'- • • . "1111MV E II U OHIO RIVER LIPROVESENT. Meeting of ,the Citizens—Short Span Bridge Protested Against—Addres s by W. shiner Roberts—Resolutions. - Pursuant to a call published byMayor Brash, requesting a meeting of the citi zens of Pittsburgh, and all others inter ested Itilne navigation of the Ohio river, a large number of our merchants, manu facturers and •river men, assembled at Wilkins Half, Fourth avenue, at half past i ning on o'cloCk yesterday (Wednesday) mor. On motion of- Mayor Brnsh, the Re C` ing was organized by calling Capt. It. C. Gray to the chair, the election of Cap tains Joseph Watson and M. W. Beltz hoover Vice Presidents, and appointing as Secretaries the reporters of the press. The Chairman stated that the meeting had been called at the instance of a nunt ben of gentlemen, who in common with all the business !nen of this. city, were • deeply interested in the uninterrupted navigation of the Ohio river. Some of these gentlemen were present, and would make known the objects of the meeting. . On motion of Capt. John Dravo, a Com mittee of three, viz: Messrs. Jno. Draw); David Smith and A. D.. Reno, was ap pointed to prepare resolutions.. The Comtnittee returned and daring their absence W. - Milner Roberts was called upon and delivered an able ad dress, in which he fully sets forth the ne cessity of having the Ohio and Missis sippi rivers unobstructed to navigation, and the great disadvantage arising from short span bridges to steamboatmeu and coal dealers. The address was an able and exhaustive argument, and we regret our inability to publish it in full. After some discussion the address was adopted by the meeting. - ----- . Spedal IlleeUng—The Inspection gees. timi- Commuulcations—Report of Com metee, eke., die. Tie Pittsburgh Petroleum Association hell a special meeting yesterday morn ingat ten and a half o'clock, for the put.. .1)093 of taking some action regarding the measures brought before Congress in relation to the Inspection of Oil. lir. James A. Hutchison presided, wilt Mr. A. F. Brooks as Secretary. the minutes of the preceding meeting wire read and approved. Übe President stated the object of the meeting, after which he read a letter hem Hon. J. E. Moorhead explanatory o his action in presenting a bill in Con gress for the better regulation of the in spection of oiL Mr. Moorhead stated that tha bill was first brought to his no- Tice by Mr. Benjamin Crawford, General THE RESOLTTIONS. 1 Inspector of steamboats, who stated that WHEREAS, Persistent measures are honest dealers in oil as a general rule now being made tto secure legislation ad were in favor of the measure. He ob verse to the•vast commercial interests of jected at first to presenting it, but after the great rivers emptying their, waters the original draft had been carefully re in the Gulf of Mexico, forming a contbe. wised by the Treasury Department, he nous chain of inland seas unequaled in had brought ie before the House, merely any country, securing * commercial facili- for the purpose of getting an expression ties of such giant proportions as to defy 3f opinion from the - members of Con all computations of their importance to tress, in relation to the framing of a law the present and future of our country. 3r• taws, to prevent the sale of adulterated We therefore, citizens of Pittsburgh, s. als. The debate which ensued gave sembled in Convention, interested in the satisfactory evidence that the measure free and unobstructed navigation of these IS presented did not meet with - the ap. rivers, do most emphatically approve the Provalof the members, and was not a following propositions and appeal to Proper remedyfor the evil, and the bill Congress to recognize them by the re- was accordingly finally killed. quired legislation. The President also read a letter from 1. The right to the free andimobstruct- Crawford in relation to the bill, stating ed navigation of; the navigable streams that it was proposed for the sole purpose of the national domain, is antecedent to OD ( protecting the public from imposition all corporate rights or privileges. in the purchase, transportation and--use 2. Corporcte rights conferring special of refined oils, with as little expense to privilege to any particular class •of citi- dealers as possible, the tax proposed to zens, should be in subordination and not be levied being only sufficient to cover in contravention of prior and higher the actual expense of Inspection. The rights inheriting to all citizens. terms of the bill were such that, as any 8. We recognize the necessity of rail one could see, no person or persons would roads and railroad bridges, but they be favored,' and it simply instituted a should be so constructed as not ' to de. measure for the protection of the public stroy or cripple other interests equalls from danger. Refiners should take into important and equally necessary. consideration what are the best terms 4. Railroad dges, constructed witi they would be likely to get provided' piers, over navigable streams, are alway legislation was bad upon the question, an obstruction, and should be erected and It would be better to make regardless of time or expense, so as t concessions now than to be sub. lessen the obstruction and impair as li• jected to more stringent regulations in tie as possible prior -existing rights 1 the future. The recent disaster on the others. Ohio river has aroused such a feeling in 5. Railroad bridges have been and en the minds of Congressmen and the coon be so constructed as not to seriously 1-' try at large, that if the steamboat law terfere with the navigation of-the rives now pending before Congress pass at the crossed.present session, there will be incorpora. 8. Railroad bridges, so constructedtts ted in it a clause prohibiting the carrying to only allow a channel way of 300 fet, or using of refined oil on any passenger are always, at all times and undegul boat at all. A member of the Committee circumstances, detrimental to n ssga - on Ways and Means stated, that if tion, and if multiplied to any event, it were in his power he would absolutely destructive to the towing ad not not only prevent it from being rapidly bec.oming one of the mo.e im- carried / on steamboate, but would Portant commercial interests of to na- prohibit It from gping into every lion. house where there was a family. 7. Experience and science have dmon- Such is the feeling in regard to the mat ter among members of Congress, and it mat strated the entire practicability on live hundred feet span, but even thisevidth is not unlikely that should another dia ls proven, by past misfortunes, tbe a aster similar to that on the Ohio river serious drawback to river interest Yet, recently, occur, under the excitement of in the spirit of compromise, ad ant- the hoar, and the pressure brought to mated by those enlarged views with re- bear upon it, Congress would pass an joice in the successful developent of act, taxing the article, if possible oat of all the resources of our great eantry, existence. The letter concluded, "That .we have been willing to aecepand ao. sooner or later there will be some legis quiesce in such a declared chanel way, lation- by Congress on the subject, there as the "end of all controversy: can be no doubt. Several petitions and 8. To the end that there be a Jed and letters have been received from different melted policy upon this matter, tel that parts of the country on the matter, and I think refinersaihould take into serious all strife may cease between toss vast interests of our common comfy, and consideration, whether it would not be that our National Legislaturenay not better to favor an act of this kind, or, if be constantly perplexed by theeonfilet. not on this plan, something else that , ing claims of opposing parties. ed influ-r would answer the purpose and prevent ences, as heretofore, by the spit of con- dangerous articles from being palmed cession, we do here declare ourwilling- off on the public for good oil." ness to accept four hundred ill as the The communications were received declared mininum channel we, provi and ordered to be tiled. - dad the piers are so located as % allow a Mr. Hutchison stated that in converse clear passage way with the natal cur- tion with Mr. Crawford some time be rent of the rivers, provided, so, that fore he had opposed the bill, and stated bridges hereafter to be built fiver the that it did not at all meet with the ap- Ohio river be subject to the apval of a proval of those engaged in the trade. Board to be appointed by the W. Depart- Several other communications were ment, whomay order a greaterpan than received from kifferent partiee, represent four hundred feet wherever ley may ing that ,while the bill had been killed, deem it necessary. yet.there was a probability that it might 9. In view of the danger an the ina- be revived again under the form of po lice regulations, - which-would be worse mense loss imposed upon owtrade in running these narrow channelvays, we than the original measure. The Associa do earnestly, and will continua, protest tion was recommended to take some ac tion immediately in the matter and be against any space less thanionhundred feet as utterly subversive of ae rights thus prepared for any emergency which and interests of a trade in Whit there is might arise. Mr invested millions of capital, at millions .Davis presented a communication from Air. - H. M. Flagler, of , Cleveland, more being invested to meet he wants of the South and West, containing a copy of the lairs now in vexed ate l 10. The and appeal to Congress, !mined]. force in Massachusetts, regulating the y definitely settle is vexed there. The paper was read and " question" by requiring all bdges now flied. inprocess of erection over thOldo river Mr. Montzheimer, from the Special and other navigable rivers so alter Committee appointed at the last meeting 3 to take the matter into considerallon, their plans as to confirmtoiroposition Bth of these resoluticns. presented the draft of a bill making it ' unlawful to offer for sale_any where with 11. Inasmuch as Cmgressas declared in the limits of the United _States any the Steubenville Rairoad Bilge a "Pod petroleum Or products of petroleum for route," thus exemplng saidcorporation from any claims a' damaess sustained illuminating purposes Which would tg nite at a lower temperature than 11Q ae by reason of such wstructfe, we regard to tb e gratis -Fahrenheit, and attaching as a ourselves justifies' in losing National Governiant to simburse tux Penalty to any violation of the law the confiscation of the oil and the im si to the full amountsf propety destroyed. tion upon the vender of a fine of not 12. It is our (levied opidon that the `coal trade alone he sustaled a loss of dollars or lin mOre than five hundred or one million dollar , M ul byprperty actually prisonment not exceeding one rt destroyed, loss °e, el biding, dtc., re- both, at the discretion of the Couye,one - suiting from the rnstruon of the Sten. hall'a the fine to go tbe informer d bsavine nridge,%th its arrow s p an o f the other to be paid to the United el tea 300 feet. Treasurer. The report waseceptel and fully dia. The bill also contained provisions or cussed, after whir the resolutions were the appointment of emn Pfteet inspectors unanimously added. • by the Secretary of the 1.1. 9. Treasuryto THE IiVILS OPIORT SPAN BRIDGES. country, visit at irregular periods, all parts of t e for the purpose of testing I The followlni state.nent to be for- oils offered for sale and investigating all warded to our epresentatives la Con- disasters caused or supposed to be caused gress, was ewer and svbseribed to by by explosive oils, with a view to pr nearly nearly every' or present, before Mr. cute the venders of the name. The per- Wm. P. Robb, dery Public: - ' sons thus prosecuted being held respcsn "That we , arCaptains, Pilots and Bible for all losses of life or property or owners of tow ats, and are engag d i other damage' caused by the casuality.l navigating -tbOhio river; that e n any Section 2cl named Tagliabue's pyrome bridge spannitthat River withnot over ter as the instrument . by which all oils three hutidrede.et lifework the Nero should be tested no matter how; where the same may Section third - pr . Ovided that nothing in be constructedtould be a serious Inanad the act should be construed as applying dangerous obstction t onavigation, and notwithatandli the greatest care and to oils Intended for exportation from the e skill be exercil,United States. - • coalSenate° liable to . On motion of Mr. Long The report was REPORT OF TUE COMIITTEE. At the Conclusion of Mr. Robert's re marks, Capt. John Dravo, from the Com mittee on Resolutions, reported the fol lowing : 4.4 strike and wreck part or all of the tow, and in no case is It safe for descending boats, with their tows, to pats at night, therefore causing the loss of thousands of dollars annually." CaptaittM. W. Beltzboover offered the forlowing, which was adopted: Resolved, That we are in favor of the immediate completion of the enlarge. ment of the Louisville canal, upon which nearly two millions of dollars have been expended by individuals, to be completed on the plan recommended to the general government by Major General a Weitzel; deeming it to be a matter of primary importance to the navigation interests, and to the "Cora. coerce of the whole country. On motien_of Captain D. M. Smith, a Committee of three was appointed to forward a copy of the proceedings of the meeting to our Representatives in Con gress. • The Chair announced the Committee as follows: Captain M. W. Beltzhoover, Captain B. P. Wilson and Captain James A. Blackmore. On t otion of Captain Bravo, the thank of the meeting were tendered to Came W. Milner Roberts, for his very able ad ress. . . . The meeting then adjourned. PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION. PlntitittigiqAgom- Tiv - Titsigy, , lTAßttArrf-ni 1869. received and the bill acted upon ae'riatum. Mr. Long moved to amend the fist sec tion by making the fine $l,OOO inatead bf $5OO. Mr. Morgan thought that amount too severe; and calculated to :destroy the effect ofthe measure. ' Mr. Edwards believed in - making the law as stringent as possible, that dishon est parties might be deterred &Om en gaging in(the business of oil adulteration. After some further discussion the amendment was adopted. Mr. Morgan moved to amend section iir,t so as to authorize the appointment of one Inspector from each district. Lost. The section, as amended, in regard to the fine, was then adopted. Sections Fleeond and third were adopted without debate. The President suggested that antaddi tional section be made, requiring all dealers in oil to pay ten dollars for a government license, the moneyl thus realized to be appropriated to the pay went of the Inspectors. - The suggestion was put in the form of a motioh by a member and agreed to. Mr. King moved the adoption of an other section requiring all oil less than one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit, to be (branded as - “Naptha." Carried. The bill was then referred back to the. Committee, with instructions to report it with the additional amendments lin a proper form at the next meeting. On motion, adjourned. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed of l rec.. ord before H. Snivels., Esq., Recorder, February 9, 1869:. Elizabeth Elizabeth Robison to Joseph Douglass. NOvem bent, 1863; lot In McKeesport, 60 by 166 feet with buildings .6(XI Esther Allen to Levi 'Merriman. April 20, 11 MS: lot on Adams street. Ilencheste r, 55 by 17.5 feet $4OO Henry Bleimpkage to la. ob Henry. August 14, 1367; lot la Rosa township on dye perches 2 Handy Bollman to 1. Ililia SI. F . niton, V ebrua s ry .l 1. 25 1ii...; lot on Fourth street, McKtevort, ,40 by nil feet. tell h butldings .. .. .. . . .... . Thomas Cars n to Zerilda Shafer, February 3, 11.69; lot on the south side of Waellingtou aver,- n ~ ....Anti, ward, Allegheny. ' 24 by 1M teet..53.400 Matthew F. Lipp to W. J.l.lfeliarg, bepternuer 7, 1867; lot In the borough of West allz OKI:), GOhy 120 feet, with binhlings M. D. Beeler to George Iteßee, February -1 :1. MO 8 1369. lot on the corner of Bank lane and Belmont street, Allegheny, containing 2 acres and , 30 perches, with bulldlngs ; . .... ... - ...... Joaeplf.T.'Kennedy to A rthu r F. Kenned, June 5, 1865; Int ou Sedgwick street, Nitth ward, Al legheny, 16 by 46 feet, with bifildlngs.... :$1.128 .10S•mh J. Kennedy to Eliza J. Kennedy. June 5, 10.68; an adjoining lot ... - ..... - . . ........... k 0 John Eichly to Charles Maui February 6, led!: lot No. 10 In Demean's plan. Blrtningharn, 20 by 120 feet ' n. $1.350 John ft. Graham to Leonard Donald. February 4, 1060: two lots In Robinson township, contain ing together =acres and II perches, with' iiild logs $.l Thomas Maple to Euill KalkbolT, Feorusry (CO 2, 1600 three lots In Lower St: \Clair townslillb.s6.sll Samuel. Young to Jacob Fogle, r ebruary 4. 1889; two lots In the boiugh ui 7 arentum, number ed 66 and 671 n Breckinridges plan. ..... ..$1,6 0 Wm. 1864 ; ti. C o ritchlow to Feargod Alpert, And' 2 3 , lot u Island Lane. Manchester, 24 by, 120 fee,, with buildings $350 Agnes M. Mahon to - arnuel S. Marshal/, Feb. 6, 1569: four tote on Duncan street, In Robb's plan, Thirteenth ward, Plttsburgla 1,190 u MORTGAGES. Same day twelve mortgages were tiled of record. The following deeds were filed of record before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, February 10th, 1869: .1. J. House toy Leonard Hahn. Jannary 20. 1669; lot cuSidnii sheet, East Birmingham, Z: , byte feet A. tr. L. Satierbmder to J. P. thelkai, Jan. sl. 1e, 200 1869; lot No. 8 Thorpe's plan, Lower St. Clair township, 25 by 200 feet It.- $4l John McKee to William Zimmerman, De 1.1 - cember 10, 1866; lot on Washington street. Bir mingham, 37 by GO feet $1 C 75 H. M. Brackenridge to P. b. 'Brackenridge. Jan. 15, 1669; one hundred and seventy-nye lots In Breckenridge's Olin of extension of Parent um, containing 115 acres . • . Geo. F. Dllim to 5. 11. Becker. .$15,000 Amt. n. HU; five contiguous lots, Nos. 30 to 34 Inclns l ive, oa the Perry retina Plank road, Second ward, Atte ghen• S. . .. - ....... ta.N.5 Geo. W. Motheral to S. 11. Becker. Nov. 50, 1361; lot on Sheffield street, Finn ward, Allegheny, 36 by Ilib; feet 3. KO Willies Baldwin to Robes t bred. Feb. 9, 41 180; lot In Wilkins township, on Bradock street, 105 by 125 feet 4 9,50 William C. Duncan to Morrison Foster, Feb. 9, 1869: lot on South avenue. First ward, Allegne . ny, 50 by 250 feet. with buildlngs.....• • .. 11 12.4011 The Little saw MI I Ran R. n. 'A). to * William Aspy, Dec. 1, 1863; strip of land It feet wide in - Gwen township William Espy to the Little Saw Ilia Run R. it Co., Dee SI. 1168; the above Mt intoned :trip of land 1 F. Baldwin tu Wm. I rwln, April 1, 1365; lot osn Braddock street, ] Wilkins township, 85 by I% feet 11100 P. Baldwin to Robert smith. Apri, 1, 1855; lot ad joining above $l5O F. Baldwin to Jas S. Irwin, June 4, 1853; lot ad joining:above $lOO John Vt. - Inger to Peter Rectenweld, January 11, 1860; lot In Lower Si. Clair township, Keeling's plan $,BOO Rev. H. J. Black to James S. Martin, April 19 1849; lot on Chestnut street, Sixth ward, Pitts-1 burgh. 33 by 130 feet 0 James D. Kelly, adminlstratorof It .tit. Lattert 4 y lo .i to Susanna S. Dawson, February 10, 1869; lot un , Robinson street. Fourth ward, Allegheny. 41' by 110 feet. with tin Idioms $4,481 Edward Redmond to Mary Patch. November 30, , 1866; lot on Grovesnor street, Binn:ngitatn, 40 James feet with buildings 13.5001 H. Stewart to Mildred Blakely, February; 6, 1369; lot on Locust street. Etna. 16 by 33 feet,' $5OO Wm. Wilhelm to Louts Smith, February I. ism lot on Sarah street, East Birmingham, 60 by 120 fe:t W. B. Hewett et al. to Edward Hewett 's he1re434,0 deed In partition for lane in 313C1nre township. Richard V. Pare to John IS.nbuer, June 12.1853; lot on Rebecca street, Fifth ward. Allegheny. 33 hi 12.5 feet 111,041 P. H. Angle to S. H. Thompson, Febrility 9, 1869; lot on Brady street, Fourteenth ward, 00 by 59 feet 42,040 Jo.eph Kaye to George IL tiannautlne. Sr , Feb. 2. 1809; lot on Union Street, Wilkins townshlP, 140 by 199 feet *Lac Joseph • H. 11 , Clurg to T. T. It'Clurg. January 186 D: 16 scree of laud in Lower St. Clair 5hipt0wn ...................................................................................51 COO SPECIAL NOTICES. CarBATCHIELORYS HAIR. DYE. This splendid Hair Dye Is the beet In the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment: no ri diculous tints; remedies the 11l effect , : of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beau tiful. biack or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Pert:Mien:and properly applied at Batelle lor'q Wig ractm7, No. 10 Bond street. New York. aD2.13:p28 far'MARRIAGE AND CELIBA cr.-An Essay far young men on the crime of Solitude, and the Dlaßannti and ARDSttli which Create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure meant of relief. Sent in sealed letter en velopes. liven( charge. Address, Dr. J. bRIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila delphia. Fa. ) 49 L. ffgrOfilltAblENTAL AND USE. F S IL VER ONLY TIPPED SHOES. For chiMren. Will outwear threoLpairs without tips. lAW:ft-y:211:s MISCELLANEOUS. 5n0W,, ,,, ROCK THE BABY • IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. PracticatFurnlture Iltanufacturers t &e n 118 .IPOTITIVIFIAVEN1:1113. Where may be tbund a tall assortment otPa lor. Chamber and Kitchen Furnitare. detn FANCY cuAcnr..rs. Balmoral, Napoleon. Street resrl and Almond put up In small tin eases for Istnlir use; also fresh Langer ooaps and deotch Oakes received and for sale by JNO. RENSHAW feB . Corner tawny and Hand stree ts. REIN FlSFlL—BenJamin Put, • PRESS still continues to fill all city and coon• ry orders for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS, Send to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. Pltt.• Margo, or his• old well known TWLN CITY STAND. Allegheny market °r" BARUELS OF SORGHUM 4 , L, AMASSES. jam DALLLNGEB, STEVENSON. STATEMENT OF THE ARTISANS' INSURANCE CO From January 7, 1868 - to Doeember 31, 1868 Pub/uhed In accordance WALL Law. I ,A u tt i t w b e O r ii i 62:41 ce..ruatt Yald tip Capital__ Cali on Rand' .... ... ........... aook accounts for Premiums. Loans on Bon. s anti btongage, Loans on Other :securities °Ricbtocke Furniture n ...... a .. . . . ........... d Safe Interest Accreted, bat not line. Balance. Janunry 1. 1868 .... 6128,777 34 Received Fire Premiums lu 4 847,238 S. 20.058 717 Recolved Interest la 1868 .. . . 6 . .11 6,935 79 creived from other hooters in 1868. —• ..... .{, Fire losses, p id...® 7,109- 00 Return Front ms.. 506 58 Commissions . . ... . 503 42 salaries. Rent and other Expenses... 4,6'46 33 Taxes and Stamps. 1,141 63 Dividends . ....... 14,000 00 • 8a1ance:....... Ontstand'g asks. Dee. 31, ' 68 .81,133,•876 47 Fare . . .. . . . .. 20 ..Cargo 105ie5—....... (ea... ......... 00 to state...... 1.093 12 Ja2a-dao-y.s.r J . 6 . COFFIN, Secretary 'STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of the City of All ( egheny, FROM DAUM 1,-1868, TO DEC. SI, 1868. sembly Published la accordance with the Act of As . Capital authorized Capital su Nen bed Capital oald in..... Stock N ASSETS:ote3 $50,000 09 Mortgagea.city pro pert, . . . .. . ..... 41,495 oo IL S. 540 . Bends.. 27,300 00 Cash on hand 4.064 96 Accrued interebt.... 1.277 79 Office furniture.74l 70 --- --- Total assets ECEIPTS: Am'nt o fprerplum.. R 922,o79 75 Amount. of Interest. 5,275 76 --- Total receipts ...................1 27,354 51 DL92 tri6Em E : .1 10,000 00 9.258 43 3,380 20 ",,050 53 958 411 051 89 340 OS Dividends.. .. Fire losses '''' office expenses Premiums returned 11. S. Tax h Stamps Ite.,lnsurance -- ----- Total • 512.639 33 Ratio of losses and expenses to receipts, 47 per cent. LIABILITIES Amount of outstanding risks.. .$ 1 ,7A9.26,2 67 Unsettled losses and sundry bals _ V 151 GO JAMS E. STEVENSON, SECRETARY. a 2 B - d143-T:T11:8 BEN FRANKLIN NSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALF , EGIIENT, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANE BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio St... Allegheny. A ROME COMPANY, managed by Directors web Known to the community, who tract . by Air dealing to merit a ahare of yo gi patronage LIMMILY.. Quo. D. ItIDDLIC ( DIRZOTORS: 1 Henry Irwin ID. L. Patterson, Wm ) Cooper, I i Geo. H., Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gott eib FBAS, Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, , W. M. Stewart, Cb. P. Whlston, Joseph Craig, • Jos. Liming?, H. J. Zinkancl, Jere. Soper ap10:035 gem IMRE - BULL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING 8 8 ,000,000 IN GOLD. Insurance against Fire effected on Houses and Buildings. bloods, Wares and Merchandise., Steamboats, 4c. Polleies issued payable in guld or currency. /lir United States Branch Oface. 40 PINE STREET. New York. All looses of the United btatea Branch will be adjusted in New York. J. Y. 111014.UGHT,ENT. ARent. PITTSBURGH, PA. Office, 67 FoUwrii STREET. McLAUGHLIN aloo Agent for the Man- Inman Life Insurance Company, se.l:v72 WESTERN INSURANCE COM., PANT OF PITTSBURH. EXANDER NIMICK, President. WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. . CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Ottice, 9M Water street, Spanp & CO.'b ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. ' Will ure again Institution, ds of Fire and Ms hut Maks. A home managed by Di rectors who are well known to the community, j and who art determined by promptness and ilber lality to maintain-the character which they have assumed. as offering the best protection tta those [who desire to be Insured. DiszorOng: Alexander Maack, Senn R. McCune, R..,11.We,--2-r, Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Josi Kirkpatrick, ' Andrew Acklen, - Phil Renner, David M. Long,. Wm. Morrison, D. 'Watson. n 027 _____ EDINITY AGAINST LOSS ET FIRE, FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADELPHIA 62710E003 1437 CHESTNUT BT., near ITU. , tintlecTOns. 1 Cbarlea_tV. Bancker, Mordecai H. Louis Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, }Samuel Grant , . Liam Lea 'Jacob R. stoilth, Edward d. Dale, peorge W. Ricbards. George r ales. CHARLE DALE ANOR .R. President. EDW. 0., Vice President. } W. C. STEELE, -- Secretary,pro rem. J. GARDNER CoPFIN, A,Ggrri, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. 'mb9):wls PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGN OFFICE. No. 1.674 WOOD STREET, BANK ON COMMERCE BUILDING. • , This Is a Home Company, and imnigfm again. ,10., no Fire exclusiveir. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. 40. RoirLE, Vice President. ROBE= PATRICK, Treasurer, HUGH MeELHENY. Secretary. DLSB Leonard Walter, George 'Wilson, C. C. 'Boyle, Emu. Robert Patrick, J. O. Layne, Jacob Painter, J. O. Fleiner, Josiah King, John Voegtley Jai. H. Hoptins„ A luncla. 9 Henry Sproul, N. • ATIONAL INSURANCE CO op OP THE arrr or ALLEGEUnir. 00Ice, No. 89 PM/MAL STREET, entrance on &oaten Avenue. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. RTIN, rrcald JAB. K. taw, rz ?ivabfr: Beoretary. °at A. H. English ''o.ll . 7 .{ r illlitnis J. Thomnson Jim. A. Adyler, gas, Lockhart, Jos. Myers, SM. L. Graham, Hold., Lea, C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. (ieo. Gent, Jacob Kopp. - v oc17:n&I $200.000 00 100.000 00 64,000 00 .ASSfir 7,639 07 154 94 • 71 040 00 • , 12.033 33 • , 36,000 00 • 673 00 1.220 00 1,501 58 $50.754 30 A E 1,916 96 828.777 34 f $4.125 32 6 )200, 000 /00,00 i) 50,1100 $124,879 47 ALLEGHENY COUNTY, SS, _ _ In the Orphan's Court of Allegneny county, in the matter of tne partition of the Real Estate of Daniel Morgan, dec'a. To James Mokgan, Emily' S. Morgan, Fanny Morgan, who have for their guardian A. R. Thompson, Georgian& Cook,john L. cook. Frank L. Morgan, Rush Morgan, Lewis N. Morgan, Jefferson Morgan. Charles Morgan. James Mot , fan; Grace Ann Morgan, PLulna E., intermar ried with Jose ;h Mountjoy, the said Charles, James and Grace Ann being minas, who have for their guardian John R. Large; David wergn son, Emily Weaver, wife of Henry Weaver, Sarah J. Ewing. wife of John M. Ewing. Mary Kiefer, wife of' Smith Kiefer, James A, Feria son. John M. Ferguson, George W. Morgan, Mary FL wife of Liliah B. Martin, Fanny F., Morganlona Pauli J Morgan, Morgan, Blanche B. Morgan, Robert W. Sarah h. Morgan, said John, Maude and Manche *re minors. and have for their guardian In the State of Ohlo Elijah B.Martin; llobertand.arah are minors and have for their guaretian in th State of Ohio John Paulin. ann A. Mcßride guar gaau dl Blanche m B. Morgan, Robert . Morgan, Sarah E. Morgan, minor children of Wln WU , fan, deceased, heirs and r epresentativefi of Daniel Morgan, deceased. And: now, to-wit, January 30th, 1868, the 'Court grant a rule on the above named parties, being the heirs and legal representatives of Daniel morgan, deceased, late of Allegheny county. State of Pennsylvanfa, to be and appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held al the . a.O rt House, In the City of Pittsburgh, on SATUR DAY, the 13th day of March, A. D. 1869, at ten 'or A. M. , and teen and there accept or retuse the Real Estate at the Vainatioa thereof. and in ease all the heirs and representative, ncgiect or refuse to take the same, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why the said prt.mises shou'd not be Sold according to the acts of Astembly In such case made and provided. MA.RIVEL g, CLULCY, Sherilr sin:Hippos, flprtcE. PITTSBURGH, Feb. 3, 1869. fet:elG-gli IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western strict of Pennsylvania. C. W. PORTERFIELD, a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867. having ap plied fora discharge front ail his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, be order of the Court notice is hereby given to all 'creditor. who have proved their debts, and other persons In terested, to appear on 26th day ot rebruary, 1809, at 2 o'clock M., before JOHN N. Pull v lANCE, Fsq., Register in Bankruptcy-, at his office, No, 116 Federal street. Allegheny CRY. Penna., to show cause. tf any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt, Pres'dela. Secretary. 'strict Court for ullEDSIS;trIct, Clerk of U. P S. 0 . Mer fed Efi-TH T . N' THE DISTRICT 'COURT OF THE UNITED STATES,for the 'Western Dis tr. ct ofFelinsylv.lnia. _JOHN Seri AUS, Bankrupt under the Acto r Congress of March 2d. 1867; having applied fo a discharge from all his debts. and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court. notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other_persons interested, - to appear on* the before JOHNay March. 1869, at o'clock A. Id.. before N. PURVI &NCI, 'Ego., Register In Bankruptcy, st his °Mee, No. 116 Federal street. Allegheny City, Pa., to show cause. if any they hare, why a discharge should not be granted to the said itankrupt. S. C. cANLESS. Olerk of U.S. District Court for sAid District. 94m7,rit ASSIGNER'S NOTICE OF 4.P.• Po INTMENT.—In the District Court of t le United States. for the Western. District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of William Gibson, Bankrupt. .No. 14107, In Bankruptcy. ItWalinn.lt DISTRICT OP PENNSYLTANIA, as: P.ttaburgh, this 1i 7th day of January. A. U. • 860. To Whom It Bray of undersigned hereby gir t !, notice of his appointment as As signee of WILIJIAAI GI Bs' 12.1. or Allegheny city, In the minty of Alleyheny and State of penntylvaola, within said bistrict.who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said bistrlet. d 6013 t .1 W. Klitii.lM, Assignee, • . . mli' Attorner-at.L_aw.S7 'Fifth avenue. ___•._____ O TICE ,- -tettets of A dminis• 11 tration upon the estate ofAugustus Hoevier. Woo:fie liegheny countv.dee'd,have been granted by the Register of said comi ty to, the under signed, lvtithe residence Lu n tn the city of Pitts burgh, late borough et muceville. All per. ksons haying claims or demands against the estste nown deeedant, are hereby requested to make the Caine without driae. PerFOns Itavlnt' business - With the said estate are referred toll, Bincqwni, attorney at-law. Pourth areune. 1 ELlztvehati HOICVLER, Awns. JO2l-d35-TH * MTESTERN DISTIIicT OF PENNSYLVANIA, hs: At Pittsburgh. the ild day of irehriniry. A. D. 1809. The, undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Asbiguee of WILT,IAid H. HARI-CAW: of Pittsburgh, hi the County of Al legheny, State of Pent,sylvan la, within said Dis trict, who has been •trif tolgol n linnkrtipt; noon, his own petition, by the lltstrlct Court of said District. •ItlflN 11. RAMEY'. Assignee, let;e2-TH Attorney at Law. 89 Grant street. 1.. ' BY H. B. BIdTIMON & 00. i BOOTS" SHOES AND CARPETS FOR TEE MILLION. AT SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, f 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON a CO., proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are being soul at re markably low prices. Goods ofevery variety; the finest sewed b"oti, the most, fashionable bal. 'coral gaiters and anklet shoes. clippers..Fc., blankets, twine's ' cloths. cassirceres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examlue. :so trouble to show goods. Ladies'. misses' and children's furs at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as represented. noes FIANDSOME CITY RESIDENCE. 1 i Ccittre .Itrentre. • THURSDAY. February 11th. at 21( o'clock i" at., on the premises, avlll be sold that very handsome residence aud grounds. No. 123 Cen tre Avenue, between Overbili and Green streets. The mansion is a double two story brick. con taining twelve spacious rooms, finished in the best manner with mooera Improvements. The grounds are nicely ornamented and enclosed wt h an Iron fence, Linton n street 200 feet and ex tending back tstreet 200 feet. Stable and Carriage Hence on rear of lot. The property is located on what is known as the ••Moornead Square." ti ociety , neighborhood and advantages of schools cannot be surpassed. Parties desiring a home combining the comforts of a city and su burban residenee, will find ibis a very attractive sale. H. B. SMITHSON' etc CO., , i ': • AS . AUCTIONEERS BY - L LEOGATE. GOOD DWELLLYG HOUSE IN Alikgheny at Auction. On FRIDAY. February 12th, at 3 o'clock, will be sold on the premises, that 7,...0d brick dwelling house on the corner of Lac3ck ann Good/ten streets, Allegheny. The humse Is two storT, contalinitig seven rooms, bath room, hot and cold Water. ,as, and a good dry cellar, The building da is of the most subst caracr, tion to roof, and antial Is In firs h t rate te orderfrom A ;WM- lso, the adjacent vacant property of 83 feet front on Goodrich street. Trls Is good property, and a good bargain will be given. Terms at sale. fey, A. LEGOATE, Auctioneer. GOOll ROUSE AND LOT IN ALLEGHENY AT AUCTION.—The - pro perty 31 Webster street. Allegbenv. will be sol on the premises. on THLTRSiwAY, February 111. at 2 o'clock The lot is 22 feet front. Th b house contacts parlor, dining room, kitchen.ilue ed-rooms, buth-roOm, hall, range, closets. het and cold water, am! gas. The location is Pleas ant, facing on the Commons, and on completion of the l'urk lutproveznent, will be very much In creased. 'this Is a really good opportunity to buy finely located nroperty at a reasonable pike. For kilns, psrtlenlars, and key to inspect the premises, apply to A. LEGGATE, fen Ancti , neer. MI ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-By virtue of an 'order of sale issued out of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, the under signed. execn - or of the last will of Dr. JESSE PENNEY'. dec'd, will expose at PUBLIC SALE on the premises, on THURSDAY, the , 11th day cf FEBRUARY. A. D. 1560, 'at 2 o'clock r. u., all that certain piece orparcel of land situated in, the borough of MoKeesport,County ofAllegheyn, - and State cf Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows. viz: Bet-inning on the south ern side of Penn street in James Penney's plan of lots In said borough, at the corner of lox No. 13. thence south along the line of said lot 70 feet to atf tilec• thence east along said alley 50 feet to the line of Hendemon's lot• thence by said line 70 feet to Penn street, and thence by said street SO feet to the place of beginning: be- Yor pfnegrts,;;CulaVil ball plus. HOBERT CSAIGnEAD, Executor. Elizabeth. Or JOHN P. pENNEy Attorney, Pttlebnigh tarNEVIr OPERA HOUSE. ManagLessee— ................ . ...... tIiIfDE.EOW. er ............... ........ .M • W. cAxlm-G. Fourth appearance or tile favorite artLste. ETTLE IKENDERso:It, p• is T 4 la,E I HIIRSD kI. ' VENING. 'rebruary 11, 1F6 9 , Itlvriy the t eating drama of the Willi. of the lutenatiT lat.:- LANCASHIRE LASS. , 4 Ruth EirbY ....... . ......... Ettle Henderson. Et tie Henderson Matinee on Saturday. Be neirc of F:i tle Henderson Friday, Ev,i,,,,, In preparation ann will shortly be produced tee beautiful play of RUSEHALE. : I LlttrtstrtY Mrs. SCOTT SIDDONS 3 *ILL GIVE . TU . o idditional Recitations from SRASSPEARE, TENNYSON, SCOTT, MOORE, te., at ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday and Friday Evenings, FEBRUARY Ilth and 12th. NO RESERVED SEATS. Admission to all parts of the house; 75 cents. , TWENTY-FIVE CENTS will be charged on all Season Tickets. Doors open at 7 o'clozk; Readingconunences promptly at 8 o'clock. Tickets can be procured at- the Rooms of the Library,. corner of Penn and Sixth streete. fele MYTRE I S AMERICAN THEATRE. _ Mato TRIMBLE'S VAEIET/ES.) THIS ( Thursday) • EVENING, -FARE WELL BENEFIT of the eterniet Danseuse of America, bliss BETTY BUGLE. An entirely new pro• gramme. I' irst appearance of Misses EMMA AlaltSll and JULIA SANFOItu. Last. nights of mach and Jodi , . the Can-Can, and the Great Comlque. GUS. WILLIAMS.. Great 811 l Saturday sight. ITTSRURGH THEATRE. N. W. WILLTAMS—SoIe Lessee and Manager. GEORGE R. EDItSOFI stage Manager. FOR AIDE WEKK ONLY. coworld. renowned troupe of ymnasts, Acrobats. Pantomlmiats. Vocalists, he., THE GREGOILVS. A new sensation, the Transept Flight from the Gallery to the Stage by La Petite Gregory. 'Friday evening benefit of Bessie Gregory. Matinees Wednesday and- Saturday afterneens. , ''"ItURNELVS MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Family Besorte. FIFTH AVENUE, between Smithfield and Woe streets opposite Old Theatre. 4sll- Open Day and Evening, all the yehr round. Admission, Scents: Children, 15 cents. CENTENARY FAIR!. AT LAFAYETTE HALL, ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, February 10th, 11th and 12th. • DINNER each day from 12 NI. ' A fine Band of Music will be in attendance each evening. fel0:1,19 P.ROPESSIONAL G. W. De CAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE. Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie,) practice in the U. 8. Circuit and District Courts, in the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions in most of the adjacent counties. JaZ:d73 Jal9:d23 DM. COOPER, WALLACE and WILLARD, BOMEOPATEUSTS. Will remove their Office on the First of April next to No. 72 Diamond, Allegheny city, rear of City Hall. WM. B. NEEPER, ALDERMAN AND EX•OPFICIO JUSTICE' Or THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attentio• _given to conveyancing and collections Deeds. Roods and Mortgages arasrn up, and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLIOE MAMMA= Office, 128 WYLIE STREET, near Washington YITTSRFROD, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment , Depositions, Collections, and all other legiti ntaa e business executed promptly. mlci7t/a9 S.itittUEL BicMUSTER% AS..l3Pat, Er-Ofricio Justice of the Peace ftio Police Mag trate. Oflice GRANT STREET, opposite tne Cathedral. PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgaienta, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. . inhl6 11 . C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street. m724:bzs JOHN A. STRAIN, ALDERMAN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF rRE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Offlee,ll2l FIFTH STREET, opposae the Ca .thectral, Pittsbnr/t, Pa. DLeds, lends, M i or a t. r ef , THllit t s 7l, fllWPwitiliTromMl ie rtu. ana. disaateh. 'mono EUSTACE 24: xi orniow, A.mx , patar.A.N. NE - OPTIC/ JIJSTICE OOP THE PEACE AND °LICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, 73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds,Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all - Legal Business executed who promptness and dispatch. mv2a ARCHIBALD BLARELEY, .ferTORM3X'LIk.'I%.I.a.A.W, No. gte EIFTEr STREET. ape:n99:dlir A. "m", Janice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND ASO RANGE .A 1. CARSON STREET, - EAST BIERNINGH.A.3f. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly al. tended to. • 7ny3:y6o T S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW S No. 87 Pifth Bitreet. BscoND FLOOn, , Faovr Room JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, olliee, 114 Diamond Street, (01;postte the Court Illoase,k Q~ O A TANNED itt LEATAMIti'. BELTING of a anperlor quality; also rat: , leather Belting of different alzes. a A lm on hand at the, lowest prices. J. it H. PEHLL . AEI MM== PITTSBURGH, PA apl:w7ll PMTSlrDiefill. PA. Q