Mil u , r o Cregis Railway News. The tColumbus .Xenia been leased to the Little 3ii; and this leise cohfirmod by, the stock, holders of the former. These roads here after will be, operated as one road. It is generally understood, howevers that this step, is preliminary to a lenge of the en tire-road—from Cincinnati to Columbus —to the Pan Handle Company, which is' owned by the Pennsylvtutis. . Central;. This will , edy the latter a direct and con , : - Urinous to Cincinnati... The eiTiritct offered by the New 'York and Erie waS to pri,y,the interest on the debt of trtg Columbus; -.Chicago and In diana Central Ilailroa,.:.and" guarantee to the - sto'ckholders . an average artnuardivi• dead of scven per cent. • • . The propaeition offered by the Pan Handle road is, that they are to have sev enty per cout. for operating the road, and the Columbus, Chicage and in diana Central Railroad: thirty per cent. to pay the interest on.. the debt. Over $9;1100,000 of stock was 'voted. The cap-1 ital stock of the conipany is 310,000.000. Something new is preparing in Erie, which Gould au Tialriceep vsry quiet,, and which they will , kobablySpring spina the street. Several parties are buying stock quietly, expecting a sudden and great advance. , -- These parties are reporti, ed to be in the fethifidence of Gould and Fisk. The neat movement orthe combi maim} willagsfulit inress companies. Vanderbilt r. id Gould are understood to be tCuitit on this point.. „Since thetNew Yorkand Eric has taken possession of the Cross Cut road, from Brocton to Corry, itfts rumored that the nbithern eu , l bt.f; takenmp, and the road extend,d from the top of the hill; off through Fr , .lonia and'on to Buffalo. It is not expected Lat the . New York and Erie company will keep up the' road merely as a feeder to some other road. If they retain tue control of it,.they of course seek to , make it contribute to the interest ot the company. A third rail will probably laid down so as to secure Both a broad and gauge. _ . "The Pennsyli - ania Central Railroad Company are now attempting to manu facture iron rails ,with a plate of steel half an inch thick on the top. hoping thus to secure the advantages of a steel surface end avoid its dejectionable•teatures., Or ders for this piirpOse !relic:been given to the steer works at Baldwin, below Har risburg, to Perfect 'tbe welding or con struction kif iron rails with steel-plated running.surface. _ If this should succeed, it is believed that ,it will be the highest perfection-to which rajls are capable of being brought.. Thp oftlcers of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company are confident that this kind of rail•ran be successfully manufacttired. •If 'so, they will undoubt edly take precetrence over all others. The Cleveland Herald says: "We learn -that the,Brie managers ; claim to have ppl cured the . control of the; majorUY of the stock of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh „road and tpat wbeti - tr new election is or ,t - 'erid tl*v lave ' the Board. Under the proviiis& that everything-shall be con”- ducted f.iriv _[dud_ honorably, for: the ti :e ofP yfililers and of the city, but of this ' 44 tiie` 'proof of the pud ding will lid7fh,.. 14 eating." . If the Board shall be niaile up of responsiblo 'tun, mainly living- in Cleveland sad 1 , along the line of . the road, the ,gveater ",,part of the unpleasant feeling created by thifteceni coup d' c'tat Will be alleviated. If the new Board,Shalllworic . to the inter- of the city sa. . and- :territory = ethroughh VI 'eh the line passes, they - Ns-11l find assist l :. ce insteadpf opposition on the part of the people. -- There-is-a strong feeling favor of giving the ; broad gauge line every facility, and of cordially assisting in any • measure looking to the mutual-benefit of . the railroads and of the city. The , con duct .of Mr. Lane and his associates tend -1 ed to this "feeling for the time, and to shake the confidence of the people in the designs of the Erie. management. should be distinctly :.•undeistood • lhat there is no hostility whateyezto the ' broad gauge."4 . , _ 41. J.'s Plans for the Fnture.. A. Nashillle letter of the 26th says , - Andrew Johnson is expected to arritr: here by tile middle of March. He written to his friends to say that he wil be a candidate for Governor. No one will oppose is nomination:. It ;Will be made spontaneously by . the Conserva tives; and his plan will 'consist of "mai . versa! amnesty and impartial suffrage," on which the people of Tennessee havel risked their , claims from the first • • He_is expected toslo two things: 1. He talk to the-negoes as no one else has ever talked, to them,;' , , 2. He will waken the East Tennessee "lOyalists" to a sense of he .perils of the present State government ss no one else can waken them. Johnseri is not a *hit like Etheridge Nor is he an orator like Colyer. Btithe is a prodigy of inusculg power before the Tennessee masses, -who , consider him a child.of;destiny,' marked .by , Frovidence to be their next Govetnor.' ' ' Johnson's purpose is to secure a Con ,servative Legislature; which will returif him to the Senate of tfie United States in the place of Mr. Fowler. Bat for their faith in hini, the peof)le of 'the State—by whom I mean the disfranchised masses— would make no' iontest 'this' subnner.• They consider the existing system' a ma chine,• w 24 they regard. its • (oration Lei. little less than certain: 'Johnson does not: He says, he has fought a worse fight, and w i 1.-wot.: says , i cartiluraiF up the, Loyal Leagues as he broke up the 'Know _Nothing lodges. He will denounce the Ku-Klux in untagsureci ,terms. - He will take strong national ground on all itationa.l question.h,and he pxpsets to tarry l all nefortillurn. t• '‘ • Tilt Berlin iron work AO delicate iron: "castings are bronzed fortheir better , Pres-', ervationagnmst rust, ; hy,-reeins ' of peen bar pa,in.t, of whicli'ferrolciitnitlecileopper forme the basis Wheu an'article has • been - cop t ied with th.lft_paint ) and before it' isVite (ley; if AuStekr - bitt with lApper bronze powder. and allowed, to, dirthor oughlyaie, effect wilt; be that of bright' copper iftir 'belie : ll4BloA., ;;A, green bronzelint Is produced by. washing with , a solntion of acetate - of cripper:"' When perfeetly'dry;the 'higher harts of the east!' tugs must be rubbed With 's pleci,dClean rag tp, bring out the brown copper dolor; itWill'thes`apPeailihe a bronze that beer -,, become r green by egott as we frer quently see in windows. If the bright copper.colored bronze abovp mentioned.: be brushed over with- black ,dead,it will produce the brown bronte. Yellbw, or ",.pale :bronze, )9 rising yellow bronze, or brass powder, instead, of cop.' Per PeVlder• • . _ is said thafolid Vat of 'Monde NW- Anted York 'dark halt into the nable,...olden tint, thongh - only for me occasion. • The pretets Of Color. g the hair to last an indefinite time is said to require seven houri, and to be any thing but an agreeable affair . . An Atka-, line solution puts the hair in proper con. ditiOn, freed from natural or applied oils, and this solution has-to be dried before an ciPen. fire. The acid wash, containing the coloring-matter, is fastened upon the hair by plates 0 f Iteacti metal, which mnst remind one of the lnq tisitiou. But the Inking . on this artificial glory is not the Worst part of it. When the coloring has. ; Worn off, or lost its power, the hair under goes so many changt a that a strict retire-' inept from society is thepnly thing to be thought of during the transition period. Everybody knows how 'humiliating birds look when they. are moulting; how must a fashionable belle feel when she is Obliged to deny herself to her friends, be= .couse she is on her way from blonde So brown; "from liVely to severe!" BARIIARIS3I flourished in the Middle Ages,_ but now civilization has spread over the entire world but especially this 011041 land. A New York exchange gives this specimen of Southern enlight enment :, "We discover that We have not told all the story about the killing of thejoung negro near Memphis who eloped with the datietter,of his white em ployed. The Ku Klux took, the negro from the Sheriff's custody, an conveyed him to a tree, where he was executed is follows: A rope was put around his nak 'by which he was lifted a few inches from the ground. Turpentine was poured unewhim and a torch was applied. The victim was enveloped in flames. 'The hem Pen rope was eaten in two and the negro, half roasted, allowed for a mo ment to escape, was shot to death as he ran. To CURE A COLD.—tbe following is from Hall's Journal of Borgia: The moment a man is satisfied that he has taken cold, let him do three things; First, eat nothing; second, go to bed, cover up, in a-warm . room; third, drink as much cold water as he.can, or as he wants, or as much herb tea as he can, and in three ewes out of four he will be well in "thirty-six :hours. To neglect a cold forty-eight hoUrs after the cough com mences is to place himself beyond cure, • until the cough has run its course of about a fortnight. Warmth and abstinence are safe, certain , cures_ when applied early. Warmth keeps the pores et the skin open, and relieves it of- the surplus which oppressed it, while abstinence cuts off the Supply of material for• phlegm, - which would otherwise be•coughed up., A emirs:luso::: of France with Anetria ' shows a remarkable change of the times. While Napoleon 111. exerts himself to fondroyer his Lanterne, Diable a Quatre and the rest. in order o repress popular liberty, the Emperor of,Austria is fighting I Ithe Pope and the Clergy in behalf eft the, ] same popular liberty: His Holiness ; has been fulminating a Bull against the new marriage law, and the' Emperor's Gpv- ernment has put down a Catholic journal —The.Friend_of the People-43r_ printing • it. • When Garibaldi" denounces: Austria, and advises-the Hungarians to draw off - end setup for thern. , elves, lie seems less than' just to those Hapsburgers who have certainly forgotten something and also learned. something. - • Arc agent of the Union Pacific:Railroad engaged in getting out -ties, near the town of W i Foming; In that Territory, found it 'necessary to build dams'at certain points, 'intending soma to hoist • all the 'gates, In order to create a flood that would enable him to IlOat the ties down the Laramie river. When the dam builderi left their work the first night the beavers lcom menced where the men. had left, off, and 1-;continued working on the dam during the night, accomplishing a vast amount of f work in a satisfactory manner., Not only but in two or three instances, where treaks have occurred, the beavers have repaired them in a workmanlike manner. This story comes from highly respectable authority: • Ars exchange in reviewing some books received from the .National, Temperance Association, says ,:. We know what a temperance novel will be well enough beforehand, and these are of the familiar , type. If we couldValnk that any victim of drunkenness had ever bean reclaimed, or that one thoUghtlessbuman being had ever been kept froth delirifint, tremettubr little stories of this 'cheater, we 'might accept their over-wrought and -unnatural passages ,and tedious ,dielegue with a larger toleration. ' The intent, is good, 'and let us Ifope the result is beneficial. We would not recommend them bow , ever, as cheerful reaciing, for , the_Amates of the Hospital for Inebriates., Hyronoruoida.—A remedy for this Lori; rible disease is stated to have *been used with great success for fifty years by ;a German forester. The method is as fol lows : The wonad must be immediately :Washed with warm -vinegar or tepid water, then,'carefully dried; 'rc.. few-drops of sulphuric acldraust then be poured in to the place, aadthe action of the poison,- it - is asserted; will, be neutralized. The principle of the cure would aunt° de pend upon the cautery of .the acid, as a substitute for the hot iron, but the severi ty of -the remedy: renders it:highly dan •gerous, except iti,cases of extrenilty like that of hydrophobia. The pain from the acid 'upon healthy dist:eels intense. WALrom, N. H„ is becemin‘ noted for -the remarkable longevity of its in.: labitants. ,It' hair:2,ooo inhabitants anal: 410 voters. Since 1845. there have been 208 - Aleatfui orporsons 'over 70 and 'aver aging,Bo;yeara. /The total per centage ofr deaths to popttlation has been about one per •cent. ~.-Thiso remarkable record is ,tloubtimis owing , to' the feet th 4 they • elecfed nol Democratic Officers within I .that period. ' , They- •deParted from that habit lastMarch;and longevity in evltablYauffer." ; I, 7" It hiss:not be 'getteraily Ittiowa, that there '116 4 ,.: late years, been a._ great change in the nationality of the Initalgra tioa•to ,this -country: Once iinarnigrante were 'tirbiclpally :Dish, bat f.the 'Mai &tient Abw'predottilnates. , , , lit 1808 3liete dititi - 'ib l titlYithorel3 . llo2,ooo' Ger. : mans "slid 4000: Irish," tad - abed Bade' Of the whole, fnumbar,o,l ( iiiimaii*A`fge*NOrk; city and State kept nearly ona.liftlf; , , TILE Ohio Schate has passed, with but five diasentine votes, the bills exempting from sale on execution, a 'homestead ;Qt the value of one thOusatid - dallark' and also exempting eight/ huridied - dollars worth of personal property, in addition to thatalready exempted by law, where no homestead•ls'owned. PnersimitGrt GA2ETTE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY CZ'o llr rres - poli - d i en . :eor-ttnr e eff7 l -tin al ' 4.l3 rg s. l2-01SEMT 112' OMAitie; Jaitacede26,4B6B. Mettbits.,Botrolot: Having a few.,tvis r , nre moments, Ithought Lwould Five yput an item for ; the benefit of ,the readers of the GAZETTE. Business is very good in the Queen City of the Prairies, and !promises this year to exceed by far the expectations of, the most.sanguine of the success oi Omaha:. The road is finished past the one-thou sandth mile pot, and under the indomita ble perseverance of T. C. Darnt, Esq., the Vice President, and W. Snyder, Esq., General Superintendent, they arc puhing rapidly, through the once nought inipas able harrierS, the Rocky Mountains. In the completion of this National highway the Union Pacific will own and control at least eleven hundred miles, notwith standing the Cincinnati Oommercial and Old Mother BroWning. Work ; has cont.:, menced on the permanent bridge across the Missouri river at this pint, a struc ture which - will throw into he shade any thing in that line in the known world. Col. Boomer, of .Chicago, is the contrac tor. Wel have a temporary:. bridge now, over which are run all freight cars, and no transfer is required for freight destined West. 7 1 ,he "Red Star" and Empire lines for fast freight have ,Shipped con signmentS of freight from New York and Boston t Bryan; nine liundied and fifty two-mile 'west of here, which have gone throngh' Mout change of cars. "How is that fo high?" Nearly or quite two ir thousand four hundred miles without change; of cars, and ' only two hundred and tiftY ' f or two hundred sixty Mites to make the connection' of Boston and San Francisco complete. _Truly, ^we are in an age of Progress. I don't know anything More of interest, so I willlclose. , With good wishes to all, I remain' yours, , H. Vt ashiugton ItEms. Telegrilms' from Omaha' state thSt one thousand and twenty' miles of track are down from Omaha, and the indications are that a junction' will be made by April Ist. The grounds on which the Danish Ml thorities claim that the United States are bound to complete the purchase of St. Thomas, re not very satisfactory to the Comrdittee, and the probabilities are that an adverse report will be presented on the subject. Several persons representing Western steamboat interests are here watehing the progress of the Ohio River Bridge 8111, and their views as le a great length of snan have been modified by the. informa don brought to light on the subject, in its careful investigation by the Committee on Roads and Canals. They Seem wil ling to compromise on something like a four hundred feet span, coupled with the imperative requirement of a judiciouslo cation for such structures. SPECII.A.L ig.O'llOES fl"gyr BATCH 117.; LOA" S 1.) y E , 'Frau splen ,-, 1.1 rice 1r the bett - th the world: the t.hiy true awl p.4.11,,et "ire;, lastantuneou!: .I.4sppointment; I'l- th-colour •tmcs: mrheilles , the 1./1 elects. of Laid oyeu; mu; ietsr( s. the #ialr soft nue( beautirul.' Cr 5,313 bl• all Drumitts wan rerthiefrt .17re•r; rpperly It'pplied at• Balkan .lo,`, Wtg :Factory. lio. lb Bond street. New E AiN D CE 1.10,110 EmAy for young men on the crime oT solltuder, ...IDA the DIziE.Aq..Z awl AITUStS 'which cePateln/Trerlment4 to AJAR KIAGE, with 'sure means of rate!. eeut arm!. d Irtter crlopee• irtect charge.. 14.,141. ess. Dr. J. LIN 1101AniTON, llotrattl Association, Yhila ddtpin ' ' • ••• • ' ••Ja.l2 ORNAMENTAL AND' lII3E. FL , L. UNIT • - SILVeI: TiPpEDPFIOES. rot children. Will outwvur three_ psiru without Ups.. ' -.1174:4034-Trytto.t 41:1 4/'ll.ol‘l S3LES• BY 11, 'B. strynnow & co. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS Foil TEE 2ifILLION. SMITHSON'S ,ErtIIPORIUM, .55 AND 57 - FIFTII AVENUE. Messrs. 11., Slf LTIS.Oa CO., 'proprietors Of tile WEn krionis 3famscoth Auctlmi House are creating ati , eaches.ent consequent upen the ar rtraloi-mear &gods which are being stud at re markably low prices. ' cods ofirrery variety; the tnest rrtred , two:.y tlfe morn, 'fashionable Aisi lilOnti , galtets And , sliklet shoes. Nippers. ;blankets. Ilounals,• moths. casehneres cutlery and carpets. Cali and examine: No trouble to show ceods. misses' and children's_ furs at almost your,oirn prices. All goods war ranted as lucre ... tented. i nO:4 .• • SY - A. 'ILEGOLTE. B ASERY FOfl SALE. Daker'y.:Fo'r.'gal6. The property, No.' 40 PALO ALTO `STBEIIT,• second ward, Allegheny, Is c&red at privets sale. It consists of ground 40 feet born° feet. onasbicit are erected a Mick batldlng, compelling store and dwelling house et seven rooms, and in the rear a linkin' k ; Aortae capable of baking fifty bhricis per week.' There Is a first rate business establishbd, which can be further increased by a than of energy and business tact.. For fut. par. tictdars visit the premises or enquire of 4. LEGUATE, AucAloneer, SUPERB lbonse,,it4ll.Grthpyls, Ico,. 4 1 9 Fulton St.; . 'Neat. Wylie. . . , • TU,ZSD ,EFENING, FE,ltlttrAllY AI, at o'clock, wt!t be sold ou s-could Auer et Coto.' nieretal t:Aled Rooms, 109 I•nitthileld street. that large and ,hanOsetnely ettuated property, ',o. 69 - "'Loon street; near Wylie street.. the tense befog a Teny corneal:olone and aun.totlaily , hunt two. stem 010,134min/to, with wide . hall, • outdo par lora, dining tooth. kitchen 'And wash , room on first floor wee roidus- and bath l'ontri,on Aemna •Iloor,• finished:incite and eXetlieht dorT .AAILAr• t aach ; chamber 16,11nletitd with' wArll , 'obe. And a , l pantry dnd war.ruffe In +went:a Coot hall; tettrole top wash steno, with implied fond Neater, on sea,. end! door; „gas throu eh on t ,the ,hOu.e; eleSgnt g l ilioas lo - hal 1%1'4 trent Ceitibarte: - • - '•' 'the lot in 48 , fiet . 4 inches front/mu Fulton, street,t and,lo2l feet In depth,, thronah co Cravf.' ford street. Tim lot, has all o the 'Crawford . s:reet , front; a two Story brlekANeelling,•-erintatu,„ lag four rooms with• water: in • hitehitc. It the whole fagot sold , teget4r, the isupror and va-i cant lots,:jlirou ,tcOm street ' to stre t,,thl be 661,1 sepsrately. - • •": • • TERMS—U»e-half ,eash,-halanee .in one and . fro years., with interest, Those wishing are in. - vlted to exanilneihe ptenasea. Tilts 14 one or , the most , eottlforeable teitnattOns for residence,. .ond yaitusble groinots for inventtneuC. *ad 'A. DIOCLIVAINIC,,Anotioneer. 41 1 up N IStr IMATORIV , ANK, AND OPEEIy 15' ..01iti • — TUEJ "At EWEN INt4 PebrUary 2d, at Ibe ael ,„ by , order of-A (halals •trar4r 14C ad floor of ~bytTlierputi toles 110 111% iOll . Oilfield street, • • • ."306hahoo"; Merchants • and Manuraeturerp ; ••, .N &don al f ; A t is' 'r3l . l ' l l 4fi l in'ltia c t i ra l nee 'Color " • •40 • • liloton gabins do.' ~ ;.• .t 'Western ; ,de. ,- do, 20 - 31. tM. do. do. • •• .100 '• Pittsburgh Pratt House Aswan,- ~•' 3 tlon. ; • . 100 • ," ‘ rittsbufgh Piper illaautticturiug• Company 1 .. 000 R Marine alston Oil Company.% • ' 0450 , 2 original a lilacs Great 'National Oil and Lumber Company. -- • Ago A. ZIOILIVA/3143. Auctioneer! 'Bakery For Sale. 189 PEl)lGlirit, STREET. BY A.r THE NATIONAL LIFE Malta CiiliP*Y. • WITE UNITED STATES'qr AItE7cAL , 171/A.511.1 . Isr D. C. Chartered by Sr Congress, ..tipprovec,. 1868. Cash Capita/ 1000,000. to w FligTlCeirlOgrA BUILDING, .herb . the general business of the Company to transacted. ' , awl to which aU • general corres- Pondenet) shonit) be Addressed., , ' •DULNaCTOsB.' • Jac Cooke, Rollini. Waihtn. C,11: Clark, 'Philadoi. • Hein Cobtke.Witoth John W_ , Eilts, -Ws fi Cnaugler,Waish. W. Moorhead., Phi* : .t.pso.p. De 'reei.Wash. Deb TH. T. Tyler. Phila. oageli. rook J. I.}l.4kleyClark.Atirt.;H:b. Yaaa.stook,,N:Y, . .; OPFICEILS.; CAC. ARai , Phlifidelphilt. HENRY b. couSE, Washington, Vice Preshrt.- JAI. COOKE, Chairman ricance and' Executive. EIIE,R.SON W. gcc'y and A'Ctnary. R. b. TURNEtt, Washington. Ass't Secretary. git.A.l , lolb D. *MT ILIA. D., Medical Director, J.IEW MitAlttiol.l).. Asi't Med. Director. . MEDICAL, ADV.I.cORT BOARD. . J:E.. HAWSES. Surg. General IL S. Al, Weeh'e. J • HOHNITZ, Chief. Medical Dep' t U. b. N., Wtobington. D. W.,_Dids. 31'. D.. Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. W.M. E. °HANDLED. Washingtoh, D.C. iEORGE'HARDING. Philadelphia. Pa. This Company,..National in its character, offers. by reason of the Larg • Capital, Low Hates cd• Premium and New Tables, - the most desirable means of Insuring life let presented to the pnb• lie, 'he rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Dirt dends sod the misunderstandings which the lat ter axe so apt to cause the Poicy-llolders.. Several. new and attractive tables are- now presented which - need 'only to be understood to prove acceptable to the public such as INtiSIE-.. vitODUCING roLtci and itETUEN Pitli.3ll um.rouer. In the former, the polley-hulder not,only secures life insurance,payable at death, but wilt receive.:li, after a. period of a few years, an annual inromieguat inters percent. (11l per cent.) cif the yaw ofpolicy. The I.t• ter the Company agrueS to rsturnto then/toured the total an‘oisuit of, money he has paid in, in ad dition to the amount p f his pallet/. The attention Of persons contenituating insuring their lives or increasing-the, amount 'of insurance they al ready-have, is called to the special advantages offered,by the National Life Insurance Corn- Circulars. Pamphlets and full particulars given ou application to the T.r.teeh 'dike of the Coln paoy in tadelphla,•or its tie neral Agente. AV' LOCAL .16 SIs,TS ARE Wlo.l'h,l) in every tAIT and :rowel awl elwileullons from compe tent parties. for 'such aeencies with •ititablesni dureemsot. should be addressed l'e THE 1:031- PANY'2t..tiEN EttAL Ati.S...NTS ONLY, ln their respective 'districts. AGENTz: (ILA clitiadelphia, • For l'ennbylrati,ln and bonti,nru Jersey. .lAl' Wto,i)lngton. 1). C., Per :story:nd, DOlawnre. VtrFlnla, lln,trict, of etritinonla anti X):est . ,- jS.A H. MeV AY et CO., Agents bi;',Altegtirny, Butler, 'Mercer and gton Ctorntlt , t , . • For further par , ..l,.ulars address B. .s. iturs- BLLL.,.>isuager fur tientrulAgeut. - ri.srrlsburg, . BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COM I PANY, or ALLEGHENY, ea. OOFFICE IN FRANKLIN SASINGS LUXE: . , . NO. 41 Ohio et., .&iteanbny. . HO= COMPANY, managed by Directors wet allows to the cons:malty, who trust by fair dealin4 Lo merit a share of your patrousge. inWIN • • Preindest. Ira. RIDDLE .. . . Secretary. • • . . DIXECTOW: (lens? L. Putterson, , Cooper; eo. R. RI e,lJaeob 'Franz, !Gustiest) rams, lilmon !AIM, J. B.•lsmich, . JAW) Rush. W.ll. `Stewart, Ch. P. Widston, Joseph Craig, Jos: Laurin?, H. J. Eftttantl, Jere. Rohe], IIIirESTEBN INSURANCE COM. - 1 - . , PAN QV PITTSIIORGA. LEX_ANDER'I4ISIICH; President. • W. P. lIERBEIST , 4 Secretor:Y. ' • CAPT. iiimlitiE NEELD, OeneralAgint. Once, Oil - Water street, spang & Oo.'e VI• are. . 'house, tip stain, Pittsburgh. • - I : -Will itt.ture against ail buds of Fire and Ma- Tint itleks. A home Instltutlon;raanaged by Di rector, who are well known to • the - ceamitunitY, and who nr, determined by promptness and liber ality to mitiutsail the chnracter which they hare acsumed, as Ist fortog the Wotection to thote witodestr.tto be. Insnred. .. DlnseiOna: • • - 'Atexiender Nitatclt,- I 'Joon B. McCune, it. liLller,Jr., Chas. J. Clarlte, • Janie 31cAuler, St illiain S. trans. . 'Alxnuder Speer, Joseph 'Kirkpatrick, Andrew Acklen,• : ?halite Render,. Plvid 31 - Lung, Win. 31orrizon, D . Ibmeen. • . non pDE3INITY' . AGAINST LOSS BY yliva, 'FRANKLIN iI'itiIHANCE,O:OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICTE.43S & 437 CHESTNUT BT., nt.tu ITli . , . . . DIVACTOnS. Q.harlea ff. Bancker, ' II orders:l'H. Louts Tobias Warner,' - • - ,Barld IS. Brown, Samuel teront t - ,lsaac Lca, Jacob B. tingtn, Edward G. Dec, W. Ceorge Richards,. • '' George Falai.. (MANUA O.- DAYCKER, Prerkletil.e. . -1• 2 D IV ' AL DALK.,,,V4 O i;restdent. , • i T.EEI E oCcretare.two fem. " . 0 . -.1 J. 4.0.1111114KR:(74 - 7 1 .Efrn.'_ , Anna?, Barth West Corner l'hirdorid Wood Btrilets. arac.N;yr/5 .. - - .. pratiNFKLVAIVIA. , - ' INSURANCE'COIIPARY• OF ,PITTTSBURGH -CIA TICS. NIL 167 K WOOO IiTREET, • BANK 07 el/AMERCE, 2WiLDTNO. . %bit is u•lion4e Company, and tr.ontpu sp;r4net ,e' Vire exclutlYClV. ' LEONARD WALTER, President., C. C. 1)0 Srl..E.y..vico President. lioliFja PAMPA OX,, , Treasaurir. HUGH IrcELECENT. - SeelttatT. t :din Dutampoßtil ,t DeottArd waiter, George Wilson, novieClea t * Wb Evans, ..1.1.4d•0rr. Patrick, -.L.( C 4 Lapps, V 1. acols'atnte.ri , . Piusner, trO4Wh Ring, JOllll Voegt.tey, Jan. H. Hop,d,fis, A."Ammon d.lienry Sproul, 1 q#1400141 1 INSUBANCIP 401. N • , THE.llllir 64Lei t f i,s. 89 izuntekt, BTBBET, extiranoe on btocuton Avenue. • 'FIRE 12 4 1SeltAXald ONEY. TABLE , ifeerfary. • - t • ArHi Englltiti" - , ••• 0: ; ,jlko, A. A1T1Ar.,.1,11114 ton, khart . , , ',roc hiserst , • las. L i ' Grahabi, Nobt, Lesr • Brown, Jr. lie°. Gerst, j'atopmopn 0a17:n34 - - r A , TIE fg.'• MINN Y 1 INstra,tivelp coIIEANY ftPi . PITTRC'RGTI, Qlf FIGS, No. 37 f'IP Ft STREET, BANE •rneures against all kinds' •Plre and:. Marine 13"1" joli'i.1 lillllN,' IL — President. ' suxN N9O 'Vice Ereslderit. "• G. !DOE RR LoteeretarY. ' • -' C. wm. D AN.. General Agent. • ! • • • • Ito Rai:mons: , Jon Irwin, Jr. Prpt. Wm. Wish, Jon D. McCord, Ii L. F ahneetoat, C. 0. • Hassey, • • ' Wi-El4 Everson, • • IlarveyChilais. , Robert H. Davis. 2, J i tiotklnsen, y r a tio i s OharieP 4aila - Cant. J . T. etoOkdale. 1; 1869. F gRE OF' ;LONDON. WM isTABLisHE'D 1603. CAtin cAriTta. PAID UP AND 1,15.Y000, 00 NVSTPD t 0 tI a l O: LDCEED- • a:Oast...Fire effected on Houses and 'cods, Wares and Merchandise, ie. PoHetes issued paTahle•in cola ire : Her. tied , Un states Brandi O ffi ce, :Nuri:. the rutted Statcs Branch Lu 'w' York. Insttrmare H. ty .ste:ou bouts, 4t. r rurron.3v• 40 P'Nt. Ai: h.q. o - at! ;Uhl. •at N 1%.1.4. I 131.,..A_TJG-F11.41.-N, A gent, ! PITTSF.L 7 II6II. PA: IF CSC Writ smay.r7r. Jill-ILL:: .3 also Agent for the ;lieu. f otapauy. ___ _ 5,:.Z.:.v7:: E> :ace. Mlt. McLA 11:,, - ,41 Lift; / N .- - T . E; ruusEart:stutiwE co, 1 T1TT521717.C13,* Pit, No. 424 F.P.ININ SP. y Ofllee, over. TRLifiT CO. BCII.DING9 EEG DIRECTORS Robt. Dicks n, . hoci. Liddell, :W. J. Friday, G. 17. 1 . an Buren, E. H. Myers, IJ. Chris; L. J. Blanchard,.Weisser, Schildecker, M. H. MYERS., Pres:dent.- ROUT. DICKS , Qs. VI: e President noirr..r. GRIER. Treasurer. el3:arcv7 J. J. ALI3IEIi. iiecreta.n. fIEOPLEO 11.7 i Nti aANCECO3.II: PAN V. OFFICE, N. E. CORSLIt WOOD ,t, FIFTH •h. Home Rompany,takitg Plre anti-Marine Risk. 7 DIS/C.:7 4 )RE): Capt. John L. Rhoads thirdiel P. Shrlver, Charles Arbuckle, Jared - M. Brush. ~ Win F. Lang, Samuel MeOrlekart ereelder.t. , ie President. , O.N. General Agent. Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Parkt, Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kies, • James D. Verner WM. PHILLIPS. - . JOHN WATT„Vic•• " W. 'F.' GARDNER CA PT: 40 . . GOR •~ - FOR SALE. Acre at 'Woods Run . . 4 Acres anti House in Salt. Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy 1 - 1111. SD Acres on Greensburg Pike. 5 Acres on Four Mite Run boa 15f miles from PP. C. R. .C.R.R. 70 Acres near P. F. W. k C. R. R. ns Acres near Pa, R. A, Westmoreland coun ts. . 00• Acres at-11111We Station. Pa. R. P.. . . . . . . _ .. . . .- . 44 Farms du - I.:estop. conntv, West Virginia. viirs Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with 10 . 8 Acres and good improvements, in Trumbull ioulliT. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Haw Mill and dwellings. J liouse and Lot on Centel' Ayenne, near Kirk ilsift' uu c k ss ,e . , .. t tn ,41 :Loto t Ili Horse sad Lot in Mansfield. .I: s lc s foz i gt e r r e t :t . . 'House and Lot,on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lia'an Beaver avenue. • 2 Houses , and 4 Lots, , -very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Lots, very cheap,' on' Vine street.- 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 Hullo of 9 Rooins awl 9 Lute on Roberts - St; Parins In Illinois. Missonri and West Virginia. Coal Lando in Allegheny, Wet.tmoreland, Fag eito and Bawver POIIIItieS in Penna. M:!MiM 2 Housys of 9. Rooms ill the 17 t h ward; mkt V.OO 3 do. of 3 do. - do. 17th do. do.. 144 2 do. of 3 do. do. 12th do. do. 156 2 do. of 6 'do. - do. Bth do. do. -36.0 1 do. of 6 'do. do. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of 9 :do. do. 2d du. du. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th ..0. do. 192 1 do. of 5 . do. do. 6th do. do. , 240 do. of 4 do. .to. 17th do. 00. • 106 I do. o' 7 do. do. 2.1 1 do. of G .10. Grant" Ltreet. The Hone,,? that I hare for rout will be rented vel y low to goo/ tenants for the balance of the rerktal year da'PLT 11. T D. P, Hatch's Real Estate Office No. 91 Grant lit., Pittsburgh. Ilo7:p1? _ _ - ` ) 4 N- 1 000 0() ,n, 4, Acne.* .OF .41. CHOICE LAMS FOB SAL, LY TEE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION. Lying along the line of their road, at CO TO $5,00 PER And on a CREDIT OF FIVE IFITN. for further part:et:lan, tnapa. &c.; addiess 40.11 N r. DEVF.REUZ., Land Comm:tacker, Topeka, Uzzoss Or CHAS. B. L.1.12n0p.15, seer, IMIE 10414111 ALE- A. LEASE OF A PLANING NllLL.—The;inatbluery in the AlOnongahola P:aning i byr-rriED Fort,tiALE, WITH A LAB OF THE MIT, - , AND - 16T. , rhemichlnery Is, or the most approved' hind; - and In good order. • The mlll' is well located. has all the (actinic:l foridolng a large and pro tlt able business, 41.114 has • a good trade. this Is it ratmrable onpotlunity to engswe in an old established business with a small Inres.ntent. - Apply o Mrlinga- B'dyrell. corner of Carr son and First streets; botitirPittsburtn. • • , 1323 • - JAMES AiII,t.,INGAR, • A TLUA BLE FAR RI Flig SALE. v 409 acres of good 19111. btek house. he wed log house. outhonses, Ltooo YOnueqratted apple trees, just bstrinutnic to bear; mans or the. apples v:111 weigh pounds each; an orchard of 7300. acres-In culttratton. situate In Coffee.' county - . Tennessee,. one , tulle from a railroad station. 'Toe fano Is well watere , t and is well adapted for grhln or stdek.tond cannot be excelled in initiate 'lettnessee ,for .bcanty and location. 'rise tutprvvements woual cost more than half the price asked. For furthet information apply to B.•CUTirt 1n29 Sudt,lifietestrcet.,o englOß. SALLE & 'and Lots lbr sale ite isll_parts.of tha city and, cabis. Alse_ several „FARMS in_good locations,' Also.' small WOOLENZACTORT,Trith AO naive or land, awl good improvements, 'which sell. cheat, and on reasonable terms.- Butanes* limited . to ley ongood sig./ea.— D Private welling ',Rouses for rent I.s?tk cities. I "Ar nattier 'Pertinulaxe • inquire of • t WILLIAM WAAD, 110 Oratit , atrept. oeDeata cathedra. DRUGGISTS _ 44Lwomma---is 266 Liberty t.street. DOfers • " Drags,. ta itutl Patent IledictfieE.. 5 ia5;11);• IV. MA.CIitOWN 9 - .. , WitOLESALE:BIII6VSIS,; 21.1xcrikcithting or C:feterlaC2l26. • 3101itlf) TO NO.I96LIBEBTT STREET;, „- • • , if P;TVPI:t . ROP;PEI4.I3:!i7 • ' Whitlow Leadii Glass auct:dizisaviait *1 5 Manutacturerd „. „ , omm COAL AN' 00110, C.A.Lf:COALtIt: 00 - 49,L1!1 -/DICKS.O.N STEWART Si•COI Having removed iboir OtUce to NO. 567 MERIT KUM • • • (liftty C ity el hour , 31111) 8E 00 ' n) ELOQII. • tkre litrieprevared to furtilet ego soij /tine. 0112 . NY /A l • 7 4Erit 904 L 01313 LACE, t lOwvit -paorket Trice. " '' ' 4.11 orders left at thett °Mee. or suldresoett,to tberm - • through ilia mill. wlll pa: ittenda Pro/alga. - • . ;.„ • •Vy''NEW. 0PERA6,419V5E *. ,,,... JilLtn;Ph.Rsolss v] 31., L ,, s!f-e - • Muauvr fin! apriortipe • j . W SCIPIiIE, J E 14 \R a¢a r ur thrir r.aIIZOLIS P.M e 25 0, of frenb.wn's kr-at the e.r*..Nt) or u: al! t' , •,t Scen, rr alit! ens :tltr..6l:C/114 vir;l known ,u2lg or . ... '.3e Fr). g • , r .J 1 f . ‘. 111i.31e• - Z-i" . 1,.. 4 4.171'S rt TnEAT.RE. H. W. wirr,L,TAms Le- ,, ,ce unit 11.:Lulger,,, OF „ 1:G1: ..... 31:thag , T. anti rut and da , liincr American Premier Danseuie, i r nst week of tile (lari:tg 2yrnr alts. .K`LL'S 40 , LLI I' (o . l' ,I H, in their great and tnurv- periormr.nces. :!. , INattfor , l, Vcre nt! a the u rout b.ilt cline 1,) MIT 117,1 i E' S' API EjakCAN , . (Late Trastistr'S VAILIETILT.) ' MONDAY ZVEvIN - t..i. rebruau ills% 1889. debut of the Prrmierliauseuse of Aril etwa. Aliso b..t.ITY PAU. 1.. tint brut. anti t of the ti:aek Croat,, durlig its g.rea;.. ruu Is New Tcrk. First nigot of to er.gogrsh st;asation, brought from Lor on by Sir. t.i.n“he, entitled PliSt• a A'... JU LY. 20 Star Artites lu a tremendous:, bill to-night.. tff'DIIIINELLIS MUSEUM AND PATiLOD DZENAGDRIE, The Great •Fainll7,llesc!rtp.• 2 FIFTH' AVENUE. between 'Stillthlield and , '7: Toon streets. opposite Old T.heatre. -•1. rsew-r)per, Dar and Evening all the ,peat rotund., Admission, cents: C'slleiren; cent's:: • W'C ONC To be gtven under ttio,aireclloo of. , MR. CLEMENT-TETEntotrx.,'. A.CA.MIEII-11;: 01:7 MUSIC, ON • FILM &Y TiVENING, FEBRUARYS•th.. • Fiy the following amateurs i Mrs. C. C. Mellor,. • Misses Mar . gle 11.1eCandlis4a, Msrylnhm, Annie Ronston, ha e Northam. dullK Card, Clara Leans and Messrs. Paul Zimmerman, Wm.' B. Edwards. E. E. and C. C Admis:lon to 1.1V1,5 Cfre!i, and Parquette.lll. Seats sre,red without evranhar,e. Ga.lery 80 cents. In ordvr to double the cnance of the most desirable beats. the sale will :poi ilm ultaneously at lileoer's and TI, Hors sa i ort-s on' tw. Irl.htnary 3!. at OA. M. jan:ile2 WT.EILE. t.;rOA.ND For the•beneft of the - Biet and Poor. now open in the 13.k-EMENT OF 2:11.e. CATHEDRAL.. timid of music will be In attendance each ever , lng. and rare attractions Witt be intro . diced. Aamincion. - 25 cent.. arF In IN ItI.I.NSTPIEILD.-A r. Joe the Leuellt of the In the village of Mansdeld wfli oxen on:the 113th of JAN L'Ater. and will continue tor two weeks.' Trains eu the Panhandle rt ad leave the Union Depot for ldftnetl•-1 ,1 daityat 3:25 and 4:55 P. 2., returning at lir. u r jal2 AN oRDINAL.NtnE Malting approwrintions for the Year SECTION: 1. He it or , / , :in , ./ aid enacted by the. 'lry of Pit - to,argh. In ,F•e±ect and Common Cottn,embl,d. (11.1' it in hcrety tints and ernactea hyanthority'rti the haute. Thai the, r,,v tune enid . vet; fr..= 'the tax I ,, ans tvoi alt other sourCen, together auy.Leeneys in the tree-cry. cot otherwise 1..1,1 - iroplatti.i. ate keyel..3' aPprcprlated for the fultoa Onrp ,, • is: APPROPRIATIOIit; EA - ppm - it - 1111On. No. 1,- I :most 4 12.5 3.72. •• No. 2.-sAlarts ". 117.1"..5tr00 No. ' 12,0000.1 " , No. .14—FrireEnclue-& • Hobo. 'Xi "OW 00 . • „; , • To *594,623 • r.i. , TDIATED avcr:irrS FOIL ito9. CiLy Tax. (12 m.... , 200,W1 23 1111.s7ries5 1::(x160.(00 00 •. . N'ter - Tax Allegheny 11(1otrt . Youougallria 'Whoa!' Diamond Market • Board 111extirino• 'alt Inspe . ctor. CI yiinuger • Vehicle Llcruse ... . . Weigh Scales Paz s•& g4r as!.. 'street- City Ertgloecri.., St. Lout , . 3ilszottri Total ' 331.683 3.3 SECT/o: U.- Toot tar he purposa ox proyitunz -sanictent revenue to. meet .tie.expeasas Of the city and pl.y the Interest on the comoromtse bonds autlywinea by act of Assembly, ;approved Aprllll, 15613, and the ordinances of Coau:ils pastud,ln pursuance thereof, gisid, all other inter est, money accrued or acernink; either on g m - mid no special indebtedness, the rate of taxation shall be as foilows;, • , I. Upon al, Dropertyt axable for State or Coun ty purposes' In tte oIG clty:t welvondlts upon the dollar of v ilumlonLon ail propyrty the rural district 6 eight mills. - 2. Upon. all'goods. wares sad inerchtindise. and upon all articles of trade . aud commerce; Includ ing billet) at auctionand otherwise, two and one rth mills on the dollar.. • . • 3.. Upon the ,actual. yearly salei of endh and every. person or firm ehgagedln the :rade: busi ness 'or occupation of retailing, for bit her or their irmetit. vinous. lermented or distilled In li quors. ten mil's 'on . the dollar; and on the actual Yearly saletrOf each and evoryperson or :11L1 tu t i a •ft e ll ti o l tn i ti s e t ro r d i a o r t =l l n7:i t t % y e t s i e er. f stock, real estate or . stentaboats, the Tate " of o which shallil36 two mills and en e - fOOrth.:Mills on the tlolhtt.• , the Nearly - be ilhess - 01‘ forwa-ding and Celninisslou aterchAts,lno and One.balf Mitis on 'the , collat% OH , the yearly of brolters, banks and panking.llittitutlons, one-ball mill on the doll.trt oil the yearlY receipts of insurance companies. insurance ngniidea, -express -coluna raeß ens telegraph companies, one and one-quar 'ter mills on tae 01.11.0. 3. That the rates of water rents for 1869 snail be the same as f0r18613.: , 6..1n accordante Kith. aO3 Of Aasenibly,' Pp .plavte..4.pril G. s.oB7..eatitled 4 A further sup pie:neat to the'acts' incorpurating the city of rittaintr.S . ll. r'. audace,ubseivent supplement, entitled •An act suppfelnintartto an act incor te I t , Nitirsburyt upprovtal April 2.IS6Es " and iho decre of tne tilsixict Court 'Of 'Allegheny 'conilty4 Ponlisy, ati ,eust-11.1$08, special , tax to pay. rite sepa• ate - Indebted neWs Of the sevrrri.indebted districts of the consolidated 011V.19 as tollOWs, to Wllll Old city (ttl wards, !.3wil t, testixastedi),s f if,,"a 13 hawre.ncerille spi do • 54is ca Collins to*nship timid.' -E. 'do - : 713 63 Liberty townshln:' , Unilli; (to . rds -Yeetdeetown uo a. 50 gitttolvitattN2!ilniltti, do • DOG 33 1t4.01'1014 - V.- datdut , the aboicrates tae city as shall rasess the *aid taxes- .• • s,Ecyloy,T.l, '1 hat the . AlllO4lll, lieeesarr to VW the Interest °it the said teps•ate indebtedness of ttiao..lcity: lioroitalt L4vrrenceville, toad the ' - towilstliPs or Collins. iLl*rty, Peebles anti shall Ma taken front the' receipts from the special ta set oftlie diStriet 'albrinald.and placed In *ad *added to Appropriation No. ion which wurrants shall be tir, , ten for .all Interest accruing or ac ctheat rn the dibts $f 'sald'distileta - respeetively. t."-.r.Cl - Met T. - 1"013 %Inv bn 1 mace Of sald receipts *.ars said .petiail,t*xe9 (after pollute at of Inter estl ablak pe. paw Into co a ll ected', stliking,Sttild for dts - tan frOat wnich ftis co ll ected', and shall be used Tbr-tho p*Anteht of the debt of sllld district. tile sal/iglus oftho.eltY °M fg:milli:: Controller 'ls , hereby: ulrectril ta certify ror'vratrantl - Oh' the;iippruprivitiout for,tlie de. Varttlientll'do , :which they,:.; ore ,re?pectively af- VA:110S t s. Alt brditiante's 'or Varts of ordl. *.nithe:t' Ineoosistent-liereixith, are hereby re pealed Ordattedaud. enacted 'JUG g latr in Councils, thls AStli day Of 'January. A. D. aS6 9 . 1 • - dE,S 31cAULEY,. 'resident of Select Qouncli. •Attostt t. Monnotv; ' • • • ' Clerk of Better Cednell. - • W. A. TOULINSON President of Common Counci l. Attest; U. ItcarAgrza,• - • • Clerk of Common Council. Ja3o •.1 ...... , i...,... . .SLX Nl4ih G ccrge,li. Elegna u t cl4eFlous olio. AT THE, ClT.3fl ITY F.,2 Nero- 'Catholic Church ORDINANCES 1,0. 5.- Pot We-, .. 'OO.OIXI 00 45,00000 '-streets • • 60.40001 gnting.. 20,000'00 5.--41nraoad ... •6,V10 N0,10.-Monongahela.• ; Wharf 21' GOO GO No. Il It 000 - 00 11..-Welgo•Sealea.' 1.000(0 No. 13.--co;any•t 5.1,r(A) 00 No. 11.-,8',.1.0f Health. 5,^0 `• No. Pt -City Property 1.0,000 00 " • • •No. 17.- 4, ntst ending • , • Warrant - ICO,OO .N0.18,4" , .u.ance Fund. 20,00 . 00 • No. 15.--r,fulitnu Ft111(1. 1.100(0 •' No. 20.-Fifth W'd Mot . 801 00 '• • . No• 1r e ' Telegraph - 11,(100 CO • • No. :".2. -Reads 2.000(0 0. ... 10,00 CO • So. _3.-Water fiztttt- • ✓ lon Loan ,(1n;) 17.500 CO • ' 140 600 00 a, cas 00 21.000 00 35,000 01/ 10,(00 10100 MO CO ..... 5, COO 00 12 PCO CO 3 ' ooo CO 2,5(.0 0 .. . . . 1.0 1 0 GO ,1.00001 = El E I