Q STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE WORKS I . . - COLEMAN, REIM & CO„ Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLE - S - AND SPRINCS„ Duquesne Lroit Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Bin Iron. Charcoal Iron, Cylindeg Iron, XL Iron, Flanged Cutter Bars, Guard Ir, Drag and Dropper Bars, T Rail for Coal Road, . Iron Wedges. Flat. Raft for Coal Roads. Bolter 'lron, Crow Bare , Chain Links. Boiler IFietoS, Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage, Wagon, Seat and Coach Springs, and Axles, till stiles: Blab Moulds ' or Flows. Cultivator Steel:Steel Wings andcut to pattern. Baring r•tet-1 all sizes. A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel Crow Bars, Steel Shafting, &c. ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS AND witßu*N . TED. gar Offices and Works 16th street and I.lle gheny river and 77 WATER STREET. Ats burgh. 7ai:g2l GODEFFROY BBANCKER &0 € 1 • , 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, as sole Agents in the , United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Com pany of Duisburg, Westphalia. to, contract or sell in Quantities%) suit purchasers, (delivered in either New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from Sulpur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy percentage of Manganese. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on aptdica cation. aao:(l76 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MUCK &CO., • PITTSBURGH. PA.. Manufacturers of every descrlptfon of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS,' ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORMSPRfNGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, . &c.. esc Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. MLLES, BARR & PARRJN GENEALL PARTNERS: WILL METCALF.REUBEN nMILLER, I Gro. W. BAR., ' CIIAB. PARKIN. BrzcLia, PAannen—S. 3L. 'R"JRIII CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARK, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA MEW "cam DIABIOND STEEL WORKS. ARK, BROTEER & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of 04 2 T I1 P 11 P -I nLii. • _ 05ce and Warehouse, 120, 12%. 1.914 SECOI 4 ,'D and :19 and 111 FIEST STREETS, PrITSBII3IIIOII. IRON WORKS JAE. ;Lassa, Pre5 , t...... W. P. Por. Bur". piTTSBERGR FORGE ANDARON CO., surecturaras or Ear iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; andiroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; tilde Rods; 1 7 .. oho's, Straps; . Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; _• Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitl3l9ll Jaws, Collars, ote. O.L'lco, No. 177 PENN STREET) PITTSBUFA4II, vERSON, PRESTON be CO., PennsllvAnia Iron Works. Wsnhouse, Nos. 166 . • an 4167 "FIRST: 51'X El'. ~ upo:Ate Mononga .1 e I :0•ion Fe. PITTSBURGH: NOVELTY. WORKS FITTSBURGEIE NOYELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1533 ADAMS, MILEE & CO. ILLICIITACTIMILE 8 Od SETsTo NE sTANDABD, >FATIMA:NE. S PAT - ENT) PLATFORM' AND CoUNTED SCALES. Banta Paced Patent Door Loch's aid Latches, Paint and Conte kilns, ice. GORIER Or nisT AVENUE & GRANT STS., Pilt.bnrgl4 Penn'a. COP#ER. TIMM SUPERIOR A tomEa MTh tatannt wpm .I."AftlC, MaCIIFtDY & CO., • Witlinfacturers Of.Bhoathing, Brasiers , and Bolt Cooper, Fret ed Conner Bottomt,Baised SUII Bot toms, Bnelter. Bolder. Also, Impee,ers and Deal ers .11 metal . Tin Pinto, Blieet Iron, Wire, An. Con++ tly on kand 'Miners' Meeldness4d Tools. Warehouse,: No. 140 711113 T 8T8.8.6T and Jul 9 axcoND STBBST. Pittsburgh. • opeeill orders of Copper collo any desired pat te GAS,AND 3 FITTING: Jornr Jos. ILLY1..;1111NBr Ens :TOUPI MCOOPEILar. co BRASS POITZIDERS GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Iftnufacturers of YOMPS AIM BRAM WORK, yaegratel l a rimitlegr a s ih inOAS FIXTIIEX~t Car. of Pike and Walnut Streets, prrrstußag. EIME FOUNDERS, TiLADRINISTS, OAP FORT PITT FOITYDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, r • TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PL. rEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONA.L FOUNDRY 'AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smaliman Streets, WARD,) pri-remitncr - Fx„ PA.. • WILLIAM SMITH" Mannfootu_rer of CAST. IRON BOWL PIPE YOU GAB AND WATER. WOMBS. My Pines Ire all cast tnyartablyin Pits, in dry sand, and IA feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general • ' I Castings for Gas and Water . Works. , I would also call the attention of Superintend. euts of Flas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward; vrr , rs33trriGit. THOMAS N. IPHLUCH President. These Works are among the lamest an im a complete establtehmeots in the West, are now prepared to farnish Engines, of every dolieriPtlem Boilers, 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron' Work. Railroad Castings. Rolling Rill Castings. Engine Castings. Maeliine Castings. 61eneral Castings. ORDERS SOLICTITEri xto9:n69 ROBINSON, REAL Zs CO., successors to BowNEow, aims tt itrt.t.sza, WASHINGTON WORKS , FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, IstfultifaCturers of Boat and Stationary Steam-En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: OUT anks and Stills. Boiler and Sheet Iron Wore. Office, No. li, coruer First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFA_RD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. jall:ra2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron M 1112,) PITTSBURGH. Rolling Rill and Bridge Castin:: THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MAOHLNERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT a- MAMMA 0C15:128 T13101)LIkS CAJMLLN & CO., Fourth. Ward Foundry and Machine Works SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PI, Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oft Presser , ruileys Shafting, Grist and. Saw Mill Work Rolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. Build to order an, have on hand Engines of all sizes. mvl4:qs CrdITRAL rOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS . 'l3so Penn Street. BOLULAN, TAM) 1 BAGAIET. Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, &c. LUMBER UMBER!' LUMBER I I ALEXANDER rATTERSON. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber. ON BAND AND FOR SALE : LOUD,IIOO feet Dry Fine Boards; 150,000 feet 13i and 2 inch" Clear Plan:: - 30,000 feet Dry I,ti Inch Common Plank; 30,000. feet Dry 1 and 2 Each Oak: 25,000 feet Dry 2, 2)1 and 3 inch Mk, 5,000 ft; Dry 2,234,3 in. Cherry & MaPle. 30,000 ft. Dry 1., I.k and 3 InCh Foptar; • ' 10,000 feet Dry P Scantling:: 250,000 feet liemloc Joists and Scantliagi 750,000 No. 1 18-inch Shingles,' sawed; 230,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, sawed' 40,000 No. 1 16-inch shingles, envied; *O,OOO Fire Brick:: • 1,000 - Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay' Tagbd—No. 86 PREBLE ' STREET. formerly Manchester, and 157 REBECCA STREETOPIPP site the Gas Works, Allegheny City. no= IRON BROKERS. BANUEL WICHEESSADI4 . . IRON, BROKER, . 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, DoughamOre, Josephine, Isabella„Dnneannon,Stanhope, Glen don,and other brands Of Anthraolter:Youghio gheny Coke and C. B. charcoal. PIG IRONS. cansbenitents are most ree wackily INCIICIt4II. COAL AND coml. DMA CattLl! COAL!!! ICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their Once to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour Uhl) SECOND /MOO& Are now prepared to furnish _g_ood •1011GRIO• OHS AY LUMP, NUT COAL 0 1 118 LACE, at the lowest morket pride. All orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the ma will be attended lo promptty. PITTSBURGH G ENG pIES, BOILERS, dr.e. HUGH N. BOLE sk CO., Con Point Alley and Duquesne St:, Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA-' TIONARY %NUINES. of all sizes. Special attention inrited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horse power. CA.t3TINGE,of every kind. made to order &tour Foundry on THIRD STREET. below Market. HANGERS Oil Wells, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, ,17101 USE and TOBAC SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Myer, near the Point. .ra- All order 4 promptly filled. TRY 1313 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL Alin TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYIDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FUOL-BOX. AND CYLLNDER STEAM BOIL OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING' AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT. PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES °Mee and Wozehouse, corner Second, Third, Shortand Liberty Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa 51/1 - Orders sent to the above addreEs will be promptly attended to. mh7:159 WH. BARNHILL fit CO., BOILER, MAKERS AND SKEET IRON WORK cr BRS, NOS. SO, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. . , . Having secured a large yard and furniahedli wain the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every de,scription of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any - made in the country. Chimneys. Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers. Condensers. Salt Pans. Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers okßarnhill`s l'at ent Boilers. Repairing done on Shortest notice. 116:c21 TAMES BITER, Nos. 65 and 56 Wager Street, PI 7 .I7MBIIMG/1, PA., AA:rmacTrasm OP IRON OIL TAN XS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAY FLPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK. , • For &combos:a. 'JAILED M. ..... EMI kr!rt) D. MIMI JARED M. BRUSH & SON, - ICANCTACTCYLERF. OF • Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON ',WORE, &O. -61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, ite. TILE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY Sr, CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental Stoves and 'furnaces for Hard Coal or Col:e.Rst Ln the World for rarlor,olllce, Store or Church. F; re needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do not b iy until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orlentals—DEM MLER Rnlthfleld St.; GEO. H 01tLEY, Allegheny City. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO., brASL - FACTURERS OF H.VE:RY VARIETY OF larrCrtnaget, BOSTON COOKING .RANGE, "THE FIERY FUR ACE," THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, ••REGULATOR." COLUMBIA. COOK STOVE. VAN'S •.Ctucfnnatt Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C .S'l IRON MANTLES, WELLMAN'S REF LECTOR, GRATES, free from dirt and Matt GRATE FRONTS. FENDERS, .ac. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, .25:117 PITTSBURGH, PA 000 h. STOVES. • BISSIELIG 4& CO.'S FOR BITUMINOUS. COAL. • Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Nell as any other StOTe In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. &leo on band and for age, PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES, - ORATE ! KI WETS, VICNDIUM COONG RANGES,:ite. PITTSBURGH PAPER MANE. FACTORING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING &.WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON MILL—STEUBENVILLE. OHIO. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, PA. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. No. Nit Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Oincins—AtGUST HARTJE,Prestdent- JNO. B. LIVINGSTON. Treasurer. - I SAMUEL RIDDLE. Secretary. DlnicTons—Augrst Hart*. John Atwell, S. H. Gutman, John B. Ltfington. Cull DLit' for Patter Stock. 1a29:088 WEST COMMON Mach* . Le fitone , Works, , Northwest corner of West Cot:omen, Allegheny. , FJIED'K ATVATER it' CO. Hare 'Cot band. or prepare on short notice Hearth and Step Stones, Flags for Sidewalks. Brewery Vaults, Sm. Head and Tomb !Wanes, .ke. (Wert Promptly executed. 'Prices reasonable IME WEDNESDA t FEBRUARY 10, 1869. A ZETTE : (Nr.ea ima POINT,) PITTSBURCW, PA. XLIiinFACTUUSR B p - FOR WARMING BUILDINGS CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, PAPER. STONE. FINANCLAIN. FORT 'PITT IiNKER' COIIPHY: No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, ; ; ; $200,400. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABE, • pEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOMIS. Collections made on all accessible point in the United States and Canadas. DIEECTOES: D. Hostetter, James eordon, I ii13 . t. C 13. D. WaUnce, ler. E. Fawcett, • James M . Bailey. D. LEET WILSON. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF COMIERE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts .Presidind. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. A. PATTERSON ...- JOS. H. HILL ..-...- DIRECTORS: ' George W. Case, R H. Palmer, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, , Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Dan. R. Davidson, W. e. Haven. T. AT 11 A. N. DISCOUNTS DAIL ao9:ort HART, CAIIGHEY - & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood &recta, prr-rsistrnotaix, PA., OSUCCI - 1.6601.1.5 TO HANNA, HART it C 0.,) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase awl sale ot . COVERNMENT BONDS: Bight Drafts on London. HOLMES & SONS, .1:41 • =in'. 00_10 zi[L=.-11 57 Market Street, PETTIDSI3,I7I3 , GriI, • Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Stocka,Bonda and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. rartietilar attention paid to the purchaue an sale of United States Securities. AV:al OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, NI AN If FACTURE': OF Lubricating & ll4hTi:st Burning Oils Eclipse Railroad Axle Oil. Stands great - heat without change: remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or Lot weather. LOCOMOtitie. Engine, Machine Shop, Whl cot screws. • Saw Mill and Finning Mill Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Weal lleall-Lightoll, Oil, Tanners' Milli- Benzoic.. Om& FirsishingOil,GaMaine, Harness Oil !Parranine. ARMoil Vidrkll9l-1, to preterve Bright Iron Wcrk and Machinery (ruin ituit. These pro wets are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle s ph eft be Superheated i_ 4 lcam in Vac cuo. The Lubricating ups are almost odorirss, perfectly pure. uniform. and mostly light col ored. stands high tonperaut unchanged and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ole are 'uncoil:Writ, and are In constant are on many of the principal Railroads Stimuli, can lie exsmined and orders hell at 114- WOOD STREET. WorkS at Slisrpstnirg Bridge. WARING AND KLNG, Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum aud its Products, BALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH. PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TAM BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCIIANTS AND DEALERS IN. Petroleum and its Products, Pittsburgh Ofice—DALZELL'S BUILDING, corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. • Philadelphia Office-IAI WALNUT. ST. apt:wge H M. LONG b. CO., IdANUPAOTOREBS OP PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brand 'L uorimit.” Mee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. FLOUR. PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR, PEARL MILL Three Star Green Brand, espial to FREWiItaFAMILY ,FLOUR. This Al Ar 71111 only oe sent ont when &Me dially '• • - BLVE BRAND. Enna' to beat Mt. Louth. - PEARL BILL RED E BRAND, irum. WHITE CORN FLOlM a iN be tlttrig o ldEALl. E. T. ItENIZDY & Allegheny. Sept. %l. 11468. themia. MILL. LITHOG : 'HERB. BINJAILIN ..... ..PRILLP .4.3.1:111 QINGERLY &CLEIS I succesio 17 to Ozo. SCEICICIIYAN & PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. ' The only Stesm Lithographic Establishment Watt of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Beads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, 'dhow , Cards, Diplomas, Portraits Visors, Certificates of De =,: as.. Nos. 1* and 14 street, Pittsburgh. . CEiT I T _ AND .lIIVION PACtk IC RAILWAY - BONDS, The cheape s t 1 vestment now in the market for sale by t9E3E. . 31:11alErrZ 9 Corner FIFT, Also, dealer Conoons and rates. JAMES OE Corner 13 BUY. A: GOVERNMENT, SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AM) COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS 1:11r Interest Allowed on Deposits. Afir 'Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale Of .STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. _ _ JAMES T. BRADY & CO bijt I.tbillttO FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUF.SDAY, February 9, 1869. The tendency for gold is still down ward, and quotations range between 135 1 4 to 135. The bull operators- failed completely yesterday in the attempt to make gold scarce, and although they bid up the market to 13534, the lirge offerings brought down the market to 1353;. So long as the shipments of cot ton, oil andl other produce continues, for which there i every prospect, and the. opening of shipments of now going f( titles on aecon land freight. Europe, wit whith is isolit is looked upo ing the comic there is enli causes will alt of the gold p further heavy GOVerlllllel day from 1,4 1121 E strop borlsf i or nm, tqocks had yeterday, an! 1 4.)er cent., Iv' Money ens business imp Quotations Mertz: Gold one's, 113; .1! do 1664, 110: 1 Consols, 109! 100 1 ,4; Ten F Central, - 1621,: Pittsburgh, Railroad, 11 35%;' Illichlg land & PI Rock . Island, Weston, 53; , } ; Preferred, 92 pally, 65y; M /S 1; Pacific M Telegraph Con Quartz Gill, 7t Parinele, 2,60. .Chico o .Chicu o .11tpu blican, of Monday, says: Eosin& in all departments .con tinues to rule ;Met. and the voluinc of trade. is- light there being no- improve meat:. worthy f especial mention to no tice in any iancl: of 'industry. The weather has eon favorable, but there has been. a e arcity.- of; buyers on the ' market% hen a lack of activity, and no permane t improvement is Antici pated lon so 'e ! little time .to come. The money marliet remains in a compara tively easy c(lnClitlon, and there:are no 434 1 ' fears of arpc ranee of the stringency of the 'past. B t \ this alisurauce fails to stimulate act itv in commercial circles. Grain is aeon iulating at this center, and by the openi gof navigation it is quite plrobable tha we shall have in. store be tiyeen 4,000, 0 and 5,000,000 bushels. . —.Closing q otations received Jay Jamei T.'. Brady . \ . Co.: Gold, '135;- - United States Six 1881's, 113; 5-20's, 1862, 11334/ 5-20's, 18134, '110%; 5-20's, 1865, 111%;' 6.20's January and - ' Ju1y,..1865, IoN, do. 67, 109%; do. 1868, 109%; Seven Thirt es, par less' 1/.; Due Com pounds, 119 Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifies, 1011,. . EMU Ornes :I? PITTSBURGH GAZETTZ, TUESDAY', February 9, 1869. .1 A. quieter and easier feeling seemed to prevail in oil circles, to-day. and the vol ume of business, feircomuderably below that of yesterday. This led some opera tors to believe that the top had been touched, , and that a reaction has; just fMrly set' in, and to Make a still. itiong er case, it was alleged _ that some, who all along have been regarded as bulls of the first water, were making strenuous efforta to sell. Then, again, there were others who could not see matters in this light. While it was conceded that there was a lull, it was denied thatd:ft& was any premonition of a break, as there was nothing in' ilia present condition of the market to justify any such predictions, This, as near as we could gather, is abolit the shape in which the ttade stands, and these are the views entertained by Most of the operators. .In oil, as in every thing else, mon will advocate what they consider is to their own interest, and a good -deal more stress is laid on this than other eoneiderat . lone, winch have more ` l ,l, NM 11111 AVENUE & WOOD STEEETS In Government Bonds. Gold and ,European Exchange at market dett I BRADY 136 CO., .sots to S. JONES do C 0..) ourth and Wood Sts., XT. '3Ol I) SELL ALL KINDS OF vigation will increase grain and flour, which if rward in limited qu of. the high rate of in- the exception of Spain ed from the great powers, as preserving peace dpr g season, and commerce - enecl again. MI these in the,gradual depression emhlch; and will nreVent importations. honds'have advanced to o per cent., and closed n increasing demand for. stment. touched the - lowest point to-day advanced front th a better feeling. rat 10 to 12 per cent., and owing as received by Ph. R. 135 1 4: Silver, 130; Eighty ye Twenties, 1862, '113 1 4; ; do 1865, 11134; do 18 . 456, ; do 1867, 10934; do 1868, riles, - 10834; :New York Erie, .--; Reading; 943; Fort Wayne A: Chicago 34; Ohio & Mississippi, n Southern, 9114;;- Cleve ishurgh, 9134; Chicago t 313.‘; Chicago Oz. • North Chicago .L - North Western Adams Express Coin 4chatits Union Express, dl, 1334; Western -Union oany; 3714; Gregory, 2,60; Corydon, —; Smith cc-, OLECTM MAIIKET. bearing, and, more properly pertain to the future course; of the Market. CRUDE The Crude market was less excited to-day, and there 'seeined to be less in quiry, though there is but little change in prices. Spot oil, which was held last evening a, is to 19c, was offered and sold at 18;4c, while futures may be termed quiet and unchanged. We can report 250 bbls, on spot, at 18Mc, and 500, seller, until August Ist. at 17;4c. Sellers option, all the year, may be quoted at 17c, and buyer, same delivery,. at 20c. REFirrEn The Refined market, as already noted, was very quiet to-day, the sales, in the aggregate, being unusually light, and February was off half a cent, being of fered to;dav at 3514 e, against sales last evening at 39c. We can report two lines of 1000 each June to Auguit, at 3Se; 500 each April to December, at , 38c; 1000 each July and August, at Sc. 3 and 5000 gallons, iu tin cans, at 45, cans included. Late in the day, it was reported that 375,1 was the best offer that could be ob tained for April to December. LUBRICATING OILS Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Xxle 35c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle 80c Eclipse Tanners'. Stuffing ~ 400 Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 65c RECEIPTS OF CRUDE: OIL Fisher dr. 8r0... 280Jas. Wilkins 160 I J. Gallagher... 480 Crawford & C 0... 80 Total OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. R. R d. C. Kirkpatrick Lit Co.. 162 bbls refined to Waring, King Co., Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. Co., 350 do do to Tack Bro., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan tt Co., 196 do do to Warden, Frew k Co., Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co., 105 d) tar to Libby tic Clark, Philadelphia. - • Total shipments Relined_ 708 st Tar • 105 PITTSBURGH M OPIrICE OF PITTSBURG : GAZETTE, TU.L.BDAY, Febr ary 9, 1869. There are no new char: cteristics in the markets worthy of spec! , l notice, Gen erally, there is a fair de .1 and for most of the leading articles, and , fair volume of business in the aggregat while prices have undergone no m. terial change. Orders appear to be ~m ing in more freely from the con • ry, and some houses, probably, h aye ).ore than they want, especially when sixty to ninety days time is asked. APPLES—In good supply and rather dull though unchanged; $3 to $5 per bbl. _ _ APPLE BUTTER-75 ,:o 85c. BUTTER—Under the influence of lib eral arrivals, and an increased supply, the market is dull, and prices give evi dence of a decline; we continue to quote, however, at 36 to 40, for prime to choice. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII at 3%. BEANS—$3,ti:5 to $3,75 per bushel. CARBON OIL- 2 4Eias stlll further ad vanced and may new be quoted in a job bing way at 34 to 341 t. CHEESElarket - is almost bare, and with considerable inquiry, prices• are very tirm and fully ,sustained. CORNJINA.L-41 to $l,lO per bushel. _ CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $lB to $2O. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches are firm with sales quarters; 13!.; to 14; mixed, 15 to 16 and haivei ,IS ni 19. Apples 11 to 12. DRESSED HOGS-13 to 14. EGGS-Dull and in good supply, and fresh cannot be quoted above 23c. lIAY-Balei Hay is dull but un changed: we continue to quote at $2O to $25, on wharf, as to quality. HOMINY-$6,25 to $6,50 per barrel. I HEM P-Sales' at $2lO per ton. PROVISIONS-Bacon firm and tend ing upward; we now quote Shoulders at 15.14 to 15%c; Ribbed Sides, 18c; Clear Sides, 19c, and Sugar Cured Hams, 20 to 2034 c. Prime kettle ren dered Lard, 2114, in tierces, and 22c to 2214 c, in kegs. Dried Beef, 21)4c. Mess Pork, $34. POTATOES - Continues exceedingly dull: small sales in store at SO to SSc per bushel. ' GRAIN-There is no improvement to note in •the demand for Wheat, and prices are nominally unchanged, $1,60 to $1,65 for Winter lied. Oats dull but unchanged: stileofl.4oo bushels.at 65c small sales in store at 67 to tiSc. Cern dull but unchanged at 75 to SOc for mixed to prime Yellow. Rye is in steady de mand at $1,45, with an occasional sale of choice at $1,46 to $1‘,47. Barley is iu better demand, and we can report 5 cars of prime Spring' at $2,05.. SEEDS-Sales of Cioverseed at 510,00 to 510,50; Timothy at $'3,50, and Flax seed, $2,40. • SALT-Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at $2 by the car load. SORG H.LIK- 60 to 65 cts. _ LARD OIL-Firm; we continue to quote at $1,43 to $1,45 for - No. 2, and $1,74 to 51,75 for Nor-1. OItANGES-$4,50 per box. ON to 56 per bbl. PEA NUTS-814. to 9 cts per pound. FEATHERS-Live Geese Feathers quoted at 75 to so to 'the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR-The FlOur market con times. very dull, though prices are unchanged. We continue to quote at $7,00 to $B,OO for Spring, and Winter Wheat, 58,50 to< 59,00. Rye Flour, 57,50 to 57,75. The Pearl • Mill quote their brands, made of the best Wheat, as follows: Extra Family Flour, in bar,rels, at 59,&), and, in. sacks, 59,00 per, barrel; Double ExtrnTautily, in barrels, 510,00, and, in sacks, 59,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels, 57,80, and, in sacks, 57,50 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in, barrels, pm, and, in.sacks, 59,00 per barrel; Double. Extra Family, in barrels,s9,Bo, and, In sacks, 59,501 per barrel, and Spring, 58,00, in barrels, and 57.70, in sacks, per barrel. . 1 - TALLOW-Rendered 113 E to 12c. WHISKY-We can report sales, of Highwines, In car loads, at 9316 to 94c, and in, a jobbing way, at 96 to 97c. - - . • ' February 9.-FIOIIT dull; city made sells at $11a11,25 for treble extra white; 59,50a9.75 for double sextra amber; $8,25450 for double' extra 'red winter; 17,75a8 for double extra spring; country made brings $7,50a8 for double extra red and amber; $7a7,50 for double extra.spring; 59,25810 for double extra white.' Wheat: No. 1 red' winter .is held at 51,66; No. 2 do. at 51,55. Corn is held at 690.,0at5, 63c.. Petroleum is Arai and refined is held at 340.350 in . large lots; small lots, 36a37c. LbuinTr.p:, Febivary9.--Salep of 40 litids tobacco at $4,00421,00 for lugs to cutting leaf. Cotton, 28c. Mesa Pork $34,00. : Lard, Lard, 21c. Bacon—shoulders, 15a15,e; Clear rib sides, 18c; clear sides, 183ic. Bulk—shouldert, 14qc; clear rib Sides, 17c; clear sides, 173;c, all necked. Raw .sugar advanced .5,0. • Superfine flour, 85,7548,25. '-Wheat, $1,7041,75. Corn, 84a65c., Qats, 83a65c.Whiskex, 41,06a51,96. - " ICAGIO; February 9.--Cattie 'Market —Live: Hogg dull arallOo lower; Bates at 810,75 for stockers; tt11,50a11,90 for good . 1 and $121112,10 for choice. Beef Cattle doll and easier; sales at V4 1 75a5,87N for butch ers' stocks. DIEM " 10110 IMMMI I Wil NMI 1