PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET OFFICE or THIs Prrrantrian GAZETTE, FRIDAY, January 22, 1868. S The metal market has again been active this week, numerous heavy sales having been effected, and, as a general thing, a firmerfeeling is manifested, though prices, ' compared with last week, have undergone no material change. The demand seems to have been unusually active, and at the close holders did not seem inclined to sell • freely at quotations. Good Neutral and Cold Short Irons are in demand and scarce. These - particular descriptions are pretty nearly sold tip, and, as a - consequence. there is but little on the market. Manufactured Iron is also ffrmer, with orders coming in freely, and (judging from present Indica tions there will soon be, an advance in both Bar Iron and Nails. Manufacturers are re. ceiving more orders than they care for, as • • they do not seem inclined to sell anymore than they cast help at present prices. • ANTHHACIT.E. 300 tons "Chickles" Forge . ... t4l 00— cash .500 " Mottled . . ... . . ... 37 00-5 mos 50 " No. '3 Foundry 40 00=4 mos 20 11 No. 2 Foundry 41 00-4 mos 30 " No. 3 C0rnwa11.....:....42 00--4 mos 40 " No. 2 Foundry 41 00-4 mos BITII2CLNUS COAL SMELTED FROM LABS IHT PERIGH ORE. 100 tons Low, Grade Mill 1r0n. 5 35 50-6 mos 300 " Close Grey Med., to arrive 50 15 Close arrive 50 " Close Grey Med., to arrive .. . ... 39 00-4 mos 100 " Close Grey and Mot . . tied, to arrive 200 " Close Grey and Mot- tled, to arrive 350 15 at furnace 500 " Open Grey, to ar 150 " Open Grey, fancy brand 39 00-4 mos .500 5, 'Medium Grey, at far. 36 50-4 mos 1000 55 Medium, to arrive..... 38 50-5 mos 150 1 5 Mixed with native ore 38 50-4 mos 800 15 100 7" Ohio ; 1 AGr nth ey racit Forg 3 11 e 4 e 2 8 00-4 mos . No ' 100 No. 2 Anthracite 41 00-4 mos 00-4 mos _ CHARCOAL. 100 tons H. R.No. 1 Foundry.l4s 00-4 mos 150 1 5 H. R. No. 1 Foundry. 45 00-4 mos - 75 " H. R. No. 2 Foundry. 42 00-4 mos 90 51 Forge 44. 00-4 mos /80 " Extra Cold Blast Forge Iron 50 00-4 mos 350 55 Extra Cold Blast Forge Iron ' '49 50-4 mos ALLEGHENY CORE. 335 tons Red Bank $3B 00-6 mos ' BLOOMS., ec • i Mar 130 tons MlssOnram...sloo 00-4 mos 150 15 Juniata 95 00—i mos Grey Med., to Financial matters in New York Gold Clooed at '135%. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NBA , Yottic, January 22, 1869. , MONEY. The financial situation to-day showed a marked improvement. Dioney was yery easy at 6(j)7 per cent. on call. There are in dications that the project "of the lock up of greenbacks has bean abandoned, as the parties ranged on the "bear" side were free ,buyers to-day, and the "bull" element has ,been strengthened by the new accession. 'The abandonment of the "bead' campaign leaves the field clear for another upward ',movement. Sterling firmer; the supply of cotton and produce is light; prime bankers 9%@)93i. Gold quiet and firm; opened at ' 135 X, advanced to 135 M, and closed at 135%. 1 Clearances at gold exchange banks $36,- 000,000. - BONDS AND BTOCRS. Governments are generally about an % higher, and close strong. Coupons of 1881, 112%®1123‘; do. '62, 113N®11335; do. '64, 10936®10934; do. '65, 110%®110/; new 'do., 10834®10834; do. '67,.,108;;®108xrd0: '6B, 108,1®109; Ton-Forties l 107,‘®108; U. S. Sixes Pacific Railroad,loo%®lolx. „- - State Bonds opened weak and lower on Tennessees and North Carolinas, but closed firm. Missouris, 87 3 4®88; old'Ten nessees, 67,14; new do., 6734®673;; new Vir ginias, 63; old North Carolinas, 64@64x; new do., 61®6136; Alabama Eights, 94% ®95; Louisiana Levee% Sixes, 7234®73; do. Eights, 89a9014. , Railway shares active and higher. The 4 - reat feature was Michigan Sonthern,which rose 3 per cent. The transfer books close to-morrow for the 4 per cent. dividend. Rock: Island, touched 133, Toledo 10534, Reading 96 and New" York Central 164%, :he latter on purchases by the friends of Vanderbilt. St. Pant shares weak on. the stock dividend and 2@3u lower., Port Wayne firm, with indications that the ?arty seeking to, control the next election, while • buying for cash and regular de livery, are selling the same on options ex ;ending beyond the. election. The general market closed strong,though somewhat un t3ttled, and prices hardly up to the highest - ides of the day. There is a goad borrowing lemand for some stocks, and Michigan southorn and Rock Island are scarce. MlS ;ellaneous shares active and bouyaht, pxcept• Pacific " Mall: Express shares l:enerally firm, though fluctuations fre ueut and wide. . • , Wells, Prices Cumberland, 363; Wells ; .Express, .22405293 i; -American, 43 '345; Adams.: 60®6034; United States; 50; •ilerchants Union, 17X®18; Quicksilver, 1.5 @285i; Canton, 583i®59; Pacific Mail. .: 17 :i@l1 . 1%; Western Union Telegraph, 38 436 1 41 ®9; dO.P pref.; 24 . X,® New York Central, 16 3X®1633g; 38y,®381‘; do. preferred, 63®64; Judson, 13035®131; ' Har/em, 132®134; lartford it Erie, 28; Reading, 9535 ®9SX; :`erre Haute,/ 40®42; preferred, , $5119 1 7; Wabash, 6154 ®62; do. pref, 75;,St.Psul. 130®72; do. pref'd 93®93y 5 ; Fort Wayne, 234 ti 1123%; Ohio and Mississippi, 34(c43434; Alchigan Central, 117; Michigan South rn. +4 S X; ' Illinois Central,., 138M®140;- Nttsburgh 914(4;91%; Tobldo; 104N® 04g; RoCk Island, 131 3 / 4 (4)132; North vestern, 82®62X; do. preferred, 86.K®87: lannibar and St. Joseph, 61; Cleveland, lolumbus and Indiana Central, AV; Alton, preferred, 48; 'Ltdre Imre, 1013 i. Mining shares active. Gregory 36; Smith, l 'arinelee, 260; Grass Valley, 25; Quartz Jill, 69. CopEer , Stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, IN; 'Mu/inn, 16; Hecht, .70. SUB.TREASiTRY. Receipts at - the Sub Treasury, $4714 2 - 88' . $ ayments, $1,488,680; balance, $85.874,702. Alarkets by Telegraph. ' NEw Yonx, January 22.—Cotton less ac 'Ne and unchanged; sales of 3,000 bales, at )%c for middling upland. Flour; receipts -,756 bbls; market more active and rather lore steady for shipping brands, but with ut decided change in price; sales of 12,200 , bls, at $5,60a6,25 for superfine State and :esters; $6,6537,50 for extra State; $6,40a 90 for extra Western; $ 7 ,30a9,25 for white `heat extra; $6,50a9,00 for R. H. 0.; $7,70a :50 for extra St. Louis, and $9,00a12,00 for 'ood to choice do., closing'. dull; 300 bbls'of, anada flour sold at $7,70 lin bond; Cantor.' ia flour nominal. Rye flour quiet; sales "250 bbls at $5,35a7,50. Corn quiet and ,wer; sales of 400 bbls of Brandywine at 400. why - 4u dull; sales of 100 Ws of .eatern at $l,Ol, free. Wheat; receipts 300 lash; market ta2Cr better for springy theft a pretty good export .demand.for spring; Inter dull and heavy; salesdf 68 ,000 bush, $1,68a1,63W for spring in store and de. :vexed; $1,48X for straight No. 3 do. deliv .ed; $1,67 for MiEuiouri Spring. and 112.054 10 for white California. Rye nominal. arley pithout 'decided change; s hales of 000 bush of Canada at p 2,00. Barley Malt I dull. Corn--reteipts, 16,414 bush—in mod erste request without decided change; sales 54,000 bush' at 93a96c for new mixed west ern. $1,05 for kiln dried, $l,lO for old mixed western delivered, 96)097d for new yellow western, 97% for Jersey yellow, 90a97c for inferior to good Southern. Oats—receipts, 785 bush--more active and firmer; sales 80,000 bush western at 753075% for western in store, 77e. fordo. afloat, 78c seller April, 80a81c buyer April. Rice quiet.. Coffee quiet; sales 600 bags Laauayra on private terms. Sugar quiet; sales 200 bbis new Cardenas at Ilyc. Molasses firm; sales 150 bbls at 74a83c; 330 hhds at 43a48 1 4 for/Dem erara, 45 the Muscovado, and 32 for Centri fugal. Petroleum , firm and quiet, at 32c for Crude, 36nfor refined bonded. Hops steady -at 10a18c Mx American. Linseed oil firm at I $131,01. rpentine firm at 53a54. Pork firm; sales Z 00 bbla at $30a30,12 for new mess. $29,00a529, for old;, do. 824,50426,00 for prime; V 400429,50 for prime mess; also, 500 bbls new mass foraellerafor next month at $29,50, and 1,250 hob's do. do. for March at $30,00. Beef steady; sales of 230 bbls at $16,50; new plain mess at 814,00419,50; new extra• mess tierce beef steady, with sales; of 400 tierces at 27a32c; prime mess at 31a37c; Indiana mess beef hams firm, with sales' of 150 bbls at 30a35c; cut meats fi rmer, sales' of 350 packages at 13a13X; shoulders, 153 e; hams, 17c. Dressed hogs dull, sales at 133014 X for Western, the latter an ex treme price d 14mal5y‘ for city; Middles firm, 250 box es at 151i1514c for Cumberland cut; 16 1 .4 c for short ribbed, and 173ic for -smoked sides. Lard firm and moderate; demand of 635 tierces at 18Xs/.9310 for steam, and 200 for kettle -rendered; also, 3,000 tierces steam rendered' for sellers for March, April, May, and June, at \19a1934c. Batter dull; 28a115c for Ohio, and 40a48c for State. Cheese firm at 16Xc. Freight to Liverpool more active; engagements, per steamer; 40,000 bush wheat at 7V,d; 25,000. bush corn at 7d; NO bbls flour at is 9d. Latest—Flour closed saloc better, with a fair export demand. Wheat quiet and firmer for spring, with a moderate' export demand; market dull and heavy for winter grades. Rye nominal at $1,48a1,50 for west tore,O quiet and firm at .75 1 4a75N0 in and 7743 afloat. Corn quiet at 94a960 for new mixed western, and. $1,06a1,09% for old mixed western in store itnd afloat. Pork quiet and steady at $3O for new mess. Beef steady and unchanged.- Cutl, Meats firm and In moderate demand: Bac on dull and unchanged. Lard quiet and firm at .19%a193-43 for-fair to prime tierce:- Eggs drill at 29a31c. Dry`Goods—There is little stir as yqt in this department of trade, but the prices are firm for all staple cotton goods and; an im ',Rived inquiry would readily carry the prices ofvarions styles to a higherattitude. Heavy browneheetings 1133 x 1 4% IfNal7. Printing cloths in request at /3)0114% for the best makes Pacific. Lawns 18; do. Pert tales 4-4; 81; do. Orientals 20; do. Serges =33; do. 3.4 alpacas 25. Imported carpets have been advanced We-per - yard, and Cross lev's best velvets now bring 3,35, but the best Lowell and Hartford, 3 pipit are redu ced in price 15c per -yard and now sell at 1,65. 37 00—' cash 39 00-4 mos 38 00-4 mos 37 00— cash 36 00-4 mos 38 50-4 mos ST. Loris, January 22.—Tobacco steady and unchanged. Cotton, nothing_ doing. Hemp quiet; sales undressed at $1;15a1,25. Flour hrm and lower; superfine dull and 25e lower; other grades unchanged, with only a limited demand and market very quiet. Wheat, there is no market and prices are entirely nominal. Corn quiet; small sales choice white at 70a72. Oats firm and unchanged at 60a62. Barley quiet, but steady, prime lowa spring $1,85, choice $2,00. Rye firm at $1,30a1,35. Pork very stiff and higher; sales at $30,00a30,25 for mess. Bulk Meats higher and vary firm; pickled city shoulders 13c; clear rib sides 153,; clear sides 163;; loose shoulders 12X; clear sides 16X. Bacon firm and advanced; shonlders 14a18; clear rib lilt: clear 173 alb. Lard held a trifle higher but not much doing. Whisky dull at 95. Hogs higher and very few arriving; sales at slo,ooa 10,75 gross. Cattle steady with a light shipping demand; prices ranging from $3,50 to , 113,75. - Receipts—Flour, 2737 bat roll; Wheat, 1745 f bushels, Corn, 2500 bush els; Oats, 1980 bushels; Rye, 400 bushels; Barley, 1216 bushels; Hogs, 816. Cixensmirr, January 22.—Flour dull; family, $7,65a7,75. Wheat dull: N 0.2, 11,70; No. 1, $1,75. Corn dull and prices lower; ear, 64a65c. Oats unchanged and quiet. Cotton is held at 29e, but no sales at over 283;e. Whiskey rather dull at 98c. Pro visions generally firmer and prices a•shade in favor of sellers, though the demand is not active, but is fair. Mess Pork is sold at $3O. Bulk Meats;•l2Xal4c for shoulders, 15c for sides, 15X for clear rib, and 16xc, for clear sides, with a fair demand. Emma , firmer and in fair demand; shoulders, 14c; clear rib sides, 17c, and chlar,•l7Xc.. Sugar cured 18a18Xo. Lard held firmly. - but the demand is only moderate; sales at 19ma193;c, though it Is mostly held at 200. Butter. dull, and supply. large, at 33a38c. Eggs declined' to 22423 c, and market dull. Cheese scarce and firmer at..l9Xe22c. Lin seed Oil quiet, but firm, at $1,07. Lard Oil firm at $1,60a1,65; the demand exceeds the' supply. Petroleum firmer_and higher- ' re fined, 34a36c. Exchange advanced to par buying, and preminm selling. Gold, 135 q buying. , The Money market is easier at Balo per cent. - TOLEDO. January 22.—Flour dull and nothing doing in round lots. Wheat ac tive, and amber three cents better; sales 3,800 bush at $1,70; also, 350 bush at $1,71a 1,73, buyer, January, and $1,75, buyer, Feb enry;i Michigan regular, and one t better; small sales No. lat $1,90. Corn quiet and unchanged, with new at 64e, and rejected at 59Xe; '.business . light. Oats lower, at 56Xa57c for Michigan and No. 1. • Rye inactive. Barley dull and unchanged, at $1,73a1,75 for No. 1 State. Dressed Hogs without important change and a fair busi neas doing, at 12Mal3n, but mostly at 12X al2Xe. .PH4LADELPHIA. Januari 22.--Cloyerseed fs Wanted at $9. Flaxseed, $2,62a2,65. FloUr is greatly depressed and lowa and Minneso ta extra family sells at $7,23a7,75; Ohio do. #8,75a10. Wheat dull and declining and sales are repotted of 2,000 bush red and amber at $1,81a1.82. Rye is steady at ;1,60 a 1,62. Corn is held firmlysnd sales are re ported of 3,000 bush new yellow at 8802 o; old, 980. Oats: 72a75c for western. Quer citon Bark: No. 1 has advanced to $45 per ton. Petroleum is unchanged. Mess Pork is firm at $30,50. Whisky, $1,01a1,04. MiLlVAtrztE, January 22.—Flour firmer and prices unchanged... Wheat unsettled at $1,20 for No. 1, and $1,14 for No. 2. Oats nominal. Corn firm at 56a59c for new. Rye firmer at $1,10a1,11 for No. 1. Barley nominal. Provisions advancing; city mess Pork $28,75a29,00. Sugar cured Hams 16e. Prime Lard 19e. Dressed Hogs unchanged. Receipts-8,000 bbls flour, 36,000 bile wheat, 2,000 bus oats, 4,000 bus corn, 1,000 bus rye, 1,000 bus barley, 500 dressed hogs. Ship; ments--6,000 bbls floor,' 2,000 bus wheat, 300 bbls pork, 100 tea lard. BUFFALO, January 22.—F lour; city ground opened twenty-live cents lower; sales 200 bbls at $7,25 for No. 1. Wheat neglected. Corn dull: sales -four car loads new at 75o'on' track. Oats nominal. Rye held at $1,40, with no buyers. Barley nom inully unchanged. Seeds firm and ' un- Changed, with alight demand. Mess Pork firm at #3l. Lard firm at 20Mc. Hogs nominal at 14c for heavy; none offered. CLEVELAND, January 22.—Wheat; sales one car No 1 red winter at $1,70; also one car No 2 do at $1,60; alscione car rejected at 11,50,-and two cars at $1.40.. Corn heldit 710. Oats held at 02c. Rye - held at sl,3oa' 1,35 for No 1, and $1:25a1;28 for No 2: Pe. troleum active excited and higher, with sales two thoui3and barrels, January and February delivered, at 38c: for refined:" held at the close at 83%c; trade lots 2aSo advance on These figures. LoutsviLLE, January 22.—Tobaccq—sales. 91 bads logs and caning leaf at $5,50a15,50: Cotton at 283;e.' Mess Pork at $3O. - Lard at 20c, Bulk ,Meats—shoulders at 1 3 1.35 f, clear rib. aides at 16K, and clear sides at 16%c. Bacon-shoulders at 141‘, cleat. rib eines at 183 v and oledisides at M e packed, Plottr•TlmPlTAino at $5,600. ,Wpeat at $1.761 a 1,8,5 PITTSBURGH = GAZETTE: 'ISATURDAYMIAN, AST s 23. 1869. a 81,45. Whisky and Ifighwines at $1 for free. BALTIMORE', January 22.—Flour, fair; shipping demand without change. Wheat unchanged. Corn dull; prime white 83a 84; slightly damp 80; yellow 85a87. Oats dull at 68a72. Rye firm at $1,56a1,60. ;Mss Pork active at 31. Bacon active; rib sides i' c ia l l 7 %; clear sides 18; shoulders 15; hams 19a20. Lard quiet at 25. MEmrtris, January 22.—Cotton quiet and nominal at 283 c; receipts of 2,134 bales; exports, 4,135 bales; stock, 14,529 bales. Flour—stock large; superfine $7,00a7,50. Corn 68a70c. Oats 70c. Hay $25. Bran r.. 5. Pork $3l. Lard 20a21c. Ilulk Meats firm; shoulders 13c, sides 170. Potatoes un= changed. IMPORTS BY RAILRAODs - - -- - PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILROAD, January 22.-1 car green hams, E H Myers de Co; 400 bble flour, owner; 100 do do, John McDevitt; 25 bbls flour, L J Blanchard; 10 bat: soap, F G Craighead: 55 do do, R Robison & CO; 6 bbls apples, Van gorder & Shepaid; 34 bdls green hides, J F McLaughlin; 25 bxs soap, 25 do candles, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 10 do do, J Shot; 7 bble tallow, M Delange; 7 dressed hogs, 1 car rye and oats, Kell de Ritchart; 10 labia. apples; W H Graff drCd; 10 do do, Graff & Reiter; 10 do do, Carter. McGrew Idc•Co: / car rye, W J Meek; 21 big tobacco, D F Dean; 27 bga rags, Frazer & Metzger; 13 bp buckwheat flour, Thomas & ' Bro; 1 car stoneware, A. C Wallace; 25 cases - Letters, t i Henderson & B o; 17 bgs apple butter, La genheim; 31 green hides, Voigt, Mahood do Co; 1 2 dressed hogs, Shomaker & 1 bbl tallow, Sei bert & Berg; 2 bills green hides, D Chestnut. , CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, January 22.-14 care ikon ore, W H Shoenberger & Blair; 10 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 1 do do, Graff; Byers & Co; 2 do do, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 1 car rye, T Moore & Son; 1 do clay, Reese, Graff & Dull; 1 do do, Hussey , dt Co; 186 aka oats, Gwynne & Stoneman; 1 car clay, S.M Kier; 2 cars bones, Seward de Campbell; 113 sks rye, 90 do oats, W J Meek; 20 aks wheat, J de W Fairley; 24 has handware, Secomb & Co; 16 bales corn husks, W F & G Noble; 8 bbls apples, 3do dry apples,l do beans, 1 kg lard, Voigt, Mahood dr C; 20 bbls ap ples; W J Steel de, Bro; 86 eke corn, Moßane & Anjer; 200 empty oil bbls, R D Moore; 50 do do, Thos Musgrave; 1 box mdse, Carr, McCandleas de Co; . 100 aks rye and meal, Morrison ,t Davis on. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Jan uary 22.-10 bbls tallow, M Delange; ' 36 eke rye, Jos S Finch & Co; I.2liides, 3 calfskins, Hays t Stewart; 2.3 bgs rye, lot produce, Gallagher ct Campbell; 2 pkgs rags, Mc- Elroy & Co; 24 bags rye, Knox it Orr; 4 care metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 42 gales hay, Moreland de Mitchell; 10 eke wool, W Meshemens; 1 car hay, Shoenber ger , Blair; 2 cars metal, H Woodsldes; 42 eke oats, 67 do rye, 2 bxs butter, Scott dr Gisal; 1 car metal, John Moorhead; 111 eke oats, Meanor dr Harper; 5 pkgs butter and eggs, W George; 2 cars grain, H Gormley. ALLEGHENY STATION. January =.-75 bbls. 100 eke flour, S C McMasters; 400 do dn, J,Stewart; 113 green hides, J Canary; 17 bbls floor, lot corn, S Hood; 1 car metal, Rogers tic Burchfield; 1 do do, Pittsburgh Iron dt Forge C0;.3 cars barley, J Rhodes it Co; 100 bbls flour, M Steel ct Son; .1 car rye, W McKee .t Co; 1 car barrel headings, .1 M Hemphill; 2 cars staves, Ralva dr Robert son; 108 green hides, A Holateine; 1 car flaxseed, 97 sks do, M B Suydam; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy it Bro; 12 pkgs sun dries, Jas Lockhart. PITTSBURGH AND COHNELLSVII:LE RAIL ROAD, January eke rags, 2 bags onions, W J Porter; II aka flaxseed, 72 do flour, 35 kegs butter, J W Carroll! 1 bbl butter, 1 do onions, Smith, Johnston Sr, Co; 10 rolls leather, G H Anderson; 2 do do, W Flacons & Son; 4 do do, G N Hofrstott; 3 cars metal, John Moorhead; 20 sks oats, W Moore. lIIISCELLANEO AGENTS WANTED. . 810 A DAY. TWO $lO MAPS FOR $4. LLOYD'S PATENT REVOLVING . DOUBLE MAPS OF AMERICA. AND EtItOPE, AMERTCA. AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Colored—ln 4000 Counties. These greaps, now Just completed show and he of im portance all Railroads to date. and the latest alterations In the various European etstes. These Maps are needed In every behool and family In the land—they occupy the space orune Map. and by means of toe Reverser , either elde can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. Coun ty' rights and large discount given to geed/ Agents. Apply for,Clrculars. Terms and Samnle Maps to LLOYD'S MAP BUREAU, - de2l-b72-d&T 523 Courtlandt,street. N.Y. j WANTED -ON COMMISSION, • ONE HUNDRED TONS OP -IP 0 i.a.a r iain FOR THE HOLIDAYS The higtiest market prleei and quick *ales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send "ices biTait. BALLARD & CO. Commis gif.n Merchant, , 331 WiVingtn°ol7% I'IRST LIST, 1869.—ApplIca lions to sell liquors hied In the Clerk's office January, InBo. Pittsburgh. liaganit ife7arthy, 0. G., First ward. titeinruck. Tavern, Third ward S. Goldstein, o..t}, Th ird ward. . John Shannon, IL H., Seventh ward. Allegheny. Valentine Penyer, Tivern, Third ward. Townships. . . John N Tidbitll, Ts:Vern. North Fayette. Allch.• Toole, Tavern, Pitt, ALLacitilver COUNTT: , The License Board will sit. for hearinsr the. above sppl cations on W/f.DNE/11./AY. the il7th Inst.', al 9 o'clock AT.nr. JOHN G. IsnowN, Ja2,:d2,3 Clerk. , FRENCH BURR. MILL STONES. French Burr Smut Machipets THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN 13111 L Portable Flour and Feed Mills, BOLTING CLOTH/3, An Cambers ant best quatlty. For sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa, W. W. WA'LLAILW. m N . OTICE.—AII Persons Having claims ag ainst the FEDERAL OIL COMP&NY are request edto present the same duly nuthentics ted for settiewent. And all Persons holding rez tlfi cotes of red stock will Weans hare the, same properly transfer on the posit of the Conpany to enable them to drariedividentl from proeeeds of the prop. erty which has been sold, and of which dividend will be awarded when debts of the Company are paid or ascertained. Corner DuquAn B Way L a LS d H Se nds ary t. Pittsburgh, Jan, 5,186 L 1a0:c70 oricz.—All Persons knowing themselves Indebted to the estate of ROBERT Es, late Of Pittsburgh, de' , will make imme (Date payment to the subseriber at his store in Tem p7====l,lATlNLEgrettl; ati.benticated for settlement. . 1868. • J AMES RICHARDSON. ' Decemberal, ,147:c7,3 NOTICE.—To all o En jrgiged In Hauling or Whekling Rubbish or shes: You are hereby notified not place any rubbish or ashes on the wharf. MI rubbish er ashes roma be taken to the Point. Any person caught vt. olating the above notice will be dealt with to the fullest•extent of the law. ,•: • • ROBERT A. RILL, Allegheny Wharf Master. del9 t -FYFICE,-Persons owning proP °lcy frontins or abutting on Aiken' avenue, in city of Pittsburgh, will, please t a k e not i ce t h e ieeart of viewers, in the matter of the opening of /Likens avenue, , has been plated in my hands. The assesamellte, It not , Pahl on or: before Februa ry 11th, iggo, will Itn3l9lpren in Ooart as liens. • J 1 F. rwatoLit. Cit. Attorney, tal,:de• I 100 Fifth Ayeena t.. „. SOll% AS --100 tons choice brand. to ito for IMO by • noll cAIIPLELTO a Kw. RIVER NEWS. . The river continues; to recede steadily at this point with scant six feet in the chan nel by he Monongahela marks last even ing. W ether yesterday wan clear, cold and pleasant. Mercury did not get above 28 during the day, and towards evening it was going down again. The Bayard, from Parkersburg, Kenton, from Por , smouth, and Glendale, from St. Louis, constitute the arrivals. The Glen dale wound have got here much sooner but for tbe fact that she was detained about Manchester putting off iron ore. There were no departures aside from the regular packets. The Gre' Eagle, Captaln C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to day, leaving at noon. There was considerable floating ice in the Allegheny last evening, but, ast yet, it does not amount to much. The Bellevernon, Capt. J. J. Darragh will be the first boat oat for St. Louis, leaving on Tuesday. The new steamer Mollie Ebbert, Capt. G.- W. Ebbert, is now receving for New Or leans, and'will be thefirat boat out. The Camelia, Capt. Thos. Poe, is an= nounced to leap) for Nashville this even ing. , The Champion arrived last evening with a good trip. The Sallie, Captain T. S. Calhoun, is an nounced to leave for Cincinnati and Louis ville this evening, as is Th e se Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr. are both good boats. BOATMEN'S BETEEL.—Rev.Dallas, D. D., will hold religious services on Sabbath on the steamer Rate Putnam, at 3 o'clock. All are invited. Observe tlie Bethel flag at jaekstaff. —The R. R. Hudson left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday with four hun dred tons freight and 30 passengers. —The New York left Cincinnati for Nashville on Wednesday with 250 tons of freight, including something over 3,000 kegs of nails.: —David Berlin, formerly harbor master at St. Louis, has been indicted for obtain ing a small sum of money under false pre tenses, and admitted to bail in $l,OOO. —The Great Republic was hauled out on the ways at Mound City in the abort space of five hours which, considering the great size of the boat, reflects credit upon the managers of the railway: —A St. Louis dispatch to the Cincin nati Commercial say s : The charge of mur der against Samuel Barr, of the Great Re public, has been none prow. The case of Captain Donaldson is continued on account of the absence of witnesses. —The Vicksburg. Herald, of Friday, says: The peninsula opposite Vicksburg has commenced a wholesale caving, having parted with tho bank from Young's place down—nearly to the,rear of Nolly's—a dis tance of several miles, and a width of two hundred yards. The little Roma Wheeler, passed at the time of one of the big oat-- Inge, had to make a "bee line shot" out into the middle of the stream to prevent being capsized: by the surging waters. —The following hit is from the Louisville Courier Journal: The House of Represen tatives at. Washington are again tinkering at the Ohio river bridge bilkand it is said will amend the bill of the Senate so as to allow 400 feet span. We have not time nor inclination to give this measure any furth er discussion, but will, offers mere sugges tion that if the Committee had been - here on our wharf 'a few evening since, when one of ohr first class boats was "piloted over the falls safely," Ltc. they would have thought that four hundred feet was hardly a circumstance, and been ready to vote five hundred yards, instead of four hundred feet. We are very sorry, they were not here, as the same thing may never happen on the same boat. —The St. Louts/ Democrat, as Democrat, says: The towboat Mary Alice arrived Saturday night with three model barges, each containing 20,000 bushels of coal, The run was made from Cairo to oils port in forty-six hours, which is said tolbe the best work ever done by a towboat. The Mary Alice left again on Sunday morning for Cairo, with. two barges with iron 'ore We also I clip the folloWing from the same paper: We had the pleasure of a call yesterday from Commodore Joab Lawrence, Presi dent of the Sioux City ca Fort Benton Packet Line, Or N. W. Transportation Company. The Commodore visits this sea lion for the purpose of purchasing six steamboats for his line. which was very successful last season, and enjoys the pros pect of a greatly, enlarged business this year. Rivera! and Weather. Mg Telegraph to the" Pittsburgh Gazette.) Louistitax, January 22.—River falling, with 10 feet 2 inches of water in the chan nel. Weather clear and mild. ST. Louis, January 22.—Weather clear and pleasant. STBAJHBO.ATS "VOIR CINCINNATI AND A: LuUDIVILLE.— The _steamer C11,131P/021 Wei. Yutrait, Captain. Will leave for the above ports on TUESDAY, the 20th Inst. Forfrvight or passage apply on board or to J.: D. UOLLIZitiWOOD. Ja23 or JOHN FLACK. • gents. VOR CAIRO I AND ST. LOUIS.—The new and splendlS Passenger Packet • BELLE* VERNON ..... DARR at, Master, Will leave for the above ports on TUESDAY. the Sl6th Inst., at 4 o'clock r. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to. JOHN FLACK... .la= • J. D. COLLINGWOOD. Agent. 'Lloire CAIRO, 1 1 1EMPRIII L and NEW CHILEANS—The new and splendid passenger steamer MOLLIE EBEST...-.,..G, W. lIIERT. Commander; WIII /cave for the above ports on SATUNDAY, the 231 Inst., at 4 o'clock P.M. For ireight or passage apply on board or to FLACK it COLLING WOOD. or WIRIEST HAZLETT, Agents. Through receipts giv Mont g ome r y ove boat to anti, Mt. Zemin. Benton. , Ala., AL anti, . Macon, West Point. Georgia, and all points on the Alabama river and Texas ports at lowest ' rates Ja.Z GHEIEST HASLETT. Veit CINCINNATI AND j a diGa LOITISVILLE.—The tine st ins' • 9ALLIF Capt. T. S. CALHOUN Will leave for the aboie ports on SATUNDAY 'January 23d. For freight or passage apply on board, or to 021 (11ElltlEST E HABLTT. Arenta. FOB CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE.—The fine passen ger steamer GLASGOW Capt. ANDREW ROBINSON Will leave for the above ports on SATURDAY January' 231, at 5 P. M. w A gent. FOR EVANSVILLE and AND NASHVILLE. • The Rae steamer • _ • • CAMELIA • Capt. JESen Dun' Will leave for the above polls on SATURDAY. the =lima., at 4 o'clock r. M. ( • For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN irLaCit, pug r or J. D. COLLINGWOOD. Agents. prisBURGII, WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Winn Boat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, AT 151 M. , . --TtrzsDaEAND Fnlo.sre, ..... ..... . . S. tiezraanD, 15faster. Wrzusizra.L7s AND BATIMDATS. OBEY ......... C. L. Basnrr.a.m, Master. , Pratg!it will be tetelved at all banns by sal4 JAMES COLLINS. Agent .‘ -0 110E.—The . Business .rela-. lilies heretofore Magni:lig between the'undev. a vied under the arm of ORDEKOH & WOOD Were . dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st day 0} 4)6. !0ber.t19616. The lisbilltles of the old firm tilts, be: settled y OHRII lAN GEDENOH, Those Icnow-' Ingthesuelvcs to be indebted , Intl please _Aetna up' . at once. O. tiEDEKO . BlestiNcoliel, ofati. /it; 11 136. er'°‘ 14. Wie2l2l3Ydan'* 60 6 I 6 t (*AR j MERCHAN J. L. ............A. I. larzrzNioN. DELLINGER t STEVENSON, COIII3IISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Stieet, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND 'BELL AU Kinds of Country Produce All orders for Merchandise promptly tilled at LOwiref market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried .Fruits, Ac, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfaction, by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT RE TURNS. at HIGHEST HARKED PRICES, and therefore resnectfhily solicit your consignments. Ail corre spondence answered promptly: Marking Plates furniahed free. Grain in Store and to arrive daily. auM:t7B STA BLIA 11 ED BY A. & T. 1 ,./24 Or BALLY, 18/O. - W. N. GORM.L . WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dnnzc - rvp Opr. EAoLz Hopsi,) •e :see_ PITTgBVItG3II. Pd. WATT, LANG & CO., WICOLIMAZZ DIJkLICIZEI IN. Graeerles, Flour. Grain, Produce, Pro• Thilons,Plsh, Cheese, Carbon Oil. dre., Nos. .1151 and 174 WOOD EiTRE;T, gear Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. no8:II55 Y. ISTRILk . • Air STEELE & SON, M. Clennnaesion Merchant AND DIALEBB Er/...01711. GRAII:NI ato No. 95 OHIO ESTRISI near Esit Comma*. . ALLEGHWY CITY. PA. J. D. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. B. CANFIELD 'B4 SON, COM.. Et TeMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale eiders in Goshen, Factory Allattiburg And 'W. B. Chesse,utter. Lard, Pi7t ,liscon, - Flour, Fish. Dried Fruit, Gralia, Pig Le PDX, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime, Linseed; Lard, Coal and Car bon 0115.'1.10. 141 F irst street. Pittsburgh. rersa =IL - JAS. P. =CH.M.& K Elk& RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND =AUL= FLOUR. GRAM, SEEDIS,,WLL ae., '340 'Liberty ' Pittsburgh, m721:62 ALEX. IVBANIs a. B. AMIE. IVICBANE , COMMISSION , MERCHANTS, Dealers la 'FLOUR, glum ind PRODUCE cam- REALLY, No. 14i WAT1:11 STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • les FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND OGNNIIIHIONNBROHAITB, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 1 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. teMLuS L. J.`IILANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, azinalitg No. 396 PENN STREET. ECBT. ENOS ANDREW KNOX. KNOX & SON, COMMISSION 37 E R E c D HAITNA dor FLOUR, GRAM ERALLY No DLUSONII, opposite City I:WI N , .A.llegheuiCity. Jal7•rd7 TITTLE, ' BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Orocers, COMXlABSlollMerchants and eiders and duce Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon Lard 011, -Iron, Nails, Wass, Cotton Yarns and all P•Lcisburgh Manufactures generally, lillil and IiIIOtCOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOUR I. UOCTEIR.....ZDW. HOUSX WIII. H. EOM& TORN I. HOUSE & BROS. SUC.• 6 eesiors to JOHN I. 110138 E & CO., Wholesale rocers and Commdssion Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Plttsbargb. Pa. JOHN BRUTON 1 RA LLACIC §IIFTON&WALLACE I WHOLE= SA L LE O ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS. ). 6 sLITH STREET. PlOabureh. . 1a12:r68 PROFESSIONAL M. B. NEEPEB, ALDERMAN AND EZ.OPPICIO JUSTICE OP • ~TH PEACE. `OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVEND.g. Special attention given.Ao conveyancing and col /W./ons Deeds Bonds audMortgages drawn up. and all legal business attended to promptly and: an curately. JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDSBMAI AID POLIOE NAGISTIL&TB. Once, US WYLDe r IMDCBT. near Washlngtot PITTSBPROH. PA. Deeds. Bonds,, e Mortigages,, It aka r i r d l m i anti gi e siVile a x l eege l l e niZZ and W. a al er Woi a g SAMUEL McMASTERS, AmArrErtliukw., • Rx-Oldclo Justice of the Peace and Police Maxis. trate. (mice G RANT STBRAT,opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, - Acknowledgments, Depositions, and alt Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. . • • tattle lISTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN, MX-OPMIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0,73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA ' Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Busineu executed.-with .romptness Ind dispatch. rnr/9 JOHN A. STRAIN, bLDEtiAZAN a EX-0171010 JIIIPPIOE OP T.Y. De max f itm) , , polacir, hi4OD3TR4TX. Oilloellsll FIFTH STREET, op posite the Oath*. drat Pittsburgh, Pa. , Deeds, onda: hfortgages aiskilowledgments, Depositions and all LesalDual nets *zonated with nroinotness and dispatel:, , • A AMMON, • trusties of the Peace, CONVEYANCER; REAL' ESTATE& INSURANCE AST CASSON iSTIMET, lieST Collection otßento solicited &tido co:aptly attend. ed to. my3:3,60 J. S. S'.F.111.(3IIIION, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW,( Pro. 137, vista Street, BloOMm /LOOM. raomr Room JOHN W. BILIDELL; • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. • antes, Ale Diamond street, (opposite the Court Housej 1e15:t41 H. C. IWACKRELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street. mriA •b2l ARMIII3..&LI) BL.AfiE!.EY, sz-rox~xEY sue,-=.sw, No;98-Mili STREET, SO et aft 1 AI MECHANICAL E pEncievAL BECKETI', VIEONANICIAL nriannuon. ' And Eilolloltor of Patents. • _Mateo/ P. F. W. AC . Etallway.) •,_ °Sloe.' No. 79 FEDERAL STREET. loom No. X 411Altgii&R°14,.Bcix de i tata l i, C d ljne (" l.. BLA R URN A‘EonitR I LUNGI7a, DRA sIysADR ilted. articular attention paid to ae- LIZRY LOCOMOTLVES. Pt oon• MSari anay.ed. Mr EVERING_DstAWT. e nechaulea eters , WJED9•999tar ammo U1:1 3ivTESTERN PE-NN-alsomm SYLVANIA RA..I,- AD.-410 and after Nov. 22d, 1868, the Pas senger Trains on the Western l'ennsylvarda Eall. road 'will arrive at and depart from the Federal :Street Depot, Allegheny City, am follows: • .. Arr. Depart. Spriligcl'e No t - 6:40 a,ci 'Malls ...• .L... - . 4:00 a 11, Freeport No . 1 8:20 a m'FreeporYNo. 1 9:15 a zr. Sxpress 19:10 a niiSharpb"g No.411:20 a tri Elharpb' No.l 1:25 p in, Express 2:45 pm Freeport g No. 2 !4:OU pna , teringd'e Nol 3:5110 Mail I 5:55 p mi Freeport No. 2 5:20 pp is in Springd'e Not 6:45 D ra!Soringd , e No 2 7:IU ci m Aboye trains run daily except Sunder. - The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junct. every • dunday at 7:40 a, in.,reaching Allegheny City at 9:59 a. in. • Returnig, leaves Allegheny City at 3:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jrinct. at 3:43 . COmmurATIOB Tiesirrs— For sale in packager 1 Twelatv,_ between* Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna anttErharpsbura. and good only on the trains stopping at Stations ape. ' cited on tickets. The trains: leaving Allegheny City 'At 7:00 a. as, make direct connection at Freepon with Walker ' LUDDISUNDEDI for But ler and Hannah: , town. Throuith tickets may be purchaseOt the Office, No. 3 St. Clair street,near the Sus or Bridge .P"lttaburgh and at the Depot, Allen esr Per further information apply to .. JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, • Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a,. mime any risk for Baggage, except for wearing al ' . pare, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value.. All baggage exceeding tbts ' amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, tins lets taken by special contrast. _ . • • EDWARD H. WILLIAMS 11029fieneeral Sunerintendent, Altoona. 11 i . _ S 101 AV LEAMAN UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY! Tte sticansr AND mon , BELIAB• O p from the But to all points In ., Two Trains Maio State Line and LeavenwOrt daily (Sunday' excepted.) on the arrival of trate. .f Pacific italiroad from St. Loafs, and . HAnnibal and St. Jo Railroad from Quincy, connectinv at Law rence, Toeka and Wamego with -stasis for sit points in SIMBIE. At end of track treat of RM. worth with the UNITED STATE'S EXPRESS COP • PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLALICD , AND 1 , XPE1135 COACHES FOR. And all Points in the territoriets And with SANDERSON'S TRI.WEEIELY LINE of COACHES ihr Fort Union, Bent , s Fort, ran, Albu wireeimx i S e r Santa Fe, and all points In Arizona and With the recenl tadditions of rolling stook ant etutpment, and the arrangements made with re sponaible :Overland ' Transportation Linea from Itt western terminus, this, road now offers unequalled -facilities fur the transmission of freight to the rat • West. Tickets for sale at all the principal offices in the United States and Caned as HILL sure and as UNI ON keta Via THE SMOKY BOUTS .e - I IC ILSILWAY EASTERN DIVISION. • PITTSBURGH, PA. PITTSBITRGII. PA. PITTSHTTAGH. PA GINEE =EI TUE INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, NatiberisA' Mitten first-class among then , the mwlebratect CITY OP PARIS, CITY OF ANTWEPP, CITY or ROSTON, CITY OF BALTIMORE. CITY OF LONDON, Salllog EVERY SATURDAY, from Fier 45, North 5111rer, New York. For .)usage or further Inform& !Ron apply 160 . • • • W lll lA3l,BlNaltAht. are iro.Zirro !WRY C7'. rehrowlete. Newt/ **Maio !oat t)Mee. rumour" RAILROADS. I:PITTSBURGH and CONNELLbVILLE, H. it.IWZIEM On and after TUESDAY, November, 17th. 18611 trains will arrive at and depart from rue Depot mi ner of Grant and Water streets follows: Einia Manta and from Unlont'n. 7: 00 rt A.. 2. 6:00 P. M. McKeesport Accommodt'n.ll.:oo A. M. 2:05 P. M. Ex. to and from Unlont"n. 300 P. m. 10:10 A. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 r M. E:35 Mi Braddock's Accommodarn 6:15 P. if. 750 P. Is. Night Ace. to McKeegport.lo:3o P. 2. 6:45 A. Ma Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton.— 1:00 P. Y. 10:00 A. 21 Yor tickets apply to W. B. STOUT. Superintend en t. B. ELNG, Agent. nee) 21ANGE of TIME. . EGITEIiIY VALLEY ItelLßOdi On and after MONDAY, :November Oth, ISW TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pt:Wu:ire Sta. tion,corner ofEleventh and PJke Streets for rant lin, Oil My, Buffalo, 41.11 d all points in tbe Rite. Vona. talon 17 ;7 . nm - stiff._'Aiuttrg IN irrrenritftll. Mall 7:15 a m 13! all 5:40 D'isx B E r xp d r y s s s B'd Ac 5 7 :0 1 0 0 p m ''Ex p y s l . d A c 1 6 :30 a m lst Soda Works ' " - tlet Soda Works Accomod'n..lo:ffo ato Accbmoda'n. 5.20 azn Ad Soda Works' . 12d Soda Works' • - Accomod'n....s:oo pm ! itccomoda'n. 3:40 sin *March Train leave Pittsburgh It 1:10 P. at. A . rive at Plttlibn*e hof 9:50 a: Y. ' • - - Passengers taking express train have but ono change of cars between Pittsburgh. Buffalo and Oil Regions. Mall and. Express Trains step only at rillc i ipal points • Mixed Way and Accommodation • stop at all stations. • THOMAS M. BING, A.wt. Sup't. •W. POSTER HOPE, Ticket Agent. • nod r. TIPSIIIIIIGH,Mium CINCINNATI AND ST. DU RAMWAY. • • - • PAN HANDLE ROUTE - N oANGE OP TIME.—Ori and after EIIINDATI v.22d, 31.868, trains will leave and arrive at the URI= Depot, as follows, .rittabariaL time: • Depart. .6,01.. Kali Express ... . . ............., 3:13 a. m. 12:13 a. MS Yarn:Line , 10:13a. m. 7:33 Mx . Fast Express 2:58 p. m. 12:18 p a. ta. ?lifted Way 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p. nu McDonald , ' Acc'n, No. 1..11:28 a. m.. 8:33 p. 22 Steubenville Accommod'u. 3:38 p: m. 9:48 a. m.; McDonald?' Aoc'n, No. 2.. 5:08 p. Tu. 3:18 p. m lir 2:58 Y. at. Express will leave daily. : r i 12:13 P. it. Mail will arrive daily. The 10:13 a. xn. Tram leaves daily, Sundays ex.... cepted, and makes close connections a: Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield 5X _Newark R. R.. 8. P. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Supl., Steubenville, Ohio. n 026 P B tx§........... AGH, FORT WAY NE & CHICAGO B W...ANO CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH E. R. - i From Dec. 2Oih 1868, trains alille.ave from and arrive at the A nion Depcit, north side, Pitts burgh city time, as talking: .Leoes. • I Er... se . • Chicago Ex.... 3:03 a m 'Chicago E Ai x... 5113 a Erie & Ign /I'l-7:28 a ca, Chicago Ex......11:511 a Cl. ca Wh:glPl 6:118 a m Wheeling Ex. 1113 a m Chicago B&W.- : 6:38 a m:Creattine Mail.. 3:53p ns uhica.ga_Ex....lo:olla m Cleve la ndgx... 4:314p m CL 4 WIVREx. 2:113 pm. Ex 4:oBpm Chicago Ex.— - 9:43 pm . Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:13 pm 117 , e &Erie Ex. 4:53 pm Cl. dcWh'g Ex 6:58 pna Depart /roes ..flisgfisny.. strrire to Alleghtly. N. Brist'n Ac. 8:58 a m :N. - BrigVn Ae. 7:03 al6 Leetsdale ..' :110:26 a.m.PN,-Brigyn- -. 46 8 : 38 a , 11:513a m atNew Castle " 10:33 a Rochester " 133 p m;Lee , tadale " 0:13 a m 'Leetsdale Ace . 3:58 pm 1 '' " p : 43 pm in N..Brigt'll ' • .5:33 p irt'N. Brlat'n " 91:43pm N. Brtgt`n " • 6:98 pm:Leetsdale " 4:5.3 Dm Leetsdale " • /0:11;pm. " " 7:18 oin Leetsdahslun- i Leetsdale Fun- /11.. : Church.. , .l l . 'A l i &to Express leaves gill lal4 aig• 1.1:511 a. in. Chicago Express arrive. da ily. de= - F.' R. MYERS. General Ticket Agent, •Vr n ENNS YEVANIAM§gaggi CENTRAL RAILROAD; and after Nor, 28th. 1868, Trains -will ar rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner 01 Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Aviles. I • Depart. • : Mail Train.... 1:30 ami Day Express.. 2:30a n 1 Fast Line ... .. .' 2.40 am; Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 amj Mall Train . .. . 8:111 a m BrintonAcc`n. 7:50 am. *Cincinnati Train... ,. 12:35 p Itt Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am; Wall's No. 2.. 11:20 a M Cincinnati Ex. 9:40 am! Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pM JohnstcwnAc.lo:3s a m/Rraddocks Nul 4:29 pm Baltimore Ex. ' 1.45 pin !Phila. Express 510 p M Phila. Express 2:05 pm: Wall's N. 3.. s:2opin' Wall's No. 1.., 1:30 p m: Wait's No, ~1.. 6:15 pm Braddocks No:1 5:50 pm : Past-Line - 7:50 pre Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p m:Wall's No. 5.. 11:00 p M Way Passen`r.lo:2o p m 1"' ' The Church Train leaves Wall's Btation every Sunday at - 9:15 a, m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:01 a.m. Retarning,•leaves Pittsburgh at /2:60 D. m.. and arrives at Wails Station at 2:00 p. m. * Cincinnati Itepress leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For Butner information apply to • W. H. BECKINTTE, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as. .some any risk for Baggage, excen t t for wearing d all . rorlTiangilllllu. th e ir lrg s g i g blli ge Y t e o x?e l e e dtr tat amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. ttn. /en taken by special contract. _. EDWARD H. WitLIAMS, Genera! Superintendent, Altoona, Pa, nob Eastern Division. Colorado, Nevada, trta . AriZona, Washingto New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. DMZ, VEli; sAiir A. ANDEESON, Gez.eral Superintindell IMI General 'Freight and Ticket Agent STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL AND . alk QOEtNSTOW:N. la WEBSTER.,