THE COURTS. OE Court of Quarter Sessions—Judge Mellon. Court met at the usual hour yesterday 'morning, Judge Mellon on the bench. The jury in the cage of the Common -Nrealth vs. Baptiste Dotte, Bernard Hoff- Mani Peter Grant and Henry Kramer, in dicted for riot, the facts of which have been previously published, returned a verdict of not, guilty and directed that the defendants pay the costs. • VERDICT OF GUILTY. I i the-cage of Commonwealth vs., Geo. Forsythe, indicted for indecent assault. re! ported yesterday, the jury found a verdict of guilty of assault. The Court sentenced ; the prisoner to pay a fine of live dollars and costs of prosecution. 3ZOLLE PROE4EQUI In the case of the Commonwealth vs. Jo• seph Lofink, Jr., indicted for selling liquor on Sunday, a nolle prosequi was entered, and the accused discharged upon payment of costs. David Hobaugh, arraigned upon two in dictments for assault and battery, his wife and daughter being the prosecuting wit nesses, was tried and the jury returned verdicts of guilty in both cases. The pris oner was sentenced to pay a fine of one dol lar and the costs of prosecution in each case. L. Wolf, indicted for illegal liquor sell ing, Wm. Shore prosecutor, was tried and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty, directing that the prosecutor pay the costs. ACIGRANATED ASSAULT AND BATTERY. William Norris was arraigned on an in dictment for aggravated assault and bat tery, James Ford prosecutor, and plead not guilty. It appears that the parties worked together in Wood's Iron. Mill, and that they got into a fight, during which the prosecutor was knocked down. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, and the costs were divided between the parties. FELONIOUS ASSAULT AND BATTERY. In the case of Rtley Jackson, indicted for felonious assault and battery, Alfred Cooper prosecutor. reported yesterday, the jury re turned a verdict of not guilty of the felony - charged in the indictment, but guilty of un lawful cutting. The prisoner was remand ed for sentence. The time for which the jurors in attend ance were summoned having expired, they were discharged with the thanks of the Court. A new panel will be presented on Monday. 1 BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —President Johnson has filled all the va cant cadetships at West Point. —A dispatch from HarriSburg reports Governor Geary seriously ill with erysipe las. —No organized opposition is being made to the re-election of Mr. Tipton as United States Senator from Nsbraska. —Samuel Tryon. cigar manufacturer at . Westfield, Mass., has failed for $50,000; as sets about twenty-five percent. —Secretary McCulloch has ordered the regrinding of mutilated paper currency to cease. Hereafter it will be burned. —At the caucus of Republican members of the Minnesota Legislature, Mr. Ramsey was nominated for reelection as United States Senator. —The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kansas Penitentiary, T. C. Sears, is charged' with fraudulently obtaining a voucher for $3,218. —General Arthur St. Clair Mulholland, a distinguish'ed Irish American officer in the late war,ihas been appointed Chief of Police of Philadelphia. —lnternal revenue receipts are increas ing, and ; for this month will reach twelve million dollars. £he receipts for customs will also be very heavy. —Smith's paper mill, in Sey moor, Conn., was burnt on Monday night. A man named Amass Trowbridge perished in the flames. Doss, $40,000; insured for $14,000. = —The Deinocratic members of the Maine = Legislature last night in caucus nominated, as their candidate for United States Sena tor, Hon. A. P. Gould, of Thomaston. --Gen. Stoneman, in his testimony before the Congressional Reconstruction Commit tee acknowledged that he was a candidate for the position of Supreme Judge of Vir ginia. —A bore of six feet in depth through the Hell-gate rocks, thirty-five feet beiciw the surface of the water, in New York harbor, • • has been successfully accomplished by Shelbourn's apparatus. - -Facts are stated throwing discredit on the story Andrew Reed, the western mer chant, who alleges that he was chloro formed and robbed of five thousand dollars at Earl's hotel, New York. —A meeting of the prominent merchants of Boston has been held, and a committee appointed to take the necessary steps to memorialize Congress for a renewal of the Reciprocity Treaty with Canada. —Andrew Reed, a dry goods merchant from the West, _was chloroformed and robbed, while asleep in his room, at EarPs House, in New York, on Tuesday night. Loss five thousand dollars. No arrests. " —The use of the Wisconsin Assembly Chamber has been tendered on Monday 'evening, and successive evenings, fora dis cussion of the itical issues of the day by the rival candida pol tes for United States Sena ; "torship. i —The funded debt of the city of Phila , delphia is nearly thirty-seven million del '', tars. The receipts from taxes last year amounted to nine and a quarter millions, and there were expended 'nearly eight millions. —The Hampshire woolen mills, owned by Little and Eltantoq, at Huntington, Mass., were totally destioyed by fire Thursday night, together with a large lot of manufac -: tared goods. Several adjoining buildings were also destroyed. Loss f 75,000. • —The Board of Trade, of Toronto, held a special meeting Wednesday night to con. alder the Huron and Ontario 'Ship Canal . scheme. R. solutions were passed eon ; demning the scheme and advocating the enlargement of the Welland Canal. --In_lidonroe, Green county, Wisconsin, 4 ; Angelina Shroyer shot and killed Patrick Crotty, who seduced her two years ago, re ,: fused to maintain their child,-.and was in :. salting her when she fired at him. She is. now in jail, but the people sympathize with her. —A boiler in George Wood's brush handle shop, at Elizabethport, N. J., exploded yesterday morning. The boiler was thrown into Winans dr Bros. tin shop, two hun dred feet distant, kiiling Benjamin H. Wl ', , nans, the proprietor, and John Regan, of Berger, N. J., a boatman, and seriously wounding Stanley Miller and four others. —The Railroad Committee of the New York State Senate yesterday asked for in . struetions relative to the refusal of an Erle director to answer certain questions as to ; the disposition made of a large amount of additional stock, which ho claimed was be. yond the scope of the investigation ordered ' by the Senate. By a vote of fourteen against thirteen the Senate tabled the whole subject. • I—A London paper states that Minister • Johnson responded to a query from the Eniigration Society regpecting the natural - "Zenon or British- subjects in America, as follows; “You will have no difficulty what trier if you become citizens of America and return to your own country, on being called upon to do any act here on the ,ground that you owe any allegiance to the :"Government of England. Whenever you return here you will be clothed with the protection of America, as much as if you had been horn in America. We consider you-in point of law a citizen born with us, entithil to all our rights. and that Ave are under obligations to protect you the 'saute as we would-those born ou our SOU." =I CONVICTED ACQUITTED GRAND CLOSING OUT SALE Of a Flrst;Class Dry Dodds Store. ALL THE GOODS in the corner a tore. No 100 Ohio street. Alleebent City. Sales positive to titift tinsinem. Fixtures and L.., yearn' Irtt Porn Aoril Ist, 1864, 1 r,•ftle, and the entir. stock comp.:l.'lllg a general - variety or Dry Goods, Nottp, tors. Carotte, Window Phad,s, Oil Gogh, Be. 1 he shove stork 11l he gold pr,• without reserve. The sole to cowl:hen. c forthwith and continue from thy to clay, until all Is sold entirely out. Oue sBB Singer Sewing wurrao , ied, tor sale cheap Don't forget the Place. No. 'lOO 1010 street, Allegh..ny City. Also one brick house with tour zooms torrent, Lot East Lane. Jal6:tfl. JAMES GOSLING. F OR THE UWE! LING PART OF H )Ir,,E no. 48 IN)ChTII fora dentist,JE.a..ll o tofr Li3.i flak Pittbborgb. salable 4c an or sumo puidlc office. "ply co b. CUTIIIIERI Ja.s 83 SMltlitleld stre.t. FLOUR. -- 100 barrels Staring Wheat, Lewiston Mills, to arrive by. Call, for sale by 1.16 ISAIAH D'CREY & CO. L - 1 tit CORN.-92 sacks now landlogfrotn etesmrr Grey Earls. f , r sale by 1:416 ISAIAH DII'KEY &CO. 9000 ..upinELN OF PEACH rdip BLo DEL ING4B BTEVEPRHOL ittiolt AbS K,_allEL4 OF SORGIIIMI • ' DiLLINGIZI 2 4 lITZVILyncus. Uros the latest railway dis l aster in this vicimty, the New York Trawrie remarks as follows: "The "Pan-Handle" Railroad approaches Pittsburgh from the West by sharp curves and embankments on the very brink of the river. After storms or freshets, its trains are always liable to great danger l i hero from the sliding away or washing away of the track. No one ca know this better than the officers of the road, and they have had warnings enongh of the gravest nature, to make thei neglect to have the track so thoroughly watched at such seasons that an accident like that of yesterday would be impoisibl- ' an act of apparently inexcusable crimin-city." El-z-Anothgr terrible murder h:: been com mitted in Philadelphia. Thursday night two men, Joseph Donahue and James Dempsey got into a quarrel and after a des perate struggle Donahue drew a pocket •knife and cut Deriipsey's throat from ear to ear, causing death in a few moments. Donahue was promptly arrested and con fessed his crime. but insists the act was done under great provocation and in self defense. DR. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS The most efficient DIURETIC, for treatment of all complaints" r suiting from weakness and de range- went of the Kidneys such as pains and weakness 'n the Back or Loins; Gravel, Dropsy, Incoatlnance of Urine, Stranguary. Inil f ammatlon of the Kidney', &c., &c. DR. SARGENT'S BACKACHE PILLS eau be used with perfeci safety In all eases In dill- dreit as well as adalts 7 Upwards of thirty-seven Sears• expe:lence has Proven this medicine to be th most uniform and efficient Diuretic ever digcov- ered, besides being to the'form of sugar coated tint:lag them easy to take, J am.' not being a purga live, never interferes Ith the regular dllicharge of duties. These Pills can be had at wholesale and retail from the Proprietor GEORGE A. KELLEY, Wholesale Druggist, OORNER OF WOOD STREET AND SEJOID AVE HUE, PITTE3I3IIRGH. and from all Draggistil and Dealers In Medicine 50 celits por box THE MACHINE, CALLED MAN, Is a very complicated and delicate one, and is more liable to get out of order, and much more difficult to repair, than any combination or wheels, and cranks, and levers. made by the hands of man. As arule, it is tinkered too much. and Madly tinkered at that. It Is often calomelized. narcotized, depleted, and oth erwise ndaused. when ail; that it really needs is a whol --eine Toole and re-turative like HOSTg.T TER,S STOMACH BITTER, .o put It in t rop. r trim aid keep It so. The stomach is ehainefully mal treated. In the first p ace, tile food willed its Juices are Intended to d 7 ssolve. is too frequently thrown into it h , iettly, and la a half mesticated condition. In which state the gastric arid cannot properly act 111 , 013 it. The res.ilt clyspeysia. Then comes the doctor, end finding the digestive organs weak and toe bowels inert, he proceeds to weak-en and p , ra lyre still more with dristic ptirgalres These fail , fog—as theyalwaiis do—to produce a salutary, be tell. the invalid that meld-al science can to no more "or him. !this, with all due deference, Is a mistake,—one of 'hose mistakes which Taleyrend said were tantamount toe, Imes. What the dyspep tic needs is annfgoration. engthen the stoma. b with HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. and the stomach wl.l strengtto n ev, ry othsr part of the human ma chine, and make it, in common parlance, as good as sew. Upon the state of the digestion depends. In a measure, the condition of the wh Ic system. NOW, the Bitters are the most admirable tonic k .own. '1 hey consist of the finest vegetable iiivigoranta an restoratives, combined with an unat ulterated ulaut. The dysp. pile needs nothing else to effect a Lure, except a light, nutritious diet. and a fair amount of exercise. Fven in the absence of these last mentioneo accessories, the tunic and aterative properties of the preparation will work wonders, erisollng the dyspeptic to digest Interior fare with comparative ease and to maintaingc,d habit of hotly, in splie of the drawback, eta sedentary occu pation -THE SOUND OF THE LUNGS. • One of the most alcurate ways of determining whether the lungsare in a heeltny or diseased con dition, is by means of listening to the respiration. To those experienced in this practice it becomes as plain an Innex to the state of the longs, and Is as well ken en to the operator as are the voices of his most intlinateacqualotances The belleT that long standing cotulis, and diseases of tie lungs upon which they are dependent, are incurable, are fast becoming ousuiete. One great advantage to be gained from this advance in medical knowledge Is Ge earlier appliestion of those who become afflicted With those diseases to some one competent to afford relief. Ihe error which had taken hold of the pub lic mind in regard to the carabilityof consumption, or rather non-c:rability, is fast becoming obliter ated, and Ills welt that It should be so, not that persons should lose that salutary fear which would make them apply for a Unit .y remedy, but that all might be Induced to use remedies while there is any hope. It is the delay in these cases that Oils us with apprehension and alarm, for If every one would make timely application. of DEC. ICEYSER's LUNG CURE in the beginning of a cold or ,ccitigh, few cases would go so far as to become Irremediable. Sold at the Doe or's great Id (Heine Store, N 0.140 Wood ktreet. WILL rHORTLY RYMOVE TC HIS NEW STORE, NO. IR LIBERTY STREET, SEC OND DOOR FROM St. OLLIE: • - . • D. • EF.YSEIt'S RESIDENT'.OFFICB FOB LUNG EXAMINATIONS AND THE TREAT ME I'OF OBSTINATE CHRONIe DIIEASEs, No. IMO PENN STREET, PITTeBEIROH, PA. Office .gottre from 9A. r. , and ham 7to at alien. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. TO MEET THE (JESTER ‘L AIMEE OF THOSE who nave been deferred from pureba,lnx unpl after the drat of the year, we have cvneluded to continuo GREAT REDUCTION SALE FOR A FEW WEEKS LONGER. This is pointy's ly the last oppurtualty to s.eure bargains In CARPETS, Oil Cloths, Mattings ll &e. Good Carpets for 25 cents a Yard. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK AND COMPANY - No. 23 Fifth Street. isle PITTSBURGH: .GAZETTE : NEW ADVERTISEMEN lESTAII L ISSFIED 18 4 .5 SIMON JOHNSTON T, DRUGGIST AND IMFORTER OF Squire's, London,Cel ebrated Preparations among which are: Ow nular lyervescinij Bi. C'arb.Potassi.Granuldi i . EfferveseingVichylVaL ter, Granular EtervesL cing Citrateofllagnesia Granular Effervescing Seidlitz cnvders nulap - EyervescingAis= singenWater. Squire's True Glycerine AS'pap, contains 40 per mid. Glycerine. Lufiin' - World RenownedWx tracts,all odors. SCiTy' I7enna Soap, coat zi?~s 3 0 per cent. Glyceiue. Brecknell's Skin, Si'?ap, , used in _England for over 1 00ye / ars. Broke don's Bk Carb. AS'oda P mSed iiz cases of Acidity of the Stonze:ca. Low's Superior Soops, old Brown 'Windsor, Honey, Glycerine, sr tle Oil and Elder . Fl@zv er. .3 E9s: Po quet, (end iSpermadetti Tablets. Fine rimy/isle and French Hair, Tdpth and _2l ail Brushes, mith many out-ot Lthe-ula y Articles hitherto dbY,- cult to find in one estab lishment. ' I mported direct lby Simon Johnston, corner Smithfield and Foui-th Avenue 7 Pittsburgh. WINTER GUIS Very -Cheap. BATES & BELL ov.rint THE BALANCE OF THEIR WINTER STOCK -AT 140 W PRICES. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Tobacco, Cigars & Whiskey. ISAAC STERN, No. 188 Peden - it Street, obore the Market, ; ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Respectfully announces to hie Mends that he is now offering his, conolatinf of the • . . FINEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, Aft, And Ike PtiREST LIQUOR!). At .prlces RKET LOWER THAN srza OFFENICD IN THIB MA. Or 4cl:ember the plate, No. 1 PEDZIIAL BT., ALLSOINZAT OWL PA. 6.114:11.01Vii AT 1111 DA It; JA:NUAitY 16; 1E69. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, NO ADVANCE IN PRICES 'lt i r GOODS WILLIAM ISENPLE'S ISO AND IS2 A . Federal Str-; • //' 4111egheny Cit „„At 12M cts. Good Yard Wide 13 Magnus. At '1214 cts. Heavy Tard bleached Muslin. . At 10 cts. Good Shirting Muslin. At 9 Os. Dark Calicoes. - At 123 cts. Fast Colored Calicoes, styles, At 12;4 cts. Wide Linen Towelin At 1234 cts. Linen Towels. At 25 cts. Yard Wide Feather Tic log. At 12M ctn. Good Dark Ginghams. MIMED UNBLEICIED MUSLINS AND MEETINGS, CALICOES AND GINGEAMS, TICKINGS, CHECKS, And all Kinds of IPoniestite Cotton Goods. Customers need be in no hurry making their purc6ses, fearing an advance in prices, similar to what occurred a year ago, as we have Plenty 61 goods to der them, bought before the late advan e ALL DEPART OF THE HOUSE Well Supplied WHOLESALE AN WILLIAM SE Federal treet, Allegheny -sCity. i GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES Woolen Goods at a Great Sacrifice. LARGE STOCK Of YARNS, In all Co:ors and Qualities. Y 'ADE .S' AND MISSES' WOOL OSIER Y. GENTS+ AND-YOUTHS , ONE-HALF HOS& 1 GLOVES OF EVERY .DESCRIerION, adies'. &Cents' Wool ts' Merino Underwear; . HOOP SKIRT FINE VARIETY OF E3f BILOIDERED AND LACE Handkerchiefs and Collars. PAPEit COLLARS AND CUFFS OF EVERY VARIETY, ! ✓ or Ladles and Gentlemen. Jobbers will eimeoiallAio well to call on us now, as we wish to sell mod of our g' ode before corn• meuclug to take dock. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. Jal6 SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Wnk, pew York Club, Empire, Starr, &c. All other styles and sizes at the very lowest rates WHITESIDES k Dp[lll, 19 /ZDZILAL 51.. ALLE9H3S/1 or na WE HAVE PLENTY OF wmmi ith Goods MB RETAIL, CB PLE'S, 180 AND 1 111 NOT1OBS—"To Let," "For dale," "L. 81 ,, "Wants," "Found." "Boarding." he.. not ea credi;ul FOUR :LINES each soe/t be inserted in theav column., once for TWEET Y-Fl VE CENTS; eaci additional line IVE CENTS. • WANTED---HELP •/ "dn WANTED—HELP -At Employ ment Office, No. 3 St. ClalcStreet, BOY GIRLS and MEN, for different kinds of employ. 'pent. Persons wanting help of all hinds can be su plied on short notice, . / WANTED---BOARDERS, WANTED --BOA RDERS—Pleas ant roam, wllli'board ; suitable for gent'eman and wife, or two titing gentlemen at ftS FOlitt'f 11 LTEEET. AlFo, , a few day or dinner boarders can be see oximoda;ed. Reference required. WANTED—TO RENT.—Two or THREE ROOMS OF A SMALL HOITSK. pleasant location, by a man snd wife; no children. Good reference. Addrear C., GAZETTE OF. ICE. $25 000 1 '21°17 ; e t_NA."..,°,n, to..nty frAopertv. Apply to or g a.,ores• ertj r FT n & FRILL! , Real Estate .Ageute, 'NO. 139 Fourth aventle. at4OST.—A Diamond - Cross Breast PIN. The finder will be rewarded bl leaving It r. MehlEiL'is °thee. FOR RENT.-4 FIRST CLASS ALE VAULT. Capacity 1,000 barrels. Ap ply at 204 PENN 6THZET. jals Teb o- LET — HOUSE.—Brick House of four raoms and kitch n. I'oession given ruarylst. Apply at 107 Clark street. (1513 rro LET.--TWO HANDSOMELY .L. furnished rooms. stairs. as and ere, one on first floor. anti one front up Inquire at 199 Third avenue. eached Ll 2 TO-LET.—House on Manhattan Street, Allegheny, of five rooms, hall end at tic. Rent low. Itono.dlate possession will bgiven. Inquire of JOHNSTONt. JOHNSTON, Attorneys. No. SI Diatinond Street. Plttsba- eh. dolt T° - LET.--Dwellinig House, No. 94 Wylie street. coutainlne 12 rooms.- STORE ROO No. 96 Wylie street, corner of Pectoral Street. Amy to A. M. BROWN, 96 Wylie street, and 114 Fifth Avenue. choice MO LET. — WAR2IFIOILSE:— The large Four Story WAREHOUsE, 38 Smithfield 'Street, at present ocrupled by. Messrs. T. B. ming. S, Co. In :be furniture business. Inquire of SIMON JOHNSTON, corner of siziltbfleid street and le ourth avenue. • T 0 LET—WAREHOUSE, No. ISS tnith Id street. occupied by V. Dlssen as an up olstlng and furniture store. Also, to let; 'A large ail warehouse on Hancock street. Al.o, a dwelling with 7 rooms. .: Also, a well finished house with 11 rooms: 'No. 25 Hancock street, 1 oth opposite t.hrtst Ctiurch. Also, a large house on the co ner of Penn and Hancock str....t. hiiitablel for offices Enquire at 277 PENN STREET. al3 . FOR RENT.—HOUSE.—A large RK DOUBLE' HolliiiE, containing large Double Parlors, Library, Dining Room, Kitchen and Wash 'louse on lower floor, and sb. d rcoms and bath room on secoud floor. AllO that 11 , f1 attic, good cellar with bake• Oren In Ir, together with large yard ',anted with shrubbery and fruit trees. Hot and told water rill stiis through tie house. The hou • e is In viol orili r, finely papered anu painted throughout. Marble in titleplect sin parlors, libra ry ono dish g room. Pt 4 5eSSION given at once. Lo cation in Elevehth (old 'eri nth) ward. For rerms, Itc., address. G. Z., ca e Box W. Gazette °Mee. , FOR SALE FOR SAI.E 4— DESYRABIE WE-- TERN AVENUE RESIDENCY!. located ( n Westf rn avenue, Al:e.h:ny city. b. tween Rraw. it str,rt and Irwin art:tulip. Rest !enee—brlck of && 700M', li ii an.l COl +l', gas tritougnoot and al. nntsh din nor class .13 , 1 e. Lot 4S by 120 to a 20 root alloy, wl Ibe sot on easy terms. Angle To &ILLIre, It al Estate Agents, No. 139 I ourtB syenu• . • Jal6 FOR SALE—JO "SINES S STAND— . A well known and rosperous wholesale busi ness stand, with stock d fixtures, is offered for sale. Patlaftetory reaso s are given for the dispo ,sal. Apply at 77 WOOD STREET. • • FOR SALE—That line two story brick warehouse. 24 by. 64 feet. situated on 01110 sTitEET, Allegheny city, No. 95, now occu plel as a t lone and Grain Warehouie. Also, that two story brick pwelliryt house, 20 by 64 feet. ad )(ruing the above eontaining six rooms- For furth.r particulars enquire on the premises of M. STEEL Sc SON. FOR SALE— ARM.-200 acres of good Land, situated In Penn Tp., West moreland county, two milei from Irwin Station, on the Penna. It. it. Improvements, hewed log , ouse In good repair, bank barn and older outbuildings. Terms moderate. Enquire of W.-WILSON. Lan i nn . or it A. HttPF.. Prnn Station. . . FOR SALlF.—Engine and Boiler and Smoke Stack. all In good o , .oultur order. jail H . BW9T6ft. 84-3 Penn street. • / "di / I IC, r - Wf No. 37 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. PA. P. DUFF, Author of Duff's S ystems of Book. R keepinr. PESIDENT. Established twenty-eight years', haying educated many thousands of 3lerchants, Banker. and Ac countants In the United States and Canadas to the Collegeect class Inoucnnd is now the first In America-to In tr od u cethe new Important Improvement of comb.nlng that class instruction with compreht Halve exercise In ItEA.L..I3TJSINESS. By WV. 11. CHARLES P. and RDBERT P. DUFF, all experienced business aeceuntants, each having kept books In extensive tirm.. giving our students the rare opportunity of bee ming at enc. pra•tical Accountants. lidliFir`d new system of Idercoants' hianuf.murer's, National Bank, Railroad and Private Ban ker.. 330 01E.X.EMP Ire 0 Splendidly printed to colors by HARPER & BROTH RIM New York. pp. 400. Crown Oyu., 43 75. Postage 35c The only w.,rk containing National Bank and Private Rankers' account.. No other work of the ti.,l has b..en so unanimously and ems phaticsily recommended by the press. base business men. by teachers and by thope who base been eau. cated .rom It. bee our ties. Cir. war, °obtainin g also lac slmito of Wlt. H. DUFF'S First Premium ream trisbtp, Medals. ae. Mailed free by • P. DUFF` & SION. Principals. P. DUFF & SONS, • • 1241 Seeond Avenue, Pittsburgh, Commission Merchants. Hantillscturers, Agents, and Wholesale Dealers In Floor. Gratn. and . 1 .411 Med. of Produce. Conalrnmsnta tac ou ked. Advances made. /i/pNend Pr sr Weekly Prlce Cul rent. 66d&F BINHUPTCY ?LIVED OU' '52.00.-T HIS CARD enUtles' the bearer, on presentation, to TWO DOLT RI abatement on • calk purchase 01425.00 at -the great cheap o?othhig house of S. C. ftAVEIFWAN, ORIGINAL BIG NVIEIIikR YI Sixth Street, late St. Cl Nobody beat by this establisbment. bat leg to sill Call and be ennylnced._ All plainly marked by printed cards, at 'LO WEST CASTE ERIC' So that no one may ho deceived. ttemel original big number 81.1.1'H laic Si.*OF COUNTERFE'TS OF T S. TRAUER aezmu-g WA LL PA PER—REMOT THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW W. P. MAIISIIA Hu removed from ST WOOD STREET to NO. 191 LIBERTY STB $ few doors abars IT. CLAM WANTS. LOST. TO LET. THREE ACRES OF LAND. hording Is36J;creet ou Perlllaylvania . •Rallroad, in, La - caster city, Pa.. eruct Oil y : !dein& Arat.claesollltelincry troll eruct Oil rank, holding 1201 barr Is. Damsel' yof ks, 150 barrels per wets, .srlib all uecessary apparatus, lixtlL es, Ac., In proportion. Alt new and In perfect urde. The local demand Is over 260 . • barrels Porweek—WilLbe aerld.with.or ritthout—the_ land, at a low price. TO -LET--THE Irale deal NOS. 91 AND 92 WATER STREET, clothing Between Market anl Wo t streets, (fronting on Water eteeet , 4s feet And • unn In g tbroum h 116L1 feet to First avenue.) Is now for rent. Posiessi to to De gl:enon the Ist of Sc xt. Ihtx warebnu-e Is now ocettplel by Doane. Chalfant Ic Co.. Inquire of J M11E 4 4 ItteAtti.EY, At Iron City National Bank, Fourth av,enue. SPANG 4 CO. PITTSBURGH, December 21. 1868. isatett..s REMOVAL. A r the I REEL, ts: .N. • DR. HEWITT HAS RFMOVIrD ills lIFFICt from 36 'FEDERAL 'bTRI RT, 411. g.,roy, to the utile- o• emote I by the late Dr. Joseph A. Ihrron, 16 SMiTHKI ELL. sTREET, Plt.aburgh.- All e,ll, after S o'clock P. M. mug'. (Pr the present. be made at his board. log hones, No. - 138 Wabblogton street, uear Flint avenue. \ • Ja8:0/7 SAMEE!.. LOAN, IPLACB, AND BUILDER. All kinds oresrpent. r work done to order. Orders le, t the shop, No. . 33 F i;i,ToN STREET, near Web ter, will be promptly nttendedl to. ,Isill:e31 U5l IMM DIVIDENDS. UFFICE OF : 11 oNeNciAltr LA %Al OIATION r 0., . JarillarC - 14 - th. 1e69. Mr'THE BOARD of MANALGERS of the MONoNGAIIELA NAVIGATION COMPANY have this day declaryd a dividend on the Block of said Company of TrliP. for the past slx months, or ONE- DOLLAR AND A HALF A SHARE, free from D. S. Revenue Tax, payable to the Stockholders or their legal represen tatives on and after , the ISth Inst. jino:dl9 PITTSBURGH, January 13[11, 169. 11?rTIIE HOARD of Directors of the COLMMII/A. OIL COMPArb•Y have this day declared a dividend. No. 32, of four (4) per cent. (two (10114 rs per sl arc) on the capital stock. payable MONDAY, January IRth. jal4:dl6 A. I.'..3lctilt.ElV, Sec.retarv. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAS CO., ""DIVII) END.- Januaryry 11, 1889. j fOr The Trustees nf the Pittsburgh "TWOmna have this day drciartd a dividend of DOLLA •8 AND PlifTs CF.NTB per share, on the capital stock previous to December 15th. .1868, payable on de mand at the °Mee of the Company. yal2:a7 W. H. 31cCLELLA ND, Treasurer. NATIONAL TECST Bittsburgn, January 6, Mb. -- "'DIVIDEND.—The Directors of this Bank have to-day declared a dead of , PILE PER CENT., Payable on the 13th, free of tax. • ja7:rBB ROBERT GRIER. Csahler. ----- BEN FRANKLIN INSCRANCE CON PAM'. 1 No. 45 Unto Street. APegheny, Pa,, January 5, 1869. nrITIE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company have, this day declared a dividend TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS per Share, to be credited on thcfst^c@ Notes. ja7:eb7 GP.O. D. BIDDLE, Secretar7 MERCHANTS AND 31Axurits NATIONAL RANK. ( Pittsburgh, Jarman &, J 869. Igr'DIVIDEND.—The Directors of this Bank have this day declared a divi dend or FIVE PER CENT., On the capital stock out of the profits of the last sit mouths, payable forthwith. free ^l* all tixes. Ja6;c7s JOHN hCOTT. Jr., Cashier. orriez OF ALLEGHENY INIgURANCE CO.. .r.o. 37 Fifth Av. u-e. PITTSBURGH, January 4, 1869. • DIVIDEND —The Board of Directors of this Company have tills day de clared a dividend of Twó DOLLARS AND f FIFTY CENTS ner share, free of tax, payable In cash on and after Monday, the 11th Inst C. G. DONN ELL, jarl:c77 Secretary. • --- OFFICE OF ARTIRAN'S INEITEASCE Cn. Pittsburgh, January .c THE DIRECTORS OF THIS deed of COMPANY have this day declared a divi- TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, out of the earnings of the last slx months, to be cred ited on the,stock Notes. J. G. CoFFIN, 71 ' jas:c Secret , iv frOFFICE OF THE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. , -eorner of Fed eral atr,.ec and Slnekto4 Avenue, Allegheny. - - DIVIDEND.—The Directors of this compiny have declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AS.O FIFTY Cif.NTS per share, tree of tax, n.yable'lli cash to the Stockholders on and after MONDAY, January 18th. Jal2:d9 JAMES E. STEVENSON, Secretary. • A LLSGIIENY NATIONAL BANK, t PITTSIII:itGIi, January 4th. 1.8e9: f ig"THE HOARD OF DIREC. 10113 of this Rank have declared a ellvl•iend. of five p•-r cent. on ill: Csiotal Stock ou , of the nroll , s of the last tlx months, payahle forthwith free of all tax. J ,6:c410 W. 3 PCANDLESS. Assistant Cashier. ay - QUARTERLY DIVIDEND.— FIRST. NATIONAL' DANK, Pittsburgh. i. Pa., late PITTSBURGIf TRUST COMPANY. The Directors of this Rink have this day declared atilvt derld of three per cent. on the capital stock qut of the pronts of the last three months; paylable forth with. free of State and Government tax. jas:c..M J. D. SCIIIZY. 'lns=Barr, TT. WAY .NE & CHICAGO R. R. Co? OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. PITTSBURGH. D. cetnber 15. 1868. C Ia*THE BOARD OF DIREC , TORS of this Compadv have declared the restalas (217ARLERLY DIN ID - E.ND. (No. 20) of 251; per cent. free of Government Tax, on the capi tal stock tor the quarter ending December 31, /868, and semi = annual interest of 3S per cent., less Government Tax,. on the Tnird Mortgage Bow's, payable on and atter MONDAY. the 19th LANI I ER &CO , , Tour PleNEffi o c T e K of E IWCTI.N SoLOhoWe registered at New York, and at the Office of . the Treasurer. to those registered at Pittsourgh. The Transfer Books will close on SAT lIROAY, 28. h instant, at 2 P. M. 'and re-onen TUESDAY, the 20th oflannary, 1869. at 10 4. M. HUTCIFISON. Secretary. deZ3:blCe NOTICES. OFFICE PITTGBURGH k CONNZI.L.tILLA R. R. Co, • ( Pittsburgh, •.ianuarr 14. 186., f NOTICE, II: TO BONDHOLDERS. hereby given that COUPON No.: 19 TURILE tad!" 1K IVi 6ION CONSTRUCTION ro.NDS, 'due ande first day of Peurua.ry nest. will be bald on I aftrr that date upon present a thin and deilvery. it the First National . Bank of Plttahurah, JOHN H. ra.OE, .lit... Treasurer. ------- DISSOLUTION NOTICE. T HE CO-IPARTNERSIIIP .11Enr tofore exisitne between E, HOUSTON, JOHN *LEY and W. H. HOUSTON, under the name and styleof E.-HOUSTON & CO., was dissolved by mutual consent on toe tarsi day of 2ttl oveluber. 1868, JOHN,BIcKEY retiring. All business of the late firm will be set led by the remaining partners:. Th i es , . indebted are urged to settle their accounts on or before February let, 1869, as the business of the ate firm mast be closed by that time. 1 R( HOUSTON. • J()HN BR; LET, , • W. H. ROUSTulti Ittrrsattimir, Dec. 31st, 1868. 110i1BTON E. HOUSTON & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 107 Fifth. Avenue, Respectfully inform their patrons and the p^blic gencally thatthey bace on hand a large supply of stEhTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. :.of all the latest fashions. which they Intend td close out at greatly RZDUCZD Pinola , L. make room for a Siring stock. Prices on reguLtrety.tom work Nave a tin been greatly reduced to snit the stringency of the times Call and examine the stock and it.quire the prices.- E. HOUSTON & CO.,' 107 Fifth Avenue. LAURA OIL WORKS kaca FOR SALE. Apply to EEER t RIF% • - Emu Estate and Cullen lon Agents, Ja7:oE:o.le• Lancaster. Va LARGE AND CBSTANTIAL IrAREINDE, HOUSE, CARPENTER, El = W. 13 IRE WELL. Treasurer W. U. 110176T0X