PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF THE PaTemrium GazErrs, / THURSDAY, January 21, 1869. The markets, in a general way, present but little that is new or really important. Some few articles, such as Clover seed and Dried Peaches, are firmer, in consequence of scarcity, and higher, but as a 'general thins., there are no essential changes in values. APPLE BUTTER-75 to 80 cents. APPLES—Quiet; sales at $3,50 to 15,00 per bbl, for inferior to choice. BUTTER—Continues very dull, tut un changed; we continue to quote at 33 to 35c, for good to prime Roll. BEANS-13,25 to 13.50 per bushel. BUCKWHE ' T FLOUR—DuII at 4 to 4%:. CRANBER ES—Dull: $l9 to 520. CHEESE— ' les Hamburg at 16 to 17; and Goshen 19 to - 20c: • CARBON 0 L—ls quoted firm. in a job bing way, at 29;4 to 30, for standard white. CORIiMEAL—SI to 11,10 per bush.. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches scarce and higher; we now quote quartera at 14, and halves at 18 to 1854. „Apples in better de mand at .9 to 11 cts. DRESSED HOGS-13 to 140. EGGS—DuII at 25 for pickeled, and 30 for fresh packed. HAY—Fair to strictly prime, baled, Tim othy Hay may be quoted at 120 to 525 per ton, on wharf. ,- HOMINY-16.25 to 16,50 per bbl. HEMP—Sales at $2lO per ton. PROVISIONS—Bacon is firm with job bing sales at 14 to 15c for Shoulders, and 19 to 1954 c for Hams. Country Lard. IS% to 19c, and 20 for prime kettle rendered in tierces, and 21c in kegs and pails. Mess Pork, 130,50 to 181. LARD OlL—Firm' at $1,38 to 11,40 for No. 2, andll,6B to $1,70 for No. 1. SEEDS— .Cloverseed is in demand and tending upward; we quote at 19,50 to $10; " $3.25 to 13,50 for Timothy, and $2,35 to $2,40 for Flaxseed. SALT—Vnchanged at $2 by the car load, and 10 to' 15c per barrel additional for small lots in store. GRAlN—:Wheat is dull and unchanged at 51,75 to 51,80 for Winter. Oats quiet but steady; we now quote at 64 to 65c on track and 66 to 68 in store. Corn; in con sequence of cdminhthed arrivals, is a shade stronger though unchanged; sales on track at 80 for Ear, and 82 to 83c for Shelled. Rye is dull and cannot be quoted above 51,45. Barley dull and nominal; may be quoted at 51,80 to 51.85 for No. 2 Chicago Spring, and 52 for prime Pennsylvania and Ohio: RAGS--434 to 5 cts. TALLOW—Rendered, 11 to 11%c. ONIONS-bales at $5 to $6,00 per bbl., as to quality. - . "POTATOES—DoII and unchanged; small sales in store at 85 to 90c. POULTRY—None in market. PEANUIE—SaIes at B%c per lb. FLOUR—The market is dull and un changed. We continue td quote at $7,25t0 $7,75 for Spring, and Winter Wheat, $9,50t0 $9,00. Rye Flour, $7,50. The Pearl - Mill quote their brands, made of the beßWheat. as folloWs: Extra Family Flour, inibarrels, at ;9,30, and, in Sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra . Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sackS, 19,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels,- $7,80, and, in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, $9,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $9,80, and. in sacks $9,50 per barrel, and Spring. $B,OO, in barrels, and $7,70, in sacks, per barrel. WHlSKY—Highwmes are still quoted, in a jobbing way, at 98 to $l. SOW3fIUM-60 to 65c per gallon. Financial Matters in New York. Gold 'Closed at 135%@135%. gig Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nem Yowl, January 21, 1869. MONET. Money was active in the morning at 7 per cent. on call, but later in the day capital' was plenty and the market closed easy at 6@7 per - cent.' - Prime business paper 7@9 per cent. but not much doing. The Ezpress says the bears are diaaP. pointed at their failure to break the great bull speculation on ,stock exchange by pounding the Legislatures of several west ern States after railways, and inducing them to reduce fares. The leading railway shares were freely sold on this programme, but the effect was very slight and the dez cline comparatively- unimportant. Bears are smarting j under this new:defeat, and are preparing to resort to their old trick of locking' ap 'greenbacks. 'There 1423" been considerable consultation to-day, and tie movement is on foot to lock up twenty-five millions of greenbacks. The parties to this new combination,are comppand of many who were long on tocleon the. .great . Erie lock-up and 'panic in October. Sterling quiet at 8%a9%. Gold dull, opened at 135%, declined to• 135% and . Closed it 135%@135%." The . Clearances at the Gold Exchange Bank was 1143.0000. - There have recently been some heavy par cliaaes 'by_ -stock ' operators to cover the gold borrowed in December against the i stock collaterals and :which., they sold to get currency. There were vague rumors to day of the lock up of gold, which, to so some extent, demoralized the markets. - • BONDS AND STOCKS. Governments dull but steady. Coupons of 1881. 112@112%; d 0 . 162, 113%; do. '64, 109%@109%; do. '65, 110®110%; new d 0 .,. 108% do. ',.67,- 108%®.108k; do. '6B; 108%01109; Ten-Forties, 107%@108. State Bonds active; Missouris 87(g188; Old Tennessees 673E@68; Virginias 62@63; Lou isiana Levees, Mies 72%; Alabama Eights 94;-New North Carolinas. declined tb.64. The Railway market opened firm but commenced to decline at the first open ard, with reactions, and so continued until i o e o'clock, when , it steadied and subse ! g entry advanced. closing ' strong bat un ttled. '' The special, favorites were Rock land, Reading, Old Southern,Pitteburgh, -.; eific Mail, Canton and Mariposa pre .l ~ fe aed. Express shlareie were'excited and higher in the morning-but closed with a ; . - decline of la 2 per cent. from the highest ;,n 'point. Pacific Mail- fell' nearly three per cent, .on the pretieure of sales but recovered 1 ; partially before the close. i, Jive-thirty Prices:— Cumberland, 36%© 87%; Wells Express, 29@)29%; America!, ; 3;t Adams, 58k; United , States, 43310 50; —,MercliantaAJnion,..,:l6l4-Quichailver , '''' 26.46 2 6,11 Canton, 5934@88 3 / 4 1.Pacitio Mall. 119@l19%; WesteriiHnlon Telegraph, :18% (0) 3 6,0 ' MariPeitai • 7®.131 --de!: Itreti :24@ 24%; New York , Central, , 163%0163%; f Erie, 38%®38%; do." preferred, 63@)64; Hudson, 130%@13035; Harlem, 132@133; dp. preferred, 137; Reading, 95%@9534; -,. • Terre Haute, 39®40%; do., preferred, 65® 6'; Wabash, 6134 @KIN; do. prof, 75; St. Paul, 74 %@7414; prefel•red, 9.4%®9434; Pt. Wayne, 183@123%; Ohio and Mississippi,B3%@33k; Michigan Central, i16%®117%; Michigan 1. Southern, 92%@92%; Illinois Central, 138® ', 140; Pittsburgh, 92%@92%; Toledo, 103%@ ' —10835; ' Rock Island, - 18034(41311 North !):western, 81%@82; do. preferred, 86%ig) 86%; Cleveland, Columbus- and Indiana Central, 47; Lake Shore,lol%; Mining shares steady. Gregery 36; Smith, ~' 'Parmelee, 235. - - - r . '-= Copper Stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, 16%, _. 'Franklin, 14k; . Heela, 70; Hancock, 2%;Minnesptit,2; Quincy, 2335; Calznet;•so. l• = suit-TREASURY. , --., Receipts at the Sub-Tressurv, /4,841,W* Payrnents. l s 3 , l l 2 . 22o ; balance $85.652084. The Assessoiof Internal Revenue for, the Z Thirty-second District, which includes Wall street and- immediate neighborhood, has - Made claim that the tax of 1-24 of iine per cent. , levied on capital of stock and -, gold broker* should be eitended to money •.' borrowed by them On call loans: The claim i , is a new one and brokers believe it unjust. '''• The Stook Exchange, open board, and Gold Exchange 41% aPPeinteda joint cotiintit. !=. tee to 'consideti the'subject and to take the 1 necessary etepia for testing :the right of the i assessor toleyy:ipaclitax. • ' • ...... ... mirkets by Telegrailli. NE'"? YORK, Jemmy 21.—The Cotton market is firmer and demand is fair; sales are reported of 3,300 bales of Middling Up lands at 29140; some sales were reported to have been made at as high at 2914 c. Flour —receipts were 10,778 bbls; market heavy and SalOc lower; salas 9,400 bbls at $5,60a 6,29 for superfine State;. western, $6,65a7,15; cenimon:to choice:extra State, $6,45x7,50; do. extra-western, $7,40a9,25; good choice white wheat extra, 86,50a9; common to choice round hoop Ohio; 87,50a8,50: common to fair extra St. LOUIR, s9al2; good choice do. closing dull; California Flour is dull and nominal at 850,25 for old and 38,50a11 for new. Rye Flour dull and sales are repOrt ed of 150 bbls at 13,45a7.50. Cornmeal quiet and 150 bbls white western sold at 14,20. Whisky dull; 150 bbls sold at 51a1,61 for city, free, and for western free. Wheat —no receipts are reported; market is a shade firmer' and there is a moderate business doing for export; sales 78,500 bush at $1,58 81,61 for No. 2 spring in store; $1,65 for Mts. aouri; $1,95 for Michigan; $2,10 for white California. Rye dull and heavy: western offered at SI,EO. Barley—sales 2,000 bu Canada West it $2,15. Barley malt quiet; sales 600 . bu at 42,10 for Canada. Peas in better request; sales 600 bu in bond at $1,45. Corn—receipts 34,644 bn, less active and the prices are 'unchanged; sales 48,000 bu at 94a 96c for new mixed western; 94335a97c for western yellows 97a99c for southern do.' 85 aBBc for New Orleans`white. Oats—receipts 1,290 bu and dull and lower: ealei 18,000 bn at 7435 c for western in store; 76e for do. afloat. Rice firm. Coffee firm; sales 3,100 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar quiet; sales 500 hhds Cuba at 113ic; 60 has Havana at 113allXc. Molames dull. Petroleum. firm; Bales 2,000 bbls at 21c for crude; 36e for refined bonded. Hops quiet at 10a18c for American. Linseed oil $L Pork firm; sales 550 bbls at $30830,50 for new mess; $28,75a29,1235 for old do; $24,50a26 for prime; $28,50a29,30 for prime mess; also, '250 bbls.. extra prime, sellers for March, at. $25,50. beef steady, with sales of 160 Mils at $9,00a $10,54 new plain mess, $/6,00a519,50; new extra mess tierce beef steady, with sales of 400 tierces at 27a32.c; prime mess, 31c; In. diana mess beef hams quiet, with sales of 125 bbls at 30a35; out meats steady, sales of 640 packages at 1234; shoulders, 14}4a17c; dressed hogs firmer, at 1335a140 for West ern, and 145ia143ie for city; Middles firmer, sales of 425 boxes at 15c; Cumberland cut, 16c; short ribbed, 1635. Clear lard firm, with sales of 900 tierces at 1.9a19c for steam and 193(,a20c for kettle rendered; also. 350 tierces prime steam rendered for sellers for April at 1935.. Butter, 30a490 for Ohio, and 40a59 for State. Cheese firm at 16a20. Freight to Liverpool more active. Engagements-50,000 bush grain at 635 d.; wheat, per sail, 14a173{d.; do. per steam, 17d.; corn, per steam, 7d.; 140 bbls flour at 19a. 9d.a2os. Latesf.—Flour closed in lingers' favor, with more doing in medium and common grades for export. Wheat firm for spring, with moderate export demand, and dull and unchanged for winter. ,Rye nominal at $1,50 for Western. Oats drill and heavy at 74c in store, and 76a7634c afloat. Corn closed quiet at 94c 'for new Western, and nominal at $1,06a1,09 for.old do. afloat and in store. Pork quiet and steady at $3O for new mess. Beef in moderate demand and unchanged. Bacon firm. Lard quiet at 19,4a193fc for fair to prime steam. Eggs dull at 30c. CHICAGO, January 21. 7 .-Eastern exchange dull at par. Flour dull but holders firm l at $5,45a6,75 for spring extras. Wheat— No. 1 dull at 51,1934a1.20, No. 2 active and ' firm and lal.c higher; sales at $1,14a1,14%. , closing firm at the outside; sales since 'Change at $1,15%,. Corn moderately active and %o higher; sales of new at 54a54%, no grade at 50a51, closing steady at 54e for new; sales of No. 2 62a62%, and No. 1 at 68 168%, seller last half of February, and new 5434, buyers all the month; nothing doing this afternoon. Oats steady; sales No. 2at 47%a48y,„ rejected 45a45%, closing at 48c for No. 2. Rye steady, at $1,16a1,16% for No. 1, closing at 11,16. Barley firmer and I%a2c higher; sales No. 2 at $1,693,a1,71, closing at 51,70. Highwines dull and nom inal at 9435a95e. Provisions less active; prime Mess Pork $29.50. buyer February, closing nominal at $29,25a29,37% for mess; ordinary firmer aid higher; sales at 523,50 for prime. Mess Beef quiet; rump 23c. Bulk meats firm; sides 14%c, short ribs 15c, dry Ratted shoulders 12%c, green hams steady at 15%c. sweet pickled hams 15%c. Lard nominal at 18%a19%c. Beef hams firmer at 31c. Dressed Hogs steady and active at sl2,2sal3,oo„elosing at 012,- 37%a12,75. Receipts for the past twenty four hours-11,034 bbls flour, 34,581 bush wheat, 67,129 bush corn, 22,932 bush oats, 2,947 bush rye, 2,815 hush bar1ey,8,292 head hogs. Shipments--10,140 bbls flour. 4,851 bash wheat, 12,837 bush corn, 10,148 bush oats, 2.375 bush rye, 2,680 bush barley, 6,- 086 head hogs. flogs dull and drooping at 19,50a10,40 for fair to good, and $ll for extra prime. Beef Cattle dull, nominal and 10a15e lower; sales at $4,10a5,00 for common to fair, and 56,25 a 7,12% for good to choice. CINCINNATI, January 21.—Flour and Grain unchanged. Cotton held higher; middling We. Whisky. in lair , demand at 98e. Provisions firmer and prices gener- - ally higher. Mess Pork; extra heavy and sold at 530, but this is an extreme rate; the demand is moderate, still it could not have been bonght to any extent less than this. Bulk meats advanced to 1234a143,a15%a _ 16%c and were held %c higher at the close, and shoulders 13c, seller, March. Bacon advanced to 133;c for shoulders. 16%c for clear rib sides, and 17%e :for clear, and holders ask one-fourth cent higher at the close, with a strong market. Sugar cured hams higher and must be quoted at 18a 18%c for canvassed and packed. Lard held at 193,a20c; firm with no sales of Impor tance. Butter plenty and dull at 33a38c. Cheese very firm at 19%a22c. Clover Seed firm at 516. Timothy Seed 53,50. Flax Seed In demand at $2,20. Linseed, 011 nu - - changed. Lard Oil in active demand at $1,60a1,65. Eggs dull at 24a25e. Gold 135% baying . - Exchange steady at 50 dis count to par. . , ST. Lours, January 21.—1 n Tobacco noth ing was done. Cotton lower, with sales middling at 273;c. Flour quiet; sales Su perfine at 55,75a6,25; extra at $6,50a6,75; fall ,dortble l extra at $48,25; double extra to 'fancy at 59a10 , 25. Wheat dull 'and nomi nal, with Balite prime red_ at $1,70; white at $1,75a1,85. Corn held firmer at 70a72c. Oats firmer, but slow, at•s7a6oe. _Nothing dOne in Rye or Barley. Pork active and higher at 529.5040, Bulk M.f.atil active awl ad vanchig,with large sales alionlderti at 12%c, -clear Meta at 16%c, and - rough sides at 14%. I Bacon firm and advancing, With shouldera ' at 14e, and clear sides at 17a18wi. Lard buoyantf With salt* choice' kettle et; 19c. Hogs,are in better:, demand, and higher prices are paid for choice; . sales at 9%a11q. Becelpta--1,790 bbls flour, 922 bush wheat, none of corn, 2,316 bush oats, 1,202 bush barley, 1,669 head hogs. TOLEDO, January 21.—Flour dull with no demand. Wheat—amber opened lc lower and closed 2c better, with sales of 350 bus at $1,67, 700 bus at $1,68, and 1,050 bus at 51,69; white Michigan le better at $1,72 on spot, and 11,73, buyer, February; at the close No. 2 spring was to lower, with stiles at 51,50; No. .3 spring , iinchanged at 51,15. Corn—new unchanged and market moder ately active at 564 c; rejected ' 3 / 4 c lower, with sales at 59,0; the latter in light request. t Oats dull and nominally unchanged.. Rye :dull and unchanged. 'Barley; _No.I steady at $1,73a1,75 for'western; Canada $2,05. Dressed Hogs steady at 123,0130. Clover ,Seed quiet and offered at a decline of Sc' without buyers. , Cr.tvg LANA January 21.—FlOur--Mar ket dull and heavy for city made; treble ex tra white, $11,11,25: double .extra amber, $9,50a9.75, double extra .red winter 58;50; double extra spring $7,75a&; country, made double extra red' amber , $7.44.001 sarinir s w 7, bea ooa7 tu ,:lt i double extra, white 59,25210,00. heavy and lower; light Raba of No. 1-red winter at $1,70, . and No. 2 do. at 51,90; • No.,1 1 ipring nominal : Corn dull hpit 1 fingi, and a shade better ,; 4 new fibl/4.44/4 PTV CSIAJIPH GAZETTE:. , FAIPAtTif ;ANT AIM 22, ,1869. at - 72e...' Oats dull and nominal; NO. 1 State held at 6110320, with a light InquirY. Rye; no inquiry. Barley dull and nominal. Petroleum market' excited and higher; re fined held at 32 1 ,033%e for large lots, small lots to the trade 34a36c; the demand is good NEw Yons, January 21.—Dry Goods.— The demand has improved somewhat, but far from being active and;the whole tone of the market partakes of quietude. Prices in the •meantime are firm at 1534a17 for heavy brown sheeting% 13%a14 for do shirt- Inge, 1£44 for Pacific mills prints, 18 for lawns, 31 for Pacific percoles, 20 for Pacific Printed delaines, 20 for Pacific Orientals, 25 for do alpacas, 27% for do 64', 25 for do Pekins, 21 for do armures, V% for do serges, 24 for amines and 22 1 ,4 for Pacific robe de chambres. The agents of Lancaster and Oriental prints have advanced their prices for new styles to 13 1 ,4. Woolens generally remain quiet. MILWAUKEE, January 21.—Flour dull and 13rices 'unchanged. Wheat unsettled and higher at $1,1834 for No. .1 and $1,1214 for No. 2. Oats entirely nominal. Corn steady at 56a58 for new. Rye unchanged. Barley : emcee and with an upward ten dency,' at 81.60a1,55 for No. 2. Provisions quiet and weak; prices unchanged. Dressed Hogs steady at $12.50a12,75. Receipts -4;000 bble Flour; 37,000 bus Corn; 2,000 bus Rye; 2,000 bus Barley; 'l,OOO Dressed Hogs. Shipments —5,000 bbls Flour; 2,000 bus Wheat; 25 bbls and 400 tierces,Pork; 60 tierces Lard. Louis - an:LH, January 21.—Sales of 135 hhds baeco common lags to hard com mon 1 fat sy(a32Xc. Cotton 28%c. Mess Pork PO. Lard 19%. Bulk Shoulders at 1 3, clear rib ;sides 'at 16a16, clear rib al es 16a11314c, clear sides 183 alsNc. Bacon, shoulders 14a14 1 /,., clear rib aides 17 1 4, clear sides 173;a18 all paaked. Super fine flour $5,50a6. Wheat 11,130a1,90. Oats 60a63. Corn 60a72. Rye 151,40a1,45. Whisky, raw free at 98a99c. . BaurntosE, January. 21—Flour dull and lower, western superfine at $6,25a6,76, extra at $7,50, family at $9,75a10,50. Wheat dull sales of good prime red at ;2,75. Corn dull, prime white at 86c, yellow 86. Oats dull at 70a7Sc. Rye firm at 81,45a1,55. Mess Pork firm at 4330,50. Bacon active, rib sides at 17y,a17W, clear do. 18, shoul ders 15, hams 19. Lard 20. • Mmarars, January 21.—Cotton firm and more active at 28;028%o; receipts 988 bales; exportsl,s24 bales. Flour steady at 87,00 a 7,50. Corn 68c. Oats 68a70c. Hay 25c. Bran $25. Corn Meal $3,50. Pork $3l. Lard 20a21c. Bulk Meats stiff; shoulders 13e; sides 16Xc. Dressed Hors 11%a12c. Potatoes; peach blows $2,60; pink eyes in deinand at $1,50. _ PnaLADELFzuw, January 21.—Flour dull and weak: lowa and Wisconsin extra fam- ily; 57,50a8,00: Ohio d0.48,50a10,00. Wheat w k and in little demand; red, 11.80; am be , $2a2,05, Rye, §1,60a1,63. Corn and Oa a unchanged. Petroleum firm; refined, 34: lie; crude, *sales of 250 bbla at 19c in bu k. Whisky, $1,01a1,03. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD, • • LAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL RO D, January 21.-12 cars iron ore, W H :h..nberger & Blair; 7 do do, McKnight,. Po tot & Co; 2 do do, Graff, Byers k Co; 2 do .0, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 2do pota toe -, McVilty & Wyman; 1 do do, J F Blair; 1 : r stone, JL L Knox; 1 car brick and clan,J Cuthbert; 1 car clay, S M Kier; 1 do oil Vm McCutcheon; 48 bbls oil, D Bly & Co 1 car brick and clay, Hartupee & Co; 25 bb s oil, S B Floyd dr Co; 100 half bbls her ri .g, 20 do white fish, J H Lippincott; 9 bxs soles, Fairbanks, Morse A Co; 5 smith be lows, Whitmore, Wolf, Duff & Co; 2do do J Woodwell & Co; 25 bas candles, B 0 & H Sawyer; 75 plow points, Anderson & Wool; .10 bbls white lime, Ecker & :key; 2.5 has hardware, Secomb & Co; 30 bd a handles, Postley, Nelson '& Co; 12 bxs g - ware, T A Evans; 12 bbis apples, 13 do dr • apples. Ido dry peaches, 4 kgs lard, V. igt, Mahood & Co; 6 rolls leather, J C H. - on; 19 bags cloverseed, H 'Robison &- Co 10 bbla apples, H Riddle; 8 do do, 5 do o ..ons, 1 do butter, Head & Metzger; 6do bone dust, Seward & 'Campbell; 10 do dry apples,lH Rea Jr. ALLBuitrict VALLEY RAILROAD, Jan uary 21.-600 bbls oil, Fisher & Bro; 480 do do, Hutchinson Oil Co; 80 do do, George Ober; 100 do do, W McCutcheon; 5 caddies tobacco, J Murphy; 23 bags oats, Jas Gra ham; 62 bgs rags, 5 do flour, McCullough, Smith & Co; 2 cars grain, Martin, Brickell 4t CoI 4 bbls apples, Vangorder & Shepard; 1 car hay, Blaney & Moore; 30 sks oats. 73 do corn, Scott & Gisal; 28 bags rye, 12 do oots, Adattis & Austin; 74 sks wheat, Wm McKee & Co; 22 do rye, 4 do Pour, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; , 4 tons metal, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 31 pkgs . rags, Fr zor & Stet?, gar; 2 cars limestone, Shoonbvrger A Blair; 1 ear.metal, John Moorhead; 1 do do, )tees, Graff & Dail; 100 bbls ref` oil, McKetvy & Bro; 100 do do, Nat Ref Co. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILROAD. January 21.-1 car rye, Thus Moore ' & Son; 30 bbls pearls, J B Lyon; 15 do.do, J B Canfield & Son; 25 bbls whisky, J Adler & Co; 25 has candles, F. Sellers & Co; 7 bbls dry - apples, 11 Rea•Jr; 1 bbl eggs. 4 bbla apples, H Lenz; 4, cars limestone, 3 do iron ore, Shoenborger & Blair; 100 bbls flour, Leghmyer. & Voskahap; 100 do do, Dan WAllace; 2 cars oats, Scott & Gloat; 1 car green hams, B H Myers & Co; 12 bales broom'corn, 11 R McClellan; 3 do do ' X, B Taylor; 300 bbis flour , owner; 1 car bulk bran, 20 bbls flour, Keil & Ritchart. ALLEGHENY.. STATION. January '21.-1 car wheat R T Kennedy & Bro; 3 kgs lard, 5 bxs candles, 6 do soap, S Dyer; 2 care rye, W McKee & Co; 5 bbla apples, 1 do eggs, J V Wilson; 3 green hides, Lappe & Weise; 70 sks oats; lot shipstulfa, Hick & Scholble; 140 sks corn, Geo Stewart; 250 pigs lead, T H Nevin & Co. MISCELLANEOUS. - NOTICE.—AII Persons Having claims agates; the F.EiIEgAL Olt. COMPANY are requested to present the same duly authenties ted for sett.ement. And all persons holding vet lid wit' of stock trill please have the same properly transferred on the boots of the Chnpany to enable them to draw dividend from proeeeds of the prop. erty which has been sold, and of .which Alvidend win be. awarded when debts of the Conivany are pat 4 ,ascertalned.••• • _H . ' A. MILLS, Secreta ry . Corner Duquesne Way and Hand street. Pittsburgh, Jan, 5, 1869. a6:60. Potsons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of ROBERT - late of rittaburgh, de'd, will make 1111111 e•. (Hite payment to theOlabsetlber at his storein Tem- Perancerlite, Allegheny oonnty. and all persons hat , ug oliOna agaloat saldestate sr!!! present them duly suthenticw,ett for settlement: _ • _ • JAMES• , RICIIARDSOIT December al. 181311• , . 'pi . . ol rien—T 4 l Personsgaged lb gilitilltiff or' 'Whetlbig or ides:; X Olt aro herebVtiotlfled not to pincers:kr rubbish tor ashes on the wharf. All rubbish er abbe, must be taken:to:the Paint: Anyyiersoneaught Yl- - °lacing . the above notice will be dealt with to the fullest; extent of the law. ' ROBELIT A HILL, deg) • . . : Allegheny Wharf Master. Frl'lClE—Penons owning' prop ty irontlnu or abutting on Aiken* avenue, in e city of Pittsburgh, will pleases take notice the report of viewers., In the matter of the opening cf. Alitetteerverlue,. has been place d In' my bands. The asse•sinents, If.not paid on or before Februa ry 11th, 1869, will be . ntered in Court as liens. • _ Je,F. SLAG L C 11.•. Attorney, lat2:da . • • 106 Fifth Avenue. MNET 1 MONEY 1 - 1-514,000 'to Invest In a -mortgage on City.- tel* Conuty Property: foraterm of three year s. Bond f t‘l° iratn Montage years. t• T L —Wenee the amount of 11110,000; time from Oil days to 4 nioutied. • WANTED7 - Toexclsarege a Farm of 160 Acres of Land In Bilbaurl for Is Family 'Horse and Spring Wug°ut#FPlYeto' • • • 11.1fol,AIN *co., del .1 - Owner Four th ay. and srnicb non st, i.) IOPAIILET. • • • a, s oonyiss4.9 ckcipegi, pplOIVII:i. AND IFALL, La store sail fur , sate be __DEAr i rt.Et & ALArliroirat. nee° yopLOUR OIL CLOTHS—We have. •1. stock largo gmeortment of stiles and To. • widths of thoroughly' seasoned" Floor 011 O wittch.wa.gre.offr-- - - ,teriht and trade ergo- EM2III3IXE! The river continues to recede slowly with but little over six feet in ;the chan nel by the Monongahela marks last even ing. The weather yesterday was clear and pleasant, and where exposed to the once of tne sun, the snow and ice thawed slightly. Business was moderately active at the landing yesterday, the shipments being fully up to the average, while the recipts were comparatively light. The Messenger left for New Orleans last evening with about four hundred tons, mostly through freight, consisting mainly of iron and nails, oil, wagons, plows, etc., etc. Pilots—Captain Jesse Dean and W. Goslee. The Maggie Hays cleared for St. Louis with a good freight list, her guards being almost down to the water. The Bayard, Capt. Geo. D. Moore, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. The R. R. Hudson was to hiive left Cin cinnati lor Pittsburgh on Wednesday. The Belle vernon, Capt. I. J.Darregh, will be the next boat out for New Orleans. The Camelia, Captain Thomai Poe ' is filling up slowly, and will take her de parture for Nashville on Saturday. Pas. sengers and shippers - should bear in mind that she goes through. The Sallie, Captain T. S. Calhoun, is an nounced to leave for Cincinnati and Louis-. villa tomorrow evening, as is also: the Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr. The Mollie Ebbert, Capt. G. W. Ebbert, is now in turn for New Orleans, and will be the ilrst:boat out. CORRESPONDENCEL—The following mem oranda is from Mr. Ezra Young, clerk of the R. C. Gray, en route from New Orleans to Pittsburgh: Cincinnati-14 hhds sugar; Wheeling-10 hhds sugar,32 bbls molasses, 24 do rice; Wellsburg-15 bbls molasses, 10 hhds sugar; Steubenvale-13 hhds sugar, 37 bbls molasses; • Pittsburgh-36 hhds sugar, 23 bbls molasses, Allen Kirkpatrick & Co; 160 do do, Cart.r, McGrew & Co.; 106 do do, 20 hhds sugar, J S Dilworth & Co.; 100 bbls molasses, R. & Co.; 32 do do,•At. , well & Lee; SO do do, Head & Metzgar; 60 do do, 14 hhds sugar, Wm Haslage & Co.: 144 bbls molasses, Watt, Lang & Co.; 41 do do, Haworth & Dewhurst; 50 do do, 25 half do do, E H Myers& Co. —The Upper Mississippi river is still gorged at Quincy. —The Lexington is to be sold by the United States Marshal at New Orleans. —The Mason City Salt Co. contest the claims of the Champion for salvage on the barge Inman. —The charred hull of a steamboat, sup posed to be that of the ill-fated Glide, float ed by New ()ileums on the 16th.. —The 11. C. Gray, New Orleans to Pitts burgh, was at Cairo on Tuesday, as was also the Leonidas, Pittsburgh to New Or leans. —At New Orleans, on the 16th, the Julia, 21 tuns, with all her machinery, furniture, tackle dm., was advertised to be sold at auction. --Capt. Johnson, of Huntsville, Ala., is building a boat for the Tennessee River trade, to ply between Decatur and other points above. —lt is stated tilat the new boat now being completed for the Mobile and Mont gomery Railroad is to be named the "Au gusta,' iu compliment to the accomplished authoress, Mrs. Augusta J. Wilson (nee Evans.) —Capt. Geo. Duvall, Inspector of Hulls, at Memphis, fell from a piaza, in Memphis, on Monday night. He injured himself so severely that no hopes are entertained of his recovery. —Waihington dispatches say that Gen. era! - Humphreys, In his statement before the Committee relative to the proper span of bridges for the Ohio river, gave as his opinion that it should not be less than four hundred feet, and greater, according to particular topography. The conclusions of the Committee are likely to be based on Humphreys' opinion. —A. few days ago a newly married couple took passage on Jai:ismer at Mobile for Tuscaloosa. During the trio the wife fell ovorboard and was lost, Upon the arrival of the boat at Tuscaloosa the friends of the couple rushed aboard to congratultitetheui, little dreaming of the melancholy:catastro phe that had occurred: The scene that fol lowed was undescribable. —The compsuly that 'built the .Dubuque bridge is about , to begin on one at Keokuk. It is to be eighteen feet wide, two feet wider than the one at -Dubuque. -It will also be longer. The draw will be three ,hitudred and sixty feet. It will have twa spans .of two hundred and fifty feet each, and eight spans of one hundred and -sixty feet each. It is to be completed daring the present Year. —Mr. Bryson Ptircell, who died .at his residence in Delhi, Saturday night, was born in Franklin county, Penutvivania, July 0, 1791, and came to Cincinnati in 1815, and made it his home. Ho wits In terested, as part owner, in the first steam. boat that navigated the 'Phio river. and was engaged in that branch of business for a long number of Tears. He was about the last of the Ohio and Mississippi steamboat pioneers. He was noted for his energy, sound Judgment and inflexible in tegrity, and respected accordingly. Rivera and Weather. Lotrisvihhit, January 21.--Weather clear and pleasant: The river is falling, with eleven feet and eight inches of water in the canal. STEAMBOATS. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIB.--The new and aplendld -Passenger Packet • - BELLE VERNON JOstis Dantean, gasper, Will leage for the abore ports on TUESDAY, the 26th last., at 4 o'clock r. For freight pr passmapplz OR board .01' to. FL, CIL • Jan - . J. D. Agent. VOR CAIRO niErwring a dise A: 'god NEW OHLEAI3I—The new an 4 splendid passenger steamer . • • • MOLLIE EBERT G. W. EBIET. Commander. Will leave for the:abort ports - oa MATUUDAY, the Mad Inst., al *o•clock r. m. -• r „s t • lrel Ott Or .FLACKgpy on ho." OWto - * • : ; & COLLIOD, or .011RIEST & ITAZLZTT., Agents. Through receipts given pn the above boat to Bel nas.)-Eithibla: Benton. Montgomery. Ala., At-ante, Mactio(AYsest.Point,Georgia, and all points.oh' the platkagis rlyer. sad Tomo ports at lowest.rates Jan • . - 33.111E5T & ILABLILTT. VOIR CINCINNATI AND or mikal=h .Logairnaz.-31. IND steam•al,,MlMlllip SALLIE Capt. T. S. CAM:KW - N. "7114 lir gor the abov,e ports on ISATVRD.,e,T, lepr 1;451,0.1,6r pastime apply on board, or t 0111tIEST HABLILT% Agents.' F"'CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE.—The fine,prisen r.steatuer . . . ULAgGOW Capt. ANDREW BOntiygog, Wiilleavo for the above port', on ' &kV:lnt/AT, January 23d, at 5 P. Y. iror frolglkt or passage apply on board or to too .. JAMES COLLINS, Agent.' F°R EVANSVILLE and agEl AND NASILVILLIC. The Sae steamer • CAMELIA Capt. Jima: DEAN ' Will leave for the above port/ on SATURDAY. the 213 d feet., ell o'c.loet r. For freight or passage apply Oa board or to JOW 1.. 11l ^Ckt.', or p. , coLLINGWOOD. Agents. JaM piTTstytat' u, 16iketti : anti Leave Clorameira MELING, ',Parkersburg Line. art Boat, foot of Wood streets DAILY. AT 151 I TIMIDAYB . AND FIBID/TS, • A. 8. busrmutp. MAYMID Wpitsatuas AND KAMIDATIIt 01111 . 7 711.01,1 t• O. L. BRIAMAX, Master. Viet* will pe iacatfaa at an Mau hi asii • • -- • • -- AmitsvoLlass, mad: COMMISSION MERCHANTS EM I=l BELLINGER it STEVENSON, COM3LISSION MERCHANTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL AU Kinds of Country Produce All orders for Merchandise promptiy flied, at LOWEST mark ßut t ers. Particular attention given to tbe sale of Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, &c, We feel confident that we can give entire sat isfaction, Ly making QUICK SALES and PROMPT RE TURNS. at RIMIEST MARKET PRICEA, apd therefore respectfully solicit your consignments. All corre 91grigedefT:enrarreat fingielya.ndhgr a k r i r n i r4 drys au81378 : ' 8 4 ;1 1 A B y L t r i p E D B IE . T. 1 E W. 31. GORILY, - WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPY. S.A.GLE HOTEL.) PITTSIMIELG-13, PA. se :yl6 WATT, LANG & CO., wnoLausa DE,Cizas nt Groceries, Flour. 'Grain, Produce, Pro. riotous, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 011. due., Noy. 17S and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. n08:n55 Y. STULL Air STEELE, & SON, • Commission Merchants, AID DIALIF.RB ErI.OI:TR, ORAIN, FEED, &o. No. 93 02E10 5T83131., near East Common. ALLEGEIENY,CIT J. B. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. eater;B. CANFIELD & SON, COM iiT3'o7l, M egt Nr i k3' .baunrdit. lou r, Cheese; Butter Lard -Poet _Pota Bacon, a lour, Flab, Dried Fruit, (} ta li, Pig Lea l, I'ot, Pearl and Soda Ashes. White Lillie, Linseed,' Lard, Coal and Car boa Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. MIMI KIM.— JAB. Y. CEIL tio RICHART, OMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEASILIIB IN pLoun, OBAIN, SZEDB,' MILL BEM, &a, &c., 849 Liberty- Bt., Pittsburgh, m724:1187 . . ALEC. ICEIANY. J. B. AMISH. McBANE ANJER, - . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer, la mom GRAIN and PRODUCE GIN. REALLY, No. 14,. wen n:, STREET. sboye Smithfield, Pittsburgh. les FETZER & _ARMSTRONG, FORWAJOING AND 00111EUEIONNErit0FLUM, For the sale of Flour, Grain. Bacon, Lira, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. le MARKET STBMET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. . T J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Eimer% No. 396 PENN BTBEET aplB:xB27 BOST. ILFOX ANDRICK 'KNOX. KNOX & SON, COMMISSION *MERCY:ANTS and deslers In FLOUR, GRAIN . L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny city. TiITTLE, BAIRD Ai PATTON, Wholesale Grocers , Commission Merchants and lers in Produce, Finer, Bacon, Cheese, Irish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Wass, Cotton Yarns and all P'imbnrgh Manufactures generally, MLA and 1 1 4 dBCOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOHN' I. H0V1R.....Z.DW. BMW. WM. H. HOLUM T. ... OHM I. -HOUSE & BROS., Suc S otter to JOHN I. HOUSE £ CO., Wholesale roeers and C00=1561011 Merchants, Corner, of Bmlthfl and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. Pa. JOUN IHIPTON ' A WA UAW!. §HIPTON &WALLACE, WHOLE. SALE ADDERS AND PRODDOE DEALERS, s. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. • Isi2:rEgl PROFESSIONAL. NEEPER, ' iNfo rt iVagrlO JUSTICZ Olf OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. . Special attention - given to cosveyincing and col Motions Deeds.. Bonds and Mortgagee drawn Up and ail legal business attended to promptly and ac curstely, . - JOB. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICE ELAGD3T3LTS , Mee, li6 wyr... STREIT, near Washingtok ITI' sBFEGD, PA. , Deeds, Bands, Mortguges, Acknowledgmenti Depositions, Collections, and all ether legitltasi business exeentid promptly. ' mbZ:n9 SAMUEL McIIIASTpIS,. Ex-Oficio Jastiee of. the Peace and Polies Magi*. trate. °flee, GRANT STREET, opposite the Csw thsdral, PITTSBURGH, PA. - Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages,• .Acknowledgments, Donosittsns, and all Legal Business executed with promptuess and dispatch. mhiti VUSTACE S. 111011 ROW, 4:4 A.I.4I:63BRitrAIV, ic-opFzcao ruiner, OF THE PEACE AND FOLIOS MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, — Aeltnowledguianta, Depositions and all Legal - Sullen executed with promptness and dlspaten. mv29 pax A. STRAIN, • AXADERDIAItir, zr-orrtoio Jvmoz or THZ IMAGE AND POCKS MAGISTRATE. Ofgee,ll.ll -FIFTH 1317. UT, olvoitte the Cathe• dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Monde, Mortgages Atek3crwledgmente, - Depollttona sad all Legal ~us1• nese a:fleeted with orometneas and dlepateh. A AMNION, Jiietiee of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE &INSURANCE AST pe r awnir aiRSZT,&iBT Collioktort ot *rite iottoited and promptly attend led tow. myrildo FE • • GrSON, OR 24 E:T2.k.14-...l,JilliTs o . $7 X'Utli. kA treat. ZOOND impost, , FRONT ROOM. TO ON RIDDELIL; ti ATTORNAY-AT-LAW. Almond Stmet, I (Opposite the Courkiloueej OMee, 116 rental CHRELL, H. O. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Pirol 89 Grant Street, rani:ta Y BURGH. PA Any°lpALD lILAKELEY, Am-rou.must-A.vr-i,,a.vr, No. 98 VIETH STREET, ari9:n90:4167 B9IIIOHANIGAL ENGINEER. 1011ERCEVAL BECKETT, • , MECHANICAL ENGINEER. And Solicitor of Patents. ((Late of P. F. W. & O. lifigray.) Office s Ito. is FEDERAL BTERET,ZA".om No. & stairs. Box so, .42.1,15011E5x CITY. B L CHINZB ,Y of all deseriptions,dealinss. AST IPUBJLAQB and BOL4+1&& - MILL DRAW. MOS famished. Particular _Aatten paid to de. fut COLL=Y LOOOIIIOTivES. Patents mbar solicited. f *a2 BALNING 2 BI4 e• fOr secludes Seri- WZD . . =I 1011ITTS BURGH andaegaMil CONNELLSVILLE H• H• On and'after TUESDAY, No ember, 17th. 1865 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot. coi• ner of Grant and Water streets. as follows: Depart. Arrive. Mall to and from Unlont`n. 7:00 A. M. 6:00 P. McKeesport Accommodo`n.ll:oo A. M. 2:05 P.ll l Ex. to and from Untouvn: 3:00 P. M. 10:10 a. kr, West Newton Accommoirn 4:30 P. M. 8:35 A. N, Braddock's Accommodavn 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P. M. Night Ace. to MeEeesport.lo:3o P. N. 6:45 A. Mu Sunday Church Train to and from West Newt0n........ 1:00 P. N. 10:00 A. M 7 For Ucketa apply 13 J. B. KING, Agent.' W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. n 033 CHANGE of TlME.amaxiel 4LEGEEINTY_ VALLEY RAIEROAi On and after 'MONDAY, November - 9th; 1S I TWO TRAINS DAILY will leate Pittsburgh Sta. tion, corner ofEleventh and Pike streets for 'Frank. ltn, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil Re eons. . . . . LEAVE PITTSBURGH. 'Anturz I t PrmsisostiVe Mail 7:15 I'l3l[6l'll 5:40 p m Express 7:10 m Express.:...... 6:30 a m Brouly`aßA Ac - 3:00 p m BradyslOd Ac 10:30 a m Ist Soda Works ilst Soda Works Accomod`n.. 10:50 am, Accomoda'n. 8.110 agt Ad Sods Waits %Ad Soda Works •_ _ Accomod`n .. 5:00 pm! accomoda'n. 3:40 Ay- Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M. rive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at. Passengers taking express train have but oil, • change of cars between Pittsburgh, Baffalo and 011 Regions: Mall and Express Trains stop only' principal points Mixed Way and Accommodadoll ! trains stop at all stations. THOMAS M.ll G, Ass`t. Sup`t.' 9r,'RosTRE HOPE, Ticket Aleut. Roe PIITTSBIIRGH,anzm CINCINNATI AND BT. MB RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. ORANGE OF. TIME.—On ar4l after SUNDAY. Nov.22d; 1868, trains will lefty: r and arrive at.thit .D Unionepcit, ae follows. Fittsb tbate: Depart. Arrive. Mail 3:131. in. 12:13 a. M. Fact Line 10:13 a. nt. 7:33 p. 321 Fart Express 2:58 p. m.12:184. m. Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p. m. McDonald , s Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:211 a. Ea. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Acton:Li:n°[l'll. 3:38 p.m. 9:48 a. m McDonald's Acc'n, No. 2.. 8:08 1). El. 3:18 p. me J. A. ITILLIT. Xr 2:513 P. M. Xipress will leave daily. 10:13 P. H• will ant ve daily. The 10:13 a. m. Train leaves daily , ' Sundays ex. cepted. and makes close connections at Newark fa Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Itiaactield & Newark R. R. 8. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent, W. W. CAM Sun't., Steubenville. Ohio. n 4M/IGHA, FORT WAP do :FI NE W. AND CLEVe.I. A ND &PlTTSBlnit r ii c it B' From' Dec. 20th, 1868, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts burgh city time. as follows: - Leave. L Arrive. Chicago Ex,.... 3:03 a m ;Chicago Ex... 9:13 a Erie & Ygn MI 7:28 ain • Chicago Ex..* .11:58 a • Cl. & Whll2lll 6:28 a nr:Wheeling Ex. 11:13 a m Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a m iCreatline Mail.. 3:53pm Chir.ago Ex....10:08 ' m Chicago Ex.. . 4:38 nu .-& ClWk•gEx.' 2:23p miCleverand Ex 4:08 pm Chicag _OEx.... 2:43 pm !Erie & Yg'n Ex B:l3pm • W•e & 4:53 p w.lOl. &Wh•g• Ex 6:58 pm Depart /rots Allegheny. Arrive Ca Alleghen_y. N. Brigt•n Ac. 8:58 a. m 1 IN. Brigt'n Ac. 7:03 a 112 •• Leetsdale '1 10:28 am N. Brlgt ' n " 8:28 a M 11:58'a m New`Castle " 10:33 a m Rochester " 1:33 pm:Leetfdale " 9:13 a m Leetsdale Ace. 3158 pm! • " 1:08 pus N. Brigt`n. " . 5:33 pm;N.llrlgt'n. " 2:43 pm N. , -Brigt`n ".. 6:28 pm !Leetsdale " 4:53 pm r,eetsdale " .10:43pm; " " 7:18 I) nt Leetsdale Sun- ;Leetsdale Fun- . . day Church... 1:13 p ni! day uhurch... 9:68 ani liir 2:43 p. in. Chicago Express leaves daily. -jar 1,1:58 a. m. Chicagg Express arrives daily. de= F. E. MYEBB, General Ticket Agent. gENNSYLVALIir CENTRAL RAILROAD. and after Nov, 28th. 1808, Trains will ar• rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner 01 Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Dattan. Mall Train.... 1:30 a mlDay Express.. 2230 am, Fast Line 9.40 am , Wall's No. 1.. 8t304 pa Wail's No. 1.. 8 20 am! Mall Train S:le ant BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 a na!•Cfneinnati.Ex.lll:9B Om Wall's N 0.2.. 8:50 tan I Wall's N 0.2.. 11:20 * m Cincinnati Ex. 9:40 a m i dohnstown-Ac. 3:95 pm Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m'Braddoeks Nol 4:20 pm Baltimore Ex. 1.45 pm i Phila. Express 5:10 pm Phila. Express 2:05 pm, Wall's No. a.. 5:20 pm Wall's No. a... 1:30 pmlWalPs No. 4.. 8:18 p2B Braddocks Nol 5:50 p miFast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No. 4. - 7:215 pralWalllsNo. 5.. 11:00 p m Way Passen'r.lo:2o p ml . . The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. nr., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:08, a. us. Returning, leaves Pit - tabu - rat at 12:50 p. m. andltrtives at Wall's Station ' , Cincinnati Express leaves daily. - All other train! daily except Sunday. For further InfOrmation apply to W. H. BECKW/TH. Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroadompany will not as sume any risk for Baggage, ex pt for wearing ap parel, and limit their responalb lity to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Bagg ge - exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, unv less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. wrmAAms, General Superintendent. Altoona, l'a. n 023 yrisTERN , PENN -. 6 . SYLVANIA. RA-I. R D.—On and after Nov. 512 d, 1865, the Puy senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot Allegheny City, as follows: Depart. Siningd'e Not fit4o a nil Hall T:00 aMI Freeport No. 1 9:20 m!Freeport No.l 9:ls am Express.. —..* a raiSharpb 9 g NO: I 11:90 a m Sharpb`gNo. * 1:95 p m !Express 9:45 pm Freeport N 0.2 4:00 piniSpzingd , e Nol 3:90 p Mall 5:55 p mlFreeport N 0.% 5:20 p Springd`e - No 2 6:45 Mltlibringd'e No 2 7:lo pm Aboye trains run daily except Punday. The Church Train- leaves Allegheny Janet. every dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching- Allegheny City at, 9:50 a. re: Returning, leaves 'Allegheny City at ' 1:210.p, m. and arrive at Allegheny lima. at 3:45 COnstirrAMON Tftitorrs—For sale:in packages : f Twenty,' between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbrag. and go•d'only on the trains stopping at Stations apt. cilled On ticksts. The trains leaving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freepor with Walker a One ofStages tbr Butler and Hannabf town. Through ticketstrial ,j3 he purchased , at tbi Oillee,No. 3 St. Clair strew near the Saspensiot. Bridge Pittatargh and at the epot„ Allegheny - For thither information apply to JAMES - 11.2.1rFER'IS, Agent, Federal Street Depot, The Western Penecilvazia Railroad will not as. some any rink for Baggage,• except for wearing aty ppanel, and limit their i Dollars In value. zipr a a g i g b a llit e y t e o x One d liluipt i g amount in value will be at the risic of the e :wi l l :l :r, on. lees taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILL rio2B Gen-ra l Smaerintendent. Altoona,. Q MANLY BILL ~, .11,0LITIC `g UNION PATLETC RAILWAY; The SHORTEST AND MOST REMUS" 13 017. teoln the Kart to all polis 4 In - Colorado, Nei-ada, TWO Ttains Mays State Line and Leevenwoet dilly, (Stundaya eaceptada on the arrival of train , t Paclneßailroadfromlt. Louis, and Nknntbal atid St—JO Railroad fromAtifney. oonnectin. at Law rence, Toßeka and Warnego with et ..e for aat points in Ranaa_,,e. • At eA4 O I of track west of RM. worth with the UNI TEDSTATES EXPRESS COY. PANT'S DAILY , LINE 'OVERLAND MAIL AND ipa1k1431,5 COACIEVR3 FOR inarr viat4 • euk..,Tir T. 4 Tr'"Alli And all Points in the Territorief i . . And with SANDEBSYN , E4 TRI-WEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Beut , s Fort, Fuss, Aloud tlit e e w ria4„ xi t e lltta .re, and all points In ..trisona and With the 'and the of rolling' stock and eitelpment, 'and the arrangements made with red sPonsible Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Par West. • • Tickets for sale at all the principal offices In the United States and Canada Be sure and ask. Tor tickets tie THE BldOlcZ MILL ROUTtC,_ _UNION IC RAILWAY EASTEUX ap4rw7l PITTt3BITReIi, PA PITTSATTEGTI. PA O . LIVERPOOL A-NO T . 1M QUEENSTOWN., TUB INMAN BAIL STEAMSHIPS! Numbering sixteen Ant-class vessels, inneild the celebrated CITY OP PAR TB,_ CITY or Alr_rwErr,_ our OP ROSTON, CITY or BALTIMORs. OITY OP LONDON, Elailing ISITZRY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, Nord Sly e r . Now ions For *assert or hr tier inforina• sten apply to WILLIAIL lIINGIBLII I 4r. vo rErra.sritxrair.. *early Imolai Ponpax. ettlablitift RAILROADS. Eastent DiThloll. California" 'Utah, Arizona, lrFashingto New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. • A. ANDERSON, euena saperinteneezt . , Ciementl rrelsitt sad Ti!tket Agent ST3IIA=3BI'PS. R ' wzawrrat,