STOVES, CASTING E BEST STOVES. A. BIEULDLITY & CO• li►nclsattirers of the greatest ;rszlety of t Parlor and Ileating Stoves, TO BE YOUND.III TBE BT.A.TII. !Sete Agents for the celebrated Base BUTEallle OA. lel Stares !laid PIMLICO for Bad COST or Cote. bin the World for Parlor.oface. Store or Church. needs no rekindling—hurns all winter. Do act until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET . _._.; - Oar Agents for. Orientas—DESlSLEß BMus., ernithteld but OEO..I:TURLEY. Allegheny City. . 61114 /MOUS. Bro CO BAffirrArtuaras!or va.olsTloi BOSTON COON,ING RANGE "TILE FIERY FURNACE," TOR WAU3UIcO BuiLorsos. VIZ !MIN' Armntrirr 000ngszt ♦ "ItEOULATOR. COLUMBIA COOM STO , 13 I Cincinnati Pattern) poRTABIA BANG mos biANTLEs. B BE- EcTOB,_ ousTEs. tree trona dirt, Lod Mutt TE ITouNTO. PENDEBB. at. 206 stud 20S 'Abut)! Street, .e25:317 COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. uworavr. a co:s TBIQMPH F4ll BITIVirMOI79 COAL. • u Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast irell many other Stove In the Valens B & CO:, BISSELL No. 285 Liberty Street., &Ito on howl and for sad. PARLOR BroVESlirro WrATWEEITT. i11,CT1A2,71675 13 10124 COOKINO &o. MON WORBS. NOTICE.—We have this day as sociated with us In ce.PertnershlW EDWlN ALLIS and JOHN 8. SLAGLID. The badness will be • °attuned as heretofore nudes the name and style of COLEMAN, RAHN iv CO. Pittsburgh. Jammu 111, 3.889. DUQUESNE IiVORIkS, COLEnN, RAM.. & CO, Idanufact-smrs of IRON, NAILS. STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, . . • Duquesne Iron. Sheet and Tank Iron, dunlatalron. Wagon Box Iron. Cnareoal Iron, cylinder Iron. X 1.. Iron. Flanged Cutter Bars. Guard iron. Drag and PLOPOeL BUIS , T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges. Ylat Bail for Coal Roads, Bolter Iron, Crew Bare, Chain Links. Wagons. Steel and iron HaVLOW Teeth.. Carriage, Seat and Coachliprings , and Axles, all t Slab Steel for Plows, Cultftra tor Steel. Steel Wings and Moulds cut to Vittern. boring steel all sizes. A. B..titeel and Steel Tire. Steel Crow Bars Steel shafting. ie. ALL GOODS PIUST CLAS MID - vrAmaLlirM. airolliees and Work. leth street and Allegheny liver and TT WA.TER STREET, Pittsburgh. ja+l:e22 _____..----------------. JAB. y tBBfB. ?rein. ...... . . P. Pmrss, snot. VIIIMEAL TOB,GI _ _ AND IRON CO7, Wma road .n u b Bare *MI Boit* Bslimed Car Astra. Rolled; _ .111aliroad tar axles ilsonmerod; liosocoootive Frame* ' . , • Isasomottre WllOllO Shapes; Side Beds:' • lobos, Straps; Mimi Beads; • • Steamboat Sitarist • Steamboat Cranks: Piston Sods. wrists; Pitman Saint, tollarsidte. .0111oe,, No. 177 1:401'N STREET, EIFIFILSOriII.PRESTON & PennSVl.Vania Iron Works.' Warehouse, Nos. lie and,lBll IMIST ISTNEZT, opposite olioaga.tela House, priaksimireit. apbt:de _ TIIIQVIESNE „ IRON MID STEEL WORKS. COLEMAN &CM, al ,A c OT yen, Nails and Steel. Carriage and 'Wagon Spidupsand Axles. INgirelerelk. XL. ,and Juniata. Merchant Trar.lionnd Sad Iron; Band, Hoop, sheet ad PIZZIS= Oval, alr Oval and Half Bound Iron; Cylindel an W n Behiron; Drag and Droppu Bari; altail for cold 110311115; CUL Nana and SOUR; . Spring and AB Mori: Larsinsted WEI; Ca ter Moe Ba Bars, Az., • . • rs, sCrow ad W arehouse—if WAY,33.BTH7EZT, insubargh. • • - T. .S ' faIIEFFIEW STEEL WORKS. g*#ta-e 7' -61:NGER, 00., ,ppriimpapia. pa... • llanufacturers of every descriptl of CAST AND DERMAND:TICELu SALIATEWC.II6.:II,I*.AI4OO3f SPEINGIS_ AXLES, STEEL TISE,Ec.. so IrareilOTlSO, 881tittelf and 100:Erstfitth • 1 NIIL 10881 BARD &PARISI:N. • - •. ezerzars , ILL.V7RtItt 1 tiVile-MIN" . . CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 13/..lifi a x*Asticirr, office, No 339 Liberty . St, II 014:44 8 BLACK DIADIOND ' g '4 STEEL woalcs. pAjtic, , BROTH:Hit & , CO4. Maroglicturels ofall desoriPtlons of fjP ; r3=ELZA , e o ad Woreilaie 451141114 ma d el ar l 44l 121.1_0 1 42 3/ 1 : iirrriusinges. II RHO *FORT PITT FOUNDRY COIPANY. TWELFTH SrIiREE3 -Engines, Rolling Mill Ma- Chine •, Nail Machines, Retorts, tool ngs generally, • . NAT, ONAL FOIINDItIi Corner ClaripoU tind flagellums' Streets,' ~yrcroasss PITTSBITUGH. STEEL WORKS• 7A. mss,MAOHINISTS._ OFFICE AND-WOBS.S, PITTSBURGH , AND PIPt NNORKII. (NINTH WASH.) rrrrrtWECCW , Rilit ' SIIQITH, Manufacturer of _ OAST. IRON BOWL PIPE TOR GAB AND WATER WORSE. My Pines ere • east Intrielably iir jilts, in dry gind, and 151 feet length , AL?• . lull impartment& . . ileaeraleastinge for Gas and Water Works. iwonld also c tho attoittion of finperintendonts Gas Works to itrigklot'or szTorra • , Airftwl MORTON STRVE.T, Ninth Ward, Prr•TS33llMMi!k l3 . THOMAS 111.-1111UMB, PresidtuL These Works arsamong the largest end most -prepared 'complete establistammts In the Wen. and are now to Parnish Mogiides, of 0,6)17 dOsoription. Boilers, 011 Sheet Iron Work. EaOros(' Castle;ligs. soriftw ILIU'CuOtiiIXII. Eosins Casting 111,*elan. Castings• General Castings" ORDERS tSOLI4=!.D 1i09:n 69 L. 0. xxvpmeyrott.w. H. 8C111.1.17. A. 110811 4 11301 1 . JR. 'LIVINGSTON Si CO., . IRON rotormaxs, arnctoßsits'or FINE LIGHT Ali destriptlow, for Piumbers and Qin Fitter s ' / U. neulturanmplententa. Cotton and Woolen ma chinery, do. All a onWork promptly attended to. - (Mee and Woo TOR ANIMUS. near pater Depot. Bonersori; Wes 6, Co., Maze 'son t 0 Watudini, Mods t Salinus, WASHINGTON WORSE. fOUNDESIS AND NACHINISTS. PITTABiIRGH, ilbsinfacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam Itn- Bti M ßttlia a s iittiva ill a cri l irloihia•ltleciirTA er an Sbeet NO. lSi rlroat F sassitirsithfleldSt ts. • ;11.grcraiT1144 "CTO r Wong Boilers. • . MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. *et% Ninth irakii tOpWilte Unto* • , , PriTSBUSGH. 140111116 Mill said Brblge Castings , 71111118LE11410 AND PIPE,BOXES, WOCHINBRY. ! 1,.3,5rp 9tl3ll4ieeira utit d - F ar. 'Orders promptly ind carefully executed. Charge' reasonable.. Ba k 1111011 11 M •ficiams rr1101114113 CARLIN& CO., . . A. hula,Ward .Foandff and Indio : Works, . isizEDulurr. BT.. ?.Zuroaluenr. 91T9. T t k.. Te.itOi teasn itigino..eni riOgies..ral: , I , 3, d ha-PdaanGenizti.trßid,,rjrir:anf.kifFirtra l warßole% '"' . /)°Tw° '' dw'o32 un Ensineaoto sing. - . mile 5 IJNDILT • CENTRAT,, FO AND \ROLL WORKS ,1380 Sarin -Street. 131.431A4t (=Boa, Jon cutbay, IRON BROKERS. f.7RADIVEL SIUWICILVASIIGIN ' • 11 . , 0 0 0 ,' '. 'i ~, '.. C• .. :" ' ..• . /IL F. BROKER, isii first Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. , Agent th e sae of Cothrall, toormbaciole, 40. . re, Isabella Donegan_ .ork, otardell. a, Deaden, other_ braces .of Antarracite. - f - oaaMoaberif e &sato. N. Charcoal : - . , . ." rIGI '111A7041€1• ' L_ . enlist gnmerits are n_m"l"'.eln3"A"'"l44 1 13 YATGTST3OIIm__._ APNATP,E ftuAeN I• , • , . .. PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL—STEUBEVMLN. (Md. V BRIORToR, HILT ! BRIGHTON. A. —.. . . oinCE AND WAIUntOI3,SZ. • , N 0.82 Third. Street, 'Pittsburgh, Pa. Oriridind.4.l:l6lJST 11ARTJE,Tresident. rer. JNO. B. LIVIISOSTO24, Treasu 5.1.31131L1; lilt/Dia, secretary HANG.tin ffariimui, Jo B. Cash paid for 'Paper Stoeic. , . , Jszkdosit. ' BlJlLAwilpmflAnt PEARL MILL Three Star green Mena, 'Opel to FRgRON FAMILY FLOUR. X is Flour will only oe sent out when einteetally IkWlllolllllll.l4,llLtztivei;,:l,,ii. MAIM largli SIND 111$111211). AVlll*liiiiiitiliattMrantr` it >4 . , la , -1 ,--Atordussignelato, . meat, Sept. 9, WO. . run sali. , .; ./ t .c, ; e? 701 , • P rrntll6ll-•••O4ZETE - CSKID UDAT,,,...Ihav . • 111111 BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Daquesne St., .... • (nzi.o TRU POIXT,) Engineßuilders,FoundeTs &Miebinists, mi.rinstraaagogr =GIBES and, STA TION NOISES, of MI ates- ,„ Speetsi. tentton invited to Our now STA . PItat , . ABY OIL WELL ENOINE-tAND PORTABLE BOILER of of 15 a -h T or e e power. o°AlT_oB,of everigid made to orders, our T RIOS fo O2T WDI%T SHAFTbNG,PaULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCRE esWS Sliod IRON TOBACCO rousts, on nand sad sde t order, at the . - INDUSTRIAL -WORKS, " Fronting on the;Alieghetryßiver,"teer the Falk; gr All orders promptly filled. TUTUS. FOItT PITT Bunn, STILL AND TANS CARROL.!,._ do SNYDER, INI TUBULAR. DOUBLIS,PLDED TIIBVLAB. VIBE. BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM SOUSE& OIL STILLS AND OIL CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS. SALT , PANS AND. DOR. DENSEES; '' • • - STEAMPIPES.GARD/MUMS AND IRON BRIDGES; - • ptasox POOOB AND COAL aunts • Other mod Warehonoli, torpor doodad, Third. Sheri raid Liberty Street% air Orders sent to the above addressor ill to romntir attended to. 7:10 21 • 11 103r111 " ' BOILER MASERS AND SILENT IRON WORKICRS, NOS. SO, SS, Si4AND S 6 PENN ST Navin secured &large yard and roraished it . witit the most approved machinery, we are ampulla to mamirseture every description of. BOEGM la the best manner, and warraawl etig.o4l) any made in the conntry. Chimneys, Breec hing, litire Beds, Steam Mel, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers,. Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Baler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann- Mmurersof Barnhill , s Patent Boilerii. , , - • Repairing done oaths shortest notice:• 1all:Cd1 JAMES M. BITER, NOB. 55 and 56 Water fOreet, IRON OIL TAIIES, szmuse was. corral estArii,rira. raw= tr. . ......... ... zwirvltz , D. alms. JARED M. .IiRESS & SON, tir ItAXIITAOrtrItIitS Or Steam Boiler, Oil, Stills, Tacks. !MEET IBON WORIE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pitteburgh, .Pa. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EIMR, A. MUD "CV ALI:I , 3E , , .837 LIBERTY STREETt pAPER., FLOUR. pITTSpIIIIGEI. ~vo'ass. stAstry.avrtruins or PITTSBIIRGIL Pa. IPITTSIII7 I6OIB s YANCITACTIMIR 011. 'ROLLING RILL Si/LONIS, - And BEGET MO'S WOES, For Steamboats. HARDWARt. Hannhicturers and Importers • CUTLERY, &C. cousa 4,*lalM One Square Below Vision Depot, P,ITXSBURGEL. A A t o W o-; ~ AseustorlAWAVO NOVELTY 'WORKS. r VIITTBIIIJI II4 4 II 'NOVELTY WORKS.' n. ADAMS, nrizEr..& or - KEYSTONE STANDARD, (FAIRBANK'S PAT- K.,.ZT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER • , S ak:LZS. Janus Faced Patent DOOr Locks and Latches, Paint and Coffee.littla, 00BNIER OF FIRST AVENUE ec GRANT STREET rittioultim Powitt.44 OT)PPER.) , CAKE srPEEIOtt _I-Gclornalttua Arptionense Tons -• •`i pAtr al4 cIieGURDIrAk t',a llssulfacturers of Sheathing Brasiers' and Belt Copper, Prtsied Copper Bot Balite !Still Botr toms, lipelterSolder. Also, and Dealers In Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, ac. Con. Tinnerstr3liebinegwf Tools. ;* MnrehonseAio. I.IIIB,STUOT sad., Ast;oltPST=.l3:f. Pittsburgh. Special brdeti Of Cooper sintlo shy desire' bat• i .NeeivesseosrT • t LUMBER._ -it pinga f :it " ' '" .' ; L I DER. „ • . PAW/MOM : '""n ALE ;#I1P1,1 11 : 7 - ?. Dealer ' in ON HAND AND YOB 8,/!4.2 an" Itinili o fl lumber.e 1:000,_000 feet Dr'y rine BOara l, . . ./•50.0U0 feet 1% and 2 inch Clear rutin,. Oottintml r i Liutk, , ;. , au,ooo feet try vi Ine i ll i cc oc x. . - aomeo feet yrs land 11 1, AO) - 25,000 feet Dry Sk, 2% and a Inc _ ~..p . _. s,ooo.feet Dry 3, ,4 34 , 3 in. cherry it M 1 . • 3 0 . 000 feet Dry ,10.%,2 and di L lnch Poplar. 10,000 feetisrfropiarSeth tlinic; .-,': ' 250.000 feet Hernloordotstr and Scanting 150,000 No. 118-inch Shingles, sawed; 250,000 No. 1104nch Shinnied, sawed_. 40,000 No. 110-inch Shingles! SaITCa•- *O,OOO Fire arta: • . , LOOO Fire Tile. " • LICI Tana Fire lay; YARDsi-21 1 0. SO ritE ° ol.2 'n r and 7 C BI A I O S , 2 U Ts E &i e ,Mae the O e uWor l S A REB e E y city, T . M , /h GAS AND STBALV :0111! K. COMMIT. JOB. ILLTS..L. 1432. JOHN PE COOPER & Co., ••• BRASS ro MIS GAS kNIY STEAM 3 runr"" a T u dvn B WORK Wilagno 1. " kladi., .0;5_2, e .1 _ _ mer of Pa a W °MR Weetat i pti4gatifitfir " 'iitvigpt• -'---"'"--; rt--.----, 0111REN OIL CLOTH' FOR Dow, ankoits-we irt troittianufaintinit 1 I ottlclo'of .11;,onsitty , *abettor in dr lutdAt fa lower_Plid dot be Mitt bt on go, ro WM., tett Wafers *III gna It omit' 'droll n, . P.. De . SSF2R4.II???, t.1,71131144/2rs: no3o . VG and All Sixth bi., formed, 81. Olalr. ' i'MAN .....-„.... , ...4 . .... ,---- - lOC PITIAIAMBII.: tOIP4III, N 0.1.69 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,00 0 . STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, ;-• ' DEALILBSIN tiOVEREMINVOCURMIS; AND COLD. lIIIIKEST_ALIOWBII 01 TM ,D1110%14 8 . 'Collections made on all sooessible Points In the United States and Canada,. • DERZOTOBB: _ Jan. Awnex. Bobt. H. King. Andrew Miller. Janice M. Bailey. D. Hostetter, res Gordon. . Rib 4. D. LEFT NATIONAL 151 OF COERCE, Cori oil Wood and Shah Sta. A. PATTSILSOn JOll. U. HILL CAPITAL, $500,000. DEOZOTOVA: _ _ georige W• eau , It R. Palmer, Wm. Douglas. 434 ,!'° Wm. /", L. rat - tenant Chas.H. Brows. Chas. Lockhart. W. IL Dan. It. Davidsont s 051V4•.1. ' DIBCOVNTEI HART, CAVORET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner ITik d Woad prx-risinnteir., PA.• C3VOCEISSOUS TO HANNA. BART & CO DuLiss 14cliange, Coin, Coupons, • Lad patio:au ettention plid to he perehue end 71 GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Diafts oril.44:n4onTaTusas N. UOLICES & SONS, Ei9 57 Market Stiieet, V/T1"11313 17114013, Collect ions made on el the principal points of the United States snd CansAaa. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOTJOICT AND SOLD ON COUND3B,ION . iDttrkulor ottention paid to thepurahose and trnitedStates SeOUTitieß )220:si PPITTSBURGH . .-: BANK FOR SAVINGS, FORMERLY THE DIME BA.ypiGslNsTircrto ig „: No. 07 Fourth Street. BIAS= OPPOSITE VIZ BANE OF rirrsatmo u._ , . CHARTERED IN 1882. . orts DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on•WE.O. PTESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to No Ist, from Ito 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May Ist, 8 to 8 o'clock. Books of By-Laws, ap ai fttnitshed at the °Mee. This Institution es ly offer .to those whose by ad limited, he opportunity to accumulate. by gratin deposits, easily saved, a sum which will be a y , resource when ;leaded, WA beating Interest the of remaining unproductive. BOARD OF MANAGERS: • - Pagel/Aar GEORGE /- .f • _ " • ' Nrwillamnrerre l . ~a. H. HARTHAN. 1 JAMES PARE, J. 81CIISTABI AIM TosAmmArt, D. E. 7doEIBrULT.,. ETHICS, A. BRADLEY, ' WM. K A. S. BELL, F. RAIIM,_ JON 8-DILVTORTII, -JOSHUA. IGIODES, ; O. H FOLLANosEgi. _JOSHUA SCOTT. • JAB. L. D GRAHAm. SCHMERTZ, CHROPE ZUG. Soracrrous-. W. IBTA A H . B R . BELL. rohieviliv ......0....... kIagWiWOLEUTI ItEFINF!Iti HERBERT W. C. MEDDLE, Lubricating and RigrestßuTningpils. Rennie ,Railroad Azle 911. • . ••. -- Staniisi great ; beat sAlibouu change; reinstall - • :• 1 • limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates, or hot weather. , Loeomotivi4l lingiggi, illiebine t !MOO. t Will cut Screws. Saar 11111 add Flawing Rill - 0111 V Adapted for high speed. , ' 1 dWirelle ell,t Wrolidelsil.l.lmteloll, ~. 011. Tangier** Stair. monaolo, lug fltWiniglaingoll. essollae, • • liaratees Oil: , • •• • Parvenue. • Al irratistt; 'tti prcservie , Brtsalf Doti k and bitter! (Tomlin 's. _ , , "'These pro nets are guiusitsq tired pnd_er Di. Twed• dials' patent br tiliperheated Steam In v &Ago. The Imbricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly pure. Uniform. an unchang ed light colored stand durin g teniperature. and remain ' limpid g extreme cold. The liallroad Olui arelioguallad, and Are In constant use on many of Me principal lialirearls. samples can be examined d orders lett at 114 WOAD_ rAAFF,T.„ Works itparr's ginm EEO e .... ...... 7 1 1 ABIN(ii AND KING,. ' Clommindon Merchants and Broken in , • ~a . n . t , PetroletunitaProducti , ' DALZELL I S 111111.010, pUQUEIIIIE_IIIO, . „ . . PITIIIIIVACIII. PA. i iBIEADIELPEqA'ADMI2OB, ifirAan49l-N#9 a f , 59',! :,. 1 i . 'i 1 197 Walnut [Street. T icK Buopiras, commissioN-immwTs.' • *2W DILLLZ , B B Petroleum and its Products. , . ...;itubargh otsoe—Dizzurz, BUILDING. oaf sof Duquesne We 7 in Irwin'Streets. • Otifee‘ISSIMALIIIM cr. = spi:w3o LONG & NANuF49TIPPRIIO.I' • - ptruF, WHItE zlitfliNll4o" Mt' conm , • tira ' ttsburgh. :EIPH S. F)SSC,gII..,c O I.• jos. IBS, • '" 531gAr nth _tir4=7l 'itoi,l4unals.or CENTRAL AND lINION ileum RAILWAY 3°13118' The cheapest Inceattnent now in the market for sale of Nt. NEIIaWICZ, Corner ?MD AVENUE a WOOD STEWS. • Afar; ' dealer In Government 8008. Qold and onnona and European Exchange st market rates. dezi J imas Ti BRAN 8c Co., .1411110 1 t ..1. 3 ON. cashier, 93.®.N E 3 GOMNMENT szatarnEs, T I AT U A.M. spikozi ' 'OILS: ia.s.4vpicTuarrt or = ,80 INtecessors to S. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BIJT AND BELL ILL 81313807 GOLD, OILY= AND COUPONS, ON MOST YAVOItiLI;LIC TNBN, or Interest Allowed on,Depoelts. NS -Money loaned on Govessdnent Bonds at low est market rates. • ' • • Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS . road SIOLD. . JAMES T._ PB,ADT A _co. ligr' PARTIES DESIRING TO 1111 v. PARTIES in UNLQN AND CENTEL", PA CIVIC BONDS can "ate one ,per cent. by linrehat ing before JA.PITTAIIIt Ist Ronde hand for delivery. "••••' • - JAMES BEADY le; 430:: Agents Central and Union Pacific Railroad c"3.ora. nies, corner I,43urth-litatil llittsturgt Gaittts. FINANON AND TRAWL_ Orifica 01THZPITTStantonMUMMA • FRIDAY, January 20, 12.89. I The gold market remained steady, today, at 135;‘,„ opening 135 X, advancing to 135 3 / 4 ,.and closing" at 135%; with a limited business. Although the large imports of over five million dollars in gold per week would naturally have the effect of advano. ing the preniium in gold, yet the daily dis bursement f or : interest keep the market Iwell supplied with cash gold, and prevent for the present at least any material ad- In government bonds the mai:et is firm with scarcely any fluctuations. Large speculative sales are made 'for future de. livery, brit the actual movement demand is light. In 1862 five-twenties a cornering operation is now going on which may prove successful since the amount of bonds on the market is limited toenail lots; old 1665 s are not much inquired for since shipments to Europe have nearly ceased, it being more profitable to send exchange. II business revives towards spring, lower quotations 'for bonds maybe expected, as money will command better rates in the open market than bonds. , . Stocks are strong, and evitry lot offered now, fa readily taken up; =speculation is' now centered on Fort Wayne, Michiga n Southern, Reading and New York Central. whilst Erie rind.. Ohio•& Mississippi are.ap ,parently neglected to be taken up, hoW °Aar, in their turn. It is i•ciptirtid that the bull partY; now-carrying all these stocks have one hundred million dollars at their command; against such a combination nothing can be done.; ; .•1 ', 'ln Express stocks a lively time is now had; Adams jumped from 48 to 60; Mer chants from at( to 18%, and so on. West ern Union Telegraph stocks sold before the dividend:at "38%,and galls now at'the same, ex-dividend. - Our local stocks'are also more inquired for, especially Columbia, which • would bring near 19 after dividend. Allegheny Valley bonds are at present neglected. Connellsville Railroad bonds are offered in small lots occasionally, and are held above the views of buyers. Money more inquired for, but biriduess show no signs of improvemeht. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz:.; Gold, :1351)0,•,Eighty-onee, 11 2 X; Five Twenties, 18 113 1 ; dih'lB64; 109%; do, 1865, 110X;dos 1866, new. 108%; do, 1867, 108%; do, 1868, 108%; Ten Forties, 107% Railroads L•• Cleveland• & Pittsburg:l. fi'2%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago. 123 X; Chicago & Rock Island,'l3l%; 'Chicago & North Western, 81%; do, Preferred, 86%; Michigan Southern, 9434; 'Wading, 95%; Erie, MX; New York Central.' 18 WesternOhl & tertiflriatee, 84%,: Union Telegraph Co., 36;.Merchants Union fils-. press Co.. 18; Pacific Mail. 11734; `6:dains, 60; Mining she:ear-Gregory, 2,75; Quarts Hill, 68; Smith &Parinele, 2,45. , —The following shows the amount of Grain in istoierl4Plicalgol.:oll,ihe dates in dicatedt. ; Jan. 16, Jan. 9, Jan. 18, 1889. • • 1868: H 1869. Wheat " 1,317,504' 1,183,913 772.831 Corn 825,853 391,8371,11 0 , 421 Oats.: .. .. . ..... . . 483,572 , 531,384 678,690 • Rye. .. . . 162,254" 156,011• 35,608 Barley 285,777 ' 381,685 'IIB,VM —Closing, quotations received by James T. Brady & Co.:. Gold, 12.5%; • United Beres 188Pe, .112; .•15-5125, 1262, 11 ; &••20's, 1864, 109%; -18 85 ? 110; 10-40's, 107%; 540%, January and July, 65, 108%; &les, January and '67 108%; '6B, 108%; June 7-30's, per.less:X; July 7-30's, do %; 7-30's, due Compounds, 'll9. s' • ' : PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. a . Cbrincm Orin Prftaircrsou FRIDAY, January 22;1869. S • The market for both Crude and Refined continues firm and prices„ are tally sus• talned, though the volume of , business was comparatiVely light. The most remarkable"' feature we have to notice is: that; aeriiiid= ing to some repoits to-day, Crude is worth more at 011 City than it is hste. It was rumored that sales had; been made there at 57,25 per , barrel, - on ;era, whicblai equal to eighteen and a half, cents here; 'While, at thel saMeotimei seventeen cents was the best offer that could be obtained;' and ' they were not very, numerous_ at that. It .vrie kiggtiatedltliai it 4.buldlbeiiids idea to.send a.little up there* it 4itild pay , fully as well SA ritittiPilfeS i A : t . t ui t e 4;1 is bat proper !0"lotolike .hOeieeierj that lit -110 m 'gel authority, that it - CoUlii be bought there atiT;rlhiiaiiiii. foreign drculars are nearly 'all decidedly ~bullish," One of them (Arthur Brown's) reports that notwithstanding the. largely , increased shipments from the 'United_ States, the stocks in that market on the first of January, 1869, were so per cent. less than at the corresponding time In t lB6B, and the fame ciroular insinuates, hat. what is true of that particular place, is equally applicable to the foreign markets generally. MIDS. . 4 As already intimated;there was compara - Lively little done in Crude to-d ay, anlyibrd the fn market seemed quiet, particular .- . tare deliveries, though prices are fully maintained. Sevention!centi was Offered. for spot or January, sellers option, bat there were no sellers at that figure. We eau report a, sale •of 2,000 bbla from ;late,.- 1 ....' until June, - seller; at 17: and: Weigel ), ccogn l 7 ' . rant of other offers to sell the same delivery at that figure without finding buyers. ' :Was also rather quiet,ithe volume • of business being comparatively light, the market is firm, nevertheless, and prices. fully maintained.. We can repo archat 36. 'l,OOO for ; -Febuary at 3534 ; and 1,000 for. pd There was an order : in the; late in uxo the afterrn, for 2,500 -Febinnary, buysr, at 3534, but noseller could be fou Fe uary. and. nd. March • Ito April quoted at 3634; b blanch, 36; April . to June.37W and April' o December 38. 1 'sikertins MVOS OIL. Fisher &33r o , ... 140 .Bweeny A Cop.. 50 Jas. Wilkins .... . . 460 • Lagle lia. Co 'l6O Din, Edgerton. 240 • , ---r. ' Total. . .... ... ... .. .... .. .. ............ ...... .. : . .1070 " - OIL tourron EA ST BY A. V. R. B. Citizens Ref. Co., 500 do de- to Tack 1310., Philadelphia. • ~ OIL sarPrr.n ran raolicbtrQUES2ClE DEPOT. . U. W. Soldship at Co., 149 do 'do to War ing, Sin k& Co.,Philad ol o da. G. W;.H.oldehip ..t Co., 50 do : tar to W. Lit:twin, floiton. 88. Total shipments Refined. .. .... . . .......... .. 6 I Tar....... .. ..... . ....... ... .. .. 50 PITTSBURGH DLABRETS. ... ---- L VIT/CE o f Tams PrrTsßtrscrit Gitzgrrz, i FRIDAY, January 2;2, 1860. : , i, . The general markets continue quietßiad dull, and devoid of anything that is really n ew or importarity;We,can report a _. con tinned fair local de m a nd _ for most of the leading artfol , btu, ith a light volume of Sis - business in the aggregatearices are - out quotable change. , _ --APPLE BU TTER-Dulls 70 to 80 cents. APPLES--Aulet; sales at , 0,50 to 15,50, .per bble; for inferior to.choice. - •' -' BUTTER -There is a slightly improved demand for strictly prime while all other kinds continues dullßutter and neglectgd. We now quote the foritier at 36 to 37. . 8E3,25 to $3,50 per •bushel. BUCKWHEA.T FLOUR -•Dull at 4c. CRANBERRIES -Dull at $lB to $2O. CHEESE--Salesllamburgat 16 to 17; and Goshen at Vito 20c. , . CARBON OIL -Is r4iiotert firm in a job bing way, at 29% to 30, for Standard white.__ DRIED FRUIT--Peacues firm with sales of quarters at 14, :ands halves at 18. Apples; 10 to 11: ___ DRESSED HOGS-12% t0.13%c. EGGS-Du11;•25 for pickeled, and 300 for fresh packid.• _ • - '- -- SEEDS-ruin but undhaligedi sales of • Cloversed at $10; Timothy at $3,25 to 43; 50 - and Flax e seed is wanted at $2,35 to Z 2,40. SALT- Is steady but unchanged; Al legheny River brands. - quoted at 82 by the car load, and 10 to 15 cts higher for small lots in store: HAY-Baled Hay continues dull and de pressed but „unchanged; we contin e s2u to quote on wharf at $2O to • $2.6 -mostly lit .0 to 823. HEMP-Sates Pt 41210. per ton. PROVISIONS a-leßaact on 2 i s s t foi $, w with job bing sales at 14% to 15 for Shoulders, and 19 to 1935 c for Hams. Country Lard. 1814 to 19, and 20c for prime kettle rendered i in tercePOrls. and lac ire,'kEigir Sid pails.s;,lldesit ci 830,50 to $3l. ' POTATOES --Dull but unchanged;' sales , by the car load at 7 3 to 75c, and in store at LARD OIL-Is held firm at $1,38 to $l,OlO for No. 2. andsl,6B to Pe i for No. 1. PEANInt3--Sales 8)03 per lb. WHEAT -Winter Wheat is dull and unchanged; $1,75 to $l,BO for Winter. Corn is dull, with sales of mixed reported as 70c;-prime Yellow may begnoted at 3to $l, higher. Oats" quiet, , though held pretty , firmly at 64 to 65g on;: track, and; 66 to ao for email lois.; Saes of Sy, pt 51,45 to •, ,f1,47.' llailoy; *Ai ',e - quoted AV VT for prime" Penns . and Ohio Spring, and. $l.BO to $1,85 for No. 2 Chicago. ONIONS-llkto 56 per bbl. 'TALLOW--Rendered, ,11. to 115(c. RAGS-Sales at VA to Sc. ) ' .IrLOUß,There. ii. IA .trOPMVAM ent . tCP note in thedemitd :for4Plottr,lprd wbilli the market is dull, prices are unchanged. 1 We quote Spring Wheat,l7,o o to $8 and Winter-Wheat, $8,50, SCisB,oo :per bar- rel. Rye Flo $7,50. The Pearl Mill quote their best ' brands, made of the me --best Wheat. ak,follows: . Extra Family. Flonr. in barrels, at $9,30, and, in Sacks, IgkOOPer barrel; Double Extra Fan:illy, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, ,in Backe, $9,70 per tarrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels, $7,80, and, in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. . The City Mills quote prices as follows: . . , Extra Family, (Winter) . in. ,barrels, VC and r iii, sacks.. . - $9,00 per barrel; Noble- , trir Pamilycht ' ' -1., barrels, $9,80, and,Jp. , sacks, *9,50 per bar- 1 rel, and Spring,,sB,oo,-41fbarteWand $7,70,' ..i In Sacks, ner.barrel.. ii .. WRlSirires Efilitiwines; iiiit 361)114 rii:' '1 I way, at 98 to $l.. , , ..„ ~,. ~ sOFtGuIIM-Dais; aut o -- 6ic;; , r '- -'• ' - f• POULTRY-Market almost bare, an d the demand is light. ..- . i FES:EA-ERB-TUN° , potpie Xeittliergs, %nor ted at 75to' - 00 tq the trade, „and th e - nan." advance ins retail wag. 11 .', '?, ' - .. ~ . Cuu*oo,Jannary 22.—Eastern Exchange ; firm at pieeeillibly; dal 'WO =Per cent - o ff ' l'' buying.' 1" , ' , Moir 'Hall " tit 0 ,1234a6,15 • Pak ~=' i 5 spring extras. , , W 'bat **Alva and'. ex c ited, ,'; :. and lalgo higher; sales No. ,l, at sl.l9gs •, 3 1,2214, No. 2 opened at 51 1 1634, idvanced-te = I $1,164 . - 01 subsegnentiy .; _e mme easier:. and of f 1,15%; salesSalswe change W, ,1:,. ) .i 51.15%. Corn active and firm, and qal4o i higher; sales of rejected kiln dried at 64c, 1 new 53%a54 0, and no _waclp at 49a503ic, ~,_.,, ,t+, losing:AO intfXr.,Tielitt.4allf4:_of N.. 0. '.:=. 1 at 88%0, se lets !for the last half A', and 700 buyers for May. new at 64%0 se llers for the last half of February; rand:: 640 usl..; , :,; -. ?;,1 lers for February. Oats active and 'Ne , higher; sales No, 2at 4734a48,,n, rejected 4b a 460, closing firm, at 48W; foy No. 2; sales IA 48%13 Belle* ter -the Month. tvitye rubes active find )010 higher; sales No. 1 at $416a1,17%, and 'No. 2 at 51,15. closing at $1.16%61417. -,for.r N0. .1 1, Barley more active ind=6B6c higitirt sales No. 2 at 111,74 a 1,78, and rejected at 51,4851,50 closing with buyers at 51,76a1,77 for No. 2: Highwines dull, depressed, and nominal_ at. 93%a94c ! ~ Provisl9uSiO4VA.,.bleimiloC4 °Perked AK- :c.. 'cited and '50a750 higher; sales of so barrels ,at $3O, seller for February and March, and - $3460, seller ; for =at of?Febaury.•Clear i Pork at 1:82.- Bulk' Mite Asteady 'Anti tires , at 14%c , for rough sides. 124;a121,0, for shoulders, hams firm at 18 a16%0 for small,. ~ pickled,. 4O 7. foe Arai:- abl ',lllo, l p..gptipd ,: :Nteak, autsequotitry beciine` firm; salei at. * - 'l9cifor steam. Dressed Mogs active and steady at 111 1 202+glealng at $11 4 '26a12,7& - ifor common. itto - oranitry, , sl2,soikla fat gdocka ' - re ceipts , dividing on 200 pounds. The for the past twentpfour hours have amounted lorl3,lo7bairels :of' illoillt 39,785 bUshele of wheat, 68,694 bushels of •.- 4 \ mai, 1 48.14 buithela oto* 4,826. b#l l 4 B (P. t ' Ling, 8,490 bash - asof liirley 6,901 he or • 3 , : cattle quiet at 401a6,137.X'fbi fa i r' t 8 'inedi.":.:, tim,70, 12 14 kir good eteers. 54,60arkibr , but bo o . 6 cm 144- 'a* nimineuthelantug .10a16ci"bilglormialwat 19V1loiccosi-,:, - bion; add viOdrilot fait to •• CM SP