- ITEW --- Al3 TT 13. .I(OUNG9ON /4. CO., PA.:. ere ik'KE ARVIY, COITFECTICMABY, CREKM and D .NrsG SAW.I9'; $3 Smithfield street, corner of Diamond tilley, T riCtabUrYti Sir-Partles lin , ' families SAPP... with Ice 'Cream and Cates on snort nottce.. TY - nitiI..COOPES, III " WILLARD, • - UOVIEOPATiIISTS. • . , "Will remove their Oblee on the First of April me xt to No. 72 Dillallollli, Allegheny city, rear .of City Hall. • ja.30:d711 W. De CAMP, . . ATTORNEY. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, (nice, No. 181 FtluftTri A.VENUIL, Pitts :burgh, (formerly oecupled by Hon. Walter . H. !Lowrie,' rold oraellee in tie , U. 8. Circuit and Dietetic Courts, in the State Supreme and all the C o u a ts tn m o A tof g hWn u e tenentyoundt ie mike Md7e3e- T EssoNs vigegarc or AND ITALIAN. ALFRED H. ()WWI Professor of the sh'tve Language ; and Translator of Letters e nd Documents, will Ise, glad to receive poops either .at his resluen , e or will visit them in their own homes. erms moderate. ,address office of the • irrentritan UAZETft. ' '1425:d12 MSTERN' LAND : AGENCY. • - . O Acres =of' Land for Sale, tirs lowa and - 311.iines3tat. pric'e from $3.00 to 45:00 per acre. Land bougniAnad Bold on com =laden. Taies paid ;Titles examinesll &OBl:rads . }tarnished; liars/eying and Ilotttng done. • ' Information fnrnielsedln reference to quality end valuation of lands. General collect liosinesidonti.' Address . : ELLINGTON, lOWA 31,m;468 ' AMBER: = ALEXODER 'PATTERSON, . . . . Whniesile and retail itealtr int E 1311114 of de- Scription,.kiens eontitartily on hand antddr pale .PDAJLDS, PLANS. scAsTrx4o, Joisrti, SHINGLES,. LOCUbT .A.ND CEDAR, POSTS. WEATHERBOARDING, FLOORING, FA 4CY SIDING, PATENT SPOUT& er, dm. Alto isrge atoer. of OAK, POPLAR. ASH and YELLOW PINE LUMBER , . .Attention of dealers Is invited Co ray, large ptock of dry lumber in Tardg. NO. 157 ItE.TtfiCCA ST., cipp - . - Oa! Works. And corner of Treld.e awt Juniata Sts.. 3a:o:did :Sixth Ward. Alleghrriv. ANTIERACITE • CCO.illl,ar-3. , The urtieregaed, nt of the PSNICSYLVA . NIA. and ANTIITtACITE , COAL. CO.. -homing et ee teed •'s fall sappij of all sizes of this -ebal,'Ts prepared to all oideia promptly. 'lMee, 114 FOURTH ANENTJE. R. G. BAILEY, Agent ja29:(171 111.10 USE ESTABLISAED .11.524. ...a-A- —Chi)lce Amerlean . .,and French Confvc 14.nary of 'all Undo, and -large stock on hand. Also foreign fruits and otter delicacies of the W eddings, parties, festivals, fairs and dinners for •+eu.e , ons , fu rulelo d on iiliort notice to any ace a Able point by raiq river. or convey ance. gotten up in the most approved style. htenie prepared to order, with the best or every thing in aeason. Ladles and families furnished with aqulet retired place to dine. PerZuns doing basineEs In the city. or tran4ent.vialtors. win find the place convenient and pleasant to enjoy comfortahl, meal. J T. ITOISLEY.. . 27 and 29 'Fourth itvettite. FURS! EMS! FURS! it cCORD &-.CO's, 131 WOOD STRET rpo WHOM IT CONCERN: -A- --The.BoArdorthrectors of the N ATION AL 11.EYINING AND' STORING COMPANY bavo 'VMS trey-directedthat the public be warned from . - - negotiating or purchasing the following Due - Bills and obligations, as they were. Issued with- Oot legal authority from said CoMpany: Due Bill dated January 7,1869: favor Samuel Lewis. for $420, due January 31. Due 811 l dated January 7,.1669, favor Samuel Lewis; for 1515.. due February 28. • Due Bill dated January 7, /869, favor Samuel Mewls. for 8630, due March 31. Due Bill dateiyanuari 7. 1869. favor Samuel f0r1735, dde April 30. Due Bill dated January 7, 1869, faVor Samuel Mewls, far 1,890} due May 31. ' Due Bill lilted January 7, 1869 favor Samuel Lewis. for 6945, due June 30. • .811 the above obligations were EigvAd by John 31cItirdy, fiecretitif, 124' order of David Birk,. ,rreal.C.nt. •, • 31. DE LANGE, 1 President pro tem: PlrT3Busen, January 28, 1869. - Ja.3o:d,i6 CODEFFROT -BRANCIiER CO.', 42 IceliaitmPlstee;iew York, .Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United 'Mates ,for the Prnision gluing and Iron Coin.' piny of llnishurg, Wist Phalli, to contract or sell in onantltleato stilt purchaserla (delivered in either New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEd-ELEISEN 11 '..td flu ettimively,lbr the manufacturing of • BESSEMER "::STEEIL. This clion.la free Item 13ulpurAnd rhospborne, • a! , Ticgitalas slieobiry par yen' of Manganese. , Yuit . partlesliirs,iftSabiei;: or- chemical autalysia will be iirchaptiplon!arcle4 on am:R.lloa matiom LAKE FISH. 6,340 half barrels Lake Herring, 1,160 lILLF BUS. MUTE Fins Which. I ; Offer to the Trade at LOWEST MARKET, RATES. JAMES CONNOR, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. Saki and Fish, NO. 356 LIBERTY STREET, IS= FLOOR OIL CLOTllB=—Weliave itockslarge assortment of styles and vs. A o ua widths 9f thoroughly seasoned Floor 011 sloths, which we are offering to tbe wholftude and retail trade at prices lower. taking quality into consideration, than, eau be had la this city. J. .h H. PHLISLIPti, tow Wi and t 8 Sixth street. Marn==== lICLIANICFECKE3 - Jatmatrr lath, 1969.' this day' disposed of my arge and line assortment or Jewelry, Re., to . WILLIAM EMCEE, 02 and given lease -of my gore and dwelling,'No, 329 Liberty atreet, to him, 1 cheerfully recom mend him to my forwr patrons All persons lade:Mil t&me will pleastipay the same to my nephew, JOHN P.. OKAWFOIiD. at 21911Aberty street, la the office of John B. Her ron dc Co. A N ORDINANCE, - .1. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select . and Otmimon Connate of the City of Ptdeburgh, and it is hereby ordained - and enacted by the authority of the same, That the place for held leg elections In the btxteenth ward of the city be and is hereby changed from the Wigwam to James Dugan's feed store, on Greensburg Pike. near Allen street, It being the central location of said ward. Sic, 9. - That any Ordinancepr part of ordinance conflicting with the passage oT this ordinance at the present time, be and tue same is hereby re pealed se tar as tee same affects this ordinance. . Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 519th day of Janu JrAMAES . A. D. Mc 186 A.ULE9. Y, . _ • President of Select Council. Attest: E. a. MORROW, Cleric of Select' Mdt. A. Olu Tn W". WLINSON. President or Common Connell. Attest: H. McllAsras, • Cleric of uommon rel:d34 AN ORDINANCE AN Merits Reline ';.16 Co. right to erect an Iron clad tiniining. , SEcTiOx 1. Be a ordained and enacted by the Oily of /NV/burp/a, in Baled and COMMIS VOUlt• Cite tanaribted, and it is ',wrap. untamed and enacted by the authority or the same, Ihat Charles Reitz, Castri‘s H.,rtmek and 2‘.‘ aeser be and they are hereby author'zed to erect an lam clad building, at No. 950 Penn Street, Twelfth ward. SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance eandicting -with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and We sante. Is • hereby re pealed so far us the same streets this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a ,La* In Councils, this 29th day of January, •A. 1).1869. .LAMES Medi IT LEY. President of Select Connell. Attest: D. S. Monuow, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Coupon Council, Attest: If. llictdAsThic, eters of Common Council . _ A N ORDINANCE C. C. WAY, To authorize. a Temporary Lean for the purpose of payttEr the.lniereet on Latvretanovtlie gouda. • Fee. 1. Be ft enacted by.the City of Pittsburgh, in detect and common Councils assembled, and ft is hertbv era - nailed and enacted by the author ity of the same, That the Pluat , ce Committer be and is hereby authorized ati.l directed to effect a temporary loan upon such terms and for bath time as they may think reasonable and proper, for the sum of bye thcussud dollar,, for the pur bose of tr.sylug Interest due and falling due upon. onds of the Borough of Lawrenceville. and In the name and on benalf of the city to gtve such evidence of said indebtedness as may be neees- San% SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting - with the passage of this ordi nance at the present time. be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this or dinance. Ordulned and enacted Into a law fn Councils, Cab 25th dayef January. a. D. 1569. Atc.N.Ut.F.Y. ltre.bfent of Select Council. Attest E. S. Jlonitov.„ Iy Clerk of Select Connell. W. A . LINSON, Pr.:sldent of Common Council. Attest: U. Tr:Ma- Tra:, Ciera •1 Common Council. fel:d33 AM' .1130:476 PITTSBURGH. (Succe 3 Jr toW7LLIAIti STEVENSON.) WILLIAM STEVENSON JOSEPH lIORNE & CO Are u Cru. taut Eeceipt of NEW ANDRADII GOODS. 11 11 0 r szArtr....—'ateFt ehapel: FTRIBED SKIRTING: ALEX KIII.GLOVES: E rou lillelllESS K.D GLOVES: GERMA %TWA' N WOOLS. RS and KNITTING YA.IEN; heAur awl BOW 11.111.:oNS; TICIMINIING.'€.ATINS, • . BONNET VELVF.TS: CORSI:TS —all Ole le:trill:1g malts. Cotton and Merino KOsiery, PRENr'H STRIPY:II and MIXED, aDPER S f OUT nail bl E1:1 HALF 110:3E. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS, Paper Collars and Cuffs, tfx., afc., cep., WHICH WE OFFRE AT' THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. SPECIii 'ANNOUNCEMENT. TO MET THE GENER XL DESIRE OF THOSE who have been deferred from purchasing until after the Ant of the year,we have concluded to continue our GREAT .REBUGTION, SALE FOR A FEW WEEKS LONGER. This is posi tively the last opportunity to secure bargains in . , CALIUMOTS Oil Cloths ; Alattings,' - &c. toed Carpet§ for 25 cents a Yard. OLIVER • _ • M'CLINTOOK - • . AND COMPANY • 23, fifth 'Street.. 'IPAPES, PAPEB,I Printing;Stiaw, • , Bag, Glassy . ROOFING, HARDWARE AND ; MANILLIB, ,Mannfactured and sold by FILAZB, 211ETZGAR 40 CO., 82 TSIRD . AVENUE. ~ . . iiirCASII PAID FOlt. ROPE, RAAB AND OLD PAPERS. oa&zsBxrr ROCK. THE BABY EARPiEST'S PATENT CRIB. gowaNLY nY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturer% &C., 11.113, ITO LIJEUrIa AVENI:333I. Where may be fonnd a fnU assortment of Par ler, Chamber and Ellen.= Ftuutture, de2s =SE PITTSBUItGII GAZETTE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1869. r DONSTIC A Variety of Popular Goods, , Whits, Sheetings, Mull4s, Plannels, tr Gilt Cornices, Corsets, - • • . . . . . , Ladies'. Underclothing. POPULMI BATES ja2P:m P ROPOSALS FOR TRAN,§POlf,Trit4 SALT. • SEALED PROPOSALS for transporting , all the Salt manufactured by the Ohio Itiver Salt Com pany, fdr one or five vett rs IroinJetituary 1 11100. will be received up to 12'o'clock X. of the Mine day of February, 1869. The partylo whom the contract may be award ed will be required to furnish good, staunch, sea worthy tonnage, consisting of barges and steam• boats, such as puss good inspection end are In every respect filly equipped with lines, and tackle andmatned with competent ofllters andcrew. The Salt to be transpirted will be dell:en - A from the sheds on the forosee yards bf. the Cern- . Many, 4.11 be put, up Iv: barrels ,chrtalning lbs. net each, or in barrels of 7 bu-hots each. or In bag' cont.:titling 2y or 3 bushels each. Pro pos‘ls made suuuld state the price of fr. Iglu, on ea..b kind of package. ( Tee party to whom, the contract may be aw.ard. ed will receive the salt at the furnace yards, will 1 red, transport. unload and deliver the bait on the landau-s at the following plates: Pittsburgh Penn.; Wellsville. Steulienvillo, tirld.rt port, he!lalr, Marlettl, Portsnioc , li, ltlp !ley and CluclunaU, I Wr.l6l),lrg. Wheeling ' and P,rkerstiurkr. West_ Virginia: ?its, srltle. CorinittOn. 2111T.111411:1, PM:tie:lll, 11,41.1.:CM.U1`. 11% sl.ll Ickman. lientoet:y Aiadfena, data r, ~rifle „•.,;,•0- Albany and itvaii-.- y 0!.,, Indiana: Cairo. Ead St. I. ti Ailnu and g l uincr, sift Cillksiltle. Nashville Mom p st. Louis and Ii an al hal, 3116- beltri. rattles making proporrls may include the whole territory to be suppled In one b C, f.,r Other one or are yeare, •.r may lona, ~,,srate bids for one or five year, on portions of the_ ter dtVilie.l ti Plows? 1. From Pomeroy t..ail point- to and laclull'ng Pittsburgh, I.a, '4. From Pomeroy. to all points to and Includ ing Louisville, Kr. - 3. From Pone-roy, Ohio, to all points Oa the Ohio river between Louisville, Kentucky, and Cairo., Id. 4. From . Pomeroy, Ohlo, to .Clarksville and . . shrine, Tenn. 5. From Pomeroy, Ohl), to all points on the 311 , sissir i' river. Including Catro, The mlmmam stage of water that nettles will be required to freight salt, will be when tow boats can team.; Pomeroy safely will barges. drawing tnree and one-half feet of water, and tow to hliell plaices as they can be reasonably ex „perdu.] to reach with barges of that draught. The Ohl ' river Salt Company will.as far as pos sible, give reasonable tows, thou th they will not posttively contract full tows to each point. Th” party to whom any nortton, or the whole of the contract. may be awarded, will tie required to gas e ratisfactory bonds for the falthfulper fortnance of his contract. - Blils may be seated and addressed tollon. V. B. TP)ItTOS, Pomeroy, Ohio. and should be marked "Propose's for Tranliporting The Ohio Utter Salt (tympani reserve the right to reject any or all the bids that may be Offered. THE 01110 itiyir,R SALT COMPAXY OFFER. • IOR SALE Alia tin irlarge stock of BARGES, FLOATS GANGWAYS, TARPAULIN'S, ' and TACKLE, and the entire stock of ardelwt tined in loading and transporting salt; and to such as make acceptable bids, will give the privilege of paying for their nurchases in freighting th- salt. 02110 RIVER HALT COMPANY, 'R. R. HUDSON, Sec, and Treas. POMEROY. 0., Jinusfy 11, 1569. 1a`.15:(151-at ~~ Fifth Avenue, CARPETS, CARPETS; MTALLUIff 'BROTHERS, WCA.LIAUH BROTHERS, Mi'CALLUM lIRKTIERS, 51 rTifth Avenue, SCHMIDT &FRIDAY 11111 0 01MGOS OF WINES,. BRANDIES, GIN, 61 • WHOLESALE DEALERS TN PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STRPET, 'llll Remove on tbe Lt of Aprll to NOS. 3SI AND 356 PENN, r. Eleventh St., (formerly ana QiODA ABlll--100 tons choice A.) brands 1n etoro: J ufl fo CAr mata_by flol7 •B. NFIELD x BON. ~- ,' -',i7".:',:"-sr.:':•;`;":.4- , , ,• ;7. SW= DRY GOODS, I PRICES, Oil & BELL'S. 51 51 CA.UPETS. lir ABOVE WMD STREET. IN kMaa .7';" GOOD BARGAINS IN DESIBIBLE DRESS GOON, Black Alpacas and Alpaca Poplins REM Air MIX LOW PRICES. - CROICR COLORS IN ALPACAS AND POPLINS, Silk Poplins and Cheno Poplins. FINE ASSORTMENT ay Seasonable Goods, WHOLEi9A.LE .4YD RETAIL MI WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, LLT.i.tann NY JANUARY, 1869. cARPE r TS. FARL A.ND & COLLINS, Will Continue,their ANNUAL I REIBINCE SAKI TWO WEEKS LONGER Greater Bargains than Ever will be offered to close out Specfal Lipes of Goods, at 71 AND 73 FIFTH • AVENUE, • , SECOND FLOOR. 145 CO7PAI.3,TNERSXI.IP.. T HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCI.f 1. El) w 11)? me in co-partnership, WILLIAM BRtTPF, JOHN M. TIIORP, and. JEROME 8. BONNET. ••• -„. - • The buslness will be conducted at the old stand under the name and style of Wbf. DLIL /3.kr, & . ••* .I . ' WILLIA3I MILLER. .I"trroktra.Oir, doinuarr, .11,.180,9 . MEE WILLIAM ELLER & CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street • , Corner of Trwl.u, ndw offer to the trade at luW / figures, strictly • Prime Now Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Mao, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and BMW:WM Re fined do. Golden Drips, tovrrings. .Stnart's, Maine and Long Wand syrups. . • Porto Rico. Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Hyto.n.. Japan, bacterial, annyn,wder and Ooictig Tem. Carolina and liangoln Rice. . • Java. Leguayr4 and. to Coffees.; . .I.ard oil. Fish. Halm, Wass. Soaps, Cotton Yaliza, ao., constantly on baud. A.T,EIO, IMPORTEItS OF Fine Brandies,Wines end Segars , t h en t s p, Aroseile. nod Sparkling Hoek Wines of lbw. el & Co. in bottles. pip,rklinic Mogen., suaaretfrrg, and Johannia. burg. klockheliner. Burguady, se. Brandenburg & Fr , sta. Flue olive Olt. do do Clarets. importril tu bottles. do do White Wines.' tn . botalea. M. Work &Sons Spa Itllng fatawba. Ftne old *nerry. Madeira and Port VI Well. Free Old Muuongsdele Rye Whiskies. pure. • do Vert dUnerior.olll Scot t , k-du du. • • Bole/ gents tbr Idoet &.Chandon.a Grand Vim. pe l - sanity and Flattery Clionniagne. I Brandlea onto' awn selact.on and warranted 21161 ' : • , " ADVERTISEMENTS, EXTRA GOOD YARD WIDE BLEACHED MUSLEN Heavy Yard Wide Unbleached Ma tin. FAST COLORED DARK CALICOES• Good Styles Fast Coll Dark Calicoes. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED SHEET ING kiI...LINS, PILLOW CASE MUSLIMS, . SHIRTING MUSLINS, TICKINGS, TOWELLINGS. &c., &c. rtill and Complete Stock at. the LOWEST PRICES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLIAJI SEMPLE'S, FEDERAL STREET, DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 rousau STREET. ASSV:TS Oren 'tally, from 9to / o'clock: also on WED- Is ESII.I I: ausl i"ATURDAY EVENINGS. from May Ist to NOreinlier Ist, from 7 to it o'clock. .tot front November I't to May Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. licimilis received of all sums at not less than gis h. DOLLAR and a tilvidtdd of Its p•Onts tit:Hared tivi , e a S wit', 111 .li.!he anti I iecember. 10l erc.4 has Seen deeiared semi-annually In daft and IP-eetall.er Qui, Illy hankwas prgartlz.vik. at I he rate of six per cent. a y.,,ar. interf , t, if not drawn out, Is placed to the -credit of the .1.p... , it0r a , prinelpal,atitt Scars the sa(me lot r rest frtanthe 1:;t days of .fuse and . I Wet Illia . f. raapilia , lia:! (whit a sear. wit Melt t roul I; I up the demo tier to rid or I,tal IC , present Its te",s hoot:. At. This rake MO lief wilt doubts in lei. th .o i Vit`l ye years. Itooss em. tat r: Ing the ('barter. tie-Laws, Rules and itcwitlatisn., furnished gratis, on applies tLat at for °Mee. • . . l'nEstoENT—GE(il:Gl r . A.I.I3ITEE. . Viettentisitit...NTe.: John G. Backofen, 1 A. M. Pollock, M. D., Ben). F. Fatinestock, I Robert Robb, Jatnes Herdinan , . I John H. Shoenberger, James McAuley, 'James Shldle, ,James B. D. Meeds, Alexander :peer, i , Isaac M.-Pennock, Christian Yeager. . • TRUSTEES: , • Wm. J. Anderson, ; Robert C. Loomia Calvin Adams. , Henry 4. Lynch, John C. Wadley, Peter A. M . :Weirs, George Back., John Marsh ill, Hill tturgwln. I Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, • John B. McFadden, ChaqesA. Colton, I Ormsby Phillips, John Evans, i HenryL. Ringwalt, John. J. Gillespie, I Wm. E. Schmertz, William S. Haven, • Alexander Tindle, Peler'H. Hunker, William trim Kirk, Richard HaTs.l Isaac Whittier, James IL Kelly. , Will. P. Weyman. TneAttnut—CHARLES A. COLTON. SEcnkraitY—l AMES B. D. ]LEEDS. ia - ipolucrric)N ', ,aARri.T.Si OIL.CLOTHS, We offer our stock at reduced prices for a SHORT TIME be fore Commencing to take stock. Now is the time to bUy. BOVARD,ROSE. &CO., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. fol:tlLtwir _ ..... . . „ LANDS .TO .EX,qII.ANOE. NEARLY ONE THORSAND ACRES OF LAND Id chile couitap, Einem: will . be, exelianged to an improved farm In Reavor. Washington, Alio okay, iLawrenee, 'or tVettmoreland oonnty, Pa. on Or near n rsllrosil..'Thesis lands horn a body, are near the..llottrishlng town of Emporia, 'And are represented to be well watered, suitable for either stook or via* ealeing, and near the Alai. son & Santa Fee Railroad. Aildrese. • "EXCHANGE," Box 1341 Plitsburgh; ysffi:A37•F SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. All other styles and stses at the 'very lowest rates at wurresnas & DRL% dell 79 FEDERAL BT.. ALLitti • ANTED—Rands . and retort !' gaged to the andonut'of 650.000 on city or county nuoncumw - property: having, (rota on. to Uwe year, to ni.ta, la allipU UM ranging frost' 6300 to 6 000. Mao. bualnees aratonutiodation paper to the amount of lil4ooo, lit Avail.' (rub% 404,0 43.4100, and front 00 days to 4 months to ran. acres of good Western lauds to eaehange for furniture. Apply to B. MoLAIN A ja23 Cur. 4th avenue and Nulthileld street. REED. 200 MJ. CHOICE etrwirat SEND. 2511 liubbels choice Timothy Seed, In atone and tor enle by • /111UN,OR , & IiAUPEU, 3110 Liberty street. rattsburalk. !ID '.. , :::: : - , :i" - ;!.: , :..;,E , . - t: - :', - -. ME AT 12 1.2 UINTA, AT 124.2 CENTS, AT 10 CENTS, AT 12 1-2 CENTS, na NO. ISO AND IS2 LLLLEGIIENY climrrsam) IN 1555 12,315,604 61 cfcc. cC2).9 American Rink, ' New'York Club, , Empire; Starr, &e. •-= • Et GOLD COUPONS of the Wilton Pacific RairsiaYr EASTER); inIVISti , N, dne February Ist, 1868, wLII be paid Ott Presentation on and after that date at the NATIONAL BM OF OOMMER.74 - Nit' ja3tf:d:3•T:TEI:B K .., A r FORT plin..FotrxDar CO. 0? } PlitgalrateltiT.: .PlttshOrgh, January 39th, 1888. Cgr'NOTICE 18 11 1 11P111:Elrf GI,- . il.Nto,the BTOOKVADEITB of the KNAP FORT PITT FOIviDRY softirin I • .. To meet at Its °Eike on Twelflb se reet, 0nT119.8. DAY Yebruary fith. 1 8 139, betsreen- the hours of 1 ant -3 r. 0., for the prepase of erecting Leven I? ) Directors and decrierrry and Treamr er. to serve for the ensulog year, and for Me transaction of such other burinesis as may be: brOUgnt beto , e them. Transfer b mks are closed unt9 after February 10th, 1889. • • , jahinct77 0. ISETSAL9, Bee.'y. e UM 07FICE OF THZ ALLEGHENY V.YLLEY Hl-2: /' Pittsburgh, January 28y• 18E69; f• rigr'STOCKHOLDEHEFAIVNUA - lEr - 'MEETING. —The regular itilinallimetlnge - or the Allegheny VaVey Railroad Company' YOB. be held attn. o eed of the onipany;•bio. 28 Pike street, ou .THEZDAY, 23d day of February, 1889; for 'the purpose of electinva Board o Managers for the coining year and , the Maumee - Con of such other business es may bepeesenteds J32.7:d6D JOHN BALLANTINE, Secretary. OFFICE. PACIFIC A ATLANTIC TELIICItartI HIS CO.} OP T Pirftutrittal. January 2:4•18138. M .— FIFTEENTH . DIViUni I END.— The Directors of the Paelli 'nitl Atlantic Telegraph Company of the tinned • etatcs haying this day declared the reguiltrquarterlydtvidend at the rate of TETT YER CsJ.T Per annum for the qua r.er ending December 81..151614.3 will VAT the same at the °ince of the Treasurer.un 'iail7“l64 Ell. JAY ALLES, Vensurer. PITTSBURG 11, (11.. eIIiNATI4: LoUIS R. CO. St e u benv Ile, 1869. I IFIEREBT Given to. the stocuholders of the:, Pittsburgh. Cincinnati & St. Louis Eniiway Compkny to meet at Rs Milne in Steubenville, 0., on MONDAY, F.-Uri:Lary Ist. 1809, bet4seen the boort tit 1 and 4 o'clock P, R., for the purrose of electing .1 . 11tF,C701t3 to serve for the ensu ing year: and 'or the transaction of such other Maine - oar.; 'nay be brouxht before them. • d. G. 540111tii- SecretarK. Jai9alM_ STREET.—The r•lgued, appointed vievr , rs to assss damaKeei and utotellts. for 4.IPLIN:L.Niti LYERITY , l'lTltt;itT, from its 'astern terminus to Meet the Troy lit t will Inver Ott the premises ore 1L105D.5.1..1Zi.1t day of February. at 4:4 o'clock ,-to attend to the duties or LSolranpoliat meat. J. J. BERMAN - • I , 03.1 AS SI , ITU, Vie viers. ja27:461 ; EBSTER S EET .---We, the uadenlguc•t. appointed rieectirs toas— tesi damatz. s and benefits a rhe rX.l.tter 0 r widen— ing EitST..R STREET, Second ward, Alto gheny. ir.)..n. Benton alley to North Common, will meet - nu the premises on doNDA.Y, the 15th dap of IN•bru ary. et 3 o'clock P. 31.. to attend to this duties of our appoinime t. S. it tiLIFORD. • J. J. HERMAN; L EIPN A til) WALTER. )a^;:d6.3 ST FLEET •BRIDGE COY PAN °deo. Is hrr.•by given to. th , .. subscribers ("rile stock of thi, , "'e..watt Street 8rid,,.." that In compllaue.. with an . Ant of As y Inchrpt.r.ttime said C .inpanv, an Inst Al-. rot ot of F.IYr on each share of stock Is r. notred to paid 'mined I ately to the Tfeas or .r. t'. 7:11. at lie otice, 4.126 PENN ET. I.ly order at the ContinittLe. • ja1'; , 16".., SIKIVERT. Orr. [cr. YIITSF.C.TI t' DONS nt.t.c - clz.i.e B. It. Co, PP:,burgh, .latinart• GT141:6 TO, Boutiholl4lers.-. ;retire /5 tterrb'y gireu 'tat COL'PON 19" - ORE FR u1V•:-.40ti CON :4TPUI;TION tONOti, line on th‘t.. first clay of I , ,trult - t• be patch on- awl after that ft, datt nron . orostr.ta...ton qua tletivery at the I irtt ink of elttA.nrzh. JOHN 11.3:". /tO .ti, - Treagurer. (JF MAL OF CITY Est:lN - ERR AND SURVE.YOIt. / Pittsburgh.' January 2 iith. 1813% W7NOTICE.—The assessment for Grading and Pating SPRING A LLEY. from Twenty eighth to Twenty-ninthystreet, la now ready for examination and can be seen at. this office until THUItSto.A.Y, February' 4th, 18611, whensit be returned to the City Treas urer's office. for collection. Jain:ds4 EL J. MOORE. City Engineer. 13RociAmittioSr. MAYOR'S OFPICF, PITTS131:11(311, January 27,.1869. In accordance wt - h a resolution passed by the Select and t.tininon Councils of thi clef of Pitts burgh, on the 224 day of aanua I,l669.lliereby Is_ue this my Proclamation, for tile election of One Member of Select Council. for the Sixteenth and of the City of Pittsburgh to till the va cancy caused by the death of A. Hoeveler, Esq., member elect from said ward. The eli etors of the Sixteenth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, qualified to vote for members of the House of" itenresentatives or ti is Commonwealth, will. therefore, meet a: the WIGWAM, corner of Main and Pearl streits, in ca itward. on TUESDAY, the 9th day of February. 1869. and elect One Member of helect ,Council to till the vacancy aforesaid.• Given under my hand and the scat it said City of Pittsburgh, this 27th day of January, A.l). 1569. la•Zs: JAMES BLACEMORE, Mayor. M.S.) REIIIOTAL. The °Dices and Warehouses of PARK, BROTHER 4k, CO. HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO THEIR WORKS, Cor. Thirtieth andßailroad Streets. Ordek6 401 with PAItE., 3fcCURDY & CO.. No. 174 Second Avenoo, will reoeliekrortipt at, Ja=:. ention KEYSTONE POTTERY. Q ulna & co., kJ* Blannfhetnters of AUJEENSWARE. BRISTOL WARR &c ()Mee anti Warehonde. 383' LIBERTY STREET. Airtadete oromonsrattanAed to. *, 1" .OSA:I›.A.:J.JS rIISIELFS THE BLOO% NOR SALE BY . DRUGGISTS EPECIFOIRICURZ. bry i RESEIF FlSH.—ltentamin mesa still coatiauesio all ail city axacoun orders for - - ,ESH WHITE LAKE FISH. SALAIION'.AILD BASS I end Coto No. 45 D1A310......`" ILLREILT. ctx..r.mn. TWIN CITY COMTite‘LIGIt'A Qrrten $ ;ITT or ALLRGUENY, JO.ortiry 314 ISO& PRINTERS--Begled Propo.. 111116 will be reeelreil at. this orate until a uck P ; -'a. TinititillAlt, February akth, printing Four Horvtied Copies or the Annual. part or Committees .01 Councils. samples of . work required can be seen at Ala grace, Bid s see reqnrsted to 'state price per pane. I R. IL IiRRANCLB, City Controller, a.10:d8O ~! Eli' AN - D- 3f111EMUR,940)1.9. - - at rectlved: also, Fresh Aspa*ages, Green tn. Tonnttoes,;l.lma Beans andlPkra. put %iota cans. Jur sale‘ by the dosen or cue, by , JNO. A. RENSHAW. eta • C orner LI • rev and Hand streets. lIEEIN OIL CLOTH FOR WIN.. hi DOW SHADES—We are now manutactu g this r.rtlels. "a quality suoerlor in finish. d at pewees lower than can be had of any East tatturithettlrett.: Dealers will Sod it to tbels terest to examine our J oods before ourebasing• J. & g, PHILLIPS. an and 28141.xth St.. fbrmerly St. emu.. 4.l3,e ot wiLs ito sot nun DILLtNGBR dr, RTEVII,VON. r 2.000 BUSHELS OF REAM ist AI L . A% KU a STEN-MOON, El MI