Financial Matters in New - York Gold Closed at 136;@136:,;. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh liazette.2 NEW YonE, January 15, 1569 MIMI Money to-day easier than at any time since the stringency abated. The supply in excess of the wants of brokers and loans 'made at 6@7 per cent. with inZreasing bu siness at 6 per cent._ Sterling at 6%@6%. Gold firm, opened at 136;4, declined to 136% and closed at 136%@136%. BONDS AND STOCKS. Governments quiet and declined a frac tion, but subsequently improved and closed strong, on the denial by the Secretary of the Treasury that the Government was now selling or contemplating such action. Cou pons of 1881, 112;4 @112%; 62%@ 62%; do. '64, 109%@1093;; 00. 'B5, 109% 1093; new do., 108%@108%;' do. '67, 10834 (4)108%; do. '6B, 108%®108%; Ten-Forties, lom@loB3‘. United States securities higher and more doing. = Missouris, 87%@90; old Tonnes sees, 69y,@70; new do. 09%@693,; North Carolinas, 66; new do, 63%@64; Virginias, 58%59; Levee Sixes, 68 do. Eights, 80; Georgia Seveps, 90; Ala ama Fives, 63; do. Eights, 'B9. , In the stockmarket t ere was a well dis tributed business early in the day, which culminated in great buoyancy and activity, the prices being;'in some cases, the highest reached on the present bull movement. The speculative feeling ran high on New York Central, Reading, Rock Island, Pitts burgh, St. Paul, and Northwestern, but the greatest advance was in Central, Rock Island and Northwestern. The upward move in Central was stimulated by rumors from Albany that the Legislature had been fixed, and that scrip dividend will be legal ized. There was some heavy buying of - Rock Island on the growing belief of large swap dividend in the immediate future. ParceLs of stock have recently been sent to London, which has also ex ercised an influence. Northwestern advanced on denial of the story of further issue of common stock, and the statement that 4.700 shares of preferred had been transferred on the books of the company to London account. Pittsburgh is very fever ish and it is stated that-the old party are in stock again. The. general market closed strong. Express stocks were heavy and lower at one time, but all up again at close. The Commercial says the difficulties be tween the Express cempanies makes very slow progress towards a solution, and dif ferences are likely to seek settlements in the courts. The American and Merchants Union companies offer to release the Adams company from the combination of the 'several - -companies on condition that the Adams Company issues to them the very modest amount of 5300,000 of their stock, the consideration being the restora tion to the Adams Company of the routes .It surrendered to the combination. The Adams' stockholders are of course opposed to this proposal, and an-application is like ly to be made to the Court for an injunc tion restraining the Company from making such an issue. The'advance yesterday on the Chicago and Quincy was on account of rumors of 40 per cent. scrip dividend. Five-thirty Prices : Cumberland, 38@ .38%; Wells Express, 25%@25%; American, 38@40; Adams, 57%45734; United States, _ 4534; Merchants Union, 14%; Quick silver, 23%; Canton 55@554; Pacific Mail 1233;@123%; Western Union Telegraph, 33%®34; Mariposa,s@634; do.preferred, 2134 @22; New York Central, 160@l60; , ; Buffalo, Hudson, etc., 28; Erie, 38% ®38%; do. preferred, 63%@64;; Hud son, 131@132; Harlem,l32@l33; Reading, % @ 9696%; Terre Ifaut. 42; do. preferred, 67@6714; Wabash, 633-@63%; do. preferred, 7634@77; St. Paul, 75%@7534,; do. preferred, 94%@95; Fort Wayne, 121©121%; Ohio and Mississippi, 33%@34; Michigan Cen tral, 1184@119%; Michigan Southern, 90@ 96%; Illinois Central, 144 ;4 ®145; Pittsburgh, .88%@89; Toledo,-104%@104; Rock Island, 129@129%; Northwestern, 83; 15 "; do. pre, ferred, 89@89%; C. C. &I. C. t _4B; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 195; St. Joe, 18; do. preferred, 108; Lake Shore, 101. Mining shares dull; Smith and Parmelee, 270. Copper Stocks at Boston—Copper Falls, 15; Franklin, 13; Heels 70; Hancock, 3; 31inncsota, 2; Quincy, 22. Clearances of Gold Exchange Bank, 08,- 750,000, 1= Receipts at the Sub Treasury, 81,846,353; payments, 51,149,767; balance, 5E2,060,119. The quarterly bank statement shows a decrease of liabilities of 84;015,667. Markets by Telekraph. NEW YORK, January 15.—Cotton is a shade firmer; sales were made 0(5,500 bales at 2935a2931e for Middling Uplands; also 4,000 bales sold in transit. Flour—Re ceipts were 3,180 bbls, the market is dull and saloc lower; 5,100 bbls sold at55,70a6,20 for superfine State; western, $6.75a7,20; ex tra Slate, $6,50a7,65: extra western, 17,80 a 9,50; white wheat extra, $6,80a9,10; R. H. 0., sBa9; common - fair extra St. Louis, $9,50 a 12,50; good choice do. closing dull: Cali fornia flour nominal at $5a8,25 for old; new, 18,50a11; sales of 400 bbls choice Oregon flour sold at $11,25. Rye flour Is ouiet and drooping; sales were made of 206 bbls at .$5,504,65. Corn Meal is in moderate re cuest and Brandywine sold at 55,20. Whis ky is quiet and firm at • $1,04 for 'western, free. 'Wheatreceipts were 94,765 bush, nearly all of which was California; prices slightly favor buyers with more doing; - sales are reported of 75,000 bush at $1,57a 1,61 for No. 2 spring, in store and afloat; 11,85 for red western; 52,10 for white Cali fornia: Rye quiet; sales 600 bush western. at $1,50a3,00;, Southern Barley in fair requeit anda shade firmer; sales of 16,000 bus Canada West .at $2,15a2,16. Barley Malt quiet. Corn—receipts, 25,037 bus; about is better for new; sales of 48,000 bus at 92a95c for new mixed western; 96a97c for yellow western; 96ca51,00 for white South ,ern; 88a890 for common straw colored Southern. • Oats heavy; resittipts, 3,000 bus, with sales of 32,000 bus western, afloat, at 78a78y,c; nominally 76a76Nc for do. in store... Rice quiet. Coffee active and steady; aa1...0 4 14,298 bags Rio on private terms. Sugaisteady and quiet; sales of 290 httds Cuba at 1133a11igc. Molasses steady; sales of 393 hhds and 30 ten cloud at 40c, and 75 bbls New • Orleane at 70a76c. Petroleum firm: sales of 450 bbls at 210 for crude, and -35 c for refined bonded. Hops quiet -at 10a 180 for American. Linseed Oil firmer. at 990 Spirita Tarpentine quiet at 52a530. Pork dull and heavy, with sales of 530 bbls at 529,00a29,25 for new mess; $28,25 a 28,50 for old do, 124a25,25 for prime, and and 527,50928,50 for - prime mess; also sales 250 bbls new mess, seller, •February, at 529. -Beef quiet, with sales 120 bbls at $9a16,50 for new mess, and $14a19,50 for new extra mess Tierce Beef steady, with sales 635 tierces at $27a30; prime mess 1530a36. Beef Hams dull, with sales •150 bbls at $30a34. Cnt meats quiet, with sales 175 pkga at 123 313 c -for shoulders, and 14a170 for hams. Dressed Hogs heavy at 133<,a13,ie for west and 143ya14N0 for city. Middles dull and heavy, with sales 150 boxes at 14 4o for Cumberland cut, and 15 1 ,016 c for short ribbed. Lard heavy and lower, with sales 480 tierces at 18a19c for steam, and 19a19 %o for kettle rendered; also 'sales .225 tierces, seller and buyer,February, March and April, at 18%a191. Butter steady at 33a 40c. Cheese firm at 16a20c. Freights to Liverpool more steady, with engagements per steamer of 7,500 bush corn at 7%d, and 15,000 boob wheat at Bd. Latest—Flour closed dull, without deci ded change in price. Wheat dull; winter steady for spring, with moderate, export demand. Rye dull at $1,50 for western. Oats dull -at 76a76 1 /, for western. Corn _ - :steady, with moderate demand at 92a95 for new mixed western; old mixed western - nominal at $1,07111,1.10 in store and afloat. Pork dull at t 28,754.9,00 for mess cash and regular and seller February and March. Beef steady and in moderate demand. Cut Meats nominal. Badon quiet and without decided change, Lard unsettled at 16Xa 181. for good to prime steam. Eggs33a34. Dry Goods.—The Dry Goods market con tinues active for cotton goods under the re cent advance in raw material, but closed heavy. Brown Sheetings firmer, with sal es cf Lawrence Cat 17c. Atlantic A still continues at the same price, but the ten dency is strongly upward. Bleached Mus lin& in active request and firmer. New York Mills are put up to 2735 e, while Warn sutta is selling at 2335a250 for all cotton fabrics. The tendency in fact is strongly upward, In Woolens the trade remains a little quiet but is still hardly established. CHICAGO, January 15.—Eastern Exchange less firm at 1-10 premium selling, and 1-10 off buying. Flour dull at 55a6 for low grades to fair spring extras. Wheat de pressed and Xalc lower on No. 1; sales No. 1 at 51,20a1,22; No. 2, $1,12Xa1,13 cash, and 51,12 , sellerlhirty days, closing at 51,12 X; sales No. 2 this afternoon at $1,13. Corn in fair demand and XaXc lower; sales new at 523;a5334c; no grade. 48305035; No. 1,64 c seller March; 67a68c seller last half of April, and new at 53Xa54c buyer January, i closing at 53c for new, and -49 c for no grades; nothing doing this afternoon. Oats quiet, weaker and XaXc lower; sales No. 2at 47a ' 480, and 45Xa46e. for rejected, closing at 473;c for No. 2. Rye tame and dower;! sales No. 1 at $1,15a1,17, and No. 2 at $1,14, closing at 51,16 for No. 1. Barley weak and dull, 2a4c lower; sales at $1,6541,68 for No. 2, cash, and 81,6601,69 for sellers this month; closing dull at 51,65 on spot. High wines feverish, with sellers at 94c; closing with sales at 95c.. Provisions dull and low. Mess pork 528,50a529,00; closing at 528,25. Lard inactive; nominal 18X. Green hams quiet, at 15;40; sweet pickled hams at 16c for' buyers for the month; sellers, but no buyers, of shoulders at 1134 c; rough sides 23j4c; short ribs, 14c. Dressed hogs dull, 50a75c lower; closing dull at 511,25411,60 for soft, and 511,50a512,00 for frozen lots, dividing on 200; live dull, 15a20c - lower; sales at 59,50a511,00 from common to good. Shipping beef cattle steady, less active, 14,50a55,10 for butchers, and 56,75a57;00 for medium. ' to good. Shipping receipts past 24 houses 1,064 bbls. flour' 44,292 bushels wheat; 41,925 bush corn; 16,151 bush oats; 2,204 bush rye; 3,875 bush barley. Shipped, 6,516 bbls flour; 8,398 bush wheat; 16.684 bush corn; 12,364 bush oats; 684 bush rye; 1,857 bush barley; 5,561 hogs. ST. LOUIS, January 15.—Tobacco steady and unchanged. Cotton and Hemp; no sales. Flour dull and drooping, with no shipping demand; superfine 56,75; double extra 56a8; treble extra to fancy 58,75a11,50. Wheat dull and best grades nominally lower, with very little done; primal') fancy fall quoted at 51,50a1,90; spring dull at 51,323, for No. 1. Corn firmer at 63a70c. Barley steady at 52,00a2,25 for choice to fancy spring. Rye sold at 51,25. Whisky 95c. Pork dull and lower; jobbing at 529a29,50. Bulk meats weak and lower, jobbing at 1235 for shoulders, 16 ,for clear sides, city packed, loose meat sold at 11X, shoulders, 14X, hams 15%, Clear Sides and Bacon easier, jobbing at 13X. Lard dull and weak, with no sales; choice not quotably at over 1834. Hogs lower at 9alo. Cattle steady and firm at 3a7. Gross receipts— Flour, 3809 barrels; Wheat. 3900 bushels; Cat'. 2800 do; Oats, 12,000 do; Barley, 800 do; Hogs, 2000. MILWAUKEE, Jail. 15.—Flour dull and weak; prices' unchanged Wheat lower at -51,17 for\ No: 1 and $1,1034 for No, 2. Oats dull at 48 for No. 2. Corn steady at 62c for new. Rye firm and higher at 51,11 for No. 1. Barley nominal at 51,65 for No. 2. Pro : visions dull and loWer. City Mess Pork 827,75a28,00. Hams 15 XalsX. Prime City ;.Lard 18X. Receipts-2,000 barrels Flour: .i 53,000 bushels Wheat; 2,000 bushels Oats; 12,000 bushels Corn; 300 bushels Rye; 1,000 bushels Barley: 1,000 Dressed Hogs. Ship truants-1,000 bushels Wheat. PHILADELPHIA, January 15.—Flour dull; lowa and Wisconsin extra family 57,25.37,75, Minnesota do. $7,10a8, Ohio do. $8,50a9,50, fancy 511a13. Wheat dull and declined-sc; red:51,82,00, amber, 52,05a2,08. Rye $1,60 a 162. Corn'heavy and quiet and less of fering; new yellow 87a90c, White 85a87c. Oats dull; western 72a75c. Cloverseed ad- Yanced; sales at V. Petroleum higher; no crude offering- Provisions less active; Mess Pork 530a30,50. Whisky dull at 51,01 a 1,03. LoursvntE, January 15.—Tobacco; sales of 77 hhds; market firm; lugs to medium cutters $4,50a17,25. Cotton 2814 c. Mess Pork $29,50a80,00. Lard 19a19%c. Bulk Meats; shoulders 12/al2 4c, clear rib sides 15a153.4c; clear sides 16 1 4a16%; packed. Bacon; shoulders 14x14 / c; clear rib sides 17a17licc clear sides 173a18c, packed. Flour; superfine $5,50a6,00. Wheat sl,Boa 1,90. Corn 58a60c. Rye $1,40. Whisky; raw free $l,OO. MEMPHIS, January 15.—Cottbn quiet and firm at 29c; receipts-1.484 bales; exports -157 bales; week's receipts-6,579 bales; do. exports--5,033 bales; stock on hand-10,167 bales. Flour quiet and steady. Corn at 68a70c. Oats at 65a68c. Hay at $24a25. Bran at 23a25c. Pork at $3O - Lard at 20a21c. Bulk Meats firm, with sales shoulders at 12%c; clear sides at 16%c. Dressed Hogs at 113412 c. - TOLEDO, January 15. —Flour quiet. Wheat a shade better: No. 1 white Michi gan $1,45, amber $1,70, do sellers - for Janu ary $1,73, do to arrive $1,72%. Corn 1 1 ,0 better; new 62;063%, vew rejected 60c, kiln dried 65c. Oats unchanged at 56c for No. 2, Rye: No: 1 $1,29, and No. 2 $1,25. Barley: Canada $2,05. Clover Seed 25c bet ter, at $9,25. Hogs $12,34a13;00. BALTIMORE, January 15.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull; sales prime Penn sylvania $1,75a1,80. Corn dull; prime white 85a86c. Oats firm at 70a75c. Rye $1,45a 1,55. Mess Pork firm at $30,50. Bacon ac tive; rib sides 17gc ' clear sides 173;c. shoulders 1430100, hams 19a20c. Lard firm at 20c. CLEVELAND, January 15.—Flour dull and quiet. Wheat—salesl,soo bush No. 1 red winter at $1,75; 3 cars No. 2 at $1,63. Corn— sales 1 car at 69c. Oats held at 630. Pe troleum firm,. but inactive and nominal; refined held at 32a33c, in car lots; standard white at 34a35c, in trade lots. IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILROAD, January 15,-1 car metal, Union lron Mills; 00 bdls bides, G N Hoffstott; 108 do do, Chas Keefer; 15 bbls whisky, 2 do brandy, lh-cask fi0,,110 bgs screenings Jas RFinch & Co; 400 blabs flour ' owners; 100 do do, John McDevitt; 100 'do do, Watt, Lang & CO; 100 do do, R Robison& Co; 1 car mid dlings; McCune & Bro; 5 bgs buokwheat flour;R Shiver & - Co; 200 aks flour, W , Haslage & Co; 1 keg butter; 1 bbl eggs, P Duff & Son; 2 cars corn, Bricker & Co; 2 do do, Scott & Gisal; 1 do do, J W Simpson; .17 cars iron ore ' Shoenberger I Blair; 30 bbls buckwheat:flour, 3 do rye flour. Little, Baird & Patton; 279 lidls handles, Postley, Nelson & Co; 30 nests washbowls, H Lamg hamp; 4 pkgs honey, John Daub; 115 bgs rye, 60 do corn, 1 car corn,McHenry & Hood; 10 half dos brooms, J ohn Porterfield; 1 car staves, Ralya. I Robertson; 3 dressed hogs, J Allen; 1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro; 1 car hay, J McFarland; 151 green salted hides, 2 bales dry hider A Hammett & Son.. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Jan uary 15.-240 bbls oil, Fisher& Bro; 400 do do, D M Edgerton; 800 do do, Model Works: 320 do do, Owston Sowers; 160 do do, L Roes & Bro; 14 sks oats. 6 do rye, J Graham; 12 do do, 5 pkgs butter, 2 do eggs, Gallagher tit Campbell; 46 bbls dry apples, Voigt, Mahood (St Co; 51 sks_r,ye, R Robin son & Co; 10 do do, H Rea Jr; 3 bbls flax.' see - d, 7 sks rags, John Wilson; 1 car metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 1 .do do, John Mborhead. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, January 16.-12 cars iron ore, Shoeu berger tit Blair; 4 do do, McKnight, Porter 1 car copper, C 0 Hussey dr. Co; 5 cars bar ley, 1) It Galway; 3 care oil, Wrn Mc- Cutcheon; 1 car pig iron, Wm Smith; fdo barley, J M Carson .5t Co; 60 half bbl her ring, 70 do white fish, Arbuckles Co;'2s do do, 25 do herring, Atwell tit. Lee; 50 do do, 25 do white• tish, 10 bbls apples, H Biddle; 10 do larger beer, J Kessler; 30 ht ,p17.T5.,110,10ij:( 7'q.Az5g:.,171` . 5. , ;.: .$.;..1..v.....0...4,Tr...:::.J.:A.N.(*,..:.!_1E.6Q. bbls herring. 30 do white fish, Thomas dr. Bro; 1 bbl oatmeal, 4 kegs pearl barley, Hagan & McCarty; 10 dodo, Seglimyer & Teskamp; 7 bbls.- 1 bx poultry, J Fulton; 34 crocks,7 kegs apple butter, H Schnel bad]; 50 s corn, H Rea Jr; 1 bbl tallow, 1 do onions, 7 sks cornmel, 2 bbls beans, 2 do dry apples, 1 bi butter, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 car rye, D Wallace; 25 bbls whisky, J Bryan; 96 bgs corn, I Dickey & Co; 36 sks oats, Brown & Williams. ALLEOHENY STATION. -January 15.-1 car wheat. R T Kennedy & Bro; 3 cars flax seed, M B Suydam; 10 bbls whisky, H Hespenheide; 12 hides, 5 calf skins, James Callery: 2 cars staves, Ralya & Roberstoti: 7 cars limestone, Superior Iron Co; 5 cars metal, Pittsburgh Iron & Forge Co; 38 bbls apples, J M Early 2 cars iron ore, Spang. Chalfant & Co; 2 bbls dry apples, 4 do beans, 1 do butter, Rose & Ewing; 3 bbls, H P Schwartz. RIVER NEWS. The weather continues soft and exceed ingly unpleasant, which tends to retard business, especially at the landing, which is in a very bad condition for teaming. It was dark and cloudy all day, with a driz zling rain towards evening, and the snow is rapidly disappearing. The mercury stood at 38 nearly all dey.. These was not a single arrival aside from the regular packets. The Camelia, from Nashville, was due last night, and will doubtless be found in port this moaning. The R. R. Hudson, for Cincinnati; Grey Eagle, for Parkersburg, and Kenton, for Portsmouth, constitute the departures. The New York, Captain H. C. Richmond, will positively leave for Nashville this evening, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The Alessenger, Captain Jesse Dean, is announced for New Orleans forthwith, as is also the Maggie Hays, Captain B. C. Martin, for St. Louis. These are both tip top boats. The Hudson left here with a fair trip, and she has considerable freight engaged at Wheeling. —The Sallie left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. -There was a rumor at Clarksville on Monday that a daily line of packets was to be organized, to ply between that point and Cairo. —Cairo will probably send delegates to the Tennessee River Convention to be held at Chattanooga, Tennessee, on the 25th of next month. —The. Leonidas, Pittsburgh to New Or leans, and the Glendale, St. Louis to Pittsburgh, were expected to arrive at Cincinnati on Wednesday night. —The Supervisory Inspectors of steam boats.were to meet in Washington on Wed nesday, we believe. In all, there are ten. who are required to meet in Washington annually. —The Cincinnati Coninterefai, referring to the hard times which pr6vails amonT steamboats, very per:inently remarks that whilt is now wanted is reliability iu boats and commanding offieefs, punctuality in time of departure as advertised, and a rea sonable, uniform rate of freight. None but first•class steamboatmen can succed at present, the hard times having driven tar the adventurers and worthless war crab bers'off the river. —The Helena Herald has the following concerning the price of freights the comiiig season: St. Louis to Benton, 4 cents: Chi cago to Benton, 5 cents; through freight from St. Louis to Helena, 6 cents. The above are currency rates. Tue difference of insurance as between Chicago and St. Louis is decidedly iu favor of the former, and the Garden City will unquestionably receive a great share of the mountain trade the corning year. —The Cincinnati Gazette says: The tow. boat F. W. Wilson, which had taken a tow of barges, loaded with coal, from Plum burgh to New Orleans, passed up on re turn trip yesterday morning, with six empty barges and two flats. The Ajax. with a large tow of empty barges from New Orleans,-was expected to pass up during the- night-- The Boaz, from the same place, with a big tow of empty barges, passed up Monday. The same paper also says: We were informed, yesterlay, by a gentleman who ought to knoy, that steamboat owners in Cincinnati had lost $1,000,000 in two years. One gentleman, he says, has lost $200,000. —The St. Louis Bebublican of Tuesday says: In the United States Dictrict Court yesterday the case of John Gleason et 4, vs. steamboat Urilda was decided in favor of plaintiffs. One point in connection with the case is of some interest. It was a claim for wages. The _men bringing the suit were emploYed on board the boat to make 'a trip to Fort Benton. The trip wag made; but on the return of the beat the steam boat Zephyr was encountered, and an ar rangement was entered Into to take the load back to Fort Benton. The men re fused to make the second trip without an increase of wages, The Captain sought the assistance of the military of Fort Buford, but finally an arrangement was effected and the trip was made; and the present suit originated out of the difficulty. Judge Treat held that the masters are required by law to take out shipping articles, and that -when this is neglected to be done the pre sumption would be- taken against the owners and in favor of the mariners. Judgement In favor plaintiffs was entered. Rivera and IV eather (B 7 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Lonisvir.ns, January 15.—The river is rising at the rate of an Inch and a half per hour, with nearly twelve feet of water in the canal. The weather Is clear and sloppy. AGENTS WANTED. 810 •. A DAY. TWO $lO MAPS FOR $l. LLOYD'S PATENT REVOLVING. DOUBLE MAPS OF AMERICA AND EURO P E, AMICRICIA AND • TEIE.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. Colored—in 4000 Counties. These great Maps, nowlust completed show every place of Importance, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations In the various European ot.tes. These. Maps are needed to every School and family In the , land—they occupy the space of one Map, and by means of the Reverser , either tide can be thrown front. and any part brought level to the eye. Coun ty rights and large discount given to good Agents. Apply for Circulars, Terms and Sample Maps to ~ LLOYD'S MAP BUREAU, de2l-b724ET 23 Courtlandt street. N. T. FURS DR TIIR HOLIDAYS. FURS ! FURS ! FURS! .ALT McCORD & CO's, NOTICE.—AII Persons Having .elalme against the FEDERAL ()IL COMPANY are requested to present the same duly anthentlet ted fur sett mrcent. And all persons holding eeelitl mates of stock will please have the name properly transferred on the boos* of the Conpany to enable them to draw dividend from Proeeeds of the prop. erty which has been so.d, and of whirls dividend will be awarded when debts of the Company are paid or ascertained A. B. MILLS, Secretary. Corner Duquesne Way and Hand street. Ittsbursh. Jan, 5, if,69. isthe7o BARLEY. 2,500 BUSHELS CDOICE SPRING AND FALI, In store and for sale by IVIDEA.N OR isz no3o 329 LIBERTY STRK .. r . VOTIGE.—An application will be made for the eardon of HOLM CONOLLY and bAbIEL, IlettAggY, convicted of n cetving stJlea gooli.jaCK'id / STEAMBOATS. Olt MEMPHIS AND Fs i dE i t O )I:LEANS—The strainer 31FSSLNI3EY JESSE LEAN,I ommander, W 9 ,1 leave for the above ports THIS DAY, the 160.1 inst., at 4 o'clurk r. 31.• YOrl.eight or passage apply on board or to J.l FLACK., J. 1). 0...1, liiitVol,ll), JAMES COI;LINS. CHARLES BAENES, and GRIEST dr. HAZI.ETT. Throngh receipts Oren on the arose boat to Sel tn•,jEmaula, henton. Montgomery, Ala.. and all othe 4 r - polnts on the Alabama river and Texas ports at the lowest rates by gall i SHRIEST Sr HASLETT. VOIR CAIRO .41111) ST. Lir[D S.—The steamer MAGGIE HAYS Capt. B. C.:MAI/T][lf. Will! leave for the above ports THIS Day 16th lust; For freight or, passage apply OA board or to. JOHN FLACK. , J. D. COI,LINOWOOD, iiHRIEST 3 'HAZLETT. Ja or JUAN FLACK. Agents. VOR CLARK SVILL EagiE j a AND IikeHICILLE.—The tine btelmo • WET YORK Capt. RICHMOND. Tlll.. leave for the above porta THIS DAY, theleth !nat. F9r freight or passage apply on board, or to alittlEa f A HALT e. FLACK .t COLLINGWOOD. ja!11 • JOHN FLACK, ag.-nia. pil7rB BURGH, WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersbnrg Line. _ Lesime Company's Wharf B oat, foot tit Wood street, ' , DAILY, AT 12 M. TI4BDAY6 AND FRIDAYS, BAYARD A. S. SHRNIRED, )faster. WRDNIISDAYS AND SAIDRDAYS, GREY EAGLE C. L. BBE3rFAN, Muter. Freight will be reeekretlat all hours by Bele t JAMES COLLINS. Arent. - _ lIIIINUIRTERS 47. FOR BOYS' CLOTHING. Cray & Logan, XO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET,- 60 -PARTNERSHIP. We have this day admitted LEVI ( DILLON AND GEO. S. GIIISCOM as Members of our firm. The style of the firm will continue unchanged. , BISSELL & CO. I • Pittsburgh, Jtruary 1, 1869. J a7cS9 1110CI._ THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. = LEMON & WEISE. Pi j actical Furniture Manufacturers, &c., t 118 YOURTIIEI AVENUE. Where may be found a full assortment of Parlor, Chitinher and Kitchen Furniture. den swt,si QWI2IT & BRAT'r, , ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS. No. 61 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. k. t. Lt r g .aameorNE EL PO ri and tA constantly on band. dekriotlons, done. octi,2B KEYSTONE POTTERY. I - Q M. ItIER & CO., ►-1, manufacturers of QEEENSWARE. BRINTOL WARE AV °ince and 'Warehouse. 363 LIBERTY STREILT. kirAll orders nromptiv attended to. • OFTWE Or THE PITT:- - IWIt(111 OA? CO , January 9th, 1569. COS E.—REDUCTION IN PRICE. On Monday, January 11th, and until further nuilee, the wire of Coke will be FoUtt. (4)I'ENTS p v bushel In the yard at the works. ana FIVE (3) C T:Spec bushel delivered within the usual limit. order of the Board of Trustees. W. H. MeCLF.LLAND, Treasurer. tOrricz or CITY ENGINgEet AND eunvEVOR, Pittsburgh. Jan. 5, 1569. ' OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals for the construction of a Bo rd-walk. on the fcllowing named streets, will . ' i f . he eccived st 'his ()nice until Monday, January 18. 18 9: On the Greensburg pike irons Forty-fourth 1. str •ct to Winebiddle street, on Winebiddle to St. Pa I street, on St: Paul street to Main street, on idaln street to Elm street. The Committee reserve tht•right to reject any, or alt. bids. j .7:04 ii. J. MOORE, City Engineer. ()MCI CITY r.N6INXItit AND :....CRVILYOR, / PITTSBUktG)I, January 11th. 1569. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.— Sealed proposals for the Gradinr, Paving and I..urbing of WYLIE oTHEET EXTENSION and DUNCAN iTREET, from Crawford street to Kirk. patriek street, will be received at this office until - , t, NDAY, January 215th, 1569. he Committer. reserve the rigot to reject any or all Ids. jill:d: H. J. 3100 RE, City Engineer. "UNION ENTERPRISE • FOUNDRY, WM. M. JOHNSON. Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES, Arches, Grates, Fenders. Sash Yo eights. and all kinds of Hollow Ware, Car-Wheels and all kinds of Ma. ch nee.-esstings. COR. WATSON A SHINOISB I__ ST ..PITTSBURGH. PA. auM er :v2Tks ONEY! MONEY!!—S4,OOO to - Invest In a Mortgage on City or County Pryperty, for a term of three years. il 01111 to lean on Bond and Mortgage for 2 years. 'ANTED—Business or Accommountion Paper to tb amount of $29,000; time from 00 days to 4 pace:dim WANTED—To exchange a Farm of .100 Acres of Land in Missouri for a Family Hone and Spring Wegon.Apply to B. McLAIN A C 0.., • dbil - Corner Fourth ay. and Smithfield st. OFF/Cr. O F CITY ENOINETOI.•ND Sit RYSTOIt, t Pittsburgh, January 7th; 1809. I ' OTICE.—The .Assesament for , Grading Colwell street from Dinwlddie Street o umbertie Eastern Line. Is now ready fur exam in Lion,and can be seen at this office until Monday, Ja nar 18th, 1869, when It will be returned to tbi t City Treasurer's office for coll u ec . ti j oh s . Ja7:c3B • City Engineer. GORE, . , ZITOTICE.—AII Persons knowing themselves Indebted to the estate of ROBERT ,blEi, late of Pittsburgh, de'd. will make imme diate payment to the subscriber at his store in Trail Frietanceville, Allegheny county. and all persons hay • 1 1 claims against said estate will present them duly au hentimed for settlement. - JAMES EtICktAIIDSON. ecembei 31, MEL .147:02 tZTICE--Persons owning prop. eity fronting or abutting ou Aiken■ avenue, ni city of Pittsburgh, will please take notice the re on of - viewers. In the matter of the opening of Alt ens avenue, has been placed In my hands.% The assessments, If not paid on or before Febrile. rylAlth, 1809, will be .nrered in Court as liens. I IJ. F. IILAGL E. City Attorney, 1a12: , 18 t ' 106 Fifth Avenue. VOTICE.—To all Persons En gaged In Hauling or Wheding Rubbish or Mhos: You are hereby notified not to place any rubbish or ashes on the wharf. All rubbish er ashes met be MS en to the Point. Any person caught vi olating the abocenotlce will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law. ROBERT A. HILL, den ' Allegheny Wharf Master. FRI ESII• FlSH.—Beniamin Pul rims still continues to nil all city and coma tr orders for • RESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. Pitt - burgu, or his old well known TWIN CUT Y STAND, am lice , or le kltelthe" • ~OOD NEWS. ORM BREAD IN DEAR TIMES. . _ Frnquire for WARD'S 13rood, e largest and beet. The inittnts "H. W." on every' loaf. Take none elm. 11.114:1'111 lIEEN OIL CLOTH FOR WIN.* DOW SHADES—We are now manufacturing. la article or a quality suncrior InAllnlsb, and at Ices lower than can be bad of any Easters mum : tours. Dealers will End tt to their Interest to mine our goods before purcbastug elsewhere. J. 1 H.PHILLIPS, ' 030 go and 28 Sixth §t, clairt I COMMISSION' MERCHANTS J. L. DILLINGEE DILLINDER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCILINTS, No. 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa RECEIVE AND SELL AU Kinds of Country Produce All orders for Merchandise promptly ailed, at C LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of flutter, Egg s , 'heese Dried Fruits, &c, We feel confident t hat we can give entire sat isfaction. by making QUICK SALES and PROMPT RE TURNS. at HIGHEST MARKET PRICES, and therefore respectfully solicit your consignments. All corre spondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Drain lu store and to arrive daily. aultitt7B E aim B I L Val .E BY A. &T. W. bi. GORNLY9 WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTEL,) PITTSI3UThrxII. se :yis IXTATT, LANG &CO., T T WIIOLESALE - DEALS7IB IX Groceries, Flour, Grain, Produce, - Pro• visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbon 011. &e.. Noe. 1721 and 17* WOOD STREET, near Liberty 'street.. Pittsburgh, Pa. n08:n55, M. STEELE ' J. A. STLIL&. _ Air STEELE bc SON, Commission Merchants, AND DILALIIHEI IN FLOUR., GRAIN, .pm.mro, ate. No. 93 OHIO BTSEEI near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. J. B. CANFIELD A. T. CANFIELD. . _ Orß. CANFIELD & SON, COM • MISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale ealers In Goshen Factory. Hamburg and W. R. Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Dried Fruit, Grain, Pig Lead, Pot, Pearl and Soda Ashes, White Lime. Linseed, Lard, Coal and Car bon Oils. No. 141 First street. Pittsburgh. PETER KEIL b&.. RICHART, JAB . P. EICELA.EI. KEIL MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c., 349 Liberty ht., Pittsburgh, mr2l:b37 ALIC.i.2I` BABB J. B. ANJIB. McBANE &ANJEI, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 14a WATER : STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. leS FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND 0011111:18BIONNERORANTEI, For the sale of Flour. Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds. Dried Fruit. and ProdOp kiz e generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, corner of st, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB L. BLANCHARD, . Wholesale and Retail Grocers No. 396 PENN STREET zpIS mEta E3==l! 114 KNOX Si. SON, COMMISSION sMERCHANTSnud dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN . L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. Jal7:r37 • TiITTLE, BAIRD Fst. PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and lers in Produce Flour, Bacon, Cheese Fish, Carbon - and Lard I'll, Iron, Nails, Glass, 'Cotton Yarns and all P'.:sburgh Manufactures .generally, 113 atill l .l SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOHN I. 110118Z.....EDW. HOUSE.....WM. H. HOUSE. JOHN I. HOUSE 6i. BROS. Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHN SHIPTON A WALLACE J. M. BRAT HIPTON & WALLACE, WHOLE SA LE 43 ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. f. SIXTH STREET. Plusburahl, 13.12:r58 'PROF4SSIONAL. wm. B. ?WEEPER, • ALDERMAN AND EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. • epeclal attention given to conveyancing and col. leettons Deeds Bonds and Mortgages drawn up, And all legal business attended to promptly and ac eurately.-4._ jOS. A; BUTLER, ALDEEILLI AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Office, 116 WYLIE STREET, near Wsithingtoi PITTSBYRUH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment Depositions, Collections, and all other legitimist business executed promptly. SAMUEL MeMASTERS, ALDErtALAST, Ex-Oillcio Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Office, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, D.Positlons, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mbl6 EIISTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN., X-OFFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND POLICE 3IAGIBTRATE.. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. zwr29 JOHN A. STRAIN, I .A.IATIETIBLAN, • EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Once 11 FIFTWPTREET‘ opposite the Dane. drat, Pittsburgh,' Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and al l Legal-blunt nee* executed with nrowneness and dispatch. AAMMON, • Justice of the Peace, - CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AST CARSON STBZET, BAST BIBMISGBAX. ed to. Collection of Bents solicited sad p romPtlY attend tsylky6o TS. 'FERGUSON, CP • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. fii7 path Street, SMCOND FLOOR. FRONT BOOM. nollmen JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, 116 Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court Donna fe16:04 HC. MACKRELL, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, , ms - 24:b2 ARCMBALD BLAKELEY, AICTORNEY-AT-I.A.W. No. 98 FIFTH STREET, soe:n9fl:d&P MECHANICAL ENGINEER.. pERCEVAL BECKETT, IYIEOHANIOAL ENGINEER, And Solicitor of Patonte. (Late of & C. llatlway.) (Mace, No. 70 FEDERAL STREET, Doom No. np stairs. P.O. Box 50, ALLEOHENY CITY. - SIACIIINERY ; °tali descriptions, deelyinod. BLAST FURNACE and ROLLIi MILL DRAW INGS furnished. Particular attention paid to de. signingILLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents con eacnttai Ar An EVENING DRAW CL 5 for mechanics every WILDNEsDA, aptaii A. E. STEVINSaN 11DITTSBURGH and CU:NNELLVILLE B. K. On and after TUESDAY, Noyember„ 17th. 1856 trains will arrive at and depart from tee Depot eel.. net- of Grant and Water streets, as fyillows. • pqrt. Arrive. Mail to and from Uniont`n. 7:00 A. N. 6:00 P. Ka I.lcliaesport AccommodDn.ll:oo A. x. 2:05 P. It 4 Ex. to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 r. x. 10:10 a. at. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 P. x. 8:35 A. Ka Enuldock'a AccommodaDn 615 P. X. .7:50 P. Kt Night Ace. to 3 lcKeesport.lo:3o P. N. 6:45 t. Sunday Church Train to and from Weat Newt0n.,......1:00 P. M. /0 For tick:eta apply to t R . . KING, W. B. STOUT, Superintend;i AciIIANGE of TlNE.gmexid LEGILENY VALLEY rteinacuis On and after MONDAY, November 9th, Hs TWO TRAINS DAILY will lea' e Pittsburgh Sta. Don, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for Frank— lin, 011 City, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil Re.. eons. LEAVE PITTSBURGH. lARRIPP IN , PITTSBURGH. itfafl 7:15 a m lMall 5:40 Express 7:10 p 0:30 a ix Brady's B'd Ae 3:00p to! Eradys Ae10:30 s Ist Soda Works tint Sods Works Aecornod'u.. 10:50 a m Aceomoda'n. 0.20 aat Ad Soda Works I2d Soda Works Accomo.Pn. 5:09p us • Aieomoda'n. 3:40 p Els Church Tra lo leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 r. at. Ax.• rive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. H. Passengers taking express train have but one change of cars between Pittsbumb, Buffalo and Oil. Regions. Mall and Express Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Acconsmodatittli trains stop at all stations.l L . THOMAS M. KING, Ass`t. Supt. W. POSTER ROPE, Ticket Agent. nog EITTSBURGII,awmg. CINCINNATI AND BT. . UlB RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. - - 1, CHANCE OF TINEE.—On and a ft er SUNDAY. Nov.22d, 1 68, trains will leave and arrive at the Union'Depo as follows, Fittsburgh Umet Depart. Arrtes. Mail Expre ... ......... .... 3t13 a. in. 12:13 a. 31. Fast Line ' 16):13 a. m. 7:33 p. in .. Fast Express - '2:58 p. m. 12:18 a. La: Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p. m. McDonald Acc'n, No. 1..'. 11:28 a. in. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:38 p. in. 9:48 a. m. McDonald's Acen, No. 2.. 5:08 p. in. 3:18 p. m. X/F - 2:5S l e. If. Express will leave daily. 12:13 P. u. Mall will arrive daily.' 4'he.10;13 a. m. Train leaves daily, Sundays ax. cepted; and losakes close connections al Newark far Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark It. 11. IS F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CAIlb, &Wt., Steubenville, Ohlo• • nob 04141011 . l IIT IGH: FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO B. W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. From Dec. 20th. 1868. trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts .burgh city time, as follows: Leave. Arrive. Chicago Ex 3:03 a mlChicago Ex... 2:13 a m Erie & Ygn3l.l 7:28 a ml:bleat° Ex.. 11:58 ain CI. & Wh_ltltt'l 6:28 ami Wheeling Ex . . ,11:13 am M Chicago ail,. 6:58 a m,Crestline Mai/ 3:53 p m Chicago Ex..,. 10:08 a mlChicago Ex.... 4:38 p m Cl. & Wh`gEx. 2:23 p stiCleveland Ex 4:08 pm Chicago Ex..:. 2:43 p !Erie it Ygb:i Ex 6:13 pia De e &Erie!Ex. 4:53 pn. CI. &WI:0g Ex .658 pl 6 Depart frovt'd llepheny. Arrive it Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a m N. Brigt'n Ac. 1:03 aft Leetsdale '"I 10:28 am N. Brlgt'n " 8:28 aM. 11:58 am' New Castle " 10:33 aat Rochester " 1:33 p m !Leetsdale 9:13 ana Leetsdale A.c. 3:58 pm! " " 1:08pm N. Brigt'n ' . 5:33 pmIN. Brigt'n " 9:43 Oxa N. Brigt'n . 6:28 p talLeetsdale• " 4:53 pm Leetsdale " 10:43pm! " " 7:18om Leetsdale Sun- !Leetsdale Sun day Church... 1:13 pmi day thureh... 9:58 aM. Air 2:43 p m. Chicago Express leaves daily. air. 11:58 a. in. Chicago Express arrives daily. de= R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. PENNS LYANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. aligiNaill On and after Nov, 28th. 1868, Trains will art rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets. as follows: Arrfoe.' I Depart. _ Hall Train..., 1:39 antl Day Express.. 2:30 am Fast Line 2:10 a mlWall's N 0.1.. 6:30 aal Wail's No. 1.. 6 20 a na . Mall Train 8:15 am BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 a ml. Cincinnati Ex 12:35 pm Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am I Wall's No. 2.. 11:20 a m Cincinnati Ex:• 9:40 a miJohnstown Ac. 3:25pm Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Braddoeks Nol 4:20 pin Baltimore E. I.4stimiPhila. Express 5:10 pm Phila. Exprels i 2:05 pm' Wall's No. 3.. 5:20 pm Wall's No. 3. . 1:30 p Wall's No. 4.. 6:13 pm Braddocks N 5:50 p in Fast Line 7:50 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:25 pm , Wail's No. 5.. 11:00 p m Way Fassen'r.lo:2o p In 1 r The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:09 a. as. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12 : 60 p. M. and arrives at. Wall's Station at 2:00p m. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. Aliother train daily except Sunday. For farther information apply to W. H. BECHWTTH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not um alma any risk for Baggage, except for wearing , ap.. parel, and Limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. - All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. EeMM3EII n 023 WESTERN PENN-Wgragin SYLVANIA. RA-L. R AD .-On and after Noy. 33d, 1868. the Pea. senger Trains on the :Wegtern Pennsylvania Rail. road will arrive at and depari , from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: Arrive. I Depart. Springd'e No 16:40 a m 131111........... . . 7:00 Lag Freeport No. 1 8:20 am I Freeport No. 1 9:15-a la Fxpress 10:40 a mlSharpb 4 g No.111:20 a Xil Sharpb'g No.l 1:35 p nalExpress 21:411pat Freeport N 0.2 4:00 ptniSpringiPe No I 3:30 ont Mall .‘ 5:55 p mcFreeport No. 2 5:30 pm Springd'e No - 6:45 la miSinlag . d , e No 2 7:10 to in Aboye trains run daily except sunday. The Church Train . leaves Allegheny Janet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m.; reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at . 1:90 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Janet ._at 3:4w COMBVTATION Tithriers—For sale in packages f Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations ape. deed on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a. iiii make direct connection at Freepor: with Walker 1 line ofStages for Butle r and Hannakutown. Through tickets may be purchased at tbs Ofilee,_No. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspenelor Bridge Pittsbarglc and at the Depot. Allegheny For further information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent,- Federal Street Depot, The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as* some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. pare!, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. 'All baggage exceeding this amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, Wl less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, noM Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. S 11/.141: HE'LL UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV The SHORTEST AID MOST RELIAB" OM from the East to all r.oiats la Colorado, Nevada, California, littth, Arizona, Waohinato t New NOZIcO, Idaho, , • = Oinegon.• • • Two Trains laa're State Line and Leavenweri daily, (Sundays worite d, I on the arrival et trains Pacldc Ballroad.frow eit. Loam , and Hannibal and Bt. Jo Rallroadi from conneetin. at Law , ranee, Tokeka and — Wamego with ata ib es for ail points in h. snap) At end Cl track went of Ella. worth with tha UNITED afdEES EXPRESS COM. PANT'S DAMIT MBE OR OVERLAND MAII. AND ESP , N.•:.*COACHEB NOB DEN irmaii sub..mir T. &*-•Ipli • And alLP•ints is the Territorieli s And with SANDERSON'S TitI.WRZELY LINZ 'og 00ACKES.,for Fort Uniom,Sent's Fort, Pass, Aibmi, 'verve, ,Santa Se, and points, in Arizona and New hiesdeo. With the , recent 'additions of rolling stock and equipmeat, and the arrangements made with re. sponsible, Overland Transportation Lines from its westeristerminus, this road now offers unequalled Otellitiwmfor the transmission of freight to the Fir West. PITTSBURGH, PA. Tickets for ;sale at all the principal Mewl In the llniteeStatee and eauAu • H B LLRO UTS , a _ sUNoO N M . PAC/ IC TRHAEI &W BASSRN DIVISION. ASYT PITTSBURGH. Pd. PIITSBIIR6II. PA TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. THE INMAN .IGAIL STEAMSHIPS, • Numbiring sixteen first-class vessels, among thee the celebrated CITY OF PARIS, CITY OF ANTOTEPP, CITY OP BOSTON, CITY OF rTIMOR. CITY OF LONDON, Balling EVERY SATURDAY, from ter 45, North Elver, New York.' For nusage or rther informs. Lion ItpOly to WILLI/12i BEG - dr. RAILROADS' Eastern• Division. A. A NDER'3CI4. Gmeral Superintendent J. WEBSTER,' General Freight and Ticket Agent STEAMSHIPS. IQFIFTH STREET: (Chronicle Building. • kitimil %walk Nit thaw. Rictsbctrigb., El 00 A. UP agent; non 7