=9 gatifnigt etaittts. CITY COUNCILS. Special Meeting—Report of the Finance • Committee—Appropriation BUt—Re• port of the Commissioners Relative to the Fire Department—East End Gas Companv—Fees for Weighing C0a1. 7 Consolidation of Road Districts, A special meeting of City Councils was held yesterday (Friday) at two o'clock P. 31., to take action on the report of the Finance Committee. Sele t Council. Members preheat: Meers. Ahlborn, Atil, Armstro , Brown. Coffin, Craig, D cksoni Edw der, Gallaher, Gross, Hail , man, Holmes, erron, Jellies, rate, Ke hew, Kirk, ufman, Littell, Lloyd, lifarshall, Mo row, Murray, Murdock, Itcliwen, P llips, Quinn, Rafferty, Scully, y Shin, .Schmidt, Torrens, Wainwright,' Z., Wainwright; S. J., Wilson, Whit , Zern and President Mc- Auley. • The minute of the - preceding meeting were read and approved. The Presi ent, stated the , object ; Total cast of Fuel Wagon 8 1,090 00 of the meetin saying that the -Finance For care ladder in E'st L Committee c aid not get their report i Total cot per annum... $58,607 00 ready sooner, and as it was necessary It will thus be seen that the cost of that the appropriation bill should be maintainng an efficient paid Fire De passed the present month, and this being partmeni will amount to ahout 560,000 the 29th, it could not be postponed longer. per annun. The increase on the amount • TRANSFERS OF APPROPRIATION. at presett appropriated by. the Councils Mr. Phillips submitted a resolution is apparently large, but we believe the authorizing the Controller to make trans. cost to tie citizens will be no greater, for fere from various appropriations which • With a properly disciplined depart have a balance to othersthat are in debt, ment ihe 'citizens will be saved in order to balance the accounts of the the arncunts drawn upon their houses , last fiscal year. Read/ three times and for suiscriptions and purchase of passed finally. ball thkets, &c., &c., which now Also, a resolution authorizing the Con- is not oily an 'annoyance, but to many troller to certify 'a warrant on the Mayor a much greater tax than the equalized in favor of the. City Treasurer for Measuri could be. Further, we believe 52,247 48; on account of street crossings. little ifany increase need be made in the Read three times and passed. genera taxation, for as the fire insurance REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE-- 'es are more immediately and companisthat directly benehtted, it but just APPROPRIATE BILL. they should • be called upon to bear a fair Mr. Philips presented the report of the proportion of the expense by an equita- Finance Committee, accompanied by a. ble ant pro rata tax, assessed upon each communication from the Controller. The oorepiny in proportion to the amount of report was in reference tothe appropria- propety insured by them within the tion. The ordinance will be found in city fixiits. Should this or any similar ar our advertising column. rangenentsbe entertained by your hon- On motion of Mr. Gross, the ordinance °rata) bodies wears awarethat legislation was taken up section by section, the ap- necesary to its accomplishment most be propriatieias in section I. to be taken up obtahed . . We theret'ore recommend that seriatim. - step: be taken to that end, either by an- The appropriations to No. 22 were thorzing this Commission to prepare and adopted without objection. procure the passage of an ' , act of Assem- Mr. Gallaher moved to strike out $.1.0,- bin' or by the Council§ appointing some 000 in No. 28 (Surveys) andinsert 88,000. otter parties to perform this duty, as in On motion of Mr. Gross, the the motion ther judgment they may deem best. " of Mr. Gallaher was laid on the table. 2 We would . ' suggest and recom- On motion of Mr. Phillips,the appropri- meld that the paid Fire Department be tion was then adopted. conposed, as fir as practicable, of the 1 The remaining appropriations were min who now compose the present vol then adopted. utteer Fire Department, selections to ' Mr. Phillips then moved that the ordi- be made for men, from the different - nonce be put upon its third reading and companies, and selectingand appoint final passage. , leg none but the most intelligent, sober iMr. Craig objected, and on motioia the aid industrious, as we think that rules were suspended and the ordinance ii all of our ..lpresent department read three times and passed. ye have material enough to selectt from Mr. Murdock moved that the amount ti make the Pittsburgh Paid Fire Depart. of appropriation to roads be divided pro neat a credit and ornament to the city rata between the wards. " aid equal to any Fire Department in the Mr. Littell moved to amend by refer- vhole Union, for efficiency .4c., &c. ring the matter to the Committee on We would - also recommend that the Nep- Roads. . ;tine Engine House, which is centrally Mr. Morrow moved that the matter be located, be altered so as to contain, conve laid on the table. Carried. niently, a steamer, hose carriage- and BARK MEASURER. the ladder truck recently purchased by the city, as the house is large enough for Mr. Armstrong presented 'a petition purpose, with a few alterations, and from Joseph Pollock, Bark Measurer, which plan would obviate the necessity asking that the amount he Is required to pay to the city be decreased. for the of -the city buying a lot of ground and Minding an entire new house for the - past as well as the current year. ladder truck. - I.I.EanAerr,VALLEY runainAn. We believe from our own observation, Mr. Edwards presented a petition from and from information received, that the Pleasant Valley yassenger Railroad should the present system be continued asking the privilege to lay a trackover , a large appropriation will be asked for Hand, Liberty and Wood streets. Re- repairs and additions to the present ferted to the Street Committee. ' , houses. This, we think. can' be obviated PAID FIRE DEPATMENT. by the plan already pointed out, and that in the future much may be saved in that Mr. Phillips, from the Special Com'. direction by causing the work to be done mission appointed ton consider the mat- by men detailed from the department for ter of the better regulation of the Fire that purpose, who are skilled mechanics. Department, submitted the following This, we observ9, has been the custom, report: and practice in other cities, where there The Commissioners to whom, was re- i s a paid department. Greater pro-, ferred the subject of the Fire Depart- tection, we believe, will be given to our! went of this city beg leave to make the citizens should such an arrangement be following report: ?.onsurnmated. The police and fire de in the investigation they have placed nirtment would act more harmoniously, themselves in correspondence with sev- , nd being equally the servants of the oral of the large cities of the Union, and sty 'would act in concert, each assisting having compared the reports and taken ha other, where some competent author into consideration the necessities of this iy could direct the services of both. A. city as compared with that of others, and sell disciplined and uniformed Fire De in the light of their experience coupled prtment we believe would be a positive with our own judgment recommend. aivantage in many ways not here men -1. That the number of steam fire en i•toned, and our engine houses would at gines now in use in this- city may be re- once cease to be the resort of many ducied by at least one, then leaving us a yiung persons who are now Idlers and greater number in proportion to our area, pospective drones in' society; the temp than that possessed by any other city, as teio&now existing would, at any rate, be will readily be seen by the . following renoved. statement: - Signed by the Commissioners, The city of New York has thirty-four W et . PHILLIPS, Chairman, engines; Boston has fifteen; Chicago four- . .. -,... ELLIOTT,.. ci . .... teen; Cincinnati eleven; Baltimore seven; ' J. H. STEWART, Cleveland six, and Detroit five engines. - - ANDREW SCOTT, This will necessitate the relocation of ' JOHN J. TORLEY, some of the engine houses. This, at any , HICHARD HERON. rate, appears to your Commission to be On . motion of Mr. Quinn, the report was an imperative necessity, slime the city rcei i ved arid referred back to the Com bas become enlarged, the present post too much rasson, with instructions to prepare an don or locations being et to be submitted to the Legislature, centralized, and the greater portion of D epar t m ent b e i ng now woe. embodying, the recommendations con the Fire tuned in the report. tad 'in the lower part of the old . on motion of Mr. Phillips, Messrs. . -city. The hill and new districts are . Commission.. Brown and Snipton were added to the ;:,thus lett comparatively unprotected. ' This arrangement at first sight may ap- pear to entail an extra and immediate' expense upon the city. but your Com mission after due investigation think otherwise. In their opinion, sortie valu able property now held in the business portions of the city May be advents g. ously disposed of, and with the pro ceeds all the alterations needed Can be made. 2. Your Commission recommend that the department should be changed from its present semi-responsibility to Dnvirisanna STREET. _ the city authorities to that of an entire, Mr. Kehew presented an' ordinance responsibility. That the employekthere- riding for the ..opening of Devilliers in should be paid and placed under the treet, from Bedford to Centre Avenue. control of such officers as shall be ap- ad twice and laid over under thp rules. pointed, and authorized by some oompe- ' tent ' authority. Herewith we submit a REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON WOODEN statement of what we consider necessary . , numnixos; to carry on successfully such an organi- Mr. White, from the Committee on -_ - Wien; One chief engineer, two assist- Wooden buildings, presented a report. ants, or district engineere,'and for each accompanying which - was an ordinance of "seven" companies one foreman, one granting the privilege to erect an iron engineer, one driver and five horsemen, clad building. The report' was received and three horses. This would be a and read three times and passed. sufficient force to permit the proper management and effective working try " ( FEES von Wit WRING COAL. each comppany of a steam fire engine and Mr. Brown, Chairman of the Ordinance hose carriage. In addition to the seven . Committee, to which - bad been referred fire engines and their attendant hose an - ordinance changing the fees for weigh carrinello we recommend the formation lug coal, feported4he same and moved of a nook and Ladder Company, requir- its adoption. The ordinance was. read I for its proper service one foreman and three times and passed. , driver, live ladder men, one steersman , - and two horses. Further, it is our opin- Joan BOYD'S BILL. ion at the present time that there should Mr. Shipton called up the bill of John be placed in the ward; late Eas Boyd for the removing of ' projecting Liberty, a hand ladder truck and, water paves and stop conks, and moved a,. sufficiency of gutta percha fire its reference to the F mance Cenimitte. buckets, and that some person Mr. Rafferty moved to lay the motion should be employed and paid a smelt on the table. Adopted. salary for taking charge of the same and ELECTIONS IN THE 6I XTEENTH WARD. , keeping them in order, and all times Mr. Schmidt presented an ordinance - available for the use of the citizens of providing for the change of place of . that vicinity until the water mains are iholding elections in the Sixteenth ward, • prriTsßußGH.- GAZETTE - • 'UNIT 30, 1869. ,"X:-r- . . laid. There will also be required one fuel wagon, two homes and a driver, to be stationed in some central location, to proceed at once at the sounding of the alarm with fuel to supply the several steamers in service, as coal is often taken from those who cannot afford it. We here present what would be the I:n*oi:table cost of maintaining such a de partment: One Chief Engineer at salary of $ 1,500 - 00 Two Assistant Engineers at a ._ . salary Of 81000 each - 2,000 00 For each company one Foreman 900 00 One Engineer 800 00 " Driver. _ 750 i 0 Five Hosemen, 8720 each......... 3,600 00 IKeeping three horses • 5.10 00 Gas Bill 100 00 Fuel.. 40 00 Incidental expenses 75 00 Total for each Company,. ....... $ 6,785 00 For seven Companies $47,495 00 For Ladder Truck : OneiForeman at a salary of ......$ 000 00 One Driver ,6 g 6 750 00 One Steersman at a salary 0f.... 720 00 Five Laddermen at II ea lary of $l2O each Keeping two horses, Total cost of Ladder Truek...s 6,316 00 For Fuel Wagon : One Driver at a salary of. 13 750 00 Keeping ;wo horses 346 00 Mr. Quinn presented a resolution pra: viding for the appointment of a commit tee of three, one from Select and two from Common Council, to investigate the matter of the nowayment of assess ments for change of grade on High street. dopted, and Mr. Quinn appointed from r- elect Council; Messrs. Scott and Wil .n appointed in C. C. SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED. from the wigwain (o James Dugan's feed store. On motion of Mr. Phillips the ordi nance was read three times and passed. —ln all of which action. not otherwise noticed, tbe Common Council concurred. Council adjourned, • COMMou Council Met at the usual hour. The following members were present: Messrs. Ardary, Anderson, Albeitz, Batchelor, Barton, Barr, Berger, Bell, Booth, Bulger, Carroll. Caskey, Case, Dain, Daub, Dunseath, Fleming, Gilden fenney, Hare, House, Houston, Hutchin son, Jamison, Jahn, Jones, Kremer,Lcm ahan, Lockhart, Meanor, Meyer, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morton, McCarthy. Isicelarren. McCandless, McMasters, Mc- Kelvey, Palmer, Pearson, Penney, Potts, I Reed, Rook, Seiferth, Shott, Scott, Ver ner, Vetter, Vick, Waughter, Weldon, Welsh, Weisenherger, Wilson and Pres ident Tomlinson. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. The President announced the meeting a special one, for the consideration of the appropriation ordinance which would come from Select Council. • - 8,600 00 346 00 CONSOLIDATION OF ROAD DISTRICTS. Mr. McCandless moved to reconsider the vote laying over the ordinance con solidating the three roaddistricts into one and appointing a Road Commissioner for the same. -• Mr. McClarren inquired whether the gentleman had voted in the affirmative? Mr. McCandless stated the point of or der was raised, at last meeting, that or dinances involving the expenditure of money must lie over if objected 'to, and he hail - voted with the majority. The President ruled the gentleman In order. The yeas and nays were called, and the call sustained by ten members, as required. The vote resulted as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Batchelor, Barr, Berger, Bell, Carrel, House, Hous ton, Meanor, Moorhead, McCandless, McMasters, McKelvey, Penney, Potts, Reed, Rook, Scott, Verner, Vetter, Vick, Weldon, Welsh, Tomlinson-24. Nays—Messrs. Ardary, Albeit; Bar ton, Booth. Caskey, Case, Dain, Daub, Dunseath, Fleming Gildenfenny, Hare, Hutchinson, 3 amison, Jahn, Jones, Lanahan. Lockhart, Meyer, Moore, Morgan, Morton, McCarthy, McClarren, Palmer Pearson, Sei ferth,Shott, Waugh ter, Weisenberger, Wilson-31: So the motion.to reconsider was lost. EAST END OAS COMPANY. Mr. Barton, from the Gas Committee, reported that they had before them a draft of an act of incorporation to estab lish the "East End Gas Companyi" and deemed it advisable to add two addition al sections to protect the interests of the city. As so amended they recommend ed its approval by Councils. Mr. Barton called up the resolution, offered at last meeting, approving the act and asking its adoption by the Legisla ture: ' Mr. Batchelor moved tile adoption of the resolution. Mr. Houston moved, as an amendment to the proposed act, to strike out the words "and at no time shall a higher - rate than three dollars per thousand cubic feet be charged," and insert, "and at no time shall the said gas company charge higher rates to consumers than those es tablished by the Pittsburgh Gas Com any." p Mr. Morgan opposed this amendment, remarking that no company could be es tablished to furnish gas at as low rates as the Pittsburgh Gas Company. Mr. .Batchelor stated, for information, that the Pittsburgh Gas Company offered no objection to the new company, as they did not propose to supply gas to the East Liberty district, the Board of Direc tors having passed a resolution deeming such extension of their pipes inex pedient. Mr. Houston's amendment was lost -21 ayes. 31 nays. Mr. McCandless moved to amend sec tion six of the proposed act so as to leave the rate-to be charged the city for gas to future arrangement. Lost. Mr. Reed moved to lay the matter on the table. Negatived. The resolution approving the act was then adopted. In S. C., on motion of Mr. Morrow, act amended so as to provide for the pur chase of the capital stock of said Com pany by the city of Pittsburgh at an equitable pricer after the expiration of twenty years, and if the city and com pany should fail to agree the matter to be referred to three disinterested per sons, whose agreement shall be final. The proposed act having been reported back as thus amended, Council non , concurred and adhered to former action. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE. A resolution from Select Council, au thorizing. the Controller to make trans• fern from certain appropriations to oth ers, was concurred in. The report of Finance Committee, with estimated revenues and ordinance mak ing appropriations for year 1869, also from Select Council, Was taken up. Mr. Morgan moved to concur in the action of Select Council. Mr. McCiarren objected. Upon' second reading of the ordi nance, and after -some discussion, Mr. Morgip moved to amend by making the drat provision of the first sec tion read 'upon • all property taxable for State and county punioses in the OA city twelve mills, and in raral districts eight mills, nixm the dollar of valnition." Carried. • - • The ordinance was then finally passed. A call for the yeas and nays was not sus tained. ' BEADING OF BLUFF STREET. Mi. Case called up the remonstrance against the grading of Bluff street, in the Sixth ward. The Select Council,.Tan uary 25th. referred the paper to the Com• mittee on Streets, with instructions to withhold the contract until further prder of Council, and in C. 0., same date, it was laid on the table. Mr. Case moved concurrence in the action of Select Council. , Mr. Hutchinson opposed the motion. On motion of Mr. Weldon, the commu nication was again laid on the table. ' incnalsina isautity. • Mr. Weldon offered an ordinance in creasing the salary of the3hird District Street Commissioner from $lOOO to $1,200. Laid over under the rnies, ob. jeation having been mace. BILL PO . 43IEPAIRS) &C. The President presented anumber of bills for repairs and .farniture for Coun. cil Chambers, amounting to 686,78, with resolution authorizing a warrant to be drawn for the amount in favor of Capt. S.B. Cooper. Referred to Finance Com; mittee with power to act. • WEBSTER AVENUE. Mr. Weldon. remonstrance against , the grading of Webster avenue. Referred to Street Committee. NEVILLE STBIRET OBSTRUCTIONS. Mr. Weldon, a, petition for removal of obstructions on Neville street. Referred to City Soliciter, ,tbe matter being in Court. ;. STREET COMMITTEE. " Mr. Weldon, report frpm Street Com- Mittee, communicating the fact of their organization and the appointment of Wm. Houck as Comniissioner of ' the Third District. The report was received and the action of the Committee affirmed. AIKEN AVENUE DAILAPEs . . Mr. Barton presented a petition from John C. Weidrich for relief from dam ages fot opening Aiken avenue, and on motion it was / Besolv d, That the action of Councils in opposing the report of viewers in the matter of opening of Aiken avenue be re considered and referred back to the viewers for farther action. RELIEF FROM DAJIAGES. • Petition of W. F. Stanton, from Select Council, for relief from assessment for improvement of Forbes street. The pe tition was received, and Mr. Morgan offered the following: Resolved, That the amount assessed against the property of W. F. Stanton for opening and grading of Forbes street be exonerated. Mr. Weldon moved to include all oth er cases Of like character. ° Mr. Rook moved that a collection be taken up for the benefit of the petitioner. The amendment of Mr. Weldon was laid on the table. The resolution of Mr. Morgan was then adopted. FEES FOR WEIORMO COAL. The ordinance to change the fees for weighing coal, from Select Council, be ing taken un, and objection Made to con currence, Mr. McCandless moved to amend' so that manufacturers be rpade to pay in proportion with consumers for weighing ooal._ Mr. Morgan moved to amend by ad ding that the fees for weighing coal shall be paid by the seller. ' Mr. Houston moved tq further amend by adding "and not collected from the purchaser." Mr. Morgan accepted the amendment. On motion of Mr. Reed, the ordinance was laid aside for the present. PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT. The report of the Commission on Paid Fire Department coming up in regular order, Mr. Morgan moved to concur with Se lect Council. Mr. Houston moved to lay the report on the table. The yeas and nays were called and the call sustained. The vote resulted: rcas--Messrs. Anderson,Albeitz, Bell, Caskey, Fleming, Houston,McCandiess, McMasters, Potts, Reed, Rok, Seiterth, Waughter, Welsh, WelSenberger—ls. Nays—Messrs. Batchelor, Barton, Barr. Berger, Boggs, Booth; Bulger, Cerro', Case, Damn, Daub, Dunseath, Gildenfen ny, House, Hutchinson Jamison, Jahn, Jones, Kremer, Lanahan, Meanor, Mey er, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, Morton, McCarthy, MClarreu, McKelvey, Pal mer, Pearson, Penney, Shott, Scott, Tom linson, Verner, Vetter, Vick, Welden, Wilson-40. So the motion to lay on the table was lost. Mr. Case moved to by striking out all in reference to a Spe cial Commission, so as to allow the Com mittee on Fire EnglneS and Hose to have charge of the Fire Department. Mr. Penney thought this motion scarce ly in order. Council should either con cur, or non.concur. Mr. Rook moved that action be post poned, and that the report be published for the information of the citizens. Mr. Morgan called Ifor the previous question on concurrence. The yeas and nays were calledby'ten members. The vote resulted : Yeas—Messrs. Anderson ' Batchelor, Barton, Barr, Boggs, Booth,Carrol, Case, Dais, Daub, Dunseath, Gildenfenney, House, Hutchinson,, Jamison, Jahn, Jones, Kremer, Lanahan, Meanor,Meyer, Moore, Moorhead, Morgan, McCarthy, McClarren, McKelvey, Palmer, Pearson. Shott, Scott, Tomlinson,. Verner, Vetter, 'Vick, Weldon, Wilson.-37. Nays—Messrs. Albeltz, Berger, Bell, Caskey, Fleming, Houston, McCandless, 1 4 ,1cMasters, Potts, Reed, Rook, Seifertb, Watighter, Welsh, W,eisenberger,-15. So the action of Select Council was con curred in. LAID d)TER. the ordinance, alopted by Select Council, authorizing Hussey, Wells & Co. to erect an iron T clad building, was laid over, objection being made to con currence. Adjourned till Tuesday next. SPECIAL NOTICES BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye'is the best in the world: the only true and- perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble; instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the 11l e ff ects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown; Bold by all Drugghsts and Perfumersiand properly applied at Batche= lot'. Wig Factory, N 0.715 Bond street. New York. anZiim2B Mr'MARRIAGE AND CELIBA... CT.—An Essay for young men on the crime of Solitude, And the DlSEatir.S and ABUSES which create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent In sealed letter en velopes. free of charge. Address, Dr. J. IsKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Phila delphia, Pa. JAW tgrOBNAMEN'rAL AND USE FUL. BUY ONLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For children. Will outwear three pairs without tips. ja;ii:dni.rvrn:s AUCTION SALES. BY H. B. SIiITHBON & 00. BOOTS• ' SHOES-AND CARPETS FOR THE MILLION. .AT SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors of the well known Mammoth ° Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are being sold at re markably low prices. Goode °revery variety; the finest sewed b^ots. the most fashionable bal moral gaiters and anklet shoes, slippers, dc., blankets, flannels., clothe. cassimeres. cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Ladies , . misses' and children's fuze at almost your own prices. All goods war ' ranted as represented. n 0.4 - BY A. ,LEGOATE. BAKERY FOR SALE. Bakery For Sale. Bakery For Sale. The property, No. 40 PALO ALTO STREET,. Second ward, Allegheny, is olnred at 'private sale. It consists of ground 40 feet by HO feet, On which are erected a brick building, comprising store and dwelling house of seven rooms, and In the rear Baking Nouse capable of baking fifty barreli per week. There is a first rate business established, which can be further Increased by a man of energy and business tact. For full par ticulars visit the premises or enquire of . , A. LEGOATE, Anetioneer, ja22 159 TEDER/LL STREET 3OOD NEWS. OREM BREAD IN DEAR TIM IS Enquire for WARDS Bread. Ti e largest and beat. The Initials "H. W." on evety lost= Take none else. auttrrs QUEEN OIL CLOTH FOR WIN.. DOW SHADES—We are now manufactu ring this article of a quality superior In finish, and at prices lower than can tie had or any East ern manufacturers. Dealers 111 ffnd It to their Interest to examine our good before purchasing elsewhere. IJ. & . PHILLIPS AO and RS Sixth St., f.rmerlv St. Clair. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. R SALE. Acre at Woods Ran. 4 Acres and House in Easi; Liberty. Acres, unimproved, on Troy Hill. • S Acres on Greensburg Pike. b Acres on Four Mile Run Boa miles from P. C. R. R. 70 Acres near P. F. W. & C. R. It. 118 Acres near Pa, B. It., Westmoreland coun- ty. 90 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa. R. R. 4 Farms in Preston county, West Virginia. 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with . coal. 108 Acres and good improvements, 111Tnamball :aun 90 ty, A Ohio. Aces of Timber land, with Saw Mill and dwellin a gs. House nd Lot on Center Avenue, near Kirk. patrick. House and Lot on Vicroy,street. House and Lot in East Liberty. Honse and Lot in Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll street. Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. fi Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House of 9 Rooms and 2 Lots on Roberts Bt. Farms in illinols. Missouri and West Virginia. Coal La , ds in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fay ette and Beaver counties in Penna. 2 Houses Of Rooms In the 17th ward; root 1300 3 do. of 3 do. do. 17th do. do. 144 2 do. of .3 do. do. 12th do. do. 156 2 do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. do. 360 1 do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of 0 do.. do. 24 do. do. 800 1 do. of 3 do. do. Bth (to. do. 199 1 do. of 5 do. do. oth do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 do. do. 17th do. do. 168 1 do. of 7 do. do. 24 do. 1 do. of 6 do. Grant street. The Houses that I have for rent will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the rental year APPLY AT D. P, Hatch's Real Estate Office No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. noT:p18 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR Ft A LE, BY TEE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For thither particulars, map', dc., address JOHN P. DEVMBEIIX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, KIIIISIS, Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Seti'y, 1014: St. Louis. Missouri. FOR SALE-A LEASE OF A PLANING MlLL.—Thebnaehinery in the mend the report Monongahela P;aning Mill is OFFERED FOR SALE, WITH A LEASE 01' THE MILL AND LOT. Cite machinery is of the moat approved kind, and in good order, The mill Is well located, bas all the facilities fo rldotng a large end profitable business, and has a good trade. phis Is a favorable opportunity to engage In an old established business with a small Itivestment. Apply to Millings. & Bidwell. corner of Car son and First streets. South Pittsburgh. jaM . JAMES MILLINGAR. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. - 400 acres of good land, a b.lck house. hewed log house. outhouses, 1,000 young grafted apple trees, Just beginning to heart many of the apples will weigh 1 pounds each; an orchard of 800 acres in cultivation. hituate In Coffee. county, Tennessee, one mile from a railroad station. The farm Is well waterer and is well adapted for grain or stock and cannot be excelled In middle Tennessee for beauty anti location. The improvements would cost more than bait the price asked. For further - Information apply to S. CUTHBERT St huNS, . 85 Stralthßeid street. LET.--Houses SALE & TO LET-Houses and Lots for sale in all parts of th a city and s nubs. Also, several FARMS In good locations. . 1 Iso, a small W OOLEN FACTORY - oath AO acres o ,land. and good improvements. which I will sell c eap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses f r rent in both cities. ver further particulars Inquire of_ W/LLIAK WARD. BM_ 110 Grant street. opposite CathedraL . ORPHANS' COURT SALE.--By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, the under signed, executor of the last will of Dr. JESSE pRN . NEY, dec'd, will expose at PUBLIC SALE on the premises, on THURSDAY, the lillth day cf FEBRUARY. A. D. 1889, at 2 o'clock P. N., all that certain piece orparcel of land situated in the borough of 'McKeesport, County ofAllegheyn, and State f Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, viz : Beginning on the south ern side of Penn street in James Penney's plan of lots in said borough, at the corner of lot No. 13. thence souith along the. line. of said lot 70 feet to an &Bey ; thence east along said alley 80 feet to the line of Henderson's lot; thence by said line 70 feet to Penn street, and thence by said street 80 feet to the place of beginning: be log a part of lot No. 111 In said plan. For hrther particulars Inquire of ROBERT CrtAIUIIKAD, Executor. • Elizabeth Or JOHN P. PENNEY, Attorney, Putbburgh COAL AND COKE. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART &CO • .1 Having removed their Oillee to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour Mtn SECOND 'LOOS. Are now prepared to tarnish goOd YOUOYIIO. OnitrlY LC MY. SILT COAL. CFREILACII, at the ,lowest mothet price. I All orders i len at their orlice, or addressed to them through the man. win be attended to prompt's , . REMOVAL. The OCUees and Warehouses of PARK, BROTHER & CO. REMOVED TO THEIR WORKS, Cor. Thirtieth and Railroad Streets. Orders left with PARK, Nicer:lNDY 1 Co.. No. las Second Avenue, 'Ol receive prompt at iention. 33.23: J. Z. SWINT J. M. MOT. SW/NT & BRATT I ARCHITECTURAL AND'? ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, A large assortment of NEWEL POSTS and BALL.PTILIIS constantly on hand. • TUN) ING, of all descriptions. done. ociimite KEYSTONE POTTERY. S M. KIER & CO., 421JEENNWARE. BRISTOL WARE Re crMee and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY STREET sirAn orders promptly attended to. ECONOMIZE YOUR FUEL, by using the SHINE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the only true and easily regulated Governor made; perfect In its operations and truly reliable. A largo. size Governor can be seen at the office of PERCE VAL BECKETT, Mechanical Engineer and Solicitor of Patenta, No. 70 Federal street, Allegheny City, the only agent for this Governor In the West. • se=m9B LEGAL. HAVE BEEN No. 6$ Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. Mannhicturers of = ANTISEL=NTS NEW OPERA HOUSE. Lessee.. Manager SATURDAY EVFNEs 13, Januan• 29th, 1869, last p,lformance of THE VEFFINGWELL. Two Burlesques at the Matinee, MEDEA AND ALADDIN Two Burlesques and a Drama at Night. PRA. DIAVOI.:0, ALADDIN, AND THE IRISH PATRIOT; or, ROBERT EMMET, Monday Evenhig first arpearauce of the cele brated WORRLLL SAS ,ERS. . 11W - PITTSRURGH THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS soh, Lessee and Manager. GEORGE R s ED Kt,o ' utage Manager. New Faces and Old Favorites! The European artistes, M'LLE COUTELLI R and BR, , THER upon the F!3 lug Trapeze. rainuel S. Sanford, H. W. Eagan, Viola Clifton, Ada Richmond, Miss Julia S.ntord. Sam I e Vere, George It Edeson. Emma Marsh,.tam Burton, .t•nnie aagan. Lucy Clifton, Josie Forward. A' c. The great drama, entitled THE MARCH OF TIME. Matinee on Saturday afternoon. SMYTII.EYS AMERICAN THFATRE• (Late TRIMIILE'S VARIETIES.) ..A TREMENDOUS BILL! • Al.A.ts! 21 Acts! 21 Acta! Fun! Wit! Jollity! Entirely new and origi nal programme. 20 NEW AIin:TES. An old fashioned Saturday night Jubilee. TO-NIGHT! 10 - BURNELL'S MUSEUM • AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Veinal's , llesorte. / FIFTH AVENUE. between Emithileld and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. .Open Day and Evening, all the year round. Admission, 25 cents: Children, 15 cents. THE GRAND CH.I.RITY FJIR For the Bent fit of the Sick and Poor, WILL OPEN IN THE BASEMENT OF THE CATHEDRAL, On Monday Evening, Jan. 25th, 1869. A flee band of Innate will be In attendance each evening, and rare attractions will be intro duced. d mission, 25 cents. VrFAIR IN MANSFIELD. -A Fair for the benefit of the New Catholic Church in the village of 3fansfleld. will open on the 18th of JANUARY. and will continue for two weeks. Trains on the Panhandle road leave the Union Depot tor Mansfield daisy at 3:25 and 4:55 P. as., returning at EL P. 11 jal2 STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Of the City of Allegheny, 141011 JANUARY 1,1868, TO DEC. 31,1868. Published in accordance with the. Act of As sembly. Capital authorized Capital subscribed Capital paid n•... ASSETS: Stock Notis $50,000 00 Mortgages,city pro perty 41,495 00 U. S. 5-20 Bonds.. 21.300 00 Cash on hand 4,064 96 Accrued interest.— 1.277 79 01lice furniture 741 70 Total assets RECEIPTS: Am' at of prewlum..s 22,078 75 Amount of Interest. 5.:475 76 $ 21,354 $1 DISBURSEMENTS: Total receipt,. Dividends • 10,000 00 Fire losses 6,988743 Office expenses 3.380 20 t 'ommissions ... . .. .. 1.050 53 Premiums returned 988 - 40 U. S. Tam & Stamps 651 89 Be-insurance - , 340 08 • Total 8 22.839 33 Ratio oflosses and expenses to receipts, 47 per cent. LIABILITIES Amount of outstanding risks. .$1,7519.262 67 Unsettled lasses and sundry Dins 6,151 60 JANES E. STEVENSON, STATEMENT OF THE ARTISANS' INSURANCE CO. From January 1, 11368. to December 31, 1868, Published in accordance With Lae•. Authorized Capital Subscribed Caltal. Paid up Capital. Cash on Hand .1 ,' 7,636 07 gook Accounts for Premiums.. 154 94 Loans on Bon. s and Morigages. 71 040 00 Loans on Other becarlties 12.033 33 btock N tee 36,000 00 Office Furniture and safe 673 00 'lnterest Accrued, but not Luc.. 1,220 00 --- Jal9:d2B . 41218.777 34 Balance, Jamory 1. 1868.. .. , . $27,258 17 Received Fire Pzemiuma in '6 . 8. 20.058 76 Recalved.lnterest In 1868 6,935 79 RelceiB6Bd from other donrcea In ve Fire losses, paid...s 7,199 00 Hawn Premiums.. 506'58 Commissions 593 12 Salari.s. Bent and other Expenses..„. 4,616 33 Taxes and Stamps. 1,141 63 Dividends .. 14,000 00 28,976 96 423.777 31 Outetandl :lake, Dec. 31, '05.41,133,576 47 Balance... LIABILITIES. 1 . Tire losses $ ,832 20 Cargo losses—esttma tea 2.200 00 Taxes to State 1.003 DI . $4.1.25-32 J. G. COFFIN. }a:l-d36-T.8.2 • tiecretary. PROCLAMATION. 2d AYOHIS , OFFICF, PITTSBURGH, January 27, 1869. In accordance wP h .a resolution passed by the Select and Common. Councils of the city of Pitts bur gli,on the 9151 d day of Janua•y,lE69,lhereby issue this my Proclamation for the election of One Member of Select Pitt sburghr Sixteenth Ward of the City of :to All the va cancleaused by the death of A. Hoeveler, member elect from said ward. The eh ctors of the Sixteenth ward of the City of Plitsborgh, qualified to vote for members of the House of Representatives or iris Commonwealth, will, therefore; meet at the WIGWAM, corner of Main and Pesti etre , ts, In ea d ward. on TUESDAY, the 9th day , of February. 1869. and, elect One Member of helect Council to fill the vacancy aforesaid. Given under my. hand and the seal of said City of Pittsburgh, this 27th day of January, A. D. 1899.- - 41 .U3l ' o. BLa.O - EMORE, Mayor. 1L.8.3 WANTiED-ON COMMISSION, IT T • • , ONE - HUNDRED' TONS OP PCM,I.4 P I T ECY• 1 • The highest market prices' and quick sales' guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send invoices by mall. • H. P. BALLARD & CO. Commission Merchants,332 Washington street. New York. ' , • noiValli 40 BARRELS OF SORGHUM hiOLASSES. Da:LINGER & STEVANRON. 2000 BUSHELS OF MAC BLOWS. jek,.s DILLINOLR k STICVSNSON = WV. RYNDEBSON. • •M. W. CANNI.XO. $200,000 100,0 000 00 50, 4124,879 47 SEORETART $200,000 00 JOO,OOO 00 64,000 00 ASSELTS. 1,501 58 456 754 30