El ,t: tittslltro..,.....6aittts'. tFrons the We Kern Christian Advocate.) CHRISTMAS IDYL. ;DV BEV. DAVID 11. 310011 E When Christ's eternal glories took The humble form of elsT. - I' was Mystery to the angels' look, And hits heen to this day. Yet need I leave myself to tit d A wonder high as great— The wedlock of Immortal mind To matter's low estate? • . Shut in by duty's iron bars, • Nought lint my bod7's stave, My mind, more free tsan yonder stars, Dab bald defiance wave. • And while a slate my body bends 1 0 tons by duty g,vos, My nt ppp d its glances upward sends, Aad lJoys In hope of heav'n. . Anef%enpav body DSOs and dies, A nd dug 4 returns to dust, 3ly nUiJOills the the sainted l n cleaves the oystielding skies, A . No more unequal pair. 'Would seem, Make earth of s The one to labor, el se Idream, Toe other tree to roam. But born of e'en such -wedlock strange Are thou. his immortal g ven, And beings of such lofty nge As pz.ople fabled bee's' Olympus aboOk beneath e tread Of la.• lugs such as they And ocean reared its fo y head. Their mandates to one . And mountains now in 11 our lands Their hoarded treasures yield To those woo in their roy.l bands, - Such royal scepters wield: As from the earth, and sea, and sky, Their willing subjects bring. To bo own owers that cannot die, Andthat ThougAt is king. And last. the body lifted up Frotp • ut the grave eh all rise. for bod will take the chrismal cup And Into life baptize. Then mind and body Joined anew, M. equal by the eh tie. Shall paths of heav'aly to nursue, And fields Delel awyelaare, n ran Dec. 26, 16G8. e. SY. Pack's, EPHEMERIS. —Boston has 574 doctors.. --Puna-on is lecturing in Chicago —Train has a new financial scheme -r• John Bright has dined with Victoria —Salm Balm has joined the Prussian ser vice. —Bateman sold out his Opera Bouffe for 460,000. —Gen. Phil. Kearney's widow is living in Indianapolis. —A mine of tin ore has been found near "Winslow, Me. —Baltimore has 49,000 houses and 352,- 136 inhabitants. —The statue of Isabella in Havana has been taken down. —Bismarck would like to see Montpen -Bier on the Spanish throne. -A grand chess tournament is now in progress in New York. —One hundred and fifty dollars a piece is the price of white cameras. —The last English colliery explosion des troyed only twenty-four lives. —Brigham Young now wants to build a million dollars worth of hotel. --George Francis Train still talks in New York, but he haifew liatenem —Leotard has emulated Isftbella by hav ing a fall. He did it in England. —The library of the late Marquis of Hast ings sold at auction for $25,000 gold. —New Zealand has been indulging in quite a mai little batch of earthquakes. --General Roman left a widow, five child ren and a $lO,OOO life insurance policy. —Minnesota has a legislature, Rot one member of which was born in the State. —Colored candy poisoned forty persons at a private party in Brooklyn the other day. —Money is easy and business is brisk now in California; only real estate is shaky. —Fall dress day receptions are being-in troduced in Nevi York, but are not suc4ss ful, —English orchestras are lowering their pitch and Simms Reeves sings with them &SOL - -Gen. Geo. H. Thomas thinks he was never a Democrat, and he ought to be able to judge. —Mrs. Harriet Peale, widow of Rem brandt Peale, died..in Philadelphia on the 12th inst. —Fanny Fern proposes that ministers be paid for attending fanerals. We thought they were. —The Illinois Legislature is about to _make the legal railroad fare for adults three cents per mile. —Chicago' now talks of bringing all the railroads into the city by means of under ground tunnels. • —Mr. Seward is but 68 years of art, yot most people imagine him to be older by at least one decade. —Green Clay Smith has resigned the Governorship of Montana and gone back to his farm in lientcky. —On Sunday last the McDaniel block of buildings was burned in Nashville, involv ing a loss of 1010,000. —"Clelia," Garibaldi's novel, has ap• pared. It is very severe on the corruptions of the Papal priesthood. —Brigands have appeared in Austria and recently robbed Prince Schwarzenberg of sixteen thousand florins. —Counterfeit fifty dollar greenoacks are out. Persons should be careful and not get any mixed in with - their change. —Some close observer has discovered that the Grecian bend is not indulged in by ladies in straightened circumstances. —The young Prince Royal of Belgium is getting well, thereby disappointing griev ously his expectant heirs presumptive: —Anthony Trollops, thinks that the CBDi- WI buildings at Harrisburg are the ugliest and the most inconvenient in the country. —English surgeons pleasantly inform - Chang end Eng that the divorcing opera tion they are about to undergo will kill them. —The Spanish Infanta and her husband, Count Girgenti, are living at a retired village on the coast of England, near Brigh• ton. —Henry Ward Beecher has always - been wonderful. When he was a student he says he often walked thirty and once fifty miles a day. • —Mr. C. C. Perkins, of Boston, has been elected a member of the Institute of France. He is the first American recipient of this honor. —There is more timber in Southern 'Min nesota than there was ten years ago'. The prairie Area are.stopped -by the Tub, and - fields. The timber is too valuable to be wasted, and people, guao it with a jealous eye. —ln spite of extravagant puffing Minnie Hauck had a grand success before a critical Parisian audience in Patti's favorite role of Amina. —Memphis rebel papera are doing all they can towards increasing the feeling of hatred between the two parties in Arkansas and Tennessee. —A beautiful and elaborate memorial tablet has recently been put up in Westmin ster Abbey over the tomb of the poet Chaucer. —Christmas day was so cold near St. Au gustine, Florida, that oranges froze solid on the trees, and the mercury was down to 17 degrees above !zero. —Church, the artist, says he never had a clear idea of Eden until he had been in the Orient. Whether he has had one since or not he don't say. I—A. canary bird at Rochester, N. Y., knows several tunes, but has become so patriotic recently that it will sing nothing but Yankee Doodle. • =Shakespeare's Twelfth Night is to be brought out in Philadelphia next week, at the Arch Street Theatre, by the best stock company in America. —A little girl only thirteen years old, liv ing in Burlington, lowa, upon being re proved for meddling with' a clock the other day, took offence and killed herself. -Miss Martineau says Lord • Palmerston never inspired, in any sort of mind, any be lief in him, beyond confidence in his ability to avert evil or to get out of mischief. —General McClellan mill deliver an ad dress before the Mercantile Library Asso ciation of Boston on the next anniversary of the birth of the Father of his Country. —Wall street speculators have been buy -ing up the claims of ci derant loyal South erners, expecting to make -a good thing of them after the Sue Murphy bill has passed Congress. —There are in New York 356 Protestant Churches and 74 Catholic ones capable in all of seating about 300,000 persona. There are also 381 sunday schools, attended by 117,450 children. —A London witness having told a Lon don magistrate that he was a penman, was asked in what part of literature he wielded his pen, when he replied that he penned sheep in Smithfield market. —Minnesota farmers are raising fences. They use cottonwood, gray willow, white maple, black oak and white plum. From three to five years are sufficient to raise a living fence, to protect the fields. —On January Ist, 1869, ad number of whaling vessels owned in the United. States was 338, a decrease of 4 since January Ist, 1867. Of these 133 completed voyages and arrived in port during the past year. —Napoleon presented New Orleans with a copy of his Life of Cesar. The city has had the yolatnes very richly bound in heavy antique morocco, red and ornamented with gold, with the seal of the city on each cover in a sunken diamond. —Ada Webb is going to marry the Cali fornian after ,all. The reason of the break ing of the engagement is not. generally , known, but it is generally supposed to have been done because the young man didn't want to have a palmiped wife. —On the hundredth anniversary of the introduction of vaccination into Prussia, the government has offered a prize of 3,000 roubles 42,000) for the best history of that treatment. The essays can be written in any modern European language. —The Paris Charivari of the 31st alt. gives a ghastly engraving of Death, mount ed on a velocipede, going his rounds, note book in hand, in a cemetery full of tombs and monuments, bearing the names of Rothschild, Rossini, Berryer, &c. —The oil refiners of New York have pub lished.a reply to Prof. Chandler's recent re port on burning fluids. They accuse him of getting his samples from retail vendors throughout the city and then blaming the refiners for the adulteration, which they as sert is done after it has passed from the hands of refiners. —The custom in . Spain is to - make Christ mas boxes twelve days before Christmas Day. A magnificent box was sent by some royalist to General Prim, with a silver key attached; it was opened by his wife during a grand reception, and inside was found a miniature gallows with an effigy of the General, remarkably well executed, pen dant. —Farwell Hall, in Chicago, which was burned down , some time ago, has been re- built and is now one of the most elegant es= tablishments of the kind in the world, with safety and convenience, as regards the modes of egress and Ingress. Wemish there was an auditorium in this city, whence, in case of fire, a few of the audience might hope to escape. —Probably the most remarkable book of the present year will be Miss Harriet Mar tineau's new volume which is to appear in London, called Biographical Sketches 1852-68. Miss , Martineau's intimate per sonal acquaintance and correspondence with most of the prominent persons of age, render her especially fit for just such a work as she has produced. - - A Parisian savant informs the world that "glovers make gloves of a peculiar form for the North American trade, which Euro pean hands could not wear. The. fingers are made of an apparently unreasonable length, but which barely suffices for the ex igencies of a Yankee hand." He concludes from this and other signs that we are rap idly acquiring the physical and mental pe culiarities of the Indian. -The German papers mention a melon- ' choly case of suicide and filial devotion. A widow had two sons, the eldest of whom supported the family. Be. recently was ordered to join the army, having fallen into the conscription. The younger brother, feeling himself unable to support his aged mother, shot himself through — the heart, thereby liberating the elder brother from military service, on account of his being a wilow's only son. • pirrsßtrßGTl GAZETTE: THURSDAY. SAIiUARY 21, 1969. TEEM EXTRACTED WrITIOTIT • PAIN I NO MERGE FLADE•WEEN ARTIFICIAL TIMM ARE ORDERED. A PULL HET POR ES. AT DR. scurrs. • svi PENN EITENET,ND DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND IEX. AMINE EFECLILENTI OF WINDIER VULCAN tekylindET GAS FIXTURES WELDON & KELLY, Idanutitetursrs and Wholesale Dealers In Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers AND LAMP GOODS. Aim CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS. • 13 - E.Dirzrivv... ace. N 0.147 Wood. Street. se9:l= Batwesn sth aid 6th Avenues. FRUIT CAN TOPS. We are now to supply TINNERS and the Trade with our Patent anix-LanEranoi FRUIT CAN TOP. It friPERFECT, SIMPLE and CHEAP. Having the names of the various trine Btampqd upon the Cover, radiating from the center, sad an indea or pointer stamped upon the Top of the can. lc Is cirarly, al.tinctly and PII.ItMANENT LY LABELED by merely placing the name of the fruit the can se contains en. osit° the pointer andsealing ln the customary moaner. No preserver of fruit or good 1101BEKEEPER will use any other after once seeing it. • Send 25 cents for sample. COLLINS & WEIGHT, 139 Second avenue, Pittsburgh. PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. By THE BEST AND CREAM- , DST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S-COTTAGE ORGAN. The 80110MACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements tnowa it the con struction of a first clues instrument. ipd bee always been awarded the bisthast uremium wherever ex hiblted. Its tole is full. sonorousend sweet. Tile workmanshin. for durability and beauty.. surpass all others. Prices 'from $5O to $150.; leccording to style and Ilnisk.) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. icerzys COSTAOIS ORGAN Mende at the head of all reed Instrumento. In pro dusting the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Distillment in the United States. It is elm. pie and compact in construction. and not liable to get out of order. _ CARPENTLIVS PATENT "YDS RUIfANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Organ. Price Dom $lOO to 050. All guaranteed for aye Jean. • BARB! SNAKE &Kinn" • No. ILA ST. CLADS STILZET. PIANOS AND ORGANS--An en tire new eteoli et ENABIPS lINIIVALLID PIANOS; HMIS& BOOS.. PIANOS: PLINCE • CO'S OROLLSS - AND IDELODEOPTS and TaiLLT, LINELBY & CO'S ORGANS AND • 3LISLODZONS. - CNIADIAn'TD Duman. den 43 Fifth avenue, sole agent: z • (0 MRITII, Practical Cook, • uttony announoos to the public that he wIl 01 Saturday and Iffauday Nett, . Open to the pablio the DELMONICO RESTAURANT, FOR GIIIILIIILFS 01.11. T. It will be his earnest endeavor to furnish his pa troll at all times with the most palatable viands which the market or the season affords. Tre LIQUORS, WINZS of various dates, ALL BERL etc , will be their own recommendation. Orders for line Cooking for Weddings, an d other Festivals, will, an heretofore, ,be promptly and cheaply attended to, reseentihil Pairshafe. 0.01:7011 U. RUM GEORGE MAVEN; maartrrAorvaaa; or CREAM CANDIES AND TAMES, And dealer la all lands of 11113111, Nl7lll, Essupws. Jl/.1..L1E5, &e., &e. BTLEGEL, • (Late Chatter with W. Heirpenheide.) No. 53 Strati:dield Street, Pittabetret. setsrrn NEW FALL GOODS. ce.ssroxw..vimg,ar , o. Just recetved by sel4: lierebalit Tabor. Itpiettlaleld street. THE GREAT AMERICAN COM BINATION. BENTON-HOLE OYEBSE&MING AND SEWING idtACKINE. IT HAS NO FAIVA/6 - ' BEING Al SOLUTE THE BEST reitar.ar I.I[ACJIINE IN THE W,:'ALD DNTRINSICALLY Tit IS CHE APEST. ErAntste wanted Waal] this CIIAII4. C. ZIA-T-ATIAE - Sf , Agent for Western Pennsylvania. 1 Corner FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS, over Rleherdson s Jewelry Store. ne4 NE w ... . , WALL PAPERS, For Halls, Parlor> , andlehamber a, NOW MINING, AT HWY Market St., near Fifth Ave., ' iOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. sem 111% . 1 1 tralit.J4 , ST.. Allegkezi MRROHAN'I' TAILORS. TAILOR. A splendid new stoat et iimarar micirrat. SEWING MAQHINES. DYER AND SCOURER, H e J. LANCE) DYER AND SCOURER. 110. 8 arr. isTlitplwr And Nee. 185 and 187 Third Streets ITTTilßtateff. PA ARCHITECTS. RAW& ii MOSEit, ARC ?SUIT NOM 410091ATION BIIILDIESS, Nes. S and , 1 St. Canty Street, Milbank, Ps. spacial attention siva t. the &Istvan and %milting of 001:1ST MOB sad PITSLICI BISILDUMS. '` FALL ASSO ' %, v4 OF DESIR/IDLE GOODS AT - JOSEPH HORNE 6c, CO'S. TRIMMING SATINS, IN Itt...ACE, ORANGE AND ALL COLORS. PLAID AND STRIPED SATINS. BLACK AND COLORED R .NET VELVETS, • BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, HANDSOMF SASH hIEBONS, BILK SCARFS. LACES AND LACE GOODS. EMBINJIDERIh:II. New design. Another lot. BoULEVARDE SKIRTS, IN STRIPED AND BRAIDED. Just received. WOOL AND IinILINO UNDERW EAR, all sizes and quantives. MORRISON'S STAWSHIRTS. MEN'N MERINO AND WOOL tjISOSE. LADIES' PLAIN A.ND FANCY WOOL and MER INO HOSIERY. FLEECED COTTON HOSE. WOOL teLOVES AND MITS. ALEXAN'DRb'S RID GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS , WOOLEN GOODS • HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, • AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. '77 and -79 Market Street. jail I ._.. EURO & CARLISLE , NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, • "LE PANZER PERFECTION." , •THE FAVORITE," "SHE portriaz, ,, !•THE RECEPTION,' • THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, • "WINGED ZEPHYR," "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS." THE NEW GOItED OVER-SEIRT, "BELLE 'SELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. j - RICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS AND SASHES. ROMAN STRUTS AND PLAIDS. SATINS. all shades end widths. FLOWERS. PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S kI.ZRINO UNDER-, WEAR, The richest and latest novelties in GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Roullion) KID GLOVES" over all others , and for which we are the dole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HALT POSE, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S. PAPER GOODS, and all'other popular makes. MICRO! & CHLISLB, - I NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, 2•111 A NEARY CHRISTMAS NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS I - DENNISON & HEEIiERT, NO. 2,7 FIFTH AVENUE, give jest reeeryed a large and pollelinuly assorted stock et lIMBROIDERIRS,. TRIMMINGS, Sid Cloves, liandkershieh, Slipper Vattern. Zephyr Coeds. Scarfs and Gents Varnishing Vends. In Itstios; geseralli. . Is A spleadie`seleetion 'Oersted is goods] novelties suitable for, HOLIDAY PRESENTS,. to which the attoatloa of lady readers r peallay called. i DENMSON & HECKERT, del PRICES MARKED DOWN. RAWLINS IN ALMOST EITSYTHINCI. • REAL HEY STITCH, all Linen. B HANDERS CHINFS, 17c, 19 c, SINIc and upwards. TAPE O KLERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 110 to 60c. ' A oar HATS R at o're-half retularyirlaes. All the new 11•LifuRAL nKittTS and Bradley's latest styles of HOOP SKIRTS, at the Lowest Prices lathe City, kiENTd' IitRINO TEST and DRAWERS. 4 0 0 to dO,OO. I AT EATON'S • No. 17 Fifth Avenue. did CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &O. 110rARTITIAN & LARE, No. 124 Smithfield street Vole Manufacturers of Was rec's lradt Cement aad Gravel Reefing. Material for sale. 1a6:21) RYDIAIILIC CEMENT - DRAIN PIPE, Cheapest and lost Pipe In the market. Also, EU' SENDALE 'HYDRAULIC 01I1iLNT for sale. E. B. & C. A. BROCIIIITT It CO. °Zee and Mannfaetory—s4o REBECCA. ST., Allegheny. air Orders by mail promptly attended to. lelfbrlM HOUSES, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. ' errorsismaala. Kum Wren of MITI MEDIUM aid LIGHT Amronos AND MAGNOLIA SW‘LICTINGS AND BATTING,' 1011 y.% Fiji &AL! C0.111:1Tr w DICKSON, STEWART &CO., Haring remove/ their puree *a NO, 567 143:121351tir1ir swam:v.lr, (Lately City ?lour HIM EZOOND ELOOB. Are now Nepared to'furnish good YOUGHIOGHE NY LUIIV, NUT COAL ogiBLAOH, at the lowest market price. - All orders left at their °See, or addressed , to thew through the mail, ylllll4 attended to pramptil. HAIR AND PERFUMERY. Eng, PECK . 3 Ornamental Hair nem WOBILLu, AND BElMntlar, No. WO waist, Bear Batithd. rittib"g h • f L a m it Alwrn miud z ont end worisatl WAIIIII, Gs": II TO. BO AL" GUAM OC illawirAte" is cash be given nu Wise - sad Gentisinents OW Cutting dud • Oa usatut mums. , OUZO. 54 " • Barred Flannel, 'r4c•lmr correred, NELROY, *DICKSON & CO. rort. - Ir vr-co•t=p-x:•13, . •111 ' r Ct . 0 ai4_ wir A 0 • A ra a - • A a; Es . 0 0 .w iii H u "1m •=- w :2 0. A 0 E A I 4 *At 5 , 0 ri ca I zPI E4 - 541 . . tr. crl Im 0 -. 1 4 id g, $ r to 0 •0 t . E. 4 - ' 2 : a :• i i i 4 ri/ , r ;, e l l -p , o wpi co ...1 72 • l• ° 4 0 'A Pa isli . 01 , . 10. tl PI i 0 fr 4 '- ri a - ri a -.). i ° ,_,, z LACE GOODS HOSIERY, ISM. 27 FIFTH AVENVE DRY GOODS KITT Mow EXTRA HEAVY A VERY LARGE STOCK, IN GOOD STYLES. WHOLESALE 45.41. WOOD STREET. DRY GOODS - A.rr Cosir, FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY, TO CLOSE STOCK. THEODORE F. 87 ILABILET STREET. den CLOSING OUT SALE OF . TITLY . 413-00TOS • • - AT J. I. BIIIICHYDIEJI St, CO'S., .NO; 62 sr. CLAIR STREET, • - • \ -:-.... All Wool Grey Twilled Plaaael for 37 worth 020., Detainee far 5100. worth 25. Slightly Soiled Blabkkets $4,00 worth $O,OO. Waterproof for $, ,,, 25, worth $1,50. -Pe.pllue for 3734 c, orth 50. Eid Gloves for $l, (Iworth 82,00. Paisley Shawls.sl ,00 worth $20.00. Velveteens 2 , 0 0 orth $9,75. Bleached Muslin 2)Sc. worth 18. Uunbleaehedllu 12)4e. worth 17. Cheapest and bee stock in the city. No. 52 ST. ILLIS. near Lib rty street. de2S r 1 168: -- GOODS. NEW ALPAcCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. ISCOltrCni r , Pe. 168 Wylie Street. Alg 16S. 1613. 'GUM, McCANDLESS & CO., (Late Wilson, Our Oa.) WHOTIULT. DIAL= LIT YOteign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD MINT, Vitra door above Dismoad alien ITITSBUBeII. PA. LITHOGRAPHERS. 111:11111AMIX 11113MERIN• • ..THILIP clam. QINGEULT & CLElCSuccessers NJ to €lllO. T. ISCIMMEMA 2I i Co rsseriem. imaosaritsas. The Mit Man LithOPIPIIIO gitabilaUtellt West aids* elistaiss. Butineet Oarde. Letter Seeds. pLebele. Madan, 43liew r liipJotase. ,Irtaws, outlecites ot eoalhit ete,it, AOhl sag Third thiltne CAR --- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 54. TO MEET THE GENERAL DESIRE OF THOSE who hare he'll deferred tiosa purchasing until after the Int of the year, we Aare ooneludecl to continue_ GREAT REDUCTION SALE FOR A FEW WEEKS LONGER. This is positive ly the last opportunity t• secure bargains In 4CA3RIPIE r rS , Oil Cloths, 3latting,s, &c. Good Carpets for 25 cents a Yard bLIVER, 31'CLINTOGIK No. 23 Fifth Street. CARPETS! REDUCTION CONTINUED FOR A FEW DAYS. Taking advantage of the extremt depression in the Eastern Markel during the Holidays, we have addei largely to our stock at much beloiii Market Rates. We will continue tt sell at our present reduced prices foi TEN DAYS longer. WCAILIIN BROTHERS• JANUARY, 11369. C.ILXI3PMTE 3 . McFARLAND & COLLINS WILL CONTINUE lEmnl. :4.1 Di iLI .1 TWO WEEKS LONGER Greater Bargains than Eve Will bo Offered to Close On lipecial ',lnes of Goods, at 71 and 73 Fifth Ayenne, Second Flow . Ja7 GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY 160 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. TINE VASESt_ BOHEMIAN AND CHINA, DINNER ,SETS, TEA SETS, SMOKING SETS, , :11,TER PLATED GOODS Call and examine onr goods, and we:feel &tinned no (Hie need fall to be salted. R. E. BREED & CO. LIIBIBERI LUMBER! L1111111E.! ALEZANDER PATTERSON, =.! Dealer in all Hinds of Lamb , ON HAND AND FOR BALI 1.000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.000 feet 1% and% inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 13; inch Common, Flank; ' 30,000 feet Dry 1 and A inch Oak: A 5,000 feet Dry A, A% and 3 inch Asti, 5,000 feet Dry A, 9 54, Sin. Cherry 30,001.1 feet Dr y , IX, A and a inch Fools 10,000 fee Poplar Scantling; 1050.000 feet'Heralock Joists and ScAnttligt 150,000 No. 11S-inch Shingles, sawed; A 50,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, sawed• • 40,000 No. 1 16-inch Shingles, 40,000 Firs Brick; 1,000 Fire TUe. 100 Tons Fire Clay; TARDd—No. 06 FEEBLE STREET. form'- Manchester, and 157 REBEC City TREET, el site the Etas Works, Allegheny 168. JOSEPH, S. FINCH & CO., Nos. IU. 1117, 189. 181. Urn and 3969,• %_ JUST STRUT, PITTIIBUWIH, itaannrAcrimas Os Copper Distilled Pare Rye Whit Als6, dealers Lu POIMICIA WIN=S and LIQUi HOPS, be. RAZ.: EXCELSIOR WORKS. dr w. JIMECI:I sastsuarers and Dealers TANIN O. Snuff, Clgan, Pips.; 73EDICBUI ALlloBlllllra Ott AND COMPANY NEW STYLES, CIFT CUPS, A large stock of of all descriptions 100 WOOD STREET. LUMBER. WINES. LIQUORS, &co TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 0