The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 01, 1869, Image 1

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[THIRD 5E5610N.1
_ _ _
SENATE : The Use of the Capitol
Refused for Inauguration
Cetemonies Other than Ofil•
,cial--Pension, Military Acad
emy and Navy Appropriation
Bills PasseA—Death of Mr.
Finney' Amapthiced. RoI7SE:
Coinpensation to P eputir Col
lectors and Assessors for Per
forming Dutiesof Principals
—TheiCimetituilOnal AMend
ment--The Original Prop osi
tionAilopted hy Yeas 150. No Ye
42 Indian Appropriation
11111Yurther Considered.
(By :?eatirafti to the Pittsburgh Eiszette.)
WA.6IIINOTChg, January 30, 1869.
;:the PRESIDENT submitted resolu
tions of the Wisconsin Legislature in _
lation to the done between Lake Michi
gan and the Mississippi river. Referred
to poimuittee on Corrancree.
Also a , in emori , sig ed by citizens of
Dakotab territory, 'against the divisidti
of that Territory., Referred to Commit
tee+ on Territories..
Mr. HOWE' Presented a memorial of
the'tegislature of Wisconsin - in regard
to the improvement of the Wisconsin
river:. Referred to Qiiiimittee on Com- -
'Mr. DRAKE presented resolutions of
the Legislature orMissouri in relation to
' thermanpletion of the Central branch of
the Union Pacific Railroad. Referred' to
the COrrirnitteis on Pacific Railroad.
Mr. , •CONRLING introduced a bill to
promote the buildingof steamships in
the United States, and to provide for car
rying the mails between New York and
Antwerp. I Referred to the Committee on
Mr.-CRAGIN called up his . motion to
reconsider the vote refusing the use of
the rotunda of the:Capitol for inaugural
services other than offfelal.
. After discussion the. Senate refused to
reconsider by a vote of 29 to 21.
fir. MQ E tiuILL, of Me., moved to post-:
pone the vonsideration of the special or- -
obr, - The - constitutional. amendment, and
to take up the :pressing appropriation
Ms.'. Carried-29 yeas to 23 nays.
Mr. HEN DE/180,N presented Concur
rent resolution* of the Legislature of
Missouri'. Instructing. -their.Representa-
Wes and Senators'to vote for the bill to
aid the Central branch of the Papilic
Railroad. in presenting thorn, - IP
thought it but right to state that he had
voted against the bill before receiving]
thetesolutions. • -
Mr. POMEROY intrOdoced a joint-res
olution relating, to homesteads for_ sol
diers. Referred to the Committee on
Public Lands. t --
Mr.HA 'RLA.N , offered a resolution,
which 'wee agreed` to instructing the.
Secretary of-the Interior to inform the
Senate what quantitV of public hindslad I
been granted to aid in the construction
of railroads, wagon roads and canals, and
for the - improvement of xlvera and har
borslbionghonte the coUntry. .
The bill making appropriations for the
payment of invalid and other pensions
for the year ending June 30th, 1870, was
considered and, passed, with the two
'.amendments reported by the Committee,
the first redubing the' appropriation for
invalid pensions from ten millions, as
provided in the original bill, to nine
millions, and the second reducing the ea..
pri . anriations for :general pensions from
thirteen millions, as in the' original bill,
to ten millions.
The bill making appropriations for the
support of the military academy was
then passed. .
The naval apprOpriation bill was then
taken np. All the amendments reported
by, the Committee,_haretofors published.
were agreed `to. - -
Mr. GRIMES offered an - amendment,
which - was adopted;vepealing theprovis
ion of-the act of 1869onuthonzing the an
nual selection often enlisted apprentices
for appointment to the naval academy.
•Mr. paklrEofferedivro amendments,
Which were adepted, one raising the sal
ary of the head. of the naval academy
from 11,250 to f1;600 Der annum, and the
._.;other appropriating 15,citio to take obser:,
• *lnform of-adeclipse .of - the sun on _the
7th of Aturnst next.
Mr. NYE moved to add an appropria- 41
tion.ofsso,ooo for intliroVemerit of harbor
of Midway Island in the Pacific.
Just before adjournment an amend,
meat was adopted authorizing the Secre
tary of the Navytoixpend any portion
of the ON whic is appropriated for
the' improvemerdo the harbor of Mid
ralond in the . Pacific.
, • ,Mr. CRAGIN moved an amendment
continuing'. the otlide of Solicitor and
Naval - Itidgts AdvOcate/General, and op=
propriating.s3ooo for his salarY. Re
jected, .:The bill' tie then passed. -
Mr.MORTON in ,oduced a bill
W to.ena
e the people of M ontana to , form a ton
'stittition and State Government and for
the admission ' of ieaid State Into `the "
Lrnion. Referred to . Committee on Ter
ritories: • - -'' " ' " - -': .
The death •`of Mr Pinney,. lately a
ustr a
iriemberzt.tififito from 'Permsylva
nia, was ' announeedi nd the Senate, ad
journed.l -..-.. ~. r,, • ,.>
_ .
Mr. JONES, of Kentucky, presented a
memorial from the merchants, distillers
and dealers in distilled in sixth
district of Kentucky , ter'certain changes
and amendments .of ithe Internal Rev
enue law. Referred to ‘Cotamittes 011
Ways and Means. '- .1 -- - -- L
Mr., SCHENCK,- front Con:unlade on
Ways and Means, rerreited a bill provi
ding that every_ deputy collector or at,,
anent assessor of" - internal revenue, ;
who has performed the duties of colleo—
tors or assessors`, on account *tampon-,
SiOn or illness of such collectors or asses- ,
aors4shall receive the. compensation of
collector or assessor, except in cases
'where the collecto r . r assessor has al
ready received, cow ensation for the
•same perledi - which - was passed.
On motion 'of Mr. I3OUTWELI., the
morning hour was dispensed with for
I;~ :. ~ ,
this day, . • d the constitutional, amend
ment time up for action.
The question was taken on Mr. Burr's
motion to lay it on the table, which was
rejectel—veas 41, nays 131, the Republi
cans voting aye being Messrs. Coburn,
Hawkins,Jenckes and Wilson. of Ohio.
Mr. SIELLABERGER modified the
amendmentowhich he offered yesterday
back to its original form. -
Mr. BOUTWELL then moved the
previous question, which was seconded.
The question was first taken on Mr.
Shellaberger'ls amendlnent, and it was
rejected—yeas 61, nays 127.
Yeas--Messrs. Ashley, (Nev..) Bald
`win, Breman, Beatty, Benton, Bates,
Bowen, Broomall, Buckleind, Cake, Cliff,
Cobb, Coburn, Cullom, Cook, Dawes,
Delano, Eckloy, Eggleston, Elliot,
French, Gravely, Hamilton, Hawkins,
Hooper Hubbard, (lowa,) Judd, Julian,
Kelly,' Kelsey, Lawrence s,(Pa.,) Laity
rence, ( Ohio,) Loan, Ixiati,,,lidaynard,
Mullins, Morrison, Newsham, Orth,
Paine, Plants, Paisley, Price, Prince,
Sawyer, Schenck, Scofield, Shanks, Shel
labarger, Starkiveather, Stokes, Svpher,
Twichel?, Van Horn i (M 0.,) Ward,
Washburn, (Wls.,)Washburne, (Ind-,)
Washburn (Mass") Welker, Whitte
more and iVilllams. '
Nays—Messrs. Allison, Archer, Arnell,
Ashley, (Ohio,) Axtell, Bailey, Baker,
Bates, Barnum, Beck, Iktnjainin, Blain,
Blair, Boutwell, Boyden, Boyer, Brom
well, Brooks ' Burr, Butler, (Mass.,)
Cellist, Cary, Chanler, Churchill,, Clark,
(Kanslas,) Cook; Corley, Comte, ' Deme
ro. Dockery, Dodge ' Donnelly, Driags,
EdWards,'Eldridge, Eliot, (Mass.,) Fer
ris, Ferry, Field, Fox, Garfield, Getz,
Galliday, Goss, Green, Griswold, Grover,
Haight, Halsey, Harding,- Haughey,
Heaton, Rigby, Hopkins, „Hotchkiss,
Hulburd, (New York,) Humphrey,
Hunter, Jenckes, Johnson, Jones,
(North Carolina,) Jon'es, (Kentucky,)
Kerr,Ketcham, Knott, Koontz, I.ef
lin, Lasb, Lincoln, - Lotrichridge, Mar
shall, Marvin, McCormick, McCul'ouch,
McKee, Mercur, Miller, Moore, Morrill,
Mungen, Myers, Newcomb, Niblack,
Nicholson, Nunn, Oneil, Perham, Por
ter, Pierce, Pike, Pile, Pollard, Pruyn,
Randall, Baum, Robertson Roots, Ross,
Sitgreaves, Smith, . Spalding, Stewart,
Stone, Stover,, Taber, Taylor, Thomas,
. Taft, Trimble, (Tenn.) Trowbridge, Up
son, Van Aerman, Van Anken, Van
Horn, (N. - Y.), Van Trump, Van Viryck,
Whittemore, Wilson,l( O. ), Wilson,
(Pa.). Windom, Woobridge; Woodward
and Young.
.Mr. BINGHAM'S amendment was also
rejected—yeas, 26; hays, 08. The Demo.
crate all voted for the amendment in the
first instance, but subsequently many of
them changed their votes to the toga-
The question recurring on the original
proposition, the yeas and Inapt were taken
on ordering the, oint resolution engross
ed and read a third time. and It was so
ordered—yeas, 144; nays, 45. . •
The House then proceeded to vote on
the joint resolution as follows:
Be it enacted, &c., two.thirds of both
Houses concurring, that the following
Article be. proposed to the Legislatures
of the several States as an amendment to
the Constlttftion of the \ United. States,
which, when ratified by threetonrths of
Said Legislatures, shall beheld as part of
the sal Constitution. namely:
Awriermßectian I.—The right of
any citizen of the United IStates to vote
shall not be denied or abridged by. the
United States, or any State, by reason of
race or color or previous condition of
shivery of any citizen or. class of citizens
of The United States: , '
Section- 2.—The Congress shall 'have
pb er to enforce by appropriate legiala
...tion the provisions of thteArticle.
The resolution was, weed by the ne
cessary two thirda--yeas 150, nays 42.
The flpeaker, as a member of the House,
voted lb the affirtruative. -
The SPEAR ElVprimmted - resolutions
of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
against the extension , of the fifty per
'cent. clause in the Bankrupt law--
Mr. •WiLSON, of Ohio, introduced a
bill to authorize the conattiaction of a
bridge across the Ohio. - Referred to
Committee on Roads and Canals.
The House, at half past two,.went into
Corninittee of the Whole,; Mr. Wilson ' of
lowa, inthe Chair, and resumed the con
sideration of the _bodied`appropriation
.1 (
After upwards of an hour,ppent by the
Comtnittee on the bill, it Was laid aside
and Mr. WOODWARD proceeded to ad
dress the Committee in opposition to Mr.!'
.Tencke'e civil service bill.) The Commit
tee then rose. • - '
The Senate bill, supplementary to an.
act to confirm titles to laUda in Nebraska
was -passed.: \
- Mr. ROSS introduced a resolution
amendatory of the naturalization laws,
enabling foreigners to , become citizens
after one year's residence. Referred to
Committee on Revision of LawS.
Adjourned. ' • -
Railroad Accident in Tetinessee.
City Telegraph to the rltt3burgb Gazette.]
, ktEmmus, January 81.—Another terri
ble accident occurred near Glendale on
the Memphis:, and Charleston Railroad
yesterday morning. As the express train
for this city was crossing the trestle it
gave away, precipitating the engine, ex
press and baggage car, inki the creek be
low, killing Jno.,Thoma.s, engineer. The
fireman, express messenger and baggage
master were seriously injured. But for
the,l fortunate ; breaking of the coupling,
MO . :whole train would have gone through,
musing terrible loss of life. The-acci
°lda t was caused by suesound trestle.
,FrOur Niandivich Istandn. .
By Telegraph' tolhe Plttiburglt Gowitte.l
SAN Famiorseo, January . 29.—Tile
steamer Montana, from Honolulu, with
advices to January 16th, has arrived.
There was considerable excitement in
Honolulu in regard to the small pox.
The Board of Health has adopted strin
gent quarantine ;egulations.
iiieveral schooners were wrecked at
different islands by a severe storm, cans
ingloss of life,At Hilo frequent shocks
of an : earthqua ke wore felt. The volcano
Manna Loa was enveloped In dense
smoke.. The British!bark.lruza had ar
rived at Honolulu.
Robbery 1p a Gambling Saloon.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh timette.3
NEW Team, January , M.—At about
seven o'clock this.evening three men en
tered the gambling saloon, ftgßreadway;
where was one of the ettaches of the' eV
tablistithent named William Morris.
One of , the men drew a knife and
Morris' money, threateniug him ,
with instant death if .be refailatto.,com
ply. ::.'Morris delivered up,three hundred
dollars, after which the robbeta bound
him and , despoiled him of. seven thpus
end dollars. • . ,
ECU ElllllOll
) C. A. 1:1I.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WASHINGTON. January 30, 1839.
At a meeting of the Committee on For
eign Affairs of the House today, it was
agreed io rep:id a resolution on Monday
declaring in substance that the Govern
ment would cheerfully accept and ratify
any, negotiations coming from the proper
civil apthoritiea and people of Hayti and
St. Domingo having in view an intention
to become, a part of the. territory of the
United States.
The'entire amount of bonds 'sailed to
the Pacific Railroads to January first,
1869, was $50,097,000, on which the annu
al interest at six per cent. is 83,005,820.
The whole amount reimbursed to the
United States by the several roads from
freights, up to January first, 1869,
has - been $1,168,526.44.
The President has appointed Professor
U. P. Blake, of San +ranciseo and Ed
wardl W. Tilton, Esq., of Philadelphia,
AssaT Commissioners of the • Mint, in
place of Prof. A. J. Upson, of Hamilton
Colle_e, and H. J. Drexel, of Philadel
phia, declined.
fractional currency issued for the
amounted to $943,000; shipments,
;377; admunt destroyed, '5741,600.
al Bank currency issued, $201,200;
circulation, $299,745,766.
(By T egraph to the Ilttaburgh Gazette.l
NE YORK, January 30.—The Treasu
ry offi cials ate engaged in examining the
extent of the drawback frauds in the
New York Custom House. The Investi
gation thus far shows they will possibly
react:01,000,000. It is estimated that
one-half of the more recent claims, judg
ing from the character of papers on file
here, are bogus. The trawl has been car
ried on for two years with boldness and
Official dispatches from Caleb Cushing,
at Bogota, Colombia, have been received
by this Secretory of State: His minion,
which is believed to be to negotiate rea
-1 tive to the proposed ship canal through
I the Isthmus or Panama, is said to be a
complete success. '
The ship Marlborough left this port
Iyesterday for, Antwerp with five hund
red thousand gallons of petroleum, the
largest single/cargo yet shipped.
I Mr. Douglass, owner of the Sappho, be-
I longing to the New York Yacht Squad
roon, has challenged the English yacht
Cambria to an ocean race next summer.
The Poet says a trusted and Well-in
formed correspondent in Washington
writes it is privately stated that there Is
'no truth in the report that General Grant
is preparing to - publish, or intends to
publish, anything in regard to the late
report circulated that Gen. Banks was at
one time authorized to supercedo Gen.
Grant. Gen. Grant declines to take any
I part. He thinks 'it does not concern
I him and that his reputation is not affected
iby it. He does not think it of public in
terest or importance and he will not be
/concerned in anything that is to go in
print on the subject.
The position of the sailors' strike, ac
cording to theix ownvertdon, is that there
are over two handred Teasels ready laden
'for sea, which will require at least one
thousand hands. Many vessels have
shipped crews at the new- scale of prices.
They are determined to insist on their
demand, and believe they have power to
enforce it.
A collision occurred to-day between
the Fulton ferry boats Columbia and
Mineola, of a similar -nature to that of
several • months ago, Fortunately no
, person was killed or wounded.
Berh'Y Thotriasi attar G. King, yester
-1 dv, stole a package of money containing
Aiirtls •Ws' from the counter of the Chatham
_ tonal Bank, k but was seized and the
ney recovered. He was . committed
• A mysterious attempt at murder was
:made .at Williamsburg last night. A
person named Ormond visited the resi
dence of Mr.. White, in Second Street,
and, for an unknown reason attempted
his life with a razor , or bowie knife.
White's head was .terribly cut, but he
escaped with hie life and warned the
Police, who are In search of the would-be
murderer. • , . ' .
The steam'saw mill of John Williams,
at Farmingdale, Passaic county, N. 3.,
was destroyed Thursday night by an in
cendiary fire. Loss 420,0 W; no Insur
ance, - ,
Blockade of H ayden Porto Declared In
etfecUve by a Prfnen Commander.
(Bp-Telegraph to the Pittsburgh earette.]
HAVANA, January 31.—The following
news has been received from Port-an
The Haytien steamer Sainave seized
two French vessels In the harbor of St.
Marie for running the blockade. The
French Admiral _hearing of the affair,
compelled the Government to surrender
'the vessels. He declared that the block
ade of the Haytien coast was ineffective;
that the occasional calling of , a roan-of
war at a port was not sufficient to estab-,
tablish a state of blockade, and that
Hayti had no right to seize foreign ves
sets running into ports the blockade of
which it could not maintain. -•
The report of the capture of Mix Cayes
by 'the forces of Itainavels not cordtrtued;
but it is believe that Aux Cayes, Jactel
and Jerenie, and other towns on the
Southern coast. will soon be obliged to
The condition of affairs in the'northern
district of' Hayti was unchanged. Bast=
ness is reviving at The
'United States steamer Illpsio had sailed
for AspinWall,' and the-steamer Yantie
Was expected at Por4 a/-Prince to take •
Death Sentence Pronounced.•- 2_
Lfty Telegraph thkritutittro Gazette.)
PariAlmtmilla., January 30.—The mo•
tlon for a new•iriall hi the Twltehhir case
was refused by the Judges of the Court of
Over 'and - Terminer, • and; sentence •of
death prernuPed... , , , • •
I:By Telegraph io the Plttsburgh Gazette.:
LONDON, January 30.—1 n the case' of
Phillip Eyre, late Governor of Ja
maica, the Court of Queen's Bench de. -
aided that the Colonial law is / as valid as
the Parliamentary law, and gave judg
ment for the defendant.
•PARIS, January 30.—Dispatches from
Athens announce the arrival there of
Count' Walewski. An unfavorable reply
to the propositions of the Paris confer
ence is anticipated from the' Greek Gov
ernment. The neutrality ,of the Great
Powers in the difficulty bet Ween Turkey
and Greece is assured. ' -
PAnts, January 31.—The Russian Gov
ernment, through its Ministerat Athens,
urges Greeco to accede to the proposition
of the Conferenda of Paris‘
It is rumored` here to.dav that the
Greek Government has,yielded and will
sign the protocol.
MADRID, January 31.—Monsignor
Fratiche, the Papal Nuncio, is about to
withdraw from Madrid. All the foreign
ministers in this c ty, with the exception
of the representative of Russia, have pro
tested against the insult offered to
SOI3TrIAMPTON, January 31. The
steamship Tentonia, from New Orleans,
January 10, via Havana, arrived to-day
on her way to Hamburg.
LONDON % January 30.—Evening.—Con
sots, 93%. American securities firm;
Five-Twenties,_ 75%. Stocks quiet and
steady; Erie, 28; Illinois, 92%; Atlantic St
Great Western, 43X.
FneysFonT;Tanuary 30.—U. S. Bonds
79N079 . 15.
LaxEnroor..:January 30,—Cotton buoy
ant; Middling Uplands, 119, on spot, and
11%a11% afloat; Orleans, 113‘; sales of
20,000 bales. Braaastuffs quiet. Califor- .
nia white Wheat, Ils. 6d.; red Western,
9s. IBd.@9s. lid. Flour, 285.@265. 6d.
Corn, 345,453-18. Gd. for old, and 339.@33a.
3d. for new. Pork, 975. 6d.1 Beef, 105.5.
Lard, 18s. Cheese, 74w: Bacon, as. 6d.
Petroleum; refined, Is. 1134 d. Tallow,
465. Gd.
LONDON', January 30.—To1low. 475. 3d.
Calcutta Linseed, 58. Petroleum at
Antwerp, 5834(1,59 francs.
HAS RE, January 30. -i-Cotton un
FRAA&FORT, January 3L—LT. S. Bonds
firm at 793 i.
PARIS, January 31.—Bourse strong.
Renter 70 francs 57 centimes.,
ANTWERP, January 31.—Petroleum
closed, lot night, at 59}§f for standard
HAvau, January EL—Cotton closed.
last night, active, cres ordinaire on spot
at 134 francs, low siilddling to arrive at
137 francs,
Woman's Suillrage Convention--biew
Publishing House; dm.; am.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.3
Sr. LOIN& January 3l.—At a meeting
'of the Woman's .Suffrage Association
yesterday a statement from 11w City As
sessor was read, to the effect I that' there
are over two-thousand tax•paying ladies
in this city, representing property as
sessed at fourteen and a half million dot
, lats. • '
A letter was, also read from , Dr. Past,
expressing great fears for the success of
the efforts now making to obtain the bal
lot for women, on account of ,tendencies
which, t he says, are manifesting
themselves in certain 'sections of the
country among the leader:l/, to , place
the movement in antagonism to Christ
and Christian religion. This obarge, im
plied though it is, rather than distinctly
expressed, was refuted by Mrs. Hayard,
the presid ing officer of the meeting, who
said no such effort was beingmade: that
the movement was in' conformity with
the teachings Of. Christ, who taught the
anpremaay of rightoyer might, and ad-
Vacated the same laws for females as for:
males. She said they had nothing to du
with the individual opiniond of those
who espoused their , cauee, an d i the les.
sons of the past taught them not to re
ject the aid , of publicans and sinners.
While doctors of lawand divinity were
unable to decide upon the purity of their
csuse, Christ himself ate with sin ners.
Mrs. John A. Phillips made a speech
and gave an account of the recent Na.
Lionel Convention at Washington.
• Rev. Dr. Ellet announced his sympa:
thy with the movement, and said the
sooner the ballot is given to women the
An address from Hon. J. H:Sturgeon.
answering several of the prominent and
popular objections to female suffrage,
was read and applauded. 1
Rev. Dr. Cary, editor of t he Central'
C'hristian Advocate, stated through a note
his convictions were already in favor of
Woman Suffrage, and he should advo
cate the movement and contribute in
every way,he could to its success.
The interest In these meetings is In
creasing and the audiences are becoming
The Methodist Book Depository:lnclu
ding the right to the Christian Advocate,
the Sunday School Mar, • the monthlies
called the Mason and the: Medical Bp
porter, have ,pessedirinto the handset a'
new association Called the Southwestern
,Bobk and Publishing 'COmpaly, under
the head of el-Senator-Polk. The Cern
pang have a capital stook of one hUndred
and fifty thousand dollars, and Will erect
a large building In a central locality and
do an extensive publishing business.
United States District Court yes.
terday. , .dedided that..when *a' steamer'
changes ownership a new register must
be'inade and; a new license taken out.
For - violation of' this :
.lacy 'the. Steamer
Big Horn has ; .been linedleapli Ibr
three trips sine s . :her 'changlsooe -of owner
v. MOT; of Ransas, received yes
ferdav a dispatch from the sheriff of Sa
.Kansitsjatating that the: citizens of
Saline River had a tight witti.the Pawnee
Indians yesterday ore fdtilberr*, Creek,
fourteen miles from that lace,. In Which
seVen:lndiane Were ,Tiaclndians'
were,trylng to ,run off: st ack and had
robbed pine housed - 0Z the, Saline, which
caused the trouble. " There were no
Whites killed. The Indians fired first.
—The total number of bankzupt cases
in Virginia to date is 4,298.
—Tlie question of corruption is still
under discussion in the North Carolina
Legislature. -
—ln Rock Falls, Illinois, on Friday
last, Mr. Hauck was fatally burned by,
an explosion of kerosene.
—The banking house of J. R. Hub
bard:A: Co., at Paoli, Kansas, was robbed
recently of sixteen thousand dollars.
—The telegraphers of New York city•
had a bail on Friday night last. It was
one of the most brilliant of the season.
—At Richmond, Va., Saturday A. 31.,
there was a heavy rain and thunder
storm. The lightning struck in . two or
three plaCes.
• —Forty of the Ogeeche (Alabama)
prisoners have been committed for trial
on a charge of insurrection. Thirty-one
were discharged. • I
—The blast furnace of Algeo & to.,
at Cold Springs, N. Y., was destroyed by
fire Saturday afternoon. Loss heavy;
insurance not ascertained.
—The body of Lewis R. Johnson, of
Louisville, who was Bost on the ill-fated
steamer United'State.s, has been found a
few miles above Madison, Indiana.
—Weaver's jewelry store, at Roches
ter, New York, was ribbed on Saturday
morning of five hundred dollars' worth
of diamonds. The thieves were arrested.
—lt is reported a letter has been re
ceived in Washingtin from Collector
Smyth authorizing the withdrawal of his
name for contirmatbn as Minister to
—Governor Hawley
ter to the Republican
of Cunn., withdraw!
a candidate for Con
—The Montana 'Legislature adjourned
on January 16th, and unless called into
extra session will not reassemble until
the first. Monday hi December' 187 U.
Helena is to have thb capital, and Deer
Lodge, the penitentiary. .
—The Nevada Legislature has passed a
debt of funding the debt of the State and
providing for the issue ce of bonds bear
ing fifteen per cent. p r annum interest.
The Bank of Califon l a has agreed to
loan the desired -am unt nia the new
—Governor Palmer, of Illinois, has is 4
sued a proclamation notifying the hold
ers of State bonds, issued to prevent
loss upon the McAllister ct, Stebbins
bonds, and also holders of other bonds,
that they will be paid in New York on
the that of April.
P. Samson and John Culin, old
citizens of Philadelphia, died cn Satur
day. The former was in his eighty-sixth
year, and was doorkeeper for Common
Council, also Superintendent of Inde
pendence Square. The latter was sev
enty years of age, and fell dead in the
—The press of Chicago denounce the
pass l age of the railroad faro bill by the
Illinois Legislature. Five Senators voted
for It underprotest.--They. favored con
trolling freightlindliassengerrates, but
not relieving the Illinois Central of the
seven per cent. yearly:tax. If Governor
Palmer vetoes tho bill It will fail.
—The trial of Wm. Kriet for the mur-,
der of his wife Mary. in. March last, at
Louisville,. was concluded Saturday
morning. The jury, aster an absence of
four hours, brought M a verdict of mur
der iq the first degree.• Kriel was con
siderably agitated at the announcement.
Sentence, will not be passed for several
days. • ' • -
—On Saturday, during the Absence of
the Representatives of Cook "cOUnty,. a
btll was introduced' in the lower House
of the Illinois Legislature, and passed
by a vote of 78 to 9, separating , the city
of Chicago from the State of Illinois and
ceding it to Indiana. • A bill was intro
duced in the Senate_ to repeal the river
Improvement act.
—Albert D. Pyke was arrested on
Thursday of last week, at Fitchburg.
Mass., for adultery with his daughter-in
law, and an indictmentt for the murder
of his wife was issued shortly after. His
conduct towards his datighter-in-law be
coming 'known, it is said he told her- he
would-or : could marry her if the mother
:was otthe way. Mrs. Pyke died on:
Thursday In violent spasms, declared by
pYYßlCialas to be the effect of arsenic.
The daughter has also been arrested.
The deceased was about fifty years old
and the daughter is twenty-six. -
—The annual meeting of the Massa
chusetts Anti-Slavery Society was held
in Horticultural Elan, in Boston, on Fri
day last. John T. Sargent presided.
Resolutions were adopted, deolaring the
work of the Society not accomplished
until the near% everywhere in . the,
United States, has his rights; also asking
Congress, even at this late hour, to im
peach President Johnson, and calling
upon the churches to show more sym
pathv with the cause. The speakers re
pudiated the Idea of combining this
Movement with woman's suffrage..
Speeches were:made at the morning see-
Mon by Wendell Phillips and S. W. Me,
nerd, colored. member of Congress elect
from Louisiana. - /
—Great excitement prevails at King
ston, N., 0., in consequence of the lynch
ing . of , five prisoners there.. <The town
was in,a state of Beige, the negroes of the
surrounding country threstening to de=
stray the place and to liberate the remain-
ing prise eas.. The whites are armed
and pick is Stationed 'tithe suburbs at
night. A other horrible _outrage occur
red in Du lin county. A white man who
tiredly° a party or negroes attempting
to violate the , tenons of some young la
dies, was murdered in his house`the fol
/owing night, and his body cut in halves
and hung. up in. • the room in Which he
Slept. 276 arrests have ' , been ;made in
,either of these cases. lawlessness and
anarchy exist in' the entire:section of the
Country to , such an 4utent as to justify
Abe calling out and'arusing of the militia,
by the Governor.. The, Orli ai f thoritlea
are powerless to suppress the carn i val';i
of crime. ~,
Plait Coast lee r
al Tallinn& nabs Pinlanzt/lAnatte.l.
shooks of an,earthquake were felt in this
city to-day and yesterday. /
A heavy..sonth•east gale last night
damaged the shipping in the harbor
Senablr - COle's Alaska bill meets no
&vizir with' San Fiancisco newspapers. •
,'lt is rumored Senator Nye has resigned
for the sparpose of taking a pceition on
Grant's cabinet... • :
The following is a statement of the bus
iness transacted at the office of Joseph H.
Gray, Register. during the truth of
Jannaty : I
D-CRaellt. -44minietrator. Bond.
"E. D. Harding ' Robert McKnight... 58,400
Jacob Eel' • Adam Sehuliz 5,000
Frederick Erni Aona M. Erni . 300
Curolinerhaler 1 cilia Plialer • 300
Matthew Patterson—Martha Patterson... 1,000
Cat b. Compton Benj. Compton ..../.. 40.,
A. Hoene W. M. House 500
.krn t Bark " Catherine Bark 800
13.13. McMillan • Mary McMillan 500
Hugh Dull; . • IJ, P. FlgtolLE t, ~...
and Jae. Taylor. I "''
'Thomas Leger" Wm. Finch.; JIM
D. Williams • • • John 'Williams 150
..I. V. Kuhns ' ' Margaret Kuhni.... 240
Francis Fella..-:.... C.ara Fellx,4 200
,C. F. Falkinstine....Geo. Felkinettne.... 4 000
Christian IlleHenry:.o7m. McHenry - 600
Thos. Newell • James R. Newe 1... 2.500
B. N. Newton I, .e:dward P. Wilson.. 60,000
James- Gratey..',.. , ' Hugh Ward ' 50
• George:Hartz • Geo. Fritebter - 100
Jonn Wilson -Robt. McEblowney. 1,500
Sat - M.S. liamnett '......j0hn Hartnett . 12,600
Robert Ha 11... ..... Tara Hall 50X1
F, Biggs.. David reareol ' " 1,000
It. Plos4 - •' E. H. Bunt II" 500
Benj. Lobb , . Alice Loob 2,000
Thomas Ford Mary Ann Ford 400
Decedent. " •: , Executor.
Margaret Wallace, Jacob Wallace,
Jacob Forsyth. " • Henry and Wm.Forsytli,
Jacob Wender, John Moser and Phillip
J Bergen.
ohn Kuhn, E. Miller and B Kunkle,
C. F. othenstrin, Letters C. T. A.,
John Lupin. Wm. L. ohannon,
Andrew Kelly, • Ann Kelly and W. How
Bev. Bishop ,
John Sabel, Rev. Dom'nec,
chrlatian Stelmbsch, . .1..., n Gerioch,
Dr. Wm. H. Hill, J. E. Vac ce and W. At
Catharine B. and 31. C.-
/ Craw f"..rd,
Le' tens C. T. A.;
.Margaret N • Poland,
James Pollock.
31 Crawford.
Thnmas Ford,
Ellen Poland,
liary Drys,
has written a let-
State Committee
.g his name as
ess in the First
Mrssns.Erorrous GAza/r.s: The in
vention of Mr. Francis Armstrong for
removing the impurities in the water of,
steam boilers, and thus preventing the
incrusting of the plates, has been attach
ed to the boilers in use in the, House of
Refuge f and it affords me pleasure to
state that'Mr. Armstrong's invention has
fully accomplished the object intended;
the sediment is. entirely removed, and
the - plates In the bottom of the boiler ap
pear as clean as it they had been careful
ly polished; while the water from the
condense steanr is free' from all im
The principle of the improvement lays
in the production of a vortex in the water
in each boiler, the action of which draws
floating substances, to the focus and db. :
charges them, leaving,-the water clear
and pure: Unlike other inventions this
is accomplished without agitation of the
surface of the water in the boiler—when
the surface water is agitated the cleans
ing process can only be partial, while Mr.
A's invention dpeithe work thoroughly
and well. The invention also has ,the
merit of being applied to boilers easily
and with but little expense.
Mr. Armstrong is an Miglneer bf great i.
practical ability, an excellent draughts--::
man, and his representations may, - be
fully relied upon. ' •
I most nordiallyrecommend his im
proVemene to sit establishmente .where
steam bollerSaresin Use: The: adoption
will tend xnaterte4 tollayelime And la
bor,.wear of.QS. IP- I *MA th e'-'
danger which so-often attendsthe vie of
foul boilers. R. N. Avsirc..
Superintendent House of 'Refuge.
DArtr.nuth swears that Rodman's elms
are worthlessi:Rodman swears thati Dahl
gren's guns are worthless, and there Is no
one to swear that they are not gentlemen
of veracity. ;
THE Scivitific American says that in
the city of Austin, Nevada, six thousand
' feet above the level of the sea, it is diffi
cult to wear artificial teeth on account of
the diminished atmospherldpressure.
If has been' ascertained that until, the
inauguration of President Van Buren, the
President elect always' proceeded to the
place of inatig oration accompanied by per
sonal frie.iids alone, and not by the out
going President.. ,
Tim Ohio Supreme Court has recently
decided that the declarations made by a
sick man to his physician, relative to the
cause of his disease, where riot under oath,
are to be taken in evidence. The princi
ple Is that the _physician .must base his
opinion and.his practice. upon what the
patient tells him, and dknowing this' the
patient naturally wo Id tell the truth.
THERE is a lively fight springing up
between some of the eading publishers.
J. B. Lippincott & C ~ the leading pub
lishers of Philadelphi , put on the market
sorne'new gngiish , b6oks with their- im
print. Harper & Bro era;
i h
of New York,
imitiedlatelx :Put out \ . reprints at a much
lower' rate. Tfie ' hiladelphia house
cornea back at the New York firm with
still cheaper editions. Now Fields, Os
good & Co., the great Boston house, Icom
mences thepublicatio of_a neat, uniform
and cheap edition o Charles •Reade'a
novels, coming into, direct competition
with the Harper editio . , which is of.dif
ferent styles, sizes and pricei. The, Rub
lic will reap the bene it for the time.
lßy Telegraph to the Pitt
80E8 have been arras
cipal actors in the
in this vicinity. Det
,New York, whoferret'
brutally beaten and r
before the arrest.
Markets by -legraph:
Cnicsoo„ January 80.—Lateae. —Fair
movement in Wheat in the afternoon
with sales of No. 2at 3 35e 1 1/ 4 ; eaeeirig
firm at medium iignr Nothing done
In '.Corn or Oats. In . e evening grain
markets were dull; N.. 2 Wheat selling
'51,133011:183s; closing steady at outside
figure. New Corn sold t 66X, Seller for
February. Provision:" in, fair: demand
and firmer; sales of , dr • . t shoulders at
183,i, buyer for Feb • • sales of coun
try do. at 13% on spot. f•less Pork sold
at 8 30,50 cash, elosin • very firm, and at
tata3 l , 3 s, buyer for Fi.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jannary 80.—rionr is
held at 81,75a5,76, Wheat is held at 847 0
al,BO. 'Legal Tatters Fare unchanged.
Mining stocks during the past week
were firm. Alpha. 68:IBullion, 28: Choi
lit, 170; Confidence, 34; Crown. Point, 67
Empire Mill, ISO:, Gould Curry, 108; Im-
Aerial, 144;> Kentucky, 241; Oplgr, 38;
Overman, 81; Savage, 78; Sierra Nevada,
79; Yellow Jacket, 14,5
tiusitte.a at the liegLster ', s Office.
A Valuable Invention.
'burgh Ouette 1
ary 80.-:-Five per
'64l here as the Prin
;lit incendiary fires
ive Whipple, of
d out the eatio,wati
bbed by them just