The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1869, Image 8

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False Alarm.—A false alarm of fire
was sounded from box 13, Alleeleny F ire
Alarm .Telegraph, corner Western
avenue and Bidwell street, at an early
hour on Saturday morning.
Iron For Pittsburgh.— The Wheeling
Inielligencer announces the shipment of
bar iron to this city to a party who imag
ined that they could do better by pur
chasing in that - rnarke'G than at home.
Will Meet To.morrr ,w.—The Pittsburgh
Councils will wee t to-morrow at two
o'clock, for the pur pose of electing four
Guardians of the f.'oor. The Select Coun
cil will not meet I ,o•day as an by
the President on the last day of meeting.
Ground Bog ?Jay.--To-morrow w
ground hog 43 .ay. If the weather-wise
porcine 8868 h' is shadow cast by te h sun,
there will be, according to superstitious
ideas on tb subject, a snap of cold
weather .di %ring the succeeding six
Most 'Po Aldermau.--The follow
ing ik the vote on the Trtagniticent chair
to be awa' zded the most popular Alder
man, at t` +se Union Charity Club table at
the Char it Fair:
Fair: MuMasters..4s: Butler,
50; Mori 'land, 25; Aon, 75; Keeper,
24; Alb' .dts, 15; Morrow, 20.
Freliljlat Train Wreczed.A freight I
trait' /,n the Panhandle Railroad j u raped '
the t rack on Saturday morning in the
it of Walker's Mills and was badly
wwrenlce x
d. several of the cars being almost
aloe,c The McDonald accomoda
tiol3 train was delayed about an hour and
b rill by the accident. ,
. .
Msorderly.—James Killian and 'John
IV rilliams were arrested on Saturday
o' vening and fined ten, dollars and costs
9 of engaging in a fight on Ohio street,
:Allegheny. 'The distubance occurred in
;.- front of a beer saloon, - from which they
had just emerged. This fact throws
some light on the cause of the row.
Trunk. Eround.—A Saratoga trunk was
found nsterdav morning, in a wagon in
Cherry alley. 'The trunk appears to be
new, and bears no marks of having been
.nsed,nor is there any evidence that it bad
been broken open. It was unlocked and
empty when Sound. It was taken to the
watch-house, where it still remains.
Purchased for a Tower.—Thq large
derrick formerly occupying a place In
the rear of the Good Will Rose Company's
house Sixth ward. Allegheny. has been
purchased by the Ellsworth Hose Corn
pany of the Third ward, who intend con
verting it into a hose tower, and remov
ed it to their house for that purpose on
Saturday afternoon.
Bold Larceuv.—Saturday morning, at
an early hour, some bold thief broke
through:one of ' the large show, windows
of O. Hartungd o Co.'s shoe store, on F ed
y, eral street, Allegheny, and stole two
-pairs of boots and a pair of fancy shoes,
with which he made off before three pc
, licernen, who happened to be in the vi
cinity, could lay hands upon Mtn.
Death of a Minister.—Rev. William
Cooper, the able,and zealous pastor of
the Tareutum Methodist Episco
,Cb.iirch, and an honored member of the
Pittsburgh M. E. Conference, departed
this life on Friday last, at his Pars!mage.
Be labored with much fervor in the
moral vineyar d and has gone to reap the
rich reward of a well spent religions life.
His funeral will take place to-morrow
from the residence of Ur. James Clark,
Suppese Inc
graphic die.patc
evening; • by
two ofthe pro
Glass W, orks,
fire Moinday I
wont county,
liad been arre
fessed to setti
The name of
An officer will
this morning.
ndiary Arrested.---A. tele ,
was received Saturday
essrs. DicAboy & Ward,
rietors of the Pittsburgh
hich were destroyed by
t, from Bridgeport, Bel-
Ohio, stating that a man
ed in that city who con-
L le, tire to - the building.
the man was notgiVen.
probably be sent 'for him
The Weath .—Yesterday was one o
the coldest d vs of the season. On Sat
urday. morui g before daylight the air
was oppressiN ely warm and so heavy
that steamho is plying the river half a
mile away w e distinctly beard pulling,
and the whee of cars rolling over tracks
was heard distinctly in all parts of the
city. It is said that on Thursday night
-thunder and lightning visited the city.
Verily, we are having a brief season of
weather and variatiorsa.
A.Doughty Daniel.—Catharine Brad ey
alleges that Daniel Dougherty camed
the domicil occupied by herself an
husband. or rather her husband and her
self, on Friday evening, and threatened
the male part of the establishment with
a severe castigation, for some fancied of
fencefbut was prevented from carrying
his threat into execution by the hasty
exit of the intended victim. Alderman
Donsldson had the pugilistic individual
arrested on Saturday i but 'after a hear
ing, the case was compromised, -the de- fondant paying the costs.
Colliaed.--Saturday evening, about
six o'clock, one of . thO cars of the Man=
chaster Passenger P,silway collided with
a wagda opposite the Grant
House. Federal street, Allegheny, upset
ting thrf vehicle and pitching out the
driver. an elderly man named Simpson
under the horse. He was picked up and,
conveyed into the Grant Rouse. where it
was discovered that beyond a few slight
bruises he was uninjured. Tho collision
is said to have been unavoidable, as the
oar was going down a steep grade and
could not' be checked up in time to pre
vent it.
Mysterious •Case—A Body Pound
ay., a
• Snow Drift—Supposed Fool Pl ln
Saturday afternoona telegraphic die. '
patch was received by
of Clawson,
stating that the body of an unknown
girl had been found in a snow drift, net
, pro-
Tarentum, and requesting him to pro
ceed thither and hold an inquest. Upon
the receipt of the message, the
Coroner telegraphed to Justice W.
B. Evans - of Tarentum, instructing
hits to conduct the inquest. The body.
It seems, was found in afield near Bite's
• station. , about two miles - this side of Ta
rentum. and when first discovered the
supposition was4that the girl had been
frozen to death, but a subsequent
ination created a. strong suspicion
of foul play.. The body was found
lying face downward, _and appeared
as though it had been there
for several days, as it had slightly de
composed. It looked- to be the body of
a girl about sixteen yeersof age. Across
one temple there was a se er e cut
bruise, which had apparently been made
by a blow from some blunt instrument.
A number of persons in the vicinity vis
ited and examined the remains, none of
whom, however, could identify them.
A gentleman called at *We Mayor's
state during Saturda,y afternoon and
stated that a young girl had left her ' horne
' in Tarentum teu days ago to visit a
friend, but had never reached her desti
nation and had not been. heard of since.
- s' It is supposed that this fact may unravel
the case which at present is enveloped
in mystery, and awaits the investigation
of a corouer'sjary..
.i;o - 1 Change oiiiinfihilfliation- ' -Slayer 13back-
United States Dititriet.
Caddies..ess urr.....7ciflge .
I more. pollee Parade presentations
tl°llß4atiliri•ilg°ilicialsi' fliew Officers,
SATURDAY, January 30. he case of
A. McFadden re, Co. vs. James Henry, r epub lican orms of govern
action in bankruptcy, Blair county', was !neat, where the will of the people is
resumed and occupied the Court during - wsvereign, periodical changes occur in
the day. The case teas not c oncluded. all elective offices, and the office of Chief
- Magistrate of this large and thriving
city is no exception to the rule. The
people, by their ballots at the October
election, decided to make a change anti
place a new man_
at the head of our
municipal affairs for tho next three
years, and selected fared M. Brush for
the position. Mr. Brush having been
declared dul ele cted received the oath
7 ,
of o ffi ce and will enter upon the dis
charge of his official duties this morning.
The retiring offie 1, Mayor Blackmore,
i t
who has labored rd during his admin-
I istration, and end vored to the best of
his aty to disc ge the onerous d
ties of the office,and has given special
attention to the perfection of the police
force, takes with him in his retirement
to private life the respect and best wishes
of all with whom his a nd
brongh him in contact. Feeling that his,
efforts to create an efficient police force
.had been in a great measure successful,
a grand parade of the police force was
projected by him; and carried into effect
on Saturday. The entire force, with one
exception, reported at Wilkin's Hall at
one o'clock, and at two formed in line on
Fourth street, under command of the
Mayor, preceded bY Fred. Weis' Great
Western Band,l of twenty-four pieces;
which, by the way, is one of the best
bands in the State, marched through the
principal streets of the city.
The display was very fine, and the
men marched with tile precision and ac
curacy of old soldiers. In consequence
of the unfavorrble condition of the
streets, the entire route of procession
was not marched over, but ail along the
line as the procession passed the side
walks were crowed with spectators.
Upon returning to Wilkin's Hall, Jno.
C. McCarthy, Esq., at the request of the
Mayor, addressed the men, and on be
half of ' his Honor, thanked them for the
faithful manner in which they had dis- ,
charged their duties. They were then
dismissed and the men , reported to the
Captain of the watch fur duty.
The friendsl of Mayor ,liirckmore,
1 Capt. M. W.I Lewis and Mr. Joseph
Snowden, the late Mayors' clerk, on the
old police force, desiring to give to these
gentlemen some token of their friend
sdip, and in commemoration of the pleas
ant relations which had existed between
them in their official duties, which term
inated yesterday. assembled Saturday
evening in the Mayor's private office,
when each of the gentlemen above
named, received a handsome present.
There were a number of the friends
of t h e parties present, and at
eight o'clk the meeting was or
ganized by calling Ex-Mayor W.
C. McCarthy to the chair, and appointing
Alex. Mellwaine. John A.
fred Kerr and John C. thy,McCar Esqs.,
Vice Presidents, and John MoClaren,
John A. Floyd, and the Reporters of the
Press as Secretaries .
Alexander Mollwaine, in elaborate
address, presented Mayor an
with an elegant gold watch and, chain.
The articles were purchased from J. 8..
Reed Co., jewelers, 78 Fifth avenue, at
a cost of three hundred and fi fty doll ars.
On the case was the following insert's-
Um:. "Presented to Mayor Blackmer°
by his friends, January 30th, 1869."
John.C. 'McCarthy, Esq., responded on
behalf of the Mayor in a neat and appro.
priate speech.
R. 8.-Parkinson. Esq., on behalf of the
friends of Cap sin Marquis W. Lewis,
presented him with a tine gold watch
and chain. Mr. Parkinsons remarks
were highly .complimentary to Captain
Lewis, and exceedingly gratifying to his
•many friends. The watch and chain
.were purchased at Win: - W ilson'a; Fourth
Captain Lewis in reply thanked his
friends for this additional manifestation
of their kindly feelings toward him.-
Mr. Snowden was made the recipient
of a beautiful gold l headed cane, bearing
the following inscription : "Presented
to Joseph Snowden, 'Esq., by his friends
as a token for his services as a public of
Officer hlcCury made the presentation
speech, and Mr. ,Snowden responded
briefly, thanking his friends for the gift.
The meeting then adjourned and the
participants returned to their homes well
pleased with the manner in which they
spent the evening.
fhla morning ex-Mayor Blackmer°
Will vacate the office and • Mayor Brush
will take possession, and coesequent
upon this change there will be many
others. Old faces, with which we have
beeoine familiar, and for the possesses or
which we entertain the, kindest feelings
for the many courtesies received at their
will be replaced new ones,
whichin time will be as by familiar hand
their possessors as agreeable we hope as
their predecessors. Messrs. M'Cready and
Moon are the only men on the old force
in the front office whotave been retain
ed. Tney are both excellent officers,
faithful and fearless in the performance
or their duties, and courteous to all in
their business transactions. Chief of
Police Butler, although new in that posi
tion, is by no means a stranger, having
officiated as Alderman in
be this city for
' 1 several years, a position filled with
credit to himself and to the general
faction of his constituents, is an old
to ac
quaintande, and we know hirn be
genial, courteous and gentlemanly in all
his business transactions. While re
netting tbe loss of the old friends, we
hope to; find in their successors men
worehy to fill their positions. We can
ask no more.
District Court—Judge Hampton,
SATurtn.kv, January 30.—1 n the 'case
of Mundorf for useof J. K. err vs. A.
McGowan, the Corirt delivered an opin
ion, sustaining the exceptions to the
Auditor's report'. A. decree was made
confirming the report with the modifica
tions, and directing the Prothonotary to
pay out the fund in Court in accordance
with the distributions thereof made by
the Auditor in schedule Nos. land 3. _
The usual Saturday business was trans
acted. , -
Following is the trial list Ibr to-day:
GL. Risher ez. Wilson vs. N. J. Maley,
et al.
72. Dollar Savings ISank vg. Ellzabe
87. James."lees vs. John Morrow.
99. Ears. of-Andrew Johnson, deo'd,
vs. R. S. Heniup. I
vs. Isaac ..7a
-182. Catharine Rnrapfr 1
hestein. - -
134. Christian Wagner vs. Jones (t.
138. J. McCabe vs. P. F. W- a. C. / and
C. t, P. R. R. Co.'s.
149. C. C. Taylor vs. Patterson &
Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett.
SAcnrmaY., January 30.—The time of
the Court was occupied on Saturday with
motions and other business of no interest;
to the public.
Following is the trial list for to -day:
October List.
No. 8. Reibble vs. Snyder et al.
No. 9. Stultr. s. Salle.
November List.
No. 10. Valentine Oberingor vs.-John
No. 12. George Fein vs. Wm. Schanm.
No. 13. HOSES b Kranes vs. P., Ft. W. &
• C. R. R. Co. •
No. 19. Wm .
Henry vs. John Agnew &
- o
No. 20. Lo C uis Groadioth vs. John Ag
new & Co.
No. 21. Finkerton' & Purvis vs. W. L.
No. 22. Roumell & Echart vs. G. P.
23. Robert Bell vs. Western Trans
portatton Co.
No. 24. Gerwig.& Co. vs. , Fayette Oil
No. 25. Abram V. Melton vs. Kane k
No. 20. William H. Wait vs. Kane at
No. 27. Damn & Pitcairn vs. Q. A. Rob
No, 29. Alexander licllwaine vs. Roz
quarter See>alona—Judges Mellon and
Sevrinnam, January 30.—1 n. addition
to the disposition of several cases of
surety and abandonment, and the trans
action oi other unimportant business,the
following sentences were passed:
F. Roup, charged with abandon
ment, was ordered to pay his wife four
dollars per week until further orders of
the Court. He was also directed to enter
bail in the sum of 5300 for the faithful
performances of the order.
Frank Gallagher, convicted of a mis
demeanor under the livery stable act,
was sentenced ,to pay a fine of po and
, James White, Daniel lt,lernan, Patrick
Dolan and Patrick Ward, csinvicted 9f
malicious mischief, were each sentenced
to pay a tine of 520 and costs.
The case of Wm. Burns, charged with
desertion, camp up for a hearing. The
defendant alleged that he was not liable
for the support of the complainant, as he
had a divorce from an Indiana Court.
The case is still under advisement.
The recognizances in the cases of Ber
nard Charlesworth, indicted for assault
and battery at the June sessions, were
remitted upon the paym insane costa. .
William Bapptiam, an man, was
committed to Bixmont Asylum by the
Adam Hoffmeister, charged with
surety, on oath of his wife, was re
quired to enter in recognizance for his
future good behavior, and to pay the
The sentence of Jeremiah Hawley, Mi.
°heel Ryan, and others convicted of felo
nious assault and battery. was postponed
until next Saturday.
217. Corn. ys. Michael Blackepbulcher.
67. Cow. vs. Philip Hass.
140. Corn. vs. George St.stckner.
218. Com. vs. Frederick''Myers (two
cases.) • ;
225. Com. vs.-James Leaf and Hugh
270. Corn. vs. Malvin Wallace. ,
261. Corn. vs. James Dunn.
267. Corn. vs. Daniel Smith.
234. Com.; vs. Canter.
156.-Com. vs. Robert Foster.
270. Coma vs. Fritz Pool and Eliza
262. Com. VS.
Cont.illhun es:
271. . vs. W. W. Wallace.
224. Com. vs. James Gellepsie cdias
JaMes Scully. •
233. Com. vs. John Neelus.
223. Coin. vs. Jacob Baer.
216. Corn. vs: D. Braineidßorison .
278. COM. vs. William Clark et al.
266. Coin. vs. Myer Hanauer. •
203. Cora. ve. Mary Sinclair.
222. Com. vs Frederick Nagle.
265...C0m. vs..
Thomas Smith.
238. Com. vs: Daniel E. Groover (three
296. Com. vs. Robert H. Be .
303. Corn. vs. Anthony Jaques , et al.
SQL in
Co. va. Samuel Perry et al.
193. Com. ye. Bernard McGuire.
199. Com. ye. Eliza Pryse and Rudolph
~ near' Pry's°.
•-, Pittsburgh Teacher's Institute. .1
The PlttsburghTeacher's Institute held
a regular monthly meeting SaturdaV
morning at ten o'clock, in the chapel of.
the Central High School, corner of Sixth
avenue and Wood street. The attend
ance was unusually large and the exer
cises quite interesting and Instructive.
- The ...Allegheny Quartette Club was in
attendance and added considerably to
the interest of the occasion by their en.
livening songs.
Prof. I. H. Eaton occupied the chair.
After opening the Institute witn praye r, e •
Rev. W. W. Young delivered
and eloquent address on the teachers's .
work and responsibility. The speaker
occupied about forty minutes in develop.
ing his theme, and was listened•- to
throughout with marked attention. L •
Mr. Young's address was followed by
a discussion of the topic, "Should the
classics be taught in our higher public
schools and academies," Prof. Crumb
arguing the question from an affirnhative
standpoint and displaying considerable
acquaintance with the subject.
At the conclusion of Prof. Crumb's re
marks the Institute adjourned until the'.
last Saturday in . February, when Prof.
Burtt will discuss Ihe negative side of
the topic.
1 1869
" . e'• *AT '
; '.l
- ,
_ . • • • :7: 44 ; 41 - .- - , • , -
The. Young Zouaves.
The Young Zouaves,, a company of
children, the orphans of Union soldiers,
have made their appearance in our city,
and last Saturday evening gave a delight
ful entertainment at the Soldiers' League
Hall, ta Lacook street,. Alld-egheny,
which was witnessed by nerewde
composed of soldiers and citizens. These
boys claim to be the best drilled'comPa
nv in the Union, and their performances
would certainly lead one to believe so.
The proceeds of their entertainments are
to be devoted to the maintenance of the
Soldiers' Orhans' ome New York.
A free entertpainmentH wi)l be given this
evening at the Soldiers' League • Hail.
when all soldieri are invited to be pres
ent, •
Fine (pee war!.
Mama. Kier 'a, co., proprietors of the
Keystone Pottery, are manufacturing
daily, at their establishaiesit, articles'd
bel u
ueenswere of every variety and style,
which are said to equal: evry 70
sped to the Ilnest imported stook will
. 'The
prices at winch the goods are .sold
also compare favorably-with those of any
vise those of our readersin need 0
slinhar establishment. 'We would ad
f a
cles in this line to callat the Warehouse;
Net. 359 Liberty street, and es:amble th e
Eleve,lith.. Ward enilit Club,
- ...s Or OlOnevs received and dis-
bur..led by H. W. Oliver, Jr., Treasurer
- •
Or the Eleventh Ward Grant and Colfax
Club, during the campaign of 186 S:
'.lax. H. 310.litetul. t 70 00
H. W. Oliver. Jr 76 00
J. K. Moorh. ad 5U 00
•Wrn. B. liar, Jr- .... 50 00
Km. ,T. Moorhead ........................ 35 00
A. o• 2.lcCandles ts ............... . ...... 36 00
C. Hanson Love . ..... .... 50 00
John F. Cluley .................... . ....... 40 00
N. P. Reed .............. . ...... . .......... 36 00
S. S. Carrier ..................... ..•• 25 OU
it. P. Ford .................. ..... ....... 25 00
J. B. Dunlevy ................. . .... : .... 15 00
W. Itulle las .............................. 20 00
Timmos A. Rowley ....................... 25 00
D. Fit :Ammons ........................... 10 00
Oliver B. Jones. .... . .................... 10 00
Jolla W ndless .••• ... .................. 10 00
Win. McCutcheon ........................ 10 00
writ. Lyon. ............................... 10 00
V' 01.1
Wm. Moore
Charles A. 8 chew 6 00
A. C. McCallum 10 00
C • T. Ewing 10 00
I ,( John W. Pittock 12 4 0
,Englne ....... 14,rde Alex. Klmich 10 00
i.lHorses ......... 70 w. K. N tuitok 10 00
Sets Harness .• • . I'M J. 11. N'obbs 500
1 Wag0n........ .. .. 150-$3,810 ,;, Jo. 'Walton 500
8n glue.. ......... , 450
3 Horses.. ....... 1,000 V.. W.. H .
E.' I S. Beymer 5 00
5 00
Hese Carriage 600 ,r, I It. C. Oral ,5 00
Wagon ..t .... 500 -- r,ill. Waughter 500
Harness..., e en.,../M-04',•.v T.lCharles H. Arinetrong .............. 500
..Engine • • • " ....... `'• '""' Singer. N Dela & Co 5 00
3 Horses . ........ .. 1,000 c R. J. Anderson snO
Hose Carriage..... 700 g, I James .1.1• Palmer 500
Wagon ........ ..- 400 IH. Snively 5OO
Harness ........... 1001474 08 F. H. Eaten. AOO
.Enaine ..... ..... . . 3,500 J. Martina:l . 1 (10
3 Horses ............ WO John Cassette - 1 010
Hose Carriage GC° . _., Wm. Culp 500
Harness ............ 100-44,7 w A. A. Moore 7 01)
' i g ine• .. ."
. : .... •••• "I* James 11. vcEwen 600
2 Bose Carriages.- 1,550 H.P. ii.-raiear 6 OU
3 Horsey s. w . rilli 6 00
liSette Harness.... 180 L. -g., Duncan • 500
i Wagon.. ..... .... 250 - 15. 350 James Shannon 5
...Engine .. . . .....,.... 4,500 George W. McCallum 5 00
Hose Carriage.... . 500 btew art Dalzell 500
"rile" /50 Wm. B SrlCkell 500
3 H0r5ey............ 609-413,M0 Robert King 500
InDETDIDENCE..Ee C a rr i ag es .. . ... 4,900 Thom as Lippomott 500
2 Nos e 7OO J. Barbour 5 00
3 Horses _. .. 1.150 S. D. Herron 300
3setta Harnasa.... lto-16,75 0 Wm. 11. Lippincott .
......... Engine .. .... ....... 3.330 J . mat 00
. H o e,
Hose Carriage st o 0. W Rankin 'A 00
3H, rses ....... . .... 1,600 J. T. Smith :3 00
3 setts Harness.... ice-itmco IW. W. Hunter . 3OD
W.lanmheslierteirteh 1 00
Grand total ................ . .......... • . .... 1.14--7,11701 1 00
The change cannot be made during the Jahn Crawford 50
O. W. Reed 50
present year, as the appropriations have W. Culp, Jr 0
been made, appropriating 435,000 to Fire Amount received irom J. B. stew
Engines and hose, and, according to ibex. COmmittee
Amount received from Misses Mc
report of the Commission, it will require I catcheon sc Hays, balance of flag
$58,000 to run a paid department such as i collection
it is proposed to establish. I Proceed. of sale of caps and capes at
• I Stewart DalzelPs
There is another matter not cons i dered 1 •
irethe report, which might be so man- \ $866 15
aged as to cover the expenses that would Fleming a Agnes see bill '$ 517 10
be incurred in purchasing' the apparatus . &Co
I Stel County ..
' 52 45
and leave a handsome balance in favor 24 • 'tern." ' ulnae 20 00
A. Oernet. " ..... . 25 00
of the city. The engines houses now oe- N. I erry. 20 00
cupied by the different companies be- A. Gernert. ',.., _ .......... 134 00
35 00
long to the;city. and as they are all loca- John Ir. Cluley ' 1 910 00
ted on principal thoroughfares, where C. IiaRBOR Loves Bro 's 50
property is valuable, they might be die- ti.)uttrgrit, music_
412 oo
posed of and ether property purchased Kennedy Robb 500
. 500
and suitable buildings erected for at Kennecy Robb ....... ................ 30 00
Suinadyrie&spaid for candler, wick, Baal-'
least one-half of what could be realized
from the sale of the present property. 1 Pittantrgii Warrvic ..........
A , Pald Fire Department.
SW Cornatission appointed. by -City 1 ,
Councili to investigate the workings of
the fire department in the different c: .o3 * s
in the United States, and cieVi.r 4 ii, means
for the better regulation 'of t h e Fire Do.
partment of this
ci °-- j , having submitted
a report to Ce7ancils, in which they_re
commend the adoption of a paid depart
ment, the question arising among those
interested is, Will the city purchase
Item the volunteer companies the appa-
ratus of each? Not knowing what view
the Committee take of this question, as
it was not included in the very able re
port submitted by them, we are not pre
pared to give an opinion, but for the ben
efit of our readers, we append a state
ment of what the apparatus now in use
In the city will cost. The figures are as
Heavy Robbery.
Ex-Chief of Police John Irwin receiv
ed a dispatch, Saturday, ftom a Mr. Bis
bury, Depot Marshal at Indianapolis,
stating that a robbery had been commit
ted by Charles Hurlick, his wife and a
man whose name was unknown. The
dispatch does not state where the-rob
bery was perpetrated, but says that the
parties named stole $9.000 in Government
bonds and 7,000 in national currency,
that they purchased tickets at Crestline
for Now York via Philadelphia, and
further that they had a large trunk
which it T h ep resnmed =tamed the
money. e chief, accon3panied by of
ficer fierron, immediately repaired to
the depot-and on investigation found that
the trunk spoken of had passed
through on the train which had just
gone out, but that there were no such
persons as those described to the
dispatch on the train. The next train
was about ready to start and there was
no time to look through it. A descrip
tion of the parties was given to the
duco and he was directed to have the
arrested if found on the train.
The Conductor telegraphed from Erin
ton Station that the parties described in
the telegrammere aboard his train, and
he was telegraphed to have them arrested
at Altoona and held until an officer
could arrive for them. 13Isbing was
telegraphed to and replied that be would
sake the first train east with the neCes
sary-Papers for thehrrest of the, parties,
and requested that they be held until
his arrival. The trunk. it appears, went
andrrisburg, where it was stopped
returned to Altoona. The parties
arrested were searched and - frad_in their
possession but one hundred and eighty
dollars. Officer lashing will probably
arrive here this morning. .
'The Union Skating Park.
The magnificent "Union Skating Park ,
in Allegheny, on the -line of the Man
cheater. Passenger Rail Way, was flooded
with pure, crystal water on Saturday.
nighttatid wilt IV found to-day convert
into a solid mirror of as pretty ic as
skates ever gl ided over. This winter we
have had but little sport on ice, and
doubtless thousands , will embrace the,
pretent splendid condition of the Union
Skating Park, to enjoy themselves in the
,exhiliarating exercise. whe very best
order is preserved and the Park offers
superior advantages to new beginners as
well aw the skilled in the art. A mag
nificent-, velocipede is exhibited each
evening by a finished velocipedestrian,
and forms a conspicuous attraction. Let ,
no one fail to take advantage of the pres
ent splendid ice, es it is not improbable
that it a
it i the intention of the energetic
managers of the Park to hold a grand
skating carnival some time soon, of which
we will duly advise our readers, as a good
'lme will be afforded those who may at-
What They Will Do.
Dr..Ross' Remedies are purely vegeta
ble preparations, and are doing more
good to the people than any other medi
cines ever offered to the public., They
are sold at one dollar per bottle, and
generally one or two bottles have the de
sired effect. We make a ape - OW.IO of the
following diseases, and warrant a care in
every case: Acute or Chronic • Rheuma
tism, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds
of eases, some of long standing; DYBPejo
sls, we believe we have the best remedy
for this disease ever compounded. For
diseases •of the Throat and Lungs our
Tar Compound is 'doing wonders. Dr.
Ross' Remedies are manufactured and
for sale wholesale and retail, at Nos. 26
and 28 Sixth street, (late St. Clair.)
Grand Vocal Concert.
On Friday evening nest, at the Acade
my, will be held, under the auspices of
our talented fellow-townsrnan,'Professor
C. Tetedoux, a grand vocal concert, in
which a number of our most conspicuous
amateur performers will participate.'
The programme embraces the names of
Mrs. Chas. Mellor, Misses Maggie
tiPeandless. Mary Dihm, Annie
an d CE. Hous-
ton, Kate 'Northam; tills Card
Evans and Messrs. 'Paul . Zimmerman,
W. B. Edwards. B. ' . and want us in
--home talent anon h to
predicting that the ~ncert will•be highly
successful and ,brill ant. ' •
' bwd cooMng an
the lowest market
street, tillegheny,
$BB6 15
lIENRYW. OLIVES. 38., Treasurer.
PITTF.EVIttiIi, January 28th. 1889.
We, the uniterslaned. appointed a Committee
to examine the account of U. W. Oliver, Esq ,
Treasurer of the Eleventh Ward Gr and Col-
fax Cluth hsrehy certify that they haanve t
the same. and dad it to he eon e et.
N. P: It gIED.
• H. P. FONO.
Amusements. 1
OPERA HOUSE.—The celebrated Wor
rell Sisters, who now occupy the atten
tion of the theatrcal world, and are unsur
passed in their line of burlesques, will
appear for the first time in Pittsburgh in
the English version of Offenbach's new
opera of the Grand Duchess of Gerol
stein. with all the original scenery, mu
sic and costumes. There is rare enjoy
ment in reserve for those who ettend.
gust a holds sway at the ~ O ld Drury,"
and with Mlle Coutellier and brother
the awfully daring acrobats, and the
grand olio, forms a combination which
nightly tills the auditarluin to repletion.
SMYTHE:B AIMIERICA.N.-.-At this theatre,
penn street, Miss Betty Sigel, the den
sense who gained such high place in the
ballet of the Black Crook, at New York,
will appear for the first time to-night.
"Punch and Judy," a sensational farce
brought from London will be put on the
stage in good style.
CEIABITY FAIR.—The grand Charity
Fair for the beneifit of the poor and sick,
was largely attended on Saturday night.
The booths have all been much improved
in decorations and no other place in the
city presents more attractions. The Fair
- in close on Saturday night. •
Works of Art.
In Boyd & Murray's window, on Wood
street, there is now on' exhibition the
most superb specimen of graphite draw
ing we have ever seen, and we believe
that, without exaggeration, it is the
finest ever produced. Mr. Trevor Mc-
Clurg is, we believe, unrivaled in this de
partment of art. No New York
him i artist
that we know of can approach n'
style or finish, few in ability. Mr. hfc
Clurg has discovered several valuable
novelties in quality of graphite used and
!n the manner of using it, which, added
to his genius as an artist, place him, we
think, in the position we claim for him.
The specimen •in the window of the
Messrs. Boyd & Murray is a life-size por
trait of Mr. Ill'Clurg's eminent friend
and fellow-artist, the tate Emanuel
Leatze. In Mr. Gillesple'a win'dows we
notice two large portraits l, the on e
of John Harper, Esq., by Law
man. and the other of - - Jacob Painter,
Esq.,painted by Hicks, of New York
Looking at - the two side by side,
honestly think that of oar home artist is
the finest, although the reputation of his
'Tow York rival is far: greater.
, - ..
Real Estate' Transfers. .
. Es
The following deeds were Med of rec
ord before H. Snively; q., • Recorder,
Jan. 80, 1869: . - - -
Jacob Eintbub to Wm. 11 ., Stewart. December 5,
UM: lot of ground in ecott township, Contain
lug 5 acres and 125 perrbes... ........ ... F 1,090
Damson J. Shaffer .to W. se . M4e, Yasuary 30,
1030; lOt oia corner of Federal street ana 'North
alley. eecoad ward. Allegheny, 60 by 210 feet.
wit t buildings ' 99,500
Lawrence Sproul to Barmen J. Staffer. Januar)"
. 25, 1669; lot strove described .. .-. .... , ... . . .03.860
S3muel COoper to George St.:Young, January 18;
180; lot on Carroll street, Second ward, Alle
, ghenv, 15 by 100 rtn. w ith bUildingli.. .. . . Ir,ato
John Rens to Sterrn ire; Weber. January ... 1869;
lot in Reserve towluttp, containing 5 aeres.sBoo
WM. Taylor to Jamea Rodney. November 26, '65;
loVen Atlegheny avenue, Sixth ward, Alle
gheny, =by 72 feel. with bhildings- .. •, .. 82.009
'Thomas Patton to Walter Thompson,' .Jauuary
IS, 1869;.1et on Ledlle street, Allegheny, 14 hy
50 feet... .. . t• .•.• . ; ... ... . . sl,e
Robert Wig . liCnais U . , • iliac; fi. isniido . n. Januar,
A Iwo; i. t on corner of halkam and Laws
streets, Firm. ward. Allegheny, 15% by 66 feet:
William adjoining. 14 by 03 feet ........... SO, leo
ItiToYgtiosglilr; fingl i d,: e
tr;hii; b ' lll
tatting_ 19 acres, whit. buildlngs ............ 181,500
George id Young to J• lif. Fullterson, January
29. PM; three tots in the borough of l3raddock,
on p rank roa d, wit h 2 b1 ... 1j , 1 .. T1___,M .... L • • ...... - ... ss,coo
.The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver
Oil in the world, Manufartort3d from
.fresh -healthy livers, upon the sea shore;
it is perfectly pure ;ma sweet. Patients
who have once r taken it can take' none
other. Ask. for "Hazard-and Caswell%
Cod Liver 011," manufactured by Car,-
Well, Hazard & Co., New York Sold by
all druggists. . , DE
_ —:---18.----- .
Honor to . Whoui Honor is Due—.N'O.
Scale in the Stabs has weighed. More loads,
. _
or, more satiofactorilv,, than Keeler's
Railroad Track Scale'at the - New Buena
Vista Coal Works, during' eight years
past. '' i' ' Cuas.' H. AnmesTßONce. ,
Pittsburgb,‘Jamlary- 16, 1869. '.. - -
irlt'atfemirY;BCehleli'op. for Woolen
15111 -
'''ll33' tat
ert 11:alelas , at
at 112 Federal
loPectal Notice. .
- The Weed SeWhig Machine Company's '
interest in sales at this office have ceased --
from this date, and Ol i o' . business will
hereafter be conducted under the name
and firm of Long and Efarvison upon
their own account at the old stand, l'a
Grant street, to whom -all future orders
for goods will be addressed. All ac
i counts due for machines sold prior to
\this date must be paid immediately to
said Weed Smiting Machine Company.
through their duly authorized agent,
Mr. F. S. Bart ram, who may be found at
the above office for this purpose. This
will be deemed a sufficient notice to par
ties interested to comply with the above.
PITTSBURGH. January 2Sth,A.D 1864.
Ii you want to buy a Dome get the Pitts
burgh Real Estate Register. It i 3 given.
away gratis; or sent free to any addresn.:
Croft ez Phillis, Publishers' Real-,
tate Agents ang. Brokers, No. 139 Fourth'
Popular Prlces.—Printe„ Sheetags,
Linens, at Bates & Bell's. 31
Bu.raett's Flavoring Extracts for cull ;
nary use, excel in qualliy.—Cricago Jour )
nat. ta:h:V7
Superior Spiced Jumbles. ruanufao.
tared' by - MAl:ism, No. 91 Liberty street.
For sale by all-grocers. 127.2 W.
R 8 50
18 00
S 75
11 10
Ladies , Under Clothing.—Bates 45z, tell
nvite attention to their new stock. 3t"
I Good Prunes, and Currants, at the very ,
lowest prices, at 112 Federal street, Alle.
Shirt Fronts, plain and embroidered,
at Bates Ac ßell's. 3t
Superior Spiced Jumbles, maroalbo•
tared by Ikiaaval, No. 91Liberty street:
For sale by all grocers. 27:2vr.
A few Sets of Fara very cheap at Batee
Good Dates, Figs, Citron and Prunellos, -
at the lowest market prices, at 112 Fede
ral street, Allegheny. 28:41..
Superior Spiced Jumbles, reanufac.
fured by blauviti, No. 91 Liberty street,
For sale by all grocers. 27:2w. -1
IN later. Cloaks and Sacques at Bates tt.
Bells. ,
Superior Spiced Jumbles, manufac
tared by_l(LuiviN, tfo 01 Liberty street.
For sale by all groc rs. 27:2w.
The place, to get White Lime, Cal
cine° Plaster, Etylraulie Cement. is at
Eaker & Calikey's, 13 Smithfield street.
!Udell; Gloves, l Dry Goods and No
ons, at Bates dt Bela East Libe
ranch.i' I
t •
Good Canned Tomatoes, at the lowest.
price, at 112 Fede l d'al street, Alleghe 4 ny. ;,
Ladles' and Gent ' s hemmed- ' and - ers.
broidered pocket handkerclalefsat Bates
& Bell's. 3t
- . r
Good C anned IFeaches, at the lowest ,
market price, at 112 Federal street, Al le
gheny. 22:4t.
atecuLtsw.-Ot; Saturday 'Morning January
30th, at 10 O'clock, 311saldeRelta
LEN. • 1
The funeral eRI take place THIS (Monday) Mr.
Tirana:of. at 0 o'clock, from the residence et
her anat. Mr,. . - 1d;, epratt, No. 130 Federal :-
street, Allegheny. The friends of the family are -
respectfully invited to attend. • i
COOPER. -Al Tarentum, Pa,. on Vrlday, the
29th• Inst.. Bair. WILLLaNi. COOPER, tif , tee
Pittsburgh Conference.
Funtral on TUESDAY UOIMIIIG, at 10 .a. Bs., ...
froin the raildence. of Ur. James Clark, in Ta•
ren turd.
. •
TANTA. Co . usis iouvrii STREET.
stsburgo, .Fa COFFINS of all kinds,CRATES. r 4
4:11.0V.K.n.. - awl ... en , description of Funeral Stu.
Walling tioods ft r sighed. ROOMS open dap and
night. BPITAP •
sid Carriages furnished. -
srpgrasracsa—uov. DaVl4.• siert, .u.u.. n .lier.. i
W. Jacolms. D. D.. Thomas Siring, sd..'llmo 1
ii Miller. Ego .. i
cornea z 6614 DUSKY STREET MiD CEUROM, i
AVER-Lis Alleghenteity, where their corral'
imitation &constantly supplied with. real and
Ito e wood, Mahogany and WAWA ,
Collins, at prices `arcing from *4 to *100: nd d3o •
dies prepared for in., rment. 'Hearses . a Car-
rlages !emitted' 11 , also, sleds of Mourning
Goods, if reqaired. °free al, en at all 11.onrs„ day ,
ET, All ceeps constantly on. hand
large assortment or ready-made Corrine of the • i
r ilowing srst. the celebrated AM OTICAD. ~..
Barial Cases, Me e ttallic Self -settling jAir-tight 1
CW.II and Caskets, and Itoaewood, Walnut and i
Rosewo. d Imitation Corns. Walnut , Co*ffis. 1
tab upwards. Rosewood Imitation.Coitlaa
from 66 upwards, and no pains will be _spared i
to gtve entire satisfaction. Crape and eloves i a
i hantsbed free t !charge. Best Hearses and Car-
stages hinaished t n short notice • Carriares fur. I
Mated to ftuierals at 1.4 .
- _____—..-------------
-------. !
GErirCrINE -
Tot wax BY
—Erna G. max,
bd .
Cor. Pan find FILM& 8
Bas now In scoot ono of the , largest
,ar►i d assortments of
Fall and Winter
saes bronstit t 0 this t ! a stock
411 the latest ISesch ond AwilLsh man . •
• - -.. • . "
CLOTS AHD 4136413 S ovisto
Also.. 4 tun tiro of Etento tosnliblnic
N _.
EW GOODS. i NEW 61 1 0c1D11.!
-- ;i•-!.
1011 A, STYLISH OVILIICOATI, ' ' r,-, i
-IN2I-t 4.!3.1111' ' Ali t 111 1 113 1C1 1 3 11 41°A 09. 1 A. ' ' fr i. 't
• BO IL A ST SA ALK IT c_o s
iti ri A ifit yL ig i
Tor alttbe latest style* eat elothee. l viade:_f
dby ilyst4lass wor en, Ths
Des"naterizi. " 1 SO to the , ell known
I ow. •
prices. 'uprising I'
Si erc hant Tal/or. • • —'
1.0). 80 ST. GLAIR KRIM, now Str.ol.l.
AI3I3OOI4iTZD. thoroselvor together for the
. .
. .
Office. 'No. 19 STOCKTON AV 11E. Ally
ghery City. THUG. F. DA.1.8. 31.- D..
-noiralit D. B. BUTTON. M. D.
. MM. ,
1 1
rob:sew; rt - ;
tares of