NEW, ADVEE.IIII3 IpinsomE • CITY RESIDENCE TMTIISDA.Y irebrnsry 11th. at Alf o'clock I 'mon the premises, will be sold that eery handsome residence atniArrounds. No. 123 Cen tre avenue, between Overbill and Green streets. The mansion Is a double two store brick. con taining twelve-epaclous roome, finished In the beet nispuer with moaern Imprue- means. The ground fenceily ornamented ann enclosed we h an hoe feontlng on avenue ea feet and ex tending back to Linton street 1100 feet. Stable and Carriage Meuse on rearof lot. The property Is located en what Is known as the "Moorhead Square hocletyaleghbortOod and advantages of schools cannot be surpassed. Parties desiring a home combining the comfort, of a city and su burban residence, will Ind this a very attractive sale. H. B. SMITHSON fik CO .10 TELEGABIT (NEW INANSION NO. AT 01.075 ITRICET. Tuesday even no Yebruary 9ih, at ,ti tre-ock, will re soM on iecond street Com elegant es Rooms. 100 Smithfield , the. TWO STORY Ritiog AilibiON, No XI CBS street. third i door abov Gum str o. et,entirely new and finished In finest anneal high ceilings. marble mantles wood wor grained and 'varnished throughout, and Inside ihnttellt Mint. Double parlors. din ing room, kitchen. wash house ou first floor: tiwith very wide hall; tour rooms and bath nom n 'mod floor; large finished &Wet and cellar nder whole house. Tne whole Interior arrange ment Is very convenient, with modern ImProre. meats; wardrobes, pantries. and closets boilt In rooms and halls: ins throughout; Graff Huns & Cu.', range, with hot and cold water In kitch en, wish house mid bathroom: and u oder, round drain for all waste water. Slate roof, press brick front and portico. • The lot Is 30 feet front and 150 feet In depth. Those wishing are In .Ited to examine the prem ises. This situation is unsurpassed in Ito advati lisgea of pure air, ro elegant impvemen.a and rousehicent-views. • reS A. MCILWAINT., Auctioneer. gitEAT LIBRARY. OF SCIw ENCE. LITEBATURIN THEOLOGY. Be, &THEMA X EVENING, Feb. tith at 70 P. N. will be sold by catalogue, on second foot of toe Commercial Sales Booms, 108 Smithdeld street, uVa great Library of choice Literature,a_Sel_ence rdi'r7::grilecilitlfoTsr:PrevstgotraLgli - Niece Links, In all departments ; also, IEIaIMIE . canny illustrated works._ The sale Include' the `London Art Journal for* years,* New York Plc _ tore Galleries; Inconographic Encyclopedia, 6 . Tole; Turning and liechanical liangtaiation. a Tots; NlchoP.s Physical Sciences: Tomlinson's Encyclopedia el' Useful Arts, 41 yob; the 's Dic tionary; Annals of 00 Agrelli, illa vols.; Congres sienal Debates, 09 ',obit-Alexander Hamilton's Finance Reports. 7 vets; Robinson., Calmet, Doddridges Family Exposition, Horne', Intro de ;Don, SI - yob; Scott', Bible. 3 rots; Patrick. , Lowtb. &c., Commentary *rola: Banson'aCom• mentary, 8 vols; Bibtla Hebraic* Harper Ilia.' • initiated Bible, Burkitt's Notes. A Tots; Barnes' /1 'cols: Burton's Anatomy, 3 vols. Bc. The Collectton of elegant miscellaneous literature is large and at.rac.iye. Also, a first-class Xicroscope. EngLsit Shot' Gans and wan d Imported Chromos. Catalogues now ready the book'', 8c . on view all Sat urday. Orders left by those, unable toaLend the sale will be taithful_ly executed by fes A.' NC/LWAINN, Auctioneer. INN BATES ME NEW STOCK OF -;COTTON GOODS. fez:at:waft LACE A 'GOOD , ASSORTMENT BATES fe2-xvrr ALEXAM)I7 POPLINS, /50 CENTS, BATES feS:irwr ANEW IMIDERCLOTHING, AN ASSORT M ENT, BATES feSnaw, STYLE RATS, CAPS; MST xiscraviD AT IifeCOBD & CO's, /al WOOD &TENET. OOZE!! BOOKS! BOOKS LATEST PUBLICATIONS METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY (Methodist Zpimeopal Block ' ) .N0,..12,9 Smithfield Street, (COIL aItITBSTZLD Ilaftp irritant ALLILT.) Law srdance rs awls VABLETT. POO KEYSTONE POTTERY. aIL KIEL & CO, 4113/1/3IIIPAIM 111145201. V,411* ones and Waiehonse. 318 Lisswiravaurt miss* tutnanily attended I. • Immo /tlLSlL—lleaillalill Pull' rims MU continues to AU all city and noun.' • ' • • EREKNWHITE .LAKE FISN BALWON AND BAN& ' Bead to- No 45 DIAlltOND 3tAillicci.. C I ?T or big old well known TWIN CITY • olleahenv market - nidd CINAN in 1--------r-----------v-, sac a Ear on ' the steamer Sallie. to arrive and !or e.k IT .01 - - I+AIAH DICKEY A CC, rIENIP.-2p bales Ketutucliy - Bonn In store and for sale Ay ~...7_1....... intlAlt DI CKEY: & Mt. pair . FRITITEL—Peacnes and Apples In store, tor Asia to wholesale trade I __._. nAISEI DICKEY & Co . . 20000. 11118 1L 8 OF PIEACIi 'tor, & BT mv&weson. 4113 8411.111ELSGO, 80 EI IRGVIN Icaev 411"AdrialliaSS IIITZVZ;1120N." Centre .avenue AUCTIONEERS. & BELL'S CURTAINS, & BELL'S. A JOB LOT, & BELL'S. - BELL'S. Cor. Eleventh St.. (formerly Canal. SHAMES, I have received my stock of Skates tbr the sea son of 'BB and , 119, eamprising every style batmen to the trade, at prices ranging ?BON 80 own PBS PUB VP TO SRI. My stock embraces a- fall Una of Ladfas , and Gentlemeer Skates. NOW York Clan, American ltink,Blondin4 ..kneleituto. porter, our Ladles' and Wats' Clipper. Misr delphis • and Boston Club, Empire and Vulcan. together .with a large' assortment of medium priced Skates for Boys, which I offer at exceed ingly—low prices: I invite all Le want of Skates to call and be convinee4 that 236-WOOD OTBIZT, is the plate to buy Skates. 7or We wholesale and retell by ' JAMES SOWN, DO. 138 WOOD fiITILDIT. PITTI3BIIIML no2o:Tr .APES. Printing, Stzsw •Jeng, Mass, and, BOOING, HABBWARE AND • Manufactured and sold t•ty .F.IcstZlER, METZGER & CO., o fr eAp Ag yas T . AXD !OE ROM NA OS 'AND oc2B-4630. G.. W.De CAMP ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Oftlee, No. 137 .POOSTti Avinit. Pitts burgh. (formerly occupied by Hon Walter R. lrlstrl Lawrie) wl I eractice lu the O. S. Circuit and t roans. In the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny county, and make collet). Cons In most of the adjacent counties. ja.79:4711 AT 10 CENTS, FASTS COLORED DARK CALICOE AT 12 1-2 CENTS, BEST DARK CALICOES Choke Styles. AT 12 .1-2 CENTS. EXTRA GOOD YARD WIDE BLEACHED MUSLIN. AT 12 1-2 CENTS, HEAVY YARD WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. Pillow Case Muslins, Sheeting Muslins, Tickings, &c:, &c., At - the Lowest Prices, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL, STREET, Auatanniw. ZP.2 .4L'T. JOSEPH HORNEAt CO'S EVERY DEPARTMENT Will be Found Well Stocked with NEW AND DESIRABLE GOOD WHIM ARE OrIr&RED AT The Very Lowest Prices, WHOLESALE AND MAIL. Woolen Goods, Underwear, &c., LOSING OUT VERT CHIP 77 and 79 Market Street. fel SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, EMPO!MUUI OP WINES, RUBIES, GIN, &IC wnoulcsix DEALEUS IX PURE RYE IMISHIES, 409 PE= STREET, Will Remove on the Lt of April to NOB. 884 AND 886 PiraNt SKATES. 82:.TBI8ZI 417EINIM P ATSPIVH. ..GAZrrTE: FRIDAY FEBRII EMI EOM & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUF, PANIHE PERFECTION." * "THE FAVORITE," "THE POPULAR." "THE RECEPTION.' THOMPSON% TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR,.. "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT. ENT "RANIER:A " THE NEW GORED OVERSKIRT, "BELLE or Skatl HELENng S E. "richly embroidered ;an elegant street kirt. &UMW& Moll Mimosa POE BOWS , SCARFS AND ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. • SATINSt. shades end widths. FLOWE PLUMES. HATS ASITIBONNICTS, ADIES D CHIREN'S hizamo UN DERWEAR, The richest and latest novelties In GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTuNS. We especially direct attention to ce the great ex cellen of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (.ulliont KID GLOM , ' over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agen. A complete line of of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS GLOVSS. HALF. HOSE. 17 NDERSHIIITS AND DRAWERS. B ELLlNciumiTts 11143 R LOCKWOOD% PA_ PEE GOODS, and all other popular makes. & eiIILISLB, N 0.19 FIFTH .4.-FENUE. noli GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE& Woolen Goode at a Great Sacrifice. .LARGE STOOK OF YARNS, In ail Co:ors and QUalitiel4 LADIES' OH lISSES' WOOL HOSIERY O arm ,AND Toms , oniwuzar non MVES OF EVERY DISIRIPTION, 1111fite k Genie Wool k lerino iladerwar. SKATES run vAarrry OP raeaomrazo s LAor Handkerchleft and Collars. PAPER COLLARS AND ,CIIITS G or r mum vAnum, - tor Wass and 60,110. Jobbers will especially doweil to all on as wow, u we wish to sell most at oar goods Wilt» som• mincing to take Moak. KAAIRI73I4 GLYDE & surd SO Market ittreet ROCK THE BABY PAPER. EARNEST'S PATENT-CRIB. LEMON & PractfialFundtare itanufutuntm ico n us/rotary:ix AMMINVia. for , tv„!:3 toileaniplirrt, ent 05.12"- SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Rink, New York Club, - Empire, Starr, &c. other styles-IRO Shies at the MT lowest rates at WHITESIDES del4 TV TZDERAL BT.. ALLEORIN AT 12 1-2 CENTS, DARK DELAINES, Good Stylee, On the Best Quality of Cloth. TEE BEST BARGAINS OF :The Sleasiscaa M 3 ALL KINDS AND GRADES OF Desirable Dress Goods, LIM WILLIAM S.EMPLE'S, AO. 180 AM 182 FEDERAL StREET, ALLEGELENT. THE NEW SKIRT, HOOP SKIRTS. SOLD oxLl HT Norzczio— Lao* •Vbr elte4l4" "Lost.' , Is Wanes'. ....Thsset.l2 tUtoarettse." &e.. sot essettsepY)o3l MAWS each Wit he bl eated fs these ea Nesse ogee for TWENTY-nePi ORNT11: each aeklatosat us. nra ainfrs. WIU MD .-- S/TUA.TION. vurARTE -- SITUATION. -- who Call ß v v MINICEsis M AN. wltti good ualificatl one, A h situation. adapt himself to circumstances, desizes a.duress liAzzrTz office. W ANTED ---HELP. WANT'. D. COOK --A good OPRL w)Il and a pleasant borne In a entail Artily. by applying early at No. 83 BEAVER bT/thET. Allegheny Ciy. Ido at be a good cook, wasber and Ironer. References required. WANTED--HELP.—AT E2ll. Stree PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 3 st. Clair G Buys tillitLe and MEN, for different of kinds of emploi tornt. Persona wanting help all kinds rzn be implied on short notice. WANT ED-BOARDERS, WANTED. - BOARDERS. - A boaN few boarders can be accommodated With and lodg ag at 153 THIRD AVEIv DE. E - BOARD EtwtraTaineaansaiwt irizcz:;twwiothyabgrd, enliglcßSable.;Or H STREET. Also, a g iti n d i a lez y o e r n alit! :wag ars can be accommodated. Reference" reqcdred. W TED--AGENT: "WANTED—To employ a few good MEN to distribute Gr. Ashbugh's Great Rheumatic Remedy, "The 'Wonder of the orld." on the pack& system, not to be paid for until fully tested. Address J. C. TILT - ON. 103 ISt./ Ciair street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jaaU ANTED -A WIFE. --A Penn lIYLVoNIA FAItIfER. aged 32. of Cul led Prekbyterlan fatally, whites to correspond with a lady mitts a vlew to matrimony. One ac customed to farm afe preferred. All letters con lldentlal. Address, L. C. triE A. Phl'adm Ala P. O. WAnT. thation (men! WARTED—HOUSE—A dwel • ily with no now haute ren off our r or fire rooms , by a fam omen. Adureas, D.. GAzzrrs . W A NTED.--SIUITE OF BOOMS and BOAR') in Private (mils for Gentle man and Lady In central part of the city room s (mulling on Ibis street. Address Box A, (lamer= Ore mt. • WALNITED—Bonds and 'fort y gages to the amount of •60,000 on cit or county unencumopred Propene, baying from one to dye years to run, In =manta tiinglng from 000 to $5. IWO. AU* business accommodation paper to the amount 0f64%000, in sums from 8600 to o for f o ra .000, and from 60 days to *months to run. 6ora of r good Western lands exchange tm. Apply to andLATN it Co.. AZ Coy. 4th avenue mithfleld street. FOR BA FOB BALE.—.IPARIC---24 acres of good land In Richland township, on the but er Plank Road. /7 miles from Allegheny City, withhood, house and bartrand other ont • bulloings; "flood selection of fruit on the place. and all the ground is In goad working order, making a desirable country place for a man doing business In the City. Apply to JAMES HA MO SON, EN.. on the prmoiseo, or S. I'. HARM -80 73 Diamond. , Allegbens City. fes:el2 FOR. LEAkE. of two THREE STORY BRRilt HOUSE* lnc bus iness! !oration. It has four years to run; sent Address. W. X . Gazirrre Orrirrt. al Es ORorth SA pmaing sioo 000 wof &tate. cota Farms. Stores Houser, Lots. Cal Woks. Salt Works. Re.. &c. The • l'lTTSitu MOH R3AL E 9. AIR REGISTER'. contains full particulars of all of the above. Sent Jonas to any address. CROFT A PH ILLI Fri, Yubilohers and Real Es. sate A gents,'No. /39 ooun h avenue. OR, SALE.—lionse. and Lot on Fayette street. birth Ward, Allegheny. Datel new, containing Fire Rooms. Cellar and - Hall, well furnished. Lot feet front by feet In depth. Two Lots on Chattier" street.each 20 feet front by /40 feet In depth, corner o. Bayard A/ley. One lon on Nixon "trees 20 feet front by 132 feet la depth, Sixth Ward, Allegheny. Also, of lea Roomsre" of ground with a good House of Threewith necesary out build- Ines, at Woods Run, for a term s of front one to ten years. Hotteeand Lot No. 220 Lacock street. Alle gheny city. Apply to ALEX , * 24 DER PATTERSON. Corner Juniata and Preble stre.t Souls ward. A)beghenv. ____/ ja= .a.:V011 •IS contai ning 15 ALE.--A 0 DESIRABLE FARE acres. located on the A. V. R. it., X 3 miles from the city atid within five minutes walk of a titatim; 1/5 acres clear ed. balance in good timber; 90 acres in grall, aa acres underlaid with a 3 foot vein of ceal: Soli first-class and the improvements to. I, con sisting of a new Don , le Two Story Frame blouse of T booms, • foot halls and good celmr, built and finished in splendid style; large new Bank Barn, 40 by IS, planed an apainted. Also , all necessary outhni,dlnglS conveniently arranged. including a Tenement Hou ,ii of 4 rooms; whole farm well watered and can a'l be worked by ma chinery: sir acres of orchard, select variety of fruits; also small fruits. This farm is without doubt the best in the neighborhood, and needs only to be see delight fu l be ppreciated. From the house Is bad a view of the towns of Freeport and Natrona, up and down the Alla gbeny rivers and surrounding country. Forpar- Oculars apply to caory a PHILLIPS, Beal Estate Arent'. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. EOR'SALLE--"MAL TFIELD " COTTAGE and GROUNDS, about lii acres. litany_ plant. d and distributed in vineyard, 1 fruit and ornamental evergreen and deciduous -lives and hrn berry, a complete araortmert of the fruits of the climate: commodious c. Triage house. stabie and tenant house lint er one roof; cottage of visit rooms, pantries, ac, summer bittteg, rain water cistern and spring ofpureat water at door. Situate one to Is north of Allegheny. on Perrysrilla rind, and a qoarter of a utile 'from Plcuant VaDey Pastatiger Car elation. For Rind heelparticul enquire at no end of Rand Bridgs. VOR SALE-41118/INENTHE .1.- STOCK AND GOOD WILL of wholesale and retell Dr 7 goods and Notion House, now doing a good buelness. located on Federal street, Allegbe. Iya`7o. tty. A LST so the storteroom with/legates and eel , . ..,. second an opening seldom offered, as the stand Is to none on the sKreet. !or mnieulars apply to CROFT II Panzirts, Real :Mate Apia* and Brokers. No. 139,Yourth as. !DIM FOR BALE.--A THREESTORT BRICK DWJELLINH, FRAIBIr. eontatuns kyr°. Tiel i reftj d Cl i t i f. - The etllrelilligteAti4t met. and bu a rood owlet stable at rear end (rowing on Water street. Yu torther Informs- Bon Inquire of,,H. CHILI,II. 80. 133 Wood street. eltubordb. - wwe FOR B ALE . — REFINERY.--A Clam Refinery, is complete run ning order, nearly new. Has been in operation but a lbw moutbs. situated on the A. V. R. ' R.. beyond the present thy limits. capacity five Mindred Was per week. Can be doubled with no extra expense exceptlay an a 4 dltlonat still. b urn , : ar Paus and AIRJAARLFF 61.1iltET, Pitts.rn.- I R BALE—DESIRABLE WES . TZIIN AVENUB BUIDENCE. located on " einem avenue. Allegheny eity.between Blowth street and Irwin immune. Residence—brick ofl I room., ball and reed Cellar, gas throughout and all Onlati.d In drat clue style. Lot 49 by /90 to a NO foot alley, trill be sold on easy terms. Ap_ply to CROFT & P inturs, Rea Estato Agents, Po. 139 Fourth evenly. Uhl FOR SALE— -- FARML2OO acne of good Land, situated In Penn Tp.. West. moreland county, two tulles from Irwin Station, on the Penna. a. 11. Improvements. hewed lag house In good repels, book barn and older out buildings. Terms moderate. Enonlre of W. WILSON. Earliner , s Station, or Jf.. A. ROPE, Wan Station. *g O an lt `, SALE—That fine two dog iy brlek warehouse, 24 by at feet. situ -0 dTREET, Allegheny city, No. 95, now °coup od as a flour and Orals Warehouse. feet,, twustory brick weilleg house, SW by 84 &Conduit the above contalning slx rooms For further particulars enquire on tho premises of Y. STEEL. BON. OR NALE-BIISINESS STAND —A well known and prosperous wholesale hos!. ness stand, with stock and fixturea, Is offered fbr sale. batisfactory reasons are given for the db. pose!. Atibly at 77 WOOD STREET. FOR SALEr-WAREMIOUSE.--- That One T STORY BRICK HUI IiDING. ohio street Ailegh , nt. now occupied se a Pour and Walls Warehouse. kor term,. &c.. apply to ht. riTKELE & 8 'N , on the prem ises. FOR SALE.—A 'New House of Seven Rooms and Hall. corner of Pride and lesreet'. Water and Has In tho house; also Range in klichen. OR SA LIE-;.' FillOW CA SE.--En. Iquire of J. It. lUNfitttlit. SS Smithfield . Y 5, 1869. WANTS. • Y at Its Office on Twelfth street, onTUE3. DAY lebruary_Oth. 1869, between the hours of 1 an , 3 t. M., for the purpose of electing teven (7) Directors and tiecretarrand Treamr er, to scree for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other •butiness as mar be brougnt before Item. Transfer buoys are closed until after rebruary lOtn, 1869. ,isatud77 OFFICE OF ?Mg ALLEGE:BEY VALLEY R.ll. Pittsburgh, January 96, 1889. arSTOCK HOLD ERB ANNUAL RlCTlNG.—The_regalar annual meeting of hel d Algheny Valley the company be at Ms office of the ompany, No. Bente street, on TI.IPISDAY, 2134 OAF of February. 1889, for the pu. rose of etc cting a Board of Managers for the coming year and the transac tion of inch other business s may be presented. iti27:dBe JOHN BALLANTINE becretarT. I OPTICS. PACIPIC & ATLAIII7C Tuatonent CO. OP TUC UXITZD STATC• Pinssomotr, January 25, 016 . 8. fgrIFIFTEENTII DIVIDEND,- The Directors of the Pacific and atiantic Telegraph Company or the United state' haylng this day declared the regalu quarterly derldend ai the rate of Th.N Y/L2 is aNT, per annum for the quay er ending December .51, 1888, I will pay the tamest the Utica of the Treasurer on call. '.17:4164 2D. JAY ALLEN, Treasurer: OPP7OI OP CITT Entanrzin AND nvairwrog. Pirrynoitoil. Pebruary 4. 1889. 6 arNdIICE TO FOUNDRY— MEIL—BtaIid Pw.po6als for tarnishing the City of Pittsburfiti. with castings for the cahbasing required - In the sewers' unw about acing contrast. d Si will be recelard at this of fice until 5a T 171 44 4 7eb. 90,11169 Specifications rain seen at this ofilce. - The Committee reserve tea right to bids, reject sop or all E. J. MOOR& City Engieer. DIVIDEND. Cornet or vim Extol , / RXPIX2XO AND STONING COMPANY. riTtsritriu. retra 1. 1889. The Board or I fire.tore have this day declared a Ditdend of 95 PER CENT. on the Capital btoch payable forthwith at their °Moe. corner of Sixth venue and Wood at eel. AIREPATRICE, President. WE. P. LAP% Secretary. telid9o rirr 'WEBSTER STREET.--We, the undersigned.ippointed viewers to as sem demists and benefits let the matter of widen. lug . WitliSTS it STRZSI. Second ward. Alla gheny. from Benton alley to North Common.will meet on thepremises on ISONDAY, the 18th day of February: at 3 o'clock r.u., to attend to the duties of our appointment. 8. BULFQBD. . J. J. HERMAN, LEONAnD wavrEß. Ja27:d63 WE WALT STREET BRIDGE COMPA A Y.—Notice Is sreby given to the subscribers ibr the stock of th e`.Bnatt 'street bridge," that In compliance with an Act of As. seinbe Incorporating laid 0-inDan.Y. an Instal ment of PlVis 1 /04LARN on each snare of stock Is required to be paid Immediately to the Treas. are,. u.lniebert, at his Olen, No. 408 WINN n'TREBT. By order of the Committee. Ja.V3;ilin Orricr. ?motion A CoingszIAVILLIB. R. Co, urgh, Januar,/ IN. ne. tr OT ICE V TO Bondhoilders.-• Notice Is N . E h er . bgi ven ghat l at CO UPON 3T7C7IN bLGElivaduKon-4heBoNt dCyONf February next, will be paid on and after that date opunpreseniatiuu sod dedrery at the brat National Bank of Pittsburgh. , ____ JOHN E. PAGE, Jo.. ials:d2o) • • . Treasurer. onus dr ern- Emontras AND struvmrox. Pittsburgh... Unitary 9fith, .1809. gr'NnlE.--The assessment for Grading and Paying IiCILING A ',LET, from Twenty eighth to Twenty-nintn„atreet, is now ready for examination and can be seen at this °Mee util THUEduAIf, the 4th, 1889, when I t wit' be returned to the City Treas. Deer'. flake for collection. Ja25:d54 a. J. hitH)RE. City Engineer. borritouava Owner;{ CITY OP ALLICGRENY. January 30, 1868. larTO PRINTERS—SeaIed Pro posals THURSDAY, hi • °lke until 3 o'clock P, on Yebruary 4th, for mini lug Your Honore, .'ogles of the Annual Report of Cluanntttees of Councils. isamples of !be work required can be seen at tills office, Bid ders are requested to state pr p ies Der are. juo:die ß. B. PRANCU, dal Controller, TO LET. . -11 001918.—Turo fin AZ••.• • • • - at out 4nootal. 84 And So Firth a s G ean ^D Dly 0 LET...TWO Handsomely furniatted rooms. with gas a miss. 111 one on I TIt Boor. and one front up statre. Inquire at 190 Third avenue _ LET. - FRONT OFFICg, becod etsory, corner Smithfield street. Enquire at roe Store, corner Fourth avenue and Smith field sheet. -LET.—,& FRONT ROOM, on F-141rj seoond floor, well furnished, with gas and eon . For terms, nep'y at No. 33 NINTH STHRET. &marls hand. T0 -LET.-LIME KILN AND QUARRIE C o mpletee; Kilns In Rood order an Limestone 4 ransportation can ST be REET ti ed ' rnis Enquire at No. 418 LLBKRTY D stairs. OR R ENT. -- WAREHOUSE. The large three atorz_brlck building. No. 89 Avenue, near the Bank of Pittsburgh. B. gIITFIBERT d SONS. 88 finalthdell street. , LET. --Six Offices - on the irC'ornerjot Penn and Eighth striae.; 8 on first and 3on the Second fioor, (one very large.) Also, a well llghted and dry Basement' more Itnnm. To let—A dwelling next mesa! , No. 29, on Els hth street. with 7 roo one with 11 rooms, Na. 2b, on !Nate street. Also, a Warehouse, No. IBS Smithfield street: Apply at 277 Penn street. TC.LET.—ONE STORE ROOM. FOUR BASEMENTS, well lighted and illed. oFsriclEB In the veond story. bLEEPING-ItooldB in the third stori, and ONE LARUE HALL, with two onto-rooms, in the fourth story of A. H. English a Co's new buildi. Foartn !Weill:le. avenue A. H. ENO. LltsH L CO.. No. A 9 Fifth TO•LETo-THE SECOND AND THIRD STORIES of ' a Business Ironer on eral street, A•legheny cit !tech room is 20 by 60. opletidid location for a Filo/ H RAP ICR, Skm 11 Ps, ROOM or light Manufacturingll. Spaclons front entrance, and in the best huaness portion of the street. For particulars apply to portion it PHILLIP% Real Estate Agents and Brokers. No. 1719 Fourth Avenue. Togiour—uousE—A First Clan 3st modernk house with 31 r: oms, a good range of kind in kitchen, Pot and cold water up stairs and down. a good wash house and bath room, a good coal house on alley back: also& good dry cellar under the who'e house.' Every. tiling in complete repair. For further particulars inquire of BANnitY a HALL, Real Estate Agents, No. 91 Beaver street. NOTICES. ORIFICE OS CITY MCI:UNSER AND ISTIRVEYOR, - Pittsburgh. Yebruary 4th. 1889. ,dv: NOTICE OF stwna. DITZDER:fI SEALED PROPOSALS for the ronstraction of a public sewer on ifth or Pennsylvania avenue. from Washingt treet to , Plinwiddie street, about twenty l ev e e hundr , cl feet (27(100 and also for A public sewer on Diamond alley, from the Wood streeb!sewer to Smithfield street, will be received at this mike until SATURDAY. Feb ruary 5t0,1869., Specifitions and blanks for bidding c.n be bad by at tots office. o bids will be received blit he Committee unless Made out on the regular blanks. The Committee reserve the right to re:eet any or.all bids. fel eS U. J. MoORE eirs , Engineer. °FMC'S ALLIGHINT BRIDGE COMPANY, i Piritinuacin, February Ist, UMW. • fgrAN ELECTION FOR PRES• IDENT, /IAN A GEN'S Rof the "emptily for magus a br idg e over the Allesheny River, opposite Fittsburab , in the county of Allegheny. will be beldsit the 'IOLL HOlibk, at the' sosth-end of the-Bridge. on MONDAY, the Ist day of March. at 2 o'clock IPM. ROSEEItinG, re4:e9-TH Treasurer. Mr -PERRY STREET.—The un. dentine& appointed to assess &unpns and benefits for ',PENES° rEituT brItERT, from tw i llstern tenntous to meet too" 'I rny RI I twn, meat on the premises MONDAY. 15 b day of February , at 'itki o'clock. P. to attend to the duties of tatir appoint ment. J. J. 1114RistAN Ja'27:d6l , TPOhf 4 8 Re . ipid, 1 viewer s , L. WALTER, OFFICE MON'ONGARELA BRIDIL rOmrANT, n rrsuusall,llltial 7 30, 1889. grAN ELECTION I OH THIR TEEN MANAGERS of the Company for ervetlng a bridge over the Monongahela rlv‘r, ottmalte Plttat nrgh: In the , on my of Al.eghen_y, wili beta at the Toll H 011,4, on .110bDAY, 11741 lat‘lay of March next, at PI o'clnik P. w. fe3:089-mg JAS. H. WRIGHT, Treasurer. Tux Emir FOR? Pzrr roomher Co. op Pirrattuoarz. rntaborgh, January 30th, ISett l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIY. EN to the nocElloLDEßs .1' the • NAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY, 0. METCALF. See' IWNOTICE. - • Al 'persons indebted to the City of Allegheny Tor GRADING A.ND PAVING, are hereby nott• der lied to call and pay their assessment s to the Qm or before the llith day of Februarr. Alter the atabre date all claims rempning un paid will be plaeed in the bands or the City 80. Miter titieolleetlon, with costs added. Dftleelit the second story of Oity Hall. Roars for badness trona 8 to 9 A: yr. and l to 2 P..M. THOMAS MEGRA.9%. Street Coutznissiener. ALLEGMSNT. Feb. a lea% rez:b94 "OFFICE OF PENNSYLVA... NIA RATLROA.D COMPANY. PRFLAnzi.prits, January 317, 1809. .NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annnai Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY. the 16th day of Pebrean, 1889, at 10 o'cock at CONCERT HALL, No. 1,219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 'The Annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, thb Ist day of March, 1809. at the *Mee of the Company, No. 239 South Third street. fetdas • gr:THE GOLD COUPONS 0$ the Union Pacific Railway, EASTERN DIVISION. dae February Ist, 18611, will be paid on presentation on and after that date at the NATIONAL BANK OF COMIKKRUE, NENfir YOz,R• RoposAiB - raK - 7 -- T RANSPORTINC4 SALT. petSEALED PROPOSALS !be transpartirur all the f t m anufactured by the Ohio River Salt Com- will y -r one or live years from January 1 1889, be receiv ed up to Da o'clock H. of the AIM, day of February, /869. The pa rtyte whom the contract may be &weed ed will be required to tarnish good, staunch, sea worthtonnage. consisting oi barges and steam boat's, pass good Inspection and are In every respect fully I quippsd with lines and tackle andmanned with competent °facers and crew. The Salt to be transpoqed will be delivered from the sheds 'probe furnace yards or the Corn piny. will be put up in barrels containing SS p tt,i'. net each, or In barrels of 7 bushels each. or I n togs containing 51,4 or 3 bushels each. -pro posafiluade package; to the Ante ta , freight on , ea. h kind of package. Tneparty to whom the contract may be award ed will receive the sell at the firrnace yards. -will Intl, transport , unload and deliver ' the salt on the lendln -a at the following places: ittaph, Pertn.;_Wellevllle, Steubenville. Bridge Millais., Marietta, Portamontlislilp. ley an (An'clunati, Mho; Wellsbarg, Wheeling and Parkersburg. West Virginia; litavrsille, Covington, Loulevilld Smlttlland, Yadneah, - Henderson, Columbus a ndi hicknian.Mentucky; Madison, Jeffersonville New Albany and Evans ville, Indium; Cairo East St. Lt usa. Alton and Quincy, Illinois; Clarkreille. Nashville and Mara pill:, Tennessee; St. Louis and Haripibal, lii- • soar!. Parties Making Proposals may, Include the whole territosy to be supplied in one b 4. for either one or Owe yea or may make separate bids for one or five e ars on portions of the ter- ritory divided as follows : 1. From Pomeroy Wail point A') andhicluding Pittsburgh Pa. $1 . • . . From Pomeroy to all points TO and Includ in Louisville, Hy. • ' Cairoa. From Pomeroy, Ohio, to all_points on the . 'r be tween_Lotilevllie, Kentucky, , and o. 11l - 4. From Pomeroy, Ohio, to Clarksvine and i n Mai vine, Tenn. Mb From Pomeroy, Ohio. Cairo Points ott'the Illis ippi river. Including. 111. Th MiIIIMUUKITige of water that turtles will be r gulped to freight salt. will be when tow boats can leave Pomeroy safely barges drawing three and one-nalf feet of w a ter and to n w to such places as they can be reasonably ex- . p.- te Ohioeach with barges of draught. The river Balt Company t illas Ste as pos sible. give reasonable tows, then rh tney will not positively contract full tows to each point. Th contractto whom aw a rdedon, or the whole of the may be will be required to give satisfactory bonds for the ,falthfulper formance of his contract. . Bids may be sealed and addressed tenon. V.: D. HOitTost, Pomeroy, Ohio, and should be marked . **Prnposals forTrausporting Company r e ser ve The Ohio Riser Salt Company reserve the right to reject any or all the bids Coat may be offered. THE OHIO RIVER SALT COMPANY OFFER . _ - - FOR SALE Alter their large stock of RARGEB, FLOAT& GANICIWAYS. TARPAULINS, LINE . and TACKLE. and the entire stock of articles lased in loading and transporting salt; and to such as make acceptable bids- will give the privilege of for their tairciasesiti freighting the salt. onio.arvisa MALT corupAww. . E. R. HODSON, Sec. and T 2111111411 POstnnoY. 0.. January 11. 1889. la2s:dSt-ir // 'leo • / ;11 / • I No. 87 FIFTH AVENUE, Perram7l2oll. PA. P. DIIPP. Author of Duff , : 13 keeping. PRESIDENT. priming of Book- Established years, having educa , ted many thousands of erehants, Bankers and Accountants In the 17 ted States and Oanadas. In the most perfect class Instruction, and is now the first College In America to Introduce the new important Improvement orcorabliting that clasa instruction with comprehensive exercise In 11.EIALL .131719.19 a By Inf. R. CHARLES' P. and ROBERT P. DOPY, all experienced business Accountants. each having kept books In extensive Arms, giv ing our students the rare opportunity of becom - inn atj encnipractical Accountants. DUFF . % ne* regent or !remnants', klanue.cturer's National Bank, Railroad and Private Bankers • 33003X•iMErpnollos Splendidly printed _,.tit colors _by HAEPICEt & BItOTHBRE New Fork. pp. GOO. Crown BM. •3 7. P_ostage aft. The only work containing NaUonal Bank and Private Bankers, accounts. No other work AfAh• Wed has been so unapt. mouldy and eniganaftily *Commended by the pros. by bitchiest teachers, and by those who hare been educated from it. and ern w Circular, eobtaluing also WM. IL DITP.IS Pint ream Penman y. Medals. ite. Melleditee tor . . . P. Ihl7 - 146 1 tdi• ISOM P. DUFF & SONS: - .124 Seeond Avenue. PittebutO, Commission Merchants. Manntiteturera. Asentihi and Wholesale Dealers in Flour. Grain, mut aikkinds of Produce. consisnrnams solelted. Advances matte. • Mirlierid fir oar Meekly• Price Carret. ticCinalkidar A LITEILIET GAP FILLED. CHAMBERS ENCYCLOPEDIA, -The want of a really. toad Encyclopedia at a moderate coat bay lona been felt. This want has now been met by the completion of • • DictonChambers Eneyetapedies,• : • A ary of Universal Knowledge for the People, on the basis of the latest editlonif the Gomm ConvensUons Lexicon. 10 Volumes, Boyal Obtavo, cloth 36 CO HanTBbeep. . . .....rkey ...... ... .................. u........ 99 ................. 46 Wu rozi BALE BY R. S. DAMS, Ja3o:B:msw 93 WOOD BTRZET. FILIVY Toss PIG .LEAD, Best. Brands, For Sale at the lioweit 1 Market Bates, at BAILEY, & CO'S, MAMI'A4nMMu; OP Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 161 snaithlad 81 reet, PITTS RI:MGR. 43. APPLES - t2x Carrels l A la (tar by ". store sat J vANFLtt.D & NOTICES BDMUND BRETIG seeretam U El