II NEW ADVE eeeeeeeeee IWANNUAL MEETING.—The annual meeting of the PITTSBUROI I PETROLE U M ASSOCIATION, will be held at the Room of the Association, on THURSDAY, January S. at 10 o'clock &.M., for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. _ja2S:dsl A. F. B'ROOSS.' Secretary,. IarTRINITY CHURCH MISSIONARY FESTIVAL, Annual Sale of Needle and Fancy Work AND REFRESHMENTS, In the SC11001:BOOM, on WEpIiESVAX and TIIIIIISDAT, 25th and 213th inst. Noon -day Luncheon and Supper each day. Entl ee at the Church gate, on Sixth avenue. jaitis Et n TT USE ESTABLISHED 1524 ...i-a----oheice American and French Colifec limary of all kinds, and large stock on 11.6 ind. - Also foreign fruits and other delicacies of the trade. . Weddings, parties, festivals, fairs and dinners for special occasions, fa mashed on short notice to any accessible point by rail, river. or virally -1 ince, gotten np in the most approved style. Meals prepared to order,vrith the best of every thing in Beeson. Ladies and families furnished. with a quiet retired place to dine. Perim:se deini business in the city. or transient visito;s, will 'Andvisitols, the place convenient and pleasant to njoy a •Comfortable mesa. ,T B. HUBLEY, 146 . AT and A 9 Fourth Avenue. illit EMOVAL. -a.%) The Offices and Warehouses of PAWL, BROTHER & CO. HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO THEIR WORKS, Cor. Thirl loth and Railroad Streets Orders left : with -PAWL MCCURDY & Co• 170.1.112 Second Avenue, will receive prompt et tsntion LANDS TO EXCHANGE. NEARLY ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND In Chase county, Kansas, will be exchanged for an improved farm In Beaver. Washington, Alle .gheny, Lawrenee, or Westmoreland county, Pa., ea or near a railroad. These lands lie in a NAT, are near the flourishing town of Emporia, 'and • are represented to be well watered, suitable for either stock or grain raising, and near the Mai /ion & Santa fee Bellroad. Address. ExcHANGZ." . Box 641 Pittsburgh. Pa, UMBER! • J aNktl37-P ALEXANDER nTrEsso, Wholesale and retail dealer in LUMBER of all de gcriptlonyheens constantly on hand and for sale .BOARDS; PLANE. SCANTLING..JOISTS, SHINGLES, LOCIJbt AND CEDAR .POSTS, WEATHER BOARDING, -FLOORING, FANCY BIDING,. PATENT SPOUTING, &c. Also a large stock' of OAS. POPLAR, ASH and YELLOW . PINE LUMBER. Attention of dealera is invited tomy large stock of dry lumber in yards. NO. 157 REBECCA ST.. opp. Gas Works. And corner.of Prelo.e aua Juniata Sts., ja20:4146 t:ixth Ward, Allegheny. 47; IiFiII*IRTERS BOYS' CLOTHING, Gray & Logan 0.47 ST. CLAIR STREET. ABILFOR SALE. *he subscribers offer for sale the farra of the e JAMES FULTON, Eq.• of Middlesex town• Ip. Butler county, Fa,, Containing 150 Acres Of good quality of land,well timbered and water \ ed, 100 acres under cultivation. This farm is \ lifl tales from . Allegheny. City, and upon the 43axonburg & Tunnel Ridge road, convenient to oll'urches, school and mills. For particulars call oo the subscribers on the premises, or address the.m at Bakerstown, Allegheny county, Pa. G. ruvroN. laspuo • • ROBERT FULTON SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Starr, &c Al! other styles and sixes at the very lowest fates st WELTESEDIES & DRUM, de.l4 19 FXDF.RAL BT.. ALLEOHEN 7. ESTERN DISTRICT OF W Pennsylvania es. Theittsurg, the herebyay of notice .8 underbigned gives of his ap -pedal meat as lislgnee of WILLIAM. GREY, of P ittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny. and Mate of Pennsylvania within tald District, who has been.adindiced a bankrupt upon his own pe tition, by toe District Court of sald District. JOHN H. BALER 8 9 Assignee. jtatdn Att' 4l"itre". . TiESSONS fIN Sg . ° LISS. IDENC II AND ITALIAN. ALFRED IL BROWNING, Protessor of the *hove Lsnguages. mad Translator of Letter! end Documents, will oe glad to receive pupils either At tile reslden,e or will visit themin their own bomes. 'terms moderate. Address once of the ta.25:d12 PITTSBUIAGEI tiAzarrs. 4H . lnca iii Crrg Pasoursza Alin sunvtoron. , Pittsburgh. January Efitb. 1809. s , ancE.--The assessment for , - Grading _and Fairing_ '51,111140 ALLEY. row m Twenty eighth to Twenty-ninth street, is 1 ready for examination and can be seen at _. this office until THUREWAY. February 4tb. 1869, when it will be returned to the City Treas. sir iam,imii.j. li'llmmer's office for collection. _ EED. I " . SOO BU. CHOICE CLOVER SEED. 250 busbebi choice Timothy Seed, in store and for sale by ILEABIOB ot HABIPES , 329 Utterly street. Pittsburgh. ... - • T3OATMENIS INSURANCE CON' PANY—CENTSAL TO aIiSPOZTATION. in be added THIS EVAN ING to tomer lists of Stocks and Bonds: at Mullwaute,s Stock Booms. 100 dinitkileld street 5U shares Boatmen's Insurance Co.: AO shares Cenratiportioa Stook. jati tral Tts letl"eer. TIBT FBVITS. is bap Peaches, quarters; 3 bags do. halves; :. 9 bags Apples; On steamer Robert-Moore to arrive for sale by ia2.9 • Man DICiEY d CO. EANIITB.-145 sacks on Kat Robinson, to arrire and for sale by 2•7' idAIAII DICKEY & CO. A`4011.N.-131 bags on` steamer .:,.. 1 - 1 1 ,J Lewellen, to arrive and for sale by . la% ISAIAH DICKEY & CO - EANETS--111 bags now land : " ,1 • ' Ina from steamer flud.on, and for sale by :1 . •, . a2B . ISAIAII DICK= a CO. All BARRELS OF SORGIIE‘ 010LASSV. - pan DILLINGER k STEVENSON I'o 0 0 B OWS. ELS OF PEAL • miLiscam & STEVENSON yIISSOLETION OF, PARTNER- SHlP.—Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between H. S. LUTZ and A. J. RANKIN. under the name and style of LIT I Z & RANKIN, was' dissolved by mutual consent on the 22d day of January, 1869. All debts due the said partnership are to be paid and all liabilities discharged by H, S. Lutz, No. 259 Western avenue. Allegheny. H. B. LUTR, • A, J. RANKIN. I cordially recommend my successor• Mr. H. 8. LUTZ, to s continuance of the patronage be ltovred upon our firm. A. J. RANKIN.' PITTSBURGH. January 23, 1889. jaleads7 ALLEGHENY column . , ss, tu the Court of Common Pleas, No. 377. March . Term, 11167. In Divorce, HILART REMISE. vs. ANN JANE lIEMLER. ;And now, January 9th. 1869, on motion of George B. Lochran, Esq., WILLIAM M. BLACKBURN, Esq., was appointed Commis sioner to take testimony. Ac. , • BY THE COURT. From Bre Fteoord. 1 . JACOB H. SFAiTILS, Prot.liormtarr To ANN JANE HELIUM the above named re• spon dent ; The undersigned Commissioner, appointed by the Conn, will ,attend to the duties et his ap. pi:dement on SATURDAY, PebruarY 6th, 1669, at. 1 o dock t. It., at hi* °dice, No. 60 Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa., at which time and place yen can attend. IZIM CO-PARTNERSHIP. T HAVE THIS DAT ASSOCIA- Zi) with me in co•partnerahly, WILLTAM BREIT, JOHN N. TRORP, and JEROME S. BONNET. The bustness will be conducted at the old stand under the name and style of WM. ML LES & CO. WILLIAM MILLER. Palen - non, January 1, 1869 WILLIAM MILLER & CO. Nos. 22 and 2.23 Liberty Street Corner of Irwin, nowoffer tr to the - trade at low figures, sictly ' Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Be' lined do. Golden Drips,, LOverlngs, Brunlis, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island props. Porto Rico, Cuoa and English Island Molasses. Young Hylton. Japan, Imperial. Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. . • Carolina and Bangoln Rice. Java, Lagusyra and to Coffees. Tooacco, 'LardFish, Malts, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, itc., constantly on hand. Fine Brandies,Wines and Elewirs of ilinPhenish, Moselle, and Spurkling Hock Wines tel & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Seliarsbrrg and Johannls burg, Rockheimer. Burgundy, &v. Brandenburg & Frvres' Fine Olive Oil. do do Clarets, inivorted In bottles: do do White Wines, in bottle,. M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Ve ry onon genets Rye Whiskies. pure. do &Metier Old Scot th do do. ALSO, • Role Agents for Moet & Chandon's Grand Vin Imperial. Verzenay and Sellery Champagne. —Brandies of our own seleet.on and warranted Ja2 •d 4.3 STATEMENT OF TIIE FOR I W. M, BLACKBURN, Ccimmtssioner. Molasses. IMPORTERS OF ARTISANS' INSURANCE CO • From January 1. MS to December 31, 'lB6ll Published In accordance with Law. Authorized Capital Subscribed Capital. Paid up Capital.... VBILTS Cash on Hand. .. . . 7,511 07 gook Accounts * for Premiums.. 154 04 Loans on Bon. s and Mortgages. 71 040 00 Loans on Other Securities ..... ... 13.033 33 36 btock 1.1 tes 613 00 ,000 00 Once Furniture and Safe . ..... Interest Accrued, bat not Luc.. 5120 00 1. 41518.717 34 Balance, January 1 1868 407,0511 17 Received Fire Premiums In , 68. 110.058 76 Received Interest to 1868 6,035 70 1,501 58 Ittceived from other Sources In 1868... Fire losses, paid...s 7,109 00 Return Premiums.. 506 58 Commissions 503 4L71 ' Salarirs,_ Rent '•and • .. - other Expenses..., 4.616 33 Taxes and dtamps. 1,141 60 38,918 96 3 Dividends 11,000 0 -- 8 ----...—. 62.711 34 Balance Oaks, Dee. 31, '6841,133,648 41 LIABILITIES Fire losses ... • 832 20 Cargo losses—esttma -- tea 2.200 00 32 Taxes to State 1.003 12 $4.158 J. O. iCCIFFIN. Secretary. ja2l-d36-T.S.T SCHMIDT & IMPORTERS or 'VINES BIININDIE, GIN, & WHOLESALE DEALEgs la PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Will Remove on the lit of April to NOS. 384 AND 886 PENN, M!!!! WAIL PAPER, At 107 Market Street. Near Fifth avenue. 'remake room for new goods we will seU . FOR THIRTY ' DAYS The stock now in More. at Prices that will pay buyers to invest. Call and see. JOS. a UUGsa s & ORO, Jal6 KEYSTONE POTTERY.. Q MEIER & oh, • Blauulhoturers of OVEENSWART. BRISTOL WARR Re. aloe and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY STREET:, Whit orded tejfj LOOR OIL CLOTIIS--We have yin stock • large assortment of stylelsand'va ons widths' of thoroughly seasoned, FlOOr Oloths, which' We are offering to the wholesale and retail trade at prices lower, taking quality Into consideration, than can be had la this city. J. Its PHILLIPS , AO and AS Sixth Meet. uo3o rnTgEttiGil GAZETTE: TUESDAIY, JANUARY - 2 . 6,- 1865 , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WJIAT ANSWER ? ANNA E. DIOEINSON. "It is one of those books which belong to the elan of deeds, not words."—HASIBIZT BinClinn STOWS '"Tbe book is all alive with noble thoughts and generous feeling."—Linia Mente Camp. • '•I cannot do better than ask leave to cry Amen to Mrs. Stowe and Mrs. Child."—Wsisozw. PHILLIPS. .''Goth blase :Anna : and, effective testimony against the infernal spilit of caste ." —Osnurr Sbirrn. • Pervaded by s anbinne.' sympathy with the Oppressed, and by a high andhenhicent —lfitio• DOUGLASS. • ! , The bravest book in AnteriQan literature." - TiIZODOIIII TILTON, For Sale by All Booksellers. .Sent, post paid, on re?Vipt of Price, by the F''ubUshers. FIELDS, 08COOD & CO., .BosToN, NUMBER'S to TICKNOR £ HUM:OM jal.dSo WINTE Very BATES THE B $200,000 00 100,0000 00 00 64,00 LOW 4,7 SKATES, • SKATES. 154 30 I have received my stock of Skates for the sea son of '6B and '69, comprising every style known to the trade, at prices ranging FROM 50 CENTS PER PAIR UP TO 825. hty stock embraces a full line of Ladles' and Gentlemen,s Skates. New fork Club, American Rink, Blondln , s Ancle Sap porter, our Ladles' and Gents" Clipper, Phila• derails and Boston Club, Empire and Vulcan, together with a large assortm I offerat m edi u m priced of edixceed um prided Skates for Boys, which m ingly low prices. I Invite all in want of Skates to call and be convinced that 138 WOOD STREET. Is the tamely buy Skates. For site wholeialcAnd retail by JAMES GOWN, NO. 138 WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH. Do2Orry FRIDAY FURS! FURS! FURS! $1.50. Dieting= for tbig beantifol R GOODS Cheap. & BELL MB CE OF THEE STOCK N IPBICES. ria McCORD & CO's, 131 WOOD STREET. F _____ _ . OE. SALE--A LEASE OF A PLANING HlLL.—Thelmaohinerr in the Monongahela 71aning Mill is OFFEREDYOB BALE, . . WITH.• A LURE, OP THE. KILL MID LOT. the machinet7 is oc the most approved kind, and in good order. . • The mill is well located, has. all the facilities forgoing a large and profitable. business, and has a good trade. This is a favorable opportunity to. engage in an old established business with a fungi investment. Apply to Millings* & Bidwell. M corner of Car son and Tint Matta, tionth Pittsburgh. jakr JAil lw ' . ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB SOLD ONLY BY LEMON 8c WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, VOtTBITEL .A.VJEINVE 'Altera may be found a f all assortment of Per tor, Ohamber and Kitchen. Furniture. de2s 11.4 POUNDS. WMTE SUGAR, NJ for $l.OO, at O. A. BOUCHER'S ." 0E143114A1 BED FRONT TEA IYAREHOUBL 1114 b.snithileld street, - Opposite Custom House. ll—it W-410 barrels Hydra's'. CU fie Ceraeo.i in a•':r.• .1.10 for sale ey nol7 s _ J. B. CANFIELD V5O 1101ISMEPING DRY GOODS Vlery Low Prices, BLZACHED TABLE LINENS: BALI BLEACHED TABL.E. LINE. umn.r.Acnro TABLE LINENS: TABLE NAPKINS: TOWS:LINOS; LINER TOWED: BLEACEDID SHEETING MDBLIN UNBLEACHED LIREETINO NUS PILLOW EASE BIESLINS: HONEY OMB QUILTS: MARSEILLES* QUILTS; LINEN MEETINGS — au extra.l: PILLOW wax LINENS: TICHINOS. hv, &c., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, erLEGsnxs. BANKRUPTCY PLAYED OUT! $2.00• THIS CAB entitles , the bearer, on presentn2+, to TWO DOLLA.FtS abatement &a a cuh purchase of $518.00 at the grow cheap clothing bonne of S.C. TRAIIERMAN, ORIGINAL BIG NUMBZII. it Nobody beat by this eatablishment, butt fair dealing to iii! Call and be convinced. All clothingPlatnly marked by printed cards, at • LO WEST CASH PRICES, So that no one mybib 'de m v b ed . I Re mmbr the place. a SIXTH STREET, late St. Clair. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THISt dezirmtr-s _ - T 1 P -- 0-1 ANN 017110E MENT.. ORO REDUCTION 11l PRIM. Tobacco, Cigars & Whisky. ISAAC STERN, SKATES, N 0.162 Federal Street, aboTe the Market, ALLEGHENY. CITY, PA., is ffespectftilly annocinces to bis friends that he now offering his stock, consisting of the FINEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, &0., And th• PIIIREST LIQVOBS, At_prlces LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN TMI.S MAAKET. sr Remember the plus, N 0.162 FEDZILLL ST., ALLIGICINT CITY, PA se4:v7O-TIIS JANUARY, 1869. C.a.:FLIPEIT el. DioPARLAND & COLLINS, ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE TWO WEEKS LONGER. Oreatorl3orgoinoth onr.rer "%Vint** Offered to Close , Out Linea of Goods, at '2l and 78 Fifth Avenue, Second Floor. WALL PAPER REMOVAL. THE OLD PAIIIRETORE IN A NEW PLACE W. P. ItULBPILVLI. BM removed froin 81 WOOD STREET to NO. 191 LIBERTY STREET,. few doors above BT. CLAM defy r.ll. SWINT J. M. BTU Air, Q,,WINT & RRATT. ikj , ARCHITECTURAL AND .! ' ' ORNAMENTAL CARTERS, . '.- Ho. 6$ Sandusky St.,, Allegheny, Pa. , A. logo assortment of NEWEL T s3sTB And naLtavrzus constantly on hand. _TUnll The, of all descrlottona, done. - °candle -----------. SODA V4ll-100 to na choice N. 7 brand. in Moreland for sal , ,, by noII J. B. CAtjarIBLD & SON. Ina 722 17E1 Sixth Street, late St. Clair S. G. TWA:MAN. WILL CONTINUILTRXER TISEMENTS. -Vao o l = l. TITSDIY, MIRY 26. AT 10 CENTS, Good Fast Colored Dark Calicos. 1.91.4 CENTS, YARD WIDE SUIT jig-- ISHED BLEACHED AILTSLINg. AT mi CENTS, EICAVY YAILD WIRE UN BLEACHED MIISLINS. AT AO CENTS, COTTON TABLE CLOTH GOODS. AT 1.513 i CENTS, CHOICE NEW STYLE DAL ICOS AT GM CENTS, LADIES' LINEN HAAD•' KERCHIEFS. AT IAN, CENTS, LADIES' HEMBTITCIFED' HANDKERCHIEFS. AT AO (ANTIS, BARRED SHIRTING FLA - 4- NIELS; AT 20 CENTS. DOUBLE WIDTH SHIRT 1.15 G FLANIIRLS, Full and Complete Stock of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, • Bought At befo thre L OWEST CA2l3dvatee In prtneePRICES, now offered e WHOLESALE AND RETAIL F 33 WILLUX NO. MO AND IS3 FEDERAL ST ET ALLE . EIZENT R SALE--REAL ESTATE. OR BALE. Acre at Woods Hon. 4 Acres and House inlEar-Illberty. 8 Acres, unlmproved.ma Troy Hill. H Acres on Greensburg. Pike. 6 Acres on Four HIM Run Boa 11. H, mileofrons P. C. R. R. 10 Acres near P. 11.-11. 5.0.- B • B. 116 Acres near Pa. B. It.,.Westmoreland.eoun -90 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa. K. R. 4 Perms In Preston county. We un st Virginia. 195 Acres in Armstrong comity, derfatlwitis oal. c . I 108 Acres and good lmpriovecasents;in Trlynhull county; 011 to. i 900 Acres of Timberland, with Saw Mill and. dwellings. House and Lot on Center loWenue. near 3irB- I patricit. House and Lot on Vicroy street. n and Lo t in Best Llbeng. . . House and Lot in Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. , House and. Lot on Beaver &vent*. Si Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Vino street. 111 Lots. ou very cheap.ca ci F iir r litil a tM e reet. 1 Gouge og 9 'Rooms and HP Lou OD Roberts St. Farms In filtnole. Missouri and West VlrSints.- • Coal Lima's In Allegheny, - Westmoreland, Pal .- l' cite and 'Muercounties in Penna. TCFLAFIX O S. H Houses of , it Booms In the lltb ward; rent saoto , 3 do. of: a do. do. 15tb , do. . 144- A do. of 3 , do. do. llAth do. do. 166. Si do. OS 6' do. do. Sib- do. do.- 360 , 1 do. of 6. do. do.. Bth. do. do. 300 1 do. of 9 do. do. 2.1 do. do.. HOP 1 do. of 3 do. ' do. 6tb• do. do.. 192 1 do. of 5 db. do. • 6th do. dodn.. 240, 1 do. of ,do. do. 10151 do. . MHO 1 do. of H do. , do. Het do. 1 do. of 3 do. Grant street. The Houses that I have fov=nt • will besented• very low to good tenants tom the balsam-atlas rental year .APPLY Ad! D. P, Bb's Real &tate: O No. 91 Grant St.,Pittsbarsit. 2,000,000 ieg ir ' & . • • CHOICE LOIS FORUM, BY Isis . . Union Pacific Bghoad Company, IikIiTERBA DIVISICRI Lying ame the line of mai, aL t 1 4XI TO $4OO And on 60133,D1T OPTITS Tawas. Tor theater platten:ars, nape. ge.. Mama a6als P vinswinum. Land Commissioner. Topeka, Kansas. Or MAI. B. LAMBORN, Seel, Fit..Losils. Missouri. QV ZvR SAME &. LET.--Honest i Lots for sale In all narta of Um city and su ba. Alm, several 71,7201 in mood locations. Also, a small WOOLEN PACTORT.with SiO acres of mad, and woodlirnproversants. *Met I will setb cheap and on reasonable terms. Buslneas HOUSES es told on good streets. Private Duelling Hous for mut in rootb cities. Potfarther William inquire of WILLIAM* W ISel , asoennt street. leetaralte Oaths nil pArtma. Printing,Strawi • sigt *Glass: Carpet, ROOFIRS, filitirtillE Manufactured and old Di F.8./121Eit, JifETZGER & 'CO., 82 TIIIB2I 481,2121828. faroAm -PAID FOB EOM: Issas 456BYAND 0-LO 0042, COLGATE & C 0 313. FAAGRANi •-) e ' C.) 6p M TOET SOAPS 00,,U Are preP ared • s led wortimen, frOm bik tbe li best (6. matwrials, and are known as y p tr!!.ND.AnD by dealers w iierzscomera. UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY , ini.-ionaisoat. • markuracturer of COOKING STOVIS9. Arches. Grates, Pend dm Bash Weights, and all Muds of Hollow V;are, Car Wheels and all . kinds of Machinery Castings,_COß. WATSON & gam ! 1 - 1 / 24 STS... PITTSBURGH, PA.. acarinritWatl Pie !SMIRCH:I,CH , CIN NATI January LOCHS PT. CO.y. Steubenville, 0., lB, 1889. S EgrNOTICE ls HEREBY Given to the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati %6i. Louis Railway Company to meet at its ()dice in 'Steubenville. 04, on MONDAY, FOnnary Ist. 1489, between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock r. N., for the tinitiose of electing THIRTEEN DIRECTORS to serve for - the ensu ing part and for the iransactiou of such other busin seas may behrosight before them. J. O. MORRIS, joisluiM Secretary, OrTice rITTRUGH CegritLLSVILLig.R. R. Co, I Pittsburgh. .ranuar, 14, 196 •. WNOTICE TO S b ndbeiders.-. Notice is hereby' given ,- 'kat COUPON" No. 19 T• RILE C Waal uLViISION CON STRUCTION isoNDS, due on the test day of February next, will be paNP, oil and atter that date nponpresentation and detiStry at the First National Bank 01 Pit tslusrallt JOHN g: PAGE. 11.15:d05; Trtssnlrer. 110210.88—"20 Let." • ' "Lort.' a , Wantir. , 6.70ut54, . 1 ' , BowsMin" Be" isot ex:mutts/IF° LINBSoael% toile Pie is aortic; is there whom* mos for TVA'S , T I'47n' 47117111: each additional Use Print (ISOM WANTED-SITUATI ON. WmAmS TE U m . • A ••• N,w I T goon q P u n O ali N feattoo A K who omitsespctmtfit toetreumMas, desrres • altostlop, Addrego 6.. (+Azziori , dace.: W.ANTED-AGEN TS. • WANTED.-- AGENTS , --- Dite , E ASHBAUGH'S WONDER as' TH WORLD , ' 16 rrarranisd to care iftherAnattem , Neural, is—solcil on the t e st Syglem. No one it required to tin until lily town. a_palr $5O per month, s large commission, tei_goos nrcito die : tribute Viesetiaelmes: Call tit 80. IBA riti Clair 'htreet. la: O. TE.rO.?..V. .motsimm WANTED-- EVANTILD. -100011.-A g Yr • GIRL will llnd-a•pleasant beam to a small family. by applyinw emir at, 3114a.65 REAVES, STRLET, Alleglieur City. "ffust be a god cook. waaber and , :toner. References - 'required. WANTEIII.--4FEILI- -- AT PLOYMENS f*ISICE.• Ika 3 St. Clair Street. BOYrelißLo and 1112.14 for dillerenu Mai* of employment. Pemons era:stint! help of all kinds can be supplied onabort notice. • weer TV LET. r _ OmbLET.—DWItLIJONO HOU SU Ee ii,d• OFF ICA. ils,,nrostisms. STECCAT, Algtony. The oaks te , very 11. stuable for a. , playsician. -Apply at WWII SElClliliro,.lBo Fed eral street,tnLitars C•LET.--ONE SIVORIE HOOD!. FOUR BAEEMENTO, wetly tippled and r j:shed. _ OF riczt tn the a.cond bLEEFSNO ROolitS tl=t4lstory, and • ONE 'LARNE trA.L,L, with two ante-rooms, bntlhe n o g mh urttaV yE. AA. E Pp n l g y U A .a . r lEt.iP Es No. LISH k CO.. No. Ele Fifth Avenue. MO.LET.--THE SECOND' AND THIRki STORIES of iraßileiaess• Muse on Fe erat street, A‘legbeny e rrs mean Is SO by 80. Splendid locanton for PH(YI OGKAPH EP, SAMPLE ROOM or llOt M.3lllufactusing. Spactoto rota entranee,anola the beat , bu >knees orison of the atreet. ' or partlcears- appty to Brokers, & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents and rokers, lco, 139 po•LIMNSIB-41- lint Class -3 story brick house will. llirrouss, a good range of modern kind klnisen, . rot mail cold water un stairs andfdown, a good waeh house and bath room. a geed coat house a:stifle y Hoek - also a good dry celr4under the whom house. Every thing In corn•Alete repatet.- For tarthesparthenlara Inquire of seA3ISEY ELL.. MAD It:state Agents, lio...9ollßeareratreet To-LIET,Ther m Boos now olanviedtj with COuPER: oc. Ohio blast. Xilegtiehy city, good stable. a. CUTHBERTA eans, 88 theithtlell'ideset._ taZ 0 LEIriA-TtrO• Ifiandiontely Curntshearooms. Ist* gas and gm. one oa t door. sad one front up stairs. Inquire at lig Third alma OS RENT.--THE vour,ING PA.R.T 094 - . OUSE: 140. - 48-7.4)URT11 POnr. 'Weirton the Baak.of Pttteburgh. entcsble for s dentist; or physician or. some rattle aline. Apply to B. OBERT BsStant' deld'street. FOR SAME --- FOR SAILBL--ilionsernds Let oii layette street, Fi fth Ward. Allegheny. house new. neutaining_Fice Rooms._ Cellar and flail, well furnished, Lot —feet.frost by —feet In depth. Two Lots on Charticn streeheach 201foet front by 14th feet in deptb,..eocner or Bayard Alley. One Lot on Nixon street SIP feet front by 132 feet hi depth, Ssith Ward, Allegheny- Also., for lea-e 134 acres of ground with. a: good House of Three. Rooms with necessarw_out build ings. •at Woods- 8un,...f0r a term of Dom one to ten yi !ars. . Ilot ase and Lot lio. sati,Lacock, street, Ane.t gben"y city.. Amdy.to AL.ANDSB EATTIMON. Corner Jonlata and Preble street. S‘xtb ward. Alle gbeny jaV. VOR SALE.—A DESIRABLE rdE.M. containing 150 acres. located on the A. V. R. R.. 33: miles tromp the city and within tive minutes walk of a Station; billecres clear ed: balance in good timber; 004cseath gm's, 30 seTes underlaid with a 3 foot vein of coal: sell kr st class and the linprovements Frame,_c on thsttrig of atnew Donate TWO Story House ol ' T Rooms, - foot halls and good ceitar,'built and &Dished in splendid styie;:large new Bank nears, Mt by 72k.planed an dpainted. s necessaryeutbui.dingS conveniently arranged, - Including a Tenement House of 4'msom3: whole Dora well watered and can ad be worked by ma chinery::six. acres sot orcktard, select variety of fruits; also small fruits. This farm is without doubt the best in the neighborhood. and needs. only .to be seen to be appreciated. From -the house is bad a delightfuitiew of the towns of "Freeport and 'Natrona. np and down the Alle gheny rivers and surrounding country. For par tici:has appty to CROFT & PHILLIPS. Real Estate Airents,.lio. 139 FonrttuA.venne. , OS SALE, -= A THREE STO I. y _l.l. BRICE, DWELLING ROUSE. containing IG. rooms. situated No. 40. STOCK? ON AVE- It US., Allegheny City. The I t is 30 by A 4 l-00 , feat, and has a goo.' uria stable at rear end fronting on- Wateratreet. For farther Informa— tion Lagulte of 11. CkiLL - 130. No. 133 Wootli street. eit.tsburgb. 110771, it AIREHOLISE That due T W itiTORERWE BUILDING,. Ohio street. Adlegh• now occupied as-a,, V.our aad aria' Wareh for terms. ae., atiav to St ~.§3E, E LE 3tl le on the premises. WOK SALE.-REFINERY. -A: First Class - Hemet r, In complete r-so ,, npag order, 'nearly new. Has been in operation. but a few montus , situated on the A. V. R.- 8-.• beyond the present city limits. capaetirr.tiva. • hundred bills per week. Can be doublei,witb no extra expense excepilng_an additional. still. Apply WASS and 519, MAR < 8 TRICZT, 'Pitts.. bunco, Pa. 0011 SALE-..-BUSINESS.--VJELE. .I: STOCF, AliDoool3 WILL of wholsealeand retail Dry tiocds and Notion House, noia-dorag • good usiness, located on Federal streetadle gbe— ILI altff. Alsothe t4orieroom with Uvula...lW d eel. lar"O-LIST." This is =opening seldcsa offered. as the stand is second to none P H he s For p_artieulars apply to CROFT &U:MIS, Real istato Agents and Brokers, No• 139Pritirth av enue.' - . 1 PAPML 111 SAILE—' DESIIMBLENES rERN AVENUE BESIDES CZ, located Olh Western avenue, Allegheny eltl. m, ttween Em ofmen street and Irwin avenue. Neer lace—brick ll rooms. hall and good cellar, gaa tnro usbout. an d all flash. din ftrst class style. I jog att 5 1 r OM to o AO foot alley,_ will be sold on et .ay terms,. imply to CRAM' it rimurs , Real Witte Agents:No. 139 YOnlit yalil FOR SALE--DOSI NESS STAND —A well karitn and prosi Arons wholeWe busl ness stand, with stock an mixtures, t o offered for sale. 2atisfactory reaso' uare given for the As • I posal. Apply at 77 WC Ant STl2.E*T:__L—_____ 'UM SALE.— in Salem, Ohio, A FA O MO r 30 / aCKES, with good improve meal's: an orc hard_of all kinds of unit. Would be suitable tor a trues. t /order'. For terms, etc . ap ply to J. ta. SAINT,Box 374, euiern,L___PMot_. yoR6 ---- Ski ,E.—A SPLENDID uCTAV it 1 hos VINOD PIANO. Ve• y cheap. newly new. Address, dux 1355 ?mous& rost.22 . • you S ALE. --Engine and Doll eller an H. t WOYIt. 543 oi street. Biuokelitack,atitnApodranntna or- F°". SALE—SHOW CASE.—En qr Ate ctf J; B. SENNEDT, 85 sraltbStelf4 street. • II