6. STEEL WORKS. - DUQUESNE WORKS, J, i . COL.IiM N, RAHM & CO,,' Manufacturers of 113.0 N, NAILS, STEEL, _ - AXLES AND SPRINGS, Tinoneartelron, Sheet and Tank 'lron, Juniata Iron. %Vagina BOT. Iron. Charcoal Iron. Cylinder Iron, 'ELI - ran, Flanged Colter Bars, Guard Iron, Drag and Bropmr liars. T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges, Flat Rail thr Coal Roads, Boiler Iron, Crow, liars, Chain Links, Boiler Cetus, Steel and Iron Barrow Teeth, Carriage, Wagon, Seat and Coach Springs, and Axles all steles: Sian Steel fdr Plows, Cultivator Steel,'Steel Wings and Moulds cut to pattern. Seeing steel all Wes. A. 11.1 Steel and Steel Tire, Steel Crow Bars, Steel Shaftl g, dm. Al.. COO FIRST CLASS AND WARRAN fs TED. . i Aarotnee and Works 10th - street and Alle gheny rive and Tr WATER STREET. Eltta-I B urgh. - jat:c22 -- 1 1 GODEFFIWY iIIANCKER & CO 4, 42 Exchange Elam, New York, 4,,.. Are pre , as Sole Agents in the United States the Prissiest - Mining and Iron Com. Pan of burg, Westphalia, to contract or selling tlUes to snit purchasers, (delivered in either We. York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. SPIEGELEISEN reed so extensively for the mannfacturing of BESSEMER STEEL.' This Iron is free from Snipnr and PhosphOras, O contains • heavy Per cent age of Manganese. Full particulars, samples,• prices or chemical analyids will be proMptly forwarded on apnlica- Ja3o:d76 cation swum:LLD swift. wombs. ROGER, NIMICIC& CO, PITTSEIMGII. PA.. Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL; RAILWAY SPRINOS, ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRING &SLIM. STEEL TIRE, he., ao Wareho 1311 Water and 100 First Sts. BARR & PARKIN. PABTRZELS -4•PCAIP.I RkURIIN 1111/10. .... v k iß . . RABB, I CHAS. PARKIN'. • S screi. Pears 's—S. H. BIKB. CR CENT STEEL WORKS, ilfiLL 1 BARR it PARS DI, OM. e, No. 339 Liberty St, . _ _ _ PITTSBURGH, PA. 4, Wll. GEO. MEM 29.7! LA DIAMOND - STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTEEER & CO.; Manufacturers of all descriptions of EiIriCaMMILE., Office and Warehouse, _120., 124 SECOND and UR =ll2l FIRST STREETS, P/TTRIIIIMIRH. IRON WORKS. VLBNZE.. ,Preet W. P. POIMIS. pITTSEURGR FORGE AND IRON CO., ETCI72 Ear Iron; . B.aliroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotire Frame Shapes; Side Rods; 'Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; • "Pitman Jaws, collars, die. Coe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA VERSON, PRESTQN & Pennsylvania Iron Works, Warehouse. Nos. 168 &A LM FIRST STBISM. 0...p001te MonongaaehMouse. au24:86 PITTSBURGH. NOVELTY WORKS. PITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. DIM ADAMS, nrsEr. 'CO. scs-sureensszEs Or " • KEYNTONESTANDARDOPALELBANIE SPAT. ENT) PLATFORM' AND COUNTER ' SCALES. Jaill3s laced Patent DoOr Locks and Latches, Paint and Conte 311115, eta. , 001131118 OF' PINT AVENUE Qs.BAST ESN Pittsburg .9PeFinUs. COPPER. LAKESVPIALOR ',Oki/3B XLGIg AND fiIdELTIEG'WOBIII ‘'• P1TT513117114311 - 1: • . • PARK, MCCURDY Bc. CO liminfsettireri eathin Bratlerst Ind Bolt Copper,PrestedCopper Bottoms, Raised Bot toms, Speiser. Solder. Also, linginstrin and Peals est ~fetal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron. Wire /gel COO mantly on kind Tinter*. Machined atd Tooli, Warehouse No.-11.400185T lirlifacT and /IN SmormelfitEET,Pittsburstt. I .pedal faders of (Ampex mit to any desired pet tire. ' • wrvlVeß4tst TT. '1:1 I j% V Jozx m. coma JOLJEATI:...XIXINET 13X8. JOHN N. COOPER & CO., BRASS YOU EB, GAS AND STEAM ifiralll3 lifs aseturen of ?MPS AND MIAMI& Ivory deperiptri dealer" GAB TU B M G, I &Ulm" Cer. of Pike and Walnut Streets; PITTSBURGM FOUNDERS, 4U!.!OEIMISTI3. KNAP FORT PITT FOIJIORY COYPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. egrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma• chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL - FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sniallniantiltreeto, (NINTH WARD,) • rriwrszturton. PA. • WILLIAM SMITH,. Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE too. ems AND WATER 'WORM. 'My Pines are all cast invariablyin Pits, in dry sand. and In feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Csitings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend • eats of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth WLrd, PITTSBURGH. THOMAS N. DHLLER,IV*Iiident. These Works are among the lar_cert and Moat complete establishments lit the Wert. and are now prepared to ihrnist. Engines, of every dollerffitiviv. Boilers, Oil Taaks. Sheet Iron Work. itallrwsd essth:ligs.,, Bolling Bill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Castings: -6eneral Casting*. ORDERS SOLICITED t09:1169 OBINSON, REA ai CO., Stmcessors . to ROBriesOn, .llfnml Mix.Lanit, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Zdanniar-turers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast E i ngines,ll Machinery, Gearing, gnitnitt,_CrollgsagrdaSilierlcrrOti'4.rnosric." Tanks Office, AO. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFAIID , ETATENT INJECTOR for seeding Bolters. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union . Iron 1115,) PITTSBURGH. Bolling Hill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEIT & MACKLIND. 0ci5:128 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SAMIIISKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, • litanufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, I' ll, lo' o Shafting. Grist and S aw Mill Work, Rolling 31111 and Machine Castings., Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order and have on hind Engines of all sizes. arel4:qs _ C ENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN t BOYD 4t BA.G.A.LEL Chill Rolls, 11111 Castings, Roll Lathes, &c. LUMBER. L UMBER! LUMBER!! ez.Eurigorm PATTERSON. Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber. ON HAND AND YOE SALE 1 000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.000 feet 1% and 2 Inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1% Men Common Plank; 30,000 jet Dry 1 and 2 inch Oak: 25,000 feet Dry 2, and 3 Inch Ash, 5,000 ft. Dry 2,2%, 2 In. Cherry &Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry 1, lh, 2 *oda inch Pop 4:: 10,000 'feet Dry PoplarSe.antling; gamin() feet Hemlock Jolstd and Scanting: 150,000 No. 112-inch Shingles,' sawed; • 250,000 No. 1115-inch Shingled, sewed; • 40,1 M) No. 110 - Inch Shingles, *hived* 40,000 glre Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. . 100 Tons Fire Clay; • YABDa 80 PREBLE STREET. tbraterly Manchester and 3371tEBECCA 1371tRET, OW sue the gas Works, Allegheny City. wiz ,IRON BROKERS. sAmorig wiesuraisussi; 1 IRON BROIDIR 9 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall. - Donghamore, titg i d n lkt i n liND h in or A i n u tr g atle, ° rOtlat: 'diens Coke and O. B. chareos3. PIO IRONS. Consignments are most resew:trolly solicited. COAL AND COKE. emu COOL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STMVAIET I CO, Bating removed their Office to NO. .567 LIBERTY STREET (Lately City Flour AM) OZOOND ELOOE. Are now rep_ered to Amnion good Yutfeinto. Olin NY Liner, NAM' COAL 011 BLACK, ay the Krweet morket price. All orders tett at Mete odes . or addressed to them through the =A wrnr be ittrmiled to = 'PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THITBSDAY, ..-FEBITARY 11, ENGINES, BOILERS„ &O. HUGH N. BOLE & CO., Cwr. Point Alley and DuquesneBt 4 (DINAR THE POININ)• Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. • Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA- TIONARY ENGINES of all Area. Arial attention Invited to our now STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of IS-borae power. CASTINGS. of every kind, made to order atonr Foundry. on THIRD STREET, below - Market. RIGS for 011 Wella, SHAFTING PULLEYS, HANGERS, ROUSE and TOBACGO SCRE - WS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the; Faint, igr All orders promptly Ailed. TAY us FORT PITT BOILED, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR. 'DOUBLE-PLUM TUBULAR, PULE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. , - OIL STILLS AND OIL TAMES, CHIMNEYS, BILEEOHMG AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, OASOMETEBS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °Mee and Warehouse, corner Seeond, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, AP Orders lent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:1139 WM. BARNHILL. & CO., BOILER MAKERS ' AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. AO, 515, 114 ARD AO PENN BT. Having secured a large yard and furnished It wit& the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chlioneys, P.reething, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sofa manufacturers of Barahill's Pat ent Boilers. Bepairing done on shortest notice. isbm2l JAMES M. BITER, Nag. 55 and 56 Water Street, :414.- - -11:17ACT07111 07 IRON , , OIL TAINXS , SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM gins, 'BOLLING MILL STACMS, -, • And SHEET IRON WORK, ) For Steamboat:. JADID =lf MID D. MIME JAILED M. BRUSH & SON, XAMTPACIVIIZIIB or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORTS. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, ace THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN TEE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated - Base Burning Oriental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Parlor,olllce. Store or .Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win. tet. Do notb iy until you see or send for.Clrcalar. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Ortentals—DEniMLEß BROS., imlthfield St.; GEO. EUBLEF, Allegheny City. BUT, MMUS & CO., YANZIPACTLII.BII.S Or ZVEIII" ',AMIEIIOr • leer CONT3OI3 . .91 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, ..REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK. STOVE. IVAN'S teluelnnatt Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C AST IRON MANTLES, WELLMAN'S REFLECTOR, GRATES, free from dirt and dust; G ;SATE FRONTS; FENDERS, te. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, 04a5: Tl 7 COOK STOVES. BISSELL at CO.'S FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as nil assay other Stove in the Caton. BISSFLTI & No.. 235 Liberty Street. Joe on hand and for ag ?ARLO.gEA e. . FRTAITB A YEli . lI OOO.KINfit RANO. PITTSBURGH PAPER HANSI FACTUBINO COMPA2iTt itsaufactuieri of PRINTING &-WRAPPING PAPERS M CLINTON MILL—STILIIBENIIILLE. ORIG. OUTON MILL—NEW BBIEUITON, OFFICE AND WAREHOWSZ, N.. 82 Third Streoti Plttilbareh • opincigns—AllGUST HART.M.,_Preildent. JNO. B. LIVINGSTON, Tresaurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE, Secretary., DlllSCTOitte—Angn it Hartle, Jo= ..ttwnll, 8. H. ah rDmMstn f , o J P h a n eßr . S L o i o f k aton. jazima _STONE. - :• t : :3 Z - III2IPAILIN BING/LIMY ....Plll P CLZIII. COMMON QINGERLY & CLEISp S oesson k 7 to thou. F. Bosuottmex & Co., MaChine Stone Rorke, LTTI/OGRAP ERA. N " thwesteanter °rW " t C°znza°l ' " c ool. The only Steam • littoqapbto E binannent IFILETPX ATTATEIR *. co. l wen th e Mountains: nelness be .8, Letter Have on bind oi %Tessin , on snort Junk* tieirtt Heeds. , Bonds, !Abell, Otteni , maw, s .w owe, and Stop Stones. Ifta , Par Sidewilka, Brewer' Dlpiomae. TortratteA•VAewe, C.ll , es or Hanna, Se. Head SW ToSib Stones, Roans, invitation viols, Ae.„ Nos. E and fi t Oder. Droi&o$11&&&&11:44% '11144 gel&o&able Third street, Plttsbarik.' PITTSBURGH, :PA ILLNOTACTUBMIIB 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa. PrITSBUBO2I, PA., FOR WARNING BUILDINGS. ! PITTSBURGH. PA. CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, PAPER. maxc;luak FORT (PITI BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : :: : $200,000. STOCKHOLDEFS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST'ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points In the United States and Canadu. DIRECTORS: Jno. C Risher, Robt. H. King, Andrew 31111er, James 31. Bailey D. Posterior, James Gordon, D. Wallnce. Fawcett, BAWL. RI D. LEET NATIONAL BANK OF COME, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON ...- President. JOS. H. HILL - CAPITAL, : $500,000. DIRECTOBS: Eleorge W. Cass, H. H. Palmer, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Dan. R. Davidson, W. 8. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAIL ap9:099 HART, CAVGHET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PITTS331:111131:11. (BUCCEBBOIIB TO HANNA, HASP & CO") • Dr. l .LaRl3 111 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchale atm male of II GOVERNMENT BOND. Sight Drafts on London: niTimu N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street. prrwrssrartoki, I C,ollectlone made on all the principal points of the United Mates and Canadas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. OILS ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT W. C. MEDDLE, MANUFACTURER. OF Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils relipee Railroad Axle Oil Stands treat beat without change: remelts limpid at lowest temperatures. bpeelal WI for tropical climates or hot Weather. . Locomotive, Engine; Machine Shop. Wid cut Screws, Saw Mill and Planing Mlll'olls, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil. W.. 0 1, Hend-Litht Oil, Oil., 'fanners' Stuff-lien:ole, , ing iriniahingoll.i Gasoline, Harness Oil Parradine. ARMOR VARSISH. to preserve Bright lion Werk And Machinery from Snot. • These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddles patent be Superheated Stearn In Veer cut , . Tne Lubricating oils arc almost odorless, perfectly purr. uniform, and mostly light col. ored, stand a high temperature unchanged and remain limpid during extreme cold. The - Railroad ohs arc unequalled. and are In constant u.,e on many of the princlp4l Railroads Somnlea can Ire examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. • TARING AND KING, Commission Merchants asorßrokers In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, pirrsauuun, PA. PIiILADELFRIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, . - AND DEALEBS IN Petroleum and its Products, PM/burgh Officoe—DALZELLt BUILDING. corner of Dminine Way and Irwin street'. Phillifielpl,lllo2Boo—MAT,WALNUT - ll M. LONG & CO., MANUPACTORIMS OP PURE MUTE -BUIPTING BiancEL"LITCLF:EIt." OMps, MN 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh,. ac, FLOXM PEARL -MILL FAMILY FLOUR, SILL Three etas Greed BraitdOiqual to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. This Flour will oar.* tient out when espe cally ordered. ' PEARL MILL BLVE BRAND, Equal to best bt. Louis. PEARL MILL BED .i .BRAND, O VAl l tyrily i r r lour. WHITE CORN FL AlleulieWri. Leta. EIBILAN, Preset. MON. Cashier. T, AT U A. If . 121 127 Walnut Street. CEIMIAL AND ITATION . PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS , The Cheapest investment now In the market for sale by it,..,3l:llaEitrEZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE &WOOD STREETS. Alio, dealer In' Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and Ituropean Exchange at market rates. dell DAME ST. BRADY C o ., (Successors to S. JONES A Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3E3 IL 1 4 47 XL 3M "Vt. BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF • GOVERNMENT SECURITIES( GOLD, SLIVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. or Interest Allowed on Deposits. .Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of _STOCKS, BONDS and DIOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. 6 . ljt I.l.itt*ltgij..6aitft, FINANCE d'JD TRADE, OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GA4,Ai WEDNESDAY. February 10, 1809./ The tendency for gold is still down ward, and any atteMpt of the bears to force up the market fails completely. The large shipments of bonds, Govern ment and Pacific Central, which. were bought by two well-known Frankfort banking. houses, Efhillip• Speyer it Co., and Stern Bros., also the heavy pur chases of 1867's by Fisk and Hatch for shipment; will keep the market, well supplied ,with exchange that any ship ment of 1 gold is only a flanking move ment by the bulls to get their load of gold off their hands. With the encourag ing administration, we may expect an increased demand for our securties from abroad, and also from capitalists that have been too timid at high prices; that a simultaneous advance of bonds must inevitably raise the credit of (the Gov - Mont, and gold will find its level sooner, .perhaps, than expected. Bonds have advanced about 34 per cent. to-day, and clbsed very strong.( Some series are quite Scarce, and the snort interest In them assists the up ward movment of the market. tttecks experience a lull ;past now, but after the sudden advance of governts mailts we may look to a simultaneous rise in stocks, and this time to a sharp one, assisted by speculators'and chance investors. Business is improving, and money easier at 10 per cent. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 1356; Eighty4one's, 113%. Five Twenties, 1862, 113%; do, 18.6-1,110,,f; do, 1866, 112; do, 1865, new. 109%; do, 1867, 109%: do,' 1868, 109; Ten Forties, 109; Railroads Cleve land it Pittsburg,. 92; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne it Chicago. 117.,V; Chicago it Rock Island, 132; Chicago & North Western, ti3J4; do Preferred. 91%; ( Erie, —; New York Central, 16216; --M/chi gan Southern, 9.1!4"; Reading, 95%; Ohio & Mississippi Certificates, 36; West ern Union Telegraph Company, 37%; Merchants Union Express Company, IS!,,i; Pacific Mail, 116; Adams, 68%; Mining shares—Gregory, 2,50; Quartz Hill, 68; Smith & Tommie, 1,93; Cory don, 10. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady it Co.: Gold, 134%; United States Sixes, 1881's, 113; 1862,113%; 5-20's, 1864, HON; 1865, 111%; 5-20's January and July; 1865, 109;4, do. 1867, 109%; do. 1868, 109%: Seven ThirtiJs; par.lese V; Due Com pounds, 119; Ten 109%;Forties, Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifica, 10135: • . PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, February 10, 1889. There is really but little That is new or important to be said about the oil mar ket in a general way. Refined, espe cially for thli :month, seemed to be a, little stronger this afternoon, which was attributed to the shorts buying in order to secure themselves'against the possi bility of a "corner," of which there is some apprehension, though, as yet, rather slight. And while spesking of, a "corner," it is not out of place to state it is thought %that it would be much easier to bring one about now than a month since, as the stock in Philadel ( phia is much reduced, siail the amount going forward, from here; at keit, is, and has been for weeki,,uninsuallylight. It is not : probable, however, that any such movement is intended, l though : it is well enough for those whO are in an exposed condition to make provision for such s contingency; as' there is no telling what. the future mayibring forth: CRUDE. The , Crude market is less active, and according to the sales reported, spot oil is a shade lower, though, generally, there is but little change in prices. We can report 2,000 bbls, buyer, all y - ear, on pri , vote terms; 500 spot at 18 and 500 at 18%'; two' hundred dellats was, pal& for ,the privelege of putting in or not,„1,000 bbls between now and - July Ist, at 18; - and, last evening, there was a sale of 5,000 ,bbla (40 to id) to. be delivered. on drat 'water,at 183/. ; E . •`;;. REFINED As already noted, the market mus a little stronger for this month. this after noon, with offers to' buy' at' 3831 against Hales in the forenoon at 38h', and at the close, this delivery, was held at 39. Sales 500 bblitebrinihr at 3814 f '1,500 - at My 4; 500 March al NM. OffeTs to buvJuly. to Deq'ember at ,3S, and April to December may be quoted at the same figure. - LUBRICATING OILS Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 35c Eclipse Machinery 15c Eclipse Spindle( 80c Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing ' 400 Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 65c RECEIPTS OP CRUDE OIL. Fisher iSt 8r0...500 I Jas. Wi1kin5......350 D.M.Eedgerton. SO " Total OIL SHIPPED 'EAST BY A. V. R. R. J. C.Kirkpatrick & Co., 100 bbls refined to Waring, King LS: Co., Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co., 259 bbls refined to Warden', Frew it Co. Philadelphia. Total shipments Relines 368 OIL SHIPPED EAST .rEox DUQUESNE ITEM Fleming dr Co., 500 bbls refined to Tack Bros., Philadelphia. Warden 6: BatchelOr, 47 do tar Tully & Clark, Philadelphia. G. W. Holdship dt Co., 50 do tar to W. Lincoln,. Boston. Total shipments Refined. 500 11 Tar 97 PITTSBURGHCATTLE`' MARKET. P.K.SWACKRTRAL STOCK YARDS, •WEDNESDAT Feb. 10, 1869. CATTLE. The market for Cattle, thus far this week, has been a little sluggish, though prices are ,fully sustained, and the sup ply on sale to-day was only moderate. There is again a scarcity of buyers, and to this may be attributed the sluggish ness noted, as , the offerings were by no means large, and there were several very good droves, such as are usually wanted for shipment to Philadelphia and New York. It would Seem that some of the Philadelphia buyers went to Baltimore again this week, while others-would doubtless pick up all they wanted in the eastern part of the State. It is thought /the demand for that mar ket will not be as brisk here as it has been all winter, as Lancaster, Ches ter, and other adjoining comities are re ported full of Cattle, and the time is now at hand when this stock 'will be thrown unpn the market. As will be seen by reference to the report of sales,' prices, compared with last week, have undergone no quotable change. Prime shipping steers sold at from Bto 8,25, and extra do at 8,50. We heard of one drove of extra that was held'at 90 , but we feel satisfied that there I was not a tuver here would. give that figure. Stock Cattle may be quoted at 5,50 to 6,25, according to quality and • condition. THURSDAY, February 4.—Boles t Skilman 35 head, weighing 52,725, at 8.50; Clark to Kelly 15, weighing 13,025, at 5,50; Orr & Williams, for Funk to Mania & Co., :A weighing 33.525,, at to 700: Holmes, Lafferty & Co., for Summerville to Moses 19, weighing 19,- 350, at 5 to 5,50; same to same 40, weigh ing 42,650, at 6; same to Kelly 19 bulls, weighing 21,525, at 4,75; Acker to L. Sham berg 3. weighing 3,825, at 5,50; Don ahue to McGarvey 16, weighing .16,775; Miles Skilman 15, weighing 15,200, at 4,75 to 6,50; Morgan , to Kelly 37, weigh ing 39,150, at 6,75; Coulter to. Hines 15, weighing 15,400, at 5,50: Wright to Kelly 15, weighing 15,225, at Gy s ; Acker to Hines 6. weighing 5,450. at 4,75; McFad den to Keefer 17; weighing 18,925, at 6,25: same to Coldoller 4, weighing 3,475, at 4,75; Smith dr. Blue to L. Shatuberg 20, weighing 15,650, at 4,50. ' FRIDAY February ' s.—Holmes, Laf ferty & C o. to Zeigler 19, weighing`l6,loo, at 4,75; J. Phillips to Davis 19, weighing 13,300, at 5,25; L. Shamberg to Myers 24; Holmes; Lafferty & Co., fo,i Kelly, to nil & Co. 53, weighing 57,250. SATURDAY, February 6.—Holmes, Laf ferty & Co. for L. -B. -Doud to Voter dz Co.. 47j weighing 58,750 at 8,25. TUESDAY, February 9.—Smith & Blue for Hogan to Young 20, weighing 21,425, at 7,25; same for same to Corbettl, • weighing'7,3oo;at 6,25; Berry to Miteh Co. 18, weighing 19,850. WEDNESDAY, February „10.—Smith dd Blue for Bishop. ;o Kelly 26, . weighing 28,225 it, 6,so;'salue for same . CciKeller weighing 5,475 , at 5,50; Berry to Voter 17, weighing 20,950, at 7%; Crawford & Co. to Ault & Co. 18, weighing (18,425, at 6,75 to 7,25; Smith & Blue for Knox to Kelly 8, weighing 11,050, at 7,50; McPherson to Frank 34, weighing 41,100 at 7 , g; Holmes, Latterly & Co. - to Kelly 15, weighing 19,050 at 7,15; flazlewood & Black-stock for Dolan to , Ault St Co. 16, weighing 19,940, at 7,75; same for same to same 16, weigh ing 18,565, at 7,75. SEREP. With a good( shipping' demand, and only a moderate supply, (the market for this grade of stook has been pretty stiff thus far, aid au' advance 'pf a quarter to half a cent, compared with , last week, has been established.-: There was a brisk dema i nd for prime fat'.sheep, arid We can report sales of this kind at 6,25 to 6,75, but the great proportion of the sales ranged from, 6to 6 ate. One drove of ex tra Kentucky Sheop, averaging one hun dred and twenty-tiro pounds 'brought 7.75. Common and inferior continue dull and neglected, the demand for shipment be ing restricted to the better I grades, so that the market for the forttlerieinreal ity no better than it Was last week. The sales since the date of onr last report (on the 3d) foot up 16,187 head. ' ' HOGS. • -- • 1-- There has been, no let down in Hogs as yet, but there is no doubt but ' what the climax has been nearly reached. Com pared with•the date of' 012 r last report, prices have advanced fully a dollar per cwt., and we now quotegood to choice at 13 to 13,50—0ne car having been sold at the outside quotation; York Hogs may be quoted at, 11,5Utt) I. ,These prices, taking • everything ' into consideration, are unprecedented, and the market, therefore is very sensitive.' Operators, generally, are predicting a break, and that. too, before long,"and twine ate die; posed to think that, it will be a bad one when it does commence. The' sales of Hogs since the d•te . of our lasti repast, (on the 3d)" fait P°ll;2l7leid; Cincinnati Iron Market. `stock of pig iron is small, and with a brisk de mand, -prices for hot blast , ' have ad vanced /1 tol2 _per tunolosing _ Bar Iron is in RCM demand antPiteadv:t Shoes are lower. We, quote; Pig—No. 1 charcoal fOttrinry iron, 514 to 2245; No., 2 do, /40 to 543; charcoal mill iron, V4O to 541; atone coal Iron, 538 to s . TetitteL see , cold, blast, /45; Missouri, /50:car wheel iron, /60 to 163; blooms, 595 to /105 per tun. CHICAGO, February ler-.Cattle , iforket —Beef Cattle dull and weak at' tia6,12% for cows and light -steers, and 8eN6230 7,fie tor good to' eholee'abipping. Bogs dull, heavy and drooping at 811a11,50 for for,ocimmon to fair. $147.5a12,3734 for goad to extra. - aT. ..4u17113, Fe b ruary 10.—aoga; no sales; extra heavy held at 411,60; packed to date '230,000 head. Cattle weak at 131600;24 MEM