Ett latAturgt Gaytts. ebiPPJ.NGS. TILE total ntitill)er of school districts in Minnesota is 2,853, an increase of 140 during the year. The school population, between the ages of five and twentyone years, is 129,103, consisting of 66,394 males, and 62,- 709 females ; of whom 81,696 have been in attendance upon the schools dtfring the past sear. .A Nntv TOL —A late number of the Con tinental Gazette publishes the following par agraph : "The fashionable and drawing room pastime of. the present hour is called the Grimakistieope. It is a box containing all the, celebrities of the day, unto the fea tures of phom any visitor can with a touch impart any expression he likes, from the most awful grimea that ever added ugli ness to a monkey to the sweetest ever M dreampt of by the donne des Roses." ci, ATISS SARAH PARRER-REMOND, the lady elf color who tried to make a disturbance at the American Legation some years ago, be cause the American law did not then recog nize her citizenship, and she could not ob 'taiu a Passport, - has been for some time "walking the , -hospitals" at Florence, in Italy, and, accordin g to recent accounts, has just successfully passed the necessary , examinations and celyed a diploma for midwifery, and commenced practice in that chi. , - Tan California papers report that thmmt 'WU only "bluffing' inseixding graders be yond Salt Lake, - -and claiming to be able to get - front 100 to 200 miles west of the Lake with the Union Pacific track before the Cen- JAI or California' Pacific =neap. They say he has now abandoned work west of Salt Lake, andthat the California road will be completed up to that point by March, while the Union Pacific cannot get there be- fore April. The head of the lake is there to;likely to be the point ofjunction. tiILANT AND van SOUTH. Carl Schurz, in his recent speech before tbe,Leg islature of Missouri, said that he had a talk with Gen. Grant at, the army re-union in _Chicago, in which Grant remarked, "We cannot go to them; they must come to us. But when they come as improved men, we should not repel them." - This accords with the spirit in which Gen. Longstreet, and all other rebels] who are governed-by Common sense, have been received by the Republi canparty, and is, in fact ; only reciprocating the intelligence and the patriotism they them selves exhibit. I A Cam - Forms. itimuoikinsx.- I —A letter from San Francisco, speaking, of the rich ness of the White Pine Mining district in Nevada, says there is' now- in that city a middle aged man; who, a year since, was at work by the month as a mechanic and not worth a dollar. •To-day he is worth at least $1,000,000 in hard coin, and his income from one m:ne alone in White Pine is over $1,500 Der day. He is investing his money in real estate in San Francisco. The other day a friend was joking, him on the • subject of *marriage, remarking that he could now mar ry any young lady in San Francisco,' to which he replied: "Well, I know a gal out West who was willing to marry me when I hadn't a cent, and now I'm able, I'm going 'to marry her." Tun INDIAN BUSEAI7.—The question. of - transferring the Indian Bureau from the Interior Department, with a view of mak ing it a • separate department, was dis cussed by the Senate Indian Committee. It was finally agreed that the chairman should propose a bill taking the Indian Bureau out -of the Interior, and making Ica separate bureau like the Agricultural Bureau. It was-feirther agreed that there should be two general superintendents—one on the Pacific slope, -and- the other on'the Atlantic slope, whose duty it-shall be to have charge ; of all the other Indian agents, visiting the same and examining , into all the affairs of the In dian Department of their respectivedisfricts, and to correct all abuses, &c. It was also agreed that whenever any one of the tribes become involved in war with the Govern ment, the said tribe should be handed over to the War Department, to be dealt with by the military authorities, and as soon as hos tilities cease, the tribe, to be handed over again to the Indian Bureau. . 3 . REpuumcasisst rs SliAni.—Prof. Stowe, of Hartford, has been in Spain ,for some weeks since the late revolution there, and the Hartford Courant puSlishes an interesting account of, his observations and impres -slow. Prof. StoWe says the anti-monarch ical sentiment is aggressive and making -converts daily, and that Barcelona, Malaga and Cadiz are as demOcratic as Boston, _Milford and Cincinnati At any rate, all Spain is agieed that the Bourbons shall never rule the country again. The re ligious future of the country is very hope ful, and already there is practical freedom in \religious matters, and Proteitant and -Jewish churches are being erected in great numbers. Prof. Stowe had abundant op- Tortunity of observing the leaders of the revolution, andAescribes Prim as a short, wiry man, with a singularly handsome face, -and Small, white band, strikingly recalling •those earlyportraits of- the first Napoleon, -taken before he became Emperor and fat. It is plain to be seen everywhere that Prim the popular idol. Advices from Clans, per. Steamer. -By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Sas FRANCISCO, January at—China.-- 'The Yang Chow affair has been settled sat isfactorily. The local authorities in power :at thellate of the outrage have been dis 'missed and the. Indemnity for losses sus tained by missionaries paid.' A proclama tion, issued by Chinese authority, was ex lensively promulgated, setting forth that the treaty requires that religious establish ments shall not be annoyed or foreign travelers treated 'disrespectfully. 'under heavy, penalty. The missionary party has been invited back, including female mem bers, and formalil reinstated. The ring leaders of the plot have been severely pun ished by fines and banishment. Mining operations at Chetoo were suc cessful. Some valuable mines:. had been -discovered. A party 'of Americans con-, ' Untie work, and express no fear of the Man tlarin--soldiery. • Major General Bennker had assnniedsthe lieutenant Governorship of the colony at Hong Kong. T. T. Meadows, British 'Consul at, New, Chong, died suddenly. Tire English gunboat Rinaldo sailed for Bormosa with the object of settling the re -cent difficulty at that port. i„ Manilla advices state the people of the Thillipine Islands generally favor the, new „government of Spain. No declaration was made by, the Governor General,. but a full .account of the late events in Spain, . pub lished in the , official Gazette, is regarded as .a tacit acknowledgment of his sympathy ;with the revolutionists. The weather in China is cold. The navi :gation of the principal ricer was over for the Season. The/Jnited - States Minister at rr Hanko .43aused the local • government to issue a Proclamation forbidding the Chinese to mo lest Missionaries. ' The Chinese' newspapers contain edito rials on the subject of emigration and ado- Mutton in Lower California, which is •-opened to the Chinese on liberal terms. The shock of an earthquake was felt at ;Manilla November 441. The exportation of Coolies from Mama to •Callao is forbidden, in consequence pf cru -eitles perpetrated upon Chinese laborers in .Peru. - • - - • ' Crams—Their Use and Abuse. A. writer in the last number ofirea'tlA and Home gives some information in regard to crows, which we quote : • There is, however, much to•be said for, as well as against the crow, anti though the evidence be sufficient to condemn him in one locality, or at a particular season, it does not necessarily follow that he should be con demned in all places, and at all times. The crow is, by his anatomy and physi oloey, about as omniverous as any bird can well be, and we find him appropriating Al most any kind of 'feed, whether animal or vegetable, that he finds. At this season he leads a somewhat precarious life in the in terior. At times he picks up kernels of corn, or other grain on the roads, or scratches over the manure-heaps'; occasion ally he breakfasts on a frezen carcass, and very likely he will get bold enough, or hungry enough to attack small living prey. He has been known to carry off stray chickens, and to rob the nest of smaller birds of eggs or young. Most of the crows, however, Seek the sea-shore in winter, and there live luxuriously ppon shell fish, crabs, sea urchins, and tha like, which are thrown up by the waves. In very severe weather, they' frequent the floating Weeks of ice In the open channels, and pick up what they can find drifting in the water. It is not uncommon to see them engaged thus, in great numbers, about the harbor, of New York., As Spring opens they gradually go North ward, and to the interior; and by the middle of March, in the more Southern parts of the country, or by the lst of April in the more, Northern, they begin to-make arrangements for raising a family. To this end, they se led as secure sights for their nests as the country affords, , usuallpreferring the shah ter of the dense branc hes of tall evergreen trees. While building their nests, and dur ing incubation, they are extremely watchful and jealous of all intruders, while, in going to and from their nests, 'they are unusually silent. The nest is large ' and usually com posed externally of sticks, pieces of bark, moss, &c., and lined with horse hair, wool, and other soft materials.: There are gener ally four eggs, pale green, and more or less blOched with brawnish olive. - , During early spring, they are positively beneficial, their food consisting largely of insects. For these they visit newly ploughed fields, manure droppings, fallen leaves, etc. But they are most useful in destroying im mense numbers of young grasshoppers;- which abound as soon as the snow leaves the ground. In search of those,. they visit pasture lands and meadows, usually in small flocks, for greater safety; for even when thus engaged they are not safe from the farmer's gun. A little later, their real crimesCommence.' They have a special fondues° for corn, not only scratching it up from new planted fields, but, at a later day. pulling it up by the blades and devouring the grain:, Even at this time they consume many kinds of destructive larvae. If allowed their own way, however, there would be ; very little corn left. Even now, .in spite of all devices to drive him away or "destroy him, great loss frequently is oc casioned by ids depredations. Farmers naturally forget (if they' ever knew it) all the good work done by the crow in the spring, and wage war on the "black thieves." But the marauders are specially this season, and have their sentinels out on the tall trees. Their quickness in distinguishing a person with a gun is proverbial among sportsmen, and their knowledge of the power and range of fire-arms is quite as remarkable. But this knowledge has been acquired only by sad experience, !for in localities where they are rarely hunted, as, - for instance, along the sea-coasts of Maine and the British Pro vinces, where little or no corn is grown, and where their food is derived from the sea, they are as little suspicious of man as most other birds, and may be as readily-shot. enerous Donation. Among.the deeds left at the Recorder's office lately; Is one made by Mr. William Woolslayer, of the. Sixteenth ward, td the following pro' miuent citizens: A. B. Boal, Enoch Phillips, R. H. Smith, J. B. Meanor and Samuel McElroy, in trust for the pur pose of establishing. a Presbyterian church in rhis neighborhood. It is a lot eighty by one hundred and thirty-seven feet, and is located on Pearl street In the Bloomfield district of the above ward. The Board of Trustees appointed, by Mr. Woolalayer in tend erecting upon it a handsome church building, and allow it to be used by all do nominations until if nett. a time may arrive when they will to establish a per manent Presbyterian congregation, when they will then transfer the 'flame to apy duly elected Board of Trustees of such or ganization. I This is a very handsome present and re fleets much credit upon the liberality of Mr. Woolalayer, -who is the oldest and wealthiest citizen of the Sixteenth ward, All who are acquainted with the wants of this fast increasing part of the ward will at once see the importance of this gift. Tha Board intend providing accommoda tions in the church building for a large Mia sion Sabbath School, which Is now being held in a large room in a private house, which numbers every Sabbath'from - one hundred and fifty to two hundred scholars. There is also going to be erected near the church building a very fine public school house, - which, when completed, will com pare very favorably with any in the city. These, with - other improvements the ener getic citizens of this wa'r'd contemplate making, will make it a very attractive ward. The ward is so lboatid that every variety of scenery can be found, from fine flat to rolling monntain,:and cool ravines can be enjoyed. List ot' Letters . Buchanan Pos Remaining in 22d, 1849. Alderson John B Brown Terry Brown Charles Brown P . . Brown Wm B Brown Catharlu Brush C nharine Berebanan MA Burkett John Bradley john Bradley Sate • Beatty Moses, Black J :nt Fitzsimmons Ed Farrel Ott, rent Faulaner Emma Glenn 'Marla Henderson Geo Hart Laszlo Hughes Thos Harmer John W Hanlon John C lames Alex Jones John D , Jacobs John A Ring R 4. Kellerliabeth Kennel Mrs Leach Jens may Rob S Baldwin Frank B ma John tl Beam - Jima Grippe Margaret er4ig S Campbell John ,:ampbell Alex Clime John Mrs Cos sin Mary J Conner Defile entlebert Ann Divine Catbarla Dwoall blarthsiy Denny Harmer EpwardaD Engler Mary Morgan Thos 7f.' siontgomen WP Miller Jacob MaAnallir Mich' Dlawir A A Price? a Power Robert Piga .1$ . G. 'KREHAN, Real Estate Wamiters. • , .- - The following deeds wera f l ed of record before H. Snivele r Esq., Ilscorder, January 2t, 1869 John Nn LenlMrt to Win M. Tyler, January 19 1889: lot on Harrison street Lawrenceville, 20 WI MO rat t. with bniluinge 10.121 A. J. Borland and Thee. Itenonf to. Geo. H. Eller in:in. January 20, 1869; lot in the borough of Taren tum, with hufloings *1.903 Thompson) BelLto Arehtbald Gardner, January 10. 1859: lot of Federal street, Allegheny, 20 by 120 feet 500 Gottleib etreiner to Michael Groetseh,' January 2u, 1969; lot in Pitt township, on Pennsylvania ave nue, 24 by 100 feet. with buildings $3,709 L. 'r. Austin and Thomas Richey to r dwarfs Crum rote, OctebYr 20. 1808 lot in Pleming , a plan, Alle• glum y on Western avenue. 20 by 104 fees $1,400 Joseph livery to Daniel H. 4311mbre. January 1,800; lot on Taylor avenue, Aliegueny.' 64 -by 90 fro, with buildings 1;.600 31.. K. brown to James Weddle. October 29;.1882; lot in the village Ofldanseeld 110 by 120 feet .450 MORTGAGLIS. Same day ovi.ock . aw - glitadss were Mel of rggpri, 1.. "ttl , r II; 3 , mow, mums. 1a..i.....iii A ," 4411100111 AMY TITE4 aribOs: . ...... - —,7 reUit n) . 5 . 1n lour weeks.. Sue cell'. _i ttaranoi t Te °/ 4)15 : 4-15 /t• - 7.l!...,DBTfTelliSteEvlrreEoaul LIFE restores manly powers, arising; the (streets of early pernlcioui abuse, impotency and climate give way at 6:1E1: id this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly accord ing to the tilrections ' (which are very simple. and require no restraint from business or pleasure.). Failure is impossible. Sold in bottles at $3; or four quantities in one for $9. To be had only °fine sole appointed agent in America., H. GERITZEN, 205 Second Avenue. New York. ietmldi-Trs tgrPHILOSOPHY OF MAR RIAGE. a new Course of Lectures, as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the subjects: How to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood teener ally-reviewed; the cause of indigestion, flatulence aria nervous diseases accounted tor; Marriage phil osophically considered, itc. rocket volumes con taining these lectures will be torwarded to parties unable to attend. on receipt of four stamps, by ad dressing SECIIETARY. New York Museum of Anat omy and Science, 6.113 Broadway, New York. je18:165-rrs .Lzji :fit ILO ;1 I[ll rrx~sl / rfl•L~ This splendid Hair Dye is the beat In the world; the only true and; perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes; invigo rates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Batchelor's Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street. , New York. aD2B :WA rgrIIIARIIAGE AND CELIBACY - • —An Essi for Young men °lithe crime of Sol itude, and the DI E Mika and ABUSKB which cre ate impedimenty l o MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Addi e Dr. J. bEILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. Jala .AUCTION SALES. BY B. BNITRBON dr. 00. • Boars, SHOES ANDCARPETS FOE THE MILLION. AT SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. • Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON &CO.,proprietors of the-well known Mammoth Auction House are crea ting an excitement cogiquent upon the arrival of new goods which are ng sold at remarkable low prices. Hoods of every, variety; the finest sewed ots, the most fashionable balmoral gaiters and anklet shoes, slippen,l; &c., blankets, flannels, cloths. castimeres, cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. Ito trouble to show godds. Ladles'. misses' and children's 112111 at almost your own prices. AR goods warranted as represented non PEMI STREET DWELLING, No 330, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALS—TUES DAY EViti , LNG, January 26th, at 7ii o'clock, will be sold by order of administrato ,r un second floor of Commercial Sales Rooms. 106 Smithfield street, that very desire le three story brick dwell ing, No. 330 Penn street, near Wayne, containing wine hall, double parlor, dining room, altchen and wash house on first floor, four rooms and bath room on second floor. and four rooms on third floor. The house Is well tiptoed and in excellent condition; range In kitchen; hot and cold water in kitchen and bath room, and gas throughout. The lot is 22 feet front on Penn street aird' 110 feet in depth to a 20 foot alley. TERM—One-third cash, balance in one and two yer re, with Interest. Jain A. 31'ILWAINE, Auctioneer. INSURANC E. j~EN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGILLNY, PA. Office in FrankLin : Sayings Bank Buildings, N 0.4.3 Ohio st., Allegheny. A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patrohage. HENRY IRWIN .... GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: Henry Irwin „ D. L. Patterson, !Henry Oerwig, Geo. R. Riddle, 'Jacob Franz, lOottletb Pass, Stmon Drtnn, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rash, W. M. Stewart, "Ch. P. Whlaton, 'Joseph Crate, Joe. Lantner, H. J. Zinkand, [Jeremiah Rohen, apnho3s MiiicaiW;NßAMl • OP THE OITY OF ALLEGED!. Office, No. 89 FEDERAL STREET, entrance on "Stockton Avenue. FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, President JAS. E. STETENI3ON. Secretary. DIRECTORS: I A. H. English o.ll.P.WllliarasiJno. Thompson Jno. A. 3lyler, Ju, Lockhart, Jos. Myers, du. L. Graham, Robt, Lea, iC. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gent, [Jacob Hoop. 0017:02.4 WESTERN INSURANCE COM. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDER MIMICS, President. WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. C.APT. 41.EtfoRGE NEELD, beneral Agent. Orrice, 91. Water street, Bpang dr Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh Will lame against all kit:deo( Plre , and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the commurdty, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main tain the eltarseter which they - have assumed, as of. fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. DIIILCTOUS: exandei NlMicir., _ Jonn B. McCune, , B. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, .'Jamea McAuley, - William 8. Evans Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Acklen, . lieymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, lhmsen. n 0217 INIPERII4I. FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL. PAID UP AND INVESTED PONDS EXCEED . LW;,ooo IN GOLD. Insurance against Fire effected on -Houses and Buildings. Goods, Wares and Merchandise., Steam boats, am. Policies issued payable in gold or cur. repel. Or United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET. New York. All 'mutes of the United States Branch will \be ad• dusted in New York. . J. Y. MeLAUGIIII.IN, Agent. ()Mee, 67 FOURTH STREET. MS 51cLAITOHLIIi .s also Agent for the bianbat tan Lire Insurance (Kenyans% 5e6e772 PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTESURGH OFFICE, No. 161% WOOD STREET, BANE OP COMMERCE BUILDING. - Thls is a Home Company, and Insures against Imo by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McELRENY. Secretary. - • Dinnexone: George Wilson, Oeo. W. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Pleiner, Jain Voegtley, • A. •Ammon. .ifice ;January Paul Meltelnt Paul Wm Peed Leonard Walter, C. Ca Boyle Hobert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah Klug, Jae. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproul, _ Rose L A Robbins Joh NDEIIIIITIE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, Itemney Pate ck 8 Sheppard Waif J [ Belp Jennie Sylore Dan hone A B Snyder atarr Ism-sup Caroline Simpson Hu sa4'h Smith James" smith Geo hi Smith-Jail FRANKLIN INSURANCEtO, OF PM LADELPNI 0171C54 stas a 437 canon= ST.. 241 AR . . 1 Charles DIESCTOIII3. A. Smelter. Mordecain' 14iii , Tobias Wagner, , David S.'Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lei Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. ale, ; Feorge W. Richarde, HD I eorge Pales. • , CHARLES G. BAN KER, - President. EDW, C. DALE, Vice President. W. 0. STEELE, Secretary pro tem. . J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGILIV2 mh29:wi lionSWeat corner Third and Wood Stree a Thobnrn A '0 Time Jose, Illaplett m H V Venerable John yamer 'rhos • WilManton F H warn Katharine Ward Jacob • Y 012 4 1;LEFP VRAINCE CORI. `tonna Win Young W Young Joseph . , Postmaster. orncE, N. E. CORNER WOODA BUTE STB. A Home CoMpany, taking Fire gad MarineHiske DIREOTOES:' Wm. John Vatt in ,"' Capt.All % l..llll a d s ' Samuel P. brhoer, John E. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, °apt. James. Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van }Lek, - Vorm F. Lang, James D. Verner - Samuel BloOtlekart WM. PHILLiPI President. JOHN. WATT Vice President.. W. P. GARDNER, decrewa 17. CAPT. AS, GORDON. General Arent. A LLEGAIENT INSURANCE COM' PAIN OP PITTSBURGH. °FPI= Nu. a? ZTPIII STREET. RAiTZ DLO" Insures against all kinds of Fire mid Marine Mika JOHN IRWIN, Jit., President. JOHN 0. MeOORD, Vice President. O. G. DONNELL. Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. dam =MOTORS: , orpt. Wm. Dean O. 0. Hussey, . John D. McCoult B. L. Pahnestoeit ey, B. Everson, Harr Obila s, Robert H.' Dal. % T. J. tionkinroit, Francis &tiers. citailas UnYa caul. J. T. otoadaift iG,AZATA 4 -4 rtatillYi/' 3 A 1141889, BY L M'ILWAIBL .Prestdent. .Seeretary, PITTSBURGH, PA. FOR SALS-111B8TAT13": 1:2;222 BALE: .; II Acre at Woodi Ban. 4 Acres anti House in East Liherty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy Hill. 2 Acres on Greensburg Pike. 8 Acres on Four Mlle Run Boa 13( Julies from P. rieß. R. • 70 Acres near P. P. W. C. IL R. 118 Acres near Pa. R. R., Westmoreland county. 90 Acres li 111 Side St‘tion. Pa. R. R. 4 Farms in Preston county, West _ 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with Coal. .108 Acre and good improvements, in Trambull county. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mili and dwellings. House and Lot on Center Avenue, near Birk. Patrick. Muse, and Lot on Vicroy street. House and Lot In Last Liberty. House and Lot In Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap. on Vine street. ii Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 Howe of 9 Rooms and 2 Lots on Roberts. St. Farms In Illinois. Missouri and , West Virginia. Coal Lands in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette and Beaver counties lu Penna t • TO-LL. 2 HMO of 9 Rooms in the 17th ward; do t, 3 de. 3 do. do. 17th do. do. 144 2 do. Of 3 do. do. 12th do. do. 150 2 do. of 8 do. do. Sth do. do. 300 1 do. clf 8 do. do. Bth do. do. 300 1 do. of 9 do. do. do. do. 000 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th do. do. 192 1 do. of 8 do. do. oth do. do, 240 1 do. of 4 do. do., 17th do. do. led 1 do. or 7 do. • do. 2d do. 1 do, of 0 do. - Grant street. The Houses that I have for rent will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the ren tal year APPLY AT D. P. DAM'S UAL !STAN OFFICE No. 91 Grant St”Pittaburgh. 3307:1:1111 2000,000 : AC Or 01[010E LANDS FOR 4ATM4 BY TR talon Pacific Railroad Cromparqb rump= DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, M ' $l,OO TO $6,00 PER ACRE, . And on e CREDIT OP FIVE YEARS. Forfarther particmlan , maps, ite, address JOHN P. DEVRINEVX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Bann I Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See'Ys St. Louis. Missouri. CM FARM FOR SALE: subscribers offer forsale the farm of the late JAMES Fin LON, Esq., of Middlesex township, Butler county, - Containing 150 Acres of good quality of laud, well timbe , ed and watered, 100 acres under cultivation. Thia farm is 1$ miles from Allegheny City, and upon the Saxon burg S Tunnel Ridge mod, convenient to churches. school and mills. For particulars call on the sub,. scribers on the premises, or address them at Ba- kerstown, Allegheny county. Pa. ja2Ld3o G. W. FuLTON. ROBERT FULTON. tt:fl PAIL ! a THAT LARGE BUILDING, Situated on Lacock atiree.,"ni ar Sandusky. Fourth Ward. Allegheny, and known as •'lLr. aproull's Chinch." The building is aemtrably suites for manufactur ing purposes, suen as a IN ',mien Factory,, Machine Choi). Cabinet Wa.chouse, •'nate Factornand Flour ing sit% Is sufficiently strong for any . anibunt of machinery, and has both front and side entrance. The kcattun Is excellent, In the business part of the eI.T, close to market, depots,. Federal street, &c., &c. A lease will be given on favorable terms for a number of years. For further Information In quire of d It. McKEE, Nos. 43 and 43 Federal St., Allegheny city, Pa, JA3l:dis FOR, SALE. A HOLM AND LOT AT VWICKLEIk, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Warne &Chicago Railway. convenient to the station. Tne,noustreontalns 1.1 rooms. bath room and closets. The lot contains two acres, with choice varieties of fruit and two graperles, naive and coach house. This property, If not sold by the middle of February, will be rented. Also. a good holm., with eight rooms and good cel lar. The house is substantially butt and *ill be ready for occupancy by the tlrst of April. The pur chaser can lave from one to four acres, as he may desire. The lot has an excellent apple , orcha-d on It. Apply to Jon!: TFIORPSON, on the,pre tutees, or at 135 Mira avenue, Pittsburgh. (laIll:d25 F ARM FOR SALE—Containing 106 ACRES, two miles northwest of Salem, Ohlo. Three good Orchards, Sugar Camp, Barn, Dwelling House, Carriage House and other out buildings. Will exchange for city property. Terms easy. For full particulars Inquire of ' de2l:b7s 011 SALE.—A Neat Two Story F Prarre Dwelling House "of lour - rooms. kitch en and cellar fronting on Fifth Avenue, a short dis tance from suho Bridge, easy of access by Oakland Street Cars. Choice tot of ground, hydrant, *c. Price 1A2900. Terms easy, Possession &wit I, 'a 1869. CUTIIBBItT & SONS, Jam . 85 Smithfield street. yubou SALE fr.; TO LET.--Houses and Lots for sale in all_parts of the city and sn s. Also, several PALMS in good locations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORY with AO acres of land, and good Improvements. which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses fox rent in both cities. For farther partietilars inquire • WILLIAM WARD, tan 110 Grant street. ontimita Cathedral. BILLIARD TABLES. STANDARD AMERICAN BILLIARD TABLES, AND 0010INATION CUSHIONS. Undisputabli , the best In use. NEW IMPROVE MENTS-, Patented Nov. Stith, 1867, and April Mist, 11868. Everything relating to billiards of the best quality and lowest prices always on band. Our NEW CUE TRIMMER, Patentel May sth, 1868, price—a great success. Illustrated price lists sent on application. Addree i PUELAN & CIOLLEINDER. 63. 65. 67 and 69 CROSBY ST.. New Yo:k City 1311:851:Irwm • SHEETING'S AND BATTING. 1101411103, - BELL,& ANCHOR COTTON. MILLS. errZ•siwarkii.. Mania tura" of HEAVY 311 tDrIMI and LIGHT ANCHOR AND. )lAQNOLIA Sfry.:ECTINGS AND BATTING. It COAL .AND 001C.E. • CO lir COAL !! .COALt!!' "N. DICKSON,; STEWART& CO. , Harpgyenmyed . tbeir Office to Ncivurr xampatirr switamanc; 0:3;7 *111) SECOND ELOOL Wkirril?Pre.lterli tetfireatteriolizzirix.Elti im-verx. kit at ' their ottloe, te n de d t ;sad to them through the malt. will be attended to promptly. HAIR AND PERFUMERY. 4 1 01 IN PEc___,lC Ornamental Bak WOlticzu AND PERFIndiCli, lag Third street. near Sraltidleld, rittabargh, ways on hand, general assortment of Ladles , WIGS, BANDS. CURIA; Gantlemenle \WIGS, TO MM. SCALP% GUARD 011A1118,_ DBAOICLETIi, &a. A good Price In cash walgiveA R ater ant- clentletniVg lair gutting , donet Itor ogivisis altameet. Waal ~, seravici. PATTER ON On the Premls. -LEGAL. agiu =:= .TN THE DISTRICT atriri.T Or I:Allegheny Cx 1 1 : 11 5', state°, Pennsylvania.' Pat anion Equity, N AV, :atm iry Term. 1869 an d Aanes Holdship verses Ann Holtiship , Campbell( Henry Cam' 'bell, Edward Campbell. Sari. nel S. r h.eltis and 11atr .0 .4 Shields ills wife. James C. Pearson and Wm, MIL %on an l Emily Wilson his wife, heirs of Jane amp . .. '11; dec'n: George Knox, m. P. Knox, E. C. Dew.: v• 'nil &rah beWey nla wise,'Jamt s Erma. litariha linex. Mrs. At.n M. Da 'video,' and Jane K. Mc ABB ter, h eits of Hugh Knox. 1 deceased: James Knox, George Knox and smith I Knox, heirs of William Knox, dec - d: James Knox. Samuel B. Knox, George Knox. Ann Armstrong, John M. Kirk, James Birk, William F. - Kirk. John Marshall and Nancy- his wife Daniel Kieser and Sarah D. his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Burnett. Philip Deltrich and Mary his wife, George F. Kirk. Aaron Brooks and Ann B. his wife, anti William M. Doty and the lesiie of his wife Jane Doty. deers: Mercy Lowell George Crownorer, John dye and Him nah his wife, James Crownueer, Robert Crownover, Lucretia Peasely,Skenkle and Alinira his wife, Mary3lam. John K. Bennett, Josephine S. nentiett, Isaac J Bennett. George 51. Bennett, Isaac Jeukinson, Wm. D. ' Frazee and Reflect:2l.llls wife, Thomas Mlnshall, George K. 31inshall, ltoin. Y. Minshall and Byrain L. 51inshail, heirs of Gee. Knox. dec'd. Beira atlaw of Agnes Knox, dec'd„ late of the clty of Pittsburgh. 'Bill flied hv plaintiffs for the partition or sale of the real estate of Agnes Knox. c ee'd. late of the city of Pittsburgh, Pa., who died in 1854. The real es tate consist- of two lots on Fifth street, (now Fifth avenue) in the city of Pittsburgh, one fronting on Firth avenue about one hundred feetand on-Market, street about thirty feet, and the other fronting on Fifth avenue about twenty.twd feet and rni.ning back along Market alley about thirty feet; on which are erected one brick and three name buildings. The ht irs of William Knox, dec'd, who was a broth er of Agnes Knox, and have the one-fifth interest in said property„ are unknown. Oleo f his sons. James, wnen last heard ftom, lived near Clacinnati, Ohio. The defendants abore named are notified and re quired to moan an appearaiiee to be entered for them in said Court and to answer said Mil, on or before the 4th Monday of January, 1869. or in default thereof the bill will be taken ,pro eon”. 880, and a de- cree made against them In their absence. By ovum of Court, I ins the 2d day of January, A. b. 1869, 8;} JACOB H. WALTER, Prothonotary. WRITE & SLAGLE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1= QIFIPRAINS COVRT SALE.-By Virtue of an order of the. Orphan's Court of A legheny County will be exposed at PUBLIC UAL'S. on the premise*, in the city of Pittsburgh, on VEDNEFIDAY. SANITARY 27th 11569. • At 10 o'clock A. at;, the following described real es tate, late the property of /10BERT LAFFERTY. dec'd, all that HOUSE AND LOT ON WYLIE STREET, Between Federal and Chatham Streets; having a front of 94 feet on Wylie street. and extending back preserving the same width 90 feet 7 inches to an alley 4 feet aide, and harinu erected thereon a three hcory brick dwelling house with three story back building and &brink stable in the rear. ALbor—Three lots on Bedlam avenue, each having a front of 40 fres and extending back 100 feet to Ponta , ' idle) a d having erected thereon large frame and brick tenement hours Also, a tenemert house at the real' otlota on Poplar alley. ALSO, ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 28TE 1869, A house and lot on Robinson street. oetween Sandusky street and Anderson street. In the Fourth ward. Allegheny C ty; said lot having a front 01 21 feet 3 inches on Robinson street and extending back preserving the same width 110 feet to litoddartts alley: on which is erected a large I three story brick dwelling with back building and a smaller one on the rear of lot on Stoddartts allet ..&1.80--A house and lot adjoininlng the last de scribed lot. Bald lot having a trent on Robinson street of 21feet 3 Inches and extending back Pre serving the same width .110 feet to an alley; on which is erected a large three story brick dwelling house and a smaller one on rear of lot on ntoddart's alley. TERMS OF SALE.—On sale of the property In Pittsburgh one half cash, balance in six moluthe. On side of the property In Allegheny City one. third cinsti, balance in six months. Purchasers will he required to ray one handred dollars on day of sale upon each piece of property bought by them. JA.3IEd • D. 10.L1.X. ta5:113.T Tli. s.T . Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-Hy virtue of an order of sate issued out of the Or phans' Court of Allegheny Conuty,the undersigned. exectr or of the last will of Dr. JESSE I".ENNEY, deed, will expose at PUBLIC SALE on the preini.; see, on THURSDAY, the 11th day cf FEBRUARY. A. D. 1860, at 2 o'clock F. M., all that certain piece or parcel of land situated In the borough of ...McKeesport, County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol:ows, viz : Beginning on the southern side of Penrixtreet In Jamei Penury's plan of lots In said borough, at he corner of got No. 13. thence south along the line of. said lot 70 feet to an olley; thence east along said alley 80 . net to the line of Henderson's lot; thence by said line 70 feet to Penn-street, and thence by saldutreet 80 feet to the place of beginning: be lng a part of lot No. 12 in said plan. For further particulars leen Ire bt 'ROBERT CRAIGHEAD, Executor. Elizabeth. Cr JOHN P. PENNEY; AttorrleY. Pttleburgh NOTICE: - 4 --Letters of Adniinis. tration upon the estate ofJOCILPH isicCßACK eort, late of E lalabeth township, deceased, having been granted to Mt undersigned, all parsons in debted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payment, and those haring claims or demands against the same, wilt make them known without delay. JAM h.S P.:INT ititSoPi, del2:thlit.s =nen& Vista. Pa. N • OTICE. An application will =-• be made for the pardon of-HUGH 00NOLLY and DANIEL /SWARM'. convicted or r. celving stolen SCOOda, lan:c7B BANKRUPT NOTICES IITHE DISTRICT COURT OF NITED STATES, 'for 04 Western District o PennsylTanis. OLIVER ADAMS, a Bankrupt , tinder the Act of Congress of March Ad, 1867, having applied. for a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by, ordur of the Court, notice is hereby given to all pervons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 28ra DAY OF :JANUARY, \ 1889. at 10 o'clock A. at., before . SAMUEL. HARPER. Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, at his °glee, No. 93 Diamond street, to show cause, if any they hav4, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And further; notice is hereby given that the Second and Third Meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 517th and 28th sections of said Act, will be had be fore the said Register, at the same Dine and place. Jae:eloo S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That son the Ist day of January. A. D. 1669, a war rant in Bankruptcy was hatted against the estate of WILLIAM L. FORSYTHE, of Pittsburgh, in the county .of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged' a Bankrupt, oh his' OWII petition: that the payment of any , debts and delivery of any property belonging to such. Bankrupt to him or for his use, sod the transfer of any property by him, are foroilden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt,,. to prove their debts, and to chaos., one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register. No. 93 Diamond street, in the city of Pittsburgh, before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq Register, on the 23d day of January, A. D. 1869, at 10 o'clock A. as. THOMAS A. ROWT:,ET. S.'Marshal, as Messenger THIS is TO GIVE NOTICE THAT on the nib day of January, A. D. 1869, a Warrant trißankruptoy was fumed againat the ESTATE OF ADOLPH RODELIIEIiEE, Of Allegheny City,. in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania,-who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his ownpetitiont that the payment of any debts and dellyerrof any property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the trans fer of an' property by him, are forbidden by WO that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bank rupt, to prove their debts,. and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City, .ellegheny county, Pa., be.. fore JOHN N. P URN% AN CB. keg.. Register, on the 25th day of February, A. D. 41039, at 2 o'clock. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. 11. M. Murshal. xs Mei MEM 1"N THE. DISTRICT COURT. OF -L THE UNITED STATES, for the Westeri .pts trier of Pennsylvania. • . ALMEBSIfBERG, allankrupt under the Act . r.f 'Congress of March Ad, A. D. 1807, having ap plied 'for a. discharge .from all his debts and other Claims' provable under said Act, by order of the, Court, mottos: , is hereby given to all creditors 'also have proved their debts, and other persons Interest od, to appear on the 11th day of rF.BRUARY,IBBO„ , at 10 0 7 olook d. ,before SAMUEL HARrEId; Zig., Register in Bankruptcy, at his once, No.' igt Diamond street, :Pittsburgh, Pa—. to show 'cause . if : any they - have, why a Discharge should not granted to the said Bankrupt. 8,• C. McCANDLEBS, • Clerk of B. District Court for said Duitriet.• TOBACCO AND CIOARS. ExcELswit WORK& w. aluNifirrsort, santaenren arid Dee,len T. tk abeveo. Snuff, CigarS, Pipes, 0., i t 7S I ..MAT a ALurauranc. FirNEW OPERA HOUSE. Leag,l4. !""":".". ...... • ....... .-WW• RZSDIIIBOII. the crowd sibort .............. vr. cmcznme. SPECIALaI'otd . the box office at ' it 1 1 MPeetrunr inglinafed to the patron, 01'11113 tbtitiqblElCTS ;he t•geats can be secured .luring the day from 9 o'clock A. 31. to 4 P. X. LEFFINGi WELL 114nliEE. 2 O'CLOCK P. 3i. CINDERELLA A ND ROMEO JA FFIER JENXISS In the evening, a quarter bethre tl,• `CINDERELLA, ROMEO JAFFIEH. JENKINS, DIC4 TURPIN, THE HIGIIWATMAN. Non day ALADDIN ANI) yEDIA. E=',SBITTHEIS' AMERICAN THEATRE. (LAT'ir, TRIMBLE•S VARIETIES.) GRAND OPENING, Monday Riming, January 18, 1869, , t With one of the largest and beat selected Comps. Ides ever Introduced to ' the citizens of Plttsturgh.. and under the management of I W. C. SMYTHE , Who takes pleasure in presenting the foEowingsr tilts of unequaled celebtity : Augusts, Md Ile . Raisins Evers, Miss Hibble Eters,' Miss rd. genie Bummers t Miss Louisa Harrison, NI tall E. Piker man and a Brilllant Corps 44 Ballet; Harry Bay— n^r Hank Mudge. the DelerantlErothers, ous WEI-. Hams, Ed. Morley. Billy Blair, Bob Stnttn. Pot :lather Particulars, see small Wile and futures* announcements. IarPITTEIBURGH' H. W. WILLIAMS Sole Leasee arallManager. Remember your last clistme to see THE GREGORY% TRANS-ATLANTIC COHBMIAITION THE MINIATURE ! CIRCUS! . Arlie Gertrude's Leirbed Quedrueeds. Little Bessie Gregot7 Bliss Leon esesvemler, ji an. Albert. Arthur and Willie. The Flying Meteor the Alr. A NEW BILL TO-NIGHT. Lagt Grego y Matinee on Saturday. BURNELVS.MUSED N AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Family nem:write. FIFTH AVENUE. between Emltbffeld and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. SiirOpen Day and Evening, all the year - roan& Admission, 25 cents: Children, 15 cents. M r - ORPHANS' FAIR. BASEMENT OF CATHEDZAL. ADHI3BIOL.. The splendid newly organised Cathedral Brass Band will enliven the Fair every evening. de= arFAIR IN' lIIANSFIELD r -A Fair lot the benefit ottbe • • • I New Catholic Church in the village of Mansfield will open on the 18th or 'JANUARY. and will continue tor two weeka. Train& on the Pankandle road leave the Union Depot fbr Dientheld deify at 3018 and 4:55. P. at., returninv it 1/P. M IarPROF.. CARPENTER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADM. No. 35 THIRD STREET, Is now open for the _ • ception of pupils. Class days and hours—For La. - r dies, Masters and Misses. Wednesday and Saturday. at o'clock r. x. For Uentlemen—Tuesday • Friday Evenings, at If o'clock. Private lessons given. Circulars can be Classes t the 31uslc Stores and at the Academy. out of the Mtn'. convenlenv, attended to. , .le. Hall to let to detect Parties DRUGS AND CEIEIMICALS. TatNIDERSON .1. & BROTHERS, 266 Liberty street, Dealers in,Drngs, Paints anti ent Medicines. 135t2 W. NACHEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, urn XA-'4II7ACTIMEEtB OP Carltacqa C,ll. MOVED TO NO. 19 LIBERTY SI73EEI, ,1119:dZ3 PITTSBURGH, PEI4tNA. White Lead, Window Glass and Glassware at. Manufacturers prices. deg BLECTIC SUFI ER CO RI; An infallible remedy for Summer Complaint. Mir. rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, Sour !Stomach arid Cholera Morton,. DR. IiBRIS' CRIMP Cam, A specific for Cholera, Cramps sad Path Stomach, for sale by 31UWEI=S & ZWXLITG, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS FOR J. SOHOONDLIKKS. 4% SON'S PURE . WHITE LEAD IticCOVS VERDITER GREEN, The only green paint that will not deteriorate bp . exposure. It wlli loot better, last longer and give more marketperfect satisfaction than any paint In the `I'M A NllooD.”—Anotner New MEDICAL PAMPHLET, fro nt the pens. DanrinviS. The Medical Vote., gar 6of thlswork 'This valuable treatise os the eans e and cure 0 - , premature decline,. shows how health is impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood, and' • how easily regained. It gives a clear synopsis of the impedimenta to marriage, the cause and edicts of nervous debility, and the remedies therefor.o , pocket edition of the - above will be Doctor de cut receit, Of iitt tent s by - all:dressing CUB.. TIS. No; 58 Norte Gbarlee amt. Baltimore. Md.' -- .1711:t1 MANHOOD: !lOW LOST 3 HOW; AXIL RESTORED! luet,publieltectinseabd . cps. Price, eix cent*. A DRCTITRE 03 TES NATURAL TREATMENT. and Radical Cure 2 , 5 permaturrhata, or Seminal Weatneea, IneolantarT • 1; -. = iseione. Sexual Debility and Impedimenta to Mu. Maga generallyLliferveaanew Conaumption, .-; lepeLii i nd Me; mental and Phyisleal Ineagmc.l_ rir• snit item Melt Abun4 Cutup. well. .B. author of tae "Uree_n Book. I Ate. s•A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF BDPFEB/113,1l tent • ander seal. in a plain envelope, to any iuklreas, poei. paid, on. rweelpt of Mix orate, or two posteAgeitllult.l. to CHAS. J. C. KLINE Co., 1 - 21 BOWnxis NEW YORE, POSTOPPRLE DUX 1888. Alto Jr. Onlverwell , e"Marriage atilde," , price tlikenta.. inyaindterT ADj o ICEIt YOUNG DWI ABOUT Moseys ,tor Young Men. On the.Erross Abuses rad Dhows Incident tO Youth said Ea& llianbocol s with Om humane visW of treatment acre, seat by mail in sealed Mum envelopes ?rebut charm. Address, HOWARD All• soounox. Box Pbtleaelnhla, Pa. seMatte•daT MEM WEIGHTS AND MBASMa B. LYON,, ` Senor of Weights and Ideaanstai, Na, a POURTR razzT. . ißetireen Melly and Peril streets OMRHDMflgtivattendNl tn. ST COMMON • --. • 'Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Cloininon, AM/O=Y. FILEWN. ATVATELP. & Have on hand or : prepare on short noticeig an 0 d Step Stones, 71ses inr Vaults, ite. Read and Tomb Skeins., ke. - _ omen proinpu7 esentod. =MI fIiaIIOSLISISK. AbIIISM. 25 cents. = MEDICAL. arbl2* • STONE.