El WESTERN AVENUE RESIDENCE AT AUCTION. Wednesday, .I . 'ebruary 3, At' 2 o'clock P. st.. on the premises, will be sold by auction, tb . st Teri - deß'rzble and handsome residence and grounds, corner cf Western ave nue and Bidwell street, . Allegheny city. The mansion contains 15 spacious and commodious rooms, with eve•y triouern improvement, fur nished to the nigheit style. Lot front en &re mise 100 feet, extending tack 227 In depth along Bidwell street. _Grounds highly ornament ed, stabling and carriage horse complete. One set the finest properties of the two cities, and . should cc-muand the attention of those desiring „a-llrst-ch.ss home. Positive sale H. B. SHITHSON & CO., f :d9l RELATES, SKATEI : I have received y stock of Sate for the sea. ,son of '66 and '6O, comprising every style known to the trade, at pri es ranging PllOll 50 . CENTS PER PAIR UP TO 25. My stock embraces a full Line of Ladies' S d Gentlemen's Skates. New fork Ci nb.Americanittnk;Blondin's Ancie Sup ; porter, our Ladles' and Gents' Clipper, Phila delphia and Boston Club, Empire and Vulcan, together with , a large assortment of -medium gpriced Skates for Boys, which I offer at exceed tingly low prices. I invite all in want of Skates to call and be convinced that 136 WOOD. .STREET, is the place to buy Skate:. 'or sale wholesale and retail by • JAMES BOWN, NO.. 136 WOOD' STREET. PITTSBURGH no2Orrp NKRUPTCV PLAYED OUT! $2.00. -THIS CARD entltks the bearer, on presentation, to TWO DOLLARS abatement on a cash purchase of 625.00 at the area cheap c!othing house of 3.0. TRIMEROLIN, ORIUINAL BIG .IiIIMBER . 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair Nobody beat by this establishmmt, but falr dealing to. all! Call and becoxylneed. All -Clothing plainly marked by prlntedeards, at LOWEST CASH PLICES, - Bo that no one may be deceived. Remember the place, original big number .11., SIXTH tiTR r, late BEW EE ARE COUHTERFEITSOF THIS: S. S. TBAUEJWAN. NI PORT A. IV T, ANNOUNCE MENT. de.u;TQ-s GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Tobacco, Cigars & whisky. ISAAC STERN, 210.162 Federal street, above lie Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, ,PA,, - Respectfully announces to his hiench that he Ls mow offering his stock, consisting of 'the ,PIATEST CIGABS, TOBACCO, &C., And the PUREST Liquifts, ..A4Trices LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN 'THIS MARKET. Sir Remember the place, 244162 FEDERAL ST.., ALLEG/IE se4:v7o-TUS I:l )ElDll3 4 CriaOk.N ! ! CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, c 130.9 dbo. We offer our stock at reduced prices for a SHORT TINE be- Afore commencing to take stock. Now is the time to buy. BOVARD,ROSE & CO. 21. k'lt - vlll AVERT. Ae4:(l,twi' DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 - FOURTH STREET CHARTERED IN 1855. ASSETS ()pen daily, from 9 to 9 o'clock; also on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY EVENIEI4B, from May Ist to. November let, from 7to 9 o'clock, and from No ember Ist to. May Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. • • _ Owlposits received of all sums of t less than . DOLLAR and dividead of' the proms declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest has been. deelared semi-annually In June and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate or SIX per cent. a year. Interest, If not drawn out, Is io the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same Int 'erest fromthe Ist days of June and December, compounding twice. spear, wlthoct troubling the depositor to call, or even to present Ida pass book. At this rate money will double in less thin twelve years. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws. Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applies- Von at the office. . - Pazsirixi—OßOßOE -ALBREE. !xiCataxsipitirre: . JohnO. BaCkoren, A M. Pollock, M. D., Benj. P. Fahnestock, ..Robert-Robb, 1 :James Herdman, John IL Shisenberger, dames McAuley, James Shidle, James 13. 13. ?deeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. . . TRI7STEER: . .. . Wm . . J. Anderson, I . Hobert C. Loomis .Calvin Adams. 1 Henry J. Lynch. John C. Bindley, • • Peter A. Madeira, - George Black, - John Marshall, 13111 nnrgwing Walter P. Marshall, •.Alonso K. 'Carrier, • John B. McFadden,: Charles& Colton, Ormsby Phillips, John Evans, Heary_L Hingwalt, John J. Gillespie, Wm; E.:Schmerix. Williams B. Haven, Alexander Tindle, Peter H. Hunker. - William Van Kirk, illchard Ha3s, - Isaac Whittler, James 11, Kelly, Win: P. We an. i . Talu...mint—CH LES-A. COLTON. Si_s_______________llx war — JAMES B. D. MKEDS. - I RENO" pBAs AND ALUSLITiADoNES. Just received; also, Fre.h Asottragus, Green Corn, tomatoes, Lima Beans and Okra. put up in tin cane, for sale by tbe doxen ur case, by JN O. A. I: NSHA.Wv Corner Liberty and Hand streets. rbp. Atthr-100' tons choice rand•insturelanßtur xme noU J• CAIzFLE:LD eorr. BEST DARK CALICOES, A.IICTIONEERS SKATES AT IQ 1- . Q CENTS. EXTRA GOOD YARD WIDE AT 12 1-2 CENTS, QTY YARD WIDE UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. Pillow Case Muslins, Sheeting Muslins, Tiekings, &c., &e., At the Lowest Prices; WILLIAM SEMI'LE'S, FEDERAL STREET, JANUARY, 1869. 11TARLAND & COLLINS, CITY, Pe ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE TWO WEEKS LONGER Greater Bargains than Ever will be offered to close out Special Lines of Goods, at - 71 AND 73 FIETIJ AVENUE, 1. SECOND FLOOR. 8 51 51 51 Fifth Avenue, _ CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. BROTHERS,_ II'CALLUM BROTHERS, I'CALLUM BROTHERS, 51 Fifth Avenue, _ Jax► ABOVE WOOD MEET. 52,315,804 61 REMOVAL. The Oakes and Warehouses of PARR, BROTHER & CO. REMOVED TO THEIR WORKS, Cer. tT hirtieth and Rallrolid Streets. Orders -lien with PARS, mccunDy £ Co.. No. lAA Second Avenue, 7111 receive prompt at . .. • ' J. 33: tention. NEW ALDVERTISTITIfitN AT 10 CENTS, FAST COLORED DARK CALICOES, AT 1.2 1-2 CENTS, Choice Styles. BLEACHED MUSLIN. On 180 AND 182 ALLUGEIENT CARPETS. - Will Continue their HAVE BEEN_ PITTSBURGH GAZMTE : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I=ll2l AT P-2 CENTB, DARK DELAINES, Good Styles, On the Best . Quality of Cloth THE BEST BARGAINS The Sleistsco.n. ALL KINDS AND GRADES Desirable - Dress G WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. ISO AND IS2 FEDERAL 'STREET, tea ALLEGUENT SPECII!4 INNOUNCENEXT. [ to TO MEET THE GEIsiERAL DESIRE OF THOSE who have been deferred front purchasing until after the first of the year. we have concluded continue our GREAT REDUCTION SALE FOR A FEW WEF.ES LONGER. The is tu , P tively the last opp..rtuuity to s. cure bargain., in 4 C.A. -3E1 6 - 3P lr r S, Oil Cloths. Ihttino . s &e. J ' Good Carpets for cents a 'Yard. OLIVER _ WCLL.NTOCK AND COMPANY No. 23 Fifth Street' fate SCHMIDT &FRIDAY • LIIYORTERS OF \VINES BIIANDIES, GIN, &A WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE :WHISKIES, 409 PENN STRFET, Will Remove on the Ist of April to NOS. 361 AND 356 PENN, Cor. Eleventh St., (formerly "Canal.) LANDS TO EXCHANGE NEARLY ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAN I In Chase.county, Kansas, will be exchanged fo OM Improved farm in Heaver. Washington, Atte gheny, Ilawrence,'or Westmoreland county, ra. on or near a railroad. Mese lands-lie In a body, are near the flourishing town of Emporia, 'and are, represented to be well watered, suitable for el her stock or 'rain raising, and near the Atchl eon Banta Fee Railroad. Address, "EXCLIANGE," Box 641 Pittsburgh, PROCLAMATION. Al A YOE'S OFFICE PITTSBCROII, January 6 In accordance h a resolutio passe d by the Select and t °rumor' Councils of the city of Pitts bu sith i on the 21ad day of Janus.' y, 188941 hereby Issue this my Proclamation for the election of One Member of Select Council, for the Sixteenth s Ward of the City of Pittsburgh to All the va... eaecy caused by the death of A. Hoeveler, Esq.,. member elect , from said ward. The ell ctors of the Sixteenth ward of the City of - Pittsb rgh, qualified to vote f..r members of the House of Representatives or I.,is - CorardouWealth,. will. therefore, meet at the WIGWAM, corner ol Main and .Pearl acre* ts, In ra.d ward, on TUESDAY, the 9i.ls'day 'of February; 1860, and elect One Member of Select Council to AU the vacancy Aforesaid. 'Given under My hand and the seal of sold City of Pittsburgh, lOU 27th day df January, A. D. 5869. 1428:f137•F 1a28: JAMES BLACKMORE, Mayor. M.S.) SJILVIIES, SKATES,. IiKATES. American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Starr, &c. Ali °the i r styles and shies at the very lowest rates at i WHITESIDM & MIA - del4 PEDERA.I. BT.. A LLEHREN f. - • VIRESS FISH. Benjamin Put- PRESI still continues to All all eiti and coun try orders for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. CI DIAMOND MARKET. Pitt.- bumf., or Me old well known TWIN CITY STAND.. Allembeny.utarket oc2o 49 1 1 1 3 11 4 11 4 U: 149 111,11 i OF' SORGHUM E 4 ll I STEVENeON. TVESDA.Y, FEBRUARY 2. 1860 ~ , ' B 3 Ol` oods, EMI T _ O-LET.— 4 FRONT ROOM, on second door, well furnished, with gas and coal. For terms, anp'y at No. 33 NINTH STREET, former(' hand. O- LET.-LIME KILN AND T. - QUARItIEis for leitsc; Mini to rood order aid Limestime Complete. 'i ransnortatinn can he furnished. Enquire at „No. 413 LtitERTY STREET,up stair, 1 atTO-L ET. - FRONT OFFICE, ~..,, CO , id Story. 30 Smithfield street. • Ennui', iriig Store, corner ii of rth :ivenue and ti,nittli tiehl stieet. j • 9[lo- L R OOI IS.--11'svo line KiNh., In (; .AZ El TE III!1 I. DI NU. Apply at Countingilio.mti, bf and O Flittt avenue. rpo LET.—Six Offices on the j,_ Corner lof Penn and Eighth sir. ke,..; 3 on dred ant a Ott the :-1,e0:141 door, (one eery Inrg..) Alto, a will lighted all 4try WO's, Itn , ro. To lip: -A 4:%-. tIo•Nt 'he corner, No. 20. on Eidalt street. wan 7 r..1.)5. Also tone - alth I t r 4, 11[15, No. 35, E 6tre et. Also, It 1% ar..11,11a.';. 0. I.NN street. Apply at 277 .'tnn NErrel. S'I'0111:. IZOO.lv. FOUR. IiA 9 t.:3IENT.t., well 1 1g4Tet1 and nThhot. oF eli 'ES In. the A cum! story. SLIE story, nod ON ARA E tt.l., svolt two “nt.,roonti. In th E'ourth Bunt/ o f A. H. Enkrll,h Co '9 Ilt•W ull , llntr. Funrtn 111,011, Apply It, A. H. ENLI CO— Nn• :10 Fir • • • rfIO•LET.-TIIE SECOND ti THIR'r STORIES of a Business . 11ousc nn Fr cral street, A Itgil,tly city r ad, room k2O by O. ripiErvibi location fors PHI I oli ttA SASIP,V. 0002, or ilght Manufacturing. Spar:too, I toot en: ran re. end In the best bu,iness rt:tritoti ()COW btr to . t. Fos particulars apply to Crti 'FT 3• •Heal k.sta , e Agorae , and Brokers, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. TO I LET—IIOIFSE—A: First Class 3 story brick home .with 11 r. onh., a good range of modern kind In kitchen, i of and cold - water un stairs andjdown, a good wash house and bath room, a g..0.f oat. houae On all e, hack: also a good dry c• 11 , r under the whose house. Every' thing in complete repair. For turther particulars inquire ~f 1' .k HALL, Real Estate Agent., No. DI heaver tired • TO LET.-..TWO Handsomely ..A_ furnished rooms. with gas and tire, one on first door. and one front np aisles, Inquire at 199. Third &Vl:due. CO - PARTNERSHIP. IHAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA w 1 th me ur eo-partneredip, waulm num JOHN M. THORP, and JEROME S. nom. The business win he contlnete,l at the o' stand under the name arid style or WM. 3111 LEI:. at Co. LI P/TTSII.7IIOII, January WlL I, 1800 MILLER. WILLIAM DULLER & CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. • • ' Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly. Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and /Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and italtlmore Re fined do. • Golden Drips, Loverlngs. Brun,'ls, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island syrup'. . Porto Rico, Cuoa and English Wand Molasses. Young Hys ,, n, Japan, • ltnuerlal, Gunpowder and Om. ng Teas. Carolita and Hungoin Rice. Java, Laguayra and In Coffees. Tooacco :Lard Oil. Fish, Bella,Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns , &C., constantly on hand. Fine Brandies,Wines 'and Segars. Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinkel ,Sc Co.. In bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Schimberg and Jobannis burg, Hockheirner. Burgundy, Sr. Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olive 011. do do Clarets, imported In bottles. do do ' White Wines. In bottles. M. Work & Sons Swirling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Maueira and Port Wines. Free old Mononganela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very SUPerlor Old Scotch do do. ALIAS°. r Sole A p onte for Moot a Chandon's Grand Vln. crummy and ,Sellery Champagne. — Brandies of otir own aoleot.ou and warranted. J '.1•(143 • -- ROC EARNER wag Practical Fu 118 PO Where may . or. Chamber an .KEYST S o M. 111.1 RTJEENSWA oifice mud Wereh. QAII ordera , Tria," "F.* . go "Wasite.ls 1.7011634. HBOnOttinti;" I C.. not ex meainp,FOOß Id NES ciels Will 5e en eerted Sntlieee tole/mine on ce 'o,. T'WENT Y-FI YB 17/eFTR each 'platform/ line FIVE CENTS. WAN TED---SITUATION. WAN TED• --• SITIITA'i lON. --- # BLr:q.NESN MAN.wf tn good quailticat , one. awho call ad..pt himself to elre.!ane,s. de,rire, situation. ndo ni,, ttsa G., I;AZEITh vffiC, WANTED-HELP VIVAIITT4 , D. -;-• f'OOK. —A good famil G. L find a plea attn home Ina small y. by applying early at No. 63 BEA VER STK h.ET. Allegheny Clay. ]lust be a:rood Cook. washer andlrener, kef rences required. IV ANT ED --- HELP.----AT EDI PLOyMENT OFFICE. No. 3 St. Clair `Street, and MEN, for dbDerent kinds of ernploment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED--BOARDERS, ANTED, HOARDERS. - v Pleasant room. with hoard, suitable for ge:thman and wife. or two young gentlemen, at OS FOURTH STREET. Also. a iew day or din ner boarders eau be Leeman:iodated. Reference required. WANTED--AGENTS. WANTED—To employ a few good MENto distribute I.r. Ashb.utth's Great Rheumatic Remedy. "The Wonder of the World." on the package system, not to be paid for until fully tested. Address-J. C. TILTON. 10S St. Catirstreet, Pittsburgh, Pi. 13.41 WANTS. WANTED—HOUSE.—A dwel now iluU , e of four or live rooms. by a fam ily nlOl no children. Ad, ress, D. D., 0-L2lErrs OFF/CM. WANTED.-SUITE OF ROOMS and HOAR ti In private family for Gentle man and Lady st r eet . l part or the city; rooms raontlnebn the Audreas Box A, GAzETTX Or. ICE. WANTED—Roads and Mort gages to the amount of .60,000 on city or county untbncuinto.red property. having from .n•• to die years to run, In amounts ranging nom 4500 to $5.000. Alto, business accommodation paper to the amount of 41 0 ,000, In BUMS from 1600 L 13,000, anti trona 60 days to 4 months to run. 160 acres of good-Western lands t,, exchange fur furniture. Apply to jaZ Cor. 4th avenue and d h .eL hVe l & street LOST LOSTOn Tuesday last, a large LOST= CLUSTER GARNET BRGOC urob Ely on Market street or rMb avenue, or IrranNnio ay.nut- cur. A liberal tewartt for its return to the GAZETTE OFFiCit. TO LET. 7(:h ai'eiiur, ALSO, IMPORTERS O. THE BABY 'EI PATENT CRIB, SOLD ONLY BY N & WEISE. tare Manufacturers, &a., T'H A.V-JENtr.E. found a full anortment of Par- K Itchen Purnlture. de2s NE POTTERY. & co., analllctorere Of E..BRISTOL WA &e. nee. 303 LIBERTY taltlEb.T. omptly attended to.. .FOl2 SALE FOR SALE.—A LEASE of tivo THREE tol'OitY BRICK HoU3E7 Is 3 bus fuels !oration. ft has lour peaty to ,u 3; l en t loW, 6ddresS,,,l X . G , ZETTIS OFFICL t i ' Ort. . SAL --House and L ton F eet. rlith Ward. Allegheny. House Dew. cant thing Five Rooms. Celi Sr and Hall, well furnts ed. Lot —fuer' iFórIL by — feet in depth. 'rwo Lola On C niers straet,each 20 feet front by 140 feet In delptn. earner o , 'Bayard One Ida en Nixon street 20 fret front by 132 feet In depth, St.yrn Ward. Allegheny. Also, fur lea , e Ut'aere• of gri,rind wall a good House of Thee Rtwins with necessary uric [build lugs. at Woes ltula,'loratetmtof fruin veto ten years. 114..u,e ands Lot: k • To. 220 Lacock street, Alle gheny city. I .lnpl.r Er 1% 4 DER PA TTIMSOS, Corner.Juniata net freble street, g,.x.th yard. Allegheny. ,nl.l F"ftSA EE.—A . BE iIFit.A BLE FAlL 7 3„ . contOrdrig lid acres. lo , ated on the A. V • it. it, tru the city a:nal within. the minutes wa lk' of miles tat m a Sion; 145 urea !ear etl„ balance in good timber; 90'acres in grass, 30 acres underlaid with a 3 foot vein of coal: Soil first claas• and thp improvements No. l,icon els t lng of a new Dom ie Two. Story Frame House or 7 tromps, % foot balls and gaud celiar, built and llni.diedln splendid style; large new Bank Barn, 49 by - 74.1platied an apalnted. Also..ail acres-ary outhubitinn,. conveniently. .arratiaed, Including a TeneMent , llou .5 of , Ilroomi; ihole farm well watered and can a I he worked bY ma-. chtnery: six acres id orchaill, select variety of fruits; also small fruits. This farm Is wivirout doubt the beat In, the nelahbothood, and tet ds only to be eften to he. ,, appreciat?..d. Pant{ the house Is had a delightful, lew of the towns of Freeport and. :Natrona. up and down thelle, gbeny rivers , and 511 rrotiL,l lug country. Far . , ari-,; . um+ lars app'y to lekt 'ri• & Plill./.IPS, teat ' Fistare Agents, No 139 Fourth Averame. • FOR SALE:—"MAYFIELD" coTTAGE and GROUNDS, shout t 3 area. beautifully plant, d and distributed B.:vineyard, , fruit and ornameptal evergreen and deciduous trees and Airubbery, a complete aisortmet t of the fruits of tnecllinake: commodious c • mage house, stab.e and tenant Rouse On. er one roof; cottage of eignt rooms. pantri s„ iVe., summer kltcheo, rain wiVer cistern and Sprlllg:.Of purest water at door. Situate one tulle nowt of Allegheny. on Perrysville road, and a gaarter of a Hale from Pleasant Valley Passenger 'Car t . etation. For terms and particulars . enquire at noe tit end of Hand Street Bride; FOR STOCK AND GOOD WILL of wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Notion House, now doing a goof) business, located on Federal street, Alleghe ny sity. Also the Ftare'ro,an with fixtures and cel lar••TO-LET." This lean opening seldom offered, as the stand is secend to nose on the street, For particulars apply to CROFT .k PH ILL!. 5, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, No. 139 Fourth av enue. • FOR HALE.-4 THREESTO nwELLINc. HoUSF. containing 10 rooms. altnated No. 48 SToCKTON AVE- N Allesheny City. Tte lc tls 30 by, 240 feet, and has a rood trick stable at rear end frotr Inquire Water street. For further Informa tion of H. CHILLS. No. 233 Wood street. Eitlsbureh. FOR SALE.-REFINERY.-A FirAt_ Class Relinery, In complete run • lung order, nearlynew.. Has been In operation but a few morans. sitnated on the A. V. R. 4.. beyond the present city lindts. Capacity live hundred bbla per week. Can be doubled with no extra expenseexceptinst an additional 6tlll. Apply , at'22 and 24 Sta.RXET STREET, Pitts tnagnPa. FOR SALE-DESIRABLE WES TERN AVENUE RESIDENCE. located on NVestern avenue, Allesihenyelty.between street and Irwin avenue. Resldence—hrlck of room., hall and g, od cellar, gas tnrnughout and all finiah al in first class style. Lot 48 by 120 to a 20 loot alley, will be sold on easy terms. Apply to r• 't of [UAL'S, Real Estate Agents. :%o. 130 Fourth avenui . _ FOR SALE -- :-FARIII.-200 acres of good Land, situated in Penn Tp., West. moreland countr, two miles from Irwin Station,- or the Penua.' It. H. • Improrementb. hewed hone. In good repair, bank barn and otder out buildings. Terms moderate. Enquirtt of W. Wll.$OS. Tatrimer's btatton, or H. A. HOPE. Penn Station. • FOR SALE--That -; line two story nrh•k war. ho n =e, 24 by 64 fer.r..41111- ...attot on 10110 aTIIEET. Aliew.betlY CILV, No. 05. nOIV OCCU ph-,i as a lon.. and Grain Warr house• Also, that two star, brick dnellieg house, 20 by 64 feet. adfo.ollatr the above containing s.x' rooms For furtlwr parthadsrs enquire on the premises of M. STEEL it SON. FOll SALE—BUSINESS STAND —A well known and prosperous wholesale busi ness stand. with stock mid tiztures, !stiffest:44oz sale. ratisfictory reasons are given for the dis posal, Apply.at 17 W 701.) STRKET, SA LE.—WAR E HOUSE.-- That tide TV% 0 sTORY BRICK BLit.' il NG, tilito street A diTit nv, now vceupied :.5 a r.Our and Grain Warehou-e. ror tenni, apple to SI. sTKELE k S N. on the prem.ses. OR SALE.--A Aew House. op F Seven Rooms and /Tall: corner of Pride and orhes streets. Water and. Gas In the house; also Range in kitchen, . 1 7 4 OH SALE-SHOW CA SE.-En -1: quire of J. R. KENNEDI. 83 Smithfield FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE F OR SALE. .1 Acre at Woods Run. 4 Acres ano House In Ens. liberty, !I Acres, Un Improved, on Troy Hill. 2 on Greensburg Pike. 5 Arcs Four 3llle - Run hos. 134 miles from P. C. R. I:. 70 Acres nea - r P. F. W. 3: C. R. R. 1.18 Acres near Pa. H.R., Westmoreland cann tY. 90 Aeres at Hill Side Station. Pa. R. P.. 4 Farms In Preston connty, West underlaid with In Armstrong county, underlaid with coal. 108 Acres and good Improvements, In Trumbull )on sty. Ohio. 000 Acres of Timber land, with Saw 31111 and dwellings. House and Lot on Center Avenue. near Kirk. patrick. House and Lot on Vicroy street. House and Lot In East, Liberty. tlonse and Lot In Mansfield. • House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. • . 2 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Houses and Lot on !Franklin street. 1 tiou , e of 9 Rooms. and S Lots on Roberts St. Farms ln Illinois, 3liiioUri and West Virginia. Coal La ,, de. In Allegheny, Weettndleeland, Fay ette and Beaver counties In Penna. 3 Houses of 9 ROOMS In hel7th ward: rent 1 300 3 de.. of 3 do. din 17th do. do. 144 i 2 do. of 3 do, do. 12th do. do. 156 3 do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. d o , 360 1 do. of 6 du. do. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of 9 do, do. Sd do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th .10. do, • 105 1 do. of 5 do. • do. 17th do. do 240 1 do. of 4 do. dO.' 17th do. d 3. 168 1 do. ov 7 do. do. lid. du. I do. of 6 do. Grant street. The Houses that I have for rent will be rented eery al low to g ood tenants for the balance of the rent yar APPLY AT D. P, Hatch's &al Estate Office No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. ne7:pla FOR BALE= AI LEASE 4 — ii — '' — A PLANING MILL. -- Tbettnachinery in the , Moriongahlla IP.aning MU IS OFFERED FOR SALE, , WITH A LEASE OP THE \ MILL AND LOT. fhe machinery is of the most approved kind, and In good order. I The mill is well located, beis all the facilities forldoing a large and proittabl business and has a good trade. 'I his is a favors le opporlunity to engage in an old established b 'Riese with a small investment. • Apply to Milinga..g. Bidw I. corner of Car son and First stree, South Pt tshutgh. Jalta JAM.. MILLINGAR. VA LIU : FAR FORSALE. 400 acres of good laid, a brick house hewed log house, outhouse s ..ll,ooo young grafted apple trees, Just beginning to bear; many of the apples will weigh lii pounds ei ch; an terchard of Situate DUO acres In cultivation. in Coffee, county, Tennessee, one naltal trouts a raitroad station. The farm is well wlerea and 1.51 well adapted for grain or stock cud mina be excelled In middle Tennessee for beg ty anu location. The Improvements woutit cost More than hal the price asked. For further Information apply to S. VUTRI3k.HT it. SONS la W 83 Snattigeld +tr. t. POE. SALE 1A TO LET....Elook- A: and Lots for sale r all 'of tha city and au burbs. Also_, stye= FARIn good locations. Also. a small WOOLEN FA CT r, with MO a tree of land, and good toprovetne - Which I will sell cheap and on reosonable terms: Business. Houses to let on good %roots. Private - Dwelling Notifies for , ent in brAb cities wor further partict r lars Inquire of WILLIAM W ARD I ' IsMI 010. Grant street. opposite Cathed . GnUEN OIL CLOTH FOR DO SHADES—We are now ma ring thin article of a 'plant,' euourfor I anti at prices lower thau can be had of a ell, lut anutanturera. Denten will find It Est to examine our goods before mu ela'Arbere. J. & H. MULL 46 and 28 Sixth St., formerly St• n E GOLD CO l-PONS---r. Op the Union Pacific Itailway, i:AsTch's ISGEL, will to paid oa pzosentation or' mud rftcr that date at the a NATIO VAL BANK OF ommEßoz. NEW THE KNAI. Plttr FOENZUY CO., Or PITTSIW3GIf. J3llll any 30th, IM°. 11i(1)TICE IS REII.ENEY EN.to the STOCKZOLDER.trt the ism , PORT PITT FOUSORY G4IPI y, To meet at Its Office On Twelfrtstre.et, on TCES DA y Fetfroary 9th. 1569, between the hours of 1 an. 3 r. at. , for the ou - rpose of eik..etirre beren (7) Dtrectors And Secre :cry and Tr*ovur er. toserve fur the en.sul,g year, and fhr the trun•sactlon of - such other bus.nens'as tsar he brought beityre them. Transfer huoks are closed untr, , APter Feiraa r y 10tn, 1869, ja3o:li7; • O. 3fETCII,F, OFFICE OF THE A LLEGIIENY VA MAI' R. V.: rgh Janua2 • "..• "STOCKHOLDERS • MEETING. —The regular arrattal ineelng • of the Allegheny Val'ey Railroad uoznpAnv vrin. • be held atthe office of the ouipany, No .26 Pike street, on TUESDAY, 23d day of' February, 1889, for the imp tio•se of electing wßoard of Managers for the corsting year and the transac— tion of .uch ether business es map be .re , iented. Ja2 2 i'.'dfl9 JOHN BALLANTIN E. hecretary. OFFICE PACIFIC S; ATT ANTIC Tit LEoR CO.. Or THE UNITED STA - 7E4, PlTTSltultiati. January 25, tbe.g. FIFTEENTH DI VID END.- The Directors ,of the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Cornhany of the United btatei.baving , thleday declare., theregularquarterlygicVend at the rate of TEN taEll per annumfor the qaur.er rutting December 31,1868, I 411 par ibe same.at the &Mee of the Treasurer on ju2.7:0C,1 , ED. JAY ALLEN, Treasarer. • 'PERRY STR EET.—Theun den! en ed. appointed viewers to assess damages and benefits P..sr OPENING PLIHRY britEKT, from its eastern terminus to meet the 'troy El I timid, will. meet on the premises on 310SDA Y. 15. h day of February, at 43fi P. 31 to attend ' to the duties of [Sell - sop-sint— ;nem. . J./J. HERMAN, THOIIAS MITH, Viewers. fa27:dlit L. WALTER' !gaI—WEBSTER. STRE'ET.--IFFe, the underEigutd, appointed viewers sess damagc el and tieneAts In the matter of widen ing wEBSTI.B. STREET, Second ward, Aile gheny, from Benton alley to North common, will tithed on the premises on al ONDAY,Ihe 15th day oC February. at 3 o'clock P. 31., to attend to the duties of our appointment. j a 27: ,163 nrEWALT STREET BRIDGE: COMPA NY.—Notice is hereby given to, the subscribers fortbe stock of the ' • Ewatt - Street, Bride;" that In compliance with an Act of As semMlncorporatine said C.mpany, an instal ment of FlVri DOLLAR" on each snare of stock is required to be paid iminediattly to the Treas urer. c. biebert, at hts office, No. 406 PENN bTREET. By order of the Committee. Jaa3;d6.s C. NIEBERT. OFFICE PITTSEGFI CONNELLSVILLER. R. Co, Pittsburgh, January 14. I*6 f rar , NOTICE TO Bondholders,. Notice Is hereby given that COUPON No. 19 T' RILE utf..E.FR i.IVISION CON STItiJCr, buNDS, due on the tlrst day of Fetruary next, will be paid on and aster that date upon preat-tit ation and dethery at the Irst National Bank ot Plttsburuh. JOHN 4. PAGE, Jn., 'Treasurer. tali d2Ol • OFFICE. OF CITY ENGINEER AND ::ICILVEYOR. j Plttilktirych. January 25th, 1869. rgg'NCITICE.—The assessment for Grading and Paving SPRING ALLEY. from Twenty eighth to-Twenty-nintnkstreet. now .ready for-eyamlnatton and can be seen at this once Ldi!' TRURSt...A.Y, February 4th, 1869, a hen it wit' be returned to the, City Treas urer's "nice for collection. Jte.,.5:d54 11. J. 3100 RE• City Engineer. COSTROLLER':. OFFICE, CITY OF ALLECIIIENY, January 30. 1909, TO PRINTERS ---Sealed Pro posals will be received at thl office until 3 o'clock r, 111.. on THUIthDAY. February 4th. tor prinllng Four llunored c'oples of the Annual Report of Committees of Councils. hamples of the work required can he seen at this office, Bid ders are requested to state price per page. R. 11. FRANCIS, Car Controller. janlndso A LLEG EN Y INSURANCE „CA, COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 FIFTH STREF.T, BAN)! BLOCK, Insures against all kinds of 'Fire and Marine Risk, JOHN IRWIN. JR., President. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice. President. C A GT. DWMN DEANGeneyal Agent. JC John Irwin, Jr. DIB CTOILS: , Crpt. Win. Dean, John / 3 - McCord, R. L. Fahnestoet Harvey C. G. Hussey, W. H. Everson, Chllds, Robert H. Davis, T. J. HoslOuson, Francis Sellers, Charles Hay Er. Cant. J. T. Stocird DEOPLES' INSURANCE CO PAN Y. OFF/CE, N. E. CORNICE WOOD az FIRTH gTg. k Home ComPiniAtati lig Fire Ind Marine Kiska, DrELECTORS: Wm. Phillips John Watt, John E. Parks, Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner WM. PHILLIPS, JOHN WATT, .%ici W. F. O_9II.DNEH, CAPT. .TAS. RORY' k•101.1:010:Kiv:131:Ain - - BENJAMIN SINGEELY. . ........ CLEJB... QINGEHLYII6 CLEIS, auccesion • kJ to GEO. T. SCIDICanew & CO.. PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic Establishment, West of the Mountains, Business Cards, Letter, Beads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cvde, Diplomas. Portraits, Viewe, Certificates °Ulla posits, Invatafteu Cmo*. &e.. Nos. 5 8 and 74 Thirel www... Pittsburgh. 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR ALE. Union Pacific Railroad Gtmpany ZAISTER.N DnWlOl3, Lying alqng the line of tier , soaA, 11,00 TO 1400 PEZ/k ACRE, And on • CREDIT OP Pir.g Tadao. Por farther particulars, 0r5..&43. 4 adAring ZWEEIN DlStogjuaim Land Commtisiuonfav Topeka. Kansas. Or ORAL B. 1 . 41 X04233, Se*Py. et. LODI& Iteaorri. MI! URS! FURS! PURR( IffeCtOßD & VU O VOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by usin g th e SHITE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the 9n- 1' tract itun enstly regulated !Governor mule; perfect In Its Ope rations and truly reliable. A n krie size Governor can be seen at throe:lee of Ve.,. 0 ,9E VAL But . K Err, Mechanical Engineer ann,,,, • 9E of Paten. No. 70 r ederal street. it' .4 eillee7 WY, the only ciient for Oils JilerraCer "s the Weal.' NOTICES. S. BULFORD, J. J. HERMAN,LEoNARD WALTER INSURANCE. ' Capt. John L. Rhciada, Samuel P. Shrivel.; Charles Arbuckle, I Jared M. Brush, Win F. Lane, Samuel itcCrickart President. le President. GeneralSeora 'ION. Agent. BY TEE IFIGI 131 WOOD STREET ) 6. 113