Q AXLES AND' SPRIIIICS, -• nu4destie IroiC Sheet scut -Tank Iron , JOnlata Iron., Wagoßox Iron. Charcoal. Iron. CYllnder . Iron, iro n , Flanged Cu /ter Bora, Guard Iron. Drag and Dropper Bars, T Ball for Coal: goads, Atlron W edges, - flat:ltall tot Coal Bonds Bo ll er • reri', Cr ' 231 H1 , ' Chain ; Links, Boller' Heads, ana Iron marrow Tee/h. Carriage Wagon, 06 a$ and CoachTaPrinits, an el steles/ Blab BteelforPloirs:Cultlratordteel4-0/eel Wings and Moulds eta to-pat/ern. :b.aing Pled all• Size& 14 13, dteel and liteelTire, areal Crow Bars. , Steel Illuitslng,. ALL; GOODS FIRS CLAS! ARD WAICRAN git4PC/dices' and' Works"loth Street and , A/le :hi deer and IT WATIIII,STBEET. VDU- GODEFFROf BEIN CKER CO. 42 Exchange Placei New i i rk, Are ~, p repared, as Sole. Agents •in the 'United States for the P.rnialan Maths, and. Iron Cont. pany Of Duisbarg,. Westphalia, to contract or iiiiitiqtantitiCttoialepurehibeir,tdelliered In elther2few York or PhlWelphia,) the:celebrited • V. G. SPI_V,GELEISEN 'Used so extensively for the ttutn !steaming ' of , This Iron Is free from Sulva and Phosphoras, and contains it beat? , per cpwa#enf Manganese. Roll particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded onapinlira oittork. isSO:d7B snEFFIELDI sTEEirw9Rhs. ),. SINGER, CO., , 4 P1T 241 3131 7 / I GIkPA: Kainiiiturreri or 4 ;ery d4serttion of CAST' 'ANlrrigialimSTEEL, B AMWAY sprapres., • • , • zuarr ic lu ttLy.A erzzi. Trouss zum erzau tto.tte Warehouse, 88 Water and 1.0 First St& NrItaLEI & . . axassaAr. rAnintrans: ED.WW. mirreet,p, • - B . : atria:if MILL ER. W. BARB, - a I 011.103.11L.8apt. 13Piw76L rAitErsa-8. 11f. HIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS,' KELLER, ,BARR,' & PARKIN Office, No; 339 Liberty St, BLACK lailtlOND STEEL liortas. PARK BROTRM•ke • . . lianufactitrefii4 sal 46 liziPtiOna Of alisznam ar ., OilleiCaud WarelicilAW;l2o 129. I PASZCOND and 119 ang.1.21 FIRST ISTBF,ETS, IRON WO , r 97 • 1. •V0u 2 M)4f3aP% plTTszunGrt-ion6i AND mom m:ri , AcTrazits 07 Ear iron; Raihroad Fishßani and Rolla; . Railroad Car-Axies Railroad Car Axles ilemmered Locomotive Frames; . • LottoniotiVe Fraine Stinnett' Side Rods; Yokes. Strapili I Platlnt Heidi; t r Steamboat Shafts; :Steamboat Cranks; ; Piston Rode, Wrists; ibitneantinvnt; Ottittid Otago, No, 177 P N/SIN arxiipr, PITTSBI7R63. PA. EVERSON, priicsilki & co 4, Pennsylvania Iron , : -Works. B Warehouse, Nos.. - Tan ade rehouse, co .ToeiteMonongcseln Ana . - PITTIOBV4O/11.; NOM,TY WORKS ITTSHVUE NOVELTY womo.- rouinted ALI rt , 1 1 43. ADAMS, MILEE & CO X i ollPLogosiso or ; KEYSTONE STAND *M l NgAimtiNicts PAT ENT) PLATFORM ARD'vouNTR SCALE Sden it .. Faixtd Pateitt Doimatets M • — ut •fache Patin and Coffee aills,"&e. - - i, '4. 00/111ER, OP FIRST AVEIMEaIiZANT" Piltablaipap. /Penn's. LAKE SIIPEBION2 it .7i r ) 710PERIEgagiORMATRe WO* PARK, litettipOlr'et CC U • Isaanuettultrir or Press ingestitraitlessi sad Salt Ooppet.e4oo2spermv :Based Btar r ;amm o S &Mel PAilter . are metal. Tin l'inel• oon itantly on hand 'Boners lAir iloo/s. Warehouse No. 140 PIEW MEA es T au4 cW /AO 'SECOND liTiergTuPlMMlitl,l 4mA - el - or ergot Copper em an/ desire s l 14S- GM AND STEAM PITTING. max /11. 000 M Jos. mits....inuramVii. Jo_Tomrmr. cooPER* COG; • • - •T Va.t".l.? `• / 3 4A847C1iV08 GAI3 AND STEAM ITIME1 0 asaamotoron or PIIKEIVAND 313111JVLOM evou delorlot4on; Osiers AND Ming% of au MOB. an 04 mal."l"m'i - - Cor. of pik e -, h e* • • abut stree*, PirTsifullins. , • r: . • -i- ' + . • t c T • . -iB.tf, --• k , EIS DUQUESNE WORKS, coLvaiskyattim ik co i ; - istArts - , BESSEMER !WEIDE: PrItSBI7EGH, fuTTvanvi telf . !. DIM ON , ;ATIVART 4:C04 ~,,-,. • 14 4 441 • 4:44eir ol i ato ~. $0:' , 547 - -'I,IBEA ~ , straw, eua.lfol6, rota. Kllinliwcarrquo * , iiiiiliii ff i & to !err o r! TOIMILIO i.w NY . mrz , co ams, it Qs rat:Wash Ce ". 4. their 'We, iii s tedilrestext le them them the heal, will NI ',”ehq*“ w i _ + i a ~: .c,...::.. r ;T, .. II - KNO : - FfIRT PITT FOINRY COMPANY . , TWELFTH STREE'r, PITTSBURGEE, PA virr,ngines, Bolling Itltill-ra chinery, Nall Iraehines, torts, and Castinge generally. NAT/ONA.I. ROVAripiß AND PIPE WORKS. l?orn er Carr n irapeti : ( cam - WARD - • ,E• JMTSI:HI3*ini. WILLIAM SMITH, lizanuraot - turer or CAST IRO* BOWL PIPE YOB Ems AND wults, woiazo. • • , 11.7.Plues ire all cast Iziva Pitss, in dry sand. and 111 het length& Also, tall Atiortment of genera Castings for Gas and Weitir'Woria. " :s • I would alio call the attention of Superintend. sou of Elia Wotkt to illymake otliaTaataii . A T, 4 4,,,, WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS !MUM, President • These Works' are =IOU, OW/IW= gad )21081 Complete establlstuneats in the west, *aware nOw.prepared to to . . iulimeo. eve r 7 deleilrllolll BOneriss Oil Tanks. Sh4s cebOo Work. li' 4l rwmf cimaftws. itoutili r Jun Castings. Engine INiethmm Mw!ihine lUewimm Ge neratatiatingi6 ORDERS soracrrzir ROBINSON . , REA. fc COy Beeeeilson to lialazr3Ox,M.nnel& Birtzigg; • WASHINGTON WORIXS , . FOUNDERS AND 111ACIUNISTS,PiTTSBURON, , gildarintunurers of Boat and Stationary Bteem En set Engines, 2.1111 ilachlnery, Gearine, ,Castings of all deseriptiolut: 011 Tangs and 03 Boiler and Sheet iron Work. ~ • B gare o. U. corner, /Mat and dmithlield,,, E ur Ag ie g edin ater s or ß ELlEE ers 474o . !B PATMSF 1 ,I.N JEjanCTO..262II Am, Hu Uer S LANc s treets NriOntl7/WD4_fritY., (Oppositelinion Iron gllll4 "'mutates. Boning Itlll and . Bridge Cestivt, THSIBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES' . ' ,ALLOBLNEEr AND cASTINGIS,GEN7Lakrxr. ftwer2,llbr.d Cate ' !iPozit-g• Euhirra , . 'mows& • uo13:1 • . F ri!r . 0 4 1 nal c, ..; .Foirth - Nard Foundry and Machine Works, v, kr.tirdairirs-trzi-, . isEcpfietinirs of Ateen tutu* Oil Presses, 111112a11141MIVisniStanl ttinti # lB,* az atf 3 fin ,va;1 ; It'elghtt,,Wsron,Boxes, ,&e. 'Vous orasr'orta re on tnintrEnelnes ot alter. milt 6 oravisAz rounarity ; • , AND ROLL WORKS I a ' • BomPst., Pon & 11441arii ,Bolls. min Ciattngs. 801 l Lathe,. Bo.' LUJIME.R; ' I-Llustimit ; 1411, 1 , • . „. ~... . ... .. ~ .ilmicartiktut PATTEIZSON.- Derdeir in all !Lib& of Lumber •, ' ,ON HAND ANO'NONSALK: :* • • -1- 000,001/ feenliff rine Boards; _ --' 1 .150.0n0 feet I X and A Inch Clear Pisa_ la i 80,000 feet Dry. tigincturen Psll3: • ao,ouo feet/orri Audi in at •• - 1 515,000 le./IP/9i 9 an ' 3 inch Ash, .. .. „Aping ft. Ott ;2 1 X, In. Cherry & NADI!, Noel 'nx,..51 en 'Stinel,l'opl : 2304 feArly . rpinn =Ng, , i , , DOA fee x Joie end Scan• ,000 iMa Shin legs'ssweir aft. . , No. 1164ncit Shinnies, lured( --- - ...IWO N 16intli Shingles, suissidi 1 90 .,..000 Plre Isriav •--•• • . • 1 . • . inane-No. ttg a FT Cralt; :Ifssicliestart__and 1 / 1 4 11 8119 1 ' 8 "c . n1128617' site theOss works, Amede 4 ny U 4 B ,, aB . l.2., - 4 . ' no - 1 .Ifij/EL :•,..,,.;' ARONI3II,O/tIZEL, 124 first. Stel! P #tsbilliiit o Pa. 1 ~.. - : : • ~ , ' Agent for tas said of . tliili ' , 'Dotighaniere,. josephbuaiabellaMaticannon, tanhoke, Oka lon,antt.other brandsof Aathrscite, roughlo-, Amy. Coke 5ad,0,,8. %Immo!. - :, 7 Ariumeo ftiosiumts ',maw ....4fitui.n.ftaid COAL - AND COKE 4L4:00AIL!! COAL!!! =I ti PITTSBURGH G ". 't... OFFICE AND *ORBS, '= ......., El THE NEW ,:111E4G8U - L A TO AN " T Cut D,U Mecrn) W rm iK SBTTAO OBV -BLEB&CteSnTeaNMANTLESI tEORMAN L EREFLECTOR,4IBATES'e fromWtardSuet ;GILATR PRObiTS, FENDERS, a: - i ` y • - ' • oi3 - aild :4 0 8 44.'6E40: 0 0 0 K ,BT4ivAS. I I FOE itxrcrlulyous oodiz. Wii nolte 4 to Cook Alke or ItOid 43 e-' • . Nell Omani other State to the' Vitae: No. :2185 Stzbe4t: &moo. sane sad forisaler, - fut4Ttriga lt • vatrglatis i OxkIEING 8A49,115,-att• 1 pimmaje.trvet PRINTING 4 Innen pAPEO CRANToNIffiLL—orstruN_TILLN. J)Nto BRINBiroN KILL—NETT NoleurNiPA: .01117031 AND WANNaolnia. Not, flk 1164 , 8 4 , 4,.,: 1 1A., Oink__ P A ' o,sinet sas—ANGDBI. HARTSSPresWent. --, ' JRO. H. Lringspo , -hwan,r. ....____BiltuEL ItlDDLL.Setratarri u...nutte—Atagrat Hirtje. Jells Amu, p.-,. H. If Cligh t ar VlTVAL l h i ttier!r .: :' 2 . IWA : . 'W- • ZST CußeluN , , ltraohine Stone Works, . . . garlarest Corner er.w COM= 014 , .4111egtioal, PREMIX ATVATBIL, • Um on baud or trie4are dbort'notloeliekrib and tkop Stones, lbstildewalks, arum? Vaults, 80. Head aa Tomb Staaea, tro. 43744,00/94T4114.4/4,4 11 cek "PM_ 0 4 1 • •;`1 • • 1 , 0.,0 . t „ r ; 1 +WWI 113%1 _. .............. 4: ,ti i / , ' . Con Point Alley and .paqa I 13t4 ' -- • (Naas Tam Pong 2 ., ) ..Enl sdne l .13u — iiidir Esr 'Founders ' and Al airt44,418. ... - ....... _ A - mantmictur'e STRAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINE& of so edsea. - . . Watt attention I .yite4 to our neirSTA=ON ABy 'OIL WELL' ANOERE AND roaI.ABLE Boir,Efe, of 1 6-horse poe t ; CASTINGS, of evers._,._ldrul 'made to orae &tour j' fosoldfrnif3.llßlCA 8..,74be10w IRONHINERS,IIOIaaIidTOABACjatiSRENI3 and TOBACCO PEES3BI3, on hand and rude IO 444ef, AMA ;. -: - INDUSTRIAL WORKS , 'reams on the Allegheny Etre; near the/Wu, . - -prritritrawi,A. lir An ex.4lere prOminly trl3. • MBE UEDA , - B OILASIVIL*IiRik WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER; atormacriviuia s of Tuatadus, -Doustab.rfaraD 'Pi:INMAN. FIUJi-OX AND ClaaNDElt. STEAM B OIL ariLLi3 AND VII ? TAN3D3. 0131012atur;;BRZEDIDNG AND APR PAN% SETTLING PNS. S ALT PANS AND CON. DEZ ,181 1118; anttlf •PRig!ar, Gmtwarrices AND LEON moos DOORi AND SHIITES 1 • , . Ocoee said iVarehotsie, corner Se R i Third. Short Liberty StreteSet •.• - - ',.. ..'? - ; . " i'' P ITTSBD7I.GII, Pc Air' Orden sent to che,aboie address will be proznotly atteeded to. zobl:ito ___...._________ WI, .841gfigra.1,4. ! k CO . . MAK j H; AND SHEET IRON WO ERS, :: ~ • ~) _i 41i 2 '- .% - .. l' r i NOS. SI, saaNi•liii.pithital " ,..A Ravine a_ la large j.TVI and sattuaaad it Wjii*wan the meat =prey= reachinem we are_pre to imeilletare =err deacripton'orllylL el•kelitsitanini *ler warranCedo Ely aln the conn • Chimney& 2 atre 0(11, Sialekgrea, Looonfotirel=t Oondantra, Sidi Tank& Oil EMU& 44/11ta. tor& Satt/Ini Pant, oiler Iran...V=llm Um= Pant, and sole snannlicrinrers of a rat.' =Cuellar& • . 'barakill. . • '''..airthir done on abert=tnetle& ~ itasuaa JABres runlet, 58 and S Water &roes, • 1, prim- PA., • IRON \\OIL TANKS , arrnate PARS; carp= smut nag, BOLLIX@ MILL STACKS. And eEpET LIWN WO-Arm Por Steamboati JAB= at. antea.:?C"- . . ... . .... =nom> D. sum ! JARED XL BRUSH & AWN, , A,...-Acivium. OP, Sieam Boilers, 04 suns, nub. SiIEET IRON WWII. &O. '4 6.i Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS dr _ 0 THE BEST STOVES. - - - ' A. ..rozw:azt-acco.- ilinnithettlretn of the greatest variety o: Staves, .TO Parlor ant Heating. Stfives, TO BE FOLESTII IN THE STATE. . ~ • Sole Agents for the celebrated Be_se Ihrrnlng Oriental Stares and for nerd Coal or Coke. Rest in the World for Parlor, Othee, Store or (Rauch. Arlre needs no rekindling—burns wln. ter. Do notb iy until yon see or send fo C h u lar._ Our Agents for No. 30 W rIeOOD STREET. On talerDEnhEL.Eß n indthtielddl.: OEO. IdOrti.3/..Allenh BROELse . city. WM MMUS sgs CO. MAinnuCITTXBB Or ins! e a r CrtirEar'; fIOiSTON 00041.12 re RANGE, •`• THE fIERY FITBSTACE 4 ion Waiumni Bimazirim PITTSBVIt6FI, ' ' PA. CET' THE BEST 4 BISSELL , fiz CO'S TRIU.I4PH,/ STONE. OE 1 r, ZETTE : SAMRDA Y. FEBRUARY 6, , reo3urtiaxi teA l i ntlag e kaa h e °fthit roll2lLis Stoehs,Bondsand other See !el IMZ;:=E!!! United States Seou.riM 100:al ECLIPSE PETROLEUM ,REFINERY. • HERBERT W, G • Tif t EDDLE, MANIIPACITUREII Qp 'Lubricating High Test Burnipg I ..•. , • • read A= l e • .• , Eclipse ILail OIL ,• . Stands great beat—without change: remising limpid at lowest temperatures. elpecial UL for tropical cllmateg or hot weather. . s Lneontotlvs, Engine, ilaclaine.Shop, WWco tBcrews. •-.,', ~ , - ~'. , • Saw Mill and Planing .11111 01Is, . • Adapted for high speed. Spindle OM WoolilleaddLightolll, oil, Tanners , Staff- sensole i :: Ins di Eliiiihtusoll, Oneolliie,i Barness Oil Partalline. A.R/1011. VARNISH, to erve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from du l l. Terft&products fLre., IZlA;litesetuged ruder Dr. iletaLpatent by nutlet eatediflteskl in Vac: coo. The Lubricating oils re almost odorless. perfectly pure. utilform, and mostly light col ored. stand alalgh tempersturo-usehanstni.--and remain limpid exitd 4110/14Introad Otis are unequalled, and are In ccroStatt ve on many or the principal Railroads Sampler can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREICTI. stiiL,...mrit Bridge. ~. AiliiVG IND KIN 131; --------- VoramuidonMeeht taltadDiokera In' t; ~ a n d:;f.; .• - Petroletun its Products • ~_.• -.;f5 !",` ',,, • 1 '..: DAL2ELVSBUILDINO, DUQUESNE WAY; • P1 7 LT41MA1441., PA. PE:MAD/MPH:Ic ADDRESS, -. . '• •!.1? I,'S ~,,, t 1 s o . • Vit&R.ING Rig- & 65.; ~ Y•: - . I , ' .t::lifw widautistrees.• ACE. BUOTILEItB, COMMESW INRCHANTSsi • &ND • DICIALIIit3,I2( Petroleim and i Prodnetn rti tenu . o4*-rDAr4EL L 'sB corner of UILDAtie tracusene:F 7 anct Imin some. ~ r iii t ;a t i hur a=r z = 16,4 3r0 , .....______........twora/ •rr' '' •. :"' * • •r, : 4 1 EIL air, if o PrGf : ' ' 4D t 1 1.1.7 ":7":" : " - , . _ MOn/RAPTIMPOOP r , do * PIIRE - WlLiTkffligw•refili Brand-O,ZI7OIPIEBOIr4. Ofi re, 2 NO W ay . • '• SPECIAL EXPI ----- W 7m. "7::----- I • IarBATOREAAWIMA I IR DEW Thia splendid Nair le the Denim the world r. the °Ws ati • us, rens- Die, Uditlewt; Val t pt , Pnt: no _V dlcolthas ts; remedies e effects of cad • dyes; invinorates and leaves the Nair so ft and beisatUbl. bkla or brow*. Bold by all Drugging insdlncribaceihliallit'prOPerly Applied at flatche- Mr'. win notory, No. 10 Send etre& New EarmAingi rim 144144.. et Ain iiglal73l/tAIIin74IRUN which create impedimenta to 111.1111 DADE win! - rteette arre/lef:. Ben i In sealt d leS t er en melppee he chine, Addle's. De. -4plllLi.- LIS c4r..nr, •tlitotelltd Astoolotion, • las fgr O RNABIENTAL E T. , VErje . v .B 71Y- *.-r,,,•• 'r Du. Z 000/4. alltieek Maim totterleil *Wool pluktilit ikiLL—CLoililiave , in..stoqk itiernit as sorttnent,Atitylts an 4 ea., ens widths or ttoronsally seasoned 'toot Vii. Cloths. ..which Nrlt.arit lawn to ee,wboiebele and *MP trade' oir ottani lower, takitut quality into consideration s than eso bolet,' this oltv. and kiEliffiLLlM . .1111 ninth swat. 1 i •, T , J.,.---.:; an ,-:. v.., , 71..<1.. , 1., , • no 3) .: I* , , :ti ' l e.:i;.!.lll'7l . r! n ~x , j - 1,: ,, ,* w , - - • • _ .-• • . - • :;--• • ••• • r•-•-• • 7:•,•;--7-'':'-'P'Ai"T'-';lr-="-'-'-'•':,"-*t'"•:—!r:s''4"4'2'.•-'---4,-"'• • • .'• -101_19. ff it o t =Naga i -17 . IYO. 169 Wood &lief,. cAPiTAL, : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GOVERMENT SECURPREB AN6 COLD. OTOREBT ALLOWED,ON TM-DEPOSITe Collections made on all accessible points in the United Staten and Canada. H. Hostetter, DIRICTC)Ja.RBo James Gordon, D a w t e i et e bt. RB. King , 11..,Wni,; AndrewMilr, • • e James H. Bailey SIAIPItHoeLVISILAN, Pres9l4, D. LEFT *MESON. 6ashler. NATIONAL . BANK .4F - iconEact eOrs'OfrWood,,and Sixth-St& . _ JosATERBO/91...-- President. CAPITAL, t t t $BOO,OOO. A. Patterson,B DIREOTO.I3B: Wm. George W. Cass, H. roirn H Oh's. Looltbart,, it - I • pH. Palmer, esles ! Dan. B. Davidson. WM Beet ' W. S. Haven. DISCOUNTS DAIL 1109:023 ABT A CAUGHEY & BANE i AIM BROKERS, Corner 27sird aisd Wood&reeta, liE2 0317 00 1 / 8 30118 TO HANNA, ELI= a CO D*ILtBBIX gichaage, W I counpos - • ' And particular attention paid to the ;1,,t11,4.0111t1e COVERNMENT BONDS. Matti ' , rani; ail i4Onitois, • N H"ausl""A's, ,57 Mar_ket_Street, 80 - )79}IND 804. D 03 MidiSßl OILS. U =a , ' , utacia 0011 a Auld, 41eilee iii GroArnmen i _ Bon !3 C ,- n 1 1 010 112112 grOella Exclipnge lit -inatket - - Itezi - al - *s'llltV*-0 * z _ GOVERNMENT sEguarnEsi TI AT El A. M. •• . f fir Interest Allowed on De posits. 4i' Money loaned on G orernmentriOnde at ovreat market ratan: Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of _STOOKS, BONDS 940.11/4 ' .1 • - • =1 CO 'Ca 5 4O &Refit FINANCE TRADE, Ormond*. Prizttstinciz tIzzETTE, _. Pallier, February 5, 1868. The tendency for gold appeared to be still downward, although the general firinlorie of the bond Mid atodk =rice( led to the belief that the lowest point had bean.xeacliqd, and considerable and heavy liurchailea'Werelitade. The mar ket rallied from 135 to 135 X, with a strong tone; nevertheless, there exists a disposition to await farther developy meets "from Europe before any large purchases will 'tie-Made for arise. The Government bond market, con trary to all expectations, did not show much .strength ; at tbe early boards,. but towards, the cic.seVrides Itaproved about X per cent. The market is only firm without any material advance, since the stock market is In a very precarious condition;land, although the strength of the bull Party has lost but little, yet heir pres ti ge Is gone. The whole bull. izioivinentwas' inaugurated by a single house wit the support of the Erie i b clique, w hi ch latter have suffered se verely by: tadeeliran 4n :Erie since the /int few ' d vs, and any 'flirther down ward movement might make the stock fall fiat and break the power of the clique, and the ,brokers firm in other stocks. The great support for the Rail, road share market conies from Euro pean .capitalists, and ev•ery.-dollar -ac tually invested is magnified by inter ested parties . here ,to keep the market trp•ateit tlinOo the amount Express shares were lower to-day, and suffered with the geßeral dealint Closing. Woritions Oa' received tyy Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135 X: Eighty-one's, 112%;, Elva • Twenties,. / 5 621 113%; dot 1864, 109 g; ' dd,' 1 863,"111; . do,' 1863, ne w . 108 g; do, 1867, 109; do,. 1868, 1 09 g; Ten Forties, .108 x;, Railroads —Ch land. & Pittaburgq. ' .94; • 'Pittsburgh, Fort WayttELik. Chicago , 118 XL Chicago & Rock Jaland, .30,11;- Chissuro,,4* North Western; 8350 ' do' fteferted..92xLErie, 7 -4- 7 ,1 . ,Ai;ew York ; Central, {6/MlA.uchl gin 'Southern; 93,6.1' Reedit:4; l '96w Ohio itrrAnsalasiP, Ce44l9ates,.-PN:o..West ern . Union Telegraph _Company,. e ,37%; Merchants Union .Ex.press.. CfompanY, 16; - Pacific Mail; /6X; .. Adanisr., 49 ; Mining' sharee — gregorn ..245: QuarAz Eill, 69; .Smith ,tft Parmele, 2,25; Cory don, 11. ' Eal --The amount of Flour and Grain in store in dhliiago on the dates indicated, was as.rollowae • Jan. 30, Jan. 23, , t, . Jam .30, 1869. 1809. 1368.: Flour ....u: , .425.930 ~. . . . .::4 . ‘ l 4; ...... ... 1yheat....... 1,559 , 5 711;433,770 ~ 923,975 ;Corn ' .1,173,942 -,.. 919,18 g • 4 4955.471 Oats ..... -.. 672,018 632,710 872,709 Rye 162,629 164,878 36,834 Barley,. ..... , - 219,299, -236,461 c • -96,04]. the above table shows a total 'amount of all kinds :or , train' hi:afore at the nommencementof, business oarldondtiy morning last 01'3,778,489 bnahols, against 3,217,104 bushels the corresponding, day laet-week. The -3epe3p4 lAve.p.3e.e9ded the shipments of wheat by 96,301,14n5h: els; cor n 448,,10a PP ,94 / 1 17- 19,888 gat.% los bushels, while the shipments have ex ceeded the ' receipts 'of rve by 1,749 tiush 'sle,' ind `baileY, itior titighett 'total 345 l eiceas ititi dt"receiPtir over * Ship m ents; - 581,- te. The amount" 'of dorm in store is 125,980 bares, against “82,803' . 1 bairels'oner year dgo. , T. ....bloidniuoistions reeeived hyjames Brady et Co.: Gold, 11340 'United Stittmlimovir itOrei UM i u 6 40* PA' 1.18 X; , .11.20 1 4 1364, ..; lam , 3.29'5 t 12:45, 11.1r,t1.1t0'st Jane ' and , Ittly„! 1885, losk, Lk` 180 4403 X de, :Mk:AMC Seven Thirties, par less .4i; Due. Com p:Ma:lN Ilk trnion• ?Old° 'ltid*rad, Ilan Ckitittal. 103; Cy, Realties, 10131.. ..................... _ „ NiVntoL.Euiti imulgC,ET„';` • Or7rFsey: I . 4 mstriteig r _ „ fiAtir4, /kbrir • ' FRIDAY, Feernary dill .1 , ._. Tie report of. ano six dna • r 0 al/ . !* P t' F °lB4 : l 4,Cgir that.., * l 4 bila not b•ee9l,,el...niiripecl, and the rpmor rupPoada to , " hais Orieriatatt ft ; ottl- - ts, re : , , potte4 etrilie ' 'on' the" . PhoisOii, ii'ann,' 'tibial" was -iiiiiiiiteif at;trao,4pettireld barrels. 2118 latte r . atrike has not ' contirrititt kittititioto' Wiwi 'may be det down 'as it hot - itutt there ~i s Nit !little, if :44, ihituditicin foreltbetot hails. re- P6d4 Vis ..alinye ' make dt a'poht to' oye , uleacireposia t ,a 4 a niitter, of Mos s '. ••.' , ' 0 .1 , ;" - ' -1;4 4 1;;, ;t - SIMI q ENTRALL AND 17NION and not for the purpose of influencing, the market; the report was not given as,...n„.fact 4. , , rig ylil be ~seen by„a:nyone who maytake - iiiii tioniiiato lorik.' We .. have : tellable - , ridvicris !at a strika at Scrubigriiss, which, on Thursday, yas producing one hundred barrels per day, ~1 and we also reiterate - what we stated jp.u-irast_''.vr-nlva.nr,,zp. yeliterilay,i, that . ;the Spirit , of deyaiop -• —"'"-'l-A-11-* -a- ,mj suisint is' rapidly - gaining in strength, and the number of new wells being put Corner FIFTH &VERDE & WOOD STREEI73. down is unusual/3' large for the season. • CRUDE. • • The Crude.market is strong-with some nclizirv, and prices. Are firm _and well llSLlhned. We cab report 1,000 bblii-on ?ot at 18, and two lota, one of 2,600 and le other of 2,000, Mils, for next six onths, sellers option, -at 17g. Buyers won all year, - offered at 20, and same , otort to a. joNa ae0..1 divery, seller's option, at 17. - Reported Mee at Oil City at $7,30, arid it- is Said trt so roducers are actually bold . 1r their oil for ten dalara 1 qrth and Wood Sta., - . - - REFINED _ be Refined Market was more active ty. cons . Idvearably stronger to-day, and illi-G-Isl,. ,tIY labFli flea, are higher. Sales 500 - • , - u atm; at 663 it; 1,000 at 363 i; 500 do at 36., 600 bbl rirst half this month at , 37. 41, XENP S . CP . 1 2469 lastaf. at same figure; 600 each .Apill to June at • 37; 1,000 each same ~,......_____—• ._____. • mitt's at 37: 1 ,000 each April and May ,uuliiTiEsi al/; 500 each March to , Juneat 37,.and thisame figure was offered for, Febru , OW Jane.- Compared with yesterday, vont , aldeliverles within the next six months. • • hre adv anced halt a cent. 41. , LIIRILICATINO rm. . Edpsci Wlnter Lubricatin,g oil. ... : Erpse Rallroad-Axle. .. .: ... .. ... . -... . - 'Elapse Machinery.; .. .. ... .. ... . ... . . Ebose Spindle - ...'..... .... .::. at Ecbse Tanners' Stuffing. - Ease Tannera' Finishing oil . . .... RECEIPTS OF CRUDE 04. Atoka. K. &'C0.480 D. Bly .. ~ ......200 Ff. bhler & Co. 50 Eclipse W0rk5..640 J. Mnhall 400 S. B. Floyd. ..... .. 55 D. bißdgerton.l2o , G. 5.110ma5.....520 Total -2465 J. _ tL SI/PPED EAST ST.E A. v. x. R. ( Kirkpatrick C 0. ,& 259 Mils refined 1 ,to Wring, King & co., Philadelphia. Bran 4k Wagner , 60,d0 do to War _ing. Ing& Co., Philadelphia. _ .- Mclavy Bros. & Co., 16Er do tg W. P. Lom It Bro., Philadelphia., OIL , , Total tdpniertas Itefined..,..,.. .... .... ; ;, 475 .• RIPPED PAST PROR , DIIPIDRem. G.' ll llloldahlp & Cct, In bbla refined td. W, run. King & Co.. Philadelphia, B. Vt U. Tweddle, 40 do do to See Kehu (Co.',, Beaton. ms:, _Clara 00,, 2, do lubricating to O. D. Wetter Tbiladelphia. Total alpmeuts Refined... ... ..... ~.- `mom ~,. • • The cheapest investment now to the market !t. sale by • AXESTIBRADT 4!t CO., 111111 Muccesson to FL JOB Z 8 /C 0..) Coiner FOurth andlood Sta, Buy A.41447,L . L- ALLL 0 3 2 1 / 1 13_0. , GOLD, ilouporis, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. JAPIES T. BRADY & CO., Citios.oo, Pebruary 4. --Hogs aotiye and excited and pricea are 10 a1543 higher Bakal ntitto2llsottarnr°°th: Beef-Cattleere'd er irstia - more active; prices ranging from more for feir to medium for butchers; suld47s for light: 1f 7,5088 ,1234 fOr good to extra skipping steers. • NE . . IrsBURG.It MARKET& , One 011' PITT 8 B17:71011 GAzsiTTE, - • FRlDAY,'February 6,- 1869. , . i . Buaints generally is improving aliaw iy,, and , twitter feeling _seems to prevail in comrarclal circles,though trade might bedill better, and then be noth ing to brg of. There ...is an improved , demand t note for some articles, and that, too, Stiffening, prices,. t Stiices; i while oth . , era are aslull wi ever and with a supply largely in , xceas of present wants, prices are weak ad 'drooping. We stl 1 enter tain hope; that there will be a' good spring traorparticularly for-,Pittibiargh manfacturtiii and titla'wlll:tall la 4 in prove 011ie; branchis brbiniines APPLE, ITER-75 to &5 cents. APPLES-In good supply and pertull but 4 unehangedsales at oto $5 bl, for eonunon tnehoice. BUTTER-Is dull under the in nonce of continud, liberal arrivals, and a di minished dmand, and prices are scarce. ly sustainee we continue to quote at 36 _to.BB:for gripe, - and'4o Sop arum. - -,:, 13901CvnE ATFLOII_R-Dtill'; . and lower, beinf quoted at 3X to 4c. BEANS—Prime small White scarce, and in falr jemand with sales at g 3,50 to ;3,75 per buhet CARO:MIL —Continues:firmAnd ad vancing'anc-Are now liti.ite In a. jobbing way at 31 1 4 .o 32 for standard white. CHEESE-Very firm and the market is almost bite, we now quote Western Reserve aig Hamburg at 18 to 20c, and Goshen 22 q 23. .7- . '..• ..7 , 41.1 CRA NBERRIES—SaIes at 88 to IMO. CORNMEIL—SI to $4/o.erlbtish• DRIED IRUIT—Firm and inlimited supply; we xohtinue toAnotetreacues at 14 for quarers; 15 to 16 for mixed and 18 to 19 for halves. .Anplaa•firmer, and tending upvard, 11 to 'l2 •• ' , - DRE SSEII9IIS-tlB,to EGGS--Pm 4 sli paiked 2543. .. ; PEQVISDNS—. Bacon is firm but un- ehartge'd;' Kids of" 'Shoulders at 1534 to 1 5310 Rabbi Sides,,/73ie to 17. fie; Clear t Sides,"llslo'"anir, Sugaz Cured Hams, 19xe to 20c; Prieto kettle rendered Lard, E 2ltri.4d tlerees,-and Uc to 224 c in kegs. Dried Beet 21Xe. . Mess Pork 1533,00. ,! to :33,50. \ ..! • . P OTATO4S—DuII but unchanged; small sales in store at 80 to 85cper. • ~:FA.LLilOratTlS,salesB,4 i "F WLltendered; 113 to lire, SEEDS—SaIes of Cloverseed at $lO,OO, and Timothy at $3,50 to $3,75. Flaxseed —hut little offering --quoted at $2,40. SAL IL-Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at es thfi'car load. SORGHUM-40 to 650. LARD OIL-..-NO. lis quoted at $1,75, and Nn. 2 at /445: GRAI,N,Wheat is thin and nominally unchanged. l Oata - quoted,llrm at 65 to 66c on trial: and in elevatbr, and 67 to 684, in store. Corn is dull and un changed; mixed may be quoted at 75, and toritne Yellow at 800. Rye is quoted at, 1ty 16 011441., Berle 12 t 01210.- • HOMINYaSaIea $6,211 10,5(4 - HEMP Sales at $2lO per ton. HAY—Continuea very dull,with a sup ply /largely in excess of the demand; we oontinue to quote on wines; v. to $25, for oommoniOstriddit o thy Hay. FEATHERS ;+ N LlTtufieeen?,Peathe r quoted at 75t0 - 80 to the trade. and theo Ilausladvanco in threlnitway. 'rttfurt- . .rs quiet' a ndunchanged. We quote Spring Wheat, 17,00 to $B, and Winter Wheat, $8,50 to $9,25 per barrel. Rye flour. $7,60 to 97,80. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands* inage a gf the best Wheat , as follocnre •ftmily pkwritn barrels. at 19,244 andklo Wks, $9,00 per barre 4 Double , Ilttril Family, in barrels, 111-901‘ and, in aaoks, $9,70 per barrel; Spring YiTheatkPlour, in bar role, $7,80. and 'in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. The My Mil lsquotcptioea as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) In barrels, $ 9 , 8 0,,..and, 1 id - Atoka, 69,00 per barrel; Double . '76* tra 'Plithlly, in barrel'', $9,80, • and, In ..stiolta„ 99.60 per barrel, and Spring VOW in s barrels, and 17,70, in wim er barrel. .°' Highwin WMNET—We ban rePed sake of and in Jobbing way,o . sB per bi at 96g. tc:97o. = =EOM INEIIIIIIIII 111M1 , • t'~ -.3: M M = ~.. i l i` t; _.__ . ~. r . .47 - ,L , .. ,--. Z:‘.. t.l V I 400 350 750 § O 6 400 650