PrrrsstraGn METAL MARKET OFFICE OF PITTSISTIROH GAZETTE, 2. FRIDAY, February 12, 1868. The market, If we take the viewsi of the brokers, is in an unsettled condi tion, with bat comparatively little doing. Borne of the commission men reported the market dull and weak, with a droop. ing tendency; while others reported it steady, with no great accumulation of• stock, and that prices were firm and fully sustained. It was generally con ceded, nn all hands, that the ;feeling is not quite as strong as it was a-Couple of. Weeks since, while pricei have compared no essential change, one way or the other. The_ advices from the east are rather unfavorable. . , • lIIITIMICUS COAL SMELTED' 'MOM LAKE OUPEEITOR OBE. 260 tone Open Grey Forge, - = to arrive 139 00-3 mos 150 " Close Grey Forge. 38 -50-4 Mos 300 " Mixed with Natural ore, delivered -at Farnsice t 35'50-4 MOS 500. " No. 1 Foundry, de liverable next mo.. 39 —4 mos 600 ," Comtiilmilowgrade, ' deliverable March r - and April at Far nace, to go west 260 " Mediunteorge, de '"liverable at Far ' • nitee in . March.. 38 50-4 mos ANTHRAMIIL ;,50 tons, No. 1 Anthracite...l42 50- 7 .4m0s Anthracute...., 41 00-5 mos 70 " Mottled Anthracite P. T. 100 ," Grey Forte Red • , " , Short; at furnace.... 33 00— cash 00 0 , Grey ForgeNentral 40 00--6 mos 100 " Choice No. 3 Forge': 42 00-4 mos 1.00 • " Grey Forge 41 00-4 mos 50 " No. 2 42 00--4 mos ML&ItCOAT... 250 tons H. R. Grey F0rge..242 00-4 mos 80 ":.;No. 2 Foundry...-. 43 mos 122 " N0.,1 Foundr,y 45; .00-limos 150 " • Extra Strong .luni. • • Close Grey .. ..., 47 00-4 mos 120 " Choice-Forge;,. -B1 00-8 mos ALLEGHENY COME. 100 tons Bed Bank BLOOMS 10 tons Juniata'. financial tattors" iAL - New, York Gold Ciated tit 135 ®135%. (Bt Teiegreph to the Pittsburgh iiitiette• ; • •,‘- aqsw YORK, February 1889. . - HONEY.. , • , Money is abundant and' easy at 5®7 per, cent. on calL The spring trade is Constantly increasing and business is 25 to 50 per cent. greater , than last year.. The principal.: pnicheiers are for the South, who take. a, large. ; amount of goods, paying eiteli for a considerable '__portion thereof. .The West is not, buying freely, and, the Express says, is behind In her payments.• Sterling heavy and lower at 9®9yio.' Gold was steady most of the day, closing.* trifle easier; it opened at 135, touched 135%, and dined at 135 018534. Clearances, 667,000,000. BONDS AND STOOSS. Governments are active and higher Under the prices frOm abroad,' and the - firmness:of:London and Frankfort shows an improving confidence in our securi- ties, and a further advance is predicted hare. The advance to-day of 34@1 per cent. being most marked on old 65's, the demand was heavy for shipment and home investment. 'Foreign bankers took 3or 4,000,Q00 of 62's, 65's, 67's and. Ten-Forties. Tbe demand for borrow ing is heave. Coupons of 1881,1114; .do. 7 62, 114/®114',4; do. '64,\ 111%14)111%; do. '65, 113 y, q; ®ll3 new do., 11034® 1104; d0.'67, 110%®1104; do. '6B, 11096® 11034: Ten-Forties, 109%@109% ; Pacific 6's, 101 ®lOl/.. 1. State :securities quiet; Mlssourls higher. . Loinianas and Terminus also advanced,• but higher figures were not maintained. Missouris, 873 i; newTel:ll7Bou, 665 pg 664; North Carolinas, 61,®613‘; . glans, 624; Louisiana Levee Sixes, 67; Alabama Si , es, 944. Northern - and' Western firm, with feat offerings. Stock/ tharket . dull, and tbongh there' was sonde irregularity. during :the day, --the market is generally steady. ' Toledo and Michigan Southern were the: fea . tures, and .tugber. hive lhtrty ,Pricea :--Cumberland, 37® 88; Wells Ekpress,2B4®29; American, 474®48; A.dani4; 13461%; United States, 624(g61y.4 ; Mercnants Union; 19®19'4; Quicksilver, 2234®23y,; Canton. 63384 '63X; Pacific Mail. 1134@113/; Western Union. Telegraph, 373®37%; Hartford ~and Erie, 2814%1284; Marione; sy, ow; fio. preferred, 27.,4®2735;' New York Central, ]636®1.633; Erie, 364; Hudson, 136®188 ;"" Barlett, — 1-36%@ 137;' 'Reading, ;Reading, - 74%.® 7414;,:. Terre Hante, -394 ©4O; do - preferred, '654®06; St. Tani, 65%; n. fi preferred,' 7114®70%; • Fort Wayne, 1170118V,1 Ohio - and Mis .Blssippi, 359( 3 (4,35%;... Michigan Centyal, 119®119 V„; Aichigan Southern. 93®98%; Illinois alentral, 14001404; Pittsburtru, ilry,®92; Toledo; 10-1 5 4®1055,f;' Rock Ist and, 1314131y0 Northwestern, 88g® 8834; do. preferred, 919,,®92; Chicago and Alton, 1584; C. C. and I. , C., 60; .o"ottopit, ALlb Lake* Shore, 10434; St..Paul,' 654 ®66. Mining Shares active; Gregory. 250; Smith and Parmelee, 210 " _ Copper Stocks at Beston—Calumet, r,,,10;< .t.inpaer. Fain, JIM; Franklin,-1934; zoom, 70; 'Hancock, 41, Minaesottr; 234; 4 1tecelpts at the Sub-TreaenryiSa.73 o ,l -11181 payment 5,68,624493: blibuleetiB7,o47l • Markets• by Telegraph. ' 4 " Nsw Youic k Feb. Lt 7 -COttott lo*er; 'with sales of ZOOO balsa Mid. ~;41 4 1011plands. atSOc, Flour; receipts or, 4,lW,b3rrelit' the' mbiket` is less active and ;scarcely so firm, but priest , are without any decided Changelsalee'grere, made at 7,800 barreld at*l-5,63118;40:f0f su perfine State and western,--18,75a7,16- /of., extra State, i15,55a7,45 'for extraWpstern, -117.501&7.0 for while extra, $%74a. 8,60 for Round , Roop 0h10, , 47,50450` for; extra St: Louis. and 11412 for good chpice the market, -closing quiet . - . Bye ' - dour is quiet with salesof 3,000 bariels,nt: $5,2587,35. Corn Meal's quiet: Whisky - WO nominally -tuichangeqg qpirbest; *apts. of 3,000 bushels; the market isless active and scarcely so firm, with : sales of 83,004 bushel mat 11,111e1,85 for No. 2 soring in store -and delivered,-and 41.84- for red Western. Rye is quiet - and heavy. Barley dull. Malt-quiet. Corn; receipts Tor , 4 - .829 lufst , the market"lsr.less active new lower;-,old firmer; sales 49;000 tiush at 92a94c for tnixed Western; Slio for New . Orleans white; 11,0441,05 for old mixed Western in store, and $1,116 for old Wes ternyetiow. Receipts. oats, 4,400 bush. ,Oats firm, with a mocterateinquinq sales gof gg °op bush apt 763i1s for ;Mestere in ,store; 77a7813 f or do. afloat; Mt for , old ~.Western. Rica dull. Coffee firm. Su. excited; . saies of 1,200 hhda at 124 a 180 for ruba;. 13%cifor. POrto Rico; 1,500 Boles Havanna , at 1 2 , Afal3Sto. Molasses excited: sales of 500 hbda Cuba and 50,- 286 bbls New: , at 75a780. Petro leum dull at 2230 for crude, and 37%a38e for refined. Bonded hope moderate at 6alsc. American linseed oil firm at $1,0341,05. Spirits turpentine quiet and steady at 57a57;c. Pork dull and heavy; sales 650 bbls at $32a32,50 for pew mess, 532 old do, $26.50a27,50 prime, and 29,50a31,00 prime mess. Beef steady; sales 125 bbls at 89a16,50 near plain mess, $14a19,50 new extra mess. Tierce Beef quiet; sales 100 , tierces at 527a30 prime mess, and $30a35 India meas. Beef hams steady; sales of 801 bbls at 530a34. Cut Meats quiet; sales 170 pkgs at 14a 1414:6 shoulders, 81518%c hams. Dremed Hogs lower at 131014%e western, and 14 1 ,4a15c city. Middles quiet and heavy; sales 50 bxs Cumberland cut on private terms. Lard heavy and lower: sales 530 tierces at 19 1a20 1 ,4e, chiefly 20c, for steam, and 19V,a20%c, chiefly 20c, for kettle rendered; also, 1,736 tierces steam, sellers for February to, and including, August, at 20a20y0. Butter steady at 25235 c for Ohio. ' Cheese firm ;at 17a22c. Freights to Liverpool doll and lower; engagenients per steamer of 7,500 bush wheat at Cid. • Latest—Flour clos.ed dull and lower for mediumand good grades. Wheat dull and a trifle lower, with scarcely export • inquiry and only a limited milling de mand. • Rye heavy at $1,46a1;47 for wes• tern. Oats dull at 76c for. western in store. Cortr - dull • and -- heavy on .new mixed *Bittern, - at 92a93c, !and 'very ' , firm With a fair speculative demand for old nuxed. western, at. 111,04a1,05• in store. Beef .quiet and unohanged r r-Cut meats steady and a .moderate demand. Bacon • nominal._ . Lard,l9 3 / 4 a2,00 for fair to prime steam: Pork more steady; sales of 250 bbls mess,-.seller for April, .at $32,25; closed-with buyers at 132,25 and sellers at $32650.. Eggs, 241i28c., '..• , . . • CsucAao, February 12. Eastern • Ex change is weak-at 1110 pereent:premium. • selling, -'atfd ' - 1-10 ' per cent; off. i buying. • Flour is quiet • and - easier, cent:, sales of extra at $5,25a6,50...-Wheat is Moderate ly active and less firm, with sales of No. ' 1 at $1,23, and No. 2 at 11,17 3 / 4 , the 'mar kat - Closinglit - $F,1734 And sales. were.. made sin& 'change at sl,l6alil6g. Corn is tolerably active and the market opened , gaga higher,_ and sales _were . made of , new, at . 3ligas9e i ,"s4cl rid grade at,55a56c, closing at 58getthere was nothing done . this evening. Oats .firmer, active . and a :/thade higher, with sales Of N 0.2 at,64,gc, - and rejected ; at. 51.6;.the market closing, 'diill at age for No. 2,', with stiles of No. 2,'Sellers.optiOn for March at 54fia55 1 4.3. 1 Rye and gale higher; sales No. 1 Ait $1,1 1 11420, and N0..2at.61,17a1,19;g105-. Jag at $1,20. for No, 1. Ilarleyfirm and 1 a2c higher; saleiNd. 2 at $1,93. ' Whisky , ' firmer at'94e. Provisions opened find at yesterday's — riffdde prices. Sales ,mesa pork at •$83 . ,• • buYera for February . and' March; $32a32,50 :on;:eloaing ' at $3242,50..• . Lard weak and lower, closing_ at'l9al9gc. . Cut Miats..Very dull; sales Cumberland at .1334 c, for looseand heavy; dividing on , 200; live quiet and. lca2sc: 'lower at $10a10,75 for corn,-and $11a11,50, for.fair to- good shipping. • Receipts for the. past 24 hours-7,773 bbls flour, 26,237 bn wheat. 83,577 bu corn, 22,275'bn oats, 3,056 bu rye,1,990 bu barley ; , 5,888 hogs. Shipments-8,613 ,bbl/ floor, 24,124 bu wheat, 14,585 bn corn, 11,687 bu oats, -- 3,286 bn rye, 460 .bu.,barley, .1,894 hogs. CH194110, February 12.- 7 Caltle Market —Beef cattle steady and quiet at $6,75a 7,50 forgeod to choice steers. , . Sr. Loms, February 12.-4 Tobacco un-, changed, with a good - trade demand. Cotton and Remp;—nothing.doing: Flour has declined 4n New Orleans, - which has, put low grades down 25c; spring and fall , super . sold -at ,25,55a6. extra at $6a6,50,' double extra at $7,10a7,50, treble' extra at ; 1 , 8a9,24., , Wheat unchanged' at $1,45a1,75 for common to prime Sall,,B:a 0,95 for choice; do. spring in godd demand at $1,3314:35 for No. 2, and $1,37;01,40 for - ,, ed ' at 65 No.. 1. Corn unchanll6Bc for i&ti. choice; black for seed' sold at 72a72g0. Barley—buyers holds g • off; a lot of choice fall from Pittsburgh - sold at $2,70. Rve—market ull at $1,2M1,30. Whisky higher but dull at 95c . Pork is dull and very little dein ,- retail sales at $33,30, a decline, and " re'round lots can bo bought at $33. Bulk rue is dull and low er; !wise Shoulders He; barns 15gc; clear • aides 16gc packed; shopiderein the small . wily.:l3l4c. Baecit;dull'and weak with jobbing - saleatit 143. 1 .,a14,,f0 for abbulders; 173%c for clear rib; 18118;0 for clear sides. Lard .deli and nothing doing; ' 'prime nominal at •1.934a20c. ~.. Receipts—flour , 4,500 bbls, wheat 300, be, corn 4,700 :bit, oats 2,200,bn; barley and. rye Pone; hogs _... 83 00-60 d ;ss Ijo--6 mos 390 00-4 m0..3 CiumriNATz. February 12,=-Flour dull; •fturiti, Farak• Yi r beatr, &Mut .161,70 for Nu..l, and 41,130 for No, 2. Corn' dull and lower; ear, 03a64c. 'Cate firm at 66a67e for, No. I. Barley .ateady, $2.00112,40. porton dull; no sales; 'middling nominal at 28aic. Whiskey , firm at 9.5 e; market closes quiet. Provisions unsettled and nominal, though - holders are not willing to make any-important-concessions; but little done worthy of note. Bulk Meats; shoulders sold - at 13qe. B Joon; shoul ders, 14y,e.Mess Pork offered at 833. Lard could have been.bought at 20e, with some indications of reaction at the close, though buyers were timid. Butter firm; supply unequal to demand; fresh, BCa 860. Eggs dull at 19a20c. Cheese firm, _ at laxazo. Cloverseed firm and in de mand at 16;0. - Timothy, $2,25a2,35. Linseed oil_ dull at 11,60a1,07. Lard oil active at 81,70. Petroleum firmer; re fined, 3tia3Be. Sugar active and we high er; New. Orleans, 121014y,c; - Demerara', 1814ate.e; Porto Rico, 14a15c; Cuba, 13a 13Xe; soft refined, 16a17c; hard, 17ii 17)4c. Gold r 135 buying. Exchange dull at 1-i0 di=ount buying, Money market unchanged.. I MILWAUKEE, February 12,—Flour firm and actiVe, choice Minnesota 80,00 a - (450; Choice Wisconsin and lowa 55a5,25; medium 85,2035.50. -' Wheat abode at, 1421 fdr No-1; 8416 for, N0.",,2., 'Data quiet and tichanged. , Corn steady at 56a, 60 for nctsv: Rye' firmer at e 1,15 ,fOr 1. Barley scarce at 51,85a1,90.f0r No. 2.' Provisions' dull: -and' neglected. , Mess Pork 832. Hoge unchanged.' The receipts for the east sweaty.--four tenure amounted. to 2,000 barrels ofilcar, 33,000 bushels of wheat .6,000 ; bushels of, oats, 9,000 bush- 1 els of corn,. . 1,000 bushels of rye, 1,000 -bushels of, barley,-500, dressed hogs.. The shipments fir.„;he same time were 2,000 barrels , :of our„ 4,000 buahels of wheat,: 100 barrels of pork.. OrdiVELAND, February 12.—Flonr quiet and 'unchanged. City made—sll,2s' for treble:extra white; $9,50a9.75 , for double extra amber; 99/25a8.50 for double extra. red Winter; and„7,76a7 for double extra, spring: , fkmutry made-147,5088 for don.; ble extra red and ,- amber, 57a7,50 for: dorible'extra spriug;ll7,2salo for• d ou bl e extra white. 'Wheat*No. , 1 red winter 4 held at 61,66; No. 2at $1,55. Corn—sales' of three care at 70 and' six cars at 71: Oats-sales of nine •care :at -63.! " 'Petro leum. qUiet Mid' steady; refined 3ia35; 'standard white 311a40, prime light straw to white. , s , rquisyrut.u, February 12. —Salea of 93 blido tobacco, lugs to *trappers,. 5029 e., Cotten, 29 1 ,4 c. MOM " POrk., SU.,Lard, 20tic. Bacon—sboillderii, 14,fd; clear rib sides 179018 o; clear sides, .18%;a18%; bulk—sitoultiers, 13010; clear rib sides, 1331a17o; clear sidse, .17 1 4 c, all packed. Superfine' flour, $5.7556,25. Wileat, 111,7041,75. Corn, 60430, Oate, 60,165(16 Whisky, 96c. free PaziAnaramia, February 12.—Clover seed, very active at 99,3749,76. Flour inactive., ,Wheat firm; sales of red at $1,60a81,7f, amber at 51,90. :Rye steady PI BURGH ,GAZETTE:"? SATTMPA I KL M.IPTA:4Y, .43; at $1,54. Corn—fair demand of yellow at 89a90c. Oats active at 74a75c. Petro leum scarce and active; article in bulk at 23c; refined. 3830. Coffee firm. - Sugar excited. Whiskey unchanged. MEMPHIS, February, 12 —Cotffin dull, easier and nominal at 283; receipts 2,308 bales, exports 680 bales; receipts for the weeklo,lB9 bales; exports for the week 11,393 bales, stock 20,384 bales. Pork firm at 35. Lard firm at 21a23. Bulk meats active at 1 , 0,4 for shoulders and 1614a18 tor sides; others firm and un changed. BALTIMORE, February 12. —Flotir mar ket!quiet, with an advance .of Sc; sales choice Maryland. at $2,30.. Corn firm and higher, with sales prime white , at 94c, and yellow at 9013. 'Oats firth. 'Rye firm at $1,50. Proviaions firm and unchanged, ST. Louts, Feb. 12.=Catt/e.idarket— Cattle less active and the prices rsngs,at 43a7,25. Hogs lower atl Vloi3ll. IMPORTS BY •RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE .CHI CAW RAILROAD, February 12,-11 cars limestone, Shoenberger & Blait; 'l6 'cars metal, Nimick 6r. Co; 6do do, Bryan & Caughey; 1 do. do, John Moorhead; 250 pigs lead, Dithridge it . Son; 400 bbls flour, owner; 100 do do, Shomaker & Langenheim; 100 do do, Culp &Snepard; 1 car dry salted shoulcierlip B HMy erg dc CO; 1 car 'lour and bran;Kell&R tohart; 42 bgs rye, 156 do oats, J Iff•SirriPErnt 20 bgs rye, 1 bbl butter, 1 do leggs,H. Rid dle; 100 bgs buckwheat, flour, 42 do rye. H Henderson; 17 bbls apples, OSniith; 17 green hides,.W Flacons & Son;. 1 , car barley, J M Carson; 7 bbls apples, Ido butter, H Rea Jr; 28 bbls hominy, sdo cornmeal, 1 bbl butter, Graff & Reiter; 6 pkgs, P Duff &Son; 1 cask wine, J.Adler & (,o;1 oar ; oats, Sbomaker &Langan helm; 1 Oar oats, Brown Williams;i .24 bgs barley, Spencer & 'McKay; , 10' rolls reather, 2 bbls tallow; 83 green hides, G N Hoffstott; 10 doz brooms, H Riddle; 40 green 'hides, D. Chestnut; fear . barley, McKee; Scott & Co; 1 car torn, Bingham t Laingt 1 car staves MP Adams & e•COLI; 2 cars corn, V W Simpson; ; 19 pkgs Wit ter, `A 'C StUrgeon; 1 bet`tallow,l butter, Haworth & Dewhnret. OLETICILAND -AND. Pritrsituguir RAIL ROAD, February 12.-3 cars iron pre, Sho enberger :8G Blair; 3 cars iron ore, Mo- Knight, Porter A. Co; 1 car iron ore, l i Reese,Riraff- A. Pullt / car lumber, R Clarke 0 5r. Co; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; car potatoea, B Campbell; 1 do' do, A P Barber; 1 car 'paper, Godfrey & Clark; I car , brick, Columbia Oil Com pany; 1 car lumber, _Burgan A. Cox. 12 bbls copper. Park, McCurdy- & CO; 2 tyres Smith & Porter; 1 box ,cigars, Pretifield A. Bros; 1 do do, EiVorincastle A. Co; 2 bbls tobacco, Ackley' it`Co; I bbl powder,John Porterfield-'A. CO; ' 1-'do do, G B Kutz; 1 do do, J B iliteathen; 8 skis rags, Christy A. Benham; 17 jugs maple, Molasses, Vangorder de Shepard; 10 bbla apples, bdo dry apples, 1-beg cheetie, - V,cdgt, Mahood & Co; 33 bbla apples, E D Cattail; 1 bbl grease, 1 sack^ hair, Wm Flacons it Son; 70 sks oats; Meanor & Harper; 5 kegs apple butter ' George . H Shanafatt A. Co; 1 bbl beans, tallow, McCullough, Smith A. Co; 6 bbls tipples, 10 bas cheese, Graff & Reiter; 2 bbla green apples, T Ii Jenkins; 58 sks corn, McHenry ,t Hood; 13 bbls beans, W H Graff; 3 do eggs, 1 kg butter, Morrison A. Davison; 12 bbls potatoes, A Middle swartz. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Feb ruary 13-1 car metal, John Moorhead; 1 do do. McKnight, Porter A. Co; Icar grain. NV McKim At Co; 59 birG oats. .1 Dilworth &Co; 107 do do, Scott A. Gisal; 1 car grain, 92 sks oata, Keil A. Ritchiirt; 1 pkg tallow, J Canary; 4 pkgs butter and eggs, A W Bear; 1 bbl eggs, I box kitter, H Rea Jr; 62 sks oats, Austin & Adams; 1 car metal, Brown & Co; 18 bbla whisky, J Miler A. Co: 4 sks buck wheat flour, NV McKinney; 8 pkgs. Jas Jas Small; 1 bbl eggs, T 1) Casey; 1 car corn, Graham A. Marshall; 36 sks oats, J Carothers; 12 do wheat, W B Hays A. Son; 1 ear metal, II Woodsides; 15 ska rye, Dan Wallace; 20 do oats, 12 domye, Scott &.Gisal; 960 bbls oil, Fisher & Bro; 480 do do, Jas Wilkins; 480 do do, H W C Tweddle; 320 do do, D M Edgerton; 960 do do, John Mnnhall; 50 do refined oil, W AloCutcheon. ALLEGHENY STATION, February . 12.- 1 oar wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 8 bbls eggs, Franco & H; 200 green hides, A Groetzlnger; -2 bbts eggs, Kohen & Bro; 1 car metal, Graff, Bennett Air. Co: .8 bbls eggs, F Hawkins; 45 'hides, J Stnckratirf 2-bbls eggs, H Lenz; 13 oars coal, 8 Har haugh & Co; 2 cars metal. Lindsay. & MoCuteheori; 1 do •barley, .7 Rhodes & CO; 1 ear oats, M Steel & Son; `2 cars metal, Soling, Chalfant 4t Co; 1 do do, Rogers & Burchfield; 1 car middlings, J McKee; 4 cars wheat, W McKee &. Co; 4 do do, Lewis, Bailey &, Dalzell. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAT., • RAILROAD, February 12.-1 bhl eggs, Ido butter, J Welsh; 2 do do, 2 do eggs, R Burgman; 2 pkgs cigars, R &'W Jenkinson; 3 boxes butter, 2 bbls - eggs, / it A Dietz; 10 bbls flour, Gay & • , Pirrspurton' klrb CONNELLSVILLS RAILROAD, February 12.-1 ear metal. 'Sohn Moorhead; 1 Vkg oil, Harris & Ewing; 2 rolls leather. NO; Schulz; 10 bbls sale. E -Heazleton; 63 eke corn, W 1100143. The river was apparently about at a stand last evening • with nine feet six inches in the channel, by the Idononga . bola' marks. Weather yesterday was • • clear and pleasant, with a, sharp white frost in themorning, which at this sea son of the year, is regarded as a precursor, of rain. Mereary at four P. M. 80. • Business•was moderately 'active at.the the yesterday, the Offerings of freight being fair, but under the influ ence of a ,sharp competition, prices are low, and there is not much show for a boat to realize much, even if she does secure a fall cargo.' 11 • • . 1 Bciats,in port--tilendale,• 'Grey Eagle, Ktfp! ,Putnlsm, Lorena, Jile_ggifi Bays, Wanaldta; Bailie, New York, Duck and Armadillo( it ,, lr • • .„ The Wild Duck Barges, Capt. Anawalt, are announced leave for St.' Louis to. day, i and :shippers 'should 'bear this in nd • TheiGiey Eagle. Captain Cib.L.ltren. atm, is the regular packet for Parkera, burg to-day, leaving at moon. • . The• Glendale,Capt. Hare, is . Inpsteadllyfer E. Louis, and will leave to-day. without fail, and „passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The veteran ,Capt., Jay. Motion still .retains ' 'Charge dike office. , • • • ; The Kate rutnatti,',Vapt. G. W. Reed,, will depart forlfashville et an early'day next week.' - • • ' • • ShnKenton was die from Portsmouth last evening, and will return • again this afternoon. ' • . • The Armenia was ' momentarily ex. Dented from New Orleans last evening, andwill doubtless be found in port this morning. The Sallie loft for Louisville last even ing with a' good trip, her guarde being almost down to the water. The Wauanita, tlipt. Shuman ' will be the first boat out for Now Orleans. Capt. J. H. Lightner has 'charge of the - --Another very wise rule in regard to steamboats waa pasaed at the present session :.of Supervining Inspectors at RIVER NEWS. Washington City, to wit: That it shall not be permitted when making storage on steamers for any per son to obstruct the full and free passage of the engineer from his engines to his boilers, or to any part of the machinery rectring his care and attention. An obs rvance of this role is required to be strietly enforced, and any failure on the s,, part of the owners or masters to co ply witlx such regulation will be suffi lent cause to find action against the stea er so offending. Engineers upon our th em and Western waters will, we ave no doubt. fully appreciate and ackn w.l - the merits of such enactment. As a general rule, their interests and lem fort's have been very little respects , es pecially on the class of steamers eng ged in the transit of baled cotton and ight Merchandise. —A-Lonsville telegram to the 01 cit • natiCoinntercia/ says: The Rlchmo dis due from New Orleans. Napoleon enk 'ins, the .pilot of the America, in the city. The grand n of the United States Court •is ins ion, but, as yet, no indictment has been .'found adainst any of • the officers of the America or .United States, and it is not known whether' any witnesses will be brought beffire the jury or not. To-mor row the Casel'of Rev. Father Bachman, who was blewa.up on the General Lytle, 'for damages against Z. M. Sherley and others, will be commenced. • —Mr. Josiah. - Cantinleco; - (says - the'Cin cinnati Eaquirei) 'first engineer on the steamer Alaska, has, nerhaps,'been en gaged as engineer on the river for a longer'period than any now in . 'commis sion, having entered the servioe in 1834 in that capacity, since 'which time no ao. cident has occurred to engines in his charge. His statements in regard to the ,cihanges in steamboating and the !"set tlements" on the river, gives us a fair idea of the great progress since that time." . -The steamer> Mary Byrd, recently sunk near the Half-Moon _Leland, Ten nessee 'River, arrived in port at Chat tarioogi,-Thursday evening. The dam agedone to her hull can be repaired in a few'days. Ber bow was stoved in and she sattled to the bottom in six minutes afterward. She was raised by building a confferdam across her bow,just in front of the stairway, and bailing her hull aft th z e-dam. Her cargo - was but slightly •F -The,Rbtsgow and Emperor/ were ad .vertise4 to leave Cincinnati for Pitts birgh On Thursday. • , Blur and Weather. • Lounovaix, February I.—River ris ing, Vat eight' feet' nine hiches of water in eanalz . Weather clear and. warm. STEAMBOATS. goR .11EIIIIPII IS W ANDsidEst NN ORLEANS—The steamer AIJANITA Capt. TuomAtilittoStair. Will b ave for the above ports on tiATURDAY, February 13th. For freight or passage apply on board or to. J U. GstILLINOWI.OI). fel° • JOHN FLACK. Agents. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.—The splendid Passen get. Packet - • • GLENDALE.. . ..... Jciff:r M. Manx. Will leave as announced stave. on dATILIIDAY. 13th lost • tit 4 r. At.. positively. ' Yortrelght cryassage apply on board, or to fe9 • jri.,/itk .tCOL LINOWOOD, Agents. rl lr l e r gg l l4Pll ll Ct.-1 i,ANVI.iE. 4drat cAlito AND bT. L0W1. 4 . The powerful towboat WILD DUCK AND BARGES, Capt. J. 3v ANAW ALT, Wll lenre as announced ntsaye, on SATURDAY. 13;1. Inn. - fr.r tretght or pansage sooty on board or to CRAttLES BARNE.S, dgrnt. C *AKA WILL E si dr iz t k 1 AN vpsA.sawiabs. —The tine ate Arr er ' - : HATE PUTNAM' Capt. G. W. Ritio, Will leave for the abort: ports on SATURDAY thEl3ib lust, at 4 o'clocic r. M. For freight or pa glzton board or to fe. j . o D. vit llNG J COLWOOD. Agent. ril'r'rS BURGH, aridaiSe WIIIEELLWEI, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood Street, DAILY, AT 12 N. TIMM/MI AND FEIDAYS. A, s. 81.13.1•111 :ED. Muter BAYARD... 'WEDNISTATB ANT HATCRDATI3, GIiEY EAGLE C. L. Buiranuat, Master Freight will be revolved at all hours by JAAIES'COLLINS. Arent. STEAIASHIPS, TO. LIVERPOOL AIWA& Q.VEENSTOWN. TEM /IgIVIATI MAIL STEADISBIP3 ,ffaz z a a aza c if it t r x l ma ant-class vesnels, araung CITY OW PA.a.A. CITV OF AuTwxrr. CITY OF BOaTON, - CI TY OF BALTIMOTE, Sai r lint i:Vzsrb i .atiltiar i km fur_ L 1.5, N rth River, New,Nork. Fa: aasaage or winner Infun.a..tan ikaniv to WlLlua !Irian.% ,Ir. OThcaniete ‘1,,,..riv maniac Pnit I , m.•.• Pit,Onir7b WINES. LIQUORS, &c. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, INFORMERS 01! IYINES BRANDIES,GIN , &C I 0 1 7;iI[OLWS LE DRILLERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET,' win. Remove on the let, of ARM' to NOS. 8131 AND ago PENN,' Cor..ileverth St., (N)rme;ly Canat) JOSEPH Sp PINCII.A, C 0.,, • r• [ NO& /85. 187.109.191. /94 83141195. PI ST BTBILET, PlTT B Blnteli..• • .1 • , • ~10innrACTEMIlln07, cepper. . ! Wined race Are Also. dealers to FOREIGN wiNza anti Li -0115 .4/)PP, &A. nom. EMOVAL. , • The ddlecta and Warehotmes of PARK, BROTHER & CO. HAVE BEEN *s. REMOVED TO THEIR WORKS, Corahlrlieth and Railroad Sthmti. , Orders 16ft with ?LEX, MoCUNDY & CO No. IT& iiebOud Mean% w t ionelve prwol)Cat teutlOn. : : /10 1_ trAirkttiOßl--80 casks Prhne Pearl Ash now in istoriOna for sale by • J- . , • 1869: , 'SION MERCHANTS Co 77177 J. L. DILLING DILLINGER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION 3TERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa lI.ECnNT. iSD SELL AU Kinds of Country Produce, MI orders for Merchandise promptly filed, at LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Rutter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, dc, We feel confident that we can give entire s, by making concE SALS and PROMPT at RETURNS isfaction , at HICMIEST MARKET PR E ICES, and therefore resnectfully solicit your, consign ments. -nawered promptly. Mar/-' 4n store and W. AL GOR3IIY, wkOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, --1 Dnaanor Orr. EAGrac Scrrzt.,) PITTBBIIRGIH, A. Be :ylB WATT, LANG & CO., I= erocerlea. Flour. orOin, Produce , . Pro eleioue, Fbib,Choest, Carbon; 011. &e.. • • Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Lib erty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. n08:n55 X. STICKLE ' J. A. inzir.s.s. . STEELE & . SON, CCcnntraission Merchants, l AND DRAM/LES IS FX40 1 1:111. No. 93 OHIO ETHEE'L near East Gommon, • ' ALLEGHENY CM; PA., rrnza Kin. res. r. =muss TI om &ILICHABT, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DrJa..1131,3 nr PLUM, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, Lo., ' 849 Liberty 81t..Piltsbuzith . say24;b7Z =1 McBANE & ANJEIIt, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Budthileld; Pittabzurgb.' les FETZER ar, FORWARDING & 00111CGIBION For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, But ter; Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. le litstuirg•T STREET, corner of First., Pittsburgh. • • fer—iiin TJ. BLARCHARD, .1.46 Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 4 • No. 396 PENN STREET* op18:310 , ROSS. X 1 OZ ANTEZW KITOX. RKNOX &SON. COMMISSION . hiEILCVANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN MILL FEED and PRODUCE GENER ALLY, No .I 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Rail, Alleirhonv nitr, Jal7:r27 T ITTLE, BAIRD At PATTON, I_4 Wholesale tirocers, Commission Merchants 11 , 10 Dealers in Produce Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard oil, iron, Nails, Wage, Cotton yarns and all P'...sburgla Manufacturts generally. 1.11511 and It.tio ..c.COND STREET, Pittsburgh. ,JOEY I. lIOUST..ADW. 110U51L....W31. H. HOTA.C. TON I. HOUSE &BROS., Sue t" cessors to JOHN 1. HOUSE it CO , Wnole• Bala Grocers and Commission Iterehlt e s, Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets, MI burgh. JOIIIT SI:UPTON A 'WALLACE §9. HIPTON &, WALLACE Whole SALE 13 HOCERS AND PRO)333CE DEAL Nn. 6 SIXTH STEEET. PI% stanch.. lal2:rsS WILLIAM FILLER .& CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low • ligarell, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. :Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugar*. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. Golden Peps, Larsrlngs. Brunlls, Stuart's, Adams' anal Long Island syrup*. • Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Bytom. Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Out , ng Teas., • Carolina and Hannan Rice. Java, Laguayrs and lo Coffees. Tooacco..l.artlOil. Fish, Nabs, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarna, &e., constantly on hand. • IMPORTERS OF Pine Brandies,Wines and Segars. Rhemish, Moselle, and. Sparkling • Ito& Wines of Nrnxut & 00.. In bottles._ , • sp L eeting moseur, suuar.tu rg and atobannls- burg, Iluethelrner. Burgundy, ,tn. Brandenburg & Fe-rrai Fine olive 011. do du clarets !mooned' in bottles. do do Ea, bite 'Wines. in bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Swirling , Catawba'. glue old !antra, Madeira and llort Wines. • Yreo Old Mouongs. ,, rla Rya Whistles. pure. do Very Superior/Yid Scut. .h do do. • So'e Agents for Moet & Chandoals Grand Vtn. Il nPerial. Vrt zottay and Seller) , Champagne. Brandies of our owu seleet.on • Lad warranted. noP ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER-; oHli...—The pertnerobto heretofore . sin.. between J. .R. and. Id and A Y. COMMId, . under the style and firm name of J. IL CAN FLEW) & SUN to this day dissolved by muttial consent. The bnellless ot the itite firm will be settled by J. B. Canfield, 'the will continue Oa onsineas at the old bland, 141 FIRST AVENIIii.. J. R. c.Azirtr,LD; . . A. T. CANFIELD'. Prryinitrieen, Yebraarfli, 1869. , .• . . . a , M. CANFIELD, COMMIS : SION ' MERCHANT and WHOLESALE ALES in Goshen. Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese, Rutter, -Lard, Polk; Bacon, 'Flour Fish, Dried Bruit, Grain. Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime, Linseed, 'Lard. Coal and Carbon .011 s. No. /41 First street. Pittsburgh. ' . felbel KEYSTONE POTTERY. N. HIER & C 0.,. . AJ• , _ :• Altiannfutitrem of RBERNSWARF. BRISTOL W&BB Re. olce enct Warehouse, 383 LIZEIZETYBTBEJLT. All ordere 'nide:ugly attended to: • irtsti.--Beniamin Put. PRESiattU ootkUnnea to fill aU ottiaad mule ry orders for • . . FRESH WHITE -LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. , Send, to 21°,46 DtkNOND MARKET. Pitt .- I r ies en. °r u eni ble old well known TWIN CITY artet - • B. IkOVNGSON: is CO.; • , ' E. , A . . . . ir.ver cAx.r. ize.trrav; cosirEcrrioNAßT.• • la} , CIVEL.M'and DINING SALOON. ' 83 Smithfield. street, Dormer or Diamond alley,. Plttaboreh. W Parties and tatailles •surmiled with Ice Cream and Cakes on sure!. Dotter. lAi .... DIA RVBRER. BELTING, Steam racking 'and. tiaskets of the 08t0.1 BeiaIIigDOMPILUIYA tna..nfaeture at priced as: law as mit a qu ality of goods esn ha bought of the tunettfaeturrr A tut uteri always o • n band at rho India Rubber allot. 96 snd bald staled. . , I. te R. PR( t. LW& felll:.__ . lloifi 41.Itent 4 for the.nomtio.oy.• iTALuAnLeiitEsinEstm . o .uu. • SALE, la go/Aide:lnto In A lirnhour City. Apply to , 0. OUTIIBERT as Stllit% sr 0 ! 10 smltittleld titres P A ENT - o_LACE GEJS PAIC LEATLIEB; for dale ty -- - rat J. a B.brtuLlars.. TIOITTNEILTIIGH ty.. \ - -cLLd VILLE' s'• LAILIWAD. d. E. EMSVILNSON • On and after TLlThip.l.l:, NoTember, 17th, 1.,,t, train/. frill areve at and depart trom the corar of (caut and Water streets, as follows, Hall to and from Union- am _ McKeesport Accomdt'n il:00 A. M. 2:05 P. M. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 r.m.lo:to A If. West Newton- Accoln'd 4:30 P. 31. 4:35'A. . IL- I-haddock's Anconcdt'n. 6:15 P. st. 7:50 P. M. Ac. tollclC . sport.lo:3o P. It. 6:15 A. It. Sunday Church Tra!n to and from West 'Newton 1:00 P For tickets apply to J R. KING, Agent.; W. B. STOUT, Superinte dent. no2o C ILE A . N G E OF" ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, On and after MONDAY, November 9th, 1558, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike;reels for Franklin, 011101ty, Buffalo, and all po ta m the 011 Regions. PLEAVZ PITTSEITEGII. Amin - a IN PITTSBURGH . Mall 7:15 a m 5:40 p Express 7:1013M Express 6:30 a ta Brady's Ao 3:00 p m Brailys B A.1310:30 a ISL Ist Soda Works let Soda Works • Acromd.;;. - 1.0:50 aro - Accomod , n. 11.20 a na 2d Soda Works - ,21d Soda Works Aecomoii'n. 5:00 p m Accomod'n. 3:40p Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at. Passengers taking express train have but one changOof cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo and 011 Regions. Mall and Express Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and •Ae commodatiod trains stop at all stations.. THOMAS M KING, Assn; W. FOSTZIi HOPE, Ticket Agent. no p rITTSBIIRGIf, MM. CCISMATI A.RD . LO IN UIS RAILWAY. CHANGE OF Ti snd after 131311 DAY. N0v.%151d, 11368, trains will Jeave and , arrive at t.u. Union 'Depot, as follows. Pittsburgh time: Deport. Arrive.- Nail --3i/3 a. m. 12:13 a. m. Fast Line 10:13 a. in. 7:33 p. m. Fast ....... 2:58 p. m.•111:18 a. m. Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 0:43 p. MeDonald , a Acc'n, No. 11U:28 a. m. 8:33 pan. Steubenville Accommod. 3:38 p. m. 9;48 a. m. McDonald , s Ace'n. No. 2 .. 5:08 p. atlIS aril:sS P. et. Express will leave daily. • 4 13:13 P. st. Mall will arrive daily. _ . The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily, Suntrap% e eepted, and makes close, connections al New. art _ ro. Zanesville and points on Sandusky klananeld a Newark R. R. - • S. 7. SCULL, General Ticket Airent, W. W. CARD, Sung., Steubenville. Ohio. • fitot 1 . . ..... ... .. PI SB Gil, FOB 11., W. and CLE • . =3 From Dec. 20th 11381 Union burgharrive at the • burgh city time, as folk Lamm. Chicago Ex....3:03 a m Erie Irgaii , ll:2o a m Cl. &Wit - ig31 , 10:28 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a m Clubman Ex..10:08 a 19 & Ex 2:23 p m Chinago . 243 p W & Eriekx4:o 3 pm Deporifrom diteprlteisy. N. - Brigt , n A.c.8:58 a m Leetsdale " 10:28 a m " " 11:58 am Rochester " 1:33 pm Leetsdale Acc.3:sB pm N. Brlgt'n " .8:33 pm N. Brligt`n " •6:2Bpm Leetsdale "10:43 pm Leetsdale Fun. day church. 1:13 p m 511:13 p. m. Chi : Ser U:5B a. m. Chic de22 F. R. MYR.RB, DENNgYLVA•MINNEM N lA-CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. °nand after Nov, 28th. 1868, Trains will arrive at and deparlifromthe. Union Depot, corer, ri: Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: - Amine. Dourrt. Rail Train.... 1:30 a ni Day Express.. 2:3Gara i l Fast Line-- 2.40 a m Walls No. 1.. 8:30-ant Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 a m Mall Train 8:15 am BrintbnAcc , n. 7:50 a *Clucinni Ex 12:35 pt! Wall's N 0.2.. 8:503 m Wsll's No. 2-11.:20 am Cincinnati Ex.0:40 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pa Johnstown Ac10:35 a m Braddock& Nol4:2opm Baltimore Ex.. 1.41-5 p m Phila.. Express 5:10 yin Phila. Express 2 -05 pin Wall's No. 3..5:20 pm Wall's No. 3...1:30 p m Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddocks No15:50 p m Fast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No. 4. 1:25-Lp m W:111 , 81\0.6..11:50 pm. Way Paton , r 10:20 p m The Church Train leaves Walls Station evierg Sunday at ;9:15 a. in., reaching. Pittsburgh at I0:110 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:110 b. in and arrives st Walls Station at 2:00 p. in. *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trail a daily except Sunday. Joe farther information apply to W. H. BECEWITII, Agent. ThePennsylyanlaßallroad Company will not as sume any risk forßaggage, except for wearing ap. pate[ aud limit their responsibility to One Hus-- dri - Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that R 13101114% in value will be at the risk of ilia awnsr, ni- less---- tak EDWARD ii. W es , by special contract. ILLIAM& n 023 General Superinteadent, Altoona, Pa. . EST ERN- PENNSYLVANIA ROAD.—sin and after boy. 11.9d,1868.:the Pa senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ral road will arrive. at and. depart from ',the Feder. 1 Street. Depot, Allegheny City. as follows: Arrive. pa Springd'e No16:40 ato Hail .De ra 7:09a m Freeport No.19:210 a m Freeport N0.19:15 am Express 10:40 ain arpbig No111:20 awit Sharpb'g N'0.'11.:25 pru press . 2:45 pm Freeport N0..24:00 pm Springdie No13:90 pia , Mail 5:55 p in Freeport N0.25:20 pre Springd'e No10:45 u m SuringWe No27:10 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. • The Church Train leaves Allegheny Juneiloa. ever) thunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p, in. and arrive at Allegheny Juno. tion at 3:411 to. m.. . COMMETATION TiOrkrre—lror sale in pseLlges of Twenty, between Allegheny City,Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett, Tine Creek Etna and Sharpsbur: and good only on the trains stopping at Etntirm. site eilled on tickets. V The trains leaving allegniny City at: 7:00 a. in. make direct connection at Freeport with Wa— lkers lineof Stages for Butler and Hannithrtcepra. Through tickets may , be .purchased at the 011 m No. 3 nt 'Clair street, near the Suspensionßridga, . Pittsbur. . h,'and at the Depot, Allegheny. . Tor further Information apply to 1 . JAMES LEFFERTS, Agen i i it I ' Federal StreetDe . The. Western Pennsylvania.ltallroad w , not a- sums any risk for Baggage, except tor wearing apparel, and. limit their responsibility to,.(hie Ibandr• d Dollars in value. All • baggage ex. seeding 41 is amount in value wilibe at the risk of the owner, unless tAr.n by special contract. .. EDWARD 11.'WlEale,111S noM Geni , :al Superintendent, Altoona. ra. Q M 0 K T HILLMKERE N., ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILIVAY, • , . 'The SH4SETANTI' Mon BOTITZ• tram thea points to - Colorado,Nevada , • , CtiliforuitY - Iltaby Two Trate, idareState LthisaufLea.auwartli dallj,erudaya excepted; ) on the arrival ot trains or Pa le - Rauroad from lit. Loofa. and' Riau!. hal as dt. Joe Railroad hum Quitey, comma* h. all Lawreuce, 'Topeka and ; W =ego with etaaee for ihil points In EItIISLO. At en of., tract west of lwiswortb with - the IINITIttle" aTATES . EXPE.W.O-k_. coM Piarvs DAILY? LINE OP OVERlalico SAIL AND =PR= COACHES FOB , -.- • ' - •"• _ . • , T•A AU Pointe in the Territories, And with BANDERSCrWiIIL.WEEHLY LINZ of, i.XJA.OIIEd for. Fort Union Bents Fort, Pasev„ , nenerotie, Banta Ye, Mid Mt points in Ale; son'and New Me - ' With the rettu additions of rolling 'stock. and equipment,' and the arrangeneenta reader with • a •ponsible trreriand Transportation Linea from its western term/nos. this road Dow ofiera nuequei ed taelltttes or the Mannheim of r r oret to „thejfarkWest.,. Tickets for sec at all the nrinclial °Mena in tho United Slates and Canada* Be sure and sal for tisane 'LS WELK 111.214.: y. a HELL MQUTaL_UNTON Jr RAILWAY. Idaarthie DI VISION • • • ANDERNONIs RAILROADS. I Depart , 09 As ie. 6:00 PAS HANDLE BOUM. WAYNE & CHICAGO & PITTSBURGH Z. B. trams wlll leave fronn 1 Depot, north side, Pint own Arrive. Chicago Ex... 11:13 a Chicago Ex.. 11:38 t Wheeling M ail 11131 a firestilne 3:s3ps. Chicago Ex....4:38 pa Cleveland Ex : 4:08 pa Erie & Yen EXB:l3pa Cl. & Wh e in Al 'g Itx iegh 6:58 pa Arriv N. Brigt , n Ac.l:o N. Brict`n " 8:9 New Castle "10:3 Leetsdale " 9:1 6$ il 1:0R Tat N. Brie.'n " 9:43 pas Leetsdale " 4:llara. . 7:18 rm. Leetsdale, Sun- • wi_ day church. 9:58 ass .:o Express leaves daily. • C Express arrives daily. General Ticket Agent. Eastern Division. Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, oregon. AND esz.eral Buperthtendele. if. IiVIEBiITJEIIi, emend freight and Tie Let, Ars El KS Arringt.