iinanaistliatters m New- fork: 121 Br Telegraph to the Plttshurgh Oazette.l Nsw YORE, January 28, i 869. • MONEY. Money easy and the supply large. Cal I loans 6@7 per cent. Priine business pa per in demand at 7@9. Sterling quie at 109% ®lOO% bold opened steady at 136%, fail to 136% and closed firm at 136%. Exports to-day 1/634,700, of which 8234,- 700 were in bars just received from Cali - fornia. Clearances at the Gold Exchange Rink, forty mithons. • • , -I- BONDS AND STOCKS. • Governments weak and' y,,"© lower. Coopons' of 1881, 112 @;11214; do. '62, 113;E®113;; do. '64, 109 340@)109% do. '65, 1103 i @l101,; new do., 1 08 %45108%; do. '67, 108 M 108y 8 ; do. ' 68 , 1 09®109X; Ten- Fortiee; 1 8,?%@10814. State Sento-Ries firm; Miaow's, 85@88; new 'l'ettniassees,' 6 75i@68,• new North Carolinas, 6134®624; new Virginias, 63; Louilaiana Levee 89 69 ;‘,;,Alabama 9s, 9 2. 'The Railway, market to active: and tztioyerit on Wa terushatek"with ai gen eral advance, and closing feverish. New. York Central fell to NM on the report that the decision of. the court in the, Jencks' injunction is likely .to be act— verse to Vanderbilt; there is nothing re liable, however, 'on theanhject. Harlem *iyMpatbized, and fell 2@3 per cent. Reatlitig' and North Western were the /ceding features in 'the advance in the afternoon,lhetigh the former fell`off one Percent. at 'the 'Close. Express shares active ried`conaiderably his. her. Miscel . lianeous shires More acts Ve 'and 'firm. The latest' adviced troth the Mariposa mines 'State' the lower tunnel has reached the Josephine river. The resolution, of the two Stock Boards to strike'out all se- I? curities not registered, and to have the transfer books kept in some zesponsible financial institution, goes into effect on Saturday: . , - The great bulk of the stocks already'registered, Erie Adams, Wells and Fargo, .and the United' States Ex press, are mentioned as exceptions. Flue-thzrty,Price4:--(lumberlancl, 383.4@ 39; Wells Express, 30®30 1 / 4 ; American, 44 (11)46; Adams, 63A'@63. 1 ,4; United:States, 53 g;S3N; Merchants'. Union, 17X(c4184; Quicksilver, 23(g1.23; Canton, 61W6134; Paciticpfail.l2l.34©l2ly„; Western Union Telegraph, 13855(§385 ; Hartford d Erie, 2734®273a; Mariposa, •7@B; do. pref, 24© 2435; New , York Central, 163%©1633i; •Erie, fts,V@3B%; 'do. preferred, 6234; Hudson; 13634@137;. Har1em,1.3714(0138; preferred, - 357(4138; ,ing 54 (4197 X;; Terre Haute, 1 itea 43v,@142 .97 d0 preforrod,%lsB%®69i. Wabash, 66. Vii pre4 - 774@n3;: St.: Pahl, 763Z®773i; pref t94t‘@9t4 `Fort Wayne, 123y,® /23K,; , . Ohio and/ Mississippi, 3834@56; Michigzur; Central; 11 8@l20; Michigan Southern. - 95%®95X; liiinots - Central; 138; ; tsburgh,' 05 ,4@.95X; Toledo, 2 . 06 X®106;4; Rock island, 18311©1333/6; Northwestern, 83 3E®8334; . C. k.,„ ‘t - L E., ,63X; ChiCago dt Alton, 151; Lake Shore, , 103 p -Dubuque and Sioux City; 94; Saint 'Joseph, 104; Joliet and Chicago, 92; Ma riettaa-Cincinnati, 2d preferred, 9. Mining shares are steady-L-Gregory. 250; Smith 4 . Parmelee, 235; Grass Valley, 43. Copper stocks.at Boston---Calumet, 45; Copper Falls, 1614; Franklin, 16; Ilecla, 70; Hancock, .336; Minnesota, 2; Quin- cY, 2,. —•- 3.11 . SLIBrTR.F.A.SURY. heceipis at the Sub Treasury, 026,361 payments, `?675,852; balance, 1387.716,176 : Markets by Telegraph. NEW Yortx, January 28 .—Cotton open• ed firm and advancing, but closed quiet; sales of 2,100 bales at 283ia29c for mid dling uplands. Flour—receipts, 3.518 bbls; the market is dull and declining; sales of 7,700 bbls at $5,85a6,35 for Super fine State western; $7a7,35 for extra State; .$6,80a7;75 for extra western; $7,75a925 for white wheat extra; $6,80a9 for R H , ••N .17,50a8,50 for extra St. Louis; s9al2 for it good to choice do; vlosing dull. Califor °Ma heavy and declining; sales of 500 sacks at $5,25a8 - for old; $8,30a10,75 for -new. • Rye .flour dull and droOping; Wes 350 bbls at $5,25a7,40.. Corn meal quiet; sales of 350 bbls Brandywines• • Whisky heavy; sales of 150 bbls' western free at tilal,ol. Wheat. dull and declin , ing; no receipts: sales of 33,500 bush at 711,50 for No. 3 spring imstore; f1,60;4 for No. 2do store; $1,65 for very choice do delivered; $l,BO for winter red Indiana. Rye dull; sales of. 2,500 bush western at 41,47a1,50: , - Barley heavy; - sales of 500 buSliCatiadd West ats2,ll in store. Bar ley malt qui.3t; sales of 500 bush State at 12;65; also 400 bushels rye malt at - $1,45.• Corn; receipts, 17,542 bus; market without change,, with a, very moderate demandrsdles of 54:000 bush, at 93a95;4c, for new mixed western, the latter an ex treme; 96e for western yellow; 98c asl,oo for southern yellow; '9oa92c for ..white 'western; 94197 c for white southern. Oats; • receipts' 1,000. bush; market opened heavy and closed rather more steady; sales of 73,000 hush, at 75a70 for west ern in store, and 76Ma773 a 'c afloat. .Rice' dull. ,Coffee ,firm: sales of 4,000 bags of Rio on private terms. Sugar firm; sales of COO hhds, atl.l%c for Porto Rico and 115,1a113;c for Cuba. Molasses `steady; sales-of 400 hhds of old Masco. vado at 42c. Petroleum firm; sales of 1,000 bbls, at 23c for crude and 374a378ic for refined bonded. Hops quiet, at BalBc for American. Linseed Oil $1,00a1,02. Spirits Turpentine firm at 56a57c. Pork lower; sales of 1,250 bbls, at • $30,37a31,00 for new mess; $29 ' ,25a .20,00 for old do.; §25,25a6,25 for prime, and -$28a30 for prime mekl. Beef steady, with sales of 15Q bbls•at'ff9a 16,50 for new plain' mess, $14a19,50 for' new extra mess. Tierce • Beef steady; sales of 220 tea at ii27a3l for prime' ess, and $11a37 for India mess. Beef Hama steady, with sales of 275 bbl at 130a35." Cut Meats firin;' Sales. of 400 - pkgs at .14,1 15 1 ‘c for shoulders, and 17a1843 for lams. Dressed Hogs quiet 'at 413;75a14;50 for, western; and 414,2%14;75 for `city..* 1411& -digs quiet ,a4d„tinchanged; eales of IQQ, has lOng clear - at 171" tard lowert,itties, , Of 150 tea 'l9Xa2lee, chiefly 20 Me; for steam, and 2141 W for kettle 'rendered:, also', 3,260' tea steam, 'seller 'and buYerp, March' and" April; at '205021c. • B utter 'dull at 2 8 4350 forrOhio. Cheese II ,and , , - quiet at 18a2030, Freights to LitrerßeOli', quiet and steady. 4 ' • „- Lates&-Plottr closed dull -and alitadi d • lower forpeitty-muth alltinds. tip' at;' a nominally lower with stxticely. • ("mirk.' - Rye drill Audi:loByr lat for western.: Oits'very firns'at 74‘07k0 'ln store, and'-77}0 itioat; Corn - dull at 93a95c0f0r new ttilxedVesterti, and nom inal at 11,05a1,08 for old aimed Western afloat and in store.'• Pork quiet, and steady at'Or for new; ess on- spot; cares bble 'hew mesa, 431,25. ' Beef dull and tinchanged,_ Lard dull at , 200;` seller; din,mbaths,7o4P; seller; April and MaY, and" . 2olo, nailer, February and ;31thels. stead:Y-4 • • •• 9T. Joonis, January, he.--rionacet',•(• good demand at nnehange prices. Lead. -,there lean inadequate supply, and, he. high. Prices here have induced buyers' to send to York tor x foreign article, and orders have' been sent to - Europe for ehipmeut New Orleaps- Cotton—, t,herswae tketb.Wg Acme. liernp,l.salea z were madfkot phOiceAndrepsed at 41,35 a ,, 1,40. R l ourr:there. was a go9d demand for 10WEgaileefother qualities were quiet ankaupertine sold at 0,50a6; extra, $0,15 Gold Closed at 136 M MlAsAtricElt, January 2a.—Flour dull and prices unchanged. Wheat dull and ,wea.r. it $1;19 for No:I, and $1,1,3% for NO; 2. Rye"firm at . 51,15 for No. 1. B.srley 'scarce and firm at $1,70a1,75 for No. 2. Provisions " steady and unchanged. Dressed BOAS firm and unchanged. Re. bbls flour, 22,009 nu wheat, '4OO bn oats, 4,000,bu corn, 1,000 bu rye, 1,000 btibarley, 200 dressed hogs. Ship ments-1,000 bbls flour, 100 bbls and 100 tierces pork. : - RoFfa.i..o, January 28—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat nominally unchang. ed. Corn—small sales new at 79c, on track, and 85c for old, in store. Oats neg lected. Rye dull, with sales 800 bush at 81,35. Barley Sri at nao, asking. Seeds dull, but firm, at es,K , for medium Clover. • acd $lO for Pea Vine Clover; Timothy at $2,50, Bat. Pork firm at $32. Lard firm at 22c. Highwines offered at 96c. Dressed }logs nominal at $13,50a14. PHILADELPHIA, January 28.—Clover I Seed at $8,75a9,25. Flour without change. Wheat unsettled and lower, with sales fair and prime Pennsylvania red at $1,55 1 a 1,85, and No. 1 spring at $1,60. Rye steady. at $1,60a1,62. Corn in fair de="l mand, with sales 3,000 bush new yellow at, 90c. " Oats at 72a750.' Petroleum ex cited, vO.th large sales refined at 353 i. Provisions advancing. Mess Pork at $32. Lad at 21c. Whisky dull at 98001,01. LocisvurE, Jan. DK—Sales 184 blids tobacco; lugs to cutting leaf $5a12,50. Caton 27 pork $3 1a31,50, Lard 2034 e. Bulk shoulders 13%a14c; clear rib sides 163;a17c; clear sides . ,l7 . l/017Mc. BacOn—shou ld era 143(015c; clear rib sides 173;a18c; Clear sides 18V,a18 1 ,0, all pack ed. " Subettine flour $5,75a6,25. Wheat $1,76a1,85. Corn 65a67c: Oats 60,162 c. Rye,51,4231,45. Whisky—raw free $l. BALTMORE, January 28.--Flour im proved and demand firmer. Wheat, re ceipts small and'Llo sales of prime. Corn dull; White 85a88; • yellow 86a87. Oats firm; prime 75. Rve firm; primp $1,55. Mess Pork-firm at 4sp, 00. . Efacon active; rib sides 17ariN; clear sides 18 alB3i; shoulders 15 1 .4a153. Hams 20. . Lard firm at 20Ma2.1. . AILIAPHIS, - Jan. .28.—Receipts .1,544 bales; es i 52,009 bales. -.Flour $7a7,50 ibr sup eine. Corn 68a60ci. Oats 70e. Hogs $4a4,25. Bran 25c. POrk $32,50. lard" 21a "c. Bulk meats firm; shoul-_1 ders 14e; sides 18c. • • IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. , • CLEVELAND ...IND PITTSBURGH RA IL. ROAD, January,2B.-2 cars iron ore, Mc- Knight, Porter & Co; 2 jcars pig iron, Grad; Bennett & Co; 1 do do, Lloyd & Black; Ido do, Zug & Co; 60 bbls oil, J Spear; 100 do lime, S Davidson; 20.bss scales, Fairbanks,' Morse 4 Co; 2 cases handles, J Wintsell t Co; 4 bas medi cine,. McCiarren & McKenna; 4 wiles, Coleman, Rahm.4r, Co; 3 dressed hogs, 4 . quarters beef,.l hide, •J ' Holmes; 470 sewer pipes, III(' Collins;' 2 bbls flour, Adani Hardy; 6 'bdls rockers, Bedford Chair Coi 53 lib's - molasses, Atwell & Lee; 45 do do, S P Shrivel; & Co; 116 do do,, Wm Hailage dr Co; . .10 ' bbls cullett, 3 cealta;_A ' &D, .4"Chambers; 14 hiods tiacorr, J . P Hanna & Co; 23 half barrels.' 23 'kgs, 2 httdas butter, Head de, Metz gar;, 39 'balers cotton, "Holmes, Bell & OW 51 bails' onions; Woodworth & Davison; ''l bale''gilt inouldirigs,"Sarnes LonehridgeL 11 'tierces, 6 bbls whisky, 5 do'biafidy, -, 1 - bbl, 1 hf do gin, 1 bbl rum, fdo kiminell;T . Schlegel; 6 cases tobacco, CB Arrunhal; 1' fro sides, '1 do hms, -. 1 do lard, l'do 'shoulders i D A, Dougherty ' ' '' ' '' ' ' • !:p ATlPlat7_l943,. , Yawl' It r kFrE & .' diri ,Aao.:-,A4ALROAD, :4Sußsr,v ~28.-4 care iron., Oita, tiliooriberger, 4, Blair; 42 : ears met o 4 , i l ` ll 4 2l 9k-&•0% 7 dei'do,'las .Wood,, • likku,4,o?; 3, do d0,,,J W Astor; 10 dodo, 8rY49 , 4 Ca 1411032: 2'do .d 6, Drown dr. Co;' 3 I:mm*l'3B4Aß Finch &,co; 100 bbls fLour t jleglmayer, 4. yirkaMp; 100: do do g;Rtilik&Stiepard;l,par,,dr,y !plied_ shoul ders, Robt. gruce ear, 2 carcasses do,: bbls bbls oil,' H Jaaparker;; oar, carcaeses, Mitch oil, Stevenson ,. a. ' ;,100 green fades, J :Hammett di, SO* 100 ,lobla ; dour/ . Allen Kirkpatrick 4:Qm,64.pares'hops, Spencer .42 I.4loKak; 63 :do .d o; ,John White, Jr. 10 AO dO,,G geldle; 8 dodo,B Herd; 100'dos ' shoyel,haudles .1410piacot; 4 liakeviell; • 18bg_s peas, Jitioy.; 10 bbl s green !apples, *Par& 84dfer40.49, ,g do onions, i do eggs,.Volgt o Mahood , A CO: 31 bbls op= • sPOSS, Wit csif 4, .Cm, 180 ( able Hour, bl Drloyd; ',l' ear . malt; ":John Oangsloh; 2 ears 'corn, J,W titliapeon;, 4A, bgs rags, Godfrey, er, Clark; 10'doz brooms, R1161)1- son & Co; 8 obis 4pples, Riff's, Jr;B bales tow,, Lemon 4 ,Weise;, I...ear , ear corn, Bricker & Co, Azzaoamar,titiaTiorr. landau 28.-4 1 2958, John Herbert: I/ ear.luinber,Smit,b, Criswell & 0 0 1 - 2 do do, W ;Reed; 10 bars candles, .Is:fermi& Robinson; 60 , empty pork, barrels, ta Harbougli ,& .Co; 2 cars a 6,80, therlattw.for-eboice; doubleAuttrao, $7a8,25; treble extra to fancy, $9a10,50. Wheat is irregular and common torprime fall sold at $1,35.11,55; strictly prime, $1,70a1,7734. Corn is dull and weak at 68a730. Oetts is dull and weak at 59a62c. at Barley is in demand for choice and fancy $2a220. Ris firm t $ 1 ,1,28. Whisky is very ve dull at 95c. a Pork 2sa is less active but firm at $31,50; sales were made at Cincinnati at $30,50; and at Keokuk at $3l. Bulk Meats are less active at 140 for shoulders; 15Mc for rib sides; 16,a 16)ic for clear rib; 17a17y 3 c for clear aides. Bacon is quiet at 14;4c for shoul ders; 17;,sc for dear rib sides; 18c for clear sides and sugar cured hams. Lard infirm and active at 300 for prime tierce, and 203ic, first April. Receipts—Flour, 2,200 bbis; Wheat, 4,5110 bush; corn, 3,200 bush; oats, 4,200 bash; barley, 1,500 bush; rye, SOO bush; hogs, 450 head. Hogs—there were but not sales at 10,4. i allc, the arrivals do exceed the butchers' demand. Cattle are unchan ed at '33074c, for,inferior to extra. g- Totkoo, January 28.—Flour Is steady, and spring extras are 25c lower, with sales of extra red at $B,• and spring extra at 07,25. Wheat is moderately active and without any- change in quotations; amber is held at $1,68, and the other grades are rinchaneedi Corn is_firm and lc better on allrade4 of new, with sales of new at 67c, rejected new, 63r, rejected old, 67c, old No. lis 3o better. Oats; the market is a shade better arid quiet at 570. Rye is dll an lc lower. Barley is steady at u $2 fbr d 'Canada, and 01,75 was bidlor•State., Dressed Hogs are firm but quiet.atll3al3.so. Lard is lo,thetter at 21c for kettle rendered. Clover Seed is quiet at $9,25. •' ' CLEvziaiNni-January 28.—Flonr, City made—sllall,2s for treble extra white; 89,50a8 4 75 for double extra amber; 48,25 a 8,50 for double extra red winter; $7,75a8 for double extra spring. Country 87,50a8 for double extra red iana amber; $70,50 for double extra spring; $9,.26a10 for double extra White'. Wheat, sale of 2 cars No. 1 red winter at $1,68, and 3 cars at $1,58. Corn, sale of:: cars at 70c. Oats held 60a610. Rye held at $1,30. Petroleum market quiet but firm and tineharitted; refined held at 34a35c in large rots. . • NEW YOEIC, January lg.—Dry Goods „most important feature in the Dry bloods Tiede is the reduction in the in "the : 'Prioe tot spool cotton fix the fare of rising market for raw ma terial and the continual :high 'premium All imported spool thread is now reduced to 90c. Hadly thread,. 'which is a domestie article, Is selling at 80c; but for other'starile styles of cotton, the prices-are generally well maintained,- -altliough Pae demand, in general, is very limited. =I PITTSBURGH GAZETT.: . FRIDAY, JANUIRY 29, 1869. - Inetid - ; 4 3raff., , A3annettz:dr.Cov. 1.• 40:1113,, Pittsburgh Iron & Forge Co: 2 cars oats. 1 do rye, R Knox St Son. ' 1 do middlings, Ai Steel & Son; 1 car flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 1 car staves, Ralya & Robertson; 28 aks flour, Jl4l Lusk; 1 car Metal. Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RArLROAD, Jan. urry 28.-680 bbls oil. Fisher & Bro; 80 do do, Mentzler, Hepler & Co; 360 do doo Owaton & Sowers: 26 sks oats, Scott & 4011sal; 95 pigs lead, Pitts Acid Co; 75 sks oats, Adams & Austin; 8 do do, Jas Dalzell; 2 2 sks weal, Wm Thompson; 2 cars metal, 11 Woodsides;l do do, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 2 do do, 51cKnight, Porter & Co; 1 car refined oil, Lockhart, Frew &Co. - RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede slowly at this point with three feet ten inches. Weather cloudy and soft with indica tions of rain. Mercury at four r. id. 42. We noticed a new ferry boat at the 'landing yesterday, not altogether finish. ed. It-was built fat Speer's boatyard, for Cot, D. W. Morrison, add is Intend ed as 'h transfer boat' for the Northwest ern 'Union and Pacific and Hannibal and St. Jos4ti Railroads, at Omaha. She was tp have beef• towed to Wellsville last evening, where the engines - will be put on bV, the Messrs. Geiase, of that place.: The boilers will be furnished by -Wirt. Barnhill, of this city. Cal . );. Adam Jacobs Was in•the city yes terdaY., He looks about as natural as ever: , The following boats were at the land ing yesterday: - Bellevernon, R. R. Hudson, Rate Putnam, Wild Duck, Mollie Ebert. The R. R. Hudson, Captain. M. List, will leave for Cincinnati today without fail, and passengers and ship pers should bear this In mind. The Catnelia is fllling'un steadily for Nashville, as is also tne Bellevernon, for St.,Louis. These are both _very zood boats. The Mollie Ebbert, Captain Geo. W. Ebert, is announced to leave for New a rleaus tmorro withut fa. She bran new boat, w and is o Well il adapted is for. the trade. • The venerable StundLsh .Peppard has charge of the office. The Bayard, Captain Geo. D. Moore, is .the regular - packet ibr Parkersburg to day, leaving at noon. • The Kenton, from Portsmouth, and R. C. Grey, from New Orleans, were due last evening,•and" will doubtless be in port, this morning. , Captain' Stockdale is getting along finely with. his new boat for Magdalene - river, South- America. We shall have more to say about her hereafter. r .-The Importer arrived at Little Rock on the 22d froze New Orleans;' -The Messenger left Cincinnati for New Orleans on. Wednesday evening.. —The Maggie Hays,. Pittsburgh to St. Louis, was at Evansville on Tues. day. _ —=Captain Hugh Campbell is in Cln cinnati, looking after his steam capstan interest. —The Lorena and Armadillo were ad vertised to leaVe Cincinnati for Pitts burgh on Wednesday..' . —The. Mary Davage and Torn Farrow and barges. left Neil - Orleans. for Pitts; burgh on Friday. —The - Belle Lee reports that the Vir ginia fan into the wharfboat at the mouth of Red river, cutting the guard through the bull. —lt was rnmored at Montgomery, on Friday, that the C. W. Dorrance had sunk in Alabama, below Montgomery. The report needs confirmation. -The Glasgow arrived at Cincinnati on Wednesday morning, and after put ting out her freight went up to Fulton, to lay up for better times. In the mean time she will receive new cylinder tim bers. ... . —Chas. Watkins, recently mate of the Tom Jasper, died of small-pox, in the Arsenal Island Hospital,' last Wednes day. lie.leaves a wife and two chil dren in Keokuk. • His life wits ipsnred. for 52,590. . . . —Captain A.. 8. Shaw, of Pittsburgh, is a passenger on the Mollie Able, with ttie remains of :his wife, who died, .a few days .since, while en route from New Orleans to Little Rock. The body will be taken - to Pittsburgh for interment. Capt. Shaw, commands the Arkansas, in the Arkansas river trade. • •.—Mf. Schunk, an old' resident of lowa, says .that twenty-three years ago, a steamboat, the , Uncle Tobey; ; - arrived 'from. St. Lours at Dubuque on- the le leth of Pebruary, the river being car of Ice to that point. After that a cold snap froze up, •the river, and . teams crossed for two- months, before spring opened up navigation. , - —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Gazette, of Wednesday: There was a report yesterday that Captain W. W. Fen ton had sold his one-eighth inter est In the Swallow to Captain Joseph Dunlap. The bargin has not yet been consumated, but Captain Fenton has quit the boat and Captain Dunlap has taken command. He is now loading her for Jew Orleans. Captain Ben. Lopper will continue in the office. —A highly important suit was com menced in the Superior Court nt Cincin nati,on Tuesday. in which the owners of the Magnolia, which was burned at St. Louis in Turie; - 18t3tl, seek to recover the - Insurance. .The -'boat boat was insured for sloo‘ooo, ?65,000 of which was in St. Louse companies, and the rest in Cincinnati companies. The defense is no less than a positive charge that the owners of the boat purposely set her on tire to secure the insurance. A. Lonleville telegnim under date of Tuesday says: Steamer Leclatre No, 2, sunk on the falls Saturday night, was raised by the Champion tc.day, in one hour after getting to her. She will be docked and repaired in .time to resume her place in • the Tennessee river_ trade. She strucic Just forward of the cylinder On'the`Btem Total' d amage to the boat will not =need 113,009. Cargo is damaged 50 Der cent., and was insured for 44,000 id the KentuckiMarine and' Fire, , 114,000 in' the Merchants', and 12,000 in • the, Franklin. River Ina Weatberi - LOTTISVILLEij Januaty..2&—River !alit 4 fiz a kiiet of water in the canal. .t v rfilt /ear 9' • - < • ) fl SPE 0/441,1 NOTICES. , let 2 attliblieto 4111314 . tit DYE. , . 1, . This splendid Hair Blois the best lo the werld: the only-tree and 'perfect Dye; harmless, sena. ble„lnstantaneons• no disappointment; no 11- dicdlotts 'linte;f • the effects, of bed dyest Invigorates and leaves tbe Hair soft and beatitifttl: btoeh or braise. &Ad by alt Druggists anttAlrfamers; and properly applied at Batche lor)! Wire Pottery, 'for 10 Bond treet.' Net, York.. farl/Alllll &IRE AP D ;CE LIB et.. . _ nEssay tor youtig ?nen , on tbecrline af • ;13011tude4; and the , DlnEntsitn_, and A BONS which create Impediments to 3fAlittIADE, With lure meant of ,repot; sent 14: genic(' letter ea velorc free of charge. Add. Om Dr. J. ItHIL IAN I . loMittrODl4 Howard Antoci/Mon, Philo delphLtt, Jaw 0 AIM/F. l °4'. SOB.GHUS 4 lath r:': ' -:;• -DILLINGER & BT.EVIN - PON. 21'000 NIUSIFIELS•OV, REACH aI,TEVBIIMON• To LIVERPOOL AND QUEE.NSTOWN. TRH IMOAN DULL STEIARISRIPS. Numbering sixteen nrst-class vessels, among •m the celebrated I CITY OP Pnittn, CITY OP ANTNVEPP. M F'r O BOSTON CITY OF BALTLMOBE, CITA or LoimaN. Eallinir EVERY BAT ORDAY, from Pier 45, rth River, New Yorg. Yor passage or further informa&on anolo to • I W1L11331 BLNOILLII, VOIFIFTR STREirt.i (Ogronicle Ruthilne. Nearly ann. - mite oat fink., Pirtahur,h STATEMENT NATIONAL INS .0f the City 0, FROM JANUARY 1, l& Published in sucordau sembly. I Capita! authorized Capital subscribed CARItal bald In Stock Notes $30,000 00 Mort': iges,city pro- Perir ' 41,495 00 U. 5. . 5.20 Bonds.. 274100 00 Cash on hand 4.064:06 Accrued interebt.... 1.277 79 °dice furniture 74-1. 70 ToUlassets 6124,879 47 RECEI I'TS: .. .Ani'nt of preir Wm.., 22, 7575 Announi of Interest. 5,• 75 76 Total receipt= ---71---- , i 27,354 51 I DNB CritSEVE STS. Dividends 110,000 00 Ftrelossta 6,25 S a 3 0 Vine expenses 3,340 20 t ommieskais ..... . . -- 1,950 53 Premiums returne d 936 39 17..5. Tax et Stamp64lsl b 9 Ite.ins.urtinee .. ..... Z.f i 4- 11 OS _Total Ratio °I bszes and exp. pet cent. ArnOunt of outstanding rls Unit stied luss - esAlld sundry JA 2 S-dGfi~T:T[I:R TATEMENT OF ARTISANS' INS • From illinuarT 1, 'MS to December 31, 18613 Published In accordaube with Lair. Authorized Capital Subscribed Canltal. Paid up Capital.... Ca: h on Hand gook Accounts for Yretritu Loans on lion s and hiorigag Loans on Other zecurnies block N tes °glee Furniture and bafe.... Interest Accrued, bat not 14 Ilatanc.*, Janu iry 1, 1868.... Received Fire Prendumn In . 8" Ih:calved Interest la 1868 ItesB6B. , Ivett from . - - other nourcea 1 ..... Fire losses, pald,..f 7,199 00 Return Premiums.. 506 4s commissions 503 44 ualarlos. Rent, and other Expenses... '4,6 JO 3 1 3 Taxes and /stamps. ' 1,141 63 Dividends 14,000 00 28,976 96 j. 825,777 34 Balarice OataGnd`R ilea , Dec. 31, '68.41,133,576 47 Fire losses.. 832 2 , Cargolosses•Lescires tea • . 2,200 OO Taxes to butte ,LOO3 r 4 .4.125 32 4. 0.. COFFIN.` ja 2 14136-T.8.1. " • 6ecretarT. F U NNCHB II . I 7 I ILSTONEIk Preach Dm Smut Chines) : ITHiIBIISfWEIZAT OLZANERS IN USE. Portable Flour and - .rem M W ,, • BOLTING 0L0T139, elinumber;aitd best q For 881 i ati 319 and 321 .I.lbertySt.4 Pittsburgh. W. W.' 'lrAl.itutis. an2B N- 0.1. ICE .-,Personf, ownin g Prom ty froutinaor abutting:on Athens are nue,in the city or pistabaegh, pleas! lake 110t1CC the report of ylowers. In the matter of the opening LtAlkeni ayentie,' hu been' plated In my hands. The as sestormits,' If not; paid on Or before Febrot. ary 11th, . 1198%, will he, wered C ourt as liens. P. SLAULE. CatAt - - /06.Elfth ATCIIII4%. A RC RIPALD.BLAIi i A.‘rTintPralt•A , , 1 1 ,9. OS WITTH ST, 101090:444 mint CINCiNNA Tfitnd LifuisvlLL.- The 'steamer R. R. HUDSON . .,... WM leave for tl4.abore and loterraedlute ports on FRED • V, 2.3,.h. at a r. L. For freight or patigageauply on board-or to d.VME• C 'MANS. , • 7. I. CfLLI or .1 . 01 - IN FLACK Agents. pITTS If, salliZe • tEELING, t ietta andi Parkersburg Line. five Company's Wharf Boat, foot of Wood DAILY:- AT 12 M. Trta.spAre AND FRIDAYS. BAYARD .......... .. A. S. SIINFIIERD, WEDNESDAYS AND .YATDEDAYS. GREY . ... L. BRENNAN. Master. Freight AM be received at ell bonre by 1014 .iAIdXS COLLINS. Acent. , VOR NASATIA",DI•ariaZat A: SECT . —Tde s mer 1 : 4, MEL1A... . . ... , ... . . .... Carr TIIO3. Pox, Will leave Tilim.DAV. lanizary 2Sto; tor the i above and Intertnedinte p rts. For freight or pwomag. n ply on board, or to Li HRIEaT HALETT, - - ' JNot FLALK, or --. • . J. D..HOLLINGWOOD. Agents. FOR CAIRO AND Evr. sig g i Z a Lotria.—Tbe new and wen • • did -Passenger racket BELLE YEENON...L • ~TOHN DAITRAIT, M aster, Will leave for the bore ports on THIS DAY, the Sfith inst., at 4 q'clock P. IC For freight or passage appiron board or to. JOHN PLACE:. . .. 3a.T2,' ' ' .'J. D. COLLINGWOOD. Agent. ES pheoit cAtno.,--mrzit;sitgat. PHIS and NEW OHLEANS. newand splendid passenger steamer .. • MOLLIE .EBEHT : .'..O. W. EBERT,' Commander. Will leave for the above ports on bATURISAY, the 30th Inst. at 4. q'clock g. Yortreighvoi passage apply on board or to FLACK & LOLLINGWOQD. or.. •' 01:111LEST k. RAZ LETT. Agents. Through receipty giyen on the above boat te ma. Eufaula. Itenton, Olontgoinery. Ala.. At an te, Macon, West Point . Georgia, and all points on, the Alabama riyerand rrexsaports at lowest. rates *44 - , • . O H/HEST HASLETT. , STEAMSHIPS F THE ANCE .COMPAN I f Allegheny, 6S, TI DEC. 11, 186' ME the Act of As EMI $ 22 630 33 uses to receipts, 47 OEM= $..11,729,269 67 :f,lslBouus JA.NES E. TEYENSON, SZ;RETAir THE RAID CE CO $200,000 00 100.000 00 64,000 00 ASSET., • 7,610 07 8.• 1040* rq. 71 0411 00 12.033 33 1••• 36,000 00 673 00 1,220 00 3126,777 34 ~. $47,23817 9. 20.058 70 6,933 70 lii 430'734 30 ELET, "JAN*. ma EMI tIBRi); PA DLLLP.itOXII DILLINGER & STEVENSON, COMILISSION MERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. All Ititulo „ of Country Produce, All ordera for Merchandise promptl attention LOWEST market rates. Particular given to theasie offiutter, Eggs. Cheese Dried . Fruits, Ac.• We feel confident that we can. give entire satisfaction, ty making QUICK SALES and PROMPT REDEEMS. at =WIEST MARKET PEICES, and therefore resneolfully aolialt your consign ments. All coaresponatence answered ptly. Marking Plates fumed free. grain t h e ore. and to arrive datly. aual:t7S _E 8 .1 1 4 ntlitftED YR T W. M. GORNLY, WHOLESALE onotra, No. 271 _Liberty. Street, ,' (Dummy OPP. ZMILZ Roma • Prr'l4€o33l72tcar.' . me :yid 4 . A0 CO, Groceries,' Flour, Orallityt Produce, Yr° xisions, Fisb, Cheese, Carbon; ' • GU. die••• • ' Igoe. lITZ and 1141:WOOil 878.1t2T, nein Lib erty street. Pittsburgh- Ps. nonnim Y. 6111311. k... 4 .... J. A. EITAXLI. ltir STEELE & 091 y,, • Commiatfien Merchants, • • , AND . D.r4zaBB St , , F7 -# OII : II ‘Gr. II 4%.JV'E.IE-13. ate. No. 95 OHIO STEEE7 . neri ERA. Common, '• ' ' ALLEORIENY CITY. PA. J. B;CANTIELD '' A. •T. cAuTIIfiLD. B. CANFIELD *-80Np__C0111,-- LI.• M.ERCRA...NT*, and Wholesale ealers In tioshen,' 'Factory. • Pramburg and W. It. Cheese, Butter, Lard,- Pork„ Bacon,. Flour, Fish, Dried .Frult, Grain; Pig Ilea 4, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime, .Llnseed, Lard, Coal and Carbon Oils. No. I.C9.Fras Pltsannratt. . • ' • ?Ann ELM ' 4:440. 7. alCSAIt't KELL. & RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, - • A.,,tp mutants IN - FL01:711, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, ac,, 348'Llbert7 8I1:; PleMibnirWN LULL 11118Alni 4.. B. Azusa. MCHANE 49r. ANJER,._ ..COMMISSION MERCHANTS; Dealerk In 17.017 P., /GRA.IN F ind PRODUCE URNERALLY: No.. 4.31 ea W4TXR above 13;nith4ld, Pntsbnuti.. . ETZER ARMSTRONG, F .. . . I'OBWA-BDIKEI & oomhasazokKEßOßANTB, . .. For the sale of Flour. Grain. Bacon, Lard, But— ter, Needs Dried Fruit. sad Produce generally, No. 16 AiltliET OTRENT, censer of; First, ' Pittsburgh: - fe=:gn $200,000 100.000 50,000 Effl J. BLALNCHARD. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET ap93lr.So RCET. KNOX AXPIIEW KFOX. R KNOX &SON, COMMISSION xt. MERCHANTS and 'PRODUCE FLOUR,: GitAIN MILL FEED and GENER ALLY, No. 19 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Alleghenv rite • 1317:r37. ITTLE, .11AIRD . Ir, PATTON, Who Wattle Grocers, Commission Merchants. anu Fish Dealers in Produce, Floor, Bacon, Cheese, , _Carbon and Lard 011, 'fon, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all P',..Lsburgh Manufactures 1111, and 11 arIIOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOLTY I. 1101:18I—EDW. aouse.....wm. H. ROUSE, TOHN L - HOUSE &18R05.,-Suc censors to JOH HOUS Merchants, Wnole- Grocers and Commisn Cor or Smithfield and :Water Streets. Pittsburgh.- JOHN SRtPTO WALLACE. lILPTON & WALLACE ! , Whole- SALE G ROCERSAND PRODUCE DEAL No. 6 SIXTH. STREET. Pitt§burelt. la12:1-ri; PROFESSIONAL. Wll. R. NEEPER, ALDERMAN AND E.X.OFFICIO JUSTICE OP ' THE - PEACE.' OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE... Special attention given to Conveyancing .urni. collections Deeds. Bonds and• Mortgages drawn up. and all legal business attended to proroptty and accurately. • ' Jog. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLIOE MAGISTRATE. Office, 128 WYLIE 'STREET, 'near Washlnition Deeds. Bands, Mortgages, Acknowledgment Depositions, Collections, and all othei legltt -mate business executed promptly. mk:2:115 SAM-1513 L BUMMERS, ALDERMAI~T, Ex-Ofillcio Justice of the Peace and Police Nag trate. (Mice GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral. PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages,'Acknowleilginenta. Dsnositlons, and all - Legal Business e•tecuted with prornotness and dlsnatcli. Jahn EIISM!kCE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN, gx-orria JUSTICE 03? THE PEACE AND OLIGE MAGISTRATE. • OFFICE, 73 PENNk AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds,lifortgages, Acknowiedgtents, Depositions hnd Legal Business execute d with promptness and dispatch. ink, 'JOHN A. STRAIN, A- 1 -4 13 1Eft)11 0 iLN, E.l-01P1I0I0 iIISTICZOIP THE PEACE AND, POLICE MAGISTRATE. Office . ,llsl FIPTH STREET,'•gilpsite the Ca thedral, rittsnurgh, Ps., Deeds, Honda, Mort gages, Acknowledgments; 'Depot;Mons and an ,Lega lidispatch.tudas ae: executed with promptness and Ai P°l", srusffi:e . of the. Pawl, 'CONVEYANCER,' , 'REAL ESTATE AND ' INSU-' RANCE /kers!. -•,04u350N STREET, ZASTIIIRDCINGFILM. Co ll oct3oa- oC Moo i aolialted and D rolatali at teno ed to, rova:9Bo numuspN, =fib . No. 87: Virtti Street* B xicostsPLoos, irn4N2 Roo., JOHN W. RIDDELL,.. AtTORNEY-AT-LAW. °nicer/le P4P .. 1 x 4 1 01 44 agreeSp: (vim:mite the Court House, ) felatt44 H C mAchu.L.,„ ATTORNEY ARO: COUNSELOR AT LAW! No. 89 Grant Street. lartiara A. E. STEVANSON RECEIVE AND SgLL WHOLXB4.I4 DSALB.IB IR All." Points , in-the %%writ° ries, .• I • IT • • ind with gANDIIBOTPBTIiTiWITE KLY LINZ of COACKEtifor llent's , Fort, raze, Alluluernee, Beate to, MI all points in Ari zona . and Newldixino..: •.• . With • tha retell additions of rolling , stock and equipment; mut the arrangements nude with e 'portable Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this- fond now offers _unequalled facilities for the trartanguion , of rrataht'to the Par Went. • Ticketslor 'rat au the vithdota °glees 111 the United States and Canada. • Be sure and , uk tar tleiteteAls ass SNORT ILLKUN- QIJTAC,AM D/VISION:ION, 110 BA.ILWAY. AOr . • • ; 4 11. ANDERSON, 5p4:14 , 73 PITTSBURGH, PA riTTesmwa, - - -10ITTSBURGII-ac _Matitipsi flrivrlALS VILL Dome- I •On and -after I 'I7Fr:DA r, November, 17th. rant , corner aat and depart from toe Dtoot of-Grant and Water streets, aa follows: Mail tr 4 and horn rnion own.. ................. 7:00 A. X. EicKerlport.Acconnit'n 11:00,4 24. Ex. to and from ' Unt'n. 3:00 P. 3f. West onion Accom'd 4:30 r. Bradd ' cick's Accomdt.n. 010 r. Night A.c. tolfelPoport4o:3o r. Y. Bunda7 Church Train to . and i r West Newton 1:00 P. r 1 .10:00 A. N. for diets apply to • J R NV. R. MUT, stmerlatei;den n Age " • ow O. O RANGE OF TIME. . . ALLEGIZENT Vey RAILROAD, • .... On and after MONDAY, Noveinber irtb, 188, TWO TRAINS DAILY' will least Pittsburgh Station, corner of Elevmatlirand Pike streets for Franklin, 01.1lCity, Brutal% and all point's in the Oil Regions. • Illtitass P1TZE30718.73. JARRII72 IN PrP7BIIIIR6B Mall ••.....•w 7:15 ani ,3i4di .. 11:4U ut Express,7:4o pm:Zap/eh. p 6:3, a m.Brady's 0 .ac 3:50 Rai ' Bradys 13 . Ac 10:30 ain IkveodltWorre " 1 latiodk Works Accomd.... 10:00 a m Accomod 'l2. 5.20 aet i i Ad Soda Works 2d Soda Works ;' , AecorMad'n. :5:00p ni ,n zAesomOd. 3":40p tit 'Church Train lesee ittsbargh - at 1:20 P. is • Arrive at Pittsburgh at 0:50 le. sr. Passengers taking exprit train have but our change of cars bitween Patsburgh, Buffalo and OH Regions. 'Mail and Eipress Trainrstep only at principal points. Mizte.rWay and Ac.... catrunodatiod trains *pp at all etetions. THOHAS•M_ . Kl.Nek4Wt. Supt. W. FOSTER' HOPE, Tieket Agent. no, rITEIBITRGBk asnign i CINCISNA77 AND • LOWS RAILWAY. ?AR HMAtitOOT. MANDE LOP , TIMII.--en and after SUNDAY 2t0v.33d, SW, trains all leave and arrive at tat Union .Mpot, : tul foliorri, Pittsburgh time: „D__ort. Arrive. /dell .. 3113 a. , m..13:13 a. or. ........ 10213 a. m. T:33 p. 3:58 p. pa. 1,0:13 a. m. Sl jra er t e( E l ira e v si. • • 5:43 it.'nt. t3:43 p. m. MeDonald's hter'n, No. 111 :. 18 m, 8:33 p.m. Steubenville fletommod. wasp. mt 0:48 a. m. MeDinfald , tritecon; No. 2..5:03 p. m. 3:18 p. m. Sr 3:58 P. X. E.:Press will leave daily. - 1191:13 Mall will arrive dkily. The 1013 a. m. Train leaves daily, StrrulaYs cepied, and makes close connections at New ark to Zantarlfle and points. on SandOaky Mansfield Newark R. E. • • S. F. SCULL, lieueral Ticket Agent. W. W. 'CARD, • &trot.. Steubenville. Ohio. .PITPAIGH, FORT WA YNE & CHICAGO b. W. and CLEVELA.ND & PITISRIIRGH R. B. ~ ... ... , From Dec. 20th. 186_8 , trains•will leave from and arrive at the Umno uepot; iferth side, Pitts bprgh el time, as follows: - t Chicago Ei...•.3:d3 a zabicagoZE ....22_13_ a • Erie &-ygn MlT:2Bra= Chicago .. 1141,8 a ' 'CI. as wh:g hints2:4 8a- m Wheel inglx II: la aln Chicago 5ea11..62158 aid ( restline ail' 3:5 pne Chicago Ex ~ .10:08.4 nil Chicago Eice....4:38 pm Cl. & Wh'gEx 2 : 23 pmiCleveland Ex 408 pm ChlcarlEx-.- 11 .113 - pm!Erie & a'n Extl:l3 pm 'i Pea &Erie E 416 3P M'Cl. & 1 4 , 1i'n•Ex6:58 pm Dergfrons At leph enev • 1 drift:re (iv dilophenr. N. Brigt'n, t te. 8258 a mIN. Brigt'a Ac.7:03 am Leetsdale 10:28a ra iN. Brigt'n " 8228 am , . " • " 11:58 A rat New Castle "10:33 am Rochester'. 1:33 pin;Leetpdale 1" 0:13 am Leetsdale .hoo•3:502m: ..• '. • ~. 1:08 rec. N. Brigt'n " .5233 p miN. Brigt'n " 2:43 pM. N. Brigt'n " 432518 pirOLeesdile'6 " 453 pm Leetsdale " 10:43pm ' . " 7218 pm Leetsdale nun. ' - Leetsdle' •gen• m day .Clturch. .12/3 p m day ...lurch. 9:88 an. air 2:43 p. xn. Chicago Express leaves daily. &Ft 11:58 a. In. Chicage Express arrives daily. del,. .F. R. MYERB, General Ticket Agent. ENIVSN-LVA =-_agoffin PNIA CENTRAL FAlLurlle ROAD. Onand alter Nor. 28th. 1868, Trains 1 will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner t. Washington and Liberty streets, as ' follows- Arritip. Mall Depart. Train.... 1:30 a m ' Day Express.. 2:30 am. Fast Line 2-40 atn 'WalPs N0.'1.. 6:30 sue wail - a. No. 1..0 20 a m ,31411 Train .... . S:l5 am 'BrintonAcc'n, 7:50 a xa ,• Cincin'tlExllik:3s pm i Wall's, No. 2.. 8:50 a m I Wall'S No. 2..11:20 am /Cincinniti Ex.9:40 a m'Johnstown Ac. 3:415 pm Johnstown Ac10:35 a m i Bra ddocks.l4'6,l4-:2otm Baltimore Ex .1 -45 P Pa Phila. Express 5':10 pm : Phila. Expres,e2:os pm. Wall's N0.'3.. 5:20 pm Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pmo Wall's No,. 4./ 6:15 pm Braddock& No1"5:50 pm 1 Past Line" ' 17:50 pm 1 Wail's No. 4. 7:25 pm Wa11'5.N0,.5..1..1:50 pm Way Passn't 10{20 p m - The Cburnh Train /eaves Walls Stat on every- Sunday at , 915-a. in., reaching Pitt burgh at 10:10 a. m. Returning, leaves Pitts urgh at I2:50 to. in and arrives at Walls St don at 2:00 p. ta. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. ' other traw 6 daily except Sunday. Poi further information apply to ' W. B. BECKWTTE, gent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as - same any rists.forßaggage, except for wearing SP • parel,and Huh their reeponslbliftv to 0 e Hlll2- dre• Dollars In value. All Baggage e seeding that amount in value irill be at the ris of the owner, unless taken hr special contract. RDWAND H. WILLI noM General Superintendent, Altoon , Pa, WE.B T.ER .1.5 N. PENSTLVANIA RA_LROAD—Otr and after a or. 22 d,lB6B.lthe Pro senger Trains or. the Westera Pennsylvania Rio road will arrive at and depart from the Feder. I Street Depot, Allegheny CUT. a 3 follows: Ar.:419. Depart. 11 Soriagd'e No 16:40 a mOll9l —700 a Freeport No.18:20 a m, Freeport No. I 9:151e ra. ..,E.Epress .. - . .10:40 a uf Sharpb'gßol 11:201a na. Sharpb`g No.11:515 p rulExpress. 2:45 pm Freeport No. 2 4:00 pru Spangd'e , No I 3:20 pm Mail 5:55 pmirreeport No. 25:20 pm Springdte N026:45 o uoSraingd`e No 2 rim p Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. 1 . The Church Train leaves nallegheny Jenction ever, Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Alleghehy Cityal 9:50a. 'Returaltig,, leaves All gheny City at,l:2op..pa. and arrive at Alleghen June. Lion at m. COmistrfanoit TigticrxX-For sale in p_ kages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. "Herr's, ' Bennytt,.. Pine Creek, Etta and Sharpsburs. and good onl on the trains stopping at Stations specified on t ickets. • The trains leaving Alias/am:ly City at 7:00.E. tn. make direct connection at Freeponn with Wa lker's line of Stages forßutler and liannahStown. Throngh tickets ma) be• purchased at th, Office, No. 3 a: Clair street, near the Suspensionßridge, Pittsbnr. h, and' at the Depot, Allegheny.) For further information apply to JAS!ES LEFFERTS, Aggit, Feder:Gl Street Depot. The WeStern Pennsylvania Railroad will not some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Rundr. d Dollars In value. All baggage ex ceeding tl Is amount to value wiliba at the risk of the owner, unless taken 1w special contracrt. .• EDWARD H . 99.1:Lia 9tS no= Gerwt:al Snuerintendent, Altoona. Pa. S RILL MENNE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY Eastern. Division. Te. SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the East to all potato to Nevada, „Cit Wanda, .Utah, Arizona, Washington, New Bieslea, Idaho, Orepgu Two Trains leave Etats Una mid DeaTekWer k I doily, (Sundays e:c . e i ppon the arrival ot train. -or racida astaolld , St..Lcrla, ;and Hanel bat and St. Joe road from quilincy, connecto inv. at Lawrence, Topeka and !Wancego with atafiea z ior all T . in Ransas. th :telnAo r f Mi tt rral e •!titil' 114TV 1 4: 1 )31 w ElibrI , 13 DAILY LINE OP. ()V !ALAND -.Man, AND XI PRESS w COACHES /O 0 ••" • '.'.' .' ' OEN V=t; ) 0 4 kL!'T 14.4"3M1 Geueral Onwintendest J. IL, WVIIIITZBI General ireigtkt aroftickat AgeLrs Ell DeDart Arrives 6:00 p. x. 2:05 P. M. 0:10 A. ii. 8:35 A. M. 7:50 P. M. 6:45 A. K. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers