Finandid Matters:- in New York. • Gold Closeil4'Bl 1163ga135%. , • rßyTetegsph to the Plitt - burgh tiazette.) NEW YORE, January 12, 1869. MONEY. • During the morning there was a more active:demand for money, incident to an • enlarged business on Stock Exchange, and horrewers'on call paid seven per cent. cur rency, and in many instances Coin interest. The rumors that artificial stringency is to be attempted were not credited, and the honk:aunts to the Cleiring .110Mie to-day furnish no such indication. The flow of currency here Continues. -Towards the" close-of•bapk:.:hours .the:, market-became very easy,- and: tho‘tiapply offering at the, legal rate Wag `in excess Of demand—after 3 o'clock idana*.idaso 6. 1 ; - The:transactions • at coin interest.` ware-ertheptional‘ and on ant - eff i collatenkla, borroWers were ,ct standing on the • •• ‘• •b e • • •• , street. • Commercial paper Anil at Balo per cent. Sterling -stronger With few produce • hills offering, add, leading hankere are dis- Pose& to advance . ;the rates to:shipping: • point, fi;k; gold; to, -9}(059%.,- Gold stron,:ger, and;MOre.‘oltive, :in . sympathy with Ex change, ranging from 135 V, Ito 185,t4, and closing at- 735%®185%... Gross. clearances 0 3 -ti0tY;f% 0 00, 4 . 1 90. , .; The. Gold Exchange by a vote •ef 178 to /21.1 agreed , to• retain in the, by-laws theprivilege to:Mem - heti Of - being represented in the rooms • by powers of attorney., .5- J 1 *. I :• t' I Dorms AND a i r••olltW. t3OVerrinlertte Were. dull and; "..feierish most of the day, and .tip „to 3 o'dhick the Whole list'wes Weak and declining. ;Upon money becoming. plenty,- at seven o'clock, .hqsveyar, there was:a reaction pf X®,‘ per, tentrfrom the' lowest ; point. •. Most of the sales: at the Board were in '67s._ The in vestment demand continues good; in terior ordera `are - :Ccittgoas: 1881 - ,111.34, O 112; do- '69; 112 1 4A119%; 108% • ®108X; d0.'135, 109%14;10VA; new d0.,108 ®108%1 , d0. ' ;'87, .108% ®IOBX. '6 8 5,108 3 ; @NM: Te n-Forties,`, 106;140)107: State bends' adyancing and freely dealt with; 1,111, old Tennessees, 68@t39; tie*, '3:ennessZes, 67%®68; new liorthCattillpidf, 694 4 363; ;Virginias. 5734@ -.58; Lbdishate. Leyte bends, Sites, 67% ®, 68- do: `_Eighte; : 7734 ®7BX. The ,Railway, market thiv , morning was feverish and ruitiottled. " Prices, opened at about:closing rates .of -yesterday and ad vanced on western shares }i ®1 per cent. st the regu4itoOitid; 'ilienthe Eastern list declined and "themarket became quite ir regular. "-YiarlY IA the evening the market was dulkb.4t. \ aCcilliFed •firmness; and be fore the close 4f day i this had run into ee l tiVity'cihd buoyancy, with a sharp advance of I®2 per cent. • The most active stocks were Reck, rsland,, Pacific Mail, Wabash, Newl,YorliSOMdial,,,FOrt Wayne, Michigan Sonthern and 'Northwestern. Mariposa cer tificates Were active and, higher, on the re pert that the'mills commenced running on the Stetlatent. Short interest, in general market has been materially increased within the last few; daya,, which, in connec- Alen with ',the" increased ease- in money, is encouraging pails to make lurther onward, Pive•thttrty Onmberland, 38® 39; / Wells Express, 2530046; American, 33®40; Adams.' 4 6 34®7; United States - , 43®4334; • liferokaPta niorh Quickailver,;22®22; Anton, 533i®533;; Feeble Mail, 193%®123}.'A; Western Union. Telegraph; 334(434%; ; Hartford ; and Erie, 28i Mariposa, 5;-, do..preferied, 20®2034; NOW ,V9Tk • Central, /66@166X ; Erla , 38K®38%;.••• do. preferred, .62(464 Hud son, 132®13234; ; Harlem, „ 131 m ©132 ; do. preferred, 130;. Reading, 441A44%; Terre Haute, 37®41; do. ;preferred, UN; St. Paul. • 7134 ®72; :;do.:preferred, 90%(4)91;. Ft.; Wayne, 120@ 120 Ohio and Millais. oippl, 33% 84y ; Michigan Central, .usgi_ 11534, Michigan. Southern, 91®91 3 4; Inf. loots _Centiid r „ : l43ol.44; Pittsburgh, 86 9' 84i; Toledo 104%®105; Rock Islanoi r 127g©127.14; Northwestern, 82%@82%; do. preferred, $4 , ;,®87%; Chicago and Altckt, • breferredb 150%; St. Joe;100; C. C. C. and 1., 75; Wabash, 62m(463; Dubuque and Sioux, City, 94; C. tit, G. E., 48; C. B. dr. Q., 190. Mining shares dull; Smithand Parmelee, 265; Gregork, 335; Copper Stocks at - BostonNo quotations!. Gold export to-day 343,000. , kus TRBASuRY. RBI • The xeseipts at the , Sub-Treasury to-day were $1,136,058; payments, $1,096,280; bal ance, $84243,729- Markets by Telegraph. Naw You, Jtmuary 12.—Cotton opened dull and scarcely as &raj closing firmer , "with a fair demand; sales 4,800 bales at - 28%c foi middling uplands. Flour dull, heavy and 10a15c lower receipts' 10,851 bbls; sales 5,700 bbls at $5,80a6,20 for super fine state and.western, ;86,80a7,30 for extra 5tate,46,70a7,80 for 'extra western, $8a9,75 for white wheat, $6,95a9,25 for round hook Ohip,sSa9 for extra St. Louis, and 9,50a12,- • .50 for goood to choice do, closing dulL Cal ifornia nominal at Sea* 13,50 for old, and 8,75 11,00 for 'new. Rye Flour. lower. Corn Meal dull; sales 800 bbls Brandywine at 45,25. Whisky quiet; sales 60 bbls western at 81,02 free. Wheat dull and in favor of , buyers; receipts 1,560 bush; .. sales 38,500 bush at $1,58 deliveredfor -medium springy $1,62 delivered, for very choice No 2 spring, and 51,85 for ; No i. Rye• quiet , and. without , decided:: change. Barley dull and drooping. Barley, ,Mait in• moderate request, with melee 1,800 bush at 81,12a1;15. Corn—receipts 24,285 bush; market dull 'sad heavy and about is ' lower;With sales', 51,000 bruit at 91.i950 for new mixed :west- ' ern; $1;09a1,10 for old , do., deliveredr . 96a99 for new'yellow Jersey; 98041,02 for new' ' white southern,' and $1.05 for kiln dried western, ~Oats—recelpts 2,6ig bush; mar ..ket lit buyers' fiver,,with sales 23,00 busiL at 7530, for western in store, and ',77',303 for do. 404' ' Rio wet:4W 834a93(43 1 for Caro, lina: Coffee ilrmi.r Sugar steady; sales . 2.0 Q, hhds atilVtl2o; inilidei Prce for new crop;, Also. 200 boxeCtrairsaa _atll34o. • Molaises .dull. Hops quiet,o l loo2tio for: Amerman. Petrolenixt _quiet anditifithealea at 19e for., crude, and 2,2%13 for refined bonded. turpentine 'firmer 'At ' 524£4 ':'Perk ',dull, • leitlielileiStOlibls.sit $29,25e29,62" for, new ; ine55;•128,6048,75 - tor old do; $24a25,25 for ; *rime; J2428;50'1 for. prime ' mess;, also, ; , .4000 blds.,zifiw mess selling for, six. months at 294931 c. Beef steady ir and unchanged; allele 700 bbls ,,, ,gerCe ~beet-, Attlee I,ooo' . tierces itt 28a320; prime useas • 32a38k; * In ' ' diana ,Meaa 'beef bawd iplet,:rith sales of , 217 bbls; at 3013464 out meats firm, with sales of 350 packages at 12a12350 for shout,. • dere/aid 14e16 3 / 4 fOr `hauls; drested hog's tirmerand active, 181/,al3g for.western and ,j 14a14% for city; Middles firm , quiet, 14%a 14for Cumberland cut, and 153,i for short, cut ribbed. Lard steady, with sales for 950 tierces at 18a19% for steam, and •19y ; a193;• for kettle rendered; also 1,000 tierces steam seller for January, February and March, at •16a29. Faelghts to Liverpool firm, with Engagements for 15,000 bushels of corn per steamer, at sqd. i Latest.—Flour closed dull. and, saloc lower. Wheat quiet, in buyers' favcir, and a very limited export and 'milling demand. Rye dull atlsl,6o for western. Oats quiet et 75a7534c In store; 77a afloat. Corn dull at 91a94c for new mixed western, and 8 1 , 09 sl,lO for old doafloat and in store. Pork -very quiet; mess $29 on the spot. Beef :steady and in- moderate dinsnd. Cut meats firmSnd in fair' demand. Bacon steady, with a moderate inquiry. Lard steady at 19%a193143 for prime steam. Eggs dull at 33a35c. oode, ' Dry G —The market is strong and :advancing for cotton goods, and an active ii tt Inquiry is ge eral, with an advance of lc per yard o all bleached muslin& of mediumg de. New York. Mills and Wamsntta ithdrew frOm the market yes terday and - .eve not been placed , for sale .on any of, t , e stands of leading jobbers. When the.l ! re;. the advance , will no doubt be 21,49. I Lonsdale are up to 180 and - EoPei 0 16)0. ' ILL brown, muslins .. there is no improvement, but the tendency is strongly upward; 'Atlantic A is held by agents, however, at 17c; still all the standard brands can be bought of jobbers at 1636 c. Heavy Brown Drills rather dull but rela tively low end must advance; Appleton A 173.6 c, but this is the best brand on sale and consequently an extreme price, Booth's and Pepperell held at 17e, although at the close buyers may be able to secura them at 163fc, which is the price of Atlantic. Prints: market excited and all the dark styles offering have been bought up and there is a general advance of lc peryard to dv on medium and light work. Sprague's advanced to 13c for dark, and 13y o c for light styles. Pacific dark styles are closed. out and scarce at 130, but light work.brings' 133ic.DierrIcmack Prints are up to 144 c for . . A. brand, and. lac for r. W, while dontle pinks and purples have risen to 183 i. Duri nell's, American... Allen and Richmond, light work bringt(l3Mc; and AmOskeag 43.' The Cocheco is itill selling at ipxo, but are scarce •• and' Must'lgkon adirance to 14Ue: Woolen , gooda adapted for spring 'sales are; in. better: request; for men's wear.. ' , ... firm,Owen*, , January 12—Eastern Exchange m at 1-100 ;premium, sellinV , and' , 1-10e' off buying. The Flour market is , quiet'at' $5,25a6,8734 for low 'grades to, gooct spring extras. Wheat is in fair demanfi and is lc 'lower; sales of•No: 1 'lit $1,20a1,23X; new, #1,13%, closing •firin• 'sales since ''change are reported to have lieetlmade at "11i13K.. Corn is.quiet and. easier; sales 2 carelkiln 'dried at 56c, and.was rejected:at's3o for do; .new . brought ,54n54%c; no grade,' 50a520, closing at 54b for new; there was nothing doing in Coin thiii afternOoft. Oats are quiet and Mc lower'and bales were made at 4 7%a - 48e, closing dull 'et 4734 c. " Rye dull at $1,16 'a1,17 for No. Nor 1,,l4 for No. 2, closing . at $1,1614 for No. 1. Barley is in fait re. ,qtiest and firmer ango higher; sales of No. 2/it,11,66;i1,67. , Hig hwinee are inactive and nominal at 93e9335c. Provisions . are quiet and' steady; dales 1,000 bbls Mess Pork at s3o,' cash; • % $28,75, -. seller, Februhry and March 1630; seller, first halrApril. Lard is steady and quievat 19c, cash, and 19(,c, seller, March. Rough Sides, 14c; Cumber hind. miocties... zsqc. : Ham s,= Beef Has, 290, dressed Hogs a re firmer; sales at $12,25a13; closing firin ,St ;12,50a13, dividing on 200. The recelptsfor the past twenty-four hours were as' follows; 7,6.17 bbls flour; 31,905 bash Whedt, 29,495 bush corn; 17,456 bush oats; 2,981 bush rye; 8,800 bush barley; 3,- 828 head of hogs. Shipments-15,659 bbls flour .6,829 Wish wheat; „20,971 bush corn; 11,920 bush, oats; 1,882 bush rye; 1,536 bush barley;'4,6l.s head of hogs. ' Hogs' are quiet and a shade' firmer; sales were made at $9,50a16 ; f0r fair to medium shipping' and $10,10a11,50 for good to choice packing. Beef Cattle aresfirmer and mod- erately active at $4,25a5 for cows and light steers; $5,50a6,50 for fair to medium; and $6,7541,90 for good to exit shipping beeves. Sr: Loris, January 12.—Tobacco; very ,little doing and prices unchanged. Cotton; 'nothing doing. Hemp irt light demand at $2,3042,40 for dressed. • Flour Very • quiet and unchanged; superfine sold, at 16a6,25, and entrant $6,75a7,125. Wheat extreme ly. dull ._and irregular, but not quotable; prune to choice fall sold at 81;50a1,95; fancy wring brought $1,40. :Corn , dull and un changed at 62a70c„ the • latter for choice. Oats unchanged at 55a58c.Barley un changed at.51,80a1,95 for I6wit . and Illinois spring. Rye heavier and easier at $1,243' 1,25. Pork steady and firm at $29,50a30,00. Bulk Meats; jobbing at 1210 for shoulders; 153;o for clear rib sides; 16t;a1654c for clear Bides. Bacon steady at 14e for-shoulders; 180 for clear side*, and 18c for sugar cured hams. Lard sold in a small way at 190 for prime kettle; round lots chiefly held out of market. Whiskdull at 970. Hogs stiff and alittle high r at 19,50a10,65. Cattle 3 firm 'for better grades; prices range from $3,50 to $7 gross for good , to choice. Re, ceipta-2,900 bbls flow, 6,900 bus wheat,- 4,390 bus corn, 4,000 bus oats, 1,300 bus bar ley, bus rye, ; • ; ha gs , _ = Mirowsuirns, J. miry 12,-Floar dull: prices unchanged. Wheat lower at 1,19 for No. 1 and 1,12 fo No. 2. Oats dull at 48., Voris ,firM and h gher at 60 far new. Rye nominal 1,10 for No; 1 atop. Barley nominally unchanged. Provisions quiet and .nnchanged. Dressed hogs nominally at 16,25a12 50. RE iripts—Flour 2,000; Wheat 31;600; Oats 2,000; Corn .1,000; Rye 1;000; Barley. L 000; Dressed How; 1,000. Ship,. ments—Flour 3,0 T; Pork 1,000. BAvrisions, January 12.—Flour in little inquiry; prices weak. Wheat nominal. Corn dull; prime, 85a88c; yellow, 90a93c. Oats dull at 65a73c. Rye dull at 53a68c. Mess Pork firm at - $30a30,50. Bacon firm; rib sides, 17a173ic; clear do., 17Ma173;c; shoulders,l4%Bl4%c; hams, 19a20c. Lard firm at 20. Mxxtrins, January 12.—Cotton quiet and firm. at 28c; receipts l 1,106 bales; export,' 450 bales. Flour unchanged. Corn 65a67c. Oats 65a67c, Hay 12441 Bran $23a24. Cornmeal 13,75. fork pl. Lard 20a22c. Bulk meats firm; shoulders 124 c, clear sides 163ic. Dressed frOgs 12a123.0. ToLEncs Jan. 12.—Flour dull. Wheat 2c lower; amber Michigan $1,72. Corn jic lower; new. No. 1 61Mo; new rejected 59j4c; new :'yellow' 64c. • Oats dull. Rye dull. Clover seed 18,50,. Dressed hogs a shade bettei at 12Xal2Nc. . ' IMPORTS BY RAILRAOD. • 1 3 ITTSBunG)1, FORT vir iirr AIME dt CHICAGO RAILROAD. JaIIIIIIIT 12.-18 cars pig metal, • Nimick Co; 12 do do, Jae Wood, Son dr. Co; 10 do do, Bryan dr. Canghey; I car shoulders, J PHanna & To; 2 do g hams, E H Meyra; 400 ska flour, C Jenkins; 250 pigs lead, Dithrldge & Son; 5. tcs, hams, E .Hazieton; 88 green hides, U N Hoffstott; 1 car staves, C .I.liz; 261 aka oats. Brown dr l'ear i 'corn, Pgli Elevator; l'car .ear corn, Robb & lierroru ,2 do do, Hitch- Cock & Co;.1 do hay, :0 H, •Allertonl 5 cars iron ore, 8 do atone. Shoenherger & 3 bbls flour, Graff & Reiter; 88 bbls apples, Rea Jr; 27 kegs batter, T C Jenkins 7 oil bbls, A girkpatrick & Co; 5 _dressed Itogs, Tole, Matrs),4l CO; 1 car plow beams, J sks cow .14 - Straus; 7 bge W Meek;' , l62 bgarYe, Knox_ dr Orr; 2 kgs tobaCco, E McGraw; 10 aka ra_gs, C P 'MarkleA Co; 25 , corn Wellers,: F Knox; 4 carba9 s . Penns.Salt - (- • 4:lminBLarti - AMP 'Plrmirtmest, FtilLz• noin, Jandary 12. 12 care Iron bre,. Shoen berger &Mgr; ,do,do, McKnight,' Porter & Co; 1 car lumber,4 Heath: 1 car clay, S M Kier! 1 bx.hardbeare, l lLLF4pesiock & Co; 2 hf ,blil3:tobacco, - P . - McKenua; 8 ;idle *prings,6 do: slate,Facklner - '& - Iryrfn; 2 , bales Pairman Sampson; 18 , kege'r butter TOlgt;Mkhciod it Co; I! box axes, J Graf & Cb;* bops, P Duff 4t h 'Son; 21 tes; • 1 'kg lard, 3 ll hogs, Sellers it' Uo; 1 bbl scrap iron,,J.B•Jones; bake dry apples, 1 bbl, Ao, 3 .tubs • • butter, 7,kgs lard, 7 Q Craighead; A ' kgs. 'butter Atwell & Lee; 3 bbbs dry pfdphes_i W Steel 4 Bro; 2 pkgs butter, dalard, 10 bbla ap ples, Graff . & Reiter; 89' oil. barrels, C A l Wormcastle; 78 sks corn, H W Berhorst; 2 - bbls butter, 2' do eggs, H Rea Jr: 29 do beans, Watt, 'Lang & Co; 15'eke oats, Meanor & Barger; 60 bbls rye'Hour, P Duff & Sotu . l ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Jan uary 12.-240 bbls oil, Fisher & Bro; 80 do. do, Crawford, L. de Co; 260 dodo, L Roess de Bro; 80 do do, D M Edgerton; 1 car metal, Zug & Co; 1 do hides, J Hammett & Co; 31 rolls leather, A Steintniler; 25 eke oats, G Bauman; 151 do corn, 14 do oats, 11 do rye, Scort dt Gisal; 75 eke oats, 24 do corn, J de A Deitz; I hide, Seibert & Berg; 10 pairs produce, W George; 4. pkgs 'butter, 2 do poultry, J E Shottiaker; 1000 oil bbls, Citi zens'Ref Co; 4 cars limestone, Shoenberger 4t,' Blair; 1 do metal, McKnight, Porter dt Co. ALLEGHENY STATION. January 12.-1 car limber, C C .Lamb; 43 hides, 17 calf skins, Stuckrath & Hare; 8 cars bailey, Gilmore, Straub 4t CO; 1 car staves, Ralva & Robertson; 2 cars barley, .1 Rhodes & Co; 13 bbls apples, John Herbert; 16 bags rye. 84 do feed. Rose dc Ewing; 15 bbls Oita, E M Jenkins.' • I Rivers and Weather... Loinsvuxn, Jan. 12.—River falling with ten feet and six inches of water in the Canal. The weather b clear and , cold._ .i.. - :‘,....;-", PITTBBURGIt AM. ZETTNI 1 7WEDNE8DM ASA Igi 01 , .:• I:3', .T 1869 The rain sterm which, set in on Monday afternoon was succeeded by a heavy fall of snow on Monday night, and yesterday the weather win cold and disagreeable, and in the a ft ernoon and evening it was freezing pretty- sharply. The thermometer at 4p. m. was down to 30, and. the wind seemed to be veering around to the west. G. A. predicts that we are about to have`some' cold weather, and it is to be hoped that his predictions will be verified. „ The river.was still swelling last evening with sixteen and a half feet in the channel. The Kenton will lay.ovgr until. Friday. The Bayard, Capt . ,' Moore, is the regular packet for Parkersburg'to-day, leming at ; We have no farther particalari in regard to the Silver : Cloud - disaster. She was in sured on three-fourths:of lair valnationsto the amount of seven thousand five hum. Bred dollars as follows: 61,250 in the Pitta. burgh, - 1,256 intthe Allegheny, and $5,000 in , Oiric iti offices . ' She ' was ' owned by_ 4, ,car 4 nwPY , .agiell >Res, anti Others. • T h e rita i c s (Capt. Seaw's new boat) left N ev Or lOiArktinsaszlirer on the 6th in ~' I ' • ;.; 7.', .- -...', ' .' ' The Kenton arrived .velterday forenoon from Portsmouth with a very good trip. She would have been in 'boner had she not have i been- delayed by the darkness and snow storm on Monday.night. , . ." , • ' The Bayard 'was' 'also' eomeithat behind . thne,having, been Belayed -by-the 'bathe causes. r trr last -"The Julie 2 deperted fpr an 1 -•-•- • ;W" T "L Business. was almost,Wholl.franspendM , ' at, the landi e ug yeaterday,Lpprint to thb extremely • ihistrable :60'11100n 1,4 f the wharf. Theifti wits but very little done; indeed, it was nearlfair much af; horse could do to haul an lempty'dray. The New York, from Lotdsville, and the Armadillo, from New Orleans, are amorig the'first boats due, ' . , • , -- . _ The Messenger, Vaptain Jesse Dean, will be the Elba' boat oat for New ;Orleans,as. will also;•the - Maggie- Hayti, CaPtain B. q: - Martin, for St Logic. ). • : • •.) The Glendule is.en route from 43t. .Louis to Pitlhbilrik; with *big trip, includirig6oo tons ir,ms ore.- • The Russell. i 4 ak..' nounced ror OincinnittLand ~ The Bellevernon, which ' boat arrived on Saturday; made thp round trip from Pitt!: burgh to New Orlehns and hack In thirty= three days. besides losing a gcsOd deal of time by fog. Will Courser make a note of. this? . . • —The Camelia, Nashville. to Pittsburgh, lett Cincinnati on &friday evening. • —The Lorethrvias expected to arrive at Cincinnati on Sunday night. • -The Sallie left Louisville for Pitts burgh on Saturday She received a large 19t of mules from the Dexter.ftir Wheeling, and this city. —The old habit of taking two months or a month and shelf. io inn from Pittsburgh to New Orleans seems to be in vogue again. The Wauanittzsed twenty - five days out from Pittsbn ; having le ft that smoky city on Deeem 11th. She delivered her freight there-under a protest entered at Memphis.--IbUilville Courier, -Capt. Williams," of Madison, has sold one-half of the "steamer J. L. Graham to Lloyd Rowan for $2,300. She is now on her way to the Wabash. =U. S. Marshal Slack sold the I steamer Jonas Powell, on Friday last, at Point Pleasant. A. P. McAllister was the pur chaser at 82,150—about 825,000 per dozen. —The Wheeling Inteltigencer says: Dap, uty Uniteq. States Marshal Irwin. has at tached, °nal:Modred and aixty-six.or seven barrels ofpetrideum, taken frcim the wreck of, the lugomor•by the steatuerJamealtees. Salvage was demanded, but the_ claim was resisted: hence the attachment:to enforce payment. Captain James Greer, a few weeks since, advertised the ' stern-whoeler Pine Bluff for sale in the'Enquirer, and a_ _pur chaser was ;found ill the versonaf . a Dr. Hayes, of Louisville. Hayes came here, looked at the' - boat, and agreed to give a deed to certain property in Louisville valued at 812,000 for her. This was a big price for the boat, and the (freers, father and son, were nal urally„ anxious to con-, summate the sale as soon as possible. Mr. Alexander Greer, the father of Captain James Greer, went to Louisville; was shown the prciperty. and being satisfied of its value, returned here, and hastened to that city with the boat, where she was to be delivered to her new owner. The ex change was duly made, and Hays imme diately after getting possession of the boat; steamed down the river, and hatCnot since ' been heard of. The melancholy • part of the affair is, that it was soon discovered that Hayes had no title to the property, and the deed given the Greers is, of course, of no value. This, we believe, is the most extraordinary instance on record of . the practice. of the confidence 'game.— Cin- Enquirer. —A Louisville telegram:it° the Cincinnati Commercial, under date of Sunday, says: The Silver Moon, heavily laden with cot ton,.in coining out of the canal' about 4 o'clock this evening, was carried by - the current out on the •abutment at the head of the canal, , where she lodged and was un able to work off. At dark she was still hard aground, with some 4 inches of water on, her starboard deck, and Captain Pink Varble with the towboat Falls Pilot and . two barges was alongside, lightening her Off. The Tigreqs, with a tow of coal, passed doWn over the falls. The Sallie left for Pittsburgh. • —The House Committee of tbe Alabama Legislature have reported in favor of open ing the Cahaba river to navigation. , —Cataract bland, in the upper +Mimi* sippl, near St: Anthony, was sold on exec cution lky the ,Sheriff, last Saturday, it brought 13,000, something of an advance on the first cost. Cataract Island was orlgi nall y entered ly Beecher Morgan, lain:wry .28,1054; ate total expense of p,so. —During the 'lust three; ' months 180 steamboats • and OS - bargee ! have been . en rolled and licensed at the St. LcOuts Custom House. Total :tannage of boats, 81,238: of Tote ...tannage, 108,851, The total enrolled tunnage, on the West-, ern rivers, for the Year 1868 yr,as: 1,263 steam= bctsitd. Of 351,671 tannage, and 838 barges, of. ten.lirttimige; Total number of 'vessels, 2;89; to:pia:co • 481,217.. KOR 'MlIgMIP1118" idZ i a . 01H4HANfil he.,ateatner ISSENGER..., .. . ESSILMKAN, Gonuander, •, • Wit Ftesve tor- - this aim '' ports ot on TIMIESAY, the 14th in5t....444 °Woe/IX-M. Vor freight or passage apply on board or to J FLACH,,Je Is.',GettiL.EGH ( ool3 , , JAMES cor.LitNe. CiLtELES HAMM, and ORIEST & HAZLETT..., • • •! • Through recetpts given on; the above twat to Set• 'rn Emma*, Senten,, Montgomery, Ala., and all other points on • the Alabama river and Texas ports Att the lowest, rates by. _ • ...; • Jail(3 WIEST &MA ((LETT. F" CAIRO - AND ' s T. si gO i t: "MIDS.—The steamer IfAH HIE HAIM Capt. B. C. INlAirrtiv. Will leave for the above ports en Wednesday, the lath Inst. For freight or passageapply on board or to. PAIN- FLACK. • J.D. CoLEINGWOOD A 13H111 EST & HAZLETT. Jai - • or Jul -IN FLACK, Agents._ OR CLARK SVlLLEa d det . 12 'AND NA.OHNILLE.-4he fine steainrr . CA MEL! '" • Capt. THOB. Ton Will leave for the above porta en THUIttiDAY, thealst lost. . • . For freight els:utage apply on hoard, Or to ' • FLACK & VOLLINGWOOD. P• l3 JIPH& PIiAOK, agestis._ pITTSBURGH, - scritizzuaid, Marietta • and Parkersburg Line. Leave company's Wharf Boat, foot of Woo 4 street, ' DAILY, AT IA ' Ba.YABD 8. tirucriniab. Master. yiraDriasrals Am) saruaDAYB, Olt& Y. 1r44.014 C. L. BBEztNYA2f,Master. ireight Will be received at all hours by pelt 11/12484 OOLLI4B, Aitent. RIVER • NEWS. lIAMBOATS.' TUZSDAYB A PIitIDAYB. 'COMMISSION MER.CHANT'S. J. L. DLLLINCIEIt E. STEVENSON. DILLINDER t.STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 8Z Second Stteet; Pittsburgh, Pi. • RECEIVE AND SELL 4U Binds of Country Produce • •••:•••:•• au orders , for MerchandLse promptly filled at LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to'the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Pruitt!, &c, We feel confident that we can Aire entire' sat (traction, ly making QUICK SALES and PR0317 RE TURNS. at .11IGlintlYr BET PRICSB. and the efore resnectfrdly solicit your consignments. All corre spondence answered promptly. ]larking Plates Oraln In store and to arrive daily. enatit7B ; • , EVA B y N t lp ED BY A. & T. , K w. , • ,71ORNLY, 1 ( WHOLESALE GROCER, N0.'271 Liberty' Street, (Dnascrix 01'? EA.Gus HOTEL,) prrrestriton. PA. se :7111 . VI/ A #:4 / 4 4 1 14 CO•1 3 IRos.nikaan DILALIIVA L 41311011471610110t14 eralu, Produce. Pro. altblaitriagAlbeala.Cesbeiaoll..te.. intim, near Liberty VA , . • D. F. noanaiss 81 / 4 nen MILI ' J. A. 13TBIJA. 1111 r. ELE Sc SON, ~ILIAi.:'!- , .. .:• z-, hision Merchants • - • tAzak D84L28.19 x - E r i.o. - VIELO; CMAIN..IEWF.I). am. N. OS 011113 BTEEVI, near But Common, , 1% , :tai , - ; ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. ''''' T. CANFIULD. J r CAS & • SON, COM.. =mos MERCHANTS, and hole ‘ l7 4 l4 o lll7 r ol o s hVit Rectory, Hinttourcan W d W_ rit e . Cheese, Butter . L . ard Fmk,. Bacon, Flour, Flab, Dried Fruit, Gln. - Pialad, rot, Pearl and Soda Allies wig te Lime: Linseed, Lard; Coal and Car tau O tis. 210, 191.1.11rit street. Plttsburah.- rsrsztouut..•.. - " .IAS. Y. amnia?. Kwuti‘ .6:IIICHAR T, . 'COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, AND MAIMS IN `IPL6I7II, SEEDS, 3int. TEED, &a., &C, •• 349 - Liberty St:, Pittsburgh, 1nr24:b37 ALIX. WBAHIa B. ANJILU. irellANE & ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In 37,01:TR, DRAIN and PRODUCE GEN' INALLY, NO. Da WATER STNIr r . • above findttideld:Plttsbnren. • FEIPZEIt & ABM • STRONG; • PORWLEDEIG AYD 0011XLEECION lIIERCUIAM • For the aile of -Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, 310. 10 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittabtultli• te22isiB • T 4 3. BLANCHARD" Wholesale and Retail Grocers, • No. 396 PENN STREET. arilB:o9 ROBS. KNOX ' ANDREW KNOX. 14 KNOX & SON, COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS and denten In FLOUR, GRAIN 79 DI L AMENDd. PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. jal7:ra7 TITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and tu rroduce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton YAMS Cid P . :.tiburigh Manufactures generally, 112 laid JECOND - STREET, Pittsburgh. JO/I.f I. NOWT. EDW. E101768.....W11. H. BOLTZ. J&OHN L HOUSE & Sue. cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE CO.. Wholesale rovers and Commission Merchants, Corner ol Smlthletd and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. JOIIRBIIIPTON §ILUPTON & WALLACE, WOLE. SALE ROCERS AND PRODL' CE D E ALERS, t. SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. a12:r58 PROrESSIONAL WIL ALDERMAN AND_ EX-OFFICIO JRSTICE OP THE PEACE,. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AITEN.TE. Special attention given to conveyanclne and col. aections Deeds Bonds and Mortgages arawn up, and alt legal Due Weals attended to promptly and ac eurately, 101. A. BUTLER, • 'ALDnitex An polar. weenzrans. Office. mas WYLIE EiTBEET, ueu Washingtoi PITTSBPBOH, PA. . Deeds Bonds, , Mortgages, Acknowledgment+ Depositions, Collections, and an other legttimal busineu executed promptly. mhißincl SAMUEL MCMASTERS, • •AIf....D.MitMAN, , :Ex-ofllelo Justice et the Peace and Pollee Magis trate. 02c ,e (}RANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Deposition, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. - , mlO6 VUSTACE S. MORROW, ' .ekI4I3V.IIIkULN, X-OTTICIO JUSTICE Cr TUE PEACE AND roLioz kAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA, AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA' Deeds,. Bonds. Mortgages, Ackaowledotents, • Depositions and all Legal Businessexecuted with. • protapttess and dispatch. - • rawzi TOIEIT Alc • tiiTRAIN, L: . . • • ' • - Lprairrussi, ri.orrzoio •JOirlor, or Tux PZ Po'LICZ idAGIIISTUATZ. 'Ogice,vis irrirrn EITRINT, opposite the (lathe. drat, Pittsburgh, Pa.. , Deeds, Bondi, Mortgagee /Lebow*lodgments, Deposition. and Legal - Bea! • aeu executed with hrotootuase end manatee. A AMMON, traitiose of the Peisie, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE A6T CARSON WRIST, &Wl' BllllllBllaeld. Collection of Beata sellelted and promptly attend J .. 8. FERGUSON, • 41=0 . 11N:E1C-ATriAW , No. 87, Villa Eitreet. '810026 FLOOR, Fnoirr 1440 M jpriN W. lUDIJELL, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. OStee,llo Dtemend Street, . \ (opposite the Court Hon ea toilht44 PITTSI3II U GH. PA. H . C. DIACKBELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant StrOot; my 24 :b 2 SPITTSBURGH. PA. ARCHIHAIM "IBLAK.EI.EIf, AnC7rOUWE'r•A.T..3[AA"Virs No. 98 PIPTII STREET, • t9oll:n l. OVP CIL . OI , CITY EIWINZEII AND SUIMETOII., • Pittsburgh. January 7th., VIGIL .N •ICE.--rThe Assessaneolt. for Orsding Colwell saett from Dinwlddie street to Ounabert' Eastern Line. is now ready for exam ination, a .dean 1w gem et th's ofiltv until Monday, January 18th, 1869, whru it will be returned to 'the City Yreaburer , a of for collection. 11. J. MOUSE, Ja7tch9 , City Enifinetr: XT , licio OTlCEAn,appatn will 1111 be mule foi. the pardon of HUGH CONOI.LY and DMAIEL Zde(lAltßY, courictol of rtoetving stolen goods. 1i01970 ELERNLk OR RUPTURE. Hernia or Rupture eared. Hernia or Rupture curet!. Kenzie' or Rupture cured. Benito or Rupture cured. Uorida or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cared. Minis or Rupture eared. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rapture orHentla .eureiL Marsh's Radical Curs Truss. Ritter , . Patent Truss. Fitch , . Supporter Truce. SeLf•Adsusting Truis. Dr. Bannlpres . Laoo or Body Brace, An beware or Frolansus Uteri. Plles, Abdominal an Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. S. S. Flt Sliver-Pletted Supporter. Pile Props. for the support and care of Piles Mauile Stockings for weak and 'melees, veins. . Elastic Knee Caps, for weak knee Joints Ankle Supporters, tor weak knee joints Suspensory BandagTs., 3/ELF-INJECTING SYRINGES. SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES. SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES ( SELF-INJECTING SYRINGES) Also, every kind of syringes..' Sold at Dr. KEYSE&'S, 140 Wood SUSPENSORY BANDAGE . SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, SUSPENSORY BANDAGES, A dozen afferent kinds At Dr.; KEYSER'S, 140 Wood Street MI lir Drag Store, No. 140 WOOD STREET, o the Goiden Mortar. Persons writing for Trnase should send the number of Inches around the body, =I lanaleAtately over the rupture. W DR. KEYSER will give Ills personal 'atten tion to the application of Trusses in adults and children, and he Is siticied that, with an experience of twenty years, he will be enabled to give satisfac DISEASED LUNGS. There to no doubt whatever that diseases of 61 lunge, or nloeisvl whatever sort, on any of the In- Vernal organs may be, and are frequently cured, and • complete condition of health established. It the elaborative Panctions. of which the stomach is the, primary and moat Important one, are restored to a condition to do the repairing of the human system, ulcervor sores, 'rather upon the lungs, the liver, the kidney s or the bowels, or upon the lens, as la frequently the cake, can be made to heal, mid a corn , plete standard of health re-established We haie frequently teen these results:from the nee of Dr. KEYSER'S LUNG CURE, a pleasant and agreeable medicine, wbich will ripen up and carry out of the animal economy all effete and used up material. Dr. K. sari that be ku knowi.the most distressing an tnirstisinitongtis, whoie vitora; Ovum would threatia to shake tie whole eenstlta tloa to pieces, removed la the coarse of a few days In long standing cases of oonsumption, or of otbe sometimes fatal. but always troublesome sad =no, Ins maladies, known as Wank, 4:kiosk bronekitts, ersehltis or ph►ryasitL, it L► wonderful ►lleri► *tad medicine In the former and are me a 14 latter disease. MITICSIVII • LIIIMI 0171111 IS minium at 5011111 . 01 , TIIII 1108 T VALVABLI PLAN TBATID ELBE KNOWN TO DB INIZIPIITiANDINTILASITS IN ALL DES*. suonAtio' SBA:WA or 'lnimix BLOOD. and 'whilst. it' 'adds to iti oMsini, it at ihe 'ianis time ittlmulatia, gently but effeettvely, the skin, 'the apl:w73 thttieys, the Ilrer.and the giant/sr system to anal. dent action to enable the body to take on healththl action aad eradicate the dimealie. The lick and at. dieted should bear twitted the virtues of this great medicine, and 11 those who are sufficiently alive to the hnioPtence of health, will resort to It In the beginnlng„ot a cough or cold, there would be no falling Into 'declines And rapid consumption, hopelesoly innurable and so moil surely fatal. t Bold by the gross, dozen or single bottle, at Dr. Keyser's Great Medicine Store; DR. KEYBER'S RESIDENT OFFICE for L EXAMINATIONS AND THE TREATMENT OBSTINATE CHRONIC DISEASES, 1o PEN • • 11 . 1 ; RZET, rITTsIIUMAH, PA. (Mice hours holt 9 A 4 M. Until 4 P. lf. Ramat 31 15084 MEDICAL. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia oared. Rupture or Bennis eared. BoOruro or Hernia cured. Rapture or Hernia eared. Rupture or Rends cured. Rupture or Hernia eared. A dozen different kinds A dozen different kinds 140 Wood Street. RAILROADS. ITTSBURGH andaggpm A. CONNELL3VILLE L. it. On and after TUESDAY. Noyember.l7ol. 113611 trains wlli arrive at and depart from tee Depot ctn. nee of Grant and Water streets. IS follows: - Depart. Arrtos. Misfit° and from Unlont'n. 7:00 A. M. 6:00 P. McKeesport Ac - coramodt , n.ll:oo A. st. 2:03 P. PC, Ex. to and from Untont'n. 3:00 p. Y. 10:10 A. Mei West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 F.M. 8:35 A. M, Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P. M. Night Acc. to McKeesport./0430 P. Y. 6:45 Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton...—. 1:00 P. Y. 10:00 A. IV For tickets apply LO J. R. RINO. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. nc2o =GE of TIME. ENT VALLEY TtAILROAT On and after MONDAY November oth, 186 TWO TRAINS.DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Sta. tion, corner ofEleventh and Ptke street for Frank. lin, Oil City, Buffalo, and all points In the 011 Re• glom r,,xAvx mum:MGM lAItRIQL ftr 1 . 17113131:1108. Mall ...... 7:15 a miDiall 5:40 pln. Express 7:10 A m !Express .... 13:30 a rit Brady's B'd Ac 3:00p m Bradys Ac 10:30 ant Ist Soda Works I Ist Soda Works AccomocPn.. 10:50 ami Accomoda'n. RAO ant Sid Soda Works ' .19d Soda Works Accomod'n 5:00 pm i .Accomoda'n. 4;40 p Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. n. Ab rive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 Passengers taking express train' have but one change of care between Pittsburgh. Buffalo and 013 Regions. Mail and Express Trains stop only at principal points Mixed Way and Accommodation trains stop at ail stations. L T THOMAS K. BIND, Ars`t. Sup't. W. FoSTER•HOPE, TleketAgent. nog • - go'l T TSBIIRGH,MENNIA CINCINNATI AND ST. 11/E1 RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. GRAMM OF TlNE.—tin end atter 81111 DAT. Nov:22d, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at Deo Union Depot, ea follow., Pittsburgh time: Mail Exprin Fast Line - Fast .Eapress Mixed Way McDonald 'a Aeolis, No. 1.. Steubenville Aocommod'n. McDonald"s Acc'n, I.l ‘ o. 3.. /Er 2;5S F. Y. Expreu will leave daily. - 1g :13 P. w. Mall will ani ye daily. The 10:13 a. in. Train LeAves.dally, Sundays az. cepted, and makes close connections al-Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandinsky, Mansfield a Newark R. R. 8. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Surot., Steubenville,. Ohio. noZ I Ptilolloll, PORT W AYNE & CHICAGO ' W. AND CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH B. B. L Prem . Dec. 20th 1868, tralnk will leave from and arrive at the irmon Depot, north side, Pitta burgh city time, asfellows: • Leave. ! Arrive. Chicago Ex_ .. 3:03 a m Chicago Ex... 51:13 aan Erie & rgn Ain 7:38 am' Chicago Ex.. .11:58 a m CI. & 0:28 a *Wheeling Ex . . 11:13 a at Chicago Mail.. 6:58 am, Crest:hie Mall:. 3:53p m Chicago Ex.... 10:08 a mei:lca:o Ex.... 4:38 p m Cl. & Wirg Ex. 2:23 pm,Cleveland Ex 4:08 pm Chicago Ex,- 2:43 pm !Erie & Yg'n Ex 6:13 pm W'e &Erie Ex. 4:113 prt,lCl. & Wh'y Ex 6:58 p M De art from' Allegheny. i Arrive in Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a m'N. Brigt'n Ac: 7:03 a Leetsdale "g 10:28 a m N. • Brigt'n " 8:28 a m • " 11:58 am New Castle " 10:33 aln Bochester " 1:33 pm,Leet"sdale " 9:13 a m Leetsdale Ace. 3:58 pm 1:08 p m N. Brlgt'n " • -5:33 pra N. Brigt'n " 3:43pm N. Brigt`n " . 6:28 pnilLeepdale " 4:53 pm Leetsdale " .10:43 pm " 7 :/ 8 7711 Leetsdale Bun- Leetsdale Pun day Church... 1:13 pm i day t.hurth..- 9:58 ata gar 9:43 p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. air 11:58 A. 331. Chicago Express arrive A¢ily .dezi F. B. MYERS, General Ticketnt. . . . . -VEN N S Y LVANIAMENNE n CENTRAL , RAILROAD. and after Nov, 213th. 1868, Trains will ar. rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. epart. Mail Train.... 1:30 am Day Express.. 2:30 6 tii Fast Line ... ... 2.40 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 sat Wall's No. ... 620 a m 3lall Train 8:16 ant BrintonAcen. 7:50 a m "'Cincinnati Ex 12:15 pm Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am Wall's No. 2.. 11:28 asa Cincinnati Ex. 9:40 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:25 pm Johnstown Ac.10:35 a m Braddock' Nol 4:20 p M Baltimore Ex. 1.45 p m Phila. Express 5:10 pm Phila. Express 9:05 pm t Wall's No. 8.. s:2opm i Wall's No. 8... 1:30 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:15 DM Braddock& No,l.- 5:50 p in Fast Line 7:50 pin Wall's No. 4. 7:25 pm Wail's Imo. 5.. .1.1:012p nt Way Passen'r.lo:2o p m - The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:06 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and snit es at Wall's Station at 9:00 p. m. • Cincinnati Express leaves dai y. AR other trains daily except Sunday. - For further information apply ,o • W. Hr BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Cmparrywill not mi• some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap• parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All- Baggage exceeding that. amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, tin-, less taken by special contract. . EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, General Superintendent, Altoona; ra, ''. no= • 'VESTERN PENN-MINNIE SYLVANIA -MLL- E. AD.—Un and after r. ov. 220, 1508. the' Pas. renter Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ran. , , road will arrive at and depart from the Federal' Street Depot, Allegheny City, as foll o w.: , No _ part. Snringd'e No I 5:40 a m Mail 7:00 alll Freeport No. 1 8:20 a m Freeport No.l 9:15 aZS express 10:40 a m Sharpb'g No.111:20 a m. Sharpleg No.l .1:25 pmi Express 2:45 pm Freeport N 0.2 4:00 p m Springd'e Nol 3:20 5:55 p m Freeport N 0.2 5:20 p Springd`e No 2 8:45 D Snringd'e No 2 7:109m Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jima. 'every Sunday at 7:40 a. m.,reaching Allegheny City at 9:50• a. m. Beth:mi.:, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 m. and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at 3:45 p. m. CowssirraviOw Tioireve—For sale In packages I I Twenty ,_between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett,l'ine Creek, Etna and Sharpsbarg s and good only on the trains stopping at Stations ape. cilled on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City 'at 7:00 a. ms .I - make direct connection at Freepon with Walker s ; line oft3tages Or Butler and Hannah, town. Through tickets may be purchased at th. Office No. 3 St. Clair street near th e Suspenstot Bridge Fittsbnrsik and at the ' Depot, Allegheny For farther information apply to ;" • JAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as. ~ same any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ay. parel, and limit their resp onsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. less taken, try special contrsot. _-11DWARD H. WILLIAMS. no'M Gen.Yal Suneriatendent, Altoona. Pa. Mt 3 S ill a TE. HILL MCI PACIFIC lIATIAVATI Eastern Division. Tnt# SHORTEST Aim mask. tams' te from the Fait to all palate la ..Colorado, f Nevada, California, Crab, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon. . Two Trains Wain! State Line an Leacentrart daily, (EhOulays exceptejr the arrival of man* • Pacific Railroad from St.. mils, and Hannibal and Pit: Jo Railroad front - cy, oonnectin• at Law. renew yombe and Waxman with . slaw,' for all Rln Kansas. At end of track men of Elise 7 with the UNITED tiTATICa EXPRESIiat tqi DAILY LINE OF. OVERLAND ADD WRENS COACH= FOR DE7NVER4 SALT And an Points in the Territories, And with SANDE:MONIS Tavwszsrsr-vcos of COACHES for Fort Union. Bent , s Port, Pus, Alba. Nnerqne, Banta Ye, and all points In Arbon* and ew Mexico. With the recent fidditions of rolling" stock . and equipment" , and the arrangements made with sponsible*Overland Transportation Lines front its western terminus, this road now offers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Far West. - Tickets 'for sale at ell the principal offices In the United State( and Canada& ;: Be sure and ask for • SI. kete Via THE SHOHE RILL ROUTS, .11E10bl pat? IC RAILWAY EASTERN DIVISION. Ekinerzt Prelgbt and ticket Agent STEAMSHIPS, O LIVERPOOL ANDA T QUEENSTOWN. TEA : INMANMAIL sTaansatims. • -Nirmbertn g sixteen nrst-elass vessels, 'Tong awl/ tb a celebrated CITY OF PARIS L CITY OF ANTIC - Err, CITY OF BOSTON. CITY OF BALT/MORA CITY OF LONDON. ' Balling EVERY SA.TURDAY,. from Pier 48. North River, New York. For passage or farther informs: , lion apply to BINGHAM, Jr. ' iro.7irra STREET. (Chronicle 8und1e5.688,47 .688,47 Oposite rost Veloe. g , 1 impart . . 10,16:6 3:13 a. m. 16:13 a. 61. 10:13 a. m. 1:33 p. A:5B p. m. 12:1616M : 6:43 a. m. 6:43 p. 11:26 a. m. Boa p.m. 3:36p.m. 948 a. m. 6:06 p. m. 3:16D. 118 Waskiiagto A. ANDERSON, GeLend tangerintendent .1. WEBSTER.