STREL WORKS • DUQUESNE WORKS, COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEII, AXLES AND SPRINCS, Duquesne Iron. filteet and Tank iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Iron, cylinder Iron, X &Iron, Flanged Guitar Bars. Guard Iron, Drag and Dropper Barg, T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges,Flat Bail for Coal Roads, Boller Iron, Crow Bars, Chain Links, Roller Heads. Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth, Carriage, Wagon, Seat and Coach Sprints , and Axles,. f all styles: Slab Steel for Plow'. CultlYatOrSteekSteel Winks and Monlds cut to pattern:, Sate, steel all sixes. A. B. Steel and Steellire, SteelCrowßars. Steel Shafting. Ac.. • •i• Alladr GOODS. ROST CLAS3 A2iD wesasw , .RlP•Odlees and Works 10th ' street and nite- Oegdn". river and 77 WAWATERSTREET. Pia4:etts. nar . JIS GODEFFROY DBANGIED & CO 42 Ex4unige Plitee;-New Are prepared., 'as Sole AJrente In the Milted States for the Prneshn Mining and Iron Com pany of Duisburg, , Westgdislia, to eintract or sell in quantities tOunit purchasers, (delivered in eitheiNewlfork or l'hiladelstileo the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively ibr tint mintifacturing of BESSEDIER This Iron istree.from Sulmir and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy Dernenlaite Xanganese. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly ibnrarded on apoUca • Jaao:d76 cation. SEFEFFIELD SraEL ! llio.llll.l3. SINGER, .MICIC & CO PI'ITSDDRGS. Pb.. Mentdere of every•dewription of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, BO TLVFAY BPRIM6B, • ELLIPTIC - 13 PLATFORM spiu:Nos4 131741, TIRE, . AO, AO Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 FirSi :" hpuxia, BARB &. PARKIN EXIMEAL PASTIME& W 7(. METCALF,REUBEN MILLER , ' I OEO. W. BARR, I OHM. PABEDT: Eirscui, PAETNNa—B. M. BIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER; BARR & PARRO, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, 1814:d48 1171.138111M1E1 PA. BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL - WORKS. PARK; BROTHER 41t.C0., Ifartufsetprers of all descriptiorui of gai i r rW. M l.- • Office and Warehouse 190;12L 134 aRCONii and 1.19 . and-121 FIRST STREETS, IRON WORKS. /AB. Warms., Pruitt-- W. P. POWZON 13nP:st. pITTSBITRGH FORGE AND IRON CO., miroirAcTua 7 Fas OP Bar Iron; • • Railroad risk Bars and Bolts; Ectilroad Car Akles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Fraineln .Loeimotive Prime Shapes; Side Roast Yokes; Straps; ristoWHends; Steamboat Shafts; , • Steamboat Cranks; Piston Hods; Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, do. °Moe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBLIRGH, PA EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, ' Nos. 166 andl6ll - • FLEW STENET, swoon° MouoligaJeht Nouse. ar.24:416 PITTSBURGH. NOVELTY WORKS. pirrsnuireat.•.' NOVELTY WORKS. Founded. A.• D. Init. ADAMS, .111HEE & .00. MLNUFACTWORS OP - - K STONE STANDARD,)rAIREANK'S PAT • ENT) PLATYCIUM AND CDUNTEII. SCALES. . Jamul Paced Patent Door • Locks a& ' , ltches. Paint and Coffee &c. 0087 M OP PIBST AV/2M 45 GiViim372, • , Pittsburight:Peintia.7 COPPER. LAKE soPERIac 'Snot lam mammal *OlB PrITS131171(011., PARK, MACIIRDT & idanuboOnrers of Edul o hlt s iranierst And Dolt t o rn., pper,Pre.ssed copper Itaised MN 80. o Svelter Solder. sO, porters and Deal ers a Metal, Tin Plates Sheet Iron, Wire. an. Con ~a ntly on hand Tinnerehisehines aid Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 nun' STIINAT and LSO SECOND STRENT,Plttsburgli. Fluecial orders oiDonner out to any desired vet te-al GAB AND STEAK FITTING. JOILIN Y. coorzu -- Jos; aiTs....morin JOHN M. COOPER. ' BRASS rornimeak GAS AND STRAII FITTERS, NAnufacturers of. PUMPS AND PNA2N4ONX, urAyerffiltrptlr; dealer la GAB 7szo "D Tul*l al""as. Cer. of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. 111112rga ROBNS OI I M6 N, Ett & CO., Successors to ROitilteOlt, Enos s MUM, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manahan/en of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, 81111 Machinery, &earths, Shaft, s3 C i astings of descriptions: Oil Tanks and 8 Boller and Sheet Iron Work. ! °Mee, 0.- LS, corner , First and Smithfield I M Age " is for GIVEARIPS PATENT INJECTOR l lor se eding Boilers. WI= P[TTBIIB@Hi M° BLAI , 1"C "FOUNDRY. Butter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opporlte Unton Iron =lra ITTTEIBITHOR. Roiling 'Mill and Riidge Castiap, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ataOHINELEY- AND CA8T12.761 EIENIEBILLY. Orders promptly and easefully executed. Charges reasonable. \ EBBERT & BLWEInak 0e11e123 r. • THOMAS CARLIN & Fourth Ward Foundry 'and Nadine Works, BAIEDUBBY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. PO., Xanufseterers of Steam amines, Oil Presses, rthleys., Shafting, Grist and Saw Mlll Work, Bolling Mill and Machine Castlngy Grate Bars, Wetibia, Wagon Boxes, s ac. -,Build to order and have on band - Entrines of all sizes. =MO CENTILU, FOUNiDRY AND ROLL WORKS - - 880 Penn Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. Ohm Hollis, Mill Oastlzigth 801 l Lathes, to.. LUMBER:. UMBER! I ALIIIZANDER PATTERSON. Dealer in an Kindtof -Ltimber. ON HAND AND POE SALM ' 1. 000.900 feet Dry Pea c terdri. 150.000 feet.l% Ind Clear Planks • '30,000 feet Dry 18, Inch Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 &add, limn Oak: • 25,000 feet Dry 9, lilt and 3 bleb Alb, ' 5,00 ft ft, Dry kosji a in. Cherry &Maple, 30,000 ft. . Drylk ih,'ll and a inch Pour:. 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 5160,000 feet Hemlock delete and Scanting: 760,000 No. 1 18-inch Shingles, sawed; .950,000 No. &16-3 sch &Males, Sawed 40,000 No. 110-Inch Shingles, stravq; • *O,OOO Sire Brick; - 1,000 Vire Tile. 100 'tons Pare Clay; • PREBLE BTREE T formerly Nanchesterend 157 B&BNIPC.& EiTßNlT.oppo site the Gas Works, Allegheny City. • non sAmulaaltiL WICILE11811A21; • IRON BROKER, strot , Pittsbuieght pa. /WM for the gale Of Cornwall, Donghamere, Joaenblnei IsabeUNDuttninnon,dtanbope, Wen dt= and other brands__of AnthsaellerioestiO dlA7‘oolre end C. %WOW. • PIG IRONS. ConsignMentil area:loft reemettpUT 'el I Mad. Co= can ' s; . DICKSON, & CO., Having removed their Waco to . NO; 567 LIBERTY - STREW, Orstely City Ar Flour - MU)is SZCOND ZLOOR. , Are now smtel to famh good Y9S(OO. OHZtiY bums' NUT COAL, OBBLACK, at ll the lowest market irlee. All orders left at their office, or addressed to them: throaoli the mall, will be attoodet; to PramPl4C FOUNDERS, 'MACHtNiI3O. KNIP FORT PITT • FOUNDRY COITANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. larEngines, Rolling Mijl Ma chinery, Nail Machines He :tarts, and Castingsgenerally. NATION rowan:if AND PIPE WORKII. - ' Contiir psurr,ll and Sitnallataiin Staitedit, unarm wasb.) ri ir keratritalx, PA. WILLIAM 'SMITH Maniifaotuivr or CAST MELONEICIWLIPEPE JOE GAD LAD WATER woms. i!ir C re.o cacti nvartiiityin dri sand. and 1.9, feetlingtha. Also; ton amodanent of general • , tlughigs fir Uas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend • anti of Rai Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLASIVOItIEk - •" 7 - MORTON; STREET, Ninth . Ward, PIT'TtifitURGEL THOMAS N. MILLER, l'lvffffaimt. Theie Works ire =MIK th e Wires; and most Complete establlstuweats La the West, and are now prepared to tarnish, • • , Engines, of ever/ anneril 11 00. Boners, 011 mks. Sheet Iron. l lierh. ittexe. Railroad Boding casuals. Engine Cast: 1 ,tings. Machine General Cas ORDE noente9 BOLICIITZD LUMBER, _IRON BROKERS. . t I :,J Blntca C4ZETII4: iIitESDAY _FpRITARY ,186:9; ~aiNjis,`BouaQ- BOLE ffl U n HUGH M 11.1 Coro Point Alley and Duquesne St., (If sin THR room )1 • I Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. . Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINE and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. special attention invited to our new STATION- A - , , 0r1i WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER„of 18• horse power. ' L'AJWINGS„ of every kind, made tc;oider stout Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEY% HANGERS, HOUsicand Toßaccoscanwe and IKON TOB ACCOPRESSES, on timid and made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the AReghenp.Biver, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA. B' All orders promptly' Ailed. THY 1111. rum BOILER, STILL AND TANK CARROLL,& SNYDER, =Buzau. DOABLE-ntrzu TtrauLAE, Ei s urßOX. AND CYLINDER timum BOIL• OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, OHIXNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS. SALT PANS AND OON• DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL MUTER Wise and Warehouse, corner Second, Third.Bhbit and idiaarty Streets, PITTSBURGH. Pa. ir Orders sent to the above address will De promptly attended to. . mh7:189 B 411111111L14. & Cf fro BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET' IRON WbRKERS, NOB. 510, AA, WI AND Be PENN BT. ruedßavirued a lue yard and furnish it • , with the most approve dmachinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In OM country. motiver.hing, Pire Beds, Stemn Pipes, Loco Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pane, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. lett= JANES M. DATER, Nos. 35 and 56 Water Street, IRON OIL TANKS, arrmrse ?Am, coppra wrzem PIM ROLLING ![ILL STACKS, JAL3D D. BUM( IDDYND D. Wl= JARED R. BRUSH & SON, 111EA11ITPLE.13 OP Steam-Boilen, Oil Stills, Tanks. =REIT IRON WORE, iko. 61 Perin Street, Piitiburgh, STOVES, CASTINGS, &o - - - - ~L E BEST STOVES: & BRADLEYCO. ufbcturera of the greatest variety of Coo , Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sol Agents for the eelebrated Base Burning Furnaces for Hard Coal or B 1. 1 ,Fi : e k v t e l li s t e e ts: orld for Parlor,Orice. Store or eldndling—;buma all win oa see cr seud tor Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orlentals- , DEmISILER BROS., Dal eld St.: GEO. HUBLEY, Allegheny City. ,AFF, E'GUS &VO., ACTUBMIS OF ETIZY TABU= Or I V" TON COOKING RANGE, rn FIERY FURNACE," 808 WArtinwo Bumianuae. '! THE T OENTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, • .REG i " COL URRI A. COOK 431091; . IBIUS - 0 1 .°44411 1 0V8ra11 r 12. w P EOLITAB'k't REF LsOTOR ; ,ORATES,free from dirt and dust; GLUT FRONTS, FENDERS, IC. 20 and' 208 liberty Street, . , se2s: 7 PITTSBURGH. 1 1 A. Cos STOVES. • CET THE BEST. • BISSELL at CO.'S , . •• . . , . TRIUMPH, • :.! FOR BITIIMENOVB COAL. Warrsetetto took, Bake or ' lloast as will as any tther Steve la the Dam ,- • ... , B ISSELL &• 00., 1 . ,- - No. 2815•Libertv•Street. ~ ...• , .„ . . ~ . . A/soon land tad fo r w e, ' • • , • ' PABLOR STOVES, :- .- 11" flittne sTO MTII, VENDERS, . •. ' ..: i 00 07 C/B6• BA/1648,1&l. 131 ITTSBI7IIOII PAPER MANIA , PAOTUBINO 00/I:PANl4llsAutiotwersof PRINTINGT& WRAPPING PAPERS airtrzolsr 881GL110,4 PA. 01710 Z AND WARZHOUBS.' . „ No. 1311 Third Street, Pittsbunau 'P a s omouta—AtteuerlisurJr,_Prilddent. JNO. B. LIVINGSTODI, wraartmer. HAMMEL, EIDDLS. •r, _ DrAscrous—Autrat Mute; '7l - 075X - 1711WOH, /1. H. Hartman, Jobn B. Urtngton. Ointh paid intranatiNoech 3102080, _ •WEIIT COMMON _.y Machine Stone Wqrks, Northweat corner of West Conneon. Alleit4ll7. FRED' ATVAIPER &• CO. Have (i hand 'or ritpare on' abort nett& Hearth! and Step atones, Flags for 131dewalki6 Brower, Vaults 4,0 Hudnall Xonthiltonek order. ntomntly !madam. Prices reZonable E muniicrualasop /1113161 H. riztrraorossa or -1? And ESHICA', IRON WOES, ; Pot Stentabosts. PAPER. STONE. - FIIiANCLIT. :FORT' NIT BANIEGIORANI. . No. 16'9 \Woad Street. CAPITAL, - : \:,; : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALL Y 'LIABLE. DEJLIatio GOVERNMENT SEOURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIDE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points In United Mal States! sail Canada& • • D nexiirrons Jno. O. Eisner, Boht D. King, Andrew Miner, James M. Bailey. BAWL. afetirstiszr, Pres% D. Hostetter, James fiordoa. D. Wallace, Z. Fawcett, D. LEFT w' NATIONAL: BANK OF COMIERCE Co;. of Wood and Sixth Sta.. A. PATTERBO2I...—., ... . . ...President. JOB. H. RILL .---....«Caattlez. CAPITAL, r : : $5049,000. - DIRECTORS: ; -__ A. Patterson. ' Geo i p'e W. C u., U Wm. H s . . Sawn, , 14. 116 . D P o s u lma : Dan. V, Davidson. War....BeeL ' • W. S. Haven. nutcovarra nett , aue:on HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, \ .IPrz - rszsicruatix. PA., 1 1, (WOCESSORR TO HANN - HART & C 0..) , rotarans Exchange; :Cmiikins, And particular attention p d to the purchase ana sale o COVERNMEN 'BONDS. Sight Drafts on 'London. Znylaiti3 I N. muffles & SONS, ' 57 Market Street, rirrwiisnuiitcou, PA. Collections made on all the principal points of Hie United States and Osaadas. Stoeb,Bonds and other Securities BOUGBT LED HOLD ON C7ollXEdikOir. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of - • United States Securities OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. 4WEDDLE, MAIM FA CTURIIIt OF Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils: • , Telipse Railroad Azle Oil. Stands great beat without change; remains limpid at lowest Aemperatures. Special. Oil for I ' tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, 2lsehine Shop, 1 1 Wiii cut Strews. I Saw/lilt and Planing Kill 011 s, ; I Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Wool Head-Lightoll, Oil, Tanners' gttiff, Bensole, Mg d Finishing Oil, Gasoline, Harness Oil. Parratilna. 1 ARMOR VARNISH, to Ir o trve Bright . Iron. Wcrk and Machinery from it t. I These prolucts. are man tared under Dr. 'Tweddlels patent be Su eated Steam In Vat cuo. The Lubricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly Might col-- ored. stand allied temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. TheNallroad 011 s are • nuequalled, and ire in constant use on many of the prinolpsl Railroads Samples can .;he essmined and orders left at 114 WOOD, BTREET, Works at- elbsrpsbnrg Bridge. , WARING AND RING, - Commission Merchants ancl,Brokers in Petroleum its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTADVINEII, PA. • -I'EULADELMIA ADDRESS, WAKING;' SING & CO., 127 Walnut Street, TALCIC 1311,01111ERAF . I E :COMMSON MITRHANTS r . s!.A AND DzAraa s • Petrolennut and -its products, Pittsburgh Ogice — DALZELL'S BUILDING. : 1MT°7 4. ' ,11 ..!91 I.husdelphts OlDee *T WALNUT BT. apl:wgo DL LONG Da C 0 .9 MANUFACTURE= OF . PURE )11ME111"4OUNO BrciusL , ./, urcirw Moe, N 0.2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. FLOUR. PEAR MILL FAMILY FLOM PEARL RILL Throe Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH' 'FANIILY ',FISOUR. • A_ This Flour will only oe sent out when ea.- elahy ordered. PEARL RILL ELITE BRAND. Equal-to bongs. Louis. rzint. - ffiu. BED Baum WHITE CORN PLo i N al A AND tin Vat B. T. lENISDT Alla/bony. Bent. 9, 1868. Mu. -; V. .. , •. • : onimm B a th s& Noma% FRUIT ROM ABBMATION BULLDOG% fins. I and Rin.Obir Strad, Pittsburgh; Ps. Bimetal attention given to the designing- and balidnur st COURT ll,ouata and PUBLIC BUILIIINOR CENIMM - ANIEVIUNIOW - PACIFIC - RAILWAY JONDS, The cheapest Investment now In the market for sale by PI3E.. MIER. Corner MYTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer in Government Bonds. Gold and COUPCIIIS and. European Exchange at market rates. dtai JAS T. Bey & Co. ; to 8. JONES a C 0..! \ • . Corner Fourth and Wood SU, 3E3 r4T 33r.. 331:P1L BOY AND saw. ALL IDNDB op GOVERNMENT • SECURITI E S, GOLD, SgATB 'AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. Interest Allowed on Depoatts. fa. Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase l i and Salo of _STOOKS. BONDS and GOLD. • - JAMES T. BRADY & CO. 'IL/SON. Cashier. 'AT •11 A. N. littoturgt Gay*. OPIUM OP PITTSBURGH Gararrra, i TLESDAY, February 2, 1869. I The gold i market was firm at 135%, touching 13534, at which price some heavy purchases were made to - cover short sales above 136, but from all ap pearances, ihe market has not reached its lowest point, and the reaction at the close to 135% is only temporary. The caused of the decline into be looked for in the increased shipments of cotton and bonds, thereby, avoiding coin ship ments. Should Congress legalize specie 1 contracts, there is no doubt a large amount of bonds would go to Europe, but otherwlie, the benefit from such a low would A be neutralized by the in creased demand for coin South, Western and cotton States, where already gold forms a lai•ge part of the money in trade; thus, the passage of the gold act onld be a direct i ns u ry. , Bonds were firm, and advanced r • t the close f an sympathy with gold, but the demand for speculation is very light. 1 • . Stocks are strong, and have recovered from the dep ession, except Erie, which is neglected. Express shares are strong and higher. Mining sb res are dull, brit keep at former quota ions. Money is soorce, and commands high rates of interest. Closing quotations as received by. Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135%; Eighty-one's, 112; Five Twenties, 1862, 113; do, 1864, 109%; do, 1865, 110%; do, 1865, new. 108%; do, /867, 108%; do, 1868, 108%; Ten Forties, 108%; Railroads Cleve land & Pittsburgi.. 9255; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, 120%; Chicago dr Rock Island, 130%; Chicago & North Western, 83%; do .N•eferred, 913 x; Erie, __.; New York Central, 163%; Michi gan New 94 6 %,: Reading, 96%; Ohio dt Mississippi Certißcates, 33%; West ern Union Telegraph Company, 3834; Merchants Union Expresa Company, 18; Pacific Mail, 118%; Adams, 4634; Mining shares—Gregory, 2,70; Quartz Hill, 70; Smith & Parmele, 2,25; Cory don, 12. The price of oil seems to haVer infused new life into. all of the ,pro ducing dividend paying oil companies, and we occasionally hear of some of this kind of stook changing hands. We are cognizant of sales of Western Pennsyl vania at 75, and Oil Basin (of Philadel phia) at 2, and there is some inquiry for the !latter. Columbia is steady at about 18. —The New York Tribnae, of Monday, says: Railway shares opened steady, but upon the ',report 'that the Erie Com pany had failed to leotard! the 0)1nd:t -hus, Chicago and Indiana Central Road, much uneasiness was observed among the holders of the stocks manipulated 'by the Erie clique, and there was a general rush to sell. Michigan Southern, Cleveland dc Pittsburgh, Rock Island,_ and Fort Wayne ; ' were sacrifi ced by small holders, who, the wake of large operator*, thought things looked squally and preferred to be out. The decline in the maiket.was from 1 to 3% per cent.; 'and was fairly' distrib uted - on , the speculative, shares. The final passage of the restrictions of one bill by the Illinois Legislature wig made to hammer the market, and a large short interest was treated that will be difficult to ,Axlver at a profit in the present bul lish , state of the , :narkef. New. York Ciliitralteclined to 161 3 / 4 , rallying at the. kloae•to..lo23j, Time Northweiderb shares .: -werpliaMMered with great vigor, and .a heaVyishort interest made;' the sto ok was sustained• by heavy purchasea. ~..- -C lbaluil quotations rtioeived by James T. Brady & Co.: Gold, 185%; United &MPS Sixes, 1881's, 112; &Ws, 1882, 112; ;, " 820'; 1801, 109 X; 6-20% 1865, 110 X; 6-20'a January and July, 1865, 108}i, , do: 1867, 108%; do. 1868, 1083 i. Seven Thirties, par less ..f*, Due . Com pounds, 119;- Union Parldp Railroad,' par; •Central, 103; Cy. Pacldo, 101 X - - , PETItOLEU/d. MARKET. Fa FEZ Orates op PITTSBURGH ausErra, • . TURSDAT I February 2, / 8 6al S liotwithedanding the market is strong end prides are fully remained, !hare is not the same, wild speculative feeling, apparently, that existed 'some weeks since, and those who,for a time, were ex= ceedingly Wild 'in their views hatre be. , come more conserlative, We hearless about ""bulls" and ?bears,"> and while, as we have already intimated, the mar. MEM FINANCE AlvD TRADE, int lees stroppier ter., there seems to be a better:feeling inite trade, and opera tors generally a - re:lore kindly disposed to each other, an4here 'sea almost-en tire abience of thi .•311 feeling and 'jeal ousy, which was ) strongly manifested for a time. We d riot mean to say that the interests of Ware identical, for such is not the case. 'here are those who would like to see rices go still higher while it would be) the interest of oth_ era to see a very arge decline. What we mean is, that fere seeps to he an almost entire absace 'of anything like manipulation, andhere is nut the same disposition manikted to resort to strategic points larder to infinencelhe market one Why othe other. .1 . cuDE The market, meelally for early de liveries, appearg to be somewhat ;stronger toJak, spot oil may be quo ted .8 shade..higer. -We have but a single sale to rort, 500 bbls to be de livered within thnext ten days at 17%e, and spot may txtuoted at 17M to 173;e the latter figure eing offered for 5000 barrels. Next months, sellers op tion, 173 ; sal< until November Ist, seller, 17e was 'tiered. Buyers option, all the year, 20cand same delivery, sel ler, at 17c. - SFERED. The market • firm butquiet, and prices-are fall: switalned.. Sale 1,000 bbls, spot. at at 303.1% 1,000 last half of February at 3ffo; 500 March at 883‘c, and 500 each Asil to June at 370. Feb ruary to June uoted al. 37c, and . April to December attsc fbr April, and - an ad vanco ofX‘of sent for each subsequent month. \ LusiosTisce-dirs. - - - - - Eclipse WinteLlibricating oil 40c Eclipse Rallial Axle 35c Eclipse Machiery........: 750 Eclipse Spindi 1300 Eclipse Taunts' Stuffing • • :4043 Eclipse Tannee Finishing oil 650 01,10'.SEITPID EA BT BY A. Y. E. B. B. W. Moran it Co., 200 do do to Warden, Frev& Philadelphia. Citizens Ref Co., 475 do de to TaCk Bro., Philadelhia. Total shipmate Refined.. PM/OMGH 2"11. OPP= OP qTTSBORGE aszsTrz, Tainair, Febnary 2, 1880. S The genera markets', although a little more active,Lre dull, nevertheless, but we are in hoes that an improvement is near at barn We can repcirt a fair lo cal demand,ind a fair volume of busi ness, in tb aggregate, while prices, generally, as w'thout especial change. APPLE - ETTER-754,0 85c. APPLES•Are coming in quite freely, and the maxet is easier, though prices are Witbcnitiuotable change—Z3 to 85,00 per barrel. BUTTER-Is becoming a little plan tier, and •bile gm market is easier, prices are nchang7o, 88 to 40c for prime , to Choice loll: • • BEANS-$3,25 to $3,50 per bushel. SUCH MEAT FLOUR—DuII at 4e. CRANI2RRIES-418 to ;22. OffEESI—Is firm and higher; we continue t quote prime Western Re- I serve at lt; Factory at 19c; Ohio Goshen 1 at 21c to 234% and . New York do at 22e ' to 2214 e. CORIMAL-111 to al,lo per bushel. CARB(N OlL—Continues firm andttd it yowling ad we now q ote in a jobbing way at 31i to 32, for st ndard white. DRIEI FRIIIT--P aches may be quoted al3 to 14c for quarters; 15 to 16c for mixe; and 17 1 A to 18%c for halves. Apples, 1 to 11%c. DRF.ST D HOGS—Dullat 13 to 14.': EGGS-In good supply and dull; we now quoit fresh packed at 25 to 26c. HOMllri'—s6,2s to $6,50 per barrel. HEMP-Sales at $2lO per ton. . - HAY-3aled Hay is dull, with a sup ply consderably In expeas of the de mand; w continue to qttote at 020 to #25, as to quaity and condition. ' " !LA/MOlL—Finn at $4,40-for Ne. 2, and-sl,7ffor No. L PROVSIONS—Bacon firm, with sales of Sbouhers at 15 to 15340; Ribbed Sides, 17 to 17 . 0 for Clear Sides; 18 to 1814 c, and. Sur Cured. Hams 193 i to 20c. Prime lonia rendered L ard, 2034 c to 21, in tierce, and 220, in kegs. Mess Pork, $31,50 52. • ' PEA TUTS.-8% to 9 cta per pound. • POTATOES—DuII but unchanged; small siesta 85 to 90 cts. GRAF—Nothing doing in Wheat, and prices se nominally unchanged. Corn contintes dull, and, it is said, cannot be brough here from any place, and sold at present prices,, to make anything;. we contime to quote at 75 for Mixed, and 78 to 80fo?Yellow. Rye continues dull and unsettbd, and may be quoted at $4.15 to 11,47. Oats quiet but steady at 65 to 66 on track. and in elevator, and 67 to 68 in store. Jktrley quiet and unchanged at $1,95 to $2 for prime Penna. and Ohio Spring. • SEIDS—Sales of Clovemeed at 810,00 ,to $11,50; •Timothy ?3,50 to. $3,75 and FlAxeed at 52.40. SALT—Is ,quiet but steady, and is still quoted at 82 by the car toad. . 803GEWM,-60.t0,55 cts. ,'FMTHERS—Live Mei() Feathers ;pored St 75 to' 80 to 'the trade; and the usua advance in a retail way. FLOUR—The market remains very muck as it has been for weeks past, dull and =changed. We continue to quote at 87,01 to 88,00 for Spring, and Winter Wh3at, 88,50 to $9,25. Rye Flour, .5715 i. to, $7,7 q . The Pearl Mill quote that brands; made of the beat Wheat, as follows: Extra Family Flour, in barrels, at f,3Q, ,and, in. sacks, $2,00_ &er barrel; Donde Extri' Family , In 'barrels, $lO,OO, anc, in sacks, $9,70 per barrel; Spring Wiest Flour, in barrels, $7.80, an,d in iwk5, , 47,50 ,per barrel: The Oity allls 11note prices as follows: Extra Fimily, Winter) in barrels, $9,30, and, in sacks, giver, barrel;. Double Extra Family, in barrels, $9,80,: and. , in lacks; 10,50 per barrel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7,70, in sacks, per barrel. TA.l.POW.—+Rendered 1l 4 t0.11,‘; I I TELSICV-We can ` report — sales of EUghwlnes, in car loada, at 9814 to 94e, 'anct lit a jobbing; wimist 98 to 970. 'CiritriNNAtri reDrUirriZ....riOUr dull; family 17,40a7.75. Wheat nominal and Unchanged; No. I held at 11,70. Corn and Oats unchanged. ' Barley firmer and higher; Canada f 2,40. • Cotton quiet 'and hardly sot firm; ; middling •28a3yi,c. WhifikY' dim/Budd ' to 9,5e3 'anff - is dull. Mess Pork aud:Lard were in speculative ,dernand andjarge,sales were made r but the market,now is less , buoyant,. Ilfiss Pork sold at $32,00, cash, and $32,50a ,32,65 for buyers for, the month, but 131,50 . cash was the best offer made at the close. Lard sold at 19Ma19,0 for steam and 20340 for kettle rendered; the demand was not so strong, at the closed. Bulk Shoulders; 200,000 sold at 13c; sides 153 - Bacon firmer, shoulders 1435 c; clear rib: - sides 1735 c. clear sides IBc. Spits* 'Cured 'paths Butter' dull at a33c; strictly: choice, is in - fair' demand. Bggs2oc., Clover SPed firmer and'brings .$l l /6.. Linseed Oil quiet at 3 1 ,Q6a 1 , 0 7. "Lkrd 011 1/1,65a1,70: Petroleum firm at 36537 c. Gold $135%, buying. NO change .1,13 the money tnukrket. 075 \