The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 08, 1869, Image 3

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SATURDAY, February 6, 1869. 5
There has been a slight improvement
.in business during the past week, occa
sioned mainly by an Increased local de
mand for some of the leading articles,
though there is still plenty of room for
improvement. The feeling seems to be
pretty general that there will be a good
-spring trade, and the fact that prepara
tions are being made with that object in
view, has a tendency to revive busineasi
.1203.7, and we look forward fth strong!
lopes of better times during the next
three or four months.
APPLE BUTTER -75 to 85 cents.
APPLES-Inlgood supply but prices
bbl susta
as to qinedualit, ranging from $3 to $5 per
, y.
BUTTER-Is getting dull and the sup
ply accummulating, though asyet prices
are unchanged, ranging from 36 to 40c,
for prime to choice RolL___
lower, 'being quoted df.33i to 4c.
BEANS----Pritne gnat! White scarce,
arid in fair demand with sales at $3,50 to
43,75 per bushel.
CARBON OIL-Continues, firm and
-tending upward, and may now be quoted,
iu a jobbing way, at 323 i to 33',. for stand
ard white.
CIIE ESE-Market is almost bare '
with considerable inquiry, prices are
very firm and fully sustained.) •
CRANBE RRIES_SaIes at $lB to $2O.
CO RNMEAL -$1 to $l,lO per bush.
FRUIT-Peacues are firm
with sales of quarters; 133 to 14; mixed
at 15 to 16 and halves at 18 to 19. Ap
ples firm and higher, and may now be
quoted at 11 to 12.
EGGS-Fresh packed, 25c.
HAY -Sales baled on wharf at $2O to
-$25, as to quality.
HOMINY -Sales at $6,25 to $6,50.
HEMP -Sales at $2lO per ton.
PROVI SIONS -Bacon is firm and tend
1919ing upward; we quote Shoulders at 15m,
3X; Ribbed Sides, 18c; Clear Sides,.
c, and Sugar Cured Hams, 20c to'
20Mc. Prime kettle rendered Lard,
21c, in tierces, and 22c to 2210 in kegs.
Dried Beef, 2130. is
Pork, $34.
POTATOES -Dull, supply
largely In excess of thdemand. -Small
sales in store at 80 to 85c.
SEEDS -Sales of Cloverseed at $lO,OO,
-and Timothy at $3,50 to $3,751-- Flaxseed
-but little o ffering -.-quoted at $2,40.
SAL fls quiet but steady, and is still
quoted at OIL-Fr 2 b tecar load.
LARD m; we continue to
'quote No. 1 at $1,73 to $l, i 5, and No. 2 at
-$1,43 to $1,45.
G RAIN-Wheat is exceedingly dull,
and Winter , Wheat cannot- be quoted
above $1,70 to $1,75. Oats quiet and un
-changed-65 to 66c on track and in ele
vator, and 67 to cBc in store. Corn is
-dull, though held firmly, no disposition
being manifested to make concessions;
mixed may be quoted at 75c, and prime
Yellow at 80c. There was a sale of 5000
bushels of mixed'made during the week
-at a shade above quotations. Rye is-in
fair demand, with sales $1,45 to $1,47.
quo te
Prime to choice Spring Barley may be
d at $2 to $2,10.
PEA NUTS -Sales 834 to 9c per lb.
TALL OW-Rendere
' SORGHUM -60 to 65c.d, 11% to 12c.
FEATHERS - Dive Geese F
quoted at 75 to 80 to the trade,
usual advance in - a retail way,)"
F LOUR -There is no improve,
note in the demand, and while tl
Stet is quiet, prices are unchangec
-quote Spring Wheat, $7,00 to -
R Witter Wheat, $8,50 to $9,25 per
ye Fiour, $7,50 to $7,50. The . pea
quote their best brands, made
best Wheat. as brands,
F lour,in-barrels, at $9,30, and, in
$9,00 per barrel; Double Extra n
in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks,
per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, i,
rels, $7,80, and ,in sacks, $7,50 per b
The City Wills quote prices as fol
Extra Family, (Winter) in - ba
$9,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per bl
and, in i
Double Extra Family, in barrels,
iacks - 9,50 p
Spring, 18,00,- inf barrels er
and $7, barrel,,
- sacks, per barrel. ,
WfUSKY----We can report sale
Highwines, in car loads, at 93 to
:and In a jobbing way, at 96 to 97c.
ONIONS- I U to $6 per bbl.l--
Ryentichanged and quiet. Barley i,
bush 1
good m
deand at full rates; sales 6,800
els at 142,30440 i for Canadian and
$2,40a2,45 for Fall. Cotton lirmer and The river remains •about-stationarr al
higher; middling 29. Whisky dull and this Point with scant six feet in the
prices nominal; small sales at 94a95. chaneel •by the Monongahela ; marks.
Mess Pork firmer and bigher: sales s33a The waather yesterday was mild and
33,25, cash, mostly held at $33,50. Lard
pleasant, and where exposed to the sun,
in good demand at 20 for country and
20% for city, and at the close there were the snow thawed pretty freely. Mer
cury at boon had r' to SS
no sellers at these rates. Bulk Meats
zsen .
held higher; Shoulders in good demand
No arrivals to note since the date of
and all to be bad at 14aa taken, they are
Mar last report. The Wauanita, from
now held at la; clear rib sides firm at
17% and clear at 18. Butter steady ati2Ba New Orleans, and New York, frortaNash
-33. Eggs firm at 21. eese firm at ville, are among the first boats due. - •
193022. Linseed Oil firmat a1,05a1,07. The R. C. Grey, for Cincinnati and
Lard Oil $1,65a1,70. Petroleum 35a37 for Louisville, Kenton, fur Portsmouth, and
refined. Gold 134 V, buying rate. Ex- Raya.rd, for Par/web-lira; departed. The
change dull but rates steady. Grey had a good freight list, over 400
TOLEDO, February 6 .--Flear is steady tons, and engagements below., Pilots-
and firm, but without quotable change. Jas. Shouse and Nitric Whitten. 4
Wheat; amber opened oast-half cent bet- The Rate Putnam it filling up slowly
ter, and closed No bigher on spot; white for to
and "all intermediate
Michigan regular and Sc better; amber, points.
buyer for February, at $1,73; No.l spring The Sallie Capt. Calhoun, is up for
at $1,40; No. 1 white Michigan at $1,90. Cincinnati mid Louisvitle.
Markets by Telegraph. •
w hi te and wild depart neat week.
The d Duck and barges, Capt. Ana-
Corn cse-half cent better, with sales at
Naw Yore; February 6 . - Cotton is ac- 66%e for new; at the close the -market Walt, are tilling up steadily for St. Louisi
e s il a a t , a cin T nt a ti Z1131;11171
was higher, and rejected at 64aac;
tive and yo better, with sales of 7,500
bales at 3O r tac for middling uplands. , tteltriglwaLaatei:rl-ff March, '7' rite
on have I:ft Ci:i ti
the Artnenia and M aggie . .Hay n a r w a ir ' e a ad-
Flour; receipts of 43,900 barrels; held firm at sl,asual,3o. Barleny;ncanaildaa.2 1-2ce
ket is less active and without any irapor. higher, with sales ''at $2,12 1-2. Dressed vertised to leave there the•same day for
Itant change; ;,sales were made of 6,800 Hogafirm at $14a14,50. Mess Pork firm. 'Pittsburgh.
iharrels at ;, a
for superfine State s . l, a 9,2z rd . fints at 20 1-2a2lc. Clover -The Messenger arrived at New Or-
S at ee P3 a et
leans, from Patabur b on Thorsda
and western; afiatioa7,lo for extra State; BUFFALO Feb. 6. Flo dull and The ' g 1 •y,
Maggie was advertised to
$ 6 ,10a7,40 for extra western; $7,50a8,90 .changed. 'Wheat ; ;tTomin u a r l. Corn d u a l li lea-ve Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Fri
for white wheat extra; a 6,6558,75 for. at 7 7a78c, the former on the track. Oats daY. ,
Round Hoop Ohio; $7,50a8,50 for extra 65c in store. 'Rye $1,35. Barley--sales -
The Isew York left Cincinnati for
Louisa s9al2 for good to choice do., 2,000 bu Canada at $2,16 in store. - Clover '•-•-
Pittsburgh, on Thursday, with a mode
the market closing quiet. Rye flour is -medium a-shade over. V. Highwines rate trip. ,
dull, with sales of - 1,600 barrels at,55,25a nomin a l, Pork firm and unchanged,
7 ,30. Corti Meal is quiet, and sales were Lard arm. Dressed hogs firm at $14,25a -John Woodhern's Arkansas packet,
Made of 250 barrels Brandywine at a 5. 14,50. 'There *ere 923,000 gallonS of hi lb!
a Fort Gibson, is enroute for Cinchmati to
tot a full cabin put on.
Whisky is firmer, with sales of 50 bbl wines manufactured in Buffalo since the
western, free, at 95c. Wheat: there were 20th of July•to February' Ist; total num- -Captain John 'N. Shank has intro
no receipts reported; the market is.with- ber of gallons removed in the same pert- duced the Alice Dean in the Cancausaat';
out any decided change, and sales were od 660,000 tax-paid $ 2 80,000. ' and • New Orleans trade as an indeptha
Made of 31,000 bushels at $1,57a1,60 for m !
dent packet. •
ILSVAIJEEE, February 6.--Flour dull.
No. 2 spring, in store and delivered; $1,6"
a Wheat - quiet at $1 19
. for No, a and
e -Th e e t sidewheel steamer Lexington
51,70 for No. Ido in store and delivered, $1 13 1 9 1' '
and $2.15 for white Michigan. Rye dull: 2.4 r
i. -sor Ne t . 2. ' Oats quiet . at 52e for
,ba' lire at. New Orleans
Corn s eady at 59 1-2 c, new is re- "' orning. • She was Insured
Barley is steady, aria sales were made of l e .
Rye nominal de at $1,12 far :No. 1. or about oifa-half her value.
3,400 bast:ids Canada; West at $2,13, in 'Be Lettl . •
etatr lesanotintinkl.a Provisions firmer. s-arr. James' F. .Shaler has sold his
store. Barley Malt is dull. Corn: re
t $33. S. P. Hams• at interest of th ree - fourths in the towhoat
ceipts of 18,397 bushels; the market is taa • Tav e is I 17- it
i , 4 _ r . Me c y Lard at 21c. Re- Atlantic and three barges to Capt. Lloyd
dull and prices are withoUt . any decided
bbl flour, 16,000 bushels T. Belt, at the rate of /50,000.
(Mange; sales of 46,000 bush at SI,SOa NcvebPtst::oou°;?
. oats, 300 bush rye, 400
- Grant's Pass, in Mobile Bay, is fast
$1 ; 90 for new mixed Western; 1,96* for dressed eali
ga. Stu meta 00 bbls flour •
P a--; r filling up agaia. The Morgau line of
yellow Jersey; $1,96 for handsome white 1,000 bls e
Pork. _
and yellow outhwestern; $1,02 for old " f • 1 steamers alone' pay $12,000 toll per
mixed Western delivered. • Oats firmer Loursvitte. February 6 . -Sales •80 annum, for the , privilege of using this
sales of 60,000 bush at 76c for Western in eats
Tobacco; good new a lugs to medium pass.
. ,
store, and 773 ac for do. afloat.' Rye /eaf, $5,00a14,25. Cotton, t*.. Mess.
The Bellevernon Pittsburgh to S
quiet. Coffee firm and quiet. Sugar- Pork, $33. Lard, 20%c. Bacon; shout- t o m ; , .• a.
re, t aancinnateon Thu n s r al 3 vrt t.
320 tilide Cuba at Iliaallaac. Molasses ders, 15e; clear rib sides, 18c; clear sides,' out taking on anything .tr a-.lll
firmer; sales - of 200 sac.
18%c..• Bulk Meats; shoulders, 14e; clear She had about 500 :tons and
it Rana draws
38a39c. Petroleum firm and unchanged: • rib sides, 17c; clear sides, 17,See. Super- lug 5 feet 8 incite& Pilot' yrati Clark
Hops, 6aloe. American linseed oil firm Flour, $ 5 ,75a6,25. : Wheat, $1,70a1,75. and-Levi D.: •
at 41,06. Leather and., hemlock sale ac- CoC°4l' 63a65a•
at 62 a 66 0• Rae, $4 4 5.
tive and firm at .30a310 for;Buenos Ayres. Whiskey firm 95a96c. -Wm. Noe, second Stewart on the W.
A. Caldwell, was shot through the head
Wool steady; sales of 470 lbs at 47a57% PHILADELPH/A, Feb. 6.-Flour dull id i ' '
r natal:ale killed Tuesday at 'Meal
ier domestic fleece; 750f0r Canada comb- and weak: lowa and Wisconsin extra rind b t'it, • ' '
Phis, y Artuur Cartwrig,ut, porter on
lags; BSe for seconds and 35a5.3c for pull- I family $7a7,75; Ohio s9alo: fancy sllal2. thebsame boat. The difficulty grew gut
ed. Coal quiet. 'Spirits turpentine Wheat aull; red $1,60a1,75; amber $1,85a of . eir lose for a chambermaid. Cart
heavy at 56a57c. Sheathing copper 1,90; white a 2 ,10a2,"0. Rye $1,50. Corn r
steady at 33c, and Ingot •'copper model-. I advanced to al; new yellow 87e. Oats 72 , Wright escaped'
-!-Wile the John Lunisclena bOund
ate at 263036% for Lstke Superior. ; a74c, Petroleum unchanged. Provisions I
2 6%a26% for Baltimore. Pig Iron quiet I have but a small business. Whisky now- ' from Nast- trine t° t his Port was pasting
the bridge at Cincinnati, ,on Monday
at 1 , 40a43 for Scotch and $35a40 for Amer- inal at 97a$1. and 'the market is • flooded
. last, several bales of hay took tire on
lean bar, and $60a0025 fors refined• En- With contraband._
her lower deck. Fortunately the tire .
,aud 'American. Sheet iron in mod- IlarTlmottE, February 6 . -Flour active. tins fliscovered in time, and the burning
crate request at 1 0%811% for Russia.- Wheat drill; sales of ,rime Penn:Ey] vs
Nails quiet; cut; 5%; clinch GA;a6y; horse nix at $1,8641,83. Corn dull; small re
shoe 29a30. New.mess
.$32; old do. $27; i ceipts of prime white at 87118 S e; vellovr 1 --2
i bale.s thrown. overboard.
rim steamer Lexington, bur at
prime $29a,31,50; uew_tness, stellar for :.
, at 80a87 e. oats at 70.175 c. .Rye 'firm ai. I New "esh 7' cm, 1rd " ' ,",.. da . ) , - ' T ' .4: ' ver y 1
April, $33. Beef steady: sales of 400 bar- sl,so4l,tat
.111ess ,or ' arm - at aleatie -
old] of Sfrlsll Vaille,1111(1 it/I,y .zisured.
she was originally known al.l thlo uVieto
rels; florid beef quiet and unchanged;
,1 Buccal active; s'lles of tit, sides at ‘ 17 3 4 - 1
was built at Pittsburgh in 1567 by
i sales of 175 tierces. Beef-hams quiet; I 18c; clear do." --at Piii'al9r; shoulders it : ria, ”
i sales of 150 barrels at,31a34. Cut meats I j r •
ac. Baru& 20e. Lard quiet. , Capt. Loins A. Welton, Ibr the ~•I,t1.1•111:-
ient to. I arm; sales of 270 pkgas at 14 for shout- '
I nine. line - of Missouri river paekets i
.13 mar- I
We i tiers; 18a18% for hane.s. Dressed kid *s ; afaxians February 6.-a• Cotton firm, ; then r„„i ni. „ from aa r a t ,„, , (li t t; t '
but quiet, at 29c; receipts, 1,467 bales; I Jo sep h. .-- - '- 1 ° S •
L "7 1 dull at 15a1534: we sterlal6. city mid-
; exports, 1,690 bales.: Flour. quiet, aliali I
s° r and I riles
_firm and more mire;
,sa:les of 400
4 W111(.11 I ft C . 1 •
r v i tt I boxes at 1614 for Cumberland; cut 17!,,,:•
! sale: super at ra7.50, Corp at .2 1 -2..a E ac. 1
eafrat:: al k a r e n t l e a ' r i _ i .,. l ) l : ' er. T h 0
..,t(1 ' f r- c ir ,: - ;
m id tb --- e 1 long clear 17%. Lard heavy; sales of 61/0 1 °,i1.1 aia,7taist7;sttc.s.34l-layi!
4 a r t d a'2 a ..... l atain at 8'24
Balk I nweek, cracked Litt. shaft wilLi . n m i ) ,i o r Co ' ll t : I
;.,.,...,.„ I tier t :r e a at 193a e a20 . al for steam and 20y, for ::-
I 12:11ieat.Hti°T111. with sah'..s' siii - itill a t 7r: • at il l tl 3 l ,c I port. She spent two (Jars -at. PoinerOy
sacks, I settle render d, a 150.500 tierces of steam
: bain_ing ...e. &wait, and proceeded /is far
I aides at 1731a18e• Dressed Hogs at f 1 331-1. . 1 jh "
~ lat 20v, seller far six months. Butter -
e as Grandview, when it broke.: she was .
stead at 25: Cheese firm. Freights io f CiAvsworrp February 6.-Flo q let ; lying. at that point when the !lobleti
tr' , 'O . Liverpool dull. Heavy en agem t
e ! and steady, but dull. Wheat, No • I 'rest .
passed down, waiting fon a boat i
in bar- Per steamer of 20,000 beshelsgof Wheat I wintEir held at sl,6e; No. 2 f1,r1,5.. Corn ; Llgiu • •
from l'ittsburgn to tow her up. • .
at 6%. .
at 68, for shelled ear on track 61. (tate
A late St. Louis paper say:,: It will
dlows: Latent, -Flour closed without decided ,
, held at 61. Petroleum market quiet and I -'
be reniernbered that, about t w'o months
irrels, I change. Wheatnominal and in buyers' •i firm ; refined - held at 33 !.034 li' .in large ~
larval; I
a ., , favor. Rye, $1,48a1,50 for Western. 'Oats ; lots; Small 10t5.243 cents& advance. ; since, Thomas Ktng, sr egad clerk of the .
; steamer illnizzark, stelae:llv disappeared, -
IC t.ritilLy ............... ....... .; .. .T. A. STERL.V.
s9 *'" - ' , I quiet and steady t 96 forW
c extern in i., A.,trlN rata., Feb. 13.-1 he totton mar l it ~,.. ~ a ii,,„ ~i with . rt n • it /00 - r the
, and 1 - .. ' - a , •
r. , store. Corn dull at 88a90e for new mixed ; ket is active; low tuiddlinga •'''''l,c; good I a. - '''' - ' - (). .--7-&•
i bbat's money. Chief Lee, yesterday, re-
Cern mission ItierchantB,
"4. '" , Western, and $1,02 afloat for tact mixed ; ordinary 27c; stock 4,800 bales.' '
1 eerved a (//BpatC.ll from the Chief of
• !
, . t;
• ( arm 111 [ALXIN IN
4.1 Western. Pork quiet at $3.3 for new
, i - - .--ao--
; Police of San !rantssco to the offeat a • •
8,.,,C)'• !mess o ' • '
n spot, seller March and Apa WPoliTs BY R ill HO %j), 1
i that King had turnoll up 'and been Sr. I F.l-A3U11•11:341-44-irli• VEE-113•4411t.o.!
a le , 1 . 500 bbls new tnesslat $73 -elder April' 11.: ! ••! • .
ars. us MHO STILEEI near East Common,
PITT,,IIIIRGH, Four W A rNF: it. CHI- ! rested in that eity. I . le will probstay be 1
Beef steady, with a.mod-enzte denelad.
4-i.,,ilLit.o.tri, February 6.-50 cars : diacharged, tut it would comt wore than
, . • 7 'l Cut Meats unchanged. Bacon firm, ;ith I (22"4( '
__ a
. _
I cars r metal, a tiniek t co; 14 do do, Bryan : it would oonie to, pocuti - trilv ~p o ikiti •
~ _ " • i..„ i TZTRII KEIL-. •• • ...... ........ JA.I3, r. alcuAsT,!
--- -wow-------.
1 a moderate demand. Lard,
.24.1aasalc for i k Caug,hey; 6do do,•Jas Wood k Son; 4 ' to firing hint herr , for trial. 1 :
that I it
Financial Matters in Nevi York..i good to priute ste'ani. Eggs, 23c.
I do (lti, Loomis k (Selena 4 do do, BrOwn
....---1 1 Cirreacio, February 6 . -Flour more ac. , k Co, 411 do blooms., John Mtx)rhead ; 300
The Pa"nr"..` •Th"" ga3•N ' •-•' I COIIiMISSION MERCHANTS
probably-, the IS hue Collar line cont.
•1 . Gold Closed LI f i 315 . 34 @ /35.34:, I tive. for medium spring extras and su- 1 bias tflOur, owner; 100 do do, P Aleatior tt: pan/ "will aril run their boats throng!' I
! pertine at $5a6,50 for the former and I Harper 4 58 tells green' hides C Keefer;
43 FTetsgraph to the Pittsburgh Gazitte.J'
I a4,25a4;90 for the latter; upper gradas of 50 bb flour, .7 il Campbell; 4 blair al- : Al 1\ civ ()ri"n4 ' I ' 4 "4 l'"11. announced.'
ihey man'. however, made .tlieli arrange
' NE*, YoRE, pebruafy 6 1869. '
, i spring li and all descriptions of Winter ex- , cobol, f arri4 ct. LWing; 43 bdls carriage
nents as will enable them to receipt tor
• 1110.NEY.
ae, . aw untie 3. i 0, car corn,
traenergleeted. Wheat w ithoutanaterial 1 hardw ' Nt 1 ' •tC • 1 .
freight time, ai Ito New 'Orleans It 14
• Money is easy at 6a7 per cent. on call, 1 chauge; sales of - No. lat $ 1 , 2 0%41,23 and 1J W aiqipson; 1 car shipstutr, J Is-a-ring
their intentior i i to! de a large business in
No a 2 dt V 05,4,01,10%, closing steady at Lou: 58- bdls forks, Whitmore Welt k Hilippititz grain, lti bulk, to the Eastern
the latter an Per cent,
ti are. The I
• aLlaaaal,ls%. Corn easier and lower; , Co; 69 do do, B Wolf Jr k 96 do do
a , market and Eufhp e via .7.'; Vr. tirleans.
Bank Statement - is regarded as unfavor- ; sales at 6 7saa.584ae for new, closing at the I Logan, G t• 'ea I Co; ' 4, " - i
we ~.. CO; ../ 4.1) do, ~..') (.0 soes, T f ie ,, e i. l , 1 . u nit . , , t , ..
.4 ,
bet n ‘. , Lus n . e.iin n , eul,,,,t orm
able from the loss on legal tenders, but 1. inside figure, and seller abr the last half , J Woodwell a: Co: 4 'rolls leather, Win
of May and the first half of June at 70c; i Flaccus A,: Mon; 16 tixa Meese, s Ewan a: the 11.Vnigr 7,7,,,rte011. rahr„Yariu" P " i ? i rl al ' in g
the decrease isttoo small to influence the i
lower rat 1
money market.
! ' i M a ya , for re f er for March, and 58, 4 4 ac , Co; 40 . (ho do, M W Eankin; 00 dozen .
1 eta r,to I but h "
_ I for buyer for February. •Rye rather i brooms, J S Dworth A: CO; - 6
pkgs but- r ' t 1 at l ja . l '•
A, I4PilihiVille teli,gram under '‘l:its
EASE STATEMENT. -: i stronger but quiet, at $1,16a1,17 for .tio. 'l, ter. 5 kge lard, 10 bgs tale, 2 a ahils eggs, --•
, -
, 1
of Thur,,,hay, sacs: Tn e to e iR V.II n. and
Loans $266,541.732; increase, $4370,62_1; 1 closing at aalaaalesa. Barley firm and ! Wissilworth k Davison; 30 lime lesse n
Greed River Paeket, Faits city, le
5PECie,t27.939404; increase, V 54,481.. cir_ 1 three cents higher, closing at t 51.87 for , handle& W Mardore 10 bxs snap, P leaf
waist" hist evening at 5 eadoek, with; a.
ciliation, a:34,246,436; increase 516 , 2 80.• Be-• 1 No. Z High wines neglected and notni- i az; Skin; 5 bbis - eggs, 2 kgs apple butter. •
light trip of • freight liod poop 0 , •in
posits, /96,602,849; decrease, $3.8a,562,,1 nal, at- 90c far free. Meats firm and ; H Bea Jr.
charge of captain Pint: Varble, fills
Legal Tenders, $5;424,123; decrease f1,,.1 fairly active:. sales at $53, closing , at 1
CrxxXteush A : . 1 D Orr - nail:Roe a %.1. 1 ,
! I t A stiff breeze WAN Mowin g , an d
.323,436 -
, I $a2;25a52,50. Proviaions opened steady , no , n, February 6---3 Cars rye, Minitel-8
it/ de cending the falls silo llatilittd in
Sterling is dull at 109%(a109aa Gela - I and strong', .at an advance 0 f i Deposit Nat Bank: 1 car iron - ore, Shoen
agalnsit the right-hand reef, just above
is stronger, opening at 135 and closed at -3714 c per barrel on . Mess Pork 1 berger; Blair .41 Co: 7.,0 bble oil, D lily dr. the bridge piers, shivering her ioilc
134% fa 135%. .r
il and saaaec . per barrel on • Lard, icm 1 car fish, Lewitt Ranker); I car
title was run «.111 , 1
1.11/OUt riri.eim. root. . . .
but 'towards the close the advance was I barley, Z Wainwright; 6 kge tobace o , (7
to the head of 8 :m(1.14111nd, and bea . •ts.
' 1 partially lostasaies at $33 for mess pork C Baer; 3 vises PoittleyP, Nelson k (:!4). 1
' in three feet of water. 'I he ossenger
Governments are. active and higher; I sash, •and $. 33 ,37% - buYer for the month. I car clay, ;Ecker ct Csizkey; 1 ease tlls, J !
all remained on board mail this mon:
ith eibreiga demand arid buying freely; i
t Svreet pickled!-"shams 17%, reugh sides W a im; 33 sks oats,
• Mearior
‘ciz fairper; i f i 1)g.
her freight is hut slightly dairt.
the 67's were ;the feature and rose to ; 15. Lard at 20% and 20%it"1 seller for i - balls rakee, Logan, (Iron,: Ar. Cu; 19 coill,
Tim rorri•Loat Frank Mellarry and ov
109%,@109%. The press aoudetrus the lAP reit and Feb ' a . Dressed "
Ho •'Y old rope, Godfrey at Clark; 24 bias apple& I boat Fitilß Pilot went to her assistiine
bill before Congress for the conversion of I firm and higher, rn el r o Y sin at. $14,50a15 S ib' . I
- Ratastered Bonds into Coupon Bonds as for light andimay y, lots g dividing oa 670 i • a 6 a d r ai sa una ' V°lgt ' Alah"" Co; :36 il("8
, chubs, __artier .It D/O1101'; 183 sks corn- retnored the freight and •p
ape d
I lic
oat, and 8 110 w e an placed on the (lecke
unnecessary and as tiding in theinterest pounds. The receipts for the past twenty- I meal, Morriscin & Devol.
Feb.Ls ,0 tibe was insured ! for
,of Speculators - Coupons of 1881, 112%
11•23 a; do. '62, 11.3X®113aa; do. '64, Itiour hioillasoarbnoutintlead
0f 3,596 h b t arr 4 e i ls 3:32
ALLEOTIENY VALI,KII.• KAILROAD, F ;2500 In the New Albany Insurance to.,
1 . 10 ®1103 , -•
!i do. '65, .11/ '4(9 MN: new bu e s u h r e' ls ' cl corn, n 7 ,198 e
buiZcze l l 3 s a ' of oa * ts, ruary 6.-1 car metal, John Moorhead: 3 55,000 in the Marine and Fire, of Loti.N.
SW., 109@10,9X; do. '67, 109%(g109%; 1,447 bushels of e, 1 150 bushels of bar- boxes Cheese, Ell Itlyerm & Co; 2 retie villa, and $5,000 in the Enterprise of a
leather. M Delange Az Co; 480 bbls Oil, .7 Cincinnati. The damage to boat Will `'''''
.. gener..
do. '6B, 109aa aa 109 WTen-Ferties, 108 1+447
live hogs and 1,324
1,634 head - Of ' •
Wilk •
lee. 660 do do, J Munhall; 480 dodo, not exceed $l.OOO.
@MX. , . - i •
, head of
.dressed hogs. The shipments , , '
State securities !quiet. ; Miesouris, 8 6 , for the nem° time were 2 325. barrels of G 8 Thomas; 1 car motel, Lyon, Short, & .
• .. ne a noes.
Cu' Ido do, McKnight, Porter &co; Ido --
136 2; Old Penises:tees,' 67 %467aa; Neir
a t ! flour, 6,421 bushels et whe ' t - 20, 4 '01 bush-
TORN I. bk.
Tennessee s, 6 7@67%; . North Carolinas, 'lof - • 1,34 9 b a ' ''
( 446
,1 e s corn,lathe's of oats, a grain, Scott & (
Ai 6 pkge 'produce, W
a..........------------ • - a -- -- q eshare to Jana ..
61462; Virginias. !62fa63.
B 4O k I ; Kirk atriek dr.
, i bushels of barley, 1,697 head of live hogs Ross; " r y e '. A-1-° • P ; WAL H. NEEPEH,
-- Grcmcrs mid Emu..
In Railway specalation :duking the and 2,497 heap of dressed hg; Co; 20 ibble refined :oil, damn, Frew
- eseste and wets.
morning New York Central was the - T -...' ._ o ' - 'B .._ & CO.
,„.. ,
- ---- - -
Sr. a4:117/8, r-eurnary 6 .-Toroacco un
most active stook and nitnged between
ALLEGHENY finurrois, renruary 6. : I
changed. Cotton; 28%c for middling.
161 and 161%. On the Western listprices
car shone, M Steel & Son; (00 bble flour,
Hemp; email sales prime undrestsed at
are higher under !the. vela of the Gov-.
Geo Stewart; 5 taxa Soap, 2 do Candles, W
timer of.lllinois of the railway fare bill. , $l4. Flour firm, especially forlower and
C Murdock 1 car barrel headinge, J M
The . advance was! more (medium on 1 Medium grades; au p er tlness,26a6,oo, ex-
Hemphill; 5 cars metal, Spank, 'Chalfant
I tra $6 Ioa6 50 double
. , extra $6,75a7,50.
Rock Inland and' Northwesters), but Fort '
&Co; 6 do do, Leade, Bailey az Dalzell; l•
Wayne and Ohio end' Misaiseippi. Were Wheat dull at $ 1 ,60a1,96 for priMe to
bbl tallow, J Caller 91 bkail feed, I bbl
'quite stronz Eriewal,,dealt in on the. choice fall; and spring lower at 11,30a1,33 _
e ta 2 has butter, Rose delEwin • 2 cars
street at 3 8®38%. In the afternoon the i for No. 2. Corn Mow and weak at $1,02a gg
barley J Rhodes & Co; 4 cars wheat, It T
market was weak. ;Pacific Mail fell from i; 1,05;" the latter for fancy. lanai aiow at a.
a r e a l & Bro,
en y ro.
117 to 112, which eaereieed ade 6- , 6 3 a6f3c, and fancy black, for seed 66.4 c. ''.
effect' on the rest Of the Market. awing
Barley unchanged at $ 1 ,8552,20 for ptime
general iuterpretution or this fall was I to fancy spring. Rye Unchanged at $l, 25
that a leading firm! wan , seannabua at I 41,27. Whisky- nominally 921 ac, Pork
was further reported theY , have haat, active :Land higher at $ 3 3a33,50 on spot,
and $32,15 buyer, all the month at Quin
borrowing the stock to make deliverjes,
'and that. borrowed 'stock is ; all tot rare- ;• ci7. Bulk Meat very stiff at 1,3%a13aac
for shoulders, 17 1, .! for clear sides.' lia.
turned Monday or Tuesday., The a hOts : .
, con is active and advancing; shoulders'
in the stock was large at the !close or the
14,./0, clear rib sides I7aae, and clear shies
market -arid was stronger Pacilio Mali I
rising to 11844. All other ;hares revived 1 '
, a c. Angar eated Hams 1 8a10c. . Lard
;dull , at 20 4 ,0 for prime tierce, and 21taa
-considerably from the Lowest point.
Fit4e-tawfy P iaest-tatrabera s a,saa af a : 21%c for ke. Hogs steady at 101 /c;
37; Wens Exprege, 29%®30; American, ' packed to date, 229,000. Cattle quiet and
48%@49; Ai an 4,680.68,1 united States, i land -lunged, ranging $%a71,4e for inferior
64%; Merchants'` Union, 19(021; . to Choice. Rseeints-4,500 bbla flour, 18,-
Quicksilver,: 23(a23%; Cantor', 59%(a60; : 300 bus wheat; 2,600 bus corn, 4,800 bus
Pacific Mad. 113%@113%; Weetern Union ! oats; 1,000 bus rye, 700 hogs.
Telegraph,373/4( 373 / 4 ; Hartford and Erie, 1 CINCINNAT/, Fearuary 6 . -Flour and
28; Madhosa, 73 / 4 (58: do.' preferred, 25% i
, Wheat- unchaaged. Corn a draneed to 66
Giasaa; New York: Central, 161/X(4161%; I a 67- Oats advanced lo '65a66 for No. 1.
nd the
Erie, . 363,@37;. Hudson, 135; Flar
lem, 13,-1; Reading, 95@95w,; Terre
Haute, 40; pref. 67;4; Wabash, 64,g64h;
preferred 78 @783i; St. Paul, 6434®65;
preferred, 79@,79 ae 119@
119 %; Ohio and Mississippi, 363;@36%;
Michigan Central,l 1193i6120; Michigan
Southern. 938'; ininols central, 13,83 fig
138;;; Pittsbugh, 92%@93; Toledo,
104@l05; Rock Island,- 132y0g1323.;;
Northwestern, 83%@83Y,; (40. preferred,
92%@93; Chicago and Alton 1 Cleve
land, Coliimbus, Cincinnati and,;lndiana,
52; do. preferred, 7334; Lake Shore
Jt. Joe preferred, 1083 i; Dubuque and
Sioux City, 103.
Mining Shares dull,
Copper Stocks at Boston—Calnmet, 50,
Copper Falls, 154; Franklin 15%; Heal,
7cl; Hancock,3; I dinnesota,2; Franklin,
Imports for the week Dry goods, $l,-
887,589; general merchandise, $2,738,248.
Receipts at Sub-Treasury, $1,655,681;
payments, $707,140; balance, $85,879,989.
Gold clearances to-day $ 54,00 0,000. I Ex
ports of specie to-day,
__ $419,730 to Havana,
bales cotton, Clarke it Co; do do, Ken
nedy, Childs & Co; 65 do do A. 0 France;
1 bit glass, Wolf, Howard Co: 15 sac
peaches, 7 Ibis do, 63 do molasses, 19
IMO sugar, Watt, Lang ,et Co; 30 Ibis
molassoo, 10 hlids sugar, .Ifead itz Metz
gar: 10 do do, Atwell, Lee ,Isi- Co; 200 half
bbls molasses, J 8 Dilworth dt Co; 1 07
bbia molasaeii, Arbuckle (it CO; 40 do do,
14 hhilf, sugar, Knox et Orr; 14 do do, 58
bblo molssoes, M 1' Shriver ik co; 690 bge
corn, Mcßrne it Anjer.
Elver ana Weather,
with eiLorrisvmt feet LE, February I ver rising.
gh two inches In the canal.
Weather smoky and mild.
col c
S le peclid attention given to conveyancing aid
tions Deeds Bonds and Mortgages drawn
up. and all legal business attended to Prot/Int ( )
and .CearatelY•
(Mee, lila W PiTTIi IifiYLIE STREIT ,
, near Waaalum*
I T,
Deeds, &roCo de, M
ction sortgages Acknowledgment
tions, lle and an other legltl
e business executed promptly. Into). 9
N-7 Ali 11-EltbIAN,
Ex-litiilo Justice of, the Peace and Pollee Mo.
trate. Mice, BRANT tilltEXT, opposite the
Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment',
riccoson, and Al 'Legal Business silicented
with promptness and disnatch. 'chid
-----------------------_--- ----
. 1
No. 89 Grant Street.
) I k9Zictm
:x.unti;Li% tatrxtan first-Mon vessels, among
d1"11'.0E-PeAltte, CITY. OP ANTIVErII.
Setting EVERY BATT:IRONY', from iter
rth River, New York. Pornaesage or Ittrtber
Informa.lon noolv to -
11 .114141.111,
STREET. (Chronicle Building.
onnoxlttt Post tom^. piut•hur,h
87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
All Rinds of Country Produce,
All orders for Merchandise promptly Oiled, at
r.Ovvitsr market rates. Particular attention
given to the sale of Hinter, Eggs, Cheese Dried
le. 'CI e feel confident that we can Rive
entire satisfaction, by making Qt'SCK SAL IM and PT ItaTtliNS, at IizOILEST ItaltKarrltCES,
and therefore re n e at
sollelt your consign-
Lents. All correspondence answered promptly. I
!larking Plates furnished free. Grain in s tore
and to arrive daily.
U' ItMLY, Ihl4.
_ PENNS YLP.4-airc emo
ROAD. °nand after Nov, alfith. IMES, Trisis
will arrive at and depart from the Union
follows: Depot,
corn,. ~ Washington and Liberty:streets, aa
• ArsYva.
M Depart'.
Stall Train ~.. 1:30 am [Day Express.. 2:3o.sins
Fast Line-- 2- at 4o a iTrall'i No. 1.. 6:3oam
Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 a. m iMs.ll Train .... 5:15.1m
Brio ton Acc'n. 7:50 a mi"Cintin'tl Ex 11:11:3&•nwe
Wall's No. 2.. *l:soa miWa»'s No. 2 ..11:20 am
Cincinnati Ex.9:40 a m,rohnstown Ae. 3:25-Int
Johnstown Ac10:35 am ' Braddocks No 14-:2spm.
Baltimore Ex. 1-115 'olni Phila. Express 5:10 pnt
l'illia. Exprese2:os pa:lNV:ol's No. 3.. s:opm
Wall's No. 3... 1:30-p miWnll's 24 . b. 4.. 5:15 pm
Itraddocks No 15:50 pm' Fast Line ...... 7:50 pm
Wall's No. 4. 7:25p mWail's ..N0...5.. 11:50,mm
! Way Passit'r 10:21J in
The Train leaves Walls Station every
i survisc at
.9:15 a. ea.. reaching PittsburgS at
Wttoi.ltfALX DitALEI2I3 IN 1 IV:VD; a. m. Returning. leaves Pittsburgh at
! 12:50 p. tn and arrives at, Walla Statica at
liroeorlemu /lour, Grain, Produce, 1 9:00 p. nu
Pro visions, Floiliu t'beeac, Carbon ; 1 •Cllncinnati Express !envoi daily. All ether
of i.-ttc., - :raw e daity except Stitnity.
. For further Information apply to
W. H. BEcli %Sr/TR, Agant.
Nos. 17.2 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Lib- The Pennsylvanialtalirood Company , r
arin g not as ..
erty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. • :
some soy risk forltaggage, except for we ap•
- 1 Nutrel. and limit their responsibility to One an
1 ,r, • Dollars in value. All Baggage excuoding
Gls t amount in value will be at the risk of th e
1 awn:,r, Orleas tali., by ane•etal contrs.ct.
- EDWARD H. WIL 1....1A3f
nom Genera! Superinteadent, Altioons, Pa.
, __a_
No. 271 Liberty Street,
WATT, LANG & 130.,
349 Liberty pit., Pittsburgh,
ray:l4:bn '•
•t. BAN k•. ....... •J. B. warms.
ellif NE ANJER,
GENII RA1.1.1", No. lit WATER bTREF.T,
l .4,11315TR0N(4,
FOR WARDIEG Sr. OOSIS11881011111:110ILLNI8,
For of rloOr, Bacon, Lard, Bat
ter, t ,,, e.16, 1)r Fruit, and Produre ireneralll.
( N o. IA MARKET sTREKT. corner or Flit,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
aplb 11J
BCBT. KNOX. ................ .
W i..••ANDRZVir KNOX'.
W. Do KNOX &soli, CO
/Le At Eltt RANTS and dealers In FLOUR,
r ALLY. No. 79 DIAMOND. unposite City liaLl,
A lloith•ns- Pity
) JalT:rn
j firrt,E, BAIRD 84 PATI'ON,
xj firOcerg, Conunlaalou Merchants
awl Dealers In ProdUce, Flour ! !noon, Meuse,
Yloh. Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nnlls, (4 ,
Cotton I :hrus and all I"."aburgh Nlnnufaer
generaliv. 112 and Ir.& asi',COND nrrltE
i. --T---..-.________________
Croce,nn L iiont,z..t.nw 1101:76Z...•WM. It. If posy.
eessora to JOIIN I. DOUSE et Co,, .Wlaqie
rs and Commission fifer e. 14148, Cor
ner or Smithfield and Water Streets, imitirsburgh.
ON. ... . ............. .. .... A "WALLACR.
11'2'N ai. WALLACE, 'Whole
§:llllB.ALE.,• u socz um Alin ► Null; pric DEAL
, No. 6 61...ETH STREET. reibursth.
i5.1.2,r5S ,
FIFTR STREET, ehp_osite the Oa.
the drat, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Howls, Mort
Acknowlmlgatedts, Depoettione all
Legs litibtatusa NA -recited with nroinntne awl
u 8 and
. A,L, E 6 EI - I.IV/A.N.
wx-orrirci JITISTWE b•jir Tug PEACE AND
needs, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments,
neposltlons and all Legal Business executed
nit} promptness and dispatch. mr2ll
3.7"FORN EY - A."l"l.Lali.IV,
Pe. 08 Fall, STREET.
PITT 0 1 1 1:110311. Pa
allil:11.90:4 II
LotrisvzLLE._The steamer
5ALL1E............... T. S. Ca/Aron/.
TUESDAY the abore and Intermediate ports
on Oth Inst., at 4- P. m.
Fortrefeit or passage apply on board or to
,rl.O. FLACK, or
r. 11. CULLING WOOD. r
, .
The powerful towboat
.A.1 41 44W1.1.T.
Will 'leave as announced aboye, on TUESDAY,
9th lain. •
For tonight or passage apply on board or to
te3 CHARLES BA RI,I.ES, Agent.
If ATE PVTNAM carif. G. W. Itz-np
Will leave Jar the above ports on TITESDEIs
the 9th Inst. at 4 o'clock P. ie..
For frelgheorpaegage apnly on board or to
pimps BURGH,
Marietta an Parkersburg Lirie.
Leave Company'a. Wharf Boat, foot of Wood
DALIT, .9T IA 91
BAYARD ............ -..A. t 3 Sttaga
WZDN gloc Muter-
-- -O. Baz.s•NAlg, Master.
Freight will be'reeelied at all hours by
self '
STEA.btiStirP - S -
A. X.6 7 EV.EN9ON
On and after. TURSDAy, 3,"&yetobe 17tJ
trains will arrive at and depart from tt
Depot corner of Grant arid Water streeta, g
Mall to and from Union-
town. ........... - ... .. '! : 00 a.
H . 0:00 P. /kf.
McKeesport Acecendrn .11.ou A. H. 74,05 r. Y.
Ex. to and front eint`n. 3:90 p. st. 10:10 A. kL.
M. Er West
Ae'V'rc'! tfler...:.. ;48 A.
addock's Accomdt
IN len Ac. tolfcli's
i7ortc.)lo:3'o P. I(
Bllannlatco`;.';',ashrl;.rea;;rron 2 : 01 /r., .e. /0:00 A. IT-
For tickets atm/Y t 3
J. E. Eill . 0, Agent
W. E. STOUT, Superintendent.. n 020
‘,rl 11 Al NG - E OVaicE4it
..." TIME.
ALLEGRENY VALLay natcreolin,
On and after MONDAY, YeretaherOh,•lBll%
TWO TRAINS DAILY veltl leave Pittsburg
Station, corner, of Eleventband Pike streets for
Franklin, 0 11 jCitY, Buffalo, grid all polate In the
011 Regions.
ALZAVE PriTMUMIGII. jAnnzlrlitir Pitt-MiI:73MM
Mall . ..... ... 7:15 ain !Mail- ....... . 5 :40p IN,
Express .. - . 7:10 p miExpress .. . 6:30 a tut
Brady's R ... 3:00p m Bradya B .... 10 :20 aat
let Soda Works Ist ScelaWorks
Accomd.... 10:50 a m Arcornod'n 990 are
2d Soda Works • j2d SotlyWorks
Accomed 'n . 5:00 pte I Accomod. :9p at.
Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. M.
Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. 3S.
Passengers taking exress Multi have but -
ene change of earn between Pittsburgh,
sto p -
and OR Regions. Mall and Express Trains stop
only at principal points. Mixed '{{ ay and Ae
commodattod trains stop at all Eta:Bine.
...i7Sa.t. Supt.
W. FOSTER ROPE, Ticket Agent: nos.
wuris IiALLWAY. D
CHANGE OF TIIIE.--<./n and +MerinD/I.Y
N0v..22e, 2868. gains will leave anloaprive at
Int. Union Depot, l'', Pittsburgh time:
Depart. Arrios.
Mail Ex9re5..........--- 3:/3 a. m. Ia:13 it. at.
Past Line .. .... ..-.. ..... 10:13 a. ni. r 133 p. ns..
rut Express ............ 2:58 p. in. 6 43 1 a fa.
Mtxed Way .. . .... ... .. 5:43 a. m. p. al.
IdeDonalit's Ace,a, No.111:28 a. rn. 8:33 p.m.
StenbenviZe Aceommed. 3:38p.m. 9 481. m.
McDonald's'n, N0.2..5:08 b. m. 3:/8 p. n.
'sir. 4:513 P. M. Express will leave daily.
12:13. Mail will arrive daily.
- The 10:13 o: M.
m. Train leaves daily, likradayt
e 3 cepted, aid makes close connections at New .
ark to Zanesville ard points on Banctrisky
Mansfield & Newark ---
8. F. SCULL.General Ticket Arent.
W. W. CARD, Sriol.. Steubenville. Oh:co.
.180 e .
PI B RG. FORT WAYNE ,! "1111 K1
Prom Dec. 26th, /868, trains will leave troll)
and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts
burgh city Gine, as follows:
heave. _ Arrive.
Chicago Ex....2:03 a suluhicago Ex.. 2:13 a
Erie & Fxn 3 / 1 7:28 a•ns I Chicago Ex.. 11:118 a
Cl. & Wlight,l6:2fia.mi Wheeling Ex /1:13 ans
Chicago Mali. 6:58 a mivrestline Mall 3:53p,m.
Chicago Ex.. 10t.08 a m 'Chicago Ex.... .4:3Woup
Cl. & Wh,ir Ex 2:23 pm:Clevland Ex. 4-:08Pm
Chicago Dr.. !4:41+3 pm 'Erie & Yg'n Ex6:l3pra
IF & Erie Ex 4 :33 , pra C. &Wtog Ex6:B6 pus
Departfroos A ifebhenp. I Arrive fa Alleghente.
N. Brlgt'trAc. 8:58 a m t N. Brigt'n
8 :03 Leetsdale " 10 :28-a in IN. Briat'n B:2Bam
" 11:58 a milieu, Castle "/0:33 am
Boollester ‘. .1:33 rn ,Leetsdale '' ii:/3'sitt
Leetsda/e Aec.3:s4hp En l . 1:g ri a
N. Brlgrn " .5:33 pm:N. Brigt`n " 2:43 pm
N. Brigt'n " •6:2B pinlEeetsdale " 4:53 ru n
Leetsdale " 10:43 pm " 7:18 im .
Leetsdale San,
':Leetsdale Bun- ra
day church. 1:13p rn: dray i hurch. 9:68 ana
2:43 p. ni. Chieago Express. leaves daisy.
Air. II : ss .. tn..chicagr . Express arrives daily. .
die 2.2 F. B. /Mix% General Ticket Agent.
er E S T Elt Nastraiß
R.A—LROAD.—eiaandafter.Nov. 2:4M1868, the
Pa senger Trains on the Western Pennsyleania
Km road will arrive a: and depar i mat
Feder. I Street Depot, Allegheny Cif. 5,,as follows:
I Dey.grt.. Sprinird'e No 15:40 a m•Mall .... I. ... 7:00 a m
Freeport No. 18.:2 0 a rulFreeport I . :O. 1 9:15 a rx
Plxpress .. , .. 10:40 a miSharph,g 1.4d/1:20 a la.
Sharph'g N0.11:2.5
:OUP rn. Expremi.... •• • 2:4 5 pat
Freeprl _0.2 4pm!Springd`e Bo 13:20 pm
Mall ... . .... .... 5:55 p mFreeport N0.15:2 0 p m
Spriugd'e No :15:43 p in :Snringd'e. No 2 7:10 DEE/
Aboyg trains run daily except Sunday.
The Church Train leayes Alleg herr Junction
.sver,, Sunday at 7:40 a' m„reaclitng Allegheny
City at 9:50 a. tn. Returning, le area Allegheny
City at 1:2 Dip. tn, and arrive at A Ilet.tetly J 12130.
lion at 3:48 p. M. •
Com murArtox TICIERTii—For s ale in packages
el Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut
street, Herr's, Benner., Pine (*Teti,: Etna and.
Sharp:hurt- and good only on the trMns stopping
at Station,. sleet
on tickets.
The trains leaving Allegheny 7:00 a,
m. make direct connection at Pr error: withWal
ker'f, line of Stages for Butter an d liannah.,
Through tickets ma) be purcha see at the ()Mee,
lic.. 3 zr- Clair street. near the 8 nay ane lenßridge.
Plttshur I. and at the Depot, Ar4gbeity,
For farther Information appll to
J.I..MES LEP}, EKTS, Agent,
Fede.ral Areet oepot.
Thu Western Pennsylvania ItMlroad will not-
A , suine any risk for Baggage, except for
to apparel, and limit their re: poi:ability to One
liundr, 4 Dollars In value. Ad 'baggage ex
ver.llng- t 1 is amount in value wilthe at the risk of
the owner. unless taken by .Declat co
no aot.
.....eiten EDWARD
= Gtl Snuarlutetedent, Altoona.. Pas
- 7------__
Q Illf OH V lllLLaniemist
IL, li.o U.E.
t '
Eastern 1311r.bliOn.
ROUTE from the East fro all polnta RLIC
Colorado, Niavrida,
California, Clan,
Wash 11,
New ItlfelUco,
OV4ege i r t .
Two Trains leawe State
one &lid Leatenwortk
daily, (Sundays e* eeptd,)on sae arnlval of tratats
of Pacific Sitilreafl Cram St. Loeb:. :tad Hanni
bal and St. Joe /tailroad from Quyhey, connect-
I nk at Lawrenoe, Topeka and Waruego with
a. ll for all Poirtui In Nazism. At end of
track west ef iworth with the 'UNITED
Alll Poircti in the Terriloriesi
n ad with
tiAti.D.Elf„St" 'el TBd-WI.:"E a I ,If
of VOA.OHEit; t'or Fort nion, 1 1,, at•s Fort, Page,
Al`•,ninert•Lun, Banta re, an.i a!! : oints la ,Art
ann.- and 'X es? Mexico.
With OA/ recta a ddition+, ,l rolling - 'made
and ely,tnent s . and the arratwernents 'made
with , 04;4,1151We Overland Transp+lrtatiou Linea
from Its Prwitern terminus, this rox.t now offers
unequ 4 faellltt., far th, ,f 1 I,lllle/don of
frelvi , t t o tho par %rut.
Ticktua tot aa,e at all tne • , 01r.,•,h1a! °thee' In
the iltdtediitates 11)41 ellllh(iVi
Be rare and asa tor ..e1{.1.,L1 71% Clill .saili.lT
HILT.. ROVI t UNros. - r
,r• rAil.WAi,,,b •
A. AIVIVF;t:Nt,ot,
J. H. -01
."A Rob 1.1,8 v
A rri tY3