FM MI =I Financial Natters in New York. Gold Closed atl3B;‘@,l36m. • By Teldrapb to the Pittsburgh Gazette,3 NEW your., January 25; 1869. IdONEY. _ Money quiet and easy, early in the day, at 6@7 per cent. on call, but later the demand was quite sharp at the high. er rates. Sterling rather lower, but closed steady at 9%@9%. Gold firmer; opened at 136%, became buoyant and ad- Vlinced to 136%; t closed at 136%@13655, Clearances $52,000,000. Export to-day 0513,000. ' It is estimated a. further , con . siderable amount will soon go ,forward. One banker alo e purchased three and a half millions th s afternoon, it is under stood for accou tof the stock pool, and the short inter st was largely, increased, the short sales f being estimated at from. five eight, millions. Loans made at 5a7 per cent. fer carrying. . BONDS AND STOCKS. , Governments are strong,' with' a good demand, especially for small bonds and registered stock. • The Conpons - of '62 were the feature and advanced to 113%; 1881, 113%, 113%@113%; • do, '62, 113%, 113%©113%; do.. '6l, 1140)118%; do. '65, 1103 ®11 %; new do., 168%@108%; do. '67, 108% 109%; do.- , 68, 108,30@109. i r Ten-Forties, 91 d®9l%. ' Registered '62, 109%,©109%. - / • • • State securiti t eit are lower, In sympathy ` ' with . the depression in stocks. Nils- Bonds, 87@86; new Tennessees 68@68%; 'new North Carolinas; 61663; ' Virginias, 63%;• Loulalatia , Sites, 78; :do. Eights, fst ar s' i , : • ~ ,• .. - • Railway shares opened at about clos ing quotations, of lest evening and ad-, vanced until after first , regular board, ,when the prices halted and subsequently declined. The plominent features have been Rock Island, Ohio ik Mississippi, Pittsburgh, Michigan Southernf North - Western, and Harlem. The latter bas advanced six per cent.- since yesterday. Rumors are in circulation that this com :pany contemplate selling their city real estate: There is little doubt that some time in the future a large dividend will be made on these 'shares. The stock -is likely to follow the example'of the _Cen tral in rising and falling many times be fore the dividend is declared. This after noon the general market was feveriah and unsettled, .on the passage of the rail road bill in the Illinois House Of Repro- Sentatives, and 'increased in activity. There were full sales orstock, especially in • North Western and. other railway 'shares, and many' weak holders were shaken; but the short interest has been increased quite _Materially to-day. The market Closed with tvrecovery. from the the lowest figures, but unsettled.:• _Five-thirty. .Prices:—Cumberland,3B%© 88%; Wells Express, 27%@28; American, . 42; Adams, 55%@57; 'United States, 5034 @5l; Merchants' ',Union, 17@17%; Quicksilver, 24%@25; canton, 60%@61; Pacific Mail, 121; Western Union Tele graph, 363 4 ®36%; -`Hertford 'it - Erie, 28; Mariposa, 7; New York Central, 164%@ 164%; Erie, 3535; do. preferred, 63®65; • Hudson, 135%; Harlem, 114 1 /0 Read ing, 96%@97; Terre Haute, •142@142%; do. preferred, 67 1 ,5(4)68;' Wabash; 6434@ 64%; do. pref., 75®77; St. Paul, 74%@75; do. pref., 75%@77; Fort Wayne, 123i4@ 123%; Ohio and Mississippi, 37 6 ,1@)37%; Michigan Central, 118@)120; Michigan Southern, 93%@94; Illinois Central, 138%; • Pittsburgh, 94@94%; Tole d 0,106%, ®106%; Rock Island, 133%@134; Northwestern, 82%@82%; do. pref., 88@8,33/: Chicago & Alton, 149; do. pref., 150; Lake Shore, 10214. Mining shares; there is a good business. Smith 6: Parmelee, 233; Gregory, 260; Grass Valley, 35. Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 40; Copper Falls, 1614; Franklin, 16; Heels, 70%; Hancock, 3%; Minnesota, 2; Quin -03'1'25K- SUE-TREASIIRT: Receipts at the Sub• Treasury, $1,029,- 109; payments, $902,742; balance, P6,977,- 180. Markets by Telegraph. NEW YORE, January 26.—Cotton is firm but quiet, with sales of 1,600 bales -at 283ie for middling uplands. Flour; receipts of 8,161 bbls; the market opened a shade better for - shipping grades, and closed dull and declining for all descrip tions, with sales of 7,100 bbls at $5,85a 6,35 for superfine State and western, is 7,35 for extra State, $6,80a7,75 for extra western, $7,75a9,25 for white wheat ex tra, $6,80a9 for Round Hoop 0hi0,•57,40a 8,50 for extra St. Louis, and s9al2 for good•to choice db.' I Rye -flour Is quiet at $5,25a7.45, with sales of 150 bbls. Corn Meal 'is quiet, with sales of 260 bbla choice western at $5. Whiskey is dull with sales of 50 bbls western, at $l, free. Wheat; no receipts- ' the market is dull and drooping, the advance in freights checking tne export demand;* sales of 16,000 bushels at $1,61 for No 2 sliring, in store, $1,65 for very choice, and $2,05a 2,08 for white California; also 23,000 bus. 130..2 spring at private _terms. Rye dull and heavy at $1,48a1,50 for western. Bar ' ley is quiet with sales of 1,500 bushels Canada West at $2.15a2;35, prime. German at $2,30 to arrive; also 9,000 bushels Hungarlhn to arrive at $1,95. Malt is dull. Corn—receipts. 5,184 bush; the Market is without decided change in price but less active, the firmness of 'freights checking the , export demand; sales of 49.000 bush at 94a96 for white western; 97a98e for western yellow; 95a 960 for white Southern: $l,OO for old mixed western afloat. Mats—, receipts -3,600 bush; the market is firmer and more active; sales of 67,009 bush at 75a75. 1 4e for western in store; 76077 c afloat. Rice - firm at frialOc for Carolina. Coffee firm: sales of 16,000 bags Bloat private terms. Sugar more active; sales of 150 hbds Cuba at 11a113 .6c; 1,500 bokes Havana at 146 c ., , Molasses quiet; sales IA: 800 bbls New Orleans at 74%79000 hilds Denumira at 50a5030. Petroleum firm at 230 for Crude:, 36;037c for , rdAned, bonded. Hops quiet at BalBc for American. Lin seed oil firm, at $1a1,02. Pork firm: sales 011,250 bbla at $.30,85a31,25 for new mess; $3O for old do; $26a27 for prime; $28,50a 29,50 for prime mess; a 150,1,500 mess, seller for March. at 531,50. Beef steady; sales of 190 bbls at $9a16,50 for new plain mess; $/4a19,50 for new extra mess. Tierce beef steady; sales2oo tierces at $27a32 for prime me55..031a37 for India. mess. Beef Hams quiet, with sales of 150 bbls at $30a35. Cut Meats firmer; sales of 480 pkgs at 13101430 for shoul ders, 16qa17X,3 for hams. DreasedHogs firm at $13,50a14,50 for western; and $14,50a14,75 for city. Middles, firmer, with sales of 425 bxs at 15%0 for Cum berland cut, 1634 c for short ribbed, and short clear on private terms. Lard Is firmer; with sales of 950 tcs at 19y;a2034c for steam, and, 21a21V„0 for kettle ran dered;'also, 4,000 tea steam, buyer' and seller Februry. March and April, at 28a 3.5 c. Cheese firm at 16a2010. Spirits ..Turpentine steady at 55%a56c. Freights to-Liverpool firm, with engagements of 30,000 bus grain, per steam, at 71,0. for' corn, and 7 1 4d.' for wheat; afterwards held higher. Latest. —Flour , closed dull for low grades, and heavy and a shade easier ft,r medlurd and good grades. Wheat quiet with a moderate export inquiry, and dull for winter. Ryo dull at 81.47a1,50 for western. Oats firm at 7.5 1 ,6a7.53.0 in store, and 77c afloat. Corn dull .at 83a 95c for new mixed western, and $1,05a . . - --- -• .( 7 -!;i:' . . 5 :•.T .. .T.. 751 J. .3 °T-:1:- „71:4 I ;.''J ./. 4:171 'II • • 1 1'7 3 , '•'- 7 , •''...;:' 7 ',.. '- "'' - - 1 . Ts .'- ~,,,,: , ,,,,,,,,,7 - p rITSBURGII7O.AZET 'Erz?;----'WEIRsiESDAY;,,,,,TANUARY,27;.-:-.4869. IMMO= 1,08 old do in Store and deliverd. Pork quiet and very firm -at i 531,50 for new mess, with a moderate demand. Bacon quiet and firm. Cut meats in ftlr request at full prices. Lail very firm: sales of 250 tierces prime ateam,buyer for March, at 2.1y 1 c. Eggs dull at 28a300. Dry, Goods.—The market remains inac tive yet is firm for all 'staple Cottons. Heavy Brown Sheetings are in steady re. quest at 16a17c for southern and eastern makes: , Heavy Brown Drills are HMO tive and firm- at 17a1734e. , Printing Cloths are scarce and sold largely ahead at 9 1 jcy Prints of western make ,are in moderate request only at 13301434 c tor fancies and coarse. Jeans are steady at 123yc, Reed Post, 15,c; Laconia, 15i4c. People's Brown Duck, conimon, 23c: Milledgeville Brown Osnahurgs, 19c; Granite do. 200; Columbia Brown Ducks, 20c. Roanoke.ryinghanui, 13[4c. Mona dock 103 Bleached -Shootings, double f01d,'4734e; Proquet ',54 'do. 25c; Loivell 10y, do. 4234 c; Waltham 9-4 - do. 50c; and x do. 42310. CHICAGO, January 2&—Eastern EX change firm at 1-10 discount buying, and 1-10. premium selling. Flour quiet; spring extras 55a6,50. Wheat, No. 1 easier; sales at $1,1831;a1,21, No. 2 opened firm and advanced to $1,1534a1,16, but subsequently became easier and closed weak at $1,15; sales • since change at $1,14%. Corn fairly active Ma%e higher; sales of 'new at 55a55 1 / 4 , no grade at 501 i a 5014 c and No. 2 kiln drle3 at 57c; Closing at 55a5614 for new; - nothing doing this afternoon. Oats ,in ,moderate request; Sales of No. 2 at 481-4a48 3 , 4 a, and rejeet ed 45 1-2a46; . clositig at 48 1- - 4a48 1-2 e for No. 2. Rye firm-and la L 1-40- higher; sales of-No. 1 at $1,16 1-2a1,18, N 0.251,15; closing at outside priCe. Barley tame and lel 12c loWer; salei at $1,79a1,81 for No. 2; closing quiet at $1.78' 1-2. High -wines nominalat 93c. Provisions strond and active. Mess Pork sold at $3l, cash, closing firm. Lard 1-11a 2 )io higher, clos lirm at 20a201-4c. Sweet Pickled Hams 16 1-.2a17c. Short Ribs, loose, 15 1-2 c. Cumberlands, loose, 14 1-4a14 1-2 e. Dry Salted Shoulders,- loose, '-'l5 Mane. Grease; 153(0 for white; 131-2 e for yel low, and 11 3-4al2c for brown. Dressed Hogs active andl2sasoc higher, closing firm at $12.75a13,25,-dividing on 200. Re ceipts for the past twenty-four hours— 'B,732 blobs flour; 42,604 bush wheat; 194,- 415 bush corn; 24,484 -bush oats; 2,252 _bush rye; 3,00 bush barley; 2,876 head hogs. Shipments-10,505 bbls flour; 6,216 bush wheat; 9,894 bush corn: 6,414 :bash oats; 1,110 bush rye; 2,057 bush bar ley: 4,4sl:head hogs. „ Live Hogs active and firm and,lsa26c higher; sales at 11045a11,25 for lair to choice. 'Beef-Cattle dull and inactive, at $5a6,25.f0r good cows and light steers. Sr. Louis, January . 26.—Tobacco un changed. Cotton nominal; sales at 27% - c for middling. Hemp steady; °Mice un dressed sold at $1,40, and dressed $2,35. Flour, low grades active and unchanged; superfine range, ss,2sas6,lo;'extra, $6,25; double extra, $7.00a58,00.. Wheat in bet ter demand; prime to fancy . fall sold at 81,5042,00; 'No. 2 spring in elevator at $1,36. Cern firm and quiet at 70a72c. Oats unchanged, at 58a62c. Barley, steady at 81,85882,05 for prime to good. lowa spring rye firmer; sales at 81,25a51,27. Whiskey very dull; sales at 81,95. Pork higher and firmer at 831,00a831,50; also, Sales, deliverable on March Ist, at 831,00: Bulk means active and higher; sales for future delivery, at country towns, 13c; for ahoulders;;lsso for clear rib sides, and 16%c for clear sides. City packed shoul ders sold at 13y, and clear sides at 17c; bacon stiff and tending upward; not much doing in shoulders; 1434 c for clear rib, 17 is for clear sides, and 18c for country; shoulders at 14Xc, hams, 1534 c; clear sides, 17c. Lard excited and hih-i er; sales at 20e for tierce, and 21a21.3c for e keg. Hogs sold at 101,;e10. Cattle steady and firm at 63a7e, gross. Re-\ ceipts : flour, 17,000 bbls; wheat, 12,000 bush; corn, 0,700 bush; oats, 13,000 bush; barley, 1,200 bush; rye, 200 busn; hogs, 10,000. • , ToLupo, Jan. 26.—Flottr quiet and steady at $lO for treble extra white; $8,50 for treble extra amber; $7,50 for spring extras. Wheat steady; amber $1,69%a1,70 on the spot; for No. 1 white Michigansl,9o; No. 3 spring $l,lO, the market closing less strong. Corn active; new 65i/0 on the spot; 66a6614c sellers for February, closing at the.inside; Michigan old 70c; rejected new 61a61 1 4c; new white 66c, the market closing firm for Spot. Oats steady, closing at 57c for Michigan; 57 1 * for No. 1. Rye more actiye: Michi gan $1,27a1,28. Barley in good demand atsl,7s for for No. 1 State. Clover seed advanced 25c; sales 412 bu at $9,25.• Dres sed hogs quiet and steady'at 12Nal5c, all weights. Mess pork•firm at $3O. Lard firm at 20. • • • . CLEVELAND, January 20.—Flour quiet; demand light for city made; 111a11,25 for treble extra white; $9,50a9,75 for double extra amber; $8,25a8,50 for:double extra red winter;l7,7saB,o4, for double extra spring; country made, $7,50a8 for double extra red and ataber; $7a7,50- for dbuble - extra spring; 19,75a10 for double extra white. Wheat; No. .1 red winter held at 11,70; No. 2 held at $1,59. Corn 70c. Oats nominal; held at 600. liye held at 11,30. Petroleum , Aniet, - but firm and unchanged; refined. , .held at, 84a35c, in large lots. , Mit.WinaLE, Jan. 26.—Flonr active and the prices are unchanged.- Wheat a shade Tower at 1420 for No. 1; $1,14 for No. 2;11,05 for No. 3. Oats nominal, 48c , for No. ,2. Corn quiet at 55a570 for new. Rye higher at 11,12 for No. 1. Barley nom.: lnal. • Provisions firm and unchanged. Dressed hogs firm at 11.2,75a13. Receipts —4,000 bbl, flour; 29,000 bit wheat: 1,500 ha oats;•3,000 bu corn; 1,000 , bn rye; 1,000 btt barley; 200 dreettad hogs; ::Shipments —4,000 bbls rflour; 6,000, •bu - wheat; 200 •fierces pork;. 30 tierces lard. LOUISVILLE, January' 26,---Sales of 265 hhda. Tobacco,new lugs to cutting leaf at $5a27,50. Cotton 28c. • Mess Pork at, S3l. Lard 20i., Bacon, shoulders 14;015c,clear rib sides,l7AalBc, clear sides .18Xa183,ic. Balk, shoulders 13Xal4c, clear rib , sides 17Xa17c, - clear sides I7.qc. Superfine Flour $5,t1i6;25. Wheat 11,75a1,85. Oats 60a62c. Corn 60a63c. Rye 11,42a1,45. Whisky, raw, free at 11., • PaYLADEr.raia, January 26.—Plour dull and weak' but unchanged. Wheat dull and weak; red, 1 11,80'483; amber unchanged.' Rye sells slowly •at 11;60a .1,6%*: Corn very quiet; 'new yellow 87a 910. Oats'oteadv_ 72a750. Petroleum , firm;. crude, , 22W; refined, ,, 34a3t0. ,Groceries nd Provisions unchanged. WWhiskydul a l. , , : _ ,BALTImone, January 28.—Flour dull; low gradesflrm. , Wheat dull; prime red 'Am Corn_firm; sales white at graBB; Yellow 85a87. ' Ots firm ,at .70a75. Rye 'firm, at $1,55a1,60. • Mesa Pork firm at $31;50. Rabon active; rib side's 17%; clear sides 18V01814; shoulders 10.gal5A; hams 20. Lard active at 20a20%. „Ilfzlithirs, January' 2(l.Cotton nomi nally 27%c; reeeipts, 2,257 bales; exports, 241 bales. Flourrquiet and steady. Corn at 68a70c. Oats at 70e. Hay at: $24a25. Bran at $24a25. Pork at $32. Lard at 2030240. Bulk Meats firm; shoulders at 134, sides at 173017%c. Dressed Hags at 12a12;0. IMPORTS BY RAILUAOD. ,CLEV.ELAVD AND ' PITTMSUROB RAIL ROAD, January M.-2 cars rye, Thomas Moore & Son; 10 cars iron ore, 3 grind stones, H Shoenberger & 131 air; 4 cars iron ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 3 cars pig iron, Graff, Bennett & Co; I do bones, Seward & Campbell; 1 car potatoes, Bricker & Co; 1 do do, P Gibbons; 1 do lime, Wn McCully &. Co; 1 grind stone, Bissell & Co; 6 do do, J Woodwell & Co; 100 bbla oil, WM McCutcheon; 50 do do; John'Spear; 1 car stone, J'L L Knox; 20 bza cheese, H Riddle; 24 bas oil, B L Fahnestmk & Co; 9 rolls leather, G Anderson; 4 bbls buckwheat •flonrl Tot ten & Co; 5 bbls oatmeal, 6 bbls, 8 'kegs pearl bari Strickler & Morledge; 3 bbls oatmeal, B A Fahnestock, Sons (Sr. Co; 10 kgs kraut, 2 bhls onions, 0 Bar nett; 50 ska rye, J & W Fairley; 2 hhds shoulders, 2 trcs hams, Watt, Lang & Co; 1 car pig iron, Roseiter & Co: . 1' do do; Lloyd & Black; 3 aks feathers, McCullough, Smith & CO. PITTSBURGH, FORM WAYNE & CHI CAGO RAILROAD. January 26.-1 car middlings, J B Campbell; 50 bbls high wines, M McCullough & , Co; 100 bbls flour, 46 do apples, Culp & Shepard; 2• cars wheat, 3 do corn ' Scott & Gisal; 500 bbls flour owner; 100 do do, John Wilson & Son; 200 do do, Seghmyer & VoskamP; 2 cars green hams, E H Myers & Co; 1 car middling% Keil & Ritcbart; 9 crB iron ore, Shoenberger& Blair; 37• doz brooms, Head & Metzger; 2 pkgs butter, R Robison & Co; 20 kgs lard, Isaac Mon ver; 1 car malt, John Gangwich; 8 bbb3 apples, W H Graff & Co; 21 do do, Voigt, Mahood & Co:, 15 bbls liquor, R6flehei mer & Affelder; 300 doz shovel handles, Graff & McDevitt; 4 bbls vinegar; P Duff & Son; 6 do apples, Graff& Reiter; 5 pkgs hides, G i Hotistott; 5 bbls vinegar, Jas Mills & Son; 2 cars hay, 0 Ailerton; 1 car corn, C B Leech. ALLEGRENY VALLEY RAILROAD; Jan uary 26.-11 cars railroadiron, T D Mess._ ler; 65 bbls refined oil, Samuel Richard son; 480 bbls crude oil, G S Thomas; 320 do do, L Roess & Bro; 40 do do, Johnston & Paine; 960 do do, R T Leech; 30 bbls refined oil, Aladdin Oil Co; 1 car metal, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 1 bbl butter, Little & Baird; 2 kilts butter,' 2 do paultry, GOO Jewett; 4 has butter. 2do poultry, des Hllty; 11 pkgs produce, J C Cuddy; 3 cars metal, Megnight, Porter & Co; '1 do do. Zug dr, Co; 11 sks corn, 7 do rye, M Yeasy; metal, Brown & Co. ALLECIIIENY STATIoN, January 26.-1 car flaxseed, M B Suydam; 20 bales'cot ton, A 11 Childs & Co; 58 do do, Ken: nedy, Childs t.t . Co; 5 cars metal, Graff, Bennett Jr, Co; 60 bgs feed, Geo Stewart; 21 bgs rye, Jos' Craig; 1 car staves, J M Hemphill; 3 cars metal, Lewis, Bailey Dalzell; 4 do do, Superior Iron Co; .1 ear shingles, McCiird# fi McGinniss; 2 cars stone, F Altwalter it Co; 112 bdls paper, Frazier & Metzger; 2 cars wheat, R T.Kennedy fi Bro; 1 car bacon, G W Pusey; 100 oil bbls, Stelling Oil Co; 1 car bran,W Reed;' 55 bbls oil, T H NeVin .o; 1 car oats, Geo Stewart.- \ RIVER NEWS. The weather yeaterday was clear and cold, the thermometer, atrio time during the day, rising' above 29, and it must have been down close to zero early In the morning. The river appeared to be about stationary last evening with four feet six inches in the channel. There were no arrivals or departures aside frcim the regular packets. The C. Grey, from New Orleans, is among the first boats due. The Grey Eagle, Capt.C.L. Brennan, is the ;he recrular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. Business continues dell at the landing, freights for all points being scaree, and boats experience considerable. difficulty In picking up a trip- The Chainpion, Capt. Fidler, is an nounced to leave for Cincinnati to-day without The Bellevernon, Capt 7 7 Darra;•h, is announced to leave for St. Louis, as is also the Mollie Ebbert, Captain G. W. Ebbert, for New Orleans. These are both tip-top'boats. The camelia, Capt. Thos. Poe, will be the first boat out for Nashville. The Leclaire No. 2, which sunk on the 'falls at Louisville the other day, was formerly an Allegheny river packet, and was built and commanded, .we be lieve, by Captain Hamilton Kelly. She was, after the completion of the Alle gheny Valley. Railroad to Oil City, taken charge of by Captain J. G. Saint, who made a trip np the Missouri river with her, and, he was on her, we believe, when she ‘sunk near - Brandenburg, Kentucky. The wreck was purchased - by some parties at Louisville, who, after putting her in repair, placed her in the Louisville and Tennessee river trade, and she was on her way to this river when this last accident occurred. The tugboat A. J. Baker arrived from New Orleans yesterday, with a tow of 'empty barges. After -making a few necessary repairs she will take a tow of coal to, Baton Rouge. —The Leonidas arrived at New Orleans on Sathrday. ' —The Armadillo left Cincinnati for Louisville on Saturday with 350 tons: —The Rover and barges, Capt. Dean, left St. Louis for Pittsburgh Saturday, with 600 tons iron ore. —Capt. Jas. Seabrook died at Indiana polis on Thursday. His remains are to be interred at New Albany, —The St. Louis and Vicksburg line will consist of the Mary E. Forsyth, Rubicon, Luminary and Julia. —The Messenger arrived at Cineinnati on Sunday, and was announced to leave there for New Orleans on Monday. Marshall & Co.'s new wharfixlat,,,for Henderson, was stfccessfaliv launched at Lavender's shipyard, Evansville, on S• —The . Frank Fargoud la to be- with drawn from the Vicksburg trade, to enter Ouachita river where there is more business. —The Memphis and St. Louis Packet Company will. run the Belle Memphis, Marble City 'and Belle St. Louis the _ coming season. .: • . The•Ma¢gie Hays, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, passed Cincinnati on Sunday loaded flat. Pilots—Elbert Williamson atni Theo. Dunn. —Penn Wright, pilot of the Echo, died of small-pox a few days since on the boat, which is lying in Kanawha River, a mile Eibovo Point Pleasant, with other cases of that disease on board. —The Louisville. Courier-Journal, of Saturdayisays: The netiations for the purchase of the' Pink Warble was not fullY concluded yesterday. She was brought down to the wharf yesterday. Capt. Paul will load her for Nashville. $B,OOO is the price agreed, upon. —The'R. C. Gray. New Orleans to Pittsburgh, passed up yesterday. Be sides the freight Indicated in her mini-' feat, heretofore published, she took on, above Cairo, 400 sacks corn and 6 bar .rels scrap iron, and 323 bales of hay at Vevey. Pilots, James „Shouse and Niel]. :Whitten. . 7 -A St. Louis telegram under date of Sunday Says: A committee of promi nent steamboattnen and merchants will leave here to-morrow for New York to confer With, ship owners of that city in relation to through shipments: of grain .from St. Louis null other points on the Mississippi river. The committee will meet, at the,Astor ammo Friday. morn ing. . —Napoleon, Ark, is rapidly passing away. The Mississippi river now runs at right angles with what was once the levee, or Ffont street, and; as the current "makes"with great violeoce from the Mississippi shore, the fate of this once thriving town seems sealed: There are a few business houses still standing, which drive a pretty brisk trade with the interior. —A Nashville telegram to the Cincin nati Coninterciabsays: A lively time-is expected here between the Cincinnati Packet Co.'s steamers and Pittsburgh line of boats just organized. ' Capt. Boyd an old steanaboat agent, was dismissed a few days ago by the Cincinnati line, and has accepted the agency of the . Pitts burgh boats, and will be able to control nearly all the freight going that way. —Capt. G. .W Duvall, United States Inspector of hulls for the Memphis Dis trict, who died a few days since, from injuries received by a fall, was educated for the navy, and previous to the war was in the service of the United States, In which he rose to the rank of Lieutenant. When the tocain of war sounded, he threw up his .commisssion, and shared the fortunes If f the Southern rebels. Since the war he has tilled tile office to which he Fite appointed. Elvers and Weather LOUTFVILLE, January 26. Weather clear and mild. River filling, with 7;1 feet of water. in the canal. STEAMBOATS prrTsIiVRGLI, m as t • WHEELING,' Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's 7h rt al t t Boat, foot of Wood DAIL'S, AT 12 It TURSDAYS AND FR:DAYA, BAYAIID A. S. SEMPITIMD, master WI:DNS/IDIOM AND BATT:nye:KT, USEIr EAGLE C. L. BRENNAN, Ifaster. Freight will be reeelved at all bouts by sell JAMES coLLnrs. Arent OR NASAVILLE, DI.• • 1. RECT.—The steamer - Ma!= Wiritiesse Tuts I)AY. January 211 n, for the above and Intermediate ports. ,For freight or pessitq apply on bleed, or to , UHRIE.a & HAUETT, ' J.NO. FLAGS, or de) J. D. ,COLLINGWOOD. Agents. OR C INCINN A TI and LorisviLLE.—The steamer CHAMPION Wm. Futziot, Captain. Will leave for the above ports on TLIILI DAY, th Inst.. at 12i It. For freight or pasiage'anply on bond or to • J. U. fI(iLLINI,V.i.n./1), rtM=ll=g=l rOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.—The new and spleu SiganiZt did Passenger Packet BELLE VERNON TOHN DAIIRATT, Master, Will leave for the above porta on THIS DAY. the 27th Inst., at 4 o'clock P. If, ur freight or j ta i s i gp r aAtilon board or to. Ja22 J..I.4COLIANCIWOOD, Agent. NIOR CAIRO, 14E101- je gZ a t PHIS and .NEW ORLEANS._ c newand splendid passenger steemer MOLLIE EBERT...G. W. EBERT. Commander. Will leave for the Above porteon SATURDAY, the 30th inst.. at 4 o'clock I. M. For treight or passage apply on board or to . FLACKSCoLLINCiWOOD. or tilt PALEST A; HAZLETT. Agents. , Through receipt* given on the aiy:e boat to Sel ma. Enmula: Renton. Montgomery. Ala., At an ta, Macon, West Point. ticorgia. and all pntnta oh the a !abeam tiler and Texas ports at lowest roles HASLETT. STRAIYISHIPS TO LIVERPOOL .4:kils;o47T-xm — a QUEENSTOWINT. TUT; Z fl 2 reiLsz, ST S tS Nonilit-rin,r Eli:teen fir3t-cLis.., vec:(l. - , among PA, / CITY OF ANT CITY OF BUSTUN, CITY OF }ALTIMOEE. CITI OI LONI ON, dialing EVERY SATURDAY from Pier 45, rth River, Xew York: Foz asea g c or Duller Inform iclon annlvto BINGHAM, Jr. TO:TIFTH STREET. (Chronicle Ituthilne. tioarlo onnool4l Post P•rtahur LEGAL ALLEGHENY COUNTY, SS, la the Court. of Common Pleas, No. 377. 3larch 'form, 1867. In Divorce. liii.NILER vs. ANN JANE 11E5ILER. And now, January OW. 1809. on 'notion of George • It. tochrao, Ilan., WILLIAM M. BLAcKOLIIt,N, Esq., was appointed Commis sioner to take teattmcicy, &c. BY THE COURT (From the Record., JACOB 11. WALTER, Prothonotary To ANN JANE ITEMLEII, the above named re spondent: The anderslgned Commissioner, appointed by the Court, will attend to the duties of his ap- pointment on SATURDAY, February 6th,1869. at 1 o cloak , at his °dice, No. 60 Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa., at which_ time and place Ton can attend. L' W. M, BLACRBITEN, Ja:16.d5.3 ' • Commissioner. (111PHANS 9 , COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of sale leitied out of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County, the under signed, execnior of the last will of Dr. JESSE PENNEY, dec , d, will expose at rustic SALE on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 11th day ef FEBRUARY. A. D. 1809, at 2 o'clock P. X.. all that certain piece °rimed of land situated In the borough of McKeesport,County of Aliegheyn, arid State f Pennsylvania, bounded and de scnbed as foliows, viz : Beginning on the south ern side of Penn street la James Penney's plan of lots in said borough, al the corner of iot No. 13:thenee south along the tine of said lot 70 feet• to an alley; thence east along said alley 80 feet to the line of Henderson's lot; thence by said line 70 feet to Penn street, and thence by , said street 80 feet to the place of beginning:be ing a part of ipt176:12 in Said plan. For further partici:lla rs..ln quire of ; EQBERT i„,itNlCille:A.D, Executor. Elizabeth Cr JOHN' P. PENNEY, • Attorney, Pttieburnh • COLGATE& Co.'s . FRAGE-4A T itc): 04cre1 ' TOILET SOAPS rt ' Are prepared' by skilled au ll. d ° l< h n e ow b n e t s t. t s . the hTANPAD by dealers - 1 Y'9 t' n l; l eie u . st°lmß 3r5. Sold e 2- every- 3R 'OSA:DA:LAS PURIFIES tHE BLOOD. FOlt SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE del;bllFYWF OILTEEN OF ENGLAND SOAF. QUEEN OF F.N . 11 LAN 13 EOM'. QUEERtIF ENGLAND 8011. P. For doing a family washing in the best and cheapest manner. auuranteed equal to - any in the world. Has all the strength of old robin soap, with tile mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile Try this splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Fourth street.- Phihidelehle• e2;v171-mwps,p_ A RC H IBAL D BLAKELEY, ATTOUNMY-AT-LAW. No. 98 FI rU STREET, P I TTSTIU RO H. PA apfl:nlNl:dar tanElEill OIL CLOTH IF — OH HTIN ILA tw.)W SIMI/RS—We are now nianufactu interest to examine our goods bd . ' Mar Old article of a quality sunerlor in finish, and at prices lower than can be had of any East ern manufacturers. Dealers will find it totheir nurebasing elsewhere. p L,Llyti. 28 . and 29 Sixth iii.,-ftiiineiligt76Blir• COMMISSION MERCHANTS =I • DILLINGER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AU Kinds of Country Produce, all orders for Merchandise promptly tilled at LOWEST - mareet rates.' Part icultr attention given to rat, sale of Rutter. Eggs, Cheese Dried struits, lc, We feel confident. that we can give entire sailsfaetion, by making QLTICK SALES and PROMPT RETURNS. at lIIGIPAST MARKET PRICES, and therefore respectfully solicit -your consign ments. Atl correspondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. kirain In store and to arrive dally. au3l:t7B E STABLISHED 2 BY A. & T. I w. N. GI ORMLY, - WHOLESALE GROCER, N0.'271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTEL') iiirrrriatrurtGax. PA. se We WATT, LANG & CO., Urorerien. Flour. _Grain, Produeup Pro visionry.Fletb;Cheese, Carbon ; Oil. ite., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Lit. en., street, Pittsburgh, Pa. n08:n55 H. STEELIC J. A. STEELY. STEELE & SON, Ml, Commission _Merchants, • AND DIGELIM IN • E r ik :OUR, GRAIN. FERMI. &e. No. 92 OHIO STREEI. near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. =I JB. CANFIELD & S ON,. COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in lioshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. it. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Polk, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain , Pig Lead , Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime, Linseed, Lard, Coal and Carbon Oils, No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. CAPT. THOS. POE, PETEE KEIL JAS. 7. EICFLLIte. KEIL & RICIESIAHT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEED'S, MILL FEED, ae., 349 Liberty NI., Pittsburgh, . m724:1)37 ... . ... ... .. ) B. I IcBANE & 'ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • ealer; in FLOUR, •GAILIN and - PRODUCE ENERALLY, No. 14i WATkat STREET, bove Smithfield, Pittsburgh. let. ETZER, &' .ARYISTRONG I I 1 1 OZWANDING & COMMISSION MENCIWITS, •or the sale of Flour, Train, Baco 1 n, Lard, Rul er, Seeds, Dried Fru! , and Prodnee generally, o. 16 HARK ET STREET, earner of First, • IttOurgh. 1 fe'n:ga T J. BLANC 41CARD, Wholesale amtl Retail G aq15.x69 . =l3 II&NONC. &SON, COMIISSION AIEROHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, N FF.KI) 4.1.1 P.RnIJUGE GENER- A:I.IA, No. 79 DIAMOI.cD, opposlte Car Hall, 114,11. , n, v jal7:r;7 ErAIRD 61..IPAT 1 rON, Wholesale Grocers, Comadsilon Merchants a a Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, I! Carhon and Lard 011, Nails, Glass, tton Yarns and all P'..shurgh !Manufactures laerally. 112 and Ise. n.c.COND STREET, ittsburgh. • ins I. 110C1g...glaW. lIOUSE....WM. H. HOugn. TOHN I. HOUSE &BROS., Sue.. fi censors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wnole- Gala Grocers and Commission Merchants,. Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh. JOHN' entrrom. ... A WA LLACZ. - §EIHIPTON&WALLACE_, W hole &lax BOCERS AND PRODUCE DEAL LS. So. 6 SIXTH STREET. Plttabutch. tathiliq • ' PROFESSIONAL. WM. B. NEEPER, ALDERMAN AND EN : OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. • OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to conveyancing and collections Deeds llonds and Mortgages orawn up. and all legal business attended to promptly and accurately. JOS. A. BUTLER, !LIMN:ARAN AND POLIOE NAGISTRATL" Office, MS WTLTE STREET, near 'Washington PITTSBRIttiII, PA. Deeds, Bonds t Mortgages, Acknowledgment. Depositions, Collections, and all other legal min e business executed promptly. mh2o;na SAMUEL McMASTERS, ALDP.RaL&N, Ex-0131clo Justice of the Peace and Police Mag. trate. °Mee, GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral I".ITTSBUR(IH, Deeds,fonds, 3fortgages, Acknowledgments, Dpnosittons, and all Legal Business evecnted with promptness and dispatch. nahlg EUSTACE S. MORROW, Ax.DE.ll,mArr,. PIX-OFFICI O tTr i p i I E 2FaILAPEACE AND • OFFICE, 73 PENNA, AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, 'Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgmetit,, Depositions and all Legal. Business executud who promptness and dispatch. mon, JOHN A. STHAIN, .A.T.DEnatA.N. FMTIM EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND ' Oliice,ll2 'FIFTH STREET, opposite the Ca. Abtaral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mort• gagef; Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legs Business executed with' arorantmesn and dispatch. A. Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, RA I4E ct L A LS E Z T E AND INSU- CARSON STREET, EAST BLUM:INGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly at tentiedto. myS:y6o Jls. FERGUSON , • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OMee, 116 Dlentoud Street, (Opposite the Court Roam) fe16:t4.1 IL.C. 111(ACKRELL, t ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, my24:b25 I= RECEIVE AND SELL WHOLZSALY DFALS.B.B IR =2 'rovers, 336 PENN S.TRE DREW KNOX POLICB ItIAOISTRATE ABIRION, No. 87 Fifth street, FL - 0013, FRONT ROOM PITTSBURthI, PA. No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. RAILROADS 1101"SBURG ' .( )V VTCLLS L L ILAILROAD. On and after TITF4sDA tiorenther, 11th. lest , trains mill arrive at and depart from tire Depot comer of Grant and Water streets, ss follows: . . Mall to mid from untOr.- DBE" 4 rrives, -10-5 n 7:00 a. 6: . - .4.. r 00 _ _ • asaf A. M. J F. at. McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A.M. 2.05 P. M. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 r. at. 10:10 . A. M. West Newton Accom , d 4:30 r. is. 5:35 A. U. Bra.ddoclt's Accomdtn. 6:15 P. X. 7:50 r. M. Night Ac. tollcl{ , sport.lo:3o P.M. 6:45 a. Sunday Church Train to and irom West Newton 1:00 P. H.10:00 A. se. For tickets apply 1,3 • J. It. table. diem W. B. STOUT.ll3nDerintendent. • nos Clll ANGE OFggimm 1,_,/ TIME. ALLEGED= VALLEY RAILROAD, On and after MONT/AY, November gtb, Ise S, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Matron, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for Franklin, 011iOity, Buffalo; and all points In the 011 Regions. "riTrginynff Er. kAitarrit lic rirrgntrB9l7 ( Mall 7:15 m 5:4t1 p m Express .. . 7;10 p m Express 6:30 1 Brady!e it Ate 3:00 p Bradys B Ae19:30 a m Ist SodaW,orks Ist Soda Work.s Accomd.... 11.1:50 a m Accomod`n. 8.20 a m Rd Soda Works 2d Soda Works AccomoWn. 5:00 p m A.ccomod'n. 3:40 p Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. M. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:80 a. it. PasSengera taking express train have bat one change of cars between Pittsburgh. Buffalo and 011 Regions. Mall and Express 'Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Ac commodatiod trains stop at all stations. THOMAS M. KING, Assq. Supit. W. POSTEE HOPE, Ticket Anent. ne 9 ITTSBURGH ME • v C O VS.I N NATI_ A Nputw0wz....,...y:57"-74,K " //AMWAY. ••' a—•••••••• • PAN HANDLEIWIPIT.. • CHANGE OF TIME.-On and. atter SUN oxr Nov.22d, 1868, trains will leave and arras at tu. Union Depot, asfifollOwsl Pittsburgh time: Depa Arrest, Mall ..... 3:13 a. m. 12:13 a. m. Fast Line 10:13 s. m. 7:33 p. m. Fast 'Express ' 21:501i: rn. 12:18 a. m. Mixed Way 5:43 a, m. 0:43 MeTtonald'e Aoc'n, No.111:28 e.. nt. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Accommod. 3:38 p. m. 9:48 a. in. McDonald's Aoc'n, 2 o. 2..5:081p. m. 3:18 D. in. . I 15jr 2:58 P. at. Express will leave daily. 12:13 P., M. Mail will arrive daily. The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays e: Cepted, and makes close connections at New ark fo- Zanesville and points on Sandusky Mansfield A Newark It. R. I S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Avant. W. W. CAD.D, Sup't.. Steubenville. Ohlb. n 02.5 , 1 8 a • ITTORGHFORT WAYNE A...,..C111° P I. W. and CLEV E LAND PITTSBURGHE. R. From Dec. 20th. 1868, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, mut burgh city time, as follows: . Leave. I Arrive. Chicago Et.— 0:03 a m Chicago (Es.x... 2:134 Erie & Ygn N17:28 a m chteagn Dx.. 11:58 a Cl. & Wh g M , 16:28 a m j Wheeling Ex 11:13 smt Chicago Nail. 6:58 ,M a m:Crestline - _ail 3 531:m ChicagoEx.. 10:08 a m;Chicagb Ex ..., 4 38 pm Cl. & WWg Ex 2:23 p 'Cleveland Ex 408 r m Chicago Ex.. 2:43 pA YienEx6 13 Tin W'e Erie Ex4:o2pri Cl. &"Wh'g Ex 6 58 Im Departfrein Allegheny. , Arrive in A l leg heft N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a m N. BrlgC A n c.7:03' am Leetsdale" 10:28 a m N. Brigt , n " 8:28 am 11:58 a m New Castle "10:33 am Rochester " 1:33 pm Leetsdale " 9:13 am Leetsdale Acc.3:sB p m " " 1:08 y m N. Brij:V:l " .5:33 pmtN.Bri "2:43 pm. N. Brigt`n " .6:28 p m.Leett. ale " 4:53 pm Leetsdatt_ " 10:43 pm 1 "" " 7: 1 8 VIII Leetsdite Bun- ;Leetsdale Sun- m day Church. 1:13 p day church, 9:58 am 2:43 p. tn. Chicago Express learts daily. Kg- 11:58 a. rn. Chicago Express arrives daily. de22 F. R. SLYER.% General Ticket Agent. pENNSILV 1 NIA CENTRAL T4.ll,2llAR"frs-' ROAD. Onand after Nov.' 28th. 1868, Trains will arrive at and depart from the. Union Depot; corner m Washington and • Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. Depart. Mall Train.... 1:30 a m Day Exnress.. 2:30 t F as t Li n e 2.40 ami Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 m Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 a m Mail Train $:l5 am Itrlnton A nen. 7:50 a m :"Cinein 'it Ex 12: 4 51ns Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 n us jWall.' s No. 2..11:20 rm Cincinnati E x.9:1.0 m !Johnstown Ac. 3:25 rm :Johnstown Ac.lo:3s'a m i Bra &locks Noil:201111 Baltimore Ex. 1.45 11) m Phila. Express 5:10 rm. Phila. Express 2:05 pm l Wall's No. 3.. 5:20 tun Wall's No. 1:30 p m Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Bratidocks No15:50 p inlPast ..... 7:501 in Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p m Wall'a 1,0.5.. 11:50 ran Way Passtiq• 10:20 p m The Church Train leaves Walls Station. eve; y Sunday at , 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburg,h st 10: 1 0 a, m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p.m. find arrives at Walls Station at 9:00 p. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily; All other trio. s daily except Snuday. For further information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as - snme any risk forßaggage,excent for wearing an • wet, and limit their responsibility to One 1-Inn dre. Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding the t amotmt In value will be at the risk of the ownur, tar less talc.. by special contract. ' EDWARD. H. WILLIAMS, noM General Superintendent, Altoona, la. E S T E.R PENNSYLVANIA RA—LP.OA.D.—On and after so:. 212t1.180ii. the Pre :tenger Trains or. the Western Pennsylvania Re.: road will arrive at, and depart from the Feder- I Street Depot, Allegheny City. s I follows: • ' • Arrive. - .Depart. • • Springtre No15:40 a m ! Mail 7:00 am Freeport No. 18:20 a m I Freeport No. I 9:15 a M Express.....:, 10:40 a tuldharpb`g Not 11;20 am Sharpb•g N0.11:25 p tn. Express ..... . . 2:45 r Freeport No. 2.4:00 put ItipringtPe ... 13:20 pin Mall 5:55 pin Freeport N 0.7 5:20 p Springd'e Ncil6:4s p tu,Snrlng , re No 2 7:1 1 / 1 ..m. Above trains run daily except Sunday. .The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction ever" dundav at 71.10 reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 . a. m.. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jura tion at 3:110 p. COMMUTATION Trt:Prre—For sale In packages_ of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. iieres. l Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpe: Uri?. and good only on the trains stopping at Station.: 4 pecilled op tickets. The trains leaving Aliegneny City at 7:90 a. na. make direct connection at ,Freepor. withWal - ker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannah. town. Through tickets may be purchased at thi Oltice, No. 3 at Clair street, near the Suspensientiridge, Pittsbnr h, and at'the Depot, Allegheny. For farther information apply to JAMES LEFFP.RTS, Arent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a. same any.risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibility - to One linnared Dollars in value. , All baggage ex.' aeeding tl is amount in value willbe at the risk of the owner, unless raven by special contract. EDWARD it. WILLiAltd. no= Genr.ral Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. SHILL EkaggE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eaitern Ilia SHORTEST AND 3IOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the East to all points In Colorado, Nevada. California; Utah; Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Trains leave State Line and LC6CI3IIWOr b daily, (Sundays excepted,)on the arrival 0 1 tram of radii° Railroad , hom t Louis, ar.d Hanni bal and ht . J9a. Railroad from Quincy, connect. en. - at -Law pointopk and Wamego with ta b es for all in Kansas. Al. end of track west of Yl swarth with the UNITED STATES ESPREbNi• COM P.t.hil 'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MAIL AND .EXPRESS COACHES FOR DENVER; SALT AU Points in-the Territoriet, And seith SANDERSON'S TRT-WEEIELT LINE of UOACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort. Pass, Ail u pierque, Santa Fe, and all points in Ari zona and New Mexico With the recen tidditlons of iolling" stock and •equipment. and the arrangements. Made wrth • :ponsible Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now offers unequal. ed facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far ,West. Tickets for sale at au the Drlncipal of to the United States end Cattadts Be sore and ask for ti.ltet. via TUE SMCRY BILL ROBTA, UNION F •IC RAILV AY.' EASTERN DIVISION A. ANDEIASODis arPl:w73 Gent rat Freight and Ticket AFtlitis El Washington, AND GeLentil Superintendent J. It, WEESTIP46
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers