ME A ADVERTISEMENTS, Mow. MAYOR'S OFFICE. 1 • 177SBMIGII. February Sth. 1869. f NN MELTING. - A • meeting of 'the • citizrns of Pittsburgh and ail others interested in the nainterrupted nauinat'on of the Ohio River, will be held at the MAYOR'S OFFICE. at half past 10 o'clock on WEDNESDAY MORNING. A. large and prompt attendance Is urgently requested. as business of importance will come before the meeting fur its consideration. • • fobs= • • JARED If. BRUSH, Mayer. Orrick 07 CITY Month= AND Rotation. r Pittsburgh, February 9th. 1869. IigrNOTICE.--The 'assessment for the partial grading of 'Mahon street, from Kirkpatrick street to hobo stseet, is now zeady for examination and can he seen at this °Mae until fit i,AY. February 19, 4 869, when It will be„returned to . the City Tr, aturer's office for collectlon. fetke24 H. J. MOORE. ei MEN 19, TO GIVE, IVOTICE JR. that the undersigned never was nur Is not a member of the Ann of cOOKi BALLENTIIIII.& STE&N, Of No. 27 St. Clair iiireet, Plttsburih. Pa. PEn .Tu/SEP If STERN. stuany S. 1889. . - • -fea:.2l ALL 'BOOK AGENT'S SEND fur the 18 reasons why . Cobblns' DO !naafi . la et irfit ed Family Is sapeeor. to any .otber. •Address STR,PET & Cu.. be Nassau treet. Ea s ternk.. airsold oali be Refers to all Publishers rentetS:st:W:r-P LOUR. ORIARTAL;__ - DWEEPETA.EE9. BED RIVER, ' WRITE ROSE. Very choice, for sale by reg • • 211 WirOR 4 AR.PER, 329 Liberty street. AESSSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF AP POINTMEts T. AS TERN DIsTRIcT Or PENNSYLVANIA. 'EIS 2bPittsburgh, toe Sth day of January, A. D. whom ft may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap, poLutment as Assignee of JAMES FLOYIP, of - Aliegbeny City, in the county of Al- Legheny, and Staten( Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Attorney st-LavJB W i E h R ve ER e •.feeteZl.2 OD DWELLING DOUSE IN Allegheny at Luellen. On FREDAY, February 113th, at 3 o'clock. will housed on lite corner of god bricrdwelllng on the corner of Laceck and Goodricn streets. Allegheny. The house Is two story. containing seven molts. bath room. hot and cold water. plae. and good dr charact e rhe building is of ilia attost substantial from / oun. datlon 10 roof, and is in first rate order. Also. the adjacent 'vacant property of 83 feat front on Goodrich street. Tots is good property. and a good bargain will be given. Terns at sale. A. liEGGATE, Ante/outer. NEW STYLES "[AIM 1111fD CAPS, JUST BECE,TVID AT McCORD & CO's, JOSEPH HORNER. Bookseller, Stationer, Paper Dta And Blank Book Manufacturer, METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY (Methodist Eplazopal Block, ) N 0.129 Fmithfield Street, • (Cm Visam ALLEY.)' A fall assortraentof Law, Medical, Miscellane ous, and school Books constant.) , on hand. The latest styles of Fancy Note Paper, Envelopes, and Visiting Cards in great 'variety. :T:TH AT JOSEPH HORNE do CO'S .E VERY DE N'T Will be Found Well Stocked with NEV MD DESIRABLE GOOD WHICH ARE OFFILRED AT The Very Lowest Prices, wllousALE AND Rena: Woolen Goods, Underwear, CLOSING OUT VERY CHEAP. 77 and 79 Market Street. illellDill & CIRLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, , "LE PANIER PERFECTION." , ..,,.. ......, "E FAVORITE . •+ "THE POrus‘Am,''. "THE RECEPTION... , .' - - THOMPSON'S-TWIN SPRIN G. - ' WINGED ZEPHYR.' -e - ....._.' . "GLOVE FITTING." CORSETS AND Pal'. ENT, "PANIERd. ._ • : ._ _..., _THE NEW GORE° OVERSKIRTBELLE HELENA "richly embrolleted JIM elegall,, st?tpt 'orskzinr Skirt. -, , ; ~ -•. • • _ , - RICH IRBONS FOR BOWS. SCARP'S AND 1 %)/dAW STRIPES AND PLAIDR. - RATlERvi i shades end widths. , , 1 6' PLOW& PLUMES, HATSA.Np.g4,2__ TS, LADIES D 9Ell,Dxsii NzmpLlO UN DERWEAR, . - .. . . I. The richest` _and 'latest novelthis •In GIMPS, I TRINGES AND BUTTONS., , ~ We especially direct attention to the et.' eellence of the HARRIS•I3EAHLIISS timatillon) KID GLOVES" over MI others. and for Which we are the Bole Agents. , A complete. Hoe of GENTLEMEN'S - 4 , , STAR ,, SHIRTS., SUSPENDEltirgeaLopEs.,____llALp NOSE., uNDERSHIRTiS DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTH FOB R.WwD , II PA PER GOODN and all otliger popular make& • . ~. -.• . • • MICRO & 0141S11, NO, 29 'FIFTH , .4.V.E.KVE. n 025 OUNDILIES. . kyr 9 bundles large Ba kertYlllows; - -30 bales bright 'Timothy nay; 71 bags Ear Corn; New landing from the steamer Sallie, for sale by ten ISAIAH DIONAT a CO. • El 131 WOOD STREET. itespectfully announces to his friends that he is now offering his stock, consisting of the FINEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, &Q., At prices LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. No. 16 FEDERAL ST.,..tizzonzlrienT, ee-1:v706T116 SKATES, SKATES SKATES. I have received my stock of Skates for the sea son of 'GS and 'O9, comprising every style known to the trade, at prices ranging PROM 50 CENTS PER PAIR UP TO 195. My stock embraces a full line of Ladles. and Gentlemen's Skates. ' New fork Club, American Rink, Blondin 4 Ancle Sup porter, our. Ladies , and Gents' Clipper, Phila delphia and Boston Club, Empire and Vulcan, together with a large assortment of medlnm priced Skates for Boys, which I offer at exceed ingly low prices. I invite all in want of Skates to call and be convinced that 130 WOOD STREET. is the place to buy Skates. For sale wholesale and retail by JAMES SOWN, NO. 138 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. ELLERSIIIUSEN:PROVIISS. i TSk Trustees are now Wrepaed to _grant lfeen sea for the use, of; the ILLLERSLIAUSEN PRO CESS. The•superior qualitr imparted to' good fren, • the greatamp.oraMent in Inibrior hoe. and toe reduced cost.commend it, to eh manufacturer, of iron. • Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by applying to - • • ; -- • ' - 1 ; - JAMES P. SPEER, i , ~- ' Attorney far tbe Trustees, < _OFFICE; SOO PF4S SIVERT. --' Pirtl oterested ire; invited to visit the SHOENBERGEK WORKS , where the 'precasts rkiw in succetsruVoperation.... ' - • fettdo7 , jytirSiFiClllofifillP lt- PARTNE' Bff ft....4fie. Initttleettf* heretofore , exist s betweedi•J. 8.. • kingeld and A:F.-Canfield. under-the style And Ann same of J, 11. CA N /Intl & MOW ft this day dissolved by mutnal • consent, The , btudness of the" late thin' will be Settled sit,r. can4o4, *ha *in eoulinueihe Dullnes t h e old 5umd,.141.f.1118,1. A VENUS. • • “.7. Id,CANIPMM, , A. TCANFIZIW. • P1T1650813 / 4 •FebillArT.3.'/31/8. '- r. •r : ; . . ; • isT, ft. ciimmo,, co*Niot __L. 13/02r :MERCHANT and 'WHOLICALE' 5 EAGER in EMehen Factory, Ilaraburg Mid. W. F. omega ; Butter. tcr:. Pork,, Bacon ?loos rtsb, Drio /fruit, G „Pig Lead, Po Pearl and Bada Ashes, Wh to Lime _Lineee ' I,ard,. Coal and Carbon Oils, No. 1,41 Yirsts Meet. Pittsburgh. , fes:el Fan* - 111101SER BE L T I N GI Bose, 'Steam , :Picking 'and Gaskets or the mak* Belting C patties Mantifseture at Driees as ;low as Ms, q my of goods can be bon/tot the manufacture A fall stock aiwaye on and at the India Ru bberpot,- 28 and •98 _ gut Urea. • ' J. & 11. PHU:UM, T a. fell /a Agents fur the Company.* _ _______________,_ (W USHELB OfP,EIAVIII a ithri !B WS. DI ',IN GLE & trIEV&INSON. BARR MOLABSE • 1 1 1 "'"H4 --prrTionntow-GMErrEI TUESDAY FEBRUARY ~,~ ~ r .C/' ~ i 7 r BOVARD, ROSE OIL CLOTHS. OE ROYARD, ROSE ec, CO WindOw Shades, OVAIiD, ROSE (t, CO., 21 IiTETH AVENUE.' fautaiwP O . COITIVr SALE.—By virtue of an Order of Sale, issued out Groben! , Cour or Allegheny comity, the under, signed; Administrator of ROB HUT LAS ERTY, deceased. will expwe at Public Pale, at the COURT HOU.E, la the City of PittsbUrgb• OU TUESDAY, the. 2d day of March.. A. le 1.889, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. all the le of Robert Laffer.y, deceased, being an undivided .three-fourths of all ti.ose certain Lots having a front on the But'er Turnplk- of 450 feet Tii inch-a. and being Lots Nos. 11, 19, 13, 14, 15, 10. 17, 18 and 19 In the p'an of Edward Hard ing led Et. P. *inviter recorded In Plan Book Vol. 1, part 2, page 330. and situate in bhaler town 'ship, Allegheny tenni7. Pennsylvania. together with a Lot of Ground In said Townscdp. .nit de scribed in the same plan on the lower side of said Butler Turnpike. beginning N o e . point directly oPnousite the corner of Leta lO and 11 in said plan; thence-by the ILne of the mere wLog path of the Petitmlvanta canal, as d in said plan North .40 degrees 40 minutes East 400 t samenches. and extending back. preserv ing the wid II to the Allegheny River at low water mark; on which Is erected OIL WORK'', known as the Altdon Relinevy together with all the Tankage, Buildings, Els . chinery, and Ave smell Dwelling Houses erected thereon. TERMS S ALE • CASH, on Confirmation of This' property Is sold subject to the debts of the late Arm of I.APFERTT A WAAING: amonntleg to 825.285 54.100. Also to a our chase. money mortgage amounting to 93,335 22-100, with Interest thereon. JAMES D. KELLY, ADMINIBTRATO3: fe9•016-T B4MIHNICT . P.I4IYED-011.! $2.00.-TBIB CARD entitles the bearer, on preaen:a►ton, to TWO DOLZARS abatenient on a eaah_purebase of 828.00 at the great 'cheap c!othlug house of S. C. TRAVEIRMAN, t ORIGINAL BIG NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair Nobody beat by this establishment, but fair dealing to all! Call snd be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at LOWEST CASH PRICES, So that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number 11, SIXTH STREE F late St. Clair. ItiaWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THIS! Tnitazina. deZzTa-S IMPORTANT' ANNOUNCE- GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tobacco, Cigars & Whisky. ISAAC STERN, N 0.162 Federal Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., And the PUREST LIQUORS. ia-Bemember the place, WALLACE and *I/LARD, , ; , -;. nommoreTursTs, ojlreports • 'their. (Mae on the Yirat of Airil next - fo TA Diamond, Allegheny city, rear of City , ' Ja30:1179 . B. BAD CY CAKE rAKERY. CONFECTIONARY, L • wr - CREAM and DINING SALOON, • ' n t E s irzifi . eld street, cOrner of Diamond alley. e r ;LS OF SORGHUM I e_a and laminae supplied with Ice LINGER I STEVENSON, Cre Al l r isra i n ri d i cagea on short notice. ELI NEW SPRING `4 DRY GOODS EMI NOW OPENING. Having just returned from the Eastern Cities, where we have pur. chased under pculiar 'circumstances (in regard to prices): a very large stook :of desirable' goode; we have concluded to offer our customers all THE ADVANTAGES WE HAVE RECEIVED Extra Good Bargains, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, ISO AND 183 FEDERAL STREET, t,4 Ito ALLtormrirr. REST REDUCTION IN PRICES Woolen Goods at a Great Sa(dfloe. LARGE STOCK OF YARNS In ail Colora and Qualities LADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL HOSIERY GENTS' AND YOUTHS' ONE-HALF HOSE GLOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION allies' & Gents' Wool & Merino Underwear HOOP SKIRTS. FINE VARIETY OF EMBROIDERED & LACE Ilandakerchieb and Collars. PAPER COLLARS AND CUM Or EVERY VARIETY, for Ladles and Gentle men. Jobbers will ly dowel] to call on its now as we wish to . most of oar good' before cot° meaning to take steak. MACRIpti, GLYDE it CO. TS and 80 Market Street. ROCK THE BABY IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB , sou) imy BY 14E1%10 & WEISE. Practical Fund i . Manufacturers, itc., 118 Irol7 •17-x AVENUE. Where may- be f.utl a fall aisortment of Par. lor. chamber and lichen Furniture. day REMOVAL. The Ornees and Warehouses of PARK Th , IIIitOMER it CO. El.fiTE BEEN REMOVED TF• THEIR 'WORKS, Cor. Thirtieth end liallread Street& I Orders left with PAE, NeetillDY &, CO" No. IllUSSecood Aveitue, reeeive prompt at. teation.l pa: • TTTINDOW 4111.4DE5. A LARGE AILQORTMENT •OP EPA' TIZABSPABENZ 02, A1QTAR SHADES JQISTRECEIVeD. At 1.07 litirkeV ' IPtos lit; - 81701111i ft:13110.. .KEYSTONE ) POTTERY. fIZAL sttipli& Mannactarm of AvziorawAsze; imisToviswaz ae. office and Warehouse.o3, LIBERTY, ElTEptt ha/4141145niersinailitikiittended W. , De CAMP, ' .ATTOPtitAtieCbtfilSELLO# AT (AW • titsee, WWl**. VAtrel banal. (tOnnetir oeetiple ter on — Wa ter` H. Wrwrle,l nreetlee In the .(t. .8. Circuit and Marl 4 COarti."hiebe State Supreme and 111 The Co qmint , Atteltbeny2topkty, and make collc tioa-mostertbeir.djaceal______rountles. JaZd:d73 Nt SON & CO.~ IN H IMI ECONOMY BUTTER CO ask the attention of all Interested in the reduc tion of the extravagant cost of Butter, to their practical and economical system of making pure prime Butter by the aid of the EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT. A brief allusion to the origin of this inn ortant diseovet y may rot prove uninteresting. Among the atithent'cated records of the renowned Cap , tain Cook's voyage around the world, is found the siatement, that while sojourning for a short time on thel3rimllian Coast o 1 South America, be obiervrd the natives using, in the preparation of their food, a pecullar - 011. which, upon examina tion. he found to possess the appearance, taste and Osverof Butter; non further inquiry, how ever, he ascertained that it was simply a sub stance that the natives distilled In a crude and imperfect manner, from a rich and luxuriant plant that grew spontaneously t cid abundantly in that warm tropics! country. A few 3ea rs ago, an eminent French chi mist, while cri a profes sional visit to the tropics, made numerous caper imeets with this remarkable production of na ture, and succeeded in extracting a conoeatrated essence of the plant. The formula for its prepa ration, and the Sole Bight for its sale in this country are the exclusive property of this Com pany; by whom it was purchased from the °rig!. nal discoverer. We claim for this remarkable, yet simple and perfectly harmless preparation -I.ll.—That by Its use a net gain of from 50 to 200 per4ent. is made in the manufacture of Batter. Ad.—hat Butte; which from age or whatever cause, may be strong, rancid, streaked or cmanie-grained, and comparatively useless for general use, by . the aid of this Extract, is re stored fo its origi nal freshness and sweetness, tine-grain; and even color. 3d.-Ry the use of this Ex incr. one pound of dello. ono, fresh butter Is actually made from one p 1 nt of milk. 4th.— 'hat a pure and excellent table Butter can - he made, at a cost of from 19 to 20 c nts pee. pound. The chief expense wherein being But ter, Which Is the essential lase. sth.-1 hat Butter nianutactured by the aid of , this Extract liequal In every respect to the best Butteir madebYtbe ordinamtnethod. . 6th.-The Extract after thorough analysis, by ablechemitts. is pronouncedperfectly free from any deleterious substance, the ingredients be int( purely of a vegetable nature. 8111.—In proof of .he foritaming assertions, the factory of this company is mating one ton of Butter per day s which meets with ready sale in the New York Merket. and is consumed from the tables of the first Hotels, Restaurants and Private families in this city and 'elsewhere. A sample l package of the Extract (sufficient to make 50 ids. of Butter) with full directions for use, willitt sent to any address on receipt of $l. CAUTIO .-As articles of real merit are sub ject to tiputliotis imitations, we would specially caution thelrbile against counterfeits and worth less Buhr/ one, advertised as powders, corn pouring, Le . as the Mxtract of the Butter haat Is preparedrand sold only by The Economy Butter Co. Cirririel, 118 raniliTT Praia?. FACTORY. 238 liltitill , WlCil LT., NEW YORK, SOW. CoOnty and car /tights for eale. • frifring, capitalists rare opportunities for tstabltiltntig a staple business, paying enormous pnonts. ___ lent Age ts. Wanted pverywhere. M. DADA vs Pan resitobigixotorin g , at a pound, su lent to give a rich golden yellow to 800 lbs. of. White butter; eo cents per simple, package, sent teeny address: NO Fanner Ebotaltl be Wltnout lt, aa *bite and streaky Butter is worth from six to ten cents a Pound. less in all markets than that or A rich allow ' felnel6 _ _ WESTERN LIIVEVAGENCIT. 70 , 000 ;Aerveerland-for Sale, In loien and Mintieentlieltilre from $ 3 . 00 to pee acre, Lond bought totit sold nu cum ntietion:' nice pittd; iltieenintninedCatonentge iterrilithed; Rtitveying And hinting done. ,Infbfrarnoulnentelted tn..referenoe te lonag g ty. quint? and valdatitin-Ot LIMN.' General eoliect tug busizte!sa done. Agdresa C. C. WAY, ELLINGTON, lOWA. a 2 ;d6 xixtmossi SHOE STORE. The stock, Rood will. lease and fixtures of sboo store ,tifshe late J. F. Blopitil,p9,..Flptiertyl street. Pittsburgh. Bo , t location In the city, and . 1 dolog a prosperous business. For further parti culars Inquire at 334: Liberty etriet4 EMMA hi. lECOALt, J. If. RAMALEY. Executors}, TDDAGE), TENT: .1,411,CE LER.THER, tor saie by J.. 41 H PHIGLIPE. ;REEK APPLES —lig barrels i In store and fur sale by Tiol7 J. B. BANTIELD t BON. ECIM NEW ADVERTISE _ • NEW GOODS AND NE WIBIAIifitAINS EMI DRESS GOODS, 10131 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY Mil ALL THE POPULAR BARGAINS Of the Day in DRY (to fo ro s Revised and Improved by,, NEW. AND DESIRABLE GOODS, IDEI WILLUM SEMPLE'S, NO. 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET ALLEGHENY. THE Norloss—••so La," • 'Par' Safe," "Wast.A. 2, "ibignol." "Boardirna,” notsx'AtedinKFO all LINES each Oe in terject in tAiie loluntne ones for TWENTY-FIVE (MYTH; each additional tin. FIVE CENTS. WANTED---SITUATION. WA NTED. SITUAI lON. A BususrEss M A N, with good qualifications, who ,catCadaDt himself clivutusiancea, desires eitqation. Address Ales. WANTED--HEIR. WANTED -HELP.-AT EM PLOYMENT OFFIC E _No. 3 St. Clair Street. BOYS GIRLS d ALICIST, wan t in g rent kind. - of employment. ' Persons help of all kinds can be vunplied on short notice. WANTED-BOARDERS, urp ANTED.—.nositaikns,— A • • .few boarders can be aecqminodated board and lodg ng at 153 - fib WA N T E D. - BOA RDERIt..- Pleasant room, witti.board, imitable for gentleman an STRE E T two yonot gentlemen,. at 68 FOURTH Also, a sew day or din ner boarders can be accommodated. Reference required. W ANTED— To.eruploy a few good JSIRN to distribute Dr. Ashbaugh's Great Ithituttatle Remedy, The Wonder of the IVorld." on the paeltsge system, not to be paid for until fully tested. Address J. C. TILTON., UN St.. emir street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ja3o W _ ANTED.—TWO Young Alen waat a pleasieht.-well-Inrnyhed ioorn board. In a good neighborhood, within ten min. ntes walk or the Poor.Mee. Address, statlny "rEkt.MANEAT,',Taco °mos. WANTED—HOUSE,A dwel. Hog honve of four or five roomy. by a hrt Ity with tio cidldren. Adareee. D. D. GrAzErte OFFICZ. lA/ANTED—Bonds and Mort gages to the amount of 150400 un city or county unenenui a -red property, having from on. to liveos. years to run, In amounts ranging from 45 00 to 000. Aleo. business accommodation paper to amount of , stu,ooo, In sums from $6O the 0 to 13,000, and from 00 days to 4 months to nu. 100 acres of good Western lands to exchange for furnlture. Apply to andLAIN & Co.. JaZ , Cor. 4th avenue antiiltbfield street FOR SALE - - T'OR MALE.--A- first-class DRUG STORE In Allegheny City. tined lo , atlon and doing a- good business. Address TOBY, GA BETTS Orricz. FOR ICILE•-••DRIUG STORM e-- - A rare chance to hay a first•elass drug store FOR City. Splendid location. Address CHAPuLTEPEV. rats orrres:• !FOR SALE.—A - LEAAE ottiavo THREE STORY BRIDE HOUSES In a bus nese kwatlon. it haa four Year& to run' rent low. Address. W. X. GszErril OPTICS. .. 2______._. VOR SALE.--BOSINESS PROP ARTY.-1-5 now offered for sale that dears ,ble LOT OF GROUND. No. 167. Smithfield street. This property Is we.l located for busi ness. Parties on lookout for a rood Figlnd will do we'l to call t n BAILEY, FARRELL a CO, No. /SY emithfield street. OR SALE.-OVER 41'00.000 worth of Estate. comprising Farms, etores Houses, Lots. C• al Works. Salt Worts, Sic.. trc. The • PITTSBURISH REAL ES. A E REGISTER" contalus to particulars or all of the above. Sent rim: to any address. CROFT tr. PHILLIPS, Publishers and Real Es sate Agents, No. 138 Yourth avenue- FOR SALE.--FARM.-24 acres of good Jana In Richland township,' en the lOW er Plank Road, /7 milts from Allegheny city, with good hones and hare and other out builolngs; a good selection of fruit on the place. and all the gronnu I. In glum working order, making a desirable country place for a man doing business to the city. Apply to JAMES HARRI SON, Esq.. on the preudri.s. or S. P. HARM- E/0 , ., 75 Diamond. Allegheny City. fes:el2. FOR EIALE.=-A DE4IIIABILE FARM containing 150 acres. located on the A. V. 0 . 3 ., *3 miles trt.m tbe city and,within five minutes walk of a Station; 145 acres ciear ed, balance in good timber; 90 acres In gta a, 30 acres underlaid with • 5 foot vela of anal: soil first class and the Improvements, No. 1 CM'. Ili/I fng of a stew Dont le Two Story Frame House or 7 home, • foot halls, anti good cellar, built and finished In splendid style; large new Bank Barn, 40 by 79, planed an opalnted.. Also, ad necessary outhcl.dings conveniently arranged, including's reoient. lion -e cry& room,: whole Arm well wate rand can a'l be worked by rua chinery: six acs of orchard, select variety of frulta; also small frults, Thils farm lo without douK the best ti n the neithborbood, and need' only' to be seen to he appreciated . From the house la_ bad adelightful *iew of the towns of Freeport and Natrona, np and down the A/le g/wily 'livers and surrounding country. For par ticulars apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real ' Estate Agents, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. FOR SALE , "III A YFIELD” COTTAGE and GROUNDS. about S acres. beautifully planted and distributed in vineyard, ffruit and ornamental evergreen and deciduous ruits n th e übery. a complete arsortluer t of the of climate; commodious c•rdage house, tetable and tenant house urn r one roof; cottage of Ova rooms. paninta, le., summer kitcheo, rain water cistern and spring of purest water at door. Situate oue mile nortu of Allegheny, on' Perrysville road, and a quarter of a male from Pleasant Valley Passenger Car station. For terms and particulars enquire at' north end of Hand Street ltrldg FOE. SALE.-4 THREE STORY ItNICKrinVF.LLINIS HOUSE. containing 10 rooms. situated No, 40 srucicruN AVE- N UE, Allegheny City. The it t is 30 by . 240 feet, and has a soon prick stable at rear end fron inquir e iVater a , reet. For ihrthrr Informa tion of H. CHILLS, No. 133 Wood street. r ittsburgh. ' VOR B ALE. - REFINERY.. A JU First Class eeryßefi, in complete ron mug order, nearly O Hu been in operation but a few 1110rahl, sitnated on the A. V. R. 'beyond the present city limits. capacity flee Oa tibia per weeit. Can Pe doubled no extra expense excepting an additional s tills Apply aridh) and 24 M A/11M r TRICET, Pitts burgh, Pa. FORE SALE--Fkilltiv-- 200 acres of ood Land, situated In Penn Tp., West moreland COUD two Mlles from Irwin Station. house Penns. It. R. Improvements. hewed log In good repair, bank barn and otder out huildingo. Terms moderate.. Rogntre of W. WlLSON,:Larlmer's litation. or It. A. - ROPE, Penn &hums. - • VOA SALE—That . tine two story brick warehouse, 514 by et fret, ated on 01110 STREET, Allegbeny city, No. 95, now occupied as • P lour and Grain Warehouse • Also, that two story brick- dweilleg house, AO by 04 feet, aOlo , nisur thin above containing six rooms For further particulars engulf° on the premises of M. STEEL & tiON. • OR trOIArES3, fiITAND —A well kaosro Mit near stand..with stoe late. gatiafactory re DOW.' Apply at 77 iproSperotte wltelesale bust- VW fixtures. la offered ter .; one, are given Or the dip FOtt RACE -HUVEir.atals. ashingtou. Onocl quire al. 49;,.141 burgh. - - . • /iriuw. FRAM • aad,enbacrelatiskidt. Irendhpprenitser.Ba 'WAR ; Ufa- Fait itekLit.. Seven Rooms and • orbes streets. Wet ‘ lB O Banieatlkitebeni'l HMI. corner or PM: r i Snd Gas In the n,' OR SALE—EI Quire of J. R. OW CA SE.--En -1,71,18Thr, 83 lizalthiller ' I' 4 WIWI or CITY RIMINI= AND iIUItYLYOII., • • :l ITT lirobruary 4,188 ti. NOTICE TO FO UNDIPtir MEN.—t 3, glad ... PrCiiidals. toe farnielftg the City of Plicaburgb, with castings for the esichbaslog required; in the_aerters 11.11 about being contract. d wilil be received at this of fice malt SATURDAY, Pep, Re, 1809 -CoSoeelticatieus can be seen at this office:" The ` mmittee - reserve thirriirtit to reject any °rill' s. H..J. 2doo,lit. fec:e4 •- ' •••• • ' -- CRY Cruclueer. CYFIct MONOltoaget.kftnin,l6r•OurtaNT. 1 . /wont:nom January 30, 11369. atfrAN 1E; LEINTION 4.0.8 TIIIIR ---ir z TEEN MANAGERS Mon o n a e Company for erecting a bridge over the gaho.arlv.r, 0,.p031te Plttaturgh. lu the rounty or Al.eghary, wail re held at the Toll House, an 31014 DAY, the Ist day of Marchtteat,as 4 0. e a / 1 4*a.. x. re2:48E1 , 34, , JAS.' H. WRIts.RT, Erattoureri __ ... ..... ____ ECONOMIZE YOUR FuEL,:by using the WIVE CENTRIFUGAL ' GOTEINOR, the only true and easily• regulated Ocorernor made- perfect In its eparatioasand truly reliable. A lams size Clovernor can be seen at the office of PERCE VAL BECKETT, Bfeehanical Enslneer N and Solicitor of Patents, o. 79 Federal street, AlleatienY City, the only agentbr Rorernor in the West. seEZ:x9e WANTS. ! 1147" OFFICE OF PENNSYLVAw NLA RAILROAD COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. January g 7, 1869. NOTICE TO STOCILHOLDERII. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Oonapany will be held on TUESDAY, the 16th day of Fe brawl, 1869, at 10 o`c.ock A. Di., at CONCERT HALL, No. 1,2.19 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.' - The Annual Election for Directors w:11 be held on MONDAY, the Ist day of _Minch, 1869, at the (Ice of the Company, No. 238 South 'Third street. fe7:dBS SEALED PROPOSALS for the construction of a nubile sewer on ?Mb or Pen 'yenta avenue, from Waishington street to Dinwiddie street, about twenty seven hundr-d feet (211100 and also for a public sewer on Diamond ailey, from the Wood street sewer to Sinlthfield street, will be received at thisoffice until SATURDAY. Feb. Teary 40. 1869. Specifications and blanks for bidding C-11 be had by calling -at this office. o bids ' v lit be received by the Committee unless made outon the regular blanks. 1 The Committee reserve the right to re'ect any or ail hide. • tel e 5 Of the Union Pacific Railway, EASTERN DIVISION. due February Ist, 18861, will be pald on presentation on and after that date at the NA' OCTAL BANK OF COMERROE, TIIR Hr AP PIS'S FOuNDI, p , PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh, January 30th, 1869. farNOTICE HEREBY-Gil'- , EN to the B TOCILHOLDELIW r.f . the KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY GO,IIPANY I I - I To meet at Its °Mee on Twelfth of reet, on TUES DAY llebruary 9IIL 1869, between the hours of 1 awl 3 r. Is., for the purpose of elecvng haven (7) Dlreetors atid !Secretary` and Tres-ur er, to Berne for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of !Rich other buriness as maybe brougut before teem. Transfer books ate closed, until alter February 10th, 1869. bld:d77 _O. METCALF; Src'y. omen op CIT . / KROMER AIM Bolivar Oft, • • 9 ittaborath. - Feb: 6, ;1869. f lar'NO'rlCE.7--Te aosessments for the partial 6redlnor of ; ',IZOINN9II: I Dre: Writ MET, from Pennt•ylvanle,avenne,,to.Centie a v en u e now r..ady for emamtnittoeLind rtmafn In fhteomee ItettlllllBo6YVivb-W5.7,-16,•1869. when It will be retl.mM .11A* City Treasurer's ()Mee for collection, f...; U. J. MOORE, COT 'Engineer. Onus A LLz oin..nitrio - t . , .PlTranunart, Kg:AngrylolY larA/V.ELECTION IFOIk.PHES - !DENT, IifAMAGEIts and 0 PFICERS of the "Company rot eretriniva 1414. re orct the Alleabeur River,' oppotne Flttanurah, in the coin el MiellhanT." will be held, at the TOLL HOU E, tun' loath -end , of the 'Bridge. on *MONDAY. the Ast 'tarot March. at R o'cicck ~,1 1 *. A... ... : WM. ROSEBONO. .ra:‘q,-rro' Treasurer. WPERKY STIl i . demi/mad,' appointed Hearers to Rascal datelines 'and behente for OPEN/NO PEKRY • BTRICKT, from its; eastern terminus to nice t the Tray RI I Road, 'will meet en the premises on MONDAY, lifth day of February, at 4h' o'clmk Y.lrrtgrattettd•ttl 'the - dories -of-their arpolnt r., J- J. HERMAN. 1- .. . Went " 'tTB OM AS Bb.-17$1 VliWtl/48, ' L. WALTER, ' Of Ind ,aaa;• =1 rWEBSTER, FITR e W thetindersignid.atrOOMted viewers to as sess damasks and benefits in the matter of widen ing ,WEBSTXR 'STREET, Second ward, Alle eheny. from Benton *Herta North Common, win meet on thapremisea on stONDAY, the 18th day of February. at 3 o'clock Fax., to attend to the duties Of out appohnsaaus., - ; • - B. BITLF6RD, J. lusiotatr, LEUNAiSD WALTER. _jaN:463 Onrior, OF SAt LLIGRANY VALLEY t Pittsburgh, January 25, 1869. f ar IiTO CHUOLDEIatoI ANNUAL I fEETING.-..Ths regular minuet meeting' of the Allegheny.Vadley Raitroad n y be held at the once of the ompanv, No 2( Pike street, on TUESDAY, 23d day 'or Feipmerv, 1889, for the Inv pose of Orating a Board of Managers for the COIMIIK year and the t. Mu of Inch other business rs may be presented. jande9 JOILN AALLANTINE, Secretary. TO LET ..-:_....-- - 0 -I.E7'.- HOUSE. L.- A Fri IP larg- BRICK DO UBLEIIOIISE. vri,h a l l modern improvements, surrounded with grapes, fruit trete and shrubbery. Rent not AV much an object as a good tenant. For terms, go., call at GAZETTE COUNTING R00:11. IL0 -LET, WITH •IDINEDIATE POSSESSION • well-lighted comfortable L on MI , avenue, ou by SO fcca• adapted for 'society meetings. Address Lc,ck Box 169, Pittsburgh Postodice. T O- LET.STOBE and DWEL. LING, No. 5110 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny y: contains five rooting, tinlsh.d attic. Etore room and large cellar: gsa and water. .A t , p/y to 8. 8. D. THORPE:ON, on the premises. Posses sion given April Ist. / CI - LET.—R(IOIW - FL— Two line ROOMS In GAZETTE B GILDING. Apply ountlnB Rooms, 84 and 6 Ylitb avenue. O LET.--TWO Handsomely ftwnlatied rooms. with gas and tire, one on rat !toopp and one front up stairs. Inquire at 199 Thifel avenue •LET. OFFIUE, at rug story, 56 Smithfield street. Enquire at rug Store, corner fourth avenue and Smith field attest. . „ ran( •L Ir FRONT ROOM, s P eOonfloor, well furnished, withrgais and cos . For tarms, ahVY at _No?, ,i41t,P.4:91 STREET. formerly hana. an 0- Li r— com LET Llltl ik m)mestro pine. Transmrtation evi one QUARRIZS Ibr lease; .11112ifiturack order be furnished. Enquire at! o. 413 LIBERTY 9 rici •1 STREET. up stake. ' • ' -- -- . --- , . 4 I .VO.R RENT..--WAREHOLTSEs-- The large three atarf_brlek betiding, N. 89 T rd &reline, 'near the Bank of Pritatiurah. • S. CUTHBERT ot, 85 Smithfield street. 0 L ' .--Six Offices on' the Corner of Penn and Eighth strt ers: 3 on rst and well the Second Soor, (one Sexy large.) 1 Alio, a lighted - and dry Basement 'Store IT .. Room. Ei ghth —A dwelling next the corner, NO. g 29, on street, %His 7 rooms. Also one with 1l rooms, No. 29,0 n Eighth street. Also, a Warehouse, No. ISSEltultbeeld street. Apply , at 277 Penn street. ... . yC -L ET. - ROOM.ONE STORE ROOM. POEN BASEMENTS, well -lighted and niched._ OFFICES In the s.cond story. ' bLICEPING ROOMS in the third story and ONE LARGE HALL, with two ante-rooms, In the fourth story of A. H. English & Co's mow building. Fourth avenue. Apply to A. H. ENG. LISH & CO.. No. 20 Fifth avenue. ITO•LET.--THE , SECOND : AND THIN 3 STORIES of a BuSiness Ho - Use - cm e oral street, A legheny city. Each room friSIO by SO. Splendid Itssallein for A PHOIOHSAI'II- Eit, SAMNA ROOM or light Slantifooturlng. Spacious front entrance, and In the heft - bit. Wesel pinion of the street— For particulars appiy to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Seal Estate - Agents and Brokers, No. 139 Fourth -Avenue. L NOTICES MF'TO BVlLDERB.—"Separate Proposals. addressed to .the Commis sioners for the Erection of City .frall." will be re , tired at the office of the ConelsEloners. No. 118 own MONDAY, the Li Miro!' March next r for the :,r7 Stow Work# Ertek.iWorki Iron=. Work and Carpenter Work, , , . • Required In Abe erection Of the new Cl'y Hall. according to the aeond specifications of the same, which eau be - at the Office of J. W. XR.Ble, Architect, In Apo°lc Building, No. 80 Fourth Avenue, where all requisite information will be given. THOMAS STEEL,' Secretary. (NOTICE. All persons Indebted to the . City of Allegheny for GRADING AND PAVING, are hereby 11 , 2 ti• tied to call and-pay their assessments to thenh dersigned. on or before Sheikh day of February. After the above date all claims remaining un paid will be placed In the bands of the City So licitor for collection, with costs adds d. - Office in the second story of City Hall . Hours for business from f 3 top A. at. and I to 2 r. n. 1110Mit MEG EtA A Street Commtssi , ner. • ..1,14311.YNT, Feb. .7. 1869. *. • A- EDMUND 83fITIT, Secret - - JILT os or erry .6 - aiikiin AND suErz.voß, NOTICEh Yebru OF ary 4tb, 1869. Y—• SEWER BUILDERS 11. J. PerOORE, Cliy Engineer THE GOLD CO_UIPO NS NEIW 3r011.11%. ens-Tvntlei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers