7 - OPFICE Or THE ALLEGHENY VALLEY R•R. --- Pittsburgh. 'J anuery 23. 1889. far'STOCK HOLD EIRS ANN UAL Mit..TlNG.—The regular annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Railroad I..olap.ny be held at Hp. oof the ompeny.TlO 26 Pike stret , t, on THEriDAY. 23d day of Feb nary. 1869, for !he ini• note of electing theoard of Managers for the coming year and ransac tion of s uch other bUsluess t a may be pr• - Eented. Jalflid69 JOHN tiALLANTLNE. tlecretary. 10— PERRY STREET.—The un dersianed, appointed viewers to asses.; damazes and benefits for. LOPE:SING PEtilty STREFT, from willitste terminus to meet Lim Troy HS I Rout. meet on the premises on MOSDAY. 15 Is day of February, at Ca o'clock P.M . to attend to the duties of taeir anpoint snent. J. J. HERMAN, , TbOli aS ti a. ITfill, 1 Viewers: Jart.------- ----. WALT" ' IWWEBSTER STREET.—We,, the underlignetl. appointed Ylewers to as sess Mining , s and benedts in the matter of widen lng MIST STREgT, Second ward, Alle gheny, from Benton alley to North Common,witi meet on toe premises on stONDAY, the 15c.h day i, or gebruary. at 3 o'clock P.M:, to attend to the } duties of our appointment. S. BULFORD, J. J. HERMAN.- LBW: AND .WALTBB. Jar; :d43 OFFICA. PACIFIC A TLANTIOTELEEnAFE Co. OF TIM UNITED STATID , . PITTSBUID3 II . January 25, 11462. "rFIFTEENTH DIVIDEND. The Directors of the Pacific aid Atlantic 'Telegraph Company of the-united 'states having this day declare. , the regular quarterly divldend at guar the rate of T. 21; r u T. per annum for the Cr ending December 31. 1888..1 . the same at the °Mee of the Treasurer on c l all. • jaV:l64 EH. JAY ALLEN. Treaeurer. ATE W OPERA HOUSE: zsstz... mANA6EIL TrEvDERFO'N W. CAN:ZINO Last night but three of the great genius of Bur lesque, ' THE LEFF/NO WELL. WEDNESDAY, Jacuary 270,11369, • BEPPO THE FEBUCIOUd Inthe fittelee gee of FRA DIAVOLO and MEDEA. THUFSDAX. positively laid time of (INDEF.- ELLA. and RUMEO JAFFLER . JENELNe. Friday—Letlingwelli's Farewell Eit nein. Eaturdap—Farewell --- T)ISSOILVTIOS OF: PARTNER ti hemby sir* n that the 'partnership .Leretefors 'exii.ting between S. LUTZ and A. J. RANKIN. under the name and style of LUTZ 'A RANKIN, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2911 day of ,Jannary, 1869. All debts due the said prrtnership are to be paid, and all liabilities discharged by H, S. Lutr4l49. 2181 Western aver e, Allegheny. H. S. LUTA, A, J. RANKIN. icordlsily re:moment my successor, H. B LUTZ. to a. contlnnaroe or the patronage be stowed upon our firm. A. J. RANKIN. PITT SBVSGEI; January AS. 1869. ja;C:ds7 OUSE ESTABLISHED 1824. --Ctioice American and French Confec ' tlonary Of all kinds, and large stock on band. Also foreign' fruits and other delicacies of the • trade. ' : • Weddings„parties, festivals, fairs and dinners - - for soecial occasions, fu Wished on short notice to any accessible point hi rail, river. or convey . antes gotten up in the meat approved style. 1 • Meals prepared TO orderwlth the best of every thingl in season. Ladles no families furnished ~ with a quiet retired place to dine. Pert ons doing business in the city. or tansient visltore. will find the place convenient aid pleasant - toe njoy a , comfortable Meal. i B. HUBLEY. o nao_. , 27 and At Fourth Avenue, i REMOVAL. The Offices and Warehouses of PARR, BROTHER & CO HAS V, BEE/ REMOVED TO THEIR WORKS, C,or. Thirtieth and Railnad Streets Orders left with PARK, 31CURDY . CO- No. 1221Seiond Avenue, will reelve prompt at. Ja26: ntion LV MUER ALEXANDER PATTIRSON, Wholesale and retail dealer In L UMIER of all de.• • scription, keens constantly on hall and for .sale BOARDS, PLANE, SC ANTLIM. JOISTS, SHINGLES, LOCUiT AND CE/AR POSTS, WEATHER BOARDING, FLOORNG., FANCY SWING, PATENTSPOUTING, &t Also a large • stock. of OAS, POPLAR, ASH and YELLOW PINE LUMBER. Attention eldealrs is Invited I to my large stock of dry lumber lirards. • NO. IST REBECCA. ST., opp 7 CiasWorks. • And cornerof Prehle aud Junita, s ts .. • jaVhd46 rixtb Ward, Alegheny. 41g. 1I 4IIQUUITER 7. BOYS' CIMINO. Gray &Liogan, N 0.47 ST. CLAM STREET. WALL PAPEU, - At 107 Markt 6t, eet Near Fifth avenue. TO ruakecona tor new goods we will sell • FOR THIRTT DAYS Tile stock now in store. - at gees that will pay buyers to invest. Call and se JOS. EL times & SRO SKATE SIiUTES. , Ameriean Rink. New York CIP, Empire, Star, Sie. II All other styles and sizes sthe , very lowest rates at' WHITESIDES 804011, 19 FEDERAL ST.,,VLEUREN T. KEYSTONE PCTERY. S KIER. • ' Manufacturera f QAUEENNWARE. • IiBISTru WARE *C. Office and Warehouse. 343 LIIRTY,STEICILT. - 1- airAu orders oromptly stuotd to. T i EigliONS FEENCEit AA ITALIAN. ALFRED 14. BROWNING, •olessor of the above Languages, and Translator Letters and Documents, will be glad to recte pupils either at his resioen , e or will visit tni In their own borne,. elms moderate.. Add*, °Mee of the . 15125:d12 . IEED. 200 88. cnoirr. cLovE3Ezn. .. . . . 250 bushels choice Timothy:el ,' .- 1 In store and for sale by - - . i - 3LEAN OR de IlitOEV, . . • • 320 Litt street. ~ . JAM lttsburgb .. ' urrzca or CITY ENGINEER ANT , ItVEYOR. i Pittsburgh January 5151 MO. Nogrice.-The assestient for Grading and Paving Prifti ALLEY. train Twenty eighth tu. Twenty-nu street, is t ' no' ready for e)urnination avd_3l be teen at this oiliett until 1 HURS.AV, trrtiary 4th, 11360, when It WI be returned to qlity Treas '' urer's oMce fur c,ll. orlon. , l , • jargds4 H. J. 3 / 1 - S43 RE , C itngineer. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, " -- ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. —Whereas. letters of adrututeratior• oten granted to the Undersigned; on tbe es tate of persons Wli SoN. late of Allegheny city, ea— all indebted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate payment: and those oaring latma to present the. , properly authen ticated for settlement, to ELIZA WILSON, 7:d53 -'w 220 Beaver r.t.„ Allegheny city. pITTSBURGII LEAD PIPE AND Sheet Lead BAILEY, FARRELL k CO., • 161 Smithfield Street, MANUTACTVIIIIIS OF - LEAD' AND MODE PIPE, Sheet. Lead, Plumbers ands Gas Fitters Tools, AND MATERIALS. 31,12:w.13 DICKENS' WORKS. SCOTT'S NOVS, ComPlete In 6 TOLE. Cloth - - • $lO,OO de. do. Half call $21,00 POll 5A.1.416.1132" R. IS. 13.41L.N73EM, 93 WOOD STREET. R. S. D. wiLl• remove to 193 Liberty Street, above St. Clair about March Ist. HE" - METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY, Late No. 67 Wood, Now N0.119-Smithfield, IS PREPARED TO FURNISH MISCELLANEOUS. TIIEOLOGIOAL. MEDICAL, LAW. MUSIC BOORS. SCROOL AND CULL .OE TEST BOuRS, Library Books and alt requisites. for Sabbath Schools of -all denominations, froth the Ameri can-B.S. Union, American Tract Society. Pres byterian Boards of Publication,Methodist Epla rlftitt;.t. Union . litbliethgl32,llPlNG HOUSE REQUISITES and STATION EBY. Wholesale and. Retail.' I 091EPH HORNER, Successor to J. L. Read, Methodist 'Episcopal Block Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B —AI , he hook accounts of the Deposit. tgry under the agency of J.. L. stead are with his !successor, S. 110RNEB, who will attend to their settlement. 1aM:414.5-Bg giANITARY, CALIELIPMWEL - McF.ARLAND -& COLLINS : WILL CONTINUE THEIR ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE TWO WEEKS LONGER. Greaterliarguins tlian EN-cr Will be Offered to Close Out Special Lines of Goods, at 71 and 78 Fifth /mina', Second Floor. Ja7 41DJO ITU NED ORPHANS', CI %GET SALE. o adiourned sale of the Real Estate of the late JAR V.S BLACK. &ceased. • Will be offered at Foinic Sale, at ones C(ITIBT HOUSE, In the city of Pittsburgh, HUBS- DaY, the 98th nay of January, 1869, at 10 o'clock A. sr., all that cartain.Lot of Groand sit uate in Collins TownshiO,(now Eighteenth ward) city of Pittshargh. (bounden by lands of Samuel Semple, IL Williams and William .emple. and by a township road, containing 16 sorsa and 105 petches, and ha.lng.thareon erected a large double FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with a fine Barn. stabling and other untbutldings, with a good Orchard of Fruit Trees of all k!nds. Grapes, Ac., and a Coal Bank opened on the premises. W ill be sold as a whole or subdivided to suit purchasers. Also Lots Nos. 10 and 11 la F. 0, Bailey's I Plan n East -Liberty, Mow Pittsburgh.) each fronting 60 feet on the turnpike rose, and ex tending back 198 feet, and having thereon erected on Lot No. 10 a frame stable, and on Lot No. 11 a two story Brick Dwelling House. will be sold together or I separate Lots, as hest • will snit purcha• et a. . Terms made known at sale. Ja2.3:09-ster A. lIILANDS, 'Trustee. yob PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SCHMIDT& FRIDAY uuroirrEss ow 1V INKS, BRANDIES, Gl, I WHOLEOALE DEALERS IN PtRE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, win 'Remove on the hit of April to NOS. 384 AND 356 PENN, Cor. YtiOltanth St.:(formorly Canal.) Fog SALE—A .LEASE" OF A PLANING ISllLL—TheLmachlnery In the Monongahela Planing Mill IS OFFERED FOB SALE, WITH A LEASE OF THE MILL AID LOT. (he machinery is of the most approved , kind, and In good order. The mill Is well located, has all the facilities foridoing a large and profitable business, and has a good trade. This Is a favorable opportunity to engage in an old established business with a small investment. ' • • Apply to killings. & Bidwell. corner of Car son add First streets, bouth Pittsburgh. jars • . JAM FURS! FURS! FURS! na McCORD 131 WOOD STREET. ILOOK OIL CLOTHS,We h ave In stock a large assortment of styles and va ous widths of thoroughly seasoned Floor Oil Cloths, which we are offering to tee wholesale and retail trade at prices lower, taking quality into consideration, than can he had le this city. J. & H. PriII.LIMS, ZO and 148131.xtti street.. I=l 11011SEKEEPING DRY GOODS Ina Very Low Prices, BLEACHED TABLE LINENS; HALF BLEACHED TABLE LINENS.; UNBLEACHED TABLE LINENS; TABLE NAPKINS; TOWELINGS; LINEN TOWELS; EtEACHED SHEETING MUSLIN'S; BLZACHED SHEETING MUSLIMS; PILLOW CASE MUSLIMS; MONEY COMB QUILTS; MARSEILLES QUILTS; LINEN SHEETlNGS—sn,extra'brirgiba; PILLOW CASE LINENS: TICHTNGS. AcA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Oa WILLIAM SEMPLE'S; 180 'AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY CO-PARTNERSHIP. IIIAV. THIS .DAY • ASSOCIA ED with me In co-panne r4llp, WILLIAM MUFF, JOBE M.-THORP, and JEEOME S. BONNET. The business will be conducted at the old stand under the name and suit of WM. MIL LERS: CO. WILLIAM !TILLER• rITTS 1.10311, January 1. 1869 WILLIAM MILLER $ CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street.• Corner of Irwln.• now offer to the trade t low tlyktris, btrictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Nolasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Plitiadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. holden Drips, Lovirings. BrunOs, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island nyrupt. Porto Rico. Cuss and English Island Molasses. 'Young tlysur, Japan, Imperial, Uunpowder and Teas. Te Carolina and liangoin Mee. Java, Laguayra and to Coams. Tooacco, tLard Fish. Nails, Glass, Soaps Cotton Yarns; constantly en hand. .111POBTERS OF . Fine -Brandies,Wines and Segars. Rhenish, Moselle. and Sparkling Hock Wines of Hinsel & 00.. In bodies. Sparkling Moselle Sekarsberg and Johannts burg, Hookheinier. ' Bargnndy , Brandenbutg & Freres' Fine Olive 011. do do Clarets, Imported 1.1 bottles. do do White Wines, in bottles. M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Ytne old Sherry, Madeira sod Port W Ines. Free V e ry onogaa Rye Whiskies. pure. do Superior Old Smtch do do. • ALSO, Sole Agents Air Moe{ & Chandon's Grand Vin. Imperial. Yerzenay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies cf our own. seleeLou and warranted. jai v:143 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY BY LEMON , & WEISE. Practical Paralture Manufacturers, &e n us Where may be found* full assortment of Par lor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. deZS LANDS -Tci - EXCWOE. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND ACRES OP•LAND In Chase connty. Bansati,' Will 'be eiehangedp , an Improved farm In Beaver. Washington, Alle &betty. Lawrence, or Weitmoreland county, on or near a railroad. These lands Ile in a body. ire near the tionrishing town of Emporia, and are represented to be well watered, suitable for el hei stock or /rain raising, and near the Atchi son I Santa:lee Railroad. Address, .426:(1174 Box C r il lttetu G rfg ' Pa; WALL PAPER - REMOVAL. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. MARShALL Hie removed from Ell vrboiiiiTßEET to NO. 191 1.173i11TY a few doors above 13T ! CLAIR. , ?elB J. Z. SWINT .................. J. M. BILiTi WINT & BRATIrt. : - ARCIIITEDTETRAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No; 6$ Sandusky St, 'Allegheny; Fa. A )ar e assortment of NEWEL POSTS and BaLl.trrEttS constantly on band.. TILIJ4!" INU. of all deberiptions• • Pul. orders FRESH i II co tinues ll n t all a o ll city and coun try orders for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. '4B DIAMOND MARKET. Pitt burgh or bls old well known TWIN CITY ta AND. aUeghenir market, 000 SOliA ASIII--100 to, brands la store;and for sale I Doi/ J • R. C.LNy, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1869. ruizxeri. HEM, IJINVIRY 26. AT 16 CENTS, Good Fast Co'ored Dark Calicos. AT Mi CENTS, YARD WIDE SOFT FIN ISHED BLEACHED MUSLINS. AT 1.5134 CENTS,IE RAVY YARD WIDE UN BLEACHED Id USI:INS. - AT AO CENTS,! COTTON TABLE CLOTH T A OES. T - 12% CENTS, CHOICE NEW STYLE CAL OS. OS. AT 6!4 CENT& LADIES' LINEN HAND KERCHIEF d. 1 , AT112)4 CENTS LADIES' HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCITIKr& ,AT' 20 CENTS, BARRED SHIRTING FLAN NEL?. AT 25 CENTS; DOUBLE WIDTH SHIRT ING FLANNELS,' Full' and Complete Stock of DOMESTIC Bought before tbe advanre In briers. nooreffered at the LOWEST CASH PRLCES, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLiAM SEMPLE'S, ,N0.,1180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, 1•7- 1 Ai tiz • L MOTETS SPECIALi ANNOIINCEMENT. TO • MEET THE OENERSL DESIRE OF THOSE iho nave been deferred from purehaenx until after the first of the yearove have concluded to continue our 1. GREAT itEDUCTION SALE FOR A FEW WEEKS LONGER. This 18 Post tlvely the last oppt malty to tk.eute bargains Sn C_MPIE r TS 9 Oil Cloths, Mattings, - &c. Good Carpets for 25 cents a 'lard. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK AND COMPANY No. 23 Firth Street. ~K~~ OIL 1 • We off prices fore co Now is BOY 21 IM Fifth Avenue, CALUIPE'ES, WCA4II* BROTHERS, BreALUM. BROTHERS, M'CifILUM BROTHERS, Vl BENCH EAR AND MUSWELOOMEiIo, -Just rec Lived;" also, Frail' Asparagus, Green con' , Tomatoes, Lima Beans and Okra, put up in t t a mieS, for sale by theil l g , enzr ?ma i l Aw la g 1 Corner Liberty and Baud stree6. il BARRELS OF SORGHUM bitILAWIES. To, Lb , DILLY GER a FITY,VIENSON. fion r o l lE B IELS OF PEACH araV n•thamisau srzymoN. ns choice 411.. E; I=l COTTON GOODS, 1 ATI LILLEGUENT. ucriacora . 1 RPETS, CLOTHS, o. ) tea. .r our stock at reduced r a SHORT TIME be meucing to take stock. he time to buy. RD,ROSE ac CO. TIM ATENTIE. 51 ' 51 CARPETS, CiatrETS. 6 . 3. Fifth Avenue', ABOVE WOOD STREET. . . . gg'ANNUAL MEETING.—The a nnual meeting of the PITTSBURGH PRTROLZUII ASSOCIATION., will be held at tha ROOrn of the Association, on THURSDAY. January AS, at 10 o'clock A. 11., for the purpose of electing offlcas for the en-wing year. jaNtds7 A• F. BROOK`. Secretary. • - • _ P/TTSBDROTI.OrYeII'INATI I,OLIS RT• CO. Steubenville. tf.. JEIBUSTy 18139. rO—NOTICE IS HEREBY Given to the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati & St. Lonifillailwav Company . to meet at its office in Steubenville. 0., on MONDAY, F,bruary let. 1660, between the hours of land 4 o'clock r. kt., for the purbote of electing TIIIRTEES DIRE,C 7 011.6 to serve for the ensu ing yeartand foe the transaction of such other business's may be brought bekre them. J. G. MORRIS. Secretors', jal9:dZi OFFICE P Irr P nul b & u rCx sanuavryt LAB R Co, IigrNOTICE TO Bondholdeitlr Notice is hereby Kiven that COUP N No. 19 T. RILE OftEEK uIVIKON CON• STRUCTION tiIiNDS, due on the first day of February next, will be paid on and after that date upon presentation end delivery at the k lrst National 'Bank of Pit tsburgh. JOHN H. Plat; Jr... Treasurer. 1515:d2 , 0. DRUGGISTS W. MACHEOWN & WHOLESALE .DRUGGISTS, AND NAN,JYACTIIIIIIIS OP Carbon C)11. MOVED TO NO. 195 LIBERTY STREET, White c Window Lead,- film s and Glasses re at Manufaturers price.. deg ELECTIC SUMMER CORDIAL, An Inftrifble remedy for Summer Coinnftint. Dna Tries, Dysentery, vomiting, Baur titomsoli rile Cholera Moroni, OIL HARRIS' CRIMP EBB, • , A specific for Cholera, Cramps. end Pain and Stomach, for sale & EWnr Corner Libert and 'Wayne gtreata, A.Grmrrrs FOR - - J. SCHOOciniala & SON'S t PURE RITE LEAD AND ' DicCOIN ERDITER GREEN, The only green 'lnt that will not deteriorate giveperfec t sure. It wilxatigfactlon ' l look better, l M ast tn lanv onger and mo r e Paint In to, market - COAL AND COKE. COAL: COAL!: COAL!!! • DICKSON, STEWART & CO., • Having removed their °Mee to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Timm Mill) SECOND ELOOR. Aire now prepared to furnish good YOII6EIO - LUMP, _NUT COAL OB.SLACS, at the lowest morket prfce. All orders ten at their °Moe, or addressed to them through the mail, will be attended to promptly. TitIEV). RT AN T •ANNO,IINCE GMT REDUCTION; IN PRICII?•. Tobacco Cigars & Whisky. ISAAC STERN, • N 0.182 Federal Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Respectfolly annOunces to his friends that he Is now offering hls stock, consisting of the FINEST CIGARS, TopAclao, And the PIIII , EST LIQUORS, TSB MAR KET . LOMB T R AN EVER OFFERED IN air Remember the place, N 0.11651 FEDERAL ST., Aztatemnrr CITY. PA. soliortOatth SKATES,,,. • •,SKATES, • SKATES._ I have received my stock of Skates for the sea son of ' , BS and .60, comprising every style known to the trade, at prices ranging Pll9ll 8O CENTS PER PAIR UP TO •65. My stock embraces a full line of. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Skates. Mew fork Club, American Rink, Blondln'i Audis Sup porter, our Ladies' and Gents' Clipper, Phila delphia And Iloston - Club, -EMPIrt and Vul6in, together, with A. large assortment of medium priced 'Skates fOilteys: whiati 1 igrer la exceed ingly low price,. I invite all In Want of Skates to call and be convinced that 136 WOOD STREET, is the place to buy Skates. For sale wholesale And retail bY JAMES_ BOWN . 136 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGII.. not:err . WANTEDON COMMISSION, 0 - NE HUNDRED TONS 01 e r ° COUlA r lar The highest market prices and quick sales guaranteed: Mark packages Manually and send torolees by mail. a P. BALLATID & C 0... Cominisidon Merchauta439 l Washington street. New York. uolVasu, TTNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, 3011MEION. • , Manufacturer of COOKING .BTOVRi3, Arches, Grates, Fenders, Saeh Weight' , and all kinds of Hollow Ware, Car Wheels and all kinds or Machinery Csstings, COR. WATSON a,SHIN , GISS STS.. PITTSBURGH. PA. 111281V27MaR ELECTRO _ SLYER PLLTIN( The genuine article for plating spoons, match cases, do , &c. Sampie 25 cents. Receipt Sent postpeld.Adams . L.U. MERRELL. West Anoover. Ohio. JalB:d4 A DAT FOR ALL—STEN. 1,2 1. CIL TOOL Samples free. ddress A. J. L Springfield, V. auCtoa B• CE S—" To La," ''Fer 4wet, ' " Found. " &e.; not cesseatno;ro CE traVESitaa to serted in theaewtamwa oncefor rwENTY-F 1 USN TS ; , tach additional tine FIVE csxrs WANTED,--SITUATION AN TEO. - SITUATION. - A v 1311SLICES:.MAN,3viin good qualifications, who can adapt himself to circumstanr, , s, desires • situation. Ade re,s U., 6AZETTS (Mee. WANTED-AGENTS WANTED. - AGENTS. - DR. A SHBAUGH'S WONDER OF TUB WORIA) , " is warranted to cure Rheumatism. Neural to—cold oh the Package System. No one is required to pay until fully tested. I pay $6O per month, a large commission, to good men to dis tribute these packages, _ Call at 2io. St. Clair btreet. 1). 16. TILTON. WANTED---HELP. WANTED. COOK.—A good GIRL will end a pleasant borne In a small family by applying early at No. 05 BEAVER STREET, Allegheny City. Must be a good cook. • washer and Ironer. -References required:- WANTED---HELP.-AT EM PLOYMENT OFFICE. No. 3 St. Clair Street, BOYS OIRLS and MEN, tor difterent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be gunplied on short notice. TO LET. MO-LET.—ROOMS.—Two fine ROOMS in GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at bunting Bums, e 4 and I , CI Fifth avenue. TOLET4,-A House With many ... rooms and well lighted and dry basement, suitable for offices or store. on , corner of Tenn and Eighth etre. ts, will be let in sepal ate apart ments or altogethe r. Also a dwelling with eleven rooms; also one with seven,near tht same corner. Apply at 277 PENN STIthET. T~O-LET._DWELLING HOUSE s.d OFFICE, 170 FEWSKAL STEEI. T. egheny. il office Is very d. slrasle tor a plush:Uri. A p p l y at Whi. SEMPLE'S,.II3O Fed eral street. two doors above. rilC-LET.-ONE STORE BOOM. FOUR BASEMENTS, well lighted and nutshed. .OF eICES In the s - eond tory. • SLEEPING ItGOSIS In the third story, and ONE LA - EttiE IL•LL. with . two anterooms, In the fourth story of A. B. English , ' new building. Yonne avenue. Apply toA. G Ll6ll & CO.. No. 519 Fifth avenue. ryo-LETTHE SECOND AND THIR•4 STORIES of a Business bust. no eral street. A legheny city. r ach room is 20 by 80. Splendid location for a Pliol 0(4 O.A PH yr,g, sion.t.,p 4 Kota( or light Manufacturing.. Spacious front entrance and In the best budnges F portion of the street. or particulars apply to Broke CROFr% NoT &T. 139 FouHILLIPS, rth Rea Avenul Estate e.. Agents And MO. LET—HOUSE—A First Class L 3 story brick house with 11 rcoins, a good range of modern kind in kitchen, tot and cold water. ao stairs andidown. a good wash house and bath room, a good coal house - on alley back: also a good dry cell.r under the. whore house. Every thing in complete repair. I,m further particulars inquire of istatsEY HALL, Real , Estate Agents, No. 91 Beaver street. - ' ; Office 'Rooms now 'occupied by D. - COWER, on Ohio street. Allegoeuy, city, with good stable. • - -ha C UTUBERr SOEP,- 85 hinithLicid street. I 0 rnLET-mTs.WtOh ghandsomely , t door. and one (rout up stairs. Inquire at 199 Third avenue. I'OR RENT.-THE PWELLING PART OF linUeE No. 48 FUiJBTH ANX- E, nap - hang the Banker Pittsburgh. suitable for a dentist, or phytrielan or some public office. A p ply to S. CUTHBERT A. SONS, WS B5 Smithfield street. FOR SALE FOR SALE.—A New House of . sevea Rooms and Hall. corner of Pridii and .1 , °rhea streets.. Water and Gas by the house; also Range to kitchen. - LiOR SALE.-". 14 F ELD COTTAGE anef GROUNDS, abou*.B acres. beautifully plant ,t 1 and distributed In vineyard, fruit and ornsmental evergreen and (b cidtmos trees and ,lirubb2ry. a complete ae,rtm tr t the fruits of tae climate: commodious c-rnage house, stab.c and tenant house no , tr one roof; cottage of elgnt rooms. paring. s, orc., summer Ititche., rain water cistern and spring of purest water at door. Situate oae uoitu of Allegheny. on Perrysville road, and a quarter of a tulle f^ota Pleasant Valley Passenger Car Station. For terms and particulars enquire at north end of Hand Street Bridgt: wi-JFOR SALE.—House and Lot on Fayette street, Fifth Ward, Allegheny. Ouse new. containing Five Rooms. Cellar and Hall, well furnished, Lot feet front by feet In depth. Tw ,, Lots on Charge cornere 20 feet front by 140 feet in eeptn, o Bayard Alley. One Lot on N %iron street 20 !Vet front by 13% 'feet In depth, Sixth Ward, Allegheny. Also, for lea‘ e 12 acres of ground with a 'voo • House ofThree Rooms with nece,tary nut buil - ingi, at Woods Run, for a term of from-one o ten years.- ._ House and Lot .150. 220 Lunch street. Alle gheny city. Apply to ALEXA N DER PATTERSON'. Corner Juniata and Preble street. n.xth war; Allegheny. • .1s - - FOB SALE.---A DE4IRABLE FARM. containing 150 acres, lo , •ated on the A. V. K. K., 23 miles from the.city and within fire minutes walk of a litatiin; 145 acres.clear ed, balance In good timber; 00 acres in gin 6.30 acres' underlaid with a 3 foot vela °fecal; BOIL 'first class and the improvements No. I,_ei n ist log of a new Dow R le Two Story Frame OW e of -7 knows, ^ foot balls and good celiar, built Barn.nihed in splendid style; large new Bank 40 by-72, planed an dpainted. Also, a I necevary outrulialuga-eonvenlentiv arranged, including a Teneutent llou •e of 4 rooms; whoie farm well watered and can a 1 be worked by we chinery: six acres or onehard, select variety of fruits• also small fruits. 'Ebig farm is without, doubt . the bell In the neighborhood, and necis only, to _be seen to.be_sppreelated. .X.runt.the houses's bad la delightful' Jew of the towns of Freeport .sindli,Satzons. p and Aeon the Alle gheny rivers and surrounding country. Fur par- ticulsrs app'y to CROFT. do PHILLIPS. , Real Estate Agentd, No. 130 Fourth Avenue." F°" RA s E i-c—. 4: TiIIt.EESTO Y 'BRICK 3)WELLING TIMM soul... Ming 16 rooms. sitnate4 No 48 BTliGfil ON AVE ITS:, alleshetly Cley. The'l t is 30 by :140 feet. and has a rood brick stunk, at rear end 1 ItOtl. Ing on rer co rent.. i•nr furtfire Informs lion inquire Wt H. CHILL'S., No. 133 Wood street. rittsbirab. , s. FOIL IALE.-W Ant El °UN E„- That fin Tla 0 tiTORY BIIII.ELEG, 93 , Ohio ear et. Allegh. ,now .mcupled as a and raln,`Narthotlie." Vor app l e s to ht . TEELE . S N. on the prterm. &o.. emt , 'es. FOR SALE.,-..•REFLNERY.---A leirst.C)ass Refinery, In : completeTon ntug order, nearly new. Ras b?en In operation but it t•tw moans. vignated;on ,he A. V. It. beyond the prelent.,city,lhults. capatatyve hundred bbls per week. eau be doubled with no extra expense exceptlntal , additional still. Apply .at7oll and 24.01 AR 13TREET, rata burgh, Pa. FOR SALE---_ _BENIN ESS.-T BE STOCKA ND GOOD.WILL of wh ("Waste and retail Dry tioods and Notion ti on now doing a good business, located on Federal street, Alleghe ny atty. -Also the storeroom with extures and cel lar...l'DLET." This is an opening sr idom offered, as the stand is secend to none on t reet. For particulars apply to CROFT & P HII,Lt Iteal Estate Agents and Brokers, No: 139„Fonrth 'M enne. ' ' FOR SALE—DESIBLIII F. IVES ': TERN AVENUR ReteIDERC located'on Western seen ue,Alleitheny clty.b.-tween Burwell rooms.n Irwin avenue. Rest , ience—arlck of 1L hall and good celltr, gss toroughout and all dntsh din nest class style. Lot 4b be )$O to a 20 foot alley. will be sold on easy tetras. Apply to C er Real Estate Agtnta, Foe9h steno.. Ala FOR SALE--BUSINESS'STANB • —A welt known and prosperous wholesale bust iess stand, with stock and datnres; le offered for sale. Eatisficiory reasons are given for the dis posal.ly at 71 WOOD STU:Err. • FOR SALE.-A SPLENDID , , ? UCTAV KEW VtVuOD PIANo. Ve y cheap. le nearly new. Adden , Y, num 1325 Plitsburigh Postolllee. ' • • . _ OH SALE—SHOW C A SE.--En.• ju quire or J. E. KENNEDY. 83 Smithfield street. VAu using the 3 CONOMIZE YOUR FUEL by SIIIVE CENTRIFUGAL GOVER?iOIR4 the ouly true snit easily regulated tiovernor made - . perfect in its operations and truly reliable. A lam size tiorernor can be seen at the (Alice of rEtICE VAL BEAMETT,_Meclutnical Engineer and Helleitor of Patenta,lio. 79 Federal street, /Ji City, the only for this O nvern_Or In CEMENT --6U barrels Hydrant to Cetnent in s t.r and for sale by AOl7 J. H. CANFLEL.D
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