a STEEL WORKS:``' - "- DUQUESNE - 1111 . 0RK% COLEMAN, RAIIM & litanufsettatri of IRON, NAILS ; STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS,' Thiquesue.lron, Sheet and Tank Iran, Juniata Iron, Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Iron, Cylinder Iron, X 1 Iron, Flanged Cotter Bars, Guard Iron, Drag and Dropper Bats, ,TlialLfor Coal Bolds, Iron Wedges Plat,Rail for Coal, Roads, Boiler i 'lron Crow B are, Chain Links. Boller ileAds, Steel - Ind Iron Harrow Teeth, Carriage, Wagon, and Coach!bpringeeand Itzlesoall styles: Slab Mou ld sPlows, Cultivator Steel, Steel Wings and tut to pattern: - Boring Steel all sizes, - A. B. Steel and Steel Tire • Steel Crow Barr, Steel Shafting, &e. ALL, GOODS FIRST. CfLASS . . . . Oittees and. Work* 16th street and Aide heny river and VI WATER STREET: Pitts- GODEFFROY 'BRANCKER. CO , , 42 Eichinge Place, Neil' York, • , Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the 'United Stites for the'Prossien Mining and Irbil coin ' Party .tif Duisburg, ''kestphalit, to contractor sell In quantitiestO quit purchasers, (delivered in either New York of Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN used so extensively for the menufactiving of BESSEMER STEEL:. -- This Iron is free from Snip= nnciPhosphoins, and contains a heavy percentage of liangtinese: Full particulars, samplis; prices or chemical • analysis will be promptly forwarded on appllca• cation. • , 'iftgezdyg TE.7 11 . .. , . - saearTIELD s .. . wonsis. &INGER, - NIKI. &CO, ' NTTSVAIRCIII. PA:. ' Maniaaanrem of fiery discriptlon of .... CAST AI.4GEItiLIN STEEL; , ir .., BATi.w.h_T SPRINOS, ' - ELLIPT/C AND PLATFORM t3PRINOR, . AXLES, 81 )DLL nu, &c., ac ' Warehouse, AS iVatei lut 190 Brat SIB. MILLER: BARR "& PAUKINI: 131211114ATt. NAZCZNBIIII: FITB . EIL a BFLLBII, SPECIAL PARTIZZII—i. • BIER. CRESCENT ST.E - Fai [WORKS, .BARS, P.ARKIA, Office, No. - 339 Liberty St, . . , PITTSBURGH, PL. fe14:648 _ BLACK DIAMOND • ;, STEEt PARK BROTHER & CO., 9 Ilannfactureid" all deicriptions er i r i MIDWILL‘ Office andWaie.honae__lSo.422.:lS*BECOND and 129 anCISIFIBST 3T.114.7.T5, PITTSBURGH. IRON WORKS. JAB. VBSINZII, Pies 9 t...:.:SP. P. POa.TXlt, Bup't. PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON C ILIOTOTACTITHEY.S .0 Bar iron; Railroad Fish Bars and B.allroad Car Axles Bel BaiLvoad Car Azle; Ha Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Sha Side Rods: Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; . Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, • Mice, No. 177• PENN PITTSBIIRGH, PA EVERSON; PRESTON/ Pennwirlvania Iron - 4 cWarehottse, Nos. MRS— STREET,- o ,)potetk Volongs hel sDrf:dß• - PITTS .N9v7zr, , T,T7NVOW. prrirsgußGH . • - WORKS. Founded A. D.• 1833. ADjustr.s, ra'SEE ds CO. IEANIIrdC2IIIO26 Or SEIZETONR STANDARD,)FAIRRANK PAT ENT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER • SC..ELLEL k • gums Faced. Patent Door _Look - aqua 'Latchear, Paint and Conte, >Ranh dm. • 0031fER Or FIRST AVifiljElc COUNT IYIEL, - IPittekiburirbirlrennin. dOPM. , BUP.EItIOR , `UPED 30:14, AID EDEELTIVEWORID lIITV€3II3#OI.II. 115,CCADY CO., Kaheracturers OiElb+4;tilllif.'Zirsilersi and Biala Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Ralsedßllllßot. tome, Boelter Bolster. Also,lmporterg and Deal era Malt, 'rina'lato;:taiieaVitoni‘Wire. ais• Con tautly on bud Tinners'ilfachtnessu.d Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 /TOT STILBATJUZ4 1719 SP.COND BTBEET,PlttabUrgtl,_ }special orders of.I4OPM CRT'S.° 649 ucS" " to .n. • , • VOTI4 , II.W4Per " GAS AND STEIABIEITTINO. Jowl Y. coorgiat....aos,.. o war,,...JaprrAcpa. JOAN eJ . - • • • BRASS PCOI7ND=So GAS AND STEM 'PATOIS, !L►nnisetnrers or PUMPS AND "MASS WORK, vf -Mu deacrtNion• dealers In GAS PIXTUDEd AND TUBINO, of all klade. Cen of Pike and:Waintit , Streeie, • PITTSBVItG47. ==EM - FOUNDERBE - BLtOBINISTS; *NAP' TORT, Prrr FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH. STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. , _ - • Pir Engines, Rollinglgin Ma; chinery, Nail Machines, Re , torts, aid' CEtstifigtareii.eiralli. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Corr°'land Sinollisnanateeete• ,41; • PITTSBURG-U m PA. WILL.IAK,- SMITH, CAST IRON BOWX,PIPE Mylipet are all end Inverts - Win rite, in dry rand. and LSI feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general 'Castings ter _Gas and, Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend exits of Gaa Worke to my make of 1111TORT/3. ' - Artas MORTON STREET, Ninth Pri.ralm:mu3FEL THOMAS N. MILLER; Presidoat. • These Works are among the larimst end most -templets establishments to the West, and are now, Prepared to furnish . ;, etevei7 4k).ltwirVtion. • /Rollers, ell-Tauks. ° • :11 • ' ORDERS' . SOLIC112161) noi) 69 OBINSON, REA & CO., syccemors to ROBINSON, MINIS A Mazza% WASHINGTON WORKS , FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Bia giachinery, Gearing, :4112 8 lu C t asi.t i nt:resi descriptions 3 f and Stitt k ßoiler and Sheet iron Work. Office,o. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIEFARD , I3 PATENT INJECTOR (Or Leading Boller,. jall:rs2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRIG Butler Street, Ninth Ward, PITTSBURGH. linlitng Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ximinsnurt A2ZD oikErriOsotxpleivrx,T. Ell Orders promptly and carefully executed. Enlarges reasonable. EBBERt & MACKLIIiD. =I ocIS:LIS T H 9 BIAs CA111.131 & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry aad Matkine Works, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENT CITy, Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil F'ressee, ruileys,, Shifting, Grist and Saw Mill Wort, Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon 80204, - &e. Build to order and have On hand Engines of all sizes. . mvl4:gb I sTR Bat t CENTRAL 'FOUNDRY ' • AND' ROLL, WORKS , ...s SSO, Penn Striaet... BOTILMAN, BOTH & BAGLLEY • , . . Chill Bolls, Mill Castings; 801 l Lathes, Ste. & CO., orks. ' 67 • FIRST` nee. BURGH. UMBER! '- LtfIOBEIL ALEXANDER PATTERSON; isealer kinds of Lumber. • :.2-• ._O2l MAND'ASD MB SALE t t ' • 000.000. feet Dry Pine Boards;. . • 130.000 feet and 2 inch Clear , Plartii.; 30,000. feet Dry ltg Dien Common Flank: , 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 2-inch Oak: • • 95,000 feet-Dry 2, BLS and 3 inch Ash,. - 3,000 ft. . Dry 242%. in. Cherry & Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry 2 and o Inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry ilar Scantling; • .2160.000 feet Boni Joists and Scsintinsf: 760,000 No, ll - nth Shingles, sawed; 850,000 No. 1 16-inch Shingles, sawed; 40,000 No; 118 - Inch Shingles, shaved; ..40,000 Birelirleir; 1.000 Fire Tile., , • 100 Tons Pure YARDA—No. 36'parazz STBrIST.. formerly Manchester,_and ISt REBECCA STBEST.oPPP site the-Gas work*, Allegheny - • non . SUMP!. Vii. WlClif l ussAsir 4 IRON BROILER, 124 "'lilt Streit;Pittlibusti, _ - - A=eMt[brthesale of :Cir , rninill.4: ah longhs.more, ilVird a tt l h i tt briir.de of. AnTliiscite;T' *len. Van" .. Cot e Wad Ce B. Mama?. °128M41- . . . . . • PIG( riiiFickif6ll**3l;eited. '.COAL AND COKE. etpAti,c(.!4lt • po4Lsit 7 -j ' DICKSON, mixT • Itastng removed their plea to • • N0..,"567'.1113ERTY% STREET, riot' ki.cm%. 3 " 49"fiENLITVIrir' r°l,1 I ffillt°VBl,lT toweat raorhet irtee. • l e : All orders' lett at , their once or adtlres . sed to • hem through the mall, will be , attended to; ENE DM IPITTSBURGH , GAZETTE : TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ,9, 1869. o FOR SAS AND WATERWORKS; glieet , Don Work. Railroad Caatiniph Bollimg SIU Cantisqw Engine Castings. ' Maehlzte Castings. General Castings. (Opposite Union Iron MU%) . - WlNitlitßit; IRON BROKERS. • BOLLERSoke; • UGH NI BOLE &CO:, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (NESS THY POENTO Engin.% .7320 Nets, 'Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES,-otall sizes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER of 15-horse p ower. GASTINGS,Oteve .kind, made toeirder atclur Tanndt7. on THIRD RE ST. below Market ., RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAP'TING, PULLEYS, HANGERS,'HOUSE and TOBACEO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, FronUili oa the haleittectir Rivet, _near the Point, PITTSBURGH. PA. air All orders promidly /Sled. Tay Os 0 , 811 PITT BOW STILL ADM Tall WORKS. DARROW. & SNYDER, )I.A 171'ACTITRIES OP L •TIIBTIAB, LriotrErar,nanD 'TUBULAR, PIRE-BOT AND CILINDER STEAM 'BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ;ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON. DENSERs; STDAIii HASODIETEI3B , AND IRON BRIDGES: • ' - . PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °Mee and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Elbert. and Liberty Btreets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Mir Orders:sent to the above eddreeeartll bs promptly attended to. mh7:189 %yM. BARNELILL & CO"; BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS , NOS. AO, AA, %4 AND 26 PENN ST. • Having 'metre& a large yard and furnished it wisti the most approved machinery we are pre • pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country . Chimneys Breeching, fire Beds, Steam • Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. , Repairing done on shortest notice. lafac2l JAMES M. BITER, Nee. 55 and 1 56 Water Street, • ILANCTACTIMIR OP IRON :OIL TANKS, SETTLING RAITS,jCOPPER STEAM FOR, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORE, For Steamboats. I= JADED . • ... ....EDWEND D. BEIDS/1 JAREDBI. BRUSH & SON, ackrtrrAdruasns or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. BURET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c THE BEST STOVES.. A. BRADLEY & Co. hiatirtfacturers of the greatest variety of. Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOIII.ID IN THE STATE Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning ()mutat Stores and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke.Beo In the World for Pirlor,olBce, Store or Church. F!re needs no rekindling—bu me all win. ter. Do notb )y until you. see' or send for Circular. • . No. 30 WOOD . STREET. Our Agents for Orlen tal s —DE ELLER BROS., 3mithlleld St.: GEO. HURLEY, Allegheny City. ORAPFAUGUS &, Co., XJLATIFACTI7BIII3IS or MALY TAIITETT OP IEi r r I CO . VMgE4 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "TILE FIERY FURNACE;" FOB BUILDENG6. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, • `REGULATOR.' COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. 4.N Clueln neat Pat tern) PORTABLE RANGE C 4.14 T IRON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S REFLECTOR, G BAT En, free tram dirt and data; G.S.A.TE FRONTS, FENDERS, Sco. • 206 and 208 Liberty Street, 5e25:717 PITTSBURGII, PA. 000 K STOVES. _ CET THE'BEST. BISSELL dig, CO.'S - TRIUMPH, • ' FOB sirrainto as" COAL. • • ~‘ ; Warranted ,to Coek r naluz , or i lteast as . # 1311 P7 other Mr , . 11 / the atm 'BISSELL' & `CO. , 085 ' tilDortv i3treeit. A rA wyg g li v ag., , PIiT WBUIRTIII I %_,7I]EIPn 88. - • , SMOKING n0r,.04 Gra, at, PAPER. roniesstrudtt 14.,PER,MALATI:Tp" rApita,pw_giy; yfatnitsof.nr . mlf; 86 'PRINTING ' WRAPPING ` PAPERS • OLLwroN MILL=-sgtrricsrntr.r.. our& 811E147024 MILL— EW iueuroN, rA. orricz 44D WAREHOIJ3E.. • • No. - 82 Third , Streett-Vtiabinkr .... • •• • 4 017C1• • 1 J —A S II EI II SrT v R IN AR fiT 7I, , re Tu t . sAutra Be cretiry. DinAvrons-Augret, HartJe.. John Atwell, B. H. Haman, John B. L• rlngunu . Ontah 8 844 yoT,FiLneF Stook. JpZ:cogt WirusT comaiON Mac/Slim Stone 'Works, Nol:tthieirici:;rner of *On Common, Allegheal. • ATVATELIX d CO. ' "listrelon band di pieliiirea i thini and Step Stones, - Visas lbr Brewer' v&iitei, HenAta,a Tomb tones, de. orders proaiptly ex•eint 4 t+-PPOes- Mall I =III IMIN ME STONE. 1111 . - - fORT 'PITT lATiRefG j COMPANY. No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, :- : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DRALICEBIII GO.VP4iMENT SEXIMA3 AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON THEE DEPOSIT& Collections made on all accessible-points In the United States and Cansdas. DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter, . Jno. 0 Bieber. James (Jordon, I Robt. H. KAI& D. Wallace. Andrew 31111er, E. ribiroett, Jamealer. Bailey. ATIBECAN, Preen. 156111196.ffi D. MEET NATIONAL BANK OF COl9lllOl, On% of Wood and Sixth-Sta. A. PATTERSON ... Pres Monti JOS. H. HILL -- CAPITAL, r $500,000. 1. Patterson, En. H. Brown, I,,Ockbart, n. It.'"Davldson. W. B. Haven, DIRECTORS: George W. Gum, 11. Palmer, . Wm. Doc:lee, Wm. Reed. T. AT 11 A. N. DISCOUNTS DAIL aD9:o111 HART, CAIIGHEY & CO., TANKER& AND. BROKERS Corner Third and Wood Streets . , Prr - 113131CrlieGkir., PA.,• 03HCCESSO1V3 TO HANNA, HART C 0..) PIALZaB 111 ExchangeiCoini Coupons, And particular attention paid to the pnrchaae and Kale oL• GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight prafts on London. N. HOLMES & SONS, 3131.4161NrIE.M.FILIES, 57 Market Street, PIMSJBI:Th:;Viii VA. Collection* made on -all the principal points of the United States and Oastadu. , Stochs,llonds and other Seenrities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMIDNSION., Particular attention paid to the purchase and sate of United States Securities. 13.311:aI OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, Acr ultra?. OF Lnbricathig & High Test Burning Oils, 1! . 111.1road Azle Oil• Stands gleat heat without change; teinarns limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. , Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Whl cut Screws. Saw Mill and Planing WU Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil. SV..olillead-Lightoll, Oil, Tanners' stuir•l Benzoic, ingsfsPinishingoll.l6allalinei Harness Oil • Parrattine. -•- - ARMOR VARNIBH, to preserve Bribtht Iron Wcrit".-and Machinery from num . These pro lacts are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle'spaten t by Superheated Steam trt' Vac euo. , The,Lubtlestlbg 011 s are almost odorless, perfectly purr. uniform. and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad 01. s are unequalled, and are In constant use on many of the principal ltallrowlsSamples can be ersmtued and orders .left at' 174- WOOD STREET', Works at zharpsburg Bridge. WARING AND KING, .Clommisston Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum' , arid- its: Products, DALZELL'S SUILDO4B, DUQUESNE - WAY, piziessuuon, pa. PHILADELPHIA ADDItEhal WAILING, ] Ui'l G.& CO.; , ki l Nifirincit Street. PACK ."°l/I**, COMMISSION'IdEMANTS : • 436, IN .• • Tetroletil 'ma . • Pittaburgh OtileeTVALlSDlslift 411RIADING. corner of DuqUesne Way and Irwin streets PhiladelphisOldoe.—LWl WAD MIT apl:w2o l er Dr. Lostt& to.; xratursortrrass or PURX IMULAVIIIf.OO4 Brand-roiL,I7CDTER." Moe, leo Likluissaa WaTalttaborgh.l '! . : . :.'l7"i' - r T* l l l o.-VA...v T `.; .' . i PEARL MILL ' PARILP ROHL! .PRAIIL WWlMrs' 8 Ettal. - thriiirilfistkt, - ibitaittev i FRENCH FAMILY , FLOUR. This Flour will oglilffic'seAteilt.Wlieli dilly ordered .. ordered. . VI fre .FF,43lA!Joy.BA..itTitig 1ti.4 4 ., .., pEamir, , BrAt NED i lla be trio . ri .:. : . I %nuTi aditil i tANi a JD O4aN is c a.: l tA.. ir. ; • ••-, - ...*- - 11: T. 'REFfriarl hititif4 111escheav: Wit.. 9. /WM P3.141";141"; t :~7 GEIRLI & - 10 to ezo.. I: settudwit ti co, • • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPIISIRL?" I The only t .fikiniALltiogi*ltio7eatitodstuziarg West or she liountatu. autism Cerat, jleads. .104eli;elrealars t , 4how-ttt4l.l llMplcnass; Tortfslts;vjors,Vertilkestes Ttgm InittiL160100:11, , ilieleNWelfill I Oreescrigitiltrsth ,;, r !Lit, tt•., t ttt., .it, eENTIRDWILWIriTNION=-- , t-.7 PA4MO ;11A.1LWAY BONDS, The cheapest investmeat stow In the market for sale by PBC. 1i.,...311E11ar1CZ Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold. and Contsms and „European Exeltstge; at market rates. dell JAMES / 1 1 BBADX. (succe..or. to H. JONES R C 0..) ` Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 33 Ai. iq 3Ei 3EI. BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOYERNITENT SECURITIES, 60p, SILVER AND ; COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. Fr Interest Alloweil on Deposits. tr.3foney loaned on Grove'rement Bonds at Lowest market rates. - . Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale or _STOCES, BONDS and GOLD. • .1 1 .A.MES T. BRADY & CO. ON. ,Cashler, 61jf 1i#,51110 GkEttt. FINANCE AND TRADE, OrPICCE or PITTSBUREOX Gezzrrs, Mo2IDAY. February 8, 1868. Gold, was strong early In the day, but the general decline in governments and stocks checked the rising tendency de veloped flatly; it; was made scaiceqor the purpose of squeezing-the bears, but 135 1 3,1 was all what the bull party could raise it to. I Bonds were, very strong until noon, and had advancedabout,4 per, cent., but at the close of business the market be came heavy, and -declined about 3i per cent. ' • Stocks ,have'experienced a panic, and some of the Erie connections declined 2 per cent. Money is less ;ant, although full 7 per cont. is L call. Business is reviving. Closing quol as received by Ph. R. Mertz: .35%; Eighty-one's, 112%; Five , 1133 n '; do, 1864, 110%: de, .. .11%; do, 1865, new, 109; do, 1867, 109%; do, 1868, 1093; Ten Forties, 108%; Railroads --- Cleve land & Pittsbunr - i, 92%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago. 119%; Chicago & Rock Island, 32%; Chicago & North Western, 83%; do Preferred. 91%; Erie, —; New - York Central, 162%; Michi gan Southern, 93%; Reading, 95; Ohio & Mississippi Certificates, 36%; West ern Union Telegraph Company 37%; Merchants Union' Express Company, 18%; Pacific Mail, - 14%; Adams, 48%; Mining .maces—Gregory,, ,2,60;,.,quanz llill, 70; Smith Tarmele; Cory don, 10. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady ' er` Co.: Gold, 135 1 /,; United States Sixes, 1881's, 112%; 5-20's, 1862, 113%r 5-20's, 1864, 110%; ,b-20's,. 1865, 111%; e 5-20's January and July, 1865, 109, do. 1867,, 109%; do. 'lB6B, 109%; Seven Thirties, par , less V,; Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifies, 101%. ALLEGHENY I CATTLE MARKET. OFFICE OF P/TTSBUSGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, February 8, 1869. The supply of Cattle on sale to-day, although larger than last week., was again light, only reaching about 725 head, which Is scarcely enough to .sup- Ply the retail trade, let alone the east ern demand and country: buyers. Tha market, therefore, was a • remarkably .stiff , one, especially for good cattle, which -.Were in limited supply, and ;pikes, if, anything, Ailed higher than last wee/4. We do, not recollect of- a tirece when there was Such a 'universal growling` about .the high price of Cattle as, lit ,Presenf.. Auteliers ; and drover§ cOmplaiu alike. that. they are making nothing, 'and' that the only • thing that keeps them in the business, is;in order to, keep up their tra de. Consnmers, too, and:very justly, comp lain:miabout the ex; orbital:it . price ,of ; loot, _and • many a family, we have no doubt, is now on short all9F4Ppii - OalUg l ' ilki 3 o 3 /0 3 ' o pay gie Prices = no w' .. Arid ;IWO -worst feature about the *hole thing lies 14. the fact that there is no prospect of relief for two or, three months—not until grass .Cattle commence to make their appear 'anix4,, which is about the first of Jane. A will be aeon by reformat* to the re -port of sales, prime to extra steers sold at 8t0'.8,60, and good to,t,nediam at 7 to „fitodters. maybe qubied' at to 6,245, aft toiquality , and i pouditiop. Iv ) Peter t3lnidtiinaatitlel4' hda'd at '5 to 7, 'and' two ',e;ol, - 'sok , court 46! at 8.60: Giffin'', Lifftirtf tial Co. 48 head ,at.s to -7,6o;lllChelan Sur; to 7;501 Taurttian&.:l.oAktoa4 . atoOk .cattle at 4,26; , . 67 head rat cattle at Tto 8,50; Is. J. Elbauttairk retalledl33 - head, at 6 to B.6oi6larkidt )3ro. 76 head at Vl,O 8; .Eireenarald Or' Kahn 60 bead at 7 to ' 4,163,0fin 4 'rsz . ' head '011in" steed at 6,25 to 8,25; L. Rinhchilds & Co. 32 head at 7 to 8,50 f head at 6' to 0.60i-ir,raue .14)&a 66 4 . nea4 at 41 to 8 1+5 0 ;. - gotaltaWit - ,33r0: tr.V. bead at 5 tO,‘7; Hart-, Ilan 28 bead at 6,80 to 8,110; tiastlewnec`ltt 3.1 head of Chicago steers, for Doian: at 7;50 to 8,25: fledges & 'NIS! 54. ; head at 6,7,50; E. , Katz au head. • • . •. ,sVfxr• sn , ^ 1 : ; 111;v1;siti afl Alp i f ell p o e p n sale taday. seine fifteen hundred head, andwhat is most , remarkable le the fact , that ;there' ,vratt,! larger, proportleu ,of good Sheep than we have seen here du king any preetidlng week this winter. 6ThertiWain fair nrubb&otHattler 4140 p on sale, . but those ton %twit been id niUoh niithln the Rae,,t Enciath, 1,1 - !tiktsw. , ,• • t 1.. • - CATTLE ~- Aturt:-3,he3r;nre -, ncurnBirnost beyondthe reach of the Butler.butchers., Two to three dollars per head, is more than they can stand, and as ,a consequence many of theru will doubtless be forced to sus ,pend operations.r Pri me to extra fat Sheep sold at from 5,50 to 6,50 cts per pound, and medium do at •9,50 ~to 5. Comtnon Sheep sold at pto 83 per head—almost , anything 'in the shape of a Sheep will bring the inside quotations. Clipping time is so near at hand, that there is not the same disposition to force on the mar ket that there was a month', or two ago. HOGS There was a fair suppl , i . Of Hogs - on sale, and with only amonderate demand, prices' were fully sustained, ranging from 11 to 14 cts, In a retail way. Jacob Needy wholesaled's4 head at 12. PETROLEUM IHJ%Migr.': OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH OAiETTE, Homey, FebruaryMO., 0 The expectations entertained by some. on Saturday, that the climax bad been reached, and that a reaction was near at hand, has not thus far • been realized, and if 'the operations of ti>,day can ba taken as a criterion, the' market this week. promises to be stronger and more excited than the one which preceded it. Indeed, there was more excitement Man ifested to-day than we have noted' or a week or two, and prices have touched a point that have not been reached for several years: As there is a large amount of oil 'short' for : this month, it is supposed that the shorts are buying in order, to cover, and , thiii accounts for the fact that February is worth more than any other month in the year; as,will be seen by reference to the repert'of sales, however, the demand is not "confined alone to this month, is there is inquiry for almost every month in the year, ana the late months have advanced ae well as the earlier ones. • • CRUDE The Crude market was considerably stronger and, somewhat_ ecited to-day, and,'compared with Stiturday," prices have still further advanced+ We can re port 500 bbls spot (sold early .- in the day) at 18; 1,000 at 18)4; and 5,000 (In tank) buyers option, until July, Ist, st 20. At the close February was held at 183 to 19, and the same figures will .apply to March. p1}7i41;114.7 As already noted, the sales of refined were unnsnaly large to-day; and with an excited market, prices have' still further advanced. ,We quote as follows: 1000 each February to May 33c 500 February to May 380 , 500 " July to December` 38c 500 " February and March 38%c 1000 " February and March 3834 c 500 " April- to ;June - 1000 bbls,buyer; all yeor ' 42e 500 " next siximonths, buyer... 3934 c 500 " March ' 38c 500 " February, lait half 39c LIIBRICATI1 , .:0 OILS Eclipse Winter.Litbricating,, Oil 40c • Eclipse Railroad Axle - 350 Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle . ' 80c Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 40c Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil '6sc Encr.r.prs Or owing OIL; - - F 3 I H. Aletzgar..:aopoo D. - M.Edgerton..'.24o Fisher 6c8r0.. 260 ,W. Wilson 8O R. T. Leech:.. -5? - Total : • . 1550 OIL SHIPPED 5A ST BY A. V. It., li. P. Wesenberger, - 110 bblei nifiried' to 'Warden, - Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. Co., 309 do de to Taek Bro., Philadelphia. MeKelvy -.Bros. ct Cp., 215 do to W. P. Logan 6: . Bro., Philadelphia. E t P. IlVeis nberger, 150. do benzole to Warden, F ew - & Co. Philadelphia. ~ Total ship enta Redned.. 634 Total shi prnents Benzole - 150 OIL SHIPEED BikST FROM DUQUESNE EMMI 3 Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 434 bbls re fired to Warden, Frew it Co. Phila. G. W. Holdebili Co., 100 do tor to W. Lincoln, - Bosto4. ' _ . Crticaoo, Feb. B.—Exchange in mod erate demand at 1-10 off buying and 1-10 premium selling. Flour quiet and the demand is ahnost ,exclusively for low medium grades; sal es 'at 85a5,60 for spring extras. Wheat quiet and firmer and I higher; sates No. I 1 at 81,2334E11,24; No. 2 at $1,15y,a1,16, closing with buyers_at 51,16; sales this •afternoon at $1,16V, for No. 2. Corn active and easisr and yotxc higher; No. 1 at 66c; new 57.,(,c; no grade 53,153 i ci, closing dull at 5734 c for new; sales No. 1 at 69c;-sellers for May,.,70,,fc, sellers for the last half of April; new 5Sa 58%c, sellers for, the, last half of Februa ry, and 58 1 ,4 c sellers for March; market unchanged this afternoon. Oats active, opening at 43i/053;4c, closing with sel lers, but no buyers, at 53c. Rye dull and firm and la2c higher, closing at 81,17 al,lB for No. 1. 1 Barley firm and 2a3c higher; sales No. 2 at -81,90a1,93, closing at 81,90. The highwine market is firmer at 90c for wooden and 91c for iron bound packages. Provisions.quiciWsteiuly and firm; sales Mess Pork at 834 cash, closing steady. Bull; Meats steady and quiet at 15Q for Ctunberlands cash,„ and 13%c for shoulders; briyer February: laid steady and quiet at 2030 cash, and 21c, buyer: February. Other descrip tions, of hOg product - nominally unchang ed. DieSsed Hogs firm and quiet, with sales at $14a15,50, closing at 814,25a15,00, dividing on two ,hundred „pounds. ,Re. celpta for the past forty-eight' hOurst -8,491 bbls flour, 12,260 bush wheat, 51,885 bush porn ,. 15,116 bush oats, ,2,975. bush rye; 2,009,1:m9h barley. Shipments-41,611 bbls'fiour;B6,6l3 bush wheat, 10,959` bush corn, 40,098 bush oats, 4,807 bush rye, 2,369 bush barley,; --- • - . 'i , • , , ) :t, ' lc • - .. : L . iitv . ' I ORK; FeOrtlary . S.:—Dry-y ' The extreme . prices for cotton ave a tendency to impart firmness to the cloth market, and, we, note an advance, by agents; of )40 :per yard. on the...Moat' pop mar makes of heavy brown sheetings, such as Atlantic 'A,,Appleton A,.lndian Head and . Pardtic.extras; hutjobberahaye made - no change except on Appleton A, which has arisen :from' 181 f to 17; agents' prices • being 4 7 Xil Oa 2%. per, cent- dis count: In other styles of •cotton goods Abiitit 14 no partici:Liar change .te observe. Prices" generally are steady and firni and Whetter- Inquirykla notimable,3 althcingia trade is not very lively."-CottonadakAtre in • ... 'request and adliancing,inrsym • piatll.'With'eottati bale ,pticen - loiliAg 40a 41: ' Carpet warps of beat - makes , jab . readily atillsall7 4 - and !40a45, and, twine is in good, demand' at. 35;i40 and',434lie litter , for extra'fitii:4-ply. : , :-. Pit zu&nELl9/14, tßabliiatif 4.r-COta6 '.Alarketleer Cattle in' fair demand tat adValige; 2d 000, sold tea Pennsylvania and ;western; tastier* at Ba 9 for fair to rood, 6a7 gross for com mon. Sheep in fair demand; sales 6,000 at 64 grm. 4 gogs in'tlejnapd at„...an ad van ;t plaids qa,zoo head; tit *51,7;00a17,50 ne t:, :f . Catomm, February 8.-- . Flogs firm, ac tivej - and steady , ik11 ,5 0a12,0 . 0 for gobs} shiOping; risdeipta 4,147 head; shipments 1,047 head. Beef Cattle moderately active and staadY 17 go ! 0,00 for od to extra cove; atidF(ll7i, for good to chidoe shipping Steoll.,, =EI `', • ME . -
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