The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 02, 1869, Image 3

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    old mixed. Pork dull; t 31,50 'offered shoulders 14%c; clear rib aides 17%c; rived on Monday nlght.and landed her
for new mess, and $32,00 asked. Beef clear sides 18 1 / 4 c. Bulk Shoulders 13%c; fleet of boats stately. The tow was mad:
Gold Closed at 135%. firm and moderate demand. Cut meats clear rib sides 16%c; clear sides 17eec- np of eighteen boats and barges . , co . ntai -
- firm and active. Bacon quiet and ac- all packed. Wheat e1,78a1,85. Corn 60a roger3o93 bushels oe coal, which is the
By Telegraph to the Pittabnrgh Gazette.) rive. Lard quiet and - firm at 20Y4a205,:c 63c. Oats 60c. Rye 131,42. Flour; super largest amount ever brought down the
NEM Yoga, February 1, 18 69 . for prime steam rendered. Eggs dull at $5,73425. Whisy; raw free 97a98c. riv by any boat, except the Ajay,
which at one time 'had a tow of a few
MONEY. 2482ic. BALTIMORE, February ].-Flour inac- thousand bushels more. The of
leioney more active at 6Zu7 per cent., NEW Yong, Febriery 1 Cattle al erect. Live. Wheat firm; sales of prime steady
ever, has nearly double the power Of the
transactions at 6 per cent. being rather The receipts for t e WeTek were,
.5 2 477 at $2,25a1,30. Corn Linn; prime wbite,
Horner. In view of thia fact, we think
exceptional during the latter part ef the beeves, 20421 sheep and lambs, 36360 1 85aS7c; yeloia. 86ab7c. Oats firm at 70a
hogs. The meat market being stocked I 75c. Rye farm aa . , .
• t 1 55a1 60 Pork firin- it only juetice to the Horner atid her
skillful officers to say that she has per
day. Sterling quiet at C.N@,I9X• Gold with an overplus of beeves ontosale, i mv a T s, r / i a b : ,,s a e h le o e t , d formed the greatest towing feat ou
lower, op opening at 136 1 ,e, and clifiing at caused a Very slack feeling. and
i F•d fll ffabout eee and the market 21c.
ft ay e n , due the credit of this successful run.
t ile' I 4 1 F 1 at
s32l'ealloala ord. To Capt. J. le Reno, and pilots
135%. Clearances to ay at the Gold Ex- had a very difficult stand. PrlCOSsellpeZ) 14T51.1/3Cie. Hams, 20c. Lard qui d :t ell : a t
David Robinson and Fred. C. Stump is
change Bank were hi ty-five millions. 00 t hat day was so low that not ball the PHILADELPHIA, February 1.-Beef They left with their boat last night for
BoaDs AND arocxs. offerings were sold, sellers preferring cattle in fair demand and full prices; Pittsburgh, from whence the start down
Governments are dull and lower on ac- to hold on to their stock rather than sell sales of 1,600 head at 9%a10c for extra with another fleet of void. a
count of reports from Washington that it off at low rates ! The offerings toalav western store Fialle for fair to good do, •
the resolution declaringe-20 bonds Nye- wore, .
at Coaltrounipa er
-3 head at B - ' f Sh held
and sa7c gross, or eo mon. . cep-The 'White Collar line i man ,era
ble in coin will: not pass, c oll eens e e gen Hill, 1,300 Dead, andat the National firmly and full price ; sales of 6,00 U head were in session at Chica,go tali day , and
1881, 112@l2ala, do. '62, L ll2 9110 y_ards 300 head. The market was dull at 6,18 c gross. Hog an demand . at an ad- made their on for the year,
do. '64, 109%®109%; do. '65, 1101/,e9110%; and steady at a decline of lee from last vance; sales of 3,000 head at e1ea16,50 nes. but they have not yet transpired. It is
understood np the river tbat "Commo
new do., 108%@108%; do. '67, We% alonday's rates; the best steers brought Climate:), February 31.--Chtde Market, dore Davidson has united with him the
108%; do. '6B, 108%©108ee; Ten-Forties, 16 1 4 a, 17c, While poor stock only reached _Beef
108©108Vo 10a12e, poor to medium cattle 10alec, tne- Cattle firm but not active at ssa.
5,75 for fair to medium cows and stock Pittsburg Barge-company's fleet, and
that he is preparing to send two White
State securities quiet. Missouris, 86% dlum to fair steers 12a13 1 ec, good t
s eers, Fa for rod to choice shipping Collar boats up the allesouri in the moun
@b6%; Old Tennessees, 6714(967%; New steers and fat oxen 14 16e ' rime to steers. Hogs quiet at $10,50a1l for good teen trade." The Dubuque Times is
Tennessee& 67 ee@67 X,. North Carolinas, extra steers 6 6 a hol ' e
c P l6%alic
of al b
at 1314a141/c! to choice. Premature in its statement that Commo
-61% 962; irginias, 61 63: Lauisiana rho majority
i t e salonh_- _.-.....-_-_.
Levee Sixes, 69%; do. Eighths', 85%®86; average price 144 c. S eop and lambs- ' IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. dote Davidson "has already entered the
Alabama Eighths, 91%@'93. , with increased arrivals and only a mod- PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHI- Illinois river trade. Consequently it
will be seen that he intends to fly his
The railway market opened at about y active dmand, the market to
erateli f Cwoo RAILROAD, February 0 Cars flag not only from St. Paul to the Gulf
Saturday's closing prices, an d so on. the C OSO otast e ,l .
week was heavy and metal, Nimick & Co; sdo do, J W laner; on the eliesissippi, but on he most ipa
weakened and, continued feverish and Prices receded ela s ec, today tba arrivals 7do do, Brown & Co; 1 do do, Graff, portant tributaries. '
unsettled until after regular boareer db • f •
were limited and the deman eing , ent
a Byers & Co; 6do do, Jas Wood, Son &
York Central sold as low as 158%, donhe prices were quite steady, sales being a Co; Ido do, Bryan & Caughey; Ido do, About two o'clock on Monday after
renewed but unauthenticated report that a ds. for COEOI3IOII StatO to extra Caand- Loomis & Collard; 10 do do, Coleman es anon the steamboat Aloe ran into the
the decision in Jencks case will be ads. Swine -scarcely anyt.arriyals n Ralina; 400 sks flour, Watt, Lang & Co; wreck of - a ftatboat, abreast of Sugar
against the legality of the scrip dividend. business necessarily ligh , prices ll un- 1 car middlings, H Schnelbach; 5 htids House Point, below New Orleans, and
Hudson & Harlem declined. Western changed; aommon to h - a t
f ? v3r o P e r e i r a -roe d s %ant glass, 2 bbls do, A&D 11 Chambers; 34 sunk immediately Her bow is still
list affected unfavorably by the bill in laalatarrivals today bbls green bides, G N Hotletott; 12 bxs above waMr, but the stern has settled
the Ohio Legislature, and the pro rata Fortieth streetand,
l 7 ° 61 head w at Conimti- 1 beef, J C flatten; 400 sks flour,Shoniaker badly. No lives were lees.. The tow
freight bill in Illinois. Erie wasstricken mpasse Pressed
Ho 8 have -declined, ⟪ 1 car middlings, 500 bbls flour, ea
boat Hancock sunk at the same place
from the board list, having failed .Lore- g 1 • t el 4
owing to the free arrivals, c osing a a 400 sks do,T C Jenkins; 1 car scrapiron, mottling like twenty months ago.
gister its stock in the afternoon's market, 14,50 for western.
T Maloney; 100`bals flour, J S Dilworth -The elougate Silver ei ee o.
. e. of the canal, on Times
New York Central is leading the advance aoo, February 1.-Eastern Ee- & Co; 200 clo do, D Wallace; 20 kgs tal- no ed at the toot
and selling as high as 161%. Wabash change in good demand and firm, at 1-10 low, J Lippineott; 45 Wets spirits, Hoe- day with 1,500 barrels of ,molasses and
was the strongest stock sold, at 165%. premium selling and 1.10 discount bu
\ '• f - I tt. lur li
Y - tetter & Sultan 1 hint copper, 4 bills do, 104. ogsheade of sugar far 'e l si g
l .
'Michigan Southern and North Western mg. Flour dull, at e5a5,50 for fair to 1J W&, C B Davis; 50 bgs lieed, Allen As she ie too long tor the cams she wi I
were other features. Principal holders choice spring extras. Wheat quiet and 1 Kirkpatrick; 4 casks culletts, W Mc- be compelled to wait for water or re
of Western stocks express belief that form and eefteec higher; sales of -No. 1 at :Cully & Co; 1 car wheat, J S Liggett & ship.
hostile demonstrations in Legislatures gi,l2 and No. 2 s in $1,13%a1, 14 14. closing I Co; 79 empty oil barrels, W alullins; I -The Evening Star has been chartered
will fail, but the market closed unsettled. at 51,14a1,141/0 sce the change al,l4'S car oats, Shomaker & Lang; 236 bags for ti Opelousae trade by Captain J. W.
minder some realization. Express shares was bid and $1,14% asked. Corn firmer oats, Scott & Gisal; 100 bbls flour, T c Themps.h. she N% ill be likely to remain
active and higher. Adams sold as
seise and less active and 3ec higher; sales of Jenkins; 6do apples, 'Woodworth &D; down at New Orleans all winter. 'aloe
as 691 e. The officers of all express old No. lat 64a; No. 2 kiln dried at 57 %a 2 bets butter; 6do eggs. Voigt, Mahood Ben Johnson is runnine between NeW
intention to register the stock. The Ex- ' 57 1 4 c; new at 56%a57%c, and no grade at I e.: Co; 12 bars steel, 1 edl do,
\ American Orleans and Fort Smith.
press says the Atlantic & Great Western 51a52c, closing at o7c for new; old,:o. 1 1 Steel Co; 6 bbls scrap iron, Spang, Chal- ___.
stockholde held a meeting Saturday sold at Glebe for sellers for the last halt ' fant & Co; 22 do apples, J Daub; 2 crates
and adjourned until to-day, and again of April and all May; nothingdoing Since kegs, 8 sks do, B L Fahnestoce; 16 bbis
\ the delegates
en elegant blueluet wae tendered to
to the steambeat erneven- 1 --1 IQ L e e ....... .•. . . .... aea - R e
.iL eee l e r eeee-sai .
then, at the St. Louts ibtkl, 00 FricLlY 1 pr.rra K EIL ...................... JAS. T. RICLIABI. i 1_011)§." 1:; 11 Y 6 P--c'''' ~ '
night. It Is ILS a very plea-ant and en- Tr EIL to, RICHART, , PITTSR 'ltoll , FORT \VAIN F .t. CITTr Atao
until to-morrow without taking action tbe change. Oats dull, at 41a49sc for apples, Culp er. Shepar 1 car limestone,
on leases. The -Company has not terser- No. 2 and 46a46See for rejected, closing 1 simenberger & Blair; 28 half bbls butter, ,Y. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. IL
)o.} able attain 13..
ell any of notice of the rejection of dull at the inside price. Rye dull, at WII Graff & Co; 5 bbls cider, 4 sacks ogl. trains will leare from
From nt.c. taetn, 1S ,
its terms by the Columbus, Chicago & i ;51,16a1,17 for No. I; $1,1414a1,15 for No. i barley, 6do beans, EII Mee ere; 3 kegs -The St. TAM , . and Alton Packet trade COMMISSION MERCHANTS , and arrive at the Union Depot, north clue, i Ms-
Indiana Central Railroad, and daily 2, closing at tale for No. 1. Barley dull ; apple butter, Grate & Co; 15 bbis green - ,
te s collie -ed The Alton Belle will be I AND DE &LEES IN ', burgh cup time, as lollOws: mriv.
1 1 etttvveen. Nee Orleans and Fort 'ge one 011.AIN, SEEDS, HILL FEED, &C.. I Chicago L . 3:03 a m Chicago Fx•.-.2;13
adjournments will probably take place and unsettled; sales No. 2at $1,73%a1,7 5 ' apples, 11 Rea Jr; 20 dozen brooms 1; se I run h Jo . J. , ~
until this hetice conies. The -etlantic & and rejected at e1,40a1,43; closing at $1, 73 1 :Mathews; 31 empty half barrels, E i Jac 9 11. 343 Liberty St, Pittaburgb, .
- Erie & l'gn 51'11.28 arn rblea , o E 31:5t , a
I Cl. &WV i1d,16:4S m Wheng
~1..-v,14.!..A Dm
Great Western and Erie companies in- for No. 2. fliahwines flat and nominal i eleazletore 4 boxes Ghee e, N.T Braden; i -The reedy Grace will enter tae Cin- ,
_mreteeS7________-------------___ , Chicago man cass am erest , :tile ..a..i . s i4 ; lez
tend to have, a line to Chicago, and al- at 90a91c. Mess Pork active and 25aa0c ; 1 car scrap iron, Mullins 6, - Melones :3 1 cinuad and Evense il le trade. Captain Ala. ,. a . a.A. ,, e
eee . B. sasses
. ; reieeire Ex eo os em ( etc xee ••-. .
ready preliminary arrangemente have higher; sales at e3Ja31,50 cash; closing ' cars ore. Hussey, -Wells & Co; 3 tubs l Jas. F. Troy well have rOnlinand. , VicItANE b. ANIER. \ rwago Ex 2:4.3 pin Erie A 1 ,r , o y t_ol , 3lra
been made and leases are to be ratified at firm at $3),75. Lard firm at 20 1 4 c offered , j butter, 6'2 bbls apples, 15 do do. Wll -The Armenia, New Orlceons to Pitts- 1 .11A.
co. s ewe E..x 2.23 pm Clit eland Tr. .1.0 , i m
We R Erie Exl•33 pn.,Cl. A W h' i g n. h.,rb.tvS l m
one meeting. The new route has not yet at 20 to aeked. Sweet Pickled Hams at ; G rate & co; 1 car ear corn, Dean & Patter- ' burgh, pa , ..ed Meniptne ou Friday lieu' 1 - -
I CO-NIMISSION MERCHANTS, PrParlfrout Auvhenv. , A rrtr,, -U,Olif,ny ,
been made public, but there is some talk' 27c, dry salted shoulders 13' ,Ic• Dreseed ' son; 630 bushele cats, S Hood; e. cars i I N. Brigt'n A.c 1.3:5 4, 1 a m 'N. 13rigt n Ac• 7.1,14 am
The aallie wae to liks e left Concha 1 Decl..r. In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE Leet..dale '' 10 28 a ITI N. k111r...11 " C, ^qata
about the Fort Wayne and Toledo and I flogs fairly active 25a50e higher; closing 1 wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 31 eke mote, 1 ~ •' 11 5R am New asle "10:33 am
net" for Pitt-bureh on eionday. 1 GEN k.i,ALLY. •No. 1-1 a WATER STREET,
Rochester " 1:33 pm Leetsdale " 0:13 sM
Wabash roads. at 513a13,75 dividing on 200 pounds. The Grahalla Lt. Marshall; 16 , -lee rage, Mc- '
lave-thortyPrtees:--Cumberland, -The Maegie Have lei'' St. Louie for
38,14@ \ receipts fsr the pest twenty•four hours i Cullough, Smith it Co: 4 lade apples, , hh e - „ t stese.s2einitletela, l'ltt.burgn.
'es Leetsdale Acc 3.5 S pm "1:0s 1 m
N. Itrigt'n " .5 33 pm N. Ilrlgt'n ".2.1.131n
Sg; Wells ExPressi 30%@30%; American, amounted 8,506 barrels of time, a. 11 33 14 do bean% Volga alahood & Co: 1 car l I ate otrg on Saturday. k aplaTZlEfit & AILOSTLIONG, 11% irt ; . .6.1.3kpm Leeteda , e " 4.:53 ism
i uee l ts r !l;e n : 'lO :43 plr. ' ' '' 7 l/SI M
46; Adams, 67e;®617 • United States, 5S , bushels of wheat, e 1,703 beetle's of corn, l bones, Sew.ord iv Campbell; 175 bage I -a- Leeted de Sun. Leetsdale stun. M
CusB% ; Merenauts' s'Union, 17 See slB ; 25,584 busiele of oats. 6,320 bushels of rye, W J Meek; 140 eels apples, D Rh er anti II Cattier. 1 FORWARDING a. COMIeI2SION MERCHANTS, i da l , chureb• 113 pm day e. Much. 0:55 ats
Quicksilver, 23; Canton. 60g60.1e; Pas \ rye, 1,550 bishels of hazier, 2,551 head of 1 Sebnece; 16e empty bbl, ale alu'llins; '240 ' l e a le\ II 1 I', 1 - ( brirtry 1.-Iliver rie-. Aar 2:43 p. rc.. Chicago Fx.pribs leaves dilly.
i For the sate of Flour, Gra , n, ILicou, Lard, Put- .114711...4 a. tri;..Chicagf• xpret- arry•ts d Lily.
CHIC Mail. 11.83ga1L53,4; Western 'Union, hogs. 'The shipments for Use Hanle time I s ee b a rley, z Wainwrieht; 11 are ore, , hie, with six Ret in tlie canal. Weather i t .. 17, z•-, 1- 11/?..1 Fruit..,n,l4. „ tic , ~, , , , ,,, ,i , . , di-- F. It. M Ells, '1 icl• tt Atmr.,.
Telegraph, 3See3S%; Mariposa, 7 %epee; do. were 5,160 borrels of flour, ;3,555 bushels I Shoenberger & Blair. tut.
1 clear anti . le aasasesr eree , , corner f ... 1„.
rittaelrele.________-- fe- .3n
• ,‘ - -
preferred, 23%(D24; New York Contrai l 1 of ss he it, 1 ,a9a bushels of corn, 19 ,; -.
I CLEVELAND AND PITTSTITTROR RAIL. , --------- 1013 ENN YILV A- C7,7137;77,,7--. ,:m.,
3.61%@161%; Erie, 35.€1,38;;; Hudson, , bushels of cats, 1,830 bnehels of rye, ...,44.,9r.”-, 1
I 1 - - L 'J. BLANC/111UL L Ni,..I..ENTRAL lIAIL .-k .W.-• °.." -- .3 4-44..
1 ROAD, Fat 1.-1: cars lJtkson ore, , STEAMBOA Ib. , • , It()AD Onand 14er NOV, 28th. aene, 1 rains
n4501)13.5; Harlem, 13314; Reading, , head cf hop. , NlAlKtitalit ‘1.•• Co; 2 care i•liattey Oce, Bra- i ____ 1, ni A-ric, at all slrpart iron. th , Untfo. Perot,
961;e@96%; Terre HFIUte, 40,...f1g,42. do. 1 . r
, .31'. ...ea ie February 1.-Tobacco un- dere Bend Iron co; 6 I 1.‘,1h quid, J.l "COB ll,i It teal 1I 1 1.e... Wholesale and P. , ?tail Ciro'` , e , r m ." 0 Wa.-I , Aigten and Libt•rte atm ',,, . a
preferrcd, 03 1 e@ 69 ; Wahesh , '63,,<6365'4: I changed. Cotton, Lo sales reported. Fanner A Co; 1 car fire elac, t. , M Kern 2. 12 A s, , !...k..1 \ 1L 1..--111 ,11 1 11 . - follows'
dm preferred, 77(a78; St. Paul. 6C4 i
, Hemp, prirre and sold at $1,40. 1 cars brick, Itr c.P, Grafi .r.: 11 III: 5 bble. att .In. r I .41..-r-tvr. Depart
;stall Tratn.... 1:30 am Isy Y -,pre ~ o::? . ro
66%; dm preferred, 81M CaSles; FaWayne, , Flour weak - Jut not quotaoly change ti; ; 't John .Tolin Spear; e hills parlor. (Is Markle e s A l - E vu. 1N tm . ( qtt. 1,. IV. flat o ,
..x ,
• NO. 360 Pee a , Tll/..L. V. Irs..tldre..•.. 2-0 a m Walps No. 1 C- ~i. m
- 1 WalPs No. 1.. C. •.10 am )11111 1r 0r .... S•lt:lrn
120 , X@1 21 ; Ohio and AlississiPPia 37 ( 7:e l supers eangnie at a5,3 7 a 6,( ak extra t:'; , ' 2 a a & co: 1 fan toile, W W Keoe; 1 Ilex sun- WWI , iv. I,r
r th. •tt ~. port- on s'. I L LDAY, _ s.__f2L------_------------ Brinton Acc ,.. 7 . 50 a iii arincin ., l .,.., 1 ..., : .., tin
373 i; MiChigan Central, 119tei12.0; alicho- 1 6.50; double extra e7a7,50. W neat mac- dry - e. Easel e ill Sarin err 1 ceir e ................... •eeser"...V7 R \.°l • I -all's tit, "a 50 AID:WaII, N'o. , 1.1•.>“ am
eau Southern. 9414,@945e; Illinois Central, I te ‘ e at e1,45a1,55 for prime to choice fall; , r raunentein, Miller & Co; 31 es lea.
' thi ' ' '' Gr Ir ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' "': 4.1 " 1:: 1 : ill ' l i ' '' llt ' - ' d u-1Q
' I
EA- -,z;o-.. &bON. C011,1IS?5ION 1 ,iLeitati.i% o-to am Jolissl„„,,,-,,, ....?..2zlm
,;‘,lll A. 4 , 1, N 14: V'
138(4)140•; Pitteburgh, 92 1 , 5@92%; Toledo, No.
2 spring 9old at *1,303.1,31; soft do. 1, Carter McGrew & CO; 33 do do, 2 kgs 'tl). I _!`.---a---a-----e-----
i• eiot i ei..o oop eeeet. , e a ... . . . s . . • ,
•ret I' &NI , Ir. dalr, in vI t tUP , Johnstown Rc10.33 xn.,llra.Voc 5. I . 1 m
" ' , * 1-1 - ) n I.lllla rx In-= 510 m
104%©1045e; Rock Island, 130
- ,- ( a - ') /31 ; { $1,35. Corn lieu :And unchanged at eSa ple butter, Voigt, Maimed & Co; 1 ' • ---------- , ea: tl .S MILL FEED tr d PRODUCL. I.L.Nhlt. Baltanore ..X• 7.1 1 .. .1 -„, 1
11.11 I Phila. F.xpret.s.a.o.3prd V, all . No. 5..? m
"1 1 pITTSBEFWI3I, _ s - b 1 ALLY, Nu 70 DIAMOND, oppoblle Clte ... .
' 1 V. - 'Ps N 0.3 1:30 pin Wall's No. 4. 6:I:) , fm
Northwestern, 83/.G I a, do. Prefe r red, 1 72. oats fira at 60±611. Barley go/Act at cloverseed, Ido eggs, 1 ker. 5\ IT . , I ;ran- ti: ' -- I AOOO. nv el,v jam I •r3l %I .. .• , I
90X ®9O, i; St. Joseph, 109; Columbue, $1,80a2 for pane to choice lowa spring. l Reiter; 3 kge lard, I,ittle ie Baird; 16 1 vvels:ELlNte, , Braddeceseem aerso 13 in Y ast Lne.., .. 7 ....?‘ t ut
1 T ITTLE, 'lump & PATTON, , ...',.ti1'i5,..,,;4
17):111),..,w.iii 5,..•..ia...,.,ra
Chicago and Indiana Central, r ed , Chi- Rye at at i1,25a1,28. Whiskey maim- balee husks, Vi' F & Geo Nc ble; 5 bbls ; T IP 1 , lhe Churph Train leaves Walls , - y
cago and Alton, 152; do. preferred, 153%; nal and lowir at 92%. Pork firm but pearl barley, 'Rinehart it: Steo ewe 10 kMrc, fs a , _LA Wholeaato Grocer', C_innad.sion M ii er , ehants
1 ~..11.1.,tt.- _lad rarkerSblirg LA...., Illitl De 4itrs In Produce, 13a , 0 , ..i.nt,V s ' , I Sunday at 0:15 a. an., reselling rinser:rel. at
lake Shore, 101. not active at e31,25a31,50. Bulk aieats, Allen, Kirkpatrick tt. Co; 5 thin
do, I I • L } .b It, Carbonarl Lard , 41, Iron, ; , ..,111
t , (~1 _ I 10.1 oa. m. Returning, leaves Pit1.1)3 , 4- at
Boat, f,,,,, O f wood Cotton hens'
. and 111 P
. ..sbur.rl Mann a. Inst.. i
12-60 n. , T, and arrives at W. 612 Station a
Mining shares are dull. holders firm; ;mall sales of suoulders at 1 Hazelton; 6 bias oat meal, e glanyer & Leave Company's It•h rf ge nerally. 113 and 11_ 5.r.A.,0N1) STREET,
Copper Stocks at Boston-Calumet, 50; i
, 13%; clear rlbsides 16%; clear sides 17. 1 Voskamp; 5 kgs pearl 1 tries', L J Street, Pt_t_tsbur,ria.--.___________. 1 200 p. In.
-. i 'Cincinnati Exersrs leaves daily. All other
Copper Falls, 16; Franklin, 1%; Hecht, Bacon unchalged; orders for shouldera I Blancherd; 4 bbls do do. To tee & Co; l 5 limey, AT 12 11. sons I. 11017 SIC EDW. 110 E-4 -WM. 11.110 USE. 1 tear, e t t :•unday.
ForfudgltUtafor)tratiou apply to
86; Hancock, 3i/0 Minnesota, 2; Quincy, were filled a 141/,a14%; clear rib sides butts, 20 c ids tobacco, WII Kirkpatrick I W. H. RECIaIA ITR, AV...
26%, 17%; clear sites 18. Lard firm; prime 1 & Co; :300 sks. 26 bills corn ueal, B r ut,
- -
The Pennsclvanialtallroad Company a 11l 103, as .
1 country 19,3ernee. Cattle, receipts fair ' Lang & Co; 1 car ear cor 1, Brown & . ...... A. S. SaßrilaitD. 1135ter• ti, cessors to JOH NI. HOCsE ,t Co., Wnole- .
cat t °mei. re and C o mml.sion I,ler , h tins, Cot, y rt..t. torliaggage,exo pt for we aril .4 au .
-s AND naTUUDAtia, SUme l a a n u 1 limit the ir re,t,onsilonv to One li u
and demand for better grades good at Williams. ner ot smithaold and Water Streets, Pltt..burgh.
rr n e e *Dollars in value. Alm liagg.•l,-e c-..eet .ling
full prices: iderior to common $2,75a Aeekeill ENT V t.LI.EY eta aamen, Feb- \ ---
eueT EAGLE C. L. }Inas:IAN, Master. --- _ -------- _
soros SIICPTO,I ................... . ... A WALLACE. till t a mount in value a 11l he at the ri ~, of the
3,50; fair to mod 53,733.5,00; prime to ,
I rotary 1.--480 'obis oil, G S Thomas; 240 I Freight will be all hours by , &UPTON &WALLACE, Whole- own s , ut less take' , bv sw.cial contract. .
-EDWARD I v, li, ILL tAAS,
choice and era $3,30. , 7 50. Receu
t ' 4 a -- do do, Fisher & Bro; 400 do do, Owston gels JAMES COLLIN-. bA LE i-, llor ER.. A N k ) pIioDCCIT DEAL- nt t, Altoona, Fa
Flour 4,000; Naheat s,soo;'Corn 2,700, Oats sy,,i4 N 11). 6 SIXTR:sTREET. l'ittbnurelt.
tit Sewers; 1 ear metal, ii woodsides• 1 a aa--- a - .
' FOll NASAVILL I ,1101-.ltrat .
8,100; Barley 7000; Rye 1,700; Hogs 150.
Ido do, Lyon. Shorb & Co; do do, Mc- iter 1,-T a btOtint r
'CINcINNATI, February 1.-Flour dull, Knight, 'Porter it: Co; 1 car grain, alart.n, i . ,miti le, . 1 .. . ...... ( Irr. ritos rot, 1
unsettled am pricee nominal; family, 1 Brickell it: Co; 59 sks rye, 11l sks °ate, 1 e . k.;,i , i i
, le , :i n v i i
11,,itir,.L‘11.1.:1,.porj.t..ruary .td, tor "tit, I
25a7,75. aabeat dull; nothing done ' Scott St Gieal; Ibx butter, 1 keg igX 4, lot 11,1,11; or p...... 4. appl} on 1 ~ r.l, or to
and prices noninal. Corn firm at 67a6lie Blaney & Moore; 1 dressed hog. Vangor- taint Ler ..s. fist. , a ll',
for ear. Rye aeady, at e1,37a1,10. Oats '1 der & Shepard; 6 cars limestone, Shosn- d t arao. rlAt K. or.
firm at 64c for No. 1. Cotton higher and i berger & Blair; 20 eales hay, Moreland & 1 '
firm; rfliddlifg, 281,4 - Vs-leaky closed 1 elitchell; 8 bgs rye, 21 de oats, S S
J. I). t OLLIN(.I‘ (AID, Agents.
Weller andliitr,
h demand, at 97e. alees George; 1 car metal, John elom hied. L rine lee N. iir olt akeeele.-
pork opened tuiet and closed With a spec- At LEOIII.NY STATION, February I.- tare ei e and ,pleu , liti pa . tt go' sn in.t r
MOLLIE EBERT .0. W. EtAnT, Ct Inman& r.
ulate demand at an. which eansed he' d ' 15 pkgs hides, J Callery; 1 car metal, i win-tem- for the above ports on This DAY,
ers to ask e 3150, and this restricted bu- Graff, Bennett & Co; 3 cars staves, C , ten I in4l. at .1- n'etoel. I.
in it. as
opened strong with an Pemberton; 400 sks flour, 100 Imes de. eur ireigho'es p , ttcsige appii on boar,
l or to.
active demaid at 20e, but holders ask Geo Stewart; 13 biss rye, Jos Craig; 2 cars et \(l\ & ( 111,1,1‘111\ t Op, Or
1.1111:11..-.1' II ‘2l,llrT. A.:, ut M.
'2lc. Bulk treats quiet and unchanged, metal, Lindsay, 51cCutcheon & Co; 11 Through it ct ipte Cl' en Oath' Aim \ t b a o it t o b.: T.
but held tirnly at 31%c for shoulders; bills paper, Frazier & Metzger; 1011 bbls
,s, Itr,',..ell'aTenill,law.",eint'e' l'iat'a,',-
15% for sides Bacon quiet but firm at flour, J B McKee; 2 cars wheat, R e tel. MalgtlMM river =Mei vas
ports at Ina cat ratts
1414 c, 17y s c aid 18c for shoulders, clear Kennedy & Bro; 1 car bran. R Knox & J 422 0.. ilia rel. A Hat. eleve.
rib and clear sides. Sugar cured hams Sow 192 sks flaxseed, Hardy, White & resa
firm at 19x9 Sc. Butter -plenty and Co; ' l5l do do. Ewer, Hamilton & Co.
very dull, at 28a33^,. Eggs, 20c. No __
change in al; lard, $1,65a1,70; linseed, _
$1,06a1,07 Petroleum quiet at ' quiet. .
7 c RAILROAD, February 1.-1 car metal,
John Moorhead. 1 do do,Bryan &
for refined. Groceries firm but quiet. , .
Gold 135aS buying. Exchange dull, at 5 Caughey, 300 biels paper,
' J BHammer; 6
pkgs oil, 19 do tar, Fulton, Bollman &
per cent. 118 count buying. Co; 4 bbla crackers, R Robinson & Co.
TOLEDO February 1.-Flour steady.
Wheat Meet, nominal and unchange ,
February 1.-1 car iron ore, Lyon, Shorb
sales amber at e1,66a1.66% on the spot,
Co; 62 aka wheat, 14 do rye, Scott & all
mostly at he outside price; lie.
Michigan ;1,88, other gades' not in e
d sal; 3 bdls pelts, Solberg & Berg 13 pk
flaxseed, J W Thursby, I do feathers
mend. Corn very quiet and nominal,
and sic lover; sales at 65eec, condemned Head ISt M I
62e, rejectad a shade better at Illeec.
Oats unctunged at 58c. Rye dial and
nominal- Barley steady at $l,BO for
State, and 52,15 for Canada. Dressed
Hogs quie at 13a13% to Feb
e. Clover Seed
quiet at $9,5. Grain in store a up
ruary Ist: Wheat, 20,203 bust-corn, 1713,s
244 bus: mate 260,491 bus; rye, 6,187 bus;
barley, 24,85 bus. ,
blie.WAnisfc, February 1.-Flour dull
and.nominal), unchanged. Wheat quiet
and a slandehigher; sales at 51,17% for
No. 1, and 5,12 1 4 for No. 2. Oats scarce
at 500 for Ne 2. Corn firm at 56a58e for
new. Rye inn at 51,13 for No. 1. Bar
ley nominal Provisions firm and un
changed. rtessed bogs firmer at 512,7 a
a 513,25. Reeipts-2,000 Wale flour; 1.000
bush rye; 12000 bush wheat; 2,000 bush
oats; 2,000 bush corn; 1,000 bush barley;
200 dressed hip. Shipments-3,000 bells
floUr; 2,000 lush wheat; 500 ails and 100
tierces pork;100 tierces lard.
PHILADEVIIIA, February 1.-C:over
Seed active a $9a9,50. Flour dull and
declining; Inca and Minnesota extra
family s7a7eo; fancy lots $10,50a12,5 0 .
Wheat; limited inquiry; red $1,60a1,7 5 ;
amber 11,90; vhite 82,10a2.25. Rye low
er at $1,55a,60. Corn dull. Barley;
prices maintined. Corn; salmi 5,0b0
ugh new yelbw at 86a88e. Oath firmer;
western 72a75t Petrolenm steady, with
crude at 27%ceind refined 35%talec. Pro
visions unchanged. Whisky dull at 97e
s ts, lebruary
aluetru 1.--fotton quiet
and uncliangd in the absence of cable
news; recce ptseince Saturday 3,43 ti bales;
exports, 1,569 bales. 'Flour quiet and
unchanged, Can 68c. Oats 721573 c. Hay
524A25. Bran 25. Pork 02. Lard 20a
22c. Bulk Matti firm; shoulders 14c,
sides 173018 c. Dressed Hogs 12%a1 3 e.
LOUISVILLE, February. 1.-Tobacco;
sales sixty-twoehds new lugs to old cut
ting leaf at 55a7,50. Cotton 28c.
Pork 531,50. Lard 2,050,21 c.
llowial utters in New York.
Receipt% at the Sub -Treasury, $741,273;
layments, $916,728; balance, $83,496,274.
Markets by Telegraph.
NEN , : Yong, February I.—Cotton 13
dull and without any decided change,
with sales of ,1,80 0 bales middling up
lands at 29gc. Flour; receipts of 8,148
barrels; the market is dull and declining
with sales of 5,700 barrels • at $5,7536,25
for Superfine State and western; $t,3,90a
.7,20 for extra State; $6,70a7,60" for extra
western . $7,6ua9 for white wheat extra;
ss_,Nall ;or Bound Hoop Ohio; $7,5038,50
for 'extra St. Louis, and $9312 for good to
choice do., the market closing quiet.
Caltfornia flour is notninal. Rye flour is
dull and heavy,' with
sales of 190 barrels
at $5,2537,40. Corn Meal is quiet,
sales of 2.00 barrels Brandywine at 8.5.
Whisky is nominal at. 98ea81 for western
free. Wheat; the market is dull and
lower; no receipts; sales of '33,000 bushe ls
at $1,60a1,6 1 for No. 2 spring, delivered;
$162% for o No. No. 1 and 2 do. mixed; $2,02
for white Michigan, and $2,10 for white
California. Rye is quiet. Barley is in
moderate request, with sales of 9,000
bushels Sicily at $1,90, and 400 bushels
State at $2.,10. Barley Malt is quiet.
Corn; the receipts amounted to 41,885
busks; the market is heavy and—lower;
sales 48,000 bus at 91a93% for new mixed
western, 94 for western yellow, 90.a91. for
Jersey yellow, 94 for Southern yellow,
and $1,02a1,03 for old mixed western in
store. Receipts, Oats 3,250 bush; Oats
dull andlower; -sales 14,000 bush at 73
for western 113 store and 74%a75W do
afloat. Stock of Grain •in warehouse —
Wheat, 2,939,9'20 bashels;, Corn, 1,399,87 9
do;' Oats, 2,472,352 do; 'Rye, 228,380 do;
Barley, 126,596 do; Malt, 61,19 L do; Peas,
58,429 do. Rice, Carolina firmer; sales
100 tierces at 9y,a1014". Coffee quiet; Res
iirM; tiothing'offeted,-except t 14,
which is an advance. Stigar active'. and
firm. sales . 1200 .bads Cuba at 11a11%;
sales 35 boxes Havana at 11%. Molasses
quiet and firm; sales 250 hhda American
on 'private terms. Hops quiet at 8316 for
American.- Petroleum- quiet at 23 for
rt;de, 37a37;14,,for_reftned. „Linseed. 011
• "firmer et' $1;02a1,04.' --Spirits' Turpentine
quiet at 57a58c. Pork firmer and in Ao f od
demand; . aalesr2,llso ; b ja11.4 83 11132 or .
new mess, closing at $31,50 cab $3O,
30,75 for prime mess ; ,2
a150,,000 bblssoa
naess, seller Februa
nery and March, at 83 2 .
Stock--old and w, 35,625 bbl s; last
month, 34;169 bids; last year,14,754 bbls.
Beef steady; sales 581) bbls at $9a16,50 for
new plain mess. Tierce Beef quiet; sales
200 tcs at $27a32 for brime Mess; $321137
for extra mess. Beef Hams firm; sales
160 bble at $30i35. 1- Chit Meats firm; sales
300 pkgs at 13Na14'Ac for shoulders, and
17y,a18%0 for hams. Dressed Hogs
Tamerat 14a14%c for Virestern,fand ,14tt
1,0 for city; middies firm and quiet;
small sales at 160 ,for Cumberland cut,
and 17%c for short clear. Lard firuaer;
sales 8,500 tea at 79%a20'X,0 for steam, and
20ga21 1 4e for kettle rendered; also, 2,150
tea steam, :seller. March, at 20ga21c.
,; • Butter quiet at 26a350 for Ohio. Cheese
firPl ,at 16a21c. Freights to Liverpool
quiet; engagements per, steamer. 26,000
bps coin at 7d;
/,afast.:—Flour closed dull, 10c laver.
n a n d
*No lower; limit
. ed deinand for No. 2 spring. itya,nomi
• nal a t, $1,45.f0r 'Western. Oats noritinal,
at 72;01730 for Western in store. Corn
• , dull and heavyat 90 1 ,093 c for new mixed
western, and $1,02 1 ,4a51,93 in store for
The weather yesterday was clear am.
cold, and very favorable for out-door
business, which, we regret to state, was
not very brisk at the landing. :The
mercury did not rise above 29 during the
day, and, as a matter.of course, the sun
had little or no tnflueabe on the snow
or ice.
We have no arrivals to report. The
Armdillo, from Cincinnat, and the Lo
rena, a
from St. Louis, are among the first
boats due. The former boat, as We have
already noted; goes into the 'Cincinnati
and Marietta packet trade. ' •
The Camelia, Captain Thomas Poe,
with George Spline, i' the office, lea
for Nashville to-day
without . fail:
will receive freight for Cincinnati, Louis
ville and all intermediate points.
The Bayard, Capt. Gee. 1). Moore, is
the regular packet for Parkersburg to
day, at noon. -
The river is again receding at this
point ix feet ten inches In the
by s the MoruMgahela marks last
The Bellevernon, departed for St.
freightith a good trip' having about all
frhe could take.
Tiae Grey Eagle departed for Parkers
burg. She would have left on Saturday,
had it not been for some repairs which it
p ' rho necessary andak
The Wild Duck barges, Capt.
Anavralt, announced to leave for •St.
Louis on Saturday.
The new steamer Mollie Ebert, Capt.
w.. Ebert, is announced to take her
departure for New Orleans to-day, and
passeers and shippers should bear this
boat inmind. CaM , . Standish Peppard,
has change of the office.
Vicksburg fferalci, of the 26th,
says: The tow -boat Simpson Horner sr-
TO LIVERPOOL ,lii,iiDeita 1
-Numbering sixteen first•elass vessels, among
t. , m the celebrated
Bailing EVEItY SATURDAY, from Fier 48,
s.. rib Myer, New York. For nassage or further
informal on &only tO
1O FIFTH STN.F.ILT. (Chronicle Building. h
N7,..11%, aniwigibt romt:ltttle.. Pltialllr ,
266 Liberty atreet, Deers in ugs.
a me and Patent 'Mediates. 1 aalZ) I
Car73OXL Coll.
White Window Lead, Glue and Glasswar d e
Ito. a BT. cr.Airr. &Tray:Err
And Nos. 186 and 181 Third Street,
Enquire for WA.11,13,1S Ilread,
TI e largest and beet. The initiate "11. W.
every Loaf. Take none else. siI4:TT
DILLE.IOI.IB. ••• ........... E. ETE.VINSOIt •
87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa
. ,
All Sinas of Country Produce,
All orders for Merchandise promptly illled, at
LOWEST market rates. Paritcul ‘r attention
given to the sale of Rutter. 'eggs. Cheese Dried
entire, SE c , We feel conlideut that we can give
entire sal lsfactlon, VT making QUICK SALES and
an d
and therefore respectfully solleit . your consign
ments. All correspondence answered promptly.
Marking plates, furnished free. Grain in store
and to arrive daly- au3l:t7B
---- --
E STAB L ISHED By A. a ` . 1‘
No. 271 Liberty Street,
- •
Grocerleo, Flour. Groin. Produce,
rro visions, Et.iti v 'tnieesc, Carbon;
oil. etc.. \
Nos. 1:3 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Lib
erty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. no
; .... . ...... 7. A. sTanLit.
M. STEEL], .....................
°Commission Merchants,
R. GrIM.A.:II9..Fr...E_ICI. moo.
No. 93 03310 STRE A ET near East Commou;'
• MISSION MEI:CHANTS, and holesale
Drairri 1D Goshen, Factory. liamoßaconurg and
11.. Cheese. Butter, Lard.
Pork, , Flour
Fish, brio.l Fruit Grain, Pig Lead. Pot, Pearl
and Soda Ashes, Lime, Linseed, Lard,
Coal and Csrhou Oils. No. 141 /Vat street.
i IV VI S Is E R N—,
v v VENNSYINANI-t----:.-
t It/. _ EX.OAD.—On and after • ~,-. ii'4 , 41.1' 4-0 ". the
'n. scilget Trains c.. the Western . enwN iva:lle.
, it, real will arrive at and duper- iroil, :pa
, Cede - t - -'t reet Depot, A:teener:: :tv.
art. ~,. ~,,
: Arrive. ! ./...p
ALDERMAN AND EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF i Spring,l,eNo in.:l o s tn. Mail ....... :., .... I' ill a m
• • ME VEACE. , Freeport .No. I o:ti. afa F reei ,rt NO: I :1 : 15 ‘. m
• . xpre-,t ..... t 0:40 a la Sherpl; , g N.:l F1.:21t ~ xn
,52, 0 3 0 p al:Expro--...,,• : 2 :,_, 5 1 in
. Freeport No.. . p In'Sprimc'e NO . ! ::3::.:1) pm
Special attention given to co”veyencing and ; yell ....... .. . 5:55 p m,Yreeport N0....,:-.0 pm
c011.:0.4ms Deeds Bond.; and Mort gages aca mm, i ._ Iriu It \o 20.45 it m St-mino,. N o v.l :Di 1, m
1 Abcfre tralreirun it
except Sr.teler."
up and all legal utt.tuess attended top romptly i
sl2(iaccurately. The Church Tralo leaves All,2l:eny ~Nov.,,
1 1 ever onnday at 7:10 a• in., reaching ~ Itechety
OS. Si. BUTLER, i CltF at :50 a. ni. Returnig. leevt. , Alit,
nity at 1:20 p. tn• and arrive at Alicghenr Om , c..
LI ' • 'Ron at 3:43 p. m.
ALDEEPIAN AND POLICE AGISTEATB, Comatirravox TiCitrrs—F,:‘? sate In packages
of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut
0111ce, 1216. WYLIE STREET, near Washingtcn I street
H e r
Bennett, rim. C . reek, F. 7.1 end
PITTSBFI2.III, IrA. Sharpshuri.. and good only on the trains s.oppLug
at Station. ,pe^tßed ou tickets.
Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages. Acknowledgment . •
The trains leaving Akegueuv City at I:00 a.
Depositions, Collections, and[ ell other legiti- m. make direct connectin at Peeper. withWe
nue e business executed prompt 10:1:a9 ker's line of Stages for L'utler and Rental , : town
. ra---- 'Through tickets-may beep urchased at t.. ()ince,
No. 3 st Clair street. near the Susinmsl; - nßridge,
rlttsbor h, and at the Depot, Allegheny,
For further Information applx to
JAMES LEY'ERTs, At.•_t,ut,
Federal Street Depot. ,
The Western Pennsylvanianailroad will no g
a: spine any risk for Baggage, p fore:Tarin
. .. .. their responsibility, to One
A.1.13E - 1 13 . 1 ..A. N,
Ex-Oinclo Justice of the Peace and Police Mg.
Cate. Otlice, tiltAliT STREET, opposite the
Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA.
Deeds Bonds, Hurts -ages. AcknowledgmeAts.
d all
I ) grt r in s ) l r t ...
- I .
A..1.41YEA -1 . 31 .. A.Dr,
Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, , Adknowledgments ,
Depositions and all Legal 1-Business executed
motto prom ptness li
roucE .
001ce,1191 FIFTH STREET, opposite the Ca
thedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dee Ale, Bonds, Mort.
mei Acknowledgments Depositions and ill
Legs 'Business axecuted‘with tiromousess and
Justice of the PeaCe
Collection of Bente eolicited and promptly
tended to. • my 3;
tl •
Bacon; ?Loos, ?nowt ROOM
On and after TUESDAY, Noye nlier, 17th.
lisot . trains will arrive at and de art troutta m e
Depot corner of Grant and Ratet .,
follows: " Depart. .47-rires.
Mail to and from Union-. . ,
7:00 A. . 6:00
loam. ..................
McKeespor t Accomtit'n 11:00 A. st. 2.05p.' 34.
Ex. to and from Unt'n • 3:00 p.'44. 10:40 A. 31.
West Newton Accom'd 4:30 p. ist. 8:35 A. SI.
Braddock's Accomdt' n . 8:15 r. V. 7:50 P. M.
Night Ae. Tra p ptoMcK'sort•lo:3o r. S. 8:45 A. 31.
SuannildaxoCli 14keehst t
ewto o
N i u 1:00 r. X.10:00 ..i.. 1 11 1.
For tickets apply t 3
- I
J. R. KING, Xgentic&
W. B. STOUT, liliperthteudent.
RANGE OF oiTc 1,1:44
TillE. ' l, v. e-awki.
On and after MONDAY, November 9th, 1868,
TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh
Radon, corner of Eleventh and rke streets for
Franklin, Olitefty, 'Buffalo, and 11 points to the
011 Regions. .
ExpreMall. ..... ..... 7:15 m p m
Express .. . . 7:10 p m.Express..... 6:30 ain
Brady's B
55.... 3:00 pm i Bradys BAc 10:30 a m
lst, Soda Work 5
let Soda Works
Accomd... 10:50 am ' Aecomodtn. 8.20 * m
2d Sods Works ' !id Suda Works
Accomodtn. 5:00 pto ' Aceomod'a. 3:10 p m
Church TTalt , leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. Ii•
Arrive st Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. 31•
\Passengers taking express train have but
and change of cars bttween Pittsburgh, Buffalo
and 011 Regions. Mall and Express f rains stop
only at principal points. Mixed Way and Ac
eomMOdatiod trains stop at all stations.
1 THOMAS 19. KINO, Astitt. Supt.
IW. FOSTER HOVE, Ticket Anent. nt
CHANGE OF Tr...lE.—On and after SUNDA:I -
Nov.22d, J 565, trains will leave•and arrive at
tn.. Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time:
Depart. Arrsnr.
ElTkres. .......... 3:13 a. in. 12.13
Fast st
'Line ... ...... 10:13 a. in. 7:33.p. En.
Fast Expre55... .. ...... 2:5M p. in. 12:1/4a. ru.
Mixed 'Way . . ...... . 5:43 a. in. 6: 4 13 p. m.
McDonabll's No.111:28 a. in. 5:33 p.m.
Steubenville Accommod. 3:314p.m. 9:4S rn.
McDonald's Ace' Li, No. 2..5:0S P. 3:16 P.
. Ater `Z:5l;i r. isL I F x press will leave daily.
1 a:l3 Mall will arrive daily.
The 10:13 a.
in. Train leaves daily. Sunday's
e cepted, and makes Clore connections r.l New •
ark to Zanesyllie and points on connection `
Mansfield a Nowark
S. F. SCULL. it. rat Ticket &nen:.
W. W. CARD, Sup' t., Steubenville. Ohio.
I •
137 Fifth Street,
43.116 Dlemottd Street,
(opposite the Court Ilousej
No. SO Grant Street.
31tetg.d and llmtt
Ilollare in valuKAll bag 'age em
ceeding tl. Is amount. in value wllihe at the risk of
the owner. unless talc.% by special contraot.
EDWARD H.. W - 11.tA
noM Gensml Buneshttendent. Altoona. Fa.
11.01 u
Eaßterll DiViSiOII.
ROUTE Crom Liao East to all points in
Colorado, Nevada.
California, Vtab,
NeW Mexico. Idaho,
' TWO TrainS leave State Line and Leavecc trans
daily, Riondsys exceptedjon the arrival of
of Pacific Railroad from tit. Lords, and Ilanni.
bal and tit. Joe Railroad from Quincy, connect
fn. at Lawrence, Topeka acid Warnego with
'ta b oo for all points in Sumas. At end of
track of orth with the UNITF.D
w COM r'AN'itt3 DAILY
DENVER; ElAllr LtAirE,,g
AU Points in the Territories,
of COACHES for Fort Tinton, Bent's. Fort, Pass,
AO u tuerque, Sat: Fe, and all poluts In Ari
zona and slew 'Me 'leo.
With the rect. additions of rolling stock
and equipment, mid the arrangements made
with 1 e 3ponsible Overloud Trar sportatiou Linos
from tie 'loiters termiutts, thls toad now otters
unequal ed facilitle. 4 for thc transmission of
freight to the Far West... •
TICIZOtE for said at all the urine:lwo otitct . s In
tho United States and Can cer. e, la. Till.: SM.' .5 :7
HILL BOUT i:.111NION it . te. t:All s' AI ,
EASTERN DlVirtitr4
I . A. AN it VIP,: ON,
Vf a.ziltila U 9
r ,. u printe.nd . , ll,l
a. H. AvEzs!OVER,
tneral FrelgUt and Ticket. Alien