NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, CHARCOAL. PINE CIIAIICOAS, For sale by the Hundred Bushels. Enquti - e at EOM N EW MEBSINA OR.A.NGES: Jag received a supply of newYessinattratmes and Lerrnms, In prime order. for sale by the , dolen. at the Family Grocery bore of JR.°. RESW. fs4 Corner Ltbertv an d Hand streets. 3.IARSHALLIS. ELIXIR. .I!SE9ITALL'S ELIXIR. WILL CCItEII/CADACLIE. ARSItil LLB EL. XIII WILL tURXDVSPEPSIA. 3IARsILALL's ELIXIR . WILL , CrlliE COSTIvx -2t BEN. Pr.ce of Marshall's EllVr, $l.OO per bottle. For rale by all Drugetsta. Depot, 1301 Mar ket street. M. MAIP...ALL Co , Ddugglstel Proprietors. - • feItaSS.T:7II:S , *E TERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. tis Pittsburgh. the ad day- 0: Trebruarn- A. D. X 869. :The. undersigned .neemy , gives n otice of Lisappointment as Assigneei of WILLIAM H. GAltHAltit of Vittsbirgh, lathe County of Al degiteny,'State of Penrisylvantt. Within said Dis trict,: who has been adjudget a Bankrupt, upon 33is own ,petition, by. the Markt Court of said :District. - 'JOHN% BADEY. Assignee. le4;e2-vr. Attorney at Lewit) Grant street.. N THE .DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED BTATEB, or the Western Dis tr 4H-Pennsiivania. JON Buts ADE; Bankrug tinder the A -congr H ess of hfarch: 4d. 1861, having applie ct d for r a discharge from all his debt:, and other claims provable under - said Act, b] order of the Court. notice is heretic. given to al creditors who have ;Vroved,thelnilebta, and otpe:_p_ersons Interested, siftlear on the Ist day othfarch..lB69, at 40'cloct .A.' , l4sOttefore JODI. N. PCEVI ANO e:. co.,E Registerin Bankrupcv, at his otlice, No. 116 Federal street. it Ilegteny CftY, Pa., to •Mhow cause. if' any 'they hive, wba discharge .should not be granted to tie said Bankrupt. S. C. AcCANDLESS. Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District. fel:c7•Ytt • - xi THE DISTRICT COURT'or THE UNITED STATES. for the Western Atrictaf Pennsylvania. - • O. W. PIIRTEEFIELD. a "Bankrupt under the, Act of Congress, of Mara 2d, DM, having ap plied fora discharge fromill his debts, and other -claims provable under sad Act. by•order of the -Court notice Is herebft to all creditors o have proved thelr d ebtssmnd other persciti try 1889ed, -to appear on leth day of trebruary, tit SI o'clock P. a:, mfore JOHN N.•PUit- VIANCE, Esq.. .Registe: In Bankruptcy. at his °trice, No. 118 Federal sreet. Allegheny CUT. ,Penna., to show cause, d any they havei_whY a discharge should not le granted to the-said' bankrupt. Cerk of U. .E. tiaff i S kiihrict fe4 e6-TH AT JOSEPH HOINE do CO'S EVERY DWARTMENT Will be Found Veil Stocked with NEW AND DEMIABLE GOODS, WHICH AE3 OFFERED AT "The Very Lowest Prices, WHO LIE earl RETLIL 'Woolen Goods. Underwear, &e., CLOSING OUT VERY CHEAP. "77 aiad 76 Market Street. feS wuxuatt FECKE, Zeluecessor to IVILLIAdd STEVENSON JANUARY 18th. 1869. Norrcr.—Havin g this day disposed of my earge and tine asmrtment of Jewelry, he., to WILLIAM FECEE, and given- lease of my store and dwelling. No. -320 Liberty street, to him, I cheerfully recom mend him my :ormrr patrons. All persons laCebted to me will please pay the same to my nephew, JOHN S. citawFoup. at 991 Liberty street, In tte office of John B. Her. von & Co. fel:d9l WILLIAM STEVENSON LANDS TO EXCHANGE. MADLY ONE ITIOUSAD ACRES OF LAND In Chase county, Kansas, will be exchanged fo an Improved farm In Beaver. Washington, .Alle ,gbepy, Lawrence, or Weitmoreland county, Pa. cr near a railroad. These lands Ile in a body, Are near -the flourishing town of Emporia, .and are represented to be well watered, suitable for ether sinek oi grain raising, and near the Atchi son h Sautalree liailroad. Address, "EXCLIANGE," Box 641 Pittsburgh, Pa, liiM:d37-P REMOVAL. 'the Oakes and Warehouses of PARR,' BROTHER & Co. HAVE BEEN REMOVED- TO THEIR WORKS; ter.lidrlieth and Railroad Streets. ' MCCUEDY't Co.. Ito 1512Seccrnd Avenue, will receive prompt at tention.;, ' • • nLAND ESTF4t lir AGENCY. . '. .. • , P : ,000 „Len* Land offork Sale, '' In. lowa - aid 3flastemota; price from $3.00 to 1112 1 .00' per'ieee. Land bought and sold on corn. mission. Totes gold; Titles examined; abstracts: Atinlshedi Bur eying and Plotting done. , :; infontatlon foreitshed in - ' reiVi ~. ehee id locality; :ejnidlij and vainatibn of kende. Ch)rtseal collect. in* Witness done. :ftddiess .' ' • i . C. C. WAY,. =1 IMLINeiON, lOWA. H ST / 81 4 SKATES, 'SKATE& Anierlean Rink, New York Club, ErllPlre) StiArr, am. Alt otheirty,les rad :61,res r the' verr low est Totes at t' • DRUM, , ' (tett ' TILTIBRAL ST.. ALLFAIIIeII COHN A ND evil 4 RHOAD,Ds._. - 11 9.3 Sacks Conit feet Inch Cedar Boards, ett 'Learner ...rawly Brandies:" toar rive, for tale by IdA.m.a DicKEY a CO. CIORN-44/4177----71ag arrivtlift % . 2;fron! steamer R. 0. :Mr s i fil for seta by DICKEY , . 00. 2 0 0 _ oltspu. SOF PEACE' ___NGll7. & erEvinusinr, BAR ssE s.ELS OF SORGHUM auna •. Diumpaza & EITEVENEON. No. GSF:TrrEI AVENit"E. . . lAlei.11E.11I11( COUNTY, M r 1. • In the Orphan's Court of Allegheny county, in the matter of the partition of the Real Estate of Daniel Morgan, -dec'd. ' ' ' - TTo James Morgan, Emily S. Morgan, Fanny hompson h G o og v a e n sC r o o t k h ,eJior hgu L a • r t d : i ooh Ar a - n lk :L-:Morgan, Rash Morgan, Lewis .N.,'S omen, Jeffersolr Morgan. Charlet Morgan, Ja esgior. gen. Brace Ann Morgan, Penton E. I t ermer. tt Id ried with Jo , eoounijoy, the sited trarles. i i • James and Grace Ann being min, , rs, who have for their guardian .16bn H. Large; David Vertu son, Ealiii" Weaver, wife of Henry Weaver, Sarah J. Ewing wife of. John M. Ewing. Macy Kiefer, wife of SmithKiefer. James A. Fergu son. John M. Ferguson, pewee W. Morgan, Mary R., wife of Elfish R. Martin, Fanny F , wife of Joon Paulin, John Morgan, Maud M. Morgan. Blanche t B. Morgan, Robert W. Morgan, Saran E. Morgan, said John, Maude and Blanche are minors, and have for their guardian In the State of OhloE.lllaii B. Martin; Robert and !tenth . are minors and have for their.guaralan in the State of Ohio John Paulin, ana A. Mcßride guar dlan ad iltum for John Morgan, Maud M. Mor rill:l.-Blanche B. ,Morgan,. Robert W. Morgan, Earah E. Morgan, minor. children of Wm 3ior -gan, deceased, heirs' and representatives of Daniel Morgan, deceased. tz • And now, to.wit, .Ignuari 3Uth, MB. the Court grant a rule on the above named parties. being tht. heirs and legal representatives of Daniel Morgan. deceased, late of Allegheny. county, State of Pennsylvania, to be and appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at the ..Lurt House. , in the City of Pittsburgh, on SATHR LAX, :the 13th day of March, A. D. ' 1669. at- - teb. ,o'eloela' A. , 1t , :and- .then ard there accept ' or retnse the ' Real Estate at the valuation thereof, and _in case all the h ate th nd - sam res h n n t and t h n r ge o s huw rmfuuse , to any they have, why the 'slid premises ahou.d not be sold aocord;ng to the acts of Assemoly in such case made and provided. ._ SAMUEL B . CLILILEY, Sheriff: Ilintorrs o F e b'"Orcit.• ' f Plrrenenan, 3. 1869.1 ref:PIO-TR SPECIII4. INNOENCEIIIH‘t THOSEEET THE GENRE DESIRE OF who have been deferred froth purchasing math after the Ant of the year, we hare concluded to continue our GREAT 11,EBUCTION SALE FOE A FEW WEEKS LONGER: This Is posi tively the last opportunity to secure bargains la CAJECIP'r Oil 'Cloths, Iliattings, &c. Good Carpets for 25 cents a 'Yard. OLIVER ' M'CLINTOCK AND COMPANY No. %%Filth Street. SKATES, . SKATES SKATES. I have received my stock of Skates for the sea son of '6B and '69, comprising everyatyle known to the trade, at prices ranging FROM 50 CENTS PER PAIR UP T 01.95. My stock embraces a fun line of . Ladles . ' and Gentlemen's Skates. New York Club. American Rink, Biondin 'Ancle Sup porter, our 'Ladles' and Gents' Clipper, Phila delphia and Boston, Club,- Empire and Vulcan, together with a large assortment of medltam priced Skates for Boys, which I offer at exceed: ingly low prices. I invite all in want of Skate', to call and be convinced that 138 y 1001) STREET, is the place to buy Skates. For sale wholesale and retail by • JAMES, BOWN, NO. 138 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. nmXtrr FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. ;THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE Portable Flour and Feed Mins, numbera and beat quality. For sale at 319 and 321 LibprtySt., Pittsburgh ROCLAMATION. ' • • bl ACME% OFIFICP, PITTSBURGH, January 2i, neg. In accordance wl'h a resolution passed by the Select and common Councils of Do city of Pitts ' burgh,on the 22d day of JIM& y,lF69,lhereby issue this my Proonsmatiou for the election of One Member of Select Council, for the Sixteenth Ss ard •of the City of Pittsburgh to CU the va cancy caused by the death of .A. , Hoeyeler, Ese.. member elect from sald ward. The ell eters of the Sixteenth ward of the 'Citv of Pittsburgh, qualified tte ) ti; t t e o for t .Commonwealth, r 3 •On r s t y b e.l I House ° W s e l will, therefore, meet at the WIssIVAM, Corner o'l Main and •Peari streets, in sa'd ward...tin TUESDAY. the 9th day of Pebruary 1869. and elect One Member of 'belect Council to 1111 the vacancy aforesaid.- • • (Byrn undezmy hand and the peal of said City of Pittaburgh, Mils 27th day c r January, JAMES .111AtOardonz.. MaYer• [To S• ROCK THE BABY -- EARNEST'S PATERT CRIB: .tvithtti4ed . WEISE - racticalitnilturelianuractareisid f o' a itsiritittxrrickvErruE. . . . • . inetii may be founds !nil assortntehtntrar., lar. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. ;;,e . eta,; G De CAMPi ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ,0 • 01ied; No. 137 FOURTH A.VENUIe; 'Pitts burgh, Iron:derly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowsle t ) trlll practice la the 11. B. Circuit and: Distrikt Courts, In,tbq State Supreme and all the' Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions In most of the adjacent counties. Jahlid73 SPVlh.i sue Du. OBOIOE crx,ovics SEED. 2150 bastielgi ctio . lae Titnotby /a store, and for Bale by . - 1111ra1it011 )iIIALIZPES; ala 3%9 Liberty street. rutsburo._ rnitinr pVil• PRESS still continues to all all cltyand coon orders for • • - • FRESH WHITE' LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. 46 DIA ilo ll MARKET. Pitt.- I:ll,iirsb‘ olar.uleilebeo4l,4,..v:rlivlknown TWIN %TIT PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PTUE ORPHAN'S COURT OF Alleglio'ny county, Pennsylvania, in the matter of tie estate of Joseph Jessup, No. ii., December Teo - 03, 11168. Writ of Partition valuation. • To Margaret Powers, Catharine Jessup, Wm. tlesanp. Margaret :emit,. Elias Junes. Catharine ioneP, interusarrietl, 'vita George Bickenbane, Eva once, intermarried with Herman Brewer. Wm. Jones, Mary Jones, Margaret Jones, Emma Jones. Elias Jones, Andrew Elliot, Josepu El liot, James Margaret. Ann El lot. Inter married w 7 _ Baker. rf Cleveland, Andrew Elliot. El te eth Elliot. Margaret M. Cranston who has fu her Guardian Charles Cummings, Jane Cranst,n and Alexander Cranston, who have for their Guardian Jas. Kennedy,ancl Sam. net Jesup, wt 0 hos for his Guaralan the peti tioner. Margaret Power.; beheldre hereby notified-that an inquisiticra will In pursuance of the above mentianed writ of pamoition or yaluattor.` on the premises In Indiana tciwnshim' Allegheny county, Penn sylvania, on THUFISDA. r, Feb , nary 2.3, 1869. at.lo o'clock A. 11, to make partition to and among the tt•irs of said decedent in such manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this Commonwealth I am .directed. &c., at which time and place you may attend if you think propel. • SAMUEL'S, (MELEE, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, February 2, 1869. French Burr Smut Machines, BOLTING OLOTUS, W. W. WALLACE. AT 10 CENTS, FAST COLORED DARK CALICOES, AT 12 1-2 CENTS, BEST, DARK CALICOES, lchoice Styles. fe4:e92'r AT , 2 1-2 CENTS. EXTRA GOOD . YARD` WIDE BLEACHED NIUSLIN AT 12 CENTS HEAVY TAIL]) WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. Pillow Case Muslims, Sheeting Mullins, Tickings; &c., &c., At the Lowest Prices,- WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY fe2 CO - PARTNERSHIP -1 T . HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA- A. El) with ma in co•partnershtn, WI4LIAM BRUFF, JOHN N. THORP, • and JEROME 8. BONNET. The business Will be conducted at the .1d stand under the mune and style of 1... LEA& CO. PITTSLU,RGII, Janu WILLI 4M MILLER ary 1, 1869 WILLIAM MILLER $l. CO. Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Stree. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, !strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and MolaSses. Port York, Calm and Etignib Island Sugar New Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. • Golden Drips, Lovering:l, IyruuJls, Stuart'a, Adams' and Long Island t-yrupb Porto Rico, Cana and English 3loltmees, Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Teas. Carolina and Batigoln Rice. Java, Lagnayra and In Cofees. Toe ;Lard Oil. Fibh, Nano, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, Ac., constantly on hand. IMPORTERS OF Fine Brandies,Wines and Segal's. 'Rhenish, Moselle, sod Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinkel & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Mosellr, Senarabe.rg and Johannis burg, 11°cl:helmet. Burgundy, An. Brandenburg & Frr.rea , Fine Olive Oil. do . do Clarets, Imbort bottlea. do do White Wines. i nbottles. M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Idaueira and Port wines. Pree Old Mouongsuela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch do do. Sole Agents for Moe .thaudon's Grand- Vitt. Verzeuay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of oar own selection and warranted. J 2.(143 51 51 51 Fifth Avenue, CARPETS, CARP.ETS, CARPETS. M'CALLIIM BROTHERS, 111'CALLITX ,BEOTHERS, 111'CALLII111 BROTHERS,, 51 Fifth Avenue ? , 14:t`'ABOVE wciot, STREET. InllYETCPIIICIoN• I =NM IBM 'RPETIEF , P =MEE OIL CLOTHS, ," 4,04 gib°. Wooßei Our stock at reduced prices for a 8119‘. ,T TIME • be fore cormuenting batlike stock. Now is the time to buy. BOVARD,R 21 FIFTH Se4:damP EMI II'FARLAND&COI4LINS, nutia TWO WEEKS LONGER Greater Bargains than Ever will be offered to close out Special Lines of Goods, at 71 AND 73. FIFTH AVENUE ISECOND FLOOR. S HMIDT &FR 7 „ -11 BANDIES G PUBE RYE WiILS *in Igimivi n the let -if rj, - NE ...!fl; NOS. 884 4411:11 888 P Cor. Eleventh St., , (formerly J. Y. BRIM J. It AZWIST & BRAVA '''.# ~ ewirnricTpua, AND ORNAMENTAL.: CAR I - . No 6: floodusitieki—kileghont A liiiiti'ull 6zent of NEWEL Po' ELIA. . STEM consUmiky on hand. TIT' of all ArscrlpSionkdoep r , OOD_NEWS, - • ORRAP EBEAD Di. DEAR T14E3,, 'NV:Antonio 13 . Tie laritestibhd best. The lnitftL "pl. on eves,' leer. Take none _ enteree SE &CO., VENUE. nEMENT • ki no?le Clement i TriELSIVY: immiuini 4, Bia AT 12 , 1-21 CENTS, DARK DELAINES, Good. Styles, On the Best Quality of Cloth THE BEST .B9VIGAINS OF rit i li /, e-Sleabsc•rt. OM ALL KINDS AND GRADES CM' Desirable Dress Goods, DM WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. 180 4ND 152 FEDERAL' STREET ALLEGIZEATY JANUARY, 1869. ill CARPETS. Will Continue their IMPORT - FRS OF imaiza '409 MOW ST =EI MEE 60 barrels Hy J - tr. •nn for sale HD J. B. CANFIELD IE3 air • 4rootrozs;—.. rci Let," • 'For Zie• .q,041;„:'. A, in 51 4 16 „ ,, ' 1 ./Foundo • ` Boarding. "• be., not ex Mating FO OR LINES e7ch well he in. screed in omm:whir/me once for. TWENT r -FIVE 47R7T8 . ; each adeStional tine F! PE CENTS. WANTED-SITUATION NITANT,EII. SITUATION.' W ro "BUSINEFit , I4AN,witft irood qua4ficatlons, mho can adapt himself' tO circumstances. desires a situation. dress G.. GAZEITIS OfflC, WANTED. COOK. -A d GIRL trill g and &pleasant borne In a oo small family. by applying early at No. U BEAVER STREET, Allegheny. Cl,y. Must be a good cook, Washer and ironer. Reterences required. PLOY ENT OPP/CE. S r 3 dt. Clalr ntreet. Bunt KILL& aad MEN,. tor dtflerent kinds of employhtent. — Persons - trantln • help of all kinds. aan be supplied on short n ce. WANTED---BOARDERS, - - , qr ANTED. -'BOARDERS:- V v Pleasant — room, with board, suitable for geatirman and wife. or two young gentleniOn. at ISSITOURTH• STREET. Also ; a :est dity or din-. ner boarders can be .ccommodated. Reference required. WANTED—To employ a few gotid MEN to distribute .or. Ashbourrh's Great I - thrums:de Remedy, Tie Irdrider of um 'World." on the paeksge system, nht to; be paid forrnntil folly tested. - Address J. C. TILTON. -/055 Casirstreet,,Plttaburgb„Pa. Ago ANTED — HOUSE.—A . dwel hue of four or live roomi. by a ram. Ily with ab oliildreo: Address, 1.).• D.. GaZ.LTTS OFFICE: , WANTED. -SUITE OF ROOMS and BOAR In private family for Gentle man and Lady In central part of the city; roorzus f4ontlng on lake street. Address Box A, IiAZETTB. NVANTED—Bonds and Mort...- gages to the amount of e 50.000 on city or county unencuinto•red property. having front one to Ilia years to run, In amounts ranging from $5OO $ to 5.000. Al.o. business accommodation pr to tg amount of $40,000, In sums fro ap m e $6OO to e $3,000. and from 60 days to 4 months to p.m. 180 acres of good Western lands t„, exchange for furniture. Apply to B. AfeLATN & JaZ Cor: Ch avenue and Smithfield 'street. VOtt SALE.—A LEA'E of two THRER STORY BRICK HOUnEa In a bias tness 10-atlon. It bas four years to run; sent tow. :Address. W. X . Ckazerzis Urnca. 11 OR SAIX.--OVER $700. _ 000 worth of Eva! Estate. comprising Farms: Ills. Stores Houses, Lots. C ,, al Work& halt Works, &c.. &e. The . •PITTdBu BOIT REAL ES , AIX REGISTER" contains full particulars of all of the above. Trout to any address. CROFT & PHILLIP 9; Pu b , lshers and Real E. sate Agents, No. 139 fourth avenue. _....., FOR SXLE.—Hause and Lot on Fayet c o ntainin g th Ward, Allegheny. House new. Fire Rooms. Cellar and Hall, well furnished. Lot —feet front 143*—feet In depth. . • Two Loti on Chartlers straet, each 210 feet front by 140 feet In depth, corner of Bayard Alley. One Lot on Nixon street 20 feet 132. (Also, depth, Sixth Ward, Allegheny. for lea•e 134 acre• of ground with a good House of Three Riw.mawlth necessatr out build ings. at Woods Hun, for a tram of from one to ten years. House and. Lot No. 220 Laeock street. Alle gheny clty. Apply to ALEX a NDER PATTERSON. .Corner Juniata and Preble street, S.xth ward, Alleettf•nr. ja= Mil 11 -1 0 R.. SALE .—A DESIRABLE FAHST. c.oitsining 150 acres, lo , ated on the I A. V. It. It., 23 miles from the city and within live minutes walk of a Statin; 1'45 acres clear ed. balance in good timber; 90 acres of gra s, 30 acres underlata with a 3 foot vein of c , at; first class and the Improvements No. 1, con sisting Os a uew Dou .le Two Story Frame House ot 7 i.ooms, • .foot halls and good cebar, built and finished in splendid style; large new Bank - Barn,' 40 by 72, planed an dpainted., Also. ad necessary outhubdlugs conveniently arranged, Including. a Tenement. Hon .e of 4 room 3; whole Arm well watered and can ,a I be worked by ma chinery: six 'acres of orchatd, select variety of fruits; also small fruits. This farm la without doubt the beet In the neighborhood, and needs only to be seen to be.. appreciated. From the - bpuse bad a delightful • lew.of the towns of Freeport and Natrona.'ap' and down the Atte gheny rivers anti surrounding country. Eorpar ticulars apply to (more PHILLIPti, Heal E4tnr.. Agent.. No. 130 Fourth Avenue. FOR BALE. -"M A YFIELD " COTTAGE and GROUNDS, about 8 acres. beautifully planted and distributed In Vineyard, fruit and ornamental evergreen and deciduous trees and t hrubbery, a cOmplete 1%.y sCirtine, t of the fruits of tee climate; commodlousc, s rriage noose, staMe and truant house um er one roof; cottage rainst rooms. pantraes, he., summer kitche., s.ater cistern at spring of purest water at door. Situate one rale norm of Allegheny. on PerrvE , Vlll.• road, and a quarter of a mile from Valley Passenger Car :station. For terms and particulars enquire at north end of Hand street kirldv. FOR SAL LE-BUSINESS.-THE DrysSK AND GOOD %ILL Of wholesale au, retail Goods and - Notion House, now doing a good business. located on Federal street, Alleglie• ny city. Also the btuteroom with datures and eel lar"TO-LET." This Is an opening seldom offered, as the stand Is seeend to none on the aLreet. For particulars apply to CROFT & PHILLIFS, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, No. 139,Fourth ar euue. F OR SALE.—A- THREE STORY BrucK DWELLIIO4 ROUSE% containing 10 rooms. situated No. 46 StuCKTON ttliet !wily eity. Tbj ht is 3U by X.lO feet, and has a coos urtek stable at rear end frog log on Water street. Irnr further informa tion Inquire of H. CHILLS. .No. 133 Wood re stet. glttsburgb. - VOR SALE.-REFINERY.-A Flr4 Class Refinery, in complete inn inleg order, nearly new. .rras been in operation but a few mouths. situated on the A. V. IL R.. beyond the preeent city limits. Capacity hundred bbls per ,Week. Can be doubiet>with no clam expense exceptine an aadltlOnal null.. Apply aC2dd and 24 MAMIE V STREET,:Plus burgh, Pa... FOR SALE -- , DESIRABLE WES TERN AVENUE RESIDENCE. located on Western avenue. Allegheny city. between Blown street and Irwin avenue. Residence—briek oflt room= hall and good cellar, gas throughout and .d hutratclass style. L0t.48 by 120 to a 20 loot alley. will be sold on easy terms,. Apply , to CRO OFT .{ PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agantn. No. 189 Fourth avenu.. Isla FOll SALE—FAIII9I.-20(kacres of c o u ntyd, situated in Penn Tp., West moreland two Mlles from Irwin Statleo, on the Penns. It. R. Improvements, hewed k og honer In good repair, bank barn and older oat. buildings, Terms moderate., .Erninlre of. W. WILaoN. Larlsnersa titatioa,l , or IL. A. ROPE.. Penn Station., , DAY, 'O story brisk :warehouse, ; 4by 84 feet, situ ated on OHIO iSTRE ET, , Aileg O heny elm Ho.-05., flow;OCCUPlin a Flow' and rshi lArebouse•• Also, thatAwo stosy brick direllielohouse, AO by 014 feet, adJonitue. tbe Above.. eentainies six • , „For larth erbustleuktra,,,enqubse on the premises of STEEL A dOlfi , ,N, ed., - I JINESS fOAND. —A: well kicrwitintVpierimereintithelesale Dula. nese stand. with stock andnxtaree, leofferealet . 2 141.0tetorr Jeanne are given for the au'. "Aioptist ',WOOD 81BEET. Ti OaSALE • -- WAREHOIIBII6.-- na atTOltrallEa BUILDING, Ohio street Allegh.-ny.„ now (=w el l se * View and Uralia-Warehorise. !for terms. 'de apply to M. STEELE £ S ...N. on the pr em ..ixes.- FEE ES VOH SALE,--A Nor* House . Of •Bevan Haenis end Finn. corner of Pride and /roitres streets. Water , asd Gas in the house; also Hengelo kitchen. Canal.) VOR SALE-4_,11111. street. —quire sit J ,l4 .:' , Wigicitu. 83 Bmlthneld =2l KEYSTONE POTTERY. ' s. luEs & C 0, ,. " IdiBnfiiit6era of . 411 DEENSW/ARE. BRIsTOL 'WARE 0211. *Mee and Wa , :ehouse. 383 LIBERTY:OIMM: sis:nromfdiYittended to. .G R RCN OIL CLOTH FOR WIN. DOW SHADES—We are now manufactu ring this article. of a quality superior In finish, and al 141ces lower theft can be bad of any East. e. r kitla'aufacturers. Dealers will ifnd It to their linen's*, to examine our goods before purcbasing elsewhere. ' R. PHILLIPS, in and 2R Slirtlißt..•formerly than. ERS , TS and RD 1.2 4 4 G, oeglval . rani. SON. REEN barre ls APPILM or ILI note and for sale by 0017 J. B. VANFLEI,I) & BON. WANTED---HELP: A NTED -AGENTS WANTS. FOR SALE 1311 ii'efi, V.~R 1 E • T.--WAEMOEE. Th large three atnr brick. No.• Third A yenue, nt•ar the n ß an k nt eatsburan. PUTRBERT & SONS. feg 83 Sudtlifield strut. O-LE RANT ROOM, OD. T second Moo; sve)l furnished, with gas and tiT hted, RFET. Corm. For et m ras, anp'F-..att 33 NINTH !rtr . • T -- monommii O - LET.—LIDIE KILN AND QUARRIES for lease; Kilns In rood order and. Limestone. comptete.. Transportation can he furnished.. 'Emtrnee• at .No: 4.13 LIBERTY STREET. up stairs. _ . 0-LET. OFICE, cond story, 58 thatithfiekt Street. Enquire at Prot; Store, corner Non rth avenue and nunth deld etteet. atTO-LET.— ROOMS, Two line ROOMS In GA.ZNTSTE BUILDING. Apply oupting Rooms, 84- lad lie Ylfttravenue. LET.---Six fittScos. en the A. Corner of Penn and Eighth streets; 3 on &rat and 3on the becond llbor % (one very :urge.), Alto, a well lighted awl dry .sasensene store Room. To let—A dwelling next. the eurner, No. 29. on Elehth - street, with reoms. Also one with 11 rooms, Not 25, on Mgt th street. Also, a Warehouse, No. 185 Smltltt etreet. APPIT at 277 Penn,street. ill - to - um - 4mm STOGIE ROOM.- Fouß • BASEISI.ENTLI; - weir lighted and.„ wetted. UPPICES In the s^cond story - lIVEEPENG Rooms faille iSfrd story, and ONE La ROE HAIL, with :A , 13 ante-moms, iu the fourth story of A. H. En /013 h & CO's new ulicfing. Yonne avenue.: Apulpt.crA. H. ENG- Listi .& CO., No. 29 Pifth.avenue. SECIleriD AND , T 9THIRiI STORIES of a BusNneis House arc e..eral street. A' legbeny ally. _Raab roorn 20' by SO. Splendid location fora Plll_ri °GRAPH.' ER, SAMPLE ROOM or light Elianfacturing. Spselous flora entrance and In thediest business portion of the street . For particulArs apply to CROFT & PIIILLIPS Heal EstatisTAgents and Brokers, Mi. 1397 rtlLA.venue.' r i I O r LET—HOUSE—s4 First Class 3 story brick house with r! ems; a good range of modern kind In ,kitcben, bot and cold Water Op stairs andadcran, a good wash. house and bath room, a good coat house on alley back: also a good dry cellsr under the whole house. Every thing in coorpie te repair. For flirther particulars Inquire of SAM .Y. & HALL, Bet/ Estate . Agents, No. 91 Beaver street . TO LET. -.Two Handsomely _a. tarnished rooms. with -gas and fire,. one on first door. and one front up stairs. Inquire at 199 Third avenue NOTICES NOTICE. Ail persons indebted eo the City of Allegheny for GRADING AND PAVING. are hereby flop.- tled to Call and pay their assessments to the nu dersigned. on orbefore the 14th day of February , After. the. above date all claims remaining un paid will be pla.ed In the hands of the City So licitor for collection , w4ll costs added. II °Mee in the second at of City Hall . Hours for - business from 9 to 9 A. 3f. and 1 to A P. X. THOMA.SMEGRAW, Street Commissioner. I A IsLECRIENY, Feb. - 3. 1888.: fe3:b74 ag"'1111E GOLD COUPONS Of the Union Pacific-Railway, EASTERN DIVISIONdue February Ist, MS, will be paid on presentation on and after that ddte at the NATIO VAL BANK OF comawf, NEW YORK. icer , :d7s-r:Tu:s • OFFICE PENNSYL VAT NIA RAILROAD COMPASS. PHILADELPHIA., Jannary 27, 1869. NOTICE TO STOCHEIOLDERI. The Annual Meeting_ of the Stockholders of thl3-Compano will be held on. TUESDAY, the 16th day of Febrmar3, 18691 at 10 o`c;ock at CONCERT BALL, No. 1,219 Chestnnt street, Phlladelphlit. 1 Ybe Annual Election for Divectors x!11 be hel on MONDAY, ttie list day of March, 1869, a the office of the Company, No. 138 South TM: street. _ 562:4.18,1 .._ Elilf [IND. SMITII,IS ecretorY. OPPICE .1141.7c01.76AILELABRIDIE l'Oil4PAtir. } .. PPITS£IURGII• Jantravl 30, 1869 . 1 GrAN ELECTION i Oft THIR— tr- TEEN MANAGE of the Company fbr erecting n bridge over e Monongahela riv.r, o....posite PittsLurgh, lu the uounty of Al:eghenT„ wit/ be bela at the Toll no on .MONDAI, the Ist day of March next, no St O'clock P. 01. JAS. If. WRIGHT, Treasurer. Gr .1/IV11)ENII. OFFICE OF TIM 17NIO'N REFINING STOIIINC , COSIPANY. PITT6BUIEGII, Febcoary 1, 1869. The Board or idre..iora have this day declared a Dividend of 23 PER CENT. on the Capital Btook, payable forthwith at theiroflice. corner of Sixth avenue anti Wood at eet. IREPA.TRICK, President. WSI. PI LANG. Secretary. Tits 12Lc.a.F FPrrJaPni TTr2OFh iY IBO . ° P } 9atst•Wh, NOTICE IS u HaEREBY9GIY •EN to the STOCETIOLDERS the KNAP Far PITT FOUNDRY GOAIPANY, To men at Its Office on Twelfths st reet,..on T GES DAY February 9th. 11989, between the hours of 1 and 3. r. At.; for the purpose of electing Wiesen (7.) Directors and Secretary and Trea.ur to,serve for the ensuing year, and for the 'transaction of such other business as may be brougnt before them. Transfer booksare closed until after February 10th, 1869. _jsathd77 ww2mn OFFICE OF THE ALLEGHI ilZr''STPOitCts IRO LDER S 2 ANN UAL MEKT/N6l,‘The regular annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Ci.inpany .beheld at th., ottlee of the ornpany, No. 26 Pike street, on TUESDAY,. 23.1 day of February, U 161), for the. purpose .of electing a Board of Managers for the coining year and the transac tion of such other business as may beresented. p ja27:Miti. JOHN BALLANTINE, Secretary. OFFlCS.P.acirte & ATLANTIC Ti—ri-i:------,-41,,,pu Co. -' OT TIM UNITED STA.7It. • Pirrsnurteut. January 25.. 18 08. FIFTEENTH DIVIPEND.-- The Directors of. Unitedc and Atlantic- Telegraph COMMIX' y,of the ntates having this day declares the regniarcknarterly dividend at the rate of TEN PEN. u.-.iv-1 . per annum for the ending December 31, 1868,1 will pay the saute at the office ortbe Treasurer. pe call. je.7:d6l ED. - JAY ALLEN, Treasurer. • - W'PEEIRY STREET.—The derslfined. sppolnted Niew.itis to assess darcises and benefits PR' OPENING PERRY bTREKT, \Prom Its eastern terminus to meet the i'roy Rl.l *toad, vlI meet on the premises on. ,3 1CiviDAT, 15sh' day or February,at o'clock Wail., to attend to the duties col - tUelr abpoliat want. J. '.r." 'HERMAN, TROMAS t3tslTR, t Viewers. L. WALTER, :gar wEnsTIEJEt STREET.--We, the andesstm +I. appointed viewers to As sess demagog testa benefits In the -nutter of widen-. inir-WEBSTYR STREET; - Beciand ward, Atte gheny." nel o Benton , alley to N °tit% Common, will .ineet.o.A.theurewiseaolisumthiy, the 13th day; - of Petticoat". at 7.o'clock P.ll. ;:to attend to the cloth:so; onieappohanient. . -- S. BLII.VORD, J. J. IllatittAli. • ,1.11,0 NA UD WALTER. I=7l larE‘f7 ---- H ,ii ipittXET — Bli - l - i - MIE; L , • .' C OOIPANY.---Nottan Is. here*alyea Pa the subscribers for the stock °fah. "Beim dtreet Itrldee,'l.that to notppltaane elth an Act of AsT seamy Incorporattner said. Oonapanla an instal- . talent of, Initat DOLL/aid on each share of stock is reqtared to be paid tateedlattly to the Trees-4.. littltitetrert, at Ina 041,0),No• 4 k o B , PENN - .LITHEET By order of Übe Commtinee. • ji94.df9'. - C. BIEEBERT. 4Nr,lc9-Picazcer.. nip's. 9.75071- . - Pt:tabula'. Januar! silt 1 . 1 410 IgrATOTICE wo nowthoiciarg.-. Notice Is lamb) Oren that COUPON' 240. 19 T 5 .1111.13. UILi.RIC ILIVJSION CON. .BTHHCUN Ist.Mpd„ doe os, the drat day or February'next, 4.41-be park on 'ging after that. sloe opo4_preseataSfon Ind:42sauxery at the First National Bank et Pittsburgh: 1 . JOHN H. l'Aelt, JR, latd:d2)l - `', -.•-. -- - Treasurer._ t OF l iggitirs 6LNJim NunitvsYog. i Pittsburgh. January 96*. 1889. tarNo,,l4jE.-111ge assessment . ' 1 ......__. ls) t v . ...emerald Wiling SPRINti ALLEY. Nom .• we...ay eighth to'Yerenty-nintn.strem. is. now readr Tor examination and can be teen at thlsLonheelttntil 1 11flitSuAlf, Venni ..ry 4th. 18 89. inbelt it tell` be returned to the Clty Treats- %trees agree for collection. ... jaZi: eat n 11. a. idoolllr. City Engineer. ~..._ . . I - Cr er Or - At..l.lrritirg: J noisy 90.741 1 1f. E ' I ".re PRINTERS—SeaIed Pre-. l)0 Is wig be received ' 1- office until fa *T eta , kr.sast t. o. on THURSDAY, . h irebruars 4ltif . , - int Prlnarug li:out - gunfire cf Copies or the Annual Report' of commlines of Councils. darapies at Ithe work required can be seen at this °Mee, Bid. dere are requested to state price per page. Ja3O:dSOR. B. FRarreis, CUy CootrOUCh t. TO Lnir.