Eig iittoDur#Zairitt.. FAR3I, OARDE.N AND HOUSF:IOiT,Ii• At the annual meeting of the Ohio Wool Growers' Association a resolution was adopted declaring that the interests of the Ohio woof growers are in opposition to the renewal of, what is known as the Canadian Reciprocity Treaty, and that our Repre i sentatives in Congress be urged to oppose in every , feature the introduction of uri taxed foreign Wools, to the exclusion of Wool gown fromjour own flocks. _ Also a iesoluton that w 01-growing is an impor tant, aid ihould remain an essential, feature of agriculture in that State; that the present depression of this interest is owing to causes temporary in flieir nature, an furnish no good reason for the &orifice f flocks arid the-abandonment of „their bus ess to those who have for years been proll bly engaged therein, ABOUT twenty yearsago the Smithsonian • Institute - embarked in a series' of experi ments testing the practicability of neutraliz ing the poison of snakes, founded purely on a chemical basis, whith developed great re sults. - The fact was illtistrated that the poi son'of venomous rattlesnake can be'neutralized in an incredibly short time. After the most extraordinary regalia from all • the experimmits_witnessed, there was pro mulgated from the Institute,-at the tima above mentioned, the followig simple but certain cure for snake hites, and for the sting of all kinds of insects: Thirty grains of lodide Potassium. 'Thirty, grains of lodine. One ounce of water. Applied externally to the wound by satur . sting lint or batting—the same to be kept moist with the antidote until the cure be ef fected, which will be in one hour,, and sometimes instantly. The limb bitten should be corded tight to prevent Circulation. The liquid should be kept .hi - a vial, 'with a glass stopper, This simple remedy can be obtained at any drug store, and costs but a trifle. Every \ fatally might keep a vial-of 'treat; ahead. !Trutt gatfferers may feel some security in havingit about them. Hunters and-fisher men may not find it inconvenient to go :forth thus prepared for "the mishap of the lhour."---(lhrtnera Home Jc;urnal. "OnArs-SICCED" manna. Some years. agoa man liVed ia this viern." - ity who had.kept livery stables both in New York and Philadelphia, and he owned one Of the poorest grass farms you would wish see, but well watered. He would buy horses in those Cities from' gentlemen that kept but one horser-horses that had a good ' •deal of work on the road, as family horsed, and were fed very'highly of grain, and had been in the city some four, six or• mare -ears and were what horsemen cidled grain. killed. He would bring _them up generally in the spring, and let them ran at pasture, .and I have seen from sii=to ten hortiekin a field for -weeks together, where you could not see a green thing, unless some weed or brier that the horses would not eat. He • would keep them' jUst, alive for. eight:twelve or more months, as the case might tie, but at least eight months, and put them in the .stable about Egimutry 45th - or •.litareh Ist, having let them run - in the barnyard after- -snow came but housed - from -storms. He - wolild - begitileeding a few carrots' at first, and then add grain after being ground, but never feeding *very highly, and in a few . weeks the horses would :ook hill, with amooth Oita 'and well-fifled 'between the i ribs, and in May or June he, would take them back to the city and sell them just ai hot sea from the_country—the old owners, -olten baying. the -horse• tbersold, because the horse could not eat grain enough to look, as fine and soft coated as he did when he re- turned to the city, when atyasture or in the 'yard. At thie farm the horse was kept just alive, but had little or 'no work. I tried it on one or more horses I have owned, and found it, very, beneficial, especially to horses, that were oven ten years of age. I'think 'that eight quarts of grain given to a horse, after some six Months of this treatment, will have a better effect on the looks of the hair, and feelings or life of the horse; than twelve or fourteen quarts did beibre; remeniber, I speak from facts.. 'Fop look at-coach horses, in your city, which you know have been there six or eight years, with a good deal of work, and the coachman allowed to feed all. the grain he choosea; and 'also a little hay, and see if I am not sustained in what write. - Grain-billed horses tire always gaunt be tween the ribs; the hair stares and looks dead, "and , the feels • hard and dry; the horse is dull , and stupid—not playful, and looks sleepy about the eyes. Treat him as T say, and, my word for it, in a few :months he_will.be his old self, playful at the - -baiter, prompt 'to the' bit, and look sleek. To, give less grain, more damp hay or green food, carrots, potatoes or something of that _kind in moderation is my idviee and pray" tice.—James Thompson, Bose Hill, in " Corn= -try Gentlrnatt.. cookm? FOOD FOB tWINE. Thomari:l-4dge, of 'Chester county, Pa., one of the best farmers of "that excellent farming district, in answer to the inquiries -of'the editor . of the . Practical Farmer, gives that paper a report of his experi ments, Which'catinot fail to be read with interest by.all engaged in making pork: , My first experiment was with old corn, in three forms, viz: shelled - and fed whole; ground and Made into slop With cold water, and ground 'and thoroughly cooked. The pigs, five in number, were from the same litter, and were the produce of a good common sow crossed with,a Berkshire hoar. In each ease the food was given them as fast as consinned, and all possible care taken tonvpid any waste, or. irregularity of feed ' big; in every case of a change.of tbod three days was allowed betore the weighing for the experiment, in order that the effect pf a sudden and entire, change of diet might not effect the result. - : ; , I found that five bushels of whole corn. ; made" 47i pounds of pork, - Five bushels (less miller's toll) of corn, ground ataniade IMO thick, slop with cold water, make 5 , 13- pounds of pork. The same amount of meal, Well boiled and fed cold, made 83} pounds of pork. - With' the whole - corn the pigs had the slops from the kitchen (no bilk), • and for drink the boiled mush, one or two quarts were thinned with cold water or slap from the house; in each case the house slop was used in some form or other, but all the milk was reserved for small pigs. The fifteen bushels of corn cost $1.30 per bushel, and you will notice that while the pork made from the whole barely paid for the corn,that from the same amount of ground corn cooked. paid the whole cost of the corn and a little more than one dollar per puska 'ever, and -that the economy of grinding and making int o slop will fully warrant the extra trouble .and expense. How could it be otherwise, when tile whele economy of profitable . feed ing consists in bursting . or breaking the fn.. .digestililo hunt Which `'encloses;_, the ntintit . o particles of the food ? - • In the above experiment the data rizef based noun pork, t $l4 per cwt., and corgi,' at $l.BO per bushel, but it will. apply as well othelPrices. - Another correspondent of the sante paper,' in speaking of the value of potatociNieet c o OkertfoX i lidZEi s IVA I'7/4'l "rtd ieleraonBtrated ray own •factionVi4itlx the use of a atetitner and careful Neighing, that while five bushels of boiled mush (hasty -pudding) wtlimake eighty-four pounds of pork, three bushels of meal and and five of potatoes will make seventy-two and one-half pounds of pork. Ido not wish to be understood that the five bushels of po tatoes made the extra twenty-two and one half pounds, but merely state that under similar circumstances the two combined prp- , 1 duced the result. VSEFUL RECIPES -Eggs and Potatoes.--Remove the skins from some boiled Irish potatoes, and when perfectly cold cut them up in small pieces about the size of a grain of corn, and season with salt and pepper. To a quart of pota toes thus prepared take the yolks of six eggs and the whites of three, and beat them well together; have some butter in a frying pan, and when its is melted put in'the potatoes; when they are quite hot stir In the eggs, and continue stirring, so as to mix them well with the potatoes; and until the eggs are set; then pepper and send them to the table in a hot dish. Corn Bread.—Take one pint of corn meal, one pint of flour; put into your flour two tablespoonfuls of cream tartar, one of.soda, - ' one teaspoonful of salt; and nib in a piece of lard or other shortening, the size of an egg. Have two eggs well beaten, *with one large spoonful, of sugar; stir it'- into your flour, meal, &c., with snfficierit Water to make it about the consistency Of a pound cake, and if your cream tartar and soda are good it will be as light as sponge cake. Bake it in cups or buttered tins. We found by exper iment that it is much better for corn bread and biscuit to sift your cream tartar and so da dry with your flour. -The effervescence lakes place in the flour, when you add your milk or water and'makes it as light as a cork. Spiced Belf--Take - a plece of beef from' the fore-quarter, weighing ten pounds. Those who like fat should select a fatty piece, those who prefer lean may take the shoulder clod, or upper part of the fore leg. Take one pint of salt, one teacup of molas ses or brown sugar, one tablespoonful of around cloves, allspice and pepper, and two table spoonsful of pulverized saltpeter. Place 'the beef hi a deep pan; rub with' this mixture: Turn and rube each side twice a day for a iveek. Then wash off the spices; put in a pot of boiling water, add as often as it,boils hard, turn in a teacupful of cold water. It must simmer for five hours on the back part of the stove.: When cold press under heavy weight, and you will never desire to buy corned beef of the butcher again. Your plekle will do 'for another ten pounds of beef, first rubbing into it a handful of salt, It can be renewed and a piece kept in preparation every Any. This has been used many,years bV the writer, and is good to, pickle tongues fresh from thelniarket.--Sprinteeld Bepubllean. Boiled'Pigeons a /a Crapadine —After having plucked, singed and turned in the claws, slice the pigeons almost through from the tail and flatten them without breaking the bones. Make a marinade dressing com posed of the best oil, parsley, scallion ' and minced mushroork seasoned with salt and pepper. Lay the pigeons in this 'sauce and cause, them to absorb the utmost possible, strew them with bread crumbs and cook them on a gridiron at a gentle fire, sprink ling' them •with the[rest of the marinade. When they have attained a handsome color, arrange- ou a dish and pour over them a sauce made of soup-stock and white wine seasoned with parseley, onion. and minced mushroom, in , whiCh are mixed the livers of the pigeons cut in little slices.Petie Journal. - • - SPECIAL NOTICES arMATITEIOOD AND THE VIGOR OF:YOUTH restored In four weeks. Suc cess guaranteed. DR. RICORIPS ESSEN CE. OF LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever cause 'arising; the:effects of early pernicious habits, self- Abuse, impotency - and climate give way -at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly accord ing to the directions,(which are very simple, and require -no restraint from' business or pleastire.) Failure is impossible. Sold in bottles at s3,* or four quantities in one for $9. 'To be had onlv of the sole appointed agent in America, R. GERITZEN, 205 Second Avenne..New York. - 1et3:16.1-prs . tag - PHILOSOPHY OF MAR RIAGE, a new 'Conn:era' Lectures. as de livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the subjects: How to IlVf and What to live , for: Youth, Matnrity•and Old Age; :Manhood genets, uliv reviewed; the cause. of indigestion, flatulence ana'nereons diseases accounted for; Marriage rihil ozophically consideted,•:Sce, Pocket volufnug con taining these lectures will be, torwarded , toparties unable to attend on receipt of four stamps ; by ad dressing SECHETARY. New York Museum of Anat omy and lclence, 618 Broadway, New York.l. • je13:165-M . / igrIIATCHELOWS- RAID DYE. , This splendid Hair Dye is - the 'best In the world; the only true and perfect Dyetharmless, instantaneous; _no disappointment; no .ridlculous time; remedies 'the' ill effects of bad dyes; invlgo r*des and Mares the' Hair soft. and beautiful. black ,or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumera; and properly applied at Batchelor's Wig Factory, No, 16 Bond street. New-York. at,Z.sipN (igr. GUIDE TO MARRIAGE. •ng Men's Oulde tcr Happy Marrldge and Conjugal Feifctty. The humane views or benevol 'lent Physicians, on the Errors mad- Abuses incident to Youth, and *arty. Manhood. 'tat In sealed letter envelopes, free of. hurge. Addre.ss-HOW ARO AS -S9CIATION. PAlladelphia. Pa. znyilholstT AUCTION SALES . - BY IL 11:11111TH8ONA 00. - 800111, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR THE' IitILLION. . SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 . AND 57 PIT T$ , . , Messrs. H. SMITHSON &CO.Orroprletors of the well known MaminOth Auction House are urea-- tint/4qm excltiment consequent npon the arrival of new goods which are, being wild at remarkable low twice's. Goods of every variety; the. finest 'sewed b otr' the most, fashionable balniortil gaiters and anklel shoes.. slippers, ote., ' blankets, flannels. cloths: cassimeres. cutlery and carpets. Call and examine. - o trouble to show. goods. , • LedlW. misses , . and children's furs at almost your own prices. All roods warranted as represented' no?.1 BY IL /VIMINE. SSIGNEE'S SALIR, No. :IS Dia mIiND,•• LEASE--510N ri AY AFTEt N 00N, Aen .17 U. at fa o'clock. will he sold the premises, by order JAMES W. MUltitA.Y. Assignee all the right. title 'and interest of B. SITTTONIn lease oft helot and frame buildings. No. 78 VI cast; aide of D ;am nd. Second. Ward. Atlegbeny city; the lot rronting 15 fret on Diamond. and running back 38 feet; the least having five years to run front Septem ber 13 , , 1805. at 1113ZEnal Peat of stBo, paYable quarterly; and subject to ail the terma and condi tions of said lease. ' '• Terms cirtstw:roksession given immedlatelY.' . 001 A. 31CILWAINE. Auctioneer. C ONNELLSVILLE R. R. BONDS,BA NW STAMM, TBANISPORTATION, 4 1 i c. uesdaz.Evennw. -January I.2th at 7;i o'clock, will be- , sold on iineotot Floor of Commercial Sales D4)011.141. 100 mingle's! street. - 01.100 Corthellseille Railroad Bonds, Turtle Creek dtvlslon shares Plttahor Ens - tugs Bank. 10' . tt - ecOull National Clank. 4U. - . Central Transportation Co. . jaw . A. McW,WAINIt. Auctioneer. A UCTBOV SALE OF HOSPITAL Ary„. BEDDING AND CLOTHING. .t.I3sIPT.,:t;ST'u7tDICAL Ftntrk.TOlVA OFFICE, WASItmeTON, D. C., JalttlarY 0 1 060, I Wlll be .onl at purple. nuollon, In Me c ity, at the trlullehtre •etinnto Warehoise, IC Street. between Fou _a and lift,, - street!, on WEDNESDAY, the 20thday ofJanuary next. dt 10 o'clock. A. , the 'toqu.ring articles at HOSPITAL, BEDDING and VIAVFIIING, no tonger required for the use of the 110 tea. Department, viz 6 : oo o,lmirs of liilppers. • • , 12 OUtt Vans. • • 5,0110 Gowns. 5.000 pairs of Socks., 10,000 Drawers. _ 10.00021111n5. ' 2 800 Beusacks 1.500 Straw Mattresses. - • , , 5,0110 tiets Slam uitoßar Frames.- 5.000 Counterpanes. 8.000 Lin. u'Sheets, 5,0(10 Pillow. • : l'Vth a very f mall except/on the nbore goods are `ftll,..4erri. and hnve never teen used. Tiles; . xrctiiiots to suit both large and email pnachasers erms cash In Government funds. • ro(!) days will he ailowed to parties purchasing Attftoie,thelr property, ' CHARLES SUTHERLAND, a.stent Medical Purveyor, BTU Vol, 1.1. b. A, , 'PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TirgSDAY, JANTYARY 12, ISM. ,•al a) fo E 0 z ; • • N C. MITT' •THE FIRST. MORTGAGE . : THIRTY YEAR•, SIX PER CENT CIOLD BONDS Central Pac,ific\ Railroad Co These Bonds are the ditty authorized and accredi ted obligations of one of the moat responsible Corpo rations of the 'American Continent, and are secured by an absolute first lien upon the valuable itfautS, franchises. rayroad equipment, business, etc., of the be., t portion of the Great National Pacific Railroad Line, extending esstwardly from the navigable waters of the Pacific Cnast to the lines now rapidly building from the Eastern , They. hUar Six per eat. Interest per annum In gold, AND BOTH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ARE EXPRESSLY MADE `•PAYABLE IN JUNI (rED STATES GOLD • The semi•annual Coupons are unable, July let and Janusry let In New York City. • • .The puichnser Is charged the accrued, Interest from the date of the last paid Coupon, at the Cult- RENCY'RATE ONLY. This issue of Bonds constitutes one of the LARG EST AND MOST POPULAR CORPORATE LOANS of the country.'and therefore will be constantly dealt in. The greater portion of the loan is now In the bands of steady Investors: and It is'prdbaide that before mans - months, when the Howl Is completed and the loan closed, THE BONDS WILL BE EAGERLY SOUGHT FOE AT THE HIGHEST BATES.. They are Issued ONLY AS THE. WORE PRO GRESSES, and to the time extent only as the IL S. Subsidy Bonds granted by the Governm-nt to the Pacific Railroad Companies. Nearly FIVE HUNDRED MILES of the road are now built, and the limiting Is well advanced on two Hundred and fifty miles additional. - 1. The TEIROCON LINE ACROSS TUE CONTI NENT will be completed by the midd: e ol next year, when the Overland travel will be very large.' • The local business alone, upon the completed por tion, is so heavy, and so advantageous, that the gross earnings average MORE THAN A QUARTER OF A MILLION IN GOLD PER MONTH, of which 33 per cent. only a required for operating ex penses.l The net profit upon the Comppny's business on the completed Donlon. is about double the amount of annual interest liabilities to be assumed thereup. on, and will yield a SURPLUS OF NEARLY A 3IILLION IN GOLD after expenses and interek are paid—t Ted ft the through connection were not made. • The best lands, the richest mines. together with the largest settleme3t and nearest markets,• lie along this portion of the Pacific Railroad, and the FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS thereon will be proportionably great. . Frum these considerations It is submitted that the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FONDS, secured by a First Mortgage upon so proinctlye a property are mon. the nia.,t,promising anct roils bfe secaritlea now offered. \o-better Bonds can be made. - . A portion of the rentalner of this Lonn Is novr of fered to Investors. / At 103 Per Cent. „and Accrued Interest, in/Currency The Bonds are 0(11,000 each: -os'-The Corr:lpar y reserve/the right to advance the price - at any .time; hut all orders actually in iranaitu at the time otanc inch advance . vrilikbe titled at present price. jAt This time they pay more than B per cent. Upon, the investment, and have, from National and 'tate laws, guarantees peculiar to themselves. We receive 'all classes of Governinent Bonds at their full "market rates, in exchange fbr the Central Pacific Railroad Bondsi, thus enabling the holders to realize from 5 TO 10 PER CENT. PROFIT, and keep the principal of their investmeut equally secure, . Diders and inquiries will receive prompt atten tion. Information, Descriptive Pamphlets, etc., giving 11tH account of the Organization, Progress, Business and Prospects of the Enterprise furnished on application. Bonds sent by rettlu Express at our cost. • Subecriptlons 'received br Dante and Bankers Agents for the Loan, throughout the Enttetl States Canada and Eurore, and bY JAMES T. BRADY & CO,, Pittsburgh, ROBINSON naos., . do.• S. MeCLEAN & CO., do: NATIONAL SAYINGS BANII, .All descriptions of. GOVERNMENT SECU RITIES BOlitiliT4 SOLD Or RXOIIANGED at our office,' and ,by, Mall and Telegraph, at MARKET RATES. ',Accounts of . Banks, Bankers and others re cetred and favorable arrangements made for desira ble accounts. FISK & HATCH, BANKERS AND DEALERS I'S GOVERNMENT . SECURITIES, and FINANCIAL AGENTS OF TEE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAIL ROAD COMPA.NT, No. 5 Mamma Rtroet. New York pROCILkIIIATION. CIFY OF ALI,EOIIIITY, SS: :In accordance-with the Act of Assembly incorpor ating satd City of Alleglomy, and the aereral su• elements thereto, SIMON unum, Mayor of sol p d city, do Watt this my Proclamattoa, that on the Second. Tuesday of January, A. D. 1869, Tieing the IRith dav of said month, ti , e freemen of said city. qualified to vote for meinbers of the Flout,e of itefirei.eittal Ives of this edmmonwealth, 11101 meet and by ballot elect:— - One pa*sou to serve es Director of roar of Said Mao, on the same d•fy, the qualified electors of the various Wards of the clty will elect by balbb mem br vs of Cffinctle, as foll Firbt Ward—Two member* of Common Council. Second Ward—Three members of Common-Council. Third Ward—Ponrmernhcrs of C :mon I:ouncil. Fourth Ward—Four member! of Common Council. Fifth Ward Two members of Common Ccpunen. 1'41..13 Ward—Two members bf Onninon Seventh Ward—Two members of Common Council. Eighth Watd—Two members of Select Connell and two members of Common Council. Eueh of whom shag he qualified to servo as mem bers, of the House of Representatives of this' Com monwealth, reanimate or ;he' Wards in which they shall be elected; and qualified voters therein. At the election tom. hela as afuresuid, on THE'S DAY, the lath day of January, A. 1). 1869. - The elect Or& of the First, shall meet at the Public School house In said Ward. • The electors or the Second Ward shall meet at the Public School House In said Ward. The electors of the Fir•t ' Precinct -of the Third -1 11 , v ' a a i r i tIshali meet atihe Pu idle School House in bald The elect Ors of the Second :Precinct of the Third Ward shall Meet at the lt mart of Col, George on the corner of East lane and street. 'file electors of the Firet Precinct, of the From!' Ward shall meet at the Saudushy Street Public School 'lonic. The elect 'lonic.- of the Second Precinct of-the Fourth Ward shall meet et the house of John Gordon: cor ner of Chestnut and Main streets. -- • The electors r f the Fifth Ward shall meet at the Public School Moue, corner of Chartierd and Pay the str ete.. The electors of the Sixth Ward shall meet at the Public School House, corner of Chartlerd and Junl atil_strir - , ' he electors of the Seventh Ward shall meet at the Lutz Muse, In said ward ' Tee electors of the 'Eighth Ward shall meet at the Public School Route et said Ward. testimony whereon have hereunto set my hand and seal Of the City of Allegheny t CL. B. tills second day of January. In the year og our 11, , rd ono thousand eight hundred and slaty-nino. ,' 4~] GOOD NEWS. 011E/LP BREAD 1151 DEAR TIMM Enquire fer WARD'S Bread, T 1 e Isigeet end beet.' The initials' 'pl. W." on aTei.9 loaf. Wake Ache glee. - etatTra OF THE SIMON DRUM, Mayor. '• 1 4* quaLtris RADta.it 'OR Raz. - I ti THF~,I ? i6T~i COURT OF UNITED ST.iTES, fsr the Western District 0 Pennsylvania.. • , OLIVER' ADAMS FOR SALE. Acre at Woods Bum - 1 • 4 Acres and House b East Liberty. 8-Acres, unimproved, on Troy Hill. 2 Acres on Oreensburg Pike. • 5 Acres on Four line Bun Boa' 1.4 Alla &tie P. C. R. 11. 70 Acres near P. P. W. &C.R. E. , 118 Acres near Pa. R. Westmoreland oounty, 90. Acres at Hill Side Stat:ten. PB. B. It. 4- Farms in Preston county, "%Vest Virginia 185 Acres In Armstrong county, 'underlaid with coal. • • 108 Acres and good improvements, in Trumbull 3ounty.olno. 900 A res of Timber land, with Saw BIM and dwellings. House and Lot on Center AVenue, near Kirk patrick. , House and Lot on Virroy street. House and Lot In East Liberty. House and Lut in Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll streeL Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver avenue. 2 Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap. on Vine street. 2 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. • • 2 Houses and Lot on (Lotst House of 9 Rooms and 2 on Roberts St. Farms In Illinois, Missouri and West Virginia. Coal Lards In Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette and Beaver counties ( Penns: • he 2 Houses of 9 Rooms in the 17th ward; rent 'ZOO 3 do. of 3 do. do. 17th do. do. 144 2 ao. of 3 do. do. 12th do. do.' 156 2 do. of 0 do. do. do. Au. . 300 1 do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. do.. 300 1 do. of 0 do. do. 2d do.. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th eo. ' do. 192 1 do. of 5 do. do. 6th do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 do. do. 17th ' do. do. 16d 1 do. o! 7" do. do. 2ld du. 1 do. of 6 do. Grant street. verye Houses good tenants for rent will be rented low to good for the balance of the ren-. tal year APPLY AT D. P, HATO'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. no7:018 2 000 0()0' A "" " - - CHOICE LANDS FOR SAFE, BY TR Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying &tong the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, / And on s CREDIT OF FIVE TEAEZ./ For farther particulars, maps, &c. address JOfiN P. DEITJEEIIX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansa Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN. See , y, , 1014: - /Bt. Lon's. Missouri üßLic SALE OF p VALUABL E/COAL WORKS. • / T will off tr at Dahlia sale on. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 530tb, 11569, my COAL WoRES, titoated on the B. t O. R. Je 69 miles east 01 Columbus, at Cent bridge. G•ternsey , county, Ohio, consisting of a lease of 110 Acres of Coal, barieg 99 years to run from June. 1866; vein by{ to 6 feet thick, of good qusit.y, with all necetsary spoon. winces for doing a No. /business. The ale is peremptory, ano the we o .k. will be disposed of to the olghLst WITII9UT RT.SEI.VE. On day of sale alt passenger trains will atop at the Works to let off any partici that May with to attend it. Pot further information amity to or atieress ire at'Volumbus Ohio. 11. L. WILLIAM:, or CROFT tit PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, No. /39 Fourth stzeet, N. B.—lf desired by the vurchaser, a good port'on of coal will be taken in part-Payment. ladut74 VALUABLE GARL A ND PROP. ERTY Volt SALE. A . neat; we'll:milt cottage house. Conveniently arranged and In good order. purtleolti front. wide tall, large parlor, bar win glow. library, marble mantles. chambers. aluln g rtant kltehAn, large cellar', attic taunts. r rte. Lot /00 tett front on Charles ItTeCt• , Py . 200 deer, Concord grape vines. young [run trees, tot est shade trees, a tine 'Mew of the Monongahela river and onmaitiC log country. situate 3 minutes' walk' from street car,, , In desirable halation a' ti good neighborhood. S. CUTHBERT ,tisONs, it 0 143:tanithdelti street. V. 411,1 FOR SALE--Containing -a: 106 ACILES, twos miles northwest of nalem, Wile. Three good Ettgar Camp, Barn. Dwelling Douse,. Carriage flew° and other out buildings. Will exchange for city property. Terms easy.. For MD partic6lara Inquire of SAStUAL PATTERSON.. On the Prettifies de7.1:b75 X„, n roli, SALE TO LET..-11oubes and LOtei for sale In all_parts of the city and ni ths. Also, several FARMS in good locations. Also, n small IVOOLEN . FACTORI O with 20 acres atiand.ond good improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Buslne.sa Douses to let on good streets. Private Dwelling !louses tot tent In both cities. . rot briber trartlenlars inquire WILLIAM WAED, lal2 110 orint street. opposite C.athedraL. LEGAL. TN TIME DISTRICT COURT Alleghe ter Connty. state of Pennsylvania. Par otion le_Equity„ No. 10U, January Term. DIGO Ann Heirship and Agues Holdstup versegJane Campbell, 'Henry Campbell. Edward Campbell. Sam• net 4. sh.elds and Harriet Shields his' 's Jamea C. Pearson and Wm. -Wilson ant Emily Wilson his wlfc, heirsof Jane • ampb..ll; ciec'n: George Knox, rn. Knox, C. Dewey end SArah DriVt y wife. Jame s Krox. - Mari ha Knox. Mrs. A. n Da vidson and J ape K. steAlllater, hePs of Hugh Knox. deceased: Jame.. Knox. George Knox :s and mith Knox. heirs of Wit lam Knox, (RCN]; trallleli Knox, Samuel B. Knox, George. Knor, Ann Armstmng, John IL Kirk, James . Kirk, William F. I: irk, John Marshall and, N:dicy Lis wife Daniel Kieser and Sarah D. his wife, Mrs. Elisabeth-Barnett, Philip Deluich and Mary Ids wife, George F. Kirk, Arran Brooks and Ann U. bin wife, and Willi:tut .M.J.)oty and the Issue of 1:13 wife Jane Doty, aced; Mercy Lowell. George Crownover, John dodge and flu.- nab his wife, James Crow waver. Robert Grownover, Lucretia Peasely, AtmfrLi Skenkle and Almtra Ids wife, Mary Mann, John K. Bennett; Josephine S. Rennett, Isaac J. Bennett. George M.. Ilenn.tt, Isaac Junklnson, Win. D. Frazee and Rebecca 1111 wife, 'Thomas 31Inaliall, George N. P. Minshall and Ityram Minrhall, heirs of Gen, Knox, deed. Heirs at law of Agues Knot - . die's!, latent' the clty of Pittsburgh. DUI flied by plaintiff, for the VllortitiOn or sale of the real estate of Agnes Knox. ere.d, late orthe city of Pittsburgh. Pa, who died In 16154. The real es tate consist- of two lots en Elfth street. (now Fifth , svenneihithe 'city of Pittsburgh, one fronting on Pdthavenufs.abont one hundred feet and on Market street about thirty feet, and the other fronting on Fifth avenue al ley ty.t feet and rtu.nlng back along Market about thirty feet: on which are Theeeemed one brick and three frame buildings. heirs of William Knox, dec'd, who was A. broth er of Agnes Knox, and have the one-tlfth inter, st ir' 'said property, ism unknown. I the of his sons. James, wenn last heart from, dyed ,Uear Cincinnati, I thin. The:defendants above narned are notified and re quired to Niue an apricara.ice to be entered for them in said Court and to - answer add bill, on or before the 414 310,ofigy of Januari.. .180 U. or 14 d arisen thereof the, bill will be tskrn pro con/ ego, and a de cree maalo atralnst them in their absence. ' ' BY oroer of Court, .his the 2:1 day of January. A. A. 1800. . . ...A... ,_ • JACO-1111. WALTER. • • L.B. Prothonotary. : • WHITE & EiLAULK.• janion• • • ___. • Attorneys for Plaintiff. RPRA.N.S COURT MLE.-,BV' . . virtue or an 'order of the Orpbati's Conn of A legheny County will be exposed at PUBLIC SALE 9.11 the prinulsett, tn the city or Pittaburst. on • - / NVEDNIENDAY, JANUARY 27th MD, At 10 o'clock. A. ni., the fallowing deserlbmt real es tate, fate the property of .106/115.1t/' LAFFE.B.TY, deed. all that 110USE : AND LOT ON WYLIE STREET . Bermetn yeib,cm and Chatham Streets, ll:Whir a [rout ef,114 feet on • Wylie street. and extending bark nrese•reing the same width 20 feet ff Inches to an 'they 4 felt .doe; and hasintr erected there,* a three story brick dwelling house with. three story hack building and a brick stable In the Nor. a LlSlifltree lots on Iledlerd avenue, each having a - (rout - of dO rye': tied extending back 100 feet to Poptai idle) a d having erected thert . onllllo (MUM Mid brick tenement bons, to A led; a tenement house it the rear of lota on Poplar ' ALBO. ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 28TH. 1209. A home and It t e a on Huoinsati street. •uetween whieky &trust and Anderson street, In the lroorth ward. Allegheny Cayfaahl lot haVIII if a front et 21 feet 31)1010h on Robinson Street and extending back preserving the same width lit) feet to Steddart's alley; on which is erected a large three story brick dwelling with back building' nod a smaller one ou the rear of lot Oil SE04.1(1111V11 alley Al..Bo—A house and lot adpinining the last des •scrlbed lot. said tot baring a front on Robinson street of 21 feet -3 inches and extending hack ore serving the game width 310 feet. to an alley; on which Is erected a large three story brick dwelling house and a smaller one on rear of lot oil ntothiart'S TERMS OF snr..E.—nu sate of the nrow.rty In Pittatiurgh'ene hal( cash. balance In six month.. 048alexa theproperty in Allegheny city one• third case: halal:mein slx pooths. • • Pureltaseta will be retittlred' to ray one luindied dollaraon•dayof sale' upon -each -piece of protierty bAlaht by , them. . JA)1193 MG:O9:T TII .- • Athnlntatrator. • 'ESTERNDISTRICT OF PENN - SYLVANIA..-sst. At - Pit rgh. the 4th gutsfJan it arrsit 00. The Untie rslgned 'nereby notice of hts appelut 'meat as Assignee of I+AAC Ir. COLIEStr., of Pittsburgh, in the County or Allegheny: Mate of Pennsylvania, within said District, wilt). Ball been adjudged It Bankrupt. upon Ills own petition; by the Lketrtut Courtor said District. _. JOBB 11. BAlLEY...Aseignee. ' )4tV.2 T Attvelady at Lari, 89 Cirdaii, Ono. 14 L tnkrupt . k g r n av n i d n e g r the ?peenedA ct o ib f r C a o s ts n o r f ,e r a March $ all hijdetth:L.ran,...l-tohtehecr,..clrat.inanviicreovisahbelereubnydgeirvesnatido pa A ne c m t i . )e b rnso F . hnerested, ns w h obs . w. e proved their debts, and other appettr'On the 2Syn DAY OF JANUARY, WM. ist 10 o'cloch A. ii., before SAMUEL HARPER.r.sti., Register in Bankruptcy, at h! 016ee, , N0.'93 Dia, - drda I street. to show cause, if any they .haVe. why 'a . I. )hcharge should' not be granted to the sztid Bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given that thCSecond end Third Meetings 4 , f creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 28th sections of said - Act. will be - had be fore the said itegLater, at the same Dine and place. ja9: , 100 S. C. /It:CANDLEN.?, Clerk. THIS. IS TO 'GIVE NOTICE that -A- on the 4th day of January. A. D. 18(9,.a Warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF FERDINAND BUENNEKE, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a, bankrupt on his own petition; that the pesment z ol any debts and delivery of any prOnerty belonging to such bahknipt to him or for his use, and the &mas ter of any property by him are forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the ca editors 'of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or mare assignees or ills estate, will be held office a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holdmi at the of the Regis ter. 'No. 93, Diamond street, Pittsburgh. before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq., Register. On the Ist day of February, A. D, 1860, at ltio'clock A. it. • THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. • REM rrHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That .A- on the Ist day‘of:JantituT, A.D. 1b69, a war rant in Bankruptcy Was issued against the estate of WILLIAM S. FORSYTHE, of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alleghehy and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged ft Bankrupt, on hls own petition: that the payMent of any debts and delivery of any property belongingto such Bankrupt to hint or for .his use, a ed_the transfer of acy property by him, are foal hien by law: that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to ihoUs.: one or more assignees of his estate will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register. No. 03 Diamond street, in the city of Pittsburgh, before SAX lIEL HARPER, Esq , Register, on the 23d day of January, A. D. 1669, at 10 o'clock A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, S. Mars . al, as Messes:. mins IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT on the Stki day of January, A. D. DM% a Warrant in Bantrniitcy Was issued against the ESTATE OF ROBERT A. MORRISON'S Of Allegheny City, in the county rf Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on lila owntietition: that the payment of any debts end delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt totita'or fortis use, and - the trans fer of an , property by him, are forbidden by, law: that ti meeting of the creditors of the said Bank rupt, to pro 'e their debts, and to choose oue or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court eY Ilaukrupte. to be holden at No. 118 Federal street, Allegheny City, Allegheny ,connty, Pa., be fore .11DIN'15. PURVIANCE. Esq : , 'Register, on the 113th day of FebruarY,A. D. 1860, .at 10 o'clock THOMAS-A. ROWLEY, U. S. .llarsbal. as 31essenil MEM ►PIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That LA- on the 4th day of Janunat7,:A. D. 1869, tulTatrant Ilatikrutitcy ivas Issued agaittit the ESTATE OF ISAAC BROOME, ill Allegheny city, in the County of Allegheny. and State of PennsylrantrOsho has beetheljudied a banie rupt, on his Min petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of ally property , belonging to such bankrupt to !timer for hismse.'ari the transfer ofnny property by Wm are forbidden by law; that a tneetint of the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their Aebts, and to choose one , or more assignees of his es tate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden!. at the othce of tue Register. No. 03 mond street. In tile city or rims torgh, before SAM UEL HARPER,. Em.. Register ,on 'the 4th day of, February. A. In 1569. at Ist O'CLOCk.A. 31. THOMAS A. RUW L EY. U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. rrillS IS. TO. GIVE NOTICE'. that on the 41h das• of January, A. p: 1889, a 'war rant Pa bankruptcy Wl3 Issued against the estate of THOMAS WALTER DAY, Of Allegheny city.. lathe county of Allegheny and State of. Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a baikrupt, oa Ills own petition: that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to.lum or for hls•nse, and the transfer of any property by Ilm are forbidden by law; that a 'fleecing 9f the credl.ors-ol the said bac kru pt to procolbeir debts and'ty"clioose one.or snore Asalsrueos of blsestate'..wlll be held at a Court of. Bankruptcy, to be !sullen. at No. 110 Federal ..treet, Allegheny City. Allegheny county, Penna.." before JOH Y. PURI - LANCE. Esq. Register, on the lath day ofFebnsary, A. D. 1580. at 10 o'clock • ' ' THOMAS A; ROWLEY, V. S. Marshal, as Messenger. 1+s::so OAS AND STEAM FITTING TOUN U. 1 :100.1 . 14••.•••.WEI. KAY& IrT2rltY BIWA. jorm rd. COOPER & CO., - • BRASS rorrialEas, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of ruins AND BUMS WUEH o eseu Jesctlptlun,l (lusters In GAB PIXTUtom TllBlritl, or all lauds. I Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets, - PITTSBURGIS ' • . . MVlA:rt AGENTS WANTED.- ' • 810 A DAY.'• TWO $lO 'MAPS FOR $4l. LLOYD'S PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE' MAPS tiF AMERICA AVDEIIIIOpE, AMERJCA AND THE lIINIVLD SPATES .0E" AMERICA.. Colored--ln 4000 Counties.. - These great Maps, norrjust completed show emery place of unportanee, all &threads to date, and the Ittest alterations In the various Enropeair-t These Mapsrire needed In every School and family Rube laud—they ocenpy the space ofene Map, and by means of the Reverser either aide can be thrown front. any any part brought ,e< el to the eye. Conn , ty rIgInS MO large discount given to g •od Agents. Apply for Cireulars. Terms and Sample Map* to LLovres BUREAU, '• , 113 Courtlandt street. N. Y. NITANTED-ON:C0.11111iSSION v • • ONE HUNDRED TONS 0.1 1 JE la l ltniAr l lVsL 7 FOR HE HOLIDAYS The blithe t' market prices and quick sales guaranteed. Mark packages distinctly and send yokes by mil. P. BALLAUICI Sz. CO, niimbotou Merchants, 332 Washington st? .New Y ork. • • noinsal - - --- Orrick, OF CITY NCJINR.En arm StnivE - Pittsburgh, Jan. 8, 1889. f NTOTICE .COI THACTORS. ealeil proposnls for the construe:ion of n .73oard.'tvalk, on the f• 'lowing named streets," will hd received at :his Wilco until Motiony, jahuary 18, 11409:. On the tire..nstntrg pike troth Porty4ourth sireckto Wipebtddlo street, on Winebiddlu to Paul street, hn St. Paul street 'to Mafia s.reet. on Katn - street to. Elm street. The Con t ralttee reserve the right to reject any, or all, bids. . J. MOultlr. cur Enittneer. ----- OPP/Cli OP CiT ENGINEREC A:51) SURVETW4 , • Pittsburgh. January , 7th. 15389.. ( N©TICE.-The ~ Asessineirt ornditguoweit street from Mould,* street to tiumbert'a Eastern Line. is now ready for exam ination, and cap be Reprint 'hie oIU qle until ZiondaY. January 18th, IdB% - When it Will be returned to the City Treasarerie 011160 for collection. , , . 2 400 HE . Engineer. ISM OVICEi--All Persons knowing themselves indebted to the Mute of ROB.EIIT ONE .5,, tate of Pittsburgh, de'd, :will make imme• thole payment lo the subseriber :this store threw perancesnle,.Allegbeny county. and all persons hav ing Cl3lllO against sold estate will present theta duly authentleit ed for settisment:' • JAILE3 BICII&BJ)$t)Y. js7;a7l Docetaber ai, SEE/3 . - - AL; I •‘4 7"" "ti.o gOPE,FgA pictigin,/ '•••••• rk 1 Lessee HIN1321180X• ........... . ........ (I.t.Nl s List sight but three oath@ tknhilar MU. AND mass cotrimoics. ISIMENSE SUCCESS OF DORA. • TM SDA.Y EVENING, January 12th, will be presented the poetical drama, founded on the ex— q aisite poem by Tennyson. entitled , IDORA. ~" ' Farmer Allan • air. Couldock. Dora. t Miss Conldock. To conclude with tt giorlons'6rce of • - f SKETC ES . IN INDIA. Grand Family Mathice nn'Saluneriv. ' r'PITTS BERGH. THEATRE. H. W. WILLIAMS . 1 - Sole Lessee anti Manager. Tl.e Greet bentation of thAA gel THE 0 eEGORTS 'THE ; GREGORICSII THE GrIEGORYS!! t The Miniature Circus of .Dogs, Ponies.. ..tre. The Great 'Sidra ASC• Solon from the Stage to the Dome or the Theatre. TO-NIUHT! TO-NIGHTif TONIGIIT:n The Flying Men of the Air, 4••?.. &c.• Ladies Matinee un Saturday. Orilee_open from 10 at. to - 4 P. M. • Seats steered In advisees.. lirices olAdmlssion, 80 cents; Reserved seats.. 75 cents. • Jail • .111 ITE L. NELL'S . _MUSEUM :AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Family Reserte. FIFTH AvkNrE. betweeniralthrleld and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre.i i • - air Open Day and Evening, 11 the year round.., Admlislon, 23 cents: Ckildren, 15 cents. ti colUkrt 1311 VI tirAti 411 LECTURES. JOHN B. GOUGH Will Dell : ver his New Lecture, "CIRCUMSTANCES," Al' THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tue - .day Ereninr, January 12,1869., Ticket!, 50 cents. Reserved Felts 25 cent!' MEMI lleServed Seats will be sold at the Academy , of Mus c, SATUADAY EVE.NING, 9tb last., at 73i o'clock'. Jae: CrACADEMY OF MUSIC. KELLOGG. MAX. STA.RXOSCIIit...such pleasure In an nonnetngthe Hest and only aPDearauce of the world rentewne4 American Prinszponns, Miss Clara' lonise Kellogg, IN TWO ' GRAND , CONCERTS. Wednesday and _Thursday INreningii, 13th and 14th of January, In order to matte these Con'eerta the most brilliant and varied ever given-in I'lttsbargh, tee manage ment hate engaged the eminent Piano VIVI/tea, • 111M.1413 ALIDA TOPP, Who. with Slo. PETRILLI and It OrtA., will as.ist 311syliELLOUG at these Cancans:- • • _ . _ . SIg..STEFA2iO:SI • • • MusitzaDlrectar Admission er. Reserved .Seats Gs.l.lezy 80 ceut•- The sste r January'er Concert elll' men ce Monday, at O. C: MELLOR'S IIgirORPHANSI FAIR. • BASEMEN TQ F C TIEEDBAL. " 4 1 ADMISSION• • 25 cents. . ... - , The splendid newly Organized Cathedral 'Sines Band will enliven the Fait every - larrnoF. CARPENTEIVS FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY* No. 75 THIRD STREET, is now open for: the re ception ot pupils, Class slays and hours—For La dles, Masters and Misses. 'Wednesday And Saturday, at 2 3 ¢ o'clock. P. M. For Gentlemen--Thesday an* Friday Evenings, at , 8 o'clock: \ Private lesiums given l Circulars can be had at the Music •fitorea and at the Academy. Classes oht or the city,l convenient, attended to. j Hall to let tO Select ,Pariles s e 4ry7B MEDICAL! obm A ri MOO D.”—Another Nevi MEDICAL. PANYNLET, f r ein the pen o Lisrie. The /Medical Timesgav sof this work . 'This ,valuable treatise on the c us e and Cure 0 premature decline, shows how h al th is impaired through secret abuses of youth and manhood, , and how easily regained. It gives a Clear synopsisot the Impediments to marriages the cause and effects of nervous debility, and the remedies therefor.' ? A. Pocket edition of tho above will be 'foi warded tnt .receipt ot 15 cents. tr 7 addre.ssin Doctor CUR IS, - NO. 58 North Charles Street, altLmore, Md. ANHOOD: HOW LUST HOW RESTORED:- ..figet pubitahed innate& nest eye Price, .rix cents. A LECTURE ON -THE ATRIIAL TREATMENT. aad Radical Care of Bpermxtorrhces, or t3emlnal Weakness, Involuntary Imissions, Bexual Debillty and impediments tollfar 'nage generally. _• Nervousness , Consumption. EDl ,lepsy And Pits; Mental and Pbyslcal Incapacity,' re tuning from ElelfAbuse, &c.; by Robt. J. Cultier- Iwell. 3f D. author of tne • '.seen 800 't, ac..: BOON TO' TROUSANDS 81.1.FFEIIERS, I , sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addresic e poit• on receipt of six cents,- or rardposta_ge stamps. 14 CHAS. J. C. Ji.LINE & Co., /27 BO:WERY. NEW YORK, POz3TOFFICE BOX 4 5136. Also Dr. Calve rwell , s '•ltlarriage 43inide," iTlce ig 6 cants. mys:b&vrT . . 1. - A BVICE to YOIUNG MEN ABOUT • To AL9.IIItY. 1 VlustryB for Y 012.11 On the Errors,. Abuses end 1) es Incident to Youth and Early Manbutl,, with the humane view of treatment and cure; Rye by mall in sealed letter envelopes free of chArue. Address. HOWARD BOCIATION. Box •Pbtlde'Whit'. Pa.' sentx9o-diVP LUMBER LUMBER! LIMBEA S-LUMBER. ALEXANDER .PATTERSON. • Deittei Hinds 'of Lu mber. . • • ON HAND AND FOR SALE 000,0 0 feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.000 feet 1S and 2 huh Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dryinn Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and * Web Oak:. 25.000 feet Dry *, and 3 inch Ash, 5,000 feet Drys , 'IS, ale. Cherry .2 , 3laPie 30.000 t'c.t Dry 1. /A, MI and 3 inch Poplar: 10.000 feet Hemlock plar Scantling; 350.000 feet Joists and Scanting: , 750,000 No. 1,18-inch filituglea, sawea-, 250.000 No: 116-inch Shingles,-sassedt 40,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, a oaredi: *O,OOO Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile: • SOO Tous Fue Clay; TAttbs-lici. PHEBLIC STREET. tormery Manebester, and 157 REBECCA. STREET, op po site the Gas Worka, Allegheny City. nol2 STONES. ST C9:ILMICI-N Alizehinelitane Workik Northwest corner of Wen .Common, PREDAt r iI.TVATILEL dr. CO. Have on band Or'R pare on shot& notice Hearth and Step 'Stones, Flags for Sidewalks, Brewer Vaults. ac. Head and Tomb Stones. &e. (Inters prnnintir, exernted. rrinea reasonable, HAIR AND PEFt.FUIVEERY. j'l1 - Pi 0 PECK _, Ornamental Hair HAD]. WOEXER AND PERFUME., No; }Si bird street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh.' Always on band O ,s, j LS teneral assortment of Ladies* vnu s, BANDS , OUR L 9•" Gentlemen's WIGS, •TO. PEES. HAUL SCALPS, GUARD (MAINS, BitA.LETE. 414. A good Price in cash will be gi ven. for HA • Ladles' and Sentlenien's Hair' Diittinte dolt tba neatsoct triapnar, 1t11221 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. /Omar B. LYON, vi ii 2 ecli .bliths oha_buats , leie nt7sri Seater of Weiglii# Th mum ntvemai W , r . " U l t ifirar t n.4l,Ao4o/..(7 .„ out) .. 4Betartve UtuirtyquakitreTaweggi• r 1: 4 1 • - 77 my 1 g t 114*4 .9 q 1a 1 sitl ni tY , &€tsttn IW - 61 l'ebSelCV DadtipelLa IYlacoallg lt4olitiLa 117,41 1 Prq1-Iht:g It. Q