NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL.- 7 Its annual. meeting of, the contributors to the Western Pennsylvania ilusplial will be held at Dumont on TIiIIII4DAY. January 14th. at 2 o'clock P. x., at which lime the election of Managers will take place, and the various reports of the put year be submitted. Those desirous of visiting thel Wards, shoald take the 10:15 or 11;45 dt. k. trains, and others the 1:20 P. sr. train from .11.'lesheny Dkpot Ja1474111 ERCANTILE LIBRARY 10 - LECTURES. jOHNJ4. GOUGI-1 Will Leeture In the' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Saturday &ening, January 1611 i, "TEMPBRANCE!" AND konday Evening, - January, 18th, '',EfAB/TP "TiCsETS 50 CTS. SEATS A 5 CTS. ESTE/. Reserved Seats f , r both nights will be for sale at 14AFAYETTE BALL on Friday Evening, January 15th. Doers open at I'% o'clock.. Sale Of Seats .cottimenees of 7,46 jai4 . . INTATER. RENTSON NEW build infra All persons who hale used hydrant water in erecting repairing buildings, during the year HEM are requested to call at the office of the Water Works, Market litt'ldlog,, and settle their ac .counts Contractors who have made arrangements with mechanics to s the for the same will oblige by sending insist ments witboutdelay. - 31t14te17 • . ED W. S. WRIGHT Assirgor. TIOROPOSALS—With Plans- :, and „L. , Specifications for a BRIDGE to be erected across t e ALL fiGHENY RIVER, from the mouth of FORTY-1 HIRD (Rwalti STREET, will be re ceived at the office of SILL d SUIITTERLY. Real Estate Agents, Lawrenceville, and GRAFF. BENNETT d CO., Water street, until the 25th of JANUARY, where a plat and surVey, of the river can be examined and alLotner intOrmation ob tained. Bsorder - of the committee. aIiIIITTEBLY. . VVIIEJZSONAL.—. Julius ..r., Zoller, formerly for a &timber ot years translator to e State of P...nnsylvania, furnishes - promptly and szt reatanabts.terrae, try , stations elthsr in Inc Eng lish or German 'language, as for instance, Books, Pamph,ets, Constitutions. of societies. Circulars, Recommendations of Patents and Patent Medicines, 01SIclai Documents, Accounts, Letters to. He also attends to the correct and neat printing of most of the swore translatlons, - when desired. • Orders may be left at the Job Once of Errett. An. •derson h Co.. Gazette Building, Fifth avenue, near. dy opposite the,Postodice. 1a14:d11. •WALg. PAPEU, • i 9 -. • •, • •At 107 Market Stieet. • 'Near Fifth avenue. To mate room for new goods we wlllsell FOR THIRTY DAYS 'The stoelt now In Stat., 'at nrlcrefit'hat will pay buy ers to Invest. • Coll and see. ' • Jos. U. avgatEs & BRO. N THE 'DISTRICT COURT OF THEMAIEED STATES, for the Western Dis trict ot•Penssylvsnia. . _ JAILER — D. BRAVO. a heavingßankru r the diet of Congreseof March Ad. 1867, pplied Tor a dis , tift.Y. debts. oanf ca ms fi r ce v ilt b h I re 76. by g r i fi Y a e r I ti lta tt s 11 11; gfee. e r r e tauir)=6. l 7 l :d their debts,* and otherliersous interested. to spriest " on the 9th day. of February. 1869, at lti o`clobk A. M. before SAM U EL HARPER, Esq., Regis ter in Bankruptcy , at his office, No. 93 Dimond street, Pittebtrrgh.Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why, a discharge should not pg , granted to the said Bankrupt. . S. C. lace Ai:oil:es. Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District jalhdl3 • AT.A SACRIFICE, . • OWNER. MOVING EAST. • _ - Beautiful rasnet Mare, a rich sorrel, perfectly Grained to (lady's) saddle, and in all hat ness. Also, the handsomest bay horse In Piitiburgh—s good. kind; gotta roadster. Also, bcross hunt .ure, consisting of fne rrahogo• researodd and oiled walout, de., &c. 1"°11° OWNER, 111 Water street. .Or at trNeill's Stables, corner Webster and Chath -4m street, where horses may. be Seen: .• falS:dlo FOll SALE OR RENT. a THAT LARGE DVftDING, Situated on TAeoeleatree. wa r fandaaky, Fourth Wad..- Allegheny, and Irlinwn•aa, "Dr. eproull'a - • - . - The building is apnirablY stilted for.manuractur- Ang purposes. mien as a Wooten •Factory,;lllachme bhop. Cabinet Wivehouse, Chidr.Factoryisnd Flour ing sini. is sufficiently strong for any- amount of tdadWzierr. and has both front and side .entrance. The 1, cation is excellent, in the business part of the VA , Y. "close to marker, depots, Federal street, , A lease will be given on ihvorable terms fora number of years. For further information tn .qulre of. J B. IicKEE, Nos. 4 3ittid 45 Federal St.„ - Allegheny city, ra.ll Jal4:dit ,HANDSOME BRICIE No. 83 CONGRE94 STREET. near Pennsyl vania avenue., TITitt.DAY EVENING. January' 19th, at, Vie oielock. wili besot on ai cond door of Commercial. Sales Booms. 108 Sailthfi. Id street, that new arid handsome three story brick dwelling, No. 83 Congress street. tear Pennsylvania avenur. in the new Seventh ward. The house la a well bull and modern :'style' , with ;frees ornamentalfront, and three - story brick balding, containing dull. parlor, dining , room and kitchen ; on tbe Mut door; three chambers and bath memos second or: two chatub3re and finished attic on the third Hour; with excellent dry c, Ilar under all, and. fine vault beneath arta; the whole house very conveniently at , ranged. :Inslde'ehritters front, marble mantles and hearths, gal throughout; hot and cold water In inkitchea and bathroom; Graff , ft Ho Pis range in kitchen, outslue bake dtt tinisned through out In handsome 'style, with extra, quality painting aid Pavering; paints varnished. The Weds twentyfeet front on Congress street,and sainetyleet ea Inches in depth tp Elm. ..TENNB-ene-half chili; valance in' one Slid two gears, with interest. ' Those desiring are invited to .eicsatias,the premises. /ale . A. atemw mt. Ainct'r. TBLIPORTANT NEW 800 - ELS•3' • ' m kAL'lr cpsqult***ll.lifYinitiat LINQUENTS, or_ tile - Nal! York Eefoje end 011"ithes; by K• Pier F e ism) A flOWEllN — aus —l io"a " filtii: ATLAS fur gems . evil, readers. .1 "I° DILKIXICGRIZATER BRITAIN: Cbeap edltleas • • - BEE uNietairtoerear or OHOORA' WIT aUd - 11z6verial Elszsteer„ =tattling' 'ol:l_lllmizes closeintthited. OnIX. 3. 50 LECTOBsit tirt PETER; D Her. John 44/- • ale, MD,. An introduction to the study of ZnAllsit Literature; *of H. N. DIY ' To s f Art , Or LOrLand - Lore as &Lew.; or Moral Science, Theoretical and Practical. bb y mark Hopkins, LL.D' 1;76 'Hit STOttY Ur 41 aIKSOHIPT. By M. M. lErekinatur-tThatrlan • /.50 HUW A BO,IDE WAS WON. or a Cbrigo Across theliarepwirr lrederlek Gerstyiker. 9,00 YEe'rERDAY Ti.PDA.k As I) FOKSVX A new supply of this zeinarkahle . poem • Pori:We DT •°° ROBERT Si; DAVIS, ja14:T.7.11 BABGAFROI PARRS FOR SALE CHEAP. In Mushinfram county, Ohlo, at 695 per acre, one of 260 acres. welt watered. about 170 acres cleared and in grodl—good neighborhood, schuols and churches convenlentlle miles from Oaysport and ..tiskingum river, and same from lioakylile, guiles from Zanesville and McConnelLsville . by tilis river. tiood house with cellar well and cistern, out buildings; also large barn' with stabling. Plums: Years, Cherries.' tapiocas, illberlanCrnb Apples and Berries about the house; beside two good bearing orchards. Coal and ttmot-r abundant; meetly lime Aston, *oil:. two tenement houses; county road .through ti,; well calculated! to divide .fer two or more' persons; wail adapted to farlislifg, *razing. fruit and vine growing. Also, 80 acres Ri mile sou:h of the above:.alt- fenced, aa acres cl-ared and in gram, Back road throtigh it Cr 4311 Zanesville to MC •tionnellsehle, good coal, Wilber and water on it and a tenement house, aid cherry trees. Good title, awl liamedoste possess'ou given. I will sell all together tor 1125 per acre. or either at low Aintree. Also, 100 aereil'ireMortran county; 11 - mlles west of Chester field, for sale very, reasonab.e. .. • Address, , D. WItISHT • Chester 11111, Morgan Co.. Ohio. . Or call on Ches ter Proctor, to show MuShinguin NEARLY ONE TBOUSAND ACRES OF LIN In Chase county, Busses, will he exchangtd for an improved farm in Bence r, Washington, Allegheny, Latrrence, or Wet tmtirelagd county, Pa., on Griner _a railroad. These lauds lie in a body, Are near the flourishing town of Emporia, and are represented to be well watered, suitable for el her sock or grain raising, and near the Atchison A Banta Fee Railroad. Address, J. A. HARPER; ..Secretarr TINNERS WE the trade w ith our Patent HOUSEKEEPER N'o'im elerver of fruit or good will use any other after , once using 6 it 'Pen 1115 cents tor sample.. saar COLLINS a. WRItiH f, 139 Second avenue, Pittsburgh. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. LAKE STOOK OF fiIINS, LADIES' AND MISSES' WOOL niis GLOVES OF . EVERY DESORIF Ladies' & nits' Wool & Merino' Under FINE VARIETY OP EMBIZOIDERED AND L PAPER COLLARS AND CU OF RyBEI 7 V A RIZTY, for Ladies ut4 Gent! 'Jobbers will especially do well to call 011 as as we wish to sell "most of our rods before Meador to tale stock. _ZALACEIIIM, GLYDE & • -- 78 and SO Market Street. FALL - ASSORTMEN!S OF . _ DESIRABLE. GOODS AT JOSEPH lIORNE 01 - CO'S* TRIMMING SATINS, 'IN BLACK, ORANGE AND ALL COLORS. PLAID. AND STRIPED SATINS. BLACK AND COI ORED 111 , NET VELVETS, BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, • • HANDSOME SASH b 'BROSS, SILK SCARFS. • • LACES AND LACE GOODS. • EMBROIDERISS. New design. Anotber lot. _ • BOETLEVARDE SKIRTS, IN STRIPED AND BRAIDED; Jost received. WOOL AND lia.ltiNO UNDEBM EAR, all sizes and quantitles. MORRISON% STAR - SHIRTS. MEN , s MERINO AND WOOL Y, HOSE. LADIES , PLAIN AND FANCY WOOL and MER INO HOSIERY. FLEECED COTTON WISE. ' WOOL ti LOVES AND HITS. • , ALEXANDRE'S KID ULOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, - • WOOLEN GouDei, HOOP sHIRTB AND CORSETS, ~AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES. 77 and -79 Market Street.. • Jan SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.• TO MEET THE DEICER DESIRE or THOSE who have been deferred front ptirchasion until after the first of the year. we have concluded to continue our . - GREAT REDUCTION SALE Fog, A FEW WEEKS LONGER. This U ;math*, 17 the last opportunity to Secure bargains in Oil Cloths 3lattings l -&c . ~, Good Cakpets for 25 cents a l'ard.,• . 1 • . - se.= mitt 'street 3E3oo4::::airs. - -19Alajaal • . • .AT AUCTIdoN. ozeisroAT' EVENING, January at 73 it the Orgad aging 'AgOTIog gnoms. 'so 711th siy,x T e, wiu:oe iolekao,rge cons STANDARD. HISCELLINEOUS SCHOOL BOOKS, 8:800XD Among this eollecolon will be, found some of the most desirable practical. Theologieal and •HistOr*Ed Works. A tare opportunity win be gl;ren those wishing to replenish their Library, as the ago wilt be a ositive and without reserve. Books on Ltaspection alt . Friday.. mc.. alg Auctioneer for Assignee. ,93 Wood 'Street. GRAND CLOSING ; GUT SALE Of a First.ClAss Dry goods Store. ALL TUE GOolle3 In the Coiner Store; No. 100 Ohio street. Allegheny City. Sales positive to quit business. for and two years' lease from April Ist, 11363, for sale, and the entire Bieck.' composing & general variety of Dry Goods, Notions, glint Carueto. Window Shades, 011 Cloth, 'TheabOvo stock be sold positively without reserve. The sale to commence forthwith. and continue from day to day until all is sold e ntirely W out. One 1,85 Mager Sewing Ilacblue,. wan ~t ed. for sale enn Don't forget the ithee. No, 00 Oi•lo street, Allegtscny City, Also one brick house with four rooms for rent, E on set Lane. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LAN S TO EXCHANGE. "EXCBANGE, ,, Box 641 PlUsburglh Pa EDIZ3 SELF.BICALING FRUIT CAN TOP. It la . . perfect. simple and cheap,: hay the names of the rancus Pultslitomped upon the Cover, radiating irom the cen ter, and an index or pointer stamped upon the Top.of the can. It is clearly, di.tinctly and PaIthIARENTLY LA BELED be l ltierely placing tha tonne of the fruit th can contain' opposite the •-sealltig , in the customary . manner. - ' Woolen Node at a Great Sacrifice. In all Cotori and ,f)wzliti GENTS' AND YOUTHS , ONE-HALF R I • HOOP SKIRTS. Handkerchiefs and Colla JAMES UOSLIN Q. I 4,% Eli NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. poprilisls; A-ND itt - snros or '' • EITLESS 0-41:3403135, AT LOW PRICES, AT WILLIAM - SEMPLE'S, NO. 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, HOUSEKEEPING DRY GOODS, Sheeting% Ticking's, Linens, • Blankets, • _-_ - Quilts, ay., at WILLIAM SELIPLE'S, NO: iBO ANDAS2 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. ELL DISSOLUTION. NOTIM_ THE CO—PARTNERSHIP HERE tbfore eilitina between E, HOUSTON, JOHN BIOLEY and W. H. HOUSTON, under the name and style of E. HOUSTON & CO., was dissolved by mutual consent on, the Arst day ,of ovember. 1968, JOHN BD:M ' ' ET retiring.AU business of tbia late Arm will be set.led by the remaining partners. Those indebted,are urged to settle their accounts on or before Febraary Ist, 11969, nit the business of the ate Arm must be closed by that time. R. HOUSTON. JOHN HIGLEY, W, HOUSTuN. Frrrenrrnou, Dec. 31st, 1888. CLI MI E. uousrox L HOUSTON & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 1O Fifth Averitie; El = Respectfully inform their patrons and the public generally that they have on hand a large supply of tiENTLUMEN'S CLOTHINO. of ill the latest fashions, which they Intend to close out at greatly itinccED PRICES, to mate room fora Spring stock. Prines On regular custom Wink have also been greatly iodated to cult the stria geney of the tidies. Call andexamtne the stock and Inquire the prices. E. HOUSTON in. CO , 1 15 a: 107 Fifth Avenue. , (74,0 -PARTNERSHIP. 1= I com- MI Wu have thin day admitted LEST DILLON AND OEO. 9. GIILSCOM as members of oar arm. The style of the Ilan will continue unchanged. Plttabi;rgh, January 1, 1869 47, IMMUIRTEIN 47. BOYS' ;CLOTHING, Gray & Logan, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. • TIN , LET.-TALE .LARGE AND SUBSTANTIAL WAREHOUSE, NOS. 91 AND 92 WATER STREET, Betipfeen Market and Wood streets,. (fronting on Witter street 45 feet and 'Muting dhron,tb 100 feet to First avenue.) is now for rent. Possession to be given on the let of April. next. 'lids warehouse is now occupied by bpane. Chalfant Al Co. inquire of • JAMES IIIeAIILEIG At Iron City National Bank, .Fourth avenue. 'SPABliii At CO. Pirrsetractu. December 11, 18613. . Itte.:os ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT,,CRIB. BOLD ONLY • LEMON 8C WEISE. PrimUcal rruziltio, Muuthictureks, irmetzzarotifaumirtrnt,ocilregr, r4PE1L'74. 1 .E 21 9,V4L k, • THE OLD PIPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, P. i 1112111011111EALL Haa removed from .BT WOOD frfp..LICT to . , XO,. 191 .L.(BE7 T 1 0 927a:Er, litsw€4tiatiovolil'.ordiut. , is-' '4 I ::1"15.13 IVOTICE,AEII Persons Having AA claims &salsa resen t TDRAL. 014 COMPANY are requested to p the same ditty authentles ted for settlement: Antall•neranti s holding tenth* eaten of stock will please have the'same' Properly transferred on the boots of the Conpany to enable them to draw dividend from proceeds of the prop. erty,whlob has been land. and,ctf Arhleb, dividend wlllbe detailed; When debt" of ;Oh Company are :pair ageertAlded. t A. mitts; Secretary. Corner Duquesne Way and Band street. Pittsburgh, Jan, 5, 1889. lsBte7o SAMUEL LOO-AN, . -7; HOITSEZARPEN'IMEL I I ;- AND BUILDER. All kinds orcarpentsrworkdone to order. Orders lel tat the shop, No. 33 FULTON nTREET. near Webster, will be promptly attended to. Ja9m.l4 FRENCH IDEAS AND DITJ€II-1110031.5. Just received; Fri ! ti k As T iar a gno s Green Corn. Tomatoes, Lima Beans and Ukra, put up in tin cans. for sale by the dozen or case, by , ..1110. A. RENSHAW. ' Jolt Oerner :Liberty aid Hand street. LOOK OIL CLOTHS—We have in Mock a large assortment or styles and va s on- widths or'.theroughll iseasonod ; Floor oil Cloths,: which wearo* offering to tun wholesale and retail trade at prices lower, taking quality into coo-. aideration. Minoan be ha 4 la this city • •4. 11.2WILLIPS. nom • and laa. tilath ctreet. QUNDUIES.--4a Sacks Feiithers. 120 Bats Vat Corp .. 161 filets Pes:Zete, , Now landing from steemer Bell vernon, sale by Jail BIALA!' DICKEy I co. pleAl. riL AS H .--S CA8111:8 NOW huttizis from Reiltearl ter sale by igii • DIVW I COt Ell W. EL HOUSTON BLSSILLI. & CO. jange 808. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS,` ' if ME CRY ar4OPCMfig AT WII9LES' ALE. Full Assortment at Lowest Market Prices, at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET: ALLEGEENY. WINTER GOODt Very Cheap. BATES or BELL OFFER THE BALANCE' OF THEIR WINTER STOCK nEI LOW MIMES. R 313 SKATES, siwAxma, American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Starr, &c. I=l:i=l;MMiiiMEl WHITE9IDE3 & DRUM, 19 VMDERAL BT A LLEGFINN r Gil i ttY l ll FERRY ••• PRINTING INK . Grey's Ferry, Road Ind Tittrtyithird . Streets,. Phitsdelphla. Pa. E. ROBINSON, utanufaikoror of BLACK and °LOBED' rtinting and Littiograpblelnks. Vs,- idshes, &c. 00521:5347z VCONORIZE YOUR FUEL, by ja Using the: - : f li criNtairuciet crritirtot, the only true and easily regulated Governor mode; perfect in its operation& and truly reliable. A hula else Governor can 'or seen at the' *Mee of PIERCE VAL 131WILYTT,Ifechanical X i pgineer and Solici tor of Patents. No. 79 Federal stmt, Alleetteny ijiti" AbeoW7egenttoßtWa ino ik wat.. J. 2. MIXT J. Y. !MATT ..... A. IMAM: QVIILN'r & BRATT, h. 7 AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, "".iti. flananikfit . :;'lliegiterii;l4. A lame assortment of NXWE4 POSTS and SAL GSTAMS constantly on hand.' TWO ENO, of all descriptions. done. 9%/ N i g, N r oTt i rj r lll7273e' I NOTICE.. TO .CONTRACTOMEI. Sealed tireposals for tba construction of a rd.walk, on the fallowing named streets, will be received at this office until Monday, January IS, JAM On the Greene:uff plics.Lkata fearritohrill street to Wineblddle street. On Wineb date to pr. Paul street, s em , 5t.41111 'Street; to4data• street. on Main street to Elm street. The Committee reserve the right to relecsany. or all, bids. „Isncel H. T. NOVElilljtirtEffitueer. KEYSTONE POTTERY. , • • ktER , manufseturers or QIIESNOVARIL .1111tOrrele : WARE & d . Office and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY STREET. 4•All orders promptly attended to. OPPICZ CITY. Itleatrueng aND ntravityoß, • - pnvoinnOlX:Jannary llth. f OTICE TO. CONTRACTOIII3.- reeled jproposais far thefiradlnc. Paving and iurbing of -WYLI_V ieTREET EXTZ I .4hILIN and DUNCAN ITRELT, from Crawford street t‘• Kirk. nitttiek street. , Wia. be' Merced' nt this: otilce until MONDAY, Jantuuyinidi isa9. The Committee taserveAte riot to reject any or all bids. jall;d2 r.• 1' R; J..IIIOOEIC. My Engineer. ,------- - - V'OTIbE.—To all Persons En -. gaged Hauling, or" Whet ltng Rubbish , sr Ashes: You. are hereby notified not t.s place's ny rubbish or ashes on the *marl. All rubbish er aeries must be taken to the Point. Any person caught. vi olating thicabove notice will' be dealt wit& to the tulleakezleat nithe IFw.. ROBERT 111LXv. Allegheny- Nirliarr-aaater. 41ENDElltliON• t 4. ilnoraioS, Re. Liberty streat,.Dealeys Dikga, Paints au ateni Viedleides-." Ja5:lO 11CrAitTitIAN 'lt 1.411 E, No. 124 .L 1 timithtleld street,Elole Marufacturtre of War ree's Felt Cement and Gravel Woofing. Material for sate. . . IMMO NEW ADVERTISEaIiONTS. illifielk, DROWN AND GOLD ILIXED WATERPROOF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &C.,. &C., I WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, NO. 180 AND IS2 FEDERAL:, STREET, ALLEGHENY. PAISLEY SHAWLS, Tinny marl, WOOLEN SHAWLS," CLOAKINGS, &C., &a, AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT WILLIAM. SEMP.LE'S; NO. 180 AND 152 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. . , WM. MILLER, - (Late Miller & Rickets.%) Nos. 221 AND 228, • Corner Liberty and Irwin Streets, Offer to the trade at Low Figures; . 150 pkgr. of NEW mAcriznaL, barrel, halves, quarters and Mts. : 100 chests ehoice YOUNG RY13014,, ,JAPAN and IMPERIAL TEAS. 50 sacks choice RANGOON RICE. R 5 bbls. cholee CAROLINA RICE. 75 bbls. LONG ISLAND SYRUP. — 5O bbls. SYRUP choice brands. 100 bbls. N. 0.-MOLAS&ES. • 50 bbls. BERMUDA MOLASSES. • 500 bbls. REFINED SUGAR. 75 R bhde. PORTO RICO, CUBA and DZILL. ARA SUGARS. 500 bags RIO COFFEE. 30 as JAVA and LAGUAYNA COFFEES. 100 cues IMPORTED CLARET. 550 cases 310E1r & CHAIsTDON'S CRAM. PAGNE WINES SCOTCH 'ALE and LONDON PORTER eon.: • stantly on hand. STATEMENT , OF THE' CONDI- . TI lON (JP THE PITTIaBITUGH BANK FOR SAVINGS. Decemotr 31,1868. . Capital Stock Due Depositor* Contingent Fund.. Bonds, Mortgages Bids Receivable—. Office fixtures Cash The nndert Ivied Auditing Committee respectful ly Report that they have examined the Books and Assets of the Bank, and and the &here statement to be correct. _ e. H. HARTMAN, . • BOBT. C. SCHMERTZ, u. FOLLANSBEE, Pittsburgh, January SI, 1880. . , , FRENCH BURR MILL STONES. THE BEST WHEAT CLEANERS IN USE Portable Flour and Feed liflUtt, All ntanben and best quality. Tor sale at 319 and 321 LibertySt.,Pltta2ifirgh, Pa. • w. W. WALLAVN. AGENTS WANTED. $lO A DAY TWO slo' MAI'S ' iron` $l. PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS OF. AMERICA AND EIIRO . PE, AMICK'S:IA AND - THE' InersD.BTATEB OF,AKMUCA. Coloredin 4000 Counties. Them great Mips, niriejait completed show evert place of Importance, all. Railroads • to date, and the latest alterations la the tt *Aqua' Europuan etstes. These Maps are needed In every !school and family in the land—l hey occupy the apace crone Map, and by means of the Reverser,. eltber side can be thrown aunt, an any par; brow= level to the eye. (Jou ne trrighta and large discount given to g •od Agents. Apply for Circulars. Terms and nample Maps to 4 0 1 1 .4'8:4# 1 ? IT s den-bEI-dgT A 3 Coortlands siren. N. Y. FURS' la 'TB HOLINTS. 411.. V. A • .•* (,;;-;,- 1.; • • MeCOBD /1; CON, • AS,, D l SllQYJD 2 llBll,BloEtrontaearnocraL ISTRERT,' Virg/tear; tci the ones o^entitedPbtthe late Dr. Joseph A. Herron, Ile 8511111,1/IELD' STREET% Pittsburgh. All fulls after 8 o t = ta gh t ern_ t hlmitantcaollisti e t at Ms - Int Itottasi ashington a et, near avenue. Jatecor ' MONZlrtti "'OXEN tir''tan . 4 4 4 6 Invest in •Nortnage on 'City or County Property. Dr a. term of three years. .41,000 to loan. on Sondand Moraine for 2. tears.' tits Accommodation Paper to tits amount Slf 11.40,404; Una from GO days to 4 traanttic • WANTED—To exciting* a lirna n ot 160 Are. of Land in Stalwart for a Faintly - Horse and Spring Wagon. Apply to •• • - McLaINCO, del Conker Fourth ay. and Smithfield it. SlsYlCao R TaxPrrravaraalk c).64 January eta, heal). . OOKE.-461tEDUCTION-IN PRICE. Ouldonday. January 110. Sal mall farther noWee, &bawler or Coke.ill IE4),Ft/11% (II) CENTS. Ger bushella the yardat Cue 'Plats; analIVE (3) ENT 4) per bushel delivered within the usual 11mIt.' •' 1 11 1 :4 " ir d,F-or S 9 l:l l , o l a i r c d O o lfETlZZ e t. Treasurer:- . Orricr. or env Exonizan AND HDETICYOR, Pittsburgh, January 7th. 1800. f XOTIOIL—The Assessment for - Grading Colwell slrest from Irin widdie street o linmbert.s Eastern Line. ls now ready.forexam mations and can be seen al this office until Monday. January /fith,i 1808, *ben dt Wlll'he returned to. tut City Treasurer's collet tbr 11..1 MOORE, JC:e 811 e ry Engineer. rTICE.---AU Persons knowing' themselves Indebted to the estate or ROBRRI: NEI, late ot Pittsburgh. de , d. will make lame. dlate payment to the subseriber at his store 1117 m. peraneevOle, Allegheny county, and atipersonshay. leg claims spinet, said estate witl present them duly authentlea ed for settlement. JAMES. RICHARDSON. December 314 - • . laite73 NOTICE--Perscins ownitigiprop. ettr fronting or &butt= on Alktae avehue, in the city orPltteburgh, will !fiestas take notice tbe reF n rt of elewera s in the matter of the optning t.f A. e 1 avenue; bat been plated hainthitud, he ns..erstneuts It not paid on or before Februa. Ty Mb, 1808, wi ll he ,at erect In Court ea J. F. s..t.aonr.. Cll. Attorney, 1 31 :41/5 .SOB Fifth Ave-Ut. EMI WRIMME=I:I LIABILITIES ASSETS 5518,079 25 D. E McKINLEY. Tress.. French Burr Smut Machinel/2 BOLTING CLOTHO, --- h - rrfinunott. January 13th, Ism— `. - THE -BOARD of Diketora of the coLt..mßrA r.:CoMeAls haat) Ma day deOlared s 011vtoefot — No... SL -of foit#l4) per cent. (two dollars her El arty on the capital - stock, payable MONDAY, January • Jalt:dui A. P. NeGeREIV. Secretary. OFFICE. OR Tux P112.311.1ray,a, The Trustees of the Pittsbnrgb Gan'oninany barer this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLL/. ss AND FIFTY CIENTS per ahare, pn fan'capttal stock prevloula to December 18th, IISISS, paysMc on de mand at the office of 'be Company. W. H. 2 .IcCLELLANIN Treasurer. NATIONAL TRONIICO.. ' / Plitaburgu, January 6. 21469. . . raf - DFFIDEND.--The Diri4etors , of thlr Bank - hive to-clay cleansed s dlil dead of FIVE PER CENT., 0 • Payable on the 112th, free of tax: • i57:03.3 , ROBERT GRIER. Cutter, B/Ltf FRANnall , lloB7Rases CON Retwj e } • No. 48 0410 St Alteithemyv January 8,1889. itgrTHE DIRECTORS OF THIS Company bare this day declared la dirtdbad. of - TWO aspirin CENTS per ebire, - to be credited on ttrirSt , el Notes. a7:cb7 OM)! D. IiLDDLE. Secretary. ___ MZECILLNTS AND MAziallohirNAL RAR/C, Plttaburgt, Janakra 8,i869. Driectom of this Bank hat3lhls day declared a diva— dend of . • FIVE PEEMENT.,. On the capital stock oat of the prolltrof eke last els months, payable forthwltli;- free of all tares;, ya6:e7ti 'JOHN ECOVF. ,a. Cashier. 017ICS.ALI,E6HltriT ImvizeisoLCot„ • 6. .11•1 4 r1hIr Am.lose.• 'Mr ltSßßlpFdanharg IIiEDUD.. ijP of : this Company de clared gini7l Iwo DOLLABS LNDINEVIIMPREIM oer share, - free of tax, payable la cash otrand after Monday, the rftb hist • C. O. DON .ELL, ia B :ert Sayretary. • OFFICE 0, ARTISANS /If SIIIVANCIE Co. 'lnshore'. Jaboary 1E49. f Egir7THE- DIREC'rOIIB..Oir TBI4 dead of CO3II I .A2iY bave als,daVereClATett'adivl TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, Oet of the earolnytpqf the last sk: aonths, to•he °red- Red on the Stock etas. - • ". COFLPI24, jan:e7l .1 Secretary. [Gr',o FIFWE 00 THE NATIONAL INSURANCr. COMPANY. - corbel* ofrred eral street and - Stockto , , Avenue, AUegheny. DMIDEND--The Mr, clots of - Shia ConrDahr have declared a dlrldlend of ON.E IiouLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS' per share, free of tax, O•yahle la cash to the Stockholders on ADA after MONDAY, January ISM ' Jal2:d9 .jalfES Tr, sTPVIWQMT:I,I4,6r(itsra. ALL3GIIENT BANE, 5 . .PITTSSVELGII,Ja.IIuary 4th,1151b9. 09""1 1 11E. BOARD lO.F DIREC TORS of this Bank have det-lared a dl7l..end of dye Twr cent. on the Capital 8;1Loch-eu , of the profits ordhe last elx. cmooths, ys Mad: forthwith free of all tax.. .6:c40 W. W. 31TANOLESS.: A.mistant Casbler. MAItit.F.I.OTCREES &Wilt .I.IIISOISLCE CO. 1 JANUARY 40, 1869. f agrDIVIDENICI.--The_. Directors of this COMM)" Have this. dardeolefed dlv biend'oESWQ. DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS - PER SHARE, payable tolfteckho:der.s on-and after the 11th Rua, free of tar- „:" *kcal W-11. P. JONEE , filleretarY• XECIIA'neS 4- .N.LTVDICAL • PITISBMII,II% January Al, 1111091. cgrA. TIMID END ElditElG HT PER. CENT., free Of taxes.' wpl b epOtti to the Btockholdrrs of .the Baal, on and Ai ler January 4' 75.000 00 430 619 97 . 1940998 ..12C11, Lust jES:c44 X 818,019 25 igrQUARTERLY DIVII )END.- . • • FIRST .NATIOICAT., BARR, 'Pittsbuigh, Pa., late PITTSBZWII ;TIMM COME 'ANY; The. Directors of this Rank have thilisay decl &reds dirt- . dead of three per cent. on.thecapital i itock•out of the profits of the last three-months, pay able forth with, free of State and Government tax. jake.V S CULLY: 4426,631 115 69,006 13 468 00 31 853 87 OFFICE ALLECIIEIVIC'EtnicGIiockstrA NT, ) • Pittsburgh, January 1, 1 809. • Iar.DITIDEND-r arks Pr.e. siden4, - - 3 / 1 0 31iniestI0 CeinParie fore:vette •rs abridge over the Allegheny river, opposite rim burgh, In the eounty of Alle g heny . have this day t lectured a dividend of TWO DOLLARS one each alit re of the capital of the Company. payable tosbe eta zkholders or their legal representitlyte, by the T venturer. forthwith. - • • IteIiEBURG. 1 srese'r. - Tux LITrLL SAW BIG,r. IturrßAll.noAr t CO Ternperanceville..Dee. 25, T 4 418. Or THE LITTLE SAW MILL RUN RAILROAD COS-Save this declared. a Clvld.nd of POUR PER CENT., free of 'Govern ment tax on the 'moats of the last six moat Ais, para able to The Stockholders or their Ural rev •tesenta.- ayes on and after thh FIRST DAY UP JAB MARY, 1869. at the office of the eorottaac_ dete:c9 WN4-ESPY. Fret Went. PITTIBOHOII, FT. WAYNE &CHICAGO B. co - 01 , FICIIOF THE HECHSTABY. PrriBBIMOH. Di timber 13. 188:11. THE BOARD OF DIIIIEO.- TORS of this Company have declaled the reenter QUARTERLY DivinAND, (No. :to) of 9 per , cent. freeetOovertudear,Tax, on Ole capi- • tat stock for the quarter ending December 31,_ 1885 andsemi-annual interest of .3.46 per colt., less Uovernmene Tax, qu the Third Munro-age Bonds, capable onand alter MONDAY. the 19th, day of January, 31369 ~ a t the °Mee of WINSLOW, A LANIER & CO.„ No.. l PINE: aTREET, to those - registered at New , York, and , ltt•the ' , Office of the - Treaanter, telhase registered atfriats3urgh. The Transfee,Rbolcs will *lose on SATURDAy, . Seth Instant. as Sri Sr. OM re-oViceTIJEHDAy v the 30th of danwesy, /369.. at. Ma. - • P. AL HUTCHISON,. Secretary.. deM:bICC • PmantrnOm...f.ationri. Mine THE ANNUAL MEETING .of the Stoei.holders the 041.1M81A OIL COMPANY wUV be held at the °aloe of ihe Comps ,ny, No. 10 Sixth Street. al %o'clock A. N., Thurs day, January ,14th. An election wilt be heldlon r. seven Diref.totao -serve for the-ensuing year. Al P. Meg KEW, • Secretary. ii 0.90 WPILTTSBURGEibt.CONATELLS.. MORTGAGE 'II R E Oft R° 44) 41°4 atS l e Fill" The Coopens of t above Bottds,.d ue JANUARY bt will be pald-a r that. date,onlvrosenealloa 41eli t inat _pa office of tha Trawl are . r.teittatturgh: ye at Main's! ation.. al peakd : llataitnore. - ' JulIN Hs ItAalLar ,Tretourer Office I'. C. 8.8. VO, DeeAS, MS.. * ideatbilfl-31Wir BKRuir., 2,500 -- BVSECIA pqoicw,spiumisi Agtp itins , ,73 151094PTP:,R 4F. ALikErgi.lLL. '" • ase•ttaxilvitVrarP r. gm, ClAEL+:llliniamiu, Pula. Topplifottlnti* to ILL#I earl& 13011/1.,, _ TilFali WHITE LAKE Fleth f44110111410.8A55. &sal is Ni: fsb• ru r iblbitbis arwill own s: wszs (NIT isrig•D t mutat ri IRENOEILF4. WVlLArinik • tirsyski florkilielkildia r goades ,Of thimew,crottirPres4 whco!e/ 11141 116,141 ii tbil• . °DI4I " 6411151 e" " F-e ' " AW. • JanCure= of _Liberty ono Itald assets- pIEI S ALE ZGYX 8.100) TORZAT, ,•• • • n. AT ria BT. 01... ' was qßkfaii OIL CLOTH FOIL WIN. se r. DOVIT t SHADP.S.4Te- are nowasanasetnriajg s J an-tete of a quality saeerlor.lo Salsh, owl al. prices lower Huse man be-Pad of ingArguitern maw radii/ten. Dealers Pill Zed it to theleAslterest, to eXaMilheour goods before yarebastal elsewhere. - J. & H. PHILLIPS. boat* HIS as& 118 Shah St.. foreseriv Se. (Maw. 430 BVBHEpiI, Finn 80IITEEthir AIM STILT and for isqe *fox MeTiAlirg ANXIelt. TrwolenorsAmpitusileftteack A. * Blow Potatoes In retore and for pale. Aud_ barrels P oradmlii _wee DT riI I LLINVER A E.I_TiVENSON, _ Ai.2) 13edond Avenue. Pittsburgh, Fa.. 1110EAHL ASH-4511 casks No. l ilk. j. store and for sal* by - ' 4 t; 4 " Ling R. ca.mritt. SON. 08E1E31 APPLE 9---125 barrels %.A. la stare and . - non IP J. H. ANFIF.T.I I k SON no cveligENT :40 - barrels iiitd*auli . Cement in . • te•••nd for sitle by'? J. IS. CalinELD ZQZ.T. DIVIDEDIDS. JNO:43.—MARTI3 t. C.ishler NOTICES. wrrnurOClL lefttaliNidLY s no. 5.