PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET. R PrOP. OP rITTVOURGH (I . 42smkt `Fitnixt snit -121181#V.. The operations in metal this week itave not been as large'as those of lsst Week, and , while the market is re. ' ported a . shade. easier, there has not, as ,set, beep any let down in rites. • The kreeelpts • from alt'quarts:4w " are inertias though,;it ,sh,ll be, borne in mind that a large proportion' of Li/Allow ar =ivtng, will put in on former eon -tract/4- so that the amount ef 'metal on _ :the market for sale -is note-as large as might generally be snpposed, We quote the tollowhig sales: ALLEGHENY COKE. 200 tons Allegheny C0ke:..138 00-6 mos 100 Allegheny Coke, Lo arrlve.-...-..........88 00-6 mos 100 • 44 Rod Itank ".. • ~.. 88.00-6 MOS 1000 II Grey Forge, toar... 36 00---6 mos • ANTHRACITE. .400 tons Neutral Forge, a favorite brand, 342 00-4 mos 600 Neutral • Pone, , 00— cash 70 •‘‘ Mottled Red Sbort. 37 60-3 mos 160 4. • Mottiedlted Short. 37 00— cash ,JSZTErbattUR 0)044. EMELTED,PROM LAKE auPEalon ORE. 23,300 tons Medium 'to Open Gray at • $3B to s39—four more.lis from delivery. 700 tone Favorite, brond, to arrive, At $3B ---,audi-TDdarob BLOOMS.. /50 tuna No. 1 Uhainoal $95.00-4 raos .• 20 '•: Juniata 95 00--6 mica ,'" -Fitancial-Matteis- . in'fiew - York • x Weld Clisiedat 131 W.! By Telegraph td the Pittsburgh tiasette. NNW Yong., January 29,1869., .atONEY. Money:easy at 657 per cent.; demand fair and supply, ample. 9terlins 9345 -f " 41 3 4 a. "Gold iluti;"opened at 196%;Advano ed to 136 6 e, and closed at 136%. Clear, , ances, thirty-one million \ ' - An attempt - was - ihade - to -- dePress the premium by.saeixrit that the Rank of ' she Republic had received a large amount • lot silver from Canada. It proved to be only 8 25,000. • ' BONDS AND STOCKS. . - - -Oovernmenta steady.- Ten-FortieS are strong inrit higher-. The demand for reg istered bonds continues. It is stated that a considerable .a mount. o 1 bonds go to Europe to-morrow. Coupons of • 1881, 112%5112%; do. '62, 113%511334; do. 109345109%; do. '65, 110345110%; new d 0.,; /08%51083i; do. '67, 108%,4 1084 f• do. - '64; - :,1095109%;• oren-Forties,_ 108.i4 ' 541.08%. ' , - . The Railway market was active and 'buoyant throughput We day frii"Western Shares. New York-roads dull and lo*er on reports that unfavorable bills were introduted in the Legislature. The, speculatiVe favorites were Nrirthwestern, Ohio and Mississippi, St. Paul, Wabash, and Toledo. Ohio and Mississippi touched 89%, Northwestern - common 85; and preferred .92%. Some large Eu , ropean orders for the latter were excien- ted to•day. The feeling is very "bullish" in nearly all directions. and still higher prices are anticipated. Miscellaneous nand Expressatocks animated and higher. Western Union Telegraph sold rip to 3934. State securities firm; Missonris; 88; new Tennessees, 6734568; ••North Carolinas, 6135562; Ylrginitm,, 61; Louisiana Levee es, 69569%; do.' 8.4; 81%58634. • Five-thirty Piices:--thimberland, SO@ • 30X; Wells Er., 29%4530; American, 435 . 44%; - Adams, 63%; United States, 54J • 4555 r - Illerchants' Uriion, : .1734518; Quicksilver,24%s24% ; Canton. 61; Pacific Mai1120%5120%; Western Union Telegraph, 38%539; Hartford & Erie, -2734(273 4 0 Mariposa, 7%58; do.pref, 2314 23%;, New York Central, 1633451633;; Erie, 3 , ..45383‘; do. preferred, 64; Hud.son, V01@13.5; Harlem, 1355136; Reading 97 0 97 q; Terre • Haute, 142%5143; do. preferred, • 68569; • , Wabash, 66566%; do. prerrd,9s3-4596%;,5t. Paui,,77(577%; • '1 :"prefrd; 96%596%; Fort Wayne, 123%; Ohio'.` and MlNsi cusippl, ' 39%536% ; Michigan Central,. 1195120; Michigan Southeni, 94344594%; Central, 138%5139; Pittsburgh, 65%566;; Toledo, 105345106; Rock 'lsland, 133315133%; Northwestern, 8434584%; C. C. &I. - C., -4634; ;CtOcagq&l.Altorip, 451; (Lake Shore, 102%; Dubuque and Sioux City; 97; Saint ‘' Joseph, _109%; Cincinnati and, Indiana-, , -- - I • Mining . Solis, 7e - shares are higher-Gregory, 290; Quarte•liitiO2f Smith & Parmelee, 235; Montrula, 50; New York, IQO,. ,Grass-. yal . Copper Stocks at Boston-Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 1634; Franklin, 16; Heels., TO. Hancock 8y• Minnesota,. 2; Quin ' 4 0Y1 . • • . • 111M-TREASORT; It•Oeipt9 at, the Sub-Treasury, $900,070; payments? 4685,540; balance, 187,931,807. • Markets by. Telegraph., 17-E,w Tong, January V.—Cotam..qtilei • * laid without 'decided change/ with sales bales - 01, - 283;a290 :for ,middling =lands; di50;. 1 1,7041 bales in transit. ' our—repeipts, 5,693 bbls; tbe market is. dull end felon lower; sales of 6,700 bbla • at $5,80a6,30 for Superfine State Western; 118,95a7,30 for extra State; 16,75a7,65 for extra western; 17,700,10 for white wheat .extrat California dull and declining at • #,,25a8 for old; 18,25a10,75 for new. Rye flour quiet, with sales of 200 bbis at $5,25 a 7,40. Corn meal quiet. Whisky nom inal at 11a1,01 for western free. Wheat • . - beavv,and la2c lower; sales Of 6,100 bus 'at 11,594'1,60 , for No. 2 spring in store; • —11,613481,63 fordo; delivered, 111,613,x for . Nos. .1 and 2 do. mixed; 12.03 for white Michigan' 12,10 for white California. Rye heavy at _141:45a1;50. • Barley„ is rather mole active,.withratlett4W b_ush•Can ,. ,adaWest it t 12,12 ii; store, ant,f3,14a2,15 • , delivered; •70,0110 bush . Gillman to arrive „5t12,30.• Barley - 21alt',4111et: eorn—re• ,ceipts 22,988 bulb; market heavy and ' declining, with sales 30,000 bush at 9134 s 1150 for new mixed western, 95053i0 tbr , .-weetern velloa, 915920 forwhitewestern, and 9407 e for _white touthem. Oats— receipts • • but more active, with sales 120,000 bush at.74a7ser, ;or: westierg Jaakqrei and 77c,• • • , and .781.70.'ibuyer for Aprll. - Stee quiet at 9ioloe , foriCarolLta.. , ';',Coffeefirrit, with sales 5,000 "seeks Rio at private terms. Stip, steady, with sales '4lOO hhds Ceiba at 11%1118. Molasses dull; sales of 1,000 barrels bf New' Orleans at = '70409%. Petroleunrfirmf inane of 3,900 barrebtat'2. 3 o for elude, 373j137c for se. iinedhonded. .Hops quiet at laltio ler ..Ameritian. -Linseed- Oil firm., at ,1,00 ,02. Spirits, Turpentine quiet at 56a "..58%ey'Pork. hesi3r and ItiWeg sales .of 550 barrels at 130,5000,85 for ;few mess, 43909,50 for old d0.,-4125a28,501br prime, 128a30 for printsmess; also 1,000 barrels of new mere, sellet fbr March stll3l. • Beef steady; sales of 125 barrels at s9a 16,50 for new plain mesa, 114a19,50 for t J :ilea extra mess. Tierce; Beef quiet; sales of '175 tierces at 12902 (Or prime and '131838 for India mess ' 13eef $llll3ll sales of. 145 • bbls at 13005, ' Bulk este firmer; sales 225 packages at, 1,4a15140. fog 'shoulders, , • and 18}ic for, hams. reseed Hogs quiet , at 13340140 for Wotan], Ariti ./.4Ma1.4 3 / 4 e for citYrrofildleti firm and ',lnlet. Lard a Ishadelower;,salee 5,000 toss ce1 0 34 1120 91 0 for st,earni M and ?Ay.° for kettle rendered. tte dull' 28a35c hio. Cheese ,8 11 r • , • firm at 16a2035e. Freights to Liverpool quiet and unchanged. 1 04;4 r :)' Latese-5 P. N.—Flour' elbised'dttll, 1 4 1 . 0 010Y/WAFllltatlier.litlietinrabaute' in lower. -*Bps nominal, at 11,95a81,50 foe 'Weirein: Oats quietat 74%e in store: common' 11E111; .92a95ii for new; mixed western at,11,05, aridsl,oB for old mixed -westegnin store and afloat. Pork dull and heayy With buyers of, new mess •at $30,00, entrsellers, 30,50. • Beef dull and unchanged. Cut meats firm with fair demand Bacon very quiet and scarcely so firm. Lard dull - and heavy at 20%s 20%e for print° steam on spot and for fu ture delivery. Eggs steady at 29a30e. NEW Yonx, January 29.—Dry Gods .--The market is dull yet firm for all sta ple styles or cotton. Heavy brown sheet ings firm at 1634a17 for the best makes and bring 3.4ehtgher in Boston. Atlantic Z fine sheetitir 14%; do. V shirtings 19%; Great .F s S 13; ;Laconia B 15; Massachusetts 18; • Portsmouth A 1334; Utica 48 inch' 95; do. - 58 inch 40; do 84 inch 65; de. 94 inch 70. -Pacific Brown Drills- 17. Amoskeag Ginghtims 17. Real •Earlston! 28%. American llama 42%; Lewistown A 45. • Hadly Spool Thread 76; Green and Dannel's'so, Stat ion] Bros. 60, and all imported six cord threads 91 • - • • , CHICAGO ; January 29. - -Eastern Ex change firmer at 'l-10 discount buying and 'l4O premium selling. 'Floor quiet at ,$5,25a6,60 for miring, extras. Wheat opened irnederately active, but subs*. quently became dull and declined y,a% per Cent. Sales of; No. lat $1,1941,2135, No. 2 sl,l4%ai;l9%..closing at $1,14%; sales since change at $1,14.' Coen firmer and less active and %a%c higher sales of new at 56%a57%c; no grade at, 5235 a 52%c: Closing at 570 for newt- sales of new. .at 580 seller for Mareh,sl3asB%o buyer. for February, 57a57%c'seller • tor February and No. lat 69%c, seller fo7last haltof April. — Corn unchanged this evening. Oats Kolilgher; No 2.99%a49%e; fejectel at 96a46390,- closing at 99%e - for , N 0.2; sales of N0..2 at 50%c, buyer February and seller March. Rye dull at $1,17354 1,18 for No. 1. Barley dull and - solower; sales No. 2 at $1,7041,79, closing at 51,70. Highwines deli, inactive and nominal at 92e. Provisions dull. Mess Pork sold at po'caalii seller February and March, and at $30,50 buyer February, closing nomi nally at 1)30 on spot. -Lard dull and 1/0 lower; sales at 19%,a200 for steamed, elm. ingdull at 19%0. Green Meats inactive. Balk Meats dull; dry Salted shoulders, 13: 'buyer for February. Dressed Hogs are• quiet, closing ati13a13.50 for frozen, and $12,50a13 for common to medium-:-dlvid ing on two hundred pounds. Live hogs* are dull and 151200 lower with sales at $10,15210,60 , f0r fair to medium, and $10,75 a 11,50 for.good to extra. The receipts for the past twenty-four hours amounts to 8,698 bbl, f10ur,36,810 blurbs wheat, .98,720 bush, corn, 605 burtha oats, 4,356 Mishit rye, 6,190 bushs barley, and 7.079 head 'of hogs. The shipments for. the same time were . 8,939 bbla flour, 8;181 buns wheat, 6,614, bushels corn, 32,789 heaths oats, 2,975 burin rye, 1,080 bushy barley, and 9,210 head of hogs. Beer Cattle are-steady, with sales at 14.623455,50 for butchers stook, and 57,75 a 8,15 for" good to extra choice. ST. Lours, Jan. 29.—Tobacco—a good many buyers are looking around but the offerings are so small that no transac- tions are important. Hemp in better de mand; undressed $1,25a1,28; dressed $2,30 per ton. Flourquiet and only a demand for low grades: Superfine $5,56a6; extra $6-35ae,50; double extra 56,75a7,50; fancy $10a11,50. What is languid and without change in the prices: sales strictly prime red at 11,70a1,75: choice N 0.2 lowa spring sold at $1,33. Corn dull and unchanged., Oats firmer at 59a63c for common to choice. Barley is quiet and steady, with sales of choice lowa spring at $2a2,05, and fancy Illinols'at $2,20a2,25. Rye is firm at 11,28. Pork is dull, with sales of light mess at $3l, and heavy at 131,50. Bulk meats are in little demand and the market is dial but sellers, however, do not offer to tt age concessions; sales 25,009 pounds 1.. clear sides at the above pointt 16%c;, also 600 pieces of 1 00 country shoulders, hams and rib a ides at 19,1 c round, 150 in casks; city packed clear sides 17c, and yesterday afternoon, buyers' option, Feb ruary, Keokuk, 15,000 pieces loose shoul ders sold at 13c, 120,000 lbs rib sides at 150, and 70,000 do. clear sides at 16. Ba con very quiet, with sales 10 casks clear sides at 18c; 10,000 lbs city packed, week alter next, at same, and ter sugar cured hams at 18c. Hogs and packing season closed; number packed to date exceeds but little less than 226,000, a de crease of nearly 12,000 from last season; sales at $10,80a11,60 .gross, but buyers stood off and nothing of importance was dienl. Beeilpte-'--Wheat,4,496 bu; corn, 6,647 lin; oats, - 2,180 bu; rye, 799 bu; bar ley 1.152 sacks; hogs, 1,177. Cntrersrewri, January V.—Flour dull-, bat not lower, faintly $7,75a8,00. Wheat' ,dull and pncesdrOPping; sales No. 1 red ,at 111.70 and-No. 2at 1)1,60. Corn firmer. and advanced to 6748. Oats firm at 61a' 64. Barley unchanged. cotton firmer at 28 for middling. , - Whisky in,moderato demand at 96. Provisions inactive but holders firM; not willing to Make con cessions; . the speculative demand has ceased but there is a fair competition de mand. Mess Pork 531,00 to a limited ex tent, but neglected. ' Bacon In limited consumptive demand at 14%, 17% and 18, but not offered. freely those rates, there being but little out of smoke. Lard at 20c, but the demand Is light. Sugar cured hams, -18a1934c.. < Dried beef advanced to 19a1934c for rump. Torte, $25a26c. Butter dull at 30a35c. Eggs in better supply, but there web a good ship ping demand to-day 'arid the• market closed at 19a20e. Cldver seed dull at $2,20 a 2.25, and in demand: Linseed oil, $1,07. Lard oil, 11464a1,119. ;Petroleum, 35a37e for refined. Glycerin firm and in good demand. Gold. 136,, baying rate., ,Ex change firm,. at par. Money -• marluat . quiet at 0,110 peg cent: , CLEvEraini,r,T,inunry 29.-;-The 'Flour market is . quiet and , Confined to toast trade; city made treble extra white sold ' double':extra amber,-59,50a : 19,75, double extra red western $9.25a8,50, ,Ud doublet extra spring $7,7538; country ; made doable`extra red and 'atelberro o . 1404 idetttle,eatel, doubie, axles ,w ite . 59,25a10. Wheat! sales ' 1 red ',whiter at $1,69 ; N0,2 do sit/L591; 'there wai little or no inquiry " for ispellig grades,' and r the' market Is 2,umaltuil.. Corn le lA, light demand and lo 10w 0 ;l. with sales at7oo for neve shelled oti epos, and' ear on track la held , et 660 °Met the market le inactiee and pominal."et ,00 stelo for western atd,State. Rye is dull and Inaptlite and held 'et '51,110a1,32 . for No. 1 State and western. Barley lit quiet; but nitride' hinter with sales of N' Canada at 52,05, and l ll,7aaLBo for - State. Petroleum; the market Is stiff but un changed. with sales of refined in - large lota at 34450. • ,- 't • . • Text*, January 29.—Flotir quiet and steady. Wheat moderately active. at $467 for amber, and $l,BB for No 1 , white , Michigan; spring two cents .better, with ales No flat and xejectetelll,o2l amber, buyer; February, ~ three .cents lower. Corn opened active and ,ciloada less strong; sales new at 670, and rejected 65c, closing. at.64%c; yellow, 78a; con demned new 620, new closing about one.' half cent lower. ,, Oats one cent better and• active at 580 fee , Michigan; No 21560. , Bye dull... Barley; No. 1 stateadeturced five cents, selling at, $1,844, Canada :un. changed. -; Dressed Hogs quiet at 18y0. ' Mesa Pork advanced;fifty cents,' with - PIIMBURGII GAZETTE; SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1869. sales at $30,50. Lard firm at 2034a21c. Clawri Seek . 0311 Imp I:loininapy, chifigbd.; &• I 1 1, "'• rilthfV4VAllittE77 -,. nrilawnwilr-aaliik.ssEtriur quiet and steady,aud f prices unchanged. Wheat weak aid lower at $l,lB for No. 1, an# 1,12 Y. le No. 2. Oats firm and higher at 50e for`No.'2: 'Coin 'ateady at 56a58e for "new. Rye' quiet at $1,12a1,13 for No. 1. Barley nominal and'-' un changed.. Provisions _dull and loiter. City mess pork $29,76a30,50. Lard! 20a. Receipts-3,000 " bbls flour, 22,003 bu wheat, 1,000 bn oats; 4,000 bn corn, 1,000 rye, 500 hu barley, 50 , dressed hogs. Shipments-700 bbls flour, 1,000 Du wheat. 1,500 bbls and 50 tierces pork. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. =.—riour Gun and weak; lowa and Wisconsin extra fine $7,25; Minnesota do $7,56; Penna. and Ohio do 18,250.75. Wheat unsettled at a 1,70a 35. 1; Ry 85; e - comes in for nmber 5td0w 1 1.95; fyor arid sells white $4lO 2, at $1,65. Corn less active and not so firm; sales 4,500 bu new yellow at 87a90c. Oats 72a74c for western. Petrolerim firm; crude 27c; refined on the spot 3510. Gra aeries unchanged ! Mess pork firm at $32. Whisky 1)741. LoiruivugM.L January 29.—Tobacco: sales of 94 hhda at 4348250 far lugs to cut tings. - Cotton, .280. :Mess Pork, /31. Lard, 20a2034c. Bulk shoulders, 135.10; clear. rib sides OW, and clear sides 17c. Bacon; shoulders 140, clear rib sides 17c, and clear sides at,lBo, all packed. Flour; superfine 15,78a8 25. Wheat, $1,75a1,80. Corn is held at (Warne. Cats, ,60183 e. Rye, 51,42a1,45. Whisky, 97a980 for , free. -Bafirimokz, January 29.—Flour un changed and in fair demand. Wheat firm; sales of prime to cho 3 fx+ red at V.,25 a 2,30. Corn firm; prime white 86a88; yellow/5277. moats firm at 745., Rye firm at /LBO.' Mess Pork firm at 32. Bacon : •aetive; rib sides 1734;117y ' ; clear sides 14018 n; shonlbers 1434a14%; hams 20. Lard firm at 2034a21.. . MEMPHIS, January 29.—Cotton quiet and firm at 27%827%c. Flour unchanged; superfine 8787,50. Corn 70c. Oats 70a 72c. Bay 1123a24. Bran 25c. Pork 832,50. Lard 212220. Bulk meats firm: Shoul ders 18,014 c, sides 18c. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. OLIMILAND AND PrrresEnum Ben, ROAD, January .—e7 carii iron orb Mc- Knight, Porter & Co; 1 car iron op", Graff, Byers & Co; 2 do do 13 10avers, 5 bdls iron, 4 stools,. 1, b ox, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 2 cars rye, J & W Fair ley; 100 bbls flour, •Woodworth & D; 1 car lumber, W F rtichardson; 160 bbls oil, Wm McCutcheon; 50 do do, J Spear; tear wheat, Voigt, Ortman & Co; 1 car clay, $ M Kier; •2 cars- brick, Park Bros & Co; 172 aka , rye, W J Meek; 100 bbls lime, Attenbury & Co; 100 do do, Camp bell, 'Jones & Co; 1 box scales, Fair banks, Morse & Co; 8 smith bellows, Lindsay, Sterna. & E; S do do, Logan. Gregg & Co: 16 bxs hair oil, Harris Ewing; 7 bbls glass. Knox, Kim .t Co; ty,res, Smith & Porter; 1 box wood, D 'Kinzer; 27 bbls apples,Voigt, Mahood & Co; 2 , bbls apples, 1 o dry apples;_l hf bbl pea corns, 1 crock apple butter, 1 kg elderberries, Vangorder & Shepard; 1 bbl scrap iron, .1 13 Jones; - 3 eke rags, 1 do apples, 1 bx butter, 1•do beans, 1 bbl eggs, F. Peot; 3 kegs lard, 0 Barnett; 1 dressed hog, 10 bbls potatoes, H Riddle: Oaks oats, Meanor ik Harper; 1 half bbl liquor, Dierker & Speck; 122 sks pea nuts,-.1 Dickey it Co;11 bxs cheese, Graff & Reiter; 12 bbls dry apples, 8 do beans, Bead & Metzger. PITTSIIURGEI, FORT WAYNE •& CHI. (moo, RAILROAD," January 29.-8 cars iron ore, Shoenberger t Blair: 39 cars metal, Nimick dr, Co; 3 do do. J W Porter; 10 do , do, Coleman. Rabin & Co; 6do do, Bryan & Caugbey; 7do .do, Jag Wood, Son & Co; 2 do do, BroWn & C-1; 1 car ap ples, Woodworth & Davidson; 24 bbls do, W 11 Graff &Co; 133 do do, P J Black; 11 do do, 1 keg apple butter, H Rea Jr; 1 car rye, W McKim dlr. Co; 48 bbis apples, Vole ,Mahood , ahood & Co; 2 bbla butter, Van. gorder & Shepard; 1 car rye, Scott I W aal; 49 hides, B Ptiatun; 10 doz tubs, 24 do pails, ST Shriver & Co: sdo tubs, .1 S Dilworth t Co; 2 bbls eggs, W J SteeVl Bra; 6 doz brooms, Jas Connor; 7 kegs apple butter, 27 bble 'apples, John Bar ker; 14 bbls apples, 'J .3 Pettit; 55 bbis highwinet., Litton • I Weakling; lot car riage hardware, Haire & l3ro; 6 bbls spirits, Hostetter &fßmith; 2 cars dry salted shoulders, E H 31.yeis & Co; 32 bbls Mess pork, J P Hanna .I Co; 25 lib's higliwines, G & A; 2 cars rye, W J Meek; 600 bids flour, owner; 100 do do, J & A Dietz; 1 car rye, Hugh. Knox; 400 bbis dour,,McClure & McKee; 8 cars wheat, J S Liggett I Co; 1 ear' rye, Thos Collins; 100 bbls.tlaur, W H Kirkpatrick & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY' RAILROAD, Jan uary 29.-39 bags rye, , lB B Floyd & Co; 1 car metal, llicKnight, Porter & Ce; 68 green hides, 1 bill do, J Hammett & Son; , V car metal, John Moorhead; Ido . do, Brown' & Co; 35 aks oats, Adams Austin; 49 do do, 5 do rye, 2do wheat, 1 car grain,„Scott & Gisal; 2 bxs mdse, til Ewarl I , Co; 1., tpkg• leather, W cue & Son; 2 pkgs butter. Gill & Br 9; car bay,,Planey I Moore; 35 aks rye, 2 'do buckwheat flour, Kell & RAnbart. , ALLEGHENY STATION.. January 29,-7 cars metal, Pittsburgh Iron , at Forge Co; ; 2 cars corn, Geo Stewart; 1 do do, Jas Stewart; 2 bgs dry. apples, Jas O'Hanioli; 1 car metal, Lindsay& McCutcheon; ldo staves, Balla & Robertson; 1 do wheat, Wm McKee &,, , Co; sdo barley, Joshua. Rhodes .t Co; 3 do, liestone. Superior Iron Co; 100 - bills -'paper, Frazier Metzgarf 1 car lumber,W Reed; 89 bale* eOtton, Holmes, 81l