreL The City Milli quote prices as " followm Extra Famil:, (Winter) in barrels, $9,30, and, it sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 0,80, and, in minis, $9,50 per barrel, and Spring, PI,OO barrela t and . $7,79, in ssekts,.pi• -, nbitiel; - • WHlSKY—Highwines have advanced 2 to So per gitlon, and we now quote, in a jobbing weir, at 97 to 980. LARD 011 J-Is firm, and may be quo. ted.atrong a #1,40 for No. 2, and §1.75 for No. 1. • • ONIONS-165 to $6 per bbl. TOLEDO February 12.—Flour steady toad firm . , Wheat firm; amber at $1,68 for No. 1, Ogre Michigan at $1,83 for No. 2, spring at $1,25 for No.'2, and No. 2 amber atsl,ss; closing lo lower. 'Corn firm, active and higher; new at 684 on spot, 703ic seller for March, and 730 sell er for at April. Oats lc better at 60c for No. I. aye quiet and unehanged at $1,30 for No. 1. Barley lirm and *ready at $2 for Stage, and $2,20 for. Canada. }toga dull ant lower, with small sales at 4.30. Clover Seed saloc better, with sales at $9,25a9.30. NEW Taut, February 12.—Dry °cods. —The market has been firm fur most classes of toods, but is far from active. although business is slowly reviving and proulibes . o increase by next - week in prices. Tiers has been no important change. Cu Monday there will be aken eral opepiig of spring shawls at $3,00 up to 0 50 aid 0,75, being the most regular figures forgood makes. • • .. 75c . 800 . 400 3400