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Proceedings of the Legislature— , The Senate Without a Quorum - —Democrats Apsent with a View of Defeating the Phila ,delphia Tax Ile.ceiver Bill— Rasters and Folders Again—Bill :to IncorpOrate Pittsburgh and .dprmsby, Passenger. Railway— IllupplenintAo Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Company —House AO ourns Until Tuesday Next' • I:3y TelegrAPb-to the PittstriTgli Gazette.l RA.RRISBURG, January 22, 1869. SENA.TE. 4 • • 7121S:ADELPHIA TAX RECEIVER BIM. The Democrats are all absent, to defeat The bill • extending the time of Richard Peitz, 'Receiver of Taxes at Philadelphia, -which came over from the lEfouse yester day slightly; amended. Several Reriublic .an_Senat..rs also being, away, there was no -quorum, and the Senate -adjouined over until to-morrow. The Democratic Receiver •of faxes will be sworn in ori Monday morn ing at nine o'clock,lf the Democratic Sena tors can delay the bill. Doubtless there will be no Quorum to-morrow. ' . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, PASTERS AND FOLDERS. , Mr. HUNTER, of Westmoreland, offered a re3olution dispensing with pester docu ic s and folders and the printing of all publ ments. On motion of Mr. DA. VIS, of Philadel phia, it was indefinitely postponed. BILLS INTRODUCED. -; :By Mr. MORGAN, of Allegheny: Incor :porating the Pittsburgh'. and Ormsby .passenger Railway Company. By Mr. JA.OKSON, of Armstrong: Re pealing the act increasing the number of -.Supervisors in Cowanshannock townshi d: p. .By Mr. IsioCUILOUGH, of Clearfiel Joint resolution instructing. Congressmen 1 against the incorporation of railroad com panies by the General Government. By Mr.• HUNTER:- For Assistant Law Judge in the Twentieth Judicial District. By Mr. EUMPIIREVS, Allegheny: Sup plement for the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley passenger Railway company,author izing an additional track, connecting with the terminus in Allegheny city, with the omsont of Councils. — By Mr. WILSON, Allegheny: - Supple- anent to an act imposing additional taxes . for State purposes, approved 3d day of April, „•,.,,!,•49344,whica includes coal and coke as the 'product of mines. Adjourned 'till three o'clock Tuesday af ternoon. • ---m.---------- NEW YORK CITY. By Teligraph Nto E th W e rittsburgh Gazette. 3 YORE, January 22, lEa. The jury in the case of Blaisdell, Eckel and McLaren, who have been on trial in the United States Circuit Court for the past few days, on a charge of defrauding the 'lnternal Revenue, this evening render were eeda 'v erdict of guilty. The prisoners - nianded for sentence. The Board of Health yesterday afternoon ,elected Dr. Elisha Harris Sanitay Super 'intendent in place of Dr. Dalton, r who late ly resigued. The London Shipping Gazette of the 9th inst. says the brig Hannibal, Capt. Gyles, _ arrived at Liverpool, from Ceara, spoke the bark America, - tor New York, on the -30th of December in -latitude 42 deg. 43 north longitude, 30 deg. 25 west, with thin of the shipwrecked crow and pas sengers of, the steamer Hiber ia non board.u The account of Capt. Gyles is circt tial,' and there seems no doubt that another of.tiae boats that left the ill-fated steamer has been fallen in with and the sufferers rescued. The New York Herald in copy -ba witg the above expresses the belief that not bstariding the recent statement per cable AA the contrary, all the passengers and crew of the Hibernia are safe. The steamer America, which left Bremen November 25th, has not yet reached bore. A-fve occurred to-night at the book store $ 2 ,0 M. Haverty, publisher. Damage about $2,000; insured Some rare old volumes were, burned. The origin of the fire is un known. In the United , States Circuit Court, MeLaren, convicfed of aiding and abe on of tting Blaisdell rand Eckel in the perpetrati whisky frauds, was strongly recommended to mercy by the j ur y. Vessels Seized for Carrying Supplies to Rebels—Passport. Regulations :stringent ly Eniorced. ti 34 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] amitANA, January 22.7 The government anthorities have seized the coasting vessel Seis, from llermanos, on suspicion of car ving supplies for the rebels. The Spanish officials here aro enforcing the regillations concerning passports with great strin gency. Passengers without passports are prohibited . from embarking or landing. 'Travelers by steamers from United States ports are much annoyed by the da tes ports by these Precautions. They some -times have been obled to wait over tive .hours after steamers ig have arrived before they are permitted to land. • The Banco Del Commercio has resumed Payment. , The revolutionary leaders having deter mined to move eastward, deceived Count Yalmesada by opposing his march with a sinall force, while their main 'body com menced a move toward this city. It is re ported the government has receivdd a dis patch that the rebel General Quesada with a large force, has arrived in the vicinity of Villa Clara, and steamers have been en aged to bring back the force of Count Val wesada. Whelan, the Canadian Atesasalll, Refused a . New Trial, lap Telegraph to the Plttsburah Gazette.) Touohro, franuary n.—The Whelan MAO w as to -day before a full Conxt .of Error, and the judges stood four 'for and six against ,granting a neß,trial. The prison ; ,er's counsel applied for leave to appeal to the'Privy Council of England, and after consultation the Court decided it had not the right or power *0 grant leave. The prisoner was ordered to be sent back to the Ottawa jail, and Go far as the Canadian courts are concerned, the law will take r its course. If,a reprieve is not granted Whelan I • mill be executed on the 11th of Fetoruary.. -- -'-- -----i"'"-- FORTIETH: EGRESS:COE STIIIIID SltenolON.l 1 • ~ SENATE: Resoluti\ n Against Railroad Subsidies Reported, and Laid Over. Ender Objection I —Proposed Land Grants for a HOUSE Or REPRESENTATIVE S. Mr. POLAND, from Committee on Re- Railroad from the Mississippi vision of the Laws, made a report in refer to itanctOn—Bill to Authorize ence tic the extension of the forty per cent. Mint Officers to Receive Refined geese in the banking law, and to the print ing of • notices in bankruptcy. Ordered Gold_ and Silver on Deposit— printed and re-committed: Discussion of Morton7s Passen- Mr. KELLY introduced a bill to estab lish ger Tax Bill—BesOlution Re- an assay office in Montana, to convert the branch mint at Denver into an assay . - ported: . Authorizing the With- effice, and relative to the refining of gold - . . and rffiver bullion at the United States holding of Pacific Railroad Mind and branches. Referred to Committee Bonds as Security for the Come . on Coinage. • t . Mr. GRISWOLD intreducedoalbill to di minish p the fluctuations tit gold and to pr etion Ot the? Several Line s— vide for return to specie payments. Re- Shertriattleo Air Line Railroad ferred to Committee. on Ways and Means Bill Purther ConSidered—Bill au ed printed. The biliproposes an d order issue of gold notes by the Government, re to Regulate the Taking of EVi. deemable in coin and receivable for all Governmentodues, not to 'exceed 1350,0 00 , - deuce in Contested Elections 000, and not to exceed the amount of lil go in the Treasury above that required for Finally Passed. HOUSE: Bill three months' , lute' est on there debt, . . to Diminish Gold Fluctuations to be used in redeeming gnbacks. at the average gold value. - and to Provide for Return to Mr. HAY'S, from the Committee of Con- Specie Payments—Denver Pa- ierence on the bill relative to taking t wetly in contested election cases, made a Acific Railroad and Telegraph report, which was agreed to.. Company B i 11-M r . Logan Mod- The HoUse then resumed the consifiera . don of the bill granting land to the Denver ifies His Substitute—The Subject Pacitic Railroad and Telegraph Company. Deferred—BouttvelVs Couslitu - Mr. VAN TRUNIP continued his arg t.• . tional Amendment and 'Bill meat against the bill. I air. LOGAN , modified his substitute to I Relative to Suffrage to be Con read as follows: 1 sidered To•day. ' Be it enacted, ,Cc., That. tbe Union Pacific • Pittsburgh Gazette.] Rail Road Company, Eastern Division, is (By Telegraph to the 'WASHIN GTON, January s" , , 1569. hereby authorized to continue the comple tion of the road from the point of its pree . • SENATE. . eat termini fifty-four miles in the direction The PRESIDENT presented the ereden- to. Cheyenne Wells, And shall have'auther ity to issue coupon bonds to the extent of tials of James A. Bayard ii-nd'Thomate F. -- dollars per .mile of road to 'be re- Bayard, Senatorseilect from Delaware. ; built, said bonds to run forty years and to 1 Mr. TRUMBULL, from the Committee I bear interest at the rate of six per cent. on Judiciary, reported the - House joint res- 1 per annune'payable semi.annually on the 1 olution providing roe the disposition of cer- first days of February mid August of each tain papers relating, to claims against the year, in lawful money, the interest and 1 Department of the West, with ausendments, principal to be payable at the Treasury of 1 which were adopted, after,which the resole- i the United! States, or at the eflice of the , Lion V, as passed. , .-'Aesistant Treasurer of the . United States 1 Mr. I)BAKE, by unanimous instrne- lin tSe city of New Toth© at the option lion of the Committee on Pacific Railroad, of the Secretary of the Treasury; under reported and asked for immediete consid- such rules and regnlatione as the Secret eration of the resolution declaring it mail- tarse of the Treasury may preset - the. And quate for Congress tosinthorize any subsidy , the President of the United States shall I in Governineut bond to any railroad en- t appoint three competent persons as terprise -not entitled to it under existing 1 ConimisSioners to examine said railroad laws. _ . t stnnireport whether each seetion of twenty liir.EDSIUNI)S objected and the resolu-s miles of the said road is built in a good Lion went ever. . • 1 anorstuestautial manner; sled Commission - 1 Mr. POMEROY, from the Committee no ere shall so report in writing to the Presi- Pablic Lands. reported a bill to grant lands 1 dest, who, being satisfied with such report, , to aid in the construction of a railroad froni I shall approve the same and cause, it to be i the Mississippi river to Yencten on the Slim- ;filed with the Secretary of the Treasury, ; soma river, end. to amend the act of May I whereupon the United States shall gassy- 1 12, 104, granting lands to the State of lowa tote the payment of inn rest of bonds au- I to aid in the eonstruction of a railrcad in thorized to be issued asp aforesaid, to the ex. said State. It transfers the'grant made by t tent of --- dollar r utile of the *road \ the above act for the benefit, of the Me- 1 built. And it is hereby made toloyduty of Gregor And Sionx.,City Reittroad.gompany, I the Secretary of the Tr emery to endorse and grants the latter Company two sectione 1 and register! Midi heeds of the \ per mile to aid an extension of the. line United States, guarai teeing the pay eighty miles further to Scrant on. meet of interest then f, in such form 1 I Mr. POSIEROY also reported back the oas he may deem props , and the melons°. k bill to legalize certain land locations, which anent of such bonds by the Secretary declares the provisions of the act of July of the Treasury on be alf of the United \ 27, isa, shall not apply to loesations of Agri- States shall ipso facto constitute a first 1 etiltural College scrip made - by Itegi.sters t mortgage on tend refire d, its rolling stock ; and receipted for before the receipt or ofil- ' and furniture, in fas - or f the United States, 1 cial notice of its passage. to the extent of the into eat on said boutis. ' \edr. STEWART introduced a bill relatiVe And it is hereby niad the duty ef said to o f gold and silver Million at the railroad company to ha -e on deposit With mint of the United States and branehes, the Treasurerof the Uni ed States, at least which was referred to the Committee on tun days before any s nil-annual interest Appropriations. It authorizes the Sucre- falls due, a sufficient in Went of 111011bY to tary of the Treasury, whenever in his I pay such instaltinent o . interest, and upon judgment and in the judgment of the ill- ! failure to do so the P esideut may CAM . rectors of the mint it is for the interest of the Secretary, of the Tr tasury, upon onixty the United States to do .80, to receive on days' notice to said co pany, to take pos. deposit at the mint and branches relined. session of said railroiati stock and fixtures, gold and silver euiteble for coinage, and in 1 for or 00 'behalf of the Tinted States. And payment therefor deliver to the parties o for,the. purpose of wale tin provision for the making such deposits imported bars ,at to stout of the iuterea of said bonds, the such rates and upon such terms a regu- Secretary of the. T easurx is hereby i lations asi shall be prescribed by t he e' direct- directed to retain, first, all sums of tors of the mint, subject to the approval of money due said out au on ae the Secretary of the Treasury. count of transporting troops, munitions Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN then addressed of war and military. an Indian ,supplies; the Senate in reply to the argument of Mr. second, all moneys art ing, from the trans- Morton, yesterday,on his bill to punish the, portation of mails by, the said Company; collection of illegal taxes upon passengers,' third, all moneys arising from the trans &c. , mission of telegraph matiessages by the said Mr. MORTON replied briefly,-avhen the Company for the t United States. And the discussion was interrupted, by the expire.: Secretary of the Treasury shalt cause tiellii. tion of the morning hour. - annual statements of interest . accounts Mr. WILSON Snared a joint ,resolution to be made - with said) Company, and any to drop from the rolls of the .army the'olli- surplus money remaining after the. pay cers absent without leave. Referred to meat of any eernioan mad installment of Military Committee. • , . interest pled' be paid o the said Company. Mr. WILSON offered a joint resolution And for the-purpose f making provisleue re-appointing Professor Agaseiz as Regent for the payment of the principal of tile of the Smitheonian Institute, which roamed. said bonds, so male sed hy the United Mr. HOWARD, from the Committee on States, the lands of t o said Company here • Pacific Railroad, reported a joint resolution after granted by the "nited States for the directing the th e Uni on the Treasury to construction of th said road, or so withhold from the n' pacific Railroad much as beleng on oither' side of Company, and from each of its branches, the said road as herein mentioned. Government bonds t&the amount of 53,000 to be ,hereafter bu it, except so much per mile. as security to coinpletion oh as may be access ry to the operation ' the several lines - of road according to the of said road, which. shall be set apart for pre visions oi the law, this amount per that nu , pose by the three Comunesioners mile to be served until the President of aforeeaid, shall be, fast as every twenty the United Statest shall have certified that miles of said road re completed, put into ri 3 the roads are so completed, which is to,he market to actual se tiers at $2,50 per :Uwe, determined by special Coin missioneri who tinder such rules a d regulations as shall shall examine the roads and report, the be prescribed by th Secretary of the lu expense of such examinations to be paid by terra, and all non ys arising from the sale the Pacific Railroad Companies. Laid on of said lands shall be paid into!the Trees , the table. ' 'ury of the United States, and the Secretary The Senate then resumed to of the Treasury shall thereupon cause such don of 'the hill to promote cominerce money tote investedln the said/ bonds, the among' Statei which, by an amendment same to be cancelled and delivered to the made yesterday, is now merely a bill to an- said company. . • 1 thorize the construction of a railroad be- The subject then went over for the day. .. tween Washington and New York. ' The SPEAKER gave notice that toonors -The pending amendment was that offered row Mr. Boutwell would call ,up the Pro- Mr. Doolittle, to require the consents:if posed Constitutional amendment in respect the Ch et old of - the States through to suffrage, and the bill on that subject, for si bleb the road would pass. • debate during the day. • Mr. DOOLITTLE' hddressed the Senate. The death of. Mr. Hinds, late member Ile opposed the l bill, bill, first, because the Con- from Arkansas. who With assassinated - in stitution 'gave Congress no power to grant that State during the recess dr Congress, powers to ally cOrporation, expressly or_ ad was announced by Mr. ELIOT, df Arkansas.. implication; second, beeause Congress had After eulogizing on deceassd by the mem! no right to assert thelight of ambient do- bars of the Arkansas delegation, the House main over the territory of a State and there- .adjourned. by to ouststim jurisdiction of the o State itself; t hird, because Congress bad no w withdraw valualand important property interest belongin to the States out of the reach of taxation y the States.. In conclu sion he said it was well known he would soon retire from the Senate. probably from public life, for . which reason he was other consideration than a desire for the Mipi4 ness 'and prosPerlty. of . his country, " and . therefore he looked with confidence, to his brother Senators not speciousemeelves to, be persuaded, by theplea- of the commercial necessity of building up Wash ington into a great capital,to enter upon the dangerous experiment proposed in this bill, a system oelegislation which would the re sult in subjecting the government to control of mammoth corporations having neither bodies to be kicked nor souls totbe damned, and in whose hands Congress and the President would be but playthings. 'Mr. CONKLING, from the Committee of Conference in regard to the bill to prescribe LlAViiiils.. , ini the mode of obtaining evidence in contest ed elertiou eases, reported they hadagreed to it in a form authorizing. Registers'- . in ' , Baultrtip cy and, Notaries Public to take such evi ence. / . After some discussion the rer.ort was agreed to. AdjOurned till to-morrows Gang of Counterfeiters Caught. fey Telegraph to the Pittsbargh Gaaette.3 NEW' YORK, January 22.--toi. Wood's United States detectives .trial l e a descent this morning ori a den of cou terfeiters at a barber shop, No' 75 Cherrytreet, and sr rested seven men, all Italians, on a charge of deaing in counterfeit nbtes. A.bout 11.25,000 l in counterfeit greenbaPke, curreacy notes and fifty cent stamps, deo., were found on the premises, including 016,000 in two dollarbilla a the Rho Iland National B a nk. Alttonio 'Denat d io e is s 4said to be the leader of the gang. Three other arrests of parties connected with de. the', One, same named su were antrelin, ,made a despitsofficerte resietancei and slightly wounded an . The names of the others, as far as known, are Antonio Sari, Antonio Senor°, Litore letti, Rosazier Devere and Francois Ste phens. The prisoners were brought befere the United States Comtnissioner and re ,raanded Or trial. JAN -7- - --- Sll* P r l6l. - iiii 11 41- - I'l II A WI . _ Etoun crci.oc.n. 4•' THE CAPITAL. CITY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] WASITINOTON, January 22, IE/39. UNIVERSAL PEACE UNION. At a session of the American branch of the Universal Peace Union a resolution was passed that all idea of punishment should be done away with, asat war with the law. of love. The President stated that Rester :Vaughan will not be. executed, but be sent.howe to England. THE TOBACCO MEN. The' Tobacco Convention has appointed an Executive Committee to present to Con gress their views upon taxes. VIRGINIA RESTORATION. The Reconstruction Committee held a meeting this morning and was addressed by Col. John P. Baldwin, of Virginia,. on the .subject of the restoration of that State and in advocacy of the views presented by the Virginia Committee of Seven. .ittICEPTIONS. This evening the • reception Of Speaker and Mrs. Colfax took place and also that of Secretary and Mrs. M''Culloch. They were each attended by large numbers of ladies-and gentlemen, including members of the Cabinet, foreign Ministers, Congress meuand officers bf the army and navy. • • NOMINATIONS. The President has nominated to the Sen ate Jos. J. Stewart, of Maryland. as Minis ter— to Constantinople; Selah Waters, of Tenn., Minister Resident at Ecuador; J. M. Grisconv to be Pension Agent at St. Lends Iti COistSULTATION . The Judges of the Supreine Court were engaged in consultation on important ques tions, including that involving the cousti tutionality of the legal tender act. The Peabody Educational Ffind—Progress of Education mouth. Uty Telegraph,to the rittsburith Gazette. 2. BALTIMORIZ, January 22 —At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Peabody mid to-day Sauatiet Watson, of Teneessee, was unanimously elected to till the vacancy caused by the death of Wm. C. Rives, of Virgtula. Tue report of. Dr. Sears says that since his last; report special attention hug been given to estern Virginia, Arkansas and 'Western Tennessee. In 'tVest Virginia during the past year three hundred school houses were 'erected and one Ntirtuall school opened. while a second is waiting only fur funds sufficient io pay salaries of teachers. The State Superintendent appear's well qualitied for his ditties, and the County Su perintendents whom Or. Sears saw are- self sacrificing and efficient. Everything, sys in fact, appears promising, although the tern still iu its infancy. It appears that foe every thousand dollars given from :the Peabody Fund $3,000 were raised Iby the people, besides what they paid for iittaiol houses. :In Arkansas deep, interest is felt on the subject of education. The whole State is divided into school dis , Viet& I There is a State Superintendent - elected by the people for four years, as well as ten circuit superintendents, appointed by the Governor for four years, and also a trustee in each district, elected' annually by the people. A tax of one dollar is paid by every luhabitant over the age of twenty one. At Pine Bluff a proposition was made to give OW from the fond. if the people would raise $3,000. At Little Itock, whore there aro fifteen hundred white_ and 'one thousand colored caildren, arrangements Acute made for large primary' schools to each 'ward and for a high school to accom modate four hundred to -the hundred ad vanced pupils. The Peabody Fund contri butiOn was $2,000. - Similar propositions were made to the towns of :Fort Smith, Vanburen, Jacksonport, Camden, Wash ingten, Fayetteville, Helena and four or five smaller towns which, for the most part, have been accepted. Ten nessee has a school law, but not so perfect as West 'Virginia or 'Arkansai The sub-district system is its worst feature, introducing nothing but cenfusion and dis order. Unfortunately, also, the school fund has been pledged as security for State debts, and until recently no distribution has been intuit) to *shoots, and thou only small amounts. The school law, although of nearly , two years standing, is just begin- thug to take effect,- A year, ago there were few or no schools. Now there are in sever.' al counties an average of 'about fifty schools. Knoxville city has now a complete system of graded schools, for the support of which $9,000 are paid from its treasury and $2,000 front the Peabody Fund. The attentlauce is ,hearly equal to that of tglie whole county last' year. The public - schools of Chaitat nooga, calltd into existence by an offer of SLOUO from the general amount, -are also highly prosperous. Memphis has been similarly aided and is now erecting a line large building to bear the name of Peabody. Four of the center districts of Tennessee have received various amounts: front $3OO to $l,OOO. Similar arrangements have been effected in other States. Perhaps no city has, made a nobler advance than Peters burg,. Virginia.Louisiam hrotigh the gratuitous ageney B. 31. Fisher, id connection with the General ;Agent, schools have been established in ten towzs of the Stiste.j . On Motion of Mr. Evarts, it was ordered that the next annual bleating be heldon the 3d Thursday, of January, 1870, and that. thereafter that shall be the time of the annual meetings until otherwise orddred. On motion of,Oeneral Grantyseconded by* GovernoTrahaui, it was resolved "that in tdketi of . rateful remembrance Of the founder „. s-trust,,U copy of the pro-' ceetlings4i,e meeting, signed by the Cliairma inecrettirv,-beltransmitted to him with e:specia of this Board.". Resolutions -were, adopted 'recognizing the wisdom, fidelity and diligence which hive 'Marked thq course of the General Agent' la his aptfropriation , of the Means committed to his discretion arid Care. The Board' then adjourned. 1 Florida Leglslature tjli Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] T4.t.n.tuAssz, January 21.—1t0 vote. was taken for United Stites Senator to-d d or- by • Committee has been app ointe joint ballot to inuire into . the charges of -bribery and corruption in the Senatorial electionilast June, and the intlueuce now exerted to prevent an election. The pres ent indications are that Mr.; Oilbert's elec. ' tion will be endorsed. ' • • - A joint Committee has been appointed to consider the proposition.of the Alabama' annexation commission. TA.r.id.u.kssn, January 211.—N0, action was Whalen the Sonntorial electi7 quer 2 1 tion today. question The Senate is consider ng ' question of the phligthility of the let elected members. The House passed the bill rope ing act authOrizing the Governor to a pin detective rolice fore?, thr:mahmt the Stet, . t -, " ,- '7` l C • NEWS BY CABLE. Jay Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l GREECE AND -TURKEY. PARIS, January Conference has selected M*. Walowski to convey the Proto col to Athens. Ele has been' instructed to wait live days for the answer of the Grecian Government. • The adhesion of the Greek, government to the protocol adopted by !the Conference of Paris is now corrsidered,certain. GEM" AN V. BERLIN, January V..—The journalists of this city have held a _meeting and adopted an address to General' Grant, President elect of the United Steel, asking him to propose to Congress thee- passage of a bill establishing an international copyright law betsieen the United States and Germany. 111. I - BRUSSELS, January 22.—Leopold Ferdi. nan, Prince Royal of Belgium, died Lester• day, aged ten years. MARINE NEWS. ! LoN-Dos, January 22.—The steamship Belloua from New York, has arrived. FINANCIAL A.N V COMMERCIAL. L ON DON, Jan. 22. Consols 9814; 5.20 bonds ,5%. Stock firm; Erie 26 1 %; Illinois 93; At . antic 6: Great Western 45y. firm at Jan. 22.—U. 4 S. bondss at 79;4. PARIS, Jan. 22.—Bourse finis; Rentes 70 francs 25 centimes. LIVERPOOL, Jan.. 22.—Cotton—sales for the week 87,000 bales, of which 13,000 are for export and 18,000 for speculation; stock estimate 295,000, of which 82,000 are from the United States; amount afloat for Liver pool 291,000, including 130,000 bales Amer ican. The market to-day is active and high er; middling uplands. 11%allY; Orleans 113‘a11.3 , t',. sales 15,000 bales. M B anchester markets quiet and 'firm; California white wheat 14s. 9d.; red western 95. Od@lls. 11d. Flour 265. Corn 35.3. for old; 335. 9d. for new. Oats 3s. ild. Barley ss. Peas 445. 6.1. Pork 925. (Id. Beef, 105 s. Lard 725. 3ti. Cheese 735. Bacon bls. Tallow 465. 9.1. Clover seed firmer but higher. Lin seed oil firmer but not higheBs. r. 6d. Sperm LminoN, Jan. 2:2.—Tallow 4 01l 935. Spirits Paro:eum 81 Petro -4d. leum 58%a59% francs: Cotton at Ilavre 134 francs on the spot, and 137;4 afloat. Georgia Legislature. ' tty Te!errerph to the Plltliburgh Gazette• . L ATANTA, January 22The House - bill. deprivin4 the State Courts of power to enforce contracts made or implied prior to June, 1848, except in a suit against trustees and venders in possession of the property. also excepting cases of minors' suits against corporations and c suits for wages, &c., was defeated. A resolution that colored people are en titled to serve on juries, whenever such persons are upright and intelligent, and that no distinction should be made against per sons on account of race or color; was voted d A bill was also introduced to submit the eligibility of negroes to office to the Su preme Court of the State, quir , mg a decision Within two 'day s after the passage of the bill, and in case of refusal by the court to give a decision, it shall sub mit a reason therefor In writing.' ----- ' I Indiana United States Senator. f rty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Ism.o:AroLts, Jan. '22.—The caucus of the Ilepublican members of the. Legisla ture was• held this- morning. Cumback's name was withdrawn, and Hon. D. S. Pratt, of -Logansport, was • nominated • for Senator. The latter was elected in Joint Conv.mtion at noon to-day. *The • Note sto id: Pratt, eight% -three; Hendricks, sixty', absent and paired off, ,seven. ..„ • 13RIFY TELEGitANS, • ----•-- -General Sherman has been quite ill for several days past. 1 —The report on New ;York naturalization frauds will be made in Congress next week. —Haight's paper mill at Stillwater, N. T.. was burned Wednes.lay night. Loss t,40,000; insured for t 7,000. • district —The Demo - crate of the Second of New Hampshire, had noinivated Ed,.N. Harrington, of Manchester, for Congress. drowned—Carrie ladles above Elgin, Illinois, on Thursday agedatilsating 0 1 nineteen ti,e Pea y r e i a v r e s r , , was w night. —Mrs. Twitchell, indicted_ for the mur der of her mother at Philadelphia, has been acquitted, the Commonwealth abandoning lit the case. —Miguel Herrera' a merchant of Hadent vaaof, h a s been apoointedtemporary Pres: the Banco Del Comerico, and Will attempt to arrange its affairs. —Hon. Seth Ames has been qualified as one of the Jtistices of the Supreme Judi cial Court of Massachusetts, in place of Judge Foster, resigned. - • - —Late A.fizona advices say sickness of a \ malignant type prevailed at, Tuscan, and i Edmost every person in the place was at t. acked, and many had' died. --John Smith, alias H. V. Clinton, an al leged embezzler, of Buffalo, and three other the one a murderer escaped from the Pallaltla jail on the 9th inst. _ • The furniture manufactory of H. E. Nickerson & Co., in Atchison, Kans 000; i as, w as burned Thursday. night. Loss, *l2,n -sured in the Enterprise of Cincinnati for mow. _ .. - • —.The Pittslibrgli delegaticai who favor an increase of the duty on sal soda and ad mitting cryolite free of tax, had a hearing before the Ways and Means Committee oti Thursday. —Two fresco painters, Geiger and 'Hes t ruff, were precipitated twenty-live feet. to a floor by a scaffold breaking, in Saint :item' Chnrch, at Cincinnati, yesterday. Beth , will recover. . . —The three Chicago policeman charged with the manslaughter of the t ee: laex-Judge Tyler Were discharged yesterd because the prosecution attorneys w rer too busy with paying cases to attend to •.4 unprofit able one. ' , • —E, W. Wise, a photograp &tor Tithed, Missouri, was arrested . day 1 ago for manufacturing cotite orlon carrence. A considerable tit entity limey, presses, ink, &c., were. our . , d establishment. - • --Merchant's Hotel, at Priviere Du k Canada,' WM) destroyed by. , lire yeaterda„‘ afternoon. Three of Mr. 'Merchant's chit. drertand a Mr. Wallach`, a civil engineer, were butted to death, :and a number of others insured: , . , \ —Geo: A. Allen vrr.s arraigned in "the Criminal Court at- St.. Louis. yesterday, on ,d _ a charge of robbing l A nd intent to kill Jo- e l s ot i an a l , I at: the from ; s o, : tm , ' h ni co e s ir s oA c E n gu i cif os t, of ol aAdamsavetr. tTheon t E ha x ot n p u 8 ao r e u s nn s i t h e dollars. ,t, a —The body of 1. F. Polk, the missing - . clerk, was found. in the ruins of the late lire . • lIIM==I ff E=2l=l otx at Caldwell A: Co.'s, Pllll,olelphis, Thursday even ing Keys carried by 11111 were found with the bones, and were the only Means of identification. —The demand for seats at the Parepa Rosa conceits next week in new Fa r Farwell Hall, Chicago, was so great yesterd t 1,000 worth were taken before neon. They Wing given in Young Men's Christian As sociation Hall draws out the religious class. --The Central Pacific Railroad is com pleted to twenty-one miles beyond Elko, four hundred and eighty miles east of Sac ramento, and within one hundred and eighty miles of Monument Point at the head of Salt Late. The track is beingJ • laid at the rate of two miles per day. —The New York Times reports that Mr- Seward has lately been arranging his af fairs for an extended tour of traveL h. he proposewbeginning on the eatgrawill tion hii of his term of office. Ton he be across the continent W I Cslqwnia, and thence through the ..tepabßde oil South America, - —Twenty-one sailors and one passenger were lost by the wreck of the steamer Gulf City, off the North Carormacoastrreeently. Eight persons took a raft, but dnring forty eight hours hunger and tiler' st five of them tell into the sea and were - drowned. ked the remaining three being pie - up and saved. —The Nationai•Woma n's,Righti Corral tion has adjourned. Resolutisne were adopted demanding that wcsnen esid..color ed men shall he made eligible to Congress, that women shalbhave equal pay for labor as men; and that suffrage shell be :lased on loyalty and intelligence. An address to the people will be issued. —lt has been stated that John C. Maine, of the rebel navy, who has bean in confine ment for two years in Kings enmity . (New York) goal, will be released under the e he President's amnesty s proclamation but t United States District Attorney Is'a Vets- .received no instimetiOns in cheese ter from the Attorney General: —The Kansas Legislature yesterday passed resolutions asking that the Osage treaty be so amended as to give thessixteentle and thirty•sixth sections to schools. Ttora amended the treaty, will be satisactory to the people of Kansas, and they w'.ll rejoice at the-speedy removal'of the Osage Indians to the Indian Territory. —General Grant -yesterday vigted , the- Abbott Iron Works, at Baltimore, attended' a concert at the Peabody Institnte, and also called on J. J. Stewart, nominated'as, Minister to Russia by President 3blinson. Last night a priyate panty was given in his' honor at the residence of Mr: Albert. About three hundred persons were fresens, includiog many who were in tha rebel army and others who sympathised with the e he Southern rebellion during the war. T affair was the most brilliant. ever had' n Baltimore. • —A petition is being. circulated in the house of Representatives at Washington, asking the Senate not to confirm any morn nominations made by the President' this session,' whether they be Republicaus - or Democrats. It has already received - the signatures of nearly all the Repabliean members of the House, and will, it is-ex pected. be laid before the Senate at its next Executive session with the name of every Republican in the Huse attached to it, It is understood that this movement has-the by sanction of Gen. Grant, and was started his particular friends in the House. • • New Brighton—The Churches—Literaryl Entertainments, dm. [Correspondence of rittgLurghi ( iazette .] NEW Baienro-5, Jan, 22, 1869. The churches of this- place have bean more than usually active since the holi days. The week of prayer was observed. by nearly all or thern, and it proved . an in teresting week. How appropriate that the Christian world-should engage in prayer t* Almighty God at. the same time and for the these blessings. We have had service the churches frequently, and in sorno,of them daily ever since. There is qonsiderto ille interest, though not as general as is de sired. We have here, as well as elsewhere, the several classes-that generally compose the community, to wit : the earnest Christian, theluke warm professor, the so-called moral worldling, and the recttlessl, miserable sin ner, who glories in his shame.. Semeof this latter class are in the habit of going to two or three churches ha one eveningi, and thus by going in and. out during service and loitering. id the vestibules constitute themselves a public nuisance. • 'As to literary entertainments; such as _ lectures, eta., the people here fare about as. well as t.hoSe in the cities. We have had. four lectures this week. One ikflond wpm ght by Rev. Watkins, on Wo.ds Wednesday night by R. Bogdan the Nes i torian-Priest , on the Fhsligions,anePelitical condition of , the People pf Turkey, and on Friday night by Dr. Clark, of Allegheny, on Work an& Wages. They were all good, nit Instructive lectures, worthy of the patronage of-an in telligent pi:)11m We are having gocd winter weather. The ground is covered with snow. the health. of thepeople is generally good. Lthinkves 'do no: average a funeral a week- C., State Agricultural Shady. The State Agricultural Society- met in "Barrieburg, on Wednesday! afternbon. There was.a reasonably full attendance of .members. The contest for wane , of the l of ,fices vas very- animated. The. following are the officers for 1869: President—AMus .. Rapp. Vice Presidents—l . : , "James. "Mc • • Crea. 2. George Blight. 3, Samuel M. Fulton. 4. A. B. Cummings. 5. Adzian , Cornell. 0.. C. P. Relf. 7. Samuel J. t Sharpless. & Tobias Bait°. 9, Jacob A. Rreybill. 10. Martin Early. 11. Joseph .Sigman. 12. Satnuel E. Druisbacti. 13. George D.Jackson. 14., John Ah Scan% 15. Georgell Butcher. 16. "Daniel 0. clehr. 17. John J. Souther. 18. B. Morris El lis; 19. Henry Souther. 20.' John C. Brown. 21. George Rhey. 22. John Mur dock, it. 23. William S. Bissell. 21', Jos. "Wright.' • \ Additional Members Executive Com mittee—William Confider, J. R. Eby, D. W. Seiler, B. G. Peters, John R.Zeigler, Frederick.. Watts, James Gowen,' Themes P. Xnex.-David Taggart, Jacob S. fialde man, A. Boyd Hamilton. Corresponding Secretary--Elbridge AU- Ran- Conkey. r two Chemist and Geologist—S. S. Haldeman. ostal Librarian --L. Rlgers. ' 1 111 T. AMP. S!! t.k Mortuary Itepor 1 Dr. A. , 43. I.l'Candless, Thy ail to the l 'Pl iP ' w Board'nf Health, reports the - lowing in f: terments in the city of Pittsburgh fob the week' commencing January. 10, and 'ending January 17,1869; Males W 7:I White 15 1 - • tTo al. ...:. 17 ''t Females.:...,lo C010red..,,, „ 2 Diseases--Consumption, • cancer, 2; de bility, 2; pneumonia, 2; dis se of brain, 2; ,Intemperance, 1; puerperal I per, 1; convol-. Mons, 1; small pox, 1; - un nown, 2; alPh tbetia, 1,1 ', Of the above flare were: Under 1 year,4; from: 2 to 5, I; 20 to 30, 4; 30 to 40,2; 40 to 50*, 3;54t9?0,2;00ta 70,1. _ NM it