• NEW ELLERSHIFSIN FROCESS. The Trustees are now levered to grant !leen.: sea for the use of the 41,Elt8EiA.UOEN PRO CE:4I3. The superior qualittrapa , ted to good Iron; the great itap.ovenent in iron. and toe 'reduced cost.commend Ito all manufacturers of parties wishing to use:cat:l Obtain licenses by _applying to - - . JAMES. I SPEER, Atraey for the Trustees, OFFICE . 860 us stRIET.- • Parties Intrested * invited. t* visit. the ESHOENBEHGEtt WO 8, where the process is now in successful op: ton. fespill7 8T.E ... . - :•:..,.i..,.• - • ;_ , .... : - . :: : ::" '''' -1 . 1.::.-iii*.4iLL't NEW SDCK OF COTTON'GOODS. fe3:'X:*:lP , 'LACE CIRTAINS, A GOOD A99.I3TMENT. BATES & 13ELL'S. -ftlemwr • ALEXANDRE 10PLIN3, 50 CENTS, A 108 LOT; BATES , SELL'S. • 1105:11R7 LADIES' z. UNDERCI9'I I HINO, AN ASSORTUENT, BATES _ BELL'S. fe3ntwa. LEASE OF Stores on Federal St. t Diamonsl, ALIALEGFIETY, AT AUCT:ON. , IVILL BM SOLD. without nerve. on • the • 'premises, on . TUESDAY. Febrery 9th, at•ko o'clock, the business property us the southwest corner of Federal street and theUlegheny Dia mond. The corner store has bee occupied as a Clothing house, and the Diamonetore as a Oro eery formany years. The locatla id first class, ' being on two main thorouginttreand adjacent to . the Market House. Sects an apprtently to. se cure a somber one business 'tad should cons .mtaid the especial attention of btiness men. • h or terms, -ground rent, and all imiculars, plyon.the prembses,.or to I •A LICKIATE, kietionees. teS 159 Federal etreel Allegheny. VIFTY TONS . . PIG LEA), Best Brandt, For Side atthe •Lowest Market Bates, t BAILEY, FARRELL j & CO'S, ItAxorAcrtrarats o; Lead Pipe - and - Met - Leads 167 Smitlitield St ieet, Eat= A.T. JOSEPH 11ORNE CO'S EVERY DEPARTMENT Will be Found Well Staled with NEW AND DESItUILE YOBS, WHICH MIX OT:FILBED The Verk Lowest Prices, witanza urrar‘ Wolin Giods;' Underweg, i Bre., 'CLOSING MN, TERM Clan, NE 110111 77 -4- 4 0. . 79 smailcot, §tle e t., A LiT.teAltir GAP iti,tutark - , CHAMBERVENCYCLOPEDIA. iii c ~ a , The -goat or at- .re 7 spool PocyclotnetLa at moderate cost has loos been felt. Thla want has now boss *eta Won of . :... . ' r - ' Chambers : aopedia • t.l illicy A Dictionary Ot 11niveisalI Knowledge the the . People, on the baste of the lateit edition of the densest Conversations Lexlcais. - ' -- - 10 iroluenes, nova Octavo. cloth i 36 90" " Sheep . , , " • ' 40. us Ma: Tarte r''' . " .. " . ** ......... ''' . ** .' 414 00 . FOR BALE BY R. S. DAVIS, ja3o:B:atw 03 WOOD STREIT. !TORN AND (ED tit BOA ROL-- %, J 193 91 4ki. Coro; .9,000 tort .Inoh 'Cedar ' ldardc, ototmer •,•Fanoy Bnindles, ,, to sr _ ' for dale It". ATAft itIOK 9Y 'I -C0.., . • , 4 -418 N - r-131 bags now arriving from mermtray and for Ade by r fat LUCKEY & LO. a lino r., 1 0 1 17. 111 " °Jr P- ' 6Aell a s ityw & ESTEMBNISON: NEW j ADVERTISEMENTS. RIEGISTERIS OFFICE, e 1 • Pirrenniteen.' February 9.1888: ... N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol. lowing Accounts of Executors. Administrators Guarnians; Ac., have been duly passed in the Register's , ORME and will be presented to the Urphane' Court. for confirmation and allowance, on . 1 Monday. March Ist, 1869: "Nn, 1 Final account - of Wit, C. Fferron,Ati mtrilstratir of-40bn Herron , deceased. Filed November oth. - -1888. No. 9. Account orJamrs Carnahan, Adminis trator ofJames Carnahan, Sen., deceased. Filed November 7th, 1868. No. 3. Final account of George Grew Admin istrator of Conrad Great. dec'd. Flied ' Novem ber 7th. 1868. No. 4. Account of Augustus and Mary P. Buerkie, Executors oft'. W. Ewalt*, deceased. Filed November 9th, 1888. Nei 6. Account of Jacob H, and Vincent Mil• ler. Administrators QC Samuel Miller. deceased. Filed acerember 12th. 186 e- .. ' No. 6. Account of Joseph Wall and William : Caldwell. Executors of Ebenezer Caldwell, de ceased. Filed November 13th, 1868. No. 7. First and partial account of Charles J. Clarke, Win. Thaw and Win. M. Hersh, Es ecu tors of Thomas S. Clarke, deed. Flied Novem ber 13th, 1868. i N,d. 8 . Final mei:runt o f A. P. Mueller. Geo. Bretz and Mrs Catheelne Said Mueller, Execu tors or Leopold Saki, deceased. Filed November. 13. 1868 -No. 9. Fleet account °teller/et Beach Guar- Al 88 n of - James N. Narmaell. Flied iron: /6, - 1 No. 'O.' l Account of John Hood and David Stewart, Es ecutors of Andrew Stewart, deceaa td. Flied Nov. 18, 1868. • - No. 11. Account of David Aiken, Jr. Guar. I dials of GlistonJ. Thorn. Filed Nov. l'i, 1568. No. 12. Account or David W.I Bell, Auminis crater of the estaterif Mary And Hors; deceased. Filen NOY. 911, 1868. ' I •- ' No. la-The separate account of Thomas J. Owens, one of the Executors of David Thomas, deceased. Filed Nov. 91. 1888. ~ No. 14. Final ' account of. Harvey Childs, Guardian of George B. Bissell. No. i 5 Final account of James ?way. Ad ministrator of Andrew Mceleister, ceceased. Filed Dee. 1. 1588. _ No. 16 Account of Andrew Fnglish, Sr.. and James G. Marshall Executors of Marren David son. &tress , d. Flied Dec.' 3..1888. • No. 17. letnal account of Nathaniel Stevens, Guardian of W. A. Foster. Flied Dec. 7. 1888. No. 18. The second account of Henry Hanna and James P. Hanna, Trustees unoer the will of Tuom•s Hansa deceased, for the benefit of Mrs. Mary Colwell, &c. Filed December 8, 1888 No. 19. The second account of Henry Hanna ,and James P. Hanna, Trustees under the will of Peonies Hanna, deeeased for the benefit or Mrs. Jane Rabe. Filed December 8, 1868. , No. 90. The second account of Henry Hanna and James P. Hanna., Trustees under the w 11 of Thomas Hanna, deceased, f .s. the benefit of Mrs. Eleanov Gray. Flied December 8,1888. • No. 21. The second acceust of Henry Hanna and James I' Hanna, Trustees under the will of Thomas liannadeceased, for the benefit of Mrs. B. A. sawyer. Flied December 8,1865. No. 29 Account of Mary 'Elsner, Admiral'. tratrix of Michael Haney. Filed December 11. 1868. No. A 3. Account of A. B. Stevenson, Ad naalstrator of nowt Harr, deceased. Filed December 16. 1868. No. 24. Account of Goodman Y. 'Coulter, Guardian of minor children of Wm. Le," de ceased. Filed December 149, 1868. No. 93• Partial account of James M. Taylor, Executor of Alois Kempf, deceased.' Filed De cember 931. 1868, No. 96. Account of James B. Lyons, Admints. triune of J amen Lyons, deceased. Flied Decem ber 93d 1808. • No. 27. Final account of Eliza Flyer, Admin istrator of Abraham Fryer, deceased. Filed De cember 756th. 1868. _ No. 28. Account of David Stewart. Guardian of Clara stewart. nett November 28th. 1868. No. 99_ Final account of Jane D. Fleeann. Ad ministratrlx of Reese CI: Fieeson, deceased. Filed December 98, 1868. No. 30. First account of Mrs. Angelina Shole man and John tilpperich. Executors of Jobe P. bholeman. deceased. Filed December 28th, .1888. No. 31. Partial account of Samuel P. Boggs and Joan Paul, Executors of Hon. Wm. Boggs, deceased. Flied December 30th. 1568. No. 32. Account of H. B. McLain, Executor or Eilzaneth Baird, deceased. FLed December 18th, 1868. No. 33. Account of Mary McDonald, Admtn • Istrator of Jim tti B. McDonald. deceased. Flied January 4tb, 1869. be. 34. First and final account of Peter Brin dle, Executor of MarthiJ. Phillips, dec'd. Flied January sth, 1869. No. 35. Final account of Mc. A. Armee and Tb..m*s Amur. Executors of Nanny Armer, d.- ceased. Filed January sth, 1869. No. 38. Fins' account of George' Froe'le", 'Ex ec Cit utor h, 1868. of Joseph Stcyert, dec'd. 1. fled January No. 37. Account of Charles Cummings, Ad- 1 mleastrato. of Th.tmes Hughes, deed. Filed January 6th, 1569. No. 38. First sod final account of Mary Mur ray, AUMUltlittlitat or Jobs Murray, deceased. Filed Ja..uary 8, 1889 Np. 39. First and fin-I account of J. W. Du Batty Guardian of W. Irwin Denny. it sled Jan uary Stn,lBB9. No. ai. Final account of Winnefred Sweeny, Administrati ix otEdward O'Neil, dec'd. Filed January 11. 1869. . no. 41. Firet and east account of Wilkins Lin hart. Admintst Tutor ef Cetherine Licher., dee'd. Flied Jaguars , 19th, 1869. , No, 42. Float aceonut of Martin Logan, Ex ecutor or Martin Sanders, dec'd, Flied January 13th, 1e69. No. 43. Account of Madison Batley, Guardian of minor child .f John Wnlgnana, d. ed. Filed January 13, 1869. _ ,'- No. 14. Account of elan B. Jackaon.,Admin istrator c. t. a., of eorge W. 'Jackson, de• teased. Flied January 14,1889. No. 46. Final account or Wm. V. Evans,Ad• mlnlstrater of-* linear Howe, doe:Awed. Flied J. nuary.l6, 1869. I . No. 47. /trot and final account of John John riou, Adnanistrar or or Mosta Blastlngs.eecessed. Filed January 19..186 9. N.. 48. Account ofw frlam Holmes and F. H. Eaton. Executors f the estate of Cnarlea Brewer. deceased. bled January 90. 1869. cco No. 49. Partial aus of Frederick Beckert and Peter Leffler. Executors of Joseph Steiner, deeeased. Filed Jabuary 93, 1869. No. su. Ac •°um of Peter Boyer. Executor of Abigail B. Higbee. deceased. Flied January 23, 1869. No 51. Acconnt of Rufus E. Evans, Adminis trator of Eilzeteeth B. Lick, accessed, Filed ry Janua 23, 1869. ' i' No. 69. Final aecota. of Adam Weise and Henry Deride Admiu trators of C. Kiefer, de ceased. Idle dJanua 95, 1869. No. 53. *lnd acco un t or .acob Myers - ,_Ad mtnistrator of Andrew Wittat. deceased. Filed January 23. 1869. r/i No. 54. Met acco unt of John H. and Janie, ~File, Executors or Robra Fire. deceased. Filed January 28th, 1869. No. 55 First au a fin 1 account Of Thomais and James Stedeford, Exec tors .1 Jamen thedeford, deteased. Filed Jame re 26th, 1869. • Nu. 56. kin • l ec,ciu toff LI. oilier, Admin . !armors of Margaret .1 M. McDonald, deceased. Flied Januar y 211th. 1 69. No. 57. *lust account of Jacob Jordan,Ad ministra,er oi Margery Borland, deceased. Filed Januar. 98,h 1869. • No 50. Final account of Patrick McGrady, Administrator of tter ant Meiirady, deceased. Filed January 28th, 1 89. No. 59. Account of lillam Cavdt. Executor of Rosanna McCabe, eceased. Flied January 98th, 1069. , No. 80. e ir.t and 11 al account of James H. Hopkins, Fa . - Exec Beer tor et Margaret Kramer, deceased. Filed January 2 stn. 1889. r No. 61. Account of Leonard It. eiughosa, Ad ministrator of ''anteh , B. Slagriose, deceased Filed January 28th, 1 68. , • a 210. On. nilat , dbstr uttoft aoconnt of W. H. Smith and W. r. Ketchum, Executare of Thos. Manown. deceased. Filed January 9901, 1889 Nei. aa, , AceOlati , ut 111111TIVACIIIllble. Att1U111• istratrix ofMichael Carehde. Illeci January 29, .1869.. No. 84. Aceount of Jane Thlmpsoo; Guardian of minor ehiluren of Georsrelttompion. deceas ed. Fired January 29, 1869. No. 85 Account of Joim Lowrey, Admiral. trator of James W. IlatiniXe decea ed. Filed_ jannaile,99. mar, . - NO- all. AILCCOUtti of Into N. Pennock, one of 'the Executor. of Charles B. Israeli. deceased. Filed January 10. 1889. ' - • NQ 67 . First and Soil account of jailer y. Mitchell.t Egg , Administrator of Gotlelb Falle. deb, assn. Filed Januar/ 30, 1889. No. 88. Acrount, of William Creaham, Execu tor of Peter Crenbam, demised. Flied January 60, 11869. .140,89 d Actor:no of Sarah McCall, Executrix of Millis= McCall, deceased. F lied January 30.1889 , I ( . - . No. 7045'irst and Mill' gecount , or .10 - twate. ,graw,redianigursor Ider boas nob) of *towel Car atm deceas e d." , Filed Febnunall 5861*., Ner 7 . 1., eteeuelri Of a. Morton. leXeculor of Disrael-detnsed; ' Filed-Feb. 0, 1888., • .Z 40.19; Fined leCcOttrit std. Meßrio HUM , ellin el Kedy P.Maya. Flied Feb. 2 i tts No. 73. Flint and ant l itcd , :nnt ref Joh Gass. Jr.. Administrator of MIND Mnsiatng, dcd'd. Filed February 24, um% , No. 74. 'AccoUnt of George" C.' 'Caruthers. Gusedian of Martha J. Caruthers. Filed Febtl-4 No. ID. Final accennt, of John 6; ickeiman, 1 Adminhotrstor if John Henry Kaoline. dee , tE. Flied Fehinery 24, / 8 60. ' ' Na. 76. -Account of lie' lambiKell. Guardian of Lyon' Young. Flied February E. 1889. No. Ili &mullet Lira. W. Robb. Ls . Execu tor Of Mrs. Ana daneMetilan, decrd. lrUed Feb- ruary 2,1. 1039. .. . • _ No. 79. Partlar/aceorint of Wm. Weed* ind James Meant. irXttettiOnt of Samuel Woods, de. ceased. Flied February 24, 1869. - PIPSBITEGH jtSEPH WILY, Register. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70 000.Aeres of land for In lOwa and Ulnitesort ' idles from 03; trei to $15:4!0 per Yet‘: Land batiglit and sold 06 COM. luluton• Taiell Vold; Titles examined; abstracts t furnlahed; tutveylogandPlotUnzdone. Vitoria Won rain,sbed in retVrence to quality end vahmtfon of lands. Ueneral collect ing business' done. Address ; . ;a29;d03 - • ,r• -,•• . - ,_-„,:pisizeurtartt„ DALatia4w NEW ADITEETISM=,Th, FAST COLORED DARK CALICOES, AT 12 . 1-2 CENTS, BEST DARK CALICOES, choice Styles. • •AT 12 , 1-2 CENTS. 4310D___Y.AXV WIDE eILEACHED MUSLIN. =I AT 12 1-2 CENTS,. HEAVY - YAIW WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. At the Lowest Prices, WJIALL43II SEMPLE'S, FEDERAL STREET, T HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA 4. ED with me in co-partnership, WILLIAM BEM% „JOHN M. THORP, The badness will be conducted at the old stand under the name and stile of WM. MU LES & CO. WILLIAM MILIEU. l'irtsstrscrit, Januar/ 1, 11309, WILLIAM MILER 4 CO., Nos. 221 , and 223. Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Porto Rico, Cuba ind - Eiglisb Island Sagan. New York, Phaadelphla and Baltimore gu nned do. , • Deaden - Drips, ' Lureengs. 'Braulls, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island nyrupti. Portoßleo, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson. Japan, Imperial, tiunpowder and Omens Teas. Carolina 'and Bungotn Blue. Java, Laguayra and 10 Coffees. Toraqo, 'Lard 011. FIaL. Nibs, Gliit t Soaps Cotton Yarns; &c., constant!, on hand. ALSO, IMPORTERS OP t • Fine Brandies,Wines arid Segars. Rhenish, Moselle, and 'Sparkling Hock Wines of Muse! &__Co.. In bottles. Sparkime MoselleSchonberg and .7ohannis.. bars, Hockheimer..Bnrgundy, &r. Brandenburg it Freres ` Fine Olive Oil. do - do Clarete,, Imtkorted bottle s. do do ' White W ines. to bottles. . H. Wort & time' Spalding Catiortra. Fine old Sherry. Madeira and Port Wines: • Free Old alonongasela Ry e w Whiskies. pure. do Very SuperlorOld Ph do I do. ALSOs ' Sole lmpe l e` Agents for Mont I Chandon , s Grand Vin. Vcrzenay and Sellery Champagne. ' • Brandlea of our own seleet.on and warranted. j Vd43 . 51 .51 51 CARPETS, rcALLusi BROTHERS, BROTHERS, .111.TALLITM` BROTHERS, ( 51 Fifth Aven 2 iDtrci t''tON r: 1, - 1 - 0;;,of - 1 . R i el . Ewa __...._. , 4 .. I'illi : ii;IIL.C I . iMi ' da,1,,3 i (;11 , :,.x.:x.‘1:-.e . ?''co•T.H:,'.gs; ffe otrerour stock at reduced pr i ces Air a SHOUT TIIIIIO be fore commencing to take stock. NoW is the time to atay“ BO` ARD,R.OSE &co., C. C. WAY", - la:dawl? lILLINGTOII, lOWA. AT 10 CENTS, ME Pillow Case Muslins, Sheeting Muslins, Tickings, &c., &c., E3GI ISO AND 183 ALLEGHENY. CO-PARTNERSHIP. and JEROME t 3. BONNET. ^ Molasses. Fifth Avenue CARIrETS; CARP ABOVE WOOD STREET. gMM .i .~ -' ~..:tis':. • IP-0.1" • 101012 a . 21 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW AaiwminsEiiiLiNm3, AT 12 1-2 CENTS, DARK DELAINF.S3 Good Styles+, On the Best Quality of Cloth. r THE BEST ISATia&INS Tlme iSeascork. ALL KINDS AND GRADES Desirable Dress Goods, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. 1.90 AND 162 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGUENT. SPECIITIANNOUNCEME\T. TO MEET THE GENER tL DESIRE OF THOSE who have been deferred horn Purchasing until alter the first of the year, We have concluded to continue our „. GREAT REDUCTION SALE FOR A. FEW WEEKS LONGER. Thus is posi tively the last opportunity to secure bargains in CARPETS, Oil Clogts, Matting+, ac. • _ Good Carpets for 25 cents a lard. OLIVER M'CLINTOO AND COMPANI No. 23 Fifth Street. JA.NITABY, 1869. 4cArupnengss. Mo.FARLAND & COLLINg, WILL CONTINUE THEIR .ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE TWO WEEKS LONGER. Greater 13argatns than Ever Will beOfcered to Close out Special "Lines of Goods, at 71 and 78 Fin Avow, Second Floor. Ja7 • 't TO WROIR:IT MAT CONCERN: —The Bouti - Of Overton of the NATIONA L REPINING AND STORING: COMPANY have TIM DAY directed that the public be warned from negotiating or purchasing the following Due BMA and obligation'', u .they were issued with oat legal aithority from said Company: TS. Dtte Bill dated January 7, 1669, favor Samuel Lewis. for VOW,' due January 111‘ Due Bill dated Jabuary 7, 11369, favor Samuel Lewis, for $515. due February 96. Due 11111 daiea January 7.3669, , . favor Bamnel Lewis. for 6630, due March 31. .. Rue Thu dated Juisial7 ir, 11381/.. finer Darned ,Lewts, for 1735, dde Apfil 30. Due Bill datedlanuary 7, 1760, Moe Samuel Lew 1.4,14 88110, due tray 31. , deted Jiiikosey 1 7, , 11169,.fav0i Samuel Leith. for 1943, due June 30. . All tbe Ito% is obligations wort dPlait 17 1.0 / 1 MeKitty, Secretary, by order of David Kirk, President Pirrsiniaan. Jaanary ducce3sor W . W.I/44AM EIT)IVEI.MON.) MEE Jernmair ISM, 11689. itentr.4rsvMM this; JULY iitimMled ":•fir my large sia floe assortmet . d of Jewelry, itc:, to 1r ; W04111111:1 1 1404Eli ; BEE and given lease of my store and dwelling, NO. and,/,tb;rcy 'yet's, to bud, etstettalfireioni Meid hint to bay forms r petions. " " All penoaa ladebted , tome will please pay the same to roy.nephow,,,loHNS., CRAWFORD. at tiiiertf Sleeet E Pt See•billenot dolin.B. Her ron it Co. 61;d8S 11,..pe CAMP,' At TORNEY AND -COUv6EtLoR ATLAW, - 'tice; - 131 - 114 1 1311ThrAirtrfrITC - Pitti. barer, Iformerfy We-pitted , by Hon Walter H. Lowrteo wla oritetleold the H. B. Circuit and UlitrP t C. uric In 0.. State Sapreme and all the Comte of Alieshetly;OOutity; aniSnot*lf bWtre ttons In molt oftbe adjacent t outdid,. Ja29073 181°MOO;113. : 01 • 011. B R - SICED. SOO berbele cb•Aloe 'l'imottirSeed, lo elute and fur sate by neAlliloll. 1t HARPER'. 320 Liberty ittreet. Jan ittaburgli. OF EEa Or AT DCLANOE. President pit tem. 28,' 1889. a30:d56 Intxt&lirliTzvENt3ox t ; • • 7 • - . . -Aar NprZOICE-"N L 4;" ..for ..kost' Want," ••Found.• , .••Boarding.'• at4ngt az-Vediittir9o.B LINES ea** wilt be in• *and bah* ooltaaiifoiked for rwsztrr-n CENTS: each additional Mu FIVE asNrs. • WANTED SITUATION. WANTED. - SITUATION. - A BIETSIN.Ean 3lAN,witn good qualifications, who can adopt himself to circumstances, desires ael ituvq.oo, Adgorsa.6., Gazat odice. - WANTED---HELP. • WANTED. -- COOK. good GIRL, will and a pleasant Lome ins small family. by &milt lag early at No. till BEAVER STELE'''. Al leirbeny City., blast be a good cook, washer and it ( nerd References' reantred.- TUANTED---HELP.-AT EM. ,PLOYSINNT :4)FIFICE. , ;No, 3' St.-Clair Street, BOYS UißLb and BigN, tor ditterent Wads of employment. iPeratims .1 12 /0 3 3 of Ali kinds can be supplied on short notice. . WANTEID--BdARIalRt3, WAN TED.- BOARDERS: Pleasant. rarm;'wlttl beard,' ettitabie for gentleman and wife. or two you segentiemen. at 68 FOURTH STREET. Also, a iew day or din ner .boarders can be accommodated. Reference WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED—To employ, o•few gobd MEN to distribute Ashbaugh's Great BM mastic Remedy, •'The Wonder of tne W orld." on the plain-system. not to be _paid for until fully tested. Address J. C. TILTON, 1054 tit. C.alr street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jam) WANTS. WANT ED-1101USE.-A dwelt hotme of four or five - rooms. by a fun- Hy with no children. Aderess, D. D.. GAZETTE OFFICE. WANTRIISUITEO - F ROOMS and BOAR.) In private family for Gentle man and Lady In central part of the city; rooms Clouting on U.e street.. Andress Box A, Gamma Or: ICE. _ TNTANED—Honda and Mort- T to the 'amount of 450,000 on city or county unencumw-red plopertsi. havinie from enp to lire years to run, In amounts ranging from $5OO to $5.000. Also, t bnsiness accommodation paper to the amount of $40,000, In sums from' $OOO to $3,000. anti from 00 days to 4 months to run. 100 acres of good Western lands t. exchange for furniture. Apply 'to . . B. lifcLAti ja% :Cor. 4tb avenue and !Smithfield street. FOR SALE 1 1" SALE.-4,-LEA4E of %two TIMER STORY BRICK HOUSES la a bus iness !twatlon. It bat tour , yeara- to nal; teat low. Address, W. X GAZZTTIC OFFICS. rim SALEHouse and Lot on Fayette street, Fifth Ward. Allegheny. ease new. containing Five Rooms. Cellar and Hall, well farnlshed. Lot —;feet-front by feet In depth. :e • Two Lots on Chortler! etrret,ench 20 feet front by 140 feet In depth, corner of Bayard Alley. ()Ile Lot. on Nixon street 20 feet front by 132 feet In depth, Sixth Ward. Allegheny. Also, for lea e acre• of ground with a good House of Three Rooms withy necessary out build. lugs. at Woods Run, tor a term of from one to 'ten years. House and Lot No. 2210 Laeoek street, Alle gheny clty. . Apply to ALEXANDER PATTERSON, Corner Juniata and Feeble street, S...x.th ward, Allegheny. • ja22 F"'SALE.-A DERIIIABLE FARM. containing 150 acres. located on the A. V. It. kt., :13 miles from the city and within Ave minutes walk of a Station ; . 115 acres clear ed. balance in good timber; 00 tems In gm-a, 30 acres underlaid with a 3 foot vein of coal: soil first class end the improvements No. I,_ con sisting of a new pont le T_wo Story Frame House of 7 boom, - foot halls and good cellar, built and finished in splendid style; large new Bank Barn, 40 by 72, planed an dpatnted. Also. ail necessary outhnimings conveniently arranged. including a Tenement Houm of 4 ro°ms; whole farm well watered and can a 1 be worked by ma. chinery: sly acres of orchard. select variety of fruits; also small fruits. Thls farm Is without 'doubt- the best in the nelabborhood, and needs 'only to be seen to be •appreciated.' Yrom the house is bad a delightful clew of the towns of Freeport and -Natrona. tip and down the Atte. gbeny rivers And surrounding country. Forpar titulars apply Id CROFT t PHILLIPS. Real. Estate Agents. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. gIOR SALE.-" IR lit/FIELD COTTAGE and GROUNDS, shout 8 scree. ntifully planted and distributed in vineyard, fruit and ornamental evergretn and deciduous trees and h hrubbery, a complete assortment of the fruits of the climate: commodious rri age house. stable lad tenant house um. er one roof' cottage or elgnt rooms. pantries, 'se., summer . kitchee, rain Carer cistern and spring of purest water at door: 'Situate one m la north of Allegheny. on Perrysville road, and a q"arter of a mile from Pleasant Valley Passenger Car Station. For terms and particulars enquire at north end of Hand Street Bridge. L'oll BA LE-BU SINESE4- 7 1r E STOCK AND 000 U WILL of wholesale and retail Dry Hoods and Notion House, now doing a good busihess. located on Federal street, Allegise• ny atty. Also the storeroom with fixtures and ceI- Iar"TO.LKT." This is an opening seldom offered, as the stand is second to cone on the s.rect. For Particulars apply to LROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, No. 139,ourth av enue. FOR SALE.—A THREE STO BRICK DWELLINts Howie. containing 10 rooms. 'Rusted- No. .10 - STOCKTON AVE NUE, Allesheny City. The kt is 30 by 240 leet, - and has a- cool prick stable at rear end fronting on Water meet. Fir further Ittionna tlon inquire of H. CHILLS, No. 133 (Wood street. gittaburgh. alwr FOR SALE . —REFINERY.—A First Class- Refinery, in complete run wag- order, nearly new. Has been in operation but a few =attn. attnated on the A. V. R. H.. beyond the present city limits. Capacity five hundred bbis per week. Can he doubled with no extra exnenstrexceptlng an additional still. Apply aViio and 2* MANKE rETREET, Pitts burgh, Pa. FOR SALE—DESIRABLE WES TERN AVENUE RESIDENCE. located on estern avenue, Allegheny city. between Bidwell street and Irwin avenue. Residence—brick of 11 rooms, ball and good cells,, gas throughout' 'and all enlab -d in first class style. Lot 48 by 120 to a 20 foot alley, will be sold on easy terms. Apply id CROFT PLILLLIPB,ReaIEstate Agents, No. 1.39 Fourth avenur. jai° F 1 OR SALE-FARM.-200 acres of good Land; situated In Penn Ty., West moreland county, two miles from Irwin Station, on inn farina.. B. B, improvements, hewed log bobse In geoid repair, bank barn and otder out- Juaildlnas.v Terms moderate. Enquire of W. `WILSON - 4 Ladinaeris Station, or .2: LAIOPE, Penn Etatton. - , . . VOR fine. two : a.:. storybriek warebouso, 514 bye. het, situ ated on OHIO oTHElLT,iAllegbenretty4 , No. 95, now 'occupied as is • lone and • Grain Wassbonse • Also,Chat two stogy brick dwelling home, 50 by 65 feet, adjoining Our above • containing six rooms For farther particulsni ennuis* on the premises of N. ISTEHL /ON. t, ,‘,. • • pit 11 . 41!!*1-11111111NEMIL STAND —A well known and pronerens irkotiesale bust nen stand, with dock and Antares,: is Offered fie sale, Vattsfactoz7 nelson' •are given for the db. •eraill. Apply it WOOki wwa - -sAura;-wzexnotrsm-- matolacrwilaTlMY WOK BUM DING, US _1)13to streed."Amernv, ow occupied as a arui tlialTheebouse. Vas wips. 13 0 46.111:8TZZLZW 13 ..13r. ort tlieaueiti. FOR SALE.—A New Rouse' at saucito9mAk and alai'. corner of Pride and orbewmotets. .Water am" Etairlit the Wire; also Bang ° in kitchen. Veit , SAIX-41110WVA 131/, -0 -En. .A: quire of J. B. KENNEDY. 85 Ititrathffeld street. FURS! FURS! FURS! ft e & mcco4D , 181 WOOD STREET. QUEEN OILCLOTH won WI N. 1/Ow SHADES—We are pow manuficiti ring this article of , ft quality superior to ankh. and at prices lower thau can be had of any 'East ern manufacturers, Dealers will llnd it to their interest to examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. J. 41 H. PUILLIPP. art gad SIU sixth tit.. formerly St: Omar. NT .30 barceis Hydranl• =MOD '.r •flo for saleDr& SON. J. B. CANFIELD CEN N./ io C TO LET rpO.I.ET.-.t FRONT ROOM, OO • second floor, well furnished. with is* and co* For terms, scrip at No. 33 NJNTfi STR . PICT. former:* hand. • an rgO-LET.-LIBIE KILN ' AND QUARRIES for lease; Kilns in rood order Limestone complete. Transportation can be furnished. Enquire at No. 413 LiRERTY . &MEET, up stairs. -- FRONT OFFICE, Stew'', story, 56 Smithfield street. Enquire at rug Store, corner Yourth avenue and Smith field meet. TO-LEIN:- ROOPIE4---Vwo fi ne BOOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at ounting Rooms, IS* and 66 Fifth avenue. 0 LET..—Six Ofticei on the ') 0 Corner of Penn and Eighth tr. 'ers; 3 on rat and 3on the Second floor, (win very large.) Aho. s. well lighted ans dry Basement Store Room. To let—A dwelling next , he corner, No. U 9, on Eighth p4Ter,_. wi th 1 rooms. Also one with 11 rooms, No. RS, on ,Ifoghtn a tredt. Also, ',Warehouse...No:lBS Smithfield street. Apply at 277 Penn ',sleet. • . TC-LET,--ONE STORII 110413 f. FOUB BASEMEN'Te, lighted nnd shed. • OFrICESirt the s^eond story. - BLEEPING ROOMS In the third story, and ONE LARUE . HALL, with two ante-rooms, iMthe fourth fato* of A. H. English it COnl new building, Fourthavenue. Aonly to 4.11..r.5q. Lltal &CO.. No. A 9 lr Ifth - avenee: • YeO•LET.*THE SECOND. AND TBIll i STOftlllB' of a BUtinesit Rouse nn eral street. A.legheny city. 4 ach room is 20 bp 80. 13Mendid location for a. PHUT 00 HAPH- Rk, IiASM.It. KOOK or light Manufacturing. fipaclonsisont entrancetandin.the best bu.iness portion of the strest, . For particulars apply to CRUET ib nutitaps,-meal Estate. Agents and Brokers, No. 130 Fourth Avenue. MOILET—HOITSE .First Class 3 story brick' house with 11 Woms, a good range of modern kind In kitchen, hot sod cold armsr up stain andjdown, a imod wash house and bath room. good'eoal -house on alley back; also a good dry cellar under the whole house. Every thing Incomplete repair. ' For farther particulars Inquire of - ttAMSET & HALE, !Real • Estate Agents, No. 91Beaver street I tyo - LET.--TWO Handsomely finished rooms. with gu and tire, one on rat door, and one front op stairs, Inquire at 199 Third avenue NOTICES. 0/FICS MOICONGLHELA Ban rOMPANY, l'irranuncar. Janus' y 30, 1869. ( • rgrAN ELEMION t Ott THEP.- . TEEN,MANAGERS' or the Cumuli for erecting a bridge over the Monougabetartvar, o.watt+ Pittenrgh. In the Paunty of Al.egheny, velie be held at the Tell House, on MONDAY, the Ist dery of atarchtiext. at sao'clock. r. x. ..re2:dB9-MP JAS. H. WRItsHT, Tremurer. OFFICE OF THE- UNION REFINING t AND STORING COMPANY. PITTSBOIGH, February 1. 1.869.• The Board or Dire-ton have this day declared a Dividend of 25 PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable forthwith at their °rico, corner of Sixth avenue and Wood st eec. • KIRKPATRICK, President. Ww. F. Lema. Secretary. te2:d9o WOFFICE i OF ‘7/MYLVA 11itRAnRrciT:'snILAzeirA,,anary 27, 1869. NOTICE TO f37OCKHOLDEB”? The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY, the 10th dui of Februari , 1869, at 10 o'clock A.M., at CONCERT' HALL, No. 1,219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.. • The Annual Election for Directors will beheld on MONDAY, the Ist day of March, 1869, at the omee of the Company, No. 238 South Third street._ fe2:088 BOMBED SMITH, Secretary._ THE SNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO.. OF • PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh, • January 30th, 1860. rar''NOTICE HEREBY GIV EN to the STOCKHOLDEES , •I the [NAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY, To meet at its Office on Twelfth street, on TUES DAY ebrtiary 9th. 1809, between the hours of 1 any 3 r. x., for the purpose. of electing Seven (7) Directors and Secretary and Treaeur er. to serve for tbe ensuing year, and- for the transaction of such other business as may be brougnt before tkem. Transfer Woks ale closed until after February 10th, 1669 ~D3Ord77 O. METCALF, See'i OFFICE OF THE ALLEGEZNY VALLEY B.S. Pittsburgh. January 98, 1869. STOCKHOLDERSIgr ANN UAL 911N43.—The regular annual Kg of the Allegheny Valley Railroad ...omp , u7r et . l v I LL be held attha chine of ibe ompany. No. 26 Pike street, on TUESDAY. 2311 day of FebruarY, 1889, for the pu, pose ,of eltcting a Board of Managers for the earning yea^ and the transac tion of such other business as tug be presented. Ja.V;(l69 JOHN BALLANTIN E. Secretary. OFFICE PACIFIC & A TLANTIC TELEGRAPH CO. t OF TAE . UNITED STATEN. Prrsusurcen. January 25, 1868. L;FFIFTEENTH DIVIDEND.- The Directors of the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Company of the Untied mates having this day declared the regular quarterly dividend at the rate of TEN PER kle.bT, per annum for the quar:er tutting December 31. 186 w. . I will pay the same at the office of the Treasurer on call. JILT:a% ED. JAY ALLEN, Treasurer. Iigr'PERRY STREET.—The LIB . dersigued. appointed view.rs to asses.' damaees and benefits for OPENING PER. Hy STREET, from its eastern terminus 10 meet the Troy NW Road, will meet on the premises on MONDAY. 15. b day of February, at 4}l Welsch P.M., to attend to the' duties of their anpoint ment. J. J. BERMAN, - THOMAS SY ITH, } Viewers. 27 ja.:dBl L. WALTER, W — WEBSTEIt'STREET.-L-We, the undersigned, appointed rtewers to as seas datums, s and benefits in thum:dter of widen ing WERST I. ft STREET, Second ward, Alle gbeny, Irma Benton alley to North Commun. , . I:I meet on the premises on sIONDAY, the 15th day of February. at 3 o'clock Pat:, to attend to the duties of our appointment,S. BELFORD, J. J. HERMAN, LEUNA 0:3 WALTER. J&27:d63 tar EWALT STREET BRIDGE CON PA NY. , —N otice is hereby given to the subscribers for the stock of the '•.k.watt etreet Bridge." that Incompliance with an ;Act of As semtey Incorporatthe said C..rnthnT. an instal, meat of Fklre. DOL.LAIte on each stare ot stock Is required to be paid immediately to the Tress urer. G. ;Bieber', at his orate. No. 406 PENN brtICE.T. By order of the Committee.. ;d65 C. SIEBE6T. Ormuz P 1 1 .11111011& COIyma.T.FVILLX Plttaburgh, January 14. 196 Imo" NOTICE TO Bondholders: Nottc9 La hereby Oven , Lat COUPON No. 19 T 4 ETLE MIXES , IV , SION CON STBUCTioIiI bVNOI doe on the first day or February next, will , paid on and after that date upon_presentatton end dedvtr, at the l ist National:Uank of Pittsburgh. •f• rli (4E, Ju., Treasurer I•ls:d2St UPTICB OT VITT ENGINNXII AND DCRVEYOIt. Pittsburgh:: 1121111117 99th, 1868. f NOTICE.—The: assessment 'lttr Grutingand Paving gritiNti A LLEY. from Twenty•eighth to - Twenty.ninto.street, is now ready for eassalnation d can be s ern at this ogles unlit TlVlTlllue'r .Fenrs •ry 4th, 1869, when it lOW be returned to We City Treas urers nfllce n for enileettoni Ja2s:das H. 3: 111001i1C, f.tty Engineer. CtOrroot.i.til•R OPPICIt. CITT OP ja Ata...wours. ; January 30 1888. rTOPRINfEIiS-i-Sealed Pre. posall iHll berecelved se.litl'oftleeliftill 3 o'cloe.k P. on TaultdDA February 4th, for prim log VOGT , . HullatetrUsbles of the Annual Report .of Committees or Couuctle. en:utiles of the work required can ..00 'Oen at, this taro, Bid ders are rainested to startypricegter psset IL. IL BRANCA% City iontreller. REMOVAL•' the °Mess and Warehouses of PARK, BROTHER & CO. HAVE. BEEN ttEMOVED 7 . 0 THEIR WORKS, Conlhirii(lllo,WAMakStrPets. OrdeVl !left liathirAßK. XCOUBIq.O CO.. No . l ig s eco nd Aypnae, will tecelve prinFipt .ntion _ J B. TOUNGION & CO., .041.101rilk'KM lallagin, CONPECTiONARY, lOFF CREAM and DINING SALsiON, 83 Prnitilei l l of Dill in omtiqer• Pittsbnruhi sir Parties and families supplied with Ice Cream and rakes on snort notice. • D'l& COOPER, IVL AL A CE and WILLARD, , • HOMEOPATHISTS; ' Will remove theli Me on' the First of April next to No. 72 Diamond, Allesheny ettn - rear of City Hall. Ja30:09 El