The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 16, 1869, Image 8

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Itesigned.—We ,understand that Alder-
Man Johns has, after consultation with his
friends and advisers, resigned his position
of Aiderman of the old Seventh ward.
Firc.—The alarm of fire at three o'clock
this morning was occasioned by the burn
in,r of some rubbish in the cellar of a grd
eery, at the corner of , Webster and Seventh
avenues. .1'
..ate Monthlies.—We have received from
IV. A. Gildenfenne7 ,, , 15 Fifth avenue, the
Atlantic. Monthly. for February; also, the
nes Tribune Almanac for Pit;fi. This is a
boel: that should be found iu every houSe
and counting room.
Tile Fourth Avenue sewer-caved - in at
two places yesterday morning at its inter
section with Smithfield street, involving
the fall of a Lunn post and a portion of the
iron gutter covering. Cause: imperfect
construction of-the sew( r.
Quite a revival of rel gion is now in pro
gress in the First 1%1 thodist Church in
- Sharpsborg, Older_ the pastoral care of
Rev. T.. II Colhoner. A. number have
- already professed religion, ane. the meet
in seems to be increasing in interest.
Residents in the lower vortions of Alle
gheny have been in constant fear of a flood
since the commencement of the mild
weather. The prospects yesterday with the
melting rain and an abundance oat anew on
the ground to be converted into water, was
an thing but eucouraging..
fau6 Election.—The following gentlemen
have been elected to serve as Directors of
the Fourth National Bank for the ensuing
ear; Messrs. Thomas Donnelly' Thotnas
• y
Smith, N. .1. Bigley, J antes M. Bailey, John
M. Horner, John Mellon, Breveton,
D. IL Tootny, W. FL Forsythe. .
Clover and Timothy.—W. W. Knox, 'sue.
`2,cessor to J. Knox, of the serve. and
well known agricultural depot, 137
Liberty street, announces that he has the
largest stock of prime new seed in Western .
'Pennsylvania. Dealers and others can be
supplied at most reasonable rates.
•• Apprehendeth—Chas,`Sehriner,-the resi
dent of Allegheny who 1 , 7. as charged by his
wife with desertion, before Mayor Drum,
on . Wednesday, was yesterday arrested by
one of the Allegheny police in the Third
ward. When brought to the
bail for Court.
Trampled by Horses.—Thuraday after
noon Mr. Ephraith Richardson, conductor
on the Minersville Passenger Railway,
' while working arcund two of the horses,
• slipped, and falling; under their feet, was se
' verely trampled.. He was removed to his
residence on .Fulton street, where his in
juries received medical attention.
Post NO. I'l, G. A. R. of McKeesport,
hare installed the following officers for the
ensuing term of SiS mouths: I'. C, A. M.
Kennedy; D. V. C., Win, Wyant; . J.:V. C.,
Thomas H. Evans; Chaplain, John Baker;
Adjutant, Wm. H. Gould; Quartermaster,
Wm. Mclntosh; Quartermaster Sergeant,
George K. Strawu; 0. D., George P. Dale;
0. G., Thaddy Clymer.
Prime Oysters.—The oyster - .house of
Thomas C. Martin Co., Nos. 12 and 14
Fourth avenue, is growing rapidly popu
' lar, as the firm stipply,at the lowest prices,
the best shell",_ can and Micket oysters to
be obtained, in the city.. They are sole
agents. for first class oyster dealers of Balti
more, Philadelphia and New York, and a
trial of their bivalves is4l that is neces-
Oars , to prove their simeriority.-
' Wife Dcsertlem—Mrs.Elizs Jane Bovard
appeared before Aiderman Donaldson sev
eral days since and made information
against her husband, Hutchinson Bayard,
for desertion. A waryant for the arrest of
the alleged delinquent was placed in the
hands of an officer, who succeeded in ap
prehending Hutchinson yesterday after
noon. After a hearing, the accused gave
bail for his appearance at Court. The par
ties reside in the - Ninth ward of this city.
False Pretence.—S. H. Watson made in-
formation , before the Mayor yesterday
charging Pat Gibbons with obtaining goods`
under false pretences. The prosecutor is a
member of the firm of Watson tit Co., cor
ner Liberty and Wayne streets, - and be al:
loges that the defendant, who resides in
Clarion, Pa, obtained liquor to the amount
of .5246.51 by representing that he owned
property in Sharon worth $l,OOO. A war
rant was issued for the arrest of the accused.
, .
The SinOng Pilgrim.—Philip Philips,
of New York, who has just returned from
Europe, will give an evening's entertain
ment of sacred songs in one of the promi
nent churches of this city, on Monday even
ing. Januaryn 25th. ,This announcement
will please the Christian community of all
denotniatioas for there is no In u re popular
vocalis in this country, and his
songs are
all sue as touch and elevate the heart.
Further , particulars will he given in due
time.' ,
Itun over—ld t r. E. Fritchinson, one of the
driyers of the; sleighs which have been sub
stitutedfor the Wylie street cars, was
severely injured Thursday afternoon. The
slaigh was proceeding down Fifth avenue,
when one of the traces broke, and the jerk
which followed threw. Mr. Fritchinson to
the ground in front of one of the runners
which passed over his breast, arm and
shoulder, producing severe though not
dangerous injuries. The accident ow,u,rred
in front of the old Theatre.
Blackguardism.—A, few evenings since
Mr. George W. Leonard was escorting a
ladyfracquaintance home, and while passing
along Fifth avenue he met two "roughs,"
one of whom, struck the lady with his
elbow as she passed him, seriously injuring
her. Mr. Leonard made Inforination yes
terday before the Mayor, charging James
Mclienda, who he alleges is the person who
committed the assault upon the lady, with
assault and battery. , A warrant was issued
for his arrest. If he is guilty. wahope be
may be convicted and severely punished,
as such blackguardiSm is intolerable.
Narrow Escape.—Thursday afternoon, as
several workmen were engaged in making
an excavation on -Dinwiddie street, Alle
gheny, under direction of the contractor
for grading the thoroughfare , a large mass
of earth from - the embankment at one
sido fell in, nearly burying three of them.
Thomas CaShmore bad his arm badly
bruised, and two others whose names we
could - not ascertain, were also severely
though not dangerously injured. They
were removed to their respective- resi
dences, and at last accounts were recov
ering. -
--- -
About Smoking.—The - habit of smoking
is part and pA . cel of the American charac
ter, and the lovers of the delightful weed
hereabouts are universal in their praise of
the quality of cigars and tobacco always'
kept on baud at the popular headquarters
of Air. John Isiegraw, No. 45 Hand street.
This house transacts annually an enormous
business, and 'is constantly increasing its
trade-rthe legitimate consequence of fair
dealing, liberal advantages offered the
trade and superiority of goods sold. Whole
sale or retail patrons can purchase nowhere
else to better advantage.
S. In. Kier Co., at the ;Keystone Pot.
terv, No. 30 Liberty, street, have on hand
a larger stock and better
_selection of
queensware than can be found in any other
establishment west of the Allegheny moun
tains. As they manufacture their own
ware every piece is warranted to be just
( what it is represented, and it is certainly of
a much liner'quality than the same class of
ware manufactured in the East. 'The eas
tern of making queensware in gilt, which
has become so fashionable of late, is done
to order at their establist ment in the high
est style nf the art, and at very reasonable
Fire on Wood Street.
About six o'clOck last evening a fire was
discovered in the establishment of JrlO. Te - .
Dawes, 153 Wood street, palnter,,and dealer
in druggists' glass ware. The building
was a brick four stories high; and the fire
orginated in the third story, which was
Used as a paint shop, and in which there was
a quantity of paints, oils, varnishes, 'and a
can of benzine. • It is supposed that the lire
was caused by the explosion of the can of
benzine, which had been left near the stove.
A considerable time elapsed after the tire
was discovered , before the alarm was giVen,
and as a consequence the flames had made
considerable progress before the steamers
arrived. Owing to the infienimahle material
in the room where the tiro originated, it
sees some time before the • water,
which was thrown into the building
in a perfect deluge, appeared to have any
effect upon the tire, and more than an beer
elapsed before the flames were subdued.
The tire was confined to the building in
which it it originated, and (lid no further
daniage except to that portion of it above
the third fleor The roof was burnt off and
thdfourth floor binned out, and the greater
portion of the material, paints, oils, (tie,
on the third- floor, were destroyed. The
greatest damage, however, was caused by'
the water. Th trunk and harness factory
of Mr S. Stewart, No. 155, which adjoins
Dawes' establishment, was slightly dam
aged by water, as was also the stock of Mr.
W. D. Rinehart, tobacconist, whose estab
lishment, 151. adjoinset on the other side.
The building in which the tire was is •
owned by IL W. Oliver, and was insured
as follows: 'ln 'the Merchants and Manu
facturers Company, . e 2,00.0; Boatmen's,
$2,000; Cash, $2,000; total, $6,000.
Mr. Dawes' loss is estimated at 52,000,
and is insured for 53,000, in the following
companies: Pittsburgh Insurance C,ompa
llY, $l,OOO, United States of Baltimore,
$1,000; Commonwealth of Philadelphia,
According to Mr. Dawes' statement, the
fire was caused by a kettle of cement, -
which had been left standing 'upon the ,
stove, boiling over and taking tire.
As will DO seen by reference to the report
The alarm was given from box 17, corner_
of the proceedings of the Allegheny Coen
of Sixth avenue and Wood street. . n, who for fifteen
officer who gave it was at the head of See-- cils, \l r. D. Macfee
enth avenue when he heard the cry of fire, years served 'the. city of Allegheny well
and consequently ten or fifteen minutes and faithfully in • the capacity ', of clerk to
must have elapsed after the fire was des-
Select Council, declined to accept the Office
covered before the alarm was received at
the central offiee. The key, which had , for the, ensuing year. Mr. Macferron was
been left in the drug store near the box, a most efficient as well as faithful officer,
could not be found, ansi there appeared to and performed his Official duties with a
be no police officer in the vicinity. grace and dignitywhich mare the true
----se---- gentleman. He was affable and courteous
A Fleur ',Micelle'. to ail, and thereby made a host of
friends, whose best wishes for his future
A. M. Ewing made information yester- , welfare and happiness will accompany him
day, before Alderman McMasters, against 1 through time. Se owepaper reporters in par- Lecture in Fayetteville.-Rev..T. D. Ter-
James Irwin for larceny as bailee. Irwin ' titular will long remember him for the ner, of
is patentee and producer of the flour known many courtesies and kindnesses he has ex. M. E. Church in Fayetteville, North Fayette
tendedeo the craft, and as a class will re
the "self raisin g." Ewing, who owns a • • the ; township, on Friday evening, January 22(1. ;
thinhis retirement from a office more
—....-e- I
store in Mansfield, alleges that lie called 1 thee any others., Sir. Oxley, his succesSSor, The gentleman is well known as an excel=
Select Council. - lent pulpit orator, and a rare treat may be
; at. Irwin's establishalent to get a barrel !is a gentleman in every respect, fully , expected. ills subject will be "Water.
When Common Coancil had retired, the of the article for trial, but there was competent to discharge the duties. pertain
temporiery Chairman announced that the none on hand sheh He states, big to the office, and Will doubtless make a 1 This ) lecture wes announced for January
first business iu order was the election of a however, . that ordered a barrel , very popular and efficient ofilpere we I e tch, but the time has been chapged to the
permanent Chairmad for Select Council. of it to be shipped to him at Islam-ficid. i snow of no one, since Mr. Macferron has ' -2d.
1 he lecture will be free, and the pub- •
sic are respectfully invited to attend. \
On Motion of Mr. John A. ;Meier, Me. paying in advance eleven dollars and fifty ! deelined, better fitted to occupy the position 1
James Mcß; ier, President et last Councils , cents, the price of the flour, Which was to ;so auly tilled by liiin,Than the man Coun-_____ _....-
was elected by
th e
Chair be shipped in an hour or so: He further j cal has chosen as his success
often do you hear the complaint
• Upon taking the Chair Mr. Mcßrier
upon I that he waited several hours, days ; from mother and father that their son or •
ed Councils for the honor conferred upon and weeks, but the flour came not. Several I 1
Dentistry as a Science. 1 daughter is not well; that they have no ain
him, and hoped that the pleasant - relations times he called at the store, tiecording to
I , petite; that they feel languid; that their
Dr. George W. Spiner, hose weft 1 head aches: that they are growin in
which Iliad existed during the past year his allegations, and was informed each
would ! be continued during the present time 'that none was on hand then, but 1 Knott ersed largely petronizeddentalestab. 1 apd feeble, and that they have no slicer
energy left. That they are low-spirited.
term. ,He called the atteetion of Councils would be in an hour, when the ship- ! lislinient and parlors are at No. 25g Penn 1
and perfeetly incapacitated to participate in
to, the ; question of sewerage assessments, ment according to contract would be •
, ; street, perhaps, more than any of his i any pleasures, or
Which he said Was one of the most tipple:es- made. Getting impatient, at last he says he ; - has, perform any mental or
ant matters whfch would be likely to agi- determined to make ono more eall and get 1 coutemporaries in the State, contributed ; physical duty. And the question is often
tate Couneils during the present year, and either flour oe money, in pursuance of- ; largely to thesdvancement of the science l asked, what shall Ido for them? or, what
urged the members to give it a careful con- which design he called a n d he establishment, ;of dentistry. His skill and ability :are) shall I give them? Oar answer is, let them
sideration. He also referred to the intros - but found it closed, a a neatly printed ! everywhere recognized 'and his profess. I try Pe eNTATION BITTERS moderately three
lance of Members of Committees attending • notification ticked upon the door to the ef- ; tonal reputatioa is by 1.0 means limited to i times a day, and our word for it they will
to the;duties of their appointment, and not feet that the next sae at the place would ; our own locality. Ile is careful to atierd i recover:
relying upon the Chairman as it was cue- be e nder the supervision of the county the amplest satisfaction to all who direct
ternary for them to do.' . sheriff. After thinking over the matter for 1 towards hi in a share of their patronage, nee
After some further remarks he a s some time his cogitations led him to enter 1 his superior workmanship has never been
that the first business in order was the prosecution as stated. Irwin peoniptly ; questioned. The establishment over which
ELECTION OF A CLERK. arrested by , officer Biondin, made his ;he presides is universally regarded es head
type:sr:nese at the Alderman's office, Avhere quarters for artificial teeth, artifieineeyes,
Mr: English nominated D. Mecferren.
he gave bail for trial. Of course this is; but for the repairing of teetheind all work in
'1 he President then read a eommunica- 1
tien from Mr. Macferron, declining to be a one side of the story, as the;
other has not that line. s pa cart most cordially commend
candidate for re-election. been heard yet. 1 •
him to our readers as in every wee compe
tent and worthy their utmost confidence.
Mr: J. C. Patterson nominated Sir. J. R.
The Lecture To Night.
Oxley. Bela Highway Retenery.
Mr. Phillips ingnifed whether Mr. Mac-. ; A few nights since, as eirsJacob Wilde- , I .
ferren had posetively declined to accept the muth a resident of the Fourth ward, Alla- i To-night John B. Dough ' e will deliver his
nomination. celebrated lecture on “Temperance," in the
hny was crossing Ale Railroad Bridge, ; •
Tile President so understood the comma- ge n ' •of Academy of Music. The E riale of reserved
nication. •he was set uprin by three villains, one : -
; ts commenced last ev nine but on ma-
Mr. Oxley was then elected by acclama- whom caught him by the throat and held ;5" ..,
lion. ' his hands, a second clapped a handker 1 count of the inclemency of the weather,- a•
2 A. A. M. Ilasselbaugh was unanimously . ! large number of persons were prevented
chief to his mouth, thus preventing an
elected as Messenger.! from being present, and thus some
while the third leisurely rausacked '
outcry, _ , lof the choicest seats remain unsold.
The rules of order governing the lest
his pockets, taking his pocket-book, which 1
Councils were, on motion, re-adopted for; Those wishing to secure them will appre
contained all : . the money he had, and a l elate this notification and see tbe necessity
the ensuing year.tern- 1 ; •
number of emaller articles Of incense
Mr. Sigler offered 2 resolution, which of being on hand early th 4 morning. The
ble .raise. The 'operators, after go in g 1 seats may be secured d ring the day at
was adopted, providiug that a meeting of
through their victim in this professional i
Councils be held en Tuesday evening' for Lafayette Hall for this !vening's lectu re,
style, released him and made ote be- I
and that of Monday over ine on "Habit."
the election of city officers.S • ,
be! raised. The I -
fore an alarm could.
The question of the term for which the and 1 On Monday the box shee office wilt be re
transaction occurred between eight ,
members from the Eighth ward had been I moved to the Library, c ruer of Sixth and
Ick in the evening,near I
elected, was; called up, on a motion nine °'°•° , Penn streets.
by Mr. English. that the member who re- end of the bridge, and la
the Pittsinirgh , I
most within a .stone's throw of one of our I A Conspicuous Advertisement.
calved the highest number of votes serve
most freqUently traveled tinsonghtares. i
during the two year term, and the other. Elsewhere ive print a conspicuous adver-
The men came upon. Mr. Voldeinuth. so
the one year term.suddenly that ho unable to distinguish I rise cut of the old andl established tirst-
An amendment was offered that each of ,was. ,
furnish a clue which ; class drug house ef eirl Simon Johnston,
them sufficient to , ,
the parties be declared elected for two years.
might lead to their detection. The opera. `
1 corner of Fourth avenue and ;Smithfield
The members 'interested voted on the
thou so bold and daring in its execution is , ,
question, Sind a point of order was raised ~ -• of ~ I street. At _tine store the purchase' will
a forcible reminder the famous achieve.
that they had no right to vote on the met- dud a splendid stock of Iported goods,
meats which have made the names of leick I
ter. The question was submitted to a vote en; brought ,direct from Euro me, which ein-
ClaudeDuvaland Strin
of Council, and it was decided that they braces the celebrated Squ ores', London,
Jack so .celebrated in tpe romances of the I .
had no right to voter 1 eflerreecing preparation& fearg's Vienna
road. •
The question was then taken on the I soaps, and a full line Of ;extracts, porta
amendment, and It was adopted by a vote miseries and toilet articles. , The richeassort
of seven yeas to four nays, thus admitting went will certainly prove attractive to the
the gentlemen to for two years. ladies, more especially as the prices are
Council then adjourned. very reasonable.' Lie not fail to read the
card, which is a neat .specimen of electree
typing, found on our fifth page; and then
favor with a Visit oS inmpe-ctiou.
Alice vs. Fanny.
Alice Hall and Fanny Splane, who, in
one, respect at least are unlike Ceasar's
! wife, had a little misunderstanding some
time age which resulted in their appear
since at Ablerthan Mc:Masters' office yester
day afterneen.• Thsi origin of the affair
dates back to the 13th day of
when according to the' allegations of Alice..
Faulty obtained front her a gold ring.val
lied at ton dollars and a skirt valued at
foiir dollars, which she hums kept since and
still refuses to return. After a long and
spicy debate in the magistrate's office be
tween the two, Fanny gave ball for her
appearance at Court to, answer a prosecu
tion for larceny as bailee.
Alleged False Pretence.
G. W. Barchett made information before
Alderman' McMasters yesterday, against
John Rackrigle Tor false pretence. The
prosecetor alleges that the ,defendant sold
hint a saloon, located on Smithfield street,
for $1,225, receiving eBOO in cash and a
judgment note for es2s, representing at the
tie of t sale thSt the saloon was free` of
allm he
debts and no claims against it what
ever. These statements the prosecutor al
leges are not trite, as ho has been paying
bills contracted by Ruckrigle ever since
taking possession of his purchase. Awarrant
was issued for the arrest of It uokrigle and
placed in the hande of officer Biondin.
___e_se........._____ I
Meeting for Organkzation—Returns .Re
ceived—"'embers Sworn in—John BrOVVII,
J r., Director of the Poor,
Sworn into
Office—Officers of Councils Elected.
The members and members elect of Alle
lieny City Councils assembled in the Sc.-
lett Council Chamber, at ten 0 . C:0011. A. it.
yesterday, (Friday,) for the purpose of
receiving and considering the election re
turns of members of Councils elect, and
for, Director of the Poor and taking action
thereon, and !likewise for the organization
I •
of the different branches of Councils for
the.ensUing year.
The meeting was called to order by Mr.
John At Myler. on whose iiio: ion Mr. J. c,
Patter , on, of the Select Council, was called
to the Chair. •
On motion of James Me - Brier, Messrs.
George It. Biddle, from the Select, and 11.
M. Leng, member elect to the Common
Councils, were elected temporary clerks.
The returns for Director of the Poor, were
then read, from which it appeared that
John Bret n, Jr., had been elected.
For Select Council It appeared that Messrs.
Callery and Morrison were elected to rep
resent the Eighth ward, that being the only
ward in which there was a vacancy for Se
lect Councils, and the following gentlemen
were declared elected to serve iu Common
Council: •
FIRST.WARD. le. row.
Alexander Hanna, )11. 31eNlill.
H. 31. Long. ' FIVT II WARD.
COND WARD. S. S. D. Thomo.on,
Alfrrtl lark. Janata Gilleland.
William Tate, MTH WARD.
Joint Henry Warner.
THIRD WARD. James H. Orenet; •
Otto Ktebs, SEVENTH vkARD.
0. o'. Coley, George Ober,
timiel Hastings, H. C. Rein• man.
N. Vooghtley. EIG“TiI WARD.
POUUTII Gotlei bdie;
it. M. Blair, ktober b i. P le orter.
John 3legravr,
It appeared from the return for members
of Select Council froth the Eighth ward
that both were returned as having been
elected for two years, and they both claimed
the long term. After considerable discus
sion relative to the matter, Mr. Meßrier,
who contended that it was a matter for the
consideration of Select Council alone, Moved
that all the members present have the oath
of office administered to them.
The motion was adopted, and the roll of
both Councils being called, allthemembers
answered to their names, and the oath of
office was Then( administered to them by
Mayor Druba.
On motion, Mr. James Mcßrier and 0.
Phillips . were appointed a Committee to
wait upon the Director of the Poor elect and
conduct him to the Council Chamber to re- -
ceive the oath of office.
Mr. Brown was introduced and the oath"
cillice administered by Mayor Drum.
On motion, the joint session adjourned
and the members of Common Council ad
journed to. their own chamber for organi
Common, Council.
After the business of the joint session bad
been concluded, the members of Common
Council retired to their Chamber, where a
temporary organizAtion was effected by call
ing Mr. Alex. Hanna to the chair, and ap
pointing N. Vecghtly clerk.
The President stated that nominations for
permanent President of the Council were
in order.
Mr. Tate nominated Alfred Slack, , of the
Second ward.
Mr. Grenet nominated Henry Warner, of
the Sixtn ward.
On motion, nominations closed. A vote 1
being taken, by calling the roll, Mr., Slack
received thirteen votes and Mr. Warner
Mr. Slack was accordingly declared the
choice of Councils, and 'his election was,
on motion, made unanimous.
e election of Clerk was next in order..
Tate nominated Robert Dilworth.
There being no other nomination, Mr.
Dilworth was unanimously elected.
Mr. Hanna Moved that Mr. Husselbaugh
be chosen Messenger of Common Council.
Mr. Hanna moved that the Clerk be in
structed to notify Select Council that Com
mon Council was organimd and ready for
the transaction of business. Carried.
Mr. Megraw moved. that the rules gov
. erning Councils during the past year be
adopted by the present Councils for their
Government. Carried. \
Mr. Megrim offered a resolution that
when Councils adjourn, the members be
requested to re-assemble in caucus, on Mon
day evening, January 18, 1869, for the pur
pose eof placing in nomination candidate
for city ollicers. Adopted.' S. C. non-con
curred and laid the resolution on the table.
On motion, Council adjourned.
Gambling Rouse.
John N. Mcliee made information before
the Mayor, yesterday, charging Pat. Wil
liams and Francis Tiernan with keeping a
gambling house. The accused, it is alleged,
keep an establishment at "No. - 76 Fourth
avenue, where gambling is permitted
engaged in.' Whether the prosecutor, Mr.
McKee, was "bucking" 'against "faro,"
'some of the other innocent (?) games
which haalleges are played there, we can
no,. Infer, as it is not so stated in the infor
mation, -
Mortuary Report.
Dr. A. G. M'Candless, Physician to the
Board of Health, reports the following in
terments in the city of Pittsburgh for the
week commencing January 3d and ending I
January 10, 1869:
Males . ....... 181 White.. ...... 27 t Tutal 29
Females.....ll Colored 2
The following were the diseases: Disease
of heart, disease of stdmach, gangrene, old
age, dropsy, scarlatina, typh , :id fever, ob.
seess of ear, diphtheria, hydrocephalus,
measles, one each; bronchitis, nervous
fever, disease of liver, diseaf lungs,
two each: consumption, convid ons,:three
each; pneumonia, four.
Of the 'above there were: IJINer one
year, four; front one to two, live; from two
to five, two; front fifteen to twenty, one;
front tWenty to thirty, four; .frm thirty to
forty, one; from forty to fifty. three, from
fifty to sixty, three; from sixty to seventy,
four; from seventy to eighty, two.
-. . ----..0----- -
Fearful Fall—A. frightful accident oc
curred in Monongahela Borough yesterday,
which will probably result in a
the death of
Mary Burk, aged fifteen years, resident
of that borough. It appeal% that she was
engaged in picking up coal on the side, of I
the hill, about fifty feet above the Panlian-
die railroad track, and at a point where the
the descent is almost perpendicular. Los-
ing her footing she fell over the
striking head foremost on a rock, twenty
live feet below, and then slid twenty-nye
feet further to the railroad tack. She wag
i taken up insensible and carried to her
home, and Dr. Hewett, of No. 15 Smithfield
‘Street, was called to attend. her. On exami
nation It was discovered that her skull was
severely fractured, and that she was spffer
ing from congestion of the brain. There is
scarcely a possibility of her recovery.
Newspaper Chauge.—The EveMng Mail
has passed into the hands of Messrs. Cald
well and Krepo, both experienced and
competent journalists: In retiring from
the editorial charge and proprietorship.
Mr. B. T. Campbell carries with him the
respect of the entire community. He la
bored long and zealously to place the Mail
On its present footing, and demonstrated
what done with well directed en
t ergy and enterprise. We-have not heard
what journal ,Mr. Campbell intends to con
nect himself with, but know hew
ill prove
a valuable acquisition_to any Paper that
may secure his services. We wish the now
tirrn that abundant success they are de
OPERA Hop3E.--glie engagemeo of Mr.
and Miss toradocic;at the Opera House,
closed last evening, on which occasion they
took a benefit.
_The audience was a large
and appreciative one, and the,
ment most excellent, ai are all entertain
ments with which Mi. and Miss Conldock
are connected. At the Matinee this after
' noon ;the "Octoroon" will be presented.
This evening Harry Hate, the favorite
commed:an, takes a benefit. A versatite
and ! attractive bill is announced and
Harry's nuerous friends will, doubtless,
evince their iippreciation of his valuable ser
vices in a substantial way.
TIT EAT It E.—Harry Williams, the enter
prising inmager of the old Theater, has re
newed his engagement with the Gregory
troupe for at lea'A another week. During
the two weeks they have been here they
have played to full houses every night and
will continue to do so for a week longer if
they should remain.
Littleßessie Gregory, the commediene of
the troupe, is a charming. young creature
and has made a host of friends. She is not
the only attraction, however, but there are
so many we-haVe not space to particularize.
Musnu3l.-',--Major Burnell continues to
add new aaractions to his excellent collec
tion .of novelties at Franklin Hall, Fifth
avenue, and has now a first class museum.
This'establishment is one of the most pop
ular places of amusement in the city, and
is liberally patronized.
One lIANS' FAHL—The contest at the Fair
last night for a gold watch to the most pop
ular gentlemen resulted in favor of Mr. H.
Freylogle, who received abot one • thous
and dollars worth of votes u
. !Capt. N. J.
Bigley closely followed, and Mr. Cunning
ham came third on the list. Mr. Walter
Kirkpatrick, a clever conductor on the.
Pennsylvania Bailroad, carried away in tri
umph the set of lanterns contested for the
most popular conductor.
Free Literature.
If the merit of a work may be estimated
from the universality of its reception, the
',Pittsburgh Real Estate Register," as a
refe.rence, has a claim to the first honors of
local publications. It is. published by the
enterprising Real Estate Agents and
Brokers Croft (fia Phillips No. 139 Fourth
avenue, , f
m d contatns descriptions of such a
vast amount of property of all kinds and
locations that the most fastidious .cannot
fail to get suited in a home. Those of our
readers interested, who have
_riot procured
a copy, eau obtain one gratis by Calling at
their office as above, or they will bo sent by
mail free to any address. 4 , A. word to the
wise is sufficient."
A- Popular' Deng Store. LettUre on ‘.American Liberty."
One of the most popular drug stores in I Rev. James Renwick Sloane, Professor)
our vicinity is that of which Mr: J. T. Sam- of Geology in the Reformed Presbyterian.
ple,is proprietor, located at the corner of 1 Seminary, will deliver a lecture
.0 the
Federal and Robinson streets, Allegheny. auspices of the Allegheny Library AsSoet
A reason for its popularity may be found ation, on Tuesday evening next; at Dr. J. B.
Clark's - Church, Stockton ( avenue and .
in the fact that, aside from being well and Sandusky street, Allegheny.. The subject
carefully managed, there is kept constantly of the lecture is American Liberty. In;
on band a large _and judiciously selected view of the eminent ability or the speaker,.
assortment of everything sold in a first- and the thrilling interest-of the subject. a
class drug and prescription house, which is rich intellectual treat may be expected.
isposed of at prices of the most reasons- • A lively interest is already manifest in an
ble character. Mr. Sample also has a choice ticipation of this lecture. In order to' se
and varied stock of fancy articles for the cure seats it will be necessary to make
toilet, such as combs, tooth, hair, and nail early application at the Allegheny. Librar y,
brushes, soap:, handsome toilet sets, sc., City Hall.
.te., in large quantities and styles to suit
the taste and purse of every purchaser.
ThoSe of our Alleglulny readers who desire
anything In his line would do well to give
him a call, as we feel confident that they
will be satisfied with any purchase they
may make at this establishment.
• The Styles.
What a wonderful thing is fashion. A
mere creature of fancy, an airy nothing
created into shape, to suit the imagination,
and dependent upon the fickle tastes of the
world for its life. It is a wonderful thing,
nevertheless, and is studied, courted and
followed, 'as though it were something per
manent. As an evidence of this fact it is
only necessary to refer our readers to the
popular and fashionable establishment of
W. W. Moorehead, No.' 81 Market street,
dealer in trimmings and lace goods, where
all the latest styles of goods in his line
are to be found, as they will find that
the styles, notwithstanding their frequent
changes, are kept up with. This fact, it
appears, is generally , known, however, as
there is always a rush at Moorbead's, be
cause we presume he keeps the latest and
best styles of goods.
The Continental.
- There is no city in the United StateS, I
perhaps, where the wants of the inner man I
are _ more properly considered and
cared for than in the Iron City, and
we speak advisedly, when we assert that
in no part of the city is there a- restaurant,
or dining establishment more properly
condticted than . Holtzheimer's Continental
Dining Rootns,
Fifth -avenue, one door
west of the Postollice. Eyerything the
market and season affords may be ob
tained at this favorite resort, and is served
in a style to defy competition. Holtz
heimer Is a model proprietor and is highly
I appreciated by the public.
'MAGNOLIA W ATE R.--Saperior to the hest
imp. , rted German Cologne, and sold half
the price; T S. T.F.
Vars. Furs.—Ladies, misseso.and Child
ren's Furs, superior goods, closing out
cheap, at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street:
The best and Original Tonic of iron, Phos
phorus and Calisaya, known as Caswell,
Mack & Co's Ferro Phosphorated Elixir of
Calisaya Bark. The Iron restores color g_i
the blood, the Phosphorus renews waste of
the nerve tissue, and 'the Calisava,gives a
natural healthful tone to the dijeStive or
gans, thereby curing dyspepsia in its va
rious forms, Wakefulness, General Debility
and Depression of Spirits. Manufactured
only by Caswell, Hazard Co., New York.
Sold by all druggists. -
Au Extended popularlty.—" Brown's
Bronchia,l Troches" have been before the
public many years. Each year duds them
in new localities in various parts of the
world. The Troches are pronounced uni
versally superior to all other articles used
for similar purposes. For relieving Coughs,
Colds and Threat Diseases, the Troches
have been proved reliable.
The finest assortment of oil and gas chan
deliers to be found in the city is at the
wholesale and retail establishment of
:Messrs. 'Weldon Lt Kelly, corner of Wood
street and Virgin alley. The stock embra
ces all the latest and most fashionable styles
end ruarked:down to the lowest margin
r cost.
Honor to Whom Honor Is Dui , —No scale
in the State has weighed more loads, or more
satisfactorily, thau Keeler's Railroad Track
Scale at the New Buena Vista Coal Works,
during eight years past.
Pittsburgh, Januiry 15, 1869.
Shading, flair Dressing or Bathing.—
No better place for either than at the finely
furnished apartments of H. H.Williamson,
No. 100 Federal street, Allegheny.
Burnett's Cucoaine dresses the hair per- ,
feetiv, without greasing, drying or stiffen;
lug it.
• •
sec advertifement in regardt to the great
closing net sale, at J. M. Carr's, li.lB Federal
street, Allegheny.
Kcinvood Boarding . Scnool for Boys.- 7
Four vacancies on January 6th. Apply to
Rev. J. P. Taylor, New' Brighton, Pa. 2w.
At 15 cents, Ladies' Tucked Handker
chiefs. At 20c, Gents' Hem stitched Hand
kerchiefs, at J. M. Carr's.
A most complete stock of fine Brock°
Shawls at Bates it Bell's.
Ask your Grocer for Marvin's superior
Spiced Jumbles. eod2w
Black Thlbet Shawls, every grade, long
and square. at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal
Prime. Canned Fruits and Vegetables,' at
the lowest rates, at 112 Federal street, Alio
_ belly. 4t
.. - •
Corsets of the best makes and all sizes
Bates ik Bell's.
Blankets, clean and nice, as cheap as
soiled cues, at J. ISI. Carr's, 118 Federal
Good Roasted and Cream Almonds, at 112
Federal street, Allegheny. 4t
Ladies , Merino and Muslin Underclothing
at Bates it Bell's.
MI Undß Cotton Goods, cheap, at J. M
Carr's. 118 Federal street.
As your Grocer for Ilarcrin's superior
S • iced Jumbles.
Good Stsles Prints, 121,4 e, at J. M. cares
118 Federal street., . ,
Lace Curtains and Gilt Cornices at Bates
43: Bell's. •
ew Crop Thx;sins,'Currents, Citrons, Prn
nellns, Dates, Pi• - rs, Prunes, (t.e., t 3., at 112
Federal street, Allegheny. 4t
Casnrnerelitoor,s, Poplin Bohes,Tarlatans
in all! colors, Velveteens in fashionable
colors, at Bates 5; Bell's.
Shawls, Furs, Dress Goods and Clpatts,
Bates S: Bell oiler their Winter stock at low
Blankets, Blankets—Bates d: Bell offer a
good stock of Blankets, Flawiels, and
The place to get White Lime, Calcined
Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. is at Ecker dr,
Caskey's, 167 First street.
Table Linens, all grades, at J. M. Carr's,
118 Federal street.
pelt your Grocer for Marvin's superior
i.iced Jumbles. eod2w
Superior Walnut Candy, at 112 rederal
street, Allegheny. 4t
Extra Fine Cream Bon-Bons, at 112 Fed
oral street. 4t
CARSON—McCLOY—Thursday evening, January
14th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by
'Rev. D. Clarke . , D. D., assist,f d .by. Joseph Kerr,
i Miss LIDA McCLOY to T 110510.11 CARSON, both
of AlleghenyClty.
[The happy young couple at< tendered our warm -
o--est congratulations on their entry Into a new sphere
, of life. We pray that their pathway through lifs
be liberally strewn with the flowers of love, peace
and contentment, and that no dark clouds of mis-
fortune may ever hide the sunshine of prosperitY
I from Oitir view. :day they know nothing but joy
and haPplrwss, and in , y nuaght dissolve the holy
vows they Luce made unto each other brit the h ;
of death, for which . rosy they ever be prepar and
May God bless the nub:n.]' ,
. •
111.7,REL—Very Rev. J. li 1 Mtn.. Vicar f eneial
of tee Utocese of Pattburgh and Pr (), I. l t. Ma
ry', (German) k.htlrel , , Alit glieny, st oat a quarter
u 'A p.. 31: on Wednesday. 13th MA.
the Pontifical nigh Mobs of Requieni will begin
on SATURDAY,O A. al., alter which the funeral will
take place. .
0( , G AN—On Thursday morning. Ja
htenuarY 1 t th,
of John'
at -1- 1 9 o'c.ork A. at... - MAW , dangr
and Celle 1 ougan. aged 19 years. •
Funeral wal take place On tiATUnDAY t 9 o'clock
A: it., from her late residence, No. 132' Wttling-
ton t,treet.
WE—Timrsdav mornlnc,' at Freedom Deaver
co Arty. Pa., SAItA.LI A. wife of Henry
Item, Sr.
Funeral will leave Federal str eet Depot on arrival
of cirs.
10:33 SATunDAY M ORNING. t Cartlageer
at Depot to proceed to Allegheny Cemetery. Friends
are Invited to attend. ,
No. 166 FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
t) FINS of all kinds. CRAPE'S, GLOVErr, arta eir.
cry description of Fun,..ral Furnishing Goods fur
nished. Rooms open day' and night. Hearse awl
Carriag es-furnished.
ItnTankric Es—Rev. David 'Kerr, 1) 1)., Rev. M.
W. Jacobus, D. D. Thomas Rwing, Esq., Jacob H.
Miner, Eso
TAE.Ens AND LIVERY STAEI.ES, cornet of ~
Allegheny City. where their COI , FIN ROOMS are
conslantly supplied wita real and imitation F.oseo
tiogany and Walnut Collies, at prices vs-
rYing from 1 1,4 to *lOO. Bodies prepared for inter. ,
ment. Hearses and Carriages furnished*. also, all
of Mourning GoodS, if required. Office opea
at all hours, day and night.
TAKER .!•.:
" tEET, Allegheny, Keeps constantly
of on di
large assortment of ready-made Coffins the fo
lowing kinds: First, the celebrated American Bu
rial Cases, Metallic Self-sealing Air -tight Cases
and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and Rosewood
Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coffins from Itgs up
wards. (Rewood Imitation Coffins from
wards, and os p
no aini will be spared to glee entire
satisfaction. Crape and Gloves furnished free of
charge. Best Hearses and Carriages furnished on
snort notice• Carriages furnlshed to funerals 44:
FOR .9.A.L.E. BY \
1 ,
Granular Eire) veseing Bt. VotassL
do . do Vichy Water,
do -
do' Citrate Magnesia.
do do held tits Powders,
do do Kiesengen Water
1 '
Contains 40 per cent. Glycerine 1 .
contains 30 per cent. Glycerine.
sqtarm.s c 1 EMICAL6.
Imported and sold only by
'7.orner Smithfield and Fourth Streets.
Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets,
Has now In stock one of the largest and most varied
assortments of •
Fall and Winter Goods
ever broscht to this city. Fils stock embraces al
the latest French and English manufactures of
Also. a fall line of Gent's F'nridshing Goods
For all the latest styles ent, clothes, made no t at pile
material, and by first•clasa workmen, :ai -
surprtslngly low, go to the well knoWn.•Merchall
NO. 50 ST. CLAIR !ARE*, now Stith.
.rll9B. P. DMA. D..... S. 8n TON.- D.
SOCIATED themselves together for Ile
Oface. No. 19 STOUKTON AVENUE, Allaghes4
clty. THOS. F. DAI.E M. P.
nolVela U. B. BUTTON, M. D.
. •