The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 02, 1869, Image 4
12! Ctt gittsbint aapitt. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PENNINAN,MD& CO„Proprietors. F. B. PENNIMA.N. JOSIAH KING, T. P. 11.01JST.ON, N. P. 'REED, Editors and Proprietors. - OFFICE: (MEM BUILDING, NOS. 84 AND 88 FIFTH ST OFFICIAL PAPER Of Plitaburgh, Allegheny and Alla ' fiviesty Cpunty. • /Wow—pat/Y. !Herat--Waikly.t - Weakly. One year...4B,ooNp e y ear. 112.50 Btngle copy ..$1.50 One month 75 1 Stz mos.. 1.50 1 5 coptes,eacb 1.25 By the week 151,Tlore mos . 75110 one to Agent. " " 1.15 (from camlef. I : an .._ ____ TUESDAY, F, BRUAR 2, 1869 GLE WOOD, January 20, 1800, WILIEETLITG OF REPUBLI CAN' STATE CENTR COM.)IITTEE. —The Union Republican State Central URS- Com mittee will meet at HARRISBURG on TH DAY, THE FOURTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, at TWO o'clock P. x., for the purpose of taxing the time and place of holding the next State Con vention, and other appropriate business. A full attendance is earnGAestly desired. LUSHA. A. GROW, Chairman of Committee-. O). W. 111.111CRSLYI Et. Sic.anta, : ISecretaries J. _ WE Plana 071 tile inside pages o au morning's GAzErrz—Second page: Ephemeris, Poetry,' Itliseellaueous. Third and Sixth pages: Commercial, Finan cial, lieretintile and River News, Imports, Netrkets. 'Seventh page: Farm, Garden and Irousehoid, Amusement Directory. RETROLEMI at Antwerp, 58*@581f U. S. BONDS at Frankfort, 79} GOLD closed yesterday in New York at 1351• AN-,ATTE]SrT was made yesterday, in the Houed at Washington, without effect, to increase the wages of Government employees. With the fact conspicuous that for every office there are at least twenty eager applicants, to increase sala ries would seem to border on recklessness. TIM FT:POTION OF PRESIDENT GRANT 7111 be officially declared, by the . presi ding officer of the Senate, on the second Wednesday of this -month, to-morrow week. The announcement of the names of the new Cabinet-officers may be ex pected very soon after. It iS generally understood that General GRANT has already made his selections, but keeps his own counsel for the present. • THE PARAGUAY3N DICTATOR has given up the Americans, Buss and MAS TEM/AN, whom he has been accused of holding confined as prisoners of State. It, is said that LOPEZ requires that they shall be tried in this couutry for conspir acy against his authority. All the trial they, will be likely to receive here will be of the same sort as that which has already been held by, public opinion, upon the late 314 s er 'iVABLIBrRNE. OUR. E 10ETIENT cotemporsay at Al bany, favors us with a copy of its "Even ing Jour ad Almanac" for 1869—com prising o e hundred and sixty pages of all sorts o useful information for the year tow begun. — lts political miscellany AB of especial minuteness and accuracy, sup ply ing it particulars not to be found in other plublications of this class, and no citizen w ho wishes to be fully "posted" should omit to send his quarter of a dol lar for a copy. MR. OaTH, of Indiana, from the Com mittee on Foreign Affairs, repor,ted yes terday to the House of Representatives a joint resolution for the annexation of St. Domingo to the United States, to take merely a territorial condition. The reso lution was laid on the table. Cuba will be acquired by the same cheap and easy process, if members ' -of Congress who are anxious to drive,bar gains, in order to "toll the ,grist," will only restrain their unnecessary -activity. 'qv., in She enlightened Kingdom of Dahomey, Mr. F. Donowiss were of fered by one of the Court Journals, as an example of the intelligence of the white race, would it not be objected against him, that he was a hybrid with nearly as much black as white blood in his veins, and might with nearly equal propriety be used by white barbarians to measure the mental strength of the black Ifricanst—Post. Doubtless the blacks in Africa, if Mr. DOUGLASS should chance to take up his abode among them, would disclose , the same egotism of race Which is so prominent and offensive among all other races ; they would be apt to swagger, "if so little nigger helps a man so mu ch, what would a good deal more do for him ?" _ _ Worex some champion of the "quiet interference" policy, in our diplomacy with contiguous nations, be good enough to explain how and why the Mexicans have just overreached us in the new treaty for the adjustment of claims be ;.,yeen the two nations? Now Comes, from Washington, this shocking report: "It is the general opinion that the Mexicans overreached us, siUOO the treaty Is so ingeniously worded as to exclude claims for moneys advanced or Tor dam . ages done by anybody except the Mexi can authorities." - This sort of thing wont do at all, you know. If "quiet" diplomacy be subject to such an "expense and risk" as we seem to have encountered in this case, we shall have no 'encouragement to persist in it, much less to entrust the "manifest des tiny" of the Republic to such stupid ne !otiators. ----------:----- THE MARCH OF REPUBLICAN When, three weeks ago, in the discus sion-upon his "protectorate" proposition in the House, General BANns declined to answer a pointed• question as to the privity of the governments of Hayti and San Domingo in that movement, the member's reticence was sufficiently signi ficant. We thought then, as we aISIT re• marked, that overtures to this effect had actually been made to our own govern ment. That such was the fact is clear enough now._ It is equally clear that this movement is to have the hearty co operation of the new administration. No other hypothesis would explain the 'decided position taken then by Mr. BAxice and now ratified by the im portant endorsement of the Committee on Foreign; Affairs. It now addresses itself to the country, as a question in the deciviOn of which notlain,g but a popular prejudice can stand in 'the way of the plainest National interests. We annexed a large portion of Mexico without imposing, upon the acquired populations, any conditions precedent to their full and immediate gnjoyment_of our citizenship: Nevertheless, the new area remained in a territorial status until the increase of population in California en titled a portion of it to constitutional re cognition as a State. Texas, altho' peopled in good part by - I pur own expatriated citizens, who had ' already erected there a heal government similar to those of our own slave -holding States was, nevertheless, in theory as in fact, a foreign nation, when her annexa tion to the Republic conferred instantly our State rights upon that government and our citizenship upon all her'people, native to - her soil or foreign-born. _ _Again,- the Louisiana purchase ' from France conferred the same citizenship upon many thousands of people to whom even our language was an unknown tongue, and State sovereignty followed as soon as our own regular constitutional conditions were completely filled. The theory of our government recog nizes a uniform citizenship in the States or Territories, indifferently. With that priv ilege, the other point, of organization as a State, has nothing to do. The first is instant and absolute in ' its investiture; the last follows, sooner or later, upon the constitutional regulations in that special regard, and independent of the faintest remission to any such arbitrary period of delay as our naturalization laws presdr be for individual immigrants. - It is evident, therefore, that any oppo sition to West Indian annexation, based upon arguments drawn from our natural ization laws, will be entirely untenable. We have expressly repudiated the appli cation of that analogy in the instadices the sameabove. PraCtically, however, the same result- has been reached, thro, gh the delays of the territorial status, which, with the exception of Texas, was more or less prolonged in each case. •iiret, even then,_the analogy was so far disre garded, in the other cases, that the Creole, or the "Greaser," made a citizen on the instant of the treaty-ratification, became a voter in any of the old States to which he might have removed the same week, as soon as he should satisfy the local con • ditions which such State_ imposed upon immigrants from any other. We do not understand this West 'lndi an proposition to insist upon instant State recognition as the condition of an nexation: Only a territorial status will be claimed for the Tlaytiens and Domini cans, accepting the Congressional order in the arrangement of their territorial governments." Some years are likely to elapse before their settled social condi tion, and their complete penetration with our Republican ideas shall lead them, in due coarse, to the formation of such State governments, republican in farm, as shall satisfy the customary requirements of our sisterhood of States. In the meantime, all the natural resources and the relative values intrinsic to that almost imperial island will be quite as purelY American as are Alaska, Arizona, or even Texas itself. It is not much to say that we be lieve they will be more so. MRS. SWISSHELM. It is easier to point out errors in others than to guard against them ourselves. If we wanted any evidence of this fact we should cite the gross and ungallant abuse heaped , upon Mrs. JAYE G. SwissnEL3t, by the very journals which charge her with ungenerous conduct in dealing with certain ladies about whom she recently wrote. They certainly mistake who ac cuse her of coarseness, vulgarity, and lack of human kindness. The assertion is not only false but malicious, for we lielieve Mrs. Swlssautat's heart to be as large and full of love for her fellow beings as those hidden in the bosoms of most of her sex. We do not undertake to defend any of her writings ; she is able to measure swords with all comers, and to success fully defend herself against the attacks of journalists who speak not by the book. - Here in this community, where best known, she sustains - high character, is universally respected for her talents and good qualities of head and heart, ands no lady , is more conspicuous for wr of charity, zealousattentions to the sick and suffering, concern for the poor and friend less, and earnest labor towards redeem ing the fallen outcasts of society who are shunned by the great majority of their own sea . Her writings may invite severe and'acrimonious criticism, but her char acter as a kind, good-hearted, true woman, should not be assailed by gentlemen of the press, for the most timid cannot travel far in that direction without doing her gross injustice. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : 'RAILItoADS IN THE UNITED The progress of railroad construction in the United States for the past twenty years has been truly wpndertul. The following table, taken from a late num ber of the American Railroad Journal, gives the number of miles opened for business at the beginning of each year: 7 475 1360 23,771 3,539 1381 10,593 n .o:rt . igr , It - B) . m.497;1,63 az,47t 15.672'1364 33 W 17.1f13!1965 34,442 1%25111366 • 15,351 22.6'2511667 :$ 3:06 25.0011363 33.3722 ,359 .26 7541 t 8.69 42,272 • Of these finished and operating rail roads, 1a 14.5:4 !KO Mlles. Cost of roail & equipments Pennsylvantalms..., • 4.233 4256 772.257 1111no1. has _ 't 1230 156,98,1 ed Olio h•s A 342 169 014,101 • ew lurk has 1 Tll 1n.538,122 Indlananas 2,600 PA,229,226 The tlx New Englawl /Rates 4,0:0 have From this it will be seen that Pennsy, vania leads all the other States largely But it is in the 4mparatively new West ern States that the progress of this great interest is most remarkable. We have already shown that Illinois has more miles of railway than New York. We shall now carry the mparison a little farther. Ico Wisconsin as 1,233 miles; Kentucky only 813. lowa has 1; 23 miles ; Maine only 560. Kansas has 48 miles; Arkansas only 86. Minnesota •has 572 miles; Louisiana only 371. - It is in the prairie States that we see i ffi, the most rapid progress made in the con struction of railways ; and om this - w e may base our expectations o what will be accomplished in this line in themag nificent prairie region west of the Missis sippi during the next two decades. The area of prairie on the east side of the Mississippi is trifling compared with that found on the west side, and in all that ci tended region railroads will be the only means of transportation for considerable distances. . The era of consolidation seems to have set in. Weak local companies are leas ing their roads to strong ones, who use them as links in the, forraatiOn of great national lines. The New York and Erie Company has for months been endeavor ing to get the control of all the western roads which could be so used, and that corporation now controls property to an enormous amount. But its efforts to grasp and regulate for its own advantage the entire commerce of the States lying west of Pennsylvania have not been suc cessful. Happily for the country, the Pennsylvania Central was . strong enough to enter the field as a compeiitor, and checkmate the movement. The last named Company have now the control of unbroken lines to both St. Louis and Chi cago, and so has its great rival of New York. On Friday last, at Columbus, a negotiation took place, which renders it impossible for Mr. VAIiDEIUSILT to ob tain the mastery of the whole field. The Atlantic and Great Western is but an ex tension of, the New York and Erie, while the Pittsgurgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis is really an extension of the Pennsylvania Central to the last named city. The fol lowing telegram, published in the GA ZETTE of Saturday - n.orning, states the matter briefly and clearly: • Advantages of the Town—lnvitation to Capitalists—An Old Soldier. (Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.) SALTS-DURO, INDIANA. CC. January 30, 1 ' 869. EDITORS GAZETTE: .-IL sending this communication to your paper, we wish to show the advantages we -have, and to offer inducements to capitalists and man ufacturers to invest money iu something in our borough. Our town is situated I on the line of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad and the Conemaugh and Kie -1 kiminitas rivers, containing from eight ! to ten hundred inhabitants. Both of the 1 , above streams possess very- tine water I i power, We have two large grist mills, \ ' each with a saw mill attached, both do ing a good business; an extensive foun dry, good common schools, and a very VIV.aNDIERS.—II is 'shorted that Mar i fine Academy in a flourishing condition; shal Neil is iihout' to aboish the position churches of All detiontinutions, and ex- of vivandiere in the Freich army. The cellent farming country surrounding 115; Chicagoan observes tha, French I vivan i Aside from all these advantages,the min- dieree . have often;becotw celebrated One I eral wealth of our county is as good, if called "Double reton" ' killed a Russian I I not better, than any in the Siate. We - Captain and captured six PrusSians at have a vein of bituminous coal. front 1 seven to eight feet thick, (the Pittsburgh Eylau, taking them toddy bet i ore the vein.) We are now shipping to the Penn- "Little Corporal," and ;vas finally badly 1 selvania Railroad: and other companies wounded ut Waterloo. ' Another, Therese about from 180 to 200 tons of coal per ' Jourdan, was in actin in ti teen Or day, and one mine within a mile of our i twenty harness. Severil of these vivan place has facilities or capacity to shi i p dieres received the Crass of Legion, of I live or six hundred tons of coal per da a Honor. COLUMBUS January 29.—The stock- equal in quality for gas or other purposes .....------i -holders of the Columbus, Chicago and •to the Pittsburgh - coal. We have also IT SEEMS that an election was held' in Indiana Central Railway ,Company, at 1 within five miles of this lace a large fire • • Texas last' November notwithstanding their meeting to-day, refused to lease brick inandfactorv. five salt . works that , the law. It was very tecret, and only a their road to the Atlantic and Great manufacture each annually from live to Western Railway Company. and ratified I • six thousand barrels of salt, iron ore very-lew persons participated; hut it was a lease of their road and property, in per. I Within two miles, fire brick clay and the plan, vote of 7exas would turn the scale in favor of 1 8 , ymour, to claim petuity,to the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,St. I other Minerals in all Our hills, timber Louis and the Pennsylvania Railroad'! plenty; distance by railroad to Pitts- that this private electim be held valid. Companies. The vote was large, cover- I burgh, fifty miles; to Johnstown, farty- _.........- w ing nearly all the stock of the Company. , five miles. We respectfully invite capi- - The lease takes effect on the first of - Feb- I ' THE ISICLESIE'aT srteOle. talists and manufacturera to pay us, a ruary proximo. i visit and examine for themselves; they AND ITS EFFEIzit'r.OBNOIIIE WEAK AND The stockholders of the Panhandle ; will be cordially received by the citizens. 'The tlrafts which eearchh cold makes upon The held a meeting yesterday at Steu- ; , MANY CITIZENS. ore ma l l ,wers of the deli S t t • tel d II benville and unanimously endorsed the 1 an 1 The writer of this communicatfou is are . P .es eevero thy. Le " tfra t in n u li ps a tn e L e il'el e r old Pittsburgher. My father end- 'dter,`l'L,'^',titt'yea7,;,.d,,,ebyteeeic,e,3l2;eaahreetlii eve Tt ! e _t, Alt above action. ! grated from Chambersburg, Franklin Mgr'sms and 0111CPP. at file t Se2LSOCI, and the - ! cOllnt in the year 18e0 to Fort Pitt, in ty of the outer alr, fruitful eource of This gives tci the Pennsylvania Central , the .Y' • alciatee;. Te fortify the biay arum's the evil backwoods, ea it was then called. I -- .eoequerie es of the sadden Ilternstions of heat an unembarrassed control of a line of road 1 was then a youth of twelve years; now, and eeld Tern. , to, the vital orgenizatts.n ultll,e strengthened and meowed with extra to Chicago of about the same length as the I in my eighty.first year, can walk on i r:•s n ti-sens power bv the nee oi s wholesome Itivig od roads four miles an hour with dant - see, or ler el-rem - mews fsr this pnrppse. Fort Wayne, while it gives to Pittsburgh 1 g else for several hours; never was sick in let.edier embra ett In the regt‘ar ',harm D ade two roads to Chicaeo, perhaps rival roads. Imy rife that I recollect of; had the honor enro,alzie:,-11w5,..i1l ..n,,rt,h,erriiii.ll,cc ptstrrull.i.i."l,hey,e, ,is lIOSTETTER'S tdOlriATM ne'irreg of commauding ina volunteer company with 1 . c . . In this aspect we can see the great im, l Acting cameo) Ili-OTI the orgsn which converts i from Pittsburgh the war of 1812; bet- portance of the quiet transaction men- I ter known in Pittsburgh some years ago p ow food Into the fuel 01 111... tee 'reparation lin io is vary one l of t asor which is eornmunlca f ti c i t e war o e f le dare h• frame. The digestive tinned in the telegram. Pennsylvenia !as Ce tato Samuel Cooper , o lea. P M subaltern officers ' are function l tlt log It c• el..rated by Ito onic eperation, has conquered, and the country is saved {all dead; so with my comrade a s " an u r erla-rly taanedlitleer wsotleatme=vritosfazilitiel-b.lytiOnsaperoxrxostir from the grasp of the hugest monopoly I settlers of Fort Pitt, with the single ex . punctually by lta mild aperient aition the whole I ception of Col. Wm. Diehl, of your city. organization will necessarily ban the beat pos. with which this or any other country sible condFon to meet 'tie shoot , of winter and I could give you a flue account of the old the sudde changes of temperstnre. The.weak was ever threatened. . I GAZETTE and its editor, Mr. John Scull, and senali ve, eloecialiv.caunotenconnter these The enormous 'commerce between the ,in early days. , S. il L l V:Tr l e" e ;raell l t e r :t u re n n k a !u h eTby en ti d rl in l ci ti , , means. Every liquor sold at *staple of trade is Eastern States and dot Mies basin I ---7-----.7--- aeutteratee. end wew.) it otherwise, mere alcohol Alnustyments. can be much better carried on over theseiiiristid'ePtlttenr,.:rsaVexecricl•tiewes"iteilit weganietest • HOUSE: The Worrell , . Oeitite Tue oiteers Dower. ( i rd the mind as well,)ln a worse condi coniinuous lines than over a series ofCon tha before Hi ibTE Ttilt'S BITTERS, with their burlesque troupe were operaon the of er band, contain the essential proper broken- links, as ' heretofore, which . re . . . greeted with a large and , fieshionable tiestsofbrism:g et Lu b a , bl: t t i .or t T i r and ti alterey t e . quired repeated transfers, entailing delay audience at the Opera Rouse . last evening, pal la.the Inelloweate,-leistpeketeingsabgats:&- and confusion, and frequently damage. o_esions of [all Mt:l . 4BllM stitoulatt. WhlCb was, we believe. thelifirst appear ance in this city. The entertainment for the evening consisted of the !'Grand Duchess of Gerolateln," in which the charming Sophie Irene and Jennie, with •their great versatility of talent and pleas - - log manner, won the admiration of .the entire audience. The entertainment, in a musical point of view, was of itself a rare treat. The solos were I rendered in a most admirable manner, and the choruses were decidedly (grand. The 'Sisters dress with most admirable taste, and their modesty of manner cannot fad to please a refined and intelligent audi ence. The piece will b& repeated to. night, and from pre indications there will be scarcely standing room in the Opera House , so complete I has been the success of this excellent company. AMERICAN 'lste.s.rnzairAn exceed. ingly large audience 'assembled at Smythe's American Theatre, late Trim ble's Varieties, last 'evening, and we know that every person left this favorite resort highly delighted. I Bey Riggle, the primier dansuess, drew forth the most extravagant applause from the en tire audience. Smythe 's Imported "Punch and Judy" was a decided hit, -and kept the audience in a perfect roar of laughter. Another crowded house may be expected to.night. PITTSBURGH THRAT_RE.—Harry Wil liams, the enterprieitig, manager of the Pittsburgh Theatre, hen secured the ser vices' of Wile' Augusta, the charming A PHILADELPHIA JOURNAL advocates the gradual substitution of greenbacks for the national bank notes, and that the bonds held by the banks be retired with the proceeds. This, says our cotempora ry, would save $18,000,0 00 in interest, or be equivalent to a reduction of the interest on. the total $1,800,000,000 of six per cent. bonds to five per cent.We regret that this journal does not, at the same time, tell us what effect the adoption of its proposition would-have on the national banks, which depend now on their own circulation for no small part of their profits. When we hear from It in eluci dation of that point, we should then like to know the precise difference between a promise to pay at a future period—a promise in the form of a bond which is now worth par in the market, because the public confides in its redemption—and a promise to pay cash on demand, which is notoriously repudiated every day, and ranks accordingly in financial estimation. That is exactly the point of difference eCn a currency bottomed .upon the p ublic 11, , ,,pes of a future, public solvency TITESD In :the iedemiltiobri of its bonds, and a ireenba4 iirOnlation whichls nothing but a unredeemed promise to pay. Next in importance to the legal-tender feature, the greenbacks at their present rate are esteemed for their convertibility into a long bond, which, with interest in the meantime, postpones payment to a period commanding the confidence of the public. The public gains from a reversal of this l process . would be very slight indeed. The national bank system would be swept away, and our entire currency would consist of a paper not only anredeemed, but which could never attain redemption throughlle only means possitile—recon _,. version into bonds. National Bank Reports. The following Is an abstract of the quarterly reports of the National Bank ing Associations of the United States, showing their condition on the morning of the first Monday in January, 1869, be fore the commencement of business : '162,= CX3 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Gl3 M. 735 R 4 Overdrafts A. 115,138 34 United States coitus to !lc cure cir culation United states bonds to secure de- posits United on StateiS 0011E13 cid securi ties baud Other stocks, bonds and mortgaces Due fr,in approved redecming a frvnts 65 692.412 64 Due from National banks 36,021.869 Gi Due froa, co hear banks and bakers 7,766,655 65 'eal estate, furniture and natures 23,N5,991 RS Current expemes 257.627 36 Premiums 1,645.359 52 Checks and other cash items 142,405.590 15 Bios of National banks 14,665,952 00 Bills of ...her banks 1 , 8.223 00 Fractional currency 2 i.. 78,53.3 . s.) - Specie 29,5960 80. Legal-tender-notes 87,980,728 00 T hree ompoud intsrest 110t6 12.5 818 00 T per cent.. (maid att. 52,C 5.00 00 --r - - Total Capital Stock 9 418,553 931 00 Surplus fund. .9.,149,936 52 Undivided profit. 3a,:7a 719 89 N•t100M Hank notes outstanding ?-1.4.352,967 10 State nank notea outstanding.... 2.734 69 00 Individual cicia9alta F. 68,333,181 tri United Staten &Do Its . 1.4,111 oa 27 Deposits of Unhed States dhbur atng otileer. , Due to It+ alloniti nanks ..•. Due to other banks and bankers. Total 51,589,669,921 38 There are 1,626 banks in active opera ation, the reports of which are included in the above abstract, in addition to which there Is one bay:k in Oregon and one in Montana, from which no reports have yet been received. FEBRUARY 2, 1869. 338,:,9.50 00 34,428,350 CO 34.996,800 00 30,098,652 33 41,539,669,92 1 38 LIABILITIES 3.231,615 71 95,446,1:40 5. 27,934 545 74, SALTSBUIM, PA. =:::::1 danserF et, who, in connection with the many other attisctionsat that, establish- , ment, drew a crowded house last night. M'lle Coutlier and ber brother, the wonderful and fearless trapeze perform ers, will remain during the present week only. The entertaintnents at this estab lishment are of a most excellen t and amusing character, and will draw largo houses. Pimp. TETEDOVICS CONCERT.—Tbe an nual vocal concert under the direction of Prof. Clement Tetedoux, by home artists who deserve higher consideration than many less talented traveling professional vocalists, will take place at the Academy of Music on F,idav evening. The pro gramme embraces the names of ama teurs who are favorably known to the musical public and we trust there will be liberal attendance on the part of our peo ple at the concert. The sale of seats will comence at Mellors' and Kleberi" music stores m to-morrow morning at nine o'clock. MUSET.ISI.—The public continue to be stow a liberal patronage upon Maj, Bur nell, whose Museum, on Fifth avenue, is one of the most attractive places of amusement in the city. The Museum is open daily from 10 o'clock a. x. to 10 P. M., and is continually thronged with visitors. CHARITY FAIR.—A more pleasant place to spend an evening cannot be found than at the Charity Fair, in the basement of the Cathedral, and we know of no more laudable enterprise or praise worthy object than that for which the Fair is being held. Mount Nebo Literary Society.—The Mount Nebo Union Literary Society, which meets weekly at Campbell's school house, in South Fayette township, is in a very flourishing condition. On the last night of meeting a very animated discus sion was had on the question, "Is there such a thing as disinterested benevolence in man?" W. J. Sterling and J. G. Sla ter maintaining the affirmative, and Wm. Johnston and Wm. Hill the nega tive. Several other• performances were had, among which might be named a a very humorous extemporaneous speech by J. G. Slater on the subject of 'Balls," a lengthy essay by George A. Mcßride on the subject of "Women's Rights," and the reading of the weekly paper. The editnr on this °occasion was J. M. B. 'Robb. The meetings of the society are a ell attended., —English papers of the 19th ult. state that Americana arriving in the South of France have frequently suffered anna)y ance from notlbeing provided with pass.: ports. The cdntinued efforts of General Dix have at) last obtained the regu lation that such passports shall not ,be required. A circular from M. Pinard, when Minister' of the Interior, and bearing the date of December 6th, 1863, declares that all citizens of the American Union shall be hereafter per milled to enter, travel aid sojourn in IFrance on the simple declaration of their nationality. I A GENTLEMAN'S diary of his wife's temper: Monday—A thick fog; no see ing through it. Tuesday--Gloomy and very chilly; unseasomble weather. Wednesday—Frosty, at times sharp. Thursday—Bitter cold la the morning, red sunset, with flying chuds, portending hard weather. Friday-Storm in the morning, with peals of hunder; air clear afterward. Saturday—Gleams of sun shine, with partial thaw, frost again at night. Sunday--A sligit southwester in the morning; calm and peasant at Idinner time; hurricane and earthquake at night. SOUND OP TIE LUNGS. One of the most neeurate'vvys of determinist whether the lungs are in a be altiy.or diseased con dition. 18 hr means of listeningto the respiration. To thooe experienced In this recites It becomes as plain an trines to the stated' the lungs, and Is as well known to the operator ts are the voices of his ost'ln t (mate acquaintance! The belief that long standing coughs, and anises of tie lungs upon' which they are dependat, are incurable, are fast becoming obsolete. (no great adrantage to be gained from this airline In medical knowl• edge is tie earlier applicatia of those who be come afflicted 'with those Messes to some one competent to afford relief. Ile error which bad taken hold of the public mud In regard to the curabillty of consumption, torather non-curablf- Ity, Whist becoming otillterded, and It la well that It should be so, not thud persons should lose that salutary fear which wodd make them apply for a timely remedy, hut tat all mightt be Indu ced to use remedies while tare is any hope. It is the delay in these cases tat tills us with ap Prehension and alarm, fa if every one woud make timely application $f DR. KEYSER'S LUNG CURE in the beginung of a cold or cough. few cases would go so far ago become Irremedia ble. Sold at the Doctor's greatidedlclne Shire, No. 140 Wood street. WILL 3•HORTI:Y REMOVE re 1115 NEW STORE, NO.: , 16 LIBERTY STREET, SECOND DOOFFROM St. CLAIR. DR. KEYSER'S RESIDENT OFFICE FOB LUNG EXAbIINATIONSAND THE TREAT :MEN OF OBSTINATE CHRONIC DISEASES,- No. 120 FENN STREET PITTsBITROM. PA , Office Ileum from OA. MO 4 r.. 11.. and from to 8 at night. EMI 01YICE 3JONOXG•O3ELTirnIE rOntrANY, PITTS.uVRGR,Januarya 30, 18 6 0. arAN ELECTION FOR TIIIR- TgEN 'MANAGERS of the Company for erecting a brldgeover the Vonongshem siva r, o. poslte FLEW . urgh: In the county of V:eghe wui I e held at the Toll House, on 3IONIIA I , the Ist day of March next. at 2 o'cloclt e. le•2:o84-sir• J A.S. H. WRILAIT. Treasurer. DIVIDEND. OFFICE Or VIII UNION REFINING t • AND SToRING COMPANY. PI sr.Uataii Fetruary IL, .1869. The Board o , I ,tre,torF have thfa day declared a Dlvlaend of 215 PER CENT. on the Caoltal stock,p.yalge Verthwith at this office. corner of Sixth avenue and - Wood at eet. 1 JI , S, KIRKPATRICK. Fred ' de .W3i. F. LANG, Secretary. . le2:00 WOFFICE (NOFCOML PENNSTLFALm ..NIA. RATLR.AD CO'. PHILADELPHIA, January , 27. 1 369 % TILT. TO STOCEEIOLDERi. The Annual Meeting of the StOckholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY; the 16th day of Februar , 1869, at 10 o'c.oek A.M.; at CONCERT HALL, No. 1,219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The Annual Election for Directors w. 1.1 be held on MONDAY, the lot .day ` of March, 1869. at the office of the Company, No. 238 South Third street. fell:dSS EDMUND SMITH Secretary. TN THE COVET OF COMMON IN PLEAS of Allegheny county. • In the matter of the application of the "SHER MAN BUILT ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION" of Allegheny City. No• 70, Marcii Term, 1869. Notice is hereby given that an application of the above named 'Association for a charter of In- corporation, and the same will be allowed at the next, unless exceptions thereto are died. - atom the Recotd.l • .T COB H. WALTERS. Prothonotaxv fe2:dB7:l" T HE ELLERSHAUSEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now prepared to grant licen— ses for the use of the ELLERSIIKUSEN PRO' MEE Th., superior quality Imparted to good iron. the great Improvement in inferior Iron, and the reduced cost commend It to all manufacturers of ron. Parties wishing to wise it can obtain licenses by applying to JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney t'or the Trustees, OFFICE, 366 PENN STREET. Parties Interest.d are Invited to visit the SHOENBERGER IWORKS. where the process Is Ml2== MO WHOM IT MAY CONCEIL : ....a... —The Board of Directors of theI. , IATIONA L REFINING AND sTORING COMA'ANY have THIS DAY directed that the public be warned from negotiating or purchasing the following Due Bilis and obligations, as they were issued with out legal authority from said Company: Due Bid dated January 7, 1869, favor Samuel Lewis. for /420, tinerinuary 31. Due Bill dated Januiry 7. 1869, favor Samuel Lewis, for 0/5. due February 28. Due Bill dated January 7, 1869, favor Samuel Lewis for 1630. due March 31. ' Due Bill dated January 7. 1869. favor Samuel Lewis, for 4735. dde April 30. Due Bill dated January 7, 1869, favor Samuel Lewl6, for 1840, due May 31. Due Bill dated January 7,. 1869 favor Samuel 3 0 , bi d i tte at J t u o n ns e 3 w o er . e .sig Le A w ll i i . the for above I a" 9, . ! ned bY McKirdy. Secretary, by order of David flirt, \ President. , M. DF. LANGE. President pro tent PITTSBURGH, Jranuary 28. 1869. ja30:d5 , 1 1 WILMA in FECKE, 1 1 Y i:.,ucce33or to WILLIAM STEVENSON.) JANUARY pith, ltSfp. NOTICE.-11avIng this day disposed o t my large and fine assortsent of Jewelry, Sc., to WILLIAM FECEE, and given lease of ray store and dwellin, o. 320 Liberty street, to him, I cheerfully recam-• mend him to my' forme r patrons All persons indebted to meActli please pay the same to my nephew, JOHN S. CHAWFOSD. at 1291 Liberty street, is the office of John 13.,fler ror S Co. WILLIAM STEVENSON. BOOKS: BOOKS BOOKS LATEST PUBLICATIONS METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORYr (Methodist Eptsr ?Pal Block s ) Fraithfield Street, (cOll. SMITHFIALD AND VIRGIN ALLMT.) LAW BLANKS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Ja2o --- WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Land for Sale, In lowa and Minnesota; price from 63.00 0.00 per acre. Land bought and sold On com mission. Taxes paid; Titles examined; abstracts furnisbedi anveying and Plotting done.' Information thrashed in reference to locality. quality and valuation of lands. General collect ing business done. -Address C. C. WAY, ELLINGTON, lOWA.. ILW;d6B G _ _ W. De CAMP, ' • I . . AITORNEY D COUNSELLOR' AT LAW, Office O. 1 37 FOURTH.. AVENUE, Pitts burgh, * (formerly occupied by Ron Walter H. Lowrie,rlslll Petclice la theCircult and DlstrlA Courts. In the State Snpreme and all the Courts of Allegheny ounty, and tit make collec tions In most of the gidj aceutCOnleS. illi.M:d73 1 11. YOUNSAON & CO., t) • rAt% CY CASE FAKER , CONFECTIONARY, ICF CREAM and DINING BALOON, 83 Emithdeld street, corner of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. • - for Parties and families supplied with Ice Cream and Cakes on short notice. TAUS. COOPER, WALLACE and wmtextri, • , HOMEOPATHISTS, WI remove their °Mee on the First of April ueit to No. 12,Diairiond... Allegheny city, rear of City Hall. Ja3o:d73 SEED. , 200 BU. CHOICE CLOVES SEED. 260 bushels choice Tlrnottry Seed. In store sad for sale by 31./Ed.Piol!. it II AIR,PE 329 Liberty s sb treet. rurgh TotRADESMEN'S N VIIONAL ' BANK.—TUEsDA.Y . F.VENINeI , February h,) at 7% o'clock. on second floor Commer cial b les Rooms„.100 'Smithfield street, will be added to former late fiat. 10 shares Tradesmen's National Bank. feT: ',, A. bIciLWAINE. Auctioneer. )3AISK ET WILLOWS.-9 . bun dies (large) to angle on steamer Sallie, and or salt by ' fe2 ISAIAH DICKEY _& CO "LI AR CORN.--291 . bags 10 , ar— J 2.4 dye on steamer Orel Esg e, to sale by mit ' .• ISAIAH Dttilte.Y a CO. ... 21000 BUSHELS OF : BLOW pia DthaNdiat & STEVENISON. fe2.dE7