Lam,.=:.. C..Fa':~~ ^L. T^w4~ u.:sti:6c., PITTIEBURGH OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i SATErIIDAT, January 23,, 1869. S., ~ The markets in a general way have been dull during the week, and -.with a • demand restricted mainly to supplying immediate wants, the vroinme of bgainess ea the aggregate has been light. In re. , , gard to values, there have been•some few alight changes, knit none deserving of ' special notibe. . - APPLE-BUTTER-Dull: 70 to 80 cents. APPLES-Quiet; sales at $3,50 to $5,50 per bbls, for inferior to. choice. , ~ , BUTTER-Prime to, choice Roll Butter i 9 in rather better demand, and we now quote at 37 to 40 tits.; . _, , . t BEANS-$3,25 to' $3,50 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-Dall at'4e. CRANBERRIES-$l 9 to $2O. CARBON OI -Very firm and lint lit tle o ering,.pr - although irregular, are t riding up ard. , CO NMEA Ito $l,lO per bushi i t ii C SE-Sales Hamburg at 16 to 17;" kE and oshen at 19 to 20c. ~ E S---Dull but unchanged, at' 25 for • Dm d, and 29 to 30 for fresh packed. DRIED '.'FRUIT-Peacims firm with gales or quarters at 14', and halves at 18. Apples 10 to 11. • . . • , DRESSED HOGS-Dull at former quo tations: we nowt quote at 1234 to 13c. HA.Y-Baled Hay continues dull and depressed but , unchanged; we continue to quote on wharf at $2O to $45--mostly at $2O to 423. , HEMP-Sales at $2lO per ton. HOMINY--Sales at $6,25 to $6,0. - PROVISIONS-Bacon is firm , witli 'job - bing sales 'at 1434 to 15 for Shoulders ' and' 19 to 193 4 c f or Hams; Country Lard. 18)4 to 19andl0c for prime kettle rendered in tierces, and 210 in kegs and palls. Mess Pork, 931450 to $3l. POTATOES-Small salsa in store at 85 to 90c. ~• • • - . . ' POULTRY-Market almoit bare-d•-• mend light. . LARD OIL-'-Is 'held firm at, $1,38 to 91,40 PUN°. 2, and $1,68 to $1,70 for No. L SEEDS-Saleis of Cloverseed at $9,50 to $lO, the litter figure for 'English. Tim othy Seed is unchanged at 53,25 ti. $3,50. - Flaxseed isdn-steady- demand- at $2,35 to , 9,2,40. • SALT-Still quoted at $2 by the car - load. J ' .7- . - s SORGHITM-Dttili 60 to 65c. , , 'GRAIN-Winter' Wheat is dull' and unchanged; $1,75 to 91,80 for Winter. Oats still qtgited at 64 .10•2.65 t tm.i.tripk, and 66 to 660 in store. Rye is quiet and ..t• unchangedUt4ll46 to $ l / 4 R , , t Corn Ea Bull and irregular; there was: a large kale of miied, the other day, at 70c, but this is .considered- beloist-the -market, as-deal ers generally quote: tnixecl,at 750, and prime Yellow at 80c. :Barley . is,..un , changed at ' s2; for prime 'Retina. and Chioa ' Ohio Spring, and $l,BO to .51,85 for' No. 2 go. • , ONIONS--4 , 5 to $6 per bbL • TALLOW-Rendered, 11 to 1.134 c. -,' ,- BAGS-Salsa at .434 to stt.' ,-.' ..'' ; f PEANUTS-Sales 834 c per lb. FEATHERS -'Live Geese Feathers quoted at 75 to 80 to tile trade. and the —usual advanowin aretail-way. , - ----- FLOUR-Dull and unchanged. We quote Spring Wheat, $7,00 to 98,00, and ;Winter -Wheate $8,50 to. 89.00; Per bar rel. Rye Flour, $7,50. - The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the beet Wheat. as follows: Extra Family a•Eleur,in barrels, at $9,30, and, in sacks, 19,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 910,00, and, in sacks, $9,70 _ per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, laystr t, role, $7,60," and-;in faiteks,s7 l ,s6 Pee barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,313, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Dottbie Extra Family, in barrels, $9,80, . and, in sacks, $9,50 per, barrel; and Spring, $B,OO, In barrehi, and $7,70, in ~ : t aacks, per barrel, ... T 2 . ~ 1 s . . 'WHISKY-Wes Higliwines; in iijob bing way, at 98 to $l. Financial Matters in New York. Gold Closed at 1304(a1343y,. "Syteietasebl;)Pitteb salette.3 - Nsw.Sonic, January 23,1859. .• MONEY. Money exceedingly easy at 66)7 on call and 7(09 for Prime business paper. lank • statement - favorable, showing continned expansiopinloarp„and f2,81;b54;619(inerea5e,961 5 / 7 83.' - Specie, $28,964,197; decrease, , 094,339. Circulation, V4;285,946; decrease, $13,207. Deposits, $197,108,163; increase, 31,618,- --lega3 , Tenclors,-$54,4214 , 119v-increase ;1,095,036. rfs, - terling quietrit 109%@)109 3 1. - Gold firm ;' opened ` at 'l3B and closed at , 13WgiA6X. - ~heaTP - SWF: meats to-v. Nearly a million looked on at the commenosiment of the 'active enttlow gold; as cotton and other produce are above the •limits ,of ship , pers. Exports: . of the week, ;1,190;414. BONDS ANC STOCKS. Governments steady but quiet. "Con pons of 1881;11234®1123; da. ''62,'113® 113's; do. '64, 10934©109%; do. '65, 110 X • lepll; new do:, 10834®108X 8 ; do. '67, 108X(91083‘; do. 4 68, 1083®1091 8 ; Ten Forties, 1073®108. . State securities . firm. M.iasouris, 87® ; 88 ; lilew Teunessees, 67%,@68; North Otiro /inas,*62,s;®62X; j - . The Railway. , market was active and ' buoyant with a general rise, in !dices, especially on Central, old Southern, Ohio and • Missistiippi, Reading and Toledo. - 'The short interest having been largely -- increased by ,the recent sibearwrelk; many parsons And. themselves shoit of stocks en an advancing the market The. , wealth of the street appears concentrated .on the"ball"-aide, and, indiCatiens,point to higher prices.' The retport that Henry 'Keep has parted with his Northwestern stock is unfounded. Michigan Southern was the special feature this afternoon. and touched 9115/ el-dividend. Miscel /animus shares dull. - except -Facile - Mail, whlch,rose 2 per cent. Express shares t:7;' A I# lit Pricar.•—thun barland, $74) . - 32; Wells press, 2 8 54®20_14; American, _ 42M; Adania, 5934 ®69%; United States, 52Q)55)0,. Merchants. Union, 1 . 7.,4(§)17,i; Quicksilver," ®2B; Canton, 58 3 @59; Pacific M®120 1 4; Western Union Telegraph, 36 ® 56,4 ; Hartford Erie, rOvrunPosAT Ne B i do. pref.,.21026q; York , ntral, 165(®168%; Itrie, -$8y,03834; de. preferred, 6334(4;t85.; 50n,13054@1503i; Harlem, 1345;@184%; do; :preferred,l37; 'Reading., 96 1 ,€)96Ya Terre , Haute, • 41Q4154; do. preferred, ' 6814@87;' Wabash, 13234'@62%; do. • pref. 75)0077; St. Panl, 74(474X; do. preferred 1 194;4%93W Port Wayne, 123)40N; Ohio and Mississippi, 37 ®37)( 1 : Mic higan Central, 118®11834; Michigan Southern, 93@ 8 8%; Illinois Central, 1383‘®13951; I Pittsburgh, 9244@92 3 / 4 ; Toledo, 105X® 108 K; Rock Island, 1.3.2%®132%; North- . gsv western, 884083%; , do. preferred, 8 , 83ri) • Miningeharet ' Gregory 280; Oran Valley, 27. Copper Stocks at Boston—Co_pper Falls, 16; Franklin, 18; Heels, 70; Hancock, 8; Minnesota, 2 1Stuincy, 014 , c . Clearances at Gold Exchange Ifalik, '51,009,000. sus-vrissairay. 'Receipt's at* the 'Sub •Treasarv, $1,70 8 , 90; ParnePtet 1 888 ,055; ba1anee, 1 1.96490, - . iinpartie for the 'week;:-Dry Goods, .$2,520,09; General Merchandise, ;3,550,- 077. .~„ .. Disirketacty Telegraph. ; NEW Yonz,, January 23.—Cotton dull and decidedly lower; sales of 650 bales of middling upland's. Flour=recelpts of 80,162 barrels Flour 1.0a15c better for low grades, moderate export and home trade derpand, some spedulative quirt'; sales of 12,800 barrels at $5,71a6,30 for superfine, State and western, $6,90 7,30 for extra State, $6,75 for extra west ern, $7,70a9,25 for white wheat extra, $6,75a9,00' for •R. H. 0.,-$7,40 for extra St. Louts, $9a9,20 for good • choice do. Rye flour; sales of 3vo barrels at 15,80 7,50. / Cornmeal quiet. Whisky nominal at 81,01 free. Grain recelPin—wheat of 108 bushels. Wheat, very firm for Aprils' and in moderate export demand, winter dull and drooping; sales .of 93,000 bush els at 81,60a1,63 for N 0.2 spring in store and delivered,. $2,06a2,10 for white. Cal ifornia rye dull -and heavy. Barley; in good request; sale of 10,000 bushels et Turkish at $1,93, 2,000 bushels Canadit West at $2,15, Barley Malt Aluiet; sales of 12,800 bush. Rye ]dale 81,46. Corn; re. , cpts 41,500 bush; market scarcely so notive r :„but, without . decided change in price; sales 0f,48,000 bush c at 935960 for new mixed western; 91a98. 1 4c for western yellow; 94a97c tor white southern, and $1,0934 for old mined western, delivered, Oats; receipti 3,829 bush; market quiet and scarcely so firm; sales of 38,000 bash, at 75a7i35,q for western In store and 761aa 77c for do. afloat. Rice dull. Coffee; sales of 800 hags of Itio on privet" terms. -Sugar dull; Wes of 120 Ithda of Cuba at 11340. Petroleum; 22%a2k. for prude and 860 for.refined bonded: Hops qtdet, atlic fer Atherican. Coal quiet. Lmther; Hemlock sole steady at 283ie for Buenos_ Ayres—. Molasses &IL; sales of 68 hhde Cabaret 30a42c. Wool firin; males 508,000 pounds at 473.0147 X for domestic fleece, 65a673‘cfor picked lots; 40a12c for pulled; Linseed - Oil is quiet at, Ilal,ol. Spirits Turpentine inquiet at, 55a58c. Pont Is a shade firmer and sales are reported of 746 bble at $30430,37 for new mess; Mit 29,25 for old; $35a26,25 for prime; $28,129,.. 60 for prime, mess;- also sales.are report ed of 500 bble new mess;lseller February at vsb. Beef is steady and 170 bbls sold at $9816,58 for new plain mesa; $14a19,50 for new extra mess; tierce beef is quiet ~and steady; 1,040 tierces sold at Wan • mess; $32a87 for India Men beet. ' Hams are firm' 120 bbls sold at .30a 118 c - - Out - Meats arb firmer, pkge sold at 13a14b • for shoulders; 153fa17c for hams. Dressed Hags are unsettled' and selrat 13a13go' for western; 14X15e for city; .middies are firm and quiet; sale •90 boxes short ribbed at 15alkic.• Lard le firmer and 850 tierces sold at 193200 for steam; 20a20.y0 for kettle rendered; also sales 258 tierees of steam, seller, April, at-19,0.. ' , Bitter is quiet and sells at 28a35c for Ohio.' Cheese is firm at lfia 203fc. Sheeting 93opper is quiet and ir regular's& 31a33c; ingot copper Is aztive,' excited and 'higher Belle at 2.53ia2550 for Baltimore; 26c for klennessee, and 26 1 4 a 2630 for Detroit. • Scotch Pig Iron quiet and firm at $40a411; Americanpig dui/ at 1435a40 and drooping; $ 90x95 for refined English and American. Sheet iron firm at 103iall3fc for Russia. Nails are quiet at by for cut; for clinch and 27a30c for horse :shoe. Freights' to Liverpool are less active; engagements per steamer are reported of 50.000 bush corn at 7d; 600 bbls floor at 2a.. • Latest..—Flour closed firm and fairly active for extra State, but other kinds dull and drooping. Wheat; quiet and steady for spring and dull and heavy for , winter. Rye dull and heavy at ;1,483140 for western. Oats nominal at 74;ic in store, and 7634a17c afloat. Corn dull at 939.95 c for new mixed western, and ;1,06 a 1,09 for old mixed western in store and afloat. Pork quiet and very firm, with sales of 250 bbls mess;' seller, February, at $80,2. Beef Anis& and steady. Cut Meats thin with a fair inquiry. Bacon firm with an inquiry at full prices, Lard very firm at 19y,a20e for fair to prime steam. Eggs dull at 29aS2c. L'ry Goods.—The market is still Ina°. tive for all classes of goods and prices are generally firm. Speculators are en deavoring to run up the pine of cotton bags, which are now held by agents at an advance. The American and Andros coggin bags, are buoyant at li7ya4o; Lew.: iston 40a45, the latter an extreme figure. Heavy brown sheetings firm at 1634a17; st printe andard d ,cal icokes: es .1,31ia143i, for fancy of ma ' • ST. Lohis, January' 23.—Tobacco is steady and unchanged. Cotton scant; rnilddlinit, field at 27340,,Hemp—there was some movement: in. Undressed, and prices were ranging from 90ca51,40. - 'Flour quiet and 'business small; super: sold at 15,50a6; extra at 16,25a6,75, and double extra-stile/Mag.- Wheat in very little ;Cortland, With Salsas fate 'hi' strictly .prime fall at.51,40a1,70., Corn dull at 70a. 410 forwhite.... Oats heavy and drooping at 58s62ei Barley firm for choice to fan cy 12,05a2,25; good lowa sold at $l,BO. aye—small sales at $1,28a1;30. Whisky. dull. at 95c.'. Pork active and higher, at's3l on spot, sand . M0a30,50 for future dolliery. Bulk. Meats active and higher, with large sales for future deliv ery; loose dry salted shoulders sold at 12,;c ou spot, hams at 15c, clear sides at 113.14 c, and shoulders, packed, at 13c for' future delivery; sales were also made at 125 c for shoulders, 140 for rib sides, 15%c for hams, 'and 16y0 for clear sides. .Bacon stiff and advancing at 14;ia14qc for shoulders, 17%c for' clear rib sides, and 18afor clear Ai.des, and sugar' cured hams. Lard buoyant ate 19e Tor prime tierce, and•2o;ic for keg. Receipts, 1,600 Obis flour, 4,100 bush wicieat; 1,800 bush corn, 5,800 bush oats, 400 bush barley, 990 bush rye, 1,050 head hogs. Hogs Miff at Wall% diyiding on 200' and 276 pounds; number packed to date,' 24800;stylise. time last. year, 237,000. Cattle quiet _with but. little demand for shipmenk, inicesyraoged from 13);a7c, etan.icto, January 23. Eastern chinge.l-10 off buying to 1-14) premium' selling. -Flour 15a6,15 for spring extras. Wheat in.faiveqpesti end .la4m4lewer; sales No. 1 at $1,1734a1,25,, and 2 1,13jia1,15K,, closing at $1,14a1,14X0r sales at 51,44 this afternoon. Corn less' steady; old Igo 2 57a511c: No .2 kiln dried, filo; new 54qa543i0: no grade 4934851 c, "closing steady at 54M0 for new; sales_ No. 2 at 640, and No. 1 al 093,40, sellers, for the last half April; 's33Sas3fic for new, sellers, February, and 560 for new, buyers, .Februaiy, and Beliefs, March.. nothing doing since change. Oats mod erately active , and steady at 485048,5 es for. No. 2, and 453ia460 fop rejected, otos ing at 48y 4 a48X4:!, for', No. 2; sales sel lers, for the month •at 48K,a48 3 4, and buyer for thi month at 49c. Rye leas active andlal.3# lower; sales No. 1 at $1,15a1,1634, and No. 2 at 11,13a1,14, otos ing at $1,16 for No. 1: Barley firm and 2a23ic higher; sales No. 2 at $1,78a1,80, and rejected at $1,55, closing at 51,79a1,80 for No. 2. Highwines flat and nominal. Mess Pork steady $3O. Bulk •Meats active and Xo higher; short' ribs 1530; Cumberlands \ Lard active and l‘c higher, closing at \ 191/,,0 for steamed. Green Hams 153015r,0. - Dressed Hop quiet and firm at $12a13, closing firm at ;12.5Qa13,00, dividing on two hundred pounds. Receipts for the past twenty four hours-9,624'hb1s *lure 38,250 bush wheat, 98.895 bush 27,820 busk oats,' 4,502 bush rye, 4,240 bush barley. Ship mentfg-9,223 bbls f10nr,p,284 bush wheat, 19,619 bash corn, 7,063 bush oats, 1,895 bush rye, 1,200 bush barley. Hogs firm and active; sales at $9,7 5a , 10,50 for fair . to choice; receipts 5,778 head; . ahipmenta6,449 head. Beef Cattle nos lected.and nominal at ;3,5087,75 for com• mon to choice smooth. ; • Raw 0 Warts, January 23;-Cotton Tun and nasettled; - - middlings nominal at 27 3 / 4 a2Bc; sales 760 bales; receipts 8,331 bales; exports 11,080 bales. Gold, 13634. Exchange Sternly, 14814%. Commer cial, 147348148. Flour steady; superfine at $6,75; double extra at 87,25; treble ex tra at $7,75a8,25. Corn at 78a80c. Oats at 68a70c. Bran quiet at $1,15, Hay at $24. Pork firm at 031231,50. Bacon firm er, with sales shoulders at I 5 ,c, clear rib at Is%c, and clear sides at 19c. Lard active at 20c for tierce, and 22 3 / 4 e for keg. Sugar active; common „at lOgallK; prime at 12%, and yellow clarified at 14a14Ne. Molasses active; common at 64c; prime at 67a69e; choice at 71a72c. Whisky de pressed; western rectified at 95001,02%. Coffee steady and unchanged. MiLws.uxErt, January 23.-Flonr firm -and prices unchanged; choice Minnesota $6,0026,40; choice Wisconsin and lowa $5,50a6,00. Wheat quiet at 81,20 for No. 1, and 11,143‘ for No. 2. Oats steady at 47y0 for No. 2. Corn' dull at $56e59e for new. , at $l,lO for No. 1. Bar ley adyanclng at $1,70a1,75 for No. 2. Provisions advancing. City Mess Pork. 129,25x29,50. Sweet planed Hams '1634a 16 he for prime city. Lard 17e. Dressed Hogs firm at $12,50a13,00. Receipts-1,000 bble lour, 83,000 bus - *heat, 1,000 hue mita, 1,000 bus corn, 15,000 bus rye, 1,500 Wits barley, 600 dressed hogs. Shipments -4,000 bbis flour 200 bus wheat, 1,000 bbls :and 100 tcs pork. ,CLNVELANDi :January 23.-Flonr; mar ket quiet and 'needy, with a moderate diimand; city made; $11a11,25 for treble extra white; $9,5089,75 for double extra abmer; $3,25a8 4 50 for double extra red and amber; $7a7,50 for double extra .spring, and $9,25a10,04 for double extra whits. Wheat; sale of one ear of No. 1 red winter at 11,69, and one ear of No. 2 do. at $1,59..-Corn held at 71c. Oats held at 61c. Rye; sale of one ear at 111,30. Petroleum; there is an active demand for both eastern and western markets: re }hied held at 34a350 for round Iota; small lots 2a30 higher. • Totzno, Jannarf .28.-Flonr dull and nominal. Wheat- unchanged and steady at previous quotations; $1,70 for No. amber and $1,90 tbr No. 1 white Michi-, gan, closing firm. Corn 'steady and un changed in price; new Is offered with less feeling and - held firmly; sales of new at 54e, and rejected new 'at 5934 c. Oats lo better, with moderate business in Michigan. at 61;4c., Bye dull. , Barley in better inquiry: Cateda advanced Ic, with sales at $2,10;: State held'at 81,75. Dressed Hogs moderately active and firm and a shade better at 12%c, dividing an 180 ponnds. • ' • SAN FRANCISCO. January 20.-Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet, pri ces nominal, choice shipping at $1,25. Legal Tenders 743‘. Mining Stocks for the past week were active with a general , improvement, in values. Alpha at ' 58. .Belcher 190. 'Bullion Challar 168. Confidence 35. Crown Point 69. Empire Mill 130. Gould Cur ry 193. Hall Norcross 61. Imperial 169. Rentuck 236. Ophir 35. Overman 77, Savage 79. 'Sierra Nevada 30. Yellow Jacket 14,75. PAULADELPHIA. January 23. Flour unsettled and more active fbr lowa and Minnesota; family $7a7,75; Ohio family $8,50a9,50. Wheat dull and firmer; prime red $1,70a1,00; amber 85,90. Rye 81,90 a 1,65. Corn advanced and in fair demand, with sales of 5,000 bushels new yellow at 91a92. Oats steady 72a75 for.western. 2etrbleura firmer at 35 on spot, 3534 for February and 56 for March delivery. Crude nominal at 2i. i Provisions held firmly. Whlsky.decLined;. sales 941,00. 'Kampala, January 23.—Cotton dull and nomitiat at 28a2814c; 'receipts were 1,698: bales; exports, 311 bales.. Flour is dull and . superfine brings but 57a7,50. Corn, 70e. Oats, .70c. Hay, 525. Bran, 15c. = Cornmeal, 113,60a3,76. Pork, 531, , 50 Laid, 20%a2.134c. Bulk:Meat* firm,' shoulders, 13213%; side, 17; 1 ;c. Dressed Hogs ate scarce at 12 4c. Potatoes are unchanged.' ; Lotisprins, January 23.—Tohacco; sales of 179 Mids. at $5a17,25 for lugs and cutting leaf. COtton 28Xo. Mesa Pork $30,60a31. Lard - 20n. Bulk Shouldere at clear, , rib sides 163ia, clear sides 17c. Bacon ,Shoulders 143ic, clear rib sides 17;4n, dear sides 18e, all packed. Superfine Flour 15,6028. Wheat sl,7ia Corn 83. Oats 80e... Rye 51,42a1,45. Whisky, raw, free at 51,00. , 1/7111PALO, Jantiaty 23.- - Floiir dull. W heat in no denufnd. Coin dull and an; changed; p a fe* cars of new sold at 74e 75c on track. Oats nominal , at 64a65c. Rye in but little inquiry and held at about $1,35. Barley dull and firmly bold at 52,05a,10. Seeds firm but quiet. Pork, Lard, High Wines and Dressed Hogs firm with no sales. 'Bstltisonn, 'January 23.—Floui dull and nnalumged. Wheat dull. Corn dull; prime white $1,85a1,86; yellow ;1,8221,85.. Oats dull at 65a73c. loiess Pork active at 1131351,50. .134cOriactive;' rib sides 1714 a 173 c; clear do 18a18, 1 4,c; shoulders 15a 15Xc; hams 20c. Lard quiet at 20c. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBUREM RAIL ROAD, January 23.-17 cars iron ore," W H Shoenberger fic Blair; 10 do do, Mc- Knight, Porter de Co; I car rye, Thoiurs Moore& Son: +do iron ore, Wells it Co; 1 oar tirhi E a -Myers dr.:Co; 124 eke rye, Christy .SL Benham; 1 car bones, Seward it Campbell; 1 • car lumber. Aubery, Cromlow dc Co; 2 • care potatoes, J B Campbell; 100 bbls oil, Wm hicCutcheon; 50 do db, John Spear; 1 bdl leather; II E Weimer:6 kgs tobacco, C C Baer; 4 cases handles, J Woodweil it Co; :15 do do, Whitmore, Wolf, Duff it Co; 1 bx ware. Atlantic 'Glass Co; 3 casks tele graph wire, J R Taylor iSt Co; 2 bbla' ci der, 22 kge lard, Vangorder dt Shepard; 1 bbl-scrap Iron,,J B Jones; 2 kip apple butter, 0 .Barnett; 200 ski barley, W. H oarrard; 2, keggee..l, bx butter, ,X Heatla• ton; o,,sks , **Weed, J \HDleresan; 4 bbis,2 kgs; lot lOosa, scrap iron , ainillne dt Maloney;.lak scraps 5 do hair, g bble S oil, bble, 8 b bls scrap iron, B pissum; 1 bbl flour , Mrs Sarah Ober. 129 bdls chairs , 19 do rookers.Bedford Chair Co; 100, dozen Washboards, Freeman it .Berger; 52 bbl onions, John Shaft; 25 big crackers, Reymer dt Bro; 86 caddies, 5 hf butts tobacco, Shipton dt Wallace; 1 fanning mill, R Carlisle. ALLY-ARENT VALLEY RAILROAD, Jan uary 28.-6-5 bags Tye, Jos S Finch d: Co; 114, bags oats, , J Graham; 1.2 do do, sdo corn, Marshall & Bre; 100 tbgs oats, Kell & Ritchart; 20 eke buciwheat flour, Carson & Bro; .40 do do, Vangorder Shepard; 58 aka 05t5,.127 do rye, Scott & Waal; 16,d0 wheat, J.Bl, Demit; 60 bbls refined oil, Johnston ft. Paine; 17 bakis hay, Moreland & Mitchell; .8 care lime stone, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 car grain, Crawford 4 Go; 1 car metal, McKnight, Porter & 'Co;1 dodo, Lyon, Shorb t Co; 2 do de, „Brown & Co; 240 bbls oil, Fisher dr Bro; 21 eke rye, Adanati & Austin; 4 bga beatis, 28 do oats, Keil dt Ritchart. 'PrrrSteilleHf FORT WAYNE dt Cut - 0,,00 BAILIMAD. Januar* 28.-2 GUS metal, Bryan & Caughey do do, Supe rior Iron Co; 10 do do, Nin lok & Co; 2 do do; Brown '4 Co; 1 oar barl l Dan flats eg Co; 5 tee hams, F Sellers & Co; 5 bble lard oil, Jas Lippencott; 100 eke 25 bbls Boar, 111 eke oats CB Leech; 75 bble 100 eke flour, John. Wilson & Son; 8 cars iron ore,- Shoenberger. & Blair 6 eke rags, Godfrey & Clark; 8 pkgs, H Rea Jr;" 20 bgs buckwheat flour, J Porterfield; 1 bbl whisky, Little t Machling; 33 bgs rve,..40 do barley. N J Meek; 15 bbls flour, R Robison & Co; 10 doz brooms, J A Renshaw; 7 bbls onions. J J Pettit; 55 bbls highwines, W Miller N Co; 25 green hides, G N iloffetott; 12 bbls apples, Van gorder & Shepard; 30 ;bdls broom: ban dies, W Afordorf; 1 car oats, Bingham & Lang; 100 bbla flour, John McDevitt; 100 do do, Keil & Ritchart; 1 car millfeed; H Schnelback; 100 bbls flour, Segbrayer & Voskamp; 1 ear mill feed, S B Floyd; 300 bbl. flour, owner;, 3 cars rye, Culp & Shepard; 8 bales broomcorn, Z B Taylor; 100 green salted hides. Hartley, McKee & Co; 100 bbls flour, E Heazleton. ALLEGHENY STATION. January 23.-1 oar barley, Guckenheimer Sc Bro; 1 do do, Mileckelmast 15 bbla oil, S M Cum- Ingo; 7 cars metal, Pittsburgh Iron & ,Forge Co; 1 00 do, Rogers & Burcrhfield; '3 do do, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzall: 1 ear wheat, Gilmore, Straub & Co; 20 bxa soap, J Koben & Bro; 1 car flaxseed, M B S-y -dam; 1 car wheat, W McKee; 1 car shingles, McCurdy & McGlnneing 2 ears metal, Lindsay t MeCutcheori; 100 bbls flour, R Knox ez Son; 100 do do} Geo Stewart.' / RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede steadily at this point with meant five feet in the channel by the Monongahela, and ski feet by the Allegheny marks. Weather continues clear and pleasant, while' boa iness, we regret to say, is dull, freights , being scarce. - The following boats were in port yes terday: Champion, Belleyernon Kate Putnam, Camelia, Millie Ebbed, Wild and Savanna. - The Sallie' cleared for Cincinnati and Loulaillie on Saturday with about three hundred tone of frefght. Pliets- I Capt. Jacob Poe andlis son George. The Grey Eagle arrived and departed for Parkersburg aammal. The , .Glisgow departed for Cincinnati and. Louisville on . Saturday evening, with a moderato trip. Pilote- r Marsh Hays and Tem Jayens. , • The Champion, Captain Taller. will be the flrst.boat out for CI noinnati, leaving to-morrow evening. She is a very neat and substantial steamer, and offers su perior accommodations for passengers. The Ptellevernon, Captain J. J. Dar ragh, Jr: will be the first boat out for St. Louis, leaving to-morrow evening. The Mollie Ebbert, Captain George.W. Ebben, is up for New Orleans, as is also the Camelia, Captain Thomas Poe, for Nashville. —The Armenia left New Orleans for Pittsburgh on Thursday, and the Lorena left St. Louis the satne day for this port. —Capt. Ow. Rea'and Harry Dolan:lan have bought the machinery of the Lillie Martin, and will, during the present year, build a hull for it. -Cadt. J. B. Conway, of the burned Silver Cloud. No. 2. is in Cincinnati con ferring with the insurance companies having risks on his roat. —The Magenta and Mentnhie for New Orleans with 69 cabin passengers. She will come above Memphis next trip. The Memphis Sun says: The once lu crative Memphis and New Orleans trade is extinct. • —Jaa. Cartwright, an old river pilot and well-known citizen, died at his resi dence, on Cloyd's Creek, Tenn., on Sun day last. He wair a brother of Capt. John Cartwright, formerly commander of the A. Baker. --Captain Newton, one of the owners of the Mountain Boy, bought the Cottage No. 2, at Charleston, West Virginia, on Wednesday, and intends to build a Mountain Boy "No. 2" for her machine ry, at Pittsburgh, for the Gallipolis and Kanawha trade.. —The Natrona was recently ordered to be sold, by the ignited States Court of St. Louis, on amount 'of mariners' liens. The Deputy Marshall went down to Black River to effect the sale, and found that a man named McSweeney had run off with the boat. He was pursued, and the boat subsequently captured. bill —Mr. Drake , has introduced a ill in the Senate to regulate the constr i ction of bridges oVer the Missouri Rive , and it ie now in the hands of the Committee on Commerce, The Mississippi levees. and the improvement Of the Mississippi River above the Falls of St. Anthdny are alai under consideration In the Senate. —CaptainJohn D. Adams purchased the steamer ' LeLli Leoti at Little Rock,' on MondaY; and ' will pat e her in the Memphis and Little Rock trade in'con section with the Thos. H. Allen, W. A. Caldwell, Argosy and Ozark, making five boats in the , line: The ' Leni Leoti has been running In the New Orleana and - Arkansas river, trade. , 1 , --The Memphis'Ava/anche, of the 19th, says: A man named W. , H. W'estbroOk, who victimized Silverthorn, of the Evansvllle Journal, by imposing on him a monstrous fib that he was our succes- 1 writ' these columns, has "swung around the 'circle," and is demonstrating his bibulous capacity somewhere in the vi cinity of Vicksburg. A "Harry White man" might restore his equanimity. —A St. Louis dispatch says: Several weeks ago. Judge Treat of the United States District Court,' ordered the:-sale of steamer Natrona at Popular Bluff, on Black river, In this State, to satisfy: the claims of deck. Bands and others. She weeite Inky°, beelksoldilnst,l3atur4ay, but *hen Marshal Thomas arrived at Pop ular Bluff, he found the steamer had been taken away. The Court has is sued en alias order, and the boat will be taken back to Popular Bluff and sold. " —The Nashville 'Union and A erwan says: Captain Wm. Dix has int ro duced .' a new system of steamboating that , will 4iertainly prove suceessfnl: It is the 00-operative plain. He . has recently @old out the . Elle Hughes to his princi pal officers--the master, clerk, mate, V -16* engineers and'bar , keeper, 'all being noW. equal' owners, and 'alike interested' in her business.. 'Under this plan he an notince4 his boat an independent packet, and proposes to fight out the season on his own hook, entirely free: from all cop binatlons,,lines, or - companies Riven atid Weather. ' 'LoutEcat.t.E, ' -January 23.....,The weather ie clear and cool. • The river is falling. wittinine feet of water in the canal. • MTr•Tr ' lVMrTisrol ROSAJDALIES PURIFIES THE BLOOD. YOU BALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERXWIIRRa der:blo•Nwr ()VEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND' SOAP. eauzzb. ENOLANII tiO&F. • For doing a - family washing to the 'best and cheapest manner. Ouaranined equal to any is the world. assail the strength of old rosin soap, with the mile and lathering qualities of genuine 'Castile Try nag splendfal Soap. Sold ey the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 4 North Fourth street. Philadelphia. eS:va.rawirar AIIIOIIII3ALD BLAKELETI - I No. 99 FIFTH STREET, spihniilo: dal PITTSBURGH, AI MENEM STEAMBOATS parrssunGll,' adriffile ' a ' WHEELING, Marinas and Parkersburg Line. Leave Co:3lPanY's 'Wharf Boat, foot of Wood S:retn, MULT, AT n M. TUBUAI'S AND FRIDAYS. BAYARD A. B. SHEPHERD. Muter. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. GREY EAGLE . . .... ...C. L. BRZNAAN, Maater. Freight will be received et all bows by 804 JASINS COLLINS. Agent FOR CINCINNATI andz i aZt LOUISVILLY.—The steamer CHAMPION -Wm, mama.. captain. Wlll leave for tbe snore ports on TUESDAY, the,26th Inst. For freight or passage apply on board or to Ja23 J. OT C,LINOWOOD, or JOIDT. FLACK, Agents. OR CAIRO AND' wr. Locris.—The new and aplen aSidWit JP:Pacisenger racket BELLE VERNON .... . JOaw Dawitattl, Master; WM leave for the above pons-on TUESDAY. the Beth Inst., at 4 o'clock P. For freight or passage appiv an board or to. JOHN FLACK".. 7a.. D. COLLIN GINOD. AaFent. FOR CAIRO, MEggi.• PI US and NEW OHLEANO. be newand spleadld passenger•eteanser -- MOLLIE EBERT...G. W. Eiditst-- Comm:oder. Will leave for the above ports ots lliTtfitlDAY, the ;23d lust., at 4 o'clua P. X. ior !retail& or passage apply on board or to - MACS. & COL I. INGWOOD. - or 011RIE*T &HAZLETT. Agents- Through receipts given oss the above boat to del ma. Eufaula. Benton. Montgomery. Ala.,• At nis— ta, Macon, West Point. Getegla,andldl points on the Alabama dyer and Texas ports at Lowest rates jam - GIIHIEST & PABLETT. STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND i gink QIJEENSTOWI4. TUE INDIAN MAIL lITEARIORIPS, Numbering sixteen trot-class vessels,. mom co, mine celebrated oar OP pAuth, CITY OP ANTWEPP. CITY OP BOSTON, CITY OP BALTIMORE; CITY OP LONDON, Balling EVERY SATURDAY. from Plan ...Tilt Elver, New York. For nonage or further laformation szolv to WILLIAM BINGHAM, ar. TOOPIFTH STREET. (Chronicle Minding. 'lead. oppnelte Mgt 0111 e, wwuNewis COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. natant:mi.— ..... 8111 1 7111;i90/f. DILUNGER & STEVENSON ! COMMISSION ILETICILUT*- - 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ItICOMITZ AND SELL' AU Kinds of Country 'Produce,. All orders for Merchandise promptly tiled, at LOwan market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Pratte, Ac, We feel conildent that we can give entire sattifactiou, by making quick SALES and EfiGIIZSTKARKET PRlCaa— and therefore reinectfully solicit your consign ments. All correspondence saswered promptly. Marking Plates far/shed tree. Grain in store. and to arrive dallit au3ltt7B ESTABLISHED BY A. & T.. 0‘ AMLY, 181*. W. M. GORNLY,- • WHOLESALE GROCER ,. No. 271 Liberty Street, (Mimi= OPP. EAOLI Hargt,) iarrrssuruati. is trti WATII, LANG & CO., r WHOLASA.LX DIALZ2B IN erecerlesi- Flour. Grain, Produce, Provisions, nob, Cheese, Carbon ; 011. Nos. 172 and 1.74 WOOD STREET, Rear Ltto, erty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. no8:1155 Y. ISTAILZ J. A. STILLLIt. NI STEELE & 5011, • Cemmission Merchanta, AIM DIALIIII3 FLOUR. G 7 13..A2N,P1E1M.13, ate. No. 95 'Milo , writEta t . neir Ealt tommon, - ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. )41.NFILLII.• _ jCAIVFIELD & • 11IiSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale - Deales in .Goshen, Factory. Hamburg and W. IL Cheese, Butter. Lard, Pork,. Bacon, , Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl, and. Boda Ashes, White Lime; Linseed, Lard, (Mal and Carbon Oils. No. 141 First .street. Pittsbureh. PIT= ENSL 34.8. RICKLYIT. K'" & IirCHART,' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I= FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, 349 Liberty ht., Pittsburgh, inyikb,l7 ALEX. IVEANE .1 B. A.ILMR. • McIIANE & ANJEII, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In ?LOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE er*ERALLY, O. 141 WATER STREET; above Sadthileld, Pittsburgh. IBS VETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWLIIDDIG & CION mrd2IOSIIII3BAHASTB, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Ntd , ter, Beeds,Drled Fruit, and Produce generally, No. L 6 MASKET BTREET, corner of First, Plttsburgh. feM:gu. J. BLANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail Grants, No. 396 PENN 6TREILT. sokhxn xxot Asmara" into'. XLKNOX &SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, AIN MILL FEED and PRODUCE OENER., ALLY, No. 19 DIAMOND, oppoMto CDv4f Allethenv env. Jal7al7 • SITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, _Li Wholesale Grocers, COmmission Merchants ono Dealers ,In Produce, Flour,Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011. It, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all rn:csburgh Manufactures generally. 1I and wk eXCOND STREET, Pittsburgh. TWIN t. 1101781...11DW. limas—Arm. U. none& TOHN I. HOUSE /14HH09., Sue °esters to JOHN I. 110_17tiS 4 , CO., Whole. sale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cor ner*, Bmithdeld and Water tltreets, Pittsburgh. JOHN lIMPHON A WALLACH. aftpirosh,WALLACE Whole wat El EWERS AND PROD UCE DEAL- Nu. 6 SIXTRATREET. Pittsburgh. tairrit ;GAS AND STEAM FITTING. coom • Joe. LeFa....umnis usa. 01131 N. COOPERA. CO., BRASS: FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manofacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS WO A lta Lisesp i tirttlzeg i tin DAB IPECTUouoo Cer. of Pike and Walnut street, IiTTTSBURGIF. ta rlatit ITTSBURGH & co.NNurad,s VILLE AIL ROAD. On and after TUESDAY, -itowensberol7th. llson , mine will arrive at and depart from ;no Depot corner of Grant and Water treetn, •as follows: I Tkpart. trim. Mill to lad trots Unlon town 7:00 a. Y. :00 P. Y. ldelteesport Accomdt'n /1:00 A. Y. 2:03 P. M..' Ex. to and from Gant. 3:00 P. Y. 10:10 A. X. West Newtot Accom'd 4:30 r. Y. 8:33 A. Y. Braddock's Accomdt'p. 0:13 r. IL 7:30 r. Night Ac. toMelVaport.lo:3o P. K. 8:445 A. _. Builds, Church Train to and from Went Newton 1:00 P. 3i.10:0 A. w. /for tickets apsy is W. B. 13TOUT,'Ejuperlateiltdigt. ANGE' OFs t suim T ULL, • 'ALLEGHENY VALLEY IitAILIIOATI, On and after MONDAY, Nereibber ItTh)ltitt z TWO TRAINS DAILY win leave Pit Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets or Franklin, 01.1101ty, Buffalo, and all n points in the On Regions. . - • I BA VII PINCTSBITEGH. AMUR Dr prrxenirraelf. ' EAR aln Man `V•••W_. p Expreu 1:10P m Express ei • tal a at Brady's BAc 3:tiOp m Bradys Ac 10:30 aas ;ISt dogs Works : <, lit nogaorks Accomd.... 10:30 a m Accom od'n. 11.510 aas Rd Soda Works • Rd Soda Works Accomod , n. 6:90p m Accomodni.• mikep Chuck Train. lure Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. B. Arrive at Pittsbtugh at 9:lO`A. B. Passengers taking express' train have but one change of ears be tWeen Pittsburgh, Buffalo. and Oil Regions. I hail and Express Trains . step only ,at psinelpal points. Mired Way and Az.. coseniodatied trains stop at alkstations. THOMAEM. ElNti,•Aas.t. Snp't. W. Eon= Eon, Ticket Agent. net rrrimuncali anapaur OINCLWNATI A D LOUIS PLAILWA7. • - ' • PANHANDLE 110VIL ORANGE OF .21MZ„-On and after SIItiDAT. 'Soy .2r4d; ISBS trains will leave sad arrive at ta. Onion Depot, as follows, Tittsßergh time: Deport. . Arrive. Mall 3i18 4 a: a. in. Yast Line 1,0i13 a. m. 7133:9. ra. Fast' Rx_preat SI:SS p. m, .INlr4tl a. m. Mixed , W - ' - 191:43 m. p. McDonald'. Aten, No. 111:9111 - a. m. Sia3 p.m. SteubenvilidAecommod. Riatif m. 'fig - a. m. McDonald's Ace'n, No. 1..8:013 p. in. 3:18 P. in. Rtsl3 P. as. Papreas wSllearedany. Icl:l6'w. Mail will attire dilly. The .14t13 , a. in. Train leaves daily, RD:Maya ea cepted, and-makes close connections ro New: ark to Zanerttlie and pants on siounky Mansfield • Newark R. R. 8. P. SCULL, General Ticket Anent. W. W. CARD. Surot., Steubenville, Ohio. n °Zs 1 1161 11 . 1 :011_,_PORT WAYNE & CHICAGO 111 saMCCEV/HAND &PITTSBURGH H. B. Prom Dco; AO 1868, 1868, trains will leave front and arrive at the Thrum Depot, north side, Mts. burgh citLt a lg t e, as follow's; Chicago Ex_.„ . HMS a m Erie Yen ..11 , 1Y:WS* m Cl. &Wti"g3Plll:l/ISa m Chicago 1fa11..6:68 a Chlessm Ex.. IMEMPson Cl. a-wici Ex 511;3031pn. Ch Ex ._.. 11142PPla W'esk/Drie Jiziksap !Deport/root Aitepheras. N. BB gin!' As. 8:58• m Lerma% !! 10418,0ntl . . " 11":58.a.m limb/liter " 1:33 m Leetsdale N. BttSt`h " P N. littgt'n " .154219 te,etadale "10:43 pM Leeteesl.43 Einm day - Church. 1:1a m MP. 2:43 to. m. Chtc. : 11.:58 dr= P. K. MYERS. 110 EN N WYLY A. l asgpm NIACENTRAL RAIL ROAD. Onand after Nov, 718th. 11488, Trains win arrive at and depart from the Union Depot. coma? a Washtngtoa and Liberty streets, as r°ll-1117 4rvive. Depart Mall 1.30 a miDay Exp . ress. ;21:30 am Fait Line 21.40 s m Wall's No. 1.. 1%30 ant ' Wall's No. 1.. a' alla ra l liall Train. 8:15 am BriotoxAcc'n. 7:50 sin •Cincin'ti is:3s pm Wall's No. 2.. 5:50 aml Wall's No. 2.".11120 am Cincinnati Ex.21:40 a in ' Johnstown Ac. 3125 pea Johnstown Aclo:3 s ,,mlßraddocksNol2l2lopm Baltimore Ex. 1-445 nilPhila. Express 5:10 pat plum "Exipesat43s PtaiWall 9 s.No.ll.. 5:140 pm Wall's No. 8... I:30 pm I Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddosts No115:50n =lran Line T:5O put Wall's No. 4. 7:215 p miWall'allo.ll...llltso pm Way Pasimn-letlito m The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday 5t19:15 a. M., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:110 , a. m. Returning. leaves Pittsbumh at 00 p p. m. and arrives at - Station at X:. . .Cincinnati Express leaves daily.. All 'Other trues daily except Sneday. For hirtlier infbrmazion apply to • Et. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvaniaßsilread Compa ny will not u - same any rift forßaggsge,exce for wearing ap • prel,_andlintit their responsib ity to one Han. dre, Dollars In vaine., - 'Ali Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of, the owner. unless taken by special contract. , : KEWAEI2 hi. wit'. non- Genoril Sipertntondent, Altoona, WE 1' ER N-anagiff PENNSYLVANIA - - and after Nov,. 22d,1867. the Fee senger Trains or. the Western' rennsylwania Hat rend will arrive at and. depart I:com, the Federel Street Depot, Allegheny tbilOws: Arrive. _. iegetel.., • . - Sprtagere No te:44 m D . 7:00 a at Freeport No. l &SO a m Freeport No. 9:15 aEa Express 10:40 wen Sharptog Noi.11:20 am Sharpb% N0.11:25 , pm Express • .Fcda pa Freeport No. 24:00 pm Springd'e No 13:20 pm Mall 5:55 p mYreeport N0.25:20 peg Springd , e No 26:45 u m ISDring(Pe No 2 740 Aboye trains ran daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every &trolly:at 7:40 a. m.,reactingAilegiteny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning,. leaves Allegheny City at 5:20 p. =And arrive at Allegheny June. Um at 3:45 p. la. COMlttrealitOn TiCiEreli—For sale in packages of Twentv,between Alleghetly City Chestnut street. Beres, Bennett, Pine Creel: 'Etna and ithsrpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations Fneeinednn tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. et. make direct connection at FreenwithWeil keesline of Stages for Butler and 1a anahetown. Through tickets may be purchased at the oMce. No. 3 at. Clair street,neartheanepenkonfirlage. rittebur. h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For fnrther Inibematton apply to JAMES LEFFEMTS, Agent", Federal Street D 01,.. The Western Pennsylvania. Railroad wi ll not ae rime any risk tbr Baggage, except , I%m - wearing n,erel, and limit . their - responsibility to; One Hinds d Dollars in value. All baggage" ex ceeding ti L sononni-inaralne willhe at the risk of the owner. unless taken by speetateon • . . EDWARD AUL -• • - neat Sunerintendent, *Altoona. • OM S /11 01411WIR UNION PACIFIC IaIEGWAY, The SHORTEST AND MOST RELL&B.LN ROE TE Rom tbe East to all points in. Colorado; Nerads4 California, Utah, Arizona, Ilirsushingto New Dicsilech Idaho, Two Trains leave State Lineand Leivenwor daily, (Sundays eicePaedOon tie arrival of train. of Fulda Railroad Dom tit. Lon( t t ant' Hanni bal and ht. Joe Railroad trona Ramat connect" in. at Lawrence. Topeka and. Wamego with =a for all patna •ila Vaasa*. • At • end of tweet of Iti:sworth with the UNITED STATES EXPRZbiI • D rMB m anic LINE OF OV KilLAli MA= D 001.17211125 TOR . • • ' ZYM-Pi VlMfli ).LT JC4A3M All Points, in the Teriltorless • • _ An with 'ANDERSON% TRI-WEr• NLY LINZ of COACHIPS sae Tort Unica, Bent's s Yost. rasa. All °anemia , . Santa re. and all points in Art. sena and NOW mexieod . With the moan additions of rolling' stock and equipment, and the arrangements =ads with • aponsible Userland TranrportaVon Linea from it western terminus, this' road now offers, unequalled OmiUtles tur the usnandulal or fratallt to the Tar Welt. • •.„ nets tor sate at all the principal otesuf••• Canada States and Canad e I • 1 1 W se_ltfor _genets via TEN 8310 T NILLVBIII II B,IINIOB TA 1 I 0 BAILWAxt NANTBIIN D Din:BlON. A. ANiIISON, . it4tiattiAtss:i f 7.!). r=3l !Chicago ' lehleago Ex.. 1 :58 a ;Wheeling Ex -11:la aml erertline-MIUI 3:53pm. Chicago Ex...11:311 pm Cleveland Ex 4:08 pin Erie h Yg 'n Ex11:18 Cl, &Whs. Exo:ss pm • At+tve In d . N. Briatt'n 60.7:03 ant mr . Braw l: ". 4:28 am !New Castle "1.15:83 ant Leetsdale " 813 am " 1:1.18 pm N. Blum < ' 2:43 pm !Leetsdale " 4:53 pin , 44 4S Taw Leetsdale pun. oft m day tihnrelir 2':58 go Express leaves daily. Express arrives-daily * General Ticket *dent, Eastern Division: Oregon: ' ; i AND, = Get.erai BiapetiVandeit WEBSTLIts .etnerapreight acid TOMt Lint. Q