11 EEI STOVES, CApTINGS, &C. Tips ulest . sTovEs. A. BRADLEY & CO. Kstrofttcturers of the greitest 'variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO - .13E , FOUND IN THE STATE. . , _ . gee AgratifOr the , celebrated • Base Burning Orl • - ental:Stovesnnd Fttrnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,OlTlce. Store or Church. Tire needs no rekindling—burns all winter.. Do not buy until you see or send for Circular; . N0.:30 WOOD STREET , . : ,L . . . our Agints .• for 'Ortentals—DEM3lLEß BROS , Smlthfleld Si.: GEO. „ILLlBLEY.l.fillegheny City. 8 ILANtnre e ll r4tr i V3thts4 • BOSTON iCOOKPrO TILE IFIERY Boa Waltmixei B TBZ NEW ANTI DUET "MSEFULATOtt;. ,, COLUM TAN'S , Cincinnati Pattern) CAST IRON MANTLES, /LECTOR,. ORATES, - .free ORAT/iIIYitONTS , , FEND: 101Vaii414 I 98 Coos STOVES. •ti.,,T,,.,.0-...i4,.. :. , ,:,... iE;itiistlpir.: a . vo.9s . _ , . TRIUMPH • FOB arruinavorni Warranted to Vook, peke or Roast an - Wrll pa any other Store in the Union. BISSELL & Cal _N0.285 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for sale, TING TOVES._ OItATE FRONTS TENDERS. coosswe AANOES, de. .WOTICIE---We.have this day as soclated co-partnership, EDWIN IiILES-anitJOHNS.SLAlMM"rliteb s taitisiiiis - \ ivllrtii' .0 outlasted as heretofore under the mute and style or COLEMAN, IlAux is& Co. Pittsburgh, January lst,' 1809. DUQUESNE* wcißltA COLM,N, RAIIM CO, IRON, NAILS. STEEL, AXLES , AND - SPRINCS,.... rof . ; Duquesne Iron, Sheet and Tank Iron; Untditta Iron. - Wagon Box. bon. Charcoal Iron, LTllnderTron, X llron,liflauged Cutter Bars, Guard iron. Drag and - Dropper Bars, T Half for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges,' Flat Ball for Coal Roads, &Mier Iran, Cro* Bars, Chain Links. Boiler 'Aliases. Steel sad Iron Harrow Teeth, Carriage, Wagon, Seat andSoach hprings, and Axles. allaltvles: alio Steelfor Blows, Cultiva tor Steel. Steel Wings and Mokißti,_olt to ratern. -Suring/naafi 'Sized; A. RI uteeleand Steer The, -Steel Crow Burs - Steel bluatlug,- ALL GOODS,F/BST.CLASA A.NIiVARRANTrik., ..1113'0111eis and Warta 16th street and Allegheny slyer and 1 , 7 WA.TILF,STBRIST, pttaburgh. JAS. Viz. Presvt. .. . . P. PORTmit, Sart. ."(!'"r• priorszeunGai PORGE • =I Hsi listivillars Bolfag Balbres*Ces kyles Relledi lisallroad pm, liammerodi Locomoitvee'retratyl; Losienicittiii6bibie 0 /4.e.:A. { . 04 4 1 ),, Toluts,liarspen _ Fi l l i 1;1 1 /KW* Steamboat 'Shansi Ilteagmboilt. Vgashk.r, ist9pagode;;? toll Vlrlatil Jaars . s, 414- . Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, EvirsoN , Passwori & co. Pe ,Iron Warehouse, Nos, 168 aad 101 ..BTWEITffI, Opposite iktotiouguels Heide; , •' y ap24:da PITTSBURGH.. 'RONAN(' STEEL 4COLE,,`. boa, ifilartAdoi:lisubii, lvlilimmftillgiN l ol- -- 1111 4 rBO, XL.:4lldctillltiltiliterChillt B_ ,i,r - goiinti And nary iron; Bawl; 100; bisect and PlataLronV ft:oral, alt Ozal andatalf Bop_o4l Iron; Oyinaderaag Wagon Box Ircal4.prag ,andimer X?r,Li a nd s I'lat Ball for K.oal .Pw.cfs; C. a .1114 1 rww, Stdiuguthrik.o Keel' Sea 8 4 . 4.. for Bars, Crow Bars, Be.. at 7 o. , ___, Moe and • 'Wexelottie , -11' 79rA,Txas 13 mutat, .11.ttsbarth. ~ , - -,, : ..: ..- .- 1., —-- -1 , . • ,, _..• •, •: itErritztowiter, - ~•i.- actionti:MlGlC - it 00 - 1 , , .. 11 Minatacturera or py...7 deisripti f CASTAND C o ptillifiAN STEEL."' zi Al irt r lgTl l TNT iLAI7ORM I ERI I Ne% - AXLES, STEEL TI OS Witter sad 100 iiiiilll4l4. Mara°. LEH" BAHR &.PAILIKAN. . • - . idDIETOAtr: - Ham; N e XO. PAIRKI,2I. • BFZCIAL Pllti=l-13. M.. BIZ% - • CR464.0.717r..5TEL 011 lie, No. 339 'Liberty St, 1t14:d4.8 'BEACH MIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO desalptim of livizooo osisi)7g t wAridij igr i wrozTs, ruTionniels. fIC . V HUGU'S yBl'oo lIIIIMS OP:MIST 'VARIETY OP { LDt2IGL COOKING STOVE, : A. COOK STOVE, ' ORTABLE RANGE, WELLMAN'S RE tram dlzt and • duet: • - ae. •rtSittreet, TTBB RaH, PA CET :THE BEST. IRON WORKS. Idannfacturers of AND IRON Cm, avWAVTVUae' • or H. P. L WORKS. STE G'• e , Eni pirtssumr, • , , ~ - .".I . l . :ery.,Usis.i.,;,ti .4,-; , P 9? IffACEINISTS. FOUNDRY -' . , OFFICE AND wimiis, TWELFTH ~S TREET. PITTSBURGH, PA, DrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Retorts, And Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY lif ( , AND PIPE WORKS. Oorner Carroll and. SmaMoan Streets, r. L tA , lt`~ :SMITH, 24 F .444) 1 11 # * *te t OAST IRON BOWL PIPE, run 'AND wariat WORKS. - • • r Yr Pit:4s are a' east lirrtiriciply in Pits; in dry eared, and'll3 feet lengtlts: Also, fall assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. ilronid.also cap the attention of Superintendents of Gie - :Works to mY make of RETORTS. Awi utyli , WORKS, • MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, .PrI^TI3I3I,TiG-13E. WHOXIIAti N. MILLER, President. The , • - _ tis - W ' orks ' , are among The largest and most Complete establishments In the Wen, and are now prepared to tarnish E2111 . 1 " 1 Pr eves- 11!1,00,r131514432.• Sellers, 011 Tanks. Sheet iron • Work. Bauroad Caetings. Bolt E l it t l,Qasttags. Engine Castings. Beneiral'Casiings. ' . `ORDERFI 130LICITZD no9:na LifixtukrimCV:l3. bizarr:yr. a. swum Orr. ;a. KINGSTON 6 f r,cco !? UtOtilrOttrDElLS' MANUFACTURERS OF "FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, - • - ' All deacrIPIAAS,' fog Flaintokre And Gin Fit'Alr.. Tienltural Laplame p All ts. gott9tkart4,Woolea-MIN6 chtne 74 2 Viirk protaptLy attended to. &Mee And Works—WASHINGTON AVENVR, near Outer Depot. Allegheny City, Fa. VIIENTSON, REA &. Isuccessiirit4Brisilisilar, Maris a Bursas; WASHINdi I ok*ORK S, FOUND EIIi•AND MINCHINISTS.'9ITTOBiIfiEpi, mniiiipitirrerivbf "Bat attot . tit i o r er'y iite a s e .‘ rm. a n a e itijr :B rriat l i en g a i rals i oriquoim e gi Tanr ing a Dg /1 MINN ptler and Sheet n , prk • , - • , sNo:lll_,__conterilr4md SmlthileldStreeta. Alkvati for EMPFANTS . P.a..,W.NT I . NJECTOR for feeding Boller& ' ' . MONT BLANC. ICOVNIORY. , Batiar. Bireet, N4nth Ward, IClppoe r tfalemiron ' = riTTOBIMEL Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, al,scranuild'etbbAirrittis emsizieirair OrdersprOrs* stottiserulltececuted.-' • Marges reasonable. EMga: - /I; lI[AC .lOTA Tu. !Pus P , uaizik CO, Fourth warlioddif Worki, :11 . ANDIn11Kir sefi4ir : Gpurz_culy, PA. . liartalaeturess of S Mw team itagfaalo3oll ?realm el Pal. la 4, nattily. Erriat and Saw MU Workßolllas . .and Inpmmt.buwiarato Bara,.-_ LW on Ikarts4o.trordar eta .:ale us= Itualaaaal ' "tal/4:45 i • CENTI.44, - VQ4lsfßal7:! I • AND ROLL WORKS:: Se Pee*Ltestrite 5 t,,,, stujak t (., D ZAUMAZ awl wii•;•mattistinis. Eidriattadi.`B4•' Vii • IZM Ptc ) . .8110/ÜBIP3: (34 11 ,A!.. !r4C,KrittAillA24 "- - IRON BROILER / 124 ire4liteargeh ' Pittsburgh, Pa. Jhoat for the sale of Cornwall Ponghomore, eephlae, isabellaontinhattlitl.- op., *Hondo* and other brands of Anthracite , TosighlOgheny Coke and Cr B. Ch {. Ate f„ . ' .••• . 4 h • Nil 1101,104gatrients are altaes eet Belief fad. 33> 0, PAP/IRP .SPF PITTfiIIITUGH PAPER . NAND& P A C/7 1 # .4 9 1 4PART)ginufWgf.ttlsOt t . PRINTIPI44,IIIWRAyPING AP ERS, CLINTON lITLL—STETIBRNIIILI, 4 H:Ozio: BRIGHTON XILL. , NRW .31RIGHTON, • : orrict:Anni wAiOcuotroEi • $ Ti 0.82 Third Street;Pittshurgh Pa.- OnticsitgoIAVGIISTIIARTJRS Preen:lmM' gML I RTIM S Z, C) -4r= nrer. DIZZOTORS—August Hartle, John Atwell; S. kr Harman, Jona B. I.vflugtottp• Cub nanttor Paper Stock: • ja2scon FLOUR. PEARL 11111,1/11411114Y.FLOER. PEIBL MILLLThree Star Green. Bread, equal to FRENCH FAMILY `FLOUR. This irloUr will. only on pumi.oqt:lrliellasiXldiar, crdered. • PF#JIII, MILL BLIT, BRAND, aoail to. best Bt..Louis. , .ipp„ARL-21:1136.4 ' „ , , •2: arm bekt 91w,' ialtrrFoxotitaus AND Oar( MEAL - • T. MUMMY &BRO., 41Xestieny, Bet, 9. OS& PUS& JULL• • • liNtlikt 'l2 - 1869 r •• • NEESI "f` : ENGINES, BOILERS, &C. HUGH N, BOLE & CO,, Co!. Point Alley and Daquesne (Naas THE Poorr;) Engine Builders,Founde,rs & Machinists, Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. : APT eci O l l t. " Wa n t. BOILER, of 15-horse power. CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order at our Foundry , on THIRD STREET below Market. RIOS , Tor Oil Wank, EiIIASITINO;.TIILLEER,-. .11/LNOERS,- HOUSRand TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the " INDU AL OPI STRi ' KI ) Fronting on the Allegheny River, near , the PITTSBURGH, PA:' • Air All orders promptly filled. Tar VS. rottliErfz, , BOILERIV1111: TAIIIK ' WORItS. CARROLL & SNYCER, KANOTACTIIIMSB OP TURMAS, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AND CYLINDE.B. STEAM BODICES. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSER% STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; • EIDSON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES °Mee and Warehouse corner Second s , Third. Short and Liberty Streets. . PITTSBI7BAH, ' • ' affettriteine edit , : to the Above vidresi 'will be promptly attended to.. - • - mh7:183 WM. BARNHILL tc!CO BOILER MAKERS AND. SHEET. IRON WORKERS; NOS. *O, AA. ,AX AND *6 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most . approved Machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, , Breeching, - Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks,. Oil Stills Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, i , ugar.Pans„ and-sole manu facturers of Barn=l's atetttliallerS. > t Repairing done ell the shortest notioe, labitsel JAMES,. m-11 1 1ITER, _ Nos. 55 and Water great; iPnTainiten, PA., ILUSTITAOSInIZR or IRON OIL TANKS, sErnmitv rem. ddrrita mum PDX, BOLI,IBTO NITA STACKS, . ; And SKEE T IROi . WORK, " , r Steamboats. JAILED'aI. BRUBEI =MIND D. meow. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, ' KA.III77ACTIIIIEBB OF Stang,. Botkin, Oil• Sillls, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &O. 6I Penn Street, Pitteburec; Pa. WARM:, AND - I s Commission Mere!Mitts and Brokers in Petroleum'and Its Products, DALZELL'SIUILOING . , DUQUESNE WAY, Prll2ll/17116.11. P 416: PHILADELPHIA ADDEESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, tf't • • COBIESSIONI MERGIANE AND DICAVIARS IN r r;•1 • ' Petroleumand its Produot& pittabarghofilee—DALTELL , ner of Duquesne Way 'kw/Irwin streets. Philadelphia Odice—l.AT WALNITP BT. 4 " SPLW2O M. LONG' $' co.,' - • surturAoTtriumus or PURE witrie BURNING OIL, BrancI—fILITCIFER- 3 ° °Oka - No. 2 Diupeone!ah,rittaburgh. .4 4 4, 1 4W4.4 1 4t 'l/4 NEW ELUIDWARE HOUSE. UNDSEYw - P4Pgi; dc, MIM, httiiiitsdarers and Importers* - w / AAR, W It 30, , CUTLERY; ata; 887 LIBERTY STREET 00431111/ DP WATS& One Square - Befon.Onlins Depots:, ,PRWSELYEVA4, 41, Ateuttgr.74lßl34la7Kr NOVELTY;O7 4 S9W.., pITTEIBURGII • I : • ,NOVELTY' , L WORKS. ADAMS.,- 31111 11IIYACTURZ71 Or : Hey - atone Standard. Patent Platform and Counter • C Janus ,Faced Patent Dont-Lae:lts and Latches, _PAINT AND 0 PrEE 1D1 4 .14 L SALLEAOLS ISDN, ec.• 'Coiner of Grantaro l lFihit . stre e ts, some PIrresIIRGH. COPPER..,, LAKE SUPERIOR - • _ own's= AND 811:61440 WOM PrinrSUrritGEA , PATE, _AfeCU,RDT O-ACNi dannfacturers of Sheathing, Brazien , and Bolt Copper, Presiedopper •BoUma, Baited still , Boa. of Spelter Soler.• Alto, Itaport , •ni and Dealer, Tin Pjakt,-. Sheet Mini Wire . to Con. ttanllT on hand TinnersvXachjnes at.d Toole. Wrall4l' and 19. pedlitl orders a vow4'. oat to any lindet sire edidd tilt ,. Itn. tattT MI -PINNOL&L. FORT PM' - BANKING - COMPANI No. 169 Wood Street,. m1%14 ; $200 % 000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES; AND _COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points In the united States and Canadae. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. WaMice, Z. Fawcett, BM BAWL. NoCLIIBILiN, Pres% D. LEET WILSON. Cashier, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor of Wood an -Sixth'sts . A. PATTERSON JOB. 11. HILL —.— Cashier. CAPITAL, t , s :• $OlO - ;000. : i• • .1111MITEGIB: A. PatternOnl George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown, . James IteCand ke ss t Chas. Loekham - • Wm:13014145, • ASisi. Kirkpatrick, - Ikea. • W. B; Haven, Duivouarra DAIL' Eimrk, 4111 hum! & to., .BANIEAS',AND;BROKIILS; • 4 f. , . • . - Owner Third and Wood Streets, PrPTSI3I:TROII, (BUCCESBORB TO HANNA, HART & C 0..) DIALEILS IN &change, Coin, Coupons, And pertl4oke . jettoetta e il:t& to be itirquise And COVERNMENT BONDS. ; Sight Drafts on London. nmer2 N. HOLMES & SONS, 3ELa-Tq3Er...IMFLSfp 7 M ar k e t Street.i PITTICSI3II 11. PA. • Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Partietdu attention paid to the purchase and sale of trniteldEbiteg geontities. poomt WINES. LIQUORS, &c PITTSBURGH • LIIPORTING HOUSE. . , EISTAHLIBIIED 1830. • SCHMIDT & FRIDAY IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN • "WINES AND LIQUORS, 1 • .-- 71 f Ago. 409 •i tHit, Would aseetAlke.l4oo of the public to the feet that, teettlttila serriellitlesehrourth central' large fie an Liquor . Houses in Europe, and making their importations direct, they are enabled to offer the various grades pt Onice WINED AtiD LIQUORS at prices bOll thah Western rate,. Fa aminations of clualltieg comparison of prices respectfully solicited. A choice assortment of pure OLD' EYE WHIS KEY conetantly oe hand ' JOSEI4IIS: FINCH CO., Nos. 185, 187, 189, 191, 193 and 195, 711t3T 8170137,-PITTB9M4I, NAIWTACTURF.BB OP Copper ;; Distilled ; Pure -Rye, 7Whbikey.. deiden 132709E19N WINES and /4Q110713; HOPS. de. DRU AND. CHEMICALS. W. .11LiCKEOWL '-.BRO' :WHOLESALE:- _ Wit) 34211MiCii1711111113,0P. • . CYISII . IC)C7Pri: , C 2011;, Norm TO: NO. .196. MERIT STRgificc . ' A PITTSBURGH, • A , Lieid, Window .411sct. Ana [Miintiracturere priced. .• • • de* 4 Aa infYlublejnaldf aga Dlar• lagrerialgibira!' Vomiting, Soar 131°Mitell and • . " "twnvw -Dill Mit litiEr: - . A specific Ibr'lDlMlCri,' Cranuman4 Patq a , Stomach, for sale by J.l -,f,r`F' EWUtini - aer' , EIVIIM Corner of Liberty and Wayne Straits, 4! • ..6.451M.11"/"k0 POfl • J. .SUID)O MUMOi 80N 1 8 • •Pußgil WI - ITIIE LEAD 01 - mccove VERDITEIi GREEN, The only green i rt l a dM4norite,by entrant/a. It WI olt btter, Mat onger and gr ti o,,, :r i gt e rerfect r lataMlon 4bia an, Dant In t CEMENT, -SOAP,, STONE, HYDI girCEMENT DRAIN . PIPL Cates:NW awl left Pipe hi tlia market. Also, 80. 9ESIDALIVIITDILSD749 OrFleAryfor E.B. `'l.. nitoei a nFrro.,i;,, nr C tioi td r _ Odlos and Maw. Allegheny. Air Vdi SO. DIRECTORS: Jno. C Risher, Robt. H. King, Andrew Miller, James M. Baler. r,.-Asrell A hi. ap9:022 Jtory—A4 B BBOCA sp. by matt Promptly attende d E CENTRAL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now in the market for sale by 3E9EI. rt. Nuoiarrz, Corner FIFTH avEguE k WOOD STBEF.TS Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and CO deM UDOWS and European Exchange at market rates. Lt ES - 11 BRADY 8; CO., .;• to a. 'JONES Corner Fourth and. Wood St's., 13 IL INTI& 3Wi MIL IS BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP GOVERNMENT - ' SECURITIES, eora),. SILVER AND courom, ON MOB? FAVORABLE MUM Wintered Allowe4 on Deposits. ar Money loaned on Government Roads at low est Market rates. - Orders executed for the Parehase end Side of NTOCES, BONDS and GOLDt. .iAldiri t *, BRAD* ds PARTIES DESIRING TO IN V • wo- In UNION 'AND CENTRAL PA CIVIC BONDS can save one per cent. by parches !mg before - JANUARY let. . Bonds-olibazi'dA4 detiierf. • ' JAMES T. BRADY & CO., , Agents Central and Union Pacifier Railroad com tiles, corner Poerttr and Wood streets.— des:bl3 tljt Ifttgituro iSash FINANCE A N D . TRADE„ I===l OFFICE OP THE PrrrsarEon GAZETTE, MONDAY, January 11, 1869. 5 The entire market for bonds and stocks is lower to-day, except gold, which kept up to 13534, after aelling at 185%. The' bail : Weather kept operators at home, and this , seems to be tke.iguity,iiiituielfor tie decline. Eighty-one bonds declined %; Five Twen ties of 1882, 34; do, 1884, 34; do, 1865, %; new bonds only per cent. whilst Ten Forties are % per cent. higher, with a disposition to sell rather than to buy. The recent ad vance has been rather sadden and unex pectedly high, and a reaction is very nat ural, even if the general tendency was up ward. , ~ Stocks have declined heavily frOm Sat urday evening's quotations. Erie, which was at 139% to 140, declined to-day to 3.3y0 , Ohio dr. Mississippi declined 34. per cent.; Fort Wayne:from 120 4 to 119; New York Centrarfrom 1573( to 155; North Western, common, from 833,1 to 81; Rock Island from 126 X to 125; Cleveland ,t, Pittsburgh from 85 to 83%, and! in the same proportibn through the entirellist. Merchants Union Express sold dowh!tol23‘-- 7 agrt*t number of the holders refuse to pay up the addi tional fiVe• dollars per share, and soindOf t e stock is placed on the market and sold ( 1 1 t under the'rate. Money is fircier; and nothing but pri t nie paper will, 1;; pass.', Business continues yety. ull. ' ' Quotations as received by Ph. B. Mertz: Gold, '135% Silver, 130; Elghty-one's, 111%; Five Twenties, 1862, 1123 1 i; do 1884, 108%; 40, .1000, 100%vd0,1885, Cowls, 108 X; do 1867, 108%; do 1868, 108%; Ten Forties, rad; New York . 0 entral,lss; Erie, 28M; ing; 94V Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 110; Ohio & hlissis sippi, .833„; „Michigan Southern, ;, 85X; Clevelaid- & Pittsburgh, 833‘; Chleago & Rock Island, 125; Chicago,:dt North West= 'Sin; 81%; do. , Preferred, , 853 i; Western Union ' Telsgrapli, bompany, 38%; Pacific Mail, 122%; Adams ExPress; 48%; Mer chants, 1.2%;. Gregory, 8,57; Quaftz Rill, 70;" Smith and Purmele, 2,65. - 'AlizcitUtionif received by jamas: '1 1 :: Brady do • Co.: Gold, 138.30 ,United 'States Sixes, 11381 7 8, 111 X; 540's, 1862, 112%; - 1864, 108 V, 6.20'5, ,1865,, 105%; 10-40's, 106%;, 540'6,11anuary and Jab', '.:0 0 9 -100 )‘' ,5- W i li January . and : - 441Y, ..1171083ir68, - J. 013%; Jim‘74o%, par less X; July 740's, do I l f; 7-80's, due Compounds' 11 9; Uni ?PT 4eiti° 4844 R E IC I A PM: ,Centroi:, rSBURGH LIVE tycC‘cls 'mAEKET I ' PENrit. CENTRAL STOOK • YARDS, t 2110ND.LY, JatilllEMP 11,1 8 69 ' • The operations in Cattle since the dated . ourlast, report ha v e been '.large r• than , - , 1 3 1 34elufeotelt, UP 703 haad,, though; ea ' . a gezieralthiug; print 'ruled lower thin the •week preceding . The number taken fOr both Philadelphia and. New York Was was considerably larger than for'Aeveral weeks past, mid • wbile. the market was unusually. •activei the J , supply about. the middle of the week, walk large ,, and holders were , oblige& to ' "make ,alight concessions 16Vriler, to effect sales. Prices, as will be seen ,by referenhe to: the report : Oft sales,. ranged all - the *ay from • •4% to 83f, and these may be regarded at the extremes ,themarket. , The , receipts Of - Cattle since Wednesday at noon, foot up 107 ears, , of" over ,two th o usand head, of which a litle over one.thirct changed hands here., ' The tellowirig are the sales: Holmn, Laffeity 6t Co 'to Mimes 5 head, Weighing 5,400; Hedges A -Taylor. to Sham- • berg 5, weighing 4,915, at 5,37; Payne to Duffy 19,'weighing 16,425, at 4,50; Orr d; Williams to P. Klemm 18, weighing 18,015, et,B;; Brown' to same 20, weighing 21,100, at 6,so;ADlckenson to Bichelbeer 19; weigh ing 18,850, at • 6,37; Heen an'to Fetus 15,. weighing,l9,67s; Steel tocaarvey 29,1 weighing 18,950; Holmes, Lafferty .ctt Co to Miller 40, weighing 43,450, at, 7,12; Hidges It' Taylor to Dawson •4, weighing' 3,55(X - et 4,50; same to same 16, Weighing 15,125, at 5,12; Holmes, Lafferty Co. to Hlemen'3, weighing 8,975; at 6,564/Hedges A Taylor to McGarvey 19, weighing: 19,05; McGruler to Barnes 16, weighing 19,400; Sordice to Heperlin 29 weighing, 1,7,f7 . 5, • Fox to Klenien 10,t weighing 11,450; at 6,25; Orr it Williams to Kleunn 4, .weighing 4,150, at 6,12; SmithA Blue to McGarvey 21, 18,075, at 5,25;--hivans„ to Blumberg - /CV Weighing 15,000 L ;Hedges & T r aylor to Atilt- It 00. 19. weighing 18,075, at 5,50; same to same 2, weighing 4,300,• • at lir bailie to same 18, weighing 16,225, at 7,50, ! McFadden to - EoSes 15, weighing 20,215,44 6.62; Holmes, 14ffqty &.co. ; Anil & CO. 18. weighing , • ,20,800, at 7,50 r-same to lame 21 .weighing 25,825, at 5; same to same 20, weighing 20,- 875, at 6,15; Adams to Frank 20, weighing - 18,275, 5,37;, Ferguson to Sellers, 17, ==Ei FEE • • weighing 20,075, at 7,87; same to Moses 4, weighing 3,950, at 7,87; Grier to Dufre 8, weighing 6,625, at same to same 33, weighing 39,275, at 6; Hedges , & Taylor to Coldor 4, weighing .4,550, at 4,50; Orr tic Williams to Hillegar 22, weighing2o.3oo, at 6;.Hedges k...Tayicir to , Coldor : 17, .ieigh ing 16,750, at 4,60; Orr 1t Williams to same 14, weighing 15;200; Friend to. Downing 8, weighing 9,950, at 7,25; same to same 12, weighing 16,075, at 8,25; same'ioiarne 11, weighing 15,825; same to same 17. weighing. `l.,' 550, at 8,50; Hedges de - Taylor to Moses 11, weighing,l2,B2.s, at 6 i 25'; slung:Jo Hom dolar 18,Weighing '17,175. • KOMI The market for Hogs, was firm, and ex cited during Wednesday and( Thursday, but on Friday, under the influence of creased: arrivals,-(i3liere was a weakness manifested, and orCSaturday, a decline had to be submitted to on the part of holders. The receipts since the date of our last rei'-'• p9rt (Wednesday noon) looted up 162 cars. , ,and the sales 6,414 head. As ,we have alresdPlUtimittedpricatpareloWeri and wa now quote at 11 to llyi for prime to extra Philadelphia Hogs, and 9,25 to 9,75 fort Yorkers. Culls , may be quoted 'at 9 and 'scalawags at 8,50. One of our packers( Messrs: E. H. Myers it Co., received fifteen car loads from Chicago last week; none of the oilier packing houses have done any thing.for over three weeks. SHEEP The Sheep market ruled firm and active thrcingliont the week . , and with a demand considerably in,excess of the supply ; prices were firm , and, fully maintained. The whole number sold since Wednesday noon foots up 4,218; at:prides ranging from 3 to 6 for scalawags to good mutton. Sheep, and 6 1 ,4 to 7 for extia to fancy. There were but three car loads on sale toklay, from which it b)oks'as if the run would again be lirht this week: but it is'yet too early to conjec ture with any . degree of certainty. Some days the arrivals are large, and that too when least expected. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. "OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, , MONDAY, January 11, 1869. - cATTLE. The supply of Cattle at these Yards was unusually large to-day, footing up about twelve hundred. head; teeie were just ex actly fifty car loads from the west; and we put the'number driven in at two hundred, which. would *eke -the ',dumber above noted. The weather was' exeedingly un pleasant,' rendering outdoor business very disagreeable, which, of course, had: some ,Influence on the blarket and 'bitsideS, there *ere no outside burs, and the butchers had it all to thenise yes; thin being thesase at hard market was avoidable, and so it , was reported by nearly etery man we saw. Prime to fat butchers Cattle did not decline in the same ratio with the common kinds, though all grades were lewer, and at the close we have no doubt, quite a number would hate to' be' driven 7er- to% the Cen tral Yards unsold. Prime to extra batch-. era sold in a retail way at N . to 8. and fair to medium do at ,6% to 7. Stock buyers 4% to SM. CATTLE oX' SALE. ' - --- - -- --• J. H. Graff 1 car W. Cairnes 1; -R. 0. Campbell 1; Hubbard & Co. 1; F. ,H. Car nahan 1; Levi Cryst 1; H. ,31iller1; JOhn Boles 1; Jas. Brothers 1; .1 Tatam 1;. J. J. Frost 1; W. Root 1; S. S. Chalfant I; Jas. Morgan 1; S. Miller 2; Holthes & Pfieffer 1; tit 3. MeGehart). car ; Greet/Iva d Kahn 3; L. - Rothchildi B;'L. B. -Don& • ; E. - Katz 1; Dolan & Thompson 2; L. mburg .1; M. Verner,l;-T. Keefer I; ; Trau an A Lohman 1; Greenwald & Tiauman 6 Marks & Haas 5; Paine & Workman 1; Stumpf); Muller. & Foster,lf:Stilittt : 4lE-BlmSl t.::'. .. . ~ =EGO There was again an nntiinfally light sup ply of , Sheep on sale to-day, and with a good retail demansl, the market ruled firm, and prices, compared with last week, ruled a shade higher. The Whole number on sale did not exceed, if reach, one thou sand head, and -of this 'number, - there were were • but relatively few good Sheep, such as first-class butchers are accustomed to buying. We quote at $2 Ito $3 per head for common to fair, . and $4 to $5 per head, or b to 53r..... per, pound, gross, for ; prime fat mutton Sheep. The market continues hard on the "Butler" butchers, many of whom .cannot, stand; tile , prela u to;• they don't relish thO idea ef 'pitying tifere for a Sheep than can be realizeti, for the pelt. We are ,cognizant of one drove of good Sheep 'having been sold at i lte,.; and for which 5Xc was subsequent' offered and refused. . -- - HOGS. Central the slightdecline at the Central Yards, there . has, as - yet, been• no decline here; indeed, prices are eveahigher than last week, We quote, in a retail way, 'at 10 to 12e, gross, 'for light to prime heavy averages, and 12y, to 123ic for extra. . . PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. • •• •-• • Otnncim otPrirsiViTsticitteni lidarrpt; MoNDA.Y, .Isumary /1,,1889. • There is no fallink 'off hn the exeiletnent in, the oil market,- and A seems that the top has not yet been reached. The opera tions„ . in Crude were unusually large, the sales, aggregating in: the neighborhood of forty thousand barrele, and that. too, at 'higher pricea. Refined.. alga continues firm though there was but comparatively little done. We noticed In our report of Saturday that telegrame had been received here to theriffect that exporters were bid ding 33 fl s p ot: oil . t in ,New ;Nark.: Tule was dent e todity in, the most emphatier manner. tls asserted, that exporters have not been buying for abi'mt.SLity days, and ;t Mutt they will not buy unless they can do to at 31.t0431M-4hat they 'cannot :atm:l to. Pay'Preeard”, prices' wltEcnView of export ing; as prices in this Country are relaUvely higher than - they arelit Enrope., CRUD.• ' • ' The;Crude market',pprignaps grin amt -very much excited; comnared with Saturday, prices have still further ad -yams:3A. .As hair aSeeir othe "wine' '' dam the demand Is mainly for,(uture de- . liveries; though there is alsciscAnariqrary for the ear/y . 122=11c; Including January and,. VebribtrW 'There • were'qufte hi:m bar of "puts" effected, and Antiatfies Were unusually large. The sales. were: 5,000 bbls January to june,pou erp. at 14%c: CrtllCity. at. 55.60; 14,500 bbls, in different lots and 'for_ various, deliveries. at. 15c; 2,000 April to ..Tune, seller,i at :1543; 2,000. January, seller. ;at 14%c; 2,000 - far' 'February, - at 15e; 1,000 March. or.APril t sag, at -lfe; /IQoo,„,buyar,,_ all year;litlBa. ta"-82:30 for;thet privi lege of 'Placing 1,000 barrels, January to June, at 14581,000 for s,ooobarrels, aan nary to June, fit.l4c: 81,000 for 5.200 barrels.. January to June ' at 14:4c, and 8400 for 2,000 barrels, April to ; December, at 14c.- As already noted, there was but donee in Refi n ed market continues fir m and excited, and prices are. Still tending upward. ''We can report 500 bbls 'last ballot ,:eack month, July to De-- - cembei. at 85%e,iarict1;000'bble;buyer' s op- 1- January to June at S6c. January quoted at 32c; January to March,l3o: Jan uary to March . ,.33)4q. January to 'Decem ber, 343 c, and March to July, 3434 c. RECEIPTS OF curter, OIL. ' Jas. Wilkins BQjQtritan i kso wers 56 Fisher & Bro 108.01Fo'riltlf Wifro:.:: 960 P. Weisenberner., 2401, - Fiiiiekt, L. tit S•; - : 860 W. Wilson & Co; 52; OIL SHIPPED EAST BY A, BOUM% Kenai!, ItC . Co:, ' 50 do ' do to . W. Ifigail4t. Wois 406401 500` 04 ~ do2de ,to Tack Bro.; Philadelphia. ,; • • Nat. Ref. Co.', 502 do do to F. 4. Dilworth Co.,Philadelphia, • Total.- shipments ltelinbc.;.".. /var. • EAST PEON DECNIESEE DEPOT. Union Ref. - dc Bt. Co., 402 do relined to W. P. LOgan & Bro., Pluladelphia. Effl