PITISBURGU ,ThlikßlKETthr OFBICF, OF PITTS/MUDS GAZETTE, SATURDAY, Tanusry 80, 1869. - - This closes the first month of the new year; and builitesa, thus far • has beet! dull and laiagnid and, what iaworse_still, gives' prove little evidence Of any iminedi ate imment. ThereiS little or no life -in auy branch , of business, _with the ex ception-of petzpleam,:lind yrith a demand restricted almost wholl, , to supplying: immediate wants, there are, very' few. transactions of any magnitude to record. •We are in hopes,' howdver, that there • trill be a 2, 0 ... ( 59. 1 d- 11 01 0 4911,...M 4 ** ' business in the, Eipriagi and ; that we "• are about on the evelif better times. , • A-PPLE fiLDX.I`..C.R- 7 .70 toßoaergsr,,,. APPLES—Are coming m quite freely; and the market is 'easier though prices • are without quotable change; 43,00 to per bbl; - - •• - - • _ - • BUTTEH=-Pribie•toOhoibilltollißittter is,in steady demand and we can ,report regular sales at 33. to-48c BEANS $3,25 to $3;50 bushel. '"BueislirlErEATTLODull at 4c. CHITESKa-StilesOf 'prime Western Re.. serve and Hamburg at 17 to 18; and -Gmliefaiitllt3t6 210. -•• • a ' - • CARBON OIL.-Is'very firm and ad-, yawing; vie now quote standard WhitO at 31% to • i • ... - __CRANBERRIES--,QuotedAt po to $13.• CORNNIF4II4SI.IO $1,16 per bush. DRIED FRUIT—We continue to qaOte Peadx.es 13% to 14 for quarters; 15 to /6 for /rated and 17% 'to 18% tor prime halves. • Apples, 1.0% to 1134. • • DRESSED HOGS—DuII; 12% to 1834. EGGS—In good supply and very dull; we now quOte fresh packed at 27 to 28: PROVISIONS—;Bacon fum, with sales of Shoulders atls to 15%; Ribbed des, - r Si - 17 - c • to 173•40;` Clear Sides 18.3 to 18%0, and Sugar. Cured Hams 19)0 to 200.' Prime kettle rendered Lind, 20%c to 21e, in tierces, and' _22e, kege. JAless Pork, $31,50 to $32. • HOMINY;-Sales at $6,25 to $6,50. RESlP—Sales at $2lO per ton. POTATOES:-:-Drill but unchanged; Small sales in store at 80 to 85c. GRAlN—Wheat is , dull - and un changed at $1,75 for Winter, and $1,43 to to $1,45 for No. 1 Spring. Corn continues very dull and irregular; mixed (Shelled) is offered at 75c, and prime Yellow may be fairly quoted at 77 to 78c. There is an improved demand for Oats, and prices are nigher; sale of one car at 66e—maybe quoted at 65 to 66c on track and in elevator. Rye is unsettled, buyers and sellers apart; distillers are only offering $1,13 to $1,45, but holders generally are asking $1.50, and allege that it cannot be brought here and sold for leis, toniake anything. Barley is dn. changed;, we continue to quote prime Ohio and Penna. Spring at $1,95 to $2. SEEDS---SalesCloverseed at $0,50 to slo—English is • 'held at $l2. Tim ' .othy Seed is unchanged at $3,25 to-$3,50. Flaxseed is in steady demand at 52,35 to 'S $2,40. • ALT—Is quiet but steady, andis still quoted at $2 by the car load. HAY—Sales of small lots on wharf at $2O to vz per ton, for common to strictly prime. - _ _ _ SORGHUM-60 to 65c. LARD OIL—No. 1 is quoted at - 51,70, and'No. 2 at $1,40. -- , FEATHERS Live Geese Feathers quoted at 75 to 80 to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR—Is dull and unchanged. We ~ quote Spring Wheat, $7,00 to $B, and Winter Wheat, $8,50 to 59,25 per barrel. Rye Flour. 57,50 to 57,50. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made GI tho best Wheat, as follows: Extra Family Flotir,in barrels, at $9,30, and, in sacks, 59,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, $9,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar rels; 57,80. and ,in sacks, 57,50 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, • (Winter) in barrels, .58,80, and, in,sacks f $9,09 per barrel; Double F.xtra..Fanaily, in barrels, 59,80, and, in sacks; 59,50 per barrel, and Springy $8,00,, in barrels, and 57,70, in sacks, per barrel. WHISKY—We can report sales of Righwines, in car , loads, at 93% to 94c, and in a jobbing way, at 95 to 97c. ONIONS-55 to •56 per bbl. nizneisti Mtters in New York. Gold Closed at 1364. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW YORE, January 30 2 1869. MONEY. Money easy at 6@7 per cent. on call. Sterling quiet at 9:14@9%. Gold opened at 136 y„ and closed at 13634. No ship . ments to-day. The ,:bank statement is favorable. Loans,. $265,171,109; increase, 8216,490. Specie, $27,784,923; decrease, 81,079,274. Circulation, 834 231,156; decrease, 835,790. Deposits, $196,985,462;• decrease, g 116,701. Legal Tenders, 04,747,569; increase, 1725,450. BONDS AND STOCKS. Governments weak and lower. Cou pons of 1-881; - 112%®114; do. '62,,113@ 1184; do. '64, 109%®109%; do. '65, 11034 i@110 6 3 ; new ,do., 108%01083i; do. '67, 108344108 M; do. '6B; /08%®109; Ten- Forties, 1.0.8%®10835. • _ State securities quiet. Missouri% 8735; New Tennessee% 87.;f@68: North Caron ' nes, 61@61;54; yirginias, 62@63; Loulal - Levee &xes; 89g®69%. Rail Way market has been irregular and,ori_ some'shares weak, in sympathy • with the report that the Illinois Senate adopted the House amendment to the railroad fare , bill. ...Rock Island fell to 43.4 per cent. in the forenoon, butNalckly reacted, while Northwestern varied onIV, y. to •M. .per, cent. Columbus,, Chicago • and Indiana Central Ball• two per cent. • ' while .the general list was g(31.4 per cent. lower. : The. weakness contitined at • afterncien call, with a further dealing of, 1 4igli• per cent.,-Northwestern - alone be ing comparatively (firth. The tiaport as_ to the action 'bf the\llllnois Legislature is generally- Credited, :and :it. as: added , that e bin into be introduced compelling the companies "to. reduce, ratea on way, freight,and Another sharp cprialine too, k .. Piece, subsequently, reenveringlrqm ;he - lowest( point, but the market eloseci,un The registry of all stocka„ in, tx,tls; companies is _completed dr in pre lreta,exCept-Eriell = I . Five-thzrty Pricea:.;.-Cninberlantl, 88341E1 89; Wells Express, 305‘,681; American, 44;'Adanaa, 15g65%; Unitett States. 553 i @56 , 4; Iderentinta' X.Tnfon, , 17y,®18;, quicksilver, 24@2-114; Canton, 60N @BON; Pacific Mail, 119%©119%; Western Union Telegraph, 87%@88; Mariposs„.7.@B;. do.. preferred, 28X24; -Navy - York •'Central, 16234@i62%; Erie, .3t , ,,®38(y 3 ; Icludson,. 334;5(4 ) 1343,: Harlem, 18.5®185%; Bead : ing 95%%974; 'Terre 'Haute 41 1 4 do. preferrkd, 6714@69; Wabash, : 64 844;. a do. prei'rd.77s79; St, Paul, 66®68; ex-; dividend prerrd,B2@B; Fort Wayne; 121@l213;; Ohio and Mississippi, 384@ sEq!„; Michigan Central, 11834; Michigan southern.93N@9.l. - 1111 , noCent ra l, 13E04, Pittsburgh, 924@92%; Toledo, 105 6105%4 Hoek Island,lBo%@l3oy,t North ' western, 83 :K®834; do. preferred, 90X wog shares tua steady—Montane, 50; Smith tit: Parmelee, 245; Grass Valley, 43; Now York, 250; Gregory. 270®275. •.• copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, Se; copper F a il s , 16%; Franklin, 15%; Heels, 8; 'Hancock,n af,t 'Minnow* 2;'Qnini auXs-TrizABUBY , Recelpls at tiie Sii6-Tressiffy,t 1,845,928; 'payments,s.3,lo3;696; balance, ti83.78,72T.' The Gold exports of the week amount, ,t 0 8962,71¢7. The Imports of Ilry Goods hrrion , .t 82,781,2 a; deneral•.,,Meichali !dift, 42,496,110, • ! - .• ;targets by .Telegraph. 1 _ NEw mix, january,3o.—Cotten more 4 , i active and %,c better; sales 4,300 bales at 29%c for middling uplands. Fiotir saloi lower and, dull; receipts 2,085 bbls;' sales . , 4,790 bbls at $5,75a6,25 for superfine State ~ _ . and Western; $6,90a7,20 for extra State; 86,70a7,60 for extra 'Western;' $7,60a9,00 'for white:, wheat 'extra; $6,75a0,00 for round hoop Ohio; $7,500,50.f0r extra St: Loths; $9,U0a12,110 for, good choice extra do., closing iluietr Callibrnia .quiet at $5.25a8.0u fur old, and $8,25a/ti,75 torrnew. Rye Flour ,quiet; sales 200„blils at $5,25a 7,40.. Corn Meal' nominal. Whiskey nominal atislal,ol 'for Western. Wheat; heavy and la2e lower;„ no receipts; sales 65,000 bus at $1,55a1,62%;f0r No, 2 spring in store and 'delivered; the latter price for choice;' $1,63 ilor N05..:1 anci,'2 do., mixed. Rye dull, and. heavy. ~Barley quiet;_ sales 2,000 bus 'Canada . West at $2:15. ' Barley Malt: quiet.... IVO .Malt,. ..ti1,41.' Corn heavy And' le loWer; receipts 24,025-bus; sales 39,000 bus at. 9104a for . new mixed, 'Weston:4' , $1,01a1,05 for old do. - in store; ' 912940 for new white Southern; ,95a950 for South ern. Oats, heavy and lower, at 80a85e; email sales at - 75efor Western in store, and Tie do. 'afloat;. else, _ 25,000 bush do. for buyers in the afternoon, for 90 days at 77c. Rice firm at 9!(al0c. Carolina cof fee firm, with sales of 70,000 sacks Rio at private terms. Sugar steady; 300 hhds Cuba at 11;4x11 c. Molasses firm; 250 hhds Muscovado at 40c. Petroleum firm at 23c. Crude, 116}4c.. Refined bonded hops quiet. Linseed oil steady at slo3a $104,1u casks and barrels. Leather and hemlock sales very firm at 28341130 for' 'Buenos Ayres; Rio Grande light and middles weight wool moderately active; sales of 600,000 lbs at 45a47 for d•omestic fleece, 36a51c for pulled, 53c for tubbed, and 48 for tails. Coal quiet. Spirits tur pentine quiet. Pork . a shade firmer; sales of 1,500 bbls at 30,50430,62 for now mess, $30 i (X1a530,25 for old do„ $25,25a $26,25 for prime, ; and $28,50a529,00 for prhne mess; also, 1,000 bbls new mess for sellers for March at $31,00.. Beef—sales of 50 hills at .$16,001416,50 'for new plain mess, and $19,50 for extra mess. Tierce P-eef steady; sales 240 'tierces at 27a32c, prime mess 31a37.3. Beef hams steady: sales of 170 bbls at 30a35c. Cut meats unsettled; sales 270 packages at 13%a1414c for shoulders, and 17%a113%,c fur hams. Dressed Hogs quiet at /33,1 a 14 1 d o for western, and 141014y,c for city. Middles firm and quiet; sales 140 boxes at 16c fur, Cumberlandcut, • and 17c, for, short ribbed. Lard quiet; sales 650 tierces at 19%a20%c for steam, and 207„a 20 7 g c for kettle rendered; also, 500 tiercessteam ' seller for February.' 1 to August 1, at 19%c. Butter dull at 28a35c for Ohio. Cheese firm at 16a21c. Sheet copper steady at about previous prices. Ingot copper quiet and firm at 26,t2.6%c for. Baltimore, and 26/0.263,1c for Lake Superior. Pig iron quiet and drooping 1 at 40a42c for Sootch,and 3.5a390 for Ameri can. Bar iron in moderate demand at . 90095 c for refined English and American. Sheet iron quiet at I-email y,c for Russia. Nails quiet at sNast,,:c for cut, and..4iy,a 63.1 c for clinch, and 27a3ue for horse shoe. " Freights to Liverpool rather inure ac tive; engagements of 40,100_,bus grain at 6.,:id for wheat per sail, and 7d for corn per steamer, and 10,000 bids flour per sail at is 6d. Latest —Flour closed dull and 10a15c lower, with a decline chiefly upon me- drum and good grades. 'Wheat north 'nally .I.cTer, with a trifling export in quiry for spring. Rye; $1,45a1,48 for western. Oats doll, at 74c for western in store. Corn quiet and heavy, at 91a93,10 for new mixed western. Pork more ac -1 tive and deeidedly firmer; sales of 5,000 I bbls of new mess at $3l, cash; for Fehru ary and March $31,25 is bed and $31,50 asked. Beef quiet and without decided change: Cut Meats fairly active and quite firm. Bacon quiet and without de cided change. Lard firmer and active, at 2014E12030 for good to prime steam. :Eggs dull at 24a26c. Dry Goods.—The market for cotton goods is still inactive, but firm; we quote heavy brown sheetings, Pequot brand, at 17%; Atlantic 17 in New York and 17% in Boston; Appleton 161017; Great Falls S 13; Great Falls M 16; Atlantic V shirtings 1414; Amoskeag A bleacbe.l muslins 16%; Arkwright water twist 2u; ILansdale 18; Masonville 18a18%; Hope 15%; New York Mills 27.14a28r Manville , 26; Utica 4-4 25; 5.4 35;.8.4 30; 9.4 65; 10 4 70; Alleu's prints 13a1314; Dunnel's do. 131113%; American 13413%; Simpson's morning 12%a13; mousidelaines 20; lawns 18; percols 31;•Lancaster and. Atnoskeag ginghains 17: Clark cir Coates' spool. thread 90, Hadley 76 net: Green & Daniels and. Stafford Bore. glace spool thread 50; Empire cloak sackings $l,lO per yard. Cinosoo. January 30.—Eastern EX change quiet and firm at 1-10 off,. buying, and premium,,selling. Flour dull, with buyers and-sellers 15a20c apart in views; sales spring extra at $5,40a6. Wheat quiet and %ale loWer, with sales No. 2at 131,13,1481,14%;. closing. with sel lers at $1,1334; sales since 'Change at the same price. Corn less active, and 34aX0 lower, with sales new at f6qiis7c; • No. 2 grade at bleac; Closing, under ander sales this afternoon, at 56%a5614c for new. 'Oats, - opened moderately, active at yesterday's outside figures, 'with sales at 49a4934e; "'closing dull at 490, Ryequiet and Sala lower, with sales No. 1 at'sl,l6al,l7; No. 2at $1,14a1,1434; closing at 01,16,11,17 for Nd..l. Barley dull andlnominal at $1,72a 11,75 for No. 2. Highwines dull and nominal at 91a92e, Provisions quietand firmer. Mesa Fork.,socblghei . , with sales at pop on voti and sal seller for March and,buyer for FebrUary; at close holders .asked p 0,75. • .Turd. quiet and firth , at_ `1.9r.a200.' Sweet . Piokled Hams at 16e; 'green do. 15X.c. ,'Beef gains at 810. Re , eilipta for the past 24 hours-11,695 bbls four,' 3b,905 bitah:Wlhat; 98,100 bus corn, '2,065 . bush osta r 2,6o4tush rye, 5,639 bus 'barley, 4,2564 head hogs.* , .Siiipments....i , 8,970 bbls f10uri.9,268 bush wheat, 2,00 'bush corn, - 2,905 bush oats, 1,120 bus rye, 4,345 head hogs; .•.. , - -i •• . ' ' ' ' --Dressed hogs in fair demand at $13,50.3 13,75; closing - at -,118a13,60, dividing- on 200: .'Live hogs firm and active atllo,soa 11.50 for common to good smooth. 'Beef Cattle are quiet, steady and -unehanged., k.,Lquie, ',Tannery '3o. Tobacco,-of-- ferings continue small and prices un changed..Hen* nominally unchanged; .stock , con:,.liiiiid 1,200 'bale, undressed . 400 bales, - dressed 'lOO `bales. Cotton; .aisles of low gradeat'2s l /ic. Flour quiet 'and nuebanged at $5,5036 for superfine', t 6,50 fir ' , ,t . ,ag ', , e sry xtr i a o ltl ta.o ,sori b 6 l ; o 7) oi fo t r ra dp t i o lb r i a e n e c x y : , r Wheat easier but not'iribt.Shly lotver; sales ,of fair to ,good fall at $1,40a1,85, choice white 'sofa 4 ;1;90, No .'2 spring at $1,30, - Coruldull and - droOpittir at 68a 72c. . Oats operied,liigherlit 0004 c, 'tut/ closed lower. , Barley unchanged at;sl4Bs a 2,00 for prime to choice lowa spring. Rye dull and lOwerat $1,25a436. Whisky' , heavy .and - roarer at 93 1 ,094%,, Pork Lfirmettut inactive at figia2l,so, latter lbr heavy. Bulk *eats, ,shoulders, 18c, rib Bides Iwo, clear , do. 1650, clear rib find clear aides 164017 c. Bacon dull; sales in small way at 14 1 /,a14%0 for shoulders and clear sides. Lard inactive and weak, iIIifONDAYMEEI3RITAMAIIB69. .. , but .not• lower,'nOminally , , , st .;20a0get. The tecelpts for the, ; past twenty-four hours amounted to 3,300 barrels of flour . , 3,050 bushels of whoat,'ll,2oo bushels of corn, 3,000 bushels cf oats, 2,800 bushels ,of bafley,-300,bushele of rye, 700 head of hogs. , ' 7 ' Hogs, packing virtually over and Onlyy enough Arriving tosupply butchers; sales at 103Sallc; the number packed to date was 226,140. Cattle in better deniand and prices range at 33,1a7.tfzi0 for interior to extra. : 0 ' ," , .l CiscrxNATl, January SC—Flour ,dull and prices drooping„ wild flintily at 37,50 a 7,75. Wheat dull and : prices 'nominal, at $1,60a1,70 for Nos. 2 and 1.:. Corn un changed and quiet at 67a68c. Rve dull at 31,37a1,40. ' Oats higher, with Na.' 1 at 63c.'. Barley ' unchanged and ! qhiet. ,Whisky steady at 913 c. ; ,Cotton firmer un der Liverpool ,dvlces andprices higher; middAng - 28 1 6.- Prtivisieha quiet! but beld!firmer; t e demand. is. light; howevt er, and „large sales o:141 not have. been. our made at quotations. Mess Pork sold at $31631,25; buyer . irebruary, inside rate for-first/bait - ,Budi Meats, nothin" . b one , I t and prices nominally unchanged. B con etn in but limited at • 14y,a17 1 / 4 ISe for shoulders; clear "rib and clear sides. Lard held at 20c. Ctreette. firna at ~12.1 4 a 161 , 0 for brown to white. ' 'Paitter dud and prices lotiiir; fresh - 28.132c; latter was the extreme , xate. Cheese in good ale., and at 19%a22c. Eggs firm at 20c. No change in Oil. Gold 1351 buying: BX. 'change lower; the bankera: pay. 50 dia. count to par; supply better. , . ' : ' MILWAUKEE, January 30.—Flour; is quiet and steady, with sales of choice Minnesota at $6a6,25; choice Illinois and -lowa at $5.50a6,25, and'medium at 35,25 a 5,50. Wheat is lower, with sales of No. lat $l,lB, and No. 2at $1,12. Oats quiet and unchanged. Corn is dull and noth ing doing. Rye is quiet at $1,30 for No. 1. Barley is unchanged.. Provisions are quiet, with sales pf city mess Pork at $3O 1130,50. Sugar cured Hams, 'l6al6;ic. Prime city Lard is held at 20c. The re ceipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 2,000 barrels flour, 23,000 bushels wheat, 1,000 bushels oats, 3,000 bushels corn, 400 bushels rye, 300 bushels barley, and 600 head of hogs. The ship. ments for the same time amounted to 2,000 barrels flour, 1,000 bushels wheat, 200 bbls and 400 tea pork, and 50 tcs lard. ' NEW ORLEANS, January M.—Cotton is irregular; Middlings have advanced y i c; lower grades ittNc: Middlings, 28c; the sales amount to-11,000 bales; receipts, 5,012 bales, exports,3,2l2 bales. Gold, 136., 5 4. Sterling, 14; Commercial, 1473ia 158 V,. ~ New York: sight, y, s o discount. Flour is lower; superfine, 1i6,37; double extra, $6,90a7; treble extra, $7,25. Corn is lower at 76a78c. Oats dull at 70e. Bran dull and unchanged. Hay unchanged. Pork dull at $33. Bacon dull; shoulders, 15%c; clear rib, .184 c; clear sides, 19c. Lard dull; tiaras, 203.4 c; keg, 223.4 c. 'Totrato, JanuarY SO.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat is unchanged and all grades aro quiet; amber, $1,67; No. 1 white, $l,BB. Corn: new is steady at 66c on spot; 68c, buyers option; all in Febru ary, rejected; is ingood request at 7424 c, but is genera'ay held at 65c; condemned sells at 62e; yellow, 72a73c. Oats moder ately active at 52a58 for . Michigan No. 1. Rye quiet and unchanged; $1,27 for No. 1 and Michigan. Barley steady and State sells at $1,80; Canada, $2,10. Dressed H0&5,13a131, 4 42,, business light. Clover seed dull and there were no buyers at 0,14. BUFFALO, January 30,—Flour is inac tive. Wheat is nominal. Corn Is dull, and new is scarce and lirm, with sale; of a few car loads on track at 70a503. Oats; the market is nominal at 64a1350. Rye is held at $1,35. Barley is qulet,'and hold ers are asking $ 2,10 for Canadian. Seeds are in fair demand, with sales of four car loads at $8,75a6 for medium Clover, and 150 bushels Tiniothy at $3,50. Pork and Lard are dull and unchanged. Dressed. Hogs' are nominal at $13,50314. High wines retail at $l. CLIIVEL.LND, January 30.—Flour dull and unchanged; city, Sitall,2s for treble extra white; $9,59a9,75 for double extra amber; $2,25a8,50 for double extra red winter; $7,76a8 for double extra. spring; country tntide, $7,50a8 for double extra red audaraiier; $7117,50 for double extra spring; $9,25a10 for double extra. white. Wheat offered at $1,66 for No. 1 red win ter; $1.56 for No. 2 do. Corn, 69c. Oats, 60a61c. 'Rve, $1,30. Petroleum—market stiff but unchanged, and tending up ward; refined held at 34a35c in large lots. PHILADELPHIA, January 30.—Ootton firm. Clover Seed• active , at $9a9,25. Flour dull and weak.. Wheat dull and unsettled;' red $1,60a1,75; amber $1,50. Rye; western $1,60. Corn dull; sales of 3;000 bush; new yellow 88e; mixed west ern 90c. Oats; there is a fair demand; sales of 5,000 bush western at 72a75c. Petroleum steady; crude 27c; refined 3534c.i Groceries unchanged. PiOVll4lOlll3 . less active. Whisky selling slovrly 980 a LOUISVILLE, January 33.—Tobacco Orin-at 84 in hogsheads and ,$5,00a18,75 for lugs to cutting leaf. i Cotton 27X. Mess Pork e2l. Lard 20. i Bulk Shoul ders 13 1 4a14; clear rib sides 189ia17; clear sides 1714a17M. Bacon shoulders 1431 i clear , '• , l3 sides 17%; clear sides WA'. Sups tine Flour $5,75a6,25. Wheat 51,75a1,80. Corn 63565. Oats 80a62. Whisky, raw and tree 97. M.Efarme, January SO.—Cotton irregu lar and nominally 28c; receipts, 1,327 bales; exports 835 bales. Flourt, low grades in fair demand and .prices un changed. Corn 70,172 c. Oats 75c. Bay 524.. Bran s2si Corn Meal $1,35. Pork $32,50. Lard 2134a=%c. Bulk Meats firm; shoulders 18%c; sides 18c. BALTIMORE, January 30.—Flour dull. Wheat firm and in fair demand; choice red $2,80a2,3& Corn firm, with prime white at• 85a88c. Oats firm. Bye firm. Mead Pork firm at $32. Banon active; rib aided . 'l7%al7fic; clear do - 48%1%18%4 shoulders 15,4a155;c. lianas 20c. .Lard firm at 20;4a21c. ' ' January' 30. ==Cotton steady; lo* middlings 26y,c; good ordi nary 20q, IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. - PiTrantracirti. FORT , WAyltai & Cfrx tomio.,g/ILAQAD, , January 30.-18 cars rnetal;,..N rnickA Co; b W Porter;' ild i - dd, rdwn' de OW 2 id° 'Grid; 'llyeitiZiteu; 7do :do ; :-Jas ;Mood, Son &, Dilworth & CO; 1 car,rye,..Hugh R.nkit 1110 bbls ' flotir; A 'Zirkpatiiek'dt Col , 800 dodo, °mien:loo - MeChtre & McKee; car.milifeed. 141enrad; 2, cars whisky, bbls 'Jai; S Finch; 2 cars Iltuesione,- Shotinbeigeig& Bialril. ear coin, R P ..KennedY & Bro; 1. hay,,ol:l. Allerton; 2 dressed hogs, 2 pkgs, .butter, I:1 Rea Jr; '2 ogs butter; P Duff & Sciii; 1 bbl eggs, Knox . Son; =l2 bbla apples; J J Pettit: ,78 -tibia. apples ; Jujus, Barkers; 67 do do, yoi g t, Mahood & Co; 8 do do, Woodworth (lc Davidson; ''B 'pkgs 'butter;'3 tfo egg4;'Grall' & Reiter; oar, corn, Geo Btawart; , 25, bbls:ref oil, John-, atop I() do ao , W 48. bales hops, ' Spencer 'et A'VeKtIN); 9 hgs book a`lboat , fibtiri WP-Shriver & Co; 10 do do,4,*B(.37*(iW; , lQodoAsbevelhandles, ppnpni 3 94 ez,l3tair; 190 d'o clo, Myers J.: Ai Z Wainwright; 39 bblit apples, - W ;Graff & Co; 8 ,bbis , D earisph r .o,l l ll/I:batigh & Co; ..1 ,car rve, ,Means,& Co b; '39 bills 'huntres s ' w istittldiff 1 cheb nye, W Moltina & Co; 1 7, bblis appleB, , 2.,bgs weal, 3, do rye, R Rea Jr.. A.E.LaaRENr . vitt.iacr ilaii;notito, Jan. I we. * 31.-840 bble oil, oweton & Sewers; EEO - 240 do do.. Mentzer, , Eleptarlr , 00;.2 , cars, 'metal, H Woodsides & , CO; 1 do de, Ilrowrfr& Co; 5 do limestone, Shoetiber- Rer & Blair; 8; b i gs _wheat, J S rLiggett &. Co; 9 pkge produce, _Voigt, Mahood & Co: 2 plcgs butter; 'l. 'do eggs,' Paul & Gibson; 19 sks onions, Little t Baird; 4 beef hides, 1 bdl pelts, J Hammett it Son; 4 bbls oil, Aladdin Oil C0;.42 she *heat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 78 sks corn, Blaney cit Moore; 1 car bay, Moreland Sz , 'Mitchell; 40 bgs rye,S Hood; 1 car metal, Lyon, Sborb & Co: 1 car metal, Zug & Co; ffill bbl; oil, - Fisher &Dro; 160 to do, D 11 Edgerton; 160 dodo, GS Thomas; 60 do - do, David Bly; 2, cars, metal, Mc- Knight, Porter d: Co; 14 bgs rye, R Rob inson & Co. CnsvErasta ND Prirrsnunon' •EtAtr.,- Bolin, January 30.-1 car. clay, Bollman, ,Boyd & Co; 1 car brick, Reese, Graff & Dull; I tear stone, SL L Knox; 100 brills oil, Wm McCutcheon; 50 do do, J Spear;' 13 she rag , C, P Mexkle &, Co;- 9 .bbls apples"; Vol rt,,Maluxid & Co; 19' do do, 8 aka cloy Seed, It 'Robinson &C'o; 20 aka oats, eanor & Harper;• 60 bbls tour, Sbo aker & Langenholua; lot' stoneware, bbls apples, 5 ' sip rye, , 6 -do oath, Jon tot; 'l. kg butter,. Woodworth & Dv254 ,ski ;malt, Pranenheim, Miller & Co; 3 bbls wine, d Schlegel; 1 bes,', I bbl eggs, 1 bx, 2 hf bblirbritter, P Duff & Son; 2 cars:rye. Tilos M.qore dr. Son; ;1 car shingles, Wm ,Dilworth Jr; 100 empty tar barrels, W Row; 124 bbis potatoes, .113 Campbell. ' . - ' ' - Ani,Ecirnlsi - likrivolr. 'January 30. 'lOO bbls flour, Hippley & Ileakert; 1 car lumber, W_ Reed; 6, bbls, 2 sits apples, J Herbert; 1 car wheat, IVt Weil; 52 bales cotton, Kennedy. Childs & Co; 78 sks oats, J Herchenrother 10 bbls flour, Beckield & Nlehouse; 10' bas candles, A Danner; 1 car 'metal, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzeli; 14 bga rye,Jos Craig; 1 car metal, Lindsay & Mcentchoon: 4 oar limestone, Superior Iron Co; 63 bdls paper, Frazier & Metzger; 1 car hay, J Cashlatiz. PITTSBURGH AND , COETNELISTILLS RAILROAD, Jaeuary 30.-173 kgs nails, F H Glephnnt; 35 sks rags, Markle tt, Co; 9 rolls leather, , G H Anderson; 1 car metal, Lloyd at Black; Ido do, John Mootheod; 2 bbls flaxseed, M B Suydam; 3 bdls skins, Id Delange. RIVER NEWS. The weather has again turned winter like, being cold and strong, with vain attempts 'to snow. Mercury at 1 P. u. yesterday was up to 28, and wind in the northwest. The river, has 'risen con siderable since the" date of 'our last re port, with seven and a half feet In the Allegheny, and scant seven feet by the Monongahela marks. The R. C. Gray arrived from New Or leans at noon on Saturday, with a good trip, including a considerable quanity of sugar, molasses and hay. Capt. Whit taker is thinking of making a trip to Cincinnati and Louisville., The,Grey Eagle, Captain C. L. Bren nan, is the regular packet, for Parkers burg taday, leaving at noon. , Tne Armadillo, from Louisville. and the Lorena. from St.,Louis, are among the first boats due. 'The Bellevernon, Captain J. J. Dar ragh, is announced to depart for St. Louis this evening, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The Camelia, Captain Poe, with George Splane, in the office, will be able to take her departure for Nashville to-morrow. The Istellia Ebert, Captain George W. Ebert, ie announced for :":ewl Orleans forthmith. 'Nick Whitten and Jas. Shonse piloted the R. C. Grey from Cincinnati up. Mr. Dravo, clerk of tire GlasgoW, ar rived from Cincinnati on Saturday by rail. As we have already noted, the Glasgow is laid up at, that place. Com. W. J. Kountz got- home from St. Louis on Friday, and is now looking after his new mountain steamers. One of these, the Carrie V. Kountz, is almost completed. The Maggie Hays arrived at St. Louis on Friday. . The Sallie was to have, left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Saturday. The Wauanit.i, New Orleans to Pitts burgh, passed Evansville on Friday. It is reported that Captain Torn Shuman _will open a. furniture. and bronze statue store here. Captain John Shunk,of the Alfee Dean, was fined 8100 in the City Court of Louis ville. Tharsdsy, for landing a pauper at that port without complying .with the lairs on - the Aubject. PRESEDITATIO.ti.—On Saturday; even ing, Captain John K. Barbour.`the well known oil man, was made the recipient of a very handsome gold•headed cane, by some of his numerous friends. The cane was presented with a few well timid and appropriate remarks by Henry Metzrar, and was received by the Cap tainln his usual happy style. —The Mary Davage left New Orleans for Pittsburgh or Thursday. —The Armenia, • from New Orleans, for Pittsburgh, passed Vicksburg on the 25th. —Mr. Penn Wright, who was reported as having died of smallpox, on board the Echo, at Kanawha, has recovered in stead. —TheNew Orleans Cresdent announces the death of a Mr. Zipple t and ; adds that it Is the seventeenth:caused by the explo sion of the Glide. —The John Adams line of Arkansas packets. sends out three boats a week from Memphis—one every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. -it la rumored that one of the "White Collar" line boats, building at. Paducah, will be named the "Belle Quincy," and the other the'"City , of St. Louis." —The Thompson Dean passed Mem phis for, New Orleans Sunday with 2,000 tons of freight, including 5,009 barrels of flour, 2,209 sacks of -corn and 600 head of cattlei The -Rover, from St. Louis, and Siiier Lake, from ,New !Orleans. both en' 'mute kir Pittslcurgh, passed Bvans ville on Thursday. Tire-'Bliyer , Lake is reported, as:having a•full-cargo _of •gro eerie.* " • • • 77 . The agent of the biamorid "tine :at ikl'evtf Orli3atni; isntaking earnest efforts to direct aotton,seipments, for New .York by' waypf the Mississippi ;liver to St, Louis, thence by rail to 'New"' York; instead of "tho entiircirde." 4 • ' • tho • Cornelia: , left Camden, 'ma , the Ouachita, with 2,239 gers'alea cottUri,and eighty cabin paasen O . the largest trip 'since Ici 're the Wai..'• She' arrived •at. New Or leans pp•.,the22d i with oveF : 2,41 , .passon- Pte.. •-The''wrinic Of the Silver Clod No'. 2 now Bea out of Waters. Her•hull, from , stemte stern,. Is -burned , away, on, the starboard 'side; Vie river ‘ibeti she settled, over the deck °tithe' ptirt and ' half of k her machinery remains In, Position. - —The Arnaadillp left Cincinnati fin. Pitt:Mauch on Thursday. Mixt Thurs. , ' (lay she Willentet the Idariettannd Cirt, cinnattpackat. irade, awl will remain thqrein until the completion of the Ohio No. 4. 'Capt.'lliagg 'and the former crew of the Mary Erwin 'will take charge of the,Atrutadillo., The pilots of the Arma dillo,,onlaer present trip, are Barney 'OlYens an :1 Wm; Goatee. --apt w. H. Plerob, Underwriters , 'napes:nor of Hulls at ,Oinniunati while in a state of temporary insanity, resulting, it litheught, from religions excitement, on Thursday,• about eleven o'clock, made, the fearful leap from the center of the Suspension Bridge down intothe river belOw, idistanee ofabout eighty-six feet. His feet -struck the• water first, and ho disappeared for a moment, and on com ing the surface, he struggled manfully, and kept his head above water until a - skiff reached him .from the - Covington side. The fearful leap from, to have restored him to his proper senses. river and Vl' eat tux. Ear Telegrrnh - to thi Pittsburgh GszettP%) Lontsvitax. January U.—Weather cloudy and cold. .Itivpr f4lllng Nyith six ! foot Water in canal.. STEAMBOATS. prris trUp.6ll, wnEr.uNd, Haitietta and Parkersburg:Mier , LeaveCompany's' Vllii.rf filtrt of Wood - E:reet, ; • ' • • , ' DAILY, AT 1.7i.g. TurnimaTg FRIDAYS, B?...YARD !►. S.szt rlirstro. Muter. WI:D.ISI:§D.GT6 A 26 kATIMIJAYS, • e EAGLE -.:::.C. L. BitmatAn; Master. Fre!Olt will be received at alt hours by selC l ' ' JANES COLLIN'S. Juzent. • VORWASAVILLF,DI- Ai „f% jlj - RECT.—Tug etetutter. . , I; AMMAN ("APT. Thos. 1 oe. 'Will leave ,71lid DAY. Yetruary Ist, for the above and Intermediate port . For freight or WISPAge apply, on.brarcl, or to fiRIEoT St: RASLETT, . ..• JNo. pLAcK, or ' deb J. D. COLLIN G WOOD. Agents. • • I'OR CAIRO A IND ST. A gS i t LOURS.—The ne v and splen did Passenger Packet 2 : . BELLE , VF.ItNON. Jam , : DAPataii, Maiter, le'are for the abore ports on MISLAY. the Ist inst., at 4 o'clock P. ss.. For freight or passage apple on board or to.. JOAN FLACR. Jar.. J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agent. FOR,• CAIRO, DIEM PHIS and NEW ORLEANS.— Phe newand splendid passenger steamer, MOLLIE EBERT...G. W. EIIERT, Commander., Will'leave for the above ports on This DAY, the Ist inst., at 4 o'clock P. . For treight or passaFe apply on hoard or to FLACK /k. COLLINGWOOD. or (OHRLEnT ,4 HAZLETT. Agents. - - - - Through receipts given on the anore boat to Sei m,. U.1.11111'13. Benton, Montgomery. Ala., At an ta,Maeou. West Point. EleolgiA, and all points on the Alabama slyer and Texas ports at lowest rates Ja22 liHHlt 6T k JIABLETT. STEAMSHIPS. T' INERPOOL AND . 171, QUEENSTOWN.' _ • T21:1 . mmarz mart STi3IYISEIPS, Numbering . sixteen /imp-clue Tetonla, among mthe ce,nbrated. ' CITi . OP Y Axw,• CITY OF A.lvrwErr, N CITY OF BOaTOerry op BALTimoi,E, CITY' OF LONDON, • LVE.RY SATTJILDAY, from Pier 45. N. rib River, Nen York. For onssage or lumber Inform o ..00n aonly to 'Walla .10FIFTFI STREET. fehrtlnlcle Building% Nlp.rlV ~n rnsltt. PeWl P , ltehltr • h LEGAL (vapirsis , contas RALE.—By virtue of an order of sale issued ont of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny Couuty, the under ned excel:l'er of the last ictil of Dr. JESSE PENNEY, dec'd, vitt expose at PIIIII.ICSA LE on the premises, on THURSD AN, the 11th slay cf FEBRUARY. A. D. ISGO, at 2 o'clock r. all that - c=MLitt piece orparcel lend situated in the borough of llcKeesport,Cor.uty of allegheyn, and State f Penuiylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, viz : Beginning on the south etn side of Penn street in James. P...nary's plan of lota in said borough, at the corner of .or, No. 13. thence south along the line of sold lot 70 feet to an alley; thence east along said alley SO feet to the line of Henderson's lot; thence by said line 7U feet to Penn street, and thence by said street SO feet to the place of beginning: be ing a part of lot No. 121 n said plan. For further particular; inquire of . RUBE n.T C1i.A.111.11.t..2.1), Executor. Elizabah Or JOHN P. PENNEY, A t torn ey, PtHsburgn MIMS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that op the 20th day of January, A. D. 1809, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF CHARLES C. ALGEO, Of Allegheny city,in the county of Alleghe_ny.and State of Pennaylvanta, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such( bankrupt to him or for bla use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the cieditors of the said bankrupt; to prove their debts t and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny city, Allegheny county, Pa., before JOHN N. PURSUANCE, Esq., Register. on Use lat day of MARCH, A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. ti., THOMAS A. ROWLEY. 13.10:d74 U. S. Marshal, as Messenger._ WESTERN . DISTRICT OF t•ENNSYLTAVIA, At 1 ittsburgh,tte tett ..lay January. A.D. 1889. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap- Pointinent as Assigntx of , ,ARTiIUB EVEN titJ RUH, of McKeesport. in the county of Al legheny; and State of rennsylvania., within said District. who has been adjudged bankrupt upon M sst own petition, by thu District Court of said D. , • . JOHN H. BATLEY, Assign e WBplr.-st Attorney-at-Law, 89 Brant St. IATESTERN DISTRICT OF Peunsylianta .s. At Pittsburgh, the, fi lid day of J A'3.. A. D. 1869. • The tinderagnett hereby gives not les of hts sn rointment as Aisignes or WILLIAM ORE], of. Pittsburgh, le the cOuuty of tAllegheny, and brats of Pennsylvania within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own pe tition, br the DistriCt Court orsald District. JOHN 11. DAILhr Assignee, ' a.Z11132 Attornepsit.Law. SOtirautstreet. W4NTEPHON COMMISSION, • • ' , . QIVZ . HUNDRED,U 'TONS OP O r r Y , • The blithest, market prices and iratok sales, Ei c sft e n e t e e i t pacrugez' dfstinbtly ttutl: send , :111.,,R., ; 4404LA0,0 66 CO: f ConiVashop Merchtints,ani Washington street. :New err. - ••• .; oil , a3l • J. E. SWINT J. X. 131.2. T T.' 611.131RATI', ' : , • ; ~ I AltOlifr;b`fUllAt., AND ‘, - OtthATAEN e rAL CARVERS 170, 6a SadilistrSt.; ,lltenheny, Pa: "A litilyd Ort 'oi NEWEL' - rors 4,alad Sai4l,esTER!..Y , ounstuntlT. TUNII oral; Aleserlutlons. done. , ocgtv3a UEEN . OF ENGLAND"SOAP.' - : 4412rEEN IItr'FINOLA.NI) - QUEEN ON ENtiL.A.ND SOA.P.I • Vordoing a'dtmity washing' In. the best and Chetlilebt wanner. Gnaranteett equal to any lu 'the *mid.' Has all 'the atrenath °told rosily/Dap,' ,with the inkid and lathering qualitio of gt.'nului Castile Try this splendid Soap. .861 d 'by the A 1.1) 10; ltiM WA I / 4 14 2:orth: Venrth 'street. •• t46113C113::--Aill Persons know. , ,ing therogelves, Indebted. to the, estate of . 1. it MIX JOSE , I hte of Pittsburgh ' deo , d, will make lunnedl ate p ayment e to the - subs criber;t hls lore, lu T, in perunt.erllle, Allegheny eountr. end all pereons hot tug elshne against said estate will , pre.,ent them duly outnentlea' ed for 6iLtILIXI.,. , • -• JA3lili4 /MBAicub.#ll Dee pmbe r 31, ISOR. •'" 1n7:.!, um' ..... _ _ vint, Mil-511 'Casks No.! in J, :tore and for sale by, J B. C1A.:441/81.D a sow. i. C,1, - REEN APPLES-1:13 barrels AJI In store and for .tale by • ! • ' • nol7 J. ts. IdatifELD A 8011. RAILROADS. 1101 i rTSnUlild - Jrr - 64 . IMr; L e qVVN 7 Vta,s viLL ' RAILROAD. • , On and after TITINbn 'l, November, 17: 1 1. 'the/. trains will arrive at am depzrt. ITOM Lne peens corner of Omni and Water 4;reete, 3. 3 follotts: itrrire3. Matt to and from Union- UZI . liclftesport Acconult'n 11:00 1.. 0. 2:05 P. 3f, Ex. to and /torn Ent'n. 3:00 P. 0. 10:10 A. in West -Newton Accom s 4 4:30 r. 54;33 A. M, Braddock's Acconidt'n. 6:15 r. i. 7:50 p. Night Ac. toMcK s ,4port.lo:3o F. it, 6:15 A. Sunday . Chnrch Wain to and from West Newton 1:00 F. 10:00 A, Pr. For tiCk.e l 4 APPI9 • J. It. ECLNEi, A.gen . W.. 8. S UT. Superintendent. GE. 017 — 0 . • i'At s tW"`• ALLEGUENTi VALLI:I7. rldizt.nozD, . On and aft e r c MONDAY, November 91J:4 - 185S, TWO TRA NS DAILY s le , e Pittsburgh Station, nor per of ..L..leventit and Pike strt.wa for ( Frank:ip,•ol49lty, Auffa!o, ta ns altpoints in the Di nteklon's. ' - • •• • •• • , ittarar.s.2.l2l'sntraoll 14-4 1 4171-,W,Arrifarnd - n Mail 7:15 a m stall 140 m 19xpre55....... 7:10 tainiExpress..... 6:39 p a m =a Ac ,3:09p IniSradys B Ac /0:30 am IL - Works. , Olst Sods Works Agoomd.... '10:50 Antl Accomod'n. 0.90 e m Ad SOda Worksl2(l Soda Works .. A.ecOmod'hi:. 5:00 p=l Accomod , n..c.:l•op m • Ohnrch Train - leave • Pittsburgh at 1:10.P. M. Arrive at Pittsburg at 9:50 A. St. Passengers taking express train - hien but - .One change of cars botween Pittaburgb,..Bufralo and 011 ..glotis;Mail. and Expres s Anima stop only at principal ' points. Mixed Way and Ac commodatiod traits stop at all nations. r THOMAS M. KIN (3, Assn. Plr. 9 t W. POSTglt, MOpZ, Ticket As,ent. nco fi. LOUIE. R 441.12 AY. TAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE - Or 2.ftertUN PAI Nov.22d, 11368., tmlna will, leave and arriv , , at th. Union Depot, se Ibllows; rittsburgb time: _ . : Depart; • Arrirr, trill Fzpree« .. ..... 3:13 a. za. 1 a. m Fast Line 10:13 a. la. "1:31 r. Faatm:2:sB p. . 12:15 a. m 3111:eft Way - -5:43 a. In. 6:4-3 p. m McDonald's Aca , n, No.111:28 a: g: 33 Stenloenville Accommod• 3:38p.m. 9:4:13 a. m. MoDonal4 , B Ace.' n, No. 2.,5:0S p. z 3. 3:/5 D. in .1127.51:5S P. N..EXpreSS will _ 3.1a.11,w111 arrive daily. The 10:13' a. M. - Train learet dally. EandaTl cep:eti, nad makes close coanectioac - 'ask io Zanesville and . p.lr.ts on Sandi:Ay XanaCeld 11 Newark lc. IL S. F. SCULL. General Ticket Axcr.t. 01.10. n 02.5 •?-; IltaS 1 ; • * ' • :•..41 AGIT. FORT VIAYNT S ()RICA:or) W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSI3LILOR R. 1:. From Oee.' AOtb; 1388, - trains will leave fr , l: , and arrive at the Urdon'llepot, norW stele, Pitts. borgh city time, as follOws • , beam Chicago Ex.....3:03 a m Erie & Yrs:ll'l7:2B tam Cl. & WiatgliPl6:23 a m Chicago' 31111-0:53 a m Chicazo Ex —10:08 a m Cl. Sc Alt`g - Ex 2:23pn. Chicago TA... A:43pin W'e &Eri.e.E.x42,3 pin Departfroni Allipheny. X.Bri¢t'nAc.B:s3am Leetsdale.!!-.10:28 a m " " 11:58 a 113 'Hoeliester 1:33 pin Leetsdale Ace. 3:58 p Brigt , n " .5:33 p " m Leetsdale " 10:13p m Leetsdale dun. . day (iburch. 1:13 p m 2:43 p. m. China dAe•22 ir 11:5 1 '. U. 8 a. M in. Y C ER hie S n , 10DENNSIELVA=riTr e .7 .1 r,477A7 - :. NIA CENTRAL ItAIL ROAD. Onand after Nov. 2.4 th, 35G5, Tr f:ts will arrive at and depart from the Union Pepe:, come.. c. Washington and Liberty street, ns follow s • Arrfre. .Depart. Mall Train.... 1:30 am 2:30 'ln Fast Line 2-10 a acs ,o. 1..6.31) : Wall's No. 6 140 u in . .11 . .e.11. BrintonAcc'n• 7:50 a rti.Cir.cin 'V. Ex 1X;::;il yao Well's No. 2.,. 9:50 am!teal!'_ No. 2..11:26 SILL Cincinnati Ex..9:40 a m ;Johnstown Ac. 3:15; in Johnstown/W.10:3 5 a to ißraddocks ' Baltimore Ex. 1.45 p *.njPhila. Expre:s r,m rhila. Express 2:05 potl Wall's No. L. m Wall's No. 2—.1:30 p mlWall's No. 6:01 in l3noldocks No15:50 p m Fast Line ..• ... 1:50 n m Wall's N0..1. 7:25,P m ... 11:50 Way Passn , r 10:20 p rt. • The Church Train )eaves Walls Station e% 5 nu .1,3,. at 9:25 a. tn., reaching Pittsburel: at 10:c 0 a. ill. Returning, lerxes -Plitsbn.772. act 12:50 p. In and arrives at Walls- s:hi:or. at 2:00,P. In. •Clnannati Express leaves- dilly. All otker tror c daily except Sunday. For further infOrmation apply to • • •W; H. BEORWITE., Agee: The - Fenneylvaniaßailroatl Companyarill out as • some any risk: furßagirage,eaecpt. for rreariou parel, and limit their responsibilliv to One Hnn dr:^ Dollars In - value. • Ali Baggece exceeding, tt. t atachtuat in value will be at the rtrk of the ownar, in less tak , . av curets-1 contract. .EDWARD rs: . non General Superintendent, Altoona, ra. Jan: in . , - XXT. ESTER, N-ra*F .,, t4 T - t- -- '" -- P PENNSYLVANIA. 404Y.-cscs, R.5....f.,R0AD.--On and after,a, ey..34d, tisiSS. the senger Trains 01. the Western Pennsylvnris fito road will arrive at and .depart from the Federal Atreet Depot, Allegheny City," slur ow s : ' ' • AfTiVe.- Depart.. Snringd , e No10:401 m I 'Mall 7:90 a in Freeport N0.13:20 a midereer,ore tvo. d `0:15 s m fxpress. - ..,.. 10:41) a to foli• g Nol 11:ti,11 s re Bharpb'g N0.11:23 p m iFsxpres:. .. " . . 2:45 p m Freeport N0.24:00 piniringd'e Nol3:sit: pm Mall 5:55 p ml?reep?rt, N0.25:20 p Springd , eNo 26:43 la 1111,t2Drillt; Cre No27:10 p m Aboye trains run daily eteept :Sunday. • The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction ever) Sundayut '7:40 a. m., reachlng Allegheny Cite at 9:50 . a. in. ,Returning, All..lsheiry. Oily at 1:510 p. m. and arrive at Allezbety Jug c• lion at 3:45 p. m. 00x1DITAV1oi. ViCKSTE,—For sale in pashas-es of Twenty, between Allegheny rditY, Chestnut street. lieu's, Bennett, Pine Creeli, Elea and Bharpsburr. and good only on the trains stoppM:g at Stations, padded on tickets. The trains leaving allegueny- City at.17:03 a. m. make direct connectiowa.t Free no:. with Wad. ker's line of Stages for Butler and 9 snnah: :bum. Through tickets mai be purchased Al. ti, offlee, No. 3 at Clair street, near the Su spe.nsle nßridge, Fittabur..h, and at the Depot, Allegheny, FOr further inform:olcm apply to • JAMES LEFirEitTE., Agell, Federal 'Street De.pri. The Western Pennsylvania llailroad ; p7U net at AUDIO any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, , and limit' their responsibility to One Bundst d Dollars In. value. .All baggage ex ceeding tile amount In value milthe at the rlsk of the owneF,..ntiloss tatrye by special contract. • EDWARD H. Oil Iif.,IASIC, no= ,i3eirval Superintendent, Altoona. D.: • QMOILT . HILL . ILOUTTGa UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. nourrrho SHORTEST ,d.ND l pol ut 2tosTs In RELTABLE trom the Eut to al Colorado, Nevada, Utah, ' Artzoina Wazhisi- : :nn , IfeW,Mexicor ,Idatto, ''Oregon. Two Trgn3 leo:vd State idne end . Lee'eenv or h daily; pm:oml eieeptedjon shre.t uvn.i GI In, of pachtlf,V.aUrosol Mom et. LauiL, rao .lenut• 'hal' and ntz .Toe fro= Qutricy, connect. mg at, .Law:cnce,. T9peta and imcgo with stA tt 'at 'tor lin 'pants. In icwasti.'; - Ao ono or trnet :.tvgst. ot,fit:anorth with the UNITED STAVES EatilESS'' CO)t PANT'S% ::I)AILY t.LI4,E 'OF ORFP tiI t AND .*A -114 - 7. - AND COACHES FOR V.V.4t; All ` ° Points in thb•Territoriets •-•• • ~ • • Anti erIth.SLNDERSONYS T.F.IINVE3itLY I,mar. of (...OA.CIIE,S for Fort Unionise , lire 'lrert, Pass, Aituquergoe..Santa Ye, trel all. ponts . Ari villa aiid,New 31.etiCo. • - %!. toe: reeen, additions., er4.,rolling stock and equipment,' and the 'arrat4etnetlt3 wade with responsible Overland,Transportation Lines from izs resterritermiLrfl, this"road atm - odors. unequalled ~.frielhtlei. for, the ix:a:vitiates:on of freight to the Far Went. Ticket!' for sale at all the principal ,otlees In the 'halted States and Canadss .Be sure and tit for tietret‘,..vb TUB i•PAICIET HILL ROUTS% UNION' . Ir FAILWAY , ZMITEBIf DIVISION ' • A.NnsF.Kubi, . , Ai mil height and Tltket Ag( y , De art 7:09 A. IC. (1:'0G P. W. 'Clilcege Es... I i 1.3 a Chicago Ex.. :11:3S a 'Wheeling ESTI.: /3 em lerestline 'nail 3:53 p m 'Chicago Ex....4:38 pm Cleveland RT. 4 :08 re: Yg'n'Ex 6:13 Cl. Wh`g Ex.6:03 rip Arrive..Gi AllSghsny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 7:03 are N. lirlgt.".n 0:28 am New Castle "10:33 an. Leetsdale '. " 1:0E I in N. Brigt"n lilo.:411 LeetsCiale " 4,:33 pm It as vlb t u t Leetsdale Sun. m day Lhurch. 0:58 at go Express leases dally. g.' Express arrives daily, General Ticket Agent. GOLVaI . 1211perintesde xt Z. WSIIIIIII3S,