II El Mittslntrgij Gardte, AT THE FAIR. Lord Lovel he called for his mill: white steed, And he rode . av -, y 10 the fair. Ana a maiden he found, who was sore in need. A maiden with golden hat:. Bo soon'as the lady Lord Level esni.d. She ••went:for him" then end-there, _ '"tiow give of thy gold, Lord Lovel." she cried; "Thy reward be the orphal's prayer." •41 w ill give thee gold—not for oruhan•s prayer, For of that take no h ed. But for a curl or thy twice.. hair, If it le thine indeed " !`lt surety Is mine, — the damsel sald, urd Lovel, I truly twear: — So ft was—out It didn't grow on her bead; The hairdreeser placed It there. . Lord Llvel frve gold for that lovely curl. Mork more than would tell. And th. in*lden's stolle'suowed • her teeth of 'pearl As she said. 'I have sold him well." EPHEMERIS. —Joe Jefferson is In Indianapolis. —Matthew Arnold's eldest son is dead —lce, ten inches thick, covers Boston ponds , 4--Macon, Georgia, is to have a new Court House, —Queen Victoria has but $300,000 pocket money. --Kossuth is entreating Spain to become a republic. —Rain would be well received in Califor nia just now. —Getinod bas written a new ballet, called "Walpurgis Night." —Paris has 69 political journals and 7,10 that are not political. —Cincinnati is delighted with Mrs. Lan der's Marie Antoinette. - —The winter in England is as mild for there as ours is'for here. —William Cullen Bryant is President of a homeopathic hospital. • —An album arranged to contain locks of hair is said to be the latest novelty. —One of the Fox sisters is again prac tising her profession of spirit rapping. - —Louisa Muehlbach, it is soon marry the old Prince Puckler Muskau. —The theatre-goers of Calcutta have been enjoying Arra-na-Pogue and East Lynne. —The British officers garrisoned at Mon treal are said to excel in amateurtheatricals. Denin has gone to London. Her sister Kate is still in California or Australia. -John Brougham's new theatre is not open yet, but it will be after the 25th inst. —Gen. - Grant has been made an honorary member of the Celtic Association of Phila delphia. —Jenkins has made an imporiant discov ery, viz: that Queen Isabella sleeps sixteen hours a day. —Street railways in Memphis have thus far dazzled no one with the brilliancy of their success. -Reverdy JOhnson took tea with the Prince Teck and 600 ragged school children the other day. —A New Orleans inventor has made a carriage that runs by spring power, wound up like a clock. —The most powerful politician in Turkey is said to bea French woman, a denizen of the Sultan's Seraglio. —The police in the Crescent City refuse the ,Hanlons the privilege of running their velocipedes on the sidewalks. [ _ —The fortune left . by Baron Rothschild is more than half as much as the whole an nual income of Great Britain. —English journals are disctming' the propriety of giving up Gibralter to Spain as a matter justice and economy. —Half a million dollars worth of dia monds were worn at the recent ball of the Americui Club in New York. —The , American sculptor, Story, who wrote "Roba di Roma" has another book in press called "Graffiti D'ltalia." • —John B. Gough was born in August, 1817, at Sandgate, England, where his mother taught the village school. -We are glad'to hear that Mr. Gaylord Clark, who was so severely injured by a late - accident, is now convalescent. —lt is said that Madame Rossini has been offered seven million francs for the post humous works of her late husband. —Joseph Dietz, who died in Philadel phia on Wednesday, was eighty years old and had not eaten meat for forty years. —Daley's patent on his railroad scene did not prevent a party of New Jersey ruffians from enacting it in earnest the other, night. --Mrs.Yelverton failed againin Cincinna ti. She has probably read to fewer people in more houses than any other elocutionist ex tant. _ • —A. Paris - correspondent of a Belgian journal maliciously insinuates that the five leading belles of the Tuileries wear false teeth. —The last Lord Mayor's banquet, which took place in London on the 9th of . Novem ber, 1808, cost upwards of thirteen thousand dollarel --Mr. Henry Bergh, the champion of dumb brutes has been arrested in Hew York for obstructing travel by stopping over loaded horse cars. —Logan, of Illinois, is called the hand iomest man in the House, but some persons do say that he will no longer be so when Mr. Darwin Phelps takes his seat. —Every composer, it seems, In these days must try his hand at a Romeo and Juliet. There are already three or four operas of that name in the field and Verdi is at Ivork on another. —The injured members of the Hubby family are all rapidly recovering. All will be,pleased to learn that neither Mr. Hubby nor Miss Ella will suffer serious disfigura tion.—Cleveland Leader. —An exchange says a movement is in progress to found a new Episcopal denomi nation on an evangelical basis. We cannot think it, will prosper. The spirit of the age demands fewer denominations and not more. - -A Cleveland clergyman omitted some part of the ceremonial at a recent funeral in that place,. and was immediately driven from the house by the enraged widow and the rest of the mourners, with sticks and stones. —Friction matches can be made per fectly water -proof under any circumstances, by dipping them, when completedihr the .ordinary way, in a solution formed by • adding two parts of glyiterine to - one hun dred of collodion. • -The': Empress Eugenie has 'given one thousand francs to the convict Domain, of Algeria., for swimming with a rope to a sinklng vessel, amid a violent storm, and saving the lives of those en board. The Empe'For is urged to pardon the man. —At the opening of anew theatre in Lon don, the ladies in the boxes were presented with scented fans, 'on whiCh was inscribed the programme. At another more plebeian place of entertainment, each of the audi ence is given a piece of bread and cheese. 1 -Four large establishmentsin New York are engaged in making veloipedes, and have many more orders than they can fill. A school for velocipedestrians as 120 pupils, and is about to be doubled opening a branch in Broad Chicago. —FOrty.seven American f are on the list of those wh invited to all gala parties at Only seven of them are fro States. Erlanger and his Slidell, were dropped from t years ago ex-President of a college affirms that men are women so beautiful as they years ago. We have he; old men say that men are women so beautiful as they were young. —The Pope has consented, by request of a Russian Minister ; to admonish the Polish priesthood to legally, obediently and un conditionally acknowledge the existing government, provided the I direction of the Catholic Church is restored to the Bishops and the Holy See. —ln Erie,, Pennsylvania, the other night, the wife of a merchant who is usually out rather late, was so terrified_ by a drunken man mistaking her house for his home that she ran to a neighbor's, in the rear of Whose premises wes a deep, uncovered cistern, into which the lady plunged :with her child and was seriously injured. —What is the beautiful snow? A senti mentalist responds; "White feathers falling from celestial doves—the sky showering white blossoms cn the grave of the departed year." If he had to shovel about a ton of it off the sidewalk once a week all the winter, he would'xit, allude to it in such flat tering terms.—Philadelphia Bulleten. —The lately published reports of the Aus trian staff about the Bohemian campaign of 1866, show conclusively that Gen. Benedek foretold to the Emperor the disasters which befel the Austrian forces, and that he cannot be held responsible for them, He sent tele gram upon telegram to the Emperor, whom he urged to make peace without a moment's delay. —One of the most ardent smokers in Europe has been the King of Sweden. He loved his pipe and was a philosophic smoker. A rack containing five or six large, long stemmed meerschaums stood in his bed chamber, and every night after getting into bed his valet in-chief handed him his pipe, and in the morning as soon as he was awake his coffee and pipe were brought him in bed. But the poor King is afflicted now 'with some dis ease, and his physicians say that for some time he must not touch pipes or tobacco, and we can imagine his despair. A Strange Story—The Son of the Late Mrs. Slgourneylre-mile was Changed In Infancy. To the Editor of the New York Sun—Sin: What I now write you may seem to you very strange, and hardly to be believed, ' but nevertheless it is strictly true. It is this: It is Et well known fact that the late Mrs. Sigourney, of Hartford, Conn., had a son who was reported to have been drowned in the East river,New Y0,71t, in 1857—1 be lieve that is te year--but late confessions and documents of a dying woman prove the contrary. The legitimate son of the late Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney is still living. He is a perfect image of his mother, and he also possesses hisanother's talent, that of writ ing poetry and prose. His name is Andrew. The person that was drowned, and was supposed to be her son, was not hers, but had been exchanged in infancy for her legit imate child, according to the confession of of a lady who recently did. The confes sion, with other letters and docbments, will soon be given to the public through the press, and they are such that they will startle the whole community. They are in the possession of a clergyman who is well known. If you wish you can give these particu lars in :your paper. Mrs. Sigourney's son served in the late war, and returned home a Major. He is now in a town in this State, loved and respected by all who know hint, and it is rumored that he will receive a lu crative appointment under the administra tion of General Grant. These are facts; and as he,is petty well known in-your _city, it may be of interest to many of your readers. You are at liberty to use my name if you see fit to make this public. Truly yours._ A.LOCZO HAWES, Late of Hartford, Conn. Address, box 90, St. Albans, Vt. Gibraltar and Centa Admiral George Grey, of the British Navy, who was for ten years captain of the -port of Gibraltar, writes to the London Times advocating a cession of that fortress to the Spaniards, providing the latter will give Ceuta, a seaport on the opposite Afri can mainland, to England, Gibraltar, he says, is exposed to southwest gales, and has no whiolage, and is therefore of no use in time of war either for coaling, 'refitting, or refuge, the only safe anchorage com manded from innumerable points; while in time of peace it would bees useful in Span ish,hands as it is now. Ceuta, on the other hand, by the construction of a breakwater. might be made a valuable harbor, and, more over, could be attacked only by sea, a great point in its favor. Ceuta, now belonging to Spain, is situated in Morocco, seventeen miles south-southeast of Gibraltar. The castle occupies the highest point of a moun tain, the ancient Abyla, and one of the pil lars of Hercules, thf. rock of ' Gibraltar being the other pillar, Calpe. It is situated at one extremity of a peninsula, and at the other extremity, on a narrow peninsula, Is built another strong citadel. Between the two is the town. Ceuta resembles Gibraltar, with the additional advantage of being well sup plied with water, and for this reason could be made impregnable. It was captured from the Moors, in 1415, by King John, of Portugal, passed into the possession of Spain in 1580, by the union of Ate two countries under Phillip; 11, and was retained on the separation effected in 1630 by the House of Braganza. PITTSBVIIGI'U .fiAZEITE TEETH EXTRACTED varruotrr PAIN: • 'NO OELLEEIE MADE WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ARE ORDEILED. • IT'LL SET FOR IV, 878 PENN STREET, SD DOOR ALL WORE WARRANTED. CALL AMINE SPECIMENS OF OEN - ME ITE. WELDOIV & KELLY, Manufacturers and Wholesale Denle Lamps, Lanterns, Gland AND LAMP COOD: jn _size, besides n and one in mines in Paris r o are regularly the Tuileries. a the Southern wife, nee litss ;he list several Also, CARBON AND LIIBRICA'TIN IN New England not so strong or w l ere a thousand d quantities of :tot so strong or were when they We are now prepared t t supply . TUNERS' and the Trade with on Patent SELF-SEALING , ~ FRUIT C T AN OP. . , It ti PERFZCT, SIMPLE and CHEAP. Havlug the names of the vatlinel finite il l Hempel upon the emir, radi tightfrom the center, and an Index r pointer . '. stamped upon the Top of the an. It is ' clearly, al.tinetly and Phil ANENT , I,Y LABELED oy merely placing the name of the fruit the can contains op posite the pointer and sealing In the Customary Mannei.. -- No preserver of fruit or good HOUSEKEEPER well use any other after once using it. Bend 25 cents for ample. ' COLLINS d: WRIOST, 139 Second avenue, Pit twit THE BEST AND C EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomeker's Gold Nodal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE DIAN, The SCROMACKER PIANO combin ‘s all the la test valuable improvements known id the con struction of a first class Instrument. and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full. sonorous and sWeet. Toe workmanship. for durability add beautysurpass all others. Prices from 630 to $l5O. taee ' ordlng to style and finish.) cheaper than all othe so-called flrst class Plano. ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at the head of ail reed instruments. in pro ducing the most perfect pipequality of time of any similar instrument in the United States. It is aim. pie and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA TIGCMOLO" is only to be found In t?is Organ . Price from $lOO to $O3O. AU guaranteed for Era e BABB ) Ran Al KETT 1j34 PIANOS AND . ORGIANE. the new stook or KNA.RE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; HAINES BROS., pIANOS: PRINCE it CO'S ORO.A.NS AND ME ..ODEONS and TREAT, LINSLEY t CO'S OROANS .AND MELODEONS. CIIMILOTTE BLUME, deB 43 Pipit avenue. tiole &sent. TT RUH, Practical Coo =4 1 40211i azionnees to the public 1 , On Saturday and Monday N Open to the pablle the DELMONICO RESTAURANT, FOR OENTLIMZN ONLY. It will be his earnest endeavor to furnish his pa trons at all times with the most palatuble viands i f which the market or the season aII ds. The LIQUORS, WINES of various dates A E . BEER, etc , will their own recommendation. Orders for Sue Cooking for Weddings Festivals, will, as heretofore, be pro cheaply attended to, requesting patrons ociity93 G EOBGE BEATEN , XAMAOTUBX:I3 OP anima CANDIES AND TAFFIES, And dealer in all kinds of 7P.UITS, 2fUTS, PICK LES, SAUCES. JELLIES, &a, &e. eW °U9 1 r spaziAL ST.. Allegheny. B TEBGEL, - • • (late Oat4r with W. Heerpenhal Amitexteawr No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pit se36:v2l • I NEW FALL GOODS. • ♦ avlaned new stoel of CLOTHS, camenrikciras Just received by sell:L Merchant Tailor. 73 Bmtihff THE GREAT AMERICAN COM BINATION, • BUTTON-HOLE OVERSELNING AND SEWING MACHINE. n. um; NO EQVAL.' • I BRING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST TAMTLY MA CHINE IN THE wcat,_ AND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHEAFEST. an-Agents wanted to sell this Madan& . CHAS. C. lIILTAFTLEY. Agent for Western Pjginuicania. Corner 'Ti son's J na AND MARK ET- EI.E.RTS, over Richardewelry Sto e 64 N EW WALL PAPERS, For Halls, Parlors anc4aiamberB, NOW OPENING, AT 107 Market St., near Fifth Ave., JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. Belt' H e J. LANCE, rco. S ST. cruexti, STREET BARR & ROSIER, ARCHITECTS, •• . . instal. sous*. issOc4iios . Nee $ and 4 St. Clair Street, Trittabnrgb;Ta. Spada attention given to - tbe deaigning and building o COURT HOLMES and PUBLIC BtiILDIRGS. DEINTD3T4It AT DR. SCOTT'S. GAB FIXTURES 23Erq . =NF-., J;zo. .147 Wood Stre , ;Between bth and 6th .1 FRUIT CAN TOPS PIANOS. ORGA No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. rsi 0 I 1016 ow 11:11;4 MERCHANT TAI • RS. EIBICRY 21 SEWING XACHIN WALL PAPERS; DYER AND SCOUREEI DYER AND SCOURER. And Nos. 188 and 187 Third Street, PITTBIII7RGB. PA ARCHITECTS. '3.A.XUARY 15, 1869. TRIMMINGS AND-NOTIONS. lIES FALL ASSORTMENTS DESIRABLE GOODS HAND. JOSEPH HORNE & CO'S. Z.X• CAN silitT, TRIMMING SATINS, IN BLACK, ORANGE ANT) ALL COLORS. PLAID AND STRIPED SATINS. BLACK AND COLORED TO tNET VELVETS, BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, H AN DSOM F. SASH It IBBONS, SILK SCARFS, LACES AND LACE GOODS, EhtEItvIDERIES. New design. Another lot MI B OULEVARDE SKIRTS, IN STRIPED AND BRAIDED. Just received. WOOL AND ata,RINO ONDERNA EAR, all sizes and nuantit es __ ;MORMON .13 STAR' thaw j O_ N MEN's M F.1(1. AN WOOL ii HOSE. LADIE. , #) PLA. AN NANCY W VOL and MER INO HOSIERY. ;.FLEECE ) ) C TTON OSE. WOOL li LOVES AN MITS.- ALEXANDRk'S KID (LOVES, 'HANDKERC O HIEFS, WOOLE .74 .GOD Hour SICIRIIS A24l' f ) CORSETS, AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. L 77 and 79 Market Street. jal3 . . . OILS. =I 111CRM & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, "LE PANIER PERFECTION." 'THE FAVORITE," "THE POPULAR," "THE RECEPTION,' THOMPSON'S TWIN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR." "GLOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Skating Skirt. RICH RIBBONS FOR BOWS, SCARFS AND SASHES. ROMAN STRIPES AND PLAIDS. SATINS, all shades •nd widths. FLMERS. mumr,tl, HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER WEAR, The richest and latest novelties In GIMPS, FRINGES AND BUTTONS. We especially direct attention to the great excel lence of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (Reunion/ KID GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the Sole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS. GLOVES, HALF HOSE, UN HERSH MPS AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENTS FOR LOCKWOOD'S PAPER GOODS, mid all other popular makes. MICROI & CHLISLE, N 0.19 FIFTH AVENUE. n en- noZ A KERRY - CHRISTMAS NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DENNISON .& lIECKERT, - NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, Have just received a large and judiciously assorted• stocky( EMBROIDERIES, LACE OHS, • TRIMMINGS, HOST Y, Hid Gloves. Handkerchief., Slipper Patterns. Zephyr Goods. carts and Gents Furnishing " - and Notions generally. au tal l e e n r d o l i t . i selection la afforded In special novelties HOLIDAY PRESENTS, to which the attention of lady readers Li specially / • DENNISON & HECKERT, • des NO. 97 FIFTH AVENVE• bat be wIl and ether ..ptly and e. . RUH. pRICES NARKED DOWN. BARGAINS IN ALMOST EVERYTHING. REAL HEM STITCH, all I ARDEEN CHaErF,I7e ERED LI NE N HANDRERCHLEFS SMc, Se to 511 e. All oar HATS at one-half regular prices. All the new BALMORAL sKiliTBalll4 Bradley's latest styles of ElOOl SKIRTS, at the Lowest Prices In the Clti, GENTS" MERINO TEST and DRAWERS, 40c to SS,OO. AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Avenue. des = tsburgh. o.oto. EMI ,ld street. SEEDTINGS AND BATTING. HOB, BELL & CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. PlTT'S.33lGll4lrir's. l i tany timers of FIZAVIt KIEDII3I and LIOHT ANCHOR AND HAONOLIA FifwV.ETINGS AND BATTING. GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOUR M. COOP= ' MS. SATZ EINEM BIM JOHN H. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOMiIDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Ifrotnzers of PUMPS AND BRASS WONE,_o ,p ris mor c i , : f le l axi ds. i ! l OAS Yr:MUSES Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH. invistin LW a) CO :1114W/ ti B. LYON, Seater of Weights and Measures, L No. 6 FOURTH IREET, or 4 pre prmantly attended . to TOBACCO AND CIGARS. E XCELSIOR WORKS. - E. & W. .TENICINSON. l sanfacturera and Dealers TAllifo, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, &e.• 'F r : 6 731DIRAL ST..ILLBenENY (kV' g . .,9() BUSHELS : 44 " NINE SOUTHERN RED WHEAT To arrive anif. se/8 OF AT 'Between Liberty and testi 'tree"' r vale by • ;fiIcBANE & ANJEB• DRY GOODS. 54. KITTOENG ' EXTRA HEAVY Barred Flannel A VERY LARGE STOCK, Tqcow correrecl IN GOOD STYLES. 111110 Y, DICKSO). - & CO. WHOLESALE 31:03EL'Ir ar.cocorhst, 004 WOOD STREET. a 111 x' 0 1 g c , cis. teg 01 A cr; El FR i 4 0 W V wE4 (A 0a °a :4 ; ; T i 3 0 v 0. Eq A i 1 1 1 i Cfl wl4 ril 0 'O. oi o 1 " E-4 .1 0 0 : 2 z „, 4 ! - - 4 , 4 0 i - 0! ;I pci H P -1 ' 5 a A 6 u 4 z DRY GOODS AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY, TO ci.psm STOCK-. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS, 87 MARKET STREET. CLOSING OUT - SALE OF 131 : 1:11 7- CroCODOS • AT J. IL CO'S., NO. a ST. CLAIR STREET, • All Wool Grey Twi'led Flannel for 37 worth 62e. Delaines for-20c. worth 25. Slightly Soiled Blankkets moo worth $6,00. Waterproof for $l, 25 worth $1,50. • Poplins for 37Sc, worth 50. Rid Gloves for $1,50 worth $2, 00. Paisley Shawls $13,00 worth $20.00. • - Velveteens 2,00 worth $2,75. ' • Bleached Muslin 123sc. worth 16. Dun - bleached Muslin MO. worth 17. Cheapest and best stock in the city. No. 52 ST . CLAIR. near Liberty street. de9 168.' NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES ]F. SCOUCV, Ur No. 168 Wylie Street. JO 168. 168 CIARB, MCC ANDLEIiiS & CO., %_J' (Late Wilson, Darr C 0..) - WHOLESLI-IE DZAldi,llB U Foleign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD bTlillET. Third door above Diamond 'Derr 172113 LITHOGRAPHERS. SDIX/AWN INGERLY & CLEIS, Successors to Gao. SDIMOIDDIN 1 CD., • PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Beads, Bonds, Labeli, Circulars, lihoie Cards, Liipiomas. Portraits, Visws, Certificates of Deposits, Invltt. tion Casa*, &a" Nos. I li sag ISE Turd:street, Towpath, L. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. bAAftts ..54 REDUCTION CO FOR A FEW BAYS. Taking advantage of . the extre depression in the. Eastern Mar during the Holidays, we have ad s largely to our . stock at much be Market Rates. We will continue sell at our present reduced prices TEN DAYS longer. N'CiLLIJM BROTHER 111BriTTOTTON CARPETS, OYL C3Li4COTI-113, cfco. o tea- We offer our stock at treduced prices for a SHORT. TIME before commencing to take stock. Now is the time to buy. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., del:d&wF JANrABY, 1569. CII.I 2 L3P3MerriEEL MoPARLAND .& COLLINS, ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE TWO " WEEKS LONGER. Greater Bargains than Ever Will be . 041 - ered to Close Out Special Lines of Goods, at 71 and 73 Fifdi Avenue, Second Floor. ja7 ~~ +- ~t BOHEMIAN AND CHINA, DONEE KEW TEA SETS, ILVER PLATED GOOD • satisfiedd examine our goods, and suited 4 f [ no one need fall to be suited. R. E. BREED & CO. AGENTS WANTED. $lO A DAY. TWO $lO MAPS FOR $4. LLOYD'S PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS 168. OF AMERICA. AN D.EUROPE, AMERICA. AND . THE UNITED STATES. OF AMERICA. ' Colored-1n 4000 Counties. These great Maps. now just completed show every place of importance, all Railroads to date. and the latest alterations In the carious European states. These Malys are needed in every Schoollind family in the land—they occupy the space of one Map, and by means of the Reverser , either side can be thrown front, aua any part brought le% el to the eye. Coun ty rights and large discount given to g - od Agents. Apply, for Circulars. Terms and Sample Maps to, LIcOIEWS MAP BUREAU, 23 Coortlandt street, N. S. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEER OF ENGLAND SOAP. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For doing &family washing in the best and ellen est manner. Guaranteed equal to any In the world Has all the strength of old rosin soap, with the mild And lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try thbs. splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS,'4B North Fourth street, Philadelphia. ei:vs7.wwpAY - 11.00SAJDAJLIS PIFTBI3IIBGH. PA. FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERTWHERE• deT;blo. 30fr F R E NCH : PELF AND 3r1791-ZROOM9s Just received; &Is.; Fre•h Asparagus, Green Corn Tomatoes, Lima Beans and Okra, put up In tin cans for sale by the decen or ease. by JNO. A. RENSHAW. Jal3 Corner Liberty and Hand streets. 21 Mill AVENUE. WILL CONTINUE THIIR. 100 WOOD STREET. HOLIDAY GIFTS. FJE VASES, NEW STYLES, CIFT CUPS, SMOKING SETS, A. large etock of of all descriptions 100 WOOD STREET. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. 0 U ce A. tc4