11 El ITO CAPITALISTR.—Partia engaged in organising the ownership of Promised extensive works for the concertina of the Iron Ores of Michigan, at a locality which posseises many Mealier advantages for economising cost of ore. fuel. transportation, market, &c.. are LE cor respondence with one of the publi.hers of the - OA zarra, who will be glad to communicate with any capitalists` in Pittsbu gh with a view to layestnient in an enterpese teat presents rare prospects of proving very lucrative. Reference, Mr. KING, GAZETTI OFFICE. la= RCANTILE LIBRARY LECTURES. miss,ANNA , E. DICKINSON IVIII „Lector" at; the ACADEMY PP MUSIC, Monday gvening January 25,1869. I STUFATECT`t "A STAUGGELE 'FOR LIFE.” Tickets 15 Cepts to all Parts of the House. No Reserved Beats. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture at 73i o'clock. • . WESTERN DISTRICT OF Penn . . syroania. ,s. - ' ' . • , , Al Pitt Ethurgb.the 112 d day of Jan.. A. D. 11369. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of WILLIAM GREY, of Pittsburgh, in the count y : bf Allegheny, and Rate of PennicyFiinits within r d District, who has been adjudged bankrupt u_po Ws own petition, by the ri• District mint:46ldd DI Met. • - f J91:1.21 . B AILEY . Assiznee, - ja.23:dSZ '. ' Atte ne -11• Law, 89 Grant street. 'ITALUIABILE BANK STOCKS; v PACIFIC & ATLANTIC • TELEGR&PH. TUESDAY asVENING. January 213th. at 73 1 - . - o'clock i will be sold on Second Floor of Commercial Sales Booms, 100 Smithfield street, - 2 shares .Allegheny Trust Co: 40 `• Exchange National Bark. 10 •." Coalmen.s Trust Co. • 20 Pittsburgh savings Bank. - 82 .. s, PaeitS.& Atlantic Telegraph. , 50 " National Relining and btoring co. Jay .1 -A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer. SBUTHk ii 11 4 ‘. 1 ' , PEN SYLVANIA i . i . REPORTS. 'I.IFOLUME 6. ' ._ _ 1 , PRICE $4. 50. , FOll, SALE BY HAY iit complory, 1 . jai ' 05 Wo r od Street. 24 FIFTEI• A MMU VENTJEiI : . CC:OO3ESZ . LAME' , " AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR. GENTS' AND TuUTHS • UN DEN SHIRTS AA D, DRAWERS. ( GLOVES. CALF, KID, BUCK, SHEEP. CLOTH', SILK At.- D WOOL.. FANCY WOOLI.N GOODS, SHAWLS. SACQUES,A.CARFS; - • HuODS. CAPS AND • MITTENS.. AT" .A.T" . JAMES PHELAN'S - I Old Starkd. ztocking Stoke, J . = I No. Al FIFTH AVENUE. T ELE METHODISTBOOEDEPOSITORY Late No. 67 Wood, : Now. No; 129 Smithfield, IS PREP 4RED TO FUMNISH MISCELLANEOUS: TNROLOGICAL.. '; • •r • MEDICAL; _ LAW. •. MUSIC BOOKS. SCBOOL AND COLLEGE ( TEXT BUNKS. Library Books and all requisites for - Sabbath Schools of all denominations, from the American 8. S. Union: American Tract. tinclety,, Presbyterian Boards et 'Publication, liettutdist KPiseopal 8. B. Unlon: - /.4.;',1e., together with _ _ , DIARIAIL BLANK 800Kt4.. Of/UNTfING•BOUSE IiP.QUISITEB and BTA.TIONEKY. liVEL:Oria find VIETA.II., . JOSEPH HORNMS, Successor to.T. L. Read Methodist Episcopal Block Pittsburgh, Ps. N. B —AI. the book accounts ,of the Depository under the lige nov of.J. L. stead are with Nis soccer. sor, J. HOBNe.lt,- who will attend;ua their settle ment. - • 1a23:d43 HAN & '40031-NiANY, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL BOOKSELLERS,STATIONERS PAPER • DEALERS BM 'Blank Book MEmastoturers, i. 6€s_ WOOD STREET, •, 131:3114IMM, PITTSBURGH. !A,Full issortulent of La*, Medie,al and Miscellaneous &oke Constantly on Mande- Aferenntije Printing . Executed in sthe Beet Style. Blank Books /trade jto Order. , Orders. by Mail prompt -7-Ily attended to • = • • „at 51 5 3D - strum•-•.ll.7tretitze. CARPETS - .• CARPETS,: CARPETS. - BROMERS Iit'CALLUN'BROTHERS 3 repul swamis; 51 ' AVENUE, . , 4bOve , Wood Street. Ja.221• eginirDierrl. , -47 flags E ar coin. .4. , do •• 'Feather., A btols Grease, on steamer to Irrieo; Nl'Plie 11 9 . • - NASA Gtogry co. NlLiium.;.- - too ;tibia , Ex. Family Bogus 'OW; LewistonLewiston io arrive. sor s'4 oby . • , 'SALM DiFKZT.4 IM=lll THE UNDEHSIGNED , Gottleib WOCHELE, herewith announces to the public that his wife, ANNA.MBEIBEt, WOCHELE,' has left him, and he therefore'warns all persons riot to sell to her on credit, as he wlll not be responsible foruny debts Incurred by her. 1a231:40 • CIOTTI EIB WOCRETAr. FOR SALE. A. nmexitAiir.z.v. LOT On Darragh street, First ward, Allegheny, near the ilver, Front 100 net, more or less, to suit puretti sees. Enquire of E. R. WILSON, 118 Wood street. _ja.11:4:142 COTTON GOODS. FULL STOCK AT OiD PRICES. J. M. CAR ,'S, 118 FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGRENT BLANKETS, BLANKETS. • . Clean and Nice. Closing mit:Cheap as j:M4 C,ARIVS, 118 FrIIEHAL STREET. ALLEGHENY. SCOTCH WORMY% 25 CENTS. . NICE DRESS GOODS, 25 CENTS. PAiltitEY CHEAP, • At the Closing Out Sale of J.- M cARR'q, 118 FEDERAI, STREET. DICKENS , `SCOTT'S NOVELS, Complete to 6 vole. Cloth - • • $lO,OO de. do. Half calf - • $21,00 . FOR SALMI, BY R. S. 7f").41:171'19„ 93 WOOD STREET. R. S. D. will remove to 193 Lib erty Street, above Bt. Clair, about March Ist. B 3 SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, =PORTERS OP TINES; `'•BRANDIES, L GLN, &C, WHOLESALE. DEALERS IN PURE RYE MUSKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Will Remove on the Ist of April-next to NOS. 384 AND 886 PENN, COrner lilevapth Si.. (formerly Canal.) CO - PARTNERSHIP. HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATEDI with Rein co-partnershlp, WILLIAM BRIM', JOHN M. THOEP, and JEROME S. BOIMr.r. The business will be conducted at the old stand under the name and style of WM. MILLER *CO. WILLIAM MILLER Prrnitinum January', 1869 WILLIAM MILLER & CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street Corner of frarin hg r i r i tt r . t ar s. o n fgr a t i ; the trade at low Prime New CropTNew Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico,Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Phlladelphla and Baltimore Refined do. Golden -Drips, -* Lovering'. Bruijls, Stuart's, Adorns' and Long Island byrups. Porto Rico. Cuba and English Island Molasses. ' Young Ilywon, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Volmg - Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. lava, Lagnayra and KlO Coffees. To, aceo, Lard 011. Fish, Nails. Glass, Soaps, Cot ton Yarns, &c., constantly un hand. ALSO. IMPOSTERS OF Fine Brandies Wines and Segarti; Rhenlart•Moselle. and Sparkling Hoek Wines of 'Hinkel a Co:. In bottles. . . Sparkitng Mosell-. Seharsbrrg and Johannisbnrg, lloekheiwer. burg undy , Brandenburg it rretes' Fine Olive Oil. • do ... do ties. Clarntr, imported in hot. do 'do " White Wines, in bottles. M. Wort a Sour Sparkling Catawba. Fine old B..erry, Maueira and Port Wipes. Sree Old Monorganela Rye Whiskies. pure. - do Very fitlperiorold.B.whh do-do. - . -szsa, . Sole Agents for Moet & Chandon , s Grand Yin i'r.enay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own select.on and'warranted. LANDS TO EXCHANGE. BARU ORE YROUSAND ACRES OF LAND In Chase County, Kansas, will be exchanged for an Improved farm in: Reeve's.. Washington, Allegheny; I.awrence, or,WestMoreland cotanty, Fa., on or near railroad. These lauds lie to a body," are near de Sonrishing town of Emporia, sad are rapreseuted to be well watered, suitable for el her mei or/rain ralaing. end neartheAtchlson &Sentare@ rellroad Address, . "SIM/INGE.' Box 041 Pittsburgh, Pa, jaa:flFbF Lv"'" ALEXANDER . PATEESSON, Wholessle and Retail Dealer:ln LUMBER of all de scription, heeos tonstantly-on band. surd for tale BOARDS, PIANII, SCANTLING, JOISTS, SHIN GLES,,LOC UeT AND CEDAR rosTs, WEATHER BOARDING, FLOORING, FANCY SIDING, PAT ENT SPOUTING; Also a large stock of OAK, POPLAR. ASH and. YELLOW PINE LUMBER. Attention of dealers Is Invited to my large stock of dry t ambor In , vardti • • . • NO. 151 REBECCA ST., opp. One Works, And corner of Prehle JUnlatta ja22:d4B . Eixtli Ward, Allegheny. SEED. - • , SI 0 0 Btr. CHOICE CLOVER SEED. x 5150 bushelleholed Timothy Seed, In store and for sale by. ' • • MEANOB HABPEE. ,E9O Liberty street. Ja'2l Pittsburgh. NNOTICEIS.. .11E11E11V GIVEN that Messrs. ItIAACI STErINS & B. B A.i.LEN &TINE, formertr partners In the • dem of Oitotf.' BALL,ENBribiz. & wrz lois, have by mutual con sent this day waltdritwn• from said firm, mid 'all debts and Wibllttles will be paid by the undersigned, • 11." 001 tif, • ' • - • , nnistraciu, Jan. SO, 1119.. /41:440 e . . ' : ApJ4PAY. WINTER GOODS BATES MI STATEMtNT' OIP ARTISANS' INSURANCE, CO., From Jminarr 1, 1888 to December 31, 18133 krithorlzed Capital. Subscribed Capital. Paid up Capital Cash on. Hand Book Accounts for Premiums. Loans on Bon , a and klongage. Loans on - Other securities btoek N teti °nice Furniture and Sate Interest Accrued. bat not sine. Balance, Jannvry 1, 1868 • - Received Fire Ps emlums In 186 g.. Recalved Interest 1868 Itieeived from other bources In 18687 • Fire losses. paid ..... ..$ 7,199 00'•• - . - Return Premiums 506 58 • Conimlssions • 503 49 • tlatarles. Rent and otle er Expenses 4.66 33 Taxes and 945mp5..... 1.141 63 • '14,000 % 1114976 00 • Ralanc '• 11311.777 3* • • Outstanctluzllsks, Deo. al, 1668.51,183,518 47 Fite losses • 932 20 ,Cargo losses—estimated 2.200 U 0 t, Taxes to Mate 1.093'12 22.125 32 d36-T. B.T BAILEY, FARREL & CO., mestrrecTrazus OF LEAD AND BLOCK TIN PIPE SHEET hEA..IS, WATER, GAS' ABM STEAM '6061/S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. No. 167 Smithfield St.; Pittsburgh, ja2o:w.g GRAND - CLOSING'OUT SALE Of a Flot•Class Dry Goods Store.. ALL TH Z GOODS in the.ilogner litine. WO '/ 00 Ohio street. Allegheny City. Salts positive to quit business. Fixtures and two year lease from April get, DIOS, v arie ty H of entire etoek • composing general variety of Dry Goods, • Ntitions; • Yuri,' Carnets, Window Shades, Olt Cloth. ACi' The above stock r Gibe sold positively. without reserve, The . sale to commence forthwith. and continue from day to (Jay until all is sold entirely out. One 555 Sieger Ltewlog ilicalue, warranted, for sale cheap Don't forget the nine: No, 100 Ohio street , Allegheny Ca Also onebrick house with lime romns for rent. • b on East Lane. jaltidi. JAMES GOSLING: tiTATER. 'RENTS • _ v • Ali persons 'who have need" hYdflate In etLctlng or • repairing buUdtnge;! during •the year 1 8 684re, , rpciticeted to call at the . office of the WWter Woflte coonte• Coutteptors who hareautde arrangement"! with mechselee to settle for the same will oblige by sending In stat . mentiwHhint t alii. LAW. B. WEIGHT. A e.e.sor. Jalfi:dl7 LAITILICOLt; WO.RHS • • FOR • • . THREE ACRES or 14201,..ifronin ‘g 155, feet, on Pennsylvlinialtallreadon Lancaster city. 'Pa.. with Railroad r Idelng, firit.class Oil Refinery iron Crude Oil Tank, holdi ,, glllolbarr , Is. i 'Capacity of wry ill, 150 barrels per weer, with all necessary apparatua. fixtures., in proportion. All , new and In perf ect Order. The looal demand. Is overellols barrels per week, wpil be sold with or without the land, at a low price. • _ Apply to HERR 5. RIPE, Real Estill, and flullee , lon Agents. Jand' a al" • : Lancaster. Pa. SKATES, SKATES, American Rink;: ' ' • _ • New York Club, ' X 111 P414 Stgri 4ef Ail • other styles .3411 v! at ttqeyeer lo 7 l 4 ll ,t Alt" at • iTgqi B ß } O pgum, 4 . 14 - Ty ' u . . NlOlCENTEitiiltlllt, . r :.. , 1 - FOUNDRY, ' - • ` as . . irf. kottsiox - - --. sicanatteturer pf: OPOIEING &roma. A r ais 4 Grates, Fendert: r lislV l rtits , :114 411 .0 ,1kyk r... ish Hc et i ta_____ sl T :tritgok. W U 0,14 f 'i 7ff ' rWr 1 5111.. ITZ'TaiIIAVat • ,`, r' , - ailUntrl Mil - .Fh Very Cheap. "`'BELL MEI OFFER THE BALANCE OF THEIR WINTER STOUT OEI LOW PRICES. PM Published Irr acCoraance with Law ASSETS LIABILITIZB J. 0. cox...FIN, Fecretary. ON NEW EVILS:IEIOg ~-~-- +t-- GOOD BAItGAtNS DONES7 EIII At 1234 cts. Good Yard Wide Soft Fin. idled Bleached: _ . - Ai 1234 cts.' Heavy Yard Wide Un.. bleached sheeilng Muslin. At 123 i eta. coodalark Callioes, in New styles. I At 1234 eta. Dark Gingham& • At 1231 eta. Heavy Wide t Linen Toweling. At 1234 ,Dark Delains, gas 'Wes* t 25 ets.Yard *Mei' Feather Ticking, • At 25 cts. Good Shirting , Flannels. At 25 cts. Table' Clout Cotton. Eli FULL Assokrzon !CT OF ...'t Mnslins, gheetings, Tickings, BOURRT BEFORE THE LATE ARYAN 121 EASTERN drrn. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S Federal Streets NM Allegheny Viiy, / et / - 111% INV No.. 87 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. PA- P. DUFF. Author of Duff's 8 ystems of Book keeping. PRESIDEA T. Established twenty-eight years, having educated many thousand. of Merchants, Bankers and Ac countants in the United Slates and Canadas In the most perfect clue instruction: and is now the arse °allege In America to introduce tti e v ‘ lw Important improvement of combining that s instruction with comprchtnalse exercise In IMAM, 1313iiiiINESS. By WM. H. ciLtilLEB P. and ROBERT P. DM', all experienced business Accountants, each having kept books in extrusive drat& giving Our students the rare opportunity of bet 'ming at oVnre practical Accountants: - r orris new tratem of alerting:its' Manufteturer's, National Bank, Railroad and Private Bankers Splendidly printed in Colors by HARPER a BROTR. MRS, New York. pp. 400. Crown $3 75. Postage 350. The only work containing National Bank and Private Bankers' account.. No other work of the kind has been so uttantmously and ea. !that/teeny lrecOmmended by the. press: by hi:0110e men, by teachers, aim by those who have been edu cated prom it. See our new Cirtular. containing also tee simile of WM. H. DUFF'S First Premium Penmanship. Medals. £c. Marled free by Pe DUFF a BON. Principals. .soo.obo oo 300.000 00 64,0110 00 7,080 07 159 71..090 00 19.033 33 36,000 00 073 00 1,513a0 1198.777 31 1970131117 20.058 70 6,933 79 1,301 30 $5O 754 30 P.'DTIFP & SONS; 124, Seeond Avenue, Pittsburgh, Commlisten Merctitink. MenntiletUrerl: Agents and Wholesale Dealers In Flour, Undo, and all kinds of Produce. Consignments solelted. Advances made. rartlernt for our Weekly Price Current. • no2B:seild&P • • 47, lIKIIMIIIRTERS 47. - BOYS' ,CLOTHING Gray & Logan NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. ROCK THE . BABY • EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. !tactical Furniture Manufacturers, &e n us FOURTH AMEINrI736I 4 l3 Erlr: wa err g"'Ob=r PERS Id TSB HOLIDAYS. BURS: ! FURS . I FURS! ,x.ccoß,D co'?,,, . L TIIE OLD PAPER STORE : IN A NE! - NAM • 4v. P. inuaitsmAtt . . Hu removed from 87 WOOD STREET # *O. 191 LIBERTY • STREET, • few doors ibove BT. CLAIR. ,WAIAL!PAP.EII, : • it 107 Market Street. Near Filth avow's. T o ”,. b . wa wild sell - , : 777 fo r now goods FOR THIRTY 'DAYS The stock Awin store. at prices that will PAY . ers to West. -Call and see. upciams f4,Dit 'IDIROPOSALLS-111ta Piano a d Specifications fora - 810.161 t to be e • d eqrys tee &Lb. ffEN Y RIVER, from the mo th or• rAIRTY-4 BIRD (Ewalt. Miser r will be re. remelt Ler thecoliftros ru.4 s.uarreicarar. , ea_t Emote Arc._ Lawrgnee.w . .. sea r, IiCHNET CO.l Water etreet, :mill the difith or JANtuis . wbefe t triai and survey of Me -fiver Ott b. examined ro all other ban:tattoo ob. m me' Ityorder o the Voroselttee. .f. MEM Liil Y 1 ECt 1 0, . fl),1 EMI BEBE .~ ie DRY. GOODS, GM • AT- iso Aso Ist Val EMI BEE 131 WOOD STREET. =EI la VERY LOW PRICES. FINE BLACK _ POPLIN .- 'AIAPACALI4. ittAbic ALPACAS . AND KOHAMS. CHOICE COLORS 1";. 4 •': ALPACAS AND' POPLIN A.T:52,501 Gored Boulevard, Felt Skids. - 4T , C53,09 Extra Quality Gored Fe Boulevard Skirts. • NEW STVLIM rig •c)t)3F , sires p A TAlrry SINGLE AND DOUBLE SIR% EELVY BLACK DRESS srtAffs .;Arr . WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. ISO AND IS2 FEDERAL SVMU, 41LLEGRF4NY. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. IliE CO—PARTNERSHIP HERE tiotore existing between E,'HOUSTON, 'JOHN, HIGLEY and W. H. HOUSTON,. nuder, the name and style of E. HOUSTON & CO., was dissolved lip mutual consent on toe first day of pi oventner. piqs. JOHN BIdLEY retiring. All business of the late firm will be setled by the remaining. Partners. Thos.' indebted are urged to settle their accounts on or before February let, 1869, AS the btielnesectt the ate firm must be closed b# that time. . R. TintrEMON. , JOHN BIGLEY PITTSBUII9II, Dec. 315t,1136r.1ii-'ll°UBTu."6 z. uousrolg E. HOUSTON 84 CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. I.o7,Filth Avenue, _ . Respectfully inform their patrons and the public genelly that they have on band a large supply of RENTLRMEN , S CLOTHING. of all the latest fashions. which they intend to close out at greatly RZDUCED 'nicks, to make room fora doting stock.. Prices on regularcustom k have also been greatty reduced to suit the stringency Of the times. • • Call and examine the stock and ihqulre the prices. E. .111011:7STOX 4/g. CO.. ja5057 - "lOf Filth Avenne- ANNOUNCENIFENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tobacco, Cigars & ' ISAAC STERN, No. 162 Federal Street" alarm the Narbett , ALLEGHENY PA.; i f i tzt=ignooli ‘ ces to his , flint tit he L rums+ amens, TOBACCO, AC.; = And the IPIIBEST LlQtftinds THIN LOWER THAN EVER , t , NOREEED IN • • fir Remember the place, No. 163 FEDERAL EIT.,; secvtu-rus sitiolltkzer Cinv,'PA; MICONOIbIfICE YOUR' TIJEL, by Au using, the sarvattrvrarrvaist. aovEarma, the only hie and easily regu lated Governor I . :midst perfect ts operations an d trulyteliable. A large elle Governor son be seen at the °thee of PZROZ VAL BECKlETT,lfeehanlcal Xngineer and Solici tor of patents. No. 19 gedergi street. Allesiteny inty, the only agent for this QCvernor in the West. se2l:zie . +2 - - 4 i. I. SWINT & PRATT', -AIIIMITECTUNAV AND ORNAMENTAL zOARVERR- No. 6: Sandlieky St., Illeghenh'Pa. A laug iesorfatent posTs and BAL. LPTAits eonstantly op ,Lae Tug) MG,' of all desertutlonn. done.,- , -; oesorse KEYST9IIE2O.TTERY.- I. S HIER & .CO, 6 jatkasataxergor .4FZENSWARIC . Minim VA s' Mica and Warehouse t 363 LIBERTY BTREET, /WAIL older. imaniStltaltandedao t ? FRESH FlSH.—Benjamin or rEdi etlll.oontinnes. to All nit city gad coma. , f ,.F,RESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMOMAND VAS& Bend to No. 48 DiAkIONjCk MAItEILT, Pitts. ,burgn, or his old - well known TWIN CITY tiTAND, Allegheny mutat. , oego, GOODICLIPII9. - 7- , OBH&P EIRLSII tar btAii Ttina -.l4lrupilie for kireact, Tlelirgeot and bed. The WWII . "H..W.". Vei loaf. --Tete home elle. ' on FRENCH ... • . PEAS AND 31178/11104:11118. Just reeelid: Pre h Asnarague, Green Corn. bna. Beans ind Okra, plat upintinOnTlD. -ferule by the dozen or calm', by • JNO. - A. RENSHAW. lan (binier . Liberty and Hand sireets. ASHIIieUGIVI 6 #WONDER or THE WORLD' , is *arrested to cure ieumation. Neuralh la- sold on the Package tip.- tem. one Is required eo pap until fulls tested. tPsYt/OOpermonth,s largereommlsilan, to good men to distribute Ittesenaokaftetti ; Call at No. 1U) bt. Clair istreet. -1— Jail! • - D. r..TILTI,N. •vwELLINe Paler, OF .1t01144 `a0..48 ale thins the MLA of rata:lush. Imitable for a sp dentin,. or. phyatolan or eome_intulto Who% ray to B. CllnflahßT a BUNS, . , sathottltOri eters ) 01000 11y811EL8 IC CH' ..5 B 11 1EINGL . BARREL-4 gOlitatria - 4110Larilaa. • - I litLLOWEVI 4 l STEtrafirettN: 4 is Hyaßaillia cement tp , .-I:tti , m 4.4 Info& _ • • ' - Bo • 'CIANNVICUP A 50N. =I ~ ~ a _~ ,e... ~~ u~yi.m~Cry ~1~~~," }=. ,:: , WANTED--HELP - , l t Employ-1, Y. meld omart . No. 3Nt. Clidriitraet, a 3 OMB and MICN, for ditterent, kinds of employ ment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied oil short notice. VAN TEI —B OaArR IPVIM -T eltelwman ,-. and w an e o r o t m o W o hb g gent su mena f 6B g FOUßTH STREET. alto, a fi'w day or dinner boarders eau lbo accommodated. .Bererence r.qulred. - . • • WANTED. - 7 -A Pleasant ( Room with boars), bra gentleman and. wife. (pri. ; .rate family, preferred.) 'Reference( exchanged. Address, stating location, terms. We.. "T—, ,, GAzErrs OFFICE. it — ENT.`--Tvini or THREE ROOMS OF A SMALL ! )1017tilt. a pleasant location, by a man and wife;-no children. Good reference. Address C., GAZETTE Orr jcz. . . LOST. . .n0ftr0w.r0,"•••••••••".........,....•,.. 4W/WlOO.l LOST} - SPECTACLEAL—A Pair of Roectacles oil Hind street. SATURDAY, January lb The finder will be suitably tewardei by learibkitato• with' the Uolitctor oc the Hand Street Brtdxe. , , - ; ; • JslB 1 OST.—A Dianiond Cross Breast PM. The tinder will be rewarded by - leaving it MtIetEIWII °glee.; - .9 1 0-LET.--THE SECOND AND JL. THU?, is STOBIEs ofan Bustness-,House on Pel met street, Allegheny ell.. Each room is 20 by,Bo. Splendid location fur a PHOIONBAPHEtt, SAM PLE ROOM or light hfanufacturing. Spacluns ont entrance, an p articulars e st bu.iness pinion of the street. For apply to CHART a PHIL LIPS, Beal Estate Agents and Brokers, No. 159 Fourth Avenue. . 0-LEIN—A House With Maur rooms and welt llgnte d and dry basement, sult ab e for offices or store. on corner of Penn and IT Eighth stretts. wilt be let in sepal ale apartments or altogeth , -r. ADM a dwelling with eleven room.: also one with eleven, near tnt saute corner. 'Apply 5r277 PENN STREET. W. n. nonston riO-LET-110USE.—_ A. First,Class 3 storv,turlak kitchen, /Irom col d good range o modern kind In I cot and watsr np stairs and down. a good wash house and bath room, a good coal bone on alley back; also a good dry eel. farm:War the whote house. Everything Incomplete repairs For further particulars inquire of tt AMsitY a UAW , Beal Estate Agents. No. 91 Beaver streets o.LET.—The Office Rooms now occupied by D: CO()PetE, on Ohio street, gLeny city,. wfut good stable. L. CUTHBERT ,t SOFA, la= 85 smitlideld street. O • LET , WAILItEHOU*E.-- The A. large Pour Story WAREIIOII,E. 38 Smithfield street, at present occupied by Messrs. T. B. Voting tb Co. in the furniture business. Inquire of SlMut,f JUHNSTO2.I. corner of on:add:Lela street and iourth ,1— 1.... ICO-LET.r-Dwelltifit House,,No. 94 Wylie street , r , cdatalaincl2' rooms.' 26 ROOM, lie. 96 Wylie - s , trert, corner r.f Federal Street. Appty to A. 31. BROWIS, 96 Wylie street, and 1196•1110 *ma - : - „• ! . rrO-LET.—Furnished Rooms to tingle gentlemen on .eralthtleld one snunre ~Inwri P. O. Boarding If desired. Address Box M., zsrre OFFICE la 3) IrO•LET.—TME COMMODIOUS DW E LLI NeHIJ.I3 , IE, 0,2* Übe; ty, between ay and Marbury etaxetA nn. met,. 0. ROSPAN; to 'JanAply k 3 kniunsabtla House...! TO-LET.—WarehtbUse 1ti02.-299 Liberty straet,.atlw oCatoled by 8.-EWAba 'u. For terms enquire of Te4er of Keystatte Wink, corner liarrlson - . 7110 oor LET..-TWO HANDSOMELY fundshed rooms , with gas And fire, one on first . and one front up stairs. Inquire at 299 Third avenue. FOR RENT.-.A - L S - Arm VAULT. Cipacity 1.000 barrels. Ap pleat 204 PENN 4T t 1 • ja.1.5 0- LET — HOUSE,Brick - . House ar roar nxlme and Utah n. Pobsasslon given ruary Ist., t o n1710:407 Clark street. (jel3- IVOR RENT.—HOVSE.—A , large -. BRICK .LWIIBLE gontaining lugs- ,` cable Patters'. Library-:. Dlningrqtomn, , - Kitchen and Wash Houseon lower door, and 5 b d rooms and bath Ma on second fiber. Also dubbed atilt. odd cellar with bake•oven lair, torrether with Luau yard painted math ablttbbery and-Iran trees. riot and cold -wateaoad..- gar .through . too. laouse.... Mae hodwe is in good onitr. Anelyysorred aacv painted throughout. Handal markelapoect narlitrsillbra. ry ant* &Loins room. Y 004641011 jivtn at once. Lo cation In Zlevehth (old Bev. nth) ward. - For terms. : &0., address. D. Z., care Box. W. Quetta Ordce. • ' Olttlititle--SUCAV CASE.-En -A „Av. . quire of J. B. SENNEDy.. FIS Smithfield 'Arcot.— . .. • . OR SASE.--oItSPLENDCD,OI OC TAPE REWHOD PIANO. V. y cheap. r, ROSE .:.....,•,ne r . • kii i ittrah Buz 132 3 Plttbbarg h Poatollee _, FORSALE—REFINRRY—A. First Class diennery, in- complete -r.nulnx Drier. hearty - new.. Hu boon in oueration , but a taw mooing. litigated on the A. V. I. It.. • beyond the.' Wpedant ally Matta. 'Cant...lnt aye hundred tibia pee. • eek. Can bedoubled with no extra exoeuteex cepthis to OditionaLstill. Apply at Sii and A* . MlAllKE'Parritliali, , Plitabdtaii; t'wi't,. A' , • is i 4% OIL A 11 4 E— Ub 11.11Eat1.— TUE A:. STOCfV,ILRIIRFOCIr WILL •ot wboleialeand /tam 1)15 41:10Ods said:modem .stentse. now doing- at • good business, located on Federal Atter Alleghe- ny elty. Alw the stqlerroonl„yrath cel.. • lar “LET. ,, Thls is su opening seldom offered, as the stand IS second to none on the a crest. For particulars apply to CROFT FRILL! , Real Es- Agentaand Brokers, No. _139 Fourth avenue. FOR' SAILE=DESIRARI E- WES.' TERN AVENUE RESIDENCE. located. on 'stern :wenn% Allegheny city. th:twen !WWII street and, Irwin avenue.- Itestlence—Ortalt of it roOmn, hall and 1r...0d eellsr, ga tornnshout and all apish, din firs i glass style. Lot 4B by 1510 to • so loot alley, wh he scud an easy tesms.• Aunty to , L!COPT a raitLiars, Heal Alltatil Agtnts, No. 138 .Egurth avenue: ..', :: f - s , `t ' OR SALE--RUkLNESS A well known and prOspenna wholesale' nos, stand, with , stock and fixtures. is offered'he . Eatisfactor7 reasons are emu Ns the illstoo- Apply at TI WOOD STREET. 11111 t HALE.—llonse and Lot on' ..A: Papettstreet, Plfth Allegneny. House , new,' cohtalnlnglrive Bootee, Cellar and depth well well furnished. Led feet front by -- feet In depth.. - , Two Lots on-Chartlers straet, 'each RO feetL front by ISO feet in depth, corner o. Bayard Alley, One Lot on Nixon street *0 feet trent by /UM feet la depth, Sixth Ward, Allegheny. • lso, for lea-e . I,,kt acres of ground with a good Dense of Three Rooms withatecessary out buildintrs, Woods Run, ior a term of from one to ten years. House and Lot No. Lacock street, Allegheny „Applyto . ALEXA h DER PATTERSON. Doiner Juniata and Prenle street, S..x.th ward, is= . RF° ' ,2 114LE.4.1n: 01 -4 4:. . 30 ACuES, with good 'tar %. haunts. an orchard of all kinds of trust. Wo bitable for a tench garden. For terms, de to , ,sa. SAINT, Boz kiNtut. &f&LI44-7-Vn i gine and and gawks dtaertnil Ism,Rood tujutha , n. bwW/ Dan re, PITTE I BURG I I. II I:•CMC:i.TI Sr. ST. LOINS ' , Y. CO. S!enbenvllle. U., Jau.tary IS, DOW. Egr'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh, Dlu 7 clunati & St. Louts Railway Company to meet at its °Mee In Steubenville, 0., on MONDAY, February lit. 1869,. between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. If for the purpose of electing TIIIRTEEN DI REO7ORSto serve for the ensuing year; dnd for the transaction of such other !Maness as may be brought before them. - • i jal9:d29 Orrick Pirrenuncur CoiNELL.viLIAR. R. Co, e - Pittsburgh, January 14. , 1R6 IarNOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS. 19 TOR-IN: che R fr ebyVOel * WSC ha O t N CO RU N O N INDB# , due,on the first day al February. next,. will be paid on and after that date upon preaenta4 tion rnd de.lvery at the, h National Bank of Pitteburah. JOHN H. rAOR, Ja. . 1a15:d20 sir NQTIOBR—••To La," Ha u, Waste. ,, '"lrosise. , üßocirettnif." ay.. not ism elating FOUR (LINER sae* will be t neerted fn MN *oilman& mei for virsarrwlrs assn." eami • additional ii114.1 7 /1 7 8 CENTS. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED. -4. PERSON - WELL qualified wishes understan d s tuation in a drug store. Ale thoroughly dispensing med.. eines. Address A. B C., Pittsburgh city P. O. jal0p188" WANTED-HELP. WANTED - - Nunst Wee. tidy nurse girt wilt find a, pleasant home In a small famlty, by applying as Ne. BA Beaver street, Allegheny (nty, —4alrlyrlio.has never bre* In service. with Boyle eOulente. preferred. Good references required. WANTED---BOARDERS, WANTS. TO LET FOFSA Eal IN J. G. MORRIS, secretary =I MS EN