M IZE 6. =.`-`, w otti(§, COLEMAN, RA/BI CO„ Manufacturers of - • • .0 11 . IRON, .NAILS, STEEL, ,- . •- AXLES AND SPRINGS,. ,- - riuen gg ot. 6 r , t And.Tank -Iron, Jilant% on. Wiaßoa lan; Ctottuoid Iron. t,ydnder Iron, 'X I.‘ifroh, Slanged Colter Bat'a. Guard 1:011. Wag ac (i uropner Bars T Ball for Coal Roads, i i Itobgedgii,Plat" Ball 'for Coat Roads; .Stiller ' - Iron, Crow ' Bars,' Chain Links. Boiler Deses, . „Steel and Iron Harrow. Teeth. Carriage, WaSton, • Seat and•Coactorprlngs; and Axles, all.• styles: blab Steer for PlOwiN Cultivator:. teel, St eelteelffil,lalnic l s ' stud IlOnlds cut. So p tttern. 3 ring''. • 'lazes. A. R. Steel .ndEteel Tire Steel Crow Rars, 'Steel Elating, AO - ALL: GOODS IIdST MAI. AIM WARRAN; Sil'Otllces and Work; IGth street and 'Alter (berry: river tustt 77 WATER 1 STREET. • a 4: Pitts., ---c= _bare 1: fJoh. vrazah., W. P. rouric. supl• it,OnlbrE AND IRON co., IrigiiireCztrliZlLS O? Bar Iron;' Railroad flab. Bars sad Ito/ota; !Railroad Car Axles !Rolled; .? Railroad Car Axles ilammered; Locomotive Fra,mest • - laeomotive Frame shape/v . Side Rods; tokes, Straitly Piitoa Rea dS: Stcalaboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Pistol& Rods, Rrriiits; Sitalaa Jaws; Conies, &e. Office, No 177 PENN ,STRUICT PITTSBURGH, TA EvEtvapN, ritEwroiv & co., Peinisylv ania Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos. .168', andltB7 ..111EST STREEPC, °Apostle litoitonge.tete 'Fosse. • .1.°24:48 • • , • • - -PITTSIIVRGEL. STEEL 'WORKS. DI , IIQIBEEM V - IRON AND STEEL WORKS, CMLE-raitAlq,aAthl &CO., ALMOSPACTIMICHS OF Iron, ' And Steel. Carriage and Wagon Springs and Axles. Duquesne, XI.. and Juniata Merchant tar, Bouuu quare Iron: Band, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; teal, Half Oval ar djialltiound Iron: Cylinder andti aeon Box Iron; Drag and Drop• ag . : 3 T p fki e d s F: Coal B A osid j t Cut Laniinated Steel: Cult r BareArow Bars, &c. Office and Warehouse-41WATEB ST REET, Pittsburgh. • SIIEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. NINICK & Cal PITTSE:IIRGEt. PA. fdanufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, R AY ELLLPTIC SPEINisS, AXLES, STEEL TIILE, &c .Warehenses B3 Water and 100 First Sts. 130.1111 - 4 1 / 4 . PAR figZSZEAL rem:name: Wit. METCALF, KETIBEN MILEEE. GE ). {•. BARR, 1- OHAS. PARKIN. SFEMAT. Pearxsa—S. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, ~iTT,L E, BABE 8: PARIUN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTBBMIGH, PA (014:d43 BLA.CIi'DWIOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of 11l descriptions of 3Wariarmasi • Office and Warehouse . 120 12%. Ii4 B ZCOND an4,olland 1211' 'LltbT §Tft*ETS. NOVELTY WORKS. piTTBBURGH NOVIELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1833. ADAMS, --MIME- & CO. MLIUTACTUBg 8 or REYsTONic STANDATID,RADIBANK , B PAT • KIM), PLAITUIM, AND COUNTER SOA_ . S. ,- Jazats Paced ['Mena- Door Locke and Latthea, ysdnL and Coltee Mills, 00713 M Or FIRST AMDE dr,G11.4.1/T : . Vitspurght re 1111130.13. ,COPPEFL, y AIME .SIITITRI.OR --fIOYPE3 MILL AND SIaLITNG WOMMII - - .•PITE'rE3III3IICaH. ' 1 . .. .. - • • PARIt, McCUIUDT.' & Cd;.. , , .., atigumescsnzers of ritteathtug, Brazters , sita Solt .". •• . : tOoppar,PrtardCopparßottoms;RahtedS ill got touts, Spe,:ltrr Bolder. Aiso,lmpoi .f.rs and Dsal ' era •“:' ildetal., , Tln' Mate, Sheer , Iron, Wire. .. softy on hand 'Barters , Machines su.ll Topts. Warehouse, No. 140 FONT fiTitr,aT and 1160 ST.CQNI3ISTREET, Pittsburgh. , , , ' ..- „I.4olllll4o'4larslor Cooper ant to an y desire o ' .1 ' 1.t.: ' ,• .1. -or - . •-• ', • •• . - ~,4r,r20.4„er ' ' ', l - i --_-_,-----. ..,• ,• 130:MitAigi,mai ,EPT.QIPTEER• • . 'fi iliciii es iiZillii 'ki - ' 7---. , . : f• .• ( . - • • ..c. 1311301:69.1511QAIEE , OGI TIEISEI, And Solloncir of 'Patents. (Late of P. F. Sq. A4',4,llekilway.Y, Mee, No: 79 VICiIE,RAL STBEET,LRoom No. 2 ..i 9, :attaric.i T. 40 .44 1 * . ' .60.i...0!LW9..... 11 ENY . 4err_ mAtIIIIEIIY, of sal de,icriptlons, deslgnod... BLAST FURNACE :41:4 ~ItOLLING- . .1 11 LV DEA,Wi'NGS rarats!sed... rartical?t, attentlottv will to oestgning com..rgyr Locom.org_vi.A., Patents ton cdutto.lltliolitited. .10 - Au EVEN . ING DRAIN I.lili K.:LA fS for roecrianten every -IFEPN.EsPAT.....-Irw.r. :.- ... *nifeft.F • MUM ;, -STONE - - - WEST OPFISION '•- . . .• ' • , . - - - „ . , . . . V _,... . . Machine , Stone NOrthwesteorner of West CompoNAllegbtty , . : FUZIrg. AVV./ITEEt. &I CO. HMV OA bind of piemtfe onehort ttlee Hearth • and step Stones,.lflags for Sidews s, Brewer , - Vanite,. , tc. 7 Head mud Tomb Stones. am. . ' Orders nromotly ezeerifil. Trfeeiregannib). , . . . . PIEDIENT —5O barrels Hydrant- IL) la Cement In :* .nn for sale try ,ADD J. B. CANFIELD BON. :.; : ; r~=: .fig:-,~,.; ~ z-~ x. -_.. T/NDERS, MACHINISTS, .1, KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPAITY. I • 011 'ICE AND,WORKS, , TWELFTH STREET, I • t PITTSBURGH, Pik, 10 -Engines, Roiling Miii Dia chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Ca,t,4ll.lsl;engFnUY• VATIONAL :FOUNDRY I r AND . PIPE WORKS. . , Corner Carroll and Sznallnian Street., *Aid./;)i • 1 Jerirsstrnia - u. , rA. WILLIAM 'SMITH, lkianufsottlrer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAS AND WATER. WORKS. , . lay PiDell are all cast invariablyin Fits, In dry and 12 feet lengths. Also, fall assortment, of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend • 'cute of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, - , MORTON STREET, Nlnth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER. V. 'resident. These Works are among the lareesi and most -complete establishments in -She West.-and are now prepared to furnish Enkities, of every description. no9:n.';) L. 0. LIYINGSTON W. 11. BMIT. W. A. ROBIN:WI+. J. • LINIGSTON 4% CO., IRON FOIIINDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTPITGS, All descriptions, for Plumbers sad GI Fitters; tit.trAcgeturair.plements, Cotton andWoolen.3llll AU Job ork promptly &trended to. Unice and Wcirks—WASHINGTOiI AVENT.TZ, near Onterpepot, Allegbeny CUT. Pa. ROBINSON, RBA. BllCCessOrs to ROBINSON, BIIIKS a .ianzzlis, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND lAACHINISTS.fITTSBORGH, . - Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En anO Ktu: ' puller and sheet Iron Wont. a 6 Mee, 3 No. IE, corner First and Snathileld Biretta. .S.gent6 for GIFPARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. jall:rtd MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butter Street, Ninth Ward, . Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTMGI3 GENERALLY. PITTSISW:UU. TIA9MAS AUL & CP O I Fourth Ward Foundry and Machin Works SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. EA.. Manufacturers of Steany Engines, 011 Presses gu.leys, Sha ft ing. Orbit and Haw Mill Work, Bolling hililand Machine Castings. Orate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes. ic.43uild to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. invl4:qls crimlAL FTuraY Atillt-Rbi.L`wonits 8 40.1 1 eniistreet. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BLOW ! , . Chill actlls,lllll outingi,q LatN I:CF4i :417,1 7 IN. 1- KafgarrlintlVM, , e ME :~'_ . _ - PI'r7CSUUR , G - H , Boilers, Oil Taint Es. Sheet Irim Work. Railroad castings. Bolling Mill Coatings. . r Engine Castings• nankin° castings. Reneral Castings. OItbERS SOLICITKP (Opposite 'Union Iron Mills,) ChargOrders pr re om a sonaptly and carefully executed. es ble. EBBKRT MACKLIN& 4C15:128 LUMBER. _____ LUMBER! ;. • . AlitiCatmtirt PATTEBSOI%, r 2 ,, - . Dealer in all Hinds Of Llisitber. .01r IiAND'AIIIYPOIL.BAIafei 1. " 1 000,000 feet Dry Pine lionids; 100.00 0 feet 12 and 2 Wen Clear i'lank; 30,000 ,feet:Dry I:ll,l.v.iai common plank; 30,000 et ply '1 and 2 'then Oak: • ' Sioo o feel" Wye, 2,liand :3 Inch 'Ain; 6.000 'AN; :.itn.Cherry &Maple, 20,0 1 00 rt. our ',trt.o and 3 'nen poplar • 10,000' feet -Pry Poplar :zees:tang; 200,000 feet Hemlock Joists and neontlne 760,000 No. lAN-Ludt Bningles, sawed; 200.00 0 No. 1115-inehlihingles. sawed; 4¢0,0001x:110 - inch Wangles, soared; =o,ovooire Brick' 1,000 Fire Tile. • 100 'Vous Firs Clay; -7FABDii-Notlo ritElll.F. STREET. forme'''. bistitmettentaid 157 WEBECCA STRATT,oppo. Adletthe OxisNorko. Allegheny Cityi » ; not, S• • IViCtita B PT A ABWEI4 'IRON =mem A 4: First iltreet,Pittsbui4, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Doughaolore, Isabells,Duncannon,gtanhore, Wen. 'Onland other brand" of Anthracite, Youghio gheny Coke and 0. 13. Charcoal. • PIG -worts. Cone "eau are mosterespeettalli scalaated - , 5 .,, - - • • ' • • • - - ,4•.;%. • • •-•1471,:t2tii , . • ' - • • - • • • ' • . • .••••• _. - - = KM I BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St, (NEAR THE POUTT,) infritt4 FeWriders and Machinists. Manufacture WirEAMBOAT )INGENMES and STA wiz:WM itNRINES, stlelikes. Special attention invited t ournoWSTATION ' ARY OIL WELL EN Gin.. 'AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horse power. CASTINGS, of every kind. made to order atonr Foundry, on T HIED STREET, below Market. • RIGS for 011WelTs, SHAFTING, PIILLBYS, H ANGER S,HOUSE and TOBAC6 0 SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO FRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the • itiDuttriAt. Fitin4nLinii the A legheny River, near the Point, FIT‘TSBERGEL PA ar All orders promptly tilled. Tat us FORT PI lIDILER,, • i'ILL ANDIPIE CART 01. B(i..IIIYDER;. EANLIrACTIIRMR B 07 70BULA.R,:. PODBLE-leLIIED . PTUBITLAN, PIIOL-130X-AND CYLINDER STEAM BOLL, ERs. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANES, 01U4d2'1EYS,,BERECIIING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING - PANS; SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GAIRDIETERS• AND VON BRIDGES; ' PRIVN DOORS AND COAL BRUTES Otdoß and•Worehonse, corner Second Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Fra. its- Orders sent to the above addressT 7 lll :iss be promptly attended to. m • .Witt, BARNBILLti , CO. ,g ~ . . BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 510, RR, %14 ASD Re PENN T. 'Raving secured a large yard end furnished It wstas use most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to BOlL any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, locomotive Boilers,. Condensers, Salt Fans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron. Bridkes, Sugtt Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's pat ent Boilers. r Repairing done on chariest notice. laSseß JAINTS srriart, .Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, P/TTSWILIRGEE, PA., IiaIarrACINMYR IRON OIL TANKS, SZTTLLNG PANS. corrvi STEAM PIPE, ROLLING XILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, Yoe Steamboats. JAILED M. 8E.U511.... EDMUND D. SHE= JARED M. EIRLJSIII46 SON, . • ISANTr7ACTU:II3.3I:I3 OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SUE= IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, l'ittstntrylh.Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. )Sanufactarers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. . - dole Agents for the celebrated 811541 Euining One MAI Stoves ind Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for rarlor,Oftice, Store or Church. F re needs no rekindling — burns all win ter. Do-no' b lSPtntll yo' bl!e or send fur ClreUlar. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Urlevtals—DE>•tMLEß BROS., hnithfleld dt.: GEO. HUBLEIC. Allegheny City. lgFF,111:1011S - 8c0011 ILA. IMFACTIThi n MIS OF BOBBY VAltir.rl OF , ASITICIII7M fa, BOSTON COOKING-RANGE, "Tilt FIERY - FURNACE," FOR WA.8311;141 BI31:1:4NO - So .1 1 15u l imt 2,7 tru s stIVIMIt RM PORTABLE IRON 31M124. ELe 3 RE AA F T , Eri O uNT ti S AE ND EeR.% trm at and dust; 206 and 208 Liberty stivet, 1ie23;y17, PITTSBURGH. PA. PITTBURGEI. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. 49k , C0. 9 8 TRIUMPH Fob EITTIM'ENOUS COAL., t. ITarranted to Cook, liake i 'or Roast as ittl itsluir'othgr Stott( In the Volokf . 00 , No. 2185 Liberty-Street._ • •••'. 4 ,1 12 =/1 3 ArA r e.,,,,,, -'4•4441:1212.FR01*T8 FENDER& COOlOl5O ac: 1101111't ANU. FACTIIEINO COMPANT. Ipintitaa;urers of . PRINTING. 86(.101RAPPING. PAPERS CLINTON -31-114L-STEIIIOninkk4.9IP.O. EEIGETAtiILIFTIP - NEW 'OFFICE AND WAREEOI.I*.E. No.: 1 4 1 41.4 Stkecit t °7ll".it'anu. av4lgilgi4l‘ersi•(.`Titr. s E. ritirttaan., ogrltt - rouskpod stoo. ,;, lanoss , ;WlNES:. LiKaup.gs; &ic. AO. i9l. lea f ; ; • prt.I;ET, PITTtf * BI3II.OII,: —• )::',.AissurActiotr.l ' Copper Distilled Pee Larlir Whiskey. Also. desists In 7011,E10N WI H 8 and LI. QUOna, nom so.- FORT PITT BARING! WHAM. r-i No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : 5200,000. GOVERM,FAT SECURITIES AND `GOLD. NTEREMAI4LOWED ON TIIIE,DEPOS'gIi, Collectices made on all accessibly Pointe In the United States and Canadas. 1). Hostetter, James Gordon, Wallnce, Z. Fawcett, NATIONAL BANK OF= COMMERCE Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sti. A. PATTERSON JOS. H. HILL .. ... . ... —Cashier. CAPITAL, t :$500,000. iM 1_ STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS IN DIRECTORS: . I ' it n ot i. ifif il . 4 k.= 1 ._,lAndrew Miller, • ,fors X. Bolles , . • 1 SAWL. ItioCLII HAN, Presit. ~ D. LEET NiITLIKO I 4 - Cashier; _l_ DLRECTORS: George W. Cass, R R. Palmer, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brows, . Chas. Lockhart, • Dan. It. Davidson, W. d. Haven. T, AT 11 A.ll. DISCOUNTS DAIL apg:orc HALIEIT,CALUGUET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner. Third and Wood Streak Pri-rtiasiar.Grrx, (BHCCESSOIIii TO HANNA.. HART & C 0..) LITLALBSB Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase • Ana sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Malittirafts on London. N. ,HOLDIES & SONS, 334961 40 73EraiMaR 613 _ 0, 57 Market Street, • Plrra"T'SD3l7llo l3, r®. - Cofleet:one made on ail the principal points of the United btates and Canacac. Stocio,Bouds an other Securities BOL'OIIT AND SOLD ON COlilliltialON. Particular attention paid to the parchue and sale of United. States Securities. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINE HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, SIANEFACTURETi OF • Lubricating & High Test Burning Oil Railroad Axle Oil. . Stands great heat willow' change; remalts ' limpid at lowest temperatures. Special till for Dopiest cilmates or hot weather. Locomotive; Engine, Raehine lviti cut Screw,. • - Saw nnu and Snarling Mill Oils, • Adapted for high speed. Spindle OM Woolllead.l.lght oll, Oil. Tanners' Stuff., itiOnxole. Ina .trinishingollsiOasoline, - Bewares Oil _ parrikaine. ARMOR ValL.Nah'H. to preserve Bright Iron Work an Machinery from Rust. These products ate manufactisred under Dr. coo. ThesLp 'tent he liuperheateahnod Steam in Lubricating 011 s ate st odorless, perfectly pure. uniform. - and mostiv Relit col, ored. stand a high temperature,unchauged. anti remain limpid du ring eld retne cold. The Railroad Ohs are 'unequalled. and are lu constant use on many of the princlpil Railroads Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET, W rks at ehsrpsburg Bridge. WARING AND KING, Conindssion.3lere,hants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products, OALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE. WAY S PITTSBUBOII., PA. PEULAINFaIIIA - ADDp£ 44B, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street TACK BROTLI,IERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN . a l etedetint ‘ .r its]: rdoductsy AntiOnrab,l9ffiCPALZELL'B EFILDINe. :00rileg*AuesnerW.4 .00 "Vet s ' Phliadelpbis OD:lce-121 WALNUT ST. -TT' !Nit LONG. 64 VO4" , '777: 111 , M4 I 4..tiNTAOTIII4ERIS Brand—"L DralFll3."' Office, Neat Dia:wane Way, IPlttpargN FLOUR. „PEARL BILL Three Btu Oreen,Brand, - eoal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOOR. • Tb iViOor wlll °Olt Oe tiept :GOA, Wiled e3OO . 'claim &tiered. - . - -s. • _ , PEARL MILL BLVE RAND, ~- Equ 1 t B o best St. Louie, i ro; PBARL BtflIAL, RED BRAND, •-•- •• ' -"equal tookort Outo ir lour. WHITE CORN FLOOR AN lit te NEAL. R, T. KENNEDY & BR% t irf e ep t iv, i4;000..1gt5,1: , .;; ALT:. 4...ficEirrECTS. - BARR 4 MOSER, , ..4.1.101-1171"gle'ro.,„ ' • ,rum ,Tiovstr. ASSOp:AVION 13 - ,1,74•131.1/05,' , lad St; Clayr Stretd, I Pittabitigh, Pa. Speasti - ' itteutlok: • •,11Ten to 'the . de:Olgaini pommy . f COITWI' ii(..q)dZci 01.1 • l'IIBLIR! BUILD:NC« i, -217N:r CETERA!. AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapett Inrestiient now In the market for sale by • • . ‘7Oll - Ma r rZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE t WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In:Gofeinment,'-Bonds.? gold and Coupons and turopean Exchange at; lode .et J'AUS BRAD-x - 8; so. 9 • (successors to S. JpNEs i repo. ' Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3 .a.rcir.. 30. 3n. Is, BUY AND BUD ALL EINDS GOVERNMENT , SMIRMES, DOITD, SMITE. AND mums, OF awn FAVORABLE TERMS tar Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sr Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market-rates. , Orders executed for the Purchase and dale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. • JAMES T. BRADY & CO ljt gittslntr a gt &ktftt FINANCE b. D TRADE, Chios or PITTS/SU/MEC GAZETTE, t SATURDAY, January 30, 1869. i Tile decline of cotton ' farced specula tors to ship to Europe; in consequence a larger supply of bills came on the market and saved shipments of bullion, and caused a decline in the gold prem ium from latig, down to 1363 but equally important to the price of gold is the fact that the large floating stock of American bonds In Europe 'is gradually being absorbed there, which presiampy tiota is fully justified by the steady course of the quotations of United States bonds in either London, Frankfort or Paris. Thu advance of 'gold from 131% to 1337,:, would ,otherwiee have had a depressing iniluence on the ;price of bonds in Europe. In gold there is a large short interest outstanding, prin cipally from ppeculators in Govern ments, but ,th European houses are generally long since beginning of the past week. Unless importers buy more niore largely and absorb the floating stock of the market an advance cannot Weil take place; on the- contrary, the high rates for having gold carried may depress the price foa a ppint or two in case a panic should take place in stock speculation. Government bonds were dull and lower, with - a decided downward ten dency. Speculation in stock absorbs the attention of speculators, and prices are too high at present to buy 1-rgely by either investers or dealers; the .Eu ropean demand 10.11 also be limited until a rise in gold would make bonds a more chap and desirable object. Stocks were temporarily dull and loWer, but it; seems the moment' for a break in the market- has not;.-set come, . and the decline was engineered for the purpose of frightening timid holders out of their stock; it would not be surprising to see prices jump three or four per cent. to-day, especially on Erie, Fort Wayne, New York Central and Ohio and Missia- WPPiI . ' - For Ex ress and Telegraph stocks a lively speculation is going on, but where the cause for any advance in these comes from nobody can tell.. The coming week is likely to bring on some lively times in Wall street. In, locsecurities little Is done, and money is scarce and high, with a dull hnSittess. Closin ; 4, quotations as received by.. Ph. R. ' life : Gold; 136 g; -Eighty-one's, 112 y,,; Five Trenties, 1862, 113;., do, 1869;`1094' d 0,1861 3 110%. diS,t 1865 t news e ~ . 11 „ 108%; ,do, 1867,108%; do, 1868, 109; Ten FOrties, 108%; Railroads Cleat laud & IFittsburgi 94X; Pittsburgh, Fort - Wayne & Chicago. 121; Chicago & Rock Island, 180 W,; Chicago &North Westert4 84; do Preferred, 844 i Erie, 138 g; New York Central, 462%; litchi -gan Southern ; 94; Reading, 96 1 ; Ohio & Mi. asiPpil OertiAtiates, 86;6; :West-.ern ir on TelegraPh Company,/ MO, .Aterbtuf tg . :l7n.ton Express Company, i s :17%; F cific Mail, 119%; Adams, - 64p(f. Mining slaves -Gregory, 2,70; quartZ' Hill,' 70' Sidith & Parmele, g.,54 „Cory don, 10. • . 1 ' a ' .- 2 =The Merchants' Irailolittl , #ank, of Little ock, Arkansas, of wide)). ! Sena tor Ile onald, al, likesidea4 ,tiftipetided , orraii day: . The liabilities are esti :Mated t over $250,000. Among the , ,heavie4, losep, are, the Matted ;States 7 6Pvernitieneartethe 'cities of Nll4 - york, Cincinnati,. , St. •,. Louts and Neti'o?: .leans,. ; ', it . , ti' I • . ',, -.' ^ t• t —Thii New York' Cohiireercial Adver-. tiegqiiiblishe4;thli'ibllcilving figures td' i ahoW the anaphnt of United States bonds and Other securities( held; bythe I Bala( of , New Y i ork,4dostoti and Philadelphia ae Ate (late :of the' , Januttry quarterly statement this year and last: t ) -` a Jan. IEOI. Jan. 1868 New :York .. '.... -.414,618,00 $9,843,000 Boatpri , ' - ' . ' 8,955,000-1 -3,435,000 Philadelphia r r .... 2,881,000 1'400,009' , _ . T0ta1,.......q..,..52444,00 $l4, 78 000 j ,- 'lt is ThuVapparent - that the banks of the threeprincipal , cities hold , nearly: $1,000,000 l'ef&bbildk: than a : year.akti: Other- banka, ,throughout Am country, have;PrOhnily parted 'with the; bonds they nad held fir investments tol even i a greater " extent than the banks of, the three cities named. Under these cir- cumstances holders -naturally look- for 1, an important demand „from the banks, which usually buy freely at tne 'dbra-, niencement of the year. —We clip the following "itmn" from the Boston Commercial Bulletin! 'lSeve ral car loads of Wheat arrived at Cairo on the 9th inst. ' en route to Europe by way of the. lidississdppi.. They,, consti tute a part of 300.000 bushels; to bp ped from. lowa to Liyerpcol 'direct." —The -exports of specie of all sorts from New York, thus far in January, are 12,250,000 as against , 17,460,000 to the • same date last January. • . . —Closing qUcitatiOns reCeived by James T. Brady . ck, Co.: Gold, 136•; States Slims, - 'lBBl'l3, 112; '641.0'5, 1862, 113 X,; 5-20's, • 1864; `1093;' 1865, 110%; nye Twenties, new 1E435, 108%; Five Twenties new, 1867,'108 X ; rive' Twenties. 1868, 109; Ten„Forties, 108%; Seven Thirtles, - Par lesS 1/,;' Due Com pounds, 119; trniciri Ihst.lllCP.Baltroad, plir; Central, 104, icVl.•• PF.Uthi.EUM .:}cEt. ovviox Oil PITTIMEGIC GA:ZETTi, SATIMDAT, .I.9#aary, ,30, 1869. 1 !, ~5 AN .l 44ra x -.. -R EVW•. -•, .- 1 The oil Mirka hli - lieen vel; much excited anti.eitramelyserOsitivp through ont the week which has just .closed, and. wislle.. the volume of businesS has not been unusually large, in the aggre gate, the firinhess noted for some tlime past still contiritaCs;and, compared with , last week, prices has still further ad sauced. The speculative mania, Which was so wild for a time, has partially sub- r sided; this is owing to the fact that the market has become BO much inflated. that speculators are :tituld about taking hold at present prices, and while _soma still persist inaase_rting that there will be a still farther' advance, yet they are afraid at the at the same time to invest in it. being 'apprehensive that there might possibly be a reaction. As we noted yesterday, there seems to be an in clination on this part of buyers, gene rally, to hold off in anticipation of a de cline, in which event, they will lead up again, and put themselves in such a po- , sition that they will be enabled to take advantage of the market when it 'again becomes excited. We are cognizant of those who have in this way operated very successfully during the past two ' months, while there were others again who, pursuing a different course, fared badly. We hazard _the assertion, 'how ever, and that, too; without fear of con tradiction, that there is but very little Imargin for the manufacturer in, the 'presenttci of .the market eally. those condition who confinethemselves to doing a legitimate refining, business. • CRUDE. The Crude Markel. is firm, with some little inquiry both for present and fu-; ture delivery. without, however, any; quotable 'change in prices. Spot oil may': be quoted at 1714 to 1714 c, and the same figures will apply to March and April, sellers option. All the year. buyers op- , tion, is unchanged at 20c. Sale of 2,000' bbls, next six months, seller, at 17c, and ono thousand dollars was paid for the: privilege of delivering 5,000 bbls, any.; time this year, at 15c. REFINED. ' The market for Relined was firm, but _ very quiet to-day; this, however, was to have been expected, . being Saturday and delivery day. Spot oil is half a „ I v‘, cent higher than yesterday, a sal of . 500 bbls having been made et 36c. e can report two lines of 500 bbls ach; March to June at 353/ 4 c, aid 500 Bach: February and March at :361.:c. Butler's option, next six months, at 39c, and all! the year, same option, at 41e. Lonaica.rixo OILS. ...... Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery 4 OC; Eclipse Spindle. ..... . . Soe . Eclipse Tanner's Stuffing . -40 e;: Eclipse Tanner's Finishing oil 65c OIL SHIPPED "E. 9 K . BY A. V. U. N. :1 Citizens Ref. Co., 500 do do to Tack: Bro., Philadelphia. Montzheirner; Koehler & Co., 252 do do to Waring, King & Philadelphia. - Total shipments Relined ' ' 7521 ItEOA - PITULATI ON. ; The receipts of Crude during the week i were 7,942• - barrels, against 12,3.63 bar-1 rels last week; from January • Ist toi date, 54,712 barrels, against ]07,5.."3 same, time last year. Sales this week, 63,10(), barrels, against 109,000 last week. . , 1 , CENTRAL - LIVE•STO LK MARKET.; CATTLE. I The market has been 'rather dullish: all through the week, the sales in the ag.., gregate being comparatively light; which was owing to advese reports from; the East. On Monday and Tuesday, a little stronger feeling seemed to prevail; but since .then under the influence of fell arrivals, the market has I dragged, andi aeicett barely sustained. The sales since the dataof our last report, on Wednes...l day, foot up 418 head, making the salesi for tha,week, ending to=day about 6n, head. -I Belim will f . - be found a report of', the sales. =-r ' 'WEDNESDAY. Porter to , Fulton 20 head, weighing 17,000, at 85,25; Lament to Wersinger 13,t weighing 11,375, at 5,50; Scott- to' Aull(V .: Co.'lB. weighing' 17,050, 5,50; same to; same'l bull, weighing 950, at 3,50; ig.' . 2 Johnston• to W. Duffy 5, weighing 4,700 z" R.:S. Keys to Frank 1 ball, weighing , : 1,100, at 5,00; same to same 8, weighing 8,400, at 6,00; Work to Seller 10, weigh= ., ing 21,025, at 8,50; Holmes to McCormick; 18, weighing 17,825,' at 6,75. • THURSDAY. - t - 'Haztewood to Hineraan 5 head; Holm es to.lticCortnick ,1-ateer: same to,Weisen.c,, .gar 18, weighing 20,910, at $7,56; Event to Shields 16, Weighing ' 24,525 at 9,00;•':3 Efoline*fo'Weisinpr 1. tbully weiglting - j 1,800; flazlewood to W. Booth 2,, weigh.:,;: 4ng 2,060,0 d. 6,75; -Holmes & Lafferty tAif.i „KellY.nllll, Weighing .. 1;450; Keys to':i-;.; Hesenger 17, weighlig 21,200 at 7,00;L . , Hedges to Aull & Co. 19, weighing 19,375,,;, - ! at 151 5 ;r 1 f 3 d8W ez ,`Faario :to ,Efiror 21,i;,;', ' Weignink'l7,7oo,' at 5;00; saute' de Porter,.. '4, weighing 4.o2s:same to same 1, weigh-':,f , .., Mg43,400t 5,50;b1.,,,J0hn5k0n for Porters tdir.`Hedges'sB. Weighlnit67,2oo at 7,00;`' C. Aull to Jas. Aull 1 steer, weighing;: 1,140. ~ , - -- • ' '' ' ' '-' z';iitiii•A'r. `.%% .'1 =i . ~ Smith dr. Blue to E. Webb 5. weighint - If, 5,550, at 1)5,25; W. Hedges to W. Duffy 4, , ;: , -, *l3j4ilikgrArii7sp 11-1010tes1 , 5; Lafferty t0:,..', , , Booth 17; - Weighing 45,756. nt 5,25; same.;iii to same 2, . weighing 1,625, at 5,00; Hedges* ,7 .. .to --W.l• K t elly, 4 435-Tex4s. cattle, weighinv bi , '„6: ;13t 5425; &filth &Ilia+ to Anil & CoJ.•' - . -i" 18, weighing 16,125, at 5,00. f - -' , ' , ' - Te_ Peraticirisid - this '-claSa: 'Of stock. he eii -large r footing up 13,163 head. sinceVednesday, and notwithstancling arrivals were large, prices wore fully,;{ ,-. •siMained, ranging-from 4446 0% eta per:2i poun !, 4) 1. gross as to quality and condition -- - ^ - nous. _ fj.::•,'.. Wit continued light 'arrivals, ands' . , stead MiaPPiag &Maid, 31 1 0 - . 11 • 0 g mari: ket is i tirth, and. prices , fully tiustainedA Indeed, idede the'..date eir 'ber last report r , ; 4 = ...; .rlees have advanced Mini 25 ,to 30 ett----f per 1001 W, with sales - of 4,68.3 head at '10,50 to Ilfor Yorkers, and 12 to 12,3 V.-:" for prime to choice Philadelphia Hogs. r_'.. ,_.- .. f k f PENN'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, SATURDAY Jan. 30, 1869. SIRS REM