••• 11`lignitial MAWS in' New -cTerk. .'Gold Closed at 1315,04136 M. OSTeiegraph to the Pith% tiltFet.te.,3 NEvr YoßK,:reirtiary 4, 1869. The action of the Pennsylvania Legis. latttre relative to the. Fort Wayne road wary-the--great , topio: of diSOlintOn in „financial circles, and caused wide _filo. illations on stock exChange. MoneYfatr ly active at 7 per cent on call, in the morning, the marketwas muck easier afternoon, 6 per cent. being the i'iing rat e ` Bterlin dnl ` a ids: $a at Gold lower apeuing,at i lisk, sud closing itsy s igu,sl4. • ' v46 *de ;4, 3 0y sellers all day. The 'Uletirarthes were.3sl6o%** Exports, 5.060 BONDS AND STOCKS. ' Governments have been - ifetiVu and higher an closed -quiet.-The, '67's sold high, at 1 but fell oft' in the a ft ernoon. • coupons' 1881; 112%0112%; do. '62; 1,131410113%; do. '6f,109%0109%; de. 1 65, 110%0111%; new. do., 108% 00108%; do. .207, nii,./,@loag; do. '-' l 6B, 109; . Ten- Forties, 108%.01,45%,, t State bonds quiet and 'steady: Mis sour's, 13608635;. - 01d.-Temmessees, 6 7 550 68; New . Tennessees: - - 67%067%; North . Carolinas„6lo6l%; Virghiiiis, 61062,- Railways opened weak an unsettled "wider the action df the Pennsylvania ''Legislature.- Fort , Wayne fell -I% per cent., Pittsburgh 2%, Rock Island Ohio and Mississippl2, t New York Cen tral 4%, *Reading, I, N orthwestern 2%, and Old Southern 2, with large sales of all stoekiiin which Erie is supposed to have large interest. In the afternoon there,was.a.partial, recovery ,ef 4 to % per befit: ` throughout the ling the market again became heavy and closed mosattled,lwith .11,slownwa0 tendency; - NOrtifwesterri gond - being held with - any i doves, of thinness. - Expreas shares higher; United States-touches 66%...Mi5-43eIlaneous 43eIlaneous shares heavy:,„ • Pise-thirty Prices:--(lturiberlanif, 374,0 - 87%; Wells Eitpress, 2934030; American, 50%051; Adams, 69069%; United' States, 164064%;.• Merchant& Union, 20021; Quicksilver,2.3o23%;,, canton, 60060%; Pacific Mai.416%0117; Western Union -Telegraph, 37%038;. Roston, _Water . power, 15%; 6.ladpisiiii 708; , _pre - tarred: 25 ,46 25 3 C New York_ Central, ,4420162 y. .hhiS;3s%oss4;'Thidsudil,3l)34 .40135%; Harlem, . 1880138%; .'Readthg, :" 95 'g; Terre:Haute; 40%040%* do: pre .--"ferred 68%069; Wabash,:- 640644; preferred, 70078; St. Paul, 65%0 '66%; AO. ,preferted, 79%080; Ft. Wayne, 110%011834r -Ohio and Mississippi, 38% 038%; Michigan. Central; 1190420; lach iigan- Southern, ,92%;,.. , Central, :- . .. - 23tX;PIttsburgh;.:91091%;`:Toledo. 1045 a 010.1%; Bock Island; 127®12735;. NOith - svtistern;B2%oB2%; do. preferred, 90%0 99%; Chicago and Alton, 152; Lake Shore, 1* Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and ladiana, 73%; St. Joseph pref., 109%. mi r du g shares ,activet,- Gregor'',t2,7s -02,80; Smith Paimalee, 5 2,30 0,30; Wallkill, 23034.; • , „ Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50, topper Falls, 1435; Franklin, 16; Hecla, 80;.ancock, 3; Minnesota, 2. Reeeipts' at Sub-Treasury, 'Z1;372,270; payments, $1,447,988: - balance, $84,014,251 Marl[eta by. Telegraph. NEw Youx, February 4.—Cotton about yo better and a fair business doing; sales -- , • 0f`6500 bales at 30Mc Tor middling up-`' ,lands.. Plour—receipts, 3,074 bbls; the market still rules in favor of buyers and rather more doing; sales' of 7,800 bbls at $5,69a6,20,- for supeffine State' an 0 west t • ertir '.17,10 for extra State;'s6,soa7,4o for, extra western; $7a8,90 for wheat extra; . - ,'19,65a6,75 for Round Hoop. Ohio; $7,50a8 for extra St.'Louls; $l2 for good choice, do. Rye fioni'quiet; sales of 280.blils at $5,25a7,40. . Corn meal dull. 'Whisky_ more steady; sales of 50 bbls western at ' '94(i; free; no reeeipts: — Wheat favors buy: era and a moderate l bwilness doing; skies, of• 38,000' bush at -$1,57a1,78 for No. 2 spring in store;, $1,132X for No. 1 and 2 do Bye'quietk• Sales Of 4;590 bush prime , western • • •at t1,52K. Barley very drill; Barley Malt qtriet• and dull. .."-Corn dull and la2o lower; receipts 20,531 bus; sales 41,000 bus at 861‘900 for new mixed Western; 91a91%c for yellow 'Western; 904 7cTer *bite South - ern; $1 for old mixed Western in store, end $1.02 far do: delltered. Oats firmer receipts 240q4 bus; ,asles 38;000 bus at 75c for' 2 ;Western in store,, and 76a771ic' for, do. afloat.' • Rice quiet And firmat 9y,,a10q for ' Carolina. Coffee firm and.quiet. Sugar quiet; sales 1,070 hhdit`rit I.tall'fie for Cuba; 11Wil2A.: for PortoHico. Moiasses sales 175 bbls New Orleans at 72a 78X(s; 10 Wide Port() Rico at 30c; 100 hhds Demerara. at 294,c. 'petroleum firm at 2,2,}4a20c for crude, and 3734 c for refined bonded. ' Hops quiet at Bal6c for •Amerl can. Linseed Oil quiet, at $1,02a1,04. Spirits Turpentine quldt att . 1734 e. • Pork firm; moderate, business doing; , sallis•of 1,21115111" rit $ ll2, l MRS2:5O . Tot , ' now mess; 431,50 ,lore 7914 01e.ftA526.0047.60._ .fot - ''s29 $2900330,00 , -fot PritiM".ndessi also 2700 hbla new mess, seller March and April, $32,50a32,62. Beef firm; sales :100 bbls at-so,ooiilo,•solbi. neW•olidri Mess - and ;14,00a19,50 for new p.atra mess. : tiled qulatfisales-180 $21a32 for prime _ mesa and $ 32x38 for India mese. - Beef airie'''quiet; wiles' 120 bids at 530 a 12;"Cut Mesta firm: , sales 200 Pt& at 14a. _%1434 . 0 S houlders 1734a181/,. Mame, Also. C3legitifrigektrittr. 1) ea sed II d Ty rl4 alslo yrest. ,arrk, 40 341614 4 for city.; micifilies'firm.• fitid qiiftWithd - fehhEide eieddr;' Mies MO: J 04193021 for stearn,chleitv 20,020%, 2142.1 X for kettle iendeied. ,B utter dolt at 20a30 for Ohio -Cheeicil6a2l: Freights to Liverpool; and without decided change Lately'Medi iro4ed steady for corn Mon and dull and heavy, for, mediom and good grades. Wheat quid and °tit decided' change. Rye quiet at $1.30 formqatern. Oats quiet and firm at 75c *esti:ern" hi store. Corn 86a tar new osisedmestamaadiital,fi7, for old mixed in store and afloat. Pork . '• - very Stuf f with sales of 450 - barrela new mesa seller for:April at $3;25. Beef quiet - , and , unchanged: Cut meats firm; with' .;;; moderate--,demand.,Bacon „quiet . 'and firm. Lard dull at 24a24M0 for gsiod to. primesteam. Eggs dull at 24a2139., Naw Yong, January 4.---bry. •Ia Cotten' goods the !market 'continues ac tive and excited; the' movementlends to impart strength to^lgoods;- the market, hovietPdrilat,ettillAuleterfough, but nev ertheless therelas beep a little more do ing lit' package sales to . ont-of town buy 'era. All Heavy Brown fittoOlnir at 163ia170 for best makes, *he lattet for Peqp9te A> . and Indian .Head i and the formerfoiStiiiVand: Appleton A; liVa. .‘ --chuaett sell ariee; -Broadway. brings 14c; and Lythan C 150. Piirts are selling "from 12 up to. 15c. according .to,, style and quality. 3,eapeaster ginghams at lt; AMosiceag •at , Mart • 9Fkirado` '46;;. Delaines 20c.' Cnicidd;"Febrtiary.A.;-LEastern EX 'l,ehange steady at I-10 per. cont. pramlum ;telling; 1-10 per cent. ef l; bitylng. Flour_ . I dull at $5,10a5,05 ' for 'spring extras l'Wheat ;Jail; sales of No 1` at 51,20;11,24 ; robil;No.2 at (11;15 1 / 4 a1,15;11. sales this at : lernOort at /31,15% for No. 2. COili quiet .and eaMer and 12 a123olower; aalea of .„ f'No. lat 65e, new.at 68a581/4ccno-arade • 1ea63%; Melling at 591 / ie -for new;ltales of lat 71C i seller for last half of April and new atsBlo, seller for March; sales a 'of new since: change: at 514..ic. -Oats quiet and firm and 3.4ar,c higher; sales of; No. 2 St &lib's dash and 51c, seller for March, E•LXo, buyer.for 'February and 5305, seller for last half of April; closing at 810ic for -No t 1, on spot. Rye in light demand and - V s c lower; sales or No. t at $1,164116%, No. 2 at $1;15. !Barleys- strong I and 4asc higher; sales of No- 2 ; at %1 80 . a-4 8 21 closing at inside price f or regular . ' and outside price for 'f . Highwines dull; sales free at 90c. -Pro visions less active: Mess Pork'2sasoc 'higher, sales - at /32,50Fi3•.Y.,60 cash; and $82,75a33,00 buyers for February. oloiiitur VI $6450 cash, and $33 buyers for ilthe mosith. Lard steady . and firm at2oc, cash. Bulk and 'green meats quiet, but Dressed Hogs quiet and firm, olosin at 4114a14,50 for light,and $15a1515 for choice heavy lots. ,Receipts-7,422 ibis . flour, 14,750 buscwheat; 45,700 bus corn, 16;872 bus 0at5,2,981 bus rye. •760 bus barley, 7,272 hogs. Shinments-6,598 bbhs flour, 13,`‘.73 bus wheat, 9,009 bus corn;`lB,B2o -bus oats, 3,371 bus rye,: 400 bus barley, 15,31.1;h0g5. ,-. ' • ,- - -Hogs active and a shade firmer; sales 'at t 10,75a12,00 Mr fair to extra' choice shipping and packing lots.: Beef (little quiet at $4a5,50 for butchers' stock, 5,62 a 675 for light, and $7.25a7,67 for good to choice shiiiping steers:. ' - , ST. 'Letts; February '4.Tobaeco; all offered is readily taken; • sound lugs, ad vanced to 48a9,50; other grades nu -changed. Cotton and Heimp; ' nothing transpired, - Flour; low • grades • :in de n mend, but other qualities quiet and low and' super $5a5,25; super and lew ex tra $5,50a6,00; extras6,osa6,s9; double ex tra $6,75a7,75; choice, treble extra :and fancy $9,4tht11,50: - • Wheat firm, but inac tive, common to prime fall sold at l3l;4oa 1 , 1 78; strictly prime to choice $ 85a2,00; spring better, at 41,85:f0r, choice No. 2. Corn .held flrcallyy, viith sales at,723a75.c. Oats inactive and easier; at 62a65c, !Moat.; ly at • 62a63c. Barley:cquiet i and bat little done; choice Minnesota sold at. 51,25. Bye, slow at §1,25a1,26. Whisky very doll at 924 c. Perk active and - higher at $32,50, and lots up,the river'at $32.. Bulk meats very firm and higher at 1330 for shoulders; 17c for clear eideh in sugar hlids. Bacon advanced to 143ta14,y 4 c for shoulders; 1734a175•.0 for clear rib sides; .18x,o for clear sides. Lard advanced to 21c for tiercii up' the river. Receipts— flour 2,800 bbis, wheat 4,800 - bu, corn 1,900 bu,,oats 750 bu, barley 1,200 bu,- Tye 700 bn, hogs 800. . - Hogs steady at $10,75a11,75 for light to heavy. . Oattle—choice for.•-• - . home, con .aumption in good demand and shipping qualities hi moderate; request; the prices are unchanged and-range at $3,50a7,25: • CINCLVNATI, February 4,—r /our and grain xinchanged and quiet. Cotton held at 29c,, but demand light and still bold ing strong. Whiskey dull and prices nominal at Clover seed 'in geod demand; sales- 60,000 abs at 116 c; in -the small way it brings 1634 c. Nimothy, in good demand at, $2,2542,35. A-specula tive demand for mess pork; sales 0f.3,000 bbls at $32,00 for country, and .532,50 for city on spot, and $32,50a533;00 for city and country for buyers for - this month; included in sales were 500 bbls at .$32,00 delivered -at Chillicothe, Ohio. Lard firm and quiet at 20c for country; and 2034 c for city, Bulk meats quiet, but firm, at 13;4a1534c for shoulders and sides. Bacon firm and•quiet; sales of shoulders at 14%c; clear rib shies, 1754 c; clear sides, 18a18%'c; the latter the rate mostly asked. Sugar cured , hams active and prices tending upward; sales of 800 tierces at'atil9l.;c, including 200 tierces to a Chicago dealer at outside rates. Butter unchanged and quiet,at 26a33c. Gold, 13E. MILWAITECtE, February. 4—Flour dull and prices unchanged. Wheat dull and lower, at $1,1936 for No. 1; 11;13. 3 % for No, 2. Oats firmer at 53c for N0..2. Corn un changed, at 's9lic for new. Rye nomi narat $1,12a1,13 for No. 1. Barley scarce and, firm,, at i11,70a1,75 for No. 2. Pro visions quiet and firm. City mess pork, 132a32,50. Dressed hogs firm and high er at $14,50. Receipts-10,000. bblafiour, 11,000 bush wheat, 1,000 bush oats, 1,000 bush'corn, 1,000 bush rye, 500 bush bar ley. Shipments-25 bbls flour; 300 bush wheat, 500 bbis and 100-tierces pork, 150 tierces lard. - • - • . CLEVELAND, February 4.—Flour dull,' city made sells at $11a11,26 for treble ex .tra white; $9.50a9,95 for, double extra 'amber; $8,25a8,60 for double• extra red winter; $7,7618 for double extra spring: country made brings 67,50a8 for .aouble I extra red and amber; $7a7,50 for double extra spring; $9,25a10 for double extra white. Petroleum is quiet but firm and remains mfeltiingildirrprice; refined is held at 84a35ei in hirge - lats: t LOUISVILLE, February.4.—Sales of 117 hhds Tobacco a'; $4,21%25,25 for new lugs' to wrapper leaf. Cottonl:7%ti29e. Flour $5,75a6,27. Wheat' $1,70a1,73. Oats 60a ' 63c. Corn 62a65c. Rye51,49a1,45. Mess Pork $32a32.50. Lard2lc. Bacon; shoul ders 14y,aL5c, clear rib sides - 18aliii4e, clear sides 18 1 ,a181;c. Bulk Meats:shoul ders 135fa14c, clear rib sides 17a17,1 4 , , c, clear, sides 174a17% - coalipacksd. 96a970. , Totroa Feb. 4.—Floorquiet and steady. P V9heat firm and unchanged; Sales amber on the . spot $1.66: buyers , for the month• $1,70; white. Michigan $1,67. 'Corn quiet and unchanged; new is gener ally'.held • at, 65e; rejected 6314 e. Oats firm and to better at 59%0 for• Michigan. Rye Arm at 41,28a1,80. Barley quiet and steSy; State $1;80; Canada 12,10. - Droned ho, X a g e.better and moderately active At 14 a / BALTAIOHE, -kebruary4:4lour dull and steady. Wheat drill sales of prime to choice red at $2,241a2.25. Corn firm; prime white Et7aBBc: 84a866..-Oats firm at 7047546 Eye-,tirm at $1,60. Mesa, pork firm at 532,86183. Bacon active; rib sides:;l7UalBc; clear Wee - 1.834a18%;. "shoulders 15%el- barna 20e. , Lard quiet at - 21 e. ., • • , - • • • • • • •PHILADE'LPHIA. , February 4.—Plour dull an& weak: receipts lights; red.s46o 1,65; amber _111,90. - Hie' lower' at: ST,S 0 3 r 1 104 11 i , ;PeFfs yePow_4BaBB)go, Oats steady, with western at 736. Petro !aunt nominal at-286 , f0r crude, and 36[A'a 36 1 X0 fotrefined. Provisions quiet. Mess Pork. held at $3B. Lard firm at. 2110. Whisky nominal at 97898340. .. February 4,--Cotton irregu lar it 285;a29c. Flour.quiet at $6,501112.. • Corn dull and scarce; retailing 'at 'soa. Oats firm at 77%a80c. 'Hay quiet at 'B2l. Corn. Meal dull at'53,25i3,50. Pork firm of 13$: 'Litrd at 21a.22c. Bulk meats flnin'elioulders24i, Sides 1.7111.84. pressed .Hogs:lBa ' IMPORTS:BY RAILROAD, ' P.ITTOBIIROR, ' FORT WAYS; CND.' moo RAir,Roxrp, February &=BB cars Nimiek &Co;13 do do, John Moorhead; do do, Brylin'& Catighey; 8 %do do, Col& Rahin & 7 , dcr , do? Park Bros &, Co; 2'do do,S Harhaugh; I.car middlings, 100 bbls flour, , Shornaker & -, Lang; 100 bblii flour, 800 - aks dn'ownery3 bxs glass ware, W McCullY; 8 do do. A •-& D ChaMbers; 90 'bbls spirits, Hostetter & Smith; 1 car shorts, 11 Schnelbach; 12 bbls buckwheat flour, H McClellandt, 56 bbls box glass; 4 casks do, mines; 6 tibia pearls, S Harbaugh; 1 car staYes, M P Adams & ,13ro; 284 bgs. oats, 'p do rye, , 81 Hood; 320 bushels corn.'ScottGisal; 1-car ear' corn, Bricker & Co; 234 bags barley, H Rea Jr; 72 bbls apples, W H , Gragl 7 kgs laid, carter, McGrew dr Co; 87 pc.s Iron shoes, Coleman; Rahm •& Co; 20 Liz's soap. ti Ewart de Co; 2 bbls oil, Arbuckles & Co; 7 kegs rivets, 3 IRE PITTSBURG* 4AZETTK: IFAIDAYY F . M4134.4N7 • casks do, 5 bundles wire, W P .Town send & Co:4 car ore, HusseY, Wells & Co; 11 pea iron pipe, 2 boxes do; At wood& Co; 8 bdls' brooms, E B Math ewa; 25 sewing machines, Wm Sumner it ON 28 bbls ' apples, - H Rea Jr; 203 eks I .l4rley, Pier; flannels & Cot 21 bbls ap ples, Voigt, Mahood ,•tt. Co; 13 bags rye, W J Meek; 61 bbls apples. enlp &Shep ard; 1 car litheitone. 'Shoentierger & Blair; 44 ska rags, Godfrey & Clark; 10 bp buckwheat flour, J Glenn; 2 bbls tal low, A Kir kpatrick'& Co. ' ' _ , . • OrArrar.aiin - AND PITTECBIIROTI SAIL. nhAP, February 4.-5 cars barley, Ex change Nat Bank; 1 car iron ore, Grail; Byers dr, Co; 1 ' ear lumber, Hamilton, Algeo ,t Co; 150 bble oil, P Bly &,' Co; 1 ear lumber, A' Ruffe; 50 bbls carbin oil, 4 Spear; 55 bbls 0i1,,S B Floyd & Co. 211 sacks potathes, 35 bbls apples, 20 'bbls 1 I . rbions,'s bbls beans l 2 do apples , Volrt , Mahood & Co; 25. kgs powder, T B dr, H Laughlin; 50 do do, J A Colwell;, 12 do 'do, J Bower; 456 do do; Plfechlin; 2 bbls 4• kegs oat ;zeal, J' Benedict; 7 bbls.cider, N Yount 10 Lif bbls Herrine; .1 K Smith & ; Co; 20 o'do E W D Cooper & Co; 21 bis t soperfiri , W johidson; 1 `-'case cigars, retzdel * Brat 4 bbls butter, 6hf do do, 2 bbls eggia, 4 do dry apples, H Rea Jr; 16 bbls apples, T 0 "Jenkins; 24 sks oats. Meanor & Harrier;l bhl-talloW, 1 keg ap ple butter. Rbuff dr. Son; 8- bbls cider, H Hamill; 80 oil bbls; C A Wormcastle; 1 bbl mdse, J Dickey & Co. ' • , . ~ _ 1,13 , ~ 4 "ALLEailm-rx STATION, OTIATy - . -63 sks flaxseed,' M'B Suydam: 2 cars wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 162 bgs oats, , 35 do rye, R Knox & Sen; 50 bbls flour. S C McMa.steri4; 2 cars =Oil; Lewis, Bai ley & Dalzell; 6 do do, Batters & Burch field; 2 do stave.% ,T 81 _Hemphill; 1 do lumber, 0 C Laruq; 37 ska corn, J B Mc- Hee; 2 bbls egg% ".Tolin Herbert; 30 cad dies tobacco, R &:,W Jenkinson; 2 cars lumber, NV Reed; 229 bgs oats, Hippley & Beckert; 70 eke rye, Ea. do' oats, 30 do Seed, Rose - &, Ewing. . •-. , .. • --_- , ALLaajczNy VALLEY KAI.I.ROAD, Fen ruary 4.-1 car metal, John Moorhead: 2 'carligraln, Martin, Brickell & Co; 47 ska oats, J & W Fairleyf 1 car grain, Craw. ford, & Co; Z ska wool, Jenny & An drews; 1 .caymetal, Lyon, Dhorb & Co; 2 do do, BroWn & Co; 8 do' do; McKnight, Porter &Co; 1 do d0,,13 Woodsides; I do grain, W McKim .& C 0.,, The weathet haa' again lurn'ed de ciciedly winterish; the•rain on Wednes day night was succeeded by unite a snow storm, and it was cold, and stormy all day yesterday, with the wind in the west, and the, mereary at 4 r. u. was down to 20. The „Lorena arrived on 'Wednesday evening from St. Louis; In a crippled condition, haVing, as previously -noted, been, caught in a heavy storm this side of Cincinnati. She had a very good trip. The Armadillo is over due, she, too, having - been detained by an accident: The Kenton arrived from Portsmouth last evening, and will return again to day at 4 r. rd., Captain Wash Kerr in co mmand. • The Wild Duck and barges are an nounced to leave for St. Louis to-mor row. as is also the Glendale._ The ;Kate Putnam, Capt. G. W. Reed, is tilling up steadily for Nashville, as is also - the R. C. GraV,•Capt. 'Lime Whitta ker, for Cincinnati and Louisville. These are both good and reliable boats. The Bayard, Capt. Ger , . D. Moore, is , the regular packet for Parkersburg to day, leaving at The Sallie .from Louisville, Wauanita frem New 'Orleans, and New 'York from Nashville, are among the first boats due: „The Armenia. New Orleans to Pittsburgh, is this side of Cairo. Capt. M.A. Cox is here superintending the construction of his new mountain boat. . • . The Silver Bow and Carrie V. Koontz, both now mountain boats, are almost completed. - River about stationer?' last evening with six feet in channel by Monongahela marks: We should . not be , surprised to find considerable new made ice in the Allegheny this morning. The R. C. Gray,Capt.• Isaac Whit taker; is announce to leave for Cincin nati and Louisville this afternoon. —The Wauanita left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Tuesday. :---Two flats loaded with staves, des tined for New Orleans, sunk in the Hatchie river on Saturday. —Captain P. C, dontgornery, and 11. C. Hiatt; have chartered the Dorn, at ICew'Orleilps, for the Red River trale. —Wharfage et Cairo has been in creased 25 per cent. It is now $[ for the first -100 tons and lyc lor each ad. ditional. --Captain Adam .Tacobs has a contract to build three side-wheelers for the Northern Line Packet Company. This makes flve boats now under contract. insurance companies 'have paid 0;000 on the wrecks of, the. mail ;Inc! steamers United, States end. ,Ahierica.' ;Work is progressing on the bull of the-States'.' PACIrt.l. CobcPANT.---At the , annualaneeting of thn above company, 1 ,held in Chicago , the following Officers were elected for the entitling year: Pies!. dentiW. F. Davidson; Secretary and Treaswer, W e •Fttipciesp Directors, John 'Lawler, J. C. Speneer, P. U. Smith, P. H. eantpbell and A.ll6Plire. ''advices'iof yesterday say., that the,body, of a ateamboatman - named. „Hennessey waft found, on Menday,,in a 'bayou, having been murdered the- night • previous. .Two men named :Langan and -render. anct two brothers ninned Dwyer, have been arrested, Charged %Oh `committing the deed: It is believed the , two former are the,guilt tine* , . ...At the annual meeting of 4110,13t0ck- - ,beiders (Oho Mississippi - Valley Trans-' !pertatiete Coot Pang; c.lanuary'll,''it ) :Lents, the.following Board oil Directors ,were elected:: Henry C. Haartitick, E. 0. Stannard, E. B. Barker, of Quincy, Wm: ;, ' L. Huse,: Adolf Leufertp Capt.,Geo. H. Rea, _of Si.. •Louts, was elected,.President. .Four twoboats are emPloyed, with 34 barges, eaell'havlitg a opacity from 600 to 1,200- tuns., The ,:company, has thaprivilege of increasing Its capital, aqd increasing the, - number of .its towboats and bargett: • ' • • ' . Louts'advicee repott that,..propar ations 'for. the ',upper Missouri trade ,for the coming season are being made: it is believed this, bueineSS will' be larger than fast year, and the late action of the underwriters, in requiring steamers to come .up to a ; certain sten dard of Strength; gives assurance - of greaten security to property than here tofere. , „There .be descrinalne- tion bettreen side-wheel and stern-wheel boatse and between officers who are ex -.perienced• and'.inexperienced in the trade. Government will also contract its buSiness upon principles different from those which have heretofore prevailed. Instead _of contracting with the lowest bidders, General Donald4on, Chief Quar termaster of this Military' 'will Redact his own boats for the service, and.wilt give preferencel to those corn mended by their owners. The Govern mente lost last year about a million dol writ' worth of property Ibv the;Tanking ' of inferior boats, which will , be avoided this veer, if possible, by the selection of the best steamers and most reliable MB , • :-a RIVER, NEWS. officers. Thirteen side-wheel and . f teen stern-Wheel boats are ' "sires `5 , - named to leaVe for Fort Benton as n asspavigation opens, and others ma y = e added: '.' River. anti Weather. LonisvlLLE, February 4.—Weather un settled and 'cold. River rising with six feet eight inches of wat :r in the'canal. STELAREBOATS. VOlll tr CINI .L. L &NV swag , r,tamer . 11. c. PREY ...::—Capt I:N. WiIiTTAXER, NVIU lea l re fin he above port's ou.S.ATUBDAY. no. 6 II Inst.. a 4 o'clock P. M. , For freight o passage apply on bOard or to JOHN F1,.C.h.. J. •••OULLINGWOOD. OURIEoT & HASLET 1 Agents:"'' lea_ , . ITTSBURGII Si; BT.' e t i gEg il LOUIS' . BARGE cO.--FOR ANOVILLE, fIAIRO AND liT. 7 Latas.'—, The powerful towboat :.. 'i - : 7 • ~ ..'-'.''' INNATI LE.—The tine pas- WELD Dti Capt. J. , It`lll le are as announced aboVei'on BATMAL 6th in ;t. For C'elght Or passagnienply on board ortn fe3 CHAICL,c:S BARNES, Agent. F °o CLARKRVILLE A D NASLIVILLE.—The tine SWUM' , EATS. PUTNA3f Capt. G. W. REED Wlltleave for trye snore ports on 9.A.TUUDA thp 6th Inst., at 4, o'clock P. a:. For freight or j p o ss irt ss i ge lL iri ci lo_a b_oard or to fee T.l). COWNOWOOD. Agent PITTSBURGH, ' tm•• 'WEICELING, Marietta and Parkersburg • . • Love Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Woz. Street, DAILY, AT 19.-X. TDESDAYS.AND rarDAT ,13.1 BATARD - S. sinarnsap. M WEDNICSDATS AND D.A.TtrUDATS, GREY.. BADT4 0. L. iDIZANAN. M Freight will be receleed at all hoart,by aele . 4.A.MT.,13 C.01;142413. Agent. STEAMSHIPS; To LivienpooL AND i tial QUEENSTOUTN. -- THE INMAN MAIL-STEAMSHIPS. Numbering sixteen itret-elaza vessels, among u. in'be eelebrated CITY 01 0 PA.Ain, CITY OF ANTWErP. CITY OF BOSTO TN, OF LOT'C OF BALTMOBE, YDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier" 45, rin River, New York. For nkcsage or faoller inforwa.ion annloto • . , , 70:FIFTH STREET. Mbronttle Bnilcling. Neftrlropnpsit.t Mat mar*. Plitabnr,b CO-PARTNZRSHIP. THAVE TUIS''D4Y ASSOCIA .I. EL) with meta co•partner.litp, WILLIAM MUFF. JOHN M. THORP, .and JEROME BONNET. • The buslness will tAt• leotideeted •it the stand under the name rtud ntyle. or WM. LI LER& CO. • wur.ti't rtnxr Purrs Lunou, January 1, 1809,, WILLIAM RIMIER It CI Nos. 221 and 223.Libeity Stre Corner of.Trwln, now offer to thp Trude at Ilguna, MC Lb' Prime Nest Crop Ninv OrlOaiis Sugar Molasses. Po-to flier), Cuba and Engll,ll Island Stuar. • Ntw•York, Pbttadelphls aid Baltimore e- Coed du. . Golden drips. T.overings. - Braniff,. Stu 'B, Adorns' and Long Island syrup,. • Porto Itleo, Coos and English 'eland Blolas es. Young Ilys , n, Japan, lecoerlal, Uunyv er and Aoi. ng Teas. Carolina and liancoln Mee. Java. I.aguayra and lo.Collees. To.acen. ,Lard OIL Flab. Nall, elate, Soups, Cotton Yarns, ac., coustantiy on band. , . impoRTERs , Fine Brandies,Wines and Segue idienicri, Moselle. and Sparkling , Hoek 'Wines of ,t Co.. in bottles. Sparlil.ne Moselk. gellor.torg arid Jobannts bury. llocihrliner. Burgundt, nrabdenburg h Fr.rtai Ytne Cillve 011. do .• do Clarets,luanorted In bottles. do do Willie Wines, to bottles. :11..Wort &Pons Spa , tiling Catawba.., Fine old suerry, Madeira and Poftl'flats. • Free old ilooongauclu Rye Whistles. pure. do Very Superior Old Szot,ll do do. Sol &_ , • , ents for Aloet & Chandon'! ciratelin:' Vorzonay and Sellory Chimpugne. itrainNes o.f our ova seletton au9, wfarnnted. li•d43 FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES. French Burr Smut Machines, ,TEUE BEST WFIEA: pLEAtitIIS IT3E. Portabte•Flowi'and Pea Milts, BOLTING . OLlYllirge " All numbers }ad be,i gaatiq. Yor eale it 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh W. W. WALLA!T NM MS • Yott'S °FRIO P. 1 • Pritsimtitalli, January' MY, 11189.-1 in accordance wi!h ; aresolution belied by the select and t. ommon Councils of tin city of Pitts • hdrith,an theil2d day of 'anise y, 1664,1. hereby issue this my Proclamation,- for the election of One Member of helect Onnnell, -tor the hixteenth ard or the City of Pittsburgh. to Olt the va cancy caused by I he death of Aolicteveley.' Esq., member elect from said ward. The el, ctors of the blateeniti ward °filter OW of Pittsburgh,. -11 i 4 i g:e l ngt1;21 t so f et girt% lg o . t rig . therefore, meets ; the NIG WAM , cornerof Main 'awl Pearl streets, in.as•d'efard_qi TUESDAWi ~the Oat day Pt February. 1808 and elect One Member of !elect Council' to ^6ll the 'vacancy; Pilo . Given Odder my Nand eud this' seal ilf• said. City of Pittaburgh, (this Sil , th day of January, A. L. ' jab . JAMES BLACbiIOIIE, Meyer. LL.B.) J. X. BWIXTJ. 3S. BIL&TT.' . SW/NT SS! BRATT, Ag4IIITiOTURAL AND: ‘; ! - ORNAMENTAL , CARVERfk: '-'ll'63:Safidusky !,‘ A large assortment, 'of 3iEVPEL and BiLlitalTEAS constantly . on : band. Ttrisli of all descriptions: don • ' onatral • VONOMLZE VOIAL rtigt.4 using the 1, -• ' '-• •• SHITE . CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR,. the only true and easily regulated !Governor made; perfect In its operations and truly reliable. :Alarge also liovernor can ho seen at tht. ottee of PEKOE VAL BECHY.TT,Mechanlual 'Engineer and &suitor 'of PtialtioNoi TO Federal- street, Allegnehy City, the only agent for this Governor In the West. ‘. ' ; • oTIC IF—PeirsOnB otifning N nroeity,fionttnaoranattuta on• Aiken aye hue, In the city of Plttalagh,' will please tate notice wingport pf Vies/ ers tn. the : Matter of the epg kittens aveuite, tine been placed In my . • • . • The aloe-emvnte, If not. pall on Or before PubrU ary 11.100. bo • weredin Court as Hens. 1a12:d6 • J. F. 61.,A01,14:. elt , Attorney, • 106 Fifth Ave,,ue. p - i Loon , OIL CLOTHS—We have to stock • rarge attortuwnt of styl e s sod V r widths of thoroughq &mooned Floor OH Clotho , Which we are orferltor o ti o 'Owl. sale and recall trade at prlrea lower. ?akin: quality IWO cOnaldoration. than oan he had to tuts dn. • . J. .1 H. P , i1.1.1.1rn. SO and MO ELVA street» to3o " " MEM COMMIS I k "la . Z - it: Z. IrXXVINGON. :DILLINGER 86 - STEVENSON COMMISSION, „111E31CILINTS, 87 Second Silbert , Pittiburgh, Pa. niciLtay.t. AND SELL Au Kinds of Country Produce, . All orders ter Iderchindiee promptly filled at LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to theeale of Butter. figge. Cheese Dried Fruits, &c,. We feel oonfident that we can give entire eat Whitton; by 'making Quicmc flaLna and PROMPT ,RETURNS. at HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, and therefore reseectlldly.solieir your consign menu. Al correspondencetmswered promptly. Marking Plates 'ftrnished free. kiraln In store - and to. arrive:dolly. • ^ • 1, an 81378 s' e r r Any vu n BY A. E W._ 31.. GORMLY, WHOLESALE c*cie4l , 4, No. 271 Liberty Street; iv:Esc:roc or x.. EAGLE HOTE L ) I • Prx-rasuitEx PA. ~:yl6 WATT, 4.A.N0 kir. CO., : wzrouraszat DlFAzaas llf te . reeeries, Flour.. Grain, , Predtioo, Arruvisions, Fixh,Clittiesc, Carbon; oil. &c 9 9 • Noe. 172 and 17 4 WOOD STREET, near Lib en, street. Pittsburgh, Pa. - n08:n56 Y. STEZILIC T. A. irrxraa. M STEELE & SON, , Commission Merchants, - A247) DYALICIIII 2N ' FLOUR, GmAnwi, ate. No. 95 OHIO !MEM, near East ,Common, ; ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. pwrza itzu. ' • ' aas. atairmiz, KEIL & IEUCHAILT;:. COiIMISSIOI4 ' axx•Duzarstii ;41; 1 - I ' ; 349 Lltiets3efeit., riterbitrigli;' - rays , :b37 - • , • MAX. Wilalnt„-..i4 • ia Airm,, A jCft( Ear, ANJER. qO,I.II,IIqMIN BrE7I.CH4NTS, • 141)IDUCk ea ern in . an GENERALLY, ..Ntr.'i.llll Wiatta: :STREET, .above Emitbffeld, tittibl/Tin• - •- • les FETZER , ti, ARMSTRIVNG, ' , , roßwaaDnui at maim - bawl 101tellIATR, 'Bin the sale'or flour. grain,' 'Bacon, Lard,. But ter, lleeds, Dried Fruit, awl Produce genera ll y, 'No. to MARKET STREET; .corner or rirst, Pittsburgh. . • . .. fe22:3n L J. BLANCIIARD, Wholesale and Retail Procers,,, No. 306 PENN STREET. rolBlxs.i . • , MHM3=IEI7I ROUT. KNOX 'pp KNOX &SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS raid dealer.; In FLOUR, N MILL FEED nntt 'PRODUCE GENER ALLY, No. 19 DIAMOND, opposite Uttv Alleztipnv jan:rxe LITTLE, BAI tID br. PATTON, Wholez 3la tirocers, Commission Merchanis nee ricalers in Produce; Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Flsh. Carbon and Lard till iron,Nails, Maim, Cotton Yarnstand •P'',..;burgn Mannfactufts generally. L 1 and 3 1 ,!2 tiTEBEr, eittsburgh. somq a. notrsz. TonN I. tiotsia'4s.trios.,'Ellic ty censors to JOHN' L' HOUSE &CO Magic uhia.Grocers and Commission !demi& Cor ner Of Smithfield and Water Streets: burgh. . _ JOUN A - WALLACZ, §IiIPTON& WALLAC ,E IV hole- S.A.LE ROCERS AND Pliflp 6.4. No. 6 SIXTH rah.L'fili4s'b a12:68 PROFESSIONAL. WM. B. BIEEPEIti • : ALDICB:MAN AND EX•O'FfrICIO JII9TICt OP THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH" AVENUE. Special attention evert to' mwreyaneing and collections Deeds Bonds adtd blur , gages drawn up. and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. JOS. BUTLER, • APDSILAN LID POLICE NUDIST/LATE. . . . Office, 15118 WYLIE STREET, near, Wellington PL171311111011.1, PA.. Deeds, Bonds, M ortgages , Acknowledgment Depositions, Collections, snit .*ll atherlegiti ms e business executed promptly. . mhaltne SAMUEL McMASTERS, Ap..TALOVA I LINEALDro • • . Ex-Offloto Jaattce of the Peace and Police Man trate. (Mice, GRANT STREET, opposite. the Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA: . Deeds, Bondi, Mortgages; ILoknowledgmenti, Denosittons, and all - Legal Beaten etecoted eromntnessond dtseatch. mhl6 MIIUSTACR 8. MORROW" , • ' . • 7 AXacrriatarAlv,.' . , () tax-0111.1C1 Jtrarteir. not THE MACE AND' • fLPIACIE M.AGISTBATE. OFFICE,I3 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Dewit t Bonds;gortrues, .i.c.knqwledgmenti;' Depoattions ana 4111.4a1 Business ezeaat.w. wiurDrarnOtnesalkud dispatch. :;JOHlt A.STBAIN; •!:.• ' At..l)2lltarlairi' ..• x-onnolo =met IP - Asa' PIACI" *ND POLICE MAGISTE&TE. • 000%110 TUTU STREET, opp osite - the Ca: Pittsbargh, Ps. Deeds., /Bondil, Mink et,_Aelthowle4gmentt, Depositions awl all ega "mutines, exrauted with Dronitttnewr and II" C. gLiCIERELL, . ATTORNEY' AND _COUNSELOR zAT-1.)6111 No dirb7vlt St reet, m111;b73 kITTSI3IIRGH. ARCHMALD BLAKIM6EY, NikAMI nVWn B TRF!*, , -c.c ' -E.TTSBXI4I3R•TL .:ANDIONs••',! ' . • - CONVEYANCER,. REAL : ES TATE 440ANS4f RANCL - , 04.4.5iox,wrick*T BIRMINGHAM.,.' Collection of Rents eokeltedpiomntly st; tended to. , • : 6 , f terra:l6o JOIIN 11.1!DDELLy A ATTORNEr-AT-7-AM Olnise,llo DiamOnd fitreets - (oppinitothe Court Houue,) , • rrrrsnurieu, PA. ECM S. FERGUSON, ATTORNEY-SAT-TIAW► NO. pirtii eotreet, dawn, szoolOrsoFT, ~I~AICI~~~S~ ,r.~:::a rOireSEVUOS . 64. U nov- 4 41t LLSV /L L RAILROAD. • On and after Tirlr6DA Novpr.]*.?r, 17*.h. lisot % trains WIII/ILITItieV, said depr.l.rtfroz,•, , L tae INT*, corner of Grant and Water streets. as follows; ,tt • Departs dm :- Itfaitto and ftra Union - • . . own—. • TAM A. B fkoe P. c. MeKeesportAccomdrn 11:00 a.. m.4:05 P. Ex. to and . from Unt'n. 3:00 P. 10:50 A. x. West Newton Accom'd . 4:30 P. M. 1 4:35 A. ar. Braddock's Accomdt'n... 6:15 P. ar. 7:50 P.M. Night Ac. toNcK'sport.lo:3o P. 11. 8:45 A. sr. Sunday Church TraM to - • • and from W-est.liewtoil 1300 P. U. Fot tickets apply to - J. R. KING, Agent W. B. STOXlT.,l3operintandent.. no s l N Gl3 OF, IL) TIME. A.LLEGIIENT . ITALLEY RALLIIO4p, On and after MONDAY,;Novernher Oth;,113150, TWO TRAINS DAILY leAve Pittsburgh 'dtatlon, corner of Eleventh - and Pike, streets for Franklin, 011101ty, Buffalo, and'all points WOW 011 Resions. Immo! PirraininOti..,lAnitTe F. riMaciturt Mall ....:. 7:35 enrMail • 41 .014.0 pm .Eximeee.....,,VClAMPatT,lneee...,,, `m Bradrs ft Ae :00p m • uradys B - Keitifsrir 1 15tEloila,_Wotks ... . ist '3odaWorks ~, Accomd....lo:Bo am 4Accon. S2O ain !id Soda Works ~. 24 Soda Works __ • Accomod , n. 5:00 p m Accomodta:'2:4-UP-in , , Ohara Prsin leave ' ittaburgh at 1410 e. At. Arrive at Pittaburgb at 0:30 A. U. • , • . - .passengers taking • enpress. train bare but _ens change of,cars bifireen Pittsburgh, Buffalo ancoll Regions. . Mall and 'Express Trains stop only at_ principal points. Mixed Way and A. comniOdstllid trains stopatall statiolas, , ; -1.0. THOMAS M. KING, Assn. Supt. ".Nit. POSTER HOPIS; Votes Agent; ~... nog • . .7 • ITTSTIVRGII crweiwivrrt • ‘— DOU/B , 34WW.Vg.i t •,r .• . .• PAN HARDIR3tODTEi — CHAN 433 29112.-'4Maadisttelllll:3sl:tar. N0v.22,1, 1 1.808.-VaMt vall..lesve and arrive at tut Union Depot, as Palowil, - 3 ittaburgli times • ; %pa Mail 3: 3a. m. lskilig m. Fast Line 19_1_13 m. '1:33 yr:to. Fast Exprese ' 19:18 a.m. Mixed . Way • a..m. :OAR, r_ McDonald's Acen, 11' I: • Stegberoalle Aecommo4..,, - 11aDoaaldla dep'h. Ft 6 '"" 43"2:58 P. m. Exp: Li • isl:L3 P. Ma The, 10:lave, Tr' eelitialravitimaamri• art". - .._ to . Zanesville Mansfield Ye*reri ..g.1Z115...1k501141 " Pat - • • - . . •Wl t. . : - GH FC F v iV; I , ateItLEVELA. . : From Dec. 20th, IS. and arrive at the Union Istmkfitl a time, as follow te l igNeitti: ill at. ; li.4lklifti;V.4„,. )15:1018taist Avit. oPels - Malit. :IRre ere: s '... C/00431P1V. to Chleas.. - / l el.& wteit A tli Moreau: Chicagorir.l4 - ea. yr W'e & Erie E.a4:55 pa. , Dtpartltter...l4.lephastys. N. Brigt'n Ac.8:58 a N. - Leelsdale " 10: : 28 ant : 1.1..8 a Rochester" E 53 Om Leetsdale dm 3:58 pm' N. Ertel's' " .15 . :33p m N. Brigen " .8:28p , Leetsdale "10;513pm Leetsdale Stn. ~,'. day , ehnrch. 1:14p m • R: 43 P. rn. Chleq a3-11:88 a, %tar d , F. 11.'.11 , Vit..-- takv ..2;SP f e • I,_ . NIA:CENTRAL ItAIL i•••••• ;--.,..'-'......`•••••-, ROAD. Onand after Nov, 28th. 15E8, ~,Trains will . arrive at and depart from the Union Dern, come. ~, Washington +lliad --Liberty streets, as follows:. drwtre. , ' 1.- ":Dephrt.."oi. , Mail Train....1g9,6 m Day,txpresio.,2 MO sin . Vast Line.. .. 2 '4B S m Wai t e "No:M.l6:3oam Wall , s No. 1.. 8 20 a m Mail Train.,.,,.- B.lb am Brin ll toh Aec . ' 2 n . ..1:30 s a n • ri a ne'isn'ti E"t : l j ir :4t5 pyaimin M ncnn No E 1 .9:4 0 Am W tnst N W e i rt.32sn Johnstown-5400:3P stalßraddoctsNe4,4:2l4m Baltimore Ex. 1•480'm Ma. rifness 5:10 pin 1 pellai,Expresssl:ospm Wallis No,. a.. 5:28.pm Wall's N0.8...1:30 pm Wall ' s' N o. 1..8:155 - pm Braddeeks NelBlBom niFast Line 7:slhym I Wall's. No. 4. 1:556 pm Wall's No ; 5.. II:501as :Way PLESIIV.IO:2O;pm L••__ ...: :,_. . • , d r The Church Train, leaves Walls - Station every Sunday at .9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh:it /SW 0 a., in. Sett:ping, leaves Pittsburgh at 13ato a. ta. and arrh es at - Walls tration at 2:00 p. m. • • •_ •Ctncinnati Rxpredis! leaVes 'deity: All other . tea.. a daily except fintulay.._ • - . , For farther informationa aED * tos. - • - W..M.l3BCJatinmiLigt. The Pennsylvanisliallroad Company win not as . same any fist Ibrßatittsgeilexcelfor whirls's' sip • parnl L and limit their responsib tv, to „One Bun. dre• .'Dollars in Verne. • Mil ••B ' Mee „On e thr t amount -In value NOB he at,the,risir, of/the owner. ea less alien hV ansinitt co•arict:‘ - • '•• • • MDWARD4. - 11 IL . n 023 G en e ra l Saperintentidnt, - .lLitochw., . Ps • NV E _ S T .E.llt N yy' TENNSYINAWIA ILL.I.ROA.i..—tin int; afXer is ov. 3.34,1.1368.. the Pa. senger Trait:e'en.' the We sterrYPennsylvants En' road - will wriveLad,,,sell depart. .J.rom,,the 'redo , 1 Street Depot, .Allegheity Ci f - f.1% !Midas: -.) Arrive:4i • ... 51 h.:"~•' - '454 Springd'e No18:441 a m air • 4 . I m ..BreePart No.18:213 a PS trePttt . n 1 ;•01 . 0 . tt a in xi t El - tires, 10 :40 sto WgNo .' iIA Misrpla , g Ne.11:25 , p ~ fs,i...4.lill'eltriC Freeport No. 2,1;0 pm 110 'e is,JIJ:. pm Mail _ _. p m eeport.Wc.;•/ - 3:20 pm Sprla ioVerlio 2646 D te,wr4...,7 „ r0 Da Aboye trains ran daily nne 'Partial. The Chureli Train ilearep • Ilegneny .I);apion. eve* ounday et 1:40 a.. a., teaching ATlttlieny CIO at - 0:50 ad ut. •,Re”.tgity, lita i vilaNteni City at 1:20 p. m. and ar . y .at A.l.4•glienr. rcs , Lion at 3:45 p. na.l.• -. d ; . ...., ......^ Cosustvranos TICKETS ....s— or sale in t tnc - ...lges 'of Twe:otv, between ALYelpaeny Citch; `lpisaut .street. Herr's, Bennett, ;pine Cre et, 1. tn.,.'and Sharpsbnr. , • and goad onlyetra the litains ste•40111 at Ration• see :Bled on tititets. The trains learhis Allegllegy Cits Vat, .7:08 a. ni. make direct commotion st I. retßor , with a lt" al. ker a s Line Stages tbrßutliir Sail•M i wit .annad Through tickets, ma) be perch +zed at tr. o.3ce, N 0.3 et Clalr street. near tlie Staiten sic nEillge, , Pittabor • b. - arid • sit, the:Depot. 4hegkety. jj Pot itirther Infathation appy re • i .b•• '•:. ~.:',.:"..”4401 04 LEIF/Kr-S. •A•B:_et Pedersidatreet 1. , .ts ne.WBstera,eniksyra tk,...irosd w net a. enure any risk for BM ge;'elpt for g !wird. and Built , the „responsibility totthte Dundr.,d Dollars In 'value. - 7.11 baggage . ex.. reeding 0 is traohntin Vale wilibe at the risk of Azi e9i nwv. ) ungs4 , l 2 , l f fiz r .p ir me i d . .o2rut. q, 023 ,ppi?-14Fusulne9deills Iserwinfe. 011114 IL X HILL ~ ,-....hii "1,1 -7.P.4 ~ W1TTP4 . , . ,--rsq- , ...:,'- -,(, , 2 ,,, , -, t). _ . tiiiciNiiitOtetoPvir EiUdell! DiVidOlis"' i -/ f t ,1141 ) ft 1- ISH Ownctr AND Alos.r AZIL A BLII ROIITZ from the r.set so all whits ist • Oortidot, Nerst4fu. Californit4 -,=• Ertlall 'ft, 1 ' • - . Arlscogh Washingtaar NeWidexico, - Idaho, • a. • Two Trains eVe Mit e s Line aid Len.ye . , rfrigt_. deVAStmda s excepted.) on the errivai.9r n aix racifith. n'm et, and _ bat and Ss.' Joe road tam jauktioy , „eg n 4f t y, Lawrenotts - Topeka of et* tof alrpointa In* Sanas. STATER wood i a., ot .tileffprth nb ar sAy,utim-Gy BICI'MMT- (-02 d. fiLTICID - OP OVVIILMW at 4 4, GVAI:4 2 q4 ?OR - :17.7 , 7.7. • '; • ~I)E.LIVVEraI EitAXIX. idA)--1 2 ; 1 ° 1 aliDr • • - . *II -Pointe In the ' : Terrtterierg sera lath SANDBiIISON'S TRI-)VggW.J..r LINZ or ccijunTE.l for Port Union., fient.e ktort: Allusuerqse. Iltti.rits FIN so ,al.l points in Axle. son. and new nlexteo: - . - Wlth,the Akt/dltlons ig stoelt and and She -ntenirgenients , won r ovarian:no Oreth‘nn Tronsrustattor4 Lines froze its western terns, tots' rcerl now otters oneettolied- facilities for , theArnostateslon of frpseot to the Far crew • Tteket.s.nalsassa st..:4lak t•hti•PlPlcir4kl 4 ll - the. United States-and Cantolts 4 " "' e lie sore and ask for tleset.,sts. 'VHF/ tqL;: -- ..-,e HILT. EQUT..4 UNION .. P EA3TER/% 7 D/t/lON •A.AfilDEitlSi#3l, • ‘elmerit Elapcfpnendent' WitlisTelh dellt;111.11414ht awl ties Age MI = El r ,dna 4:6* yza zb a sil e . , llo:33 .readala 9:13 gin < 141. S a:43 pan Metaddiall" ,4l . s ara . t 111 las t ut aleft ,Leetadinn't. • .1. day (Atwell. 9:69 am Elpreallama daily. Express arrives daily. Tieket scent.