4. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OTICE IS HEREBY ~G/IFN 'thaTtt}AAC STERN Woo !wet.% member, of e flrleetCOOK, BALLENSTMs TrItNS, he bavnig failed to comp y with the terms - of the co- . . • ASITER JOI3EPH tiIERNS, 11 lALLEN Pirtsitunou.'jan. 18130. •tYa.r2.-Evis:3l- OttlCE‘- . ... , -The‘••-Business•• rela ,lon4 heretofore ealiStinErr between the under -I,l' Fe ' LlVjls r m th nlu fk a n l n ernre E ur V'tlar2MV-ggi•vlePree" tuber, 166 ii. The Ifebtlizif eor the ohi arm whl be. se; Liea tly 4 !HIM' TAW I.;EbEKOII.. Those kiwis lag them.elcus to ho indebted mil please settle up at once.' ''' • • ' C. tiElliapil. 7•EO. b. ly2yp..• lintatminam, Jan 16, 1869. NOICIICE4—Lettets of tratiki upon the estate of Augustus , tloeviefe late gherfreonnty; denf, have . Peen granted by t'ueßerlateref sSjd eottnty. lb the undersigned. wtio.e residence it to the city of PlitAtnirgh., late borough• f LuWreticeville. All persons• lusting claims Or demands against the estate of skid dece. dant, are hereby requested to tnake.knowa the same without delay., Persons havitte litisinesa with the said estate are referred to id, 13111t01.14.;:attorney, at law. trotirth avenue: ' , • NZ-1M 'ELIZA.I3ETH adnei FARM . I'OR ,SALE. • • ' '-- • • , , .. . .... . . . . . ~. he lubserlheri OPT for sale the farm of the l atee JAME'S FUL 'ON, Esq., of Middlesex towiship,' Itatlee s e . tunti, Pi ','., ' , . • - ' Containinglso Adres of good /panty of lard, well thnbei ed and Watired. 100' acres under calgvatign. Thhi farm, Ls 18 Indies fcbin - Allegbeni city., and upon. the. Saxon; burg .1-'1•11;nef ftidge'rofd, convenient 4 40 Share/Vs. school and mills. For particula.rs call on the sub acribers on the ptetillacs; or.; Idareat , theta at Ita terstown, ..alteglcuy county.. Pa. ,- G. W. FVF.TnY. - _ J120:d30 BOBERI' FM:101f. PRST LIST, 1136 .—.Applica storks to: ieo iignora flied in. the Clerk's office, January, - Pittsburgh. Hagan 1:3134r:by, O. G., .First ward.' ".. carllrle & nett:ruck. Tarero, Third ward.. . S. On, O. G.: Vied watd. John. bleanson, E.. tf., Secfnlh ward.' Allegheny. • . Valentine Penyer, Tavern, Third ward. • . , John N Tidbatl, Tavern. North Fayette. . 31.1:11: Toole, Tavern, fltt. ..Avitotutsr Cot:Nr.T: • ._ .• - The Lleouse Board' wilt sit for . hearfn ehe atiofe' appi c. Lions on WADNESDAY. •he 9 7th Ins , at .9 o'clock A. M. JOEIN G. BROWN I .1 12 : . J:d 28 ' • •Clerlc. , . TICES“ to La," • !. Fprita bsoy!..r,algt:.• - 4.wantr.”- 6.soaraing.;" &c., not se, /pecilinciii),Oß LINES *deb Wit be inserted is Moo -eottimtie Witte for T WERTY-PIVB ("Asap b ead/ addittemaf. One cENTs. • . . . . W4MTED-SITUAT:I9Nt. , , IVA NICE D.;— . A PE11.813,N ":W ELL . V y .gualladd "dusts tosecure a sltusdlon in a drug store. - lie thorowc?lv; understands dispensing mad ames. ,A M: Magee A. 41 p., Pittsburgh Mirk'. V. jalop . • 7 , .............. NVANTEDI,HEILP —Atilgifiplop; , -meat OfMee. No. & St. (Mar Street, . BUY. GIRLS and lagN,, for different Muds or employ. went. V'ergons wantingbelp.ofail kind& .earrba suoplied shorAnotlce... , . W ANTED - BOARDERS; ANTED— . IIOARDER@PIitts-. v v ant wan, wlnb - bba'rdi finitible foraenilernan and win., or 'two 3 - wink-gentlemen at 68 'FOURTH bTREET. 'Alto frw day or .dinner bopniers can be ace mmtkiated.. Reference tivalreyt. . ' VITAN'TS. . . . ._ , • - ED.r-A, Pleasaitt ~ toom NIT AIII sprit h botird, by a geatteman amOrtre - (ril-' vati- family - )arel.rreel,) firtereneeti.le*etta4ged. Address., L 9 suitttig,,ocatton terms. Ste, ' ..- • ~ • ja .-•--. . —; wri, ,, VA'zierig- uitrict.'_ • . 'W ANTED—TO RENTiiV*O or. TiiltEE 11(i0/11*Cir A. SMALEATOkidif. In, al?Pasant locatlou."by a man and wire; no c,htlilivn. timid reference.id-eas .C.; GAZETTE OF, 25.000 OWH OND Iranfliiimlo?tglaglre-ou-Ailteneay Co..nty eropertx.• Apply to or aldresq ChtiFT PHILLIPS. IWO, Estate Agents, bi0...1.39 Yoarth: LSPECTACI_,ES.—A .Pair of .11-4 Gold FisectaeYei on bATUItDAY, -Jaboarr ie. The tinder.wlll be settribly rewarded: by !eating thew *B , llll' the Collector- or the - ritind ttreet Bridge. : • - -J*lB 40ST.—A: Diamond Cross Breast P.IN Ttie deter wlll Ue reger4edji) leiie* It. r. McMEAL'S office: • • . • ' : TO LET. T• .._ uTnashed- Rooms' .to . a M single gendeen. on HMithaeld' one 'mluarti mP. U. Poardini! adeelred. Adclrelsi Box". 11..,: 7ayO.I2ET.—THE . COMMODIOIIS DIV FAX/ V 61 1 01742 , 31.9. 741•Pber 63 , ,,bet a een and Marbary streets.' Apply to, ..,,J.4llN_AfeD• CROW4kNia,•,, , , Jar M , . ...onongahela- Haase. LET.- 4 - . Warehouso2 299 Met ty str.e.t, now occupied by_ 8. EWAltr& Fo , ternoe.annlre of Teuerot Keystone/tank, corner: ciarrietarsugy. . . FOR FIRST , CLASS ALEVAULM. Capaetty 1,000 tatqqa . . Ap r ply at 204 PENN sTectET. TO-LETll9litirs- , Belek House of four nom and kltot! n. Pouesslod-alftfu ruary la. Apply at LOT Clark street. . . ~ • . LET.,-TWO furnished Noma. with gas and Ore. one OtT ant oor. and 'onerrrunt up stairs.. Inquire at vairabird avenue. . • TOT'OO-L107.--Bw ling House, No. 94 lays ginan. RE R4!OM, „ED. US Wylie greet. cornv! , ..C., Federal &Peet. ATV' , " to A. M. ußovrN, 96 19 • He Street, and 114 PIM Avenue. - rro largerbiir Story WARE HOUttE. 38 Smltlint•ld street, at present oetstpleti•by Messrs. T.M. At CO. In the furut turstuittnes sianqitirS Of Sum )sf OH N STUN, corners( zintthtleid street it!.hottrth avenue. O LiCT—WAitEROIJEat.' No: IttqW Fmtthsad street. occuple_4,,by.y:Dissew ;tsars. sphoistine snd furnitursoullSS , e: .ftssat - Ltra . Also,; to let; A large oil. warehouse on Hancock . street. ! • _ye... • Al 0, lislerelling with ir tinshis! • o•ll- 1 % . * Also, swell tintsheil house with 11 rooms- 1 4A 118 Hancock streets4sol/coopolitte hrLittaglreb/ Also,' large - haute . on the co uer bf itllll 31ancoek •tr. for offices_ : /Enquire atili7Tl HNATitharit.:‘..it 471113 - iT" 40 R 111 ENT.-140USk.--,„ ,4 7 °large, BRICK DOUBLE H9rlvE; 4-Ordaining !area ()ruble Parlors, LlnrarT, Manx ,B.Porn, E . lrßen, and W ash 1.101160 'Ol noter ince; 'sad 5 Ilar ..Optuar: and ba th room on secondloor.'"alar 'entail/I l eum.. / good cellar with bake-oVen In twer,au wits: -yard p anted wi th ' sbreib!firry .a t trt•es...., and cold water tarldiraa ihritg "tve tion s e; 'Th , non-e is in „good ordrv.'-ilnely papered ' and'anilntc ' throughonta •Marnlevanntlepieccsannarlorsla• 27 and dlairifreacin.:-.Bossesslon Miro' .at 0 ha:, . k. .clalon In Eleven th (old SeV-Xi'Mwardr . Fur , ei s, .a.c., address. I. Z., ewe. . Box W. Gazette 001ce. • ... FOR SAX,E . PiR S BL t irA ()P 210 AC 74 3. g vd. prove..., mews. an siebantkiti all kinds. tit.snitt. Weelit be suitable lot garden. Yor ttrtwi al , n &e . apply to • - Ja - .• zsleut. TERXAvkx RksiDENCE: locate& 213 rnsyenue. Vesh6ny. city. b,twern BMW a street Jnyln _svenue..--Nst.len62--ornsis nt 14 rooms. list! tow r5..2%.1 .cell .r, gs 6 tornagnons ;nal" Alt finish dirk &rat mass style., Lon 48' 11 . 7 I I£o3 20 root gips. will 66 soul on 62SY Set AOPP. II 4' CNOPV & lf.al Es ca22.2gsnts. .14t5'',129 7011rel114 , 1ttli , . J2I6 FOR SAIC LLDI6SJINESS STAND— . A well , known and pewspeious wholesale h os t_ • I n d nein atand. ortth%sinek• ditto s, a o :red for r f e 1 fll gale. ' FatisffflitiTy rreo4onaaretivell for the'dispo , ..... ~,........, , sa l . Apply atiVititifiliTititrr:-' , "--, ' ' 1 - Ron' BATE —T .hie tiiii fib Ato ry jo • brick wart houay. 24 by 64 feer4ulted 6 - 0, 1 110 aTitELT.i.4lleghely coy: - N2lO. 28;:nONKIgti# pitli pas t low' and' Grain Ware bowie. Abo, that two stor. brick dv Oleg ti0u5e,20,4,44 feci,• 4 ,4, Joni:az the above containing, six .vocms'.? '. .., o et t.ee partivultra 'enquire on the premirmea of ii, iiirE al, & 0i1hi....„....„ , ~-..,,,- -, 7k. Y. , V' 4 i , 2 '-',. - - . - - 'Ewa SAILIE—FAIRRL--,2011) - o r, f droLmidoiitimialn , Nutt rp., 18'990;, morelmon, countv,l4lividle*.fcomilrovln Scs 19 the Penns • It, V .1* .• IMO* , &Wed 1 . good •retialr.l-Im9l , gra t pl4l :tabik - - Terms moats Irstf• ..11 1 / 1 1 11 re', , f • !, =eel* Stanog;) • :Sa 4 t 0w5.1.. 1 as4Esuoktookii - v. sr. esa,roup *Greet. .:4eIITY wry: - --rtr4ectV't • tAnq l 414.vvero NEW ADIM)I,T43iErdENTS. 'W IfITE ,WAR CIAOTREP.4 LINES GIRARD WIRE COD 'ANY, OF PITILA.II3ka."PIIIA. VA. S. 131_JA.14 . ..1 0 5 I%,icp. 3 St. Clairtreats only Agent for Allegheny County. SyLLS AT YANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CAI for Cacalsr. ' • 329 • (132 ) .i'0:(133 triIIOWAS 11011ERTS,••‘ In Account W ith Sixth W ttrd,S.c4ool Board. 10651. Janyt*l7, l ...T. 1fia4:4•411! Tu balance on•lnenti• 'To cmh recd Iron collectpr 2,282 00 $2,516 52 , I J. 1.. . CR By cash Paid rot -• surauce.•.., $ 244.9} By cash paidlibr .; r•• tt',nery, &c. 283 44 By Cafilb Wad &or ,1be)....111.ni5;,•,. sor's s•rlare l'Scc - -7tra cAbh paid Or Iron sure.— 1'6611 By cash paid ter repairs. in 'chiding plumbing. palm ing. glaring, &.c Balance on hand. ;Balance of. bounty find transferred to school &Wt., an 86-, '1,14Ar59 We, the undersigned“havlng beetoappointed a Crimittee to audit the account. of THOMASROB IC TS, 'treasurer of the Str,tll,,W,trrd •SchotßAVarri and Bonnty funds, hiving attended - to that duty. do fin 4 the,alt i weistiteinflitti correct. leavii.44 ,a,tutal :balance in ,the. Hanle it TreftruferOT nft. en hundred' ;and thirti,elgtl doilajsand,,forty-tive.crnts.•:. • , W 11.41.i.11 11c1.011), JACOB V. WALTER: Pit'revic t GB. Jar. 1. 1E69. ja20.d31 ottinicliirtE PROVIDING ' FOR TWO WHARF DISTRIOTS;`&O;' Ste. 1. Se it ordained and enacted by the Select and Comidon. Co.up et: ki fir the . Oath tir highealboitad. !Lig herrhu enacted by the witnority of the same, siThat from and after the lstot Jasivary,.lsl344 the, wharf shall be' ditided tnto two districts; to be known as the Easters, and WeLtern stalckAnders son street being the dlviolugline of theMistricti. chat 2. Toe wharves thus divided stall be put in chai ge a wharfaitister, to be elected at the same Unless other city officers. at the first .meeting of Counclid of each year. They will be required to ir,ve bond in the .tint of 43,000 each for the faith ful discharge of stitilr duties, receiving za consider ation therefor the rates aln.ady provided by law. SEC 3 It shall.be the auty'of theivrhartmai tem In . addition to the cor eet ion of wharfage. Sc. to keep the -.wherfin good rder and see that no dirt or rubble's is placed on any portiadi hereof without their permis sion and miner - their direction and any person so offending shall be gable to a fine Of five doltarst , . the ;dame to be recovered summarily upon conviction. 4. E st e., wharfmasier wLI be required to make trimonthly r.turu of the business transacted by him to the City Controller. anounsinir or paying to the City Treasu. er at the same periods. 1' SgC. 5. 'chat so much of any ordlinance conflicting 'ivrithor suppled by the foregoidg, be and the same s here oy . • • . Ordalded and leffacted 'into g law this' thill Tout , t..enth Uaj of taotisry, in the year of our Lord one t ouSand eight hundred and sixty-nine. - JAMES McBRIEIL President of Select Council. JOHN S. LALAGLE, Preeldeiit-of Couninon Cowell. Attest: •-' • • AD, MacrEnnolg x Clerk of Select Council. R. DILWORTH. vlerk Of CollilliOn Council. ' 1120 OLLAR SAVANGS the ti'eta , ral .480taly of the Cansmo'ntio crith of :Pennayloania: - . he unde-signed,. TreaSorer of the "MILLAR viNGS ouiullapee w•th the Charter said Bank, begs leave td ininnit the following .Dort o. it, coadit ion ou the 30th da:s of Novem. 1S68: LIABILITIES: cunt due De -091 Lora c cm .t, 1864 62,073,639 17 'skit rid fo: the , ast utontits: ... - 05,46‘ 14, ; , iittluiont Pond. - 'lB4 497 30 Total liabilities 4'1,315,804 61 6 on Bond .ud M0rtgAtte,..104654.066.-45 -R Estate... 25,475 27 ck • lc • burgh Hanks .... 71,634 04 4.1. 6 5-2 , 1 six r.r cent Bond 4, '65 • ,567 350.000 00 U.S. sic per cent .Bonds, 1661.. 8111, Recelv..lue iu Bank an I 133;863.10 , Total Astetg 'The undersigned, Auditing Committee. respect fully, report that-tbey have egarninld Ant Treasur er,. report for the la-t sty, months. ens leg Novem ber 30tb, 186 e. and have examined the. Asses of the Bank:. Uonsisting of -Bonds and,Morttrapes, Deeds of Real Estate. Certificates of Bank Block, Biqa Rev-)vab'e, U. B. 3.20 et per cent. Bonds, 63 and -61. U. S. Mx- per cent. Banda, 1881. and the.caeh in Bank and on hand. and ttltb.saaglepr correspond wits the above fePort. - R. C. LOOMIs. JAMES 11. HELLY, I And. Cont. WM. J. A vDEtatitrli, OrITTSBUFGII..December 9, 1888. vine Trustees have deelared a dividend of three ' 43,y,per cent. out oi the profits or tee, I,rt tix. .months„ , free of (4oeernMent "l'ax,'"payable forth with,. If not al rawn, will bear Interest from theist Inst. Alan dee.areelaen tl viden. of three ta.) 'per cent. June 1, nos. maktur six (13 4 per cent. for the year tudlog NoVember 30.-111891.. _ •'-• ' ' ''1 5 .12 - rsnunGti. December 1x,,7868. A In sceMdinacoWlth tee. Id of tfieCtarierof tide Instlterlon 1 b, g leave to,aubmit the names , of all sueh•depon torn who come Within Gs rcope,with thE ..smount ~ue them appended: S. Ha atones. 4606 13: Maria C. Whiting' lii 36; /lichael'eln , on. $5,61 38; Charles A. Lank, V. 6176 t 8; Mary A Lankel. 66'27. 0 0:4 616 . 1 Derne l if, 441'12 - Pe -• terNausbemn. 4:08 El: Chrletlana Mctillvray, *74l' 88 - home b av Gip. -411.5.V.69: Mary Moors. *tat ft; .t . ,,eorgd. Wilson. W 66; lb .spit J. Hamilton ' *54 85; Sarah M. Banket,..... 4,128 ; reter .'augree.4llB9 , 29l Ira-1w bell 16,rain $33 . 72; Frederick A. Winkler, $224 22; ,i.aura'Fcrirer, 4.Z1. 75;,W1113 4 n3 J. And.o.lol3,fruneat: $259 74; hfary Jonels: 1)!Xl 36; 'arab Bailey, 4407 41: Predericx R. holm, 1 8.3 99, , Thotnag,Lemni. 44 - 4.676 • Laughlin Mclntosh. M . 5•43; Daniel Border, 41.760 97; ;Hannah E Glbs..n,,W) 93; June 31elfIbbeny.1211.70: ' :J05.12.4r01fti: , 4166 79f Birbara Xing, 4=7 141: Re =Mee* c• heetnutbood. $125 34; MU, Kearns. 470 ..55k J. e-a) Wonnietb4.l6ls 01: Heiman M I , aven" , 63 36:, - IL b. Fahne,t , ,ck. Tru-tee, $l7l '1; H. my ti , Fahn tlknst(l;Mrlirrtg. ' s" 3 14:MarY Won : rig.ir:.fii.Aha I.,liwortn. 4.165 2; taco. Is skluan- *10044 11Mmas ;4, Blair. Trustee, •44.3 43; !flannel. ,M. Davis, in trust, $144'12; sarah finals, 4576 83;„Juba11 ....dgull, . II witeee - 4121 Sir nt •Willta 13.1,ey, 4411 . 63 James Manner, $ll5 61; Francis , FI7 1111 .! r. , 13 6 .t; etew-61 6 14 . W66i , In irata:4ll23 044 o' l ' o olo 4B ' ilt n, .r. 61. • Vreeerlek eher, 693 07; jos lan J.. clantoat, 01:17} 63:. Tbulnall •ase t• 1 41 7. -: ..1 1 4..r, 4SaO3. Marfa u. veglara, m. go; %taw A. Ulm.. $1,120 62; wainion• H. MaltneWl6,, $lBB Bli JimeaT; 4 1 0rotrart; 168 97 ; Wilt 'in P. Thom.' • Ison, $ll9 73; George Hind., $74 70: Alfred G. .11ar. ton. 4 , 48 114 r Nameg Mdllullottgb.4l4B 26Y Ellallsr6e; 481396• ltohert P. Jordan, 04x379 ; Wm., Idc„E„ee, am MI 4snres 1111. , +Hendk. , 1110134 - 1 , 167 60.” Watsen' -ugh .., $.".134; •oho Jordan. $6749. Lorenzo I/. Duluoiet!•.: 4•124 - 13: - . Jane Graham; awl doviDivid Vi: Jawes. +.6054• Robert M. Thompson, $1,17222: Ezra T. Vise 4 Ma felt Shontas .1 i i Will 15M5.4716 1:5 r ..Ent4 , ..161 ,1 da11. s'./3 fin Jns ph Breker. $132 61; wm, 4'49 e*vitti Trustee, ,36: IVM. 41syl,....,Tinatrop *134 64 Jacob tlfrihtleld, T.-nstee. $2lO 36; drab D. Neon *l4l 65: Ma , thew Haelea.. Jr., $12842• lytig, 51...45 ' Miller, 4214 92: Sarah J. Wrieht. 62 049 41. efltila ii. 14 enfang 4163 h 2: Joseph Win err, $753 31; Armild McLain.. $l4O 11; _The.*** M____evax...s24o,26e Tlitnnar E 111611: vale: Urtl9 VateltlWsP , 66: Eteahor ilrll•rtnick, $13628; sewer; lteaeh, $.13 391 b ugles, Mea nalpwln. a Ern 61otee..Str.o 1 .1.it. 41'198 6.lVEt•x4- 'lO,l, Metgung. 4:17 30: Jam. a D. (last. am, Tru•de-, $13144: James 16. 1111.31 , 4111, Tr.tater,'. Inn &O Mary Urlersou, 09 ea. Robert e. ham, $122 5.:: Henri at 11- 411. 1101 . •041/9 fjb; 41.4tny_ T McVleaer.•74b 06; 31,311n45 , Fr4rman.t 367 61 ; John Kalahel, .446 03: Darin 14144., Trustee,.oo ,63;•,Lav,d.,11,1g49.... Truster,' $139 66s 43...14. 1 Riggs Treater, Sc 4 66; Dark; Witte., Trustee, tvi 60:1)..%a5; lggs. 'Arlyajee.,4 o o•66;,l 4 icha . out inppetd,'' , 46B ,et Sarni, s. ratter.on 070 68: Weo.,Foerster. $1 a .M 49.arearet ,Wltaltni..-41 , 17. 4d: !Rebell:. Martin. ° lna Illf 'Filxatle , ll Boyf, 6,grd 6a; Bane Rodgers, 41.43 24; hiargaretta S. Dobson. 413046; ,53r,.1. I....ergin., 4194 Jo: Cearlotte 8 atty, 4.3r8 62; CIIA. I, 0 W. fay lur. .369 43; F. A. Dliwur l o,f6l o B 21: 0, Otto Chester.: 4= 33; °able.' NeelyB347 01; ' 4.1..r , ba Clark 476 08; Ann E. House. 1167 . 47 Mary HeR. leer. VS ta;iforrna:ur 11. Meyer. 4482 87; Ueo.' W. MrClurr .61.64 92; ~ onto V. 1, le. 469 24; Jane ' l'aef is ..450 SO. En...eh riazton,'4Ml , !I; A. 11112 id.N ,;$20644: It bert ...Meanie, $l, 41; WlPlam e , M •lurit, 14; Jonn ty, hs,oo, • 3 ,u,ate 4e14 se- John. 14: , I''Ma +o 31 eller. 461 CIO: ntrl-1 McLaugtdo, $2l 44: Walter -14 . . * Ce.1y V 4.3 51; Ell‘ahetl. ••uumut, 4363.48; John 0'N.11 , 4 . 311 13: 3l'argaret 1. Thema*, 4241 94: hi ar glare& Vogel, 4 1 57.09; Lydia Alanaon. htlf. 35; • 1.1111. Killian: 414:115i . trinuel M. YOnulr, $lOl 87; .. hebe McLean. atle 33* FrAUCIS ret/y, MAI VI: J , ,arnf. O'Br , , 0. 0,3;7 el: John''"chin, 6118 73:',11)htl PIAIZ. $ll7 63; 7 11)1an Inv k• r, 493 62: ',avid Beynota, 41'11 13; Joseph, Fliesinger, e 4 06 27; Annie Beatty, 17Y7 06; Wm. ..; Morrie, 668 ,8 29: JUlla A CubbAr., 1 ;1 72 16; E m . S T NixunP4l94 09; • Thomis` Gandent, -hi I'3; ...,e4,6en la link, via 17; Pieter [the Inoeleter 600 27; bet 06.. i. Wi , suu, *rel 17; Samuel. Tate. 4411 72; !.lisle al. Long, $ll5 &V: David GrlfliGas, $5B 17: M Iry J. Mori illr, 41 161 Ague* 11.10..9..., 1 341 7 V....' John 1, goena(4ll3:yoLJanies DteCl.4.and. Mal $ }F t?trsll7% YB4"uKle.ll Cl; IW. ee4sl Maryf;Lon. 410 lisri. 31rrer, W,4 82; AT. W. I) wisp, $ll4 lin Alexander MdKim. $ll3 91; .lobta Conner, $171 . 30: jo• n G 1 - au.. /11,4 fa 10: John_9l4uSrAto $3,6t2 4/ g csarlip gra sravalroeg.. *ll4 16; JOTIff 'Hull. 11. 1 7 05; 14 nIget 31. Italie; ILIV 67; Hartle; B. Ylannagan, .4.111 01_; W. ly, cfp. , •4;33 23; Clasper N. Meitner .44. 67 . ; : franir fi , Imre. , '47,32; -411.4e,,.414 . ..F.L.r.. LOA /4170 43f oriel I. Mate. 41,4 46; Je , We 8. [ jgglll:4;s4 49 ; 4,44,14f 14 7s; yonyt 1 replo , h , , vss th , ,,,1i 4 Naltime, As, am b übge er. • 951 1 97 kif ° M If . 113`64 0#Mien f ell it tf il al lit. le . 00.14. d. 11 ; Y.4.3otra. tilr,a4mgy.; ittigag.eriNiffgat'l . ,Alfa,UloC4llllo.ll4 4 gl 4MUMWANI. , met IS PITTOUREIB:iIIitZEM i7VEMESOPLY.rf TIKAT. , nII-1 2 MED 392 b 6 2.516 52 • 6, • IMM 50,013 75 30,1%0 00 11's Vittsllit`ft Ciatttt. j. -- kritt311:111) DAILY, By • PENNIM, REIEII &CO.; Propnettat. F. .pi;PENNEKA.N. JOSIAH HI.Ne. P. HOUSTON., N. P. RaCZ,D. ‘ „,,..34,1H . 0r5,and Prßorif.tori. A4BETTK . ,.BBII.I)Iti NOS. 84 AND 16 MTH ST. h . OF • CUL PAPER' •-: , . ' , )f Pittsburgh, llegheny and Allegheny . . , County. • - Terms—Datly. ,de i... Wakill• I Weakly, - ' . yglsr .. e ts,(C, 9. el,enriv, tig Bingil OM •figLEO 3/ 6 the ly' t rek 75 V ' e i rniOe 1 1 , i _. - 4° °E'es ' ele i- tit (from carrier.) ( - i—end one to Agent. WEDNESDAY - , JANtrAIiY ' liQ.' 11361). Tai. Wikalux e /awns., (Slued on Wed— loaday a and Satu , ays, irtheibest atld cheap . Jet family newel i , , er in Pennaylvania. It presents each ta- k forty-eight iolumns of wild reading wife ::: It Welt . ihst Palest. as , well as tke , most r ttablemarkft repotts of any. selper in the Sta "Its fitis are used ezelu /41 livery by the Civil C grof Ltilligheni county /or referinee'rti i 6rfaiiti 4 siiteift&dete*Mitre .;he rulini 4 prietSi the Mat ice arthiiintiro . the business tratietton - IV distmeet k TPS b ie `dingle cops,. one year, $1.50 ; in eZubs offivi, p 1,25 ; in clubs of ten, tio.s i and -6W:the ' ' So the getter ap•c i, f. the elo.,,,Specipen:oopiet lent free to any tilidress. „ , .' .7. . ~. ~. . P- t. . .1 ,• . h . rwE -,.. t iri4l , on „the inside %pager , of this ~ m orniey's • GAzEtTE—Erecond page: Ephem art's, Mjseellaneous. Third, anoi,Si.Vh Acrgiv' commercial, ; Rinaniial, - Mercantile , and River.: Wiwi, .:rmyrts, ',Maikegs': Etiiitith page:' : .Genirrar ,Misiattny. of lniCresting: Reading Matter; 4musenient Direetory.' • ' ' N f11.,t .. , , 41, .o , ' ';: • ' ' PETROLE6I at Antweii) 571 francs. U. S. BOINDS at Frainkfoit, 79g(01794,. • ~tt GOLD closed'yesterday in New York a A 'CosivaNnow . of delegutes, representing a number of companies interested in ROE- Bilis' process for preserving•wood, was held. a few days ago in — New York, of which, , We observe by our 4ieliatsgei: letr/Vir.' E. V. • 3 1 ,EtecRtna r qfillis city,was•Secretary. ; alengthy. report of the proceedings pub lished liithe New York :World, we learn that the process finds Savor with some o f the most eminent chemists of the "ctisinto and that its .universal adoption is no iFo probible evtrit. ' ' • ' " TUE PUSIDENT justifies his latest Am nesty, I:•roOninatien -upon the constitutiepal rights of-the insists tha Exeputive, and t the • act was "hi strict'accordance with judicial expositions and in conformity to precedents. established b' Visolicoiox In '95, and . bY other PreSidentspince." The precedeikt of. '95 has atways been quoted, relied uport and conformed,to ,by Mr. Joussold's predeces sor& •Thatprededent by itatermai exOresa:: ly exchided From amnesty every person "who standeth indicted or convicted of any treason, wisprislon of treason or other .of-- fendes against' the ,United Biates." The present .Executive isthe first to- --- clairn - the prerogative of •paitliining offeitders After indictment found sad-before comic. don. So much for his precedentl stitutionallavi is not regarded as of any greater validity.- - • • , ~..YEATE.RDAY was a Senatorial day in a t number Of States. The following list em 4 'l64ces all the election results - recellred” k • Pennsylvania, v",..441i,5c0Z7, ' New :York' • - 'E. trit!4;toN;R: Delaware.... h.....:44.TH0MA1S BAVARN , D; New jersey Itassachusetta ; . .. AnLes Sumwnn. Wiw:Cumnaes, Minnesota.....: ALEX. RAMSEY; R. MichiganQUOPl,ASsßs ; Mains H A'N'S I ESAL ` MI sours t . 4 ...RAUL SCHURZ! We have,flo informatioA from , Nebraska, but it is highly' probable that Senator Trr- TON hut been ; re-eletted. Florida'postpon ed election. In Delaware Jas.' 'IL. 134x.ario was electetMserve'the short tered, which expires on , -tho 144 of the ; Aiming 'l.iareb,,pr . .te cal. the complete Auexplzed term of the laieitriDLF.,,to,which ifeaney, he: t w!ts;., appointed , j A p p01, t 4?„67., Tuds '4..ksilio .his, son wzo elected his successor to:fill tho' fill! term of Six YOats. Tun new Spanish CortO w ll liemoa •'tircideal by a deciticytblf• 3sird t tnafbrity, tbeltepubliains having.only &tont one hi3n died members, or:lkea' Mini if thlit - tq the 'etitfie well-1001zegi` ); loontbs - past have held steadily t?, i tivali . .. k Viciloh that Spain is not now, nor for an. L attmr generatiowliketfc tO 1it.;14106,(6r11,1Re , i'VAictiwAsyfirP.A.kgo-.1,150 , 105".4v0med , sentiment yilt4,ll3#:l4l.be ,corpktituent, l'iletibly t tan.l mill, :largely ) contribute t o sigtpe Wein* polity of the kin .4 gdom in ac cordance with Democratic A.V.Otitiett: tionali throne, , witir,a• dynAsty ...T•preseryie iiing on tAlopppular Aridinte* f0r.43 per- Vetilation, and idirtkii merely the ( Executive bt' the National will, Spain 'Will find; Per haps, in Prussia its neliatilkititiplartifPon the European , c90.9er1t,....A limited, PIMA' ,archy' upon that model will be a vast im proyoment upon the 'Old IroOlion!diVgPae. ' PACIFIC RaftwAY`mattbrs are assuming Another shape. The UntotO Pacific , : dyes` the GOvernment security, to the amount' of .$3,000,000 in "bondi . ‘tiiiit ' all itit'grard of _lands, for the, catth(u.L.completion ! :•of, .its work according, „tt contract. The North and SouthVacifferoatisAO ton Fo rt ftsy, for stlysidy•aid or' giett'idi I leitalgrithte;'thby ' are now apolleantai only: for Abe Ttoastry guarantee of six F a ripsit, 4.ptefeitApqn,. a ',lhMtf(i amount . f they b onds. , The East-.. em Divi4,ll44o4rees.with,,thekili tral Pamfici sA4 le Mutitite(lietrort to to' ber made to induce Confrfel4.lt!iLl t itqlotl.A. au extension ; eastward from Its unction ;:with du; Unfol,MY 4 4.liF lOcli V Ao44li,' ~ .t, I /1•1 4 , 1 , t ,0• 01 , ;Where the . elage rn 4 l oll TA,9l!“ t4 , 496Thht ~* Miilidt d: "4 : ,•, :i . tl i !V glt P:V-r•• t ilt ~,,- v eittLiktirilartikiditi l lkiseit ,UM ;,- •,_.. 2 .,,, i , t ,1. 2 „ w x- r at i ,, . .11 1; entlirlprimspilsonno..m.r. 1 0, *ektriiitigleVl4l4. aill tern Division road, and/tteek4 ipiprettiacy in a Ihrough line from-Plailadelphia to San FranciscoicithOut being requirad to diveige Chicago or'being forced to combine with the New York Central for the control orilia lOmaha line." • - , The Legislatureof Pennsylvania yester terday eleeted Hon: Jon' Scirrr, United .States Senator for six years from next Mara', 'vice BII I CKALEW, retired. The oppo sition vote was cast at Harrisburg for Mr. Wes.t.AcE, of Clearfield, -notWithstinding the i c4mpliment. was , carnestly„ desired for. BuctAmstr, whose friends insisted that it was due tO, , Itwa,s certainly very shabby in the opposition, thus, to disregard a duty of simple justice to' algentleman who, apart from' hie has'm'aintained morethan : respectable position, in the Senate and in the pubiltregard: ' , ' • : The deciiiVe vote of 90 to 67, by which the House has pat a final Oiletui, for this . ' rapselon, upon, the policy of subsidizing rail- Way - and other corporations trona the Nit:: „tional, treasury, ; will afford the ' greatest 1 satisfaction to the country- , There • ia, but' little danger that the policy thuit'cOndertined I will be reeved in ; , the , ' ensuing Congress. , Nor, fortunately, is there any , just reason lar apPhWtiiion th'at'th4ll'e l3 o l t g I3 J IB6 ' will " g o bacli".., ` Upon iti.own vote. - Thm "grab'tgarae; Which, In the ttgregate, pro; :Posed . vi'deplete the" Ireastirik the enOr- , ~ , . , ~ ~ . e 1:110113, sum of two hundred, millions of dol- • Jars, is played out.: - The railway, steam.' .fitip, ship.canal And the Otlieerinta, which • have filled the purliens'of the Capitol with 'a swarm otl insatiable plunderers, have thrown up their bards in disgust, and. fled from the_ scene of their , discomfiture. It ylits:paly fni• Congre ss to' complete its iod Work by flattening out the rest of these irrupt combinatiOns—itemt ihel'ostofilee, alien Department and whisky.thieves— a entitle itself to' the unnteakre4 gratitude , i co the country. . -. '• • ' ' The , yeas sand nays, . on this important; , vote, Begin ,to be , entirely, irrespective of I .political opinions: ~,The opposition mem bers were very fairly dividedi•whild of our .own friends we find among the, yeas such a' Brsonam, BourWELL, • DELANO, the ,two LAWREN I CES, BCOFIELD, SILELLLABAR ' 0E44 andifirminnvo,• and we' regret to see such ittfluentitti .0 embers as;, EI,AEF4ELD, KE.LLF.Y,Aila ' ScxtEices• on the other side. • • • We have to thank aDemocratic member,' Mr. Hot aLicA - , , nt Indiana, for t ., Peeving the resolution"' Which ',brought the, .members inexorably to book: ' Are are not disposed I.o.lmpeacil the sincerity of a,public virtue .which is les's likely to be demonstrative in a political majority than in the minority with which le 'usually acts. Let us pay nothing of the tactics of the politician and .gratefully aClinowledge. that the record, at least for this' time, proves him a faithful representative. 'And• we forbear any . minute analysis of the vote, observing only this, that in the fact • Pf, Sixty-seven members thus consenting to go to the • country upOn the record as opposed to a frank declaration of the public 'policy' against the imposiflo i n of additional burthena upon the trmsury, we finds very significant •proof that the treasury , had been up to'that Moment' in very; serious peril; ,from the powerful coinbinalipns formed and daily gathering strength \ agalnit It: This vote satisfies us that the country hid not taken the alarm an hour t6o , soon. We , believe r . . gor 11( . that in the absence of th is timely aq . deci ille cliclaiatf4,:inoPP than One ottheperict- Ing' subsidy-schemes, involving no one ash tell how' litany- millions' of dollars,. liioul d . have been rushed through w i4;4ut ,u,;., yeas and nays, in the customary confusion of the ilifiBioii'sfatit hours. That dodge too; which, otlateltits been tho'reperved trorisp.riaM •Of the lobby, is:now prettreffectually blocked. liyeltiAlki BtIEFAIARE.' ,- . But It - Will: Still bear Watching, and Ivltit ' viiliiancP ft , Pi now sure of a renewed defeat. lately delivered by Dr . Ttfoyrsolv, of New - Eet us . not : hope fo r too ranch. ,If the TOrk, presen4, perhaps, the atrongeSt, POs• Present.H.il°olnlic!t'' re a ch 41e large; 4%4 .Bible view of this question, .-. to be Men. ; well disciplined,armY of re!enue robbers, in froth the obj'ector's standteint. Even the and out ott ollice;:let it . do The .s °°!di Y. : a ; sex will theoietialry ;Ai& 'that' liOth l iiiaee' fur ! her .; 0 4 .1 0 I; .i exP°sini• the - t 'n4 h ° 4 : shOuld be heard. • Says the Doctor:' falsity of the public b elief that large frauds Even If the ballot could raise woman PCF , are covered up in the 100:1111gesiNrit ,of the litically, the naticutesrinot afford sot 56.1:f60 :Vosioffice. Suppose that this- would, hurt. • fen r t e m i e ts nt ni s Trgletto di v v i est: f ri t g lo , il tr t u to if it tp y e . th i feeiings °La , towinerriberspersienallydn6 ' , •iiity—in a word, of chivalry, and arraying tereetedlet ' , these be comforted tiyidekets 'i the sexestri the contest, of niiiistler 'W. tilieady. yisilllnccUlawlgh.cozaigcit:l,:iai -marl cannot hope to act tor . herself .in . pub. - - , , , ' r - '''Tfelife and still receive the honorable con the \ Executive ofne#l•l4-,t ( ATtMk-Allttr, the j sideratlon'noW:accortled . to the - delleicy,..of, Indian-bureau, where there- is still time her sex. ,She must choose . between %bettor, IP-tiaaptutaffirrii`e idn'oret 'tut/ Eii,ci... ~, S. 4flf if she Abell elect Alitt, lujter, She,Will , enough tut. .--,._.,..-_ .. ~.,• ~ ... _ ._', ••• •Inetitably find that in what direction • so. 16tv. for profitable plunder which has a l rea d y beet shs'forishr herself outside lie Agotei:e .. R4OO 0 444 , 0* , § .i foikii l iko o " : ; . 4 : 0 ..1 01 .. - Atetrevi:larfrortftaufindbeibrstd: she the internal Pf„!o!Pkillitei,sofir. Isla falsing.aistep tOwartl her own degrade dipbbed;isyt themilliorr'oitWO per week, lion, Irsho 'esin'brave the opprobriumi we.lottrnepossiblit hnprisittheil Gail te3l? cannot 'r:nt i ` t, r ii d t:.T t 16 , ,farm . siffinelitiliterateditt ilie Other' bid by thepolksttsontisingielensens slut, Inntravev ,the averirie.':Atid,,,tArif,hrOofY 4 weeks o$ ',,,Tar i r r l rm. e greg g riA l e! e rli c) ; l 7.:e i ll ti n e' l l ; 1_ .4e-,PF,nd',.. Ppm,' ' she j'persossi f iveill - d 'bring a,lriner aariwonfinto Then the coulitry, 91 thing, and ciiiiils that f every•dolisi of die out pohticat carnysigns:• ,, 'We cannot'forir 'le c k f ° / gs l7 P'• l l leß °flt4ll3lemirlYileiltd " b"4 'ta r :lt:2 lv, till i titist a mi s l i t i l h it i a li g t d ed ;a t n: estly tilie - liffhttillY 'Collected;• President atrocity;• nor;,,that woman produeed "the GRANT 'and - the , people will soon Inow • the' worst, nictriAlotililee'ot titer, Preis% , revoin 14,cathet an - d • I, tten; nor can. we shut our eyes , to the fact reason why. ' eill '' that' bat" lish that'in k oat cities the servile classesof the ;the su b ord i nate lnireaux are:to,h6,lllled, and' sex wou s kl.rolly,upthe poshieg ~,pf, the, lopOn that linellfoAdininistratlon fights for , desosEr Ps. anti tliat'AV 1110011 woul4 the'tour.felirito tothel' t: t't :I's Sr. ifr 7 i l tn e tUeir l i l it l i t g e n n e ° a ni t i o Its "po P il i t i gl ° Z;u t P ° . tkieS. 'rho history' of church electlonsAtt, ,whiolt Abbesses had.e voice,:is. a warning , here. But the calamity to be shunned is , shut men; ceasirig tdrep'ept and.,hener„Wei.., irie nin their toretoktitiVe Of 'inn abode, _sbris . l -1 (bar or court them as ,BD eh:Uncut 1' of,nu- ' merles' powert6-iiir • , when the - spirit of chivalry with its generowi loyulty to'selr le‘,. gone, the glory of the Repub li c will be ex., tinguished forever. „, ---,'7---!'•'"'r9---io.•r ' t . l w "I'llE 'Nnili , FINANCIAL SO OEMS. Tho new, Yunding44ll, reported.,to :the Senate on Monday, pr&ddes, l lst; to legalize c4n4raciS..made,. lipecialis, payable, in coin; tad, substituting for the existing pledge, of 'all the duties :levied upon Imported goods, for the payment, of .tbe interest and principal , of the pribilcdebl,' the , tifed intinof,lo9,=. ,coo,,00p::only , for that, appiterition; a / 7 11.6, per m#tin'g the funding of tpelegal-tendernotes into new 10.49 dye yer cetit bonds, interest and payable imirl; i 4 'be exempt from State or-plunicipal toast )And-the income ifieiefrOitiqo beOlit i ble j , 419, tax be 'yond such as may be assessed on 'other in ,oiipits; ,ilth;:tuthiltlkliirtlied ud'citi gold i r notei, ,fraux thAlrepory,,,wit Olit:Antereatt , ,payabf,a on demand, dyable fpF;dl public dii,es, and which, at, ,thß. i disctetip,,rt i ,9c ,the illArourX4Adki;ssBl4ol l lotB.ll4 exceeding, the: i itiorio of legaMeaderl otitis Y eowtolitd. Ander itfir ei l d'' f atrOti, hiiii ' 6 iiipigi till ‘ l °;tr ch "eif f iiffttil i f 4l4l4/V 'Am Aas tt . ..k. IF-6% IBM bonds; sth, authorizing the National Banks also to issue :gold-notes, to the extent 'of 'sixty-fire per cent. of bonds. deposited in the- Treasury expressly for the security of the same. " . • 'Stich was substantially tha bill as reported from the Finance. Committee by its chair Amepilmeirts were at the same, time •submitted by other members,.. embodying only some additional precautions against an unduly rapid coattaction of the legal-tender currency. It is to be presumed, • therefore, that the bill; with these slight modifications, awe - re the consenting judgment of a major • - ity of. the Committee, and, as such, is pre aerated to the country as a measuree entitled to its serioni •ccinsideration. - , • • . .• • The piblic assent will undoubtedly sus tain Congress; in declaring The validity of contrieta EtPecifically payable in coin:: That propositiorrhas been heretofore- very fully 'discussed, and publiC 'opinion 'preponderates strongly in its favor. . , Existing legislation; pledges the entire receipts from customs•for the securitrolthe bondholders, that !et; say, Ili effect, f6r the 'Payment of- the interest, both being in coin. 'The sum no* indicated, $140,000,000, giving broad margin, some, ten or twelve millions, over the actual, neecii, of the !,Treasury for That purpose; the 1411 wisely 'propcises to , re.' lease the excess of duties, estimated for 'thp Current yenj. 420,000,000;: :or a -total of $160,000,000, from its idle andltieleis im prisonment in the T,redit'iryvaults,.,nnd make its application val6able ,fOr the pur poses-both of. erchlation aruito rekem, the public debt , : ; ' • ; , The' pinion is very, gtAi*,.. and proba-. bly it is Well-founded, that- the rate of in terest on' a "few loatt, iegotiat`coi for any' pnrpose, may be reduced if coupled with such express pledges, as to the coin-redemp.: tionlof both principarand fniereit; . es shonld pteclude the objections made in some quar ters to the present issues of•bands. _The bill adopts' this view in the'proposed fund .ing of the legal-tenders'. i.lt .will strike the pnblic mind that none of the proviSions of the bill have any relation to, a change of. 'form of the 'existing securities.l Not touch ing that question at all, it . isonly,the absorp- - tion or 'tbe legal-tender. ‘cuiteiicy ";atici,2ll3 propoizied. One amendment is to limit this 'absorption to two millions liermonth; while another Provides for a re:co:inversion 'into legal-tenders when desired , by the holder; the first may be adopted; and the tecdnd is not likely ie.l f4)proved. . , , ' -The next section would , ufilize.the surplus of coin in thel'Obstiri; tut the basis ofrt new specie-13410g circulation. To this, there coUld.be little • objection: But, as a further step in'lhe same - direction as indicated by the legalization of i specific.,coin-cOntracts, its bdoptioh would afford a: it'll more 'nora-, plete illustration of the'pdssible incompati bilities between 'the pro co-existing sten aards of valudoin and paper; actual , and fictitious, one at pat and' the:tither. more Or less. depreciated. When the bill alionpens thedoor yet wider, and admits' the National: banks to the duplex privilege'tif adding to their issues of, depreciated paper, the further special issue' of coin -notes, Old-fashioned people will begin to think that congress is giving. us a little too much . Of, a gohd, thing. ' While the, , .general. scope of this bill is 'such as to merit; and: probably "to receive,the publle 'aioProtral l , 'it is not difficult' to see that Congress will• hesitate to approve 'the Measure as a whole: - l'hls brialhe Merit of being• the " r stinf4st,'"artd decidedly the most! pfactiCabie;,proposition yet submitted as a step toward thefrestoration' of socuid / Ika' ; tio*al thrall6e . v Areildt4Oti can &reit it of its objectionable features without`impair ing its 'reateffleteuey -only to regret itie PossibilitY4liai'ltir t hit4- dtietion at this late hour of thr.sestdorti, should occasion a reasonable doubt as to the certainty of itsibecomtlig . l ' • , Tan new Glverhor:OfilEnryllodl : ttliate upon office with the respect of all parties 'aintintt his fellono-ultizetis.i la% ttuti MIA vast improvement., upon the retiring Pov. ernOr,SWANN. The Baltimore +Americo?' if 4 4 ~'i 4 . -i. ...._ø.,_l,• - ~ s,i; ~+. 1. 1 eGovornoi lltiwiela'net one oethat ohms of political fossils who , tary beCeinei the , repreeentattve'men of thit:Denioeradri Oink of Maryland,-hut au activeilenergeticopro ,gresitive Man, who will ,trEs' wide: liWake3o. tho varied Intergetsof the State. l Aithoimh decided In his political views,,he has, never allowed illfrowneet.f-senittlient Inanimate° k 40 i iirtocial or friendl ,relations v and , If iv, tad napliOln ectfi ~.doutidl44s .:Itir:.: tiblr ......t. " t',4lr, 4 inatald.noLlisiie ,Vitell44°lll,ll.lPieni Ingicroar. ° Jew: .4 ea ivi brut *it ' T9 I WHO3I,III' MAY CONCEUN. ' The marked preference of the Republi cans of Neiv Aork, in assigning to Gov. FENTON the Senatorial seat of Mr. Morton* • after March next, conveys to all concerned, in other States as well as theirs, a significant indication of that radically Republican sen timent, which pervades the party, every where. To make still clearer this sentiment, what i and as showing exactly t means, wo Copy from the New York Tribune an en planation for Governor JtioltoaN'a defeat, Which we affectionately commend to tho sober reflections of such "Johnsonized Fed eral oflice-holders" as 'may read Ible'pera 'graph. Says the Tribune: ' "It is due to Governor Morgan that the true reason should be given. Re 'stands identified id the 'general 'estimation with our Johndonized -Federal office-holders', whose.'pecuniary and political affiliation with the Copperhead Democracy, -during 'the dark hours of '66 and !67, istitterly remembered. That one of the best Babel dized of these renegades is now seeking translation from the Collectorship of this port into the diameter. of Envoy Extraor dinary, [very] to the Etopertir of All the Rusfilas, intensified the feeling of hostility to the .entire crowd. and to any, one whom they were known to favor. Nobody imagined that they' would alt be kept in place under General Grant; but'the appre hension that some of them 'blight be, and that Governor Morgan, from by-gone asso .clatious; would be Inclined to regard them with 'favor; turned the scale, against his re electioni" • - • Asliimtcn draws on, golsip about the new Cabinet erigioSses attention among pol iticiana and: journalists. A. dispatch to a. New York paper speaks of one section in the evanding brigade. of .aspirants as fol lows c• • • . . 'So the PennaylVanialist is too long., Mr. Cameron is' not an asptratit;' being better satibfled where he is; but his . ktOn, 41. D. `CamerorWthe able and wealthy President orthe Northern Central, toightpossiblY be found - arraying Much influence. Sch Add has been mentioned, and he is held f n all hands clear-headed. able; 'and avaiia le, if wanted. ' Wm. D. Kelley might be prli ed opal!' to- accept the Navy, though he says he seeks nothing. More prOmtnent I than ant, of these is,. of 'course, Gov. Curtin, whose friends name him in connection with. the Interior.' Brewster for Attorney I Gen eial and Forciey for Postmaster General are also among"the'speculations. ' I . A -Vilttable PUblic Document. The report of •Mtn._ Joseph S. Wilson,- Commissioner of the General Land Office, for 1808, now in press, and soon to be dis tributed among. the members of Congress, is undoubtedly the most important of the many valuable contributions ofthis faithful.' public servant. His statistics" when pub lished will excite amazing interest among all claSsesnot simply statesmen' but prac tical business men, prOjpetorp, ists, ihatufecturers,' intchartics, laborers, and especially those who intend to emigrate from other countries. LHe shows, among other" thingi, that our immense portion of ; the trade of the Asiatics—notwithstanding the completion of; the great, oceanic canal across the Istbmne.of Suez (three hundred feet wide and twentY.five feet deep) to ad mit vessels of the largest size; - by which France and' England intend to reach the Indies by avoiding the old circuitous and boisterous sea route-'-the completion of the Pacific Railroad, and our treaties with Ohina;" will give us almost the mastery in this mag nificent competition. • ' ' " His reflections upon this one point, sup ported by exact figures and data, are simply, astcunding. Heshows that we have now over 30,000 miles of completed railroad, with over 20,000 in. course of construction. He gives simple and short tables, showing the ;progress of population -from-the beginning of the.Govenament; the 'wonderful increase,. .of our territbrialareit from the, 'same date; - - \ theyrowth of our commerce and rnanugic tures; our mineral t'es4litce3; and the &lag- table working of our public land system, the finest • the, world. He proves; by indu bitable .increase. :.of,, the certainty. of theimme diate .increaseof our trade with' the(• Pacific on •the. completion of the Pillar!: Pacific = 'Railroad, which. is ' , now - BIM. ' ply matter •of tnonthi. - But ,•tv.e can-' tipt.give the reader everesi OOnceptiorrof the value of this*ork.", ;41"iiiiiitt; that; has' ever been priblishedwlll.he fotind more useful to p-ditorsc plallOkiphers, statesnien, fruilrera,and writers , andthinkers generally. Litboring„..A. this gentleman constantly dOis, fnthe,public ganly with an enthusi asm recalling of what-we read of - .the great Minds ot other dayi, with no personal ob ject except to discharge 'his duty, and' to aid in the, develOpMent of the grandeur and re al:dudes-of his country, be is thoroughly in sympathy with every progressive idea and. , Motrement,,end deserves,' thereffirtythe port aud'thanks of ell eulightentd men. WATtai 'BALLAST. Itot.wts..-.Que. -hitt drance,to the use of ,Iteavy .rollets for ; pub lc or private road ways,:has been the difß- '4lO of transporting 'them conveniently from place to place; over Intermediate 10. ! calities not spited to•their movements, suds ' of 'having- them .beivy enough 'without too: great etipenditurespreostly material. These-. ,impedimentkbaye lately been .lbgeniCsusly obvutted,iiii the . tme of a ,41low Iron cyilln ;der,Twhich; When:: empty., is cow paratively lied, ' , bet, winch; ,can,. at willp be tilted.witic MAW; 'andiitcreased.in 'weight tcr,sny.y.k., i r. drab! extertivA rolleereceully conlitnicted. on t Er planOst: ectnntored ref ti•voraferAiglit wrou 'Wired cylindeOrith's tifelutlitube_ , passe thtintgh it to receteeit three tile iron, spind e:'; !rife beiririgi'fdrittAi i ;eoitaille •ion. Atka EClPAfitif OPit jP 3 4.P4* B Ra:Oi s, ends. MAI OlAnolerligia preßent,a. Y, wettr-ort . the,,tpie. A tuni table is so arranged that. the •horses via( be :turned emboli without. :zolting the roller. • CiMPTIILICONi , TrThis i substance is•Mucts - used in - ,England (but - only.'of. late intro ducedanto the , United States) as a suSsti-• lute fbreareets'oroil tieths, especially in public libraihei itni Chhrelies, lts it deatlerie? she *end ilf' inhtiteilS: to: it' remarkable de l greet i It is M adeby a c;oti;thintition of polV r , deiodcork and the poorer gnalities, , of India. rubbe , miti - is. Painted Or ornamented ,on the , sutra like oil cloths. It is not suitable for chambers, as being a good conductor of heat: and feeling as cold to the bare feet as • wood tor nil. cloth.. f ' ? A ' 'convenient apnlication o ~ . . thlstubstance is for cieaning kuiveit, and is madelby dovering'a,stripof wood With it; then:spzinkliiig t.tie` Surface ,IVltle the clean sin to)oi 1 / 1 14r, 4pad rulping on,c,he knife. Tho • suttee das. not •IVear.away,.; and the resultiA very itsttsfaCtory. ~ ~• •, ~ : . ~, . . . , Aneonanysrszi ;—A. , groat. and bloody battle, between %teed ...Ali and Abdool :Rah man,. the rivals for the throne of Affghanho , • tan`, hi reported to have , taken place by the-. ,latest dispatches from India: The formeria ais i og andthe latter% grandson of the .Dost Idohltrnmeck. one of the most celebrated Princes l of •Aslsin the , present. Century. It - 1 1i asserted that this 'tieforl ,wlll result:in . '" the Irrhialiehrttittilitibinent Of the anthoilT: ty of Sheri 4119,..1attt dichtred.Ofirqs4l4,. , :ilf 8i1g 1 14 1 .4 . Athilier 404.1.litli . PFinceitelm., )nti-jolne4 , ~4iq./Eltissistk tasMYllu ,, .Ccutmi ; Ash!, had late y visited St. Petersburg—AM? 1,t ,11 11 1111 11, t Aus! A9Ateitte4 .O.Y. ._4vsl...Aative., 'w - svo I, l * e5t,b3 1 ,444117 Demme will;, , riamottiii Alislt laith eon , liusslt U lu 1 1184,01e44 ',1i5.1.71 'till int ,10...,.••h: lat OE